#and im just not that picky when it comes to actual gameplay
k0ushii · 5 months
Hi, if you don’t mind, could you give your opinion on whether Tokyo Debunker is currently worth playing? I’ve been sitting around and watching, and so far I’m not sure a good story is worth putting up with the horrendous gacha and currency systems I’m hearing about. Thank you!
When it comes to the pros and cons of the game, this post explains it better than i could.
As of now, the gameplay isn't that great so i wouldn't recommend playing tokyo debunker if that's something that would bother you. If you really want to get into the story but don't want to deal with the whole gacha and currency nonsense, you could watch it on youtube. (i think someone already uploaded the prologue there)
Personally it wasn't a huge issue for me since the story and the characters were interesting enough to keep me playing. I definitely don't recommend spending any money on this game though (apparently the cards dont even have stories on them so theres that)
If you're still unsure on whether its worth it you can still give the game a try. you can always delete it if it's not for you
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konigsblog · 10 months
Hiiiii Orla!!!! <3 Writing this on my computer instead of my phone so rip lack of emojis but how are you? Guess who actually started playing MWII lol I'm really enjoying it so far! I put it on the easiest mode and started playing through the campaign and died a million times lmao That water level that you played through as Gaz had me STRESSING bc it was a pain trying to get on land. People who make water levels just want us to suffer lmao :,,) Idk if it's like this when you play on PC (I'm playing on PlayStation) but it is SO PICKY about when the prompts? come up. idk what it's called but the thing that tells you which button to press when opening doors, taking cover, etc. But other than that and Johnny & Simon glitching during the mission where you play as the Shadow in the heli & have to blow stuff up so Soap isn't going to where he's supposed to go and shining the light I've been really enjoying it! Sorry for the long message lol but since you're one of the people whose fics are one of the reasons to get me interested in the first place, I'd figured I'd let you know! Much love <3 <3 <3
YAY, im glad you've been able to play it :3 i was ALSO stressing out too, so you're not alone 😭😭 but im so glad you're enjoying it, i loved mwii, i really enjoyed it too !!! 🌷 <3 (i haven't played mwiii yet, i dont think i will since people saying it's bad -- though i have watched gameplay) 🙏
and im glad i was ons of the people to get you interested in this :3 im happy to have such a sweet person like you on my account !!! 🎀🐙💐
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atthebell · 8 months
Poppy playtime is pretty cool actually! Very glitchy gameplay, but interesting concept
im so sorry anon but i absolutely hate mascot horror and im very very picky when it comes to horror games, everything about this is just not for me
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softpine · 4 years
hiii i just recently got a switch and ive been trying to find some fun games to play but im pretty picky when it comes to games. most of my friends play animal crossing but i'm not sure i'd like it, so im wondering if you have any game suggestions?
hey! someone actually asked me this question but i had a terrible answer because the only thing i play on the switch is animal crossing fjksjd (and the walking dead game because it was on sale, but i do not recommend that for the switch, the controls suck ass). anyway, there are more recs in the replies here and here :) but i always recommend watching youtube reviews before you buy a game!! that way you can actually see some of the gameplay instead of taking someone’s word for it
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whatqueen-wildcats · 4 years
Please answer all of the animal crossing questions
1. Are you of the “Tom Nook is a crook” or “Tom Nook is an honest businessman” opinion?
Honest businessman!! can he be a little tricky/mischievous sometimes? sure, especially in the older games! But he's a good dude and I love him
2. Do you play as yourself or a made up character?
I used my own name for my current character cause I didn't have a better idea, but I don't really play her as if it were me specifically? lol side note my first AC character I ever made, I named her Ducky for some reason
3. Where is your house located?
A smallish second tier cliff platform near the leftside beach, only big enough for my house and yard
4. Who were your first villagers?
Diva and Cobb. They're fine.. weren't my first choices and I wish they would head out soon, but I don't have the heart to really try to make them leave
5. Preferable method of earning bells?
I never got into the stalk market in previous games, but I'm really starting to like it! I've always primarily relied on orchards and fishing but turnips can get you sooo much from turnips if you can play it right
6. What villager personalities do you typically get along best with?
My faves are probably lazy, cranky, and normal. I really really want a cranky villager once a space clears on my island, (would especially love Apollo, he was an absolute fave in my WW village) but no luck so far.
7. Who is your current best friend in the game?
I would say.... Marina or Fauna? I love them both they are so freakin cute 😭😭😭 I also adore Flora, but she's the peppy type and that can be a little much sometimes lolol
8. Is there a villager you want to get rid of?
Diva and Cobb, Graham can go too lol. I don't hate any of them and I won't be mean and try to force them out, but I'd rather have others
9. Do you hoard a lot of items?
Yeahhh not an insane amount though, I've never actually run out of storage space even when the house was smaller
10. Take medicine or save & restart?
Just take the medicine? does anyone actually save and restart because of a sting??? why? Like the medicine is not that expensive, and it takes so much longer to restart. Sometimes I wont bother taking medicine if I know I won't be playing for much longer, but I wouldn't close the game out just for a sting?
11. Where is your favorite spot in your village?
Hmm it's all still suuuuper work-in-progress so there's not a spot that I'm totally in love with yet, but my recent project has been moving my museum and making a fountain plaza next to it, I really like that so far. Also my house area, looks like an old witches cottage and i love it
12. What achievement do you want to hit the most? (Ex: Golden equipment, all fish/bugs, etc)
Filling the museum, but specifically the art section. In previous games I have neeeeeevvver come close to completing the art section, so tbh I'll probably cry if I ever get it 100%
13. Do you know any secret tips?
Uh I don't think so lol
14. Who are your dreamies?
What is this term?? what are you talking abt? is the what the kids are calling your ideal villager?? If so, I mean I have several, like I said earlier I would love to get Apollo someday
15. Favorite furniture item?
I'm gonna base this only on what I actually own. It's dumb, not rare or special, but my skeletons lolol I have a room dedicated to creepy stuff and I love the weird arm lift thing they do
16. Favorite clothing item / outfit?
Favorite individual item is probably... the cherry blossom pochette? favorite outfit I would say is my rainy day look, a yellow QR code raincoat w the yellow rain hat and boots 😍
17. Favorite museum room?
Bugs bugs bugs I love the butterfly rotunda but I'm also obsessed with the little rivers and bridges it's all so beauuutttiifulll
18. Cedar, fruit, or palm tree?
Love the cedar trees
19. Favorite fruit?
mmm Im not picky about the fruits but probably peach
20. Favorite fish?
I love the sea butterfly exhibit in the museum, so maybe them
21. Favorite bug?
I love the snails..... effervescent..
22. Favorite flower breed?
Mums are very pretty
23. Favorite crossbred rare flower breed + color?
I don't have many rare crossbreeds atm but I'm very into the 1 or 2 black tulips I have!
24. Favorite villager personality?
Didn't we already do this question?
25. Favorite time of day to play?
whenever I can lolol. Sunset/evening is pretty rad though
26. Favorite special visitor event or reward? (Ex: Selecting an art piece from Redd, aiding Guliver and getting a special item, etc)
I love Redd he's great, so glad he's back lol. Also love Celeste so much!
Tbh I find the process of dealing with Guliver and Wisp annoying. I'll do it cause I want the reward, but hunting down so many pieces is no fun to me :/
But does KK count for this? He's my top tier all time favorite I love that funky little dog
27. Favorite KK song?
Hard to chooooose.... A long standing fave from even previous games is KK fusion, or the K funk
28. Favorite animal crossing game?
ACNH hands down. I will always have so much love in my heart for the original and for ww (never had others) but NH is like, everything I've ever wanted from an AC game, and the fact that it's released in this time has pretty much cemented it as being one of the most important games of my life, probably a lot of peoples lives.
29. If you’ve played Animal Crossing before, are there any animals you’re nostalgic for? If this is your first game, has any animal in particular left some effect on you?
Apollo, Peanut, Kiki, Gwen just to name a few (In WW I based my main room off of Gwen's for soooo long cause i was obsessed with her city skyline wallpaper)
30. Share a story from your gameplay
Earlier this evening, I saw two shells right beside each other on my beach, but they jumped and scurried off completely in sync when I went to pick them up. I think I interrupted a hermit crab date.
As always, thanks for asking! Would love to see your answers to these too 😊
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chaoswrites · 3 years
I remember pre registering for multiple puzzle games and when they were released they were all paid and i ranted to a friend about that didhddkdn
Im very picky with my games too djdbdkdn games that last long to me are usually beat games or fps games... Story games have to be extremely good for me to continue it
I can play bistro type of games but i get frustrated with the fact that i cant decorate for shit
Decorating games are fun to me but i get overwhelmed with how i dont actually know how to decorate
Breath of the wild looks sooooo so fun i wish i could play it dkdbdkdndk
I remember trying to watch a gameplay of it but i just got sad that i couldnt play it so i never continued it djdbdkdnd
And thats okay... Im not very good at the games i play either... But i have fun hehe... I get stressed out when people tell me to "do this instead" bc like,,, we all have different play styles so pls stop telling me what to do :'))
Yeaahhh 😬😬😬 not the best username i came up with 😬😬😬😬
please not decorating games 😭😭 i’m so bad at them bc i have no sense of anything. like do these go together? who knows
breath of the wild is really fun i’m sorry you can’t play it baby 😔 isnt there a new zelda game coming out like next week tho?? i think that’s right idk
as long as you have fun that’s the best part right? but yea people are assholes don’t listen to them
please 😭😭😭
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