#and in the past when we've done this it's bc he had a vet appt
eastberlin · 1 year
I am so tired of being stressed/anxious/worried.
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nicistrying · 3 years
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Pics from the past few days.
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Maggie can get up onto our bed now. We get a lovely 6.30am wake up call of kisses, nibbles, paws to the face. Followed by some snuggling until she gets restless and one of us gets up with her. This is one of many things I've missed about having dogs around
Went to visit my sister on Wednesday. We went for a nice little walk on the moors and she tried to get some nice photos of me and Mags. Idk what my hair was doing but I'll blame it on the wind 😂 We took her over to meet our grandad, she liked him bc he sat feeding her big chunks of ham. When he stopped feeding her, she found the cat's litter tray and ate a big lump of poo and litter out of it which she vomited all over my sister's car on the way back home 🤦🏼‍♀️ honestly I was just relieved she threw it up herself and we didn't have to take her to the vet again.
She is very cute when she curls up on the sofa and peeks up to see what we're doing. Equally cute when she's in a deep sleep and sticking her legs out in all directions.
Met my nanna in town yesterday for a coffee. Didn't end up wearing the nice coat bc it was forecast to rain, but I'm excited to wear it again bc I forgot how warm it is and I feel all smart and sophisticated in it. I wanted to do some Christmas shopping while I was in town but I got really anxious bc it was busy. So that brought my mood down a bit.
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Was supposed to be seeing the doctor today but had to cancel the appt bc I woke up feeling mentally horrendous. Spent all morning in bed cuddling Mags, who is also a little quiet today bc I think she has an eye infection. Matt is going to call the vet this afternoon. She let me wipe the gunk away with a warm damp cotton pad though so at least I know I can clean it for her over the weekend. We've just migrated from the bed to the sofa bc I was hungry. Had breakfast (lol it's midday) and I intend to stay like this for as long as possible:
I'm so grateful that she's letting me have a lazy day and just cuddling with me for now. Usually we've walked for an hour, she's napped while I've done housework, and we've done some training by now. Dogs are just the best. For all she's hard work, I'm so so thankful we have her. She's shaping up to be a wonderful friend to both of us! ❤
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