#and jacob...yeah he's absolutely hopeless when it comes to clothes
carewyncromwell · 1 year
Jacob/Duncan my favsssss
Ahhh, my boys! This would have to be in an AU where Duncan lives, admittedly, since in canon they don't come clean about their feelings to each other until Duncan dies and becomes a ghost, but...!
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who made the first move: Jacob, cluelessly. Duncan is the ULTIMATE tsundere, so he's a bit emotionally constipated when it comes to expressing fonder emotions, especially romantic interest. Jacob, on the other hand, would be bleeding romantic affection without even seeing it for what it is -- this is a guy who would come up behind his supposed "best friend" and lean his head on his shoulder or give him spontaneous hugs for absolutely no reason at all besides being happy to see him.
who kissed who first: Jacob. Again, Duncan would stubbornly not come clean about the extent of his feelings unless he knew for SURE that Jacob felt the same way -- Duncan is both proud and afraid of rejection enough that he would wait for Jacob to confess and kiss first.
who started the relationship: Duncan. Even if he'd let Jacob make the first move, Duncan would ultimately be the one to make the final decision about when they start dating. And yeah, he'd make it damn clear to Jacob that he intends them to be completely exclusive and committed for the long haul. (Fortunately Jacob would be kind of dimly like, "...Well, yeah! Obviously! :<", which would reassure Duncan greatly.)
who remembers things: Academic stuff like the twelve uses of dragon's blood, Jacob. Practical stuff like paying the bills and where things are kept, definitely Duncan.
nicknames for each other: Jacob almost exclusively calls Duncan "Ashe" since the moment they first met, and even after starting to date, that wouldn't change. Jacob would only dip into other pet names like "dear" or "hot stuff" if he was teasing Duncan. Duncan never calls Jacob anything but his name, but the way he says his name makes it very clear how he feels about him. When they're having a serious conversation, and especially if they're intimate, Duncan will say his name over and over again.
who is more likely to pay for dinner: Duncan -- he's better with money than Jacob. Though Jacob loves to cook meals for Duncan and himself when he can.
who normally cooks: Jacob, for sure. Cooking is basically edible chemistry, and while their traveling lifestyle would make it harder to cook and make it so they have to go out to eat more, Jacob loves being able to cook for his loved ones, Duncan included.
who remembers anniversaries: Both, actually! Though they'd be muted in their gift-giving, compared to Christmas and birthdays: probably just a nice breakfast or some kind of new Cursebreaking equipment. Even in Jacashe's sadder canon where Duncan passes on after the defeat of R in the Sunken Vault, Jacob sets a spark of light into the sky wherever he is every day on his birthday, as a tribute to Duncan: almost as if to tell him "I made it another year."
what would they get each other for gifts: As touched on, for anniversaries, they'd both lean toward smaller, more practical stuff. On birthdays and Christmas, Jacob would go out of his way to get or make useful and personalized gifts for Duncan, like a new wand holster or a portable room in a suitcase he customized with his own spell work. Duncan would be very prone to getting Jacob books, as well as new clothes and accessories, since Jacob is hopeless when it comes to fashion.
most trivial thing they fight over: Jacob not picking up after himself and putting things back where he found them.
how often do they fight: Frequently, though usually about pretty minor things and it's more light bickering than anything: nothing violent or aggressive. A lot of it just comes down to their two completely different and flawed methods of communication. Duncan is a tsundere who doesn't always say what he means, and when you're a book-smart, people-dumb spaceman like Jacob, it is a little hard sometimes to figure out what your other half wants. Jacob is an eccentric know-it-all who isn't always great at being tactful or sensitive, and when you're a proud, brusque person with high walls around your heart like Duncan, it can be hard sometimes to speak the same language as your other half.
who uses all the hot water: Jacob, by accident. But hey, how else was he going to test the bouyancy of different types of magical creature eggs?
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: If they lived in a flat rather than travelling constantly, Duncan. Either that, or Jacob would volunteer to fix it himself.
who leaves their stuff around: LMAO, Jacob. Definitely Jacob.
who remembers to buy the milk: Duncan, but he'd just as likely just remind Jacob to do it, if he's going out.
who controls the netflix queue: Jacob favorites just about everything (since he's interested in so many different things) -- Duncan finetunes those choices into things they both can enjoy.
who steals the covers at night: Duncan -- Jacob is more likely to hold onto Duncan than the blankets.
who cusses more: Hahaha, I could actually see both of them swearing a lot when they get mad. They would especially use some choice swears against anyone who messes with each other or Carewyn, like Blaise Cromwell and other members of the Cromwell Clan. Duncan cherishes his honorary sister-in-law and Jacob loves that so much.
who does most of the cleaning: Duncan, on a daily basis -- though if Duncan asks Jacob to help him clean, Jacob will break out the bleach and scrub brushes and give everything a REALLY deep clean.
what’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Solving puzzles! All kinds: riddles, word games, even actual tactile puzzles. The best part of cursebreaking together for them would be breaking codes and solving mysteries together.
who’s the cuddler: Jacob, and Duncan quietly adores that about him.
who’s the big spoon/little spoon: Jacob loves being the big spoon despite being shorter than Duncan.
who’s more dominant: Duncan is kind of a "power bottom" in his dynamic with Jacob -- Jacob might be the more "alpha" of the two romantically and sexually, but Duncan often sets the pace, puts in the fence posts, and calls the final shots. If Duncan wants something while they're intimate, Jacob will bend over backwards to please him.
who is the dirty talker: Jacob. Duncan's vocals in the bedroom are much more centric on Jacob's name and positive affirmation -- Jacob is the type to talk a lot, inside and outside the bedroom.
what do they do when they’re away from each other: Keep themselves very occupied, but also think of the other almost constantly, whether they verbalize it or not. Even in their canon, Jacob brings Duncan up a lot for the rest of his life, out of the blue, simply because something he's doing makes him think of his first love.
what would they do if the other one was hurt: In both cases, these two would flip out. Jacob would immediately beat the crap out of anyone who hurt Duncan, whether with his wand, fists, or both -- Duncan would hex that person with the strongest spell he could think of and, if applicable, plot worse, silent revenge on them later when no one else is around: he'd want to make sure anyone who hurt Jacob would really and truly suffer.
a headcanon: Duncan might be a tsundere who values how people see him, but if anyone were to give him and Jacob the side-eye in public -- either because they're attracted to either Jacob or him or for being two men in a romantic relationship -- he's enough of a rebellious rulebreaker sort and jealous enough of a lover that he'd absolutely start openly snogging Jacob, just to get a reaction. Fortunately Jacob is all on-board with this and, even if he didn't realize the context of the situation, would immediately match Duncan's enthusiasm.
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lillian-nator · 3 years
Wallflower AU (aka highschool au made w/ @bellfort3)
V i b e s - hanging on the roof; walking across train tracks; skipping school; Lakes, yes, something with lakes; something with different types of sodas. - My angsty teens are gonna have painted nails - Tommy bleaches his hair; Wilbur dyes his hair black - dramatic fuck. - Wilbur in eyeliner plz - Wilbur wears doc martens; black, yellow, maroon, silver shiny - Tommy's worn the same exact jean jacket for the past 5 years; it's 2 sizes bigger than he is; but he wears it every single day; it has fur on the inside; and its light washed with tears; the tears didn’t come like it; he's just ripped it over the years - He doesn't wash it very often, but he's glued patches on it, and Wilbur's drawn on it in sharpie. He just layers hoodies or flannels under it when it’s cold, but still wears it when it's hot - Tommy's also worn the same shoes for YEARS, they’re duct taped together at this point, they're white converse, they're not white anymore, and he's bleach-washed them SO many times that they permanently smell like chemicals. - The laces are frayed, so bad that he doesn’t even wear the laces most days. - Tommy doesn't shy from going in mud or water though, he'll wear the shoes to their fullest and then some. - I think you can tell by now, that Tommy just doesn’t come from a lot of money. - They live in a kind of run down town, very poor, old, smallish. - Wilbur is middle class, which is very well off in the area he lives in. - Wilbur gives off family disappointment vibes. Where he has to sneak out at night, Tommy can leave through his front door. - Wilbur calls Tommy “sunshine”, but very sarcastically since Tommy is a dick :) - Tommy has one of Wilbur's old beanies; it's black and monster branded, the monster logo is green - Wilbur gave it to Tommy 3 years ago, and Tommy never gave it back - btw Tommy's 17 and Wilbur's 19: Tommy's a junior and Wilbur's a senior - Wilbur only drinks Green Apple Monster - Tommy drinks sugar free redbull, but mostly only when Wilbur buys it for him, because Tommy usually doesn't have pocket change - Wilbur and Tommy bring speakers to the train tracks and dance and by that, its them jumping around and occasionally pushing someone over - Tommy uses his allowance to buy cigarettes; Wilbur vapes - both mentally ill - Wilbur is essentially the modern emo. He has this one yellow and black flannel that's oversized, and he wears it multiple times a week - it’s a problem.
- Dream, Wilbur, Karl, Tommy, Big Q, SapNap, Punz, and Tubbo - That’s the group. - I have just been talking about Tommy and Wilbur but they are the main characters so you can suck it. - A scene with Dream, Wilbur, Karl, Tommy, Big Q, SapNap, Punz, and Tubbo, at a lake, throwing each other in, and Tommy gets his shoes soaked, but he saves his jacket from the fall. Water gun fights, and they drink energy drinks and eat chips. they lay in the grass and contemplate life, Talk abt life yes. Abt existence. Abt how shit it is. Half of them have to wake up early and sneak home, the other half get to stay as long as they like. - Tommy tucks his t-shirts into his pants, which are always very baggy black jeans with just gigantic holes. - Tommy and Dream both have ADHD, however, Tommy's meds are purely from welfare, he cannot afford to give any out. Dream however? From an upper-middleclass family. Basically millionaires in this town. He can afford to lose some of his meds. - He yells in the clearing "COME GET YOUR DRUGS CHILDREN" - Besides, I've learned that there are like so many different ADHD meds, and maybe Tommy is just on something a lot stronger than adderall. He can't partake in the pill popping, but he doesn't mind. He does it every morning. - They don't do it often, maybe once a month, depends on how big Dream's prescription is - not that he regularly takes them like a good boy should - And I won't ever write this, but Gogy hangs out with them every so often, in which Gogy and Wilbur have an on and off again hooking up type relationship - whenever they hang out, Gogy like sits and Wilbur's lap and shit - Tommy and Punz GAG - "EW the fuck - get your hands off eachother. ITS GROSS - NO PDA IN MY BACKYARD"
- They hang out in an abandoned Building. But they don't try to fix it up. They're not fucking VSCO girls. They just want somewhere to hang out - If anything they make it worse - they fucking trash the place - It’s not intentional though - It’s like they can have fun without worrying abt the mess - just, sometimes they spill hawiian punch mixed with vodka everywhere - THEY GHOST HUNT AND OUIJA BOARD AND SHIT - They hang out in cemeteries too. they play manhunt in a cemetery, but like the regular version- like just hide and go seek in the dark. - they've done seances even though almost all of them are atheists - anyways the point of the fact is, is that half of them (excluding the minors you know) I'm looking at you Karl and Q - somethings going on between you two have made out with guys, and I'm not gonna sugar coat it, most modern like takes on religion do not take kindly to that
- they go to prom - and Dream somehow ends up with a ton of weed, because he had just turned old enough, and had the money - and they get fucking high OUT of their minds, like they're never doing it again - like, George and Wilbur definitely hooked up at Wilbur's house, which they aren't supposed to do - because Wilbur's parents will fucking flip that Wilbur is sleeping with a random person. No one is quite sure where SapNap ended up, and Tommy lost one of his shoes. In a panic, they spent the next 3 hours looking for it to find it at the lake by the school - Tommy fucking cradles it to his chest. -  (are wilburs parents homophobic?) (yes maybe a little side of homophobia) (Is wilbur bisexual or gay?) (he is ‘whoever the fuck looks bangable’) (fair enough) (he is ‘gogy my king’) (TRUUUE) - the bleachers - they hang out under the bleachers
- Gogy = Stylish stoner - very popular, but never not high - Karl is like the goody two-shoes of the group, doesn't skip class, and is on the principals list, however, he will NEVER back down from space brownies - its his weakness - Tubbo has a subway pass, and they do that thing where Tubbo swipes it and everyone fucking bolts into the subway, and they take all the trains at like 4am and just hang from the bars and shit - Wilbur still dresses relatively like, nicely and scholarly, which puts everyone off. He wears very loose sweaters with button-ups underneath. with khakis or black jeans and his docs - where his best friend, our Tommy, wears borderline yellow converse, and one bleached two-sizes-too-large jean jacket, and some second-hand-store hoodies, that are always a bit too worn in, but so, incredibly Tommy - Tommy who legit hasn't brushed his hair in years, not with a brush anyways - too frantic to brush his teeth most mornings. but always chewing gum; Tommy's always everywhere at once - ADHD meds only half-working on him, they couldn't afford the good shit - He'll never quite understand Dream handing out his adderall for free, Tommy would kill for the hard shit, but hey, he's never gonna stop his friends from having a good time
- Let's talk about Karl Jacobs - good ole' goody two shoes Jacobs - all of his teachers are constantly trying to get him to stop hanging out with Tommy and gang - every parent teacher conference is "we love your boy, but we are concerned about his friends" - Teachers have meetings with him, about how the people you surround yourself with can change your future - Karl's like, from the good side of town, plays first in the drumline, plays violin on the side, straight a's, clean-white-air-force-ones type of guy. Name brand clothes. Combed hair - Packed lunch every day from his mom; gets dropped off by his mom, kisses her goodbye; Mom is like very involved in school too - PTA parent - it's fucking good kid Jacobs - and he's sneaking off with fucking potheads to go to college parties and abandoned buildings - Does he do drugs? Well, he’s a big fan of treats if you know what I mean :wink wink: - ….you ever see Ted's video about a 500mg edible …. yeah. - big fan of gummy bears and brownies - Karl shows up to Parties and there are shouts of "Fuckin' goody-two-shoes Jacobs is HERE" - a lot of people make fun of him and think they can push him around - He seems like a softie; welcome mat type beat - but fucking watch this man chug 5 cups of whatever you give him, and then still win beer pong - Like his best friend is fucking quackity, he can do the hard shit - its very much a his parents have no clue who he actually is type beat - Look, his parents have no clue where he is ever - And if they even know he’s out, they don’t know where or with who - If his mom is at all involved in the school, she'll hear about Quackity, basically a drug dealer with how much hash weed he hands out on a daily basis. - Tommy has to be contained in order for the school to run smoothly, and Wilbur is a dramatic fuck that sleeps through most of his classes - Tommy has to take frequent breaks - They make him spend 3rd period in the principles office - Like he obviously needs help but he can’t afford it at all. Even the school can’t do anything for him bc he can’t get anything official for himself - like he can't even try to concentrate - He gave up so quickly in high school, bc they don’t have enough time or staff to help him - he tried in middle school - but man, did he give up in highschool - Yeah. He knows it is hopeless. Can't even afford college anyway. he'll just do whatever Wilbur does - here's an idea: Fucking Karl Jacobs showing up to school one morning just absolutely hammered out of his mind - Karl just showing up to first period AP Physics, and he's barely awake, honestly smells so much like weed and booze, and if he breathed anywhere near you, you could just feel the alcohol radiating from his breath - He's extra bubbly, laughs at everything - takes out his notebook to take some sort of notes, and just fucking giggles at the shapes and equations. He is very spacy, he clearly stayed up all night doing something very illegal; he gets up and jumps around. 2nd period band? oh boy - He gets sick at lunch bet - Like everyone got Drunk but Karl got FUCKED up - It was his birthday, bet - He took like 17 shots over the course of like 8 - 12ish hours, and I looked it up, despite karl being super scrawny and probably like 140 - 150ish pounds - which isn't a lot for being 5'11 - will not kill him - BECAUSE, you guessed it, he turned 17 - He didn't sleep, he was awake taking shots and just fucking who knows what until 6am when they stumbled to school - at lunch, 11:30 in the morning - he's head down on the table, miserable - he doesn't have a hangover yet, because it's only been a few hours, but man, is he nauseous - just the smell of food makes his stomach churn - and the thing about fucking Jacobs showing up drunk as hell - is that at least one of his teachers has called his mom about it - SHES PRESIDENT OF THE PTA FOR FUCKS SAKE, ONE OF THEM KNOWS HER - And the teachers aren't stupid, Karl is so obviously drunk - generally Karl is pretty quiet in class; but now he has no distinction between hanging with hs friends and being in class - he's shouting and cracking jokes and is very tempted to kick his chair over - Anyways, Karl fucks himself over, end of story  - ONTO PUNZ’S RELGIEOUS TRAUMA WOOOOOOOOOOOO - It's Punz - fuckin' golden boy Punz; he plays football; and goes to church; and calls his mother "momma"; wears a nice church outfit; and is polite to the bible study mothers that come over on tuesday nights and gets them drinks - just a fuckin' golden boy - A religious family. Go to church every Sunday. Sunday school. Holidays. But. The kid just realizes that they don’t believe in god. Them telling the group like they’re high and he’s like “you know? Some of the shit that’s happened to us proves to me that god rlly isn’t real.” - and Punz like prays every day for Tommy's dad to get his job back; or for Gogy to get better parents; or for Karl to live the life he wants; and NOTHING EVER WORKS. THEY'RE ALL STILL FUCKED. - by the way we will get the the Tommy's dad losing his job later - But Punz's life is controlled by something he doesn't even believe in anymore - because he's still going to the like church breakfasts, and christmas service, and every sunday morning, and helping his mom's ladies bible study, and his parents are talking about sending him to a youth bible camp - - and he doesn't even think he believes in god anymore. - Punz kind of took out his own personal, religious, and family struggles out the way most teenage boys do. Drinking, and lots of sex. - SO I just imagined this like, really dramatic moment, where its the morning after Punz had a one night stand at some sort of party down the street, and he's long past saving his virginity for his wife, but he's buying her the morning after pill, which his church is just so against, and he has like the moment of, "if you do this, you're done." and he does it - he's had a couple of those moments, like, when he first had sex, and when he first smoked weed, or popped a pill, or snuck out at night, or skipped church - but that was the moment of "there is no going back" - like any type of drug or procedure that aborts an embryo, or that blocks fertilization thats already in process in like: the biggest no no in his church community - so once he stepped out of that drug store, he kind of took a breath, and just came to terms with it - "I'm an atheist." - Punz is the pastors son. - he's like, pre-commited to a catholic college - he’s in deep. - so when he first announces it to his friends, one really late night, "I think god might not be my thing." - they just start whistling and say "FINALLY, THE PASTORS SON HAS TURNED AROUND." - Dream just like turns over to him "how many chicks did you fuck to make you realize that?" - Tommy just slings his arm over Punz, "I'm glad you've quit the Jesus shit, Punz. Your better than it." - There’s gotta be this girl ok. He rlly rlly wants to have sex with her but he always backs out. The thing that breaks him. Is that he gets drunk and loses his virginity to someone who is not that girl - like, he likes this girl, and has a good connection with her, and she likes him, and he knows that its gonna be comepletly consentual, and she's like fucking beautiful right? - and she's the one he wants to loose it to and he's a stupid fucking idiot and loses it to some fucking random ass chick that doesn't even go to their school - This triggers a spiral. After that? He slowly starts giving less of a fuck abt everything. He fucked up the one thing you can’t do over and god he’s so painfully aware of it and so painfully aware that he didn’t even fuck up right. - You’re supposed to wait till marriage. Nope. You’re supposed to do it with someone you love and trust. Double nope. He. Fucked. Up. - its just like he wanted to do something bad. he wanted to fuck something up. he was questioning his faith, his like, great and sturdy and always-there faith for the first time, and what better way to test faith than to do something shitty and see what comes of it. and so he was planning and planning and planning how he was gonna do this terrible thing - which is such a good kid thing to do, to put so much thought into your own rebellion - but he wanted this to go perfectly. - Little Pastors Son, Punz, wasn't gonna wait till marriage. - He was gonna have sex with the girl of his dreams before they were even dating - but man did he like her. Did he want her. - And then he fucked some random girl when he was black out drunk. He's fucked everything up - he can't wash this away with confession - he's tainted. He's dirty. - He looks in the mirror and doesn't recognize the heathen staring back. - He hates who he's become. - But he never goes back - he can't. He's dirty. He's wrong. - but the more he goes down the spiral - the more he realizes that one mistake shouldn't have made him feel like that - that if god was real, which he honestly wasn't sure in that department, he wouldn't want Punz to feel like the scum of the earth for doing something wrong. especially when he felt so bad after he did it. This system was fucked. He didn't want to be apart of another cycle - and he's just lying to himself every time he goes to church, and reads a cerse for his mom, and meets with younger kids at the church, and plays flag football with fucking church virgins who are good catholics and follow all their mommas orders - And every night when he says grace he means it less and less. he always does it when his momma asks, but boy does the lords word mean shit to him anymore From Ethan: - A turning point to the others in Punz's breakaway from Catholicism is like - He prays before he eats, usually. Sometimes they wait for him to finish his prayer before eating themselves, just out of politeness. He's a friend, he gets that shred of etiquette - And then one day he just doesn't. They got some fast food for a whole group dinner out at their hangout spot (a warehouse, did you say??) Tommy is staring at it intently but he waits for Punz to pray. Tubbo's already started eating but the rest wait - And Punz just starts eating - Dream nudges him, "No prayer, Pastor's boy?" - "No prayer," Punz mumbles into his food. "I'm trying something new." SO, TOMMYS DAD LOSING HIS JOB ARC W000000000 - it starts with Tommy showing up in a different jacket one day - like you have to understand, he's worn this jean jacket every single day for as long as WIlbur has known him, which is like 6 years - Like Tommy shows up in this giant, khaki work-jacket and it's his dads... - HIS DAD DIDNT DIE - his dad lost his job, which is essentially death to a family who already couldn't sustain themselves - and Tommy shows up to school, face pale and cheeks sunk in and there are visible bags under his eyes - and Wilbur just rushes over immediately and hugs him so tight to his chest - and Tommy just sobs, "pops lost his job -" gasp "I can't - we can't pay the bills this month. everything - its all falling apart Will." - "Hey - hey. Stop. It's gonna be fine. You're gonna be okay. You always are dude." - Tommy does have to get a job - and he probably does drop out of school unofficially, like he just stops going. - he sleeps during the morning classes, and heads into work at 10am - he's a carpenters assistant. it pays well as they need young, able men. but most of the younger citizens in the town go to school - he has to take the day shift because the day shift pays better - he doesn't mind it, he doesn't - it gives him the opportunity to get all of his energy out; but he misses going to school. as much as he hated it, he misses his friends. - and lets be honest, its hard as fuck for his dad to find a new job, he doesn't have a great resume - he didn't graduate from highschool. and he isn;t in top health condition, he definitely doesn't have health insurance - so Tommys stuck with this job for a long time - his dad uses his last paycheck to buy Tommy workboots so tommy feels in debt to him - He’ll get his GED eventually. - I think - The like religious status of the rest of the group brought to you by me - Everyone who I don’t mention is just a hard atheist - Karl and Wilbur are catholic, but to a lesser extent, Wilbur doesn't really go through with lent, and Karl only sometimes does. They go to a different church and go pretty much on holidays only, a sunday a month maybe. - SapNap goes to Punz's church, they've been friends for years. - He goes to sunday school but misses a lot of sermons because of his siblings sports games. - He is involved, but not to the way Punz is - SapNap's mother is in fact in Punz's moms bible group - Punz sometimes doesnt attend the bible group and Sap's mother is all "now you tell that pastor's boy to actually attend next time, got it?" and Sapnap dies a little on the inside - And George is an orthodox christian, but he's pretty much quit due to the blatant homophobia he's seen at his church. 
AND NOW ON WILBUR SOOT AND KARL JACOBS AND BARKING - Wilbur has siblings, fun fact - that we will never talk about or address - but definitely nothing like Wilbur, more the Karl Jacobs type - Wilbur is the oldest. he's always lectured about being 'a good influence on your brother and sister.' - They’re big sports kids. Softball and Basketball (tall genes). Straight Bs; Bed by 10pm; Have never missed school - Parents pride and joy :) - Just good suburban kids, Have friends next door, help the neighbors, attend the cul-de-sac barbecues. - Basically who Wilbur used to be up until highschool (until Wilbur met weed and a good group of stoners) - Sure he was a disappointment and he had no clue what to do with his life - But he was happier - Never really liked being the goody- two-shoes boy next door, he doesn't know how karl does it “Playing good boy like a dog” - Also he used dog terms around Karl - Because he’s “Playing good boy like a dog” - He’ll throw Karl a beer and smile “go fetch” - He laughs so hard when he sees Karl be good in a class or play it up for his parents; Because Wilbur’s so past trying - Wilbur will walk by and just bark at karl. Bet. Just Growls lowly; Walks in a  circle; Anything to make Karl’s parents (or Wilbur’s own) stare at him and scurry away - Karl’s parents push Karl forward and like hold their younger kids close to their chest, whispering “keep close, don’t look at him” - They tell Karl to stay away from kids like him. - And boy do Wilbur’s pa#rents hate it, They push him along and whisper yell at him As he throws his head back and cackles - I mean imagine, like a stereotypical middle class suburban family: House wife, blue collared father, Two kids; in sports jerseys, Girl in braids, boy in khakis - And then there’s Wilbur: Doc Martins, black jeans, collar and sweater, beanie. Definitely high on something - Chains LOTS OF CHAINS - And he's Barking. Fucking Barking At the nice family down the street - And then he takes out his vape right in front of his parents and silently offers Karl a hit with a smirk - Cause Karl’s too busy playing good boy - And as Karl’s family looks back, as Wilbur is corralled by his mom - He flips them off with the biggest smirk uou will ever see - Wilbur's kind of an ass - And Karl really wants a hit of that vape.
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
Danger: Onyx |2| - JUYEON
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Pairing: Juyeon x gender neutral!reader
Genre: fluff, angst, fantasy, royalty!au
Triggers: death, semi-graphic depictions of blood
Word Count: 4.4k
Lesson 6: when all seems lost, do not falter. Just because it seems hopeless does not mean it is.
Previous: Ruby >> Onyx: Part 1 | Part 2 >> Next: Crown
TBZ Masterlist | Danger | Kingdom
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Juyeon cannot breathe.
Physically, there’s a blade right at his throat. Though killing isn’t allowed in duels, the metal is close enough to his skin that it makes taking a breath a bit difficult.
But that’s not the biggest problem. The issue right now is the recognition that has just sparked in Jaehyun’s expression, surprise and realization creeping over his face the longer he stares Juyeon straight in the eyes.
Castling queens.
Jaehyun’s arm drops, the blade falling to rest at his side. Almost as quickly as the realization came, it disappears under a blank mask as he extends a hand.
Juyeon stares at it for a moment. Tries to think. Jaehyun knows who I am he knows who I am he definitely saw it this is the worst thing possible I thought he wouldn’t recognize me –
Shakily, he takes Jaehyun’s hand and shakes it once, twice. His skin feels clammy and cold even under the afternoon sun. He almost wants to look at Jaehyun and see if that blank look is still on his face, but fear keeps his eyes averted as he retracts his arm.
He needs to get out of here, needs to run, needs to find Kevin and Jacob and get away from this place immediately. That much is clear. Juyeon darts his gaze around, still studiously avoiding Jaehyun even as raucous screams and cheers begin to rise from the crowd.
Then a sweep of ivory skirts flashes in the corner of his vision.
Queens, he needs to leave, now.
Jaehyun bows low, seemingly unaware of Juyeon panicking not two feet away from him. “Your Majesty,” he says smoothly.
Belatedly, Juyeon remembers he should be echoing Jaehyun’s manners. Dipping down, he murmurs a quiet greeting, hoping against hope that she won’t be able to recognize him, won’t make the same connections Jaehyun did just moments ago.
Oh, queens.
What if he says something?
“Esteemed general.” The sweetly familiar voice makes Juyeon’s skin crawl. “Congratulations on your victory.”
Juyeon misses the next exchange. He’s too busy darting his gaze around the arena, looking for a single exit where he can slip into the crowd or just book it because there’s no way Somin won’t recognize him the second she looks into his eyes, assuming she hasn’t already figured him out already –
Guards line the perimeter of the arena. People crowd every space between the ivory suits.
Somin turns to him just as Juyeon comes to the worst realization possible.
There’s nowhere to run.
“Kim Jiyoon.”
Raised eyebrow. Wide smirk. Evil eyes.
She knows.
Juyeon takes a tiny step back, bowing low once more. “Your Majesty,” he mumbles, praying for a miracle, praying for something, anything, anyone to save him from this, maybe Jaehyun will turn out not to be an Ivory bastard and will say or do something –
Blank eyes meet his frantic expression. Something twists in Juyeon’s heart as Jaehyun purposely averts his gaze.
So much for old friendships.
A hand grasps his chin. Juyeon gasps as Somin jerks his head up, fingers curling around the ivory fabric that covers his nose and mouth.
For one moment, they lock eyes. Somin’s glitter with manic satisfaction.
Then she rips the mask away, leaving his face bare to the world.
It takes Juyeon several seconds to realize the entire arena has fallen quiet. Eyes widen, hands fly to mouths, fingers begin to point as Somin’s smirk grows wider and wider.
Jaehyun didn’t need to say anything, after all.
“Prince Juyeon.” She spits his name like dirt on her lips. “What a surprise. Long time no see, yes?”
“What a blessing,” he replies, hiding his racing heart behind a bland smile. “I always liked the former queen more than you, after all.”
The smirk turns to a sneer as she waves a hand, almost dismissively. Footsteps sound on the hard-packed dirt of the arena and Juyeon barely has a second to ready himself before two pairs of hands grab his arms and pull them tight behind his back.
He thrashes. Snarls. Tries to bite, even, the way Changmin used to when they were kids –
The breath leaves Juyeon’s chest in a gasp. Pawns and kings, this is just how Changmin felt when he was trapped in the shrine, unable to use magic, unable to fight.
“Isn’t that perfect, then?” Somin mocks, oblivious to the bile rising in Juyeon’s throat. “You’ll be seeing my lovely sibling tomorrow when you’re executed at dawn.” Her sneer grows as she leans in to whisper something against his ear. “And if you’re lucky, you might reunite with that gray mage of yours as well.”
Vomit splatters over the front of Somin’s dress. Through the rotten taste in his mouth, Juyeon takes a tiny satisfaction in her screech of disgust, even as the guards tighten their hold uncomfortably on his wrists. “If you’re lucky, that’ll wash out of your dress,” he snipes, spitting leftover bile onto the dusty ground. Some of it spatters onto her shoes.
Somin breathes in once, twice, her face red. Juyeon allows a smirk to grow on his face, even as certainty of his execution looms nearer with every second that passes.
So close to death, he might as well have some fun.
“Take him away,” Somin snarls. “And begin a search for his two little friends. Don’t let them leave the city!”
Kevin. Jacob.
Smirk gone, Juyeon frantically scans the crowds for the faces of his two friends as guards begin to march him away. They can’t come after him, can’t do anything, queens, what if Kevin decides to do something like break him out of prison, that can’t happen –
Terrified eyes meet his, nose and mouth covered in a familiar cloth. A red cloak peeks from behind the man standing next to Kevin.
Juyeon shakes his head subtly. Don’t follow, don’t do anything stupid, don’t come after me, hide, leave –
Strong hands drag him forward once more. Juyeon loses sight of his friends.
And for the first time since the start of the journey, he is alone.
Completely alone.
. . . . .
Kevin nearly falls forward the second he stumbles out of Jacob’s door. He manages to catch himself against the wall right in front of him, where he leans, trying to breathe.
He never should’ve agreed to this idea, never should have brought it up in the first place. It was always too risky, too dangerous, and no matter what slim, small chance there was at success, Kevin never should have hoped they would be lucky enough to fall into that sliver of luck. Nothing’s been on their side since the coronation, so why start now?
How many people has Kevin let down by now? How many people has Kevin killed by now? First Sunwoo, who wasn’t supposed to be here, who wasn’t supposed to be part of this fight, who Kevin called on because he really had the nerve to believe that they would succeed without pain, without death. A single stroke of idiocy in following the amethyst’s pull resulted in a knife pulled across two necks, one by accident, one in revenge.
Kevin squeezes his eyes shut, breaths sharp and ragged. Two deaths, then. Not just Sunwoo. Mage Han, too.
And now he has a third name to add to that list.
Lee Juyeon. Royalty. Best friend since birth. Almost a brother – if not in blood, then in friendship.
He’s the reason Juyeon is about to be killed.
“Kevin.” Jacob’s voice snaps him out of his spiraling thoughts, forces him to open his eyes. His ashen face looks about as bad as Kevin feels. “We need to get out of here. I shifted us to the first place that came to mind, but –”
“Yeah.” Kevin takes a shuddering breath. His words sound shakier than he would’ve liked. “Yeah, I know. Let’s go.”
Never mind that neither of them knows where to go in the first place.
Jacob moves his hands in the air, creates another door against the wall. They step through to the space just outside the tiny, abandoned house – more like a shed, really – that they’ve been using as a hideout since they entered the capital. This time, the second Kevin exits the door, he collapses to his knees.
This is his fault, all his fault. If he’d never suggested it, they wouldn’t have any leads, but at least Juyeon would still be here, not sitting in some dungeon awaiting his execution tomorrow morning.
Execution. Kevin almost throws up at the thought.
Jacob stumbles next to him, falling onto dirty grass as well. They sit in silence for a moment, only ragged breaths escaping into the air.
“We need to get him out,” Kevin finally whispers. “He needs to escape, we can’t leave him there…”
It isn’t even just the fact that Juyeon is Kevin’s best friend. The heir to the king’s crown can’t die. It would leave a gaping power vacuum in the Onyx Kingdom – there’s no trained next in line, no one as capable as Juyeon is.
Which is exactly what Somin wants.
“I know.” Jacob swallows. “I know. But…” He gestures vaguely, helplessly. “How?”
How, indeed. Kevin may have been to the capital many times, but he’s never seen any of the several prisons. He couldn’t direct Jacob anywhere without a map, without something to guide himself, and since Jacob has never seen them himself, he can’t shift there either.
Queens, he’s a failure. Juyeon and Sunwoo rescued him from Bom – Sunwoo even died in the process – but Kevin can’t even think of a plan to help Juyeon escape. Not even the most improbable idea springs into his mind, an idea that definitely won’t work but that he would be desperate enough to try anyway.
Silence falls as Kevin tries to rack his brains for something, anything that doesn’t involve another possible brush with death. There’s nothing, absolutely nothing –
Then a twig snaps.
Kevin whirls around, knife already whizzing through the air. There’s a sharp yelp and a thud of metal sinking into something decidedly not flesh.
A young man – more of a boy, really – steps forward. Though his hands are raised in surrender, the calm, sure look in his eyes tells Kevin that the gesture is more for show than anything else.
Unconsciously, his hand grabs Jacob’s wrist. He takes a step back, dragging the mage with him as he slips a second knife from his sleeve. “Who are you?”
“My name is Eric.” He nods at the knife between Kevin’s fingers. “You can put down the knife, I don’t mean any harm. Jaehyun sent me to find you.”
Jacob sucks in a sharp gasp just as Kevin’s blood runs cold. “Jaehyun?”
“He’s breaking Juyeon out tonight.” Eric puts his hands down to point at them. “You two need to come with me –”
“How do we know you’re telling the truth?” Jacob snaps. “How did you find this place? I shifted, there’s no way you could have followed us from the arena.”
“Jaehyun recognized Kevin the first day at the contest registration,” Eric replies. His calmness is starting to get on Kevin’s nerves. “Well, he wasn’t sure, so he asked me to follow you back. Lo and behold, you were traveling with the prince, which meant Jaehyun wasn’t wrong. When Juyeon was arrested, he sent me to find you.”
“You could be lying.” Kevin grits his teeth, fingers clenching around the knife even though something tells him Eric would be able to dodge easily. “You and Jaehyun could be working with the queen to root us out and catch us. We have no reason to trust you.”
Eric’s lip curls. “You don’t,” he snaps, “but you could at least trust Jaehyun. Haven’t you known him much longer than I?”
“People change,” Kevin retorts. “None of us ever thought Somin would kill her family for the throne, did we?”
No one argues, not even Eric. For several moments, they only stand in silence. Then –
“Jaehyun’s breaking the prince out tonight,” Eric says lowly. “That’s why he told me to find you. And I know you don’t know me at all, but I can tell you that not all of us in the army support the queen’s agenda. Jaehyun and I are only two of many more.”
There’s nothing to support his claims, no evidence, no testimony, absolutely nothing to back up his words. With every second that passes, Kevin feels the growing urge to tell Jacob to create a door, to shift them away from this so that they can figure out a plan that doesn’t rely on a certain general who may or may not be on their side.
But something tells him that Eric speaks the truth. Maybe it’s his eyes, which are clear, or it’s the weird feeling Kevin got when he spoke to Jaehyun that one time. Maybe it’s just blind hope. Either way, he feels his grip loosening on Jacob’s wrist, his shoulders relaxing, ready to take Eric’s invitation and leave.
He glances at Jacob. Do we trust him?
Jacob’s lips press into a thin line, but he nods tersely, almost imperceptibly. Yes.
They have to.
Kevin steps forward. Narrows his eyes. “One sign of betrayal and I will not hesitate to put a knife through your back.”
“And Jaehyun said you were the nicer one,” Eric mutters.
“There isn’t a lot of room for nice at the moment, in case you didn’t notice.”
Eric smirks. It reminds Kevin a little too much of Sunwoo. “You’re not wrong,” he says blithely before his smile turns into a frown. “Now hurry. We need to get to the forest by nightfall.”
. . . . .
Blood has begun to stain Juyeon’s hands by the time he finally gives up on somehow trying to wrench apart the bars of the dark cell. Even if he can’t see the redness dripping down his skin, he can certainly feel the stinging pain of cuts reopened and wounds made afresh.
What was he even thinking? Juyeon slides down the back wall to the ground, burying his head in his arms. Not even a mage can cut or bend metal with their bare hands – how could he?
He sighs. It figures, just as soon as they managed to find four of the jewels, they would get screwed over on the fifth. And not even the normal kind of screw up – he got caught by the queen herself and has a nearly one hundred percent chance of dying within the next twenty-four hours.
Nearly. Not completely, because there’s always the tiniest chance that Kevin will come up with something in that crazy brain of his to break him out, which will undoubtedly be messy and dangerous and possibly result in even more death, but there’s the smallest sliver of a hope that it’ll work.
Hope means nothing, though. He had hope that he’d be crowned king. He had hope that they’d find the jewels. He had hope that they’d return home (relatively) unscathed.
And for what? All it got him was this tiny cell with not even a candle for light.
Juyeon brings a hand to his face. Too late, he remembers it’s covered in blood, which is now spattered across his forehead. It’s even around his eyelids, assuming the wet feeling there isn’t from tears.
Maybe it’s both.
He sighs again, closing his eyes again as he wipes a sleeve against his skin. It doesn’t make much of a difference. The cell is so dark that his eyes may as well be shut even when they’re open.
Pawns and kings, Juyeon didn’t even know there was a prison in this part of the capital. Apparently it’s for the most dangerous prisoners, those who need to be kept completely out of sight to rot away in darkness.
Juyeon has exactly one night to rot. Probably won’t be enough to make himself skeletal enough that Somin jumps when he emerges into the light tomorrow.
A tiny smile stretches across his lips as he remembers vomit splattering onto ivory skirts. Gross, but effective.
It disappears as soon as he remembers what awaits him in the morning.
Morning. Juyeon almost snorts. Down here in the darkness, it’s all but impossible to monitor the passage of time. Has it been minutes? Hours? Has the night passed? It could be morning already for all he knows, considering his drooping eyelids, but that’s a common occurrence at this point, with how little sleep he gets on a daily basis. And he definitely isn’t about to sleep now – who knows what nightmares will come, dreams of shades and roses and corpses of dead friends?
So when he hears a slight noise down the prison, a tap-tap-tap of footsteps on hard stone, Juyeon concludes that dawn has broken, that he’ll be marched out to the town square and presented with a sword or a noose from which to choose his preferred method of death. A sword would probably be quicker, but if the executioner isn’t skilled, then hanging might be better –
Wait, tapping?
Juyeon listens more closely. The footsteps sound light, almost weightless – definitely not those of a guard’s heavy boots. Shouldn’t guards be the ones bringing him to his death? He strains his vision, peering into the darkness, but he can’t see anything.
The footsteps grow closer. Someone finally stops in front of Juyeon’s cell. He frowns. Why is there only one person? Not that he particularly cares, but Somin wouldn’t just send one guard to get him. He’s not unskilled, and she’s not dumb – she knows he can overpower one guard easily –
A soft whuff sounds as the figure slips a bundle through the iron bars. “Hurry up and get changed,” a familiar voice hisses. “Your ivory is too noticeable in the dark.”
Juyeon almost stops breathing.
“More time for that later,” Jaehyun snaps. “We have five minutes, get yourself together.”
Shaky, bloodstained fingers pull off the white shirt and trousers, messily replacing them with the black clothes Jaehyun dropped onto the floor. As he fumbles, a click and the rasp of metal on metal sounds at the front of the cell, and the iron door groans open.
“Don’t talk,” Jaehyun whispers the second Juyeon steps into the dark hallway. “And follow me exactly.”
Juyeon wants to snap, wants to say something about how it can be possible to do that when he can barely see one foot in front of himself, but Jaehyun sets off without another word and Juyeon is forced to use his ears to figure out where the general is going.
They wind around dark staircases and pass empty cells, ducking into tiny passages that Juyeon is sure he never could have found even if he was looking. He itches to speak, itches to ask Jaehyun just what in the name of the Board he’s doing, why is he breaking Juyeon out, what are his loyalties, and where is he taking him, if not to his execution? But every time he opens his mouth, Jaehyun either shoves him into a room or someone passes by a little too close and he has to hold his tongue.
Finally, finally, Jaehyun opens a last door, dragging him into what smells like a stable. They tramp over dirty hay and other things Juyeon doesn’t want to guess from the stench, and then they’re in open air under a cloudy sky, only the palest hint of moonlight shining through.
Juyeon blinks. The white marble of the palace glints faintly in the distance.
“Follow this path,” Jaehyun says, pointing at a trail of dirt through the grass. “It’ll take you to the woods just around the capital. Kevin and Jacob will be waiting for you there –”
“Wait.” Juyeon takes a breath. Breathes in, breathes out, trying to make sense of everything. “How did you know where to find them? How did you know they were here?” Because if Jaehyun managed to find them, others also could have, which means Kevin and Jacob might be in even more danger –
“Juyeon.” Jaehyun’s voice jerks him out of his mind. “The only reason I knew Kevin was here was because I talked to him the day of registration. I wasn’t sure of it at first – he’s gotten better at acting – but I sent Eric to follow and when he told me you were also there, I knew it was him. No one else knows besides us.”
“Who’s Eric?”
“Subordinate.” Jaehyun’s eyes turn steely. “I trust him with my life.”
Pawns and kings, this is too much for Juyeon to take in. Closing his eyes again, he tries to breathe. “Queens,” he mutters. “Okay. Fine. Wow.” He rubs his forehead. “I really thought you were following Somin.”
Jaehyun snorts. “I never liked her, not even when we were kids,” he says, rolling his eyes. “You think I’d like her now?”
“You’re a knight,” Juyeon retorts. “You’re supposed to be loyal to the crown. I couldn’t even fault you for that, it’s what you’re supposed to do –”
“But when said crown is abusing their power, do they deserve my support?” Jaehyun interrupts.
Juyeon falls silent.
“That’s what I thought.” A ghost of a smirk flutters across Jaehyun’s face as he pulls something out of his pocket. “This is the stone I was given when I won. I hope it helps.”
It doesn’t call to him. There’s no pull of magic from the onyx, not even as Juyeon takes it between his fingers. It looks like the real thing – it’s been perfectly copied, down to the slim white bands marring the black stone – but if he can’t feel anything…
It’s fake.
Disappointment drops like a rock in Juyeon’s stomach, but he wraps his fingers around the jewel anyway. Jaehyun’s broken him out of prison. He’s still alive. If the onyx really is a fake, Jacob can at least get the magic traces out of it.
All isn’t lost. Not yet.
“Thank you,” Juyeon replies, slipping the stone into his pocket. “Are you going to run, too? Somin won’t exactly be excited if she figures out you were the one who broke me out.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that.” Jaehyun’s smirk becomes more pronounced, though it’s tinged with bitterness. “I’m still playing the part of the perfect general back at home. Haven’t been given the assignments at the front, since I’m still young, which is honestly a good thing. Leaves me room to mess things up.” He snorts. “And none of the guards I knocked out today will remember a thing when they wake.”
“How can you be sure?”
“A different weapon goes a long way. So does a mask.” Jaehyun smiles. “Kevin’s a good sewer. I really almost didn’t recognize him, what with his acting and all.”
Juyeon almost laughs. “I’ll let him know.”
Jaehyun smirks. “You need to go,” he says then, smile gone. “Follow this path, find Kevin and Jacob, then get out of here as fast as you can. It’ll be a bit before they figure out you’re gone, but Somin still has people looking for your friends. They’ll be looking for you, too, soon.” He half-grins. “Good luck.”
It feels like hours have passed by the time Juyeon finally reaches the edge of the woods, though it’s probably only been some minutes with how fast he’s run. He nearly barrels right into Kevin, whose black clothes nearly blend in with the night, but Jacob catches him just before he does and they all fall in together, collapsing on the forest floor with choked cries and hysterical laughs.
“Queens,” Jacob gasps. “Queens, we thought –”
“We thought you might be dead,” Kevin finishes.
Juyeon wipes his eyes. “I’m not,” he replies, smiling shakily at his two friends. “I’m alive.”
No sarcastic remark comes from either of them. Kevin just swallows, looking pale as Jacob brushes a hand across his face. “We’re not doing anything risky like that ever again,” Kevin says. “Never. If you had died…”
“I didn’t, though,” Juyeon protests, but even he understands where Kevin’s coming from. If any of them had died, Juyeon would’ve broken down. He can’t imagine how Kevin or Jacob must’ve felt when he was taken away. Instead of arguing, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the onyx stone. “Jaehyun gave this to me. Pretty sure it’s fake.”
Jacob barely even needs to look at the jewel before he nods. “It’s definitely a fake,” he says, taking it from Juyeon’s hand. “But there’s magic on it. Strong magic.”
Kevin glances over. “Do you know where it leads?”
Wordlessly, Jacob stands. Closes his eyes. For a moment, he stays silent. Then he points out of the forest, back into the capital.
“By all the higher orders, we just can’t catch a break,” Kevin mutters, pinching his nose. “Seriously? In the capital?”
Jacob nods, eyes heavy. “It’s there.”
“Well.” Juyeon stands. “Looks like we need to break that rule of not doing anything risky.”
Not funny. Juyeon understands that even before Kevin shoots him a look of absolute judgement, before Jacob bites his lip so hard it’s a wonder it doesn’t bleed. He steps back, apologetic, but he knows he’s right. “We need to follow it,” Juyeon says, trying to harden his gaze. “We’re this close. We need any lead we can get, and we need to go now, when no one knows I’ve escaped.”
“Then we stay together,” Kevin says, eyes solemn. “No one goes anywhere alone. No splitting up.”
Juyeon casts his friend a strange glance. He can understand being cautious and worried, but the desperation in Kevin’s tone doesn’t feel normal. Why does he look so high strung, so anxious?
Whatever. Juyeon shakes his head slightly, ridding himself of the thoughts. No time for that now. “Yes,” he replies, setting his jaw. “We’ll stay together. Jacob, can you shift us somewhere discreet?”
“Yeah, there’s the alley Kevin and I hid in at first. I’ll see if I can track the trace from there.” And within seconds, they have a door, a door of polished white stone that shimmers under the moonlight that manages to pass through the trees.
Juyeon puts his hand on the handle, swallowing hard. This is going to be dangerous. They might be walking into a death trap, what with all the soldiers who must be looking for Kevin and Jacob. It’ll only get worse when they realize he’s escaped.
But they need to do this. For themselves, for their kingdom, for Sunwoo, for everyone who’s died so far for Somin’s delusions of power.
Jaehyun told him to get out of here as fast as he could.
Juyeon twists the handle.
He’ll have to pass that advice for now.
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If you enjoyed, please don’t forget to reblog and leave a comment to tell me what you thought! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day <3
(1 reblog = 1 prayer for juyeon to not make a bad decision jfc)
31 notes · View notes
all-might-blog · 4 years
The middle of nowhere
Emily Thompson, aged nine, goes to visit one of her siblings at U.A with her sister. Things go downhill when she ends up the same room as All Might, Eraserhead, Momo, Inko (who's gone to see her son), Todoroki, Izuku, Tsuyu and Eri. Emily's quirk suddenly manifests. Turns out she has a teletransportation quirk.
First of all, I would like to say that my life is DESTROYED. I got up to chapter 277 of MHA and now I have to wait for the NEXT CHAPTER *screams into the void* I AM DEVASTATED *sobbing* WHICH IS WHY I AM WRITING THIS. AS YOU WILL NOTICE IT'S DEPRESSING AND ANGST-I. *wailing* pls give me a moment to compose myself (Now I need to watch the MHA anime, but since it isn't on Netflix, it's gonna be hard). This fanfic was inspired by the following fanarts: It was a really well done drawing of All Might, in his weak form but dressed in a jumpsuit not unlike his hero costume, sitting on snow. Behind him, lying on the snow, was a yellow sack. I am sure that it was Eraserhead, because there was a ZZZZ onomatopia thing just above it. I took a photo of it because I was originally planning of trying to draw something like that, but in the end I decided to use it for this. This is the really annoying part: I tried finding the original fanart. I spent about fifteen minutes going through my MHA board on pinterest... and I didn’t have it there! LUCKILY I still had the copy on my camera, which meant that I hadn’t absolutely lost it! The picture below this is actually the version I downloaded from my camera. I takefull responsabilities for what happened, and apologies to the artist who drew this for having to use another copy TMT
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this fanfic! Um... just a warning... it has angst, involves a near-death situation and it's kind of depressing.
THIS is the fanart I got inspired by: 
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(I mean... do you get the hopeless kind of vibe?)
Emily was nine, but her quirk hadn't manifested yet. She knew it would soon enough, because the doctor had told them that she was just a really late bloomer and that it would come soon enough. Her hand was grasped in her sister's as the security guard checked their permission cards. "You came here to see a student?" he grunted. "Yes. He's my brother son." she replied. "Well, your names are on the visit list, so you may come in. You have a limited time of two hours. You need to ask the headmaster if you wish for an extension." he replied. "Thanks," she replied, "Come, Emily." the small girl cheerfully waved to the guard, who waved back as the gates closed behind them. "Rebecca?" Emily asked as they made their way to the school. "Yes?" "Do you think I will ever be able to come here when I get my quirk?" "Of course. Jacob was also a late bloomer, and so was Hannah." Rebecca replied. Emily nodded, satisfied with the reply she had gotten.
"Izuku!" Inko stood up as her son entered the waiting area. She had been speaking with Todoroki, who apparently was waiting for his siblings' arrival, and Momo and Tsuyu, both of whom had just seen their families. "Hey, Mo-" the air was squeezed out of him as she wrapped him in a tight hug. "Mom, I can't-" "Sorry! It's just... it's been a week and a half since I last saw you!" she said, pulling back. "Security measures have gotten really serious ever since you came to live here." "At least they are letting family memebers in," Izuku laughed. "And I took the opportunity to see you since I am having a parent-teacher meeting with your mentors," she said. Then she spotted Eraserhead standing just outside the door, with Eri by his side and All Might standing just a bit far off. "Speaking of which…" "Mr. Deku!" Eri said, entering the room with that cute smile of hers. "Aizawa said he was gonna to have a meeting with your mom so I thought you would also be here!" "And you thought right!" Izuku said. "Mornin', miss Midoriya." Eraserhead said from the entrance with a small wave. She nodded her acknowledgement back to him. "Well, Izuku, I will see you when I finish." she said. He replied with a nod. But before she could follow his teachers out-
Emily stumbled down the hall, clutching at her head with trembling hands. "Ow. Owwwwww." she muttered. Stabs of pain and dizziness were giving her a terrible head ache. Rebecca, who had been about to enter the guest's waiting room, turned around. "Emily?" she asked, walking to her. "Are you okay?" "My head hurts," Emily muttered. "Awe. I will ask for some tea when we get to the waiting room. Come on," she said, stretching out her hand for her to take. Emily bowed her head, her dark, golden brown curls falling over her face. "Emily…?" Emily's head suddenly snapped up. Her eyes glowed blue, whites included, and her hands were trembling harder than ever. She fell to her knees with a scream. "Emily!" Rebecca shouted, dropping onto her knees in front of her younger sister. "Hey, what's going-"
There was a blinding flash of light. It filled up the corridor. Rebecca felt a spinning sensation, and the feeling that her eyes would be blown off if she didn't close them. She did, clutching Emily in her arms. It was as if she were flying. No ground beneath her. Nothing. Then she suddenly fell, yelping at how cold everything was. Emily was still clutched in her arms. She took a pair of steading breath, but the air she breathed in was freezing cold, as if she were breathing in small shards of ice. She was suddenly glad that she had chosen to wear a jumper and trousers despite the fact that it hadn't been cold. She slowly got to her knees, clutching her sister close to her as she looked out to the white wonderland surrounding her. "You will get frostbite if you don't put something warm on, miss." she looked up to see a girl standing in front of her, holding out coats for the two of them. Rebecca took them. "Thank you so much. Wh- what happened?" she asked, putting hers on. She then realized that Emily was unconcious. "Emily!" "Help me get her into that coat." the girl said as she magically produced another coat for herself. "I think she took us here." "Wha- what?" Rebecca said as she shakily helped the girl put Emily into a coat. "Do you think you will be able to carry her? She's small, so I suppose that if we take turns it will be fine. Let me just make some boots, gloves and scarfs."
"What just happened?" Todoroki coughed, getting onto his hands and knees. He looked down to find that his hands were sinking under snow. He got to his feet, looking around him. Miles and miles of snow on each side. Then he spotted something lying not too far away from him, half buried in the snow. He recognized Tsuyu's face, instantly remembering her weakness. "Tsuyu!" he called, running toward her. His feet kept sinking into the snow and, along with the strong wind, it was hard to walk in. He used his flames to melt a path over to Tsuyu. She was curled up, barely breathing. Her skin was terribly pale and she looked sick. Todoroki quickly set to using his flames to warm her body. "Are you okay?" he asked her. "Better," she murmured, shivering. "I am going to melt the snow around us and see if I can find ground. Give me a second." Todoroki quickly made massive flames, melting the snow on instants. He found frozen grass underneath it. The wind blowing his hair into his face, he helped Tsuyu down, using his ice to make an igloo-like roof over them, blocking the wind outside. He then lit a fire, holding his flaming hand close to Tsuyu. "I am sorry for having you waste your energy on me," she said feebly. "It's okay. We just need to find out what happened and get the hell outta here." he replied.
"How the hell did this even happen?" Eraserhead asked, standing up. "I have no idea. But the others could have gotten dragged alone as well." All Might replied grimly. Truth was that he felt like he would be getting frostbite any moment soon, but he knew he was tougher than that. "I think that might be Izuku," Eraserhead said suddenly. And it was, his green hair standing out in the white snow. The wind blew harder, nearly knocking them down. "Let's get to him!" All Might said. The two of them moved as quickly as possible, their feet sinking into the snow with each step they took. "All Might!" Izuku shouted, catching sight of them. Soon the three of them were together. "Is there anyone else with you?" Eraserhead asked him. "No. But I know that Mom and Eri were with me before this happened." Izuku said. "Let's go." Eraserhead growled, setting off. "Wait! We don't actually know where they are- or if they are even here!" Izuku shouted. "We might loose each other!" All Might said. "We need to wait until the wind dies down!" Eraserhead looked tortured as he said that they should dig a hole in the snow to shield themselves from the wind and cold. It pained him to know that Eri, or anyone else, could be anywhere but they had to wait the storm out. They quickly dug a large hole with a wall to protect themselves from the wind. Eraserhead had somehow brought along his sleeping sack and used it as a mantle, turning inside out so the warm part was exposed to their freezing bodies. They huddled there, hoping that the storm would die out soon enough.
"Eri, is it?" Inko wheezed. "Yeah. Are you okay?" Eri asked weakly. The two of them walked side by side, Inko using herself as a wall for Eri against the wind. She had choosen to wear warm clothes, but the snow beneath her feet was freezing cold and her hands felt numb. "I am perfectly fine. Hopefully-" she coughed, doubling over. "Sorry." "Look!" Eri suddenly said, pointing. The faint outline of a igloo could be seen through the snow-loaded wind. "Come on," Inko said, gripping Eri's hand tight in her own. As they got closer, she could see movement coming fr om inside it. She pounded on the icy surface. Before she knew it, a hole had been melted through the ice and Todoroki was helping them in. "Miss Midoriya! Eri! Are you two okay?" he asked, sealing the hole shut. A small fire burnt in the center of the space that he had made, Tsuyu sitting in front of it. The other three joined her, Todoroki making it a bit bigger. "Do you two know what happened?" Todoroki asked them. "No." Inko said quietly. "But I hope no one else had to suffer the same problem."
"Are you two okay?" Momo asked. "Yes. Emily is still unconscious, but she's not freezing to death thanks to your help." Rebecca said. Momo had set up a small tent, complete with a tiny ice melter, blankets and equipment. "Thank you." Momo said. "I am sorry my quirk couldn't be of much help. Memory is not the best in these kinds of situations…" Rebecca said. "You remembered a great deal of things about how to survive a snow storm," Momo pointed out. "Yeah... but it didn't help as much as you did." Rebecca said. "I am glad that you found us. I think we would be… if you hadn't found us." "It's fine. But when the storm settles, we need to see if there are any others."
"How long is this stupid storm going to last?" Izuku whined. "Patience, my boy. It will soon enough." All Might said. "I hope that the universe listens to you for once," Eraserhead said, covering his face with his hands. "She will be fine," Izuku said gently. "She's a strong girl." Eraserhead didn't reply, choosing to remain silent. He knew that Eri was a strong girl... but he didn't know until what point. And it was killing him. "The wind is dying down," All Might said. He stood, peering out. "I think it's safe to go out now." Eraserhead got to his feet, folding up his sack and getting out of their makeshift shelter. The other two were quick to follow his long, determined strides. They walk for a long time. Izuku's hands felt numb and he tried to warm them by stuffing them into his pickets. It didn't help much, but it was something. Net to him, All Might looked incredibly worn out, his breath coming out in clouds of vapour. "Are you-?" "Yes." All Might replied gruffly. Izuku saw right through the lie, they both knew that, but he decided not to press until it looked necessary. "Hey... what's that thing over there?" Izuku asked, smotting a small, different hill from the rest. It seemed to sparkle in the dim light. Todoroki's doing, probably. Eraserhead wasted no time as he strode forward, All Might and Izuku struggling to keep up. All Might suddenly caught his foot on something and fell over, the air getting punched right out of him. "All Might!" Izuku said, rushing back to help him up. All Might coughed, spitting blood onto the white snow. "Here," Eraserhead had nticed their falling behind and had ran back to them, noticing their positions. He gave Izuku the sack, who opened it and quickly tried wrapping it around himself and All Might, putting All Might's arm around his shoulders and helping him up. This time Eraserhead was slower as they made their way to the hill. It was like an igloo, and Izuku could just make out a flickering flame inside it. Eraserhead wasted no time in slamming his hand twice on it. Soon Todoroki was melting through the ice and helping Izuku get All Might inside. Eraserhead hopped in and Todoroki sealed it shut once more. "Eri!" Eraserhead said, noticing the small girl by the fire. She stoof up and barreled into him, hugging his knees tightly. "What- what happened to him?" Inko said in a hoarse voice when she saw All Might's state. She sat by Tsuyu, her arm around the girl's shoulder and offering extra warmth. She stood up and hurried over to help Izuku lower All Might into a comfortable position. Blood smudged his chin and his eyes were a little unfocused. He looked even weaker than before. "Todoroki! We need a little fire over here!" Tsuyu croaked. Todoroki, who had been warming up Eraserhead's cold clothes by holding his flaming hands in front of him, hurried over to them. "What's wrong with him?" he asked, holding out his flames. "Old injuries," All Might wheezed. He coughed again, blood leaking from his mouth. Izuku suddenly remembered about his missing lung. "Try not to speak," Inko whispered, patting his hand. He gave her a feeble nod. Todoroki tried to dry up as much as he could, making him feel a bit better. "What are we going to do?" Eri asked, sitting next to Eraserhead. "For now, wait until the storm is completely out. Then we need to find out if there's any-" a sudden, slamming noise came from outside, as if someone were slapping their hands on the ice. They all looked up to find three figures standing on one side of the igloo's ceiling. Todoroki quickly melted a hole through the ice. "I thought it had been you," Momo said as she jumped down. "Rebecca, pass me Emily!" a young girl was slowly lowered into her outstretched arms as a third woman jumped down, her dark brown curls dirty with snow and face wide with fear. "it worked?" she asked. "We tracked you guys down," Momo said, holding up her phone. "Only Todoroki's phone was working, so..." "Smart," Tsuyu said. "Now we just have to get Emily to wake up so that she can take us all back." Momo said, gesturing to the young girl that she had given back to Rebecca. "I'll do it," Todoroki said. He made his flames bigger and hotter, holding them close to Emily. A minute or so passed before her eyes flickered open. By then, Momo had already made blankets for all of them and specially warm jackets for Tsuyu and All Might, both of whom were the ones most affected. "Wh-what happened?" Emily asked. "Your quirk manifested," Rebecca said, gently setting her down. She crouched in front of her. "I need you to take us back. Do you think you can do that?" "I don't know." Emily whispered. She looked around at all of them, seeing how worn out they all looked. Her eyes suddenly sparkled with tears. "Did I do this?" "It was an accident." Rebecca said. Emily sniffled, hands trembling as she wiped at her tears. "I a-am so s-sorry," she sobbed. Rebecca hugged her, patting her back. "It's all right, Em." she said. "It was a small mistake. It can be fixed." "B-but I d-did t-this," Emily sobbed. "Emily, right?" Izuku crouched next to them. "When my quirk manifested I ended up breaking my entire body. We all make mistakes." "See?" Rebecca said. "We've all done mistakes. You have the chance to fix yours. I know you will be able to take us back." The little girl wiped at her tears fiercely. "Okay." she said, "I will try."
They all gave her space as she closed her eyes, squeezing them tightly. She went deep within herself, to where her power had been hiding until then. She imagined herself standing in front of a big, blue bird-like thing. Well, the image came into her head. She stretched out her hands as they begun to tremble. Everyone watched, holding their breath as she opened her eyes and lifted her head. Her eyes glowed blue. A flash filled the small space. And as quick as it had started, it was done. They all found themselves in the spots they had been at before Emily's quirk had manifested. The young girl remained on her feet this time, but she looked out of balance. Rebecca, who found herself in front of her sister, hugged her tightly. "It worked!" Izuku cried. "Ah, so warm..." Tsuyu was saying, sinking onto one of the chairs. "You don't look too good," Inko was saying, helping All Might to his feet. "Just a bit off balnce and tired. Nothing a good night's sleep can't fix." he replied. "Rebecca! Emily!" they all turned to see a student enter the room. "It's been an hour! Where have you been?!" They all shared nervous laughs or looks. "It's... a very long story."
The end! I hope you enjoyed the read (because my eyes are begging me to close)!!!
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sambergscott · 6 years
when you smile you knock me out, i fall apart
Summary: It doesn't take much to freak Jake out about being a dad. Charles, Terry and Amy try to comfort him, but in the end there's only one person that can really erase his fears.
read on ao3
It doesn’t take much to freak Jake out about fatherhood.
He had a full-on panic attack when Amy showed him the plastic stick that changed their lives and another when he felt the baby kick for the first time, the sudden realisation that a living, breathing, kicking human being would soon be outside of his wife stealing the air out of his lungs.
He was excited about the baby being born, obviously, but it also, like, really worried him. He didn’t really have a dad growing up, had no father figure to look up to, so when they found out they were expecting, he realised he had no idea how to look after a kid.
For the majority of her pregnancy, Amy had managed to distract him of these (what she called) irrational fears by buying him adorable baby clothes adorned in slogans like “My Daddy’s the Best”, re-watching Diehard with him (and pretending to consider his idea to name the baby Nakatomi) and the most effective distraction: sex.
However, with her due date only a few days away and Amy at home on bed rest, she isn’t around to calm him down when he has his biggest “oh my God I don’t know how to be a dad I’m going to be terrible at this and the baby’s going to hate me” breakdown at work.
It starts when he bumps into Officer Alvarado on the third floor when he’s picking up Amy’s glasses that she left on her desk.
“Detective Peralta! How’s the Sarge doing?”
Jake’s lips twitch into a smile. “She’s great. She’s exhausted, and huge, and frustrated because she wants to meet the baby now,” he mimics Amy’s voice, “but she’s great.”
“Glad to hear it. We’re all so excited for her.”
“I’ll make sure to tell her that,” Jake responds. She’d tried so hard to be a good boss and get her officers to respect her and he thinks it would probably cheer his nine month pregnant wife up a great deal if she knew they were all thinking of her.
“And what about you? Are you ready to be a dad?”
Jake freezes, his airways suddenly tight. “Me? A d-dad?”
“Uh, yeah. That’s typically what happens when you have a baby - you become a dad,” she says, raising her eyebrows as Jake wipes away a pool of sweat from his forehead and loosens the tie from around his neck. “Are you OK, Detective?”
“Y-yeah, absolutely f-fine,” he stammers, his heart pounding in his chest. “I’ve gotta g-go.”
He rushes out of the bullpen and into the stairwell, sitting on the bottom step and curling his legs up to his chest. His breathing becomes more ragged and he feels like he might throw up. He grabs his phone out his pocket and texts Charles to get down here STAT and bring Terry with him. He tries to steady his breathing as he waits, but it just seems to make everything worse so he lets the panic course through his veins.
You’re going to be a terrible father.
You needn’t worry about abandoning the baby because the baby will abandon you when they realise how crappy a parent you are.
Amy will hate you when she realises how-.
His horrible thoughts are interrupted by Charles’ voice as his best friend joins him on the bottom step. “Charles-,” Jake croaks, his vision blurred with tears.
“What’s going on, bud?”
“I’m going to be a d-dad.”
“I know, I’ve been counting down since the second you told me you knocked Amy up,” Charles replies. “Three more sleeps to go!”
“Don’t-,” Jake whimpers. “I’m going to be a failure.”
Charles gasps. “You have never failed at anything in your life, Jacob Peralta. You are a perfect cop, a perfect best friend, a perfect husband and you will be a perfect daddy to America’s Dream Baby.”
“How do you know? My slutty pilot dad was never there for me. I don’t even know what a dad does!”
“Yes, you do. You’ve seen movies and been around me, and Terry, and Amy’s brothers. And you’re great with kids - they all love you.”
“But they’ve always gone home to their parents. I’ve never been responsible for a tiny human 24/7,” he frets. “What if Amy leaves me alone with the baby and it straight up dies?”
“Jakey, that’s the fear talking. You will not kill your child.”
“How do you know? I’m hopeless! I’ve only just learnt how to scramble eggs.”
“I can teach you to cook if that’s what you’re worried about,” Charles offers. “I’ve only been waiting for you to ask for eleven years.”
“It’s not just the cooking-.” He lets out a shallow breath, rubbing his hand over his face. “I’m scared of everything, Boyle.”
“I was terrified before the twins were born,” comes Terry’s calm voice from behind them.
Jake sobs in relief; Terry will help.
“How did you get over it?” Boyle prompts, knowing Jake can barely talk right now.
“I didn’t - not until the midwife placed those beautiful baby girls in my arms,” he responds, a smile growing on his face. “Once I was holding them and I could see their adorable little faces, it hit me. It hit me that I was their daddy and I would never do wrong by them.”
“What if it doesn’t hit me?”
“It will,” Terry promises. “You will feel love stronger than anything you’ve ever felt before and you will instinctively know what to do. Trust me.”
Jake nods his head a little, the adrenaline fading away.
“And everything else - the practical stuff like diaper changes and nighttime feeds and how to fold the stroller so it fits in the car - that gets easier with time.”
“Ames has already had me practising diaper changes on a football,” he confesses, an amused smile on his face.
“Exactly. How can you be worried when your wife is the most organised human on Earth?”
Jake laughs, thinking of all the pregnancy- and baby-related binders in the nursery next to their bedroom. Their friends have no idea how Type A she can be in the privacy of her own home.
“It’s nearly five. Go home to her, Jake. You’ll feel so much better talking about this with Amy.”
“But Captain Holt-.”
“I’ll deal with him. Go home, Peralta,” Terry insists.
“OK. OK, I’m going.” He hugs them both tightly and splashes his face with water in the third floor bathroom so Amy won’t know he’s been crying, ignoring the glares that the annoyed uniform officers send his way. He picks up his satchel from his desk and then drives home as fast as he can, desperate to be in Amy’s comforting presence.
Once his car is parked, he sprints up the stairs to their apartment. He unlocks the door and enters their home, greeted by the muffled sound of Amy singing along to Hamilton.
Jake follows the music to the nursery and leans against the doorframe, grinning as he watches her dance to Schuyler Sisters while folding the new baby clothes they’d been given at her shower.
“Hey,” he murmurs as the song finishes, apologising when he makes her jump.
“How long have you been stood there?” She asks, her cheeks flushing pink.
“A few minutes. You looked like you were enjoying yourself and I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“I would have enjoyed myself a whole lot more if you were dancing along with me,” she says, putting down the laundry and pressing a chaste kiss to her husband’s lips.
“You have got so corny since we got engaged,” he teases. “I never would have proposed if I knew what you’d become.”
She rolls her eyes and swats his chest playfully. “How was work?”
“I’ve got your glasses in my bag,” he says, nodding his head in the direction of the hall.
“That wasn’t what I asked,” Amy points out, knitting her brow together. “Is everything OK?”
“Damn, you know me too well. You should sit down, Ames. You’re supposed to be resting, remember.”
“I’m more concerned about you than resting right now,” she replies, sitting down on the recliner anyway, her left hand caressing her large bump. He kneels in front of her, kind of like a puppy dog, and her other hand plays with the hair at the nape of his neck. “What happened at work? You’re not injured, are you?”
He rests his hand on her bouncing knee as her eyes flit up and down, assessing him for any sign of stab wounds or bleeding. “I’m not injured. I did, however, have a major breakdown in the stairwell on the third floor.”
She would normally make a teasing comment about how much he clearly missed her (which he did - A Lot) and he loves her even more for reading his face and knowing it’s not the right time for flirty banter. Instead, she bites her lip and whispers, “a breakdown about being a dad?”
“Yeah,” he responds in an equally hushed tone, squeezing his eyes shut to stop the tears from falling again. Amy covers his hand with hers and places them both on her bump, letting him feel their baby move, and tears roll down his cheeks anyway.
“Our baby loves you more than anything, Jake, and they can’t wait to meet you.”
“I can’t wait to meet them either, Ames, but-.” He takes a shuddering breath, tripping over the words that follow. “ WhatifI’mjustlikemydad?”
“I know you love me and I know you don’t think I’m anything like him, but we arerelated. What if it’s in our DNA to be crappy dads?”
“I’m terrified. I’m absolutely terrified because I’ve always wanted to be a dad and now here we are - in our little one’s nursery, waiting for them to pop out and join the good thing we’ve got going here - and I just don’t want to let you or the baby down. Because, God , Ames, you’re already the perfect mother and I’m so scared that I can’t do this-.”
“Peralta,” she says firmly, snapping him out of the spiral he’d worked himself into. “Just stop talking for, like, two minutes and listen to me.”
The baby kicks as if to say “yeah, dad, shut the hell up” and they both laugh through their tears. (Because Amy’s literally about to pop and ridiculously hormonal, of course she started crying the moment Jake did).
“Look at this incredible nursery we’re in right now, with the crib you assembled and the animal illustrations you hung on the wall and the closet full of tiny Nets jerseys you bought the day after our first ultrasound. I spoke to your mom last night and guess what? Your dad didn’t do any of them things when she was pregnant.”
Jake swallows the lump in his throat.
“You know how certain you are that I’m going to be a good mom?”
He nods.
“That’s how certain I am that you’re going to be the best daddy ever. I have so much faith in you, Jake. We all do. Me, our baby, your mom, my family, Charles. I know he probably said as much when you spoke to him about this earlier.”
“How did you know?”
“I know you, Jacob Peralta. You probably spoke to Terry as well, right?”
“Yep,” he says, shaking his head in amazement.
“And what did Terry tell you?”
“That he was terrified, too, but it all disappeared when he held Cagney and Lacey for the first time. But what if that doesn’t happen for me?”
“Well, I guess we’ll find out soon.”
“I guess so.” He smiles softly.
“No, Jake-.” She grits her teeth, a wave of excruciating pain coursing through her body. “We’ll find out really soon. I think the contractions have just started.”
(Exactly twenty-four hours later, Amy is squeezing Jake’s hand to the point where he thinks his bones might break as she pushes and pushes and pushes until finally - finally - they hear a piercing cry and oh my God their baby is out and Jake’s sobbing and Amy won’t let go of him and the midwife is assuring them that they have a perfectly healthy baby girl and Jake is pretty sure his heart stops when the midwife places her on Amy’s chest because he has a daughter. A daughter.
And it’s like everything in the universe finally makes sense.
Amy is murmuring “I love you so much” over and over and over and their baby opens her eyes for a millisecond as if to say “love you, too, mom”, which triggers a fresh round of tears from both Jake and Amy.
Jake can’t say anything, can’t stop staring at her scrunched up face and ten tiny fingers and- “Oh my God, Ames, I think she has my nose.”
“She looks just like her daddy,” the midwife agrees. “Speaking of, would you like to cut the cord, dad?”
Jake nods weakly, taking the scissors from the midwife and the cutting where she indicates. He immediately goes back to staring at her, his daughter, and gently strokes a finger over her dark head of hair.
“That’s a Santiago thing,” Amy murmurs and his eyes leave his daughter for a second to look at his wife who still looks gorgeous after a full day of labour. “All Santiagos are born with a lot of hair. She’s the perfect mix of both of us.”
“She’s definitely perfect, that’s for sure,” Jake responds, kissing Amy’s forehead. “I love you both so much.”
“Do you want to hold her?”
Jake’s pupils dilate, panic settling in his stomach. What if she hates him and their calm little baby starts screaming her head off? What if he drops her? “I can’t-.”
“You can,” Amy insists, gently placing her in his arms.
“She’s so tiny,” he whispers, choking up as she snuggles into his chest and he suddenly understands exactly what Terry was saying. He’s her daddy and he loves her so much and he never wants to let her go. He’s not scared anymore. Not at all. He just feels happier than he’s ever felt in his entire life.
The midwife eventually pries their daughter away from him to be cleaned up and measured and whatever else they have to do (he did read it in one of Amy’s many pregnancy-related books, but his superhero wife has just given birth to their baby so excuse him if he can’t remember everything).
A few hours later, after the grandparents have visited and coddled over baby Maya Peralta, the Nine-Nine peak their heads around the door and Charles immediately bursts into tears.
“She’s even better than I imagined,” he sobs loudly, waking Maya up.
Amy glares at him until he shuts up, her gaze softening as she kisses her daughter and rocks her gently until she falls back asleep. It doesn’t take long. The newest addition to the Nine-Nine family is very sleepy; she’s had a big day after all.
Rosa congratulates them, Captain Holt tells Amy he’s proud of her and Gina offers to pierce their baby’s ears. Amy recoils in horror and Jake promises her that Gina’s just joking. Jake glances up from his little family, his entire world, to see Terry smiling knowingly at him.
“You were right,” he says quietly so only Terry and Amy hear and he looks back down at his baby girl. He’s not at all scared of fatherhood anymore.)
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emloafs · 7 years
Hi! You wanted newsies ships and prompts so Javid and number 12 and 14 from your prompt list please :)
Here you go! I wrote it for prompt 14. You just walked out of the shower, still dripping wet, in only a towel and oh no now I’ve dropped what I was holding and you noticed me staring blatantly at you Since someone else requested 12 for another ship. Anyway, this is unedited so excuse my mistakes. Hope you enjoy!!
In hindsight, David should have seen this coming. I mean, what did he expect after moving in with Jack? The bathroom was all the way down the hall from both of their bedrooms. David really, really should’ve seen this coming.
But still, seeing Jack Kelly’s dripping half-naked body would be enough to short circuit anyone’s mind. David was most definitely staring. He couldn’t help it.
It was David’s first full day living in the apartment. Jack had been looking for a new roommate since Crutchie moved to a smaller place closer to his job where he could live on his own. Jack couldn’t afford the two-bedroom apartment on his own and David offhandedly told him he was looking for a place to live. Everything went downhill from there.
Jack and David had been friends for a few months and maybe not all of David’s feelings were strictly platonic, but he wasn’t blind. Jack was crazy attractive. David mentally kicks himself for agreeing to move in. It was just a small crush. He would be fine.
So, he averted his eyes from Jack’s dripping, muscular back retreating back to his room, and tried to focus on the book he was reading. Everything would be fine; He would get over this soon enough.
David was wrong.
Who knew that moving in with Jack Kelly would make him fall head over heels for the boy? It was completely unfair. He began noticing all the little things Jack did. He hummed to himself early in the morning while making breakfast (so he started making David breakfast too, it was only practical). He was hopeless when it came to folding laundry. David came home to him sitting in the middle of their living room with clothes everywhere. He whipped his head around and saw his friend and gave a helpless sound that David couldn’t help but laugh at. It was adorable. David did the laundry and the folding from that point on. Jack liked to paint on Saturday mornings. David found him one morning, bright and early, out on their fire escape with a canvas propped on the stairs before him. He explained that it was a good time for him to either think or just lose himself in his work. David gave a soft smile and a silent nod and let him be. The endless list of reasons to fall for Jack Kelly went on.
But the shower. That was the real killer.
It was fine when Jack just walked from the bathroom to his room; David could ignore him for that short period of time. No, what really sucked was when Jack paraded around the apartment in nothing but his towel. David’s eyes couldn’t help but drop from his shoulders down to his defined chest to his abs to where the towel hung on his hips. He was fully aware of his staring, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away. He liked to lie to himself and tell himself that Jack definitely didn’t notice.
Living with him became a pain. All David wanted to do was jump him and kiss him senselessly. He, of course, did not do this. He just groaned in frustration when Jack would finally disappear into his bedroom after he showered. He had it bad. David had an unfortunate feeling that this would not be going away as easily as he hoped.
What confused him was the fact that he was always around when Jack showered. It was as if the boy chose to shower whenever David was minding his own damn business and trying to relax in his home. In fact, he had been living with Jack for nearly two months when he finally realized he saw Jack half naked too often. David chose to bring his clothes to the bathroom with him to change into after he showered. Jack did no such thing. It was like Jack was trying to kill him.
“Hey, Davey,” Jack called into the apartment when he got home that day.
“Oh hey, Jack,” David said, distracted by the work laid out for him on the kitchen counter and his laptop. He didn’t look up to greet him.
“How long have you been like that?” Jack furrowed his eyebrows and hovered over his friend’s shoulder, trying to figure out what nonsense he was doing.
“What time is it?”
“Almost five o’clock,” Jack supplied.
“About four hours then,” David said, eyes still glued to the screen.
“Okay then,” Jack patted his shoulder and began walking away. “I’m gonna take a shower. The boys and I are going out tonight, you should tag along.”
“Yeah okay sounds great.”
Jack peaked around the corner of the hallway he started down. “Did you even hear what I said?”
“Yeah, I’d love to.”
Jack shook his head, “Hey Davey, I’m gonna go jump off the fire escape.”
“Okay, be safe.”
Laughing to himself, Jack turned and went to his room. Minding his own business, he headed towards the bathroom with a towel in hand.
“Wait, did you say you were taking a shower?!” Davey shot up from his seat and whipped his head around to look at the other boy.
Startled, Jack watched as Davey leaned out of the kitchen to look at him.
“Uh…yes? And why is that the only thing you heard me say? I could’ve jumped off the fire escape!” Jack said defensively as Davey stormed over to the closed bathroom door.
The met on either side of it, glaring at each other.
“I’m taking a shower right now,” David demanded.
“What? That’s not fair. You had all day to shower. You can’t just step in and shower right when I decide I want to,” Jack said incredulously.
“Well I was busy all day and I had no perception of time until you got home and broke my concentration, Jack,” David explained, blocked the door.
“It’s not my fault you don’t take care of yourself when I’m not here,” Jack shot back. “Now move.”
In an instant, before Jack could even react, Davey ripped the towel from his hand and slipped into the bathroom, slamming the door in his roommate’s face.
“Sorry!” He called through the door.
“Davey Jacobs!” Jack yelled banging on the door. He grabbed the doorknob. Locked. He groaned and kicked the door. “You’re dead when you get out here.”
So Jack waited outside the bathroom. He slumped to the ground and leaned against the wall opposite the door and glared at it. He got bored quickly, but his stubbornness kept him rooted to his spot. He found a ball and began bouncing it against the wall. Finally, after what felt like ages, he heard the water turn off. He scrambled to his feet just in time for Davey to open the door.
Anything he was prepared to yell was promptly caught in his throat. The ball he was holding fell to the floor, bouncing a few times before rolling away. Because, oh. That’s Davey’s naked chest he’s staring at. Dripping with water. Jack’s mouth went dry. The hallway was fairly narrow and there was only the tiniest fraction of space between them. His eyes panned downward– how does Davey have abs? That’s completely unfair– and then up to see David’s blushing face and his wet hair sticking to his forehead. For someone who spent almost all their time working or with their nose in a book, David looked good. He was tall and lean, but muscular and Jack really needed to stop staring. 
“Sorry, didn’t grab my clothes before hand,” he muttered, still blushing. There was no way he didn’t catch Jack checking him out. He scooted around Jack and down the hall. And if Jack stared at his ass through the towel, that was no one’s business but his own.
David returned dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt. He toweled off his head as he walked. He passed Jack and threw the wet towel at his roommate’s head.
“Shower’s all yours,” He called.
Jack was fuming. David had absolutely no right to first, steal the shower, second, come out looking like he was sculpted by a damn angel, blushing, and third, act all cocky and confident once he was dressed.
Impulsively, letting his emotions get the best of him, Jack stormed after him.
“David whatever-your-middle-name-is Jacobs!” David turned around and nearly laughed at the anger on Jack’s face.
“Yes?” He asked innocently.
“You can’t just- with your- and the- how dare you?!” Jack was too flustered to make an coherent sentences.
“I think you’re gonna have to be a little more specific,” David crossed his arms. He never got to see Jack like this. It was refreshing.
David’s smirk fell from his face, quickly, though. Jack looked like he wanted to punch him. He’d never seen him with that look on his face.
“Look, I’m sorry. I’m just joking around-”
His apology was cut off. Jack grabbed him by his shirt collar and pulled him into a rough kiss. Shocked, it took the taller boy to comprehend what was happening. As Jack kissed him with everything he had, David finally remembered to respond. When David kissed back, Jack deepened the kiss, nudging his lips slightly with his tongue. David let out a soft noise and Jack took it as an invitation. One hand snaked its way into David’s still-damp hair and the other remained tugging on his collar. David took control of the kiss by grabbing Jack by his hips and pinning him to the counter behind them. David craned his neck down and kissed along Jack’s neck. He heard him breathe out a quiet “Davey” and smirked. Jack tugged him back up and kissed him softly before David pulled away.
“What the hell was that?” He panted.
“You’re really hot,” Jack shrugged slightly.
As he leaned in to kiss him again, a realization dawn on David and he pulled back.
“Wait, is this because you saw me when I came out of the shower?”
Jack blushed.
“Oh my god, it is!” David laughed a little.
“It’s not funny! You’re too toned and damn attractive for your own good. Stop laughing, anyone would be turned on by the sight of your wet naked chest,” Jack defended.
“No, no,” David said between giggles. How could Jack be this clueless? “It’s just that I’ve been pining after you for months. And you’ve been killing me every time you come out of the bathroom from taking a shower.”
“What? Me?” Jack asked in disbelief. “But I never take my clothes to the bathroom with me. I just change in my room. Do you mean-”
“Exactly,” David nodded.
“Well, maybe if you grew some balls and did what I just did the first time you ogled me, we could’ve been doing this a long time ago,” Jack told him.
“Wait. Do you mean, you like me too?”
Jack rolled his eyes. “Would I have just kissed the shit out of you if I didn’t? Of course I like you, Davey. Everything about you is amazing.”
Davey smiled sheepishly. Jack pecked his lips.
“We’re dumb.” He concluded.
“That’s the damn truth,” Jack agreed, pulling David down for another kiss.
After a few moments, he pulled back. “Wait, weren’t you going to go out with the guys tonight?”
“They can wait. This is way more fun.”
The next day they met their friends for lunch, walking hand in hand. Most of them weren’t surprised. Crutchie mentioned casually that he told David to look into the apartment because he knew Jack had a small crush on him. Jack shoved him. And when they all asked how they got together, they looked at each other and grinned.
“Well, it all started with the shower…”
“We do not want to hear about that, man.”
David shrugged and kissed Jack. It took them a while, and their way was unconventional, but at least they finally go together in the end.
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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“I...I'll get by! I...I'll survive! When the world's crashing down,  When I fall and hit the ground,  I will turn myself around -- Don't you try to stop me! I...I won't cry!”
~“Alice (Underground)” by Avril Lavigne
Okay, so after watching @dat-silvers-girl​’s playthrough of the most recent chapter, the most intense reaction I had was when Jacob started (AND THEN NEVER FINISHED!!) a story about him, Olivia, and Duncan. A lot of you probably already know that Duncan Ashe is one of my favorite characters in the game Hogwarts Mystery, and I will always be resentful that he hasn’t gotten the attention and development he so rightfully deserves...and well, I just felt like drawing something with our “Forgotten Trio,” so here it is! (Thanks to Lunapic for the help with tinting and the lovely "starry” texture!) 
I was inspired by this song featured in Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, which despite it not being a great movie is something of a guilty pleasure for me. Jacob, Duncan, and Olivia did kind of “fall down” a rabbit hole of madness they couldn’t get out of, in the end, but at the start, these three had no concept of just how deep it went, nor how dangerous it would be. All they wanted to do was protect their school and discover the truth behind the dark mysteries of the Cursed Vaults...and in the process, they fell down a path with no visible way back up toward the real world. 
Jacob sought out the Cursed Vaults due to a love of magical knowledge, longing to understand what they were all about and fix the problems they caused. 
Duncan sought out the Cursed Vaults due to his own passionate love of Cursebreaking and his ambition to chase it as a career once he graduated.
Olivia sought out the Cursed Vaults due to a sincere humanitarian impulse to help the school that was more of a home to her than her family’s house was. 
Possessing the brain, drive, and heart needed to work as a successful team, one could easily see these three succeeding in their endeavor. It’s just too bad that R -- and by extension Jacob’s cruel and manipulative grandfather Charles Cromwell -- had other plans. For now, though, we can see these three at the very start of their journey with their most frequent respective attitudes -- Jacob as the wide-eyed thrill-seeker; Olivia as the down-to-earth mediator; and Duncan as the cynical smart-ass. 
Hope you guys like this! As always, please consider liking/reblogging/commenting if you do...and I wish you all a magical night! ✨
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