#that paired with (Bakugou getting a moment to show off his badass side) and (the entire BekDek fandom calling for Midoriya)
catcatb0y · 2 years
Since I somehow haven't seen any leaks this week, despite being flooded with them the past fortnight, I'm gonna say it: I don't want Midoriya to show up to Bakugou's fight.
I say this as a wholehearted BakuDeku, completely invested in their development and relationship (platonic or romantic), I don't want Midoriya to show up. At least not now, not yet.
This is BAKUGOU'S moment to show off HIS Heroism. The Heroism that inspired Midoriya, the Heroism that was inspired by Midoriya.
We all hated the series shoving Uraraka (and many, many other female characters of Shounen's past) into the Generic Love Interest Box, watering down their character and reducing them to just their connection to the main character- why are we so desperate for it now?? Because it's Gay?
'Antis are apparently accusing us of not liking/watering down Bakugou's character to make him saved by Midoriya' I don't wanna be that guy, but... ya kinda are...
Everyone thus far has gotten their moment to shine, has gotten their fears and faiths tested- why is Bakugou any different?
Honestly, I'm genuinely surprised that I haven't seen any anti takes about how Shigaraki was using Bakugou's weakness (being compared to Midoriya) against him ((I.e. that he didn't actually mean what he said- which would be an obvious load of BS, because why else would Shigaraki care about fighting Bakugou of all Heroes))
Anyways, I had like... Way Less Bitchy ways of saying this, but I vented to myself too many times, so I forgot the exact wording I had, but this fight (or this previous fight, I guess? Because I only ever hear anything about leaks when Bakugou is suffering*) this is Bakugou's fight.
He's not JUST Midoriya's weakness, he's not JUST the person closest to Midoriya. The fact that "It's great for Bakugou to be told that he only has worth because of his closeness to Midoriya" is a take that I had to read with my own eyes (and a take that people agreed with enough to have it reach my dash) ☠️
Bakugou has literally been comparing himself to Midoriya since day one- so have his peers to a slightly lesser extent- yes, it's a win to have the protagonist's [closest person] be of the same gender, but Bakugou is his own character.
He and Todoroki are both facing their season one fears- 'being nothing more than (someone else)'s shadow'- and while I love Midoriya, especially feral!Midoriya, he genuinely does not have a place in this fight.
Yes, BakuDekus know Bakugou (and Midoriya) better than anyone else, but also??? Y'all drop that title every time leaks come out I swear. How many times have you guys dropped random death flags on this kid?? The Time Travel Theory?
Shigaraki specifically called out Bakugou's fears and y'all went: let's make those fears come true.
Lmao, y'all...
Even taking into account "All of us really want them to fight side by side Heroes Rising style!" yes, maybe (putting aside the fact that people only see what you actually put out there, and despite all of the leaks shoved in my face, I haven't actually seen anyone make predictions or talk about them fighting side by side- just 'Please (Midoriya) go help Bakugou'):
- It also doesn't fit in line with the theme! The theme is 'control your heart' and 'don't go playing Hero on your own'- neither of which are in line with Midoriya going feral again. It also really doesn't do anything to open up WHY he's so attached to Bakugou, WHY "there is no wall too high to climb," and no one ever gets the chance to point out how there is a distinct difference between Midoriya saving (everyone else) and Midoriya saving (his Kacchan).
- It didn't work last time. Even before the War Arc, the only reason that it worked was because someone else stepped in, but specifically during the War Arc it made things worse. It would make no sense for it to work this time.
- Genuinely cannot comment enough on how "you only have worth because of someone else" sucks to hear ESPECIALLY to someone as insecure as Bakugou, and saying that what the series needs is for Midoriya to step in is like... so you want to prove the villain right? I love Midoriya, but watering Bakugou's character down like that is almost genuinely insulting to him and everything he has been through.
- Victimizing Bakugou (yet again) doesn't add anything. He KNOWS that he's weak, he's BEEN there before. The kid has faced his weakness time and time again, but the difference now is that he has people who will stand up and stand with him. He didn't work with anyone in the crowd. He didn't work with his fellow students. He didn't work with Midoriya or the Pros. Bakugou standing alone is what has gotten him in trouble time and time again- and yeah most of that sn't even his fault, but this is huge for him.
- It's also! Huge for Hero Society. From the kid that suffered at the negligence of Heroes (many, many times, but most notably episode one where the Heroes on scene watched a kid nearly die because they never even considered working together) to a Hero leading a team that will cover his back and each other's gaps.
- If anything, it would make more sense for Bakugou 'winning over saving' to reach out a hand to Midoriya 'saving over winning'. With how thematically tied they are, it's likely that, should they fight together (they will eventually- not now hopefully, but the series isn't over yet), Midoriya should prioritize winning and Bakugou, saving (to fully complete their narrative parallels).
Saving has always come natural to Midoriya, and, while there is obviously something different about how that applies to Bakugou, that is something that Midoriya needs to admit himself. He needs to control his heart and to stop going out on his own. Him playing Hero alone again goes against that. It's unfair to Bakugou, but it's also making light of Midoriya's character and ignoring all of the genuine consequences he has faced because of his recklessness.
They're gonna get a moment, but this is not it.
Also, I get it, guys. Kacchan the Heroine is a huge thing coming from the og voice actors, but... Can we not try to force queer ships into heteronormative stereotypes? Especially not one that has been so blanantly awful to the characters in it before?
Like, it's weird to push them into a stereotypical m/f role (even if it is just excitement), but it also ignores just how double sided and reciprocated BakuDeku is.
If Bakugou is Midoriya's heroine, then Midoriya is Bakugou's.
Bakugou inspired Midoriya who inspired Bakugou.
The thing about their relationship is how equal it is- they have both grown so much because of each other. Midoriya's power and Bakugou's heart.
Neither sun nor moon, they are yin and yang; they're the weakness within strength and the strength within weakness. They're winning by saving and saving by winning.
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starryeyedweeb · 3 years
Walking In On Your Fave Anime Blondes Singing Along to Dolly Parton’s “Dumb Blonde”
Content Includes: Honestly, this could be read as either platonic or romantic- it’s basically borderline crack meant to give you a smile and some laughs. All underaged characters are aged up to 18+. Gender neutral reader, some language
Characters Included: Armin Arlert, Kurapika Kurta, Hawks/Takami Keigo, Tsukishima Kei, Gojou Satoru, Bakugou Katsuki
“Just because I’m blonde, don’t think I’m dumb. Because this dumb blonde ain’t nobody’s fool.”
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This is actually his power song
Before important meetings and strategy sessions where he’s slated be a big presenter, you’ll always hear him mumbling the same words over and over again under his breath, but you can never make out what they are
Until one day when you’re able to connect the dots 
One such meeting was coming up, and you leave for it before Armin does
He had just told you that he’s not quite ready to leave yet, but doesn’t explain why
You don’t think much about it and carry on, until you realize that you left a part of your harness at home and have to turn back
As you walk back through the door, you notice the sound of singing coming from his bedroom
The voice is distinctively Armin’s, and seeing as you’ve never heard him sing before, you’re actually quite excited
You sneak in as quietly as possible, and much to your amusement, you find him singing to himself in the mirror, pointing back at himself and belting the words almost aggressively
“Because this dumb blonde ain’t nobody’s fool!”
You wanted to sneak away and pretend you never saw anything, but you can’t resist bursting out into laughter
He jumps around and yelps, his face turning cherry red
“Y/N! I thought you left! I, um...I- this was...”
“Oh, my god.” A realization dawns on you. “Is that what you’re always whispering under your breath when you’re nervous?”
“Um...yeah. It just makes me feel stronger, I guess. I know, it’s so stupid...”
“No, it’s so cute! I promise,” you assure him. “And it’s fitting.”
“Of course! Even though you’re blonde, there’s not a dumb bone in your body.” You wrap him in a hug. “And you definitely aren’t anybody’s fool. Never let yourself be convinced otherwise.”
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He’s had a bad day at work.
A really bad day.
He bursts through the front door one evening, eyes bright crimson, absolutely raving about how sick he was of being pushed around and treated like he’s less than he is, spewing out ultimatums such as “To hell with the intel, I’m never going back to being a bodyguard ever again.”
To cheer him up and to get away until his anger could simmer down, you offer go pick up his favorite meal
And as you approach the door with the food in hand, you hear something odd on the other side
You cautiously open the door and peer inside, discovering Kurapika yelling along to the popular song
No, seriously- yelling
There’s no sense of song to his cadence whatsoever, he’s just hollering louder than you’ve ever thought him capable of
He’s also pulled out a basket of laundry and has started throwing it around the room as he continues on his rampage
(It was the least destructive thing he could take his anger out on)
You tiptoe over to put the food on the counter, but he’s still yet to notice you
When he shows no signs of stopping, his eyes growing redder by the second, you eventually clear your throat
“Pika, what are you doing?”
He stops with a jolt, the ending notes of the song fading away in the background
The red of his eyes drops down to his face as he realizes what you just saw
“y/n...how long have you been standing there?”
“Since the first chorus.” You choke down a giggle. “I didn’t know you liked that song.”
“I don’t, I just...” He rubs the back of his neck. “Silly as this is, it’s just the best way I’ve found to relieve my petty stress in a safe way.”
“So... this is something you do often?”
His face grows so red you think it might burst. “...yes.”
You two stare at each other for a few moments, then simultaneously burst into laughter
The kind where your entire body shakes, your stomach hurts, and tears spill from your eyes
When he doubles over to catch his breath, you cross the room to wrap him in a hug, rocking back and forth
“Can I join in next time?” you teasingly ask. “It looks fun.”
Kurapika wipes his cheeks and rolls his eyes with a smile. “Sure, why not? Just don’t tell anyone else.”
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This was the first time you had ever slept over with Keigo, and what he listens to while getting ready comes as quite a surprise.
He gets up before you do, and you wake to hear strange music coming through the closed bathroom door
You tiptoe over to see what’s going on, sliding the door open as quietly as possible
Not that he would’ve heard you, anyway, because as he’s doing his eyeliner, he’s humming along to the blaring Dolly Parton hit, swaying his hips in time with the beat
When the song reaches its defining line, he pulls the eyeliner pen away from his face and throws his head back, wailing the lyrics to the ceiling with comedic passion
You stifle your laughter behind your hand as he returns to his task, still  oblivious to your presence
Picking a choice moment to reveal yourself, you burst fully into the bathroom and fix him with a mischievous look
“Whatcha listening to?”
He jumps in shock when he spots you, leaving a streak of eyeliner down his cheek
“Fuck!” He exclaims, pouting at the black stripe. “How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough,” you tease.
“I mean, it’s not what it looks like.” He avoids eye contact, hunting around for makeup remover. “Don’t you just have a random song that gets you motivated, no matter how stupid it is?”
“You don��t have to be embarrassed.” You hoist yourself up onto the bathroom counter next to him. “Dolly Parton is amazing. ‘Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Joleeeeeeene’.”
“You know what? She is. You’re so right.” He points his eyeliner at you, nodding in aggressive approval. “See? This is why I like you.”
And you can bet your ass that every time you get in the car together from here on out, you’re blaring Dolly Parton
There have been several instances when you’ve shown up to missions with it pounding from the speakers as you sleekly step out of the car, ready to apprehend any villains that dare to cross the pair of you
And it’s the most badass thing ever.
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At this point in your relationship, you thought you had learned all of Tsukishima’s secrets.
You were wrong.
It starts completely innocently, with the two of you going with Yamaguchi for a boba run
And when Tsukishima settles into the driver’s seat, his phone auto-connects to the speakers and sends familiar country twangs through the car at a volume that prompts you to clap your hands over your ears
“Shit!” he mutters, fumbling around, unsure which would do the most damage control: changing the song or muting the volume
“Kei,” you guffaw, “what the hell were you listening to?”
“It was an ad,” he insists, eventually managing to get the volume to a favorable range and select a less-embarrassing song choice
“Don’t let him fool you, Y/N.” Yamaguchi’s head pokes between the two front seats. “Dumb Blonde is one of his favorite songs.”
“And don’t listen to how idiotic Yamaguchi’s being,” Tsukishima bites back, but the pink tinge growing over the top of his ears betrays his lie.
“It’s been one of his top five most played songs for about three years now,” Yamaguchi continues. “I think he relates to it.”
“You’re kidding!”
At this point, you can’t control your giggles, and Kei’s jaw grows tighter by the second
“Yeah, and once he has a couple of drinks in him, he’ll shamelessly belt the hell out of it at karaoke.” Yamaguchi’s gaze flickers to his phone as his finger rapidly scrolls. “Here, I have a video.”
“Yamaguchi, don’t you dare-”
Tsukishima reaches a long arm out to steal the phone, but you grab his hand before he can take it
“Aht aht, Tsukki,” you tease. “You have two passengers that you’re responsible for. Eyes on the road, please.”
As he glowers, Yamaguchi shows you a glorious video of Tsukishima absolutely wailing out the Dolly Parton hit into a karaoke microphone, the teammates around him laughing so hard that they almost appeared to be choking
“That’s amazing!” You squeal, belly hurting from so much laughter. “But I can’t believe that video didn’t spread around like wildfire.”
“Bold of you to assume that I don’t have worse blackmail to use against all of them,” Kei snaps.
“Well, you should know that you’re never going to live this down as far as I’m concerned.”
“I don’t know why it’s such a big deal. Everyone has guilty pleasures.” By this point, his face is the same shade as a tomato, but he fixes you with a knife-like gaze that strikes fear into your heart. “Shall I start listing yours?”
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(i know he’s technically silver/platinum but he just has blonde energy okay)
The last thing you expect to come home to after a long day of work is Dolly Parton music blaring through your home
And you expect even less to find Gojou standing on the couch, belting the song at the top of his lungs
Beyond the initial shock, you have to admit that he actually sounds quite good, hitting each note to perfection and performing the song with subtle corresponding choreography
“Gojou!” You eventually shout. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Oh, good! You’re home.” He deftly hops off the couch and approaches you with a grin. “I’ve been wanting your opinion on my act.”
“Your act?”
“Yes! The school staff has an annual karaoke contest coming up. I do this song every year, and it’s undefeated.”
“Every year? How have I never known about this?”
“I actually don’t have any idea. I have videos. I’ll show them to you, if you’d like.”
“You’re a little too proud of that,” you giggle. “But if it’s undefeated, why do you need my opinion on it?”
“Because everyone always conspires to try and beat me. I have to keep it fresh. But lately, it’s just been feeling stale.” He furrows his brows, a finger going to his chin in contemplation.
“How are you so serious about this but so carefree when you’re literally about to die?” You grab his elbows and give them a small shake. “Anyway, what I saw certainly didn’t seem stale. Seems like you were having a pretty good time.”
“A good time just isn’t enough anymore...”
You clap a hand over your mouth to stifle your laughter as he paces around the room, more serious than you’d ever seen him
Over a karaoke contest to a Dolly Parton song
He snaps his fingers as he finally comes to his realization, approaching you with a sinister smile
“I’ve got it! You should perform it with me.”
“Are you serious? No! No no no.”
“Come on, don’t be so closed-minded.” Gojou grabs your hand and yanks you up onto the couch with him. “Give it a shot.”
After much protesting on your part and much silly encouragement on his, you try it out to pacify him, and end up being quite the dynamic duo
As he wished, you perform the comedic act at the karaoke contest, and satisfy Gojou by maintaining his undefeated record
“You know that you owe me big time now, right?” you ask as he admires the cheap trophy he’s just been handed.
He grins, draping his long arm over your shoulders. “Anything you want, you’ve got it.”
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Bakugou discovers the song after Kirishima and Denki put it on his playlist as a joke
Denki had the bright idea to give Bakugou the nickname “dumb blonde” and figured that the prank would be the start of it all
Needless to say, it didn’t go over very well
There was yelling
And a few punches thrown
You eventually have to pull him away, imploring him to calm down
“I’m not going to calm down until that piece of shit is off my playlist.”
You promptly take his phone and hold it in front of him, removing the offending song
“See? Gone. Now please chill out.”
Flash-forward to a week or so later
You happen to walk into the gym for a late night run on the treadmill while he’s there doing weights
Since he was alone before you entered, his music is hooked up to the central sound system, blaring some heavy metal song as he softly hums along in time with his breaths
You don’t think anything of it, giving him a small wave and going to put your own earbuds in
Until the barely-perceptible lyrics seem a little familiar
You pause to listen for a moment, and shoot him a look of shock when you realize that he is, in fact, listening to a heavy metal cover of Dumb Blonde.
“Is this-”
“Shut up,” he snaps, avoiding eye contact and continuing to pump the machine with frightening intensity.
“How did you even find a cover like this?”
“Shut. Up.”
“I’m just so-”
“It just helps me work out, okay?” He lets the weight drop with a sharp clang. “Don’t you fucking dare tell anyone about this.”
You raise your hands in surrender. “I wasn’t planning on it.”
“Good. Now get on with your workout and let me finish mine.”
He focuses his fiery gaze on the faraway wall, but strangely doesn’t bother to change or turn off the song
And you can’t resist pulling your phone out, pretending to take a selfie while you’re actually, in fact, filming him behind you
“I can see you, stupid,” he snaps. “I’m serious. I’ll fucking kill you.”
You jump in fear, the phone falling from your hands.
“I wasn’t!” You fib. “Besides, it’s away now.”
But little did he know, you had already captured everything you needed to see, and the footage was already on its way to Kirishima and Denki
You know that you’re beyond dead once he finds out what you had done, but the amusement of it all is beyond worth it
Besides, maybe now he’d think twice before the next time he makes fun of someone.
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class1akids · 4 years
BNHA 289 - Thoughts
Well, our final line-up is here, and almost half of it is the Todoroki family. So I’m sure it will be a banger.  (Also, BJ is not here, but we all know he will be a part of it, so I guess there may be other surprise guests not featured here)
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OK, so let’s start with Iida, who is showing his steady character development by flipping off orders and running to help his “dear friends” (and Bakugou). He also makes this reference to the Stain-fight, in case someone didn’t quite catch the Important Parallels. Contrast this with the Iida of the entrance exam, who was more worried about the instructions than saving people, while now he has a strong moral core, and knows exactly what’s important for him. 
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If you thought Shouto was weird catching Bakugou by the leg - well, consider him catching Midoriya with his back (butt), and he’s basically carrying the entire team. (Even if Endeavor is helping with the feet-rockets, and even if the landing is a bit rough, this is no small feat...)
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Then comes the little triage nightmare - because all three look terrible, and also just realizing that this whole time Shouto had no idea if Deku and Bakugou were even alive. 
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Just a small aside... In this chapter again - Shouto calls everyone by their normal names, except Endeavor. I guess referring him by his hero name is Shouto’s way to keep the emotional distance. 
As he’s busy delivering more first aid...
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we see Shigaraki still not doing the favour to get knocked out. His giant spider-impersonation is an interesting visual - my best guess that it’s AFO trying to keep him away from the heroes, while he is trying to attack...
Also, that literal two-face split of his face... Now he talks both as AFO and as Tomura. It will be interesting to see who is in charge by next chapter. 
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Still it allows Nejire to come in with a badass attack and Iida to swoop in as well. I hope she will get some of the action she was shafted of in the Overhaul arc. 
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Also, look at her face as she spots the injured Ryukyu. We are about to witness the wrath of the fairy queen.
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OK, so Shouto’s happiness doesn’t last long, because Iida delivers the bad news immediately - and Shouto is like, yep, if giant monster is incoming, please take Midoriya away, because he’s batshit crazy and will fight, noodle-arms notwithstanding. 
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And Midoriya is like, no, you can’t take me away, because I’m the main character, take Endeavor and Kacchan instead...And Shouto doesn’t even react to his nonsense, and is getting all fired up, because he finally gets to do an attack and show us his flashfire
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LOL, as if, says Horikoshi, and we cut away to the girl-fight... where if you remember, Toga wanted to ask a very important question about whether she’s worth saving. Maybe her argument is a bit weakened by all the knife and needle attacks. She also enthusiastically tells Ochaco how she dropped Curious from the sky using her quirk and how it made her happy. True love that. 
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I thought the purpose of the fight was to set up some big Toga infiltration plot-line, but it is really just a conversation. I feel like Toga is trying to find these commonalities between herself and Uraraka - how she used her quirk, how they both love the same boy (ok, the tag over the All Might dollie did make me laugh),
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about how they both suppressed parts of themselves. But in the end, Uraraka doesn’t understand where Toga is coming from. Her answer is clear-cut - these similarities don’t matter - they couldn’t be more different  - villains who hurt others must suffer the consequences. 
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I think this is Toga’s moment to realize that she won’t be accepted by the hero side, no matter how much she loves them and it will be interesting to see where that takes her in respect of her feelings for Izuku and Ochako. But certainly it pushes her deeper towards the League.
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But as Toga runs away - I think Uraraka also realizes (with some suprise) that villains have emotions - they get hurt as well. She can’t understand Toga (mirroring how Deku can’t understand Shigaraki), but just like Deku got a glimpse into how there are similarities between himself and Shigaraki, so did I think Uraraka get a glimpse into Toga enough to be a basis for empathy, when she notices how Toga cried. 
That leaves us with the last hero-villain pair with obvious parallels going on, and I’ve been clowned many times, so I’m not going to say definitely Dabi-reveal, but you know - Dabi-reveal... probably... maybe...
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Also, I can’t believe that we had a perfect Nejire + Shouto vs Shigaraki fight, and the whole thing has been off-panelled. 
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melyaliz · 3 years
Remember Me 9
Master List
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Notes: I'm due in a little over a month... and it's the weirdest feeling.
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
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“Oh my god, I can’t breath” Olive giggled, crumbling into Eliott’s lap. Her husband smiled down at her gently playing with her hair.
“This is serious Olive!” Eliott said, his smile melting away to a very strained serious one. His dark brown eyes studying her face, “it’s the greatest story ever told. Guy dates a woman, woman’s ex is a mob boss who is involved in an illegal fashion, mob boss’s daughter almost gets killed. Now the guy must use his skills from the years of being in the other four movies to get revenge on his girlfriend’s daughter’s father. Tale as old as time “
“I’m just saying they should have killed the guy and the daughter could have gone full ninja killer and taken out her father and his gang.” Olive giggled, wiping her eyes from the tears of laughter that had been rolling down her cheeks.
“That would probably have been a better movie… but would it also have bad dummy shots?” her husband asked.
“Of course” sitting up inspiration struck, “I have an idea!” Eliott watched her as she sat straight up. “You write the action and I will write the romance.”
“How much romance will there be if the daughter is 12 years old.”
“Well romance and character stuff.” she shrugged, “And you can add in all the poorly done dummy blow-ups you want.”
“I will,” Eliott said nodded, “But only if I can use sex dolls.”
“Like, Hard Ticket to Hawaii? Oh, wait! Now hear me out” Olive giggled scooting up so she was now straddling her husband taking his hands in her own. A goofy smile spread across Eliott’s face as he weaved his fingers into her own.
“Oh are we at the wait stage of drunk Olive?”
“Shhhh” she giggled leaning forward slightly brushing her nose on his, “But really, this is serious.” Cleaning her throat for dramatic effect she continued, “a Hard Ticket to Hawaii Death Wish 4 crossover.”
“Oh girl,” Eliott said, his voice hitting a higher pitch on his girl . Olive giggled pushing herself forward so she was resting on his chest.
“I love you.”
“No way really?” Eliott gave a fake gasp  “That’s sooo weird because you know what? I love you too”
“ So just be ready,” Kirishima said, prepping the gang, “She’s… the same but different. ”
The group nodded in unison, game faces ready for whatever was coming. And that something was slowly walking toward when in the form of Bakugou and Olive.
Right off the bat it was obvious something was off. While they were holding hands it looked unnatural. Bakugou’s shoulders were hunched and he seemed to be looking anywhere but at Olive who was talking in the city as if she had never walked down this street before. Her large hazel eyes taking in everything, mouth slightly open.
“Olive! Bakugou!” Kirishima said, waving. At the sound of his voice, Olive looked up and waved, a smile on her face as she looked over at the group of others standing with them. Her eyes intently taking everyone in as if searching for something that wasn’t there
“ Hello! ” she said as they both stood there awkwardly. Hands had been let go and now hanging at their sides. Limp as if unsure what to do.
There were a few more awkward nodes before Kirishima led them all inside toward the balcony seating, their usual stop. “T his place is amazing! ” Olive said looking around her eyes wide as she took in the atmosphere. Everyone froze as the blissfully unaware woman turned to her husband, “ How did you find this place Katsuki? ”
“ I didn’t, you did,” he said as everyone around him winched slightly. The awkwardness was so thick you could almost taste it, and it didn't taste good.
“Oh.” her voice soft as she bit her top lip looking down at her purple painted nails. She had found her polish that morning and had decided to try out the fun colors.
There was a long pause when Mina spoke up, “How’s Clare and Lilly and the others? ”
Olive blinked looking up, “ You know the girls? ”
“ Yeah, we have wine and Rupaul's Drag race nights. I think the last one we did was about a month ago wasn’t it? ” the last statement, more of a question than a comment.
“Uhhh” Olive shrugged unsure how to respond
“ She doesn’t remember it ” Kaminari mumbled to the little pinked haired girl. And again there was a lapse of awkwardness. Turning to Momo from across the table Olive pointed to her shirt.
“ I love your shirt so cute! ” she said, stumbling slightly over her words. Momo lit up pointing to the shirt that Olive had gotten Momo for the hero’s birthday. The words “Females are strong as hell” in English was written in script across the chest. She had gotten it because she always told Momo, who was the 4th hero and number 1 female, that she was the most badass out of everyone (and that ranking didn’t mean shit). Also, they were both addicted to “Unbreakable Kimmy Shimitt”
“Thank you, I’m Momo '' the dark-haired hero said, noticing how much Olive was struggling trying to piece together who was who. Before they had come Momo and her fiancee Shoto Todoroki had decided to treat her like they had met for the first time. “ and this is Shodo, my fiancee .”
“I’m Mina! ” Mina said quickly and everyone else followed suit with a quick round of introductions.
“Yeah, I have pictures ” Olive lit up at the introduction. “The fair.”
“What picture did you have ?” Momo asked, leaning forward.
“This one of the fair? ” Olive said, holding up the phone leaning over the table to hand her the phone. Watching them Kirishima chuckled leaning toward Bakugou.
“Why are they across the table from each other?”
Bakugou shrugged, rolling his eyes, not shocked by the poor seating choices. After coordinating this whole night was he really now in charge of seating as well?
“Oh, that was so fun. ” Momo smiled looking at the photo. Memories of her trip to the US where Olive had given her the grand tour.
“ Oh is that the American Fair? What other pictures do you have? Do you have the one from when we all went to that spa? Do you have the one of us in those masks making the peace sign? What about... ” Mina was bursting with questions going way too fast for Olive to keep up. The poor girl’s smile looked slightly strained as she tried to look like she was understanding more than every other word from the excited pink haired girl.
“You’re going to fast for her! ” Bakugou barked out noticing the very overwhelmed look in his wife’s eyes, “ She's still learning .”
“Oh sorry Olive” Mina whispered looking down at her hands feeling her face flush.
“Don’t yell at her.” Olive said good naturally in English nudging Bakugou playfully with her shoulder. The blonde looked like the wind had been knocked out of him her words cutting him harder than he wanted to admit. “Which picture did you want to see Mina?”
Before the pink girl could respond the waiter came up to introduce herself and take drink orders.  A look of desperation came over Olive’s face as she looked down at the menu. Anxiety quickly flooded her system. The social pressure of trying to be normal while navigating a language she was still learning was extremely stressful. And this was besides the fact she had no idea what was good here or what she would like to order. Did she had a regular drink here? If so, what was it?
Desperately she looked down at the Japanese characters as if they would suddenly jump out and give her all the answers.
A large hand slammed over the menu making Olive lookup. Bakugou’s intense red gaze met her hazel one.
“I’ll order for you,” he said softly in English, more of a statement than an offer. His red eyes studding her as if reading all her thoughts. She smiled softly at him making him flush slightly looking away from her to the waiter ordering quickly.
“Thank you” she whispered, her hand gently brushing against his arm. Her fingertips leave a trail of goosebumps in their wake. It felt like her touch was fire.
Quickly he rubbed his arm as if he could put out the flames that were licking at his skin.
Fuck. He had it bad.
“Yeah well you looked so lost.” he grumbled looking away turning to Kirishima who was intently watching the conversation with the most annoying smile on his face. “ What are you looking at? ” Struggling Kirishima’s annoying smirk didn’t fade but he offered no explanation for his expression.
Lucky for Bakugou the conversation shifted to other things. Work, life, weird food Kaminari had tried last week on his trip to Bermuda.
Olive quickly picked up her conversation with Momo about the place she was looking into for her wedding and life in general. Since they were - as Kirishima had pointed out- sitting across the table from each other, Olive had to basically lean up over the top of the table to shout of the music that was playing in the background.
Bakugou couldn’t help but frown watching as his wife literally looked like she was crawling over. Her eyes bright as the two talked. It was the most enthusiastic she had been in a long time.
“If you want to be with her so bad go sit over there, ” he said, it came out much harder than he had meant it to be. But he was annoyed and sometimes -ok most times- had a hard time masking his emotions. Olive blinked looking up at him confused for a moment before getting up from her seat moving over - much to Momo’s delight- to sit down next to her. He could see her pulling out her phone probably to show off pictures of Dolemite. Or maybe to ask more about the people who littered it. He could tell she felt awkward about asking him those questions. Knowing it hurt.
But also he wanted her next to him. To feel her next to him. To know she was still there with him.
“ OMG I love this song !” Mina squealed as a song came on.
“ Let’s dance, ” Momo said, getting up knowing Olive loved to dance. Normally she was the one dragging the girls onto the floor. At the promise of dancing Olive lit up as she stood to follow them. However before she left she glanced over at Bakugou, as if checking in with him.
“Why are you looking at me? Go!”
Olive flashed him a wide smile before following the girls into the crowd. The other two girls grabbed her laughing as they swayed with the music. Not having to talk just laughing and enjoying each other’s company. The universal girl code of good music and alcohol.
Three songs later and she was slowing down, taking a moment to breathe looking around the dance floor.
And that was when she thought she saw him.
Long blonde hair pulled up in a man bun. A basic flannel shirt, on the shorter side with broad shoulders leaning on the bar, his back to her.
Her brain zoned in on it, for a second she forgot he was dead. Forgot he was gone.
That first month after his death she saw him everywhere. Heard his laugh. Sensed his presence. Slowly it had gotten better. His presence slowly fading from the bright sun of the day to the dark of night or in those first moments when she was waking up. And even more recently his presence had slowly faded. Her brain too busy trying to understand this whole new life she was living to focus on the loss.
But as the man turned and she saw it was clearly not him something washed over her. Hit her right in the face crushing her inside.
She didn’t even realize she was crying until Momo came up and hugged her.
“What happened?” she whispered in English as Olive raised her hands to her face trying to stop the tears. But they wouldn’t stop. Her chest so heavy it felt like her whole body was filled with sadness and the only way out was through her tears.
“I just… I thought… I saw Eliott.” she hiccuped, “I’m sorry… I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Momo asked, frowning as she studied Olive. Mina, whose English was not as good, hovered around them both rubbing Olive’s shoulder trying to understand what had happened.
“I just… can't stop crying.” Olive sobbed trying to take deep breaths to gain control of herself.
“It’s been a lot for you.” Momo said, “come here” she hugged the girl for a moment before pulling away.
“ It’s ok to miss someone. ” Mina said, holding out a napkin she had grabbed from the bar.
“Yeah and for you it’s been very recent.”  Monmo added nodding
“I just feel guilty… Katsuki.” Olive fumbled through the words trying to explain all the emotions that were swerling like some muddy concoction in her chest.
“ Oh Bakugou can get over it. ” Momo said, waving her hand trying to keep her words simple so both girls could understand what she was saying, “ he gets all moody but he really cares about you. ”
“ Yeah, the first time I met you he was so… relaxed. ” Mina said, trying to find the right words, “ None of us had ever seen him that way before. ”
“ He was happy. ” Momo nodded, “ He will be fine, you need to focus on yourself.”
From across the bar Bakugou had lost sight of where the girls had gone. The crowd was getting thicker and thicker as the night had dragged on. He knew Olive would be safe with Momo and Mina there but still, he wanted to make sure she was ok.
And then he caught a glimpse of them. Standing at one of the far corners of the dance floor. Momo and Mina standing over Olive, hovering around her with concern on their faces. For a moment Mina moved and he could see Olive clearly, holding a small white napkin wiping her eyes.
“ Hey bro where are you ?”
“ Just drink your beer. ” Bakugou interrupted Kirishima as he quickly made his way to the dance floor. Momo’s eyes met his and she shook her head but he didn’t care. Olive wasn’t Momo’s wife, she was his. They were supposed to be distracting her, not reminding her about her memory loss.
“Hey,” he said, reaching out for her. Olive turned eyes wide, still slightly glassy from her tears. Her makeup smudged. “Dance with me.” pulling her away from the girls who looked like they were about to protest. But one death glare from Bakugou told them not too.
He led her across the floor, his red eyes studying her as she took a few shaky breaths. Trying to compose herself. After a few moments her body slowly relaxed letting him lead as he felt her slowly lose herself in the music again.
“You dance?” she asked looking up at him.
“Depends.” he said shrugging
“Humm” she hummed, nodding like Eliott was what she was thinking. Eliott Eliott Eliott. Even Momo got more out of her than him. He felt like she was more comfortable around everyone but him. “You know” she said leaning forward resting her head on his chest catching him off guard. “I like to be with you too.”
He froze, his stomach clutching tightly, his breath coming out in a short gasp. She looked up at him with those hazel eyes studying him. “What you said about Momo, I like being with you too.”
“I heard you the first time” he said sharply only to soften quickly.
“I… I obviously liked being with you before or I wouldn’t have married you.” she added a genuine grin spreading across her face.
“That would make sense.” He said nodding as they swayed in the music both caught up in their own thoughts. Eyes meeting, dancing in the lights overhead. For a second it felt as if time stood still and Olive was sworn she wasn’t in real life but in some weird musical romcom. As if her whole life was some televised novel filled with hi-jinks and drama.
Caught up in the moment Bakugou gently leaned forward, his nose brushing hers before pausing. Her heart leapt into her throat at the soft intimate touch. Crimson eyes searching hazel for a moment before moving closer, his warm breath caressing her ear.
“Let me kiss you?”
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Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @myraticm
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Bully Part 2 (Bakugou x Reader)
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Genre: Crack, fluff, slight angst, Baku-having-feelings-and-being-soft (bc that's totally a genre)
Sequel to Bully (part 1)
Word count: 2,319
Tags:  @yuki-osaki @liviitehe @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog
a/n: This ended up being longer and slightly more emotional than I expected.  Seems like I’m following the trend of getting the BNHA boys to say what’s really on their minds (I’ve already done this for Todoroki in case you were wondering), so Baku will be ooc and soft here.
This came out later than I intended because...let’s just say I was having a mental breakdown over a really long and really naughty Todo fic here and I ended up calling my little cousin and crying and laugh-crying and shaking and losing my collective mind because none of my friends would know what I was going through.  And I was in no headspace to write fluff afterwards, she had to force fluff headcanons into me to go back to normal.  Yall should thank her.  Enjoy~
None of us had any idea how or why Bakugou suddenly started acting this way.  Apparently, he was completely normal until I walked in.  All I did was open the door to the classroom, my gaze just so happened to land on Bakugou, and suddenly I heard loud stomps towards me.
I held out a defensive hand, ready to shoot out branches at him if he got too close.  "Bakugou-" I threatened.  And he did the unthinkable.  He gripped me in a choke hold around my shoulders and neck.
Actually, no.  He...hugged me?
My clenched fists and the hush that fell over the rest of the students told me this is the first time all day he's done something out of character, something I definitely wasn't expecting.  We hadn't talked since I almost jumped out of a window last week.  This entire week, he was ignoring me.  I was preparing for the day he would finally confront me, and I pictured it would be an aggressive encounter.
This is far from anything I'd imagined.
I never ever thought this porcupine-head could even show affection, that he even has a single gene of softness in him.  Yet he was embracing me tightly, nuzzling his face in my neck.  The shock of it all made me freeze up and cast a sideways glance at Midoriya, who was just as freaked and confused.
"Get off, Bakugou, what are you-"
The boy lifted his head up, his scarlet eyes softened into fondness and a gentle smile on his lips made the rest of my words catch in my throat.  This entire expression was foreign to all of us.  His face can look like that?
"I missed you over the weekend."
My jaw dropped.  HIS VOICE CAN SOUND LIKE THAT??  The smooth and sweet honey tone was way out of character for him.
But like hell I trusted any of this.
I wiggled my arms up to push his weight off me.  "I don't know how you managed to become such a great actor," I succeeded in separating from his vice grip, "But if you think disorienting me like this can be some sort of revenge, you're sorely mistaken."
Bakugou tilted his head, resembling a sad puppy.  "What do you mean?"
I straightened my uniform.  "Nice try, I know you're just acting so you can, like, throw me off the building or something."
That seemed to hurt him, his jaw gaping open before holding my face in his calloused hands.  "I'd never do that to you."
I quickly swatted his hands away, wary that he was about to blow my face off.  "Don't. Touch. Me."
The boy froze in place, then rubbed the back of his neck.  Regret seeped through his eyes as he stared at the ground.  "I'm sorry, about everything."
A strange warmth rushed through me.  Something about how genuinely vulnerable he looked shook my entire being.
"I just...really wanted you to give me a chance all this time, but I went about it the wrong way."  He encased me into another bone-crushing hug.  "But I want to make up for it."
I felt a thud in my chest,  probably from fear that he might hurt me.
At that moment, the teacher walked in.  "Alright everyone, take your seats."  He noticed Bakugou's position, gawked for a second, and cleared his throat.  "Uh, Bakugou, let go of (L/n) and take your seat."
"I dare any of you extras to yank me off, I'll blast you into next week!"
He's back, kind of?
Nobody made a move to do anything, they were all frozen by the sight of Bakugou clamped onto me like a koala.
"I'll survive...somehow," I assured them, unsure myself how exactly I would do that.
For the entire rest of class, the boy clung onto me.  He had taken over the seat of the person who normally sat on my left and scooted the chair over so he can stay attached to me.  Though I reasoned for him to hold onto just my arm (since he wouldn't let go no matter how many times I asked), he hugged my waist with both of his arms, face buried in my neck.  I was just glad he left one arm for me to write notes with.
If this was just an act, he did a splendid job of keeping it up.  I thought he would've given up after an hour or two, but he stayed like that even after lunch until the end of the day.  Anytime anyone would even walk past us, he would glare at them until they scurried off.
It was super weird at first, but I got used to the arrangement somehow.  I hate to admit it, but I even felt comfort by his warmth.  His breath tickled my neck as his solid arms held me in a vice grip.  I found myself hoping this wasn't acting, and thanking whatever miracle made this happen.  This was never going to happen again, I might as well enjoy it for now.
"Back off, you damn Deku!"  He bares his teeth at the cowering Midoriya, still attached to me at the hip.
I sigh, finally fed up with this whole ordeal.  "Midoriya, I'll handle this, I'll call later."
The poor broccoli boy nods and scampers away from us.  Bakugou insists on not letting go until I'm home safe, even when I repeated that I live in the opposite direction as him.  He won't even let Midoriya near me.
I lead us both over to a bench outside of school.  I'm still not convinced that this isn't an act, but I might as well try to talk to him after the incident last week.  "Get off," I order, scooting over to one side of the bench.  When he doesn't obey, I add, "I wanna talk, so I need to see your face."
After a brief moment of hesitation, he eases off my body, rolling up to sit facing me with a leg propped up on the seat.  A dumb smile is on his face.
God, that still freaks me out.  I stare at him calculatingly.  He hasn't said a word to me the whole day, only barking at other students as he holds onto me.  I want answers.  "You're sure this isn't some stupid revenge plot to get back at me?"
He shakes his head, propping his arm up on the seat and resting his head there.  His wordless, lovestruck stare probing me.
I sputter, "Why are you acting this way then?"
"I like you."
I almost choke at his quick response, my chest throbbing again.  "S-Stop looking at me that way, I can't take you seriously!  I admit, it's freaking me out!"
"My feelings freak you out?" he says sweetly, brushing the side of my face softly.
I slap his hand away, "You don't have feelings for me, just drop the act already!"
His smile disappears.  "It's not an act, I'm being serious."  Hurt laces his voice.
I cross my arms over my chest.  "Yeah, well, it's very hard to take you seriously when you've been a heartless, pompous, mean jerk for all of middle school."
Bakugou's eyes downcast and his arm falls into his lap.  "I...I don't know how else to show how I feel."  Raw emotion drips from his eyes as he bites his lip, almost like he's gathering his thoughts.  "I act like a jerk because...  I just feel so pressured.  Everyone expects so much of me just because my quirk is so strong."  A dark chuckle emits from him, "Even my mom has ingrained it in me that I need to be strong so I don't burden anyone with being weak.  So I've been projecting my frustrations onto everyone else.  Deku is just the easiest person to pick on because he's the weakest person, he has no quirk!  And I'm just self-centered because I have to tell myself that I'm strong or else...I might slip.  Call it an inferiority complex, I guess."
I won't lie, I didn't go into this expecting a therapy session.  Part of me does sympathize with him, but the rational side of me is still skeptical of this entire monologue being an act.  I wouldn't put it past him for thinking up such an elaborate plan in a week.  And none of it excuses him for telling Midoriya to kill himself.  "Not that I don't believe you, but so what?" I blurt out.
He grabs my hand in both of his, eyes fully emotional and staring into mine.  "I like you, (Y/n).  I see how kind you are to everyone else, how you've stayed by Deku and supported him this entire time.  I admire you.  You're the kind of person who I know would become a great hero because you always know just what to say to people to make them feel better, not to mention you're so badass too.  And...in a way, there's something in me that wants you to care about an idiot like me, too."
Tightness tugs in my chest.  Damn it, he needs to stop being so emotional, I can't handle it.  "I want to help you, Katsuki, but what you said to Midoriya crossed a line.  I can't overlook that."
His head drops onto our joined hands and his body starts shaking.  "Damnit!" he grits out, "I can't believe I've done so much wrong that the person I like can't even forgive me."
I shut my eyes, not wanting to see him cry.  "Katsuki-"
Bakugou's head snaps up and takes my head between his hands.  "Do you even have the smallest feeling for me?"  His red orbs swim in tears.
A soft spot in my heart persuades me to gently rub the wet trails off his cheeks.  "I'm...not sure."  I won't lead him on, I really don't know how I feel anymore.  It's that I hate him, I don't like the things he says or does.
"Help me, (Y/n)," he practically begs, "I'll become a better person, I promise, but I need you to guide me, please."
This sudden magnitude of emotion other than anger disorients me.  Is this something he's kept locked away somewhere in the recesses of his mind?  I absently nod in agreement against some of my better judgement.
His shaking form steadies as he stares me down quietly.  "Can I...kiss you?" he whispers out of the blue.
My lips slightly part and my eyes widen as he leans into me, softly pressing his mouth against mine.  Our kiss is innocent, as if time just stood still and washed a warm glow on us.  My stomach flips weightlessly, and I gently grip one of his wrists to ground me.  He pulls away just for a moment, letting us linger in the moment and sensation of one another.
His eyes flutter open, facing me with the same loveliness he's showed me all day, before confusion suddenly dawns on him, and then his cheeks color red and he pulls away, almost retreating to the other edge of the bench.
I blink, not sure what just happened, but the tumbling in my abdomen still present.  "Uh...Bakugou...?"
The boy doesn't even want to face me.  "Did I really just do that?" he mutters to himself, the raspy growl that's more characteristic of him returning.
My heart sinks.  "Do you-?"
"Hey, don't look so upset," he glares at me before flushing again.  "I...somehow...know everything I did...  It was me...but it wasn't...really me."
"But everything you said-"
He growls and crosses his arms over his chest, looking away from me.  "Everything I said was true!  I just... I'm surprised I did it, and I was such a pansy about it."
I roll my eyes.  He's back, for real this time.  "Well, if that's the case, I won't hold you accountable-"
"Wait," Bakugou sighs, running a hand through his hair.  "I stand by everything I said, even the whole...thing...about you helping me."  It almost hurts him to say it.
I fold my arms over my chest and stand up.  "You don't have to force yourself to be good if you don't want to.  Things can go back to the way they were."
"I don't want it to!" he yells.  "I'll work at being less of an idiot if it means...that you'll...go out with me."
I examine him, all red-faced and uncomfortable, unable to look me in the eyes.  "I'm not gonna go easy on you."
He stands up and finally garners the courage to look at me again.  "I'm willing.  I'll try hard, I promise."
After thinking it over a moment, I relax my figure and place a kiss on his cheek.  "That's your reward for consciously admitting that you have a problem."
Bakugou's eyes bulge out of his head and I have to suppress my chuckles.  "Will there be more rewards?" he mumbles.
"Only if you really try."  I lean forward, catching him off guard and finally letting out a small fit of laughter.  "You know for most of the day, you were hanging onto me like I was you handbag, now you're shying away from me."
He scratches his burning neck.  "Hey, that wasn't me."
"It was a you that probably showed your deepest darkest wants," I tease, a smirk playing on my lips.
"Sh-Shut up, don't be so smug about it!"  He lightly shoves me away, digging his hands into his uniform pants pocket.  "You're the one asking for it because you liked it, stupid."
"Ah-ah," I hold up a finger like a teacher reprimanding a kindergardener.  "First thing is for you to stop calling people names."
He groans.  "Fine.  (Y-Y/n)."  His cheeks color all over again.
I slip my hand in his and his blush intensifies.  "Was that so hard to do?"
"Shut up," he mumbles softer this time.
He's a fixer-upper, he's still got a lot to learn, but hopefully, he'll get there eventually.
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Ok so I've been stalking your blog for the past couple of hrs after seeing your TadaAi posts (I'm drowning in the period drama that is this ship) and I find you ship Tododeku and rinharu (god i can't stand bakudeku and makoharu) and seems like we share a lot of our views on fandom and ships probably because we're older (I'm 22). Followed and looking forward to your input in the future!
Also you might've given me the motivation to finish watching Free! XD
Hehe yay, please, we need more ppl in our “house of oldies”, make yourself at home lol. And we share a lot of ships?! Even better <3
I knooow, I can’t believe we’ve got a gay “master who fell in love with his servant” ship in the anime, just what I needed for my idiotic collection lmao
But also these two have too much going on between them, so much wasted potential in my opinion, it’d be so interesting to explore (but sadly no xD), they were still the only interesting thing for me lolz. I love complicated morons, who became the victims of a huge unrequited requited love misunderstanding, bc they’re insecure morons lmao and they just have 2 of my fav ships vibes, so it’s probably mostly this haha. 
Oh, I’m inputting *wink wink*, can’t wait to finish the vid, I’m having too much fun with it. I’ve just literally spent several minutes trying to get whether I’ve put Tadashi’s sexy mole in the right distance from his eye in the “him moaning on the table” manip lolz. What can I say... I picked the best hobby, with all the support I’m getting with my vids, I’m living a dream xD
You know, I think I’ve said it before, but when it comes to bakudeku, I at least understand what ppl hope to see there and why, but like.. it’s just not happenning. Also imagining Bakugou lovingly hugging Midoriya is just so OOC I start laughing all the time. And whatever ppl say, in any ship whether they’re enemies or rivals or anything, if you can’t imagine them being tender with each other, smth is not right in my opinion. Also once again, who needs idiotic bleating Midoriya, idk. I’m just tired of the endless “die, deku/out of my way” yelling, I like watching Bakugou going to parties and amusement parks and doing silly stuff, too. Like I’ve said before, pride won’t ever let him change the way he behaves with Midoriya, even when they’re doing “great”. If he was the one, it wouldn’t have mattered, no matter how tough you are, and it wouldn’t take that long. I also don’t think they’re that kind of relationship, like they move each other for sure, sometimes, yeah (not always in a good way tho), but be together in a relationships? Can’t imagine that. Like not all rivals have the rivals to lovers dynamic, no matter what ppl say. But I get the shipping, bc 1stly these two are playing too huge of a role in each other’s lives, 2ndly Midoriya is obsessed with him and Bakugou obsessed with him too (just in a bad way lmao) and 3rd ppl want that “enemies to lovers” dynamic, since many love it (me included, when it done right and progresses right), so they’re trying to write that “to lovers” bridge, that just doesn’t fit here in my opinion, simply bc Bakugou won’t be soft with Midoriya, like ever in a way, you’d want, and I don’t think it’s possible for them to go there.
Tododeku on the other hand, 1stly they also play too huge of a role in each other’s lives, 2ndly Midoriya is obsessed with him too and Todoroki is lovingly obsessed with him in return, 3rdly they are also rivals to lovers, and I have no problem imagining the second part, it won’t be OOC, 4thly Midoriya when he’s with Todoroki is my fav Midoriya, he’s happy, he is cocooned and he’s badass af (and like when he told Endeavor to fuck off or yelled at Todoroki “the fuck are u doing?” xD are still the best), 5thly Midoriya forgets about Bakugou, when he’s with Todoroki a lot and it’s just funny to me, 6thly they healed each other so nicely, I can’t not be into that, 7thly when they’re together I have like 0 worries, idk I’m like “he will catch him” anyways haha, Bakudeku just don’t give me this vibe. It’s like yeah, they won’t let each other die, but it’s always this chaos of “out of my way”, “I don’t want your help” and “let me punch you before I punch the villain” that I’m just “oh for god’s sake, pls bring in Kirishima and Todoroki so we could just go home, it could’ve been solved in 2 minutes” lmao. Etc, etc.
Tododeku just have too many winning points over bakudeku for me, same with kiribaku over bakudeku, even tho I 100% get bakudeku as a ship ofc. Also idk whether things would be different if Todoroki wouldn’t exist in the equation, but the moment I saw that s2 scene where Bakugou started yelling and Todoroki just ignored him and was like “was Midoriya always this good?”, there was no going back to me XD. Like they both obviously see that Midoriya is wonderful, but only one reacted to that in a way that I wanted. And I’m a sucker for the ships who don’t give a fuck and like “yeah, I find him amazing and everyone should know that”. Todoroki is also one of those guys, who if you give them the much needed love, they’ll return it tenfold with a forever devotion. And all of my fav ships are like that: Yullen, Rinharu, Mikayuu, Wangxian, Akakuro, etc. They’re like “well, I ain’t an idiot to let someone this precious go”, you know lol
On the other hand, when it comes to Kirishima, Bakugou can do all kind of ridiculous thing I wouldn’t imagine he would do to keep him or make him happy, you know. Kirishima is also the only one, who can put his arm around Bakugou without it being cut off, so I don’t make the rules here lol.
So it’s not like I can’t stand bakudeku, more of like can’t imagine this work, to me it’s easier to imagine todobaku in a relationships, but not bakudeku lolz.
But when it comes to makoharu, I just have a huge problem with it and I will never get it. Bc they don’t bring anything good in each other like AT ALL, I don’t even understand what kind of relationships this is from their shipper point of view; they give each other nothing, and one of them is totally in love with someone else and wants a future with him. And that someone also head over heals with him and also wants a future with him. And I hate how 99,9 % of mh fans don’t give a fuck about Haru or Rin whatsoever and just ignore their character’s everything. Bc Makoto. I’m also like if you love him so much, the fuck would you want him to be with Haru anyways, dude doesn’t reciprocate, like at all. I’m at confusion, like name good points of this ship and what good can they do for each other characteristically. There is none, it’s like a damn swamp. Like usually I can give my notp some points, but this is like... they’re both no good for each other... like... why would anyone even want this idk. Don’t tell me “for the childhood friends” one-sided dynamic, like why won’t you also ship Shion with Safu then, like even he seemed more invested in that, than Haru in makoharu lol.
Even if you think of them from the point of view of “the two who are always walking together” ships, that are everywhere nowdays (even tho since Haru moved to Tokyo, he was always with Asahi instead), but even if... those kind of ships are usually at least make each happy and are enough for each other. Haru on the other hand, when he doesn’t have Rin, he is walking with Makoto like a ghost, not even caring if he’s talking next to him AND he’s getting ennoyed by him. Like explain, how someone’s shipping them romantically. It’s been showed like 20 times, that with Rin, but without Makoto, he can be perfectly happy, without Rin tho, he never is.
Also someone explain, what exactly is the point of splitting up two characters, who are happy together, make each other the best versions of themselves and want to be together whole-heartedly? Like I know many start shipping smth, bc the relationships are better in the other pairing, for example, but this is like... definitely not the case here. Like what exactly is missing in rinharu, that makoharu has? Lack of progression and mutual inspiration?
So yes, if you’re into rinharu, totally finish Free! They’re like doing sooo incredible and holy shit they’re inspiring, I mean, look, they’re now the tokyo olympics ambassadors, like how many of yall gay ships reached that? you can’t miss out on them, and also they’re so hilariously romantic, they literally made a wish to swim with each other since they were 13 and did everything to get each other there, I’m.. you’re lying, if you didn’t cry watching them as chibies making wishes on a star and watching them now. One of the most wonderful development in my opinion. Like who would’ve thought back in s1, that we’ll get Haru yelling on top of Rin about how he made him want a future with him, def not me lmao and now all the olympics boyfriends fanfiction are true, I mean, idk what to say anymore. I miss them so much, I can’t wait for the movie :D
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monst · 4 years
T’is the season Day 19
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Day 19 Ugly Christmas Sweaters 
I’ve been dying to do this one. I had the plot for this planned since it was requested in November :D It’s probably not what you guys were expecting but that was my goal ;)  Enjoy? ^.^
Warnings: Mentions ‘Bakugou’ like a thousand times. Bakugou at his softest! 
Bakugou Katsuki 
Bakugou Katsuki was predictable at times, he had a set schedule for everything from training to eating and sleeping. His bursts of anger were also predictable to some degree. As someone who knew what set him off it didn’t come as a shock to you when his palms would crackle in fury. To you a Bakugou yelling off the top of his lungs about something was the norm it was Bakugou being well Bakugou. 
However, what was occuring wasn’t the norm. You were actually quite terrified. You wondered if he had come down with something or if it was even the explosive blonde standing before you. Hell this could be someone with a transformation quirk or worse it could be the real deal under the influence of a quirk.
“Are you gonna keep on looking at me like an idiot lost in space or are you gonna take the fucking sweater?” He grumbled. 
You narrowed your eyes and pursed your lips at him; this was most definitely Bakugou you thought. With a roll of your eyes you took the sweater he offered you. When it was finally in your grasp he turned his head waiting for you to examine the cloth. And, that you did. Your facial expression changed about five different times in the span of three seconds. Until you finally settled on the incredulous look; which you shot at the blonde.
“Katsuki what the-” Before you could finish he unzipped his jacket to show you the mirror image of the sweater you held in your hands. He had gotten you a matching ugly Christmas sweater. You held back a snicker as you saw the pink tint on his face grow darker. 
“Shut up and put the thing on.” He flushed. 
You honestly thought it was adorable. Therefore you opened the door to invite him inside while you changed. While you slipped on the surprisingly comfortable sweater you couldn’t help but think of what had brought this on. When you had walked back out into your living room he was on you immediately. His vermillion orbs took in every detail while adjusting the material. You shot him a questioning glance which was ignored as he inspected the sweater. When he was done he stepped back.
“Good it fits you well.” He mused. “Grab your stuff we’re going.”
“Going? Going where?! Katsuki?” You questioned as he turned to leave. He turned and pinched the bridge of his nose while giving you a pointed stare. 
“You forgot didn’t you?” He frowned. You intelligent reply was a sophisticated and eloquent ‘Uh?’ “Dumbass, I even marked it down on your phone. Today is my stupid family dinner.”
“Oh… Oh! Shit I’m sorry Katsu I totally forgot.” You apologized. “You said your grandma was going to be there too.”
You quickly gathered your things while Bakugou rushed you. You were upset that you didn’t have the time to get ready properly but your boyfriend was hellbent on making it on time. You really couldn’t believe you had forgotten after all, he had grumbled about it for the past two weeks. And, the more you thought of it the less you wanted to go. You didn’t hate his mother and father it not in the slightest. The issue lied in the arguments they’d start over air molecules. Once the both of you were outside Bakugou laced his fingers with your and you began the trek to his parents house. 
“So what gives Tsuki? You don’t like couple clothes and you hate themed sweaters.” You had asked during your walk. 
“My grandma.” He ‘answered’. 
“What?” You questioned.
“It’s a project I promised her I would work on. She gave me the design and told me to make my dumbass of a girlfriend one. The old hag said she’d give me her top secret recipe.” He replied. It took you a moment to process all that paired with the soft look in his usually sharp eyes. 
“Hold up? You made these?!?!” You screeched “Like by hand?!?!” 
He didn’t reply but gripped your hand tighter making you wince. You scoffed at his childishness and didn’t push it any further. You could tell he was already embarrassed he didn’t need you pushing buttons. From what you could already tell Bakugou seemed to have a soft spot for his Grandmother. 
When you both got to his parents' home he did another once over of the sweaters. Once he was satisfied he let the both of you in. Just as it had always been when you visited you were greeted by Bakgou’s mother first who had you in a bone crushing hug the moment Bakugou and you had walked in. Bakugou didn’t take to kindly to her greeting…
“(Name)!!! It’s lovely to see you again. I’m surprised your still with my son!” She joked.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean!” He snarled. 
“Relax son Mitsuki is just happy that your relationship is going on strongly.” His father clarified. 
“Tch whatever.” He scoffed. “Where’s Ba-san”
You were still trapped in his mothers hug when you felt the shaking. She was laughing. She made no move to answer her son as her husband had spoken but she did whisper something to you that made your heart soft. 
“Bakugou loves my mother. Sometimes it feels like he loves her even more than me. Don’t tell him I told you this but, when he was a kid he used to follow her around like a duckling” She made sure to keep her tone low as she told you of Bakugou’s childhood days with his grandmother. 
You were so into the stories that you didn’t notice your boyfriend walking in with his grandmother. That was until he spoke and, when Bakugou spoke it was usually in a volume that was definitely not an inside voice. 
“What the fuck are you telling her.” He frowned glaring at his mother in suspicion. She just raised her shoulders with a teasing smirk. He didn’t get a chance to question he again because his grandmother had zoned in on you. 
“So this is the famous (Name)” She had asked while taking your hands into her own. “Your absolutely adorable. Kacchan has told me so much about you.” 
You quickly shot Bakugou a look and smiled back at the elderly woman. “Katsuki talks about me with you?” You asked.
“All the time deary. It’s always (Name) this or (Name) that. Honestly the child is as the youngsters say ‘whipped’.” She grinned. 
“Bachan!” Bakugou blushed but, you noticed that his tone was ten times lower and, there were no swear words. 
“Oh and the sweater looks lovely.” She chimed. “You did a great job Kacchan.”
“I just followed the instructions.” He mumbled. You really liked this side of Bakugou. You had thought that this type of soft was reserved for you but, you were glad that you were wrong. 
Dinner went on without a hitch and Bakugou would always ask if his grandmother wanted any side dishes. It was really endearing to see the tough hero catering to his ‘Bachan’. The conversations that flowed throughout the night were all light and filled with various stories. When it finally came time to leave his grandmother had hugged you tightly. 
“Please take care of Katsuki for me. He’s a really good boy even though his temper may get the best of him at times.” She had told you. 
“And you Mr. big shot pro hero give all those villains hell for me.” She teased pulling on Bakugou’s cheek while handing him a slip of paper with the promised recipe. You smiled at the blush on his face as he hugged his grandmother goodbye kissing her on the cheek as he wished her a goodnight. You waved goodbye to the Bakugou’s and both you and your blonde gremlin walked back home. 
You didn’t want to walk in silence so you decided to speak of the event. “That was fun.” You had started. “Your grandmother was nice. You seem to have a soft spot for her.”
“Don’t fucking tell any of those extras about today.” He flushed. 
“If you don’t want me to I won’t” You laughed making him look away. “It’s cute though, you really love her don’t you.”
“.....She was my first fan.” He started squeezing your hand gently. You took it as your que to be quiet and allow him to get his feelings out. “Back then before my quirk the old hag wanted me to be a fucking designer. Bachan and, he fought a lot because of it. She said it was fucking stupid to choose for me.”
He stood quiet for a moment longer before deciding to continue. “She was the one who introduced me to All Might.” You could make out the smile on his lips now. “She told me that designing was for pussies and, that with my quirk I’d be a badass hero, then she showed me his videos. It turns out Bachan was a hero back in the day but her quirk was stolen by that AFO bastard.” 
“Then she settled down. She taught me how to cook and shit. She also taught me to fight behind the old hag’s back.” His smile was now melancholic.
“Are you okay Katsuki?” You asked squeezing his hand softly. You heart clenched when you saw tears come to his eyes. Even though you were both in the middle of the street you pulled him into a hug and let his head rest on your shoulder. 
“I don’t get to see her often.” He sighed. “And, she’s not getting any younger. I just...I just don’t want her to fucking go.”
You don’t know how long you held him your hands rubbing circles on his back. You didn’t say anything when you felt your shoulder grow damp. You knew Bakugou and, commenting on it would do more harm than good. Instead you offered him something else. 
“You want to go back and spend the night at your parents’ place?” You asked. 
The nod against your shoulder was as good an answer as any. 
🔥 👶 🎶 🌟 ❄️ 🔔 ⛄️ 👼 🦌 🍪 🥛 🎅 🤶 🧝‍ 🎁 ⛪ 🕯 👪 ✝️ 🎄 🍷 🍴
Baking cookies with Hanta Sero Tomorrow ^.^ Banner comment: One of the shittier ones...
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sunnieskies02 · 4 years
Corrupted Faith
OneShot; Demon Bakugou x F!Reader
Trigger Warnings: NSFW, Degradation, non(dub)con, teasing biting etc
Word Count :4.1k
“ Sister (y/n)!” A small group of kids run towards you happily and wrap their arms around your legs. “ We missed you so much! Are you feeling any better?” You stop wiping the altar and place your hand on top of the little boy's head and squat. “Yes little Theodore. Im doing amazing!” He smiles back at you and in response you pinch his cheeks and pull them turning his face red.
He giggles and runs off with the other children. *What did I do to deserve such an angel like Theodore* Becoming a nun was one of the many things that made your previously glum life exciting. Taking care of the orphaned children, baking for them and giving them a loving environment where they can grow. It made your heart warm, especially since you did this work alongside your best friend Brother Eijirou. You and him have been friends ever since you met each other at the training, and you two have been known as an inseparable pair.
Apart from caring for the children, you have another job at the church. Exorcisms. For an unknown reason, since your birth you’ve been able to see spirits and demons. When you were younger, once these spirits caught on to the fact that you could see them they started to pester you. Making you trip and fall, lifting up your skirt, pulling your hair; it never ended. And because of these pestering spirts, you decided to become a nun, a person of the church who has the power to rid of these spirits.
So for 5 years of your life, you learned how to be a respectful nun, and an exorcist at the same time. The work was grueling, but you were happy with the outcome because it was worth it in the end, you wanted nothing more than to free people from these spirits that cause nothing but trouble. You were a powerful exorcist, a strong one who could do away with and spirits with one simple verse. And with this amount of power you possessed, it was sooner than later that Lucifer’s followers would start to surface.
But none had come. You were surprised, you thought yourself so much as a badass that not a single demon came. Weeks prior after days of exorcising spirits, you thought one of them would surface. You were tense and on guard the entire time just in case one of Morning Star’s followers came up but… they never came. So you were left with one or two things to consider, 1) being that, you aren’t so much of a threat that you thought you were or 2) that they were planning to send someone ridiculously strong. Either one of those thoughts made you lax, * Any spirit that they send my way. They’d be gone in a flash.*
You wake up early on a Sunday morning at 4:30am to get started on breakfast for the orphans. As you grab your caddie and walk down to the bathroom you hear a low creak down the hall. You know that the church is old and that it is still settling as the years go one so you continue inside. You twist the knob for the shower and let it heat up, and as you do so you start to strip down. While you are naked in the bathroom, you turn to make sure that the water is hot and you step inside. You sigh under the scalding heat, hit your back and run through your hair. You stay in the shower for a few minutes, lather up in lavender soap and rinse it off.
Moments later you step out of the shower and continue your morning routine. Now it was 6:00 and you were making your way to the orphanage when you saw him. A tall ash-blonde male with wings as dark as tar and eyes as red as blood covered in tattoos and scribes. You gasp and he darts you a look, without hesitation you relax and try not to make it noticeable that you can see him as bright as day. As you walk past him, you can feel his eyes burning into the back of your head, you take a deep breath in and a deep breath out and open the doors to wake the children.
You were shaken to your core and the image of the demon never left your head. You had not noticed Brother Eijirou walk to your side while you were washing the plates after breakfast , “Hey, y/n you there.” You jump back and look at him, to laugh and punch him in the shoulder and say “Don’t scare me like that Kirishima. You nearly knocked my socks off with that.”
“Well I had to, all the kids said that you’ve been acting strange and out of it. What happened.” You parted your lips to speak but closed them. You could tell that he was concerned because when you look back at him, he showed his puppy dog eyes. ‘Jesus, why does he have to be so cute.’ You roll your eyes and tell him “I-i saw a demon this morning Kiri. And he looked...strong. Really strong.” He rubbed your back and said “Well I’m pretty sure that he was scared by a hot mama like you! And you shouldn’t be scared of anything as long as you have me around right?” Look at him and blow some of the suds at him, “You’re right. As long as you're by my side there should be no--”
You sentence was interrupted by the children’s screams “ SISTER Y/N! BROTHER EIJIROU! Somethings wrong with Theo, he’s acting weird and Brother Midoriya has been trying to help him but its not looking good.” Then an eruption of tears and wails came from the children, you looked at Eijirou, nodded and he headed off. You had to stay behind and calm all of the children down, once you pushed them back into their rooms and told the eldest to keep them in check you ran back outside and froze.
You see Eijirou and Midoriya, covered in dried blood and burn scars. They were really trying to go against Theodore without truly hurting him and that wasn’t all. Your heart tore to pieces when you looked up at Theo floating high into the sky casting down spells and rites around him, he wasn’t the sweet doe-eyed theo from the day before. Theo was covered in caked blood that wasn’t his own and fixtures were swirling all around him. He was simply possessed, but by what? When you got a closer look at him you saw the same eyes again, “Well well well, it's the nun I've been looking for.” Theodore floated down to your eye level and grabbed at your throat, his grip was tight and felt your trachea start to close. With the strength that was left within your body you speak a rite but Theo’s grip got even tighter.
He pulled you to your knees and asked “You saw me this morning right?” You kept your lips shut and spat in his face, he snapped his face back after catching the spit on his cheek, you saw Theo’s body fall to the floor but you still made eye contact with the monster presented before you. He pulled you closer to his face, wiped the spit from his cheeks and licked it. He smirked and said “For a nun who looks so much like a slut under their robes. You taste pretty good.” You gag at his words and he lets you go, you fall to the floor and gasp for air. While you're on your hands and knees, your head is yanked up by your veils and he says “Remember this name, Bakugou Katsuki. This’ll be the name that you will become a slave too.” You smirk and say “You can go straight to hell, Bakugou Katsu--” Your words were cut short by the demon's lips crashing onto yours, his lips were hot and he forcefully pushed his tongue into your mouth exploring every inch of it.
You let out a small moan as his lips parted from yours and your eyes were welcomed to a part of lidded ones. With saliva still connecting your tongues he smiled at you and threw your head back into ground beneath you then vanished, you laid on the ground ashamed that you couldn’t take him down. Out of the blue you were scooped up by Kirishima and he smiled at you, ‘That smile made everything feel amazing.’ You looked at him and smiled, you always got a good kick out of him when he got flustered. Izuku, followed behind the two of you holding Theodore.
Theodore was conditioned with a high fever after the possession and you hated yourself for letting it get out of hand. ‘Why didn’t I handle him when I first saw him?’You rubbed your hands over your face as you sat next to his bedside, you grabbed his hand and rubbed it. You cursed at yourself and felt the hot tears roll down the side of your face, ‘You weren’t strong enough, idiot. You were scared and someone got hurt because you hesitated.’“Yea, shitty woman! That brat got hurt because you bitched out. »
Your head snapped furiously at the door frame and the same demon from earlier was at the door looking down at you. You huffed out a breath and asked “What do you want you heathen? Why go so far to hurt a child than to take me on.” He chuckled and flew close to your face and sneered “Just to make you shrink. You thought you were hot shit from hearing your thoughts, so I decided to take you down a few pegs.” He stopped hovering and placed his feet on the floor and got close to your ear and whispered “And make you work for me instead of this man you claim as your god.” You rolled your eyes, to try and make sure that Theodore was sound asleep to make sure you focused back on him. When you looked back in front of you, he smiled slyly, still looking at you. You emitted a low growl from your throat that then turned into a breathy gasp, you looked down and saw that his hand was under your robes.
You let go of Theodore’s hand to try to move Katsuki’s from your lady parts but when you tried to you felt his calloused finger rub against your clit. A shock ran through your body as he pressed against it, you started to take deep breaths to get focused on removing his hand but the more effort you put into removing his hand the more shapes he drew around your clit. “Your really sensitive you slut. You’re letting a demon assault you while you watch over a bed ridden child. How uncouth of you.” You winced as you felt his finger start to rub between your lower lips while still abusing your throbbing clit. Katsuki released a feral growl as he moved your panties to the side and rubbed his fingers along your lips covering his digits in your slick.
You breathed out hastily as he moved his fingers from under your robes and presented them to you.“Look at what your dripping cunt did to my fingers you whore. Open your mouth.” You clenched your jaw tightly, but to no avail, his hand went under your chin and forced your mouth open, as he shoved his digits in. Without thinking, your tongue rolled around his fingers and you bobbed your head back and forth, with lidded eyes you looked back at his vermillion ones. He moved his digits out of your mouth and pushed them into your pussy. Your head hit the wall as he pushed his fingers deeper into your wet folds. You had to move one of your hands away from his pistoning wrist to cover your mouth, you felt tears prickle at the corners of your eyes.
You looked over at Theodore who was sound asleep with a high fever and you cursed yourself “I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry Theo.” “You are sorry. A sorry slut for allowing a demon to thrust into your clenching hole.” Your eyes snapped back to his and before you could return his harsh words you felt the coil in your stomach tighten up as he curled his fingers into your sponge spot. You let out a silent moan, and allowed your eyes roll into the back of your head in pleasure, you felt so awful about the situation. But it felt so good.
As a nun, you aren’t allowed to have sexuaal relations with anyone, so you are touch deprived ( sexually). That’s why you and Kirishima would try to keep your hands to yourselves because at a point in time you two were all over each other. Exchanging kisses, rubs,holding hands, anything that wouldn’t make you feel alone. But this was different.
The heat that surrounded your body was scorching. Your entire body felt as if it was set aflame by Katsuki’s unrelenting movements into your pussy. Then his smell made it even worse, he smelled like burnt caramel, and the spice it reminded you of your life at home. You wanted to give in, you wanted to give up all that you worked hard for to become a nun. But there were kids here, like Theodore, who needed your help and needed a motherly figure to guide their lives in the right direction.
“S-stop you spawn of satan. I-I’m not mmphf~” You came. The coil that grew hot in your stomach was released all onto his hand. You grabbed onto your robes, working to catch your breath and you looked up at him to see him sneering down at you. “Wow. Look at what you did to my fingers ‘nun’” He held his fingers to your face and spread his fingers out showing how you cum made his fingers sticky a mess. He moved his hand back towards his mouth and licked it, and once he finished licking it he stepped towards you. Your throat was grabbed, you were brought to your knees and you looked up. “I’ve never met anyone who tasted so delicious~” He nibbled at your cheek and licked from your jawline to your ear.
He put you down and said headed towards the window, “Breaking you and converting you will be fun, princess. But until next time.” Then he vanished, you looked to see that Theodore was still asleep, you kissed him on the forehead and prayed for him.
Sometime after Theodore's possession, you started to see more and more of Katsuki. And when you did or didn’t acknowledge his presence he would make sure to play with your slick folds. You hated yourself for the fact that you would already be dripping without him even being there. It made you upset that you aren’t strong enough to fight him off because when he would see you his hands would go straight to your lower lips.
If you were in the middle of a lesson, he’d be toying with your behind, giving it little smacks with his explosive power making you wince. If you were at the altar handing out or helping with communion, how would kneel down under your robe and eat you out furiously. You’d try to stay quiet or keep a straight face but that was no help whatsoever. The more you wanted to hide your moans and faces more the more he wished to bring it out.
You’ve had enough of his tricks and schemes. For months on end after you met him, he would invade your dreams, your work and your bathtimes. You couldn’t get a break, and you didn’t want to admit it to yourself but you were slowly wanting him to come. The more he came to you, the less you resented his advances, you felt your morals fall little by little the more he came to you. You started to realize the more time you spent with him, the more unholy you started to act, lying, cheating the whole nine-yards. So you decided to confess.
You know that your friend Midoriya would be up and normally does confessions at nine in the morning. So when you saw him walking into the booth you sat right in the opposing booth. You both sat in a lingering silence until he spoke, “Good morning Sister (y/n). I hope your morning does you well.”
“It does, Brother Izuku. I hope your morning has been swell as well,” you responded.
“What has you so troubled Sister (y/n)?” he asked. You play with your thumbs and bite your bottom lip. “Well, there is a demon that has been following me and--” Your words stop while you see Katsuki walk through the curtain of the confessional smirk and kneeling. You feel his warm hands slide under youryour robe and reach further up your thigh. You swatted his hand and continued to speak. « He has been making me perform out of character. I’m pretty sure you’ve seen communion or how my face would randomly become flushed.”
You look down at Katsuki and see him pulling you panties down and biting into your inner thighs. You bite down on your finger and whimper as you see his face get closer to your heat. In the moment you totally forgot what Midoriya was saying but snapped back into the confession when he called your name. “Y/n? Y/n?” “Yes Izuku. I-I’m here.”
“Well, why haven’t you got rid of his spirit then? Your very strong exorcist, what has been holding you back?” ‘Why haven’t you!’ It dawned on you that you haven’t tried to expel him. So as you started to open your mouth to speak the rite your lower lips were welcomed with a very thick and wet tongue.” You gasp and look to see Bakugou eating you furiously, his tongue would flick against your clit making you whine is pleasure. Catching your lewd noises, Bakugou stuck out his long, slick covered tongue and thrusted it inside of your folds. Your breath hitches as you felt your walls stretch to the size of his tongue.
Remember that you were confessing, you answer Izuku with a breathless response. “I-I don’t kn-now why? I guess it didn’t cross m-my minnnndd~” At the end of you staggered sentence, Bakugou continues to lift up your robes and reveal your throbbing, wet folds. He gets close to your ear and whispers “Make sure you answer him. Or I won’t let you cum.”
You looked at him and saw that he was hiking you leg up to the side of your face with your cunt dripping onto the floor of the booth. Bakugou shuffles behind you and relaxed his heated cock from his trousers. His cock was thick and tamed with the tip swollen red, pre-cum leaking at the tip. He slowly started to thrust his cock against your folds making you wince. As his cock rubbed against your pulsating clit, Izuku spoke and said “Well if you need help riding of him, I’ll always be here!” He sounded so cheerful, ‘He shouldn’t have to hear this.’ “Let him hear. He’s thought about fucking you. Getting between your thighs and making you moan his name.” You hissed at him trying to resist his thrust up against your
clit you mocked him by saying “Izuku would never be so foul. He’s one of thé purest people I know.”
You felt him smirk near your ear and he said “Well the people and god you believe in are liars behind closed doors. And I’m willing to open you eyes as long as you...submit to me.” You scoffed at his words but suddenly felt the tip of his pulsing cock enter you. You’ve never felt so full. A breathily moan escaped you lips but you hurried to cover your mouth. Izuku called out to you and said “You okay Y/n? Are you sick.” You lied through your teeth, “Ye-yes Izuku. I-I um, I’m fineEEE!” Bakugous thrust deepened into you to the hilt, you scratched his sweat covered chest as he made more thrust into your folds.
It was a feeling of euphoria, but so shame full. You were a Nun, a dignified woman of the church and you were sitting legs wide open with a demon's cock deep within you. “Your Pusey is so fitting for my cock.” A low groan came From Katsuki’s mouth as he moved his hand to the mounds that were trapped within a bra. He ripped it off of your chest and fondled them. You moan lowly as Izuku still was offering his aid in eradicating the demon. Bakugo's hands were warm, and the calloused tips of his fingers pinched your nipples till they became perky. This was so wrong.
His thrust were deep and fast. Every stroke of his cock allowed the vein under his shaft brush against your spongy spot. HE moaned in your ear the faster he got, you cried to him “ N-no, please stop (a/n: Imma virgin…. Aaaaah).” Bakugou licked your cheek and whispered in your ear “Your mouth isn’t honest at all, but your thoughts and your body are.” You whined aty how he was telling the truth. You liked this feeling, he was your first and he was stretching your pussy so gracefully.
“ IN addition to that Y/n, I think you should finally tell Kirishima how you felt about him. Because I know you’ve told me before that you’re into him, but feared rejection. Apart from the demon I could help you with that too. “ Midoriya’s words rang in your head, Eijirou’s name bounced through your brain as you suddenly remembered the fact that you loved Kirishima. His smile. His laugh. His smell, everything about Kirishima you adored and wanted to save yourself for him. Remembering your hidden love for Kirishima rose your spirits to try to get off of Bakugou was viciously shot down by him grabbing your hips and slamming you down onto his cock. You moaned and Izuku asked “ Are you sick y/n? Do you need me to help you back to your chamber?”
“If you don’t answer him princess, you won’t be coming at all.” “N-no! Im fine just a little h-hot under my robes is all.” Izuku sighed, “Well that's good. You and Kirishima would make a beautiful couple with the cutests of babies.” The thought of having children with Eijirou was a pipe dream that you wanted so badly. Going home to his smiling puppy face was what you wanted. Katsuki’s thrust became more harsh, the sound of wet skin slapping against each other was, and could only be heard by you and Katsuki. Because Izuku heard it, who knows what he would’ve done, but you slowly felt a heat pool in your stomach. It was on fire, hot and heavy, your head leaned into the crook of the neck and panted like a hungry, thirsty dog.
Katsuki continued his thrust and as he continued to abuse your pulsating clit what matches the pace of your heart beat. Bakugou bared his fangs and with one final, deep, shapr thrust his teeth sank into supple skin, with small beads of blood pricking the new wounds, a silence whimper escaped your lips and you still felt thick ropes of his cum spill into your womb. He unsheathed himself from your clenching pussy after being filled to the brim, and gave you a tender kis on the temple.
You were outr of breath, panting, quivering and ashamed. You, a powerful nun was lowered to the standards of a mere slut with a cock as fat as your forearm. You felt the hot tears slide down your face and Katsuki looked down at you and pointed to a marking on your right shoulder. It was a capital letter of a tattooed B.K and as he walked out of the booth he said “Sooner than later princess, you will submit to me and become my little slave. And you won’t even see it coming,” he walked back and cupped your face in his hands and continued. “With every thought of me, you sweet pussy will become slick and hot. And you'll need me to fix it for you.” He smirked and disappeared into thin air.
This was going to be one helluva job being a nun with a demon like that.
@lady-bakuhoe @monst @itsmangoose @denkithot @smittenkitten143
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stellar-imagines · 5 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝quirkless vigilante.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou ]
「Scenario for Bakugou and Kirishima in which Class 1-A has a new student who's a quirkless vigilante. They're shy and quiet but tries to be optimistic, living by the quote "One doesn't need a license to be a hero, a hero isn't a career rather someone who is willing to go all the way for someone." Despite being quirkless, they're really good in a fight.」
"This is the new student who'll be joining you starting from today." Aizawa mumbled before gesturing you to introduce yourself to your new classmates. You have seen everyone from the Sports Festival already but seeing them in real life is completely different. Each and every one of them have their own quirks that are suitable for hero work unlike you who happened to be a part of the unlucky bunch to be born without a quirk. Lucky for you, being quirkless didn't really bother you that much. Nothing beats the nervousness of meeting new people, at least in your opinion.
"[L-Last Name] [First Name], nice to meet you all." you bowed quickly, keeping your gaze on your feet as you were too afraid to face your new classmates.
Bakugou thought you were probably just one of those overpowered kids who transferred in late and merely scoffed. No matter who it was, he will still become number one. So what if you're a new student who might be more powerful than him? All he had to do is surpass you. He kept his gaze on you as you tried to finish off your introduction. Someone as meek and shy like you would be hard to work with. The blonde certainly wouldn't want to pair up with someone like you during training because you'd drag him down. Well, he can't see himself being friends with you anyway. Then again, he had never made the effort to befriend his current classmates to begin with so it wouldn't be any different with you.
"I'm quirkless and a former vigilante!"
Surely after that bold announcement, everyone started to ask questions. Bakugou who swore to himself that you wouldn't be given any thought, started to get interested. But of course, it didn't show on his face. Aizawa explained your situation when you began to stutter and incapable of forming proper sentences. Apparently you had been doing hero work illegally and UA had to take the matter into their hands. After a long discussion, they decided to make you get a proper license and education. Bakugou was starting to question how a quirkless person like you manage to become someone capable of doing hero work. His classmates accepted you as one of them a bit too quickly and he could actually see how relieved you were, not that he cared or anything.
His questions were answered one day during Hero Class. It was one of his favorite lessons because he gets to utilize his quirk and show off a bit. Aizawa had gone through the importance of hand-to-hand combat is because there will be a day you might be unable to use your quirk to fight and have to rely on your fists. When he was paired up with you, he didn't have that much expectations actually. It was your first time in Hero Class and honestly, everything overwhelmed you. All the other classes were what you had been going through in your previous school so you had no problem with them. It did feel a bit awkward to be the only one standing in your gym uniform but you tried to be optimistic. 
"[Last Name] and Bakugou. Step forward and do not use your quirks."
Fuck. All his hits were countered and you moved too fluently that it could rival a professional hero. He had to admit that it was pretty fucking cool. He felt like the bad guy in an action movie getting beaten up by the protagonist. It wasn't long until you were announced the winner.
"Amazing, [Last Name]-chan! You beat Bakugou-kun!" Uraraka chirped when you joined the other students who were waiting for their turn.
"You're totally qualified to be a student at UA! Why didn't you apply and decide to become a vigilante?" Ashido questioned.
"Honestly, I don't think that one needs a license to become a hero. After all, what drives people into becoming heroes is the desire to help the ones who're unfortunate to be born without a quirk." you mumbled. Everyone stopped to look at you after hearing you state your reason behind your actions.
"It can be admiration or even kindness, maybe fame. Everyone probably has different reasons but in the end, they choose to be a hero. I may be quirkless but that doesn't mean I'm helpless. Being a hero doesn't require you to have a quirk. Anyone can be one. What matters is their will." you finished your mini speech, you realized that everyone is looking at you now.
Okay, you were a fucking badass.
"You....." Bakugou had stepped closer to you and you instinctively moved back, feeling as though you had offended him somehow. Then again Bakugou was always mad about something. He still couldn't grasp how you could shift from your confident and optimistic side to your usual meek and shy demeanour.
"A-Ah, well, um, I didn't mean to sound so high and mighty. It's just what I personally think! I wasn't trying to piss you off or anything―"
"I'll beat you next time." Bakugou cut you off and walked away. You watched him with confusion written all over your face. Its been less than a day since you knew Bakugou and you has unconsciously stepped into a zone no one has treaded before.
"Did I survive?"
"I think Bakugou is interested in you." Kirishima smiled, nudging you a bit.
"I think he wants to beat my ass....."
"I have an announcement to make." Aizawa had his hands shoved into his pockets as he stood in front of the class.
Class 1-A were all mixed, standing in a scattered manner. Some were standing on the side, some were seated while the rest were doing some warm ups. It was in the middle of training with All Might and Cementoss supervising your class that Aizawa came in. He entered at the right moment, just minutes into their break they were all told to gather around because he had some sort of announcement. However, it was hard to tell what kind of announcement he would make. Nonetheless, Kirishima felt a bit of excitement running through his veins.
"We're gonna introduce a new student who will be joining from you all. Don't cause any trouble and make her feel uncomfortable."
"It's a she!? Do you have a picture of her, sensei!?" Mineta raised his hand enthusiastically. Jirou effectively shut him up by using her quirk and Aizawa took this opportunity to continue where he left off.
"So this is a bit sudden, she will be joining you today. Right now." 
Seriously? How can he drop such an announcement with a straight face like that? They all turned their heads towards the unfamiliar figure who stepped into the gym, clad in UA's gym uniform. You couldn't help but feel like you stood out a bit too much and gulped nervously. All eyes were on you and the feeling of wanting to crawl into a hole and never come―in other words, die. You tried to be optimistic though. These were the people who shared the same dream as you, albeit being different in some ways.
"I'm [L-Last Name] [First Name]! I've been transferred to UA because of breaking the rules, using my quirk without a license to help people!" you stammered. You could hear a few murmurs from the crowd but you weren't done with your speech.
"Also! I-I-I'm quirkless!" you finished your introduction.
Thankfully, Aizawa ushered you to the group of students and forced you to get to know them. The girls were quite accepting, curious about your background and capabilities. It was almost rare to see a quirkless student in UA being in the Hero Course. Much to your relief, everyone was very friendly minus Bakugou and a few others. Most were asking questions about your former life as a vigilante, what was disturbing was the fact Midoriya was jotting down notes, immersed with the idea of writing an entire page about you. Even though it was a bit overwhelming to have everyone right in front of your face, you felt welcomed despite being quirkless. Many have picked on and pitied you for being part of the unfortunate.
Aizawa quickly ordered everyone to resumed their training while you were dragged to the sidelines. Kirishima couldn't help but glance at you every now and then, watching as Aizawa and All Might talked to you about something that he couldn't hear from where he stood. He was never the type to judge quirkless people and believed that everyone is equal. But the fact that you had managed to do hero work―although illegally―was amazing! His eyes sparkled a bit from admiration, he couldn't wait to get to know about you even more. As you slowly approached the training ground, you couldn't help but flinch at every single sound.
There were explosions, yelling, ice breaking and many other things going on in one place. Seeing future heroes using their quirks mesmerized you. For a second, you felt envious but dismissed those thoughts in an instant. Carefully avoiding the debris from Bakugou's explosion and Todoroki's ice, you made your way to a more empty part of the field where Kirishima happened to be at.
"Hey! Wanna train together?"
As soon as he said that, the two of you started to spar. Oh boy, he was so shocked. You were hella good. Kirishima didn't even have the chance to retaliate, you were so swift and elegant, flexible and careful! As he laid on the ground, defeated, you walked over and helped him up while apologizing for throwing him.
"Woah! Amazing! You're so good! Why didn't you apply for UA and try for a license so you can work legally!?" the red haired male asked.
"Ah, um.....I don't really think a mere license should determine you're a hero or not. I mean, what matters is the will. If you're willing to put your life on the life for those who are unable to protect themselves.....I think its enough to be a hero." you told him.
"That's what I said to myself when I decided to become a vigilante. I wanted to help those in need." you smiled softly.
Kirishima stared at you, blinking owlishly before breaking out into a grin. Your cheeks grew red in an instant after realizing what you had just said.
"That's so manly, [Last Name]!"
"I was just speaking my mind!"
"Still, very manly!"
Total: 1734 words Published: 31.08.2019
Still unware of how vigilantes work in the BNHA universe. But we tried our best to type this request. A reminder to anon-san that we don't write for Sero, but we made do with Bakugou and Kirishima! Hope you don't mind! ― author Hibiki/Lou
We have a ton of requests that we have finished typing but there's just so much typos? The rest don't really specify if they wanted headcanons or scenarios, so we're debating on what we should type for those Thank you for requesting!― author Natsuki
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Sea Legs - Final
Ch. 14 and 15 Goodbye You, Hello Us
I wanted to give a quick thank you to everyone who supported me during the process of this story! All the wonderful comments, excitement and interest has really helped me to push it along, and I had a wonderful time writing it! 
Boku No Hero Academia / My Hero Academia Quirkless, Mermaid, Modern AU
Rating: Explicit | Excessive Fluff, Blood, Wounds, Nudity, Sex, Cursing and Vulgar Language
Genre: Romance / Humor / Angst
Main Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Koge Naegi (oc)
A trip to her grandmothers beachfront home was something that Koge had done every year of her life. This time, an unlikely discovery would change her life forever. Who knew explaining how to be a human could be so hard.
Goodbye, You
“I’m sorry I called you ugly at first. You’re actually very beautiful, Katsuki.” Koge gave him a soft smile, running her hand along the smooth form of his tail. Sitting half in the water, the vibrant scales shimmered in the light of the setting sun. Resting on his stomach with his head on folded arms, Bakugou watched her, the end of his tail shifting about unconsciously in happiness from her touch. They had been like this for hours now since he changed, sitting on the beach in the shallow waters, unable to find it within themselves to part. When the tip of the sun touched the horizon is when they had promised to finally give in, and much to their dismay, that time was quickly approaching.
Bakugou gave a small scoff at the comment, rolling over onto his side, facing her with an arm propping up his head. “Damn right. I look even better underwater. You’ll need to bring some goggles with you next time so you can see. Put that on your packing list.” Placing his free hand on her leg, he slowly and tenderly ran it up her thigh, soaking in the feeling of her skin while he could. Koge’s focus was still on his tail, lightly touching an older scar that was from a tussle he had with a shark. The thought of how badly he must have been injured to get that scar tugged at her heart, but she knew better than to think lowly of him in such a way. He wasn’t weak.
“I’ll remember that for sure. I’d love to get to swim around with you better than what I can. If you weren’t around, I would have straight up drowned earlier.” Taking her hand back to herself, Koge took a moment to put her wet hair up into a messy bun, tired of it sticking to her back. “You laughing at me didn’t help, either!”
Snickering, Bakugou scooted closer to her, resting his chin on her thigh. “It looked funny. But don’t go out that far again without me around. I’d rather not find you floating around face down or at the bottom of the reef.” A small sigh escaped his lips as Koge stroked his hair gently, running her fingers through the semi dried blonde spikes. “I’m gonna miss that…”
“Miss what?”
“You playing with my hair. I like it more than I ever thought I would…” His voice trailed off as he stared out at the sunset, finding that they maybe only had another ten minutes before it vanished beneath the horizon. The silence that fell between them was heavy, and Koge refused to look up at the sun as he was. She thought that, just maybe, if she avoided looking at it the time would just never come. Time was subjective, after all. But, the sun’s orbit was not. It was definitive, and no matter how much she refused to look, it would set. And he would be gone.
“Come out a bit deeper with me?”
His voice caught her attention, his crimson gaze soft enough to send her heart racing. With a nod, Koge followed him out into deeper water, stopping when it reached her chest. Bobbing in the water in front of her, Bakugou used gentle persuasion to urge her up against him, her arms wrapping around his neck and legs around his waist. His body was no longer warm like she had grown used to, but that mattered little at this point. Keeping her body pressed tightly into his, she kissed him softly, fighting back the hoard of tears that were pricking at the corners of her eyes.
She couldn’t let them fall just yet. She had promised him not to shed a single tear until he was gone, and Koge had kept that promise for the entire day, spending it with him like she would have any other. It was odd to her, how much this entire situation made her want to just bawl her eyes out. That’s how she knew her feelings for him were real, that her wanting to be with him wasn’t superficial. Because, in her day to day life, she never cried. Someone could cuss in her face, call her names and belittle her to the lowest degree, and her eyes would never even tear up. But the thought of him leaving absolutely crushed her, to the point where she was unsure how she was even going to pull herself back together.
When the affection faded, Bakugou rested his forehead against hers, observing her face with a level of concentration that she couldn’t quite understand. Though, she didn’t have time to question him as he reached up to his neck, gripping both of his prized necklaces and pulling them up over his head.
“Wha--?” Koge looked at them curiously, releasing him as he held them out towards her.
“These aren’t just for me to flaunt around to show that I’m a badass. It’s… something that we do, to try to attract a woman. If you could come to my home, you would see it. We wear things we make ourselves, show off our physical accomplishments and try to just… prove ourselves. That we’d make a good mate.” As if nervous about what he was doing, Bakugou swallowed hard. “We offer them to the person we choose… After connecting on an emotional level and all that mushy shit. If they accept them, then that’s it… You can mate.”
Koge glanced from the necklaces up to Bakugou’s face and back again, able to see the blush ravaging his cheeks as he struggled to spit out what he wanted. “Well,” she started, carefully caressing the necklaces in her hands. “We did it a little backwards, didn’t we?” With a scoff, Bakugou released the necklaces once he was sure she had a good hold on them, watching as she carefully placed them around her neck.
“Shut up. I… shorted them for you, too. So they wouldn’t go down to your stomach or anything…” The blush that was on his cheeks somehow intensified as Koge looked back up at him, her soft smile and acceptance of his offer obviously affecting him more than what he was willing to admit. Placing her hands on his cheeks, Koge moved back in closer to him, kissing him sweetly before smiling against his lips.
“Thank you, Katsuki… I accept them. And I will never let them out of my sight. I’m… sorry I don’t have anything to give you.”
Bakugou shook his head, moving some of her wet hair out of her face. “I’m not supposed to take anything from you. Just your word that you’d be faithful to me.” 
Deciding to tease him a little, Koge tilted her head to the side, looking up and scrunching her face a bit in thought. “Hmmm, seriously? You mean I can’t have extra boyfriends on the side? What a bummer!” She burst out into giggles as he squeezed her sides, tickling her in punishment for her sarcasm.
“That’s right! No one else!”
“Okay, okay! Stop tickling me, I’ll drown!”
When Bakugou finally stopped torturing her, Koge’s eyes instinctively looked back over his shoulder, watching as the last bit of the sun vanished behind the waters edge. The happiness she felt drained out of her like she had been unplugged, disconnected from the thing that gave her life. How could she possibly let--
“How am I going to let you go?” Bakugou’s voice was low and tainted with frustration, pressing his forehead into hers with his eyes shut tightly. Swallowing the lump that had grown in her throat as the tears began to fight their way out, Koge stroked his cheek gently, looking up into his eyes when he finally looked down at her.
“You’re not letting me go, Katsuki. I’m coming back here, same time next year. You know the day, right? April…?”
Bakugou gave a short cough to clear his throat, as if some emotions were making it difficult for him to speak. “April fourteenth.”
“That’s right. I will be here on that day. You saw me buy the plane tickets. It’s a done deal.”
“I’ll be here. Though I can’t promise there may not be… extra visitors this time.” Bakugou grumbled at the thought of being followed by family or friends, though Koge quickly pulled his attention back to her with another kiss. “Oh, that’s okay, Katsuki,” She ruffled his hair playfully, forcing a huff from him as he hid his face into the curve of her neck. “I’d love to meet your family and friends. I mean, I’m sure they’ll be curious about me.”
“They’re just annoying idiots…” His voice trailed off again as the topic faded, focusing his attention on her neck. Soft, sweet kisses traveled up across her skin, making Koge shiver as his hands gripped her hips tightly. It was hard for her to not get aroused by such intimate affection, and though Koge tried her best to hide it, a pleasured sigh left her lips when his reached right below her ear. With a frustrated groan, Bakugou hugged her body to his tightly, once again hiding his face into the curve of her neck. “Don’t do that, Utsuro, I can’t take it. It’s hard enough for me to stay calm with you clinging to me like this all day.”
“I’m sorry, Katsuki. I just… I’ll miss that feeling, of being so close to you.”
“Just close your eyes and dream of me, then. And before you know it, it’ll be real.”
His hands carefully prying her off of him was something that Koge wished she’d never have to feel, but she didn’t fight back, lowering her feet back onto the sandbar to stand on her own. Putting his hands on her shoulders, he turned her around to face the beach, giving her skin a soft kiss before speaking quietly in her ear. “Walk back to the beach and don’t turn around. Not until you reach the house… Because I can’t look back, either.”
After a simple, small nod, Koge turned her head to look at him, catching his lips in one more passionate kiss. “Okay, Katsuki… I love you.”
“I love you, too, Koge. Now get out of here. I’ll see you in no time.” With a gentle push, he urged her forward as he moved back, vanishing beneath the water without another word. Now physically trembling at the loss of his touch, Koge sucked in a huge breath, forcing herself forward on weak limbs. Unconsciously, she found herself listening for him, for any inkling that he was still present. Her body expected his touch and her ears prayed for the rough sound of his voice. But instead, all she was met with was the sounds of the waves and her own hiccups as the tears finally broke through.
“You really do love that boy, don’t you?”
Koge was brought back to reality by the sound of her grandmothers voice, pulling her eyes from the ocean view to look down at the elderly woman. Somehow, Koge had found herself in a trance, standing out on the deck as she scanned the moonlit water for any sign of her lover. If not for the interruption, she was sure that her entire night would have been spent in that spot.
“Yeah… I do.” Koge answered quietly, fiddling with the necklaces.
Kiki moved her wheelchair a bit closer, smiling up at her granddaughter. “Why don’t you ask him to go with you then?”
“Ah… that’s not possible. By the water is where he belongs…”
“Well don’t fret, my dear. You’ll see him again soon enough.” Kiki took her hand, patting it gently. “He’s quite special. An odd boy, but I can see how happy he makes you. I haven’t seen you cry since you were a little baby, Koge.” With trembling hand, Kiki lifted a handkerchief towards her, which Koge accepted gladly.
After wiping her sore eyes, Koge nodded. “That’s true… he does make me happy. I can’t wait to see him next year.”
“That’s it, my darling, just think on the positive things! Now, why don’t you come spend the rest of your trip with me. That silly boy all but stole you away!
“That sounds like a good idea.”
Hello, Us
Koge was glad that she spent those last few days with her grandmother, as the news of her death hit her hard. As one of the only people Koge felt truly close to, it was a giant loss in her life and a huge sadness that weighed upon her for weeks. The pain was made a little less severe when it came time for Kiki’s Will to be announced, and what Koge received from it was more than she ever could of imagined.
The entire beachfront property and everything that resided inside was hers, along with a huge amount of funds from Kiki’s life savings. Koge didn’t even bother to consider her education or job at the time, spending the remainder of her time preparing to move to live down there immediately. Much to her surprise, her parents supported her, even though they had no idea of the true reasoning. Her lover had been on her mind constantly, though the happy times and the sorrow. She was incomplete without him, that blonde hot headed idiot that just so happened to be a merman. How she would ever tell her parents, she wasn’t sure, but that would come eventually.
April fourteenth came and Koge took the flight down to her new home. Alone, she had insisted, to which her parents only put up a mild argument against. They would be there in a few days, thus giving Koge plenty of time to settle in and see her lover.
Pulling up to the large house was harder than she expected, however. Keys in her hand, Koge stared at the door as she tried to control the overwhelming sadness, knowing that wrinkled smiling face wouldn’t be there to greet her this time. The clank of the unlocking bolt was a lonely sound, and the creaking of the large wooden doors sent a chill down her spine. Dark, dusty and untouched since Kiki’s passing, Koge could have sworn she had just stepped into a haunted house.
Something else caught her eye, however. Sitting on a small table that had been purposefully placed in front of the door in the entryway was a letter, addressed to Koge. Leaving her luggage at the door and keys in the lock, Koge was quick to pick up the sealed envelope, tenderly turning it around in her hands. On the front was simply her name in Kiki’s handwriting, but on the back was something that surprised her.
‘Open with Katsuki.’
“Katsuki…” The thought of him pulled her eyes up towards the back of the house, instantly making a beeline towards exit to the deck. Before she knew it, she was out on the sand, instantly noticing a figure sitting near the waters edge in a chair that had come from around the swimming pool behind her. Foot casually tapping to some unknown music, the man leaned his blonde head back against the chair, awaiting an arrival.
Her arrival.
Over seven months she had been without him, and now that he was within her reach again, she felt strangled. Bakugou was here, just like he had promised he would be, with human legs and dressed in the clothing she had gotten him last summer. Yet, she was terrified. Terrified that, maybe, he was just here to cut it off with her and take back his prized necklaces, which currently rested around her neck.
Clutching them tightly, their presence and significance reassured her that wasn’t going to happen. He still cared about her. He had to.
Her voice came out as a hoarse whisper, and yet, he could still hear it over the sound of roaring waves. Instantly, his entire body froze, stiffening in shock. Then, with some silent reassurance to himself, he turned his head, that crimson gaze instantly setting a fire off within her. Still, she couldn’t move.
Seeming just as cautious as she was, Bakugou stood, beginning to make his way to her with surprisingly steady legs. Smile crossing her lips, she held back the tears that welled up in her eyes, holding a hand out towards him to welcome him in closer. “I… I see you got rid of your sea legs.”
A squeak escaped her lips as he snatched her hand, yanking her in closer and catching her in a passionate kiss that nearly knocked her off her feet. She wrapped her arms around his neck, unable to help a soft laugh from escaping as he squeezed her tightly.
“Shut up, Utsuro, before I change my damn mind.” Bakugou smirked against her lips as he spoke, only making her cheeks flush with heat.
“You shut up, you cute man. You’ll never change your mind, now. Because you’ll never have to say goodbye to me that long again.”
“Huh?” Bakugou looked down at her with a confused interest, releasing his grip on her just a bit so she could stand normally. “I mean, I know your… I know your grandmother passed… but what do you mean by that?”
Koge waved the envelope in front of him. “Let’s read this. I bet it will tell you everything.” With a nod in agreement from him, Koge carefully opened up the envelope, pulling out the letter that was inside.
My Dear Koge and Katsuki,
I have never before seen a love so pure and a connection so strong as the one shared between the two of you. It is something special, something that anyone would be blessed to have in their lifetime. Although I am, or by now, was a lonely old woman, I could see it clearly. It would be cruel of me to keep you apart any longer.
So, with my passing, I leave Koge my house and my land. Here, the two of you can live your life together, and Koge can stay when it comes time for Katsuki to return to the sea. Yes, I could tell. I wasn’t blind, you know. Or deaf, mind you.
Your secret dies with me, but a new life begins along side my death. I wish you both a happy life and may your special bond forever grow stronger.
With Love,
As her grandmother's name left her lips, Koge lost control of the tears she had been holding back, resting against Bakugou as she folded up the letter. “She left it all to me… Including enough money for repairs and to survive off of for years.” She turned back to face him, sniffling and struggling to calm. Though, the presence of his hand against her cheek helped, and she turned her lips into his palm as he wiped her tears away with rough fingers.
“Utsuro… I think… I think it’s perfect.”
“Huh?” Koge turned her teary gaze to look up at him, unable to resist her own smile as he had one plastered on his face. “You do?”
“No shit! It’s what you wanted! And what I need. If you’re fine leaving you— mmpf!” He was cut off as Koge pushed herself up, kissing him in quick succession, over and over again.
“Yes, yes, yes!” She exclaimed between kisses, laughing as he scooped her up to hold her bridal style. “Yes, it’s what I want! Thank you, Katsuki.”
“What are you thanking me for? I didn’t do shit, except make you fall for me.” Turning, he began to head towards the water, keeping her firmly in his grasp. Koge kicked her legs happily, unable to take her eyes off his face.
“Not true. I think you’re the one that fell for me first-- EEK!” She squealed as he suddenly let her upper body fall, instead wrapping both arms around her waist to hold her upside down. Her back against his torso, she was left dangling, legs hooked around his shoulders to help keep herself anchored. “K-Katsuki, let me up!”
“No. Now shut up and look out at the water.”
Pouting a bit as she crossed her arms over her chest, Koge followed instruction, looking out into the flipped horizon. At first, it made her quite dizzy, until she spotted something floating in the distance. “What is that?”
Not answering her just yet, Bakugou stopped at the edge of the water, giving a loud, sharp whistle that nearly made Koge jump. With the sound, more figures appeared, with varying colors. It was then that Koge recognized them as heads, especially as one with green hair brought their arms out of the water to push it back out of its face.
“I told you, Koge. They wouldn’t be able to resist meeting you. No matter how much I told them to fuck off.”
Smile stretching across her face, Koge observed them all, quickly noticing their reluctance easing as they gathered closer to talk. She could have sworn that she was in a dream, that all of this was just something from her imagination. But, the sun against her skin and Bakugou’s touch as he shifted her back into his arms told her that it was all real. Cupping his cheeks, she gave him one more quick kiss, stroking his skin with her thumbs as she looked up into that crimson glare she had come to adore.
“I love you, Katsuki. And I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”
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langstyboi · 5 years
See You Now [Kiribaku]
For all his life Bakugou had trouble seeing. His vision was just extremely bad, but no one had noticed. Especially not him. For the longest time he'd gone around squinting at everything without a though. It was natural for him and nothing really seemed wrong. To others he just seemed to be eternally pissed off. He was a pretty temperamental guy, but his resting bitch face paired with a squint only pushed that persona. No one had noticed something was wrong until one day in class.
"Bakubro!" Kirishima had called out to the frustrated blonde, "Are you having trouble seeing the board?" Bakugou was leaning over his desk and squinting hard towards the front of the classroom. His seat wasn't too far from the board so Kirishima was rightfully concerned.
"Oh fuck off. I'm fine." Bakugou was trying to copy the notes, but failing and misreading a lot. "What the hell does that even say!? This is just bullshit..." He angrily looked at his notes witch sounded like random word vomit.
Kirishima leaned over and put a hand on his friends shoulder. "Dude do you need to get your eyes checked? That's not what that says at all." Bakugou's frown deepened. He didn't think he needed glasses. Sure he'd never been checked, but he could see fine! Right?
"No! I'm not some blind nerd! Now piss off shitty hair I need to finish this." Kirishima shrugged and sat back as Bakugou went back to his notes. His head was starting to hurt as well as his eyes. After a few minutes he gave a frustrated sigh and looked back at Kirishima. "Ok I can't read that shit."
"So are we going to the eye doctors?"
"Why the hell do you wanna come?" Bakugou got defensive, even though he wants Kirishima to tag along. He's never been to an optometrist and he wasn't scared but having a familiar person around wouldn't be bad.
"Well I want to help you pick out a cool pair of glasses! Something really awesome." The red haired ball of sunshine smiled and looked expectantly at his friend. Awaiting approval.
"Whatever. Just don't embarrass me or some shit. Got it?" Kirishima nodded in response and tried to help Bakugou fix his messy notes.
Later that evening, Bakugou talked to his mom about the issue and she set up an appointment for him.
~~time skip brought to you by sleep deprivation~~
Bakugou, Kirishima, and Bakugou's mom had just arrived at the vision place. The boys wondered off to look at frames while Mitsuki filled out the necessary paperwork. There were so many styles it was a little overwhelming. Kirishima kept trying on the ugliest frames he could find and making goofy faces. Bakugou was pouting and hoping he didn't have to get glasses because he'd feel like a nerd. But eventually he tried on a few pairs and found some he didn't hate. They kept going to the sunglasses and Bakogou wanted some of those instead of normal glasses. He'd look totally badass, even if it was impractical. His mom said no.
Eventually he had to go back to see the doctor. His mom and Kirishima went with him, and he seemed annoyed but was actually pretty grateful. They at him down in an office chair and shoved his face in a weird machine. He had to focus on a green dot as they blew air into his eye. The first time he jumped about ten feet back and Kirishima died laughing. The second time was no different.  Next he was in another machine staring at a picture of something tiny. That machine made the picture go in and out of focus but nothing else seemed to happen. After that was the typical eye chart evaluation.
He struggled to read the second and third lines of letters and after that was just a complete mess. Mitsuki leaned over to Kirishima to whisper. "God I never noticed he was this blind. Am I a bad mom?" She joked and he laughed. Bakugou looked at the two distrustfully.
"What the hell are you laughing at Shitty Hair?" At that moment a lady walked in.
"Bakugou, the doctor will see you now. Follow me." With that she turned and they followed.
Bakugou sat in the big chair and waited for the doctor. When she finally arrived she introduced herself before talking to his mom about family history and such. Soon the rolled over on her chair and pulled a big metal thing against his face.
"Alright, what I'm going to do is flip these lens thing back and forth. I'll tell you what numbers they are and you just tell me which one looks clearer. Understand?" He nodded and she began the process. She had a gentle and melodic tone, never skipping a beat. It was back and forth.
"One. Or two?"
"Three. Or four."
One eye and then the next. It was an oddly soothing exchange. Everything was quiet and serene. The cool metal felt nice and it was not as bad he he though it would be at all. After she was done with that, the doctor then pulled yet another odd thing up to Bakugous face. She swiveled to sit in front of him and looked into his eyes through the microscope like contraption. Then she was finally done. She talked about the results and sent them out.
They went to another person. This guy helped fit the frames and make different measurements and adjustments. After he was done he told them to come back in an hour. The glasses would be done by then.
The three left the place and got some ice cream to pass the time. They went back and Bakugou had a nervous excitement in his stomach. How different would things look? As soon as he slid the glasses on his face he audibly gasped. Everything was so clear. So bright. The world looked high definition and unreal. He took a moment to take everything in before turning to his best friend. He wasn't prepared for what he saw.
"So?" Kirishima asked happily.
He'd never gotten a good look at anyone face due to his awful sight, but the first person he clearly saw amazed him. The wide, excited grin was so visible. The deep, red eyes sparkling into his were gorgeous. The cute little scar above Kirishima's right eye he'd never noticed before added to the adorableness. Bakugou was a blushing mess.
He averted his attention, looking around the room in gay panic. His heart was beating fast. 'God that idiot is so cute!'  His mom finally asked how he felt. Hopefully they'd assume that shock was solely the doing of his new ability to see. He looked at her for the first time. 'Damn do you have wrinkles, old hag'  He thought to himself, he didn't want to get slapped.
"Wow." Was all he could manage.
They left after Bakugou got his glasses properly fitted. Kirishima was eager to show Bakugou the 'whole new world' now that he could see. His mom dropped them off at a park near their house and told them to be back by dinner. Unknown to Bakugou, Kirishima had plans.
"Dude, the world can be so awesome! We have a lot to do! So much to show!!" Kirishima grabbed Bakugou by the hand and pulled him along. The dumb look on Kirishima's face was too cute for him to resist. First they took a walk through the park and Bakugou got to fully witness nature. Who knew cherry trees could be so aesthetically pleasing? After that they were getting hungry and Kirishima knew the perfect place.
"Where the hell are you taking me?"
"You'll see! It's a surprise." Kirishima flashed a smirk. Bakugou was struggling to compose himself. He had no clue his best friend was so handsome. Bakugou was already in very strong like with Kirishima's personality, just don't tell him that. This on top of that was too much for him.
Bakugou had been so lost in his thoughts he hadn't realised they'd arrived and were actually in the restaurant. "Where are... A cat cafe? What the fuck?"
"If you're as blind as the doctor says then..." He did that adorable thing where he makes a fist and looks like he's holding back tears. Bakugou knew it was annoying, but now its extra annoying. 'Why is he that cute when he's upset? Thats not okay!' "That means you've never really seen a cat before! That's terrible! They're the cutest things."
"Tch. I doubt that." He was already looking at the cutest thing.
They got a table and ordered some food. While they waited Kirishima picked up a small grey tabby cat with big green eyes. "Look at it Bakubro! Isn't she precious?" He held the cat up to his face and she nuzzled him as she purred.
Bakugou felt his heart melt, and his face was next. "Yeah... sure."
"Are you okay? You look flushed. Are you getting sick dude?" Kirishima put one of his hands on Bakugou's forehead. The blonde pulled away quickly and almost fell out of his chair.
"I-I'm fine you idiot!" He got back to his slouched position in the chair. "It's just a little hot in here fuck." After that their food came and they ate mostly in silence. The meows of kittens and murmuring of other patrons created a nice, relaxed atmosphere. Bakugo did have to admit that the cats were super cute.
After their meal they walked down the side walk and Bakugo just took some time to take in the city. It was busy, bright, and all that there was to see got a bit overwhelming. Next thing he knows he's getting pulled into a flower shop. "The hell?"
"Shhh. You have to see this."
"They're just flowers dumbass."
"No, no. They're special though. Just look." Kirishima pulled Bakugou over to a particular table full of plants. There was a particular flower Kirishima took interest in. It was slightly bush like with all of the leaves and stems protruding out the middle of the pot. Each stem had a row full of pink blooms in the shape of hearts dangling down. Each bloom was split at the bottom with a white and purple piston leaking out. They looked like something from a fantasy world.
"These are called bleeding hearts. Pretty badass name, huh? I love these." Bakugou was a little surprised. Kirishima didn't seem like the type to know much about flowers or care about them at all. They seemed too feminine for someone so obsessed with manlyness. But by the look of admiration on the others face it was clear Bakugou was wrong.
"Guess these are pretty cool." He gently touched a bloom and inspected it. He was lost in his own world and didn't notice the blush spreading through his friends cheeks. Kirishima had turned his admiration from the flowers to Bakugou. He looked calm and beautiful surrounded by the flowers. Not to mention how cute those new glasses made him. It was hard not to stare and Kirishima had to force himself to look away before the boy noticed.
Eventually the two left the flower shop. They spent the rest of their afternoon window shopping and talking. Mostly it was Kirishima talking. Dinner time came too soon. They walked back to Bakugou's house together since Kirishima was having supper with them, and possibly staying the night. Bakugou thought about that. He thought about his feelings too. He'd had weird and new feelings for Kirishima for a while now, but he couldn't decipher them until today. As soon as he saw that dopey smile he now loved so much it was clear. He had a crush on his best friend. He also had been tuning out to said best friend.
"Bakugou- dude. Are you even listening?"
"What?" He said bitterly, embarrassed by his lack of focus.
"I was saying that I have one more thing for us to do!"
"But we have to go-"
"Not now! Later! After we eat, silly."
"Don't interrupt me Shitty Hair!!" He lightly smacked Kirishima's shoulder and only got a laugh in response. "But fine whatever..."
The two had just made it to Bakugou's house. They went in and Kirishima offered to help set the table. Bakugou grumbled something about him being a guest and did set the table instead. Bakugou's parents made polite conversation throughout dinner and Bakugou only yelled about three times. After the boys helped clean up. Kirishima looked at the clock and noticed it was almost seven. He wondered off to talk to Bakugou's mom and left a pissed Bakugou to finish putting up the dishes. A few moments later he was done with the dishes and Kirishima came back with a huge folded quilt.
"It's time." Was all the red head said.
"The fuck? Time for what shit head?"
"Just come with me!" Kirishima grabbed Bakugou's hand and pulled him out the back door.
"Why are we out here idiot? The sun's going down!"
"Exactly." He was laying the blanket on the ground as Bakugou looked at him in bitter confusion. He saw the look and explained a little more. "We're out here to see the sunset my dude. And the stars!" Bakugou had to turn away to hide the blush threatening his cheeks. Kirishima's smile made him weak.
The two sat down on the blanket and looked to the sky. The sun was setting and cast a warm light over the two. Both boys were entranced by the golden sky before them. So many colors that were so clear. The yellow faded into an orange that faded into a pink that finally faded to a lovely indigo. Bakugo broke away from one fascination to look at an even greater one. The orange glow of the sun only complemented Kirishima's beauty, and Bakugous heart fluttered.
"Isn't it amazing?" Kirishima had been talking about the sky, but Bakugou wasn't.
"Yeah... It really is."
They sat there and watched the setting sun, occasionally stealing blissful glances at each other. They both laid back under the vast sky and waited as stars slowly appeared. They started pointing out every new star they saw until they lost count and sky was full. It was breathtaking. Bakugou had never been able to see the stars like this. They'd always been distant blurs of light and he could never understand why they were so talked about. He got it now.
"What's wrong?" Kirishima had sat up shivering.
"Man I'm just chilly. It was dumb to wear a tank top out at night." He gave a small laugh and  didn't notice Bakugou had sat up. The blonde was already taking off his jacket before Kirishima had noticed.
"Here." Bakugou leaned over to put his jacket on his shivering friends shoulders. Bakugou hadn't realized how close they were until their faces were merely a couple of inches apart. Kirishima's eyes were wide and sparkling with the reflection of all the stars. Both looked taken aback and unsure of what to do next. The moonlight was bright enough to show the blush dusted on Kirishima's cheeks. Bakugou couldn't help himself.
With his hands still on his friends shoulders, he pulled him closer and closed the gap between them with a kiss. It was sweet, simple and short. Their lips gently touched as their hearts nearly burst. Bakugou wasn't thinking straight and he didn't want to. The kiss was a surprise for both of him, but the most surprising thing was that Kirishima seemed to kiss back. After only a few seconds they pulled apart. Both breathless from anxiety and the overwhelming joy of what just happened.
"Ba-Bakugou..." Kirishima could feel joy running through his veins. Bakugou was completely blind to the fact he was radiating happiness and thought he'd messed up bad.
"Fuck! I'm-I'm sorry! I don't know... you're just- I shouldn't have-!" He yelled and cursed himself as he burred his face in his hands. His frustration was concerning. The light and romantic mood was suddenly very heavy and anxious.
"Bakugou." Kirishima said firmly and put a hand on said boy's shoulder. Bakugou tried to push him away while avoiding eye contact, but Kirishima was persistent. "Hey, Bakugou, look at me!"
"Fuck off, I know what you're going to say! I'm disgusting right? You're going to tell me to stay away from you. We're not friends anymore. I'm not a real man! That what I just did was terrible and a mistake. Right!? You aren't into guys and could never like a person like me anyways! RIGHT!? I know!! Don't fucking tell me! Just go already..." Anger and regret were laced with sadness and he was only acting tough to avoid crying. He buried his head back in his hands expecting to be left alone. Kirishima was a little pissed that his friend though he would be lie that, but could understand where this was coming from.
He tried again with a gentler tone. "Bakugou. I would never say anything like that. You should know me better." Bakugou looked up. He felt a little relieved but thought he was still going to be rejected and friend zoned. "You're wrong you know." Kirishima pulled Bakugou into a side hug.
"What?" His voice was low and barely audible.
"You say I could never like someone like you but... I love you Katsuki." Kirishima looked at his shocked red eyes. "I'm not really sure how you feel about this and I don't know how you identify but... I'm gay. Especially for you." Words he thought he would never say. He was vulnerable at this moment. Coming out and confessing to his best friend/crush was wild.
"Shit Kiri... I'm... I'm gay for you too I guess." Kirishima was ecstatic. Bakugou was relieved and overjoyed at what just went down. "So... boyfriends?"
"Boyfriends!" The red head responded confidently.
They were both content as they layed back and looked at the starry night sky. They cuddled and eventually dozed off under the stars.
Who knew the world could be so amazing?
They went starGAYzing. Lmao.
This was inspired by this post.
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emeraldwaves · 5 years
Title: A Dragon’s Magic Chapter 10 Pairing:  Kacchako Rating: M Word Count:  4,942 Summary: Uraraka Ochako has always believed in dragons, though she was constantly told they were long since extinct. Now an adult and professional mage, she’s ready to help her parents as a healer for their village. The last thing she expects is for her beliefs to become a reality, but when a dragon attacks her village, she learns there’s more to magic than she ever could’ve realized. Read on AO3 Thanks to @its-love-u-asshole for reading this over.
"Are you sure you're going to be okay going alone with Bakugou, Uraraka?" Todoroki asked, concern twinkling in his eyes.
Waving her hand about, Uraraka let out a small scoff. "Oh please, Todoroki," she said. "You forget I was with him by myself before we met up with you. At this point, I don't think he could leave me alone even if he tried."
Of course, she also knew she could probably win him over with a kiss... if she really needed to. However, she wasn't quite ready to let Todoroki know about that just yet.
"What about you?" she asked softly. "You'll be the only human here with all the dragons... won't that be weird?"
"Of course not. I don't want Mirio and Tamaki to recognize me from before. Besides, staying here... is sort of like a dream come true," he said, his lips curling up into a small smile.
"That's fair," she giggled. The idea of staying on an island full of dragons was insanely appealing. There was a small part of her that wished she could've shown this to her grandmother. She would've been so impressed. "Plus you seem to get along nicely with Yaoyorozu and Jirou."
"They are nice girls," he said. "Yaoyorozu is incredibly intelligent," he continued. "Ah... Not saying I thought dragons wouldn't be intelligent, but she is so knowledgeable about dragon lore and history. It's quite fascinating to hear about how they view humans, having not seen them for years."
"I can only imagine it's similar to how we view dragons?" she asked.
His face lit up, looking excited to share what he learned with her, and Uraraka was happy Todoroki didn't seem uncomfortable. She knew he was quieter than most, and she had accidentally uprooted him from his home, and yet he seemed far more at ease here.
"There are plenty of stories that line up with our history... though there are others that say our towns were swallowed by the earth after great quakes... others talk about a great flood, which is why only this island exists!" he said. "Of course, there are records that say humans still exist... which is why Bakugou came to find us and succeeded in doing so," he explained.
"I see..." she nodded. "I'm glad you've had so much time to research."
"To be honest, I haven't slept much," he muttered. "It's all very enthralling. Though that does seem to be upsetting Yaoyorozu."
"Don't stress you or her out too much!" Uraraka teased, nudging his side.
"Yes and stay safe," he said bowing his head.
"Oi! What the hell are you doing here with Half and Half!?!" Bakugou's voice cut through the center of town as he stormed towards her.
"I was just saying bye!" Uraraka snorted, folding her arms. "You were taking forever to get ready so I left before you!"
Bakugou's cheeks looked flushed and he folded his arms. "Whatever, we gotta leave."
"I know, I know..." she said, and let out a long sigh. "Goodbye Todoroki... hopefully we'll have more information when we return."
"Yes. I'm hoping we can discover some solution to this magic problem. We'll be researching diligently while you're gone," he nodded.
"Great!" she smiled, and walked back towards Bakugou. "Bye!"
"Stay safe," he said, nodding and heading back towards the library.
"I think he slept there," Uraraka laughed, watching him walk up the tall steps.
"Yeah, yeah, let's get going. We're already later than we planned," he muttered.
"You know," she giggled. "You're a real stickler for rules and schedules. You act all badass, but really you're kind of straight-edge!"
"Shut your fucking mouth, Cheeks!" he snapped. "Let's get going!" Uraraka walked as he turned to head out of the town. She supposed he wouldn't be able to just shift in the middle of all the buildings. He looked tired, his scales shimmering against the morning sun. She hoped he got some sleep; she could tell he was far more stressed than he was comfortable letting on.
"Hey," she asked, clutching her staff to her chest. "Are you going to be okay... to shift?"
Bakugou froze, his feet coming to an abrupt halt. "I'll be fine." She heard a small rumble in his throat. Maybe he was mad she was underestimating his ability to shift... but she did have to help him before.
"If you need help-"
"I'll be fine," he snapped again. "We need to get there."
"Okay..." she nodded. Time was a sensitive thing... with how many dragons had apparently lost their mind since Bakugou was gone the first time... it was far more dire than before.
He stood on the edge of town and pressed his fist against his chest. "Hold on tight while we're flying. I can't deal with your dumb ass if you fall!" he snorted.
"Yeah, okay," she said, and before she could even finish her breath, he began to shift.
She wondered if she would ever be used to the sight... watching Bakugou's body deteriorate and become something completely different in front of her. It was a rare form of magic, and she could feel the energy releasing from his body as he took on his true form. His wings flapped out, his tail curling around his body, and he lowered his head to the ground so she could climb on his back.
"Please don't fly too fast!" she begged, clinging the rope she tied gently around his neck. They had argued about that for almost an hour last night, but he finally agreed once he realized she wasn't trying to 'tame' him or anything but she needed something to hold on to.
He let out an angry huff and immediately pushed off of the ground, shooting them into the air.
Ochako's stomach turned and when Bakugou finally landed on the ground far outside of the city, she immediately expelled her breakfast onto the grass beneath her. "S-Sorry..." she muttered, her cheeks flushing. "I'm not good with motion sickness..."
The golden dragon fluttered his wings and stomped around her. He let out a growl, tossing his head back as he tried to curl his body on itself. Was he stuck?
Ochako tried her best not to panic. The last thing they needed was her panicking if he was in fact trapped in his dragon form.
He let out a large cry, the vibration causing Ochako to fall backwards. "Oh no..." she muttered, pushing herself back up. They were trying to not draw attention to them!
"Bakugou, you have to calm down!" she called out, but the dragon let out another deafening roar, his body finally shrinking.
For a moment, the scales covered his body completely, the wings folding down into his trembling back. His tail stayed too, swishing back and forth. Bakugou was on his hands and knees, coughing. "F-Fuck..." he breathed out, and Ochako was immediately in front of him, letting her bag and staff fall to the ground.
"Bakugou!" she gasped, cupping his cheeks. "Are you okay?"
"I'm trying to be..." he muttered, wincing as he lurched forward, his tail disappearing up into his spine.
"There..." she said softly, stroking her fingers over the scales on his cheeks. "You did it. A-And you didn't even need my help!" she giggled, trying to be casual.
Scales now littered his arms and cheeks, but at least they could cover most of it with his cloak. Ochako pulled it out of her bag and handed it to him. "You'll have to stay as covered as possible. We might need to... buy gloves," she said, her eyes following his scales all the way down from his elbow to his fingers.
"Shit..." He clicked his tongue in anger and Ochako stared at him with concern.
"This is going to help us... I promise."
"You don't... fucking know that! What if this is a wild fucking dragon chase!?" he snorted.
"Dragon chase?" she tilted her head and laughed. "Do you mean goose chase?"
"No. I mean dragon chase y'idiot." He leaned forward and gently poked her cheek.
"Ah I see," she laughed, and grabbed his finger. She wrapped her hand around it and pulled it to her chest. "I swear we're going to figure this out. I don't want you to suffer anymore."
Admittedly, Ochako had come to love the way Bakugou's cheeks heated up whenever she said something sweet to him. He seemed to get flustered, unsure of how to respond to her. She was certain he didn't expect humans to be as nice as she was.
"Yeah, yeah, let's get going."
The secondary city was far smaller than the city Todoroki was from, but to both Ochako and Bakugou, it looked far bigger than most places they were used to. Again, guards lined the entrance, and Ochako was hoping to keep the attention on her.
"Good afternoon!" she smiled. "We're here to see Togata Mirio!" she nodded.
"Ah! Here to see The Amazing Mirio's show?!" the guard asked, looking rather excited. "It's quite incredible."
"Why yes! That's exactly why we're here!" Ochako said, rolling with the man's enthusiasm. "We've traveled a long way to witness the spectacle for ourselves!"
"It is truly amazing!" he said with a wink, moving to the side as he opened the gate.
"Thank you!" she smiled, ushering Bakugou through as fast as she could. "Ah! Could you tell us where the show is located?"
"The central square. Doesn't start until sunset!" he nodded, gesturing towards the large spire in the middle of the city.
"Great! Thank you!" she said, and pushed Bakugou forward.
"Humans have stupidly easy defenses to get past. You're all fuckin' idiots," he snorted, stomping against the cobblestone paths.
"Yes, yes, being kind to others certainly makes us idiots," she rolled her eyes, gently swinging her staff back and forth.
Bakugou's eyes fell to the ground, the hood of his cloak covering most of his face. "It could get you killed one day."
"I'll be careful," she laughed, glancing around. "I guess we should check in to an inn... if the show isn't until tonight... we're going to need somewhere to sleep later."
"We can just sleep outside, don't waste your money!" he scoffed, folding his arms over his chest.
"Bakugou... it's practically winter! You can't mean that," she snorted and stepped behind him, pushing on his back. "We're staying in an inn."
"Oi, oi! Fine! I can walk myself!"
He stepped forward, uncaring of where he was headed and Ochako shook her head. He was the most stubborn person she ever met, and yet...
She liked him. Gosh... she almost hated how much she liked him... but she did. He was passionate... loyal and caring... and though he covered those traits with his hard, outer shell, all those things lay right beneath the surface, constantly threatening to come out. She could see it when he blushed... she could feel it when he kissed her.
She walked forward, catching up with him as she wrapped her hand around his. "How about we walk together?"
He glanced down at their hands looking as if he was about to yell at her, but he immediately shut his mouth. "Fine..." he mumbled and squeezed her hand hard.
Ochako liked how it felt, being this close to him. She liked how they held hands all the way through the city to the inn on the other side. She liked how the woman at the front desk asked if they needed one bed or two. (Ochako said one, but then quickly changed her mind to two, flailing her arms all about).
Bakugou was quiet as they sat in the room waiting for night to fall. He lay on his bed, looking incredibly pensive as he stared out the window.
"Hey..." she whispered, moving from her bed to his, sitting on the edge. "Even if... this whole thing with Mirio and Tamaki doesn't work out... we won't give up, okay?" She wrapped her hand around his shoulder, gently stroking down his arm to lace their fingers together.
His red eyes turned to face her, and he brought his hand up to her neck, gently pulling her down to meet him. His lips were soft, and she let her eyes flutter shut, kissing him back, her lips brushing over his.
"Oi... I never said we were going to give up," he muttered, touching her cheek.
"I know," she whispered, pecking his mouth again. "I just wanted you to know... I plan to be by your side through all of it."
He smirked, leaning up to nip at her lips. "I know Round Face, I couldn't be rid of you even if I wanted to."
"Exactly," she giggled, rubbing her nose against his. "Think we... should go find the center of town?"
"Yeah," he smirked. "I want front row seats to this goddamn show."
When they finally arrived in the central square, there was already a crowd gathered around a wooden stage, murmurs and whispers of excitement spreading across the large group.
"I didn't realize he was going to be so fuckin' popular," Bakugou muttered, standing at the back of the large crowd of people.
Ochako bit her lip. "I guess we should've expected it, with a name like The Amazing Mirio!" she said, swiping her hand in front of her. She wasn't keen on getting closer however, nervous other people would notice Bakugou and the markings on his hands and face. He was decently covered, but being so close to everyone...
"Let's go Cheeks. Front row," he said, and grabbed her hand, tugging her into the crowd.
"B-Bakugou!" she gasped, falling forward, almost knocking into a taller man. "C-Careful! We can't-"
He pushed through the crowd, uncaring of the people he bumped into and Ochako followed, unable to stop him.
Ochako practically fell against his back when he finally stopped moving almost directly in front of the stage. She heard people behind them grumbling, and she pressed closer, not wanting anyone to start a fight with them, especially Bakugou.
"Come one, come all, for the show is about to begin!" An enthusiastic woman, with long flowing blue hair danced around in front of the small stage. Ochako was honestly thankful when she started speaking, everyone's attention on her. She twirled on one foot, her blue hair floating around her. "Are you all ready to witness The Amazing Mirio?!" she giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.
The crowd cheered loudly, hollering and clapping at the girl.
"Good!" she smiled. "Because... he's already here."
"Yo!" A loud booming voice called out and Ochako stood on her tiptoes, glancing around the stage. Was she missing something? She couldn't see him anywhere.
Suddenly, a face appeared as if it were floating in the air. He had small eyes and bright blond hair, though his smile was blinding. The crowd gasped and murmured, voices filled with confusion and awe.
"Thank you for such a kind introduction as always, Nejire!" he laughed, his head floating about the stage.
"Of course Mirio! I'm always happy to introduce you to the common folk." She spoke bluntly, but still maintained her gentle smile.
"Well, I will take it from here!" he said, and flicked his cape backwards, revealing his entire body as he stepped forward.
The audience clapped, cheering for the wonder which happened before their very eyes, but Ochako knew better. "An invisibility cloak," she whispered. "They drain your magic so fast..."
"Mmm..." Bakugou snorted. "I don't think that blue girl is a dragon though..."
"No," Ochako said softly. "She said her name was Nejire... Todoroki said we were looking for someone named Tamaki."
"Welcome, welcome!" Mirio boomed. "I'm so happy to have you all here tonight for my magic show spectacular! I'm here to bring you joy, wonder and excitement," he smiled, and waved his hand in front of his face.
"I hate him," Bakugou hissed.
"Katsuki!" she whispered. "Hush and watch the show!" The last thing she needed was for them to get kicked out and not have a chance to talk to them at all.
"I would love to introduce you to my beautiful and wonderful assistant, Tamaki!" he cheered, brushing his hand to the side as the dark-haired boy began to walk up to the stage. His cloak was pulled tightly around himself, his ears slightly pointed. He looked nervous, shy... like his worst nightmare was standing on a stage in front of people.
"Say hello Tamaki!" Mirio chuckled, patting him on the back, the sound loud.
Slowly, the dark-haired boy raised his hand. "H-Hello..." he stammered, covering his face with his hood even more. A few girls in the audience let out a gentle sigh... finding him cute perhaps?
"What the fuck is this?" Bakugou snorted.
"He seems... nervous? I thought they did this every night," Ochako said, glancing at the two on stage. It was clear Mirio was in his element while Tamaki looked like he wanted to disappear as much as he could.
"We're here to put on a great show for everyone! Are you all ready?" The entire crowd erupted in a loud cheer and Ochako jumped, moving closer to Bakugou.
Mirio's show was nothing less than flashy. He certainly took his audience for a ride. He would disappear and reappear in the audience, surprising the crowd, eliciting even louder cheers. He would shoot off mini-fireworks, while Tamaki created interesting fire puppets, letting them float around the stage.
One was a dragon made of fire, which flowed around Mirio's body then soared out over the crowd.
"Wow..." Ochako breathed and squeezed Bakugou's hand. "They're incredible at magic..." she whispered.
"Yeah... too incredible," Bakugou grumbled, pulling her closer to him.
Mirio did a few more tricks where he disappeared through the stage, only to pop back up. But it was when Tamaki allowed the wings to spread out on his back, that Bakugou tensed, squeezing Ochako’s hand hard.
"That’s not magic…" he grumbled. No, Ochako had to agree, it wasn’t. Tamaki was fooling plenty of people with their ‘magic show’ but he was most certainly not human.
"Our final trick! The Flying Leap!" Mirio announced. Tamaki floated above Mirio, pulling him by his arms up into the air. He tossed up up further and Mirio twirled around until he disappeared. The crowd gasped, and everyone was looking for where he would reappear.
Suddenly, Tamaki fell forward, his wings flapping hard as Mirio re-appeared right beneath him, holding onto Tamaki’s hands. He slowly lowered Mirio back down to the stage. "Isn’t Tamaki’s flying magic amazing?" he laughed, gesturing to his partner who was once again hiding his face.
The crowd let out a wild cheer, thrilled by the performance.
"I hate to say goodbye after we just met and had such a lovely time together, but it is time to end the show for the evening! I hope to see you back again! We're always trying new things every night!" He bowed, tossing his cloak up into the air, bright lights shooting up into the sky as the two of them disappeared underneath the large cloak.
"Shit!" Bakugou growled. "Where the hell did they go!?" He was glancing around, trying not to fall forward when the audience continued to cheer and clap.
"I-I dunno?!" Ochako gasped, squeezing his hand. "But we can't lose them!"
"Let's get a fucking move on," Bakugou said and yanked her forward, pushing past the cheering crowd. People were starting to trickle away, but others began to rush towards the stage. A group of young women were cheering Mirio's name, trying to push past a few of the barriers that were placed between the crowd standing area and the stage.
"B-Bakugou, be careful! I don't want your hood falling off and-"
Bakugou scoffed, using his free hand to tug it down further over his eyes. He pushed them through the crowd, bumping people out of the way. Some of them gasped, frustrated by Bakugou's rude behavior.
"Get out of my way, this is a damn emergency," he snarled and Ochako was quick to apologize as they continued to walk by.
"I'm sorry! The Amazing Mirio has to get home and recover for tomorrow night's show! If you would like to experience the spectacular again, please join us tomorrow night." Nejire, the blue haired girl stood in front of the barricade, stopping people from walking around her to get backstage.
Bakugou however, immediately rushed up to the fence, stepping over it. "Bakugou! W-Wait," Ochako began to stop him, but Nejire whooshed over, stopping directly in front of them.
"Excuse me, sir," she said. "I'm not sure what you are trying to do here, but unfortunately The Amazing Mirio is gone for the evening and we ask that no one come backstage, Mmk?" She smiled, and though she sounded friendly, Ochako could see the dark look which came over her eyes.
"Get the fuck outta my way," Bakugou snapped.
Oh gosh. Ochako swallowed, she knew Bakugou wasn't the best ambassador.
Nejire's eyes widened, completely taken aback by Bakugou's loud response. No one had probably ever talked back to her with such...confidence, especially when she asked them politely to leave the performers alone. "Uh... What?" she said, blinking.
"I-I'm sorry! My name is Uraraka Ochako! I'm a healing mage and we were hoping to talk about magic-"
"Sorry, The Amazing Mirio never speaks to his fans after a show!" Nejire sighed, shaking her head. "We understand that his show is very exciting, but isn't it more exciting when how the performance works is kept a secret?"
"Fuck no. I want to know how his dragon partner is able to use magic so freely." Ochako gasped as Bakugou spoke so bluntly. This was exactly what they were trying to avoid.
"E-Excuse me what?" Nejire said. "Tamaki used fire in the shape of a dragon but-"
"Did you see his wings? He's a fucking dragon and I want to speak to him," Bakugou growled, about to continue forward but Nejire stepped in front of him.
"Dragons don't exist. The wings are a magical illusion. You've got quite an awful mouth, don't you?" she hummed and poked at his chest. "You should really listen when people tell you to leave."
"Dragons don't exist?" he snorted. "Fuckin' humans and their stupid legends!" He stomped his foot against the ground and pulled his hood back, showing her his scaled cheeks and pointed ears.
Nejire gasped and yanked the hook back over his head. "Fine! Come with me! Quickly!"
Ochako leaped over the fence, and Nejire grabbed both of their wrists, dragging them backstage.
"What are you thinking?!" Nejire said, and gently bopped Bakugou on the side of his head. "Y-You can't just show people what you are! You'll create an uproar!"
"But the fuckin' 'Amazing Mirio' can put on a show with a dragon and expect no one to question it?!" Bakugou hissed, slapping her hand away.
"It's different! People view it as a show about magic and illusion!" she exclaimed, shaking her head. "Plus..." She pressed her hand against her chest stopping herself. "I'll... take you to see them, but please be kind. Tamaki is very shy."
"I was... really surprised he was on the stage," Ochako admitted. "He looked like he wanted to puke!" It was a sensation she was more than familiar with.
"Mmm... Tamaki loves doing the shows with Mirio, even if it terrifies him half to death. The first show, he actually ran right off the stage!" she giggled. "He was so cute about it! Mirio loves him terribly, they're good boys. I've known them since we were all children."
"Oh! Wow! Do you not do magic, Nejire?" Ochako asked, looking the girl up and down. She didn't appear to have any magical objects on her being, but it could usually be easily hidden.
"I can! I perform with them some nights, but it takes me longer to recharge my magic, so I sit out some nights too," she explained.
"Mm..." Ochako supposed that made sense. If Mirio and Tamaki were bonded, they would have an endless supply of magic flowing between the two, while Nejire would be tied down to the normal magical rules.
"Anyway!" she said, stopping in front of a short building by the stage. "They'll be in here and if you do anything to scare or hurt Tamaki, I will kill you," she smiled, pointing directly at Bakugou.
"Oi..." he growled.
"I mean between the two of you, can you blame me?" she giggled and turned to knock on the door. "Miri... Tama! It's me... there are some people who want to speak with you!"
The door swung open and Mirio stood in front them, standing tall, a wide smile on his face. "Neji! Who did bring to see us this evening? It's rare you ever let anyone by your barricade!" he chuckled.
"Mirio..." A soft voice came from behind him, the timid, dark-haired boy peeking out from behind the blond man.
"It's fine, Tamaki..." he whispered and turned around, pecking a kiss against his forehead.
"Well... this was a sort of special... circumstance!" she giggled, gesturing to Bakugou.
"Huh? How so?" Mirio asked, tilting his head.
"How the hell are you two using magic so freely?" Bakugou snapped, stepping towards the blond. Ochako sighed, running her hand down her face. Why didn't he let her talk first?
"O-Oh you mean during my show?" Mirio's eyes flicked towards Nejire, confused why she would bring them here in general. "It's all a trick of illusions and-"
"Don't give me that bullshit," Bakugou snapped. "I know your shy ass friend is a fucking dragon."
A gasp slipped through Tamaki's lips and he turned his head down, pressing his forehead against Mirio's back.
"I'm sorry but I-"
"I know because I'm a fucking dragon too," Bakugou said, yanking down his hood. The scales on his cheeks glistened in the night sky, his ear twitching as the cool breeze brushed against it.
Tamaki peered over Mirio's shoulder but immediately ducked back down. Nejire squeaked and shoved Bakugou inside, Ochako quickly falling behind them.
"K-Katsuki!" she hissed, pulling him to the side when they shut the door. Mirio was rubbing his forehead and Tamaki kept pressing his fingers together, shaking his head nervously. "You can't just... take off your hood. You saw what happened to Kirishima! We can't have you getting taken away either."
"Like hell I would ever let that happen!" he snapped.
"You got caught in my village! It's dangerous and-"
"I'm sorry... but... I won't let you take Tamaki from me. He's not... he doesn't... even look like a dragon! Everyone believes the wings are part of his magic," Mirio said stuttering, standing in front of the other boy. He looked distressed, as if they were about to interrupt Bakugou and Ochako's argument, which she was honestly a little thankful for. Bakugou was far too stubborn for his own good and Ochako was secretly terrified he was going to be captured like he had been in her village.
"Hah!?" Bakugou snapped, looking at Mirio. "I don't want this shy dipshit."
"E-Eh!?" Mirio blinked, completely taken aback.
"I told you to be nice," Nejire sighed.
"U-Uh... What Bakugou means..." Ochako began, stepping in front of him. "We... didn't come here to take Tamaki away... we just wanted to ask you some questions. Dragons are-"
"Oi! Cheeks! Quit spilling our business to other people!"
"Ugh! Bakugou Katsuki, shut up!" she snapped. "We came here for help and you can't ask for help if you don't explain your situation!" she yelled, leaning towards his face.
He blinked, but immediately rolled his eyes, folding his arms over his chest in a huff. "Fine, say whatever you want."
"I'm sorry," she said, turning away from the frustrating golden dragon. "Dragons... are having sort of a crisis right now," she explained. "They're losing magic and fast, which is why Bakugou is covered in scales. They don't have enough magic to sustain their human forms, but... you, Tamaki... if you are a dragon... then... how are you able to maintain this form so perfectly? We... learned of a type of magic... where humans and dragons can bond and share a magical current. With how freely you both use magic... we thought maybe you might... know something about that? I-I mean it might not even be real but..." Ochako stammered and slowly trailed off. If it wasn't real, she was about to feel incredibly foolish.
"..." Mirio turned around, glancing at Tamaki. The shy boy's cheeks were bright red, and he scraped his teeth over his lip. "Mirio..." he whispered and gently shook his head.
"I'm not going to let them take you from me, Tamaki," Mirio said, wrapping his hand around Tamaki's. He brought his fingers to his lips and gently kissed him. "I made you a promise and I will never break it."
"I-I know... it's just..."
"They need our help... we didn't even know other dragons existed until now... maybe we could... get some answers of our own."
They didn't know other dragons existed? Ochako burned with the desire to ask more questions. She wanted to know how Mirio and Tamaki met... why was Tamaki here and not with other dragons. Nejire had said they grew up together as kids... but... how?
Tamaki slowly nodded and wrapped his fingers through Mirio's, standing so close to him yet still slightly behind.
Mirio let out a long sigh. "The bond is real... and Tamaki and I are bonded together and... we have been for a long while. We will... tell you everything we know."
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thehiddensemicolon · 6 years
Kacchako Fanfic: New Prey Chapter 36
~~~ Gut Feelings ~~~
"I didn't know I was engaged to a sissy." Uraraka jokes.
"Tch. You think your insults are going to change my mind pink cheeks? Cause it's not. But feel free to keep trying." He retorts.
Uraraka pouted and stuck out her tongue.
"Am just SAYING that your boyish haircut you had since high school is so cute and adorable, but isn't it time for a change? I mean our first week is done. You are already being mentioned on social media. Soon everyone is going to want to have an interview with you. You should change up your hairstyle." She said.
"Okay first off, my hair is not fuckin cute and adorable alright. It's cool and original." Bakugou says.
"Yeah it's a pretty cool  original hair style. One I enjoy very very much. But I bet you would look even more handsome in other style too. Like an undercut! Or cool buzz cut design or something. Both maybe both!" Uraraka was pulling on Bakugou's sleeve.
"No." He says.
"Alright. Blend in with the crowd I guess. I thought you wanted to stand out but I was wrong I guess." She whistled.
"It's none of my business after all." She added.
That caught his attention.
"Eh? Me? Blend in with other extras?" He coughs.
"I mean if you think about it. Most of the new male hero's have similar hair styles, aside from the hair color, all of them let their hair be wild and free. I mean think about it, Blue Jeanist is known to be stylish in both fashion and hair styles. He really stands out from the others. All Might has his own original hair style too. " She argued.
"Keep going." He said.
"So get a hair style that says you! You know keep your hair how it is on the top and have an undercut. You can have a cool design too. Something that says Ground Zero. You know something like the big X across your chest when you wear your hero costume. See now that screams Bakugou." She nodded her own head.
They finally arrived in front of the barber shop and Uraraka was screaming in her mind with excitement. Because she sooo wanted to see Bakugou with an undercut.
He sighed in defeat. "Fine I'll fuckin do it. And it better look badass Uraraka. I swear if someone fucks up my hair I will blame you for it." He says.
"Yay!!! No don't worry Katsuki! It's going to be so cute- .. I mean handsome- no badass I meant!" She said.
He rolled his eyes and opened the door to the barber shop.
"Hello! What can I do for you young man?" The barber said.
Before Bakugou could speak. Uraraka shoved him to sit on a chair and rotated his chair for his reflection to show on the mirror side.
"Okay this is how I want his hair to be is..." Uraraka started to give instructions to the barber.
The man nodded and Uraraka took out her phone to take pictures.
"I cannot believe I am letting you do this." Bakugou told her.
"Oh stop it. You will thank me when you see the after pic!" She said. . .
Neither of the heroes noticed they were being followed.
Camera lens followed the direction of the couple.
. . "Wow Katsuki you look so hot!" Uraraka blurted out.
She took a picture.
His hair came out exactly as she wanted it.
Yup it was the change he needed.
Bakugou observed the barbers work.
"See look at your after pic. Now tell me you like it just as much as I do!" Uraraka said.
"Heh now I better not hear you say I blend in with those extras. No one can pull of hair like mine." Bakugou admired his hair.
"Katsuki.. you are the extra one." Uraraka quietly told herself.
~Back to Endeavor's office~
"Sir you are assigning me to another intern this week for rounds? You said that the three of us will rotate into pairs each week." Fujimi questioned.
"Are you complaining about your assignment already. You just finished your first week and you already have a problem." Endeavor said with a stern voice.
"Sir, while Uraraka and Shouto were busy being pushed over by All Mights Agency, I was putting caution tape over villain incident areas. Why award those two with another week of villain interaction rounds. They blew it last week." Fujimi argued.
"The key to any good partnership is them being familiar with each other. That's how the best outcome happens during missions. Trust is essential." Endeavor replied.
"Will then they should have developed trust by now. They came from the same high school after all. There should be no reason why All Mights Agency got all attention for that last case. If you telling me your gravity girl has the wrong intentions for this agency." Fujimi ranted.
"What makes you say that. Be careful what you say here boy. Let's make this clear. Uravity is an essential hero for this agency. There is no one out there in this profession. So tell me where her intentions are." Endeavor said.
"Look at who's image is all over social media sir. The answer is pretty obvious is you ask me. Who got all the glory after all." Fujimi said.
He took out his phone and scrolled through the news.
"While am over here 'complaining' about my assignment for next week. She is being all girly girly over her fiancé for crying out loud." Fujimi showed Endeavor.
"Fiancé?!" Endeavor got up from his seat.
Fujimi was startled from the sudden uproar.
"Yes sir? You didn't know she was engaged?" He questioned.
"So now you should know why it is a problem to award her with another week of villain rounds. She is just going to give all the credit to her fiancé, Ground Zero, the new explosive jerk from All Mights Agency. Now do you get where I am coming from. Assign her to babysit interns not me." Fujimi said.
"That's enough. You are excused." Endeavor said.
Fujimi didn't want to get on his bosses bad side already and decided to leave.
'That fool from All Mights is ruining my plans. He will not get in the way of my plans. I'll just keep assigning Shouto with Uravity. They are bound to get closer. Assign them to the night shifts. Something to crumble that relationship of hers. Long hours away from home and his attention? Her family? I should do something to make their opinion of Shouto above that insect. It doesn't help either that the press is already up the couples business. Need to figure out when the wedding is. This all needs to happen before they get married. ' Endeavor thought.
~ at the apartment~
"Can you stop touching my hair already." Bakugou said while looking at his phone.
He had just finished making a home cook meal to the both of them and she was touching his hair all god damn day.
"Sorry sorry. Just feels nice." She admitted.
"Yeah will fucking wash your hands. Dinner is fucking served." He said.
"Smells good!" She yelled from the bathroom.
He placed the plates on the table, while still looking at his phone.
"What are you looking at?" She said.
"My fucking family keeps sending me stuff for the wedding. Flowers, catering, invitations you fucking name it. It is annoying as hell too." He said.
She took his phone and laughed.
He took it back and his ears began to turn red.
"Haha! Your mom is funny!" She giggled.
"Does she really think the longer we decide to plan the wedding, the more likely I am to call it off?" Uraraka giggled.
"Yeah yeah laugh it off. HA the fuck HA!" He said sarcastically.
"Well you know that isn't true right. We just started our jobs. We still need to save up more money too. Don't worry am not going anywhere." She said.
"Well I know that. This old hag doesn't." He comments.
"But still. She does have nice catering options. The food looks so yummy. It wouldn't hurt planing ahead. We can find out what colors we like and oh and what flowers too." She said.
"Huh? I don't care about any of that crap." He said.
"Surrrrreee you don't. Remember when you told me to pick out the plates and cups? Cause you said you didn't give a damn and to hurry up and pick one. Because it all did the same job? Well the moment I LOOKED at a set, you told me I had no taste and that I only go for the cheaper prices. So yes Katsuki you do care what flowers and color theme we have for our wedding." She went off.
"You know its hot when you tell me off." He comments.
"That's all you say from this?" She questions.
"Well if I can get something else from this..." he flirts.
"Katsuki.. this is serious. You are helping me plan this wedding." She said.
"You can help me take my clothes off." He smirks.
"Ahh you're such a.." her face was bright red.
"Such a what? You can tell me in our bedroom." He continued to flirt.
She tried to keep a serious face this entire conversation. She wasn't going to award him with a smile. But the tension of the room was going toward his favor.
Her phone vibrated on the table.
"Saved!" She blurted out.
"Saved? From what pink cheeks?" He smirked.
He saw her face becoming more serious.
"What happened? Work?" He questioned.
He got off from the chair and went to grab the TV remote. He turned on the TV.
Nothing. There was no major villain incident on the news at this time.
"Well?" He questioned.
"Oh nothing. Shouto texted me saying I have to go in right now. Endeavor has an assignment for us." She said.
"What assignment? There is no flashy villain threatening the city right now." He questioned.
"No it's more like punishment in Shouto's words. He says Endeavor wants us to be first on the scene at the night time shift for any incidents." She said.
"But they should already have people assigned on the lousy patrol shift." He said.
"Yes I know. It does sounds strange. But I guess that's what we get for being shown up by the wonder duo last week." She said.
"Live and learn floaty. The camera loves this face." He jokes.
"Yeah I know about our agreement while we work. No hard feelings. Just know next time you will see my face all over the press." She challenges.
Both gave each other their challenging face looks.
After awhile she got all her gear ready and was about to leave the apartment.
"Hey while am out, what do you think about a spring wedding?" she said as she started to put on her shoes.
"Whatever you want." he says.
she gave him a questionable look and raised her eyebrow.
"okay then a summer wedding on the hottest day or maybe an outdoor winter wedding when its really cold and rainy." she began to joked.
"Are you serious?" he said not picking up that she was trying to prove a point.
"Well you did say whatever I want." she responded.
"Fine I'll fuckin think about it. But spring doesn't sound bad alright." he said.
She gave him one of her dorky smiles.
"Yeah will go to your shitty patrols." He said.
"Yeah I'll do my best out there thank you for your encouragement." She smiled.
"Remember don't do your best. Be the best." He yells.
"Okay okay bye bye!" she said.
As the door closed, Bakugou began to feel tense and irritated. It made no sense to him as to why Uraraka has been assigned out of no where to the night time patrol shift. Especially on a night where there is no dangerous villain on the news. Also if she got assigned this "punishment" shift, then why didn't Endeavor or an office clerk contact her, why was it Todoroki. Its obvious that her office does work differently than his work. But it still seem unprofessional and tacky in his mind.
He knew for damn sure if Deku texted him at the middle of the night to go to work, he would say fuck you to Deku and wait for an official order from either All Might or the agency.
Something wasn't right. That he did know. He wasn't stupid.
The last thing he wanted to think about as a possibility of this feeling he had in gut would be.. no he didn't even want to think about it.
I AM SO SORRY I MADE EVERYONE WAIT FOR AN UPDATE ALL BECAUSE OF ME. I've really been studying for midterms a while back and got to the point where I've been worried for finals. Basically a lot of studying. I don't know what happened. But all I do know is that I am not done with this story and in a way got more ideas on how this story can go on. But as always, I am always open to what you guys think, your ideas, comments, concerns. I did read all the messages and comments to update and I did listen. Thank you all for reading, ill either post a new chapter today(have some already written already) or later. IDK yet!
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greyliliy · 6 years
You know what? It’s after midnight and this is when I should be asleep but instead make random posts, so here’s another one:
MY FAVORITE MY HERO ACADEMIA Characters (in order from Top Favs to wherever I stop listing):
1. Iida - Look, this boy had me in the first episode he showed up where he asked Present Mic about the robots and then later when he accused Izuku of trying to interfere with other contestants. It only solidified when he immediately apologized on the first day of class and it’s just been downhill from there. Iida’s adorable & I literally had to stop watching the show during the Stain arc because I was not ready to see Iida go through all that.
My Ships for Iida: Midoriya’s first up because CUTE & Todoroki’s second because bonding over having family members who are Pro Heroes. Uraraka is third because also adorable.
2. Bakugou - I have a weakness for unrepentantly angry & violent characters. They’re like walking catharsis for all the angry emotions I can’t do anything with because I generally try to be a nice person. Bakugou can be a horrible person all he wants with zero consequences and I kinda love it. Don’t get me wrong, I also like his character development and how he’s learning to care about others like Izuku & Kirishima, but I also kinda hope his overall character doesn’t change much. His fixation with Izuku is also super fascinating, won’t lie. But I mostly like him because he’s a violent little brat with feelings.
My Ships for Bakugou: Izuku because they’re like fixated on each other and it’s fun, and because I’ve always been weak for a Bully x Favorite Victim when it comes to unhealthy relationship pairings (when it’s Bakugou pursuing; when it’s Izuku playing the “I’m gonna’ make Bakugou Mine” game, I downplay that aspect more). Kirishima is kinda a given second fav as long as they’re more Bros than sappy because their canon friendship is amazing. Todoroki is also growing on me as an option. Same for Kaminari.
3. Shigaraki - If we ignore the part where I hate his costume (the hand on the face is okay, the rest of it can go), I love Shigaraki because he’s a spoiled brat. He’s got his own personal babysitter/butler, and his Master actually cares about him, and Shigaraki himself is just a great blend of being completely insane and also intelligent/knows what he’s doing. Also on the more shallow spectrum: I love his Quirk. You do not understand how much I love his stupid, angst-for-days, terrifying Quirk.
My Ships For Shigaraki: Dabi. Aesthetically they look good together & personality wise they’ve got great bicker-buddy potential. Toga because I kinda OT3 Shigaraki, Dabi & Toga and like all versions of the three of them interacting. Kurogiri also makes the list because I’ve read a lot of “Butlers/Servants of some sort x their Younger Spoiled Masters” BL plots and well, *waves hand at them* that’s what they are. XD
4. All Might - One hundred percent confession, the first time I saw the My Hero opening, I had convinced myself that All Might was gonna’ be some sort of scam or fraud and Izuku would have his dreams kinda crushed somehow and then go on to be the real hero. But I was wrong. I was so wrong. All Might is 100% legit and amazing and I love him. He loves everyone (even Endeavor!), and he’s strong, and even has the decency to be human with doubts and mistakes and just. All Might.
My Ships For All Might: Endeavor. They’ve got the Izuku/Bakugou thing going on and I like it. Though I kinda ship it as more of a “what could have been” Melancholy thing. I really don’t have a lot of ships for him but I can say for absolute that my NoTP is All Might & Inko. Just no. Inko is a married woman and until we’re told otherwise she loves her husband who’s working abroad. I’m really sick of everyone assuming Izuku’s dad is a bad guy because he works abroad and doesn’t get to see his family often. WAIT. Tsukauchi. The cop dude. Him & All Might are adorable. There’s a ship. xD
5. Todoroki - This brat grew on me so hard. He was always a character that was just sort of “there” for me ‘cause I wasn’t too invested in him, but then he let Iida be on his team in the Sports Festival & when he apologized to Sero and started to melt him from the ice I was like “Okay. You’re adorable.” And then again, it just went downhill from there. Todoroki’s adorable and awkward and he’s trying so hard. *pinches his cheeks* Also he’s super over powered and I kinda love it.
My Ships for Todoroki: Momo is first on the list. I like their interactions and I think they’re sweet in general. They’re both quiet and smart and I think they’re good for each other. I mentioned it above, but I also rather like Todoroki with Iida & Bakugou. Last on this though - I don’t like Todoroki & Izuku. At all. They’re great friends, I’m really glad they had their awesome canon moments, but I don’t ship it at all and I’d rather not see it either. XD;
6. Aizawa & Present Mic - They’re sharing a slot because I’ve just started thinking of them as a unit. Their best bro friendship & contrasting personalities is just that amusing to me. But yeah, Aizawa’s awesome and I love that he seems like the only person on the planet who kinda doesn’t like All Might (I mean, he does, but he acts like he doesn’t and I love it) and he’s got “I’m super strict but I actually care” vibes all over the place. Kinda like Piccolo in DBZ. Present Mic is just fun.
My Ships for Aizawa & Present Mic:  Each other. Friendship or more are both acceptable. I got nothing else for them, really.
7. Kirishima - Boy needs to start wearing his hair down & stop dying it, but aside from that, I love this boy. He’s bright, he’s happy, and under it all he’s got as much self-esteem issues as everyone else in this school. I like that he reached out to Bakugou & was cool enough to impress him, and I enjoy that he’s just a generally uplifting and spirited person who connects a lot of people together in the class.
My Ships for Kirishima: Bakugou, first off. Kinda easy to see why - they play off each other well, and if I want some happy/healthy relationship goals for a change, they fit the bill nicely. Mina is also a very good option, especially after hearing about their shared schooling days in Middle School.
8. Sero - I just like Sero. He’s walking common sense with a touch of ego that makes him a well rounded character in the side lines. And I love his smile/teeth. They just look nice.
My Ships for Sero: I don’t...really have any. Maybe Mina? Mineta? I don’t know. Psh. Maybe Todoroki because their Sports Festival match is what made me start to adore Todoroki.
(Okay, I had to open up the wiki at this point to browse characters to see if I missed anyone, so I think we’re down to the wire. Plus, I’m starting to fall asleep so you can see these posts get more rambling as I fade out. :D)
9. Endeavor - Don’t look at me like that. The dude’s freaking awful but he’s also the number two hero for a reason. He’s a horrible person who’s also like...awful in that way I love--like that “He’s almost unaware that he’s horrible” kinda way. Obliviously awful. And as messed up as it is, you can’t argue that Endeavor doesn’t adore his kid (or at least one of them...). He’s good at what he does (the dude’s kinda bad ass when he’s working), and I’ve seen previews of recent manga pages and it looks like he’s getting an attempt at a little redemption arc. I’m weak for horrible people who realize their mistakes and try to make up for it. It’s not realistic by any stretch of the imagination, but it is still really nice to see. Some of my all time favorite characters in fiction are horrible, “irredeemable” monsters turned good guys (*cough* VEGETA and like half the cast of DBZ *cough*) and I kinda want to see it here.
10. Dabi & Toga - I don’t actually know anything about them yet other than the fact they’re both aesthetically pleasing & I like their general character tropes (the cool jack ass and the yandere). Plus they OT3 with Shigaraki like WOW and I love it.
11. Tsukauchi - How do you not love Normal Guy in a case of super heroes and quirks? Nice guy. Super cute with All Might. Awesome side character for the win.
12. Bakugou’s Parents - Look. His parents are adorable together and I love them. Also Bakugou’s mom is basically a grown up Bakugou and I’ve already established I love Bakugou so why not her to?
And I think that’s it. That’s what I’ve got. Generally speaking I love everyone in the show (even Mineta) and I just realized Izuku didn’t make the list and that’s kinda hilarious. He’ll get an honorable mention. But for real. I love everybody including Uraraka and Momo and Aoyama and all of them. Good show. Good cast.
HONORABLE MENTION: Izuku - I like Izuku a lot, but not as much as everyone else. I think my favorite thing about him is his obsession with Bakugou (”Kacchan” - I love it.) and frankly his fixation is like my favorite thing to play with fandom wise in this show. I love that he’s a reckless, anxious, unstoppable force and generally Izuku’s a great character. I think the only reason he’s not higher on the list is I always felt there was a bit of missed potential by having him be a Quirkless, BadAss Normal Hero (kinda like his prototype) that kinda lingers whenever I’m watching the show.
My Top Ships for Izuku: Uraraka is, funny enough, up first because I think their canon, mutual crush on each other is freaking ADORABLE and I think they have great chemistry. Bakugou is up second for obvious reasons *cough Izuku is obsessed with him cough* and I kinda picture that no matter who Izuku ends up with, they’re going to have to tiredly condition themselves to getting used to the fact Bakugou’s a huge part of Izuku’s life and he’s not going anywhere. Iida is also a fav for this ship because of awkward cuteness.
Now I’m done. *passes out*
5 notes · View notes
melyaliz · 3 years
Remember me 9
Master List
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Notes: I have about 2 other chapters “edited” (I use that term loosely) so I’ll try to take some time to post them soon as well.  
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest / Newsletter 
Check out my published work.
-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Olive -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
“Oh my god I can’t breath” Olive giggled, crumbling into Eliott’s lap. Her husband smiled down at her gently playing with her hair.
“This is serious Olive!” Eliott said, his smile melting away to a very strained serious one. His dark brown eyes studying her face, “it’s the greatest story ever told. Guy dates a woman, woman’s ex is a mob boss who is involved in illegal fashion, mob boss’s daughter almost gets killed. Now the guy must use his skills from the years of being in the other four movies to get revenge on his girlfriend’s daughter’s father. Tale as old as time “
“I’m just saying they should have killed the guy and the daughter could have gone full ninja killer and taken out her father and his gang.” Olive giggled, wiping her eyes from the tears of laughter that had been rolling down her cheeks.
“That would probably have been a better movie… but would it also have bad dummy shots?” her husband asked.
“Of course” sitting up inspiration struck, “I have an idea!” Eliott watched her as she sat straight up. “You write the action and I will write the romance.”
“How much romance will there be if the daughter is 12 yearsold.”
“Well romance and character stuff.” she shrugged, “And you can add in all the poorly done dummy blow ups you want.”
“I will” Eliott said nodded, “But only if I can use sex dolls.”
“Like, Hard Ticket to Hawaii ? Oh wait! Now hear me out” Olive giggled scooting up so she was now straddling her husband taking his hands in her own. A goofy smile spread across Eliott’s face as he weaved his fingers into her own.
“Oh are we at the wait stage of drunk Olive?”
“Shhhh” she giggled leaning forward slightly brushing her nose on his, “But really, this is serious.” Cleaning her throat for dramatic effect she continued, “a Hard Ticket to Hawaii Death Wish 4 crossover.”
“Oh girl,” Eliott said, his voice hitting a higher pitch on his girl . Olive giggled pushing herself forward so she was resting on his chest.
“I love you.”
“No way really?” Eliott gave a fake gasp  “That’s sooo weird because you know what? I love you too”
“ So just be ready ” Kirishima said, prepping the gang, “She’s… the same but different. ”
The group nodded in unison, game faces ready for whatever was coming. And that something was slowly walking toward when in the form of Bakugou and Olive.
Right off the bat it was obvious something was off. While they were holding hands it looked unnatural. Bakugou’s shoulders were hunched and he seemed to be looking anywhere but at Olive who was talking in the city as if she had never walked down this street before. Her large hazel eyes taking in everything, mouth slightly open.
“Olive! Bakugou!” Kirishima said, waving. At the sound of his voice Olive looked up and waved, a smile on her face as she looked over at the group of others standing with them. Her eyes intently taking everyone in as if searching for something that wasn’t there
“ Hello! ” she said as they both stood there awkwardly. Hands had been let go and now hanging at their sides. Limp as if unsure what to do.
There were a few more awkward nodes before Kirishima led them all inside toward the balcony seating, their usual stop. “T his place is amazing! ” Olive said looking around her eyes wide as she took in the atmosphere. Everyone froze as the blissfully unaware woman turned to her husband, “ How did you find this place Katsuki? ”
“ I didn’t, you did .” he said as everyone around him winched slightly. The awkwardness was so thick you could almost taste it, and it didn't taste good.
“Oh.” her voice soft as she bit her top lip looking down at her purple painted nails. She had found her polish that morning and had decided to try out the fun colors.
There was a long pause when Mina spoke up, “How’s Clare and Lilly and the others? ”
Olive blinked looking up, “ You know the girls? ”
“ Yeah we have wine and Rupaul's Drag race nights. I think the last one we did was about a month ago wasn’t it? ” the last statement, more of a question then a comment.
“Uhhh” Olive shrugged unsure how to respond
“ She doesn’t remember it ” Kaminari mumbled to the little pinked haired girl. And again there was a lapse of awkwardness. Turning to Momo from across the table Olive pointed to her shirt.
“ I love your shirt so cute! ” she said, stumbling slightly over her words. Momo lit up pointing to the shirt that Olive had gotten Momo for the hero’s birthday. The words “Females are strong as hell” in English was written in script across the chest. She had gotten it because she always told Momo, who was the 4th hero and number 1 female, that she was the most badass out of everyone (and that ranking didn’t mean shit). Also they were both addicted to “Unbreakable Kimmy Shimitt”  
“ Thank you, I’m Momo '' the dark haired hero said, noticing how much Olive was struggling trying to piece together who was who. Before they had come Momo and her fiancee Shoto Todoroki had decided to treat her like they had met for the first time. “ and this is Shodo my fiancee .”  
“ I’m Mina! ” Mina said quickly and everyone else followed suit with a quick round of introductions.
“ Yeah I have pictures ” Olive lit up at the introduction. “The fair.”
“ What picture did you have ?” Momo asked, leaning forward.
“ This one of the fair? ” Olive said, holding up the phone leaning over the table to hand her the phone. Watching them Kirishima chuckled leaning toward Bakugou.
“ Why are they across the table from each other?”  
Bakugou shrugged, rolling his eyes, not shocked by the poor seating choices. After coordinating this whole night was he really now in charge of seating as well?
“ Oh that was so fun. ” Momo smiled looking at the photo. Memories of her trip to the US where Olive had given her the grand tour.
“ Oh is that the American Fair? What other pictures do you have? Do you have the one from when we all went to that spa? Do you have the one of us in those masks making the peace sign? What about... ” Mina was bursting with questions going way too fast for Olive to keep up. The poor girl’s smile looked slightly strained as she tried to look like she was understanding more than every other word from the excited pink haired girl.
“You’re going to fast for her! ” Bakugou barked out noticing the very overwhelmed look in his wife’s eyes, “ She's still learning .”
“Oh sorry Olive” Mina whispered looking down at her hands feeling her face flush.  
“Don’t yell at her.” Olive said good naturally in English nudging Bakugou playfully with her shoulder. The blonde looked like the wind had been knocked out of him her words cutting him harder than he wanted to admit. “Which picture did you want to see Mina?”
Before the pink girl could respond the waiter came up to introduce herself and take drink orders.  A look of desperation came over Olive’s face as she looked down at the menu. Anxiety quickly flooded her system. The social pressure of trying to be normal while navigating a language she was still learning was extremely stressful. And this was besides the fact she had no idea what was good here or what she would like to order. Did she had a regular drink here? If so, what was it?
Desperately she looked down at the Japanese characters as if they would suddenly jump out and give her all the answers.  
A large hand slammed over the menu making Olive lookup. Bakugou’s intense red gaze met her hazel one.
“I’ll order for you,” he said softly in English, more of a statement than an offer. His red eyes studding her as if reading all her thoughts. She smiled softly at him making him flush slightly looking away from her to the waiter ordering quickly.
“Thank you” she whispered, her hand gently brushing against his arm. Her fingertips leave a trail of goosebumps in their wake. It felt like her touch was fire.
Quickly he rubbed his arm as if he could put out the flames that were licking at his skin.
Fuck. He had it bad.
“Yeah well you looked so lost.” he grumbled looking away turning to Kirishima who was intently watching the conversation with the most annoying smile on his face. “ What are you looking at? ” Struggling Kirishima’s annoying smirk didn’t fade but he offered no explanation for his expression.
Lucky for Bakugou the conversation shifted to other things. Work, life, weird food Kaminari had tried last week on his trip to Bermuda.
Olive quickly picked up her conversation with Momo about the place she was looking into for her wedding and life in general. Since they were - as Kirishima had pointed out- sitting across the table from each other, Olive had to basically lean up over the top of the table to shout of the music that was playing in the background.
Bakugou couldn’t help but frown watching as his wife literally looked like she was crawling over. Her eyes bright as the two talked. It was the most enthusiastic she had been in a long time.
“If you want to be with her so bad go sit over there, ” he said, it came out much harder than he had meant it to be. But he was annoyed and sometimes -ok most times- had a hard time masking his emotions. Olive blinked looking up at him confused for a moment before getting up from her seat moving over - much to Momo’s delight- to sit down next to her. He could see her pulling out her phone probably to show off pictures of Dolemite. Or maybe to ask more about the people who littered it. He could tell she felt awkward about asking him those questions. Knowing it hurt.
But also he wanted her next to him. To feel her next to him. To know she was still there with him.
“ OMG I love this song !” Mina squealed as a song came on.
“ Let’s dance, ” Momo said, getting up knowing Olive loved to dance. Normally she was the one dragging the girls onto the floor. At the promise of dancing Olive lit up as she stood to follow them. However before she left she glanced over at Bakugou, as if checking in with him.
“Why are you looking at me? Go!”
Olive flashed him a wide smile before following the girls into the crowd. The other two girls grabbed her laughing as they swayed with the music. Not having to talk just laughing and enjoying each other’s company. The universal girl code of good music and alcohol.
Three songs later and she was slowing down, taking a moment to breathe looking around the dance floor.
And that was when she thought she saw him.
Long blonde hair pulled up in a man bun. A basic flannel shirt, on the shorter side with broad shoulders leaning on the bar, his back to her.
Her brain zoned in on it, for a second she forgot he was dead. Forgot he was gone.
That first month after his death she saw him everywhere. Heard his laugh. Sensed his presence. Slowly it had gotten better. His presence slowly fading from the bright sun of the day to the dark of night or in those first moments when she was waking up. And even more recently his presence had slowly faded. Her brain too busy trying to understand this whole new life she was living to focus on the loss.
But as the man turned and she saw it was clearly not him something washed over her. Hit her right in the face crushing her inside.
She didn’t even realize she was crying until Momo came up and hugged her.
“What happened?” she whispered in English as Olive raised her hands to her face trying to stop the tears. But they wouldn’t stop. Her chest so heavy it felt like her whole body was filled with sadness and the only way out was through her tears.
“I just… I thought… I saw Eliott.” she hiccuped, “I’m sorry… I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Momo asked, frowning as she studied Olive. Mina, whose English was not as good, hovered around them both rubbing Olive’s shoulder trying to understand what had happened.
“I just… can't stop crying.” Olive sobbed trying to take deep breaths to gain control of herself.
“It’s been a lot for you.” Momo said, “come here” she hugged the girl for a moment before pulling away.
“ It’s ok to miss someone. ” Mina said, holding out a napkin she had grabbed from the bar.
“Yeah and for you it’s been very recent.”  Monmo added nodding
“I just feel guilty… Katsuki.” Olive fumbled through the words trying to explain all the emotions that were swerling like some muddy concoction in her chest.
“ Oh Bakugou can get over it. ” Momo said, waving her hand trying to keep her words simple so both girls could understand what she was saying, “ he gets all moody but he really cares about you. ”
“ Yeah, the first time I met you he was so… relaxed. ” Mina said, trying to find the right words, “ None of us had ever seen him that way before. ”
“ He was happy. ” Momo nodded, “ He will be fine, you need to focus on yourself.”  
From across the bar Bakugou had lost sight of where the girls had gone. The crowd was getting thicker and thicker as the night had dragged on. He knew Olive would be safe with Momo and Mina there but still, he wanted to make sure she was ok.
And then he caught a glimpse of them. Standing at one of the far corners of the dance floor. Momo and Mina standing over Olive, hovering around her with concern on their faces. For a moment Mina moved and he could see Olive clearly, holding a small white napkin wiping her eyes.
“ Hey bro where are you ?”
“ Just drink your beer. ” Bakugou interrupted Kirishima as he quickly made his way to the dance floor. Momo’s eyes met his and she shook her head but he didn’t care. Olive wasn’t Momo’s wife, she was his. They were supposed to be distracting her, not reminding her about her memory loss.
“Hey,” he said, reaching out for her. Olive turned eyes wide, still slightly glassy from her tears. Her makeup smudged. “Dance with me.” pulling her away from the girls who looked like they were about to protest. But one death glare from Bakugou told them not too.
He led her across the floor, his red eyes studying her as she took a few shaky breaths. Trying to compose herself. After a few moments her body slowly relaxed letting him lead as he felt her slowly lose herself in the music again.
“You dance?” she asked looking up at him.
“Depends.” he said shrugging
“Humm” she hummed, nodding like Eliott was what she was thinking. Eliott Eliott Eliott. Even Momo got more out of her than him. He felt like she was more comfortable around everyone but him. “You know” she said leaning forward resting her head on his chest catching him off guard. “I like to be with you too.”
He froze, his stomach clutching tightly, his breath coming out in a short gasp. She looked up at him with those hazel eyes studying him. “What you said about Momo, I like being with you too.”
“I heard you the first time” he said sharply only to soften quickly.
“I… I obviously liked being with you before or I wouldn’t have married you.” she added a genuine grin spreading across her face.  
“That would make sense.” He said nodding as they swayed in the music both caught up in their own thoughts. Eyes meeting, dancing in the lights overhead. For a second it felt as if time stood still and Olive was sworn she wasn’t in real life but in some weird musical romcom. As if her whole life was some televised novel filled with hi-jinks and drama.
Caught up in the moment Bakugou gently leaned forward, his nose brushing hers before pausing. Her heart leapt into her throat at the soft intimate touch. Crimson eyes searching hazel for a moment before moving closer, his warm breath caressing  her ear.
“Let me kiss you?”
Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @myraticm
Master List
5 notes · View notes
melyaliz · 4 years
Remember Me pt. 9
Master List
Fandom: My Hero Academia 
Summary: Sometimes you just see ghosts in the most unusual places 
Pairing: Bakugou x OC 
Notes: Slow burn with a couple that is already together is kind of fun to write. 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Website / Pinterest / Newsletter 
-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-- Olive --0-0-0-0-0-0-
“Oh my god I can’t breath” Olive giggled, crumbling into Eliott’s lap. Her husband smiled down at her gently playing with her hair.
“This is serious Olive!” Eliott said, his smile melting away to a very strained serious one. His dark brown eyes studying her face, “it’s the greatest story ever told. Guy dates a woman, woman’s ex is a mob boss who is involved in illegal fashion, mob boss’s daughter almost gets killed. Now the guy must use his skills from the years of being in the other four movies to get revenge on his girlfriend’s daughter’s father. Tale as old as time “
“I’m just saying they should have killed the guy and the daughter could have gone full ninja killer and taken out her father and his gang.” Olive giggled, wiping her eyes from the tears of laughter that had been rolling down her cheeks.
“That would probably have been a better movie… but would it also have bad dummy shots?” her husband asked.
“Of course” sitting up inspiration struck, “I have an idea!” Eliott watched her as she sat straight up. “You write the action and I will write the romance.”
“How much romance will there be if the daughter is 12 yearsold.”
“Well romance and character stuff.” she shrugged, “And you can add in all the poorly done dummy blow ups you want.”
“I will” Eliott said nodded, “But only if I can use sex dolls.”
“Like, Hard Ticket to Hawaii ? Oh wait! Now hear me out” Olive giggled scooting up so she was now straddling her husband taking his hands in her own. A goofy smile spread across Eliott’s face as he weaved his fingers into her own.
“Oh are we at the wait stage of drunk Olive?”
“Shhhh” she giggled leaning forward slightly brushing her nose on his, “But really, this is serious.” Cleaning her throat for dramatic effect she continued, “a Hard Ticket to Hawaii Death Wish 4 crossover.”
“Oh girl,” Eliott said, his voice hitting a higher pitch on his girl . Olive giggled pushing herself forward so she was resting on his chest.
“I love you.”
“No way really?” Eliott gave a fake gasp  “That’s sooo weird because you know what? I love you too”
“ So just be ready ” Kirishima said, prepping the gang, “She’s… the same but different. ”
The group nodded in unison, game faces ready for whatever was coming. And that something was slowly walking toward when in the form of Bakugou and Olive.
Right off the bat it was obvious something was off. While they were holding hands it looked unnatural. Bakugou’s shoulders were hunched and he seemed to be looking anywhere but at Olive who was talking in the city as if she had never walked down this street before. Her large hazel eyes taking in everything, mouth slightly open.
“Olive! Bakugou!” Kirishima said, waving. At the sound of his voice Olive looked up and waved, a smile on her face as she looked over at the group of others standing with them. Her eyes intently taking everyone in as if searching for something that wasn’t there
“ Hello! ” she said as they both stood there awkwardly. Hands had been let go and now hanging at their sides. Limp as if unsure what to do.
There were a few more awkward nodes before Kirishima led them all inside toward the balcony seating, their usual stop. “T his place is amazing! ” Olive said looking around her eyes wide as she took in the atmosphere. Everyone froze as the blissfully unaware woman turned to her husband, “ How did you find this place Katsuki? ”
“ I didn’t, you did .” he said as everyone around him winched slightly. The awkwardness was so thick you could almost taste it, and it didn't taste good.
“Oh.” her voice soft as she bit her top lip looking down at her purple painted nails. She had found her polish that morning and had decided to try out the fun colors.
There was a long pause when Mina spoke up, “How’s Clare and Lilly and the others? ”
Olive blinked looking up, “ You know the girls? ”
“ Yeah we have wine and Rupaul's Drag race nights. I think the last one we did was about a month ago wasn’t it? ” the last statement, more of a question then a comment.
“Uhhh” Olive shrugged unsure how to respond
“ She doesn’t remember it ” Kaminari mumbled to the little pinked haired girl. And again there was a lapse of awkwardness. Turning to Momo from across the table Olive pointed to her shirt.
“ I love your shirt so cute! ” she said, stumbling slightly over her words. Momo lit up pointing to the shirt that Olive had gotten Momo for the hero’s birthday. The words “Females are strong as hell” in English was written in script across the chest. She had gotten it because she always told Momo, who was the 4th hero and number 1 female, that she was the most badass out of everyone (and that ranking didn’t mean shit). Also they were both addicted to “Unbreakable Kimmy Shimitt”  
“ Thank you, I’m Momo '' the dark haired hero said, noticing how much Olive was struggling trying to piece together who was who. Before they had come Momo and her fiancee Shoto Todoroki had decided to treat her like they had met for the first time. “ and this is Shodo my fiancee .”  
“ I’m Mina! ” Mina said quickly and everyone else followed suit with a quick round of introductions.
“ Yeah I have pictures ” Olive lit up at the introduction. “The fair.”
“ What picture did you have ?” Momo asked, leaning forward.
“ This one of the fair? ” Olive said, holding up the phone leaning over the table to hand her the phone. Watching them Kirishima chuckled leaning toward Bakugou.
“ Why are they across the table from each other?”  
Bakugou shrugged, rolling his eyes, not shocked by the poor seating choices. After coordinating this whole night was he really now in charge of seating as well?
“ Oh that was so fun. ” Momo smiled looking at the photo. Memories of her trip to the US where Olive had given her the grand tour.
“ Oh is that the American Fair? What other pictures do you have? Do you have the one from when we all went to that spa? Do you have the one of us in those masks making the peace sign? What about... ” Mina was bursting with questions going way too fast for Olive to keep up. The poor girl’s smile looked slightly strained as she tried to look like she was understanding more than every other word from the excited pink haired girl.
“You’re going to fast for her! ” Bakugou barked out noticing the very overwhelmed look in his wife’s eyes, “ She's still learning .”
“Oh sorry Olive” Mina whispered looking down at her hands feeling her face flush.  
“Don’t yell at her.” Olive said good naturally in English nudging Bakugou playfully with her shoulder. The blonde looked like the wind had been knocked out of him her words cutting him harder than he wanted to admit. “Which picture did you want to see Mina?”
Before the pink girl could respond the waiter came up to introduce herself and take drink orders.  A look of desperation came over Olive’s face as she looked down at the menu. Anxiety quickly flooded her system. The social pressure of trying to be normal while navigating a language she was still learning was extremely stressful. And this was besides the fact she had no idea what was good here or what she would like to order. Did she had a regular drink here? If so, what was it?
Desperately she looked down at the Japanese characters as if they would suddenly jump out and give her all the answers.  
A large hand slammed over the menu making Olive lookup. Bakugou’s intense red gaze met her hazel one.
“I’ll order for you,” he said softly in English, more of a statement than an offer. His red eyes studding her as if reading all her thoughts. She smiled softly at him making him flush slightly looking away from her to the waiter ordering quickly.
“Thank you” she whispered, her hand gently brushing against his arm. Her fingertips leave a trail of goosebumps in their wake. It felt like her touch was fire.
Quickly he rubbed his arm as if he could put out the flames that were licking at his skin.
Fuck. He had it bad.
“Yeah well you looked so lost.” he grumbled looking away turning to Kirishima who was intently watching the conversation with the most annoying smile on his face. “ What are you looking at? ” Struggling Kirishima’s annoying smirk didn’t fade but he offered no explanation for his expression.
Lucky for Bakugou the conversation shifted to other things. Work, life, weird food Kaminari had tried last week on his trip to Bermuda.
Olive quickly picked up her conversation with Momo about the place she was looking into for her wedding and life in general. Since they were - as Kirishima had pointed out- sitting across the table from each other, Olive had to basically lean up over the top of the table to shout of the music that was playing in the background.
Bakugou couldn’t help but frown watching as his wife literally looked like she was crawling over. Her eyes bright as the two talked. It was the most enthusiastic she had been in a long time.
“If you want to be with her so bad go sit over there, ” he said, it came out much harder than he had meant it to be. But he was annoyed and sometimes -ok most times- had a hard time masking his emotions. Olive blinked looking up at him confused for a moment before getting up from her seat moving over - much to Momo’s delight- to sit down next to her. He could see her pulling out her phone probably to show off pictures of Dolemite. Or maybe to ask more about the people who littered it. He could tell she felt awkward about asking him those questions. Knowing it hurt.
But also he wanted her next to him. To feel her next to him. To know she was still there with him.
“ OMG I love this song !” Mina squealed as a song came on.
“ Let’s dance, ” Momo said, getting up knowing Olive loved to dance. Normally she was the one dragging the girls onto the floor. At the promise of dancing Olive lit up as she stood to follow them. However before she left she glanced over at Bakugou, as if checking in with him.
“Why are you looking at me? Go!”
Olive flashed him a wide smile before following the girls into the crowd. The other two girls grabbed her laughing as they swayed with the music. Not having to talk just laughing and enjoying each other’s company. The universal girl code of good music and alcohol.
Three songs later and she was slowing down, taking a moment to breathe looking around the dance floor.
And that was when she thought she saw him.
Long blonde hair pulled up in a man bun. A basic flannel shirt, on the shorter side with broad shoulders leaning on the bar, his back to her.
Her brain zoned in on it, for a second she forgot he was dead. Forgot he was gone.
That first month after his death she saw him everywhere. Heard his laugh. Sensed his presence. Slowly it had gotten better. His presence slowly fading from the bright sun of the day to the dark of night or in those first moments when she was waking up. And even more recently his presence had slowly faded. Her brain too busy trying to understand this whole new life she was living to focus on the loss.
But as the man turned and she saw it was clearly not him something washed over her. Hit her right in the face crushing her inside.
She didn’t even realize she was crying until Momo came up and hugged her.
“What happened?” she whispered in English as Olive raised her hands to her face trying to stop the tears. But they wouldn’t stop. Her chest so heavy it felt like her whole body was filled with sadness and the only way out was through her tears.
“I just… I thought… I saw Eliott.” she hiccuped, “I’m sorry… I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Momo asked, frowning as she studied Olive. Mina, whose English was not as good, hovered around them both rubbing Olive’s shoulder trying to understand what had happened.
“I just… can't stop crying.” Olive sobbed trying to take deep breaths to gain control of herself.
“It’s been a lot for you.” Momo said, “come here” she hugged the girl for a moment before pulling away.
“ It’s ok to miss someone. ” Mina said, holding out a napkin she had grabbed from the bar.
“Yeah and for you it’s been very recent.”  Monmo added nodding
“I just feel guilty… Katsuki.” Olive fumbled through the words trying to explain all the emotions that were swerling like some muddy concoction in her chest.
“ Oh Bakugou can get over it. ” Momo said, waving her hand trying to keep her words simple so both girls could understand what she was saying, “ he gets all moody but he really cares about you. ”
“ Yeah, the first time I met you he was so… relaxed. ” Mina said, trying to find the right words, “ None of us had ever seen him that way before. ”
“ He was happy. ” Momo nodded, “ He will be fine, you need to focus on yourself.”  
From across the bar Bakugou had lost sight of where the girls had gone. The crowd was getting thicker and thicker as the night had dragged on. He knew Olive would be safe with Momo and Mina there but still, he wanted to make sure she was ok.
And then he caught a glimpse of them. Standing at one of the far corners of the dance floor. Momo and Mina standing over Olive, hovering around her with concern on their faces. For a moment Mina moved and he could see Olive clearly, holding a small white napkin wiping her eyes.
“ Hey bro where are you ?”
“ Just drink your beer. ” Bakugou interrupted Kirishima as he quickly made his way to the dance floor. Momo’s eyes met his and she shook her head but he didn’t care. Olive wasn’t Momo’s wife, she was his. They were supposed to be distracting her, not reminding her about her memory loss.
“Hey,” he said, reaching out for her. Olive turned eyes wide, still slightly glassy from her tears. Her makeup smudged. “Dance with me.” pulling her away from the girls who looked like they were about to protest. But one death glare from Bakugou told them not too.
He led her across the floor, his red eyes studying her as she took a few shaky breaths. Trying to compose herself. After a few moments her body slowly relaxed letting him lead as he felt her slowly lose herself in the music again.
“You dance?” she asked looking up at him.
“Depends.” he said shrugging
“Humm” she hummed, nodding like Eliott was what she was thinking. Eliott, Eliott, Eliott. Even Momo got more out of her than him. He felt like she was more comfortable around everyone but him. “You know” she said leaning forward resting her head on his chest catching him off guard. “I like to be with you too.”
He froze, his stomach clutching tightly, his breath coming out in a short gasp. She looked up at him with those hazel eyes studying him. “What you said about Momo, I like being with you too.”
“I heard you the first time” he said sharply only to soften quickly.
“I… I obviously liked being with you before or I wouldn’t have married you.” she added a genuine grin spreading across her face.  
“That would make sense.” He said nodding as they swayed in the music both caught up in their own thoughts. Eyes meeting, dancing in the lights overhead. For a second it felt as if time stood still and Olive was sworn she wasn’t in real life but in some weird musical romcom. As if her whole life was some televised novel filled with hi-jinks and drama.
Caught up in the moment Bakugou gently leaned forward, his nose brushing hers before pausing. Her heart leapt into her throat at the soft intimate touch. Crimson eyes searching hazel for a moment before moving closer, his warm breath caressing  her ear.
“Let me kiss you?”
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Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @myraticm
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