#and it feels extra bad with the tropes/story ideas when its something that Ive read from others
llitchilitchi · 10 months
tbh I follow a lot of people hoping they will write the exact same fanfic as ive already read them write but slightly to the left this time
this is such an important reminder for any creative person telling stories
i think most of us forget that we often gravitate to the same kind of content, same tropes and AUs and scenarios, especially when we sit down to work on our own stuff and the imposter syndrome kicks in
so thank you for this
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hollandsangel · 2 years
WIP tag/title game
rules ; post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it
thank you for the tag @luciwritesstuff !! i need to be held accountable for the absurd amount of wips in my docs...i need a gun to my head.
no pressure tags! @ddejavvu @silkscream @sunshinesteviee
please send in an ask if you wanna know more about this stuff!! i need to be intrested in writing again lmao. (was just telling my bsf last night how i miss writing tragci love stories LOL)
steve harrington 
in the midst/to live for the hope of it all (working title) (one shot; angst)
so cliche, we’ve all read it before but the trope is so GOOD. essentially reader is jealous and a little bit concerned about steve’s realtionship with nancy post break up. it’s been months, but they’re so close, and he even admitted that she was the one that changed him. it never used to bother you, you trust steve, he’s an amazing boyfriend. but things start to pile up, and the image of him confessing that she was always the picture of his future is seared into your memory.
but it’s not real (one shot; angst)
okay so this one i actually hastily wrote up a summary for last night at like two am. i haven’t started writing it at all so im just gonna show you what my docs look like half the time and copy paste what i typed up on my phone in the dark...
being in love with bestie steve but it’s unrequited 
basically him driving you home and imagining the whole “you kiss me in your car you’re driving me home whatever” 
so you watch him drive away and stare up at the sky and it starts to rain bc we’re dramatic here at hollandsangel 
tom holland 
...buckle up
at every table (one shot; fluff, prob some angst, smut)
this one i have started writing, but i’m not the biggest fan of the tone atm so i’m probably gonna switch a bunch of things up. here’s the summary i have at the top of the doc for this fic lol
there’s also this little prompt i have...
tom taking to haz, not knowing what to do bc he has to look after his daughter and put her first “well ofc you do mate, but you’re allowed to be a little selfish sometimes too, maybe this isn’t such a bad thing”
essentially this is my dream story. i’m really obssesed with the concept but i just. can’t. execute it. it’s literally been in my docs for MONTHS, like probably september of last year, i’m losing it.
perfume (one shot; smut with a little plot)
so this one is inspired by del water gap’s song perfume and is another one that’s been in the works since like august. ive started writing it up but it hasn’t really gone anywehre yet. it’s a def a work in progress but im excited bc i love this song. i think i just need to get back into writing for tom bc lately ive been feeling so...lost wiht him? like idk how to write him bc im so out of practice lol. ALL IN DUE TIME.
anyways, so this story is about tom lowkey lusting after friend!reader and when the whole gang goes out one night, he finally makes his move. everything i write is self indulgent. so.
okay, so the next three are literally just titles and have not been written at all. i just have the basic, vauge idea written under them bc i always get little ideas and then froget them whoops. i do plan on writing these...eventually but they’re pretty low on the priorities list.
when in rome (one shot; smut)
basically you’re on a hot couples get away and you get your period, thinking it ruins any chance of you and tom getting down but he proves you wrong
the extra (one shot; fluff)
this one is based off that tweet that all the extras were instructed not to talk to tom and when he went up to someone he told them he was sad no one would speak to him :(( literally sobbed my eyes out he’s the cutest man alive.
i have like two lines of text written for this LOL not even a summary.
the thunder is shaking the floor (one shot; smut)
i came up with this idea one week where it was super rainy in my town and never let go of it. it is rotting in my docs.
plans get ruined while you’re on vacation bc it’s raining. you make up for it. (basically fuck at a cabin resort while it pours outside and the windows are open)
bsf!tom (this one doesn’t have a title yet, but i love it sm, like i literally wish i had something going on in my head bc i’d love to churn this out. one shot; the holy trinity, fluff, angst, smut)
im giving you the unfiltered summary so you can how excited i was when i first came up with this lol
basically you have the worst luck with guys and you and tom get wine drunk to make you feel better and now he’s staying over and waking up with his hand under your boob and peeling himself away even tho he just wants to touch you and next thing you know he’s making love to you the way you deserve 
UGH wait she scooches closer in her sleep and subtly moans his name under her breath
director!tom (also no title or summary, just vibes. one shot; angst, smut)
remember sweet? very similar idea, might even throw some fake dating in there who knows, im crazy.
bottom of the glass (one shot; angst, fluff?? maybe??)
i dont have a summary written for this, just like two pages of text...it’s another bartender!tom moment (my guilty pleasure) and him and reader get into a fight and it’s all really angsty. i have a bit of dialoug that’s barely coherent but i’ll give it to you anyways,
“if you don’t want to move in with me, just say so! don’t be a fucking coward tom, this is an adult relationship, and i want to be able to talk about conflicts like adults.” your voice cracks a little bit, but you choke back the stubborn tears that threaten to spill over, “i don’t want to feel so stupid that i get wasted at you bar,” you get quieter, sheepish almost, because you know you hadn’t been acting very adult recently either.
“you know i love you right ? even that was hard to come to terms with-“
“what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“that i’ve never done this before! i’ve never been in an ‘adult’ relationship and i’ve never been in love and i’ve never lived with a girl and i’m scared im gonna fuck it all up y/n” he flushes, face red with anger and sadness “so i’m sorry i clammed up, im sorry for what i said, i really didn’t mean it..i just got scared”
“and i know i didn’t make anything better but please just..i love you so much, and i know i’m making mistakes but im trying my best i swear”
feeling exeptionally exposed rn.... but this was fun!! i didn’t realize how many half started fics i had and it makes me feel like i still have good ideas!! hopefully i can get some of these out for you guys soon. let me know which ones you’re most looking forward to!!
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noidsome · 7 years
The big issue with the digimon tri movies, and why you should be pissed too.
I just finished watching the 5th digimon movie, and to put it short, i excpected nothing and im still let down. This is a big negative critique on what ive seen so far from the tri movies, but its also more of a vent for me, because theres something about these movies that really fucking grinds my gears and i feel i finally need to let that out somewhere. Look at this as a sort of....badly written analyctic rant. So far this movie, in short, was as i dreaded, 70% meiko bullshit and 20% kari...which is so fucking insulting i dont even know...but thats why im here.
Now before you assblast me with your stupid crap, please try to understand that as harsh as im writing this, im trying to look at this movie from a critical standpoint, and no im not going to put in the effort to be “nice” about it because if digimon tri can get away with half assing everything about itself, then wont bother. If you cant handle that, move on. If your interested, click the read more and we can begin this shit fest, because i think its about god damn time someone put these mediocre movies in their place.
The pacing.
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I dont know about you guys, but to me it feels like these movies, or episodes, are either dragging on forever, or they rush really fast. This movie especially took its sweet ass time to give us 2 whole half an hour scenes of meiko being depressed about her shitty OC digimon, to leave the actual interesting fights and plot to 1 and a half episode, out of 4. Im sorry but i feel like ive been following this fucking story for 6 years, its so fucking slow and it drags on for fucking ever sometimes.
I do understand that its important to establish character interactions, and god damn does this fucking series need some, but sometimes it really stops the action dead in its tracks, and as much as i appriciate the movies giving each character some focus, it goes on for too long. the ending to movie 5 was....well rushed as shit. 
But despite all this, its just really frustrating that half the entire series is just them standing around and TALKING...talking talking talking, exposition exposition exposition. It also feels really slow and stagnated sometimes, and the cheesy music in the background of the sad scenes dont really help much. And other times things are glossed over so fast that im standing there wondering if i missed out on something because i accedently blinked. Like how they entered the digital world, only to just suddently fall out of it immediatly after from a big digital gate just like that. Or how meiko just...SUDDENTLY appeared in the digital world with no warning or real reason. huh?? shes here now?? what?? meicoomon is still infected? what?? gennai is back with the dark masters? what where did they come from? why are they following him!? WHAT?? HUH??? HELLO???
im just….frustrated. im frustrated that i have to wait for 6+ months every a new movie comes out, only for the movie to stall for fucking ever and leave the actual OH SHIT moments to the last part, AND END ON A CLIFFHANGER. Its such fucking god damn bait to get us to watch the other movies, its almost INSULTING how incredibly obvious it is. Last movie ended with gennai fucking around and choking meiko. Then, as i saw my fat ass down in the chair, waiting for the big battle, no meicoo just...opened portals and then left with her copy paste army. Oh well so much for that. 
Then the digidestined actually FALL OUT OF THE DIGITAL WORLD, and they are right back to standing around and getting chased by the cops...and then they spend THE REST OF THE EPISODES on meikos useless crying and baiting for meichi shipping material. im sorry but was that neccecary? was it neccecary to stop the entire god damn movie just so we could have tai standing there with spaghetti falling out of his pockets? and the mega evolutions for the other digimons felt really rushed too, i had hoped for more build up...but guess i get fuck alll.
The filler.
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Now i do enjoy myself a little “filler” once in a while, i wont lie. and i will also not lie when i say that i really enjoyed seeing my boi tais hot nipple-less body. But, again…. DID WE NEED THE FIRST HALF BEING JUST THAT?! i swear to fucking god if you cut out all the filler content from these movies your going to get the entire series down to 5 episodes. Movie 2 was just...filler. fucking filler. i didnt have much issue with movie 3 but they just NEEDED to shove more meiko in..
movie 4 was kind of a bitch to sit trough because the whole damn “plot” made no sense. why was soras digimon the only one who was mad and while the others were just like before? why JUST her? why couldnt the others be like that too? Its just plot convenience at this point. and then it was pretty much just watching tai and matt spew spaghetti out of their pockets and be awkward because sora cant communicate with her friends like a normal person. Honestly it was a little charming at first but it got old pretty quickly…and then dark masters out of nowhere that died as fast as they came on. what a rushed little cameo for that extra nostalgia bait.
Honestly i found myself first liking the character interactions a little once the movies took a break from the action and fighting...but i much more often found myself angrily tapping my foot and going “REEEE MOVE ON.”
The god damn meiko.
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Alright you all saw this one coming probably. Now let me just start by saying, i originally didnt mind meiko, or the idea of a new digitestined in the first place. Its welcoming to try and add something new to your otherwise soulless nostalgia cash grab. However we need to look at her from a critical stand point. im not trying to start a hate train, im just going to analyze her for how shes written as a character.
Im sorry to say this guys, but no matter how you look at her, shes a mary sue. Im sorry but all the tropes are there!! but why do i feel this way? heres why:
Her digimon is the sole reason for everything going to shit.
her digimon is in adult stage like gatomon just because.
essentially her digimon is “special”
all the other kids befriended her really fast just because.
everyone likes meiko and nobody seems to have a problem with her
shes the typical “uguu” shy type of girl.
her digimon OF COURSE won the costume contest in movie 2 or 3
leomon finds HER DIGIMON adorable enough to make the others run off... of course….
she cries constantly and does nothing but wine as the others hold her.
She takes up MAJORITY of the screentime for almost all movies. Almost.
POSSIBLY a relationship with the main character, if they actually are baiting us with those scenes in movie 5.
acts and feels like a self-insert OC in a canon universe.
The reason i dont like her is just because im SICK OF HER!! im sick of seeing her fucking face every god damn movie. im sick of the others shoving a friendship speech or talking about her belonging to them for the 700th GOD DAMN TIME, im sick of constantly hearing ME-MEI and MEIKOOOOOO, and im so fucking sick of seeing her sit down and cry or act sad and do NOTHING! shes just THERE TO BE THERE! her “cute little sneezing quirk” wasnt even something they bothered keeping any more. Shes so god damn obnoxious and shallow, and the ENTIRE HALF OF THE 5TH MOVIE WAS SPENT SHOVING MORE FRIENDSHIP SPEECHES IN HER FUCKING HEAD UNTIL SHE NUTTED UP AND STRAIGHT UP TOLD THE OTHERS TO AXE OFF MEICOOMON, while kari got 5 fucking minutes and got posessed or some shit i dont fucking know, does anyone care at this point?! 
shes such a god damn self insert its PAINFUL! and ive read plenty of crappy OC digimon fanfiction in my days to be able to tell when someone props their crappy OC in a canon story. IVE DONE IT MYSELF!! its INSULTING that im watching a canon produced digimon FANFICTION more then an actual OVA. If you like her, FINE, but you CANT ignore how incredibly shallow and flawed shes written. This isnt someone “hating female characters” this is someone whos frustrated a shittly written character who is just causing repetitive sob scenes over and over and over. im sorry but have we not gotten enough flashbacks from meiko and her digimon? do we need 4 more in the fifth movie??? WE GET IT! ITS SAD! SHES SAD!! THEY ARE FRIENDS! MOVE ON ALREADY!!
i dont feel bad for her anymore, its just getting repetitive now. She ate up the entire 5th movie and left nothing to kari but the sloppy leftovers at the end, and because she ran off like an idiot to meicoomon she got tai axed off too……………...but i will get to that.
The lack of animation.
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The biggest insult, and this is….dare i say…….something coming from an animation student, is the insufferable animation. The first movie is fine, but from thereon, i feel like the quality dropped significantly. and oh boy, dont get me started on the amount of time they just pan a fucking picture instead of animating them doing shit.
im sorry but did i wait 4-6 months for a fucking clipshow? I know that animating is hard, and the animation industry in japan is absolute fucking shit, but come the fuck on guys. i think movie 5 had so many times where they just panned pictures of the digimon fighting, and the kids running. I guess when you put all your budget into overanimating the short action scenes you got, you dont have much left for them to trow a punch outside of that. and i wouldnt mind if they had just bothered not doing it so much. they do it WAY TOO OFTEN!
in the 4th move they didnt even fucking bother drawing the kids wet while they were in the water. no wet droopy hair, no indication the clothing was soaked, nothing. not a god damn fucking detail or anything.
The nostalgia bait
Hey kids, remember the bus in the digital world??? remember the gear desert? remember the house mimi was a princess in?? remember the pink forest? remember seadramon? remember the dark masters???? remember any of that shit!? remember primary village?! YEAH??? REMEMBER ALL THOSE COOL 01 THINGS??? ok cool, anyway moving on.
The lack of personality/soul
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one thing im really passionate about is expressions. expressive characters and facial expressions i something i enjoy drawing a lot. in the original digimon, every character was spesifically designed to be its own thing. sure they stank of the 90s, but they wer UNIQUE. Digimon tri has trown all that shit out the window. Now they all look boring as hell. the only unique thing about them now is their hair. take that away, and you get a bunch of similar looking, boring samefaced characters.
the digimon movies are just so fucking SOULLESS! everyone looks so god damn watered down and tame compared to their former selves. everyone wears a school uniform even when they got summer vacation. they even wear school uniforms as they get to the digital world, and they have NO facial expressions. NONE! the way they talk and show emotions is almost nonexistant. even once they are seriously screaming at someone or focusing on something serious, they still have that stale, boring as shit facial expression. stone faced and COLD! its like you dont even care!! seriously its so frustrating to watch sometimes because they are so god damn bland and barely deviate at all from their typical “idle” face.
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^count how many fucking times tai makes this face troughout the entire series. 
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^am i the only one who thinks they looks very..bland and dull here? and this happens way too often.
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seriously, watch the movies again and notice just how little the animators bothered giving them any fucking emotions. the screenshots here are just from a few minutes in the new movie.
And dont get me started on how everyone seemed so.........accepting of tais “death” i mean sure they might still be in shock,.....but......why did none of pic under appear???? 
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WHy was everyone so.....noble??? except kari...who got....fucking owned.
and the digimon....most of them are just....comic relief now. i feel like most of them have little personality, but fucking agumon. what the FUCK have they done to agumon!? hes just a walking talking “i like to eat” joke. hes fucking nothinng. an empty boring sack of shit who just talks about food and NOTHING ELSE!! oh and maybe fights sometimes...but seriously.
The trailers for these movies have made me fall into the bait they put out. But its getting infuriating now. All the trailer bait for movie 5 was just taken form the last 5 minutes of the film. that little teaser we all thought were going to show the dark ocean? yeah that was what….5 seconds at the very last minute of the movie? Hime was the one who went there, and they even rushed that part. 
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remember when we all tought that tai was the kaiser because the animators thought they copy the excact same hairstyle? remember how they all baited us with the kaiser thinking we were gonna get some 02 action? i sure as FUCK do.
i LOVED the last minutes of the movies. i loved the last half of episode 3 and the entire episode 4… but im so fucking angry that i have to wait 4-6 months for the conclusion to when the movie was JUST GETTING INTERESTING! i fucking hate it!!
The 02 kids, or lack thereof.
Ok honestly ive completely forgotten about them, and i dont understand why they bothered putting them in this movie. and they give us absolutly nothing to go on for ALL of the movies! WHY? WHATS THE POINT?! with this series endless stalling, how can they possibly explain their absence or death or whatever in what little time we have left?! how will they half ass this?! i seriously dont get how they can begin with something so intense, only to give us absolutly nothing till the last movie, IF AT ALL!
Taichis “””””””””””””””””death.”””””””””””””””””
So the fuckers had the BALLS to kill off my boi tai. They actually went there. they fucking killed him off. AND LEFT IT ON A CLIFFHANGER! wow fucking good job guys, you sure got me there. i cant believe tai is fucking dead.
except wait a second here…..tai isnt dead. of course he fucking isnt. i mean come the fuck on, are you really expecting them to kill off their marketig king? the face of all their merc? PLEASE! we all fucking know that hes going to come back. THEY BASICALLY SPOILED THE MOVIES FOR US ALREADY, didnt they say in an interview far back that these movies were whats going to lead everyone up to their careers? so why the fuck would tai die when we know hes going to be an ambassador? 
i dont fucking understand why they even bothered with this fake ass death. WE KNOW HES GOING TO COME BACK! im not mad that tai “died,” im mad that they actually bothered making it a cliffhanger, as if we arent going to fucking figure out hes coming back in the next movie. WHATS THE POINT?! Are they going to just shove him off till the last 5 minutes of the last movie? is that it? are they going to do what they did to kari? or are we FINALLY going to see tai resolving his persional issues that have been shoved away to make room for everything else? who knows, who cares at this point?!
The conclusion
Digimon tri was something enjoyable for me to look forward to..but now, its just a bunch of frustrating, medicore, nostalgia cash-grabbing shitfests of movies, and i need to get it out of my system. 
Im angry because i have to wait 4-6 months between each movie only to get nothing. im angry that i have to wait 4-6 months for an hour long movie that has actual content thats 20 minutes long. im sick of having my excpectations set to low, only for them to be lowered even more. im sick of seeing meiko basically becoming the main characters as the others are somewhat side characters at this point. im sick of the shit-tier animation quality and the stone-bored dull surprise faces. im sick of wanting this to be good, only to see that the fucking directors and animators arent even fucking trying anymore. Im sad, that the sequel was put in the hands of incompetent fucks who only know digimon trough their most basic character traits, and nothing more.
i do like tri...and im sad to see it go so soon….but part of me wants to get this over with, because if you like it or not, tri isnt a passionate fan sequel. tri is a boring, mediocre cash grab, and im sad it cantt be more then that, and im sad its over soon...
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