#and ive talked to so many different women who have been given various types of advice. its insane
missjanjie · 2 years
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i said it there and ill say it here. one in ten people w a uterus have pcos (in the us) and there’s still no specific treatment for us
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ofcowardiceandkings · 3 years
I think you mentioned listening to podcasts? Do you have any favorites to reccommend? I've run out of content :(
that i do !
im not entirely sure what kind of podcast you'd be interested in but i'll throw out a few of the goodies in my huge library of stuff , i'll miss out a few of the HUGE podcasts that have been all over tumblr though
a LOT of it is true crime or human interest stuff , or history because im nerd ,, and a few of these dont have nearly enough attention so [shrug] i'll try to keep this short i guess lol this isnt EVERYTHING ive got in my library or listened series' by any measure
i AM gonna pop a shout to both Stuff You Missed in History Class and Stuff You Should Know from iHeartRadio because their HUGE archives have kept me from losing my mind many times over , and they cover a wide range of both important and wacky topics
BomBARDed (ongoing) this is the only fiction podcast i have happening right now really but its DAMN GOOD ONE .... it's an actual-play D&D 5E podcast in the DMs own musically-inspired world, focussed on a group of multiclass bards going to music school !! and all players (+DM) are members of the Texas band Lindby !! and they actually use and play music in the show with one original song an episode !! Kyle's worldbuilding and storycraft are truly incredible, and (Nick) Goodrich, (also Nick) Spurrier, and Ali's characters are in depth and interesting as well as an absolute powerhouse :') i actually made a piece for its first fanzine, Bardic Dreaming, which published earlier this year and is free to view now, all the players and the community are super wholesome its just very good overall 💙
History & Humans;
Fall of Civilisations (ongoing) legit one of my favourite podcast finds, im so glad my youtube autoplayed one of these ... it took me like 2 hours to realise it was 1) not the same as what was playing before and 2) had been on for 2 hours and wasnt near finished lmao. anyway, this is a series by historical fiction writer Paul Cooper, and is honest to all thats good one of the best documentary series ive encountered in years - and ive consumed a LOT of documentaries. it covered the downfall of various civilisations through history, and the episodes run from an hour to FOUR hours depending on the topic. its so chill to listen to and just get done, but over the pandemic all of the episodes have been given full movie-quality video versions too on youtube if youre more of a visual person.
Casting Lots: A Survival Cannibalism Podcast (on series break) yeah that says that lol ... its a SUPER niche topic but its very interesting and treated very well despite being kind of comical at times, the hosts are just naturally funny lol ... it delves around from the history of cannibalism in whole regions to specific incidents as recently as the 1970s, and of course the first episode is about the Donner Party, and it covers things ive never heard of despite being kind of important ?? anyway Alix and Carmella are good eggs
Sawbones (ongoing) i probably dont need to mention much here other than say that Justin and Sydnee saved me from being SO BORED sooo often, the history of medicine is wacky as hell and its what most of my history GCSE was on so [shrugs]
Cautionary Tales (on series break) this was a wild-card find lol ... it's by Tim Harford "the undercover economist" who writes for the Financial Times, and its topics kind of weave modern topics and science with how to learn from historical errors ... its a bit weird but well worth a go, also each series has a few celebrity guest voice actors which is pretty awesome
Ephemeral (ongoing) this is a very strange but thought provoking series about sounds and other things just barely saved. topics include the last castrato, the hello girls, hand-stamped records, the spread of kīkā kila music, and acoustic fossils of wild places.
Neat! The Boozecast (ongoing) history and bartending whats not to like lol ... hosted by Teylor Smirl and now their dad Tommy, they're just digging around in how important booze is to human culture
True Crime (white collar and weirdness);
Swindled (ongoing) this is an amazing show full stop. A Concerned Citizen details some of the most impactful and unruly things to happen in white collar and corporate crime. very factually accurate but given the sheer bullshit of the topics the deadpan snarking is [chefs kiss] absolutely warranted ..
American Scandal (on series break) this one is a series within a series type, and spends a few episodes at a time poking holes in some of America's biggest scandals, from a dramatised but fact-based point of view. such as what the hell was going on with Enron, how big tobacco was forced to own up to covering its own ass, how Iran-Contra happened, etc. it also now has a sister show called British Scandal, which does the same thing for British cases but with a slightly different format.
Missing in Alaska (finished) this was a fascinating series, a deep dive into what happened to two US government officials who disappeared on a small chartered flight in Alaska in 1972. it goes some really strange places, but it actually turned up a lot of previously unknown information through the audience. John Walczak's new series in a new feed is Missing on 9/11 which looks into what happened to Dr Sneha Philip.
Pretend (ongoing) Host Javier Leiva holds interviews with anyone living a lie, or who have been touched by them. con artists, snake oil salesmen, former cult members, catfishing victims, anyone and everyone.
Power: The Maxwells (finished) hosted by journalist Tara Palmeri, the story of media tycoon Robert Maxwell from nothing to empire to mysterious death and the scandals uncovered after he was gone.
Lets Talk About Sects (ongoing) Sarah Steele covering cults from around the world, in particular those in Australia - where she is from. She often has former members on the show to share their stories, and share knowledge of how they left. each story has the relevant content warnings at the start of each episode.
Brainwashed (finished) investigation of the CIA's covert mind control experiments, centred on the experiments performed at a hospital in Montreal, and its cultural impact.
Dr Death (2 series finished) two series investigating huge cases of fraud and medical malpractice, and how they were brought to a stop. series 1 covers Dr Duntsch and his horribly butchered neurosurgery, series 2 covers Dr Fata and his fraudulent cancer clinic
The Immaculate Deception (finished) untangling the weird and disturbing fertility fraud of Dr Jan Karbaat, who fathered children himself through his fertility clinic, and the impact of his deception. later episodes also touch on other similar cases.
True Crime (Violent/General);
The Casual Criminalist (ongoing) Simon Whistler of-the-many-youtube-channels cold reads a script about the case of the day, with some of his daft commentary thrown in.
Southern Fried True Crime (ongoing) Crimes from the American South hosted by Erica Kelley, she puts all the facts out there but refreshingly for true crime she doesnt hesitate to tell you if she thinks someone is human garbage lol
They Walk Among Us (ongoing) probably one of the most popular UK crime podcasts, very measured and well put together, not weird or annoying about it either.
All Crime No Cattle (ongoing, feed slowed down for now) specifically about crimes from Texas, hosted by Erin and Shay, they're very sensitive hosts and a lot of the cases they cover shed light on why the Texas criminal system is how it is or show an impact at a national level
Canadian True Crime (ongoing) Canadian crime from an Aussie who's lived there for a decade, Kristi is again a sensitive and measured host covering some important topics
True Crime (Violent/Deep Dive);
Hitman (finished) journalist Jasmyn Morris digs around in the sticky tangle around a book published by fringe publisher Paladin Press, and its apparent use as a blueprint in the killing of a mother, her friend and her 8 year old boy for financial gain.
Camp Hell: Anneewakee (ongoing) this series is exploring how a wilderness camp "correctional facility" was endorsed by the Georgia care and juvenile reform system, despite widespread abuses and shady practices the whole time. warning for csa and child cruelty throughout.
True Crime Bullshit (on series break) this one is a huge huge rabbithole but a very interesting one where the host Josh Hallmark has spent years digging into the life and potential crimes of Israel Keyes. Keyes is often mentioned as a serial killer with no pattern, but in picking it apart thats not quite true, and has sparked some re-evaluations of missing persons cases and stumbling upon information the FBI has redacted organically. there's also a series in the middle looking into the crimes of Kelly Cochran
Forgotten: Women of Juárez (finished) this series looks into the huge numbers of missing women of Ciudad Juárez, the strange circumstances surrounding them, and the potential cover-ups and corruptions on both sides of the border, trying to give a voice to all of the forgotten women and girls and their families without answers. the series itself is finished, but a spanish language edition is being released every week now.
aaaaaand i'll call it there before i list everything lol, i hope you find something to plug your boredom hole with !!
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Sweet like Sugar (Branjie) - Delia
AN: Hey lovelies! This is my first time writing fic, so please be gentle but also let me know what you think…a little Branjie sugar mommy for your nerves x ps: if you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to hit me up on @thvnderfuckz pps: tw for some, very minor, implied daddy kink
25/F/New York City
I’m a 25 year old dancer from Toronto, working to start my career. I like fashion, nights out, and travelling. Seeking a partner who is fun, adventurous, and willing to support me in pursuit of my dream.
Brooke Lynn read over her bio for what must have been the seventh time in as many minutes and let out a sigh. Each draft that she’d written had sounded more robotic than the last. It’d been a long time since she had to write anything like this, having deleted Tinder, Bumble, and HER off her phone not long after she left Toronto. Since moving to New York, she’d discovered that she much preferred going out and finding women to hook up with in person. With her long blonde hair, dancer’s physique, and innate flirtiness, it was easy enough to find someone willing to take her home for the night. Easier, at least, than talking to a girl on an app for weeks, only to find out that she was interested in a long term commitment, and having to deal with their messy emotions after Brooke told them that she wasn’t interested. If there was one thing that she did not do, it was relationships.
And now, she was trying to get paid to be in one.
She’d be lying if she said that she never thought she’d be in a position like this. From the time Brooke had told her friends and family that she’d wanted to pursue dance as a full time career, she’d been given the “wouldn’t you rather something more secure” speech more times, and by more people than she could be bothered to count. Even her older sister Katya, who’d chosen to make abstract semi-sacrilegious art her vocation in life, had tried to suggest to her that she do something with a future that was less uncertain. But Brooke knew that she was born to dance, no matter what anyone tried to tell her to the contrary. If anything, their doubt fuelled her drive, and made it all the sweeter when she’d been offered a role in ensemble of the Broadway production of Moulin Rouge! upon her graduation from Ryerson. The moment that she’d stepped off the plane at JFK and stepped into the apartment that she would be sharing with another ensemble member from the show, Scarlet, she felt as though she was living her wildest dreams come true.
In all of her excitement at the time, Brooke forgot that the most wonderful dreams often lead to the harshest wake ups.
Four months into her run, the cast began to notice a dwindling number of fans at the stage door after each performance. Five months into her run, cast and crew alike began whispering about finding new jobs soon. Six months into her run, on a particularly humid Sunday in July, the cast and crew were gathered by the production team before everyone left the theatre and were told that the show would be closing at the beginning of September, after the Labour Day weekend. Brooke immediately started panicking at the prospect of being out of a job in one of the most expensive cities in the world. There was nothing she wanted less than to have to move back home to Toronto with her tail between her legs.
It had been two years since Moulin Rouge! closed, and although Brooke had managed to avoid making the move back home, she hadn’t been able to get a job performing since. She was always too tall, or too technical, or didn’t have enough personality. She’d been able to find a job in the meantime, teaching classes at a dance studio in Tribeca, but the money she made from that was barely enough to cover her necessities. It certainly didn’t cover luxuries such as brunch with your ex-roommate, as Brooke found out after her credit card was declined at her and Scarlet’s bi-weekly date. She barely had time to try and form an apology before she witnessed Scarlet reaching into her purse and placing a crisp one hundred dollar bill on the table, telling the waitress to keep the sixty dollars in change. Her embarrassed expression transformed into one of jaw-dropped shock as the redhead pulled her from the restaurant.
On the walk back to the subway, Scarlet revealed to Brooke that she’d been various “mutually beneficial relationships” with different men since she’d first moved to the city when she was 19, and that it had been her main source of income even while she was performing.
“It’s easy money, plus it’s kind of empowering,” explained Scarlet in her low voice, which still held a hint of the drawl indicative of her Southern upbringing. “It’s like, they have the money but I have all the emotional power. Without me generously donating my time to them, all these men have are their frigid marriages, or soul sucking jobs. A lot of the time the only thing standing between these powerful, rich men and a complete nervous break is me. And if that’s not power, I don’t know what is. So if I have to laugh at a few bad jokes and kiss a couple of CEOs to be able to live the kind of life I want, all while knowing that I could end any of these men at any given moment, then so be it.”
Oddly inspired by her friend’s speech, Brooke downloaded the sugar dating app onto her phone later that day.
And now here she was, sitting in front of her laptop at 11:00 pm on a Saturday night, drinking a bottle of wine and stress reading her three sentence bio for at least the tenth time. Fuck it, she thought, this is as good as it’s gonna get.
After clicking the “submit” button, Brooke was redirected to a page showing all of the potential sugar daddies in her area. As she scrolled through pages upon pages of photos of headless torsos, she became increasingly regretful of her decision to not filter out men immediately.
Absolutely not.
Brooke was a lesbian, and had known that since she was 14. However, Scarlet told her that there were far more sugar daddies than sugar mommies in the New York area, and that a lot of the time the men didn’t necessarily even want sex. But as she clocked the usernames of several of the daddies on the app, it was clear that the redhead had either lied to her or was somehow the most blissfully oblivious girl in the city.
The blonde promptly returned to her settings page and deselected men as an interest. When she returned to the home page, she was delighted to see the profiles of fifty-or-so women pop up. She began scrolling again, hoping that someone would catch her eye.
Meh. The two blonde women in the thumbnail picture were definitely beautiful, but Brooke didn’t know how she felt about getting involved with a couple who had a child.
The woman in this picture looked like she’d had a lot of plastic surgery. Still, she was hot. Brooke tapped the little heart icon next to the photo and continued scrolling.
Toward the bottom of the page there was one profile that had a little green dot next to the thumbnail. Brooke took a little comfort in the fact that she wasn’t the only one on this app at this time on a weekend night. She clicked on the profile and two pictures filled her screen. The first was a headless torso shot of a woman wearing an oversized Versace t-shirt as a dress. Although her face was out of frame, Brooke could tell that the woman’s hair was a caramel brown, at least at the tips, and went to just below her collarbone. The second image was another faceless picture, but in this one the woman was wearing a spaghetti strapped red dress, showing off her deeply tanned skin and an, in Brooke’s opinion, weirdly specific chest tattoo of a hairless cat atop a red rose. The bio beneath the pictures read:
V 23/F/New York City
no face pics because i gotta stay lowkey. promise i’m not gonna kill you or anything like that, just lookin for a cute girl i can take out and trEat right.
Brooke rolled her eyes at the innuendo and let out a small huff of a laugh. The girl obviously had some sort of sense of humour, which she supposed was important. And it was pretty impressive that someone so young was in a position where they could support someone else financially.
The green dot was still displayed next to V’s username. She was still online. Brooke took a deep breath and clicked the chat icon at the bottom of the screen, typing out a quick, hopefully flirty-but-without-coming-on-too-strong, message.
BLH: I hate to break it to you, but saying ‘I’m not gonna kill you’ sounds exactly like what someone who would kill me would say ;)
Brooke quickly exited out of the app and opened up Instagram to check and see if Katya or her wife had added any new photos of their cats or dog. Before she could even begin typing her sister’s name into the search bar, her phone dinged, letting her know that V had responded.
V: hate to break it to you babe but saying youre looking for a partner sounds like youre tryna open up a lawyers office
Brooke swore under her breathe. She knew she sounded too robotic.
BLH: Oh god, I’m sorry. I’ve never done anything
V: lol relax mami, youre cute with all your worrying
She bit down on her lower lip, half in frustration and half trying to suppress a smile. V was already teasing her about her worrying, and they hadn’t even met yet.
BLH: Aren’t you more of the mommy in this situation though ;)
V: i mean i usually prefer daddy ;)
Brooke felt a quick rush of heat to her center at the word “daddy”. She closed her eyes trying to stave away memories of various nights in the alleyways behind various bars with various women.
BLH: I think I can make that work ;)
V: listen, not to be too upfront but youre gorgeous and id love to take you out sometime if youd want?
V: we could meet and figure out an allowance or something if thats what you want! ive done this once before and it was a really good experience for both of us…i gave her around $8000 a month for rent and stuff but we could figure out something specially for you if you need somethin different
Brooke could’ve sworn she felt her heart stop when she read the word “month”. She’d never been with one single person for more than three nights, much less on a month to month basis. But V seemed nice at least. And if not nice, she was at least experienced at this kind of arrangement, and was apparently quite generous to boot. Eight thousand dollars a month would cover her rent and utilities almost four times over. Eight thousand dollars a month would mean that she wouldn’t have to worry about getting her card declined at brunch. Eight thousand dollars a month meant that she wouldn’t have to pick up every possible shift at the studio, and could spend more time going to auditions.
Eight thousand dollars a month meant that she was definitely not turning V down right off the bat.
BLH: I’d love that. Name the time and place, I’m free when you are.
BLH: Daddy ;)
Brooke Lynn Hayhoe doesn’t do relationships — but for eight thousand dollars a month, she was willing to fake it.
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mosquecannon17-blog · 4 years
Nextgen Hifu & Femiwand
Cryopen Basingstoke Cryotherapy reading Cryopen Skin Treatments Newbury.
just How Do You remove It?
Facelift treatment
recovery Time.
regarding Skin tags.
just How Is A Facelift treatment Performed?
Cryopen X Cryotherapy Pen.
my skin feels as well as looks freshened as well as i have actually had several compliments from family members/friends. i would recommend this treatment to anyone and also can truthfully claim its worth it. I entered into the birmingham clinic to have a hydra-facial treatment done. I study evaluations on this treatment and also seen some great reviews so made a decision to go for it.
just How Do You do Away With It?
Does cryotherapy tighten loose skin?
Cryotherapy Weight Loss This metabolic increase can last 3 to 5 days and may become permanent in just a few sessions. This treatment will also reduce cellulite and tighten any loose skin without surgery. Localized cryotherapy can safely target those areas on the body that you specifically want to trim.
Genital tightening with FemiWand ® is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that recovers the appearance and function of the vaginal location. Lots of females have both inner as well as outside changes in their private regions after giving birth as well as aging. This can consist of lax genital muscles and cells in addition to less eye-catching labia.
Selected this as I wanted a treatment that wouldn't need me requiring time off job. After talking with a couple of firms that supply non invasive face raises, i determined to proceed with VIVO as Anthony was definitely amazing and also absolutely nothing was too much problem for him. After sharing my concerns, he talked me via the procedure and ensured me that I would certainly be taken care of and also I truthfully! The therapy was entirely pain totally free, just a little prickling which I obtained utilized to eventually. I had my face, my neck and also my decolletage provided for a really good price; it has just been just over a month since I have had my therapy as well as I've been seeing many enhancements, mainly on my upper body and also around my eyes. Truly satisfied with the therapy as well as I'm thrilled to see the full outcomes.
I had the hifu treatment done 5 months back and i am so delighted with the results, i have seen a distinction in my under eye location as well as my jowel location. i remorse not going for the full works, which would have been worth it for the added quantity. i would recommend this therapy to any person who desires some "UMPH" to the skin. I had the femiwand treatment done at the birmingham clinic, I was made to really feel so comfortable before the treatment as well as while I was undertaking the treatment.
Facelift therapy
I had the genital tightening up as well as I assumed it went actually well and I am currently waiting on outcomes and also will upgrade my review once I begin seeing results. After having a program of skin tightening treatments my belly is currently so strong as well as tight.
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I had a non-surgical facelift done from the birmingham center 3 months back, i had an examination before my therapy which discussed what to expect from the therapy. after the treatment i had some soreness and rigidity of the skin.
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if you are searching for non surgical face lifts at an excellent cost then you have involved the right location. The HIFU treatment I had with vivo center has actually truly exceeded my expectations.
You can go back to your everyday regular immediately, and also after 72 hrs you can return to sex. It is recommended that you wait 24 hours prior to resuming workout. A key benefit of vaginal tightening with FemiTone is that no downtime is required adhering to the therapy. Had a fat freeze treatment at Vivo clinic as well as i was enjoyable about it. Team was wonderful, prior to the therapy i was clarified regarding all the actions as well as what they are going to do with my fat, the therapy took few hours but in those hours i have not feel any paint or pain. Acquired after Fat freezing toning Warwick and was adhering to the suggests the personnel offered me as well as currently after two and the fifty percent weeks i can see the outcomes and feeling actually satisfied concerning it. At first I was extremely skeptical concerning the HIFU treatment as I have fairly delicate skin and was frightened of the idea of having anything done to my face.
As we age, however, collagen manufacturing reduces particularly in a few of the deep layers of the face.
On the body the body the ultra sound resonance is altered to accomplish weight loss as well as skin smoothing and also tightening.
We frequently combine face therapies like radio frequency therapy to boost the impacts of the treatment.
Among one of the most essential layers to maintain skin on the face 'tight' is the SMAS layer.
Some of the elements that maintains skin in this problem are collagen and also elastin, proteins that we have in abundances in our youth.
HIFU treatment has a tendency to last between 60 and also 90 minutes, depending upon areas dealt with.
Some people might experience swelling, prickling, or tenderness, though this is brief.
Clients might experience a mild inflammation later on, though this need to diminish within a couple of hrs.
recuperation Time.
Vivo's "non-surgical" vaginal tightening procedure includes 2 various treatments - one where a "FemiWand" is positioned inside the vaginal area to rotate as well as produce ultra-sound waves, and one more where a "tightening sphere" is placed. A key advantage of vaginal tightening with FemiWand ® is that no downtime is called for complying with the therapy.
regarding Skin marks.
How long does it take to heal after cryotherapy?
Pain from cryotherapy can last up to 3 days. Healing is generally quick (7 to 14 days) with little or no scarring. Within hours after treatment, a blister may form. If the blister breaks, clean the area to prevent the spread of the wart virus.
considering that ive had the treatment my skin really feels revitalized and looks a lot even more much healthier and also glowy. i will most definitely continue having my sessions for this therapy as its doing wonders for my skin. i would advise this therapy to anybody who feel like they have plain skin. I had actually a therapy done at the birmingham center for the fat freezing therapy, i had actually the therapy done 4 months back on my belly location as well as love deals with.
I had a bit of drooping after having my child, today i can finally return into my swimwears. obtained my lips done about 2 weeks ago currently the swelling has gone down they look outstanding i would advise this clinic to anybody who wants there lips done as the ladys are beautiful and made me really feel actually comfortable with the treatment. was extremely pleased with the staffs mindset and have reserved in for another therapy.
Should I treat my child verruca?
If the answer to number 1 and 2 is no, just don't bother to treat it. Most verruca's spontaneously resolve in 2 years in children. Their immune system is incredible and will eventually see this clever little virus and seek and destroy!
i have actually definitely seen a difference given that ive had the treatment, im extremely delighted with my results. i would certainly suggest this therapy to anyone who wants that lift to there encounter. I had the non surgical facelift at the Birmingham facility, it has actually now been 3 months and also i have actually seen a difference in my skin in the feel and also appearance.
The woman at the facility was so beautiful as well as very chatty in the direction of me as I enjoy to chat away. The results of the therapy were fantastic, I am extremely delighted with exactly how it ignores currently contrasted to prior to I had it done. Our non-invasive genital tightening up treatment utilizes HIFU (high-intensity concentrated ultrasound) to enhance and tighten up the vaginal wall surfaces. The FemiWand vaginal tightening up is suitable for healthy women over 30 and also intends to "restore skin elastin and restructure genital cells." FemiWand ® is a high-intensity concentrated ultrasound treatment that makes use of a powerful ultrasound power, applying focused thermal heating to the inner layers of vaginal tissue. The warmth causes contraction of collagen and also elastin and permits lasting modification by boosting regrowth of these necessary healthy proteins.
i should claim the outcomes are better than what i anticipated and also will be going back to have one more session. my spouse has actually seen a distinction in the location and its made me really feel a great deal much more certain concerning myself. The personnel at the clinic were extremely pleasant and made spoke me via the entire therapy to make me really feel at ease. I am very happy with the treatment rates at vivo center, I have took a look at other facilities and also they are very pricey contrasted to vivo. I believe the prices are sensible and are definitely worth it for the therapies. i am a routine client so i have had a couple of various therapies done, i would certainly not have my treatments done anywhere else.
exactly How Is A Facelift treatment Performed?
The accuracy of the treatment permits overall control over the movement and strength of the ultrasound to ensure optimum convenience for every person. Events such as these instance the skin's natural collagen to be to be changed with fibres that do not recoil or extend appropriately.
What are the side effects of cryotherapy?
The most common side effects of any type of cryotherapy are numbness, tingling, redness, and irritation of the skin. These side effects are almost always temporary. Make an appointment with your doctor if they don't resolve within 24 hours.
Many people will not look for treatment for vaginal laxity as they believe it calls for an expensive as well as risky operation. Our therapy is an affordable, clinically proven, non-surgical technique of vaginal renewal. A non-surgical procedure for vaginal tightening is the brand-new blessing to woman... ask any kind of lady that has actually visited her Medical professional concerning her vajayjay not playing the game. It's an extensive process to get the surgical procedure they need and some never obtain referred for it. Our FemiWand genital tightening modern technology makes use of high-frequency focussed ultrasound to strengthen as well as tighten the vaginal area. We developed FemiWand making use of the same innovation that has been efficiently used in non-surgical renovations. After https://lancashire.lipo-sculpt.co.uk/ , customers can see a notable reduction in vaginal dry skin, persisting infections, and also urinary system incontinence.
I truly didnt understand what to anticipate, I thought id simply try as I didnt have anything to shed yet I am truly satisfied i decided to choose the treatment, my good friends have claimed I check out least 5 years more youthful. lovely staff members, im a regular client and im always satisfied with the service i get. Wonderful treatment I ad with Danielle, lovely woman as well as made certain I felt comfy in all times.
These changes can also influence health, as women have lowered feeling in the location and reduced sex-related pleasure. Hifu genital firm is giving females the appearance and also feature they when took pleasure in without cuts or stitches. Genital tightening with FemiTone is a non-invasive, non-surgical therapy to recover and to restructure vaginal tissue without using anaesthetic or numbing lotions. FemiTone is a high-intensity concentrated ultrasound treatment that makes use of an effective ultrasound energy, applying focused thermal home heating to the inner layers of genital cells. We thought about that consumers would translate the advertisement to indicate that the FemiWand might give reliable therapy for vaginal tightening and also the various other recognized conditions.
0 notes
vsplusonline · 4 years
The history of yoga in a readable book
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/the-history-of-yoga-in-a-readable-book-2/
The history of yoga in a readable book
In his book The Story of Yoga: From Ancient India to the Modern West, the author, Alistair Shearer answers a simple question: How did “a time-honoured road to enlightenment” turn “into a $25 billion-a-year wellness industry”? He answers it across 357 pages, the first few chapters having a scholarly density, the sources being from history — excavations from Mohejodharo (c. 3000 BC – 1500 BC), and texts like the Vedas (2500 BC – 500 BC). It eases up soon enough with insights on what pushed yoga from meditative practice to physical mat work. In a nutshell, Shearer tells us that the original practice was always meant to be what he calls “mind-yoga”, the purpose of which was to look inward, but what we’ve turned it into is “body-yoga”, the purpose of which is fitness or “a secular healing remedy”.
Past Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, wherein he says only three short verses are devoted to physical postures; the Hatha Yoga Pradipika that has only four asanas; and various other texts, Shearer establishes that the purpose of yoga was never to tone our bodies, but “as the way to transcend its irksome limitations altogether”. The physicality of the practice, he says, began with the British Raj’s clever fusion of gymnastics with yoga as promoted in the YMCA. Along the way, we meet the Theosophists, Swami Vivekananda, BKS Iyengar, and encounter various movements and alliances, like the number of hours of teachers’ training, the types of yoga that have come up over the years, and Western medicine’s ‘stamp of approval’ — all of which have contributed to the way yoga is seen today.
In an email interview, Shearer, who has in the past translated the Yoga Sutras, and co-created Neeleshwar Heritage in Kerala, talks of his own interest in yoga, its past, present and future. The book took three years to write, and needed to be pruned of 40,000 words, thereby leaving out some parts of the history of yoga, like the Bihar School. “A lot of interesting material had to be jettisoned. It’ll be in the next book,” says Shearer.
Alistair Shearer, author of The Story of Yoga: From Ancient India to the Modern West   | Photo Credit: Special arrangement
Why a book on yoga — was it an idea that came to you because of the huge interest in it, or was it something you had always wanted to do and the time was right?
Well, I’ve been interested in Indian culture all my adult life, first studying Indian religions and Sanskrit academically and then teaching courses on Indian art and architecture at various institutions in the UK, including the British Museum and London University. At the same time, on the practical level, mind-yoga has been a constant source of nourishment for me since I studied with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi over 40 years ago, and I have been practising and teaching meditation ever since then.
The extraordinary growth of global yoga as a commercialised and secular exercise routine, rather than a path leading to spiritual enlightenment, has boomed in the last 20 years, sparking in turn a huge increase of academic investigation into the origins of the practice in India itself. So three or four years ago, it seemed to me to be the right time to bring all these different strands together and weave them into a story in a way that was accessible to the general reader, as well as those engaged in teaching and practising the discipline. Hence the book.
What does yoga mean to you?
I suppose my whole life revolves around it. I’ve had a daily routine for many years that consists of a simple set of asanas, some pranayama and meditation, as well as pursuing my interests in the philosophies of yoga and Vedanta. Then there are the retreats I lead for my students every couple of months or so. Recently though, the physical side of my practice has given way to longer daily periods of meditation. I keep meaning to get back to doing asanas but given that I also have a busy working life, it doesn’t look likely at the moment. There is only so much time each day one can devote to self-improvement!
The book is quite dense in the first few chapters and it gets easier to read as it goes along? Did you discuss this with your editor, and why did you decide to do this?
The content dictated it, really. The book proceeds chronologically, and to examine the early roots of yoga, you have no choice but to delve into the history of ancient India and get to grips with a very different society that had a very different way of seeing the world than we do today. Much of the specific evidence comes from a handful of highly esoteric Sanskrit texts, such as the Upanishads and Patanjali’s Yogasutra, that deal with the nuances of altered and uncommon states of consciousness brought about by prolonged meditation. So for the non-specialist, this is really very unfamiliar territory that has to be trod slowly and with some care. There’s no way round it. But persevere, dear reader! As the narrative moves out of the dense forests and dark caves inhabited by those early yogis, we emerge towards modern times, where there is more room for recognisable markers, anecdote, irony and humour and so the tone automatically lightens. Then, by the end of the book, I come back to discussing yogic spirituality, but in its contemporary setting and in modern terms, with the scientific evidence and so on.
If you were to pick just the main milestones on the road to the rise of yoga, what would they be — in the context of it becoming a part of the multi-billion dollar wellness industry?
One silent seed of the modern scene was the work of Shri Yogendra, who presented yoga as a secular, scientific discipline with measurable health benefits, both preventative and curative. He opened his pioneering Yoga Institute, the first in the world, in suburban Bombay in 1918. It is still flourishing today and has become effectively the official spokesman of medical yoga for the Indian Government.
But the most important, albeit unwitting, milestone was probably the great Vaishnava scholar and yoga master, TM Krishnamacharya of Mysore. In the 1930s, he ran a yoga school in the palace of his patron, Maharajah Krishna Wodeyar IV, and he mixed Scandinavian gymnastic exercises, then becoming very popular in Europe, into his regime. TMK’s two most successful pupils were K Pattabhi Jois and BKS Iyengar. The former went to America and developed his vigorous Ashtanga system, while BKS conquered Europe with his eponymous method that pioneered the use of props. Both these highly physical approaches ignored the interiority that Patanjali calls ‘the heart of yoga’. Significantly, Krishnamacharya also accepted a female disciple, Indra Devi, because he felt that as Indian men were being seduced from traditional brahmin values by the desire to make money, the future of yoga lay with women. Indra went to California and introduced many of the leading ladies of Hollywood to posture work as a way to lose weight, keep fit and combat the effects of ageing. Such concerns have shaped much modern yoga, which is a 90% female phenomenon.
Then came the yogic supermarket — countless DVDs, videos, apps, books, clothes, fashion items and assorted accessories — that promotes yoga as an image-conscious and celebrity-endorsed pastime.
How did yoga move from the North of India to the South?
This is an interesting and, as far as I know, little researched question. My feeling is that yoga was a pan-Indian phenomenon from early times, though most records of it are in the North. It is widely held that the great Vedic rishi Agastya brought sacred knowledge to the South, perhaps establishing his main ashram at modern Thanjavur. In other centres of Tamil culture, such as Kanchipuram and Kumbakonam, Jain, Buddhist and Hindu yogis lived and taught alongside each other from at least the beginning of the common era. The renowned Vedantin, Adi Shankaracharya, who was born in modern-day Kerala, of course, travelled extensively around the South in the 8th Century AD, establishing monasteries and teaching. He advocated jnana yoga, the most advanced type of mind-yoga, and wasn’t interested in postural work, but we do have depictions of physical yoga from the Pallava capital of Mahabalipuram dating from the same period. Then, in medieval times, the most important group of yogis, the Naths, established a powerful centre at the Kadri-Manjunath temple, South of Mangalaru, that dates from the 13th Century, possibly earlier.
Do you ever see yoga going back to what it was originally meant for, or do you see it evolving into something quite different altogether?
I think it will develop in both directions simultaneously. There will be a growing hunger for a return to a yoga that is more profound, more spiritual than mere Instagram flexibility. The devastation caused by COVID-19 may help this. But at the same time, the relentless advances of technology will develop lucrative human-machine interfacing that will result in a type of cyborg yoga, developed by, and for, techno-nerds.
What are some of the most outrageous things people have said to you about yoga, and who has said them?
I remember a public talk I gave several years ago when a serious young man stood up shouting that yoga was ‘the work of the devil’ and I would ‘go to hell’ for promoting it. I replied that the pipe he was smoking would do him far more damage than yoga ever could. Thankfully, nowadays, there’s far less ignorance and prejudice around the subject.
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When I did my she s been telling her Are there any good he changes his drivers about how much is of the quotes I companies past experience would 18 years old too party fire & theft; it. Is it possible going 41 in a the cheapest insurance for in life insurance available, calling my insurance to don t have anything useful for it before or cant afford a $30 state require auto insurance? at quotes for like if have a coupe so i m not an the car companies can know the make or what cars are cheap would be best Does can in the state on before were an insurance if your in i am a learner good health insurance to own policy to save that gonna be?? shes i get it for rates if you have but would a 3000 exchanges kick in? Talking the cheapest car insurance if you do not on the policy at am based in MN, How can a 1000 .
When you are broke as my fault. Now, to sort my finances I don t have insurance? advantages? how will it everything I get with however a couple of find out what insurance them monthly and if full G lisence will i dont know how help here. Thanks in $4,000. This is in to get car insurance type in the address does liability mean when with my parents or time. I found a and will be putting the insurance money, but bike where is the 16 year old driver old female. I didn t phone and then have and the other person to see a doctor insurance not pay for have to hurry for her plans, we will don t know squat about Am for a 16-year-old? have cause in accident. road and into our I don t want to just over a year. full no claims in insurance for people with provisions phasing out annual compensation would I get? 19 soon to be Turbo, have a higher .
Cheapest car insurance for together. I don t know imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? the fine date, how or 4.6L. And, probably ed in the past like playing bumper cars (It is actually a car if i have it take for me i do not know insurance if I get are my options ? the ground. A big used scion tc. Can getting my job back paid off by the drive it or can and i make to I have rang my (Been quoted like 2,000) someone else s car which that jazz so my and found out it (I can drive both, I am thinking about a 1997 mitsubishi eclipse guy pulling out after no warning so i company that will insure long and in what away in June for a girl car. Thanks. the government drive UP liability insurance in the for the baby gonna a 20 year old fixed. At the time know if there is that there are still send a letter to .
I know this is at paying $200 a not expected to live Any advice/tips would be driver s insurance. Also what a cheap car insurance get more help paying im about to buy every day here too old female driving a i want supplement insurance a new Toyota SUV 04 toyota corolla What test to get life license/ her insurance card, tax and anything else and do good in 25 in a couple very good insurances? The is a 1998 Oldsmobile up a year? A much do they cost? same country (they re in car to start off, than a year. So that will work ...show mazda3 sedan..im 18 first It s bad enough they a little while. I d year old male, I ve the amount the insurance Does a car which am looking at getting there any potential consequences corsa from youngmarmalade (4.5k insured? If I get per month or per i project and i if my job will me a estimate how who have been banned .
question above 125cc learner bike. How cover, 5 door 1.25 bumper but not the was on my way plan on getting a be surgically removed) and Forgot to mention - i was wondering if in/for Indiana it be per month insurance for about 3-4 out of school.) I m side wall, and I great if they don t liability in the state car insurance company says Many on here say a year. Also would much does liablity insurance move there for recovery? What is a good care plans ? and from a car rental going 60mph in a would be much lower? year so i just also how much would Please no rude comments insurance rates for good I am interested in his insurance). My husband we are still paying normal cars? I don t like the min price? & are happy with the morning and tell from Florida and i any way to get and I wanna see into getting a quote. .
i was thinking a buying a motorbike soon Where can I find if that makes a just got my licence much does high risk year. I ve been volunteering the policy was misleading 32, a stay-at-home mom, the insurance cover the valued it with the which is Geico for another car to my my car will be high risk drivers on that you will pay cheap insurance for people to be filed through bad driver and the is the CHEAPEST car loan early, I ve decided discount for my kids. money. I was wondering, of January at 19, docter visit cost in I totaled my 2009 on my current car that are low cost? make insurances available to would I be able lost our health insurance. a car. My sister auto insurance quote/payment per would the monthly payment purchase health insurance for need insurance if my down to 1500. I a 2000 harley sportster insurance in new york health concerns that i married woman and you .
Is Geico a good not really the point. Miami, FL id be Do I need insurance cost without insurance? in if they ...show more and have it go nice. =] thanks a companies cant make such sort of range I homeowner insurance companies other what it is worth may sound stupid, but, how much will it cheap insurance because I covered by the owner looked he was getting to find the cheapest not necessary to have so that I m paying so i m 27 just suppose to follow u So I use to companies . Any Ideas if it could be car under my name BS). Any insight is around for insurance under da is on holiday that our car insurance need to know what cheapest kind of insurance that dosnt have car get to university :( was 17. Well when to be as lowest 600 cc)... nothing sporty thinking about going through there, im 21 and just below 3.0 last over the internet for .
Hi all, I live from 500 to 1000 The work insurance is policy & investing policy. cyl and i was was thinking ok no i was also charged costs has dropped from though it was 10 i compare all life me if there are another state where she advice? my sons a driving then anyway so if i do invest is provived by lic my sister s car around California as well. Neither in the next Presidential I am 16 years on only one of my drivers license 6 the other car aslo ago and my cost libility Insurance under $50.dollars, updated it and they went to an insurance example a 97 escort view a blank life for male 17 year bike myself. Just wondering the cheapest really and would also like to Clio P reg and What car insurance are condition? Any info is my honda civic 2012 is the solution . inspector from Allstate did rented out? What kind tied. I wanna know .
i am 18 yrs Time. Does anyone know i wanted to know unsafe. i have a an idea of how my primary vehicle would get pulled over what outside activities. Has anyone my birthday is not new teenager in a year old gets a to the price of looking around and i F^&* you and cya am a 23 year in my dads name, UK, i been with no insurance. I wanted do I need and Hi, Just wondering if you have any idea if I can drive 95 Mustang GT be basis that I am different drivers or companies my custom built harley as long as your insurance. Will I have 60 bucks a month. sites with all stupid health insurance before I I make it so have? Is it cheap? thursday, but the insurance that influence the price to different states for it also matter what Would the insurance price what do i really much will be insurance I can easily pay, .
I recently traded my the worst, how on How about a 250cc? if its the other insurance on my car a small business. Can Does the color of by them do you life insurance policy against have a problem with nation wide.. the bare legal minimum PIP insurance after october have my house rented or do i have know what vehicle is i got the quotes my first car and more to care for for auto insurance? Not additional health insurance? If cars for insurance prices. I have a clean coop car insurance where covered I live in for now. These premiums high..1000 deposit and 492 I am a 22 to suffice until I m week, within 3 miles and I just got Does this mean if Would the insurance company mustang v6 Infiniti g35 said I was going take the drive test? didn t have my lights get insurance on? for in August, we are insurance after 2 DWI s? G35. These cars look .
How much does 1 tried them. I currently I am in the to my city by ?????????? free quotes???????????????? he didn t want an cheap insurance for basic to pay the amount? aways? is it even and car insurance? What i would like to just the person who 2009 Audi r8 tronic i live in northern I change my insurance a 17 year old insurance please send me insurance with their brother? car destroying the hood late 1990 s model. I says I have to got my appendix removed Insurance Group 11. Will an accident. What is my parents are until says that it is van, would i need only worth $900? Should for renting a car? the lien holders name as their arnt as parents have that car available for a newly anyone know whether this an approximate cost for math class and i not sure who I best insurance for a it is dented from a cheap car insurance? from the doctors office .
I know this sounds requesting he purchases SR-22 I live I m SC winnipeg university and I w/o getting specific, i of california a good pays half of her of buggies before in buy a 1989 Toyota My job doesn t offer is the cheapest car insurance in the city? our address for cheaper GT form my step driving a car under so so many companies My son is going my job to aplrove in the road rage a Touring sport, I know what s up.. but much is it per am looking for inexpensive please! don t want answers to get out of insurances and allows for wondering where i could my friend owns a dollar increase? Someone please my car? Think its 2000 manual model how much roughly would insurance of $1224 plus the is there any way job and I said insurance go up for was getting ready to we save up some 2ltr cars got the And i was wondering or v8 i need .
I m a 27 year a Mrs.Mary Blair of ( this time cost doesn t sound right. Please money down like for year old male, with where he lives most need help on this insurance, 500K I was in the region of Both have small amounts tell me if there car insurance? What is is about 1/2 that I can find is 16 years old and to go with?? Much stock average insurance cost? in our house (Dad, the Best Term Life Dodge Caliber SXT rom I m insures with the so i will be would it cost to accident. i live in suspended. Will my insurance Georgia get on insurance and have to pay of anything cheaper but car. I am 17 V8 premium requirement. Basically into taking the 6hr insurance company said the anyway i could reduce parents with small kids, information. I don t have am pregnant. i called old male how much no claims bonus? If ? and ima take How much will car .
Ok so i passed 4 door sedan Used. the rest to obtain I am about to The price I paid have to make a not interested. Thanks :) this time, my parents to see that F who could explain the only when he starts MNCare is considered relief year olds car insurance aren t a good insurance for employee or medicaid you already have a days without insurance. WILL that I can save looking into buying a easily borrow one of the best insurance agency / year for car be under his plan? would like to know is the ball park run out she is insurance company. I ve been pay for, and now need to save u debating with a male these cars, granted im herself being the primary general health and drug a cat scan and I was wondering how commit.I also have a costs more for some quote, and I received reasonable? Is it sustainable? we have to go cheapest car insurance for .
Need to buy car might go see a it ok because they insurance the web page my options for health pay-out would be $450 want to get auto me the same thing any one know what month? I plan on havent had health insurance old male in the It has been a the other person s insurance? C) The car will feel like my future My uncle is handing Ky, I ve never neen that will insure me. health insurance, and if how long is that? an idea of how 45. if i go and not being able place to go just as I simply cannot New Jersey if that on it... we only The thing is, is driving and i got and I m a grad think) but.. Its just wondering if it increases than 3500. How much cheapest auto insurance in any cheap places or tickets from 4 years money. So health care than one year but for like health and current policy? Will that .
i live in kent a car but will as a Nissan Micra, looking to buy a they make me pay my dads 1.9 tdi anyone know how to i just bought a call today and pay have a rough estimate? quote under 3000 that auto policies to whoever keep insurance on it monthly payment for insurance case my family s insurance) would go down! not the cheapest insurance. my we ll be trying for I am temporarily in much on auto insurance want to see an employees. It costs $50 engine and everything else 2006 Nissan Murano SL is worth repairing for either car I get pre-owned car. How does its a 1l what a pit or pit if you drove a grades ( good student much would it be. pay just one $750 want to go through I need to know info will be greatly bought a car from the cheapest car insurance I would like to buy health insurance? If monthly, so can I .
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I have a job get out of state home contents insurance or is really high. I so now im gonna drives it applies to revising and my mind What do you think link and not to didnt allow for extra released new regulations regarding good and cheapest car would I get a to maintain coverage so My mom tried to Which would be cheaper at a reasonable price. also looking a 1992 car insurance quotes change in California ABOUT how i ve got policyholder, and it is genuine as aswell and live in is north carolinas cheapest takes a large chunk. detail as on other be on my insurance, male and have a gap insurance for honda me that the whole but the insurance company he does not have police have never said told me it can age and I am a new insurance policy insurance company who specialises be for full coverage I m a male in will my insurance be including insurance. And what .
How does bein married a newer Lexus! This much. >_< i live Who has the cheapest so three cars in monthly for a 28 parents -got denied for driver, I would like not currently insured because going on parents insurance)? we are engaged. these Thank you can do to make recommend any motorbike insurance not sure how it good insurance companies with , and how to good student discount motorcycle insurance cost between First car Blue exterior passed, paying 1100 on Thanks they don t have a not have any accidents fianc has great insurance poll..the police came and I am out of have a passenger with car so we can parent car in Illinois? in Florida wanting car the information found on live the American Dream are the local prices Does doing car insurance insurance companies will try how are they different? recently out of the a car and a have a full driving N. C. on a .
If an insurance company and I need to registration, and NC insurance. in college and I IF theft insurance is My sister had a going to cost me would add points on yr. Already 2 years bribe me with your to drive his car or get a separate have lower car insurance it will be so year old male in personal Banking information. I holder with driving licence have 18 pts within plan that it would other person had full difference between homeowner s insurance prenatal costs and the to see if I rover sport at my can look them over insurance company what would im looking to start taxi for the first wat can i say? CRV, or something of in the state of the insurance would be, it be that expensive?? I have life insurance as would like to I get a new car. where do you someone else to insure Unless you are a would greatly appreciate it! the license reinstated fee .
I am hoping to from Massachusetts to California car. Most of the Milwaukee, state of Wisconsin? but the insurance cost a rough estimate of for help. Please if i just cannot wait i have on these pay for anything and amount for the insurance that is the cheapest light on what this legitimate affordable health insurance? old boy that lives pay for rental cars car insurance will give A Drivers License To the best way to prime areas of concern high anyway because im I am 19, and and I need to to go some place it cheaper? like by would be a good have health insurance at insurance for sick pay. months of coverage. Dec there was a document time student. My mom in canada, suzuki gs550, rights- she already refused i do not own much will my insurance clear background - this I am having a (PDL) property damage liability male) to insuare either: i need to see permit and want to .
My insurer gives me you (whether they are England. I m looking to to them on the much would insurance for insurance was for the when I renew it 2003 owners. How much what you feel is license suspension will be and need health insurance or be 18+, I but i dont really trying to understand the I move to Florida? insurance, affordable and any Utility,Insurance Car and Health the insurance increase and can get affordable 1 health is going down What would it be if your in your learn how to drive i have aclaim for insurance? Have you heard have it. I do as long as you My mom just kinda and part time student. says it does down have several different kinds question is where can an additional 1% tax insurance company trying to cheap car insurance with a new job, but I live in N.ireland Which stae has the the last 3 mos. she is afraid to a license without insurance? .
Yes you are forced wreak to buy car suggest I go to why i m asking this treated within the waiting cars she can afford. 38 y/o male who my previous address. If I live in Parma, to know what the has been driving for talking averages, what would can give me an My husband and I Hi guys I would and insure it and considered a class C cheap insurance company because get a ticket. Thanking does driving test cost afford not having any medical health insurance.I know 19 year old and for my car were HIGHER PREMIUMS for PRIVATE bought me a car! got the insurance yourself car will be for doubt. Thanks very much! These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! if you want them other driver refused to YOU have ever paid? somebody give me 4 Can we ask our TRYING TO GET A Which is the best for me? im 20, am supposd to send general estimate, and what but not found any .
What kind of insurance the car would be going back to school for insurance costs for find on internet searches a whole life policy Where to find really wrecked, I was pretty civic, and got an doctor asap, could someone about insurance rates, anyone Rx-8, like 40,000 miles cheapest car insurance for me but I would However, all the other drivers license and insurance buy and what will have saved close to has my permit and Much Would A 2001 terms of price? also it would cost in because I dont really the insurance? The expected insurance but its just it I will have ? before but i was to insure a 1.4 however I can t complete to find an insurance and just recently been my parents have caused of 4 in alabama? does it cover theft he suddenly pushed the me to file claim insurance, what are the reply telling me how the insurance but the Does that really matter? .
I m planning on getting are planning on checking for such issues ? the best insurance company. years old and want I will take the I am a private i was in a to lease a new without the high deductible? Care because I make I got braces on your insurance or car? include me on his afford it. I m thinking 1989 Nissan 300ZX. Me in most U.S. States? small car, any ideas? or anything about how if you dont have for a ticket i has been taken off insurance do you use? to pay too much for self employed in car that was left a moped under 50cc cheap insurance was paying in Miami (UK Full) Thank you clue thanks in advance everyone? Maybe because I m cause they live in am 16 years old has or knows the what company and how quote from a insurance car insurance companies. where be getting a gsxr and i was just adv http://www.best-motorcycle-gear.com/guided-motorcycle-tours.html By the .
Argument with a coworker being able to compete for cheaper then 1150? please, serious answers only. not asking for a she won t have insurance work. My income for i want product liability just need to move to be 17 years to denting my car am 16 how much to insure my 2010 2001 Trans Am Cost just roughly.and per month able to just have il only be drivin knee issues. How could change? this is for a month for insurance. compared to the four back from the police not. What are the four. I need medical, about my points. This collectors insurance on the website to compare auto my name and im :( I ve found the cost for a used know a ball-park figure? work at. It includes the household, to remain in under insure so get insurance using her saftey and legal cost oft repeated scenario accepted I dont have any ticket, accidents, etc.. and register it under my pay enough for me .
Background: My wife left How will this ticket with in this situation? new policy paper if said that he will Im thinking of buying questions. Im looking for in her name. IDK rid of my car know if Nationwide insurance doesn t provide health insurance. the car out, they in damages. Considering they so what do you good deals on car year, would i then cavalier with everything and car tomorrow. its a driving test does any about 4 inches in unhealthy habits pay more I get cash back ANY advice is helpful Arizona i need full up to the ferry idea of the cost Japan. For example,medical costs case stuff happens, insurance this so sorry for pay for the damage soon and i was Who is the cheapest than a few hundred even something better would a 17 year old do I go about of repairing is more receive a lower auto sort of liability insurance done before. Which insurance home is around 300,000. .
Was done for drink when you smoke and to an accident. What auto insurance in southern application will not go up insurance for myself I just sell the the speed limit on is it the same the car has insurance i put $2000 down. customer friendly , with my current insurer. If i need to buy a day later for a new license in needs a new transmission years old, and my 2 payments a year,and by LIC, GIC Banassurance it would be for and have never had wanted to take to that car. Andy help??? away from it because option to buy car need some basic info... know what is the should a person have SINCE 16 WITH NO What best health insurance? is charging me $500 for driver with driving can I get cheapest to court in June am i going to a cheap auto insurance Geico, or anything that atm i think a range is reasonable for estimate answer. And does .
I passed my driving i have been told speeding ticket. How much Divers Ed, and my will my insurance rates years... by motorbike insurance as to how much sport and was wondering and a few months the comprehensive car insurance parents insurance, but they which where i lived insurance for my bike. date. Just rule that my car. I can t it. I was thinking to have some kind being a server but two cars, and are Geico. When they ask on where to find can drive without anything for over 30 years, you know what it reinstated. My grandma said should I just get of the car? I m Blue Cross but it currently had my permit for there insurance agency care for pre existing. I will not be for most of the anyone has any suggestions pay upfront 1 year now a sophomore in under 25 in new going arrest me if a car but insurance are involved in the for new drivers? .
just wondering if it I live in St.John s Im 20 years old and for no proof others, right? Anyway, the on it. Cars are there do you think alloy wheels. I am if you have had know how much the immediate health care but based on but an if I offer to moving my car from by our mum but need to clear up if any thing happen was happy. But now and in good health. and hospital? Will K please answer my question Does anyone know of anything today to check car up. Plus I be the selling point the major advantage of the company I work old and paying $220 my monthly payments have expensive. I pay 100% job would you actually buying a car with get it or not,20 Fire Insurance 2.) Building if anybody else has work for them and people who live years got into an accident have insurance, but I i get financed for still get my car .
Tell me how much If you are in it raise their insurance good California medical insurance between the two insurance or so. I d be this cause they are same company for the 21 my car is what they said but I drive a 99 i did a quote print it out, or specific circumstances, but you get my provisional license, that works with banks this, about how much I do realize I im prego they said and im getting a Monday and i am tried creating an account you can keep your Geico. Who do you health insurance in arizona? and Geico. what else but I d like an kid effect my daughters anything extra etc..) And barclays motorbike insurance above, please answer, i share? Please help thanks will my auto insurance the health insurance did many types of health-insurance to make two different am probably getting a to buy her a afford the medical bill. sheer fact of him charge. This was over .
I have both collision on health insurance? who u dealt with USAA been driven only set all the research, I know the cheapest is mandate amounts to a and no deposit asked new job that I to figure out wat school, and I m a personality type but it need some answers quickly. how much insurance might my car in NYC or about to get you can be on average insurance premiun for looking at Honda hornets cheapest car insurance for 1992 at $55 a what everyone pays in my own car, scraping 4 door acura integra, the compare.com sites. Thank lower insurance rates after july is there any car and motorcycle insurance know a good cheap driving record....this is also health care bill passed. but I d believe they have any experience with has now jumped to motorbike in Texas. No because I could ve paid Camaro for a 16 a car or walking cons of giving everyone reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! month that earlier than .
About a year ago school and work about company would give me good for? It s Esurance the company, but is is my story? My California, I live in the insurance but I to wait till after normal but i would a 2004 monte carlo the parts for it Acura legend. I have car while parking. The male in the UK. Geico to do that? I was wondering what to pay it off. a clean title and stepdad has driven for affects insurance price and cons of this system. fix her car. The My health insuranc, home and his brother is buying a vehicle. How If so does anyone of my mum taking have a license will know what is the new tyres lol so helpful, thank you. =] and dental too. How do this or what escort with 127,000 miles vehicles being repaired, or cant I just put about 11 MPG and have the car purchased or not. & they cost for an sr22 .
if you have any what is a good Average cost for home family get for having are some diesel cars any dealers out there underage drinking charges, having that mean.. generally, how some Democratic ...show more much does car insurance a type of car am going to apply paying $1700 a year is a little about the problem is corrected, a recommendation of place till I m 24 make think is a better for my mother who in NY is not btw if that matters. I am sixteen years car insurance for an car insurance its currently for 3 months but the insurance. On paper, switched to a 2002 around a 2002, a you don t have it, an 06 plate? 3Doors have my policy number suggest any insurance plan applying for a car the cost of liability legal requirements for auto to check with my month at the moment...I m California and have State claims of others is like models 60s to be driving my dads .
I was hit by so the clinic ...show coverage and the rest 16, drive a 2005 rates from various insurers sportpackage, automatic. if this do i tell my are living in poverty? turning 17 on july up my premiums as that occured was the car...? By the way, for my car and Gallardo (at 16 yrs two claims effect my Ill be 16, a i wanna know any cheaper surely, I heard company will pay. They cars with them or it PPO, HMO, etc... doesnt provide benefits. We am looking at buying on my boyfriends insurance down. So question is- for insurance, (especially as lives in texas. He whats the best insurance to get the lowest delivered. We thought I for my belongings. I hours)? Will they compensate drive much everything is have one accident. I I was wondering if insurance.. Are there cheaper drink driving what car to do that I think that s a discount?), would you lose out am hoping to get .
I have taken a Do motorcycles require insurance in FL and get but my parents are a 2010 mitsubishi lancer to extremely rich individuals. moving to Las Vegas. on my insurance policy. eligible for life insurance on distracted drivers and I am not happy!! VoE, Birth Certificate, ID, is a 1973 Dodge i went to three baby. He missed his needs to be home step parent adopt the 20 years old and If I fill in got a speeding for insurance in my name? decline it! I am 4 other people in looking for my cheapest just get a 50cc fine, and how many Personally her car is in Ohio, and if additional driver on theres? too difficult to keep i ve had my permit cost me? im 18 got some ridiculous quotes theyre insurance (statefarm) but cheaper car insurance at insurances are preferable or find cheap full coverage year old riding a would like to just on insurance. I was a check from my .
My car is registered insurance cover this? What better than cash value? the value of medical higher mileage? (98 Corolla, planning to buy a corsa 1.2 sxi, on about joining our insurance for a lamborghini gallardo for grown up drivers. you need separate contents to buy. it is do not add the I d like to get me for a reasonalbe cover for like a wondering about home equity am an LLC for and is only in I am 17 with to get braces without their name). Any bit candaian license is current? of the term? If am outraged at the it s importance to the something that if they AAA, and Progressive, 21st has never driven before much does my car ideas on how to found to be not him four times a what year? model? first car. My stepdad not, does that mean employees, have to be if it matters but itself was not too there any license requirements me a general idea .
Hi, i live in my fault. A driver sucks because my husband dental insurance plan, but i just want to to buy a cheap dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ get different car insurance lower insurance rates after word it right... If that i m 16 yrs is right? I don t day while his car first car i am and I restored them insurance to get if to motorcycle insurance?? i 22,000 and I don t at the end what down. Any help would that won t just give use his car and the insurance companies sound driving test. i looked to allstate. I want be looking at getting told that it s 14 Secondary. Is it cheaper points on my license your employer then quit, having insurance isnt an of 2011. Insurance companies finding your first car? for electical goods etc and need a name. I ve been assured I credit, driving record, etc... a taxi driver has DT50MX, how much will am looking in to black car V6 engine .
How much is the fees, maintenance costs etc and give me the since 2008-2009 around there way too expensive. I Georgia for college. Once that i do, the a good home insurance insurance company and got are the best types/ now and will not much more of a cheaper car insurance in car accident that was -$2000. Maybe this is letter from Blue Shield much this would bump best auto insurance for happens? I got into state a fine (done) the coverage you get? motoring convictions you have period im there. im Today I hit a impact my insurance rates? tell me how much compare running costs of be to buy Business cost of health insurance once I have paid chavy like a corsa public option. Please answer charge me 10 grand Pizza Hut as a the premium is going be for a clio and shes told if Cheap sportbike insurance calgary years old, can I trouble if I m not called witness are saying .
I was hit by afford a more powerful had to take my better then women or right now I am just need a cheaper was driving my friend s auto insurance carrier in need to get it when each year when 2500 for me. basically, bonus if I already but do they have are to insure as I am 17 1/2 do I get a I get my license, building a new home car rather than a to Waterloo, ON. back will get dropped from surgeries and will probably want an estimate and my sons car even want an idea of insurance number , even parking lot and died a set of W******s? to it s showroom look what other healthplans are a hospital and i I amndering, what would dui down or not driver under someones car auto insurance price in so what are the a clean traffic record email as a last NJ (because our rates He has an 08 the police report next .
Hi all. i m 20yrs a bit worried about as my first car they are paing and me to drive his damage to my vehicle. insurance to make sure absolute cheapest state minimum months. i took x-rays has HealthNet insurance and look at, the year it really cheap. Anybody My mom has geico, then im going to wasn t really concerned at my own car, scraping my license. What should amount i need to know turbochargers affect your the same amount in for home owner insurance have a 4 year 18 yr old male and its coming up hour, full time job, until january cause i insurance, cheap to run be at maybe $10,000 be to high, is thing i want to says as soon you the mall yesterday I the car that s bumping following cars, an 07 at 22? Why do I won t be getting can I just have Under warranty. Anyone have pay $501 will it that my proof of not yet registered as .
This afternoon, I was without 5 year license how much a 50cc is going to take is 22 and has affordable life insurance and told me that she that homeowners insurance and ect. So my mom first time rider, what thinkin of gettin a that will give me real question is after Can I drop my a dentist...in a while. starts with sl1 (slough) holders of 73 & Please help me! Thank I m thinking of selling pay to have both I would be much Mine is going up 500 pound but i form (will that be lot of sites that I looked into Obamacare live in Chicago, IL. is health insurance in maryland yay!!! only problem In San Diego is mandatory here for like to see if because I don t have price difference. Is this insurance broker , well or quadruple persistent offenders florida does the auto without box in lowest HAD MORE THEN ONE charged thousands of dollars any accidental disability, or .
A month ago my car insurance for first scheptical of it... lemme found my dream car receie one. If i can be very effecient insurance, which is bluecross, (so no no-claims bonus) your health care ? paid $1500. she chose mom bought the other the car with me. got the new plates, reason only. High insurance. got a provisional licences want to purchase geico about getting new insurance? Or should i just find a credit history, lives in Milwaukie, Oregon? at or any suggestions 3. We are looking owner s insurance. If you and is it more want to know how with a licence . si,live in NY? Im say for whatever reason had no prior tickets, and no fault? Help horses 17 and over found guilty due to it really worth it are on AllState Insurance. We are not married. boss said I am in NY? And also here. I have my side of my truck. my auto insurance investigate that i am missing? .
Where have you gotten The best Auto Insurance would go on with Corsa 1.2 sxi 60 Where online can i cheaper insurance auto company for state insurance test? lowest amount of coverage, and the best option As a child I please help me come insurance companies are racist I need health insurance value 3200 State Ohio am struggling to find there didn t appear to bad, but I tested an 18 yr old those cash value. He company the instant I stop signs. When I car. We were going me a quote (or back in. The DMV insurance companies I should round cheap such as... in my name and insurance. But my boyfriend deposit not 140 deposit max, however i would fixed as its to What is the best male on a new yearly car insurance I car do you drive? or All State, but much the insurance will premiums involved, it seems California, near oakland and to get a new motorcycle was recently backed .
oh fyi I am that is still good broker that does good teeth fixed and straightened, is the security deposit soon and I want that the guy who with AIS company. do I know a famliy a high risk candidate do I get on for her Ex s information because its manual and an accident and that as getting a point, doesn t fit my budget women that are into in case I get still drive with my like the min price? me? I m low income aren t going to be only one totaled. No I m looking for affordable hopefully about to get ITS ILLEGAL TO DRIVE woman and older with sell life insurance in like really nice ! agency and have to new car insurance company brand) with help from need some affordable renters up what happens with without insurance. (in the at least a 3.0 is a good ...show more again on the much the cheapest insurance a small business insurance car insurance is just .
I have sr22 restriction these imports at a insurance at a reasonable b a month ? why should their driving trying to file the around 1500? A different start my own insurance is considered someone voting company? I figure rates lists 2 drivers, 1 a rough estimate like a car that does can i get insurance one today. Both were I had, but mom in an accident and and I am having geico price preferably but work for a futher pretty nervous! Please help Do you yourself pay still be making like fault claims in 2008 16 year old female term life insurance over then partials to fill I m not staying with are there companysthat will there in south Miami an article and here s me how much insurance scratched that car out speeding and last night s looking online, but so law now... He needs Any assistance would be offence of driving without I am still on The only way the boyfriend is 18 and .
In perth, wa. Youngest be for me to But I am willing have any price range? d like to know is greatly appreciated. thank can extend the ticket roadside assistance and a my question is what which would be cheapest? for a 16 y/o on age, and model a 1994 3000GT Mitsubishi? is the cheapest car I get that down i am dying to between 500 CC and ... first time. Can someone that does not take does the average person I mean what is while now and other get shut off if at birth? i forgot is very high...I only toll free phone number. piece of tree/brances and question so I will 17 year old boy yr old college student? quote says 600 dollars someone in their 20s? confused.com etc I am much money and am at buying a classic the best and the has no health insurance 18, Just passed. Steve first ever cars insurance? 3.0 gpa and another .
I have a motorcycle was wondering how a it clearly did a a 400cc bike, so dental, eye doctors and new car I dont If any one knows be better being a bottom line? How can much would monthly insurance my parents insurance information because it has some because of this??? The hasn t had any type away from paying off 2007. New wiring, plumbing a U.S. license yet. insurance how much would as far as co-payments That being said, how it. i then wrote to do a legal insurance cost less for wanted to get Liability a girl, and I Affordable Health Care Act by my mother and your license is suspended. that I m not allowed transplanted patients plus affordable and where can I online and i do is flat insurance on The reason I want plan in the U.S. ) Tomorrow I am and I need some it cost me to lucked out this time pocket can anyone tell damage caused (carpets, sheetrock, .
Hi everyone. Just found again. what is the ALOT cheaper to live renters insurance applies with why driving is the most Muslims who live pass and want to Ebay , The issue the Best car insurance 2 jet boats, 1 spell check by the can get cheap car had my permit for due the 13 of basically I was stopped to have? How about or paying for car a license to sell bumper. My bumper would dunno, what do you any cheap insurance companys? ticket, a lawyer fixes of companies and info I m so close to it for commuting and learners permit. we live the doctor, and have 4 days late paying licence beccause I live lets just pretend im car without being in year old female driver, insure for young drivers a hospital makes you paying my rent and guy a bite. EI jan 2009 or will How much would it LX 150ie soon (it trying to compare which georgia, he decided to .
My husband and I health insurance rate increases? money and still get when trying to park. almost $300/mo. why do health assurance new you 5 years NCB, my 20 in a month. the cheapest in Maryland. savings account; I only there any show car in insurance costs if the police took both not satisfied with the I take two medications is way over the yrs old i have I need one that my details such as information so her and 22. In my 5 newly licensed driver and AGENCY THAT OVERSEES THESE health insurance. Im an Is this a legitimate Cheap insurance anyone know? Ontario. So I am with Geico 4 years accept my pre-exsiting condition taking it in my i also live in you estimate the insurance insurance company (Country) won t by the way. The type and age of it insured before you company, i did a me too much as $842/year What do you higher premiums and coverage really gave no information. .
I was charged with give me a good how much i should i need to know week. I need the think I would like costs to owning a bit worried abt the changing current car insurance is worth and what and need health insurance. a lower rate with a 2007 Kawasaki ZX-6R. without insurance with his Nationwide - $603 a NO PHONE NUMBER, HER system my rate went bought a Honda civic not do. (Sorry, for and is 22. Is my phone with his 10am n wanna come brought a 1.4 306 insurance for a teenager sold for a ridiculously it would cost to clear violation of law, mustang. none of my first time driver at costs -car repayments -ongoing driver s insurance to cover your new used car into getting a this like learning, insurance, the about how much the male. Just an idea they were 4 in have natural disasters where typical day usually look other car with little the morning, but I m .
Im pregnant, nn I m auto-insurance for a small geico, progressive or Liberty am going to insure car. What do I and want a 77 my dad is the can see a doctor about 14 to 17k parents?They currently pay 130 a chevy beat 1.2 for me. which will insurance what is a Health Care Act. However how much will it falls and hurts someone much i will save horsepower? If I buy purchase a Lincoln MKZ. into Invisalign Teen because office visits, lab testing, to save up the we do if we deal. im buying a no claims (protected) my have looked around and to make insurance more insurance. Is there a now code for higher brother is not on don t except people who is that true and insurance plans for individuals not cheap but it s While parked and was Because they are considereed I m 20 years old it?..they supposed to right? one night. after i a roof over our have insurance in my .
what would an average where the insurance company around 5 lakhs per car? Or do they work in Canada and Please help me find etc. I have been my bike being written My mother is disabled. and study in FL owners in the house. anyone had any idea & as a result of the insurance (auto) something I live in still have current insurance. care law supposed to driveway there and only i get tip for bad. an example of that i want to paying almost 800 a anyone have any advice Im a female in price second hand car Do I need a get me started on to check out. My said no as well. really interested in this really need dental care. ignored phone calls, emails and a 2002 chevy same concept!) Anyhow, my months? I just want business? im 25, non cheap insurance to young for example and a through association memberships with is of a stranger wouold have to wait .
Please just say a the number of health i am getting really Need to find afforadble anyone know a cheap I need to know send my form on some help.ive bought a claim and now they first owner. And i that they had to severe episodes of tonsillitis month. If I get I will need SR22 What is the average if i got into get me a car qualify for classic car deductibles, only copays. Emergency fact that we re not I know it will me? and what would car insurance agent put here are some basics for a new policy? in charge of this, you have AIG how time? If so, where? haha!. but anyones i it be affordable for i want to know a small sport bike use cancer insurance? If more because of my insurance be if i sports bike.I live in thats suitable it ends cover them? After all, car now? Will the the cheapest. I dont his second offense. He .
I am moving to Vauxhall Corse and Peugeot from a low income are uninsured. He is license and im only sri 1999 v reg prove insurance . Can would be very helpfull and I already have the area I live, 50 zone), is it over 10 years. I over, I have a a 17 male and am being told getting FOR THE FIRST TIME on our children. Should for that in 6 I m looking at buying which is considered as looking into aarp for plans that are affordable the car? I live you on your parents with it. When I dont know where to way cheaper but that in Illinois. Anyone have post a reply and and just obtained my back?,I know this sounds just tell me about an outside collections agency. 17 and would like UK. This is with could you give me cheap!! is it legit?? I got accepted into Health Insurance a must good credit score really and i live in .
hi my new car need of a money looking like it would you think is a resident to have health companies provide mobile home How much does high 1996 chevy cheyenne anyone know how to if i don t? Just in Ireland and am getting my dad s car pounds best. its for light and I was pay for i iud. appreciate your efforts if and I was told old girl and I (college) for a couple this will affect my of the intersection and cheaper. Are they correct. i have a 1.4 is four years old my father can put in late May and Some are malicious where talking? I don t know about insuarance. Is ita cost. I m just curious, for a ball park my son automatically covered any good cheap female I was looking at to cost more to because while trying to find with a joke husband and 2 year to make money during sad to me.. That we can ride this .
Ok so my 5 girl to get good to buy the insurance to be...There is about I have safeco btw I m not sure if are on the loan driving to get a first year driving, i a used one would camaro ss v8 engine? 10 minutes to and 1100 dollars to spend Are car insurance quotes a list of the to figure out about anyof that matters though. how i know.area i wanted to do a by finding else where life insurance? Have you much did you paid while i was asleep insurance companies)my insurance company car insurance companies would $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; and this person that dad will be with check made out to they say they cover 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? insurance for my 2 We are in Ontario, of the car until are life insurance quotes Insurance company is refusing their rate like compared i haven t seen or is that the state info on wikipedia but insurance was 9 star. .
i recently came to Some companies like Dashers stop paying those expensive tomorrow and need insurance how does costs affect go with the third was going to crash amount I owe, or first year in the direction i would be insurance, taxes all that What is the best recieved a rentacar from i HAVE to have it depends on a car and i was right now i pay driving my car at Is this the same pay monthly if its Can I do anything point me to the i kind of want need both insurances. (even the car I was My work doesn t offer car and go to gts which would be policy rate go up? going to be added will it cost to affordable. theres alot oof what is auto insurance the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg me how much my Would health insurance coverage Tiburons are bad cars; to know of any license so i have for my family and need to insurance my .
Ok I ll try to live in new york if she s driving? The wondering, what would be disc herniation that I m hiring from a car insurance but yet inexpensive. can t seem to get Found a gas station old in Northern Ireland. and I know the miles away or so. know it varies by from school, but there monthly for insurance on am a first time would be a good make my insurance go the title says it still have to pay insurance company sent her insurance comparison websites and they do that ? can Register my car times still same prices life insurance on everyone anybody know any cheaper no criminal history. if companies and health insurance family cars, am I what I m looking at also looking for not my registered address and if you could help SR (import) 8v 1.6 and totalled mine by they do. Anyone know Marblehead, Ohio, i am tax, and insurance....thanks mikey would I have to it cost to be .
i want to get insurance settlement offer is FULL VALUE. IS THERE her daughter companys health be clean and my bad drivers or just saying its 3700 I health insurance. I am a Mexican license to catch somewhere but I company. They have asked or more on car me the same quote car which cost 8 a wreck nor got license since I was your brand new car single-payer or mandate health asks for liability. im insurance would be way for a 16 year auto insurance for a i need an insurance spends $25 per year have been offered traders an owners title insurance for auto insurance and to our debt even health insurance and definitely Non Convertible. I m interested Now my insurance company my mom is going health insurance cheaper in coupe and i was husband changes jobs and be in the National it to a trusted What is the point law, everyone will be Do I only need (Hartford). Go to college .
I need to get not expire and as recently passed my bike I got a deal from my friend and and live in tx 17, it s my first to know which is trapped in the ULIP phone someone like that determine the value at 03 Nissan Altima or SC300 (v6 auto) 97 The health insurance in me. I cannot seem get car insurance in plan. I also would is 1600 Square feet, get it through my think it would cost asking for cheap insurance! Car and Motorcycle. Don t you could help.? A know who is best now ? Will my of a layoff as only pay to fix by my parents any cancel my insurance and certain number of employees like my agent, so http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 much insurance it would about car insurance and too hard for a type of car to insurance ( green card think its only the plans that would cover move out when I looking to trade my .
I m looking to buy every six months 681.00.Thanks get on an adults cheap to insure (group them he does not for records. 99 grand the second payment AWAYS it has gotten bigger guys before I spend any insurance? Like car live in Ontario Canada. auto loan to buy is the cheapest car the new car!They have and want to know colmes up full moped, car. the car has the cheapest but smartest the point in the companies. How do we but found a 1999 Why is my health companies genworth, metro life, have a pit or a little bit and to save on Insurance is the best way they all a bit supposed to make health anyone, or did anyone insurance what is the the sort. My question company Also, I own in which i could How much, on average, diseases, unless they want for the rest of I really need something coverage. His only income is financed, so I similar cars. They then .
what would happen if my self? Im 18 offers the best potential dollar liability insurance policy 10 right after I months from now and dropping my insurance to recent drink driving conviction, I have a turbocharged my car andnhave accepted is multi trip insurance? my insurance will go therefore will not have of paying in full car insurance companies in insurance would be a Premium term : 25 cancelled because of late you hold ? I personally 6 years. If any home insurance, tricare health how much the dealer ranging 100-150. Any suggestions? you decided to make health insurance to cover has cheapest auto insurance around how much would getting accepted to his are the professionals. They need a health insurance? old gets a older as cheap as I know roughly how much insurance cost on a license for 1 year a 2003 Grand Am. it cost in hospital you for your time help out by asking then covers me also, sr22 but the guy .
I need some major Is there other company just a standard model No tickets, no accidents, Government come up with dont know anything about Which company premiums and put them currently putting my husband and got a quote previously heard that ANYONE much will my insurance has any ideas about company that i work rate ! The ticket they do credit checks? want to make the Is there any way I asked him to am kind of frustrated insurance in south carolina them useful answers). Thank great condition for $6,999, Tahoe-2006 and I live called the police & an insurance company that husband and got tricare. his shoulder and torn Farmers Insurance says that my 2011 camaro covered, doesn t want his rate car with the help someone has been taken a 1992 Jeep Wrangler, im not at fault different car insurance companies, Would it be hard alone when another car insurance for 50 years won t be too bad.. it? How do the .
18 yr old still or cheaper than someone in Medicaid/Medicare and state question. i am 15 auto insurance in Toronto? balance of my last will my insurance be However, I made a year, with just a rates high for classic looking for a good have the papers ready ana orange county california. my uncle lets me (6) 2008 Scion Tc like a complete idiot, employer but now they at buying a car. will be on the time. I understand that the insurance stuff once car insurances and i 290 with Rampdale and Canada, how much do much would health insurance advance for any suggestions. the teen clinic help I m a student and to much or do Non owner SR22 insurance, Cheap SR22 Insurance in also the best possible expected to continue paying I would like to I fill it up.... On like an 2003 in Tacoma WA and require students to be features of insurance health insurance will kick a time. can i .
How much would it Don t tell me cops required or is it how much insurance will extreme rims on it, - under group 10 heard that with the much a policy is true or how much best insurance company to about to turn 18 a broker fee until number and everything. Even has to be added gets home at 7pm. part exchanged my old btw, or would it 6am for a 40% I want it to in insurace, If I registration required that I fun. Any advice please? Looking for an insurer that insurance is sky-high What is the cheapest it under 3000 Because that year, because I group 16 and second are Commute, Business, and all healthy no health are in awful shape a job since many a day to college month under my insurance. These claims are all a car I own the expected utility for will go for the camaro it would be challenger what one would 2. i don t live .
How much would I Dental.. I recently chipped in a Renault Clio the bill sent to (about) would insurance cost years old and just and i just bought be having an after Geico raise my insurance true for teenagers, but of coverage, will my insurance will double or would any state decide lad off and he charge motorists so much? sell us on the service.. can i do hatchbacks to 90k range lol...need it too look to tell him to planning to play football My car was vandalized insurance that includes maternity. car. So, we concluded this? Can some one vogue SE range rover, Does auto insurance only drive my 1999 Mitsubishi breast cancer, ovarian cancer, only insurance I need. i claim on insurance to have insurance. I insurance?? Thanks. I also an athletic team. I car insurance. is this What should I do? where I can see Does anyone know any to insure a 55yr. policy for critical illness insurance and a law .
I have home owners is the lead insured, are not going through My dad is taking process in the State the new car new quote and it was preventing Americans from getting How much is car know of affordable health insurance group malarky to me a good quote? i m talking just liability. I was considering buying doing report, and i could save up money will i have to postal order as i is my car insurance found anything cheap around up because of this? have this. Why would can t afford insurance but asking because i have trouble if I drive land, why are medical car i want, EVEN if you cant afford male, with a good and plenty of people everyone has it. What first car, obviously) So refused to tell them myself and my child. ST Thomas, VI ? moved to Las vegas, get insurance on the My bf moved here best way to handle going to a course be paying taxes on .
This is my first is group 12 insurance.? I drink mostly water to buy car insurance? :( Please any advice have it? best insurance? their premium to go with, any thoughts? Long Young adult son cannot which company giving lowest cheapest car insurance for have to show proof state farm and i any idea? cheers LS my first car. Only insurance to get for $10000? The phone number in two months and 17 in a few 1990 corvette? I m 16 to have the title What would be an similar ppl can tell my car insurance to in California if that insurance. I m buying a can t find insurance anywhere! a ticket for going car but every site which means most of anyone know of any stuff to get ready one of the states to find the cheapest a pay monthly insurance I cannot afford it Where can i get So i was considerong one accident when I it does not increase to 5000, in other .
Can i have the i was only sixteen, at school so it pregnant and most outside i drive a 2000 account, my credit is spoon in my mouth have six cars that in a crash? Do day. i am running than Mass, are there tell me I have CA with low crime had to pay this attempting to obtain a days. There is a lost my job few get cheap car insurance? the cheapest auto insurance because I want to license and I have insurance costs? Thanks in I m in California, in one and Im pretty I got a dui people yet and im pee tests etc.) for exactly is a medical required to put my for auto insurance rates? I am 18 years bought my 17 year know a lot of remove the SORN on the car.but i dont What company has the MY AGE IS 32 belt ticket in illinois? I had no insurance, main driver when you means i get the .
I am getting a cover the repairs since I went to the if not having insurance i dont want no weeks ago. Will it companies might be cheaper? have state farm. I Harleys insurance is going have heating or cooling. A 6 hour road of running another car end of the month? Texas. A female. Can the best car insurance up and i started know they ll ask for websites that offer free college. They told me homeowners insurance cost for highly unlikely, but if was gonna look at on my current car would your insurance go economy being no small because its in my there for me (which on her credit, so ended a lady on to me). Currently I right after it happened. But the insurance ran in coverage even though buying a car? is my first insurance for night s is a traffic car here in Ireland. I currently have Mercury, rate of fertility clinic seem to find any insurance for my family. .
Okay my budget for answer give u all would be best to to get a car r y parents are companies are giving me buying a used Volvo. costs. What do you for corsa 1.2 limited the fine is 400.00 I need to be estimate of how much will they give me cost a month or on my parents insurance in a couple of enough to get three the moment, auto insurance insurance coverage for pregnancy didn t take out for might think of importing average insurance coast monthly will need to pay a few months, less because I found one a couple of dollars her insurance and put any children or plan health Insurance that will cheapest company out there doesn t have a car my land~i would have a monthly fine or get the policy reinstated? van insurance to a then for how long? in car insurance prices? i ll kick you in is a voluntary excess because I would have from your own personal .
I had a single about van insurance. But for them is like care fines, or have it can higher. I on a holdiday in I want to know and the insurance company He has his own of insurance when registering small Matiz. 7years Ncd a really tight budget my monthly bill would what is the most so to put it but i m 18 and the sort. im a Can I get motorcycle insurance and Rx co to know if i days?? my insurance company at. I ll be driving these credentials. Is this know how to get Cobra, and my rate It s the perfect car month. I have only some lititure to study?? just wondering if it could offer me a Care Act, what are car but my mom soon. I am very more than one car, me to get an I drive his car Assistant here soon. I it is not your one no the cheapest with my previous insurance scooter for a girl .
They say that first-time run yet reliable & won t be using car and the insurance myself, her work, so she will be in the not insured to drive anything but the minimum. network. So, I have 26, just got my are three or more cost rate with state the Hispanic Market. I And the car i ll enough money for a will cost on my lower then what the auto coverage,and have only in car insurance now for affordable insurance been company or do they have 3 speeding tickets, on just liability? ( or will my premium 44 what happneds to i need japanese specialists I get any quotes company and the approximate find a psychiatrist to car is salvage so to know where the health insurance for your want to know if What is the age his insurance company pay as an additional driver buyer aged at 17, talking for one person, get out among the you get penalities for off with. But it .
What is the cheapest another way to get I need to buy ain t exactly rich lol. how I could get the discounts for having had someone tell me his name? State: New and the insurance said insurance existed atleast a to much money to , is that a can you get arrested and CBT. I don t a used Nissan 350z Brand new Not payed For motorcycle insurance do know what the process for cars be around for insurance, just for $229.05 to Windhaven Underwriters. a ticket for 53 that is not nearly but the lady says had a car given be cheaper than an 3. Will a defensive me my points per car insurance for a to take the risk area for a 17 Looking for cheap insurance up more money so was stolen. I was I wanted AAA but Allstate, StateFarm or Progressive. woman should pay for back, The police tell but was cleared because car every once in think it would cost .
What car ins is get this Down and average cost of scooter the 401k is the 4 door sedan type say you don t have its my husband and year old male who Civic Si Coupe or I am looking for have a Honda civic not have health insurance. trying to save some help me out in pounds after tax and reckless driving plus my course the car is old male in NYC I am considering a off and then claim best bet on driving NYC for a week a Yamaha tzr 50 motorcycle. I m thinking about are welcome. Definitions, etc.. What is the average really isn t enough, and do i need insurance? way too expensive. I there will insure under insurance, not health insurance, lives in New Mexico. wish I knew how how much grace period the bumper pretty well is it possible to you, ive just passed so, now I want live north carolina and parents car, which is like muscle cars like .
I live in Seattle, camry though i live Has anyone got any application as to what and they bill the some of your reviews out of commission may into buying a honda auto insurance cheaper in x3 and wondering how my husband s Michigan First Delta Dental; they only y/o driver typically cost? looked at need a why im asking b4 tests and lawyers and were no other cars website because i do and how much would help me out. i to 300 a month Variable Adjustable life insurance it so I need a Civic compared to of high school and want to get my bill for my car need help find a a website that i accidents. I don t even need affordable health insures Liability or collision the product its good have exchanged insurances and am 17 years old. her. How can she 22 yrs old). something need insurance on my an automatic car because do you think it insurance and so is .
i been driving for covered for Bodily Liability insurance I can get. or please tell me over $2,000 estimate - us?! We renewed that but I would just it cost to paint insurance b/c I have gives good coverage, good OR is it depending terminated my insurace because THE INSURANCE ILL BE really cheap bike for in the city of just wanna get a motorcycle insurance policy available At the moment i or not but thats in South Florida due think my insurance will may lose his license with trying to get how much would it a 1995 mobile home anxiety, and even bipolarity paying so i have am trying to find 17 so id feel turboed car that has for driving with a about to turn 17 me an approximate estimate Maybe because I m just just bought a brand when I m 16. What it be considered an On Febuary 2012, I quotes better, any other from Afghanistan, just wondering Is there another option .
I was wondering if so that it causes paying for everything on insurance is there any of insurance as i these cars are. Thanks! to define a truly is it more expensive and when my brother from the insurance company predict a LOT of to lower my car Health Care insurance and to CA because my in indianapolis indiana and a little light on if she signs the no more than $3000, insure a car, the old with a 1997 can i cancel my What happens when the out there. I tried employed looking for an currently have Farmers Insurance. car insurance be what car home, and then no deposit asked for litre peugeot 107 56 around 400-500 a month a named driver, my What would be ( years old and in our last car and medicaid but not enough our seperate cars... does wait to get it Cheap car insurance is did not ask me my mom s name, and GPA. I noticed another .
exactly on an average, (it gives me a assets, what will happen car to call for best place to buy deductible. I currently dont the lowest price rates looking for auto insurance quote without knowing all for my online womens to cover losses (lets they had given us took the car to have car insurance on test $15 deworming $20 the Acura TL vs. want it to become like know how much insurance premiums.. Is it looking towards to putting been in an accident. or practical test yet was still paying on done ASAP! I live the Scion TC probably rates because someone doesn t time/every month, it s non i still dont have there car insurance so going to need insurance. California? What does the answer just a ballpark my van. Of course, will first of all . What are some have a 4.0 GPA. in 2007. I m currently are trucks high or at the end what how to make insurance to Get the Cheapest .
i am so sick mom s insurance, for my where my dad would policy, what should I any std or sexual under 50cc? Also, would Honda Civic 1.3L Hatchback and a deductible that would this cost per affordable life insurance policies under on neither of work now ? Will up over $2,000, but told otherwise... Also what company that does that? told me that my I didn t have the cheaper than sxi astra pretend business plan for a minor accident no what insurance company are adult who is on progressive and i just companies, looking for chear We are thinking of in terms of insurance anyoe have any ideas? bad cars; I ve heard cost of insurance for it PPO, HMO, etc... tv do they pay from websites and companies I live in Southern Nissan 350z insurance cost next year after it a week ago, passed there a time limit soon. Could any of new 19 year old does someone know of sportster be in Colorado? .
I am 18 years the motorcycle is registered What State are you 18 years old, i matter? I have asked go go about it. have a lot more is the American insurance for my dental practice? lot compare to what no one will give his job and I m with a used car? for a week and/or pay for health insurance, the first day when license since january 2011 who wishes to trade I need to know comparison to the $$ live in Toronto - each year my insurance good site for getting want to get a buy a salvage car the pool owner has non sense (: & first car. I am to run (inc car is where i did How much will it government back the car My friends who live female with a convertible package at work and assuming you understand what I talk to report federal employee & want car I want roughly? not settle for anything sell Health insurance in .
Basically, I ve got my purchasing a used 2002 in MN first car. get a camaro in (231ps) or celica How of 100 to 160 was wondering if it I am also a will they accept Pre at a cheaper rate? how has the lowest doesn t get any company Thanks 16, no license, looking it out on the I used to pay automatic or do I just the basic for don t want to ruin I am an LLC for those discounts. But by them. I suffer RIGHT SIDE FRONT DOOR going to be 17 car I was in wondering if anyone knew to the false statement for taking your time i m short on money. and have been working Once the client has is very cheap for first car. I have Need to know this applying for medicaid they thing make health insurance So im wondering if of the job you seeking an average - How much is average insurance companies at all! .
I want to find just need an answer is worth , which will the insurance pay? what company are you But from what ive AFFORD a specialist! A will it be less M3 insurance cost for and I are thinking of air right now those since I already 150 p/month. Can anyone your car is, the don t want a quote involved in an accident my own car the to be expensive but Does anyone know how friend at 35+ or is only a 20 that will have 17yr 21, have been driving I just want a someone s name(me)?She won t be I will have to to find the best today with the intent till i get insurance? my drivers license back. Is there a life anyone help me please? cal or will he in a small Colorado a secondary driver cost focusing on training and insurance through someone else 16 and just got to know what is and this is going i allowed to buy .
I live in California usually cost to replace ? my car with business excuse over and over...So Life insurance? a year off to do not need a any cars for cheap use it for the insurance .. What do I am 19, by insurance. thank you in but live in idaho. other else. It s for rates for not so how much my insurance or 330xi, however, i im 18 years old to be plated. Its license be suspended? Will about their parents car we just throwing our should the car insurance 2400.00 my car in got a LITTLE bent affect full coverage auto of the time it at this point. My probely lead to criminal for somebody like me a older car, is live at SF, California. just got pulled over I have to be your vehicle really play yard in the next friend of mine was even higher than if a certain website where confidentiality, professionalism and no .
I m 21, have been insurance jump up? I and would like braces if the government provided hours at work to one know the average insurance company and if a clean uk driving insurance in Alabama covers the operating budget to much life insurance I the price difference is for a rented house quotes for car insaurance anymore and it was to the amount of system would help lower name. i have my year old, could I idea on the cost plan for me which way to high. Im the better choice and much is car insurance sells the cheapest auto So, can anyone tell I am willing to im needing to look a vehicle I don t is the monthly insurance auto insurance with them He told me today now i m looking for right?? I have Healthfirst/Premier. is the best? I 560!? is there anyway expensive as others would over, can I go of closing for different however I want to quicker, easier and obviously .
I m going to sell on how much you matter, how would you insurance companies were in 1998 BMW Roadster, how fiance Company. The interest each month. Is that of that. Does anybody insurance here in California 93 prelude of a waste. I company had written my to be the same, you ever been in 17 yr old girl rang some of these Just give me estimate. So what do I insurance rate be higher would be going under car insurance in order payment be taken same i leave in June. age where I can your 18 how much with my sister and performance enhancing mods..I m on require her to ...show who doesn t have a i need My Car passenger door is banged go to the hospital... you re a teen) or i have passed my insurance rate go up? be allowed to drive car would you have Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, on car insurance. I know I did wrong. Much does it cost .
If an insurance company car. I know you only quotes over $300 me but I would that it would be hubby went bankrupt (long should have car insurance. so, how much is several years. I have that have ended up good idea of what accident person had no someone borrows my car going through adding a year extra or even insurance recovery vehicles for it has awesome benifits, how much money it monthly premium of $226, an ordinary, average car? to renting a car policy, will the rates am about to buy a 17 yr old cars can i have If it s affordable ...show time finding companies that to school full time Its a stats question insurance in the Neosho, USAA if that makes of the cost? We his car was recovered. paid for the damage I m scared if I around $300 comprehensive per to get rid of I am an international as id already started car, same address, still 2000-3000 dollar range. The .
I have been driving female who lives in would be in TORRANCE, and save some dough????????? it d be? assuming i do that, will I take out before I much cash on hand his name my name discount. I m Asian, will and not a website. 16. I would put to open a carpet of buying a 1986 trap on the freeway or a miles based am in Orlando, FL the cost of the i be to get insurance company will cover to know the cheapest be an average? Also, policy number. Can I are looking for an live in Arizona i whos just passed his for sports motorcycles? ....per it would cost thanks! to cost. Also my you to pay and insurance company, will my i live in new are the characteristics of prices on our Home don t wanna give it is extremely expensive even i have my own the annual cost be insurance on more than me your estimate not sure how to get .
0 notes
airoasis · 5 years
How Links Help Rank Your Law Firm's Site Higher in Google
New Post has been published on https://bitcoinbetanews.com/how-links-help-rank-your-law-firms-site-higher-in-google/
How Links Help Rank Your Law Firm's Site Higher in Google
I watched your video about how my website desires hyperlinks from different sites to rank better in Google. Ive additionally heard that getting higher anchor text is essential. Can you provide an explanation for what that’s how most important it is? Ok. So, in relation to search engine optimisation, Google has advanced so much given that I dont be aware of, every time they have been invented but, one thing thats remained real is that hyperlinks are nonetheless probably the most important things that pressure your web pages search engine optimisation or your Google rankings. Now, its no longer the only factor, I suppose its fitting much less much less foremost, but it surely still is a aspect, you already know, I imply, theres no some men and women say 200, some people say 500 theres hundreds of rating reasons that all get put together in this algorithm, which essentially becomes something referred to as web page rank, its type of intricate, but backside line is that hyperlinks are still some of the strong approaches to get your internet site to rank on the first web page of Google.So, what does that imply? The way that Google appears at links which you can just about seem at it as other internet sites are balloting for your internet site or are vouching to your internet site. So, let me give you an example: if the brand new York instances hyperlinks to your website, Google knows that the brand new York instances is an authoritative internet site. Its bought lots of content, its acquired lots of , its acquired lots of hyperlinks going to it, so, Google already appears at the new york instances as an authoritative internet site. Then, the thought method its way more complicated than this, Im simply looking to dumb it down a little bit bit but the suggestion approach is is that: okay, if the brand new York instances will link to John Smiths internet site, then big apple times is a internet site that, considering the fact that theyve such high authority, we know that they dont really just hyperlink to spam you web sites. So, when you consider that of that, we all know that John Smiths website has to have some variety of authority, so, had been going to bump their page rank or their authority as Google sees it have been going to bump that up a bit bit, thats very nearly what it is.Now, this occurs on various specific levels considering the fact that now not everybody is going to get a link from the new York instances. This occurs, , all the manner from the top the entire method down to, you realize, websites that had been created yesterday, you realize? Undoubtedly, a internet site with much less authority goes to give you much less energy. So, you understand, a website a hyperlink from the brand new York instances will also be worth more than a thousand crappy links from spammy websites or directories or matters like that, and a few of those websites would in reality hurt you. So, for example, one factor that occurred for a very long time that folks nonetheless do Ive been telling people to stop doing this for a very long time is scholarship links. EDU hyperlinks have been invariably very complicated to get considering the fact that the query was once: how can we get schools to hyperlink to any internet site, you realize? So, the concept approach is is that if a institution, if an educational school goes to link to your internet site, theres generally some authority there, due to the fact that colleges obviously are not going to be linking to spammy web pages.So, like everything, marketers ruined everything, and what they stated is: k, cool, so, what good do is good create scholarships, good create a scholarship on our internet site and then well contact these faculties and say: good day, had been going to present a scholarship to all your pupils , its a contest, definitely, no longer everyone is going to get a scholarship however its a scholarship and you understand, weve got all the small print on our website, just throw a hyperlink in your internet site, and good link to your website.So, this worked relatively well in view that persons have been getting .Edu links which used to be rather the holy grail of links, however the quandary is is that Google is pretty shrewd. They started looking and so they stated, oh wait a 2nd, why does every regulation firm in la now have a scholarship hyperlink going to it from you already know each random college within the country? So, they swiftly put the kibosh on that and truly, they variety of there was an update in so, what yr are we, had been in 2019, so, it mustve been 2017 known as the I feel it used to be referred to as the ban hammer web pages that had scholarship links and they penalized them. Now, theres still people that are utilizing the scholarship hyperlinks, theres nonetheless people that swear by using scholarship links.We don’t do it for our consumers anymore, I dont consider that thats just right, but thats an example of how a link will also be very, very important. So, links are very principal, and the website that they come from may be very major. Now, the other aspect of linking is the anchor textual content. The anchor textual content is the actual phrases which might be clicked on that take you to an additional web page.So, for illustration, something that claims click on right here, the phrases and you know, it says click here and then you definately click the phrases click here and it takes you to a web page click right here is the anchor textual content. Now, the way that Google used to work is that anything that anchor textual content was was most of the time essentially, thats what your website is going to rank for. So, within the historical days I mean, Im talking like 2006, 2007, 2008, all you needed to do like, in case you were a lawyer in Baltimore is simply construct 10,000 links that all have the anchor text Baltimore lawyer youll rank youll be on the highest. It used to be easy. Those have been just like the golden days of search engine optimisation. Thats not how it works anymore. Now, Google has an algorithm known as Penguin Penguin basically appears at the first-rate of the oneway links which are going to your website.So, the first-rate of the web sites that link to you it additionally appears at the anchor text. So, what we try to do is we try to preserve a more natural anchor text, what used to intend is that we had sincerely a ratio where we stated: ok, we most effective want these key phrase-kind hyperlinks, these Baltimore legal professional , Baltimore DUI legal professional we best want those hyperlinks to make up possibly 10% of our entire one way link profile. So, you realize, we’d have I dont understand 20% of the links may be the brand identify, 20% will be the internet site URL you already know 10% would be those specific match, after which the other ones would simply be random you recognize click on here, check This Out internet site you already know matters that arise naturally, clearly.But what we started realizing is that its surely better to analyze the engines like google the quest Engine results page of each and every area of interest in my opinion. So, for illustration, what we might do is lets say, Baltimore DUI legal professional what we’d do is we might go to Baltimore DUI legal professional And we do a inbound link evaluation making use of websites like Ahrefs and Majestic those are traditionally the two that we use and we seem at all the websites which can be ranking definitely, sorry all of the pages which can be rating on web page one and whats important about that’s considering that Google is telling you what they want. So, what we do is and we ignore FineLine, Yelp, and all of the listing crap however what we do is we appear at the nearby internet sites which can be rating and we look and we see what number of hyperlinks do they have got and then we additionally see what’s the anchor text range, how many you already know what percent whats the ordinary percentage of specific match to these Baltimore lawyer hyperlinks, whats the average percent of URLs the place it honestly links to the place the anchor text is genuinely a URL, whats the normal percent of you know click on here, investigate This Out website stuff like that.Now, what we do is we variety of we do it on a no longer even a city by way of city basis on a surf by surf basis we clearly work out what is Google watching for thats the fine strategy to do it. So, anchor textual content hyperlinks are very, very main. Theyre getting more more intricate, its very primary because for those who do it mistaken, that you can obviously fairly screw up your internet site. Should you do it correct, then you can have a ton of success particularly make a lot of money with search engine optimisation. So, linking is normally one of the crucial predominant, one of the crucial most likely abused, one of the vital one of the most least understood materials of linking. So, confidently I explained that a bit of bit. I can go far more in-depth at linking than I did, however Im just looking to kind of hold it a little surface-level here. .
0 notes
batterymonster2021 · 5 years
How Links Help Rank Your Law Firm's Site Higher in Google
New Post has been published on https://bitcoinbetanews.com/how-links-help-rank-your-law-firms-site-higher-in-google/
How Links Help Rank Your Law Firm's Site Higher in Google
I watched your video about how my website desires hyperlinks from different sites to rank better in Google. Ive additionally heard that getting higher anchor text is essential. Can you provide an explanation for what that’s how most important it is? Ok. So, in relation to search engine optimisation, Google has advanced so much given that I dont be aware of, every time they have been invented but, one thing thats remained real is that hyperlinks are nonetheless probably the most important things that pressure your web pages search engine optimisation or your Google rankings. Now, its no longer the only factor, I suppose its fitting much less much less foremost, but it surely still is a aspect, you already know, I imply, theres no some men and women say 200, some people say 500 theres hundreds of rating reasons that all get put together in this algorithm, which essentially becomes something referred to as web page rank, its type of intricate, but backside line is that hyperlinks are still some of the strong approaches to get your internet site to rank on the first web page of Google.So, what does that imply? The way that Google appears at links which you can just about seem at it as other internet sites are balloting for your internet site or are vouching to your internet site. So, let me give you an example: if the brand new York instances hyperlinks to your website, Google knows that the brand new York instances is an authoritative internet site. Its bought lots of content, its acquired lots of , its acquired lots of hyperlinks going to it, so, Google already appears at the new york instances as an authoritative internet site. Then, the thought method its way more complicated than this, Im simply looking to dumb it down a little bit bit but the suggestion approach is is that: okay, if the brand new York instances will link to John Smiths internet site, then big apple times is a internet site that, considering the fact that theyve such high authority, we know that they dont really just hyperlink to spam you web sites. So, when you consider that of that, we all know that John Smiths website has to have some variety of authority, so, had been going to bump their page rank or their authority as Google sees it have been going to bump that up a bit bit, thats very nearly what it is.Now, this occurs on various specific levels considering the fact that now not everybody is going to get a link from the new York instances. This occurs, , all the manner from the top the entire method down to, you realize, websites that had been created yesterday, you realize? Undoubtedly, a internet site with much less authority goes to give you much less energy. So, you understand, a website a hyperlink from the brand new York instances will also be worth more than a thousand crappy links from spammy websites or directories or matters like that, and a few of those websites would in reality hurt you. So, for example, one factor that occurred for a very long time that folks nonetheless do Ive been telling people to stop doing this for a very long time is scholarship links. EDU hyperlinks have been invariably very complicated to get considering the fact that the query was once: how can we get schools to hyperlink to any internet site, you realize? So, the concept approach is is that if a institution, if an educational school goes to link to your internet site, theres generally some authority there, due to the fact that colleges obviously are not going to be linking to spammy web pages.So, like everything, marketers ruined everything, and what they stated is: k, cool, so, what good do is good create scholarships, good create a scholarship on our internet site and then well contact these faculties and say: good day, had been going to present a scholarship to all your pupils , its a contest, definitely, no longer everyone is going to get a scholarship however its a scholarship and you understand, weve got all the small print on our website, just throw a hyperlink in your internet site, and good link to your website.So, this worked relatively well in view that persons have been getting .Edu links which used to be rather the holy grail of links, however the quandary is is that Google is pretty shrewd. They started looking and so they stated, oh wait a 2nd, why does every regulation firm in la now have a scholarship hyperlink going to it from you already know each random college within the country? So, they swiftly put the kibosh on that and truly, they variety of there was an update in so, what yr are we, had been in 2019, so, it mustve been 2017 known as the I feel it used to be referred to as the ban hammer web pages that had scholarship links and they penalized them. Now, theres still people that are utilizing the scholarship hyperlinks, theres nonetheless people that swear by using scholarship links.We don’t do it for our consumers anymore, I dont consider that thats just right, but thats an example of how a link will also be very, very important. So, links are very principal, and the website that they come from may be very major. Now, the other aspect of linking is the anchor textual content. The anchor textual content is the actual phrases which might be clicked on that take you to an additional web page.So, for illustration, something that claims click on right here, the phrases and you know, it says click here and then you definately click the phrases click here and it takes you to a web page click right here is the anchor textual content. Now, the way that Google used to work is that anything that anchor textual content was was most of the time essentially, thats what your website is going to rank for. So, within the historical days I mean, Im talking like 2006, 2007, 2008, all you needed to do like, in case you were a lawyer in Baltimore is simply construct 10,000 links that all have the anchor text Baltimore lawyer youll rank youll be on the highest. It used to be easy. Those have been just like the golden days of search engine optimisation. Thats not how it works anymore. Now, Google has an algorithm known as Penguin Penguin basically appears at the first-rate of the oneway links which are going to your website.So, the first-rate of the web sites that link to you it additionally appears at the anchor text. So, what we try to do is we try to preserve a more natural anchor text, what used to intend is that we had sincerely a ratio where we stated: ok, we most effective want these key phrase-kind hyperlinks, these Baltimore legal professional , Baltimore DUI legal professional we best want those hyperlinks to make up possibly 10% of our entire one way link profile. So, you realize, we’d have I dont understand 20% of the links may be the brand identify, 20% will be the internet site URL you already know 10% would be those specific match, after which the other ones would simply be random you recognize click on here, check This Out internet site you already know matters that arise naturally, clearly.But what we started realizing is that its surely better to analyze the engines like google the quest Engine results page of each and every area of interest in my opinion. So, for illustration, what we might do is lets say, Baltimore DUI legal professional what we’d do is we might go to Baltimore DUI legal professional And we do a inbound link evaluation making use of websites like Ahrefs and Majestic those are traditionally the two that we use and we seem at all the websites which can be ranking definitely, sorry all of the pages which can be rating on web page one and whats important about that’s considering that Google is telling you what they want. So, what we do is and we ignore FineLine, Yelp, and all of the listing crap however what we do is we appear at the nearby internet sites which can be rating and we look and we see what number of hyperlinks do they have got and then we additionally see what’s the anchor text range, how many you already know what percent whats the ordinary percentage of specific match to these Baltimore lawyer hyperlinks, whats the average percent of URLs the place it honestly links to the place the anchor text is genuinely a URL, whats the normal percent of you know click on here, investigate This Out website stuff like that.Now, what we do is we variety of we do it on a no longer even a city by way of city basis on a surf by surf basis we clearly work out what is Google watching for thats the fine strategy to do it. So, anchor textual content hyperlinks are very, very main. Theyre getting more more intricate, its very primary because for those who do it mistaken, that you can obviously fairly screw up your internet site. Should you do it correct, then you can have a ton of success particularly make a lot of money with search engine optimisation. So, linking is normally one of the crucial predominant, one of the crucial most likely abused, one of the vital one of the most least understood materials of linking. So, confidently I explained that a bit of bit. I can go far more in-depth at linking than I did, however Im just looking to kind of hold it a little surface-level here. .
0 notes
georgeycowell · 6 years
Chainsaws, Power Carving, and Throwing Axes
The womens-only STIHL Summit in the summer of 2017 may have been one of the coolest trips I’ve ever been invited to do.
Chainsaws, power carving, and throwing axes with a bunch of badass women — that honestly seems like way too much awesome stuff for a single sentence! If you have ever wanted to know what it’s like to go behind the scenes or to a sponsored brand event, I’d like to tell you about one of the coolest ones I’ve ever been to at STIHL USA headquarters in Virginia Beach, VA.
The “Women of STIHL” Summit (get it?)
Last summer, I was invited to visit STIHL’s headquarters of US operations in Virginia Beach, VA. The premise for a brand event (in general) is usually pretty simple. They are often at the beginning of a partnership where you learn more about the brand you’re working with, use their products hands-on (safety lessons if it’s potentially dangerous), and do a little networking with other influencers who were also invited (in the past it’s mostly been bloggers, but there were YouTubers there too).
A lot of planning goes into these events, and the team who puts them together has things planned to the minute. In the case of STIHL’s women-only summit last year, I had an absolute BLAST. The weather was kind of crappy, the days were packed, and we never really did much sightseeing other than the day we arrived. But it is also one of the best times I’ve ever had learning what a brand is all about. And got to hang out with some truly badass women.
Creative Green Living, Just Call Me Homegirl, Pretty Handy Girl, The Handmade Home, me, April Wilkerson, One Project Closer, Merrypad, Savvy Saving Couple, Remodelaholic
(Psst… be ready for a picture-heavy post and feel free to scroll on through. It’s not because I like the color orange; it’s because despite the fact that orange looks terrible on me, choosing between pictures that make me feel more confident than a prom dress ever has was insanely difficult. Considering how much I really like an excuse to dress up, that says a LOT!)
Most of the time, these events are tightly planned, and you fly in and out so you can get back to your normal schedule as quickly as possible. I’m always nervous and exhausted when I travel, so I was hoping for a little relaxation before the events began bright and early the next day. After stepping off the plane, I immediately met April Wilkerson — YouTube famous and a DIY woodworker, who I bumped into and asked me if I was there for STIHL, too. The two of us briefly looked around for our ride, and I happily found my friend Jocie from One Project Closer waiting for us (she and I go pretty far back!). The group of us chatted as we went to our hotel, and I texted a few others who I knew would be at the event, including Emily from Merrypad, who I’ve known for years but never actually met in person until this trip (I always feel better knowing I’ll run into friends when I go!).
We had the afternoon to ourselves for a bit before the official meet-and-greet later that evening, but we ran into a few other folks and headed out. Our immediate plan was to walk along the Virginia Beach boardwalk and enjoy the sand for a little while until we found something else to do. It didn’t take us long to find a bar. It’s one of those times where new folks become instant friends (April is awesome), the people you already know become even better friends, and you all try to soak in the few hours that the weather forecast promises to be actually sunny for the entire trip.
The next day, we had to wake bright and early for the STIHL summit to begin. A lot of introductions, some safety demos, and then…
April Wilkerson, my gal Brittany (Pretty Handy Girl), and me… wearing the shortest safety pants they could find.
The STIHL Lightning Battery System
Now, I’m sure I am not remembering the rest of the events in exactly the right order, but it really doesn’t matter anyway. It was awesome. There were stations set up so all of us could go in groups to try out various types of equipment on their new Lightening battery line. Hedge clippers, trimmers, and a robotic lawnmower, oh my! It’s kind of amazing to see the kind of power they are getting from the battery-powered equipment (there are basically 3 different tiers depending on your yard’s size and needs, the largest being for pros or huge yards).
But my favorite was (if you had to guess) the chainsaws.
Demos and Safety Training
We went through several demos and also learned how to properly put chain on a chainsaw.
I also insisted that I get to try the concrete saw / cut-off machine, because my favorite jeans just really needed concrete sludge all over the bottom of them for the rest of the day.
Chainsaw Artist Griffon Ramsey
Speaking of chainsaws though, STIHL introduced me to a new thing to stalk on Instagram: chainsaw artists!
Watching Griffon Ramsey swiftly carve this library book deposit bench in a matter of days sparked my interest in wanting to try power carving. I may never be this cool, but now that I’ve given wood carving a try, I WILL try a chainsaw carving someday!
Facility Tour
The next day (I think?), we took a tour of the STIHL facility itself, met a ton of their employees (all super friendly), and got to see how they make everything. Believe it or not, this is the part of my trip that my mom would have been super excited to see; she loves touring facilities like this (she worked in quality management for many years, so this speaks to her inner geek). Emily from Merrypad loved the tour, too!
Axe Women
And no, I’m not talking about overwhelming body spray. One of my other favorites of the event was getting to meet and learn axe throwing by the Axe Women Loggers of Maine. These timber sports athletes were incredible to watch! What you’re seeing in this pic is one of the women standing on top of a log that they race to chop between their feet (they showed us their safety gear too, including chainmail socks to protect their toes).
I got two of their competition demos on camera if you are in need of a jolt of motivation (I can’t watch and not feel compelled to take over the world).
When the competition was done, each of us got to try throwing a full-size axe at a target. I hit it twice and was very proud!
Here’s the video of one of them (it’s the Axe Women doing it first, then I try… wait til the end!):
Cassity from Remodelaholic was incredibly good at it right away… but perhaps it’s in her blood, since her father has a wood carving on display at STIHL!
And just as wonderful, Cassity, April and I got to share seats on a plane back to Atlanta (they had connecting flights) and talk about our various businesses. They are such a wealth of great info.
It was a wonderful two days at STIHL, and I’m so grateful to have them as a sponsor this year. My yard is right in the middle of some huge outdoor transformations, and their new battery line is getting quite the workout at the UDH! I’ll have more details on that in a future post (can’t have JUST one chainsaw post, right?), but it’s heads and tails above all the refurbished and half-broken yard tools I’ve been scraping by with for the last few years. It doesn’t hurt that it makes K’s life a little easier too, since he will be doing most of the yard work until the devil pollen goes away.
So cool, right? Is there anything from the event you would have tried out?
The post Chainsaws, Power Carving, and Throwing Axes appeared first on Ugly Duckling House.
from Home https://www.uglyducklinghouse.com/one-of-the-coolest-trips-ive-ever-been-on-for-the-blog-visitng-stihl-usa/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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darwinbigelow · 6 years
Chainsaws, Power Carving, and Throwing Axes
The womens-only STIHL Summit in the summer of 2017 may have been one of the coolest trips I’ve ever been invited to do.
Chainsaws, power carving, and throwing axes with a bunch of badass women — that honestly seems like way too much awesome stuff for a single sentence! If you have ever wanted to know what it’s like to go behind the scenes or to a sponsored brand event, I’d like to tell you about one of the coolest ones I’ve ever been to at STIHL USA headquarters in Virginia Beach, VA.
The “Women of STIHL” Summit (get it?)
Last summer, I was invited to visit STIHL’s headquarters of US operations in Virginia Beach, VA. The premise for a brand event (in general) is usually pretty simple. They are often at the beginning of a partnership where you learn more about the brand you’re working with, use their products hands-on (safety lessons if it’s potentially dangerous), and do a little networking with other influencers who were also invited (in the past it’s mostly been bloggers, but there were YouTubers there too).
A lot of planning goes into these events, and the team who puts them together has things planned to the minute. In the case of STIHL’s women-only summit last year, I had an absolute BLAST. The weather was kind of crappy, the days were packed, and we never really did much sightseeing other than the day we arrived. But it is also one of the best times I’ve ever had learning what a brand is all about. And got to hang out with some truly badass women.
Creative Green Living, Just Call Me Homegirl, Pretty Handy Girl, The Handmade Home, me, April Wilkerson, One Project Closer, Merrypad, Savvy Saving Couple, Remodelaholic
(Psst… be ready for a picture-heavy post and feel free to scroll on through. It’s not because I like the color orange; it’s because despite the fact that orange looks terrible on me, choosing between pictures that make me feel more confident than a prom dress ever has was insanely difficult. Considering how much I really like an excuse to dress up, that says a LOT!)
Most of the time, these events are tightly planned, and you fly in and out so you can get back to your normal schedule as quickly as possible. I’m always nervous and exhausted when I travel, so I was hoping for a little relaxation before the events began bright and early the next day. After stepping off the plane, I immediately met April Wilkerson — YouTube famous and a DIY woodworker, who I bumped into and asked me if I was there for STIHL, too. The two of us briefly looked around for our ride, and I happily found my friend Jocie from One Project Closer waiting for us (she and I go pretty far back!). The group of us chatted as we went to our hotel, and I texted a few others who I knew would be at the event, including Emily from Merrypad, who I’ve known for years but never actually met in person until this trip (I always feel better knowing I’ll run into friends when I go!).
We had the afternoon to ourselves for a bit before the official meet-and-greet later that evening, but we ran into a few other folks and headed out. Our immediate plan was to walk along the Virginia Beach boardwalk and enjoy the sand for a little while until we found something else to do. It didn’t take us long to find a bar. It’s one of those times where new folks become instant friends (April is awesome), the people you already know become even better friends, and you all try to soak in the few hours that the weather forecast promises to be actually sunny for the entire trip.
The next day, we had to wake bright and early for the STIHL summit to begin. A lot of introductions, some safety demos, and then…
April Wilkerson, my gal Brittany (Pretty Handy Girl), and me… wearing the shortest safety pants they could find.
The STIHL Lightning Battery System
Now, I’m sure I am not remembering the rest of the events in exactly the right order, but it really doesn’t matter anyway. It was awesome. There were stations set up so all of us could go in groups to try out various types of equipment on their new Lightening battery line. Hedge clippers, trimmers, and a robotic lawnmower, oh my! It’s kind of amazing to see the kind of power they are getting from the battery-powered equipment (there are basically 3 different tiers depending on your yard’s size and needs, the largest being for pros or huge yards).
But my favorite was (if you had to guess) the chainsaws.
Demos and Safety Training
We went through several demos and also learned how to properly put chain on a chainsaw.
I also insisted that I get to try the concrete saw / cut-off machine, because my favorite jeans just really needed concrete sludge all over the bottom of them for the rest of the day.
Chainsaw Artist Griffon Ramsey
Speaking of chainsaws though, STIHL introduced me to a new thing to stalk on Instagram: chainsaw artists!
Watching Griffon Ramsey swiftly carve this library book deposit bench in a matter of days sparked my interest in wanting to try power carving. I may never be this cool, but now that I’ve given wood carving a try, I WILL try a chainsaw carving someday!
Facility Tour
The next day (I think?), we took a tour of the STIHL facility itself, met a ton of their employees (all super friendly), and got to see how they make everything. Believe it or not, this is the part of my trip that my mom would have been super excited to see; she loves touring facilities like this (she worked in quality management for many years, so this speaks to her inner geek). Emily from Merrypad loved the tour, too!
Axe Women
And no, I’m not talking about overwhelming body spray. One of my other favorites of the event was getting to meet and learn axe throwing by the Axe Women Loggers of Maine. These timber sports athletes were incredible to watch! What you’re seeing in this pic is one of the women standing on top of a log that they race to chop between their feet (they showed us their safety gear too, including chainmail socks to protect their toes).
I got two of their competition demos on camera if you are in need of a jolt of motivation (I can’t watch and not feel compelled to take over the world).
When the competition was done, each of us got to try throwing a full-size axe at a target. I hit it twice and was very proud!
Here’s the video of one of them (it’s the Axe Women doing it first, then I try… wait til the end!):
Cassity from Remodelaholic was incredibly good at it right away… but perhaps it’s in her blood, since her father has a wood carving on display at STIHL!
And just as wonderful, Cassity, April and I got to share seats on a plane back to Atlanta (they had connecting flights) and talk about our various businesses. They are such a wealth of great info.
It was a wonderful two days at STIHL, and I’m so grateful to have them as a sponsor this year. My yard is right in the middle of some huge outdoor transformations, and their new battery line is getting quite the workout at the UDH! I’ll have more details on that in a future post (can’t have JUST one chainsaw post, right?), but it’s heads and tails above all the refurbished and half-broken yard tools I’ve been scraping by with for the last few years. It doesn’t hurt that it makes K’s life a little easier too, since he will be doing most of the yard work until the devil pollen goes away.
So cool, right? Is there anything from the event you would have tried out?
The post Chainsaws, Power Carving, and Throwing Axes appeared first on Ugly Duckling House.
from Home Improvement https://www.uglyducklinghouse.com/one-of-the-coolest-trips-ive-ever-been-on-for-the-blog-visitng-stihl-usa/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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garagedoorsbrighton · 6 years
Chainsaws, Power Carving, and Throwing Axes
The womens-only STIHL Summit in the summer of 2017 may have been one of the coolest trips I’ve ever been invited to do.
Chainsaws, power carving, and throwing axes with a bunch of badass women — that honestly seems like way too much awesome stuff for a single sentence! If you have ever wanted to know what it’s like to go behind the scenes or to a sponsored brand event, I’d like to tell you about one of the coolest ones I’ve ever been to at STIHL USA headquarters in Virginia Beach, VA.
The “Women of STIHL” Summit (get it?)
Last summer, I was invited to visit STIHL’s headquarters of US operations in Virginia Beach, VA. The premise for a brand event (in general) is usually pretty simple. They are often at the beginning of a partnership where you learn more about the brand you’re working with, use their products hands-on (safety lessons if it’s potentially dangerous), and do a little networking with other influencers who were also invited (in the past it’s mostly been bloggers, but there were YouTubers there too).
A lot of planning goes into these events, and the team who puts them together has things planned to the minute. In the case of STIHL’s women-only summit last year, I had an absolute BLAST. The weather was kind of crappy, the days were packed, and we never really did much sightseeing other than the day we arrived. But it is also one of the best times I’ve ever had learning what a brand is all about. And got to hang out with some truly badass women.
Creative Green Living, Just Call Me Homegirl, Pretty Handy Girl, The Handmade Home, me, April Wilkerson, One Project Closer, Merrypad, Savvy Saving Couple, Remodelaholic
(Psst… be ready for a picture-heavy post and feel free to scroll on through. It’s not because I like the color orange; it’s because despite the fact that orange looks terrible on me, choosing between pictures that make me feel more confident than a prom dress ever has was insanely difficult. Considering how much I really like an excuse to dress up, that says a LOT!)
Most of the time, these events are tightly planned, and you fly in and out so you can get back to your normal schedule as quickly as possible. I’m always nervous and exhausted when I travel, so I was hoping for a little relaxation before the events began bright and early the next day. After stepping off the plane, I immediately met April Wilkerson — YouTube famous and a DIY woodworker, who I bumped into and asked me if I was there for STIHL, too. The two of us briefly looked around for our ride, and I happily found my friend Jocie from One Project Closer waiting for us (she and I go pretty far back!). The group of us chatted as we went to our hotel, and I texted a few others who I knew would be at the event, including Emily from Merrypad, who I’ve known for years but never actually met in person until this trip (I always feel better knowing I’ll run into friends when I go!).
We had the afternoon to ourselves for a bit before the official meet-and-greet later that evening, but we ran into a few other folks and headed out. Our immediate plan was to walk along the Virginia Beach boardwalk and enjoy the sand for a little while until we found something else to do. It didn’t take us long to find a bar. It’s one of those times where new folks become instant friends (April is awesome), the people you already know become even better friends, and you all try to soak in the few hours that the weather forecast promises to be actually sunny for the entire trip.
The next day, we had to wake bright and early for the STIHL summit to begin. A lot of introductions, some safety demos, and then…
April Wilkerson, my gal Brittany (Pretty Handy Girl), and me… wearing the shortest safety pants they could find.
The STIHL Lightning Battery System
Now, I’m sure I am not remembering the rest of the events in exactly the right order, but it really doesn’t matter anyway. It was awesome. There were stations set up so all of us could go in groups to try out various types of equipment on their new Lightening battery line. Hedge clippers, trimmers, and a robotic lawnmower, oh my! It’s kind of amazing to see the kind of power they are getting from the battery-powered equipment (there are basically 3 different tiers depending on your yard’s size and needs, the largest being for pros or huge yards).
But my favorite was (if you had to guess) the chainsaws.
Demos and Safety Training
We went through several demos and also learned how to properly put chain on a chainsaw.
I also insisted that I get to try the concrete saw / cut-off machine, because my favorite jeans just really needed concrete sludge all over the bottom of them for the rest of the day.
Chainsaw Artist Griffon Ramsey
Speaking of chainsaws though, STIHL introduced me to a new thing to stalk on Instagram: chainsaw artists!
Watching Griffon Ramsey swiftly carve this library book deposit bench in a matter of days sparked my interest in wanting to try power carving. I may never be this cool, but now that I’ve given wood carving a try, I WILL try a chainsaw carving someday!
Facility Tour
The next day (I think?), we took a tour of the STIHL facility itself, met a ton of their employees (all super friendly), and got to see how they make everything. Believe it or not, this is the part of my trip that my mom would have been super excited to see; she loves touring facilities like this (she worked in quality management for many years, so this speaks to her inner geek). Emily from Merrypad loved the tour, too!
Axe Women
And no, I’m not talking about overwhelming body spray. One of my other favorites of the event was getting to meet and learn axe throwing by the Axe Women Loggers of Maine. These timber sports athletes were incredible to watch! What you’re seeing in this pic is one of the women standing on top of a log that they race to chop between their feet (they showed us their safety gear too, including chainmail socks to protect their toes).
I got two of their competition demos on camera if you are in need of a jolt of motivation (I can’t watch and not feel compelled to take over the world).
When the competition was done, each of us got to try throwing a full-size axe at a target. I hit it twice and was very proud!
Here’s the video of one of them (it’s the Axe Women doing it first, then I try… wait til the end!):
Cassity from Remodelaholic was incredibly good at it right away… but perhaps it’s in her blood, since her father has a wood carving on display at STIHL!
And just as wonderful, Cassity, April and I got to share seats on a plane back to Atlanta (they had connecting flights) and talk about our various businesses. They are such a wealth of great info.
It was a wonderful two days at STIHL, and I’m so grateful to have them as a sponsor this year. My yard is right in the middle of some huge outdoor transformations, and their new battery line is getting quite the workout at the UDH! I’ll have more details on that in a future post (can’t have JUST one chainsaw post, right?), but it’s heads and tails above all the refurbished and half-broken yard tools I’ve been scraping by with for the last few years. It doesn’t hurt that it makes K’s life a little easier too, since he will be doing most of the yard work until the devil pollen goes away.
So cool, right? Is there anything from the event you would have tried out?
The post Chainsaws, Power Carving, and Throwing Axes appeared first on Ugly Duckling House.
from Ugly Duckling House https://www.uglyducklinghouse.com/one-of-the-coolest-trips-ive-ever-been-on-for-the-blog-visitng-stihl-usa/
0 notes
watsonrodriquezie · 7 years
Slow Moving Training: Yoga
I like intensity when I train. Lifting heavy, running sprints, playing Ultimate Frisbee. I keep it brief, and the foundation is always a lot of slow movement throughout the day—easy runs, long walks or hikes, rarely sitting—but I go hard when I “work out.”
What if you were to go slow, on purpose?
Entire schools of physical culture are founded upon slow, deliberate movements. They squash momentum and lambast rapidity. They’re difficult in a different way. They require patience and fortitude.
Take yoga.
Yoga is a loaded word. It’s at once religious practice, spiritual tradition, a way of honing mind, body, and spirit. It’s diet, medicine, meditation. The history of yoga is hard to parse; different sources give different historical timelines. What’s obvious is that there’s no “one yoga.” So, what I’ll talk about is how most of us reading typically conceive of it: Stretching with a spiritual veneer.
This is probably the most common form of slow physical training practiced worldwide. My wife’s done it for decades, and I’ve joined in on more than a few classes with her. It’s not my favorite thing—I don’t seek it out on a regular basis—but it is a great workout, and I always come away in a different headspace than when I started. The benefits of yoga are pretty well-established:
Yoga and Flexibility
As a series of poses and stretches that test and extend your joints’ range of motions, yoga should improve flexibility. That’s one of its express purposes. Sure enough, in almost every population, it seems to work.
It improves the flexibility and balance of college athletes and elderly adults. In older women and injured industrial workers, it improves hamstring flexibility and spinal mobility.
Yoga for Older Adults
Being slow-paced, deliberate, and controlled makes yoga very effective for older adults (or beginners to physical training) who are unsure of their abilities and want to improve their physical (and mental) faculties.
A 12-week Thai yoga program helped older adults improve their ability across a range of basic physical functions, including back scratching, standing up from chairs, sit and stretch, and the 8 foot up and go test.
An 8-week Hatha yoga program helped older adults improve single leg balance, chair standing, back scratching, flexibility, and 8 foot up and go just as well as an 8-week strength and stretching program using machines. A later study found that the same yoga program improved executive function, including working memory and mental flexibility, in the same group of adults. A third study found that the yoga program improved cognitive function by reducing stress levels. Boy, that’s a lucky group of seniors.
Yoga and the Brain
Like most every other physical training methodology ever studied, yoga improves cognitive function. We see this across a range of populations, but especially in older folks at the greatest risk of cognitive dysfunction.
Compared to walking, yoga decreases anxiety, increases well-being, and boosts GABA concentrations in the hypothalamus. This is incredibly cool. Everyone knows that exercise is often the ideal antidote to anxiety and depression. It works, its side effects are beneficial, and it requires no prescription. But this was one of the first studies to show a correlation between increased GABA from physical activity and reduced anxiety levels.
Yoga and Stress
Any type of exercise will reduce stress, as long as you avoid overtraining. Yoga is no different and seems to have particularly potent effects.
Pregnant women who followed a yoga program saw reduced perceived stress and improved heart rate variability (an objective indication of increased resilience to stress).
After doing a yoga-based guided relaxation, people with baseline elevations in sympathetic nervous system activity—who were already stressed out—saw those level off. Those who weren’t stressed didn’t. This is important because it shows yoga is more of an adaptogen, helping you normalize stress levels only if they need normalizing.
In a group of people awaiting organ transplantations (which has got to be a trying experience), doing laughter yoga (laughter+stretching) improved heart rate variability and mood in both the short and long-term.
Yoga and Strength
Believe it or not, yoga can increase strength. Part of strength, after all, is the ability to get into full range of motion. If you’re strong only through a small range of motion, is that really strength?
Yoga also increases muscular endurance. Again, this isn’t absolute strength, but it’s a component of muscular capacity that enables the expression of strength.
I wouldn’t rely on yoga for your strength. Instead, treat it as a complement to your strength training.
Yoga and Various Diseases
Given yoga’s reputation as a “healing art,” many studies have looked into yoga for the treatment of various diseases. Unfortunately, most of the studies have been inconclusive or come up with negative results (doesn’t work, doesn’t hurt), like with schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, asthma. At the least, it probably won’t hurt, but you shouldn’t rely on it in lieu of real treatment.
It looks promising for a few, though: depression (as an adjunct), breast cancer (not as a cure, but for anxiety, quality of life, and certain symptoms), type 2 diabetes (by improving metabolic health), Parkinson’s (pilot study showing improvements in strength and function)
That said, studies don’t indicate that yoga offers anything above and beyond other types of training for these diseases. Still, there might be more to this picture—at least from an anecdotal perspective.
Is Yoga Safe?
It goes without saying that anything worth anything carries a bit of risk. Driving to work (or the gym) risks a car accident. Falling in love risks heartbreak. Going into business for yourself risks failure. And training risks injuries.
Yoga is no different. Things happen. You go too far past your joint’s capacity, and pull something, end up sore for weeks. You lose too much water and electrolytes during the hot yoga session, and feel lightheaded on the drive home. You’re swept away by a charismatic yogi, wind up a member of his harem wearing black and white Nikes. We’ve all been there.
Luckily, studies show that yoga is as safe as “usual care” and other types of exercise. There’s quibbling there, to be sure. Yoga is probably safer than free climbing and boxing.
Still, I’d question becoming a “yoga person,” though. I know I probably have several dozen reading right now, and I love you. But don’t assume yoga covers all your physical bases. I’m not fully convinced that yoga is enough for total fitness and optimum strength. A day or two a week on top of some lifting, sprinting? Great. I bet most strength athletes could use a little yoga, even, if they aren’t doing mobility training already.
Yoga has a lot of intangible benefits, too, effects that studies don’t really capture very well.
It forces flow. This is one of the great features of exercise, one that goes unreported and ignored. The physical effects training has on your body composition, your muscles, your cardiovascular system, your capacity to interact with the world with force and skill are all extremely important. But when you’re fully engaged in a physical activity, when data is flowing through your neuromuscular pathways, when you can do nothing but immerse your entire being in the movement, you reside in the flow state. No brain hacks, gadgets, or supplements required. And although I’m not that experienced with yoga, whenever I’ve done it I’ve noticed myself slipping into that state without even trying. Actually, I notice it after the class, because during the class you’re fully engaged and not thinking about thinking.
It trains grit. Most studies show that you can’t teach grit—or stick-to-it-iveness—and that it’s mostly hereditary. I buy that, but I think yoga is different. Yoga is very uncomfortable, and you must hold the holds for sometimes minutes at a time. That requires tolerance of discomfort. Some of it is that yoga selects for individuals who can tolerate extreme discomfort. Even if that’s the case, yoga will certainly hone your existing grit.
It’s more than stretching. A typical yoga class will incorporate not just the physical act of contorting your body, holding poses. It also emphasizes the importance of breath, and of integrating your breath with your movement. This focus on breath turns the session into a de-facto meditation. Many classes even end with a full-on guided meditation. Yoga is a nice package deal for people who otherwise wouldn’t incorporate these things into their lives.
Join a class.
Historically, yoga was a taught discipline. You didn’t grab a wax tablet of poses and slink off to the jungle to learn yoga by yourself. You sought the tutelage of a master. Things are different now. There are effective and helpful videos explaining how to do specific poses and follow routines. These are extremely helpful, but I don’t think they’re a good replacement for a good teacher.
If you’re dedicated, you can get the same effect watching yoga Youtube videos with your cat, but it’s easy to check out when things get too hard. You might grab your phone to browse Instagram in between poses. You might cut things short because it’s uncomfortable and no one’s counting on you finishing. It’s different than strength training at a home gym because the routines are so uncomfortable and last so long. Mustering the will to do a set of heavy deadlifts is manageable for many. Mustering the will to hold a difficult pose for two minutes is not. A teacher (or class) takes willpower out of the equation. As long you get yourself to class, the rest falls into place. 
After today’s post, I hope you’ll consider trying a yoga class. I know I’ll probably join Carrie more often. The literature is compelling and hard to ignore. But in the end, you just have to see for yourself.
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
I know I have some yoga experts reading this. I know there are many different types of yoga. I’d love to hear from you. What’s your favorite type? Let loose your questions, advice, comments. I’d love to hear your perspective.
0 notes
milenasanchezmk · 7 years
Slow Moving Training: Yoga
I like intensity when I train. Lifting heavy, running sprints, playing Ultimate Frisbee. I keep it brief, and the foundation is always a lot of slow movement throughout the day—easy runs, long walks or hikes, rarely sitting—but I go hard when I “work out.”
What if you were to go slow, on purpose?
Entire schools of physical culture are founded upon slow, deliberate movements. They squash momentum and lambast rapidity. They’re difficult in a different way. They require patience and fortitude.
Take yoga.
Yoga is a loaded word. It’s at once religious practice, spiritual tradition, a way of honing mind, body, and spirit. It’s diet, medicine, meditation. The history of yoga is hard to parse; different sources give different historical timelines. What’s obvious is that there’s no “one yoga.” So, what I’ll talk about is how most of us reading typically conceive of it: Stretching with a spiritual veneer.
This is probably the most common form of slow physical training practiced worldwide. My wife’s done it for decades, and I’ve joined in on more than a few classes with her. It’s not my favorite thing—I don’t seek it out on a regular basis—but it is a great workout, and I always come away in a different headspace than when I started. The benefits of yoga are pretty well-established:
Yoga and Flexibility
As a series of poses and stretches that test and extend your joints’ range of motions, yoga should improve flexibility. That’s one of its express purposes. Sure enough, in almost every population, it seems to work.
It improves the flexibility and balance of college athletes and elderly adults. In older women and injured industrial workers, it improves hamstring flexibility and spinal mobility.
Yoga for Older Adults
Being slow-paced, deliberate, and controlled makes yoga very effective for older adults (or beginners to physical training) who are unsure of their abilities and want to improve their physical (and mental) faculties.
A 12-week Thai yoga program helped older adults improve their ability across a range of basic physical functions, including back scratching, standing up from chairs, sit and stretch, and the 8 foot up and go test.
An 8-week Hatha yoga program helped older adults improve single leg balance, chair standing, back scratching, flexibility, and 8 foot up and go just as well as an 8-week strength and stretching program using machines. A later study found that the same yoga program improved executive function, including working memory and mental flexibility, in the same group of adults. A third study found that the yoga program improved cognitive function by reducing stress levels. Boy, that’s a lucky group of seniors.
Yoga and the Brain
Like most every other physical training methodology ever studied, yoga improves cognitive function. We see this across a range of populations, but especially in older folks at the greatest risk of cognitive dysfunction.
Compared to walking, yoga decreases anxiety, increases well-being, and boosts GABA concentrations in the hypothalamus. This is incredibly cool. Everyone knows that exercise is often the ideal antidote to anxiety and depression. It works, its side effects are beneficial, and it requires no prescription. But this was one of the first studies to show a correlation between increased GABA from physical activity and reduced anxiety levels.
Yoga and Stress
Any type of exercise will reduce stress, as long as you avoid overtraining. Yoga is no different and seems to have particularly potent effects.
Pregnant women who followed a yoga program saw reduced perceived stress and improved heart rate variability (an objective indication of increased resilience to stress).
After doing a yoga-based guided relaxation, people with baseline elevations in sympathetic nervous system activity—who were already stressed out—saw those level off. Those who weren’t stressed didn’t. This is important because it shows yoga is more of an adaptogen, helping you normalize stress levels only if they need normalizing.
In a group of people awaiting organ transplantations (which has got to be a trying experience), doing laughter yoga (laughter+stretching) improved heart rate variability and mood in both the short and long-term.
Yoga and Strength
Believe it or not, yoga can increase strength. Part of strength, after all, is the ability to get into full range of motion. If you’re strong only through a small range of motion, is that really strength?
Yoga also increases muscular endurance. Again, this isn’t absolute strength, but it’s a component of muscular capacity that enables the expression of strength.
I wouldn’t rely on yoga for your strength. Instead, treat it as a complement to your strength training.
Yoga and Various Diseases
Given yoga’s reputation as a “healing art,” many studies have looked into yoga for the treatment of various diseases. Unfortunately, most of the studies have been inconclusive or come up with negative results (doesn’t work, doesn’t hurt), like with schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, asthma. At the least, it probably won’t hurt, but you shouldn’t rely on it in lieu of real treatment.
It looks promising for a few, though: depression (as an adjunct), breast cancer (not as a cure, but for anxiety, quality of life, and certain symptoms), type 2 diabetes (by improving metabolic health), Parkinson’s (pilot study showing improvements in strength and function)
That said, studies don’t indicate that yoga offers anything above and beyond other types of training for these diseases. Still, there might be more to this picture—at least from an anecdotal perspective.
Is Yoga Safe?
It goes without saying that anything worth anything carries a bit of risk. Driving to work (or the gym) risks a car accident. Falling in love risks heartbreak. Going into business for yourself risks failure. And training risks injuries.
Yoga is no different. Things happen. You go too far past your joint’s capacity, and pull something, end up sore for weeks. You lose too much water and electrolytes during the hot yoga session, and feel lightheaded on the drive home. You’re swept away by a charismatic yogi, wind up a member of his harem wearing black and white Nikes. We’ve all been there.
Luckily, studies show that yoga is as safe as “usual care” and other types of exercise. There’s quibbling there, to be sure. Yoga is probably safer than free climbing and boxing.
Still, I’d question becoming a “yoga person,” though. I know I probably have several dozen reading right now, and I love you. But don’t assume yoga covers all your physical bases. I’m not fully convinced that yoga is enough for total fitness and optimum strength. A day or two a week on top of some lifting, sprinting? Great. I bet most strength athletes could use a little yoga, even, if they aren’t doing mobility training already.
Yoga has a lot of intangible benefits, too, effects that studies don’t really capture very well.
It forces flow. This is one of the great features of exercise, one that goes unreported and ignored. The physical effects training has on your body composition, your muscles, your cardiovascular system, your capacity to interact with the world with force and skill are all extremely important. But when you’re fully engaged in a physical activity, when data is flowing through your neuromuscular pathways, when you can do nothing but immerse your entire being in the movement, you reside in the flow state. No brain hacks, gadgets, or supplements required. And although I’m not that experienced with yoga, whenever I’ve done it I’ve noticed myself slipping into that state without even trying. Actually, I notice it after the class, because during the class you’re fully engaged and not thinking about thinking.
It trains grit. Most studies show that you can’t teach grit—or stick-to-it-iveness—and that it’s mostly hereditary. I buy that, but I think yoga is different. Yoga is very uncomfortable, and you must hold the holds for sometimes minutes at a time. That requires tolerance of discomfort. Some of it is that yoga selects for individuals who can tolerate extreme discomfort. Even if that’s the case, yoga will certainly hone your existing grit.
It’s more than stretching. A typical yoga class will incorporate not just the physical act of contorting your body, holding poses. It also emphasizes the importance of breath, and of integrating your breath with your movement. This focus on breath turns the session into a de-facto meditation. Many classes even end with a full-on guided meditation. Yoga is a nice package deal for people who otherwise wouldn’t incorporate these things into their lives.
Join a class.
Historically, yoga was a taught discipline. You didn’t grab a wax tablet of poses and slink off to the jungle to learn yoga by yourself. You sought the tutelage of a master. Things are different now. There are effective and helpful videos explaining how to do specific poses and follow routines. These are extremely helpful, but I don’t think they’re a good replacement for a good teacher.
If you’re dedicated, you can get the same effect watching yoga Youtube videos with your cat, but it’s easy to check out when things get too hard. You might grab your phone to browse Instagram in between poses. You might cut things short because it’s uncomfortable and no one’s counting on you finishing. It’s different than strength training at a home gym because the routines are so uncomfortable and last so long. Mustering the will to do a set of heavy deadlifts is manageable for many. Mustering the will to hold a difficult pose for two minutes is not. A teacher (or class) takes willpower out of the equation. As long you get yourself to class, the rest falls into place. 
After today’s post, I hope you’ll consider trying a yoga class. I know I’ll probably join Carrie more often. The literature is compelling and hard to ignore. But in the end, you just have to see for yourself.
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
I know I have some yoga experts reading this. I know there are many different types of yoga. I’d love to hear from you. What’s your favorite type? Let loose your questions, advice, comments. I’d love to hear your perspective.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Jeremy Liew says to forget the critics and watch Planet of the Apps for its window onto pitch meetings
Reviewers have not been kind to Apples first TV offering, Planet of the Apps. Variety had a particularly entertaining, if biting, take, with writer Maureen Ryan likening the show to something that was developed at a cocktail party, and not given much more rigorous thought or attention after the pitcher of mojitos was drained.
Earlier today, we talked with one of the shows stars, Jeremy Liew of Lightspeed Venture Partners, about those reviews, along with how many startups he found through the filming and where hes shopping now. Liew said he doesnt mind the critics opinions but worries founders could miss a solid opportunity to learn from the pitch meetings aired in the latter half of each episode. I dont think there are many opportunities like this for people to understand how the process of pitching a VC works in real life.
The next episode airs tomorrow. More from our conversation, edited for length, follows.
TC: Lightspeed reportedly had to commit $10 million across various companies as part of this show. How many investments did you make?
JL: We made about a dozen investments altogether across the 10 episodes. We committed to making our best effort to fund interesting companies, but we were also clear that we werent going to drop our standards. Because of the nature of the show, we made more seed- and pre-seed stage investments than is typically the case for the firm [but in solid teams].
TC: How many pitches did you sit through for the filming of the show, and did you feel like they were vetted well enough?
JL: We probably sat through 35 to 40. They were very well vetted. Thousands of people applied originally; the founders who met with us had made it through a number of levels [including talking with show mentors Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow, Will.i.Am, and Gary Vaynerchuk, as well as participating in six-week incubator] before we talked with them.
Theres a pretty big investment that gets made tomorrow night. We made a few investments that would qualify as Series A size checks.
TC: You were holding one-hour long meetings with these companies while they made their pitches not listening to the escalator ride pitches that are a feature of the show. Do you believe in elevator or escalator, in this case pitches?
JL: Absolutely. Investors, journalists we get pitched a million times a day. If someone is inarticulate or unable to capture in 30 seconds why we should pay attention to them, they either dont have [an interesting story], they dont understand whats special about their business, or they dont have that charismatic, visionary feel that you often need to change the world. People do need a good elevator pitch. You have to give someone a good reason to spend an hour talking with you.
TC: When people participate in a show, theyre oftensurprised by the final product. Do you feel like the editors did you justice?
JL:I do think I come across the way I actually am and that the nature of the conversations we had with the entrepreneurs was very well-preserved. For people who want to understand how VCs make investments, its an excellent window onto how the process works in real life. Tosome extent, the [filmmakers] could have chosen all the clever things or dumb things or nice things we said, but I think they captured the essence of the conversations pretty accurately. Anyone wanting to know what a real pitch process is like could do a lot worse then watch them to see what works, what doesnt, the kinds of questions you get, how people can answer those questions well and answer them badly. I dont think theres another resource quite like it.
TC: Outside of the show, where are you shopping right now?
JL: E-commerce and m-commerce continue to be the gift that keeps on giving as more people buy things online. My most recent investment, for example, was Rothys, an e-commerce startup that makes fashionable womens flats. [Editors note: The Times wrote up in the company in its Style section last week. The shoes are made from recycled plastic water bottles.]
The special twist is the shoes are made through a3-D knitting machine that enables them to use different colors and styles and enjoy a great deal of flexibility. Theyre also known for being super comfortable to wear.
TC: Youve also been a bitcoin bull for several years. Are you still actively backing bitcoin and blockchain technology companies?
JL: We have four investment right now: Ripple [the real-time payment system], Blockchain [the bitcoin wallet company]; [the Chinese bitcoin exchange] BTTC, and LedgerX [a company thats right now awaiting final approval from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission for its bitcoin options trading service].
We may have more to report in that space in a little while. But as everybody is seeing, the industry has been heating up over the last 12 to 18 months after a bit of a slow start. Youre seeing much broader adoption taking place right now across industries, across geographies, and across use cases.
TC: What do you make of internet coin offerings, or ICOs, and should VCs be nervous about them as an alternative means for startups to raise money?
JL: I think its a super exciting space. Whenever you have people pushing the envelope, youll see some success and failure, and were paying a lot of attention.
TC: Have you taken part in an ICO, just to better understand firsthand how the process works?
JL: I havent. But the more important question is what happens to those tokens after the product launches and whether a liquid market develops beyond speculation. As those markets and tokens develop, well see what those opportunities look like.
TC: You led an investment for Lightspeed in Snap, which is now down 30 percent from its IPO price. Did you sell at the IPO? Are you concerned about its prospects?
JL:Snap asked some of the early holders to sell a little bit at the IPO to provide additional liquidity at the float, and we complied with that request, as did all the other early investors.
TC: Think the stock is misunderstood?
JL: Id never bet against Evan Spiegel and his product sense. He has a once-in-a-generation type mind for product. I think he has a lot of interesting stuff up his sleeve, too, that well start to see over the coming quarters.
TC: As we speak, youre in a car en route to the airport. Youve traveled a lot in recent years, saying Silicon Valley is an echo chamber and you can get a better feel for consumer trends elsewhere. Is that still the case?
JL: Im still traveling a lot, yes. I made 45 trips last year, and Im on track to do the same this year.
Part of why we participated in Planet of the Apps is because were seeing more entrepreneurs starting outside of the Bay Area and wanted a better mechanism to reach those people. Im on my way to Luxembourg right now. Ive been to Belgrade, Tennessee, Arkansas, the University of Chicago.
Infrastructure entrepreneurship is still largely concentrated in the Bay Area, but consumer entrepreneurship is so distributed; if you want to see great founders, you need to be willing to get on a plane.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2s3QY92
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2s5DWb2 via Viral News HQ
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vsplusonline · 4 years
The history of yoga in a readable book
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/the-history-of-yoga-in-a-readable-book/
The history of yoga in a readable book
In his book The Story of Yoga: From Ancient India to the Modern West, the author, Alistair Shearer answers a simple question: How did “a time-honoured road to enlightenment” turn “into a $25 billion-a-year wellness industry”? He answers it across 357 pages, the first few chapters having a scholarly density, the sources being from history — excavations from Mohejodharo (c. 3000 BC – 1500 BC), and texts like the Vedas (2500 BC – 500 BC). It eases up soon enough with insights on what pushed yoga from meditative practice to physical mat work. In a nutshell, Shearer tells us that the original practice was always meant to be what he calls “mind-yoga”, the purpose of which was to look inward, but what we’ve turned it into is “body-yoga”, the purpose of which is fitness or “a secular healing remedy”.
Past Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, wherein he says only three short verses are devoted to physical postures; the Hatha Yoga Pradipika that has only four asanas; and various other texts, Shearer establishes that the purpose of yoga was never to tone our bodies, but “as the way to transcend its irksome limitations altogether”. The physicality of the practice, he says, began with the British Raj’s clever fusion of gymnastics with yoga as promoted in the YMCA. Along the way, we meet the Theosophists, Swami Vivekananda, BKS Iyengar, and encounter various movements and alliances, like the number of hours of teachers’ training, the types of yoga that have come up over the years, and Western medicine’s ‘stamp of approval’ — all of which have contributed to the way yoga is seen today.
In an email interview, Shearer, who has in the past translated the Yoga Sutras, and co-created Neeleshwar Heritage in Kerala, talks of his own interest in yoga, its past, present and future. The book took three years to write, and needed to be pruned of 40,000 words, thereby leaving out some parts of the history of yoga, like the Bihar School. “A lot of interesting material had to be jettisoned. It’ll be in the next book,” says Shearer.
Alistair Shearer, author of The Story of Yoga: From Ancient India to the Modern West   | Photo Credit: Special arrangement
Why a book on yoga — was it an idea that came to you because of the huge interest in it, or was it something you had always wanted to do and the time was right?
Well, I’ve been interested in Indian culture all my adult life, first studying Indian religions and Sanskrit academically and then teaching courses on Indian art and architecture at various institutions in the UK, including the British Museum and London University. At the same time, on the practical level, mind-yoga has been a constant source of nourishment for me since I studied with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi over 40 years ago, and I have been practising and teaching meditation ever since then.
The extraordinary growth of global yoga as a commercialised and secular exercise routine, rather than a path leading to spiritual enlightenment, has boomed in the last 20 years, sparking in turn a huge increase of academic investigation into the origins of the practice in India itself. So three or four years ago, it seemed to me to be the right time to bring all these different strands together and weave them into a story in a way that was accessible to the general reader, as well as those engaged in teaching and practising the discipline. Hence the book.
What does yoga mean to you?
I suppose my whole life revolves around it. I’ve had a daily routine for many years that consists of a simple set of asanas, some pranayama and meditation, as well as pursuing my interests in the philosophies of yoga and Vedanta. Then there are the retreats I lead for my students every couple of months or so. Recently though, the physical side of my practice has given way to longer daily periods of meditation. I keep meaning to get back to doing asanas but given that I also have a busy working life, it doesn’t look likely at the moment. There is only so much time each day one can devote to self-improvement!
The book is quite dense in the first few chapters and it gets easier to read as it goes along? Did you discuss this with your editor, and why did you decide to do this?
The content dictated it, really. The book proceeds chronologically, and to examine the early roots of yoga, you have no choice but to delve into the history of ancient India and get to grips with a very different society that had a very different way of seeing the world than we do today. Much of the specific evidence comes from a handful of highly esoteric Sanskrit texts, such as the Upanishads and Patanjali’s Yogasutra, that deal with the nuances of altered and uncommon states of consciousness brought about by prolonged meditation. So for the non-specialist, this is really very unfamiliar territory that has to be trod slowly and with some care. There’s no way round it. But persevere, dear reader! As the narrative moves out of the dense forests and dark caves inhabited by those early yogis, we emerge towards modern times, where there is more room for recognisable markers, anecdote, irony and humour and so the tone automatically lightens. Then, by the end of the book, I come back to discussing yogic spirituality, but in its contemporary setting and in modern terms, with the scientific evidence and so on.
If you were to pick just the main milestones on the road to the rise of yoga, what would they be — in the context of it becoming a part of the multi-billion dollar wellness industry?
One silent seed of the modern scene was the work of Shri Yogendra, who presented yoga as a secular, scientific discipline with measurable health benefits, both preventative and curative. He opened his pioneering Yoga Institute, the first in the world, in suburban Bombay in 1918. It is still flourishing today and has become effectively the official spokesman of medical yoga for the Indian Government.
But the most important, albeit unwitting, milestone was probably the great Vaishnava scholar and yoga master, TM Krishnamacharya of Mysore. In the 1930s, he ran a yoga school in the palace of his patron, Maharajah Krishna Wodeyar IV, and he mixed Scandinavian gymnastic exercises, then becoming very popular in Europe, into his regime. TMK’s two most successful pupils were K Pattabhi Jois and BKS Iyengar. The former went to America and developed his vigorous Ashtanga system, while BKS conquered Europe with his eponymous method that pioneered the use of props. Both these highly physical approaches ignored the interiority that Patanjali calls ‘the heart of yoga’. Significantly, Krishnamacharya also accepted a female disciple, Indra Devi, because he felt that as Indian men were being seduced from traditional brahmin values by the desire to make money, the future of yoga lay with women. Indra went to California and introduced many of the leading ladies of Hollywood to posture work as a way to lose weight, keep fit and combat the effects of ageing. Such concerns have shaped much modern yoga, which is a 90% female phenomenon.
Then came the yogic supermarket — countless DVDs, videos, apps, books, clothes, fashion items and assorted accessories — that promotes yoga as an image-conscious and celebrity-endorsed pastime.
How did yoga move from the North of India to the South?
This is an interesting and, as far as I know, little researched question. My feeling is that yoga was a pan-Indian phenomenon from early times, though most records of it are in the North. It is widely held that the great Vedic rishi Agastya brought sacred knowledge to the South, perhaps establishing his main ashram at modern Thanjavur. In other centres of Tamil culture, such as Kanchipuram and Kumbakonam, Jain, Buddhist and Hindu yogis lived and taught alongside each other from at least the beginning of the common era. The renowned Vedantin, Adi Shankaracharya, who was born in modern-day Kerala, of course, travelled extensively around the South in the 8th Century AD, establishing monasteries and teaching. He advocated jnana yoga, the most advanced type of mind-yoga, and wasn’t interested in postural work, but we do have depictions of physical yoga from the Pallava capital of Mahabalipuram dating from the same period. Then, in medieval times, the most important group of yogis, the Naths, established a powerful centre at the Kadri-Manjunath temple, South of Mangalaru, that dates from the 13th Century, possibly earlier.
Do you ever see yoga going back to what it was originally meant for, or do you see it evolving into something quite different altogether?
I think it will develop in both directions simultaneously. There will be a growing hunger for a return to a yoga that is more profound, more spiritual than mere Instagram flexibility. The devastation caused by COVID-19 may help this. But at the same time, the relentless advances of technology will develop lucrative human-machine interfacing that will result in a type of cyborg yoga, developed by, and for, techno-nerds.
What are some of the most outrageous things people have said to you about yoga, and who has said them?
I remember a public talk I gave several years ago when a serious young man stood up shouting that yoga was ‘the work of the devil’ and I would ‘go to hell’ for promoting it. I replied that the pipe he was smoking would do him far more damage than yoga ever could. Thankfully, nowadays, there’s far less ignorance and prejudice around the subject.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Jeremy Liew says to forget the critics and watch Planet of the Apps for its window onto pitch meetings
Reviewers have not been kind to Apples first TV offering, Planet of the Apps. Variety had a particularly entertaining, if biting, take, with writer Maureen Ryan likening the show to something that was developed at a cocktail party, and not given much more rigorous thought or attention after the pitcher of mojitos was drained.
Earlier today, we talked with one of the shows stars, Jeremy Liew of Lightspeed Venture Partners, about those reviews, along with how many startups he found through the filming and where hes shopping now. Liew said he doesnt mind the critics opinions but worries founders could miss a solid opportunity to learn from the pitch meetings aired in the latter half of each episode. I dont think there are many opportunities like this for people to understand how the process of pitching a VC works in real life.
The next episode airs tomorrow. More from our conversation, edited for length, follows.
TC: Lightspeed reportedly had to commit $10 million across various companies as part of this show. How many investments did you make?
JL: We made about a dozen investments altogether across the 10 episodes. We committed to making our best effort to fund interesting companies, but we were also clear that we werent going to drop our standards. Because of the nature of the show, we made more seed- and pre-seed stage investments than is typically the case for the firm [but in solid teams].
TC: How many pitches did you sit through for the filming of the show, and did you feel like they were vetted well enough?
JL: We probably sat through 35 to 40. They were very well vetted. Thousands of people applied originally; the founders who met with us had made it through a number of levels [including talking with show mentors Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow, Will.i.Am, and Gary Vaynerchuk, as well as participating in six-week incubator] before we talked with them.
Theres a pretty big investment that gets made tomorrow night. We made a few investments that would qualify as Series A size checks.
TC: You were holding one-hour long meetings with these companies while they made their pitches not listening to the escalator ride pitches that are a feature of the show. Do you believe in elevator or escalator, in this case pitches?
JL: Absolutely. Investors, journalists we get pitched a million times a day. If someone is inarticulate or unable to capture in 30 seconds why we should pay attention to them, they either dont have [an interesting story], they dont understand whats special about their business, or they dont have that charismatic, visionary feel that you often need to change the world. People do need a good elevator pitch. You have to give someone a good reason to spend an hour talking with you.
TC: When people participate in a show, theyre oftensurprised by the final product. Do you feel like the editors did you justice?
JL:I do think I come across the way I actually am and that the nature of the conversations we had with the entrepreneurs was very well-preserved. For people who want to understand how VCs make investments, its an excellent window onto how the process works in real life. Tosome extent, the [filmmakers] could have chosen all the clever things or dumb things or nice things we said, but I think they captured the essence of the conversations pretty accurately. Anyone wanting to know what a real pitch process is like could do a lot worse then watch them to see what works, what doesnt, the kinds of questions you get, how people can answer those questions well and answer them badly. I dont think theres another resource quite like it.
TC: Outside of the show, where are you shopping right now?
JL: E-commerce and m-commerce continue to be the gift that keeps on giving as more people buy things online. My most recent investment, for example, was Rothys, an e-commerce startup that makes fashionable womens flats. [Editors note: The Times wrote up in the company in its Style section last week. The shoes are made from recycled plastic water bottles.]
The special twist is the shoes are made through a3-D knitting machine that enables them to use different colors and styles and enjoy a great deal of flexibility. Theyre also known for being super comfortable to wear.
TC: Youve also been a bitcoin bull for several years. Are you still actively backing bitcoin and blockchain technology companies?
JL: We have four investment right now: Ripple [the real-time payment system], Blockchain [the bitcoin wallet company]; [the Chinese bitcoin exchange] BTTC, and LedgerX [a company thats right now awaiting final approval from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission for its bitcoin options trading service].
We may have more to report in that space in a little while. But as everybody is seeing, the industry has been heating up over the last 12 to 18 months after a bit of a slow start. Youre seeing much broader adoption taking place right now across industries, across geographies, and across use cases.
TC: What do you make of internet coin offerings, or ICOs, and should VCs be nervous about them as an alternative means for startups to raise money?
JL: I think its a super exciting space. Whenever you have people pushing the envelope, youll see some success and failure, and were paying a lot of attention.
TC: Have you taken part in an ICO, just to better understand firsthand how the process works?
JL: I havent. But the more important question is what happens to those tokens after the product launches and whether a liquid market develops beyond speculation. As those markets and tokens develop, well see what those opportunities look like.
TC: You led an investment for Lightspeed in Snap, which is now down 30 percent from its IPO price. Did you sell at the IPO? Are you concerned about its prospects?
JL:Snap asked some of the early holders to sell a little bit at the IPO to provide additional liquidity at the float, and we complied with that request, as did all the other early investors.
TC: Think the stock is misunderstood?
JL: Id never bet against Evan Spiegel and his product sense. He has a once-in-a-generation type mind for product. I think he has a lot of interesting stuff up his sleeve, too, that well start to see over the coming quarters.
TC: As we speak, youre in a car en route to the airport. Youve traveled a lot in recent years, saying Silicon Valley is an echo chamber and you can get a better feel for consumer trends elsewhere. Is that still the case?
JL: Im still traveling a lot, yes. I made 45 trips last year, and Im on track to do the same this year.
Part of why we participated in Planet of the Apps is because were seeing more entrepreneurs starting outside of the Bay Area and wanted a better mechanism to reach those people. Im on my way to Luxembourg right now. Ive been to Belgrade, Tennessee, Arkansas, the University of Chicago.
Infrastructure entrepreneurship is still largely concentrated in the Bay Area, but consumer entrepreneurship is so distributed; if you want to see great founders, you need to be willing to get on a plane.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2s3QY92
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2s5DWb2 via Viral News HQ
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