#and kristen barkrock even has a ring to it tbh
scutchythedm · 5 months
am I caught up on FHJY? no. will I give everyone my Ragh, Lydia, & Kristen family dynamic headcanons regardless? absolutely yes
Ragh really encouraging Kristen's interest in working out and fitness,,,, Lydia making them meals and bringing them lemonade after they come home from going on a run,, her making sure they drink lots of water and stay safe
Ragh helping Kristen with her campaign ideas,,, they're both dumb idiots (affectionately) and they come up with the dumbest ideas but they're so silly
Kristen and Lydia having a proper heart to heart about Kristen's situation with her parents, her god, and her ex-girlfriend and just breaking into tears over it. Jawbone is fucking awesome but how chill and completely open he is about everything can be threatening when Kristen is Not used to that. she's been through so much and she's so open physically with people as a way of coping with a lack of freedom in that regard when she was younger. She hasn't properly addressed how closed off she was emotionally though and she's focused so much on religion and finding herself in that regard that I think she forgets that there's more things going on (especially with ADHD) that she's struggling with, like her habit of making impulsive decisions without thinking of the consequences because she's been unable or not allowed to make any decisions for so long
all this pressure is put on her to be the only support for her god when surviving high-school is hard enough for anyone, especially someone with mental illness, she hasn't had a period where she can process everything that's happened to her--theres always a threat and the world constantly needs saving and I feel like Lydia could just sit her down and go "woah. slow down kiddo" and speak to her in a way she could understand, esp since Lydia is the mother of one neurodivergent kid who struggled with school (Ragh)
anyway that's all I just had to dump that out of my brain headcanons over the end
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