#video game opinions
somechubbynerd · 10 days
Persona 5 opinions from the stream(s) so far
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Promiscuous women find themselves to be unaware of my style
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High Quality Video Game Boi
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Genuinely a good opening villain, a disgusting, DISGUSTING piece of trash
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why do they say your name weird? "Tuh-KAH-muk-ee"? Taka-maki.
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
What are your favorite and least favorite boss fights from each Batman Arkham game?
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Fave boss is definitely Freeze in Arkham City because it’s a genuinely engaging fight where you rely on the environment and your gadgets to successfully take down Freeze bit by bit. From electrocuting him to lower his suit’s defenses, to taking him down by surprise by hiding in the vents, to using the vantage points to glide down and attack him, to using detonators to stun him to even smashing the Nora sculptures he has to anger him (Victor, I know your desperate for a cure for your wife and she’s been captured but that’s a bit weird. I personally didn’t smash the sculptures cos I love my ice husbando too much)
But what’s better is that Freeze stops you performing the same methods like freezing the vents so you can’t surprise attack or sending heat tracking sensors to track your movements so you can’t hide in one point, so you have to use different methods to taken him down
I don’t think there’s any other boss fight in the trilogy that has this level of strategy and resourcefulness.
Also side note: Freeze’s design, his robotic voice, and his dialogue makes me go:
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In terms of less fave fight, it’s got to be the Poison Ivy fight in Arkham Asylum. Not only do I hate the idea of fighting Ivy at all (srsly why do they always portray a botanist as an evil sexy plant lady), but the fact that you only have a small arena to move around whilst fighting a giant flower that Ivy has submerged herself in and you have to aim your batarangs at perfect timing to hit the weak spot but you also have to run constantly cos the flower also spits out acid spores that take chunks off your health. So you have to awkwardly time and throw your batarangs whilst also run around to avoid the spores.
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There’s also the hypnotised guards Ivy summons to distract you WHILST COVERING HALF THE TINY ARENA YOUR ON INTO WAVES OF VINES THATLL EASILY KILL YOU IF YOU DONT AVOID THEM AS WELL. And if you’re not careful fighting the guards you can end up in the wave of deadly vines anyway so the arena’s already small enough. And you can’t lure the guards to the vines cos they’ll just toss around a bit then once the waves are gone, they fight you again. Oh and you have to defeat the flower twice in order to win
Ugh it’s a nightmare!!
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d4dj-dreaming · 1 year
Actually good lighting>>>>>>>>>"thematic" lighting in character creators
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maaruin · 1 year
I wonder: Do I just not like combat heavy games at all, or do I just not like a lot of combat in games with a beautiful world?
Just today I saw a video about Assassin's Creed: Mirage's world and I thought: If this game played more like Hitman I would absolutely buy it, but it looks like so much of the game will be about killing hundreds of guards.
Actually, there is another possible option: If the games story isn't about combat (and assassination isn't combat, if an assassin needs to fight, that means they have failed), I want there to be a minimum of combat in the game.
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aliendeity · 2 years
horror people. please reblog this with something that would get your “horror card” revoked. could be a director/film/actor you don’t like, or something you haven’t seen or whatnot
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amoranp · 1 month
How ellie would dress, If she were a teenager in the normal world:
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"Now that Ellie is nineteen years old, we wanted to explore how having a more secure teenage life would influence her style. It had to be functional yet allow HER PERSONALITY TO COME THROUGH. Contemporary rebellious youth aesthetics have always been at the heart of Ellie's costuming." (Art book)
People when a lesbian (masc!) wants to be basic: 😱😭😵😖😔😧☠️
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c4tsc4pe · 9 months
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rambles on twotter about strife as an abstract concept as opposed to something literally literal
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groundrunner100 · 6 months
Damn answer limit….
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dendroaspis-viridis · 2 months
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I'm begging you, BioWare... Learn from the mistakes of Baldur's Gates past...
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plaguedoctormemes · 3 months
Please consider reblogging for a large sample size. Thank you!
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ganondoodle · 11 months
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made this for twitter since most people here that engage with my totk rants are the like-minded people my rants are intended for but i thought its kinda funny too and maybe it clears something up for anyone potentionally confused why i rant so much about it
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somechubbynerd · 2 days
Thoughts on Xenoblade Chronicles as a series?
Xenoblade 1: Very original and mostly serious fantasy story with a creative cosmology and a pretty solid set of character arcs. JRPGs kill god a lot, but this one specifically kills him essentially for the sake of everyone to have democracy, which amuses me.
Xenoblade 2: They added a pretty big amount of anime, which is not on its own a bad thing, but it clashes with the first one's overall tone pretty harshly. Rather than the final boss setup being "Shulk pulls through and rejects a god AND invents Godkiller Mode on his sword through force of will and the power of friendship", we fight a giant robot being RC'd by a guy named Bad. It's... a little weaker overall?
Xenoblade 3: I haven't played it, but I've done research on it because my understanding of the plot makes No Goddamn Sense given the endings of the previous two games implying that everyone already lives in a "new world" together because of the simultaneous events of both final boss fights. So the plot being about "the world fusion is going wrong" when... There shouldn't be worlds to fuse????? doesn't work.
Props to them for having Rex have three girlfriends/wives and kids with all of them tho, that's pretty based poly representation.
Xenoblade X: FUCK THIS ENDING. The rest of the game is, like, fine, but the ending is SO BAD DUDE.
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doodlesdreaming · 5 months
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Whatever happens, we face it together!
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lesbianralzarek · 20 days
being able to criticize something you love isnt a chore youre morally required to do, its fucking freeing. yeah, i am "critical of my interests" and after some self-reflection ive determined that everything i love fucking owns even when its bad. im taking an honest look at it, and deciding which parts to hype up without feeling like i also have to downplay its problems, or get huffy and defensive, or be vigilant about steering the conversation away from its issues
"you like this? how can you ignore all of its flaws?" well first off, im not ignoring shit, im aware of all that and dont judge anyone for considering them dealbreakers. second off, did you know ronald reagan died of ligma?
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emahriel · 10 months
as my good friend and i like to remind each other:
don't yuck people's yum. if you do so, at least keep it in the dms. no point in making people feel absolutely miserable for liking a certain thing, for having an oc you don't like - whatever it is. people constantly hating just for the sake of hating truly sour the fandom experience on social medias. there's a problem if the only way you feel better is by making others feel like crap.
and you, who shares the things you love online, who creates original characters and talks about their ships - know that you will never be able to please everyone and that's okay. don't let it stop you from sharing what you love, if it brings you happiness then keep doing it. you don't owe anyone anything, if what you like somehow upsets people, they can very easily just block you and move on. it's really that simple!
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amoranp · 6 months
If you hate either Abby or Ellie, you haven't understood the game. Bye.
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