#and im just like bruuuuuhhhh
sayitwityachest · 2 years
there are new people at my work and today was my first day working with them and bruh. hadnt yet had a full conversation with this one girl and she's already pushing it. the issue is (and this hasnt happened in a while, but it used to a lot) that people see me being goofy and silly and they assume im an idiot who will let others walk over them. hmmm. i tease and joke around with my coworkers, but im never mean and i had to work up to a lot of that sort of interaction OBVIOUSLY, but this girl just sees this and fucking jumps levels i guess. i was offhandedly explaining what i was doing (cleaning the laundry room) and she interupts "wHO-" and i stop bc ? and she looks me in the eye and is like "-cares?" and just starts cackling asdfsafdadsg xD laughing bc mf what the fuCK?? gorl you don't know me like that, we literally havent even spoken for over a minute before?? god it was so weird and rude. and she had other weird shit like that throughout the day. and btw i was explaining what i was doing bc she cant work the phones yet and my other coworker was getting sick so i was going to have to babysit essentially, and before i did, we had agreed i was going to go finish the laundry room and i didnt want her to think i was just randomly ignoring the task on hand -_-
but other than her general obnoxiousness she also has that casual gen z homophobia teehee. i asked about what her degree was (bc she had said she just graduated) and she wanted me to guess so i asked for a hint and she did the fucking LIMP WRIST!!!! and i was sorta shocked so i was jsut like "...wat?" and she starts explaining the fucking meme instead of why she did that so i just rolled with it bc i wanted to see where she would go and eventually she's like "it's gay, yk?" and i was like "uhhuuuuhhhh sooooo your major is.... gender studies?" bc i really didnt want to do this shit and i was like um maybe bc she's doing that thing were people pretend the heterosexism men and women face is the same and there are a lot bi and lesbian women who go into gender studies but this asshole goes "no theater arts"
bruh. bruuuuuhhhh. she just went for that shit. so casually. you could tell she was completely confident and didnt think there was anything wrong with what she was saying. so i was like "so what would of happened if you had done the wrist thing and i automatically guessed theater arts? can you imagine how weird that would be?" bc im trying to be like 'do you see how fucked up that is?' in a not serious way bc im just trying to fucking mop bruh, and she's like "ahaha yeah i guess you'd get in trouble for it, but im allowed to say it!" and that threw me for a loop brother bc i dont think she was saying "bc you are obviously straight and i am not" i think she just meant "because i took part in The Theater obv i can make homophobic jokes aimed towards the theater guys teehee" insane insane insane. i dislike her immensely ugh
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I hate how so many people just... lack any kind of critical media literacy across so many different genres and how just about every genre and common tropes, issues, etc. within them just get boiled down to "Oh this is bad because ableism/racism/homophobia" even though the tropes largely have nothing to do with that. It's like they have such a surface-level understanding of something and then proceeds to read into said surface-level understanding in a contest to see who can come up with the most disingenuous, bad faith, uncharitable and just all-around god an awful interpretation of it.
"Characters having prosthetics as an allegory for losing their humanity is ablest because it is saying that if you got into an accident you are a monster." No, you absolute peanut. Robotic parts specifically are an allegory for the loss of humanity in characters that just get rid of their human body because they were being reckless, stupid, thought that it was not perfect enough, too weak, etc. Oftentimes, this is juxtaposed with a character that is a robot but is more human than the cyborg or person that just gets another piece of them replaced with a machine.
Ironwood getting increasingly mechanical parts as he is making increasingly inhumane choices in regards to himself and others is not saying he's a monster because he had an oops boo boo and had to replace his arm. ESPECIALLY when his character is juxtaposed by a character who has a robotic arm (Yang) and a character who is a created robot (Penny). The reason why Yang said that her robotic arm (and even taking pride in it at that) is "just extra" because it is just an extra asset to who she is as a person, but not her whole person. In terms of Penny, she is entirely made of machines but has what amounts to a human heart and compassion because she makes a choice to be kind to people. The allegory here (that y'all failed to understand) is that it is not whether or not someone has prosthetic or robotic parts that determine their humanity, but rather their choices and how they treat others.
It is often also the same in stories where it has characters who have robotic parts such as Alita Battle Angel or anything that genuinely comes from cyberpunk dystopia. Alita (Who is completely robot mind you) is often more kind, compassionate, etc. than characters who are fully human. Hugo and his crew regularly steal parts from cyborgs who've done nothing to him and this is juxtaposed by characters like Grewishka and Zipan who are mechanical and monstrous but not because of their parts but because of their choices. Which is a strong contrast to Alita who is fully kindhearted and has a strong sense of justice and doing what is right regardless of whether there is a price tag on it.
In more dystopian stories wherein no short words, the corrupt government controls technology and spies on its people using it, it can be a question of how much of your humanity (in this instance, privacy and agency over oneself) you're willing to sacrifice for comfort or just because you had to. But of course, rather than looking at these stories as a potential warning that we should make laws that would prevent the government from using technology against its people under the guise of safety, convenience, etc. Or even having people question wtf do they do should the government get so corrupt that it can just hijack someone's arm or even just stop someone's pacemaker because lol why not.
Yeah I get it, it's uncomfortable but unfortunately, the people who need it the most are going to be the people most at risk to a corrupt government which is like... kinda the point.
But anyways moving on
The same can go for when stories use animals as a means of telling stories revolving around discrimination. But ofc people can only see it as a surface-level "racism" and then do their damnest to force characters into being black/poc or white (and for some reason, only those two races) while failing to realize that the reason it was done is that discrimination has more than one axis. I swear this logic is what has convinced me all the talk of intersectionality in activism is just a joke they say to get other people to just shut up and let them speak over them and ignore problems/issues they don't want to focus on. It's like the only thing they can understand is racism and even that racism is only if it is hatred and black people vs white people. And somehow even that is on its most basic level.
The reason stories like Zootopia and Beastars work when it comes to discrimination because it doesn't solely focus on the narrative of race and allows it to explore the implicit and explicit biases of every character that doesn't exclusively revolve around racism. It allows characters to be on the axis of sexism, racism, class, etc. and explore various -isms that are not always "negative" in the sense that it is just hatred, racial slurs, etc. and that it can be the "positive" racism like saying "you're one of the good ones" or that "they're a token to xyz for not being as bad as everyone else."
It allows characters to fall on multiple axes without people arguing whether they have it "too good to complain" because of just one axis of discrimination that they give more weight to than others for some arbitrary reason.
Even when it comes to things like nudity being a symbol of being true to oneself or purity (such as Sailor Moon or Kill La Kill) people manage to, unironically boil it down to just the writers feeling horny and therefore ignore any other kind of lore, storytelling, etc. that revolves around it. They took one thing, scrubbed, bleached, and then nuked it of any kind of context/meta just to say lol writers horny this bad it literally means nothing else even though there are whole ass plot lines revolving around it. Like do you just pick and choose what kind of plot or storytelling is Valid (TM)?
And this extends to things beyond that and I just don't understand how people can lack such media literacy when you can literally go and read anything you want online. Is it because of people being willfully ignorant? Just lacking media literacy for some reason? Only consuming and understanding media that has to have every meaning shoved down their throat like the tentacle down an anime girl's throat in a hentai??? Like there are so many questions as to how people can come up with so many dumbass takes.
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my fav boy let me down today 😩
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pwnyta · 2 years
Omg yes…. YAMATSUNA 😭😭😭😭
I loved this ship (and I still like it) and I remember being SO salty that it was so unpopular… it legitimately was practically a crack-ship somehow??? Even at its highest ship didn’t get any kind of attention and I was so confused about it… like BRUH?????? You ship Gokudera and Yamamoto but you don’t see how great Yamatsuna is??? Bruuuuuhhhh…
Dont even get me started with the goku/yama shippers... Not only did they ship it but for some reason they often switched their personalities... and made Yama an asshole and Goku this innocent baby and Im like???
W/e yall do you.
Tsuna and Yamamoto had a SUPER underappreciated relationship. I too didnt understand people who overlooked it (its mostly because Yama wasnt THAT popular... at least he had it better than poor Ryohei but still so brushed aside by fandom.)
Yama had a lot of interesting relationships tbh... the least interesting was Goku who was just an asshole to him because he was jealous He was like Bakugo but with one redeeming quality (his hilarious loyalty/devotion to Tsuna)
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