#and it got to mob in mogamiland
gumy-shark · 9 days
thinks abt post confession arc plural mob again. literally so good i keep forgetting it’s not canon
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shigayokagayama · 1 year
incomplete list of weird/interesting manga-anime discrepancies
-you know the bit where they break into the girls highschool in episode 2? yea thats chapter 56. spliced into the middle of chapter 4. its supposed to go before the bit with the ghost family as a lead up to the mogami arc with mob starting to consider evil spirits as just as much “people” as living humans are. all things considered its kind of weird how well it fits its anime placement
-ritsu in the manga gets introduced in the same chapter as teru. you dont see mobs family at all for the first few chapters. infact i dont think his parents appear until like. chapter 25????? every interaction you see between mob and any of his family is completely made up for the anime
-in the manga during the claw arc instead of reigen sending them away all the lackeys just stood there awkwardly during the fight w the scars fdnjksndkjgnd
-mogami arc got GUTTED my god. the part where the fake psychics tried to murder minori got removed, shinras role in the arc got reduced to basically nothing, they move mogamiland ritsu to a bridge like 50 feet away instead of having him walk right over mob, mob only gets beat up like twice, the cat lives, the boxcutter bit is totally removed, the fight with the spirits is made a lot more abstract and less graphic. like im glad this one took the hit instead of the separation arc bc i cant imagine that arc ever being effective as one episode but wow.
-putting the “mob finding his family dead” thing at the end of the episode instead of in the middle of a chapter where it originally was was an objectively hilarious move
-rip the scene of teru outsmarting all three claw guys and saying “say old man have you ever been tortured before” unfortunately all scenes of teru being competent are not plot relevant and must die. also teru can make shadow clones
-hey remember those weird satellite people in claw keeping the viewer updated on where all the characters were in that infinite arc?
-mob with a gun.
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-mob getting briefly knocked out while fighting toichiro and dimple possessing him then getting kicked out was replaced w toichiro just throwing him out the window or somethhing???
-toichiro saying that he only kept the super five around as spare batteries and draining serizawas power getting cut was a personal affront to me
-every single emotion mob cycled through in the anime got a 100% meter. the kid was super emotionally unstable in that fight
-that old man whos house they went to whos wraith made everyone asleep that they exorcised? yea they anime team made that up. they never went to his house in the manga, he just went to spirits and such for a shoulder massage
-manga reigen got 0 money for helping the yokai dude. it wasnt on the table. also most of the stuff he was saying was lifted from a video game serizawa played which he pointed out. also serizawa thought getting arrested was a type of spell
-takenakas general meanness was significantly toned down manga takenaka was a huge bitch
-in general the alien arc was a lot funnier in the manga? like the scene where reigen crashes they had reached a dead end on an extremely narrow path and were driving in reverse while tome and takenaka were screaming at each other in the back and inukawa was 5 seconds from snapping and killing everyone in the car. these might be my favorite pages in the entire manga they as so fucking funny
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-originally when tome said she wouldnt keep climbing reigen suggested mob carry her with telekinesis (which horrified her) and mob said he was too motion sick to use his powers (obvious lie) but could carry her instead which got her to get up
-mezato asking mob to sign a t shirt for the psycho helmet cult in exchange for relationship advice got cut
-i cry every day that the sequence of ???% waking up didnt get animated it set a very different tone than the anime did. the anime was like. slow build up of dread. the manga was immediately bone deep horror i was literally sitting in my room yelling “WHAT???” over and over again at my computer as i clicked through it
-shigeo and mob conversation cut down significantly, all the references to the body improvement club being mob making a new self rather than embracing who he really is and being scared that all the friends hes made wouldnt like the real him removed </3
-the scene where reigen takes his shoes off is made a lot less somber and depressing. it feels less like “oh he knows hes going to die” and more like. triumphant? in the anime
-100% shigeo kageyama is an anime addition they added specifically to ruin my “the first time we see mob 100% is to fight dimple and the last time is to stop himself from fighting dimple” observation
-anime teru generally seems like hes in a better place than manga teru? manga teru seems very melancholy and like he doesn’t really know what to do with his life or his place in the world (which seems to put shigeo off) but anime teru is like wanna go shopping ^_^ *sips tea happily*
-manga shigeo deliberately threw the cake directly in reigens face and my fury over them making this ambiguous will last until i am dead
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cowardlybean · 8 months
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MP100 roleswap edits because I wanna see other people share their takes on this!!!!!!!
Dimple swaps with Reigen, Ritsu swaps with Mob, and Teru swaps with Shou (ages stay the same minus Dimple bc idk how old he is)
Original screenshots and more info below the cut
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In this au, Ritsu got his powers first, Teru’s a part of claw, Shou’s a delinquent in school, Mob is still very awkward, Dimple runs a scam of his own, and Reigen became a spirit at age 24
General plot events are still somewhat the same but they’re also switched around! (I’ll leave the changes up to interpretation, I wanna see people have fun with this concept!)
Some major points in my own interpretation: The mechanics in mogamiland and divine tree arc are swapped around, so mogami (or mogami-adjacent foe) uses brainwashing while reigen creates a false world (and fake dies like dimple because :3), the two major claw arcs are swapped around, meaning Serizawa joins the crew earlier and the members of Scar are tougher, like dimple possesses ritsu, reigen possesses mob, dimple is not as good as a mentor to ritsu as reigen to mob in canon
I haven’t thought of anything creative for Tome’s role andthe final arc, and I sure as hell don’t have a human dimple design yet but!! Lemme know what y’all think (pleasepleasepleasepleaseple)
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plushieebear · 2 years
okay let me share why i think mob saving the cat in ep 9 is really important:
if u can recall mogami arc, mob was trapped inside a hellscape for 6 months without friends, family and loved ones. you can tell that he is Extremely lonely until he had a cat to feed after school. even if its not a person, he continues to do so bc its the only thing that is treating him kindly
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the anime didnt show it, but in the manga, minori and the gang showed up and they brutally killed the cat. mob was unable to do anything at that time
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so in response at the final arc, mob finally saved the cat in reality!! but the cat he saved this time is a black cat (not to mention its carrying a dead rat??) if u believe in superstitions, black cats are a sign of bad luck if they happen to cross your path.
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and then mob got struck with bad luck...
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so Where am i going with this? mob saving the cat reminds him of the time he spent in mogamiland. with how mogami warns him that no matter how kind you are, the world will treat you badly. and it did.
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scribefindegil · 1 year
Do you think Mogami gave Mob an actual education in Mogamiland? Like, “I might want this kid to use his powers to end the world but also he is going to learn math.”
Okay so. I have been pondering this and I think the answer is yes, the entire Mogamiland school curriculum was real bc Mogami was a stickler about playing by his own made-up rules that everything has to be """realistic""".
However. I think that he had to pull the whole curriculum from Mob's memories, just rewind a ways and teach him things that he'd forgotten he'd already learned, because Mogami is not omnipotent and he doesn't know what contemporary kids are learning in middle-school math.
And I think he got the amount wrong. He's sitting there assembling his fucked-up little nightmare world and he's like "How long will it take to bring this kid around to my way of thinking? A week? Two? Better make it a month to be safe."
A month passes. Mob has not become evil. And Mogami's like "Fuck, well, I'll just rewind the curriculum again and make the two real kids here forget about it. It's fine. Surely he'll see that the world is hopeless and can only be cleansed with blood after two months."
And then he just. Has to keep doing it. Goes from dramatically monologuing about The Darkness That Lurks At The Heart Of Humanity to messing around with his Nightmareland Code to make the goddamn math loop again
And after six months it looks like his plan has actually worked and he's like "Fucking finally!" and then a snot ghost shows up and ruins everything with the power of friendship.
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quirkle2 · 8 months
i don't think enough people pay attention to the fact that serizawa and shigeo shared memories during their first meeting. serizawa is perhaps one of the only characters bar teru to TRULY Get shigeo.
just from the clips that flash on screen when serizawa gets shigeo's memories (and what i recognize the eps they're from), he knows of shigeo's kindness for emi, mob's fear of himself and the fact that nobody would be there to stop him if he went "bad", MOGAMILAND, shigeo crying after teru and he's first fight, the season 1 finale, and the house fire
the mogamiland one kills me bc that means that serizawa is the only character in the show (except mogami obviously) to know exactly what happened to shigeo during those six condensed months in that other world. dimple got the jist of it near the end, but he wasn't there near long enough to get the full picture. that was perhaps shigeo's most harrowing ordeal then, and also one of his biggest acts of kindness, especially considering the six months of hell he slogged through to do it
this opens up so many fuckin paths for their dynamic but i very rarely see it explored
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- Ekubo only survives because he met Mob through Reigen (Reigen almost got brainwashed, but he's covered in Mob's and Teruki's aura like supernatural cat hair and Ekubo was too weak to get past that, he followed Reigen to find the source of that power, Reigen let him because Reigen was a fan of Ghostbusters as a kid and thought Ekubo could be a mascot or smth like Slimer) Mob doesn't like that Ekubo follows him at first but it's better than the ghost following Teruki
- When Ritsu gets kidnapped? It goes pretty similar to canon at the beginning, except Mob isn't shy about using his powers At All, he's never been so mad or scared in his entire life, Teruki is helping because he has known Ritsu for 8 years and even if Ritsu's been avoidant of Teruki since The Incident Teruki still does care about him. Mob is barely stopping long enough to be attacked, he grabs the first higher up he sees and just makes the little reverse-barrier smaller and tighter every time they hesitate to answer 'left or right?' through the seemingly endless hallways. At one point he does get caught in the psychic delusion that his brother is dead, but that helps absolutely nothing, that one gets genuinely killed, Mob doesn't even notice. He's brought Ritsu (and the awakening lab but only because Ritsu could grab them quick enough) out of the building before Reigen even arrives. This doesn't help Ritsu's perception of Mob, seeing him tear through seasoned adult espers like wet tissue. Teruki feels nothing but vindication - the people that would attack and try to kidnap a eight year old, the people that took Ritsu, they're gone, they've been dealt with, all because of Mob. Teruki's emotional dependance on Mob grows three sizes that day
- Shou got the Fear Of Mob put into him that day, sadly thst doesn't keep him from poking the bear. Mob does get in on the plan sooner though! Mostly because Mob doesn't have a '???%' to take over when the goings get tough so he was cognizant enough to look for auras with his brother's aura on them after seeing his family burned alive instead of just any esper. Sadly he doesn't see Ritsu before he's already gone through the (solid concrete) building to stand directly on Shou's neck while asking why he did what he did while slowly increasing the gravity around Shou until he can't breath. He didn't die! Just got pretty asphyxiated before Ritsu pulled Mob off him. Ritsu's perspective of Mob doesn't get better At All with this but his perspective of Shou also gets worse
- The thing is Evil Mob isn't even that evil he just feels his emotions and sees his actions as justifiable defence
- Shou's dad fucking dies!!!! He dies alone and nukes half of seasoning!!!!! Shou doesn't know how to feel about his dad because he never fucking apologized!!!!!!!
- Mogami arc. Oh no. OKAY I HAVE FEELINGS ABT MOGAMI ARC SPECIFICALLY WHY DIDN'T MOGAMI USE HIS OWN TRAUMA TO HIS ADVANTAGE - firstly Teruki got Badly injured in the initial attack, but he refuses to go out to an ambulance because Teruki's fucking crazy on his own okay he's got Mob and that's it just Mob and Teru no one else because no one gets it, everyone but Mob is shallow and fake and not to be trusted but if Mob dies then Teruki will be alone so Teruki has to be there when Mob gets back because if Mob doesn't get back then Teruki cannot fathom moving on. Secondly in Mogamiland Ritsu isn't a stranger, he's Mob's brother still, but he's sick. Mob spends the six months being verbally and physically abused by his sick brother who's more angry at his condition than Mob but takes it out on him anyway. Mob spends six months trying to afford care on a student's wage, getting severely bullied at school by Asigiri, ignored by Teruki and then coming home to Ritsu calling everything a waste and then coughing up a lung. The snap is when Asigiri and her group follow him home and start fucking with Ritsu while he's too weak to sit up. Mogami's goal was to get Mob to actively try to kill 'people', and it worked. Ekubo came in a little too late for that, after Mogamiland, Mob doesn't trust himself around anyone but Teruki for a while
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hebezunet · 2 years
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i think mogamiland can still have a purpose and function a bit similarly to in canon. mob still has incredibly strong psychic powers of course so maybe mogami sees this as an opportunity to push him to his absolute limit so that those powers can be released and he can consume them for himself. toichiro has been storing up energy for 20-30 some odd years in canon, so in weirdswap mogami has been collecting the power of evil spirits and humans for 20-30 some odd years. him realizing that mob could be the key to basically unlimited power would be amazing for him. ws!mogami would be opportunistic like toichiro, like toichiro taking serizawa under his wing for the sole purpose of extorting his powers and using him as a battery if his use had expired. ws!mogami would see the opprotunity to extort mob and push him to wits end and suck the life right out of him
now as far as mogamiland in general would go, minori would not be as... tormenting. and since mob would have a bit more confidence and a bit more raw strength than in canon, breaking him would be a bit more troublesome, even when stripped of his powers. but, its mogamis world. he can do exactly as he pleases. maybe mob isnt all alone in a cruel world, but placed in a world crammed tight with cruelty close by. the people in his life normally are just normal people. in mogamiland someone like ritsu could be so self righteous and overt with his newfound psychic powers that maybe mob gets jealous (kind of also a parallel with mob and ritsu in canon). in canon mob is nothing without his psychic powers, and in weirdswap hes nothing without his powers because almost everyone around him has them in such high quantities. its not fair that he didnt get these powers, why cant he just be like everyone else? hes an outcast in the opposite sense. mogami drawing out this rage and jealousy over being so inferior to make him explode and suck all the pent up karmic energy
and in this instance, dimple interfering would basically be switched with reigen stopping mob during the first claw arc. dimple comes to remind mob that he has people waiting on the other side, that hes a good person, he wouldnt give in to such feelings of anger and jealousy like this. sure, hes got a bit of a temper, but hed never hurt anybody. hes gentle. gentle.
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punkcherries · 5 years
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eshithepetty · 2 years
bold of you to assume that in your own blog you cant post your brainrot about mp100! of course you can, please what are your favorite/least headcanons?
Oh, I assume this is in response to the post where i asked for mp100 discord reccs? In which case - yeah, I know ;^^ it's just more fun to share brainrot in an active discussion ig!! But either way... hm. Headcanons...
Y'know, I had to think for a while cause I've just recently gotten back into mp100, so I've yet to recover all the pieces of mp100 love that I had a few years back, and I don't think on headcanons much... but i guess some I like would be:
Mob and Tsubomi become long distance friends after the end of the manga. I really like the thought of them keeping in touch and Mob, after overcoming the idealized version of her he had in his head, coming to actually get to know her for who she really is, and learning to admire her in a different, more grounded way. I also like to imagine Tsubomi being a bit lonely behind the scenes, searching for genuine connection, and I think she would appreciate this new bond with Mob for that reason. I just love thinking of their hypothetical friendship a lot :)
Teru has npd. Obviously, this isn't some fresh hot take, and one could say this is not even a hc and just a canon fact, but yeah. It all lines up, after all, even what causes npd in a person - excessive praise bordering on idealization from your family/peers, some kind of dissonance in identity (how his powers influence his view of self), childhood trauma (claw targeting him) - I would say even negligence, since he isn't in contact with his parents anymore, and I imagine he hasn't been for a long time. I do wonder about that, too - why exactly they aren't there. They could be dead, or just away, (working abroad is the most common explanation i've heard) - and I think I agree with the second option more, because it would tie in better with his feelings of superiority - as a sort of justification. 'It's fine that my parents left me, because I don't need them anyway - I'm strong and infinitely capable on my own.' But, of course that's false, because it's very clear that he wouldn't have turned out this way if he had had better guidance, as shown through Mob. And I just really love that aspect of him - he's very interesting. And I really appreciate the way his narcissistic tendencies shine through even after Mob shatters his world view, and in how exactly he changes. But if I was to get into all that, it would need it's own post, so i'll just move on.. ;^^
Speaking of Teru's myriad of issues, ig this is where a bit of saltiness comes in? In that, I don't think Terumob would actually work out seamlessly as a relationship. Not as easily as most fics I've read tend to portray it, at least. Which is fine, fics are just there for self indulgence, carry on writing how you wanna write - but if I ever was to write a terumob fic, I guess I would focus more on their communication issues, because I think they would have some of those. Where was that post about how Teru would seek constant validation, but Mob plays his emotions so on the down low that it could get hard for Teru? That. Also, based on the ending of the manga, we know that Mob (???%) still holds some resentment for Teru - understandably, as he nearly killed him. So they would have to work through that, as well as I think that Teru's idealization of Mob could harm their bond in the long run. But overall, I think having to overcome those issues to be together could be really beneficial to them both - Mob in keeping Teru grounded, and Teru in encouraging Mob to be more open. And it's just a ship that is good for introducing that kind of conflict, which is why I like it ^^
On that topic, this is more of a fic idea than a headcanon, but imagine if like. Mob got sick or something and thus had to stay at home for a bit. And the loneliness of it remind him of Mogamiland. And that leads to him reaching out to Teru to fight off those feelings - and as he talks to Teru, Mob learns that the other has lived on his own for years, begins to feel terrible for him, and the discussion spirals from there. i think that would be cool to write out.... now if only my brain wasn't so scrambled lmao (also maybe a fic like that already exists, in which case.... 👀?)
Moving on from terumob - I will go against another popular hc and say that... maybe Reigen doesn't actually have a citrus allergy? Which, it's not a bad explanation for why he threw up that one time, that's funny too lmao, but i just think... maybe it was like. A placebo effect? That made him feel drunk? Apparently that's a thing that can happen, and the implication I think is that Reigen has had a drinking problem in the past (the bartender asking if he should be drinking, leaving the alcohol out of the drink, and such), in which case, maybe it was like that, that the drink, even if not alcoholic, brought back those drunken memories, and coupled with all the stress he was enduring, made him feel sick to his stomach. So yeah. I haven't drunk much alcohol though, so I may be entirely off base on this theory and appear like a fool rn lmao
I like the theory that, part of the reason Shigeo is so powerful, is because he reserves his energy so much in between the 100% meltdowns. Much like how Toichiro was saving energy for years to get that powerful. And it would mean that, if Mob used them more often, he would get less powerful, yes - but i don't think that's necessarily a bad trade off. I would take Mob being able to express his emotions more freely to not being able to kick ass so easily, especially since the implication is that he needs to use his physic powers to express his emotions fully (this meta explains it well) - which means he would not need to hold back so much.... I don't know if I'm making enough sense here, sorry, but yeah!!
Though, on the topic of Mob expressing himself, I don't think he would ever get completely rid of his meltdowns (or his other autistic symptoms lol. Because yeah, firm believer in autistic mob here). It's said (in the manga at least (the LOL arc specifically), unless that was a mistranslation) that he's had trouble emoting like other people since birth, after all, so it's not just a trauma thing - that's something innate to him. And that stuff is not so easily overcome. But I do believe he gets better and feels happier as time goes on, for sure ^^
Speaking of growth, I kind of like the thought of Ritsu and Mob sparring with their psychic powers (all in good fun) in the far, far future, when they've healed enough.... they get to stand on equal ground without fear, finally :> or, if not spars (because maybe that's a bit ooc: despite at points being forced to, Mob would prefer to never, ever fight), they would passively share in psychic knowledge instead, of casually use their powers in brotherly arguments or something. I like the thought of them learning to have silly sibling fights and casually use their powers without harming others or themselves as time goes on.
Also, Reigen has adhd. That's my headcanon. I mean, he flings his arms around constantly (mood), has a myriad of random interests that he's surprisingly good at (possibly past hyperfixations of his), and quit a boring, stifling office job to instead work in an environment that was highly stimulating and allowed him more flexibility and diversity in tasks. It's not the only explanation, but it fits well I think. So... Mob and Reigen 🤝 Adhd and autism solidarity.
I could talk more, but this is already long enough, so I'll leave other hcs for future posts ig ;^^ But this really made me to think more on these characters, thank you so much for this ask <3 Hope you're having a good day anon!!
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shigayokagayama · 1 year
I’ve been watching mob psycho with one of my friends (ive seen it many times and this is their first watch) and we got around the end of season one and they were like “REIGEN IS THE BOSS OF CLAW??” and the STRUGGLE that it was to not sag something that would make them doubt this fact until the show outright said it was SJFBSKFNSKFNSOG i love seeing how people react to mob psycho plot twists
anyways all of this is 2 say do you have any funny moments of people reacting to mob psycho stuff for the first time that u knew ahead of time , im curious
my partners reaction to dimple being not dead was pretty good bc i deliberately had been dropping dimple facts over the prior six weeks to make his death sadder in retrospect (mobs first 100% being to fight dimple and his last 100% being to stop himself from fighting dimple, the "will anyone be there to stop me" bit from s2e3 being dimple in both mogamiland and the fire and him being absent for the confession arc, etc). they were like "I CANT BELIEVE YOU LIED TO ME????" while i was losing my shit and someone else joined call and then left immediately upon hearing it. they had also cried the first time he died, not for the initial death scene in the episode, but from a video i sent of him with the sad music from up.
also the best ever joke to tell when i watch the show w people bc everyone i know is a smart ass is when they correct young ritsu on his "moss grows on the north side" fact i always go "yea youre right this eight year old is dumb as shit". ive done this like 4 times with 4 separate people.
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cowardlybean · 6 months
i already sent a doodle request but (puts my face on th glass)spare just talking abt mp100 sir?
I’m gonna ramble about Mogami Arc because it’s been on the mind lately!!!! Tws same as canon o7
First off. Hey. What do you mean it’s canon that Reigen’s business was influenced by Mogami. Hey?? I have GOT to know how far that goes, is it the whole schtick or is it just a couple aspects? And of course that implies Reigen having watched Mogami’s old recordings and probably having heard of Mogami’s suicide. There’s a lot of potential here, with realizing that the guy he idolized horrifically traumatized Mob, or having habits he picked up from watching Mogami that Mob takes note of after Mogamiland. (Also. I wonder if he was thinking about Mogami for that TV appearance of his,,)
Mogamiland is still a world of cognition, even when Mob isn’t aware of it. My question is just how far goes, with Mogami being the main influence of course but Mob and Minori’s minds having even the slimmest effects on the world. Namely: how the hell does Mob survive alone? Is there always some old leftovers in the fridge, or does he only eat school lunch? And does his house magically have air conditioning? It’s the little things he doesn’t think about that could just magically appear, because even without knowing he has some minuscule influence. (Basing this off of what Mogami says in the beginning and how Mob’s appearance changes when Dimple comes along) (alas. I was a persona fan. Cognition is right up my alley)
What does Minori do in the years following everything? What does Mogami do in the years following?? Did Mogami stick around long enough to see Mob’s rampage? Minori certainly works on herself, though I’d like to think it’s a rocky road. It’s hard to kick old habits and honestly her talking to any of the Spirits and Such gang about it would be so interesting (LIKE. TERU!!!!! Teru was a school bully too!! And Serizawa, who could have been bullied as a kid as well. And Reigen. Reigen’s a weirdo.) That, and Mogami hanging around (that was unintentional I swear I’m not that morbid lmao). Does he try to understand Mob’s point of view? Or in 50+ years of living does he think it’s pointless to listen to a middle schooler? I’d like to think he drifts for a while.
ok. That’s. A lot!!!!! BUT TY FOR ENTERTAINING MY INSANITY!!!!!!!! I love getting to infodump my thoughts
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plushieebear · 2 years
just realized that ???% appears everytime mob is in a near death experience in s1 it was when teru strangled him in s2 when he got devoured by the evil spirits in mogamiland and s3 when [redacted]
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mp100ficrec · 2 years
AAA OH MY GOD !!! i've only recently just got into mob psycho 100 ,, quite late !!! i'm so glad i managed to find this blog and still running ;; i hope you guys do take fic requests, if not that's alright!! i hope you don't mind.. are there any fics that's based around the mogami arc ? i'm kinda looking for a fic that is written about mob's experience in mogami's world. thank you OTL sorry for the bother !!
Hi anon!
Thank for the ask, it's nice to see the energy of a new fan around!
Yeah, we're still up and running (mostly thanks to my amazing co-mod) and we still take rec requests, though I cannot promise how quick we'll be about replying to them. There's some asks in our inbox from some years ago that are still in the works...
I haven't been that active in this fandom for a couple of years, even if it still owns my heart, so there may be newer fics I'm not aware of. There's a Mogami Arc tag on AO3 with several pages worth of content if you feel like checking it out, but here's my personal recs:
(I wasn't quite sure what kind of Mogami Arc Content you're looking for, so I featured a bunch)
(Note: I'm only including trigger warnings the author doesn't use here. Proceed with caution)
Canon Compliant fics taking place during the Mogami Arc (of which there aren't that many):
I don't step on bugs. by mobbus is short and the opposite of sweet. Much like the Mogami arc, it's chilling and painful to read. I like its take on Mob's pov
A Day in the Life of Mr. Perfect by MarenWithAnM is about the fake Ritsu from the Mogami work and suitably angsty, but its ending is more about actual Ritsu and recovery from the Mogami Arc
Sunless skies by flotar is the most chilling of the bunch to me. It shows how Mogami manipulates Mob's thoughts from Mob's point of view and also has the Mogamiland inhabitants acting scarily realistic with their bullying. Special warning for accusations of peeping and groping against Mob as part of the bullying.
Fics surrounding Mob recovering from the canonical Mogami Arc, ranging from an Angstfest to mostly comfort (of which there are more):
Not The First by Kerink is more angst than recovery, but it is extremely well written and I can just see it happening in canon. Mogami follows Mob around and tries to get him on his side again and doesn't succeed.
Sometimes by orphan_account: After the events of the Mogami Arc, Mob has a bad night. Beware, this is a Hurt No Comfort piece.
A Complex is a Good Thing to Have by this_kills_the_man is another short and sad post-Mogami Arc fic about Mob having a bad night and grappling with what Mogami told him about ESP and emotions.
Zoning Out by lethotep is a neat short character study where Mob reflects on how much he has changed and tries not to think about the bad parts of that change and the trauma of the Mogami Arc. Includes accidental self harm.
Little Blessings by tiredRobin is about Mob choosing to let a curse that hurts him stay in order to cope with the Mogami arc and hiding it from everyone else :(
Tell Me, Mr. Cat by jonbsims has Mob really feeling the after effects from the Mogami arc and refusing to tell Ritsu about it. Another one of the short and painful ones
A taste of what it's like without it by theovenbird also has Mob being affected by the animals of his real world reminding him of the Mogami world and the people around him taking note and trying to help.
No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk by SpiritusRex: in which Reigen adopts a cat named milk and Mob worries about her. This is the sweetest of the bunch so far
Snap/Rewind by bikeaeathetic alternates between Mogamiland memories and Mob opening up to Ritsu about what happened. If you like Kageyama brothers bonding, you'll probably like this.
In Did The Years Tick By For You Like I? by Hino Shou and Mob encounter Minori years after the events of the Mogami Arc and Shou confronts her on behalf of his friend.
And for a fic I especially liked, there's the Return. Continue series by UncannyCookie, which is a 100k words long TeruMob fic. The first part in particular focuses on Mob coping with the after effects of the Mogami arc. The characterisation is very on point! Fair warning, it has been unfinished for a few years now.
Here's another last one that's one of my absolute favourite fics in the fandom: The Family That Stays Together, Freezes to Death Slightly Slower Together by nimagine and sweetbabyrayray! 50k+ words of post-Mogami Arc case fic where Ritsu tags along with Mob and Reigen on a new exorcism assignment because he noticed his brother acting odd. Quality team dynamics, quality banter and excellent mixture of angst and hurt/comfort
Alternate Mogami Arcs centering around Mob:
Different shoes by iamcurrentlycravingramen explores what might've happened if Dimple hadn't managed to get to Mob in time and Mob had emerged from the experience much more influenced by Mogami. Short and chilling.
Dark by amaranthinecanicular is about an alternate Mogami Arc where Reigen gets possessed by Mogami instead. It's deliciously angsty, but also - beware - as the title says quite dark!
People can change by theholychesse which is a tragedy where Mogami's world is Mob's reality, leading to him stepping into Mogami's shoes - except he's even worse and more dangerous about it.
Last but not least, A Breach of Trust by Phantomrose96, in which Mogami kidnaps Mob as a kid and Reigen ends up more or less accidentally rescuing him. This fic is famous within the fandom and spawned a lot of spin offs and art, so if you end up liking it, you have a lot of fanworks to look forward to!
Personally, I haven't kept up with the latest updates, but (as with the rest of these) watch out for the trigger warnings in the tags of the work.
Special mention to the river of three crossings by malfaisant which is a verse where Reigen gets Mogami arc'd instead and happens to be one of my favourite fics in this fandom as well!
If anyone has any further recs for anon, feel free to add on!
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a-partofthemob · 2 years
thinking about how many times i might have misspelled touichiro's name as touchiro and its keeping me up at night but anyway here are some of my questions for mp100 that i'd like to share
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- how hard it must have been for minegishi to go find a job post wd because the lilac hair and no eyebrows look probably turns away quite a few employers
- how?? old?? hatori is?? because he looks like he should still be in college but maybe its just his dorky glasses and sweater
- what happened to mogami post wd, does he like, wander around or go back to matsuo like, what's going on (im an anime only if you could tell)
- shimazaki's past in general
- what the kageyama parents think and whats going on in their minds during the entirety of the series
- reigen's past too
- teruki's parents
- what happened to the claw security guard dimple possessed, the dude's ear also like got a small chunk of it cut off
- shou and touichiro's relationship post world domination arc because i saw a panel where he and his dad teamed up and sent a charged attack(?) together
- the suzuki family.
- where the super 5 went post world domination, especially shimazaki (i love the hc that he became a body guard to the prime minister though)
- how touichiro went about recruiting espers thats not through kidnapping, i like the idea of him just randomly breaking and entering and going "Hi, join my psychic terrorist organization." and that's how he recruited the super 5, minus serizawa
- what happened to the miyagawa guy, did teruki legit just murder a man on screen like?? and what happened to muto (the illusionist) too
- mogamiland.
- kamuro's.. everything
- dimple's past, was he a human before?? how old is this green fart anyway
- how much patience and normality is running through tokugawa's brain during the entire series. if saiki k took place in this universe he'd partially admire tokugawa for being so perfectly above average
- how reigen managed to keep Spirits and Such going pre-Mob because, there has got to be some times where it's an actual spirit y'know??
- how serizawa's hair went from curly to straight
- how teru's haystack hair when he's at school because its just such a sudden change to normal students who aren't aware of his former shadow leader occupation-
- does serizawa's mom know that claw's a terrorist organization post WD?? but like damn how much guilt could she be holding when she realizes the man who she thought helped her son was actually a terrorist
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thats it, head empty, just questions
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