#and it finally hit me why I don't actually like the 'Midoriya saves Bakugou again' trope
catcatb0y · 2 years
Since I somehow haven't seen any leaks this week, despite being flooded with them the past fortnight, I'm gonna say it: I don't want Midoriya to show up to Bakugou's fight.
I say this as a wholehearted BakuDeku, completely invested in their development and relationship (platonic or romantic), I don't want Midoriya to show up. At least not now, not yet.
This is BAKUGOU'S moment to show off HIS Heroism. The Heroism that inspired Midoriya, the Heroism that was inspired by Midoriya.
We all hated the series shoving Uraraka (and many, many other female characters of Shounen's past) into the Generic Love Interest Box, watering down their character and reducing them to just their connection to the main character- why are we so desperate for it now?? Because it's Gay?
'Antis are apparently accusing us of not liking/watering down Bakugou's character to make him saved by Midoriya' I don't wanna be that guy, but... ya kinda are...
Everyone thus far has gotten their moment to shine, has gotten their fears and faiths tested- why is Bakugou any different?
Honestly, I'm genuinely surprised that I haven't seen any anti takes about how Shigaraki was using Bakugou's weakness (being compared to Midoriya) against him ((I.e. that he didn't actually mean what he said- which would be an obvious load of BS, because why else would Shigaraki care about fighting Bakugou of all Heroes))
Anyways, I had like... Way Less Bitchy ways of saying this, but I vented to myself too many times, so I forgot the exact wording I had, but this fight (or this previous fight, I guess? Because I only ever hear anything about leaks when Bakugou is suffering*) this is Bakugou's fight.
He's not JUST Midoriya's weakness, he's not JUST the person closest to Midoriya. The fact that "It's great for Bakugou to be told that he only has worth because of his closeness to Midoriya" is a take that I had to read with my own eyes (and a take that people agreed with enough to have it reach my dash) ☠️
Bakugou has literally been comparing himself to Midoriya since day one- so have his peers to a slightly lesser extent- yes, it's a win to have the protagonist's [closest person] be of the same gender, but Bakugou is his own character.
He and Todoroki are both facing their season one fears- 'being nothing more than (someone else)'s shadow'- and while I love Midoriya, especially feral!Midoriya, he genuinely does not have a place in this fight.
Yes, BakuDekus know Bakugou (and Midoriya) better than anyone else, but also??? Y'all drop that title every time leaks come out I swear. How many times have you guys dropped random death flags on this kid?? The Time Travel Theory?
Shigaraki specifically called out Bakugou's fears and y'all went: let's make those fears come true.
Lmao, y'all...
Even taking into account "All of us really want them to fight side by side Heroes Rising style!" yes, maybe (putting aside the fact that people only see what you actually put out there, and despite all of the leaks shoved in my face, I haven't actually seen anyone make predictions or talk about them fighting side by side- just 'Please (Midoriya) go help Bakugou'):
- It also doesn't fit in line with the theme! The theme is 'control your heart' and 'don't go playing Hero on your own'- neither of which are in line with Midoriya going feral again. It also really doesn't do anything to open up WHY he's so attached to Bakugou, WHY "there is no wall too high to climb," and no one ever gets the chance to point out how there is a distinct difference between Midoriya saving (everyone else) and Midoriya saving (his Kacchan).
- It didn't work last time. Even before the War Arc, the only reason that it worked was because someone else stepped in, but specifically during the War Arc it made things worse. It would make no sense for it to work this time.
- Genuinely cannot comment enough on how "you only have worth because of someone else" sucks to hear ESPECIALLY to someone as insecure as Bakugou, and saying that what the series needs is for Midoriya to step in is like... so you want to prove the villain right? I love Midoriya, but watering Bakugou's character down like that is almost genuinely insulting to him and everything he has been through.
- Victimizing Bakugou (yet again) doesn't add anything. He KNOWS that he's weak, he's BEEN there before. The kid has faced his weakness time and time again, but the difference now is that he has people who will stand up and stand with him. He didn't work with anyone in the crowd. He didn't work with his fellow students. He didn't work with Midoriya or the Pros. Bakugou standing alone is what has gotten him in trouble time and time again- and yeah most of that sn't even his fault, but this is huge for him.
- It's also! Huge for Hero Society. From the kid that suffered at the negligence of Heroes (many, many times, but most notably episode one where the Heroes on scene watched a kid nearly die because they never even considered working together) to a Hero leading a team that will cover his back and each other's gaps.
- If anything, it would make more sense for Bakugou 'winning over saving' to reach out a hand to Midoriya 'saving over winning'. With how thematically tied they are, it's likely that, should they fight together (they will eventually- not now hopefully, but the series isn't over yet), Midoriya should prioritize winning and Bakugou, saving (to fully complete their narrative parallels).
Saving has always come natural to Midoriya, and, while there is obviously something different about how that applies to Bakugou, that is something that Midoriya needs to admit himself. He needs to control his heart and to stop going out on his own. Him playing Hero alone again goes against that. It's unfair to Bakugou, but it's also making light of Midoriya's character and ignoring all of the genuine consequences he has faced because of his recklessness.
They're gonna get a moment, but this is not it.
Also, I get it, guys. Kacchan the Heroine is a huge thing coming from the og voice actors, but... Can we not try to force queer ships into heteronormative stereotypes? Especially not one that has been so blanantly awful to the characters in it before?
Like, it's weird to push them into a stereotypical m/f role (even if it is just excitement), but it also ignores just how double sided and reciprocated BakuDeku is.
If Bakugou is Midoriya's heroine, then Midoriya is Bakugou's.
Bakugou inspired Midoriya who inspired Bakugou.
The thing about their relationship is how equal it is- they have both grown so much because of each other. Midoriya's power and Bakugou's heart.
Neither sun nor moon, they are yin and yang; they're the weakness within strength and the strength within weakness. They're winning by saving and saving by winning.
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dorimena · 3 years
I seriously love Bakugou and Todoroki. Especially Bakugou in his tight winter costume in S5. And I love Dom reader and femdom more than a sub. Can I pleaseee request Todoroki or Bakugou where the reader is recording them playing with a vibrator or dildo but get overstimulated because they can't cum from the cock ring because it's their punishments since they forgot their anniversary so reader also forget to stop the toys even if they beg reader to stop in the camera.if you don't mind the request
I don’t mind~ May your sin be forgiven with this prayer (˘⌣˘人) This sounds really, really sexy, so I had a blast imagining and putting this into words.
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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯; bakugou katsuki & todoroki shoto
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱; 2.1k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰; fem!reader, sex toys (dildo, vibrators, cockring), overstimulation, cam sex (recording), exhibitionism, semi-public, dom!reader, sub!character
𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔰; balcony sex (?), threesome, whiny Bakugou, weeping Todoroki, punishment, orgasm denial, aged-up characters, Bakugou and Todoroki are both 20+
𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢; Unravel Me by Sabrina Claudio and Fuck Love by XXXTENTACION ft. Trippie Reid somehow helped me piece this together. Sorry if there are any typos! It’s not proofread.
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𝕯𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝕿𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊
“W-we! We-”
You watch as both men struggle to speak, trying to ask for forgiveness, once again. It’s the fourth time this hour, the way Bakugou tries to open his mouth wide enough to not slur his words and Todoroki tries to correct Bakugou while keeping himself coherent.
It’s cute how the smartest guys in your life seem to fail miserably in having a decent human conversation
Well, you can’t blame them either, not with the way you keep toying around with the intensity of the vibrators taped to their dicks, cum drying on the toy enough to show anyone who looks up on the balcony that these two men, with such stature and muscles, are easily falling apart.
“Speak better, sweethearts. Can’t have you guys sounding so dumb on camera, right?”
Oh yeah, and you’re even recording them, in case anyone else would want to watch the rising proheros break.
You’re not actually going to show them to the public, but maybe to their friends. Maybe Kirishima would like to watch? Kaminari? Sero? Or maybe Iida? Midoriya?
Heck, the girls might even ask some day.
But you know what makes you curious about showing this video to their friends?
The way both Bakugou and Todoroki are presenting themselves beautifully, as if they’re pro porn stars saving the wanks rather than proheros saving the day.
It’s cute, how Bakugou’s puffing his muscular chest in the air as if they were the juiciest tits ever, which they are, and how Todoroki is somehow sensually humping the air with every buzz against his furious red tip.
Your eyes stay on the screen, making sure the lighting is entering nice enough to make it seem like they’re glowing, other than their post-orgasm glow.
How many times have they come by now?
“Babes, how many times have you cum?”
They both shake their heads.
Of course they wouldn’t know. They just take what they’re receiving. They’re making up for their mistake.
You still pout, tapping the touchable screen to even out the weird lighting as another cloud covers the sun, again.
Maybe giving their punishment out on the balcony wasn’t such a good idea.
As you look down to the floor below them, seeing the once growing puddle of cum slowly be pushed by the wind to trail off towards the side of the balcony, seeping through the small opening and probably dripping feets below is what keeps you positive, happy knowing people will eventually look up and wonder ‘what the fuck is going on?’
Well, either the drying cum gives away your dirty activities or it’s Todoroki’s wailing as an orgasm is ripped out of him forcibly.
Pity nothing comes from his tip, not since some time ago.
They both thought they deserve to cum and be satisfied?
Maybe you should’ve put the cock rings on them before making them come the first two times, but their reactions and frustration with how little some cum leaves or how their body reacts with the dry convulsions makes you giggle in pride.
Pretty babes.
“Todoroki, shut up. You’ll make the neighbors look over- oh! Oh, that’s what you want? I understand.”
And poor Todoroki is just shaking his head way too fast, enough to give him whiplash, but you just snicker as you reach over to a white box.
An unfamiliar white box.
Bakugou’s eyeing Todoroki in pity, wondering what the other will have to endure as he keeps trying to fight off his orgasm.
How he’s doing it, he has no clue. But god his dick hurts.
He’s been wanting to cum for the past 30 minutes, but with the way he resents this stupid cock ring, he’d rather not humilliate himself in front of you and figure out how else to please you.
Maybe he should offer to eat you out?
The way his body is super tense and his breathing is shallow doesn’t escape your attention, less how much pity is showing itself on his face as he shakes his face in disapproval with Todoroki’s recent dry orgasm.
Good thing you invested in this double dildo.
Neither of the boys take notice with how you’re lubing the dildo that looks like it’d belong to you. It’s quite pretty, long and thick enough to hopefully please your boys.
Even if they won’t get to cum.
“Bakugou,” you start, smiling as you watch his once bright eyes suddenly darken as shock takes over his face.
What the
“Fuck is that?!” He yells out, accidentally letting his body relax as it finally submits to the vibrations of the toy, his yell turning into an unbroken series of high-pitched moans, his hips losing control with how incredibly close he is.
“A double dildo, baby. Look! It even looks like if I’d be fucking you two, isn’t that fun?”
Bakugou shakes his head, gasping ‘no, no, no!’ before he falls forward, balancing himself with his palms as he sobs through his first dry orgasm. Maybe he shouldn’t have held back for so long, not with the way his body unforgivably goes through waves of pure unsatisfied pleasure.
Todoroki, meanwhile, is nodding eagerly, eyes welling up in happy tears at the idea of getting fucked, in getting more pleasure and love from you, even if this is meant to be punishment.
But, why are you exposing them like this?
They forgot your anniversary.
Your 3rd anniversary as a throuple, the anniversary Bakugou swallowed his bite and pride to confess to you how much he loves you and how he’s falling in love with Todoroki too; the anniversary Todoroki finally let loose the dam of emotions and even if a bit tipsy, agreed he too was falling in love with both you and Bakugou, how he hasn’t ever felt so understood, so loved, so safe.
So, yeah, how dare they forget?
But if they wanna be dumb, you’ll help with that.
It’s been a while now since you’ve turned off the vibrators and since you’ve prepped them well enough to take the dildo together.
The scene in front of you is gorgeous, ethereal, sublime.
You just want to ruin them like this everyday.
“Aagh! Ugh! F-fuck! Sl-slow do-own! Haaah~”
“S-sorry! ‘m s-sorry! Ca-an’t! Nnah…”
It’s cute watching them argue a bit, how Bakugou can’t take how fast Todoroki is fucking himself back on the dildo while also pushing the toy deeper into Bakugou. And Todoroki doesn’t actually look sorry, not with how his eyes keep crossing everytime he manages to get the toy to hit his sweet spot.
He’s trying so hard to win your forgiveness by putting up with this, but it’s kind of sad knowing you’re not going to stop anytime soon, or take off the cockrings.
Not like they know anyways.
Bakugou might’ve known, might’ve noticed, with the way he’s trying to keep this dragging as slow and steady as possible; with the way his precum is struggling to escape the confines the cockring gives; with how much his red and miserably hard dick keeps jumping with every push Todoroki’s ass gives him.
You’re lounging about, resisting the urge to get off to the scene in front of you, or else they’d start begging to let them please you as apologies, and knowing how sentimental this day is for you, you know you’d immediately give in.
But this is punishment for their forgetfulness.
So, as the cherry on top of this cum covered balcony sex sundae, you’ll also forget about them.
It lasted for a while as you got bored with how neither of them seemed to be reaching another orgasm.
If only the dildo had a vibration option.
But the vibrators still taped on their dicks will have to do.
So you turn them back on, and oh would you look at that! The cockrings could also vibrate.
The pleasure-filled scream coming from Bakugou and the cute, drawled whine of your name Todoroki lets out makes you feel grateful for thinking ahead, kinda.
Now both boys are writhing against each other, different ways to let out their desperations and dying need to properly cum manifesting in either rapid fucking on the dildo to simply submitting to the minstruations of the other party.
To put it in better, shorter words, Bakugou took the reigns in fucking the dildo in such rigor and strength that made Todoroki lay on his chest, ass still up as he simply took everything Bakugou kept pushing into him, mouth opened as hiccups and drool escaped. His eyes settle onto your form, watering as more tears gather on his waterline before dropping to the ground his face is resting on.
It feels so good, so, so good he can’t believe this is punishment. Even if he hasn’t been able to properly cum for some time now, he still thinks you’re being nice with them. Must be because of the anniversary that you sadly reminded them of.
He’s trying his best to push back on the dildo, wanting Bakugou to feel just as good as him, just as fucked as him.
And everytime the toy hits him just right, Todoroki sees stars, feels an all too familiar tingly sensation as he tries to grab his dick, but when you turn the vibrator up even more, his hands just lay on the ground, nails raking as he tries gripping on something, anything.
He really, really, really needs to cum. He wants to cum.
Keep being a good boy for you.
But all he gets is a choked sob of your name leaving his mouth as his eyes roll to the back of his head, eyebrows furrowed upwards as the strongest orgasm takes over his body, he’d be convinced there’s an earthquake happening. Small whimpers of how much it hurts leaves his mouth soon after, his dick twitching pathetically as it slowly becomes purple, barely a dribble of cum managing to escape.
Bakugou is in no good shape either, loudly moaning and crying out how good you’re fucking him, how he’s taking your cock, how good he is being, to please, please, please let him cum.
But actually cum, to let him contaminate the floor even more with his sperm, to let him taste it even, if that would make you happy and forgive him.
He’s close to wailing by now, hips going impossible faster as he forgets all about poor Todoroki riding out his high.
And the moment you turn on the vibrators intensity, he gets dizzy, breath getting stuck in his throat as his brain tries to process the spiraling of his warm, hot orgasm growing too much, burning him everywhere as if it were lava.
Small sparks sound on his fingertips as he howls and gets hurled into his own orgasm, back arching and head thrown back as his eyes roll to the back of his head.
He didn’t even notice the tears rolling down his cheeks, not with how his mind only cares about how good yet bad this orgasm feels.
Not even how loud his high-pitched wails of how good it feels, how much it hurts, is enough to alarm anyone near the radius of this defiling act.
Both boys are left shuddering or twitching through their intense dry orgasm, the way their bodies react with the built up cum in their dicks, with how hot and how wreckless they’re becoming with their quirks.
Still connected with the dildo, neither move, unless it’s some pathetic hump to help drag the orgasm a little more before they try to even remember what letter your name begins with.
Bakugou’s whimpering.
Todoroki’s crying silently.
Both blinking the haze out of their vision as they remember about the buzzing, about the relentless feeling on their really, really sensitive dicks.
Bakugou’s crying now.
Todoroki’s just busy mewling like a slut by now.
And when they both turn to look at you, they gasp so loudly one of them begins choking on air and the other with saliva.
Where’d you go?!
Come back!
And ‘come back’ and ‘forgive us’ is the only thing anyone could possibly hear for the next few hours as they fuck the dildo and let the vibrators do their job in milking more and more orgasms out of them.
If only they’d look closer, they would’ve seen a post-it note stuck on the tripod of the camera telling them you went to the kitchen and that they better come crawling.
Oh well, you’re enjoying the view anyways as you sip on some liquor of your liking, turning off the vibrators as you slowly walk to the balcony.
The sun’s beginning to set. You’re not that cruel in letting them fuck each other in the cold.
The bedroom is much better, and comfier.
Perfect for you to finish the job and let them finally, finally, get their deserving orgasms.
You’ll be sure to milk out
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zoopzopp · 3 years
a list of some ~angsty~ izuku-centric fics
He Was Quirkless by PruneyWitch - Midoriya get's sick of discrimination against the quirkless and decides to do something about it. It leads to some interesting situations. A trilogy.
survival instinct by carolinaa - Izuku's always had the vague feeling that trusting people is more trouble than it's worth. A villain's quirk makes him realize how painful trust can be, too.
every memory is a drop in the ocean by wastefulreverie - Izuku's memory was heavy. It felt like he'd been asleep for a very long time even though he was fairly certain that he'd just met All Might on a rooftop. They said that he was a student at UA High School and that he'd been hit with a memory erasure quirk, but that couldn't be right? Izuku was quirkless. Even All Might said he'd never be a hero.
invitation by achievingelysium - He didn’t like birthdays. He didn’t like celebrating birthdays, because no one cared about Izuku’s birthday, about the stupid, Quirkless kid of Aldera— Izuku kicked at his desk. Stared at the edge of it blankly for a moment. Sixteen. He’d made it to sixteen. Izuku thinks he'll celebrate his birthday alone. His friends disagree. (this ones angsty but also sweet and fluffy)
(paid for it) with all of my blood by theshoutingslytherin - As it turns out, Midoriya has more in common with him than Hitoshi ever realized.
things my heart used to know by aloneintherain - The first time Izuku remembers meeting Shouto, he’s fourteen years old and immediately smitten. (AU where Izuku keeps getting killed during their first year at UA—so Shouto keeps travelling back in time to save him.)
absolution by Argentina - In which there are always two sides to the same story, and as Shouta delves further into Midoriya and Bakugou's middle school years, he discovers that they're both victims of a broken society.
hold your heart fast by achievingelysium - In the aftermath of a villain fight, Izuku can't understand why Eri seems so scared of him. Or Aizawa-sensei, one of the people he trusts most.
But Who Saves You? by poe_tate_toe - The room was silent. The only sound was Izuku’s cries, the boy still writhing around in his arms that made Shouta’s heart break and heartbreakshatter. “Get out.” Shouta demanded, eyes still trained on All Might, voice filled with hatred and contempt. “Now.”
a lesson you should heed (try, try again) by aloneintherain - Izuku doesn't know why the day keeps resetting. He doesn't know why he's trapped on campus, or why there's no phone reception, or why Aizawa and Shinsou keep losing their memories of the Saturdays they've already lived, while Izuku remains constantly, painfully aware. But he does know this: Aizawa and Shinsou keep dying, over and over again, in more brutal and creative ways. And it's his job to save them.
All Fun And Games Until I Actually Die by SpeedingCheetah - Izuku Midoriya would do nearly anything to reach the goals he had. He’d take risks and make bargains with those who he thought he would have never chosen to work with; He’d even die. He’d joke around and make himself feel better by resetting from the misery he experienced each night on patrol, each hour when his thoughts turned bitter and hateful. But such actions couldn’t be used forever. After all, it was only all fun and games until he actually died. And when Izuku told someone this, he wasn’t too sure as to what he was thinking.
Never understand ( and you can't ) by deliha__bells - " I was four when someone first used their quirk on me." Midoriya is sick and tried of his classmates bias and prejudice against the quirkless community and finally breaks
a penny for your thoughts by cassiopeia721 - While visiting Eri at the hospital following her rescue from the Shie Hassaikai, Izuku and Aizawa-sensei both run into a nurse with a telepathy based quirk, and Izuku finds himself in a telepathic bond with his teacher. This is... somewhat worrying, considering how many secrets Izuku needs to keep.
For the greater good by rabiddog (orphan_account) - "Somebody needs to stay behind." "Don't worry, Kacchan! I'll be fine. Just make sure everyone gets out safely, okay?"
Live For Everything, Die For Everyone by Eurybia773 - Midoriya Izuku is kidnapped and Class 1-A goes to hell and back to keep him safe
The World Without Me by BeyondTheClouds777 - When Izuku dies, he realizes he’s not as Quirkless as he thought. He does indeed have a Quirk, one called “Second Chance” that gives him another chance at life after death. But the Quirk comes with an odd side-effect: he gets to see what the rest of the world is like without him first.
Lives of Future Past by HeartQuirk - An alternative take on de-ageing/swap quirks: Veteran Pro Hero Deku gets swapped into his own past, while his teenage self must navigate an uncertain and mysterious future.
Forgive, Not Forget by orphan_account - He stared out into the night, watching cars pass and stars twinkle. I never told him that I was sorry. Shit. How the hell could he have never thought to apologize? Bakugou had ostracized Deku from their friends, bullied, and tormented him all the way through middle school, to the point where Deku would cringe and cower whenever Bakugou glanced his way. His skin crawled as he remembered. Had he really done all of that? He was so full of shit, and now Deku was somewhere, bleeding out on a hospital bed because of Bakugou’s stupidity and he would never know that Bakugou was so, so, infinitely sorry.
You Never Asked by jongdaethedinosaur - aka: Izuku's smart enough to give Nedzu a headache, the League of Villains aren't all that bad, and Aizawa is trying his best
Heights by Gabberwocky - Or: 5 Times Katsuki Found Izuku on Rooftops and 1 Time Izuku Found Katsuki.
Reverse To Go Forwards by Otaku6337 - A certain Problem Child gets caught up in a Quirk manifestation and collapses in class. But when he wakes up, things aren't quite adding up. And why is he so skittish of everything, Bakugou in particular?
P.S. If he asks, tell Kacchan it's not his fault by JessenoSabaku - When Kacchan tells Midoriya to go kill himself in primary school, he takes it seriously. Not enough to actually kill himself, but he does try his hand at writing a note. Years later, he finds the note again, and he keeps it. For some reason, reading it makes him feel better when nights on patrol get rough. And then, one night, Kacchan finds it by accident.
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i cant think of anymore rn but!! I'll update this soon!!!!
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krysavium-blog · 4 years
(n.) a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places in the past.
You will never realize how important a person is until they had left you already. And the moment you try to hold on to them, they let you go.
Katsuki knew that the moment he started to hold on, Izuku had already let it go.
Midoriya Izuku had always dreamt to be a hero. To be someone who save others. He wanted to bring justice to the poor and love to the discriminated. He wanted to be their savior.
Instead of being the one who will save others, he became the one who needed to be saved. Saved from the insults. Saved from the loneliness. Saved from himself.
Life has never been easy on him.
In the age of two, his father left them with nothing.
In the age of four, he was tested as quirkless.
In the age of five, he was bullied by his old best friend.
In the age of seven, he had no friends.
In the age of ten, he was scolded for trying to save someone.
In the age of fourteen, his favorite hero told him that he couldn't be a hero.
He tried his best to achieve his goals but he was caught up in the thorns planted by the society. He was made fun of, insulted, looked down and hated. Why?! Why was it him? What did he do wrong? All he wanted was to be hero but why is it that people are against him?
He cried and cried. He cried until there's no tears left to cry. He screamed out loud until the his voice went out. He called for help until he was scolded by the world.
Life is so cruel.
"Why don't you swan dive from the roof and wished that you'll a quirk on your next life."
Izuku considered the suggestion.
It was their graduation when Izuku stood on the top of the roof. Bandages warped around his broken body. He was tired. Tired of everything that he suffered. What's the point? He had already lost his will to survive.
It was already in the afternoon and the graduation ceremony had just ended. Students were scattered at the gate of the campus, talking to friends and congratulating each other. How he wished to be just like them. To be normal but he was not normal. He was different.
He looked at the beautiful flowers that bloomed into the world. How he wished to be as beautiful as them. To be lovely but he wss not pretty. He was an ugly weed.
He looked at the sky and stared at the birds that sung gracefully. How he wished to be as talented as them. To be able to show a skill but he was not skillful enough. He was useless.
Closing his eyes, he remembered his life. He wished to have happy memories but he never had one. He could only remember the sad ones.
He really lived a pitiful life.
Izuku wished to have at least one reason to lived but except for his mother, he had nothing. He was a waste of space. He had no contribution to the world, all he did was being a worthless being always admiring and always being unwanted.
After a deep breath, he screamed "I wished to live happy in my next life!"
Taking a step forward, he fell. With people witnessing his action.
But before he could even hit the ground, someone saved his sorry excuse of a body.
Bakugou Katsuki was gifted with a wealthy family and a powerful quirk. He was beloved by others that he became confident of himself. He see himself above everyone else. He see himself as the king. He was too focus on himself that he forgot his old bestfriend. He forgot the promises he made with him.
Instead, he bullied his old friend.
For years, he never stopped his discrimination against the boy. He kept on doing it until he broke him apart.
Katsuki had became someone he doesn't want to be. Instead of being a hero that saves people, he became the villains that antagonizing others.
The worst thing is that, he never realized this not until it happened.
"I wished to live happy in my next life!"
He saw his old best friend fall in front of him. He was scared yet nonetheless, used his quirk to caught him. He was looking for answers why would the boy do that. Why would Izuku kill himself but then he remembered.
Was it not him who said those words? To jump and wish to have quirk on the next life.
He suddenly feel disgusted of himself. Why did he do that? Why in the world did he do that? When did he started to changed? When did he became evil?
When did it all go wrong?
He was supposed to protect him. He was supposed to be his hero. But the past is the past. His actions had already been done. All he could do was to apologize.
Do he even have the right to apologize?
He could only wait. Wait for the right time.
Its been a month since Izuku's suicide attempt and has been confined in his room ever since. His mother was devasted when she heard about the news. She never expected that his son that shines brighter than the sun would try to end his life.
His eyes that reflects hope was now dull as if there's no life in it. His smile that could be compared to gold was nowhere to be seen.
He was just like a robot, unable to feel anything.
How did he became like this?
"Auntie Inko..."
Her train of thoughts was interrupted by a voice she heard for years.
"Katsuki, don't worry about Izuku. He'll be fine for sure."
She tried to lighten up the mode which made Katsuki more guilty.
"No- Its not about that.... I have a confession to made."
Inko was confused. What confession?
"Auntie.. The reason why De- Izuku attempt to suicide was because of me..."
What? What does he mean?
"I have been bullying Izuku since our childhood days."
Say what? Inko never knew about this, rather, Izuku never told her about this. She actually never knew what Izuku had suffered all these years. The boy whom she thought as her son's friend was actually the reason why all of this happened. Just how an airhead is she?
"You?..... You did this to my Izuku?"
Tears started to flow from her eyes as she cried.
"Why? Why did you do it?"
Katsuki felt helpless at the situation. He only looked down and whispered.
"I'm sorry. Auntie, I'm sorry."
Inko closed her eyes in anger, trying to stop the tears from falling. She put a hand on Katsuki's chest and push him away.
"Just go."
The boy could only stare at her and nod.
"And never let me see your face ever again."
Katsuki was horrified at her words but what can he do? He did this.
He turned away and left.
Todoroki Shouto was the fourth child of the Pro Hero Endeavor. He was the child who had both quirks of his parents. Others may see it as blessing but he sees it as a curse. To have both means to be the perfect child his father had always wanted.
He had always hated his father. For forcing him to be perfect. For abusing his family. For scaring his mother until she went crazy.
But she was not crazy at all.
He touched his scar at the upper left part of his face. He could still remember the fear he saw at the face of his parent. How scared she was of his other side.
He sighed before grabbing the doorknob and entered. He expected his mother to be there, sitting in the bed but to his surprised, it was another patient.
The patient was a young boy with green curly hair. Freckles scattered on his face like stars and his skin looked so soft. He was beautiful but his eyes..... his eyes looked so dead.
Shouto just stared at the boy when a voice wake him up.
"Excuse me, you are?"
He was flustered and looked down.
"Oh sorry. I'm Todoroki Shouto."
He apologized but the other only chuckled softly.
"Its fine. My name is Midoriya Izuku."
Izuku replied.
Shouto explained why he was there for his mother and how he accidentally went to this room instead.
They were so focus at the conversation when Inko arrived all of a sudden. Shouto was startled before going out to visit his mother.
"Shouto, what are you thinking about? You have a big smile in your face." his mother asked, shocked at how her youngest son expressed such expression.
"Its nothing, mother. I just met someone."
Katsuki held on the notebook tightly. It was not just a normal notebook but the notebook that he burned. It was Izuku's.
Sighing at his actions, he went to the hospital. He heard from his mother that Inko was not around today since she will be doing an overnight work.
Its not that he did not respect the woman but he just can't stand there and do nothing. It was his fault after all. Even an apology could do.
Looking at the door, he raised his hand to knock but then he heard some voices inside. One was talking and one was laughing. Curious, he took a peek inside and it broke his heart.
Izuku was finally laughing... But it was not with him. It was with another boy with a dual hair color. He could feel the happiness that his old friend expressed. He could also see the love in the eyes of the stranger.
The heck?!
Katsuki crumpled the notebook in anger before realizing that he don't have the right to feel this way.
No matter how jealous he is, he can't ruin the joy of Izuku.
Not again.
He closed the door quietly before walking away.
How he wished to return to the start. To change his ways. To be the hero he had always wanted to be.
He wanted to hold on the promises they both made before. But he knew.
Katsuki knew that the moment he started to hold on, Izuku already had let it go.
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((picture ctto))
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dominaecaede · 5 years
Tomorrow Never Comes
Chapter 5 results: 86% chose to leave Enji behind
〘 twitter 〙
The following story will have themes such as blood, gore, situations that may cause anxiety and major character death. If you are sensitive to any of these, please do not proceed.
Chapter 6: Sorrowful Clockwork
Enji grit his teeth. With one arm, he used all his strength to keep the door as closed as possible while his other reached into his pocket. He reached to give Kirishima something and held it in his hand firmly, not wanting it to drop.
"You give this to Shouto."
Kirishima's eyes widened and took the object but before he could say anything, Enji had already shoved Kirishima towards the window with his force. Midoriya caught him before he could fall and lead him to the window as Dabi helped them jump. The ebony haired man looked back and gazed at Enji, his teal eyes emotionless but his eyebrows scrunched with overwhelming emotions. Enji only blinked at him and nodded. Dabi didn't respond at that, only breathing out air as if he was holding it. He turned and made his jump, leaving Enji alone.
The man wasn't afraid, though. That would be beneath him. He closed his eyes, his grip slowly loosening and the world around him began to blur. Instead of the screeching noises behind the door, he could hear Shouto's screaming and Rei's sobbing. He could hear Fuyumi laughing at something she was watching on TV and Natsuo shouting at him with held back anger. He could hear the past as if it were right in front him. The last image in his mind was Rei holding an infant Shouto in her arms. She cradled him and held him close, singing a soft lullaby to lull him to sleep. That lullaby echoed in Enji's thoughts as every other sound around him was blocked out.
"Take care of them."
And as he knew then, the rest of the world went dark.
Kirishima and Midoriya landed on the patch of grass with a harsh thud. Dabi followed but he landed better than the other boys did. Todoroki and Rei rushed to help them up, Midoriya wincing and gripping his side. Todoroki began looking around not long after.
"Where's... Where's my dad?"
Kirishima and Midoriya only looked at him with sympathetic eyes. No words were needed to make him understand. Todoroki fell to his knees and looked at the ground, but not one tear fell from his eyes. He felt conflicted; the man who beat him for his own intentions and the man who was also his father didn't make it. Rei knelt down next to him and rubbed his back, her grey eyes softening. The spiked redhead began slowly walking towards him and knelt down, handing him what Enji gave.
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"He uhh... He wanted you to have this," he spoke.
Todoroki looked up and took it from his hands. It was Enji's hunting knife. The blade was cold but sharp to touch and the handle red with their family kanji engraved into it. The two-toned boy looked up towards the window they fell out of and already knew they were too far from it to hear any sort of sound. By then, it began to rain. Cold droplets fell onto the group's faces. He took a deep breath and gripped the handle, slowly standing up to stash the knife into his belt.
"Let's get going," was all Todoroki said before he began heading away from the hospital. Midoriya and Kirishima looked at each other with sympathy as they soon followed with Dabi walking behind.
When they got back to the pharmacy, they were greeted by unexpected guests. Three of the creatures were banging and scratching against the door trying to get in.
Bakugou immediately acted on the scene and began running towards them. He gripped the metal pipe he was carrying and bashed it against one of their heads, knocking it down and rendering it motionless. Another creature gripped Bakugou's shoulder and yanked him back and it's jaw opened wide to take a bite. Bakugou's eyes widened in panic but the sound of a gunshot rang loudly in his ears. The creature that gripped him fell to the ground and created a pool of it's blood around the gunshot wound to the head. Another bullet fired on the last one and it fell down like dead weight. Bakugou blinked and looked around at the bodies, clearly not knowing what happened just now. He looked forward and saw that Dabi had pointed his gun at one of the bodies before putting it back in it's holster. The blonde released a shaky breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Fucking demons...," He muttered.
Kirishima and Midoriya walked towards Bakugou to see if he was alright as Shouto knocked on the pharmacy door. When there was no answer, he began speaking.
"Aizawa-sensei? All Might? It's us, open the door!"
When there was still no response, everyone furrowed their eyebrows with concern. After a few minutes of silence, someone unlocked the door and slowly opened it. A familiar face with long black hair was brought to light, and her dark eyes lit up with relief.
"Todoroki-san! You guys! I'm so glad you're safe!" Momo smiled.
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As she opened the door more, the group only got more worried. Her clothes were tattered, the side of her face was bleeding and she had small cute on her elbows and knees. They didn't hesitate to hurry in as the girl quickly closed the door and locked it. When they got in, Midoriya had to take a step back. The pharmacy was trashed and there were blood stains on the floor. Some bodies were on the floor but they didn't belong to their class nor any of the creatures. In fact, the bodies wore a type of uniform he didn't recognize.
"Yaoyorozu...," Shouto began. "What happened here...?"
Momo began to speak but before she could, Jirou, Kaminari, and the rest of their classmates came out of the storage closet. They looked like they were hiding from something.
"You guys...!" Sero blinked and ran towards them with a relieved yet shocked expression. "Where were you?!"
Midoriya couldn't form any words. "W-We... We--"
"We went to go save my mother," Shouto answered firmly as Rei looked passed his shoulder.
Kaminari blinked upon seeing the woman then looked back at Shouto. "You saved her? But how?"
"It doesn't matter how," Sero huffed. "You should've been here helping us!"
"Guys please, fighting won't get us anywhere!" Momo stepped in. The girl then looked back at the group with sad eyes. "There were... These men in odd outfits. They broke the door down and Aizawa-sensei fought them off while we all went to try and find somewhere to hide. We tried fighting them but Kaminari knew we didn't stand a chance so we hid in the closet. They took Aizawa-sensei and All Might. I... I don't know where they took them or who they even were. I feel like such a coward for hiding..."
Shouto began looking around as Kirishima placed a hand on Momo's shoulder. "You're not a coward. You couldn't fight them off and it wasn't your fault. You did the smart thing. I think you acted manly!" He flashed his famous toothy smile.
Momo blinked and giggled. "Thanks, Kirishima-san..."
In the meantime, Shouto knelt down at one of the bodies and turned it over. The body was covered in blood was it doesn't look like it's from those creatures. It had stab wounds. Upon closer inspection, Shouto discovered that there was a badge on the male's uniform. He used a clean part of the body's shirt to wipe it clean and blinked in surprise.
"Hiro...," He repeated the name engraved into the badge. Shouto also saw a symbol next to the name. It was all too familiar.
Rei walked towards Shouto and knelt down next to him. "What do you see, son?"
Shouto then stood up and looked back at the group. "It's Clearnox. These people... They're from the same company who tried to take my mother."
Bakugou grunted in disgust. "Should've figured."
"Clearnox... The company that tried making quirks better?" Sero raised a brow.
"Yeah," Midoriya answered. "They caused all this from their stupid project. If these people were from there and our teachers are gone, then that can only mean they took them for experiments. I mean, why else would they take them there?"
"Experiments? What?" Kaminari blinked. "That's a little crazy, Midoriya. Where are you even getting all this information?"
Shouto looked down. "From my father, before he... He...," He trailed off and Kirishima gently rubbed his back.
Dabi finally spoke up while he examined the area a little more. "To sum it up, Clearnox was experimenting on people in order to make their little project work. It backfired, and now shit hit the fan."
Jirou jolted. "Wait a minute, what's a villain doing here?"
"It's a long story," Midoriya smiled. "We'll explain it later on but for now, we need to think of a plan to rescue them!"
"Bro, that's like the heart of the zombies isn't it?" Kaminari shuddered. "That would be suicide!"
"What do you want us to do, Pikachu? Stand around and let them die?" Bakugou snapped.
Mineta looked down. "This is all fucked up."
"Okay, we're not gonna get anywhere with you guys not having a reliable weapon," Dabi spoke up again. "And I doubt any of you know how to use a gun. You might wanna change your clothes, too."
"Eh? What's wrong with our clothes?"
"Because you can see that uniform from a mile away," Dabi snorted. "And since there are actual guards in that building and not 'zombies', you're already as good as dead."
Everyone blinked in confusion. Shouto sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Advice from a former villain might actually be useful...," He mumbled.
"There's a weapons shop not far from here. It's just down the block." Dabi then pointed at Bakugou. "You, blondie. Go find a bag big enough to store some weapons and clothes in."
"Hah?" Bakugou's eye twitched. "CALL ME BLONDIE ONE MORE TIME AND I'LL KILL YOU."
Dabi wasn't fazed. "Funny. Just go do as you're told, kid."
Bakugou huffed but didn't bother to argue. He stomped towards the direction he remembered finding some luggage when the place wasn't so trashed and they were still exploring. Kirishima followed and when they returned, they brought two wide duffle bags. Dabi began heading towards the door.
"Good. Let's go."
Midoriya and Shouto looked back to find Momo walking up towards them. "May I come with? I'd like to help. I couldn't when they were taken, so... Please..."
Jirou looked at Momo with worry. "Yaomomo, you're still bleeding! Don't push yourself!"
Shouto's eyebrows pinched together with concern and he walked towards the girl. He gave a sigh and a look meant to comfort her. "Yaoyorozu, you have to stay here and tend to your wounds. Besides, you can still help us from here. Think of a way to get you all to a safer place while we're gone."
The raven haired girl gave her friend a look of disapproval, but she trusted his judgement. She sighed then nodded, and gave a look of determination. "Okay!"
"Then let me come with," Uraraka stepped up. "You'll need the extra pair of hands if you want to arm all of us."
Midoriya blinked with concern. "But what about your mother?"
That queued the brunette to look back towards the woman. Her mother looked at her and smiled. "I'll be fine," she spoke as she tended to Momo's wounds. "Go on."
Rei looked back at both Dabi and Shouto before pulling them both into her embrace. "You two be careful," she gently said before releasing them. Shouto nodded as both of them went on their way.
As they approached the weapons shop, the busted front door and broken windows were already a bad sign. They entered the building and saw that all the shelves had been emptied and the display cases broken into. Midoriya went to check the back but when he returned, he came back empty handed. Dabi clicked his teeth.
"Dammit. Looks like this place was stripped clean before we could've gotten to it."
"Then what are we supposed to do now?" Shouto questioned.
Dabi began pacing back and forth. He rested his stitched hands on his waist as he looked around searching for an answer. The group stayed quiet as he did, and it would've seemed it had been minutes before the former villain spoke up again.
"We'll have to go to the headquarters."
The group blinked. Bakugou raised his eyebrow. "You can't be serious."
"I know we have a shit ton of weapons stored in case plans backfired," Dabi explained while he was already heading towards the front door. "The relocation is harder for heroes to find, but it's not like anyone cares anymore."
"But wait," Midoriya spoke up. "What if the villains, you know... attack us?"
Dabi didn't bother looking back when he answered. "Trust me. That won't be a problem."
The group tailed behind Dabi as the former villain lead. The brunette was looking down with worry. She looked uneasy, and it didn't take long for Midoriya to notice. He asked if everything was okay but he didn't get a response until a few seconds later.
"I'm just finding him hard to trust...," she whispered. "I mean, I appreciate his help but why continue to help us, you know? How do we know he won't turn his back on us...? How do we know it's not a trap..?"
Midoriya furrowed his brows.
Is Dabi:
• trustworthy?
• or hard to read?
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lady-of-endless · 6 years
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AN: Oh my, this idea is great, thank you for requesting this! I really put some time into thinking about each situation.
Izuku Midoriya
-You and Deku were extremely close friends when you were kids, before for your quirk to appear.
-When it did appear, you disappeared from his life. Izuku would have waited for some days for you to come outside and play but you never came back because of what that quirk did to you.
-After some years and after getting accepted to U.A., Izuku was still thinking about you, feeling guilty that he did not have the courage to search for you. He talked about his friendship with you to Iida and always felt sad. Explaining the situation he slowly understood how he can still change it and get in touch with you, being so motivated to do it.
-Praying that you still lived where he was remembering, one day he went straight to your house and knocked on the door. He got no response. Even if your heart stopped from seeing him through the eye door, you could open the door as it was still daytime outside. You swallowed hard and told him that you cannot open the door and that you are sorry.
-With that, Midoriya started to think that you were upset with him for not getting in touch with you and so many other scenarios. He decided to stay and wait until you would forgive him.
-When the sun was finally down and he was yawning hard, he decided to try one more time to knock at your door, losing the count of how many times he did that during the day.
-As fast as the door opened, he bowed and started apologizing for not searching for you since you were kids. When he straightened his back to finally look into your eyes and apologize, all of his words were lost.
-He was shocked by how changed you were from last time he saw you. It didn't take a lot for him to understand what your quirk was and why you disappeared like that.
-Teary-eyed, he embraced you in a tight and warm hug and promised how he would not let you go like he did before and will never let your ability stay in the way of him getting close to you again.
-He visited you almost every night to talk with you, tell you what's new but always after you told him the same. Again, he realized that you've changed and now he was starting to develop some feelings for you that were stronger than a simple friendship.
Bakugou Katsuki
-When Bakugou couldn't sleep, he would end up going outside and have a late night training session so that he could get tired and fall asleep faster.
-One night, he went to a park and started jogging. After a while, he stopped and practiced his high kicks and hits.
-He stopped immediately when he heard your voice coming from behind, telling him that he should keep his back straight more because it helps when using that attack on someone.
-He turned around with the usual angry expression on his face. That expression disappeared in seconds after seeing you. Really pale skin, watery eyes got him confused.
-Bakugou didn't let that get him and continued on being irritated by what you said. "If you think you are that fucking smart and skilled, why don't you fight me? Right here, right now."
-You turned him down and that was the moment when Bakugou saw your fangs. Frowning, he got closer and swiftly grabbed you by the chin so that he could see them from up close. At that sight, he muttered a 'what the fuck' as he understood what your quirk was doing.
-That wasn't a problem for him, at first he still wanted to kick your butt and so you both agreed to meet again, next night.
-Of course, you didn't actually fight with him, you trained with him. Secretly starting to enjoy doing that with you he dared you to repeat the experience.
-Understanding how you only could get out at night, one time he snatched your phone and saving his number on it. He explained that usually he is sleeping at night, and he is only training when he isn't tired enough so he can't meet with you every night.
-It was just an excuse that was hiding the real reason. Having his number you two slowly started texting and getting to know each other, planning training sessions that were transformed in dates as fast as you two were face to face.
Iida Tenya
-Your parents knew his family from a long time and somehow they asked him if he could help you with some homework as you were home schooled because of the special quirk.
-He gladly accepted and got prepared to meet you even though he knew nothing about you.
-When he first saw you he was just extremely fascinated from the beginning.
-Of course, he could not start helping you with the homework without learning some things about you. That was how he was thinking, because the truth was that he actually wanted to know more about you because he was mesmerized and curious.
-Poor Iida was trying so hard not to stare at your fangs while you talked, failing in the end.
-As you were explaining and telling him about your quirk, he was getting more and more aware of the drawbacks of that ability and started to feel bad for you.
-Since that day, overthinking about how hard it can be for you, he insisted on visiting you more frequently to help. With this he got more and more attracted to you.
-He even screwed his strict and calculated sleeping schedule so that he could go out on some dates with you.
-Iida would listen to you all the time and get lost into your eyes as he was enjoying having a conversation with you so much. He loves your way of thinking.
-Would definitely think about creative ways for you two to spend some time together as you could not get into natural light. Every day is different and every day he tries to make you feel appreciated.
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