#and it's what i want outta sonic “horror”!
moreworldliness · 11 months
so i came across a sonic mod/exe/thing called "sink" and it got me thinking
when people try to make sonic "scary", they never really do it for me because they try to ground it too much in reality:
"oh, sonic's in the real world and is trying to kill me!"
"oh, my game is corrupted"
imo, they're not coming at it from a game angle - they're too focused on outside looking in, rather than inside looking out.
for example, a popular fandom question - why is sonic afraid of water?
if you were on the outside looking it, you could probably shrug and say "well, they needed some kind of weakness gameplay-wise and the creators didn't think hedgehogs could swim. that's that."
inside looking out, however? consider!
you're sonic the hedgehog.
at the time of the classic games, which to you are your entire life, you're 12 with miles prower (your newly acquired and handy buddy) sitting at a clean 4 years old. sometimes it crosses your mind that he might be too young for this, but time and time again, he's put your worries to rest.
you're proud of him. he's smart and you're quick - you're the perfect duo.
you must've run hours before you enter into chemical plant zone and make your way through the lower path. its been a fairly standard journey up until this point and you're not about to be intimidated by some overgrown factory. (do factories even grow? you decide to ask miles later)
at this point, you're more than aware of how your life works. it's okay if you get hurt, because you have rings. it's okay if you "pass out", because you always wake up at the start of the area you were just in, with everything just as it was.
not to brag, but you happened to think you were pretty indestructible.
falling and rolling down unimaginable stretches of pipes, you and miles finally reach a new area: a hydraulic door opens in front of you, revealing a long chute upwards. cut and dry - you turn towards miles to grab his hand.
the door shuts behind you and, as quick as you can hold your breath, you're plunged under purple water.
miles - you've grown to calling him tails, because it's easier to say; you're still twelve, after all - begins paddling upwards with ease, but you find yourself horrifyingly heavy in the water. it grabs you, pulls you downwards, thousands of arms pinning your every movement.
you jump, and hit the first platform.
you kind of regret not learning how to swim.
tails has paddled so far upwards that you can't see him anymore - not through the sludge of this water, anyway. it seems to be getting heavier too, dragging your movements as you scramble to reach the second platform.
your hands miss.
your feet fail.
you fall back down.
you become consciously aware of how tight your chest is.
you keep trying, to the same result; jump, fall. jump, fall. you aren't sure how much longer you can hold your breath, either, and the hydraulic doors are shut fast - you can't even budge them.
you've tried.
you can just about imagine tails in your mind's eye as you try the platform again, scrambling around in a panic. he's four, in a mechanised factory with no way out, suddenly all on his own. the thought alone propels you forward, and you land a grip on the platform above you.
a foothold. something - there's gotta be some way out of this.
you glance up.
the clearance of the ceiling above you is still high, but for a brief second, you can see the lights of the level above you. you can see the wavering figure of tails, looking in from above, his two tails flickering around.
he looks nervous.
you can't help but laugh in relief - he's okay.
your mistake hits you all at once.
there is no air. the crushing weight of the water bears downwards, and you drop like a stone. there are no chaos emeralds, there is no life-saving device here. just water, yourself, and your own stupid reflection.
the "passing out" feeling begins sweeping over you, and just before you shut your eyes, you recount every last feeling you've ever felt - that time you dropped from spring yard zone and hit the ground a bit too hard, or the time the walls of marble zone came in faster than anticipated.
the time robotnik (eggman, you teased, once upon a time) hit you a bit too hard.
you're dying.
you're dying over and over again, and this time the only exception is that you're made to feel it.
you want to cry.
you can't.
the water cries for you.
you blink, and you're right back at the beginning of chemical plant zone. the sky is clear, the sun is warm; the wind blows through you.
tails looks up at you, waving his hand in front of your eyes to get your attention. he looks just as expectantly nervous as he did before you entered.
he asks if you're ready.
you can't make yourself move. all you can do is drop to your knees and cry.
you heave a breath of air, but all you can taste is water.
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hello I don’t know if you’ve wrote this before but what about the wachowski family going to like a spirit Halloween I love your prompts too
Hello, hello!! I haven’t wrote about the fam going to this lovely place yet, and I’m disappointed in myself for not thinking of it, since it’s literally my favourite store! So thanks! AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ENJOYING MY PROMPTS!
Let’s get this shit on the ROAD!
Tom & Maddie:
These two knew they had to take their boys to Spirit Halloween the second it opens. It’s a must. What kind of parents would they be if they didn’t take their children to the greatest seasonal shop on Earth?? Not parents they wanna be, that’s for sure! When they brought it up, Knuckles and Tails are confused, but Sonic is stoked! He’s seen the place and peeked in through the windows, and HE WANTS IN ON THAT! Next thing they knew, they were standing at the doors of Spirit Halloween, unsure of what shenanigans could unfold in there, because every outing with these kids is an adventure.
You know those big displays they put up, where you step on a little pad on the floor, and it activates the robot? Yeah. Knuckles is responsible for so much damage because Sonic thought it would be hilarious to step on the pad so Knuckles could be jumpscared as he was walking by. In Knuckles’ point of view, this witch came outta nowhere, so naturally he took a swing at her, sending her head across the store, leaving everyone, including his poor family absolutely gobsmacked.
The employees are in too much shock to kick him out, so Knuckie is able to go on his merry way! He likes looking around at all the costumes and props! There’s so many interesting ones! The blow up one’s interest him the most, but he’s not wearing that. It’s embarrassing, and his spines will pop it before it can stir up any joy within him.
Knuckles spots an Indiana Jones costume and thinks it’s perfect to go with his new hat!!
You know this dude was gonna be a little shit from the moment he entered. While the result was the should be expected, but unexpected, he did get a good laugh at scaring Knuckles with that witch. He also spooked Tails with a ghost, and he was unamused, and going to get revenge. He also puts a spider on Knuckles and nearly became the Spirit in Spirit Halloween.
All these costumes, so many choices and possibilities! They’re all so cool and detailed, like the grim reaper one he’s pondering on.
And then he sees it.
The Mario wall.
It’s perfect. He is going to become Mario, and he is going to rock it. He is going to slay. He’s gonna dress Ozzy up as Yoshi, because the best boy has gotta get in on the fun too! Today was great.
Sonic’s fate was sealed the moment he scared him. Not much scares the hedgehog, but Tails just so happens to know what gets him uneasy. Clowns. Sonic does not like clowns. So when he spots a huge one, he knows what he has to do. He lures Sonic over by getting him to talk, making him unaware of his surroundings, then points behind him. Sonic slowly turns to face the clown. He looks up at it. Yeah, hate that! Tails sloooowly reaches his foot over to press the pad, activating the clown, making it jump at Sonic, who leaps back in terror. He turns around to scold Tails, and to his horror, his little brother has donned a clown mask and scares him a second time. His quills are so puffed out, he looks ridiculous. Once he calms down, he’s able to laugh about it.
Tails then gets to look around! So many cool things! He’s drawn to the props, and he and Sonic fight with giant swords before their mother tells them to put them away. He makes it to all the ear headbands and tails, and wonders why people would want these. Then he remembers all those folk who like to dress up as animals, and chalks it up to that! He’s not looking around there anymore, it’s a little creepy seeing ears and tails that aren’t attached to anything.
Tails locates a pair of broken goggles and a lab coat and decides he’s going to be a mad scientist! There’s some alterations to be done, but this is his decision.
It was an eventful outing. Knuckles got out with a warning because he genuinely did not know about the jumpscares, so his reaction was totally believable. He did have to pay to replace it though, even though Tails asked if he could fix the head. For some reason, they didn’t take up his offer!
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lunastars21 · 1 year
Random ramblings of team hooligan because I can
Fang X Bark is a good ship I like it, fang has two hands he can date both bark and Corsen he’s a bisexual motherfucker.
If trip does become a member of team hooligan, her and bean have to have sibling vibes.
The Marvelous Queen is a big fan of gamma, the garage is filled with fucking gamma merch. Fang has to explain each time this isn’t his, it’s the queens.
I’ve seen many oc x fang art, and I am proud to be in that group. But what I’ve noticed is that most have the “talk shit at each other in affection “ route which I also love! But Corsen doesn’t work that way at all.
She spoils the shit outta fang.
This woman just FUELS his ego more. Helps in situations but good lord this idiot jerboa is gonna have the guts to launch him self off a cannon because of her, and bean would join him.
Bean technically has four dads. you got bin, his actual biological dad. Pin, his uncle, Fang the bad influence. And Bark, the good influence! Then you got Lucy, the marvelous Queen and Corsen being his mom figures, and trip being his potential sister! Bean’s got a big family! ^^
I imagine if the hooligans got a super form, fang would be able to summon a billion of corks, big or small, and launch them at his foes with the snap of his fingers! Bark would be able to use ice powers, summon giant icebergs and fire snowballs, maybe throw a giant snowman at enemies hell yeah lets get silly! And bean just summons a nuke, OH FUCK.
If anyone random flirts with fang, Corsen is getting out a fucking rocket launcher you better RUN.
I have a metal Fang by the way ( his names clang ), and he basically has the same goal as metal Sonic, get rid of fang. But he also has a crush on Corsen and calls her his gamer girl, fang and the marvelous Queen beat the shit out of him.
Unsure if I wanna make a metal bark or bean design and what they would be like.
Jet was caught by the authorities once and they showed him his wanted picture…wait..JET THE JERBOA THATS FUCKING FA-
I’d like a treasure team tango 2 please
Fang and Nic have a good relationship in my headcanon because fucking say so, I love positivity, I like some angst but positive makes me go BRRRRR
Metal Sonic is fucking lucky he was dealing with Amy, or fang would’ve beat the EVER LIVING SHIT OUT OF HIS CIRCUITS FOR TAKING HIS BOYS.
Bean angrily punching the wall because he missed the moment of fang caring about them, NEXT TIME FOR SURE
Honey the cat helping Corsen how to girl because she has no fucking clue what she’s doing.
Honey and Fang have a sibling like relationship, THEY are the ones that talk shit about each other but if some stranger talks shit about them they will FIGHT them.
The hooligans have appeared in honey’s magazine because she needs models for her clothes! plus they have her temporary protection so the authorities can’t get to them lol.
I headcanon that in the modern world, the hooligans become a band! All the music with lyrics that you hear throughout the games is just fucking team hooligan! Especially the music in frontiers, Female lyrics is either Corsen or honey, but most of the singing is done by fang, bark has the guitar, bean is on the drums, and the Queen is on keyboard. Some times fang gets the bloody piano out because I know you read Archie if you headcanon fang plays the piano! Lets go!
Fang is known for not only having bad luck, but also being very cartoony, Wild E. Coyote vibes he gives, but whenever Corsen is nearby, his luck increases, so you could say Corsen is his good luck charm.
Fang and bean get scared easily by anything horror related, bark usually has to be there with them to be the “emotional support teddy bear”
That’s all for now but you can drop your wholesome team hooligan headcanons too! I’d love to hear them, especially thanks to Sonic superstars for spiking up their popularity! Lets make sure team hooligan is never forgotten again! ^^
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pico-digital-studios · 5 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Hues of Trouble
(Hues of Metal is by kkirby999. If he ever wishes to make a dub of this in his style, he's more than welcome to do so!)
Dimension HOM-2023 - Eggman's Mountain Base
OMT!Tails slipped into the base, activating his nanomachine suit to avoid triggering the alarms.
OMT!Tails: Alright, I'm in. From what Skye told me, Melody should be in here somewhere. I just gotta be careful not to run into any of the robots here. They're no S.S.S.S.S. Squad, so they won't be fooled by disguises.
He headed forward, hearing a conversation nearby.
Metallix: ...and what's even funnier is that after Sonic chases down the Eggrobo AND the Prototype, Mk. II has a chance to go kill Sonic! But instead, he goes out of his way to assassinate the person he hired to assassinate Sonic!!!
Mecha Mk. I / Silver Sonic / Carl: Why the fuck would he do that when he had Sonic in his sights?
Metallix (amused): I don't know. But it's absolutely HYSTERICAL! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
OMT!Tails slipped past them. Soon enough, he hid as he noticed Metal Sonic and Prototype holding Melody hostage.
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Metal Sonic: Okay, ma'am. Your attitude will not be getting you outta this one so easily. So I'm going to ask ONE last time; where did you come from, and for what reason?
Prototype: Yeah! Better start answering if you don't wanna get blown up.
Melody: Information of my universe is to be kept between me and my family, thank you very much!
Metal Sonic: Great. Of COURSE she won't tell us anything.
Melody: I mean, what else would you expect me to do? Talk on and on about other worlds? It'd overload your circuits just thinking about it, tin-buckets.
Metal Sonic: Tin-?! (angry gibberish) Okay, I've had it with you! Prototype, get her escorted to another area of the base!
Prototype: Right away! Come along, missy.
Melody: Name's Melody!
Prototype: Okay, whatever. Come on!
Prototype left with Melody in tow as OMT!Tails stepped out of hiding, Metal hearing the footsteps behind him.
Metal Sonic: Wait. Who's-?
He saw OMT!Tails in his nanomachine suit.
Metal Sonic: Hold on... I don't remember Eggman commissioning another Tails robot. Only one we have is Tails Doll.
OMT!Tails: Oh, me? I was recently manufactured! I'm... Steel Tails Version 0.9!
Metal Sonic: Aww, brilliant! A pleasure to meet you, new guy!
They shook hands.
OMT!Tails: (Heh. It actually fooled him?)
Metal Sonic: Right. So, duties, duties...
OMT!Tails: We'll think about that later. Right now, a different Sonic is coming here after having chased me.
Metal Sonic: A "different" one? How different is he? Does he carry dancing bananas in a backpack? Is he not quite AS fast as Sonic?
OMT!Tails: Well, red pupils, different shoes, 10 times more aggressive, wants to define people's fates...
Metal Sonic: Urgh... I hate that guy even more than Sonic, and we haven't even met yet. Well, sounds like we need to prepare. Come along, Steel!
OMT!Tails: Alright!
As they prepared to walk off, OMT!Tails suddenly shook in sudden pain.
OMT!Tails: Argh!
Metal Sonic: S-Steel?
OMT!Tails got up as Metal noticed something under his eyes that shocked him.
Metal Sonic: Uh, Steel... Your eyes? They're, uh...
OMT!Tails: Huh? What's going on?
Metal Sonic: There's... red oil coming out of them?
OMT!Tails, confused, wiped under one of his eyes and looked in horror, looking away in upset.
OMT!Tails: (T-The virus... It got me...)
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Metal Sonic: Steel, are you alright?
OMT!Tails: M-My body's infected with a virus...
Metal Sonic: Like a computer one? Right. I'll take you in for repairs immediately!
OMT!Tails: No no no no! I'll get it "patched" when I return to the base I came from.
Metal Sonic: Steel, I'm tryin' to look out for you here. We've only just met, and you need sorting out. What if it gets worse when the dark-and-edgy Sonic gets here?
OMT!Tails: L-Let's not think about that, Metal. It's why I won't stay for long.
Metal Sonic: Right. Okay, come on. I swear, I'm gonna have to chastise Prototype for his oil arrangement later... "Sort it by taste", my screws...
They walked across the base grounds.
OMT!Tails: So, in return for me helping you fend off the intruder, I've just got one thing to ask.
Metal Sonic: Yes?
OMT!Tails: I need to take the, er, prisoner you were with before with me.
Metal Sonic: Well, a deal's a deal. Plus she needs to be more careful with her mouth.
OMT!Tails: Right.
OMT!Tails wiped under his eyes to keep the blood from getting worse.
Metal Sonic: So what do you need that girl- er, "Melody", for anyways?
OMT!Tails: Well, mainly to get her back to her dimension before things get out of hand.
Metal Sonic: Right. So I presume that you were manufactured at one of those-?
Suddenly, the area shook as alarms blared.
OMT!Tails: Uh oh! He's here!
Metal Sonic: Darn it! We need to hurry!
Metal took Tails's hand as they sped ahead, finding where Metallix was.
Metal Sonic: Metallix!
Metallix: Huh? What's the rush now, Metal?
Metal Sonic: A really aggressive Sonic just broke in and is tearing things asunder!
Metallix: That explains all the ruckus. (through a nearby loudspeaker) The lot of you, get over to this area! There's an intruder fast approaching!
On cue, Rocket Metal, Prototype, Mk. II and Silver Sonic showed up with Mecha-Knuckles.
Mecha Sonic Mk. II: Bet you a can of oil that it's Sonic.
OMT!Tails: Oh, it's Sonic, alright. Just not (y)our Sonic.
Silver Sonic: What do you mean not our Sonic?
Silver Sonic's question was answered as LM!Sonic approached, prompting the robots to get into combat positions.
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LM!Sonic: You seven shouldn't be a part of this. Hand the kid over, and nobody gets hurt!
Rocket Metal: Like, nice try, ya scoundrel! I know yas for what you really are! You're one of those stereotypical Australian tourists! You come to mock us for doing stuff the way WE wanna do it?! Dis-cos-tan!!!
LM!Sonic: Hmph. One to talk for someone who HAS a constant Australian accent.
Metallix: You're that "dark-and-edgy" Sonic? Pah! Destroying you won't take long. Now, let's dance, hedgehog!
Metallix led the charge, knocking LM!Sonic backwards.
Mecha-Knuckles (using a Heavy Weapons Guy voice chip): Kill them all? Good idea! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Mecha-Knuckles charged with the others as Prototype readied his rocket launcher...
...and charged into the fray with the others.
Metal Sonic: If you wanna get that prisoner, Steel, now's your chance. Once you're done that, get back outta here! If we get the chance, we'll do better introductions another time!
Metal dashed off as OMT!Tails fled to the other direction to find Melody. The fight continued with the Hues of Metal working together to fend off LM!Sonic, who put up one heck of a fight against all seven of them.
Mecha Sonic Mk. II: Hold still so we can destroy you already, creep!
Mecha-Knuckles: Here I come!
Mecha-Knuckles tackled LM!Sonic into a laser barrier area, accidentally getting himself stuck with LM!Sonic in that same area as Metal and Prototype caught up.
LM!Sonic: Lights out, "knuckle-head"!
LM!Sonic, energised by a fraction of each Chaos Emerald, threw a water bolt at Mecha-Knuckles, who promptly began malfunctioning.
Mecha-Knuckles: Oh, this is b-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!
And then he exploded as LM!Sonic turned his attention to the barriers locking him inside.
Metal Sonic: So you think you can define how we go about our lives?! Sicko. Prototype, hit that lever!
Prototype did so, setting off the pistons to attack LM!Sonic with.
Prototype: That should hold him for a bit, but not for long.
Metal Sonic: Then we'd better up our game!
Metal's eyes flickered as he prepared to get serious. Over with OMT!Tails, he raced full-speed toward a pair of Motobugs hauling Melody away, smashing them both and freeing the critters inside.
OMT!Tails: Gotcha!
Melody: Huh?! Are you another of those robots?!
OMT!Tails lowered his disguise to reveal his true identity.
OMT!Tails: No. I'm Tails!
Melody: Another version of my dad?
OMT!Tails: Yeah. And I'm getting you back out of here to find your brother.
Melody: Thanks. That means a lot.
However, Metallix was coming back to find OMT!Tails, realising that he got duped before.
Metallix: Hey! Nobody said you could make off with that prisoner, fox!
OMT!Tails: Uh, Metal did earlier.
Metallix: What?! You mean-?! GRR! I'm literally surrounded by idiots here! I'll deal with you myself while they're dealing with that Sonic!
Metallix charged at them as they bolted it through the base. One of the rooms they had to escape through was a storage compartment of boxes, and when they knocked some over on the way out, out spilled a few Dancing Bananas onto the floor as Metallix slowed down.
Metallix: What do you think you're doing?! That took me four weeks to fully sort out! Don't either of you know the dangers of a Danc... ing...?!
Metallix realised too late he was in range of the knocked over bunch that were about to explode.
Dancing Bananas (all at once): I LIKE CEREAL!
Metallix: GAH-!
Outside, the explosion rocked the area Tails and Melody were escaping to.
Melody: We tripped BOMBS in there?
OMT!Tails: I didn't see what was in those crates.
Metallix boosted at full speed, knocking OMT!Tails into a wall and causing the bleeding eyes to show again.
OMT!Tails: Oh, no...
Metallix: You may have duped the other robots, but I'm smarter than the rest of them!
He got ready to do one last attack to kill OMT!Tails.
Metallix: Any last words, Miles Prower?!
OMT!Tails: Well, um... Super Mario Bros. Z still isn't canon?
Metallix reacted in shock to that, trying to charge at OMT!Tails...
Metallix: Shi-!
...before disappearing into thin air.
OMT!Tails: Phew!
Melody: How did you do that?
OMT!Tails: Guess it's something that upsets him. Let's make tracks before he reappears again!
OMT!Tails activated a warp ring to get them out.
Melody: Oh! Before we go...
OMT!Tails: Huh?
Melody wiped under his eyes for him.
OMT!Tails: I was about to do that, but... thanks!
Melody: Anytime!
They made their leave. Back where the battle was, Metal was managing to wipe the floor with LM!Sonic on his own.
LM!Sonic: GAH! How?!
Metal Sonic: They don't call me Metal Sonic for no reason! Now, you wanna clear it back where you came from, or do we have to incinerate you or capture you to siphon your power?
LM!Sonic twitched on the spot, a slasher smile sporting to show that his sanity was dwindling fast.
LM!Sonic: Heheheheheheh... Alright, scrap can! You wanna kill me? Well, too bad, freak!
He unleashed a massive shockwave that knocked the 5 robots backwards.
LM!Sonic: No being will be able to stop me once my foothold on the multiverse is secured, not even any of those miserable "ultimate lifeforms". All WILL follow their destinies, or risk their universe falling apart. I'll play with you metal menaces some other time.
LM!Sonic left through a portal, Metal realising LM!Sonic's true plan and rushing to relay it to OMT!Tails. In the landscape between worlds, OMT!Tails got the call.
Metal Sonic: Steel! It's Metal Sonic! That evil Sonic knows what you're trying to do! And he's slipped out of our world!
OMT!Tails: Oh, man... Did he say anything about what he's planning?
Metal Sonic: He said about wanting EVERYONE to follow their "destinies", lest their universes get destroyed...
OMT!Tails: Of course he'd crank that mindset up to eleven... I'll see what I can do about him! In the meantime, Metallix got a bit delusional, so don't believe anything he says about me being some real Tails.
Metal Sonic: Uh, okay? Well, all's fair between us, I suppose, and since you were pretty friendly, it's a deal!
OMT!Tails: Sweet! I also left you something in a secret spot for if you feel like using it. Just... don't let it slip to anyone else that I gave it to you.
Metal Sonic: A secret spot? Well, I guess I'll look into it... See you around, kid.
The transmission cut off.
Melody: You left something there?
OMT!Tails: A dimension-travelling watch that can link him straight to the Quill Society. He will need cooling off since there's so many Sonics there, though.
Melody: A Quill Society?
OMT!Tails: A huge club full of heroes from different universes, akin to ours!
Melody: Sweet!
OMT!Tails: Well, I'm gonna get you back to your brother and another me, whilst I lose the evil Sonic in one more dimension. I'll rendezvous back with you once I've done that!
OMT!Tails prepared to warp Melody straight there.
Melody: Alright. Good luck, alternate dad!
She was warped away as OMT!Tails continued onwards, unknowingly also being followed by Blitz!Tails who noticed where he was going.
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phyrexian-lesbian · 3 months
Hey people, here is my opening for my what if? fanfic, the Nature of the Doctor.
The Nature of the Doctor
The Power of the Doctor
Deep Space, 2022
The two planets gleamed with fire and violence, bringing a tear to Yasmin Khan’s eye. Before her was a man who once was her true love, now becoming her worst enemy. That coat flowed in the breeze, reminding her of the woman she wished so dearly could be her everything, but that’s impossible. Her body, her mind, her soul have been taken by the man she hates. The man who caused this.
“Oh, excellent work,” he marvelled, eyes shining with the destruction, “Gold star and a sticker.” He spun to Yaz, a maniacal grin on his face. “That’s how you stop two sides from warring. Destroy them both.”
Yaz felt nothing but horror, hatred, and sadness. He saw her face, and snickered. “See?” he gloated, “No-one to stop me now.” He turned his back to her.
Anger flared in her chest. “NO!” she screamed, going to push him over. He spun and caught her hand.
“Not even you, Yasmin Khan,” he said softly, with a smile that did not reach his cold, merciless eyes. “Now come on, Yaz!”
He threw her into the TARDIS, which felt a lot colder than it used to.
“Let’s go on an adventure!”
The TARDIS groaned and wheezed, taking off into time and space. The Master danced to the sound, humming. “Mmmmmm, don’t you just love that sound, Yaz?” he said, spinning around the console room. “The sound of hope, someone once called it.” He stopped in front of the stairs she was sitting on. His dark silhouette was framed by the menacing yellow light of the TARDS. “Well, now it’s gonna become a sound of fear and despair. Everyone who hears this will cry, knowing that the Doctor has come to town!”
He paused, considering his words carefully. “Not Earth, though. Without the Doctor to save you, Earth is pretty much over, isn’t it?” He cackled, running back to the console. “And to think I’ve spent so long trying to end your pitiful little rock! Kinda sad, really.”
Yaz felt hollow. Everything she’d fought for was over. Now she wanted to see the Doctor more than ever, just to hear her voice once more. To save them.
“Hey, Yaz!” said the Doctor’s voice, making both Yaz and the Master jump. “What’s up- oh, hey, Master,” she said, her face falling.
“What,” the Master muttered, running up to her. Yaz stood in front of her, trying to shield her, “The hell- outta my way, Yaz- are you doing, Doctor? What’s this?”
“I’m not telling you, because I assume that you’re a part of the problem!”
“Aha!” the Master exclaimed, “A trauma-response Artron hologram, functioning in your mental absence!”
The holographic Doctor was silent.
The Master grinned, taking out a device that must have been a sonic screwdriver. As he lifted the coat, however, Yaz saw the glittering yellow crystal of the sonic that she knew so well. A thought crossed her mind, but her train of thought was interrupted.
“Let’s see, Yaz,” the Master said to her, scanning her with his sonic, “what seems to be the problem? Little earache?”
“Leave her alone,” the Doctor growled.
“Hush, dear,” the Master replied, then gasped at turned to the hologram, “Oh, naughty naughty, Doctor! You've given your little holograms to two other humans!”
Tegan and Ace, Yaz thought. Well, they almost had an advantage. But as the sonic whirred, Yaz felt her heart drop.
The holo-Doctor started flickering. “No!” Yaz screamed, trying to reach for her. The Doctor's eyes flicked to Yaz's, mouthed I'm so sorry, then vanished.
She clenched her fist. She didn't need to turn around to know the Master was sneering.
“There you go, Miss Khan,” he said in a mock-nurse voice, “All better.”
She would not cry. She would not cry.
She steeled herself and turned to meet the Master’s eyes.
“Why're you doin’ this?” she asked, “What's the point of all of this?”
His sneering smile vanished. “Don't you get it, Yaz?” He began pacing around the console, flicking controls as he went. “The Doctor has been nothing but a pain in my side and my heart for thousands of years. Despite all I do for her, she never sees me. Did she tell you how he locked me in a vault for seventy-something years?”
Yaz was only half listening. She was preparing to enact a plan to escape. “Of course she didn't. You should know now she barely told me anything.” She had to keep him talking for this to work.
He chuckled. “You're right, you're RIGHT!” He jumped and clapped, “I am the Doctor now. I know every little moment where she had to make sure she never fell in love with you.”
Yaz’s heart fluttered like a lonely butterfly. The Master saw her look up at him and she grinned.
“Oh, yes indeed, Yaz,” he teases, “I might not be able to access all of the Doctor's memories, but she meant what she said about you. You remind her a little- a lot, actually- of her darling wife. I can see it too, I've met her as well.” He waltzed over to Yaz. “I'd be rooting for you too, but honestly Yaz- you're not my type.”
She punched him in the chest. “You're lying!” she growled as he stumbled away.
He began laughing. Good, Yaz thought, tucking the sonic in her back pocket. She pressed it, angling it toward the console. All she had to do was point and think. And pray that someone would be alive and would hear her message.
“I'm not lying, Yaz,” the Master replied, “I'm dead serious. She liked you. You two could have been a glorious pair of sappy little sapphics, but alas,” he sighed dramatically. “It was not meant to be.”
Alright, Yaz wasn't sure how much more she could take of this. She sonic vibrated slightly; the message had been received and replied to. They were ready.
“Shut UP!” she roared, throwing him carefully onto a control on the console. The TARDIS began the re-materialisation sequence. Yaz took out the sonic, inputting the coordinates she needed. The TARDIS materialised, and Yaz turned to the Master.
He chuckled. “A nice try, Yaz, but you can't possibly escape me-,”
She snapped her fingers, and as the door opened into the view of the city far, far below them, Yaz leapt, and fell to her death.
England, Earth, 2022
Kate Stewart, Director of the Unified Intelligence Taskforce, was thrown bodily into the Cyber-Conversion chair. Several of her soldiers sat shackled to these metal horrors, screaming as blades and electricity tore through their bodies. She steeled her face. She would remain stoic in the face of danger. Surely, the Doctor would save them now. It was kind of her M.O- last minute plans when her friends were on the brink of death.
The cruel, broken Cyberman clamped her into the chair. The apparatus closed around her hand. This might be it. Well, she'd lived a fulfilling life. She did good. She was proud of herself.
“Enjoy your last moments, human,” the cruel Cyberman growled- Ashad, his name was- and reached to activate the machine.
Then he paused.
So did all the other Cyberman.
“What,” Ashad growled, looking around.
There was silence. All the humans, who were now not being tortured, looked at each other in confusion.
“Explain!” another generic Cyberman demanded.
After a few moments, Ashad growled again. “How is this possible? You're meant to be-,” he stopped, as if interrupted. Kate guessed someone was contacting all the Cybermen.
“Doctor! Where are you?!” Ashad cried, his one visible eye flashing with anger.
The Doctor, Kate thought, She's saved us.
After a longer pause, Ashad turned to the other Cybermen and screamed; “AFTER HIM!”
Him? Kate thought. Last she checked, the Doctor had been going by she/her pronouns full-time recently. Had the Doctor somehow regenerated since Kate last saw them? Or…
She couldn't consider the other possibility. It could make an already complicated day even more complicated.
Whoever the Doctor was, all the Cybermen, including Ashad, stormed out of the dark cellar. The humans couldn't believe their luck. Well, now was better than never.
Waiting until they had definitely left the room, Kate spat the toothpick she had hidden in her mouth into her hand. She wiggled it into the lock, and managed to pick her way out of the cuff. When she freed one hand, she ripped her other free of the shackle. Both hands free, she freed the rest of her team.
“Well, team,” she said, standing, “Let's save humanity.”
Naples, Earth, 2022
“I think we just blow it up and make a break for it,” Ace said sagely to her new companion.
He shook his head. “Nah, nah, there's no way in hell we make that,” he replied, gesturing to the giant Dalek machine. They were inside a volcano that was on the brink of eruption. And a race of alien serial killers were planning to blow it up. Nor a great place to be in.
“Well, can you,” Graham said, gesturing to her, “figure out a way to blow up this bleedin’ Dalek monstrosity, and figure out a way to run fast enough.”
She scoffed. “And what are you gonna do? Boss a woman around?”
“Well, I'm pretty good at running away, so if you want to take charge on the res- ah, ah, AHH.”
He started fiddling around in his pocket, pulling out the psychic paper. He hissed when he touched it, but he opened it and his eyes widened, his pain forgotten.
“Oi, come and have a gander at this.” He gestured for her to come over. She peered over his shoulder. Scrawled writing appeared on the paper.
Hello, pudding-brains, it wrote.
“Charming,” Ace muttered.
I picked up two human life-forms idiotically close to a Dalek death machine inside an exploding volcano. I'll save your lives, though I'm afraid you might lose them immediately. I have a way to save you, if you listen carefully.
Ace and Graham leaned closer.
Run. Get out of there. It's about to blow and there's nothing you can do about it. So, run. I’ve got it from here.
Yours truly,
-The Doctor
They both groaned. Of course it was. Who else would be that relentlessly mean to them while saving them?
“I am going to have a word with her,” she muttered.
“Yeah, you and me both, mate.”
They ran out of the cave systems. The volcano rumbled behind them. As they looked up at the peak, the caldera exploded, taking a chunk of mountain with it. Lava exploded into the air, and it began its descent to their waiting heads.
And then it stopped.
A beam of blue energy struck it. Ace noticed a an extra moon in the sky that hadn't been there before. The energy seemed to he coming from something on the surface; the Doctor, Ace guessed. Whatever it touched turned to silver. Such as the lava-turned-giant sculpture above them.
“Cor blimey,” Graham marvelled, which pretty much summed up their situation.
England, Earth, 2022
Kate, thanks to the Doctor's distraction, managed to force the Cybermen to retreat and foe U.N.I.T. to take the tower back. Tegan Jovanka strode up beside her.
“Did she do it?” she asked.
Kate considered the “she”. She guessed she'd refer to the Doctor as such until told otherwise. “Evidently,” she replied.
Tegan sighed with relief. “Really thought the gold was gonna work there.”
Kate smiled at her. “We all did. I suppose, in hindsight, we should've seen it all coming.”
Tegan went to reply, but a U.N.I.T soldier ran up to Kate.
“Ma’am,” he said, breathless, “We have an urgent transmission from Yasmin Khan.”
Kate swore, taking the tablet from his hand. The screen showed a series of coordinates. Spatio-temporal coordinates, like she had learned from her father's files on communication with the Doctor. She translated it in her head, then swore again.
“That's above this city in 20 minutes.” She began typing a set of coordinates he would understand. “Get a helicopter there at the exact time, and tilt it sideways so she can fall directly into it.” His eyes widened. “Yes, it's as insane as it sounds. Now, go, go, go, go!”
He scrambled off to follow these orders.
26 minutes later, Yasmin Khan was returned safety to U.N.I.T HQ. She looked exhausted, emotionally and physically.
Kate sighed. “Listen, I hate to cut to the chase, but I need to know where the Doctor is. You have any intel on that?”
Yaz looked at her strangely.
“The Doctor is dead.”
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plushpyromoved · 1 year
mumbles [tf2 sona] lore dump
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long post omg 0_0 u have been warned
blood/scars/eye horror cw - nothing graphic but just a heads up
mumbles is originally from space they aren't human, they are a creature/ entity made of gas and flames, it is a shapeshifting being that doesn't have a "true" form necessarily but when not shifted tend to just look like a blob of gas/fire/smoke but it is rarely in a state of non-shifing they take many forms swapping and bouncing between them as it pleases. it's main form that it tends to take is some sort of "quadruped" [often they have more than 4 legs so it varies] with multiple sets of eyes and mouths, very spikey or whispy and things are always moving around.
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mumbles is very curious by nature and very friendly [for the most part] but they often come across as off-putting or scary it also has trouble reading body language and facial expressions so most of the time they don't even realise that they're scaring someone however while living in space they do come across other lifeforms and some are welcoming and willing to be friends.
eventually they stumbled upon a rocket ship and was very fascinated by the machine they think it's beautiful and of course go to investigate
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[they are able to gain entry by going completely gaseous and sneaking inside and it's because they were not fully in a physical form that they didn't take as much damage when attacked.]
[side note: mumbles is immune to damage in their gas form and in a physical form regenerate very quickly. this does change once they're on earth]
the astronauts inside however are not welcoming to the very "monsterous" creature before them and freak the fuck out, mumbles is very confused by this and honestly just thinks this is how humans act but when the astronauts decide to pull weapons on them, shooting them and trying to use flares against it-
[in this state mumbles is immune to bullets and invulnerable to most damage however it still hurts though which is what upsets them]
-it becomes upset and well...."takes care of them" [they are very dead oops] and so mumbles turns this now empty ship into their nest/den becoming very attached to it.
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eventually during a asteroid shower it's ship is knocked about waking them and its first thought is trying to get their home out of the way of danger so it goes out into the meteors trying to push it's ship out of the way, a particularly large meteor comes outta nowhere and smacks them right in the face pinning its body to the rock and because they're traveling so fast is unable to move or get out sending them crashing down to earth.
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the meteorite that hit it was massive and contained an unusual amount of radiation and did a massive sonic boom, as well as the impact it really messed with its shapeshifting and regenerative abilities, after hitting the ground it is very weakened but not dead [they were able to just at the last minute swap to their gas form [[but not fully they were still partially physical which is why they got more damaged that it should have]]]
scarred and burnt a bit as well as having significantly less abilities [their shapeshifting now only able to do very simple and small things] as well as needing to recover and adjust to earth's gravity they are now stranded on earth with no clue how to get back home.
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initially all mumbles wanted to do was to go home but eventually they really started to see the beauty of earth especially with its creatures, mumbles loves earth's animals [animals don't tend to run away from them screaming like the humans do] and take a particular liking to cats so much so that they permanently add ears and a tail to their own appearance :3
[side note: mumbles before becoming a mercinary didn't have a name their name was given to them by their team]
I have a lot more to say about mumbles I've been thinking about it a lot as of late so I might make a second post this one's already long as hell but if u read all this I am handing u my heart ;w; also if u wanna know anything in particular about my ocs pls ask ^_^
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dogydayz · 2 years
so I came up with ANOTHER fucked up AU thingy where Eggman has to take care of one of his nephews for a bit and not even a day into the guy staying there he's already creating a fucked up clone of Shadow using modern tech to "improve" upon the old formula (turns out the guy basically worships Gerald like a fucking idol not even knowing who Gerald had been BEFORE he lost his marbles) and DID make this clone to be a weapon, for Eggman. Because he wants to impress Eggman.
So he lets this fucked up Shadow lookin fucker with alien DNA go in an attempt to get him to kill Sonic (oh by the way he also has wings and a big-ass tail, and no Chaos Energy control yet), but that fails and Sonic and Shadow are just.... baffled by him????
And later on Shadow fucking kills him, decapitates him, and buries him because he knows the guy will just regen and the alien shit will make his head reattach, so it just serves to stall for time to figure shit out.
More shit happens, he gets upgrades that allow for Chaos Control, and then the guy sees how Sonic and Shadow interact in battle and even just when talking (he was made to assume the two hated one another, even thinking he was doing Shadow a "favor" by trying to kill Sonic), and then becomes obsessed with the idea of "care" and "affection" and demands that the nephew, his creator, gives him the ability to feel those things (which he can actually ALREADY feel, he just is being gaslit by Eggman and the nephew into thinking he can't).
The nephew basically tells him "go kill Shadow and I'll do it", and he fucking DOES. he literally goes and fights him, then slices him and uses his Chaos Spear to jab and tear Shadow's head off the same way Shadow had done to him before. So he takes the head, feeling absolutely disgusted and awful with himself, teleports back to the place, and drops it for the nephew to see. Only, he's told by the guy that the whole "giving him emotions" thing cant actually happen, because the nephew doesnt know HOW to do that. So? The guy fucking kills him too out of pure rage and grief, because he never WANTED to kill Shadow, he was just so fucking desperate to have what "he had".
Meanwhile, Sonic ends up discovering the leftover headless corpse of Shadow and has a fucking breakdown and is absolutely traumatized by the sight, which is very much understandable. He runs back home to the others and cant even speak because he's so choked up, and it takes Rouge outright going out on a limb and asking "where the hell is Shadow?" for them to get a response outta him (the response being him only starting to cry harder). Rouge goes to try to find whatever Sonic saw, and Tails follows despite being told not to after alerting Knuckles and asking him for help. The two end up ALSO seeing the body, before heading back to the house where Rouge then proceeded to ALSO break down because. Yknow. Her best friend is fucking dead.
A few hours pass, things are still grim and... oddly quiet... Until they hear and frightened scream followed by frantic door knocks. Amy would end up letting Sticks in (yes Sticks exists here i love her too much) who starts rambling about some "horror creature from the forest here to take them to the grave" and that makes Knuckles, Tails, and Rouge curious enough to hurry out and follow her. Amy would also follow after making sure Sonic would be okay, however he would end up actually following solemnly purely due to his curiosity, and not wanting to be alone.
Well, what they find is a figure slowly limping and hobbling, holding onto it's horribly mangled, grotesque, and unrecognizable bloodied head, which throbbed and pulsated, strange spikes sticking out of it from different angles, and one singular red eye on the front.
So everyone is fucking mortified, but... Rouge and Tails immediately realize, holy fucking shit, is that SHADOW??? Because the "corpse" part, the body, was still bloodied like before, with the same tears on the neck, just... with a pulsating mass now growing from it.
Rouge decided to risk it and went to the... thing.... and wrapped her arms around it, and when he slowly returned the gesture, she realized.... oh god, what the fuck. it IS him.
And Sonic, who had finally made his way to the area they were in, peaked through the bushes and nearly fucking tackled the poor bastard in a hug while starting to sob once again.
But Shadow was weak as hell at this point, and... unable to speak, he had to desperately try to draw images of the Emeralds in the dirt to get them to know what he needed.
The Emeralds would, if he had access to all of them, be able to heal his head completely. So, he had to trust that they'd find the damn things.
They brought him back to the house and Knuckles and Rouge left to find the Emeralds.
Amy ended up seeing on a news station that SOMETHING was attacking Station Square, however, quite a far ways away, and of course being the idiot he is, now with a bit more pep to him, Sonic left to handle that (and also, he was both absolutely enraged over what the fucker had done, yet also... oddly curious about who the hell he truly was, despite that.)
He gets to the city and finds the Weapon tearing fissures through the earth with his energy before they get locked into combat, and the Weapon is shrieking and crying all the while as he yells his believed "purpose" at Sonic, that Eggman has promised him freedom if he were to put an end to the blue hedgehog, that he would get what he needed to live a proper life, that he'd never wanted to kill, that he killed his creator because he'd lied, that he just wanted to feel the things that everyone else could.
And they'd be interrupted in the middle of the fight by.... A slightly less mangled Shadow, who'd been given 3 Emeralds thus far and had enough ability to open a strange sort of maw and speak in broken, rough words.
He told the Weapon it was useless. The Weapon screamed that he should be dead.
"Just. Like. You... Ali...en....."
The Weapon told him he just wanted to live, just wanted to exist as something more.
"Been. There... Done..... That."
The Weapon barked back desperate words, pleads, while Shadow, to Sonic's bewilderment, was entirely calm.... Perhaps even.... Caring? Understanding?
Shadow pointed out the Weapon's tears, his voice... He told the other that he could already feel, that the Doctor was using him. He was lying to him. He told him that he didn't have to follow this path.
And after silence, the Weapon simply Chaos Controlled away.
Sonic and Shadow would return home, and Knuckles and Rouge would finally return with the last Emeralds needed for Shadow's head to properly be reformed.... Though how it had looked prior would remain in the back of everyone's minds. It was... Kinda horrifying lol.
And the Weapon? He'd be taken back and locked up by Eggman, who would end up repeating his Grandfather's steps and fuck up his memories before deciding to give him some mechanical "upgrades".
He would then simply name him "Razor," as a code name.
Alien DNA and blood still ran through his veins, and as such, he still held connection to Shadow, even with mechanical replacement limbs and weaponry at his disposal.
As such, with enough focus... Shadow came to the realization that... He might be able to....
"You are... Like me. I know your mind, I know what he did. He's a fool, repeating a process done so long ago, one so easily broken and reversed. I know what you're feeling... You're scared.
You're just as I had been... Yet... In a way, you're exactly what I'd feared I truly was. Yet I wasn't, and you are. A weapon, designed to hurt, yet you crave the bonds others share with one another, you plead for someone to help you, to give you the care and love you truly deserve, as another person living amongst them. Amongst us. You are me, and I am you, and yet, we are truly only ourselves.
What is.... Your name?"
And the Weapon didn't reply.
Razor. Razor. Razor.
The name echoed in his mind, and Shadow could hear it loud and clear... Yet...
He still awaited the name the Weapon would give. The name the Weapon would choose.
For himself.
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mikeydraws · 2 years
This took me ages to finish but it’s finally here! My own spin off verse of TMNT!! I’m honestly so happy with these, and I’ll talk abt them separately!
Also expect art from underverse and undertale, I got back into that phase after leaving it years ago 😭 not complaining tho (and also sonic, somehow it got to me through sonic prime)
This AU is called Horror AU bc of all the horrors happening and they faced quite a lot
This AU is abt the guys being more murderers and crazy more then anything really, their backstory is that splinter was a bit more abusive and meaner, (yes I did him dirty) he was stricter and never treated his sons like his own sons, he felt like he lost everything bc of them and saving them, and when he went on the battlefield with his sons to fight he died. This made the brothers unstable and resulted in killing as a stress reliever.
Let me also explain in what they live in, I got inspired by the last ronin for this! They live in a dystopian completely controlled by the foot clan, foot members are merciless, they will kill any yokai or “monsters” in their paths, every wall are covered in wanted posters of monsters. They are hunted down till they are dead, they are alliances and groups of monsters who try to stay hidden, it’s basically a war.
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Good old Leonardo, now in this AU they don’t really have a leader of some sort, yes Leo does make a few orders but there’s also orders from others in the team, mostly from Donnie. As you can see Leo’s sheet looks unfinished, bc it is, there are some things I didn’t do while finishing it and I didn’t double check. Leo is the manipulating bitchass who cracks jokes about dying and shit, he’s always smiling and being a narcissist ass, him and mikey are the ones that act the craziest of themselves with each other while murdering. He is a red eared slider because I can’t see him as anything else, he is 16 and 5’0 feet
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Now good old Donnatello! He lost his eye to a foot clan ninja in an ambush and replaced it with a lil screen. He is a Diamondback terrapin, 5’3 feet and 16. Donnie is the one that provides his brothers with machines and medical care alongside april, he doesn’t kill as much as his brothers bc he doesn’t quite see the joy in it, instead he sees joy in technology. He also likes dissecting human bodies and studying them, he gets them from the foot clan ninja they killed. But when people mess with him he is the fastest and most brutal in combat, no mercy. Him and Leo do this thing where they put makeup on each other when going on a killing spree, to be like a duo, it’s mostly Leo who makes Donnie do it.
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When he is angry god help you bc you are dead in seconds, he is the most violent when feeling angry, frustrated or disrespected. I made him a spiny soft shell bc they are violent when feeling threatened, he is 5’10 and 17. He was always been told off by everyone for his anger bc most of the time it would get outta hand, he felt like he wasn’t good enough and a failure to his team, so he trained harder. He got one of the worst injury on the back of his soft shell, it was hard for him to recover.
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And last but not least…MIKEY!!! Mikey’s sheet is heavely packed with drawings, i didn’t realize till I compared him to Leo and Raph, and he was only the second to be made! He is a spiny terrapin turtle, 14 and 4’11. He is the most unstable out of his brothers, he wants to eat organs, he is quite impatient and firey, he never lets go and he likes to spill blood and also he likes to pretend to be a clown when he is killing ppl, it gives him reassurance
Anyways, next time I’ll give to you april and jones! And maybe splints! This AU isn’t gonna be used really, unless I do drawings of it, and you guys get to draw it as well! If you wish to do that ofc! I would love to see some drawings or writings of these!
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badnikbreaker · 2 years
@spiinsparks​ : [ stumble ]  –  for the sender’s muse to catch and help the receiver’s muse keep balance. (Looks @ surge yknow the energy of when he protected her from metal yea that but she’s actually awake)     /     accepting.
But she hates Eggman more.
As she hated Starline more / he and Eggman are merging together in her battered fucking brain, and the distinction feels increasingly meaningless — if Starline fucked with her body trying to BUILD SOMETHING, Eggman feels more interested in TAKING IT APART.
She’s not processing / there’s been little processing since the monstrous doctor decided to REPOSSESS HIS PROTEGE’S TOOL; there’s just been panic and horror and empty threats and the shattered remains of her sanity splicing between rage and terror.  There’s just been tests and fragments and Eggman doesn’t even bother to make her forget.  
—— At first she’d tried to keep track of the days — there’s no windows in the lab — and then simply tests — but they blur together, the day he opened her up to check the machinery melting into the time he saw how many volts she could survive into the day he killed her just to see how quickly she’d come back.  Now there’s nothing but the repetition pounding in her skull, AGAIN.   AGAIN.  AGAIN.  AGAIN.  THERE’S NO ESCAPE.  IT NEVER STOPS.  IT NEVER STOPS.  IT NEVER STOPS.  I WILL NEVER BE SAFE.  THEY WILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY TO HURT ME.
(  when she came to after another round of tests, another round of opening her up and seeing what makes her tick, to sonic tearing the restraints off her wrists, she’d hallucinated starline in his place, come to take his weapon home — and screamed so loud that the badniks had come not far behind.  )
She hates Sonic, and she’s afraid of Sonic, but she’s far more afraid of mad doctors who want to test and break and build — and she’s too weak to fight, and she knows that, even past her pride.  So she’d gone with him, once her panic had settled enough to see him, once she’d stopped trying to disappear into the lab’s corner.  He’s had to do most of the fighting as they escape and she HATES THAT, but she can barely keep standing — she stays near the wall, using it to keep her upright.  Her body screams with every step — her mind breaks with every second.  Her vision glitches into some new horror around every body — Eggman, or Starline, or both, or herself.  
“We’re almost outta here,” Sonic assures her, and she barely hears it, staring forward, eyes bleary, legs trembling — hands trembling — DON’T BE FUCKING WEAK, SURGE.
‘You can hardly help it,’ either Starline or Eggman says, the weapon - girl too exhausted to bother parsing which — the sound, so near her ears, hissing, feels like a GUN GOING OFF — she jerks forward with a low cry, stumbling forward — eyes squeeze shut, prepared to hit the ground; instead, someone catches her.
Her eyes snap open, huge, and she sees — Kit, then Starline — it isn’t until she’s nearly jerked out of his arms that she realizes it’s Sonic.  She pushes up and away from him, stumbling this time into the wall, and manages to catch herself against it.  His eyes are wide, but she can’t read his expression.  Her teeth grit.  DON’T BE WEAK.
“‘M fine,” the tenrec spits, voice raw from disuse and screaming.  She stares down at her hospital gown, at the blood on the edges.  Anything’s better than looking at HIM — or whatever far worse monster her mind will replace him with.
“I can walk.  Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #085
When did you last feel fear? Uhhhhh not sure, surprisingly. Are you a fan of Taylor Swift? What’s your favorite song from her? No. There are like less than five mega old songs that I enjoy though, the top definitely being "Love Story," idc that song is great. What was the last pain you’ve had on your body? My legs primarily from my knees down are in awful pain whenever I'm simply standing up, so them. What’s your favorite way to eat rice? Hm, probably fried. What’s something that has really impacted your life? The first person I was in love with, absolutely madly so to where I lost a great deal of self-autonomy, abruptly exiting my life.
What did you last have as a snack? Fudge; Mom is making some for Christmas but she picked a couple that me and her could eat out of. Are you currently listening to music? Yeah, I discovered that a YouTube artist did the song "Gangsta's Paradise" in the style of Ozzy Osbourne and it's honestly fucking incredible lmao. It's Anthony Vincent, to give credit. What is the last song you listened to in a car? Ummmm I feel like it was something by Motionless In White. Are there any important things happening this week? Well, this isn't really "important," but it's somewhat of a big deal to me because I'm rarely on my own; Mom and Nicole are going to Tennessee to visit my brother and his family (I very much wanted to go, but there are reasons I couldn't that I don't want to talk about), so I'm gonna be on my own for close to a week. Girt wants to come over a lot though so I'm not alone, so I appreciate that. Do you know anyone who is terrified of dogs? I don't think so. What’s your favorite horror movie? The Blair Witch Project, The Crazies, and then Silent Hill, though I think that's just a bias, the movie incarnation isn't fantastic. What’s your favorite and least favorite fast food restaurant? Favorite, probably Sonic. Least favorite, fucking Arby's, just looking at their stuff makes me want to puke. When did you last sign your signature? Uh a couple days ago at a doctor's appointment bc I got a new insurance card or something. What cover do you think is better than the original song? I think the two strongest, your-argument-is-invalid examples are Disturbed's "The Sound of Silence" cover as well as Johnny Cash's version of "Hurt." Like it feels like they fucking wrote those songs, they were MADE for 'em. What’s something that excites you about the future? Inspired by the answer of the person I copied this survey from, watching my sister's kids grow up. They're my only nieces and nephew I've been heavily involved with (NOT by my will, my half siblings just live in different states), and I just love seeing the three of them grow as individuals. I always have this fear they'll grow to dislike me/maybe drop me from their lives because of how much of the black sheep of the family I am, but I try to not think of this possibility. Are you afraid of walking alone at night? Oh I absolutely would be. Where did your last kiss take place and with whom? My bed with my boyfriend. Are you a very affectionate person? YES. I love hugs and I will tell you I love you every opportunity I get. I will petname tf outta you too if it's something that doesn't make the person uncomfortable. I am just such, SUCH a massive believer in vibrantly expressing how much you care for people. Are you mentally strong? There are some LOVELY people who make me question it, but when it boils down to it, yes I fucking am. I'm here and alive and learning by MY determination alone. Are you physically strong? It's honestly absurd how physically weak I am, like it is humiliating how much I literally cannot do because I don't have the muscle. Name one thing you wish you could change about your life right now. I wish I had an income and was happy with my form of work. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Usually cereal. Did you have a good year? You know, it was far from the best, but ultimately, I think it was okay. I've had a lot of self-discovery and there's been a lot of effort put into bettering myself and trying to learn to love myself. Did your appearance change in any way this year? Besides hair color, no, not really. What album came out this year and has been on heavy rotation since then? "Zeit" by Rammstein jesus FUCKING christ Favorite new TV show? Girt and I finished the only current season of Extraordinary Attorney Woo a few days back and we are now both desperately awaiting the next one, which won't be coming for a few years apparently. :( It was approved, though. It was a FANTASTIC show. Which new ship/fandom has taken over a lot of your time, attention, and tears? ha ha ha ha ha nervous laughter there's this band Do you carry matches or a lighter? No, no reason to. Do you keep socks with a hole in them if they are your favorites? ABSOLUTELY NOT, I hate socks already, but holes in socks are fucking insufferable to me. Have you ever frightened someone on purpose? Not as a tease, but seriously. No, that sounds very mean. Something you were surprised to learn about your parent’s childhood? Oh I have no idea. Have you ever destroyed another person’s belongings out of anger? No, that's incredibly shitty. Which painkiller do you use? Usually just Ibuprofen. Something you taught yourself how to do? Use Sony Vegas acceptably well for video editing. I am SUPER far from a pro, but I can do quite a bit. Are you guilty of texting while driving? I would literally rather never touch a phone again. Never. Have you ever caused a lot of noise in a library? No, even as a child I thought it was disrespectful. Have you ever called in at a radio station & dedicated a song to someone? No. Are you a bossy person? Absolutely not, I'd feel so gross. What social media platforms do you use? Facebook, Insta, and Tumblr are I think it. What is one of your favourite sitcoms? That '70s Show. What pet names do you use for your friends/loved ones? Girt, a lot. For friends, "hun(ny)," "dear," "darling," and "love" are commonly used by me. What pet names do you like to be called? Most I can think of are fine. One that does come to mind that I know some people like but makes me want to hurl is "princess," like just don't. What was the best concert you've ever seen? Only seen Alice Cooper live, but it was excellent. Do you have any hobbies? Well yeah. I like browsing online, playing games, writing, reading, drawing, taking photos, editing photos and other stuff, watching YouTube, chatting with my loved ones, and I would very much enjoy being outside and going on walks if my legs weren't total garbage. When was the last time you stayed in a hotel/motel and where was that? I legit don't think I've stayed in a hotel since my sister and I still did dance and we went to a competition by the beach. Does your hair have natural highlights in it? Yes, even when it's not dyed. What was the last decision you had trouble making? Something I talked about in therapy a few days back that I don't want to discuss. What is one type of fruit that you'd like to try that you've never tried before? Dragonfruit immediately comes to mind. It looks so interesting. Have you been told by a doctor that you are a rare medical case? Uhhhh I don't believe so. Who was the last person who came to visit you? Girt, yesterday. What is your favorite version of the Bible to read (if applicable)?
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Do you have family that you wish you could see more? Absofuckinglutely. Only my very immediate family lives anywhere near me. What was the last emoji you used? Probably the crying one, I probably overuse it lmao Do you feel the need to be popular? In general, no. I would like to be a popular photographer, but that feels different than "normal" popular to me, idk. What is a good present for you birthdays? Meerkat-oriented ANYTHING is failproof and my loved ones know that, haha. You could also donate to my tattoo fund or just pay for a small one to make my fuckin week lol. What is a rule or boundary you have for yourself, that you have followed? I made a promise to a friend and myself that I would never check up on Sara's socials again and I've kept it since I made it. I have SUCH a hard fucking time letting people go, even those who don't deserve a second of me, and it was problematic that I felt the need to just check on her, but it only ever hurt me. So I stopped. Have you ever played Battleship? Yeah, that's actually a "board" game (quotations cuz that's a weird way to describe it) I really don't mind, it's pretty fun. Girt and I used to play it a lot at the old house. Do you wear skulls on your clothes? Yeah, very regularly. Do you like to record yourself? NONONONONONONONONONONONONONO Do you like the color hot pink? Hell yeah I do. Do you like watching wrestling? Absolutely not, I'm sorry, but it's dumb and cringey as FUCK to me. Like holy shit the acting is so goddamn bad and more dramatic than I was at age 12. I know because my niece and nephew actually like to watch it so have seen my fair share. Aubree actually wants to be a professional wrestler when she grows up and while I will support her dreams to the very fucking end I am very much hoping she changes her mind, lol. Would you rather a giftcard to Starbucks or Olive Garden? OG, I fucking love that place. What kind of people do you respect? "Ones who don’t ‘demand respect’, when they really mean obedience." <<<< THIS. I also have very deep respect for people who basically calmly lead a moral crusade, vigorously advocating for positive change while remaining peaceful and amiable and just willing to prove their point without violence. I respect vegans and vegetarians a lot, like I think that takes A LOT of discipline and a very deep appreciation for all life, and I also respect popular people who don't grow a big head, instead remaining grounded and modest. There's plenty more, but I don't feel like making a massive list. What shampoo do you have in your tub? It's some strawberry-scented Suave bottle. It smells amazing. What color is your shower curtain? Or is it glass/plastic? The shower in the hall bathroom has a white curtain, while Mom's bathroom shower has a door. Do you like to draw with pen or pencil? Pencil. Pens stress me out 'cuz you can't erase. Do you like to draw on lined paper or does it bother you? I'll do it if I have no other option; it's definitely not my preference. Are you stuck in the past? I feel like I'm a prisoner to it, at least to the old me. I'm so unwilling to forgive myself for many things, and it's very much negatively affecting my life and opinion of myself. I've changed and grown so much, but... in my head, I'm stuck on this "you're fucking trash" belief. Tell me about the worst sunburn you've ever had? I got it while at the beach with Colleenn, her husband, and their son; we were sitting under an umbrella and oddly enough, I think I actually got the worse burn on my shoulder that was facing AWAY from the sun. It was so severe it actually qualified as sun poisoning. It was fucking excruciating. My other shoulder got it pretty rough, too. Do you feel embarrassed a lot? I am pretty much constantly feeling embarrassed over one thing or another. What is the most important thing in life, quick answer? For me, I think my pursuit of happiness/peace with myself. I just want to confidently feel that so bad. Is black lipstick your favorite? It sure is. Do you like combat boots? bro they fuckin HOT, I'm a boots whore Would you ever get back with one of your exes? Nope, sure wouldn't. Man, 2015-16 Brittany wouldn't have believed that for a second, well guess what hunny Do you sometimes feel dissatisfied with your love life? No, I am so happy with Girt. Are you friends with your neighbors? Not "friends," no. The man who lives to our right is lovely and has helped Mom with getting some heavy things into the house, and they usually wave at each other if Ma passes him in the car, but I wouldn't call them "friends." Mom knows our other next-door neighbor too and thinks they're fine. Are you super generous? I think so. I sure try to be. Above anything else though, I think I'm most generous with my time. If you need to talk to someone, you fuckin got me. Do you feed the strays in your neighborhood? No; we don't really have strays anyway. Do you think old houses are creepy? I mean they can be, but I think they're cool and fascinating more than anything else! Have you won any trophies/ribbons? Which are you most proud of, if any? Lots for academic excellence, as well as for dance and sports. I'm most proud of my plaque that I can literally see from here that was for me graduating HS in the top percentile of the entire graduating class. It hurts to see sometimes though, like I wonder what the fuck happened to my level of intelligence after high school... Do you type home row or with two fingers? Home row. Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf/wife/husband? No, and I never would. It's just so, so very disrespectful of your partner's trust. Don't hurt people you supposedly love like that, man. What kind of outdoor activities do you like? Taking pictures of nature, exploring, swimming, sitting in the shade if it's cool enough and just chillin. In a movie would you be the villain, hero, or main person? You mean like, what role I would pick to play? Villain almost for sure, I genuinely think I could play a convincing villain. If you could get anything in your trick or treat bag, what would it be? Reese's anything, haha. Even as a kid, that was my favorite to get. Do you like to drive a car? No; I haven't driven in like, maybe two or even three years. I have a debilitating fear of being behind the wheel. I could never, and I mean NEVER, live with my fucking self if I ever caused a wreck and killed somebody. It is just the way smarter option for me to not drive, at least for right now. I feel super bad about not driving and therefore not being able to go anywhere on my own (public transport isn't really a big thing around here), but it's the better, safer option. What is your desktop background? A really cute and vibrant picture of a meerkat.
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sonicringbond · 4 years
Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey - Scene 53
For everyone reading this it’s only been about four days since the last update, but it’s been like two weeks for me between writing and editing XD Suffice to say, life was kind of weighing me down. But here we are. Claymore has appeared and everyone is together. Seemingly to Ix’s expectations. What does that mean? Read on and find out in...
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     -Sonic, Rosy, what’s going on. Guys!-
     “Hmhmhmhmhm,” the laughter of Saber the Red filled the room that Sonic and Rosy had caught up to Ix in and distracted them from Tails’ voice across their wrist device radios.
     “No!” Rosy shouted in surprise as Saber had appeared but a moment sooner, and after Claymore had strode into the chamber. What made Rosy scream however was that Saber had taken one of his namesake weapons from his shoulder pylons and jammed it straight up into Claymore’s midsection.
     “Ho!” Claymore shouted as he looked down at the far nimbler suit of armor. “You would show yourself now, traitor!”
     “Come now Claymore, I had hoped you would be more of a challenge than the autogolems you have roaming these halls.”
     “Curious,” Ix remarked as he looked back at the scene behind him. “How long did I slumber for the Sword Knights to turn on each other. Truly, the state of this world is wrong.”
     Twirling his staff for but a moment above his head, Ix slammed it into the ground, the crystal Rose at its head shining a bright purple. In response the ground cracked and splintered, a torrent of Rings bursting forth in response.
     “Ho! “Claymore shouted as he fell to a knee. “You would risk your own destruction as well foul mage. I had believed you would face me in battle at the heart of Tower Point.”
     “There is little need,” Ix remarked as Fukurokov and Fang stared at him in horror. “I can eliminate two knights at one time and simply choose a new vessel to continue my pursuit.
     “Then…? Ho! It was a trap!”
     “Sneaky,” Saber commented and withdrew his sword as he stepped back from Claymore. “I did not come to be buried this day however.”
     “Neither did I!” Fang shouted before turning pleading eyes onto Rosy. “You hafta get me outta this Rosy!”
     “You think I’ll let you get away?” Doctor Fukurokov leveled Fang’s own gun at the treasure hunter’s head to emphasize his threat. “And what trickery is this! You promised me a return to glory!”
     Turning the pop gun from Fang, Doctor Fukurokov took aim at Ix, and quickly paled as the stone golems rose around them. It was the opportunity Fang needed however and he fell back and lashed out with his tail. “Gah!”
     “Sorry, but I’m not hanging around here any longer,” Fang laughed as he knocked his gun free of Doctor Fukurokov’s grasp. Catching it as he braced himself on his tail, he shook the firearm a moment before springing up into the air and shouted at Rosy. “This time, I’m ready Rosy!”
     “What!” Doctor Fukurokov’ shouted as he saw a Ring Gate appear in Fang’s path disappearing with the jerboa-wolf hybrid in an instant. “Who~?”
     “Was that really a good idea, kid?” Sonic asked looking at Rosy who looked quite pleased with herself. At least until Sonic asked.
     “Soni~c,” she whined and puffed up her cheeks. “Fang is my friend and I had to help him, and now that he isn’t in danger, I can try to talk Ix down.”
     “It’s too late for that, Lady Medium,” Claymore scoffed as a dark purple mist began to swirl around his left arm. “The foul mage has already taken his leave. You fell for his bait and now he likely has another vessel en route to the heart of Tower Point.”
     “To think you failed so badly Claymore. Your sleep has made you rusty,” Saber mocked the far larger autogolem knight.
     “And you have lost all honor, Saber! Ho!”
     With his trademark shout, Claymore became a well of gravity and everything in the room became stuck in his pull. Ix’s stone body along with his golems were pulled apart, the debris pulled into Claymore’s body. A body which healed and grew with the consumption.
     “What is this!” Doctor Fukurokov shouted helplessly before being pulled off his feet and right into a Ring Gate that appeared before him and vanished.
     “You would save your obvious enemy, Ring Mage, Sonic the Hedgehog?”
     “You’re getting closer,” Sonic shook a finger at Claymore. “Just drop the mage bit and we’ll be good. Well, after I clean up your mess, stop Ix, and yeah, make sure no one gets more hurt than you already have today.”
     “Hmhmhmhmhm, it’s too late for that,” Saber laughed and took to the air and out into the cavernous main hall beyond the small room everyone had gathered in. Form his new vantage point, he could see everything collapsing around him and an army of golems rising past the golden twinkle of collected Rings. “Pir’Oth has already begun to collapse the whole of Tower Point. Soon, Yoluku will wake again! Hmhmhmhmhm!”
     “Yeah, not happening! Let’s go Amy!”
     Grabbing Rosy’s wrist, Sonic took off so fast she barely got her feet under her. When she did, Sonic noticed the drag immediately as she still had a long way to go to catch up to him in the use of his speed. Not wanting to waste time, Sonic scooped her up into his arms, and just in time to avoid collapsing debris.
     “Phooey!” Rosy complained, puffing up her cheeks even as she nestled into Sonic’s embrace and blushed happily. There was conflict in that joy though as the situation had gotten dire. “Why did it have to happen like that?”
     “Doesn’t matter,” Sonic dismissed the past. “But if we don’t do–”
     -Guys! Please tell me you’re okay. The data is going crazy and the whole city is starting to collapse!-
     “Tails!” Rosy shouted before remembering she had to activate the radio on her wrist.
     “Tails! I was right! It was Ix, and now he’s collapsing the whole city. I don’t know what to do, but Sonic and me are heading towards Ix now! And hopefully, we stop him. But you need to get out of here! It’s not safe, and–!”
     -What is that!-
     “What is what?” Sonic asked as the whole of the catacombs began to tremble and shake as though the entire landmass was being torn apart.
     The answer did not take long to be discovered.
     As Saber flew out of the growing sinkhole Tower Point was becoming, he was joined by the Tornado under remote control from a desperate to not lose it Zooey. Following them, not in pursuit but rather growth, Claymore emerged.
     He had grown massive beyond compare, the collapsing city feeding his gravity well. Whether or not the people of the city were spared as he grew was a mystery, but his artificial frame could easily harbor them all as it grew.
     “Are we going to be able to get away from that?” Draw asked looking at the absurd sight of the impossibly huge autogolem and the storm of purple clouds that swirled around him.
     “I couldn’t rightly say, lad,” Gill confided from where he joined Draw on the Deck of the Skyskipper. “It’s likely that knight will consume us all.”
     “I thought I was going to be safe here!” Fang surprised Gill and Draw as he came out onto the deck. “What is that fox girl doing!”
    Running to the deck and leaving the other’s confused, the sight of the Avocado Green joining the Skyskipper had no meaning to Fang. Neither did Mighty as he ran by him to demand an explanation, even as Zooey worked to open a Ring Gate large enough for both airships. Mighty did not follow Fang or return to the bridge as he watched the cloud of darkness around Claymore’s left arm become a giant maw of light filled darkness. With that looming maw the knight took a massive bite out of the city with.
     “SO~NI~C!” Rosy cried out at the top of her lungs as everything collapsed around her and Sonic within the gigantic maw.
     “Just get ready!” Sonic yelled as he tossed Rosy into the air in front of him.
     “Just don’t enjoy this too much!”
     Leaping up after Rosy, he grabbed her hand and spun her about into him as he curled into a tight ball forcing her to do the same. Together they formed one giant rolling hedgehog ball and plowed through practically everything in front of them with growing speed. Until finally, they broke apart and Rosy flopped onto her back with swirling eyes and red face.
     “I said don’t get too excited,” Sonic sighed as he looked back at Rosy behind him. “That was simply the Rolling Combo Tails and I came up with. You didn’t do bad for your first go at it though.”
     Unsteadily stumbling to her feet, Rosy smiled as Sonic flashed her a thumbs up. But the expression did not last for long. Sonic had donned a dead serious look and turned his attention forward to the heart of the clockwork sphere they had arrived in. Following his gaze, Rosy gasped.
     She could not find the words to continue however as there were two of him. A wooden one, and one like the autogolem knights. A clockwork skeleton with a suit of armor built onto it, and of course his signature flowing purple robes.
     “So, you really had laid a trap for us,” Sonic gritted his teeth as he looked at the swirling gyroscopic device around the autogolem Ix, and how it and the gears within the clockwork sphere had nearly come to a halt.
     “One I had not expected you to survive,” Ix acknowledged his plan. “Yet, you do not seem to be the hero foretold of by the medium. My plans remain unchallenged. You two are far, far, too late, and there is nothing the fool Sword Knights can do to stop me. I am but one step closer to returning at last to the side of my old friend.”
     “We’ll see about that!”
     Sonic stopped mid-preparation to leap forward as Rosy suddenly screamed. Turning back, he saw the red light of a Red Star Ring pouring from her left eye, her face trapped in a moment of true fear. “AMY~!”
     ~Those were the last words I remember hearing Sonic say while I could see him. Everything after that is almost pure darkness. I can’t really remember anything. But I know I saw the Gear Star Ring in my eye crumble some more, letting the gear be fully connected along three points of the star. I just wish I hadn’t seen that in Sonic’s beautiful green eyes. He looked so desperate as he reached for me, but then I was just gone. But I heard it. At least for a moment. It was my voice. I was talking but it wasn’t me. It wasn’t me, and I’ve never been so scared.~
    “I am most afraid not, Dirt Dweller. ‘My’ Medium is gone.”      
Scene 53 · CLEARED Party Crashing, to be continued
And isn’t that a doozy to end it on? XD Don’t worry, the next scene is out on Saturday (or already if you’re reading this after the publication date). As for who has possessed Rosy. Well, I’ve finally introduced my AU’s villain and I hope you enjoy this initial tease into their character. Next scene is the end of Season 1 and huge changes will be coming after that starting April. Please enjoy and I hope you’ll continue to follow me on The Journey!
Special Thanks to Cutegirlmayra Story by @JoshTarwater/SonicFanJ Inspiring Song – Insatiable (From “Final Fantasy XIV”) - Vocaloid Version – Azina, Masayoshi Soken – Insatiable (From “Final Fantasy XIV”)
Fair Use Disclaimer
Sonic the Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement. The Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
*Sonic Ring Bond logo created by DEE Art – twitter.com/daryliscute.
Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein considered for all legal purposes the property of the Sonic the Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
Could you make something of a sequel to the prompt where Amy is the heroine and Sonic is the one crushing on her? But something more lighthearted with Sonic effortlessly chasing Amy and hilarity ensues.
Lol, which sequel? (x) (x) (x)
I guess I’ll just do my best and try something? haha XD
Since you said ‘lighthearted’ I think you mean to stay off the Maria Robotnik thing, right? Just some cute shenanigans with Amyic? (Sonamy gender-bend ship name? lololol) Got it. Got it.
The wind howled past the rolling hills that littered the Green Valley Zone. It was a zone Amy came to often, a place she felt some peace.
She relaxed by some flowerbeds and stretched, seeing the day was young and the morning finally peeking its glowing eye over the horizon.
She yawned, “Whelp, where to next?” she lifted a knee up and let her arm sit on it, just looking over the beautiful world she had protected since she was a little girl.
And then she noticed something out of the ordinary in the distance.
She squinted her eyes, seeing a faint shade of blue racing through the valley’s ups and downs. The reverse loop-de-loops and jump-pads.
“…Is that..?” She began to grow concerned, “Oh no…” It was like her mouth was being tugged back by two fish hooks, realizing who was coming her way. “Eeee… I’ve got to get out of here!”
She pushed herself off the ground and started running, though she knew she was nowhere near as fast as Sonic The Hedgehog.
Still, he would either tackle her with a snuggly greeting or propose to her again, and she just didn’t want her morning spoiled by such doting admiration.
She looked for anything to hide in, but only found a palm tree and quickly climbed up it.
When Sonic did pass by, it was just a streak of blue.
She sighed, thinking maybe her red dress could blend in with the jump-pad at the top of the tree.
She waited… and heard nothing.
“Phew.” she started to come down the tree but noticed a crabbot looking up at her.
She froze, blinking at it.
It snipped a metallic claw.
She feined a smile, “Nice bot. Good bot… stay back…” she tried to climb down again, but it leaped up and snapped at her dress.
“Ah!” she heard a tear but scaled up the tree. “You naughty little-!” she noticed that a small slit was in her dresses back, a little of her white underpants showing through. “You’ll pay for that!” she jumped to slam down on the little robot, hammering it out but it sprung her back up with the hardness of its shell.
It was one of those robots she had to destroy by flipping it over to its underbelly. The top made a BOOING sound as she was flown back up and into the jump-pad on the tree.
“Nooooo…!!!” she cried out, face-first into a series of pre-determined angles where the jump-pads would launch her into many more jump-pads for an almost infinite chain.
Once the chain was completed she was flying through the air onto a completely separate part of Green Valley Zone, a usual shortcut for getting around but this one was not quite how she wanted to ‘fly in style’ so to speak…
Before hitting the ground, Amy was taken by a swiftly moving bullet, an arrow through the sky of primary blue that held her close and landed safely to the ground.
“Pah! What are you-?” she was slightly dazed by the hits but shook her head and was quickly alright again.
She looked up to see the smiling face of Sonic The Hedgehog, holding her in his arms bridal style. With the sun blocking his face, he actually looked pretty cool. However, when the cloud moved away, his face was revealed to be shining eyes that sparkled dramatically towards her.
Her expression of awe turned suddenly to awkward shyness. A sweat drop appeared on the side of her face as her open-mouth shook at the corner, trying to be polite and smile but didn’t seem to register it quite right.
“I can’t believe it! I found you! Amy Rose!” he was like a fanboy she couldn’t shake off…
She lowered her eyelids, mumbling out her defeated words, “Hello, Sonic… Long time no-OFFPH!”
Sonic crushed her face into his chest, snuggling her with his head reaching deep into her noggin’.
With a smushed face, she grimaced, knowing he wouldn’t see it as she grew more and more agitated by his obsessive loving.
She suddenly felt a skim of his nose pierce through her quilled hair and reach the soft fur below it, sensitive since it never usually was touched.
She flinched and tried to wiggle free, lifting a leg to step down from his hold as he moved his head away from the back of her head and nuzzle up to her cheek to cheek.
“I was so worried about you! Especially when Rouge told me the Master Emerald was stolen by that thieving echidna again!” She leaned away from him, arms crooked as though trying to escape without being so obvious about it.
He blinked and moved away from her then, “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, Sonic…” she lightly let out, but it was clear she was desperately attempting to not be rude. He was just concerned for her anyway… she shouldn’t scold people for caring about her so much…
“B-but what are you doing all the way out here?” She rubbed behind her head, squirming a finger down through her quills to itch the place his nose once skimmed.
“Oh! I was looking for you, duh.” He put his hands to his hips, “I thought you might be hungry! I’ll pay!”
“You always pay.” She closed her eyes and gave off a nervous frown, knowing full well that when he pays, he automatically tells the world they went on a date together…
“Aw, come on! Let me treat you again!” He pleaded, but Amy just stuck a hand up and held her ground.
“No thanks. People usually feed me for free anyway.”
“That’s because you’re so popular. Heee~” he chimed back. “But really, I was awfully concerned about ya… Let’s go do something together! Today!” he placed his hands together, leaning towards her with his sparkling eyes of puppy love again…
She had to look away from them, sweating a bit as she’s never had to deal with anyone so enthralled by her before.
“U… Uhmm…” It was hard to resist him. He was so pushy sometimes…
“Hmmm?” he moved closer.
She sighed, blinking a few times to him before giving in, slouching over. “Alright, Sonic. You win.”
“Oh good! We didn’t have to wait for your grumbling stomach this time around!” he gave her a thumbs up and offered his hands again, flexing his fingers as a ‘come to me’ sign.
His smile never faded, at least that was nice.
But beckoning her into his arms like that..?
Amy rubbed the side of her face, “I think I’d like to walk, thanks.” she politely turned him down and started off.
He looked a little confused, but then pouted, “I have speedy feet for a reason… you don’t have to wear yourself out all the time, you know, Amy? You should let a man like me take care of you for a change!” he tried to puff out his bare chest, but then became self-conscious that he didn’t have large fluff like Shadow and Silver and withdrew a little as he looked away.
“I-I mean… I could be a decent boyfriend, you know…” he muttered, but Amy just waved him off and was still walking on.
“You coming or what?” she called, and his ears perked right back up, forgetting his insecurities as he took off to her side.
It took barely a second for him to catch up, holding his hands behind his back and leaning towards her while they walked. “So,… what’cha thinking about?”
“Nothing.” Amy shrugged.
“Were you maybe thinking about me? Cause I think about you all the time.” He looked down with his eyes closed, blushing a bit.
“Not really.”
Sonic twitched and stood straight now, looking at her sorrowfully. “Do you not think about me at all?”
“Only when I need to be.”
His face brightened up, “When’s that?” he said, cheerily picking up the happy mood again.
Amy liked that about Sonic, he was never disappointed or sad for too long. It was hard trying to comfort or make people happy, Amy wasn’t the best social person, but it was easy to talk to Sonic. At least, he made it easy for her.
“Usually when you’re in danger. I think about how I’m gonna get you outta there a lot.” Amy spoke very casually, but Sonic just took it like an arrow to his back.
“Is that so…” He breathed out, white as a ghost.
Embarrassed, but taking courage to prove himself to her, he tightened his fists and bundled them up near his face.
“Grrr..! That does it! I’ll make you respect me, Amy Rose!”
‘Good luck with that.’ Amy smiled, turning to him. “Was it something I said?”
“OoooOOOoohhh!” Sonic did his famous whine, taking her hand and looking dead into her eye. “Come on! We’re going on the most amazing date of your life!”
“H-huh?” Amy was whisked away then, Sonic taking places she usually had to fly in the X-Whirlwind to get too or walk long distances to make.
It was beautiful. A small joy ride she didn’t realize she had wanted.
When Sonic finally put her down, he smiled tried to hold her hand as she was distracted by the scenic nature around her.
She tensed up and her body quaked at the sudden touch, but Sonic just stood there happily. He lowered his eyes and cooed a little to her, “Thinking about me differently now, Amy Rose?”
Amy nervously kept her hand from closing around his own, just staring at him with awkward shyness. “You really don’t mess around about this, do you?”
“Amy! You should know I take our relationship very seriously!” Sonic defended, placing a fist by his hip and nodding in sincerity. “Whenever you’re happy, I’m happy. And whenever you’re in danger, I’ll gladly run into said danger too! I won’t leave you alone to face all the horrors of the world head on. Hehe.” he chuckled at the end with a sly wink to her.
“Anything to make me happy, huh?” Amy then changed her expression, and Sonic immediately blushed at it.
“A-anything!” he nervously nodded.
Amy leaned towards his face, a neutral and carefree smile now. “Annnnything~?”
“A-Any-anything you want! It’s yours! Even my very soul!” his bottom lip was trembling at her willing closeness now.
Amy smirked, “Then could you let go of my hand?” And winked.
“Ah!” he let go instinctively, startled by her abrupt flirt but realized he had been tricked. “D’oh!” he stomped the ground.
“That’s it! I’m not letting you escape this time!”
Amy was laughing as she walked off, thinking that was the end before Sonic tackled to her to the ground.
They kept rolling till they naturally came to a stop, Sonic holding Amy tightly as she could hear his racing heartbeat.
‘Had… had it always beat this fast?’ she wondered, her hand directly over it as she curiously looked there.
Sonic was twitching in nerves, but took a deep breath to summon some courage, and looked at Amy with a serious expression. “Marry me, Amy Rose.”
“H-huh?” She looked up at him. ‘Again with the proposals?’
“I know you don’t need a man. You’re so strong on your own. But I really meant it. I would do anything to keep you happy, to stay by your side no matter what may come! I… I won’t abandon you, Amy Rose! You can count me in until the very end of time! Always!”
His declaration made her blink in a bit of sympathy. ‘Poor kid. I really have a hold on his heart, don’t I? No matter how much I try and loosen up for him, he still just grabs me back and gives me an even tighter hold on it. He really won’t just let my hand go… Will he?’
Amy looked up at Sonic and smiled, “I believe you, Sonic.”
Sonic suddenly loosened his hold on her, hearing those words. “Y-you do?”
“Em-hmm. And I think you’re a swell guy for saying them.” She nodded and moved a bit out of his grasp. “Tell ya what. If you hang around, I bet we’ll have fun adventures together.”
“And eat chilidogs again?” His eyes sparkled.
“Eh…” She looked a bit taken aback by that one. ‘Where’d that come from?’
“S-sure. Chilidogs it is.” she kept her smile but lightly felt a prick at her heart. He really was trying, and he wasn’t a bad guy either…
Maybe just a little bit hopeless.
Sonic sat up, nodding encouragingly as he watched her get up too. “Okay then, I will,” he smirked, a corner of his mouth showing a somewhat mischievous underlining to his thinking. “And then you’ll want to marry me! No questions asked.”
Amy just sighed and stretched her back, looking to see the sun had risen fully now. “Whatever you say, Sonic.”
The two looked back at one another, a long-held stare but both closed their eyes and smiled to one another.
A lovely couple indeed~
(Might go with (x) for a prequel/part 1?)
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dustedmagazine · 5 years
Listed: Tomás Nochteff (Mueran Humanos)
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Mueran Humanos, an Argentinian duo now based in Berlin, mixes post-punk, industrial-inflected synth explorations, garage rock and psychedelia. Carmen Burguess and Tomás Nochteff share vocal duties and play a very basic line-up of instruments: bass, synths, drum machines and samplers. In his review for Dusted, Andrew Forell called their latest, Hospital Lullabies, “a thrilling concoction of electronic, industrial, bass-driven body music fueled by the transgressive spirit of a DAF or a Psychic TV.” Here, Tomás presents his list of visionary music.
A list of visionary music
What is a visionary? Visions can come in dreams, in journeys to other worlds, in hallucinations. They can be the product of will, of a derangement of the senses, or they can come uninvited to save you or to haunt you and destroy your mental balance, even your life. It can be heavenly, or hellish, but to be authentic visions they have to be otherworldly. And to be visions rather than just imagination, they must have an element of truth. Not literal truth, like “that wall is green,” but a different kind of truth, the one that´s expressed in symbols, in metaphors, in omens and obsessions. In “Heaven and Hell,” Aldous Huxley analyzed the visions of people under the influence of psychedelic drugs, the visions of mystics and the visions of schizophrenics. He found fundamental parallels and concluded that they must have been visiting the same places. These people are not merely hallucinating, but they are perceiving another reality, visiting a different world, or maybe they are perceiving the world as it really is. And he quotes Jung on this: “schizophrenics and mystics are on the same ocean, but schizophrenics are drowning and mystics are swimming.” A visionary could be a mix of all these archetypes. Like Philip K Dick: was he on drugs? Yes. Was he mad? Yes. Was he seeking enlightenment? Yes. Had his visions an element of truth? No doubt about it. Were his visions revelations? To some extent, yes.
On our last album, Hospital Lullabies, the songs deal with all these different experiences on the journey to another world and on the invasion from another world into everyday life, with its horror and its beauty, the agony and the ecstasy. And how one copes, or doesn´t, with it.
So to celebrate it, I made a list of music that I do consider visionary. There’s madmen, there’s mystics and there’s psychonauts, all possible combinations of the three archetypes and everything in between.
Pharoah Sanders—“The Creator has a Masterplan” (Impulse)
I don´t know much about cosmic jazz, or any jazz for that matter, but what I know is that this record is pure bliss. “Harvest Time,” on Pharoah is another masterpiece. Alice Coltrane and Don Cherry are also incredible. This is music of the spheres; it has the touch of God.
Rudimentary Peni—CacophonyI (Outer Himalayan Records)
One of the few perfect punk bands ever, for lots of reasons. The bass lines are extraordinary, for example. But they belong here because of schizophrenic member Nick Blinko: incredible artist & novelist, obsessed with Catholicism and the supernatural horror. A guy who stopped his medication to force himself into a psychotic crisis just to write an album. Hero. Martyr.
Nico— “Janitor of Lunacy” (Cherry Red Records)
For me, Nico was the best and more underrated of all Velvets (and we love Velvet Underground as much as anyone). Also, the production from John Cale on her records is probably his best work too, or at least among his best. I feel that she is not appreciated enough. Iggy said that meeting her changed him. I suspect that´s true for all her famous friends: Bowie, Lou Reed, John Cale, Leonard Cohen, etc. They were all larger-than-life characters. And we know there is an element of self-built mythology on all that, a bit of acting. There is nothing wrong with that; rock and roll at its best is a complete artform and we must appreciate this self-built mythology as part of their craft. But with Nico you don´t get that feeling. She seemed that she didn´t care about her image, she was born Nico and I suspect that in that sense she inspired them all to no end. She was the genuine article. One of our main loves in music. Essential with a capital E.
Coil—“I Don’t Want To Be The One”
Jhonn Balance wanted to be a magician, and he died trying. I think he succeed in building a shamanic body of work with the help of the great late Sleazy and a myriad of brilliant contributors. Coil´s music at its best it´s like a plasma between worlds, or a very, very good psychedelic drug. My most beloved electronic/industrial/post-industrial project ever and one of our main influences. This performance is superb.
Lungfish — Feral Hymns
I´m not interested in DC post hardcore per se, and I don´t have any tattoos. I shouldn´t care about Lungfish the way I do, but they knock me out every single time. Daniel Higgs is a seer. I don´t know what he is talking about, but at the same time, my gut knows exactly what he is talking about. He speaks in images, like Tarot, like the religious painters, like Rimbaud and San Juan de la Cruz. His delivery is supreme. Raw and fragile, yet powerful and precise. Over circular, repetitive, minimal structures of music that have a haunting, arresting effect. Hypnotic, magical, devotional music. Either you get it, or you don´t. I can´t explain it. That´s the beauty of it, I suppose. And the truly mark of the visionary artist.
Ghedalia Tazartes—“Une Éclipse Totale De Soleil Part 2”
Ghedalia for me represents the pure, untouched, sui generis artist. Applying the techniques of musique concrete to the ancient folk music of the Sephardic Jews with a raw energy that usually you can only find in punk, or blues. I see in him an archetype, the Fool card in the Tarot. The madman that opens the gates of heaven and hell, gives himself to these supreme energies and survives only because of his perfect innocence.
OM—“Sinai (live at Sonic City)”
Maybe the greatest rock band of the last 20 years. Here with Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe to maximum effect.
Charlemagne Palestine—Live in Holland 1998
Like Ghedalia, Charlemagne Palestine is a Jewish artist that works in the avant garde field but subverts it with the tradition of his folk music instead of sticking to the cold, cerebral, rational program of academia. He has his own world. Watch this and you will understand what I am talking about.
Virgin Prunes—Excerpts from Sons Find Devils/“Walls of Jericho”
There is a VHS tape called Sons Find Devils, comprised of live shows and short experimental films (some of them made by Balance, from Coil). I had it as a teenager and watched it countless times. Sadly, it is not complete on YouTube or elsewhere but here are some small extracts. With their heretic mix of Irish Catholic imagery, Irish Paganism, Bataille, performance art and post punk, the Virgin Prunes made a unique and extraordinary body of work. A testament of its importance is that Gavin Friday was guest singer of two bands in this list: The Fall and Coil. And Mr. Scott Walker himself invited him to sing on a play. Maybe the historians ignore them, but Mark E. Smith, Scott Walker and Coil knew where it’s at, didn´t they? Their record If I die I die is a masterpiece. Produced by Colin Newman from Wire, no less, if you need more validation.
Boredoms—Vision Creation Newsun
I like some of the more comical, early work of Boredoms, but with Super AE and this one they got me. They got serious and spiritual, channeling Alice Coltrane, tribal drumming, kraut rock and noise into a glorious, euphoric sound. Maybe they are not visionaries, but their music can produce visions. I saw them around 2005 (on acid) with the three drummers line up, still in this phase. I remember thinking “this is what cavemen had in mind when they invented music.” I actually saw it, with my eyes closed. Early humans. In caves. Inventing music. God bless LSD.
Aphrodite´s Child — 666
The one record I bought for the cover only, it cost me 50 cents, best deal of my life. A concept album about the apocalypse. Easy contender for the best psychedelic rock album of all time. Pet Sounds? Get outta here. An absolute masterpiece.
Tim Buckley—Starsailor
Tim Buckley is a mystery. He died too young. How he went from his L.A. folk rock first album to the absolute unique sound of Starsailor and Lorca is impossible to understand and a miracle of music. All six records in between are masterpieces. He was possessed by genius and has the most beautiful voice. I don´t know much about him, but his music put me out there.
Sun Ra—Night Music 1989
Watch this. Space is The Place, indeed.
Pescado Rabioso—Artaud
This guy, Luis Alberto Spinetta, is considered by many to be the most important rock musician in my country. So being an arrogant teenage punk, or whatever, of course that alone was enough to reject him altogether without even thinking. But a couple of years ago I was blown away by a book of poems he published in 1978. Incredibly beautiful, unique and sophisticated poetry. I recently started, too late, to listen to his music. This is one of his most famous and revered records. It´s dedicated to, and inspired by Antonin Artaud, who tried and failed to reach the mystic enlightenment, generating a body of work in the process which is a testament to his spiritual ambition, his radical rejection of the material world and his pain. Spinetta understood this, he said the record was trying to find an answer to Artaud, a way out of it, a way out of the pain. It´s psychedelic music of the highest order. The lyrics are incredible but you can enjoy it even without understanding them.
Dead Can Dance—Dyonisios
I kept forgetting this band exists. This new album is great. I listened to it non-stop during last Winter/Spring. It´s the perfect time because the record is about Dyonisios, so as a soundtrack for the rebirth of Nature it´s perfect. Probably their best work in years. Sublime.
The Fall—“Garden” (Live at the Hacienda, Manchester, UK, 1984)
No list of visionary rock and roll would be complete without Mark E. Smith. Famously he said, “I used to be a psychic but I drank my way out of it.” Indeed, there was a time, between 1978-1990, when he was possessed by something, injecting realism with mysticism, mixing high and low planes, exposing the supernatural forces that hides in the cracks of everyday life. He never talks about hell neither heaven, but rather the way they mix and manifest here on Earth. You’ve got countless of bands using occult/mystic imagery, and you know it´s nice but it´s just a game. You’ve got thousands of bands referencing Burroughs and the cut-up technique, but no one can write as Burroughs did. MES did it. MES wasn´t playing. He was a realist of the augmented reality, he told it like it is, in his fragmented, hallucinatory, unpretentious, visionary prose poetry.
There is a lot in his lyrics that can be read in a mystic, occult way. He left a lot of clues for the ones that can read them. His texts are kaleidoscopic, and they reflect what´s in your mind, really. I think he will be recognized with time as the great experimental writer that he actually was rather than merely an angry Mancunian punk. He had more in common with someone like Iain Sinclair than with any other rock musician. One of my favorite web sites is The Annotated Fall, where fans analyze his lyrics in depth. Pay a visit if you can, I can´t recommended it enough. In many ways, he was too intelligent for rock and roll, and that´s why he was misunderstood, but he didn´t care, he believed in constant work, never explain, never apologize. The Fall took all the best things in rock and roll: Can, Velvet Underground, punk, Captain Beefheart, and pushed it to the next level. Our favorite rock group ever.
Huun Hur Tu — “Prayer”
I tried to stick to Western, modern music but I can´t help including this.
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What’s your opinion on games with a school setting?
School settings are used for many different genres of video games, one of the most popular genres being horror (Corpse Party, Misao, etc). All these different types of games will require different amounts of effort and research to create, but I still want to know what type of game you’d prefer to play instead of just picking the most convenient. The admins of this blog are beginners when it comes to creating video games, so we may not complete the game. However it will give us substantial experience for future projects. Even if schoolwork overshadows this hobby, we will try to complete as much as possible.
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The different types:
1. Happy happy happy: Kid friendly games where you perform tasks to win the trust of your peers. (My first thought is animal crossing, but with actual people) To make this gaming style more entertaining, there would probably have to be a series of mini-games and events to keep the player interested.
2. Fighting/Otherworldly: A game where you and a selected group of classmates travel to different worlds/realities to fight monsters. Most likely, those monsters will be corrupted versions of your classmates. With just that small, simple explanation, I may as well say “Hey we’re gonna copy the Persona games and put our names on it”, however there are a lot of differences that will be put in a separate blog post if we do end up picking a fighting-type game. We may even change it completely to a horror/fighting game, beat the heck outta some ghosts, amiright? ....What do you mean Corpse Party?
3. Sonic the edgehog: A game with darker undertones. The protagonist manipulates his/her peers in order to become one of the most popular students and trick his/her love interest into loving them in return. (Similar concept to Yandere-Simulator, however we will not allow students to be killed or sexualized) This could also be seen as a strategy game.
(If you aren’t into anime style games, there are other more realistic(??) games that you may have played in the past, such as Bully)
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cutesyhunter · 6 years
Ink stained mirror Chapter 2: Intermission-Gone (3/3)
*- Are for important breaks in the stories, such as a time skip
Trigger warning: Swearing and implied body horror
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Mary had begun to notice how dirty the halls were lately, they weren’t coated in black perse but the lines between the wood floor were filling with thick black ink, she didn’t notice until she saw her own shoe prints with rhythmic lines from the wood.
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Which made her realize and begged the question:
“Where’s Wally?”
She had asked Minnie who was eating
She looked up at her and around as if expecting to see Wally sleeping on one of the tables
“He’s not here?” Minnie said it like it was a question
“I can see that but have you seen him lately?” It took her a while to notice but she hadn’t seen Wally in forever, but Wally wasn’t exactly her friend, they usually just happened to sleep at the same time, when forced to work overtime, but his presences was usually just there since despite being lazy he got his job done.
So it was disconcerting to not see him around.
“….No” Minnie thought for a moment sipping her soup thoughtfully, ignoring Mary’s stare at eating the bacon soup
“Maybe he finally quit? He did say tons of times ‘I’m outta here’ for everything” Minnie pointed out
Mary thought about it, she supposed so, but Wally didn’t seem like the type to not tell anyone he was leaving at all, drop everything and leave; yes but not before the previous day say he was, but Mary wasn’t a good people reader so she shrugged and accepted Minnie’s explanation.
* Over the course of a few months, she noticed three more people missing, Jack, Norman and Sammy.
It was a process, she hadn’t noticed Jack was gone at first, he’d usually spent time in his ‘secret hideout’, as he called it where she suspected he got some terrible smell from, where it was she had no clue but when she’d asked out of the blue where Jack was, no one had seen him in days. Joey had said he’d fired him, everyone had winced in sympathy but that was that.
Until Mary had gone to visit him and ask if they could still do jam sessions with Sammy, his door was unlocked and she’d gotten no answer, so she asked his landlord if he’s seen him. He hadn’t, and when she came back the next day, and still no Jack. That’s when she called the police, anonymously.
Her and Minnie checked before they had to go to work if they were still there, and they were.
Minnie pat her on the back, saying “the buzzers got this”, so she swallowed her worry and they both went to work.
Sammy’s was just the same as Jack, she swore he was hiding somewhere, two great minds think alike, and those two were the greatest minds she knew. Sammy had been strange the last few days, he was secretive before but it was a whole new level of strange, he was now twice as secretive and twice as strange! Mumbling some gibberish she couldn’t hear under his breath and avoiding everyone as if it was the 13th century and the plague was just starting. Mary had tried everything to get his attention or at least get an explanation when she saw him, she knew Sammy didn’t like distractions and sometimes hated his work, but this was off.
She'd enlisted Allison's help several times but every time they caught him, he’d look at them like they were lower than bugs that he just smashed under his feet, the fourth time was when Allison had enough and just ran to the bathroom crying about what a jerk Sammy was.
It was Mary’s turn to glare at him for that, he had the audacity to hold up his hand like he was about to tell Allison to come back, Mary stared waiting and with some glimmer of hope he would but he didn’t.
She called him a ‘loathsome cad!’, the worst thing she’d ever said to him ever and humphed, going to comfort Allison who was crying in the bathroom, questioning over and over why Sammy was acting like this, an answer neither Mary or Minnie could answer.
It wasn’t long after that he disappeared completely. He wasn’t in his office or anywhere they could think of that they associated with him. It just vanished off the face of the earth.
“He went off to do better things” Joey told them when asked, to Mary it made sense Sammy was a great musician he deserved a great job.
Allison, Norman and Minnie just stared at Joey with the most obvious ‘I don’t believe you for one second look’
Norman, was so obvious it hurt. He needed money to support his family, he even came in when he was sick. So to see him not at work was immediately noticed.
“Where’s Norman?” Mary asked immediately when she didn’t see him at lunch, thinking he was in the projectionist room working.
Joey’s told her, with deathly calmness “His family reported him missing this morning”
Mary had to swallow her fear and keep it for the next five hours. When it was immediately time to go All the others went to go to Norman’s family.
They greeted the co-workers with fearful questions, and prodding. Everyone helped after work in the days to come looking for the man, but hope was given up after a week, Mrs. Polk cried into the arms of the friendliest looking employee for hours, then everyone went home with heavy hearts.
* Even with no, projectionist, song writer or lyricist. Joey made them work, but no one was allowed in the music room. He’d told them that if anyone went in there, he’d immediately fire them.
Allison asked point blank how they were going to do voice work when they couldn’t have accesses to microphones; he told them to make them silent for now until they could replace the missing people, which everyone felt was heartless, but practical. They needed money and if the studio wasn’t making money, they weren’t either.
The rule was fallowed to a T.
That is until Mary asked this at home “Minnie, where’s my….Guitar?” She’d remembered she’d left it in the music room for safe keeping if Jack or Sammy ever came back. It now seemed like a moot point.
So here she was about to break the rule, to go get her guitar, looking down the halls to be sure Joey wasn’t around, she looks at the elevator, it’d probably make too much noise and alert Joey, wherever he was that someone was going to one of the other floors, so she just took the stairs, carefully trying not to make a sound as she tip-toes, the smallest sound sounds like a boom in the quiet, pausing as not to make more noise when the booms occur, and finally she’s down the stairs.
Letting out a breath of relief at the fact the silence wasn’t broken by running footstep or any footsteps for that matter.
She rounds the corner to see the strange empty room, that was used for storage, but of course no one stores anything here really, Joey only put a few chairs down here and some drawers, but that’s all.
Peeking into the winding hallways, she notices strangely that there are candles everywhere.
She looks around the corner, covering her mouth to stop the gasp at seeing a shadow, she pulls herself back against the wall. Her eyes water at the fact she was caught, listening in fear for the foot steps that would be coming towards her, but she hears nothing, counting to ten and still hears nothing she looks again and sees the shadow still in the same place, she stares at it for a moment and when it doesn’t move, she walks closer just to see a bendy cutout.
“Hey handsome you scared me.” she giggled, only to quiet when she realized she’d made a noise that couldn’t be explained, listening again, she hears nothing.
She knew Joey wasn’t on this floor…yet. She just didn’t want to get caught, so she had to be quiet as a grave.
Waving goodbye to the cut out, she continues on her journey.
Not even five feet from the cutout she sees a problem, not with her current journey but just a annoyance she always hates, a pipe must have burst since the last time she was down here, there’s a few inches of ink.
Sighing she picks up her dress to try and save the dress, her shoes were ruined though.
She squeaked at the disgust warm ink filling her shoes, this ink was thick, like someone had taken a whole recipe for cake and dumped it in there just to make it thicker.
Trying not to go ‘ew’ all the way over, she stepped out of the thick ink, to be greeted by a little shelf of bacon soup
She hadn’t seen that before, Joey must have filled them before Sammy went missing, she couldn’t help but think of how disgusting the soup was and that’s why she found far too many in closets. She’s seen it coming since they were still in a depression, so people didn’t want to eat things with a lot of spice and overeat, the paper had called it.
Huffing she turned…to see the lights of the panel off, meaning the metal door closed, slapping her head thinking ‘really joey??’, she back tracked to flip the switches, going through the cake ink again thinking, why would anyone steal from this place
Once she got back to the soup shelf, she moved some over trying to be careful, but her clumsiness got the better of her, elbow hitting the stacked cans they fall with what sounded like a million bangs, sounding like fireworks in the silence.
She waited, starting to feel silly for repeatedly expecting Joey to come running, but he once again did not, Maybe she should just stop trying to be quiet?
It was especially apparent when the loud creaking sound of the metal door going up gave her that indication when she flipped the switch.
She let out a sigh when it was done making what she thought was like a sonic boom in the silence. If Joey did hear that he would defiantly have come running.
Opening the door, she’s greeted by darkness.
“Great…” She never needed to find the light switch and didn’t even know where to begin in finding the thing, she knew where her guitar was so she didn’t need the light switch.
Feeling her way to the music room, stepping forward, until she felt the wall, fallowing it to the right, she finds the opening and it was a straightforward from there, she opened the door.
It’s a little lighter in here but it’s only one candle. Why was Joey leaving burning candle out? It’s a very obvious fire hazard.
She wondered how she could fix this without getting fired, her concerned is short lived when she saw her guitar case
“hello old friend” She picked it up, hugged the guitar case, she makes her way to the door with it in her arms
The silence was interrupted for once not by her, it’s a slightly familiar metallic sound she’s heard before despite not knowing what it is, she turned around, she can’t see anything, the candle light only stretches so far, squinting she sees a shadow, it begins to come into light, first a hand on the corner of the wall, it’s black and dripping?
Mary begins to back away fear gripping her heart, as the entity got closer to the light, a dripping black face comes into the light.
A scream rips from Mary’s throat, running into the winding corridors, she hears splatting noises behind her alerting her that the thing was fallowing her, tear fell from her eyes as she ran, just as she tried running in the ink, she slowed down to a screeching halt
Mary cursed, trying to will her feet to go faster as she essentially fast walked in the thick ink, she heard the creature behind her, she whirled around to see it’s arms out stretched for her, she hit the think with her guitar case, the force sending it into the wall with a splat!
She yanked her other foot out of ink, running for her life once again, running past the bendy cutout she hears the creature chasing her once again, the candle room’s shadows seem like they’re trying to chase her as much as it did, in storage the thing tackled her to the ground making more screams rip out of her throat, as it pulled her foot, making a strange gurgling sound, she used her other to kick the thing, her shoe leaving a print on the darkened shirt, she pushes her body to her feet, throwing the guitar case at it to keep it down, she found herself running even faster down the hall, she hears the it once again its foot slaps matching her shoe clops.
She sees the stairs! Her salvation! As she ran up those stairs her salvation was short lived as she fell on the steps, she didn’t slide down it, she looks down to see the thing slide into the wall, it looks at her making it’s gurgling noise
“Get away from me!” Mary screamed using her hands and knees to quickly grab the rail and run the rest of the way, she went out the door and slam the door in the things face, dead bolting the lock only used for security at night, she hears it splat on the door, putting all of her weight on it.
She listens, it doesn’t knock, the thing lets out little harsh breaths
“mmmmmaaaa-“ it seems to stop, then she heard little splatting foot steps going down the stairs
Mary breathed in and out, tears falling down her face, trying to comprehend just what the hell she saw!
She didn’t know what it was!
She had to get to Minnie!
* Mary fast walked down the hall, even if she was terrified out of her mind, being jobless in this depression was so much worse!
She goes down the hall to the drawing nook and immediately starts speaking as she gets closer
“Minnie I need to-“ Just as she looks in the door she sees Minnie and Joey. Had they been having a conversation? Right now Mary couldn't care less! The person she wanted to avoid was here!
“H-Hello Joey” She waves, her smile is strained
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite pretty Mirror!” His smile faltered “did another pipe burst?”
Oh no! He was talking about her appearance! She’s covered in the ugly black ink! Mary swallowed
“Minnie, can I talk to you. Now.” She added ‘now’ when Minnie looked like she was about to say something
“I just need to talk to you, right now.” Minnie raised an eyebrow, Minnie knew that look. Mary was guilty about something and afraid
“All right Joey, Mary has priority.” Joey didn’t look upset, at least by Mary’s standards, but by Minnie’s she saw the twitch of his lip and his eye. Joey was pissed, but hiding it behind his fake smile
“Very well, we’ll save this meeting for another time. Au revoir my two pretty roses”
Minnie scowled, Mary gave a strained smile. Joey left, Mary watched him go to the end of the hall until he was out of sight at closed the door.
“Mary?” Minnie asked when Mary didn’t immediately say anything. Mary was waiting to be sure that Joey was far enough away
“What’ so important th-“ Mary grabbed Minnie’s shoulders without warning, and said in whispered urgency
“There’s something in the basement!”
“I went down there to get my guitar and it graaaabed me” Mary sobbed, Minnie hugged her sister rubbing her ink stained back
Minnie gave her a few hushed shhhhh’s and came up with a plan
Joey was locking the door for the night, he kept hearing shuffling noises, but this building wasn’t the best, He did have something but he doubted it was that.
Walking out of the area, his footsteps faded.
In the still building a new voice broke the silence but still quiet
“Is he gone?”
“I think so”
Mary, Minnie and Allison peeked out of the closet, they didn’t hear anything anymore. So Joey must be gone!
The door opened to reveal the cramped women.
Minnie flicked on the flashlight that she’d brought with her
“I’m surprised you didn’t come during the night Mary” Minnie gave her a look that she rarely got to give Mary a very ‘that was a dumb idea look’
“Well, I didn’t want to go down there in the dark! Or be by myself in this entire building!”
Allison pat Mary’s back as she huffed
“Hey I’m not blaming you, look: let’s go get your guitar”
“Minnie, my guitar is the last thing on my mind right now.” Mary said
“Well then we’ll go see your ‘living ink stain monster’” Minnie shrugged, Mary didn’t think it should be approached with such a casual attitude
Mary stopped when they go to the bolted door
“You think Joey locks the employees in and no one notices?” Minnie joked, or attempted a joke
“Please don’t joke about that” Allison said, rubbing Mary’s tense shoulders “are you even sure we’re prepared? All we have is a flashlight to defend ourselves with if there really is a monster down there”
“I can take it down” Minnie said with confidence, they could tell she was a touch nervous about a monster, probably not. Being at work after hours when she was pretty sure their boss was a psycho of some sort, yeah that’ll do it.
“And I have a knife” Minnie pulls a pocket knife out of nowhere
“Where'd you get that?” Allison raised an eyebrow “She’s had it.” Mary answered for Minnie
“What she said” Minnie confirmed unbolting the lock, she shines the light down the dusty stairs, only Mary’s foot prints disturb it.
“Regular stairs it appears” Minnie attempted another joke, looking at the two “ I don’t know if I trust them, they seem like they’re up to something”
When stiff silence answered she mumbled, “tough crowd” twisting her head back to the stairs
When Mary didn’t move to go down the stairs, Allison pat her back “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure no one sneaks up on us, Mary gave a small smile, beginning her trek back down the stairs
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Mary notices as she walks, her foot prints are all over the floor but where were the foot prints of the thing, she remembered hearing in her terror, it’s wet feet splatting on the wood floor.
She had to stop just to see if she was imagining it, pushing her foot against the dust next to her foot print. The dust shifted and brushes into her other foot print.
“You sure that there’s anything down here? I haven’t heard anything” Minnie said to Mary
“I…I don’t know” She said looking at the dusty but clean floor
Minnie looked at her then at the floor but didn’t get what Mary was looking at “Come on lets go deeper”
Allison pat Mary’s back when she didn’t move, as they moved she kept looking for the foot prints that weren’t there.
“What’s with the candles?” Allison asked, Mary looked, the candles were there, but they were burned out and making small wax icicles on the shelf they were set on.
“Holy shit!” Minnie pulled them to the side
“There’s someone there!” Minnie whispered
“actually that’s a bendy cutout” Mary hopped so anyway
The three women looked around the corner, Mary recognized the shape, it was the cutout, so she came out from behind the corner, making the other women make panicked noises, she again told them it was just a cutout.
The two look again to see it not moving when Mary came out, so they went to see it themselves.
“Bendy you adorable jerk, How dare you scare three beautiful women.” Minnie told the cutout
Allison scratched her head, Mary rubbed her shoulders like she was cold, Minnie shook her head, leading them to the flooded hallway
“And I thought wally not being here was just bad for the first floor” Minnie scratched her head, looking sadly to the side. Mary again noted just her foot prints were there
The women discovered what Mary had, that the ink was really thick.
“What the hell is this ink?” Allison was having a hard time pulling her shoes out of it
“It feels like ink cake” Minnie pulled her foot forward, she tried jumping but almost succeeding in just falling in the ink, but the other two grabbed her before she hit the ink
“Thank you…” Minnie squeaked in this state
“Don’t mention it” Allison mumbled as they both pulled her up
They managed to pull themselves to the other side.
“I don’t think this is helping the overall hatred everyone now has with ink, probably increase it actually” Minnie said “incredibly so”
“Can we just go to the music room and go home!” Mary was getting sick of Minnie making jokes like this was a trip to the market
“All right! All right! No need to get mad at me!”
Mary sighed in relief that the door was still open, not needing to backtrack.
They went straight for the music room
Everything was in its place like last time, at least by the candle light she saw before, she doesn’t see the candle anymore.
“Nothing seems out of place, do you see the guitar case?” Minnie asked
Mary looked around for it, she didn’t see the case, she hadn’t seen it in the halls either, where could it have gone?
She really couldn’t care less. They hadn’t seen the monster, was she going insane?
“Hello is anyone down here?!” Minnie shouted into the dark scaring the other women to death, nothing called back to them
Allison got angry “Why the hell would you do that!”
“Wanted to be sure no one was down here” Minnie shrugged
The two groaned, angrily
“Can we just go!” Mary said angrily, she wanted to get out of this place, it was giving her the creeps!
Minnie shook her head “We have to get rid of the foot prints from the ink, the dust isn’t too obvious, so then we’ll leave”
They did just that, then went home. Leaving the case down there forever for all they cared
Pro: She could think of no Pro
Con: She lost her guitar probably forever, she’s going crazy from who knows what, be it stress or the fumes of ink finally snapping her mind, either way she wasn’t feeling good.
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yayodancing · 6 years
(Archives) Beautiful Lou Interview
Beautiful Lou is a producer, who also happens to occasionally rap, residing in San Antonio, Texas, who can always be reached at his #rare Tumblr. - http://beautifullou.tumblr.com/ 
His career may appear young, but his signature trademark of dark almost hymn-like gothic vocal samples combined with a slowed down BPM that is always screaming to be Screwed (pause?). Having produced for Lil B (Cocaine and the Illusions of Grandeur remix), Main Attrakionz (primarily Squadda, having produced on his I Smoke Because I Don't Care About Death album as well as the more recent Black Kings), and many talented lesser known emcees (Western Tink and Yachtsmen certainly come to mind first), Lou's profile has raised greatly since I met him a year ago.
I recently asked Lou for an interview, and he happily obliged; hopefully I can showcase the man behind the music as well as the producer and rapper in the light he deserves. Admittedly nervous about conducting my very first interview, I called up Lou on his phone and got ready to break that cherry (||). 
Firstly, thanks for fucking with me, bro. You have no idea how much I appreciate your support; we're coming up in this game now together, and that seems so appropriate. But before we get to anything, because of how refined your music is, I really need to ask; how long have you been producing? Rapping?
Three to four years, but like a lot of the shit you're hearing now is pretty old. When I was in Dallas, I was more active making new beats, but when I moved to San Antonio, I couldn't really get anyone to rap on my shit. I liked the lyricists, but they weren't really feeling my shit, I guess that wasn't they were looking for. So, when I moved to San Antonio, I started fucking with the Internet real heavy - that lead me to Lil B, Squadda B. I was really about trying to keep it Texas, y'know, local; that's just the sound that I wanted to help promote, the artists around here. But when I checked with these people online, they had a style that really brought something to rap. They're kinda doing things on an avant-garde level, but they still keep it street.
Now that's kinda leading me to getting attention around here, with Lil B popping off, Squadda B getting attention from the blogs, which is crazy because I did production on SNYL from I Smoke Because I Don't Care About Death. Your style is very different from any producer I'm hearing out there; it obviously shares some sonic qualities with the emerging Based genre of production, specifically the lo-fi, scratchy effect, but it differs so greatly from producers like Clams Casino or Keyboard Kid. All those melancholic droning-samples, the dirty 808s, the funky bass reminiscent of Pimp C's trademark Southern comfort; it's all so welcoming, so breathtaking. 
Who're some of your inspirations, past and present?
It's weird because I didn't even hear of Clams or Keyboard Kid before working with Lil B; but present, now I'm just listening to like a lot of the shit they're putting out, anyone that's working with Lil B. It's cool to be able see people that're in my same lane, really just soaking it up, seeing the type of sound we're created. Past? Really, the first CD that I bought with my own money was OutKast - Aquemini. That shit pretty much defines the type of sound that I'm trying to do. It just has a lotta screwed elements to it, especially on Aquemini; it just feels like Texas. Because we've been doing that down here, the pitched the horror music and stuff, y'know; it's a crunchy sound. Especially synths, and those types of instruments, they sound real good to me; it just creates a certain broken digital sound. But definitely Screw and Pimp C, just that sound that'll stick with you. 
I know you're very #based, but your production bleeds with such sorrow - you seem like such a positive, upbeat guy from what I've heard from you and the times we've exchanged messages over the net. Even now on the phone, your tone is still bright, uplifting; does this music come from a certain place in your soul? Are you letting the song cry, word to Hova? 
I guess I'm just trying to hit the emotion with that song - you know, those screwed vocals are just so sad, they hit that emotion with you. Like that first time I heard, even though it wasn't a pitched down vocal, you know that RZA song, Tearz? From 36 Chambers? The first time I heard that shit, it just hit me so emotionally; I just didn't know music could hit that chord with you. Just the way he pitched up chopped those vocals, pitched them up. Just something about that really stuck with me; those voices. Like that song I just gave to Lil B, the Illusions of Grandeur (Remix), there's just this sample there - and to me, his voice just makes the beat. It's just so dark and lonely. 
So, Lou, you finally released your EP recently, something I've been waiting on personally for quite awhile. The EP isn't completely full of Lou raps - which kinda saddened me. The other tracks are exceptional, especially Squadda B's Black Kings and Lil B's Cocaine, two songs I was already a big fan of going into. But do you ever think you'll take up the mic more? I fucking love your flow man.. maybe it's that Southern drawl you have, but I don't think anyone sounds as good on your production as you.
 I dunno man, the producer thing popped off more; like I'm getting a lot of request for beats, and sometimes they'll request a feature too, because they've heard me do these freestyles. I mean, if I could - to be honest man, I dunno anyone around here who really has a proper studio, or even a mic or anything. In Dallas it was a lot easier, but here in San Antonio, there's not that many people doing it. But, once I get some more money saved up, I'm gonna try to get more studio time and everything. I think the direction I really wanna take is doing more freestyles, because I really like performing; that's what I wanna do more of, and of course I'm gonna do more songs. Plus, the video aspect has really popped off; you know, people just like watching that type of shit, the freestyle videos. 
Yeah, I remember you dancing around in the video from the Letedra Bal4head, with you dancing around in the rain, that was just entertaining as hell. 
[Lou laughs] Yeah, you know, I just had a lot more time back then, but now I'm so busy. I had so much more time back then when I first moved to San Antonio, no one was was really paying attention to me. But now, I'm just trying to get everything together; but I intend on doing more videos here when I get the time. 
Where do you get most of your samples from? A lot of the samples are just so bleak, but I can't tell if they're taken directly from other musical outlets or not. At times I can't tell if you screwed the original sample to a crawl or if you happened to record a choir of dying angels. I mean that in the most complimentary way, too; a choir of dying angels is pretty epic.
I used to do soul beats, but now, I just sample a lot of New Wave, a lot of 80s artist from the French scene; those voices, those instruments, they're really the type of thing I'm looking for. Like I used to be a really big fan of Prince, so that's the time period I really look for. I go to a lot of different places to get like 25 cent CD's, you can find a lot of shit. I do like vinyl, but it's just a lot easier with CD's, plus they were more popular during that time frame I was looking for, and you know, no one's really mining that period. Plus a lot of the homeboys know the type of music that I like to sample, so they find stuff and bring it to me.
You've worked with some fantastic talents, and all of you continue to keep pushing out great music on a seemingly daily basis. Who're you working with now? Who do you really want to work with that you haven't had the opportunity to yet?
Well, right now I'm working with Western Tink; he came down here for SXSW. We did some songs, shot some videos. I really like him, think he's got a lot of potential, so I want to push him. He's really got a good sound, a good ear; I mean, some people don't like he raps, they think he's too basic, but he really get a good point across. Squadda B and the whole Green Ova crew, they've shown me a lot of love, so I'm really just trying to fuck with me. Pretty much Lil B too, man; I'm grateful that he's been working with me. That's pretty much it; I mean, I got Sed the Dean from Ohio, and Sam Rubik outta Brooklyn. They both pretty much hit me everyday, and I like their shit, I'll put it out.
And I'm really trying to fuck with Soulja Boy, man; I like that you write a lot about Soulja Boy, dog. There's just something about him; just the way he writes a hook, they're just so catchy. Even when he's just fucking around, he can't help but write a good chorus. I was really hoping the Lil B connection would help me, he said he'd send some stuff his way, but I don't really have an email for him.
But yeah, I really want to work with a lot of local talent; I like looking at the local scene, like K-Dog productions, it's got a lot of potential. It reminds me a little bit of the Dallas scene from like 07, 08. It's just the scene moves so quick; y'know, it's not like the scene has really moved, I dunno if you listen to much Dallas music - 
I used to listen to Tum Tum's album a lot when Caprice Muzik was popping, but that's really as far as I go.
Yeah, I used to stay like right down the street from T-Town Music where Tum Tum was signed. I used to play beats for him - a lot of my older shit, my early shit. It was pretty wild, I hung out with him, a lotta local dudes; it was just fun being a part of that when that was starting to blow up. Like Mr. Pookie, Mr. Lucci, that was from around the way, around Simpson Grove, just being able to see them on TV, it really influenced me, anything that I really did.
Random as hell, but I need to hear Beautiful Lou laced Brick Squad with some beats, man. 
Shit man, a big reason I even got into your blog was how much you were writing about Gucci. Like, he's one of my biggest influences, especially with the Burrprint [3D]; and he'd be like, the number one dude I want on one of my beats, dog. Like, even though I don't think it's his style, I think he can really come out of left-field. Like shit he does, like Anti-Social, all the singing and shit, I love that shit, man. But yeah, if I could get one rapper on my beat, it'd be Gucci. 
Yeah man, Gucci's my favorite rappers, I've been listening to him and writing about him for way too long, taking it way too seriously.
Yeah man, but there is a lot of layers, and no one else really appreciates that shit. Like, that's why we're fucking with you and the other blogs, because no one writes about that type of shit, I don't think anyone else sees it. Like, growing up around those lyrics, I was always wondering "how come no one's into this shit?" Like everyone is all bigging up deep lyrics, conscious music, that shit, and I'm not trying to be too harsh on it - but no one's really paying attention to what we're doing. Just talking about money and riding around smoking weed in a creative way, just having a good time over crazy beats and shit. To me, Gucci like epitomizes that shit - I could go on about that for days.
I think that's the type of thing I wanna hear on my beats, you know, even though my shit is dark and ethereal shit, I just want people to talk about money, and just talking shit on my beats, just because it's such a great contrast to the beat. Like, all that shit, I listen to that shit all day. 
With Lil B blowing up and being all over MTV, opening the doors even further for original, somewhat ambient producers/rappers like you, I've gotta ask; do you have dreams of ever going mainstream?
Shit, I'm glad just being local - even though I'm on the blogs, on the Internet, that's cool too. Like, I dunno if you read what I wrote, but I wrote that I used to just read rap magazines all day, just reading XXL and the Source at grocery stores when I was a kid. Like, the blogs are like the new magazine to me. I mean, I'm not gonna say that's good enough for me, but it still really trips me out. That's really all I got into it for at the first, just dreaming about you know, one day making it in the magazines. Even though it's really hard to make money outta music right now, it's just important to me to be talked about, to be a part of hip-hop history. Like you guys are really archiving it, putting it into context for everyone. Just getting recognized is all I need - I mean, I could make some money, I've been getting offers and everything - but just being talked about is enough.
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