#and like i get that they didnt like use fireworks or something but babe?
newlyy · 2 years
i saw a gender reveal on tiktok with a girl who looked very young and all the comments were like omg i thought you were 15 and she was responding like “guys im 24 😑” like ok, frankly still too young to give up your life but sure
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obnoxiousgremlin · 3 years
The Proposal , Lets fall in love for the night [o.w]
A/N- The reader is 19 and Oliver is 20. He’s already been recruited to a team for quid ditch while the reader finishes their last year of hogwarts. This is a non-voldemort a/u.
Warnings- just fluff, super cute fluff.
y/n-your name
y/m/n-your middle name
y/l/n-your last name
“Can i take my blindfold off now?” you whine. It was your five-year anniversary with Oliver and he had a whole thing planned out, from the entire day down till your outfit. You hadn’t seen him all day and he left you nothing but a note in your dorm telling you to slip on the white dress and matching silver heels in the box [whatever you say the man had good taste] he left and meet him outside the common room at 5pm. Once you were ready you went and were met with Fred, who proceeded to blindfold you and take you to Oliver so you knew absolutely nothing. And that’s how you found yourself in his position, hand in hand with none other than Oliver himself blindfolded walking to god knows where. 
“Not just yet, darling.” he chuckled , carefully guiding you.
“I love you Oliver , but if I have to wear this for one minute longer we are over.” You didn’t mean it, of course you didn’t mean it but you needed that blindfold off.
He chuckled again , “Almost there love-” taking a short pause, “- okay, we’re here now.” He proceeded to take you blindfold off but not before a song started playing. “lets fall in love for tonight and forget in the morning-”  you gasped when the blindfold came off, taking in your surroundings. You were standing on the bridge where you had first kissed him, yes you because even oliver who was super confident was way too nervous to actually make a move on you. This same bridge shared all your big moments, its where he first asked you out, its where you first told him you loved him, the feeling was mutual of course. He had somehow managed to cover the gorgeous light wood railings of the tiny bridge in white fairy lights, illuminating the place. You turned around to oliver who was dressed in a white button up and black formal trousers and kissed him. You grabbed his face and kissed him. He was startled but kissed you back immediately. You broke the kiss and touched your forehead to his “This is gorgeous babe, i love it.”
He chuckled and said, “your squishing the flowers darling.”
“Oh. Shit-” you stepped back and looked down embarrassed , “-sorry.”
“Don’t be.” he handed you your favourite flowers [a/n- my favourite flowers are white roses, so that's what im basing this on but feel free to picture your own!], and kissed you again. 
He bowed down dramatically, “May I have this dance , your grace.” He said referring to Bridgerton ,the show you two had finished a week ago after which you had taken to calling each other your grace, thinking it was funny.
You bowed back. “You may, your grace.” you said chuckling. And there the two of you were dancing on the bridge to finneas sing. It was your song, yours and olivers. You rested your head on his chest and he swayed. He turned you around, your back to his front and you hummed. His warmth seeping into you. Suddenly, he stepped back and you whined, he chuckled once again, “Just a minute, love.” and you hummed in response leaning against the railings of the bridge admiring the view of the water and the purple sky. Autumn was setting in and you couldn't be happier.
He came back and handed you a glass of rose champagne leaning next to you with his hand on your waist. You both took and sip and you hummed to the wonderful taste. After a couple of minutes , he cleared his throat and you looked at him. 
He took your hand and took a couple steps back. He seemed a little nervous but then looked at you. Clearing his throat again he said , “ Okay, so i had a whole speech prepared and i was going to say a lot of things, i can't remember anything right now. So, im just gonna say something and hope it comes out right -” you interrupted him before he could say anything ,”Oliver?” 
He lifted a hand so as to shush you and continued, ”Darling, I love you. I love you so much that I can't explain it. I love going to sleep right next to you and i love waking up next to you. I love your laugh and i love your voice and i love you. You take my breath away.I think i might love you more than qudditch, actually no, i dont think, I know that I love you more than quidditch.  Every time i look at you, i want to be near you. I want to spend my entire life with you. I want to build a future with you. I want to take every next breath with you, i want to grow old and grey with you.-” He took a deep breath , by this time you already had tears in your eyes anticipating what was happening. He continues,” - And I- and i- It is one thing to meet a beautiful woman but to meet your best friend in the most beautiful of women is something entirely apart.” He grinned referencing to Simon’s speech about Daphne in Bridgerton making you laugh. He took another deep breath , “ When i first started playing, i didnt think i would ever experience anything that would ever compare to how i felt when i picked up the broom. I never thought i would find love because quid ditch was my entire world and then there was you, equally as fast. Equally as cunning, equally as sharp as me on the broom. Thats when i knew i loved you, when i first saw you on that broom.I knew then that nothing mattered as long as i had you. That even if i didnt have quidditch and i had you everything in the world would be okay. y/n y/m/n y/l/n , will you do me honour of marrying me, of becoming Mrs. Oliver Wood and being with me for the rest of my life?” At some point he had sat down on one knee and was now looking up at you holding out a gorgeous engagement ring.
You wanted to play with him and say no but the emotions of the entire ordeal had completely overtaken you and you ended up saying ,“yes, yes, yes ,yes, yes i’ll marry you.” He picked you up and spinned you not before placing the ring on your delicate finger, huh that's why Angelina wanted to get her nails done with you. After placing you on your feet he kissed you. “Really? You want to marry me?” he asked resting his forehead against yours. “Of course i want to marry you dumbass , and even if i didnt after that speech who could refuse.” you chuckled and he joined you. 
After a couple of moments of staying like that you took a deep breath, “I guess this would be the perfect time to tell you that im pregnant?” you said looking into his eyes. The second you finished that sentence fireworks burst around you. You looked up in awe but only for a second before oliver turned your face to him, he eyes glowing .”Your pregnant?” and you nodded. “I’m going to be a dad?” he asked again.
“Mhm, i found out this morning. I guess that's what you get for making your girlfriend, well now fiancee pregnant baby”  you said laughing at him. He grinned before jumping up and down. He stopped and kissed you, his hands going to your belly. “This is the best day ever, the most perfect, goddess-like woman agreed to be my wife and im having a baby!” his excitement had you laughing. 
After a moment you said, “So about those fireworks-” he looked down sheepishly, you smacked his chest “-Oliver how many people did you tell?” you said feigning accusation. “might've told everyone in the castle.” he mumbled under his breath. “OLIVER-” he broke you off before kissing you again. 
You broke the kiss ,”that was a good way of shutting me up, love.” he chuckled, ”I know, can’t wait to use it a lot more when i finally marry you.”
As you two headed back to the castle , finneas remained singing ,”lets fall in love for the night.”
a/n-i hope you liked this, its my very first time doing something like this. Also i know the ending is kind of crappy but i can't think anything else. 
*Do not post my stuff anywhere*
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h2bakugou · 4 years
hiya!! i love your writing <3
is it possible to request a bakugo x aizawa! reader (adopted) who has a love themed quirk, can control light and produce hardened light but it gets stronger when she loves somebody.
aizawa notices shes been getting stronger recently and he asks the staff for help, they realise she has her eyes on somebody and he tries to find out who it is. he finds out its bakugo, but bakugo didnt know she was his adopted daughter and its just a cute little mess 🥺
please take your time and stay well 💗
a/n: hiii! thank you so much <3 of course! i love the dadzawa troupe, whether it be with eri, the students of class 1-a, or written where he has a child, it’s so cute and fluffy and sfdkjgds this request is really cute and wholesome thank you so much <3!!
summary: love, it has powerful properties, and even more so with your quirk. when aizawa, your adoptive father finds out that you’ve been getting stronger, it can only mean one thing. you’ve fallen in love.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / light manipulation; love influenced - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
wordcount: 1.2k
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Having heart eyes for Class 1-A’s quote on quote ‘nuisance’ was a bit of a challenge. Especially when your adoptive father was the homeroom teacher. Mr. Aizawa had adopted you when you were a little older than seven, and you’d been with him ever since.
Having shown to him that you wanted to be a hero just like him, he enrolled you into U.A. through recommendation, and you got in. That was how you met Bakugou.
He was loud, abrasive, strong, driven, and so much more. But to you, he was almost sweet. He wouldn’t call you his friend out loud, even when Kirishima teased him for it, but he did consider you at least an acquaintance.
That was until the night of the school festival, when he kissed you. It was simple and sweet. Under the star-filled sky, his lips on yours, tasting vaguely of cinnamon from the sweet roll he’d had earlier.
When he pulled away, he tucked his hands back into his pockets, removing them from cupping your face. You smiled at him, your eyes lit up by the fireworks being shot into the sky.
The week after, training was much different. Even just seeing Bakugou sent your heart running a mile a minute. It was pounding out of your chest, the ghostly feeling of his lips still lingering on your own.
During the week of training, Aizawa had picked up that you had gotten noticeably stronger. Which could only mean one thing. You were falling in love. It wasn’t a bad thing, but as a father, he was concerned.
Who had you been talking with? Did any of your classmates know? His dad instincts were really kicking in. He didn’t want to intrude and overstep his boundaries, but he was ultimately curious. Who had captured your heart?
At first thought, he might’ve picked Kaminari, the two of you were close, but through further inspection, Kaminari didn’t act any differently around you. There was no evidence of the two of you even being a couple. So he quickly stepped away from that theory.
“What’cha doin’ Sho?” Present Mic’s naturally loud voice scared Aizawa. He whipped his head around and sighed.
“I think (Y/n)’s found a boyfriend. She’s gotten stronger, and since her quirk is love influenced-”
“You wanna know who’s got the heart of your little girl?” Mic teased. Aizawa just turned back around, watching as his students trained, keeping an eye on you in particular. 
Your control of light had gotten much better, being able to pinpoint locations and send your hardened rays out like missiles, you were definitely much stronger than before.
“You know, she could’ve just trained a little better, you sure it’s love?” Mic asked, curious if Aizawa was just overthinking, perhaps letting his own worries about seeing you grow up and fall in love get the best of him.
“I’m almost positive. I’m just trying to figure out who it is.” Aizawa knew it wasn’t the best idea to snoop around in your business, but he was just curious. And as your father, he wanted good things for you.
“I’ll keep an eye out for ya.” 
And by the end of the week, almost the entire staff had been watching out for you. Reporting back to Aizawa about who you’d been hanging out with. And with every report, almost every staff member saw you and Bakugou together, at the same time each day.
You’d been in Bakugou’s dorm, studying with him, going over math for Ectoplasm. Of course, Bakugou was focused on his work, but you were a bit worried.
Bakugou had asked you out, and you’d said yes of course. That was two days ago.
“Hey, Bakugou?” You paused, getting his attention.
“Yeah?” He questioned, setting his pen down to look at you. His crimson eyes were filled with intrigue as he looked at you with a gentle expression.
“I’ve been needing to tell you something.” You begin to wonder if you should tell the truth or makeup something. You figured the sooner the better.
Leaning in to kiss him once more before letting him know the truth, you’re interrupted as soon as your lips land on his.
Knocking on the door startles the both of you. You give Bakugou a confused look as he jumps up to answer it.
Mr. Aizawa is standing in front of the door, his arms crossed over his chest.
“What do you need?” Bakugou asked, confused as to why his homeroom teacher was standing at his door.
Giving you a soft expression, Mr. Aizawa glanced at Bakugou. You swallowed a lump in your throat and stood up.
“Bakugou...” You spoke softly, walking over toward them.
“Yeah, babe?” Bakugou smirked, using the term ‘babe’ as if your dad wasn’t standing in the doorway.
“Bakugou meet my dad, dad meet Bakugou.” You blurted, introducing the two. Bakugou’s eyes slowly widened, his head turning back to look at Mr. Aizawa.
“Dad? Like he’s your-”
“Adoptive father, but father nonetheless.” You cut Bakugou off before he can make the situation worse.
“I was going to tell you but we just started dating and-”
“It’s okay. I’m not mad. Keep him in line.” Mr. Aizawa nodded toward Bakugou with a smile, patting your head before giving a few more words.
“And you.” Bakugou was ready to buck up to the elder, defending his love for you.
“If she’s truly happy with you, then I’m happy with you.” Bakugou’s heart warmed at the man’s words. Glancing at you, he really saw so much in you. Love and kindness, power, and strength, someone he wanted to spend so much time with.
He was really in love with you, and he couldn’t imagine falling for anyone else. 
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say, old man.” Bakugou huffed, wrapping an arm around your waist. You giggled and shook your head.
“Get back to your dorm soon.” Aizawa spoke to you, knowing that curfew was coming soon.
“I will! Love you, dad!” You called to him, teasing him just a little as he walked down the hall.
“Love you too.” He mumbled quietly.
Closing the door, Bakugou pressed his lips onto yours, no longer wanting to wait. You kissed him back and smiled.
“Don’t tell me you’re going to make him regret letting you go without having to clean the entire dormitory.” You paused, your breath ghosting over his lips.
“Oh, I’m going too.” Bakugou smirked.
Bakugou was an amazing boyfriend. And when the time came for him to come to one of your little family dinners, where you and Mr. Aizawa sat and ate, talking about what happened, Bakugou was thoroughly satisfied.
You made sure that they both weren’t butting heads the entire time, but at the end of it, when you were waiting for Bakugou to be finished clearing the table, you overheard him talking to your dad.
“I really like her.” Bakugou mumbled. You peeked your head around the corner and watched your dad smile.
“She really likes you too.” Aizawa glanced back, spotting you. You let out a small laugh, watching as Bakugou’s cheeks flushed red.
“H-hey! Dumbass are you eavesdropping?!” Bakugou paid no mind to his soapy hands as he charged at you but not before getting caught by Aizawa’s scarf.
“No running inside.” Mr. Aizawa’s hair flared up, his eyes glowing red.
There was a feeling of warmth deep down into your heart, one that you would cherish forever.
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faithinthefuture28 · 4 years
Larry songs timeline & what it tells us about the evolution of their relationship
**These are all just my interpretations but the more I listen to the music they wrote, the more it all fits together. ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THROUGHOUT THE YEARS THEY’VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT WRITING “AUTOBIOGRAPHICALLY” AND “FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE”
I deffo missed some songs but these stood out to me:
L-Strong: Love isn’t easy (waves trying to break it) but what we have means something and it’s worth fighting for. read: love is only for the brave (Think of how much love that’s been wasted...there’s nothing i’m running from...i don’t care, I’m not scared of love) And we bring out the best in each other so lets not throw this away (i’d do anything to save it...when i’m not with you i’m weaker). 
H-Happily: I want to fight for us too bc we’re on fire and our love is powerful af. ik we have to do stunts and stuff (and if (s)he feels my traces in your hair, sorry love but I don’t really care) but what we have is insane and fuck everyone else bc you’re MINE and i’m YOURS at the end of the day (i wanna be the one who holds you when you sleep). Together, we’re magic so just be with me so happily
H-Something Great: ****this song is very straightforward so i won’t explain it much***** (i want you here with me like how i pictured it so i dont have to keep imagining... We’re better off together here tonight). Written as a longing for what could be if they dont have to suppress the relationship. (script was written...want to rip it all to shreds) Louis’ response (you’re all I want so much it’s hurting) basically says “it’s not too much to ask babe, i want it too.” This has the kind of longing that ‘wouldn’t it be nice- beach boys’ which Harry has admitted is kind of a theme song. 
L-Through the Dark: I know all this bs we’re going through is taking a toll on you and hurts you and i hate seeing you upset (you tell me that your sad...you tell me that you’re hurt and youre in pain and i can see your head is held in shame...i just wanna see you smile again) but I will do everything physically possible to protect you from any pain bb (i’d never let you fall and break your heart, if u wanna cry or fall apart, i’ll be there to hold ya). We’re going through this together and I will take on any responsibility needed to keep you happy.  I’M WILLING TO GO THROUGH HELL TO FIGHT FOR US HARRY LOVE (entire chorus basically).
L-Better than Words: holy fuck our love is amazing can’t even describe it can i just sing to you foreva love u babycakes
L-Why don’t we go there: what if...we just forgot about the world and escaped and enjoyed each others love and rode the high??? Also sex
L-Ready to Run: *******Followup to Why Don’t We Go There*********** But this time let’s escape for real bc (there’s me inside a sinking boat running out of time). Like i’m ready to get out of here and it could just be us living happily ever after (this time i’m ready to run). Honestly nothing else makes sense (without you i’ll never make it out alive...wherever you are is the place i belong). I know what i want out of life and IT’S YOU HARREH (i want to be free and i wanna be yours, i will never look back). 
L-Steal My Girl: all u thirsty hoes find someone else bc Harry is MY pretty princess. Srsly ask his family. But you can still admire how he looks in those jeans. We all do. You know the ones
L-No Control: boy u fine, let’s do what lovers do IN THE MORNING. bc we can. also you own me and i am urs
L-Clouds: WE KNEW THIS WAS GONNA BE HARD SO WHY ARE YOU BEING A LITTLE BITCH (you dont like it complicated...but love is never ever simple...you are tired of all the changes, but love is always always changing). We could be great yo, just keep fighting (if we’re never coming back down, we’ll looking down on the clouds...we go and we go and we dont stop)
H-Where do Broken Hearts Go: IM SORRY LOU BABY YOURE EVERYTHING (rest of my crimes dont come close the look on your face when i let you go... the taste of your lips...is at the top of the list of things i want). H&L’s call and  response at the end is basically forgiveness and acknowledgment (come on baby come and get me out, come on baby cuz i need you now)
H-Two Ghosts: *****was written around this time according to Harry******. This is fucking hard yo. We’re drained and exhausted and idk how much more we can fight for this... (it’s not you and it’s not me...sounds like something that i used to feel). That infatuation and electricity and hope that fueled our younger selves isn’t really there anymore and i’m just tired man (we’re just two ghosts swimming in a glass half empty, trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat, we’re not who we used to be...this was all we used to need). We’re empty vessels going through the motions (same eyes blue, couple more tattoos). AND WE AREN’T FUCKING COMMUNICATING (we dont say what we really mean). 
H&L-Perfect: so what if... we get rid of the pressure of forever? What if we just have fun doing the stupid shit we love and makes us feel alive (trouble up in hotel rooms, secret little rendezvous, things you know that we shouldn’t do). Like we won’t be out of each others’ lives, I’m still around and we can find comfort in each other and even mess around here and there (I can be the one you love from time to time). Remember how we used to be young and EXCITED (when i first saw you from across the room, i could tell that you were curious) let’s get that energy back without the responsiblity of an adult relationship. And we can keep making art lmao (if youre looking for someone to write your breakup songs about). 
L-Long Way Down *****this song fkn hurts man. It’s overlooked a lot but shows so much insight**** We were...everything. And maybe that’s the problem? We’ve been through so fucking much, more than anyone our age should have to endure. (We've been in fire, Went down in the flames. We sailed the ocean And drowned in the waves. Built a cathedral But we never prayed) We didn’t know what we had. We were damn kids man. We weren’t prepared for all this. We didn’t know how powerful this would be. We didn’t know what it required of us. (We had a mountain But took it for granted. We had it all yeah. Who could’ve planned it). We didn’t know what to do with it, how to deal with it, so here we are. (We had a spaceship But we couldn't land it) We’re each other’s everything, but we can’t keep going on like this babe. (We found an island But we got stranded). I don’t want to leave you but being together is breaking us down. (Point of no return and now It's just too late to turn around) We thought we were untouchable. That love conquers all. Maybe, we were wrong. This is gonna hurt like a bitch (We built it up so high and now I'm fallin', it’s a long way down)
H-Olivia: I LIVE FOR YOU, I LONG FOR YOU, I LOVE YA. And i think i’ll always love ya. And I’m scared...of life without you (i get the feeling you’re walking out, time is irrelevant when i’ve not been seeing you, the consequences are falling now, there’s something i’m having nightmares about...dont let me go). But maybe just maybe thats okay, because you’re AIMH (you live in my imagination...i love you, it’s all i do). 
L-Love you Goodbye: I fucking love you and I’ll always fucking love you but i think this is the right thing to do even though it feels so wrong (i know there’s nothing i can do to change it, but is there something that can be negotiated?) We made some goddamn fireworks together though (unforgettable together held the whole world in our hands) and do ya maybe think...we can make them just once more? (if tomorrow you wont be mine, let me give it to you one last time, baby let me love you goodbye...one more taste of your lips just to bring me back to the places we’ve been and the nights we’ve had because if this is it, then at least we could end it riiiiight). ********in the interview with our FAVE Gwen Garcia, she asked if it’s better to say goodbye and end a relationship that’s not feeling right or keep trying even if your heart’s not in it. Harry responds with “I think it’s better to say goodbye...but sometimes if youre trying to protect..” Then Louis cuts him off and says “you’re going deep aren’t you”, brushing the question off as a joke but imho i think there was pain in that answer. Then Harry continues “if you’re not 100% in it, I think it’s better for both parties if you say goodbye”. And Louis adds a “yeah” at the end.********
H-Walking in the Wind: I know this is scary but i think we can do it, (you said to me do you believe i’ll be too far? if youre lost just look for me you’ll find me) I think because youre AIMH and i’m always in yours, it’ll be good for us. And look at us being mature, we’re killing it babe. We can live our separate lives and grow on our own. We dont need to make it messy and hurtful. We’re on the same page. (the fact that we can sit right here and say goodbye means we’ve already won. A necessity for apologies between you and me, baby there is none). At this point, we’re kinda part of each other right? So it’s healthy for us to be apart for a bit. (it’s not the end, i’ll see your face again... i know we’ll be alright...just close your eyes and see i’ll be by your side any time you need me). And you’ve helped me grow into the person I am, and I you, so that’s cool as hell, right? (you will find me in places that we’ve never been). We had a TON of fun (we had some good times didnt we) so i feel okay that we’re doing this (goodbyes are bittersweet) and starting the next adventure in our lives. 
H-If I could fly: I. am. yours. Louis. William. Tomlinson. (for your eyes only, i’ll show you my heart). Maybe this growth thing isn’t worth it, let me prove to you how much you mean to me (i think i might give up everything just ask me to). This is gonna be hard as shit because i’m so dependent on you (i’m missing half of me when we’re apart). I’m being honest and I’m being scared and I’m being vulnerable because I can’t lie to you and pretend I’m strong (i let my guard down, right now i’m completely defenseless). But we’re part of each other, right? (i could feel your heart inside of mine). I’ll always be here for you Lou (for when you’re lonely and forget who you are) even if for now we can’t physically be together. 
L-Home: I’ve tried, Harry. I’ve tried to play pretend (told myself i kind of like her but there was something missin in her eyes). But i was lost (i was stumblin, lookin in the dark with an empty heart) because none of it was enough, none of it was YOU (it was there i sawr it in your eyes). And then i met you and you felt the same and we’re both lost souls playing pretend who found magic in each other (but you say you feel the same, could we ever be enough?) Is our love enough to overcome everything? Maybe we can be enough. Maybe I can make this enough, let me try to make it enough for you. And if we go our separate ways, know that I’m here for you no matter what. I won’t let you be lost again. (When you’re lost I’ll find a way and I’ll be your light, you will never feel like you’re alone, I’ll make this feel like home). So go. wander. find yourself. Then when you’re ready, come home. 
H- Sweet Creature: ***Harry admit that this was the first song he wrote for the album**** We aren’t in the best place rn. We’ve been fighting (had another talk about where it’s going wrong...it’s hard when we argue, we’re both stubborn). But it’s you Louis. It can’t be anyone else. (don’t know where we’re going but we know where we belong... wherever I go, you bring me home). That’s not even a question. I’m still trying to figure out who I am, but the one thing I know is that a large part of who I am is you (we started 2 hearts in one home). And aint no way I’m losing that part of myself (when i run out of road, you bring me home). It was always you. 
H-MMITH: Whenever you’re ready, I’m ready (just let me know i’ll be at the door,  hoping you’ll come around). I know I need to work on myself a little more (i gotta get better, and maybe we’ll work it out) but honestly i’m getting impatient and i want things to go back to how they were and i want to be yours again (once you go without it, nothing else would do). But I can’t communicate this to you clearly so let me just put this in a song and hope you get it (we dont talk about it, it’s something we dont do) ****Harry mentioned in an interview that he expresses himself through songwriting when he can’t say the words directly to a person because it’s easier to just write it in a song than have difficult conversations*****
H-ESNY: ****honestly no idea what this song is about but it’s something to do with them fighting and not communicating and being in a weird place before their relationship is rekindled******* edit: this could be about his stepdad
H-FTDT: I MISS YOU AND I’M TOO FULL OF PRIDE TO TELL YOU DIRECTLY JUST COME BACK INTO LIFE LOU I’M LONELY AND SAD AND EMPTY AND IM NOT FUCKING FINDING MYSELF LIKE YOU SAID I WOULD (woke up alone, played with myself where were you...we havent spoke since you went away, why wont you ever say what you wanna say) So until then I sit and wait for your sorry ass to make the first move (maybe one day you’ll call me and tell me that you’re sorry too...but you never do). Also like i have to hear from other people how you are?? (i saw your friend that you know from work, he said that you feel just fine) ANd you’re sharing OUR clothes with people?? wtf just swallow your pride and call me 
L-Miss You: OKAY BUT I CANT JUST CALL YOU BECAUSE I HAVE PRIDE TOO also my mates are trying to make me get over you (now i’m asking my friends how to say I’m sorry, they say lad give it ttime there’s no need to worry, and we can’t even be on the phone now). So i’m just numbing your absence with partying and drinks but CLEARLY ITS NOT WORKING (should be laughing but there’s something wrong...shit maybe i miss you...when i feel it coming up i just throw it all away, get another few shots cuz it doesn’t matter anyway...such a good time, i’ll believe it this time). This is weird bc like you were my everything but im trying to get used to this and it fucking sux (oh how shit changes, we were in love, now we’re strangers). And tbh, its scary af bc what if this is it (i’m asking myself, is it over?). BUT ALSO LIKE WTF U COULD REACH OUT FIRST YA KNOW (i’ve been checking my phone all evening).
H-Anna: wtf Louis how do you not see how much this is killing me. I miss you so much and seeing you on tv or in pics drives me wild bc you’re not mine. (I don’t want your sympathy but you don’t know what you do to me...everytime I see your face there’s only so much I can take...I guess it would be nice if I can touch your body). And idk if you’re replacing me (don’t know where you’re laying, just know it’s not with me) and we’re in SUCH a weird place rn how do I tell u you’re the loml (don’t know what I’d say if I passed you on the street...don’t know what I’d tell you if you asked me for the truth) so I refuse to put this song on the album and let you know this and give you satisfaction from knowing how gone I still am for you bc I have 0 idea how you feel (hope you never see this and know that it’s for you)
L-Always You: SO THIS IS ME SWALLOWING MY PRIDE STANDING IN FRONT OF YOU SAYING IM SORRY FOR THAT NIGHT... ok but fr i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u and nothing else compares like i can travel the whole world and all i think about is how much more fun it was with you and the memories we shared and i wish i could just say thx fr th mmrs and move on but actually no thx actually fuck you for making me not able to enjoy my life without you. So like...come home? and wrap your legs around me? also lmao i took El to a gay bar in amsterdam for her bday lmao i miss u come cuddle me and i’ll tell you all about it
L-We Made It: looks like we made it, look how far we’ve come my baby. They saidd I bett they’ll never make it, but just look at us holding onn, we’re still togetherr, still going stronggg. Also to the fans, miss our single bed and the nights we talked about our dreams :-* also Andrew my man luv u
L-KMM: our love was youthful and exhilarating and fucking electric and i think it still can be. dont know what i’d do without you now H 
L-DLIBYH: We’re strong babe and we’ve grown and we aren’t gonna let life drag us down. I’m doing better, you’re doing better, this is what we wanted. And now any shit we go through, we’ll go through TOGETHER 
L-Too Young: Okay but looking back, that was a lot of shit we went through and we were just babies and i’m sorry for not fighting harder (i cant believe i gave in to the pressure when they said a love like this would never last so i cut you off cuz i didnt know no better) baby i tried, i tried to protect you but like it was just so much and i hate that you got hurt and i wont ever let that happen again. ALso go us for being mature and COMMUNICATING (face to face at the kitchen table, we can finally have a conversation that I wish we could’ve had before). ANd i know you’re an arrogant son of a bitch who can’t admit when he’s sorry so here let ME say i’m sorry that i hurt you darling. Like we were too young to know we had everything BUT now we’re old(er) and can realize that when we’re together, we DO have everything now and omg is this our happily ever after and we can have a daughter and name her Darcy 
L-Habit: do i need to spell it out for you iiiiii aaaaaaaaammmmmmm sssssssoooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy. But tbh i let you go because it felt right because mentally you were already out the door and i needed to give you room to grow babe. And i needed the space too (you gave me the time and the space i was out of control and i’m sorry i let you down). but like also i’ve learned i can’t escape you Styles. You’re always in my fucking heart and my fucking mind and in every essence of my being and somehow I knew that 9 years ago and it took me this long to realize how powerful this really is (guess that that i know what i already knew, i was better with you and i miss you now). Ooooh also my favorite line i wrote (took some time cuz i ran out of energy of playing someone I heard I’m supposed to be and honestly i dont have to choose anymore) like who am i kidding, im done pretending i just wanna be yoursss now
L-Defenseless: I can’t help it okay theres something about you that doesn’t let me stay away. I need you and I know that rekindling this relationship isn’t going to be easy even though it feels so so right. It’s going to be hard work (sleeping on our problems but we’ll solved them in our dreams, wake up early morning and it’s still under the sheets) and we need to communicate and solve our problems but here I am, raw and unfiltered and emotionally naked in front of you ready to lay it all on the table (not sure how to say this right, got so much to lose. NEver been so defenseless). So like this branch I’m reach out to you and you be honest with me too babe (you dont have to keep on being strong for me and you. Acting like you feel no pain, you know i know you do...I can’t get inside, when you’re lost in your pride but you don’t have a thing to prove). Be open with me. Lets talk. Let’s solve problems. Lets have an adult relationship. I’m asking for a little vulnerabiltiy babe. It’s just me. Theres nothing to be scared of
L-Walls: And here you have me in my purest form. No lies, no secrets, no insecurities to hide behind. Losing you was fucking painful but i got through it. I’ve been through hell and back and I’ve fought. And without you, I grew into the person I am. And any further growing i’m doing is gonna be with you. bc it was all for you babe. and honestly i can take anything life throws at me now. I’m strong baby. I’m fucking strong and fucking brave and fucking resilient and...fucking yours. ***** wtf is the I just hope i see you one day and you’ll say to me oh oh********
H-Golden: You are the literal sun and I’m not ready. YOU’RE SUCH A GOOD PERSON (you were way too bright for me, i’m hopeless, broken, so you wait for me in the sky). I’m scared to go through this alone, I need your comfort and your guidance (i can feel you take control of who i am and all i’ve ever known). But you’re scared to go through this with me bc you dont wanna get hurt and i’m too open so where tf does that leave us. ******this could be about coming out especially with the London AND NY secret shows where Harry added the lyric I’m hoping someday you’ll open*******
H-Adore You: You dont have to say you love me, you dont have to say nothing, you dont have to say you’re mine. I’d walk through fire for you. Just let me adore Lou. Like its the only thing I’ll ever do. read: Louis is a great person to just admire what he’s like. ALso I dont need anything back. I just dont want to hide my love for you anymore. I don’t need answers or promises. Just let me adore you. ********the music video is also basically a Louis appreciation post. He was the boy with the smile that the world took away from him. He found Harry lost and loved him and nurtured him and made him confident and allowed him to be who he wanted to be. But in doing so, Harry became big and unsatisfied and wanted to explore the world and was clearly interested in Hollywood and Rockstardom especially evident in his behavior 2014-2015. And Louis wasn’t about that life and didn’t want to hold him back. So he let him free. But they realized that they don’t work apart. Wherever they’re going, they’re going together, as the boy sails into the unknown following the fish. I see it as Harry’s version of “this one is a thank you for what you did for me” ************* I see it, I appreciate it, and I love you for it
H-Lights Up: ****fight with Louis. (What do you mean I’m sorry by the way) About coming out? About fame? (Step into the light, so bright sometimes) Either way, L is the guy driving the motorcycle in the video who makes H feel comfortable and safe until they get pulled over because SOMEONE wont let them love*******
H-Falling: What if i’m out, what if i’m someone you won’t talk about? Okay maybe I lied I do want you to claim me. Would me coming out of the closet make that hard for you? I CAN’T GO THROUGH AN IDENTITY CRISIS WITHOUT YOU LOU. I picked someone supportive and now I’m spoiled and I dont know how to be with myself. You want back in my life but what if I dont deserve it? (you said you cared and you missed me too...what i’m someone i dont want around). What if you’re better off without me? (i get the feeling that you’ll never need me again). I know youve been through so much shit because of me, things you’ve never even told me about and im afraid...that I wasn’t worth it. Am I being selfish? because either way, i want YOU (what if you’re someone i just want around). Does that make me a bad person? 
H-TBSL: ****Probably when they starting talking again but it was v casual and they didn’t really discuss their relationship yet*****. I MISS U BUT I WONT TELL U THAT and its nice to talk to u again i missed your voice but if u call me baby i will kill u bc that word has weight OKAY. Like i know you just call everyone babe and darling and sweetheart but baby is FOR ME and only for me when you wake up with me and cuddle me and if you think you have any right calling me baby without giving the luxury of being in a relationship with you then piss off because that shit hurts dude. (i know that you’re trying to be friends, know that you mean it...it’s hard for me to go home to be so lonely). ALso it’s not my fault i’m like this, you literally captured my heart when i was 16 like wtf do u expect (dont blame me for falling, i was just a little boy)
H-Sunflower Vol. 6: we were babies and i was so enamored by you and you’re so bright and beautiful and i want to watch you all day and make you smile and i want you to touch my hair and call me curly and i hope im not making you uncomfortable with my heart eyes but like how are you so perfect. I hope you think i’m cool, i’m really trying but like you’re SO FUNNY and charming and everyone loves you i hope im not embarassing myself. And now it’s like 8 years later and i think i can have you again and i want you so bad but i dont wanna seem too eager and im trying to have dignity and not text you first but like also i want nothing more than to talk to you. Do you think i’m cool now? did you like my new hairstyle? Do you think i’m funny on tour? I want everything i want to be domestic again and kiss in the kitchen and i want to cook for you and as;ldfa;sdhaf i want to buy you flowers everyday and shower ur cute face with kiss. boopx28 
H-Canyon Moon: Hell yea i got ma man back and i have a girlfriend named Jennifer ;) and we are domestic and even though I HATE being away from him for work (so hard to leave it) we have the 2 week rule yall then i can wrap my legs around him and after so so so long I’ll be h.o.m.e. Also did i tell you his eyes are so so blue like sky who i dont know her
H-TPWK: So we’re really doing this. We don’t need to have it all figured out. We can just be us. and happy. and dance. The world loves us babe. (Giving second chances, I don’t need all the answers and if we’re here long enough we’ll see it’s all for us and we’ll belong)
H-Fine Line: You’ve got my devotion but man I can hate you sometimes....We’ll be a fine line. Between what? love and hate? public and private? out and in the closet? each others’ and ourselves? Idk. But i’m going to swallow my pride (my hands at risk I fold) because no matter what, the worst possible outcome is not having you. And I never wanna go through that again. I know we have work to do on our relationship (spreading you open is the only way I know you). And there’s lot of unknown here (there’s things that we’ll never know) but what i do know is that i cant resist you (you sunshine you temptress) and i cant be without you ever again. I think it’ll be hard as hell. But when have we known love as anything but hard? And when have we known our love as anything but worth it? We’ll be a fine line baby. But i know, i knowww with every part of me that we’ll be alright. Because these past 10 years, we’ve been through A LOT. ANd it could have ruined us and made us cynical and cold and closed off. And I think at one point it did. But you know what we did? We fought it. We fought it together. Then we fought it individually. And we became BRAVE. And a brilliant man once said, “love is only for the brave”. 
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hisbutlerisahunter · 4 years
A/N: Just really quick this is set in the black butler time frame however idk what Victorian London was like nor if it had fireworks so ima just pretend only rich people had fireworks.
Day 22- Fireworks.
Pairing: Baldroy x reader.
It was a little odd you admit, the way your boyfriend creeps around the door towards to outside of the mansion. This place was big but hed lived here so long you knew he wasn’t lost so you sneak up on him to catch him unawares.
“what are you sneaking around for baby” you hum after getting right behind him and relishing in the way he visibly jumps.
“jeez y/n dont sneak up on me like that” Baldroy huffs and you smile, he’d probably though you were Sebastian and you take the opportunity to tease him.
“awww did you think i was the big scary demon man” you giggle and baldroy rolls his eyes. He stops his pouting for a second in exchange for a smirk as he grabs you whilst you’re distracted by your giggling and tickles you in his embrace so you cant escape. You shriek and your giggling gets louder only interrupted by the ‘stop’s you let out in between.
“aww im sorry but i cant stop until you apologise for scaring me” he shouts over your giggling. The wiggling and refusing gets tiresome after a while so your little “im sorry” trigger Baldroy to stop instantly. He holds you against him gently this time, no teasing tickles only leaning his chin atop your head.
“so what were you doing? you never answered me earlier” you speak after your breathing had slowed.
“i’m waiting for those” and as he speaks softly, a loud bang happens in the distance that lets out pretty colours.
“oh my god they’re having a firework party, i didnt even think anyone would be able to get those yet” you gasp and Baldroy smiles. He had been waiting, wanting to show you this as a surprise after hearing them a few nights back but you’d managed to sneak up on him before hed gotten to you.
The sight has you in awe, the colours look so pretty even against the smog in londons sky. It makes you jump a little, the noises being loud but you adapt quickly and all you can do is smile as the fireworks explode and light up the sky. You’re sure everyone in london can see these and if they can’t they really were missing out.
You feel Baldroy jump as Finny taps him on the shoulder and laugh at how jumpy he is tonight.
“for gods sake what is with everyone today, stop making me jump” Baldroy says slightly frustrated now.
“whats all the noise” Finny yawns, obviously not used to being awake this late. Smiling you point in the direction of the fireworks and wait until another goes off. Finny watches, open-mouthed as the fireworks go off one after the other and only closes his mouth once they stop.
“aahh they’re so amazing, i’m going to ask Master Ciel if we can have fireworks at our next party” he smiles at you and your boyfriend before running back inside and possibly up the stairs to wake the man of the house.
“hes going to wake Ciel up right now isnt he?” you ask knowing Finny would get in trouble if you didnt stop him.
“yes” Baldroy sighs “but don’t worry Ciel will take it easy on him, he means no harm after all” he finishes and settles himself against you again. As long as everything was okay you were happy to stay and have an impromptu date with your boyfriend.
The air gets cold fast though the heat of your boyfriend keeps you warm and makes you feel sleepy faster than you appreciated.
“we should get some sleep babe come on” you urge but Baldroy holds you still for a second then takes a deep breath. He releases it quickly and moves to stand in front of you.
“Just wait a sec i have to ask you something” you get nervous, as one would when stopped for no reason by your boyfriend. Then the nerves turn into butterflies as Baldroy gets down on one knee in front of you. He takes one more deep breath before finally asking.
“y/n, will you marry me?”.
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Peculiars (Pt.2)
Patton spent the rest of the day with his new friends until Mrs. Raven had called them inside for lunch.
"So children, did we have a nice day?"  Mrs. Raven said as she sat out plates of food. The other children nodded, Patton looked around at them, there were children with masks, some with gloves or hats or jewelry in certain places. It took Patton a few seconds to notice that Virgil, rather than sit at the table with the rest of the children, was standing with Logan at a larger table.
"He cant walk on the wood over here, the shoes break through it," Remus whispered.
"Oh, that makes sense," Patton said, looking back at his plate and starting on his food.
"Do you wanna hang out with me after lunch?" Remus said, smiling.
"I was going to ask if he wanted to see something with me," Janus said from behind him.
"Well why dont all three of us go?" Patton said, blissfully unaware of the glare the two of them were giving each other.
"That works to," Remus said, finishing up his food.
Patton and Janus finished their own meals before running off into the courtyard.
"So what'd you want to show us?" Patton said, walking next to Janus, holding Remus' hand as they walked.
"Theres this cave behind a waterfall on the beach, I think you'd like it," said Janus, smiling.
"Oh! Yeah! Jan and I discovered it waaaayyyyy back," Remus said with a grin.
"It sounds pretty," Patton said with a laugh.  The two boys exchanged smiles before running off, Patton holding on to both of their arms in an attempt to keep up.
A little later they came across a beach with a large assortment of flowers along the shore.
"Just a little further!" Janus said, taking off down the shore, flinging sand behind him with each step. Patton laughed and chased after him, Remus following close behind.
The trio skidded to a halt in front of a large waterfall.
"Patton, do you think you can move the water out of the way so we can get past it without getting soaked?" Janus asked.
"I can try, but I havent done it in a while," Patton said. He stood in front of the water, pictured it parting in his mind, and the water slowly began to split into an arch. He watched as Janus and Remus disappeared into the cavern and followed quickly after, the waterfall returning to normal just as he crossed onto the rocks.
"It does look awesome," Patton said with a grin, looking around at the cave. There were sparkling stones like stars at the top, and the rush of the waterfall echoed like ran throughout it, there was moss and vines growing through so.e of the stone. Patton ran his fingers over it, flowers sprouting up in its place.
"I thought you'd like it," Janus said, smiling "it was Remus who originally discovered it, so I suppose this could be considered his idea," he finished, with a smirk in Remus' direction.
"No one else knows about it, not even Mrs. Raven," said Remus. Patton froze.
"What? Why wouldnt she know about it? Is it safe to be here?" Questions began pouring out of Patton's mouth faster than he could get answers. Janus held both of Patton's hands in his own and whispered calming words to him until his heart rate settled.
"Like we said, no one knows about this place but us, good or bad, we're safe here," Janus said, running a hand down the side of Patton's face.
"You promise?" Patton asked, leaning into the touch.
"I promise," Janus responded. Patton relaxed fully and smiled at him.
The three boys continued to chat with each other until Janus had realized it was getting dark, so they fled back to the school.
"Just in time boys, we're about to reset the loop," Mrs. Raven said, smiling as she ushered the boys into the courtyard.
There were fireworks going off above them in all sorts of colors. Patton had only been paying attention to them for a few seconds before he noticed Mrs. Raven pull a watch out of her pocket. The fireworks slowed, and then began to implode upon themselves, Patton saw the sky go from darker to lighter, yet he didnt feel tired.
It seemed as though he couldve blinked and it would have been day time, as though he'd fallen asleep and woken up in a half a second.
"Pretty cool right?" Remus said, a grin spread wide across his face.
"Yeah," Patton said, grinning up at the sky.
"Come on, you should play tag with us," Remus said, running over to the six other boys gathered by the gardens.
"Virgil's our referee since he can't run very fast in his boots," Remus said. Virgil smiled and gave a small nod.
"I dont play either, to small," Emile said, the boy didnt seem to mind, he was already sitting in the grass making bits of stone float around him, smiling.
"Alright, time to pick teams!" Roman said, grinning at Remus.
"I pick Patton and Janus," Remus said.
"Hey no fair! That's not how it works!" Roman said.
"Relax babes, we'll show them," Remy said.
"Ok, on the count of three," Roman said.
Patton braced himself to run, and by the time Roman had reached three, he was halfway across the yard, Logan at his heels. He reached a hand out towards the ground, some lose stones lifting him out of Logan's reach so he could leap onto a tree.
"No fair!" Logan said, but Patton could see the smile on his face.
"Alls fair in peculiar tag!" Patton said, swinging off the tree.
"Patton! Help!" Janus' voice sounded from across the yard and Patton took off running towards it. He felt arms wrap around his waist and looked up to see Remy.
"Ha! Victory is mine!" Roman's voice called.
"Janus how could you!" Patton laughed as Remy let him back onto the ground.
"He offered me the one thing I cant refuse," Janus said, stuffing gummy worms into his mouth.
They played a few more rounds of peculiar tag before finally decided to relax in the garden, Patton falling asleep to the roar of the wind.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
marry me?
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Title: marry me?
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Fluff: engagement
Rating: G
Tags: none that I can think of, kissing, taking shots, proposals, getting down on one knee, saying yes to the rest of your forever.
Mentioning: @sweetness47
Created for @spnfluffbingo
Fluff list   part 1   part 2   part 3
by this point you have had an amazing almost 2 years. fell head over heels with a man who makes you feel like your more than just a top notch ace reporter. 
you confessed your feelings for said man at a wedding you were supposed to be covering not making a huge fool of yourself. your best friend well she had also found love, hers wasnt as vaste as yours but she got the other half of a very stunning package. 
the article written by your best friend Beth became your new fave article. though you still wrote fabulous wedding articles, that story put beth on the article map. your editor loved it, loved the entire scope, the plot, everything. 
she also enjoyed meeting the men who had enriched both yours and beth’s lives. Jensen and Jared the two men who had stolen your hearts, had decided that you both were important enough to keep. 
what you didnt know is that on this day the anniversary of when you had first met Jensen would be the day that your life would change once more. this time a bit more drastically i suppose the story shall continue from hence forth. 
we pick up in the penthouse you and Jensen are living in, both of you preparing for date night. well double date night anyway. it was the one thing both couples could agree to do, once a week both couples went on a double date. it was that easy. 
Jensen knew you had just finished your shower, he didnt care he was having trouble finding what he wanted to wear.
Jensen: hey babe, where is my dark navy faded jeans?
YN: on top of the dresser in the pile of clothes you still need to put away.
jensen: oh umm right silly me. 
YN: do you want me to wear my hair up or down?
Jensen: half and half, its gonna be a magical day. one that has been planned for a while now. one that we both will not soon forget. 
now you were really curious, he said this had been planned for a while… what the hell could the surprise be. 
YN: why do i not get to know where we are going?
Jensen: cause that would spoil the fun of the surprise. now ive laid out your outfit on the bed hurry up we have a schedule to keep. 
YN: schedule. babe we have never had any kind of schedule other than when you are filming. so what are you planning? and why this outfit? 
Jensen comes over to you and kisses you to get you to stop talking. thats when he pulled back looking at you with smiling faces. 
Jensen: so curious babe, why cant you just enjoy the surprise for once. 
YN: fine ill put it on and enjoy whatever you have planned. but im gonna say this you better have something extra special planned otherwise you will have me to deal with.
Jensen: never fear babe i will always have lots of surprises for you from this day forth. now what kind of mischief can we get into if you dont put on your outfit. or do you want me to put it on you?
YN: I can do it but it’s just I haven’t used this outfit since our anniversary last year.. Why do I need to wear it again, not that I’m complaining…
Jensen: just do it and when we get into the car i have to blindfold you and cover your ears so that way you dont spoil the rest of the surprise. 
now you were curiouser, this made you pull Jensen onto the bed and pin him there… 
YN: why do you insist on tormenting me like this? 
Jensen could only smile as he flipped you onto the bottom as he held you there. 
Jensen: cause its fun now hurry up and get ready we are gonna be late.
the following happened like this:
you finish getting ready
both you and jensen walk out of the apartment and down to a limo where jared and beth are waiting. 
beth and you both are curious as you both are blindfolded and ears are covered before you both are allowed to exit the vehicle. 
once Jared and Jensen knew it was safe for you both to see and hear again they were to remove the blindfolds and earplugs. 
you both are revealed to be in the airport. you both plea to your men but they instead of saying anything give you both money to go and buy anything from the boutiques. 
you both come back with another backpack and a whole bunch of things. random objects, but ones that would provide great entertainment later on. come fancy things in case of whatever your boyfriends had planned. 
then Jared and Jensen ear plugged you both when the flight number was called. though they had spoken to the flight attendant when you both were gone, told them of their plan, told them that you both would have ear pluggs in when you both board. 
both you and beth still oblivious, as the boys remove the ear plugs as the plane takes off. thats when it made you both question really badly. Where your boys were taking you.
the flight wasn’t long but one of the boys sat in the aisle then the respective girl would sit beside then so on and so forth. The one on the end would get informed when it was time to blindfold and ear plug you both again. 
 Sure enough you both were unsure of how much time had passed, but eventually one of the flight attendants came round and whispered something to the guy on the end. It was ear plug and blindfold time again. 
You both didn’t question when the guys did their handy work of blindfold and earplug it wasnt like you were strangers to it. Jared and jensen led you both off the plane, through the busy airport and into the taxi landing bay. 
They unplugged both your ears. 
Jared: in a moment we will take off your blindfolds but first we want you both to listen to the sounds. What do you both hear.? 
You and Beth listened very carefully to the sounds around you both. 
YN: people talking 
Beth: something about taxis so we are definitely on a taxi landing of some kind. 
Yn: the smell in the air is familiar. Wait a minute. I think I know where we are I just hope I’m right. 
Jensen: you both may step forward and remove your blindfolds. I guarantee you both that where we are is gonna be a fun spot for all of us. 
You and Beth remove your blindfolds, your eyes land on the sight before you of a place where your story had began all those years ago. 
Yn: you did this? 
Jensen: happy anniversary sweetheart! Now we need to find a taxi or a ride or something. 
You look around and you start walking toward the person at the small stand near by. 
Yn: excuse me sir, I was wondering if you had any cars available to rent? 
Rental dude: what kind of car were you looking for? 
Yn: do you have anything sporty but easy to get in and out of? 
Rental dude: what about a lack 2021 jeep wrangler Rubicon unlimited 4x4? 
Yn: can you show it to me? 
The guy flips round his monitor and shows you the car, you whistle and the others bring the bags to where you are. 
Yn: babe can I use the card? 
Jensen: what kind of vehicle are we getting. 
Yn: you will see. Now sir, do I need to sign anything. 
The rental guy laid out papers told you to sign/ initial at the spots marked with “x” that’s what you did. Then he handed you the papers in an envelope, the license plates and insurance for the vehicle and then sent you guys to the spot where the vehicle was. 
You led your boyfriend, best friend and her boyfriend to the vehicle. Their eyes went wide as they loaded the bags into the jeep. 
Jensen: babe this is style. But whose driving? 
Yn: me silly cause I have a feeling I know where we are staying. The place where we spent our vacation together.
Jensen: correct, now everyone in the vehicle so we can get this show on the road. commence vacation immeidately.
everyone piled into the vehicle and you began to slowly pull out of the parkade. you hit the highway and sped up, within 45 min you were pulling into the resort. you told the guard that your reservation was under Ackles. 
the guard handed you a packet with park passes, roomkeys, parking pass and your receipt. along with the list of nearby stores, and the hours for the resorts amenities. and then opened the gate for you to drive through. 
upon arriving at the parking space you handed a room key to Beth discovering it was a side by side. this vacay just got a whole lot better. 
You all seperated into accommodations to settle in. 
Jensen: I have made reservations at gastons where we shared that big plate of nachos and grab us some champagne to celebrate the start of our vacation!
YN: i like that idea. i wanna get out of these shoes first. i want to put on something more suited for walking in the parks that wont kill my feet. these heels will kill my feet from walking through the park. 
you sat down to take off your heels but Jensen was now kneeling by your feet undoing them for you. he placed gentle kisses on your legs as he removed the shoes from your feet. 
he then slid on your slip on runners. he smiled as he got off the floor, helped you up and he spun you around like the love struck man he was. you had no idea what was about to happen but you were gonna enjoy yourself. 
now in comfy shoes you and jensen head to meet up with jared and beth as you all head to the car and head off to main street magic kingdom. To where you and jensen first met. Course ya know it was also to enjoy the fireworks and eat the nachos and such as well.
you look around still amazed by everything you see around you. but you are the way Jensen kept looking at you was what made you feel normal. like the disaster at the wedding of Misha and vic didnt almost ruin your reputation. 
your vacation was finally in the bag, your happiness was now in sight. your new life awaited but nothing would prepare you for events of the future. upon your arrival to Gastons tavern, Jensen had started talking to the waitress, she took something from him and smiled as she led you all to a booth.
Jensen could not help but smile, all he could do was smile. he was beyond excited for what he was about to do.
waitress: welcome to Gaston’s is this your first time here?
Jensen: for me and the lady across from me no, but the other 2 yes. can we get 4 rounds of your finest house shots right away, and 4 glasses of your finest champagne and bring the item. on a tray with the shots.
waitress: coming up sir. your shots will be out in a moment.
thankfully for jensen you were too engaged in conversation with Beth and Jared to hear what jensen had discussed with the waitress. Jensen placed his arm around your shoulders, his own breathing shifted, he was nervous about what was about to happen.
Jensen: ah good shots. we each get one i have a toast to make. but ill make the toast after we take the shots. now i dont know whats in these but they are sure to be good. on 3.
You all swig back your shots, Jensen kisses you after you both have downed yours. Then Jensen turns to you and smiles as he gets up from his seat and whistles to get the restaurants attention.
Jensen: I invite you all to bare witness to this momentous occasion. Me and my girlfriend are celebrating 2 years together this very day. I have to know YN did I mention that I'm in love with you.
That's when music starts playing. And jensen begins to sing.
Jensen: I met this girl who rocked my world like it's never been rocked and now I live just for you and I won't ever stop, I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me but now look at what you've done you have got me down on one knee.
You look down and see Jensen kneeling in front of you.
Jensen: it's us against the world, us against those who are jealous, those who dare to throw outrageous accusations our way or print stuff that isnt true. now and evermore i will have the most gorgeous woman on my arm. Will you do me the honor of marrying me.?
The entire restaurant now looking at you as Jensen unveiled the 24k rose gold emerald cut diamond ring surrounded by yours and Jensen's birthstones.
You begin nodding your head before your mouth would let you speak.
Yn: yes yes yes yes a thousand times yes!!!
You felt the cool metal ring slide around your finger as Jensen helped you off your seat and kissed you in front of the entire restaurant.
Lifting both your hands in the air he then yelled.
Jensen: shots for the entire restaurant on me. She said yes!!!
Then he turned to you and you leaned in his ear.
Yn: descendants 3 proposal nice touch.
Jensen: thanks to our best friends for helping set this up.
the hugs and congratulations poured in from everyone in the tavern. it wasnt till a few hours later as well as several shots and drinks later that you, jensen, beth and Jared all exited and went to watch the fireworks. 
the moment of yours and jensen’s first kiss under the fireworks was just recreated. you and jensen waited till the first firework cracked lighting up the sky before creating once more your first kiss. 
~to be continued~
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parkjmini · 6 years
bts as fuckboys
[a/n]: inspired by @sweetersuga  | original post: x i wrote it as the perspective that you’re already close friends w them/have been with them before !!
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he’s the funny, sarcastic one where he could be kind of mean bc he takes it a lil far
“you’re such trash you sleep with every girl”
“at least I can get someone to sleep with me”
he flashes a smile in the hall bc he KnOws iT GeTs oN YouR NeRveS
“When’s my birthday”
“January 1st bc u set off my fireworks baby”
“i am disgusted”
piggy back rides on those goddamn strong broad set of shoulders ooffff
“I’ll call you, ya?”
He never calls u bc he probably forgot too busy improvin himself
you have a streak with him and all he sends are selfies with the caption “I hope your day is as beautiful as I am (:”
He catches you staring in class one day and he’s like “take a pic, it’ll last longer babe”
so now u have a gallery full of jin and he wont let u delete them bc he thinks they’re all masterpieces you do too but youd never admit it
the only fuckboy that’s tolerable bc he’s rlly just a big goof 
“why don’t you ever have sleeves on your shirt jin”
“these shoulders are on display, honey, can’t cover up the jewels”
he’s kind of obnoxiously loud that u want to shove ur fist into his mouth to sh u t  him uP 
“dude, jimin’s hot”
“okay but so am i ??”
“ok ya youre really hot but so is jimin”
“just trying to get my baby some more dick jeEZ”
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“hey yoongs why dont we go on a date??”
“uuhhhhhh since when were we dating? lmao dont trip” 
gets a new number every 2 months bc he loves fucking w them crazy bitches too much
“sometimes you need to mess around with the ones who can bite off your dick, being risky is hot (-;”
“BEinG riSkY iS hOt ya u wont have a penis anymore at the rate you’re going”
kind of smells like a mixture of alcohol and cologne 
“let’s play a game, if u lose u have to take off ur clothes, if i lose u have to take off ur clothes”
“wait but yours stay on ?? wtf yoongi??”
“no mine will come off right after i see u naked (;”
the one to play with the ends of your skirt/dress/shirt bc it gets u so flustered and he lives seeing u flustered 
straight up Arrogantᵀᴹ at times its hot but ur so annoyed by it that u wanna knock some sense into him
wont ask for nudes but will ask to see some goods
“can i see ur tits”
“for the 4039th time, no”
“well, a man can try”
SMIRKY MC SMIRKY HERE like it just comes OUT of NOWHERE and it is OUT to ATTAC 
u dont have a snap streak w him bc it always breaks bc he replies every 3 years bc he was “busy”
but he’s always the fourth person to like your instagram posts???????
and to comment the water droplet/eye/tongue emoji combo ????
loves when u swat his hands away from gripping your thigh 
(i wanted to use this gif but it was so big and rectangle and didnt fit but u need to see that gif to really take in the fuckboy bc i cannot find a representation as accurate as that gif is)
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always greeting you whenever he sees you
“hey babygirl”
“hoseok we just saw each other in chemistry”
“ok and????? can’t i say hi to my baby?”
“but im not”
“lmao every girl is my baby”
raises his eyebrows any time you fix your dress or your shirt
asks to borrow a pencil and never returns it
“where is my pencil hoseok”
“where is my kiss (y/n)”
“we didnt agree to that”
“well i didnt agree to give it back”
“dO u NoT kNOW whAT BoRRoW meANS”
loves to share so he shares a lot of his snacks with u
“omg i love snacks!!”
“oh baby me too” and trust me, he’s not talking about the food
has the brightest, kindest smile so it catches you off guard when he says some snarky fuckboy comment
loves physical contact !!!!! always has a hand on your back, or shoulder, or thigh, or hand, or arm
lets you wear his hats/jackets/hoodies bc he thinks youre sooo cute in his clothes
he walks around school with his hands in his pockets like a doUCHEBAG
catches you off guard by spinning you around with his arm around your waist 
uses the line “im a dancer” to get girls what an eyeroll
the type to drag you onto the middle of the dance floor at a club just so he could show off his skillz which are actually super bomb like even ur impress and uve seen them 308443 times
he got that sweatpants dick print 
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changes his contact name to Daddy on your phone
“oh shit did you see her ass”
“look here bootylover123 stfu”
winks at you a lot in the halls 
“do you have a fucking eye problem namjoon”
“its a wink” 
“u do it so much that im beginning to think youre eye is having a spasm 
lets you copy his homework if he got a hug in return
the type to comment a peach emoji on your instagram photos even if there is no butt involved
loves when you sit on his lap 
one time there weren’t enough seats on the bus and he patted his leg for you to sit
“i know you hate standing (y/n), take a seat itll be fine”
“why can’t u be a gentleman and give up your seat for me?”
*alMOST CHOkES from LAUGHING* “me???!!! a gentleman??? wow u expect too much, just sit your big ass down on daddy’s lap or suffer standing”
buys you lunch bc he loves showing off his e x p e n s i v e w a l l e t 
he could go from having a full blown brilliant monologue as to why he exists to giggling about how your moles r arranged into the shape of a penis 
calls girls mami or ma 
asks for ass pics at like 1:32 AM 
and u send him pictures of ur elbow crease 
and he actually thinks its ur butt
BLASTS baby makin music from his car and causes a public disturbance 
has the highest count of broken beds, not bc of a high body count, but bc he actually breaks the bed everytime he sleeps w someone
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spaces out when ur wearing a low cut top bc hes too busy staring at ur cleavage 
his streak snaps are either mirror pics, his abs, mirror pic of his abs, and occasional dick pics
“wanna play 20 questions (;”
“we’ve played 20 questions like 20 times already”
“ok gr8 ill start first: will u let me hit it from the back??”
offers to netflix and chill all the time and it sux bc he actually knows all ur fav shows
ok let me reiterate, jimin knows all ur favorite anythings bc he listens to u 75% of the time bc he thinks ur voice is sexy 
will never fail to compliment you when u look good 
“damn baby, is this all for me????”
“no i just dont want to look like a hobo today”
gets super jealous when any other guys speak to u even tho hes piping down like 8 other girls 
“jimin they’re my frIENDS ur not even my bf why u tripping”
“they arent acting like theyre ur friends. i know fuckboy behavior when i see it (y/n) its my occupation, i do the same shit w girls”
“thats good then, someone else wants me too”
“not good bc ur HOT ASS IS MINE )-:”
youre saved as #1 babygirl on his phone no objections
walks into class with a new hickey in a new place every day 
he has SEX EYES u could never look him directly in the eyes bc theyre so captivating 
fucking walks like an arrogant prick down the hall and whistles when u pass 
brags about his big dick when its honestly not as exaggerated as he says 
has a picture of you in one of his shirts as his homescreen wallpaper 
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“i wont show anyone, im not messed up like that” yea be careful w this one honey, pretty sure jungkook, hobi, yoongs, namjoon all know how ur tits look like
has the perfect innocent face where u have no idea that he’s fucking 4 other girls
always responds after 12 am and calls u at 3 am 
“tae im fucking sleeping”
“damn thats hot what else u doin??”
“hanging up on u goodbye im going to block ur number”
“pls don-”
uses the line, “i just dont think we’re compatible” on E V Ery GIRL 
offers to hangout but never follows up with it bc he’s never seen out in public with a girl unless its his momma 
“jasmine is telling everyone you gave her chlamydia, u get checked bro??”
“dont worry about it”
body count means a lot to him 
loves hugs bc he likes feeling boobs squished against him
sometimes INTENTIONALLY lowers his voice bc he KNOWS ur into that shit 
thinks youre playing hard to get when rlly u just dont care lol
“i know u want all of this, (y/n)”
“i think ur mistaken”
“right bc i want all of u (:” 
“ya tae let’s not get ur feelings mixed w mine ok thx u”
NO SUCH THING AS PERSONAL SPACE the boy is a koala and will latch onto u 
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the biggest fuckboy of them all
has slept w almost every girl in the school and is v proud of it
“what’s your name again”
“rlly jungCOCK” 
“ok (y/n) i know ur fkcing name so can u learn mine”
u dont think he’s ever had a gf b4 bc he doesnt believe in labels OR commitment which hes pretty vocal abt 
unlike jimin, he doesnt own up to his dick pics and swears that they were “”accidents””
SCrEENsHOTS! but ur smart so ur face is NEVER in ur pics
“who’s boobs r on ur phone kook”
“i dont have photogenic memory (y/n) i wanted to remember those cuties without a shirt on (;”
looks too fucking good w a fresh cut that u need to avoid him in the halls or ull melt to goo
only owns white tees and timbs lmao hahahaha 
smirks when you bend down to pick something up 
that or he yells, “one more time, babe!”
“wat u doin”
“without me!!1???” 
he’s on tinder too so once he’s done with the sampling pool at school, he can broaden his horizons 
a car enthusiast and will get offended if u dont think his rims r cool
thinks youre really hot when you yell at him or hurt his feelings 
youre his prized possession bc he actually likes talking to u but will never admit it 
has a specific nickname for u that he doesnt call his other girls bc its YOURS !! 
“hey cutie”
“hey jungCOCK”
hates the nickname jungCOCK 
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chillihansol · 7 years
❅ Christmas with You ☃ *:・゚| H O S H I
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word count: 2,167
» to @react101-seventeen, woah i didnt notice that you actually changed your blog name, luna !! you are one of my unnies here,, and i am so much honored to meet someone like you in this vast internet world. you are such a sweet and caring person,, and i wanna thank you for cheering me up in times when im feeling very unconfident with my writings. im also very thankful that you check on me sometimes, with that i feel like you’re really my older sister :’’) hahaha, consider this thing as a thankful and appreciation gift from me to you. i know im not the best writer but this is my way of appreciating ppl like you. let’s hold each other’s hands as we continue to write more scenarios in the near future! merry christmas (in advanced) luna !!! p.s. kudos to your fast writing skills omg !!
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It was a cold Christmas morning, around five minutes before the clock hits six, when a weak arm grasped around your torso, pulling you in to be engulfed by a warm body. His chest felt so secure against your back, the vibrations running all over your body as he giggles. Then his soft chuckles turned into hums, which sounded so peaceful in your ears.
“Y/N, wake up!” He sang softly.
A smile crept on your lips from his voice. Your eyes still shut closed when he stirred you, making you lie down on your back. “Soonyoung,” You whimpered, stretching your arms above your head, toes curling from the tension of your muscles. You let out a groan before opening your eyes to see fully awake Soonyoung grimacing down at you.
“Good morning, love.” He said cheerfully. He leaned down, pecking your dry lips very quickly.
You immediately reacted, hitting him in his shoulder. “I have morning breath!”
“Ahh, I don’t really care.” He laughed. “Let’s open our presents!” He said excitedly.
“Baby, it’s so early.” A whine escaped your lips. “Shouldn’t we sleep more? We have a lot of time later to open the presents.”
“No! I’ve prepared something for us to do today.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. Between the universe and Soonyoung, he’d most likely to be the one to not plan anything in every occasion. It was very unusual of him to have something beforehand. But today is very special for Soonyoung, not just because it’s Christmas, but because you were spending the rest of the day with him. For a busy guy like him, he barely gets to see you. Now that he has the whole time, he’s not going to waste a single second.
“No way,” You laughed, sitting up. Your hair fell all over your face, making him tuck them behind your ears. “And why are you so excited? Soonyoung, we literally just got presents for no one but to each other.”
“I’m still excited to see what you got me.” He smiled, slipping his fingers with yours.
For the second time today, another smile formed your lips from the sight of him. You looked onto his small yet very delicate eyes, seeing your reflection from his orbs.
Your blood rushed as you remembered what you got Soonyoung for Christmas, but your little witty self decided to kid around. “Oh, don’t bother. It’s nothing big. I only got you two packs of ramyeon.”
“Yah,” He half whined and half laughed, pinching your cheeks. “You’re kidding, right?” He asked, his face turning into seriousness.
You played along, straightening your face. “You think I was kidding?”
“Y/N! You did not buy me two packs of ramyeon for Christmas!” He shouted.
“Don’t shout, oh my gosh. It’s so early, you’re waking up the neighbors!”
“You did not buy me ramyeon, right?”
“I did.”
“You didn’t.”
“Kwon Soonyoung, I did.”
Silence fell between the two of you, indicating the defeat of your boyfriend. He sat still silently in awe, looking at you as disappointment slowly ran over him. When you felt like he’s going to tear up anytime soon, you laughed out loud, burying your face on the mattress.
“Ah really, I was so close to breaking up with you.” He sighed, shaking his head.
“Why? Did you get me a luxurious bag or something?” You sat up, a teasing grin playing on your lips.
“I did.” He replied very weakly, grabbing one of your hands with his before started playing with your fingers.
“No, babe. You didn’t.” This time, you were the one who’s not in the edge of believing the situation. From the seriousness of his face, it was either he’s telling the truth or he had immediately revenged on your previous plan.
Surprisingly, he scooted closer, nuzzling his nose against the soft skin of your neck, transferring warmness all over your body. His tousled hair slightly tickling your skin as he pressed very timid kisses on your collarbones. You knew he wasn’t planning to get intimate, and you were left confused on why he’s acting like this all of a sudden. Is this his way of telling you the truth or is he hiding his face from you because he’s a terrible liar?
“Soonyoung,” A soft giggle exited your mouth as he continued peppering kisses with his lips. You let go of his hand to hold both of his forearms, peeling away from him. When the distance between the two of you appeared, you look straightly in his eyes and witness as darkness wandered in his windows. You were wrong, he was getting intimate. Your mouth automatically parted from the sight. “You’re unbelievable, Kwon Soonyoung.”
Then the darkness left, getting replaced by the galaxies and universe as a joyful smile appeared on his lips. “Sorry, you just look very–”
“Don’t you dare continue.” You warned, holding up a finger on his mouth, which he tried biting but you were fast on your actions and snatched back your finger. You let out a very deep sigh, “You know what? You’re right. Let’s open the presents now and do whatever you had planned before you do something that wasn’t supposed to be on the agenda.”
He laughed very loudly, standing up with you as you both started making the bed, patting plows and straightening the blankets that were very crumpled for Soonyoung was tossing and turning last night. Once you’ve finished the final touches, you let out a satisfied sigh and ran out the bedroom, pulling Soonyoung with you.
The view of the living room made you stop on your fast tracks, Soonyoung momentarilly triped from your sudden pause. You heard him flinched under his breath but you didn’t bother to react. The eye catching preparations make your heart skip a beat. Visible steam coming from the two cups of hot chocolate with candy cane on the side, soft crackling from the fire place that warms the entire room, slow rhythmic blinks of the white lights wrapped around the Christmas tree, and bunch of fuzzy brown and white blankets drapped on the couch. There was also a plate of breakfast on top of the coffee table and some dvd’s of different genres of movies. Everything about the room made your heart melt, and the thought of your boyfriend preparing all of these made you even more soft inside.
When you whipped around, he was already giving you a proud smile. “Did you really?” You asked, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“What? You don’t believe me?” He fake cried, placing a hand over his hurt pretending to be hurt.
You stood on your toes, tilting your head to have full access on his lips. “I told you. You are unbelievable.” You mumbled through the quick kiss.
“Honestly, I asked for Wonwoo’s help.” He replied with a big smile, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“That’s why the concept’s a bit dramatic.” You chirped, nodding your head.
“I’m telling him that.”
“No, you’re not.” You sang, getting away from his grip.
Letting your body bounce as you plopped on the comfy couch, you heard its springs dance beneath the soft cushions. The other side of the furniture sank as Soonyoung settled down where your legs rest, him grabbing your limbs and placing them on his lap. It was still very early in the morning, and it is reasonable for you to shut your eyes again and drift back to sleep, but your boyfriend rather opposed your plan as he suddenly sang a random holiday song.
“Stop crying!” You laughed, teasing him from his singing. “Have I told you that I love you? But please just continue dancing, I’d survive watching you sway your body to the beat than to hear your voice hit the notes.”
“Stop hanging out with Woozi! Did he tell you that?” Soonyoung knew you weren’t serious with what you’ve said, and he’s totally grateful for that.
You sat up fastly, your face ended up being so close with his which made him jerk his head backwards. You chuckled at him being flustered. “I don’t mean it.” You said, ruffling his hair.
“I know.” He happily sighed, grabbing your wrist from his head. “Do you want to open the presents now?” He watched as fireworks exploded in your eyes from excitement. The boy stood from his seat, walking over to grab the only two presents under the Christmas tree.
You chuckled at the emptiness of gifts. “It’s so funny that we really got gifts just for each other.” You reached for the box. “Your friends are just as unbelievable as you. How could they not give us gifts?”
“I’m sure they will give us something.” He said, sitting back. He glanced at the box on his hands, then to you. You raised an eyebrow at him. “Should I give first?” He almost stuttered.
You laughed, placing your box on his lap and reaching the one he’s gripping. “Let’s just open it at the same time.”
“But babe, is this really something luxurious?” You leaned forward, squinting your eyes at him.
“Just open it!” He exclaimed.
You didn’t, instead, you eyed him as he carefully untie the ribbon of the gift, lifting up the cap. But Soonyoung’s gaze darted at you when your hands flew on top of the box closing it forcefully.
He was surprised from your sudden action. “Y/N, what–”
“I was thinking of doing what you’ve planned first before opening the presents.” You trailed off. “I mean, the food and these drinks.” Hands gesturing at the table as you spoke.
“Is this really ramyeon?”
“What? No, babe!”
“Then why–”
“Let’s just do your plans first!”
“Babe, this is the first part of the plan!”
“Then the second part!”
“I swear if you seriously got me ramyeon–”
“Oh my gosh, I just noticed that wreath on the door frame!”
When his head turned around, you took advantage of snatching the box from his lap and stuffing it back under the Christmas tree. Your laugh roared around the whole house as you saw another surprised expression from your boyfriend.
“I promise, it’s not ramyeon.” More laughter came out of your mouth as you spoke.
“Yah, come here you little brat.” He stood up, in position to chase you but you raised both of your hands in defeat.
“It’s a matching sweater!”
“What?” Confusion ran all over his face.
“My gift for you, it’s a matching sweater. I was just too nervous to see your reaction because I’m worried that you’re not into that kind of things.”
You expected him to scrunch his face in disgust and disapproval from your choice of present, but your assumption didn’t appear on his facial features. It was even more shocking when he walked pass you, crouching down to open the present. In just a second, the pair of beige sweater was present in his grip. An amused and excited grin was evident on his soft lips.
“Did you like it?” You were still standing in confusion as he pulled up the thin white shirt he was wearing. The shirt fell on the floor and was immediately replaced by your little present for him. “Soonyoung, you’re not answering–”
Your words got cut off when he gripped the bottom of your shirt, pulling it above your head and tossing it on the floor far from his shirt. He insterted your head through the hole of the sweater, so as your hands, before fixing the hair all over your face.
A high pitched squeal let out your mouth as Soonyoung picked you up in his arms, spinning you around in excitement. His chest heaving as he cheered, enthusiasm screaming in his actions. He put you down carefully, still not letting go of your body.
“Why did you not tell me immediately?” He complained, but in a joking way, pinching your cheeks. “I love these!” He did a weird dance, showing off his new sweater.
You smiled at him, feeling your heart explode in satisfaction with having him to celebrate the day with you.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N! Ahh, I love you.” He cooed, wiggling his shoulders.
You smirked before winking at him. “I love you too. Merry Christmas, Soonyoung.”
The day continued with watching movies and slacking off the couch while munching unhealthy foods. But of you didn’t mind pigging out together as long you have each other. It may seem like it’s just a normal day with him, but you can conclude that it’s Christmas Day as you shared love to each right before the day ended.
© to the owner of the photos. I do not own any of the photos used.
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Preference #35: Family Trip
Brad: I zipped the suitcase as I was finally finished packing. Of course I waited until the last minute. I felt his arms wrap around me resting his head against my shoulder. I placed my hand against his as I leaned back against him. ‘Ready?“ he asked. "Yes I am, is she?” I asked. “Fast asleep, which is good because its a long drive” he said. “I know but so exciting” I smiled. “I don't know if you are more excited or if she is” he laughed slightly. “I think we both are” I pulled away slightly. “Let’s get on the road, ” he said as he grabbed the suitcase. I grabbed a few bottles of water and the sunscreen before heading out to the car. Alanna was fast asleep in her car seat and once Brad got into the car it was off to Disney world. It was a long drive, but it was worth the wait. We finally pulled into Disney right when the sun went down. I went into the hotel to check in as Brad got Alanna and our bags. We settled into our room, ordered room service before we all fell asleep. “Momma” Alanna said as she shook my arm. “What baby?” I rubbed my eyes. “Wake up, ” she smiled. “What time is it?” I asked. “Morning, ” she giggled. “Ok mommy is up, ” I sat up in bed. “Morning baby” Brad said as he kissed my cheek. “Morning, ” I ran my hand through my hair. “I already ordered breakfast, applied sunscreen to Alanna” he said. “Busy daddy” I smiled. “Yeah so after we eat and get ready, we can go to the park” he said. Our room service came with our food, we sat at the table and ate. I could tell Alanna was ready to go and beyond excited. Brad and I got ready as fast as we could. I took the stroller just in case Alanna got tired, plus I had the backpack that had everything. We spent the whole day at the park riding rides and doing different things. “Daddy” Alanna said. “Yes Princess?” he responded. “I tried” she rubbed her eyes. He picked her up as she rested her head against his shoulder. We went to the pizza place and got dinner before heading up to the hotel. We spent the whole week at Disney and on the last day was Alanna's birthday. Once again we spent the day doing everything Alanna wanted to do, but this time we got to watch the fireworks. I love seeing the smile on her face, it was the perfect ending.
Conner: I was puzzled at what I wanted to do for the twins birthday. We finally decided to go to the water park, it was something they loved anyway. They were turning 5 so they had input in what they wanted to do. “Mommy?” Alex said. “Yes, baby?” I kneeled down. “We go to park?” he asked. “Yeah, we are as soon as daddy gets back” I smiled. “Good, ” he smiled as he hugged me. “Hey, go get your swimming trunks on, tell your brother to do as well,” I said. “Water?” he started to get excited. “Yes, we are going to the water park” I looked at him. “That’s so cool, ” he hugged me. “Happy birthday Alex, ” I rubbed his back. “I love you, ” he kissed my cheek. He ran upstairs to tell Andrew that they were going to the water park. Before I knew it, they were both down waiting at the door for their father. “Andrew? Alex?” I asked. “We are waiting for daddy” they both said. Conner finally made his way back from the park, he was sitting up their birthday stuff. “Hey boys,” Conner said as he opened the door. “Daddy!” they ran to him, hugging him. “Happy Birthday,” Conner said as he held them. “We are all ready to go to the park,” I said as I grabbed their bags. “Then let’s get going,” Conner said. We loaded everything in the car and started to make our way to the water park. They ran to the entrance as Conner and I walked behind them. Of course, my mom was there to meet the boys. We went down so many water slides and had splash wars. They were finally big enough to ride the raft and they had a blast on it. I lost count on how many times they went on the ride. I laid back against the chair as I watched over them. “I think they love it,” Conner said. “Yes, they do” I smiled. “Can’t believe they are 5 years old” Conner said. “I know it’s crazy how time has flown” I responded. “But you know what they have been asking for” Conner smiled. “I know and within 8 months they will get their baby sister. We went finally pulled the boys out of the pool and went inside. We had two different cakes because they were both into different things. "Happy Birthday Alex and Andrew” I snapped a picture of them smiling. I could tell they were having a blast and that’s all I wanted. They were beyond excited to get a baby sister soon. I could tell this family trip was a success because they fell asleep on the way home.
James: Our daughter who was turning 7 could never decide on what she wanted to do. We finally decided to go to universal studios. The morning of her seven birthday we got up bright and early to head off to universal studios. It was a pretty long drive for us so I already booked a hotel so we could stay a few days. I knew the park was big and we couldn’t do everything in just one day. “mommy are we there yet? she asked. "Soon Aaliyah” I responded. “What about now?” she asked. “Aaliyah play with your tablet, ill let you know when we get closer” I said. “Ok Mom” she said. “Shes just excited” James said. “We all are” I smiled as I grabbed his hand. “I get to take both of my girls out” he kissed my hand. “Daddy is a lucky guy” Aaliyah said. “Yeah it is” I looked at her. We finally arrived to the hotel and of course Aaliyah was fast asleep in the car. James carried her into the hotel as he checked us in. Once we got into the hotel room we all just went to bed. In the morning Aaliyah and I waited until James was done with his shower. We stopped and got breakfast before heading into the park. I walked hand and hand with James as Aaliyah was ahead of us. She was finally tall enough to go on rides and it seemed like she wanted to go on all of them. James and I took turns taking her onto rides and seeing witch ones she enjoyed. Between riding rides and doing interactive things it was a pretty busy day. We took Aaliyah to one of the burger shops since she loved hamburgers and they sung happy birthday to her. I guess I could say we did make a good decision on brining Aaliyah to universal studios because she had a blast. We stayed until night fall and right before we were going back to the hotel James pulled us to the side. He pulled us to the perfect spot to see the fireworks. I wrapped my arms around Aaliyah as we watched the show. I didn’t notice that James had gotten on one knee with a ring out. I finally turned and notice, bringing my hands up to my mouth. I nodded yes to him as I couldn’t find the words to say. He slipped the ring on my finger and stood up, bringing me closer to him. “Can you have another baby mommy?” Aaliyah begged. “Well I have a surprise for you both, Im pregnant” I said. I could see the shock on both of their face but soon turned into a smile. I guess that day everyone had surprises but it was a good family trip.
Tristan: Tristan and I could never decide on what we wanted to do for Zachary’s birthday. He was turning 9 and I wanted to do something big for him. At first we were going to Disney land but then to sea world. Finally Zachary made the choice for us and he picked Disney cruise. It was for more then two weeks but the kids were already out for their summer break. We decide on going and thought it would be a good vacation as well. I had everything packed and ready to go and before I knew it the day had arrived. We made our way down to the dock and parked the car. I checked in the luggage as well as checked us into our cabin. Zachary had his own room but it was right next to ours, that was Tristan’s choice. “Im going down to the deck” Zach said. “Be careful babe” I kissed his cheek before he headed off. “Our little boy is grown” Tristan said. “I know but this little one will be here soon” I said as I rubbed my belly. “Yea a few more months” Tristan said as he kissed me. There were so many things to do on the boat I didnt know where to start. Tristan and Zachary went rock climbing and surfing. While I just laid out by the pool getting the rest I needed. We all agreed to have dinner as a family each night and that’s what we did. The boat had a curfew for kids under 16 so I knew Zachary was in his room before 10. I guess that was a good thing so I wouldn’t worry, I was very protective over him. The ocean was beautiful and I could tell Zachary was having a ball. It was a good time to get away and relax before Ally got here. “Come on in the pool” Tristan said. “Ok ok Im coming” I rolled my eyes as I got into the pool. Tristan pulled me closer to him and held me against him. “This is just what we needed” I said. “Yea to bring everyone closer” he whispered in my ear. “Cant wait to meet this little one” I rubbed my belly as I felt her kick. “We all cant mom” Zachary said. The boat finally docked and we got off to be on land for the night. Right in the morning we got back on the boat and headed back home. It was nice to just be together as a family of three before turning into a family of four.
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bananabreaa-blog · 7 years
Disney World: Day 1-Feb 26th
Day 1: Hollywood studios
“THE DAY HAS COME” excitement, the only feeling I could feel the first morning in Orlando. I immediately started playing Disney songs to pump myself as soon as I woke up. I was tired man, cuz Florida is 3 hrs ahead than LA so when I woke up at 7am in Orlando, it felt like 4 am O.o 
I got ready and I couldn't wait a second! babe took forever tho, especially when the Uber came he was still doing “stuff” ... like he has to do makeup or something ;) 
Weather was nice, sunny but very humid. kinda windy so it was not bad. There are tons of trees in Orlando so I never ran out of things to see on the way to Disney World. 
Our Uber driver was super nice! He is like a cute old grandpa haha, he is a retired farmer/veteran from Tennessee and he does Uber for fun. He is also a passholder so parking wasn't a problem for him. He was SUPER talkative. interesting.. 
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anyways~ There was a lot of people at the park that day since it was sunday.  As soon as we got to the park, babe had to go get the DAS pass and I had to go get his stupid wheelchair for him - - AND IT TOOK FOREVER. (That’s all I remember lol and I was pissed) After I got the wheelchair, there was the March of Order...OMG STROMTROOPERSSSSS <33333 
Forgot to mention, they have this thing called “Magic Band” in Disney World and its the coolest thing ever. Its basically your ticket/annual pass, and you can use it to pay for food and even get fast passes! very cool! They also have a separate entrance for pass holders.. i wish they do it at Disneyland so I feel more special :D 
I was feeling very poopy in the morning, cuz i didnt wanna push babe around :( I have weak arms so u can’t blame me! 
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I know, Im so cool. 
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The Rides we went on: 
Muppet 3D: 3D movie cute! I was a butt at that time tho 
The Great Movie Ride: it was really cool! we also got first seating cuz wheelchair lol 20 mins long and there were performers in the show
Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster: omg its like the music version of space mountain. so fasttttt i loved it, we went on it twice 
Star Tour: same ride as the one we have here so meh
Shows we saw: 
The little mermaid: so cute! you get to see Ariel singing and stuff i like i like
Beauty and the Beast: IT WAS SO GOOD! first of all, we got front seating lol so we had super good view. and the show was just adorable! I miss it
Indiana Jones one: kinda like how movie are made? it was okay. cool to see it! 
Around 6 pm, we went to check in for the dessert party babe reserved online, we got the last two spots hehehe and we were in line to get in at Star Wars Launch Bay...
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^ the card the gave us, when babe was taking this picture, two stromtroopers were behind me and one of them scared the poop of out me omg haha... i wanted to take pics with them but they moved so fast :( 
All the desserts there were star wars themed! and UNLIMITED <3 so cute!!!!       There were also star wars cocktail.. 
One of the best part about dessert party was u get to meet the characters without being in line!!!!!!!!!! CHEWIE <3 
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and theres Kylo Ren! join the dark side! 
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man the force is so strong in me, i can feel it. 
We were lead out by stormtroopers to our private seating area to see the finale show of Star Wars firework. We got really good seating cuz the wheelchair again lol 
The show was so cool! tbh i don't remember much about the show... probably cuz the sugar man.. ohhh I remembered i dropped one of my Darth Vader cupcake :(  we got a chewie cup as souvenir of the dessert party. 
soooo, basically hollywood studios is very similar to California Adventure but wayyyyy more star war themed, which i loved it <3 a lot of rides were the same and the park itself wasn't that big so by half day we started the run out things to do. The dessert party was the highlight of the day tho! it was really worth it! 
Babe even agreed to go on Tower to Terror but we didnt have time. DAMN IT 
Good day at hollywood studios. I miss the vibe. 
The force is strong in me. 
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3:40am - 04/05/2020
14 weeks since i’ve talked to the boy, almost 15; i guess technically only two weeks if we’re talking about me being stupid and messaging him, but 14 weeks since he’s spoken to me, and i’m finally ready to talk about it.
when i met him he was magical, i fell for him instantly, it’d only been a few months after i finally got upset enough with Lisa to leave the remains of that friendship behind, and i was feeling a little down with how little social success i was having with the start of college. I remember standing around in the lecture hall before a test, his class was before mine, and i followed a group of people i wanted to be friends with in. he and i both stood awkwardly among our friend groups, this wasnt our first time meeting, but putting our awkwardness aside, it was the first time we spoke, and the start of his era in my life.
the semester rolled forward, and my mental health spiraled, i was facing a daily struggle of do i put gas in my car or do i eat, can i afford that snack while editing at 4am or was i just to go hungry until lunch as not to disrupt my precarious eating schedule. i was stressed about how low my grades where, how tired i always was working an abusive job that paid well below industry standard on the nights i wasn't up fixing group project issues at 4am in the learning commons, sleeping in my car didnt help, but it gave me an extra hour between late nights and early mornings saved off my commute, ontop of saving gas, it wasn’t that bad but was certainly not helping. my mother was driving me insane, like she always does, and i was willing to do anything to keep out of the house, i just... lost control of my life, and completely stopped caring, and this is where he really stepped in. skip a class because im too numb to focus, he’s by my side in the learning commons, someone to talk to, send memes to, keep me entertained, i couldn't go home, my mother would notice im not in class, but i just couldn't drag myself into the classroom every day.
jump forward into the summer... or really... middle spring, probably late may... early june... our mutual friend xander needed some furniture for his new room, the boy and i kept promising to see eachother over the summer, i finally invite him to come to ikea with xander and me, so... we all went together, and after dropping xander off i go back to boys house with him for the first time, and this leads us into the start of the summer.
we see each other often, always initiated by me, but never unwelcomed by him, the exact timeline is all a blur now, but i remember canada day, going to his grandparents house with him, his whole family was lovely, they where so much more functional and kinder than my own, i had an anxiety attack at some point during the day but only the boy and his brother knew, that day really stands out to me because it had been the first time in years id felt accepted by everyone around me, i was able to be myself, i was with people i enjoyed, i had no stresses and it felt euphoric. I remember that night distinctly for entirely different reasons though, it started off well, the boy and i went to milton to see the fireworks from outside the old highschool, a place my dad used to take me and my brother when he was still in our lives, i got a sunburn on my back despite using sunscreen, clearly not enough, and i remember the boy laughing at me because it was a really bad burn in the shape of the bralette i wore in place of a swim top, it was all fun, until the drive home. driving him back to his house something felt wrong, i dont know what, but i remember bursting into tears, this wasnt the first time i cried around him, and certainly wasnt the last, but it really stands out as a night that changed a lot about how he felt towards my emotions. going back to the first time i cried around him, we went on a bike ride on the trails around his house, i borrowed his moms bike and he rode his, at some point he started biking really fast away from me until he reached a house, a house i learned later was the house of someone who hurt him years ago, i... dont exactly recall how i felt about it, but we biked back to the school nearly beside his house, the sky dark at this point, and he went off sitting alone in the field. something about.. him biking away from me, not telling me anything, then leaving his bike on the fence and running into the field away from me, it felt for the first time i can completely recall, like he was starting to push me away, i remember walking up to him in the field, i was already holding back tears at this point and he could tell, he asked what was wrong and i completely collapsed into tears over how i felt. i recall rambling on about my dad, my mothers ex, my mother herself, and my history with abandonment, isolation, and how him leaving me like that made me feel; i remember him holding me, keeping my hair out of my face, stroking it gently while pushing it away, softly telling me its all okay, he apologized, explained everything, and after my eyes where clear enough to walk past his mom not looking like id just bawled my eyes out, combined with the incoming thunderstorm approaching over us as we laid in the grass up at the starts, we headed back to his house.back at his house was rather uneventful, i remember laying beside him in his bed, we watched some youtube, shortly after getting back to his house i left fearing the incoming storm, roughly... around midnight if i had to guess, keeping in mind this is before i was allowed to stay over past his midnight curfew.
moving along through the summer we come to another important night, it was similar to the bike ride night, a humid summer evening, this night i remember fewer details about, but we where laying in his bed, being idiots, i recall him showing me how to act more feminine for a man, sitting on his lap, wrapping myself around him, it was all in play, nothing serious, but i did really like him, and he knew it. at some point the play turned into me laying on his bed, arms at my side, he’s hovering over me in a playfully dominant way, we joke about being ontop of one another with both of us being so submissive, we never take it seriously, but something was different; he looked in my eyes and there was a glimmer to his, “what do you want?” he asked, i told him he already knows, after playing dumb a little more, he starts softly kissing my neck... it was a strange feeling, not unwelcome, but not rough enough for me, he was very gentle, pausing to make sure i was okay, asking for consent often, finally, he looks into my eyes, and says once more “what?” while giggling, i just stare back up at him, after a few seconds he says “i know what you want” and leans in to kiss me, then again, and before i knew it we where making out, and kept it going for a few minutes... until his mother knocked on the door telling us it was past his curfew. and thats the story of my first kiss, and the first time the boy kissed me, i... felt euphoric again, i remember feeling on top of the fucking world for days following, i was so happy, and so in love, and was now completely enamored with this boy.
there where more fun filled summer days, we never kissed again after that, but there was still occasional cuddling, by my request, lots of hugs, and i was still babe and he was still the boy i loved. i guess the first time i really started to feel envious was during pride, we went as a group, myself, the boy, our mutual friend chris, and some other friends from their group discord. the day started out great, it was my first pride and there was so many people, so much excitement, it was all happening and starting out fun. partway pretty early through the day one of the boys ex’s met up with us though, and really stole all of his attention from me, i tried to hide that i was upset, the rest of his friends left to go home leaving just me the boy and his ex, but eventually it became too much, i decided to go home alone, so they dropped me off at the subway station, and turned around, walking away without even saying goodbye. the second i was through the doors to the subway i burst into tears, i felt like an idiot crying most of the train ride home, the drive home, i felt like shit that whole night, and it really hurt to see the boy i loved with someone else. i put that day behind us though, and enjoyed the rest of the summer with him.
Fall arrived, he went back to school, my depressed spiral into mental illness landed me on academic suspension, meaning a year of no school, so i did not. we where separated much of that time, we would see each other maybe bi-weekly, we grew distant, not by choice, i really wanted to see him all the time, and he accommodated whenever he could.
at some point, i dont remember when, but we had a fight, he got mad at me for acting like his girlfriend, he reinforced that we aren't dating, we aren't a couple, he made sure i knew he was gay, and only liked men, and i dont remember the outcome of that fight, but his mom found out, and told him to bring me back. his mom was such a dear, she loved her family, baked every week, cooked meals for them all constantly, always took me into consideration and always offered me something, she would even go out of her way to accommodate my pickiness, and always found something that worked despite the boy being vegetarian and me being picky. she took the boy and i to the mall, boy always joked with me that my bras where too childish, and i did only have three, so his mom took the opportunity to teach me about bras, and the wonders of them, and all the things id need to know after starting hormone therapy. after that he was pretty accepting of my presence, we where very active in the discord, talking for hours a day, it kept me entertained at work and him in class, along with all the friends in it, and the next major turning point was the introduction of rowan.
its now 4:47am, to be continued later
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elliotthezubat · 5 years
 Kid: *reading in bed*
stocking: *nuzzles up to him*
Kid: "..." *puts an arm around her, soft sigh*
stocking: *sleeping on his chest* u///u
Kid: *strokes her head carefully before he puts down the book and turns off the light* =\\\\= *nuzzle*
stocking: =///w///=
Kid: *lies by her side, holding her softly* =w=
Kepuri: =~= *collapsed in front of her computer's keyboard*
akaderu: *picks her up and carries her to her bed*
Kepuri: "Hmm...Babe?"
akaderu: yeah?
Kepuri: "...Love you."
akaderu:...*small smile* love you too.
miyuri: *already asleep*
sonia: *getting into bed*
Chuuya: *tucking Sonia in* "Comfy?"
sonia: *nods* ....papa? are you sure you're alright?
Chuuya: "...Yes, I am."
sonia:...see you tomorrow then, good night
Chuuya: "Good night. I love you."
sonia: love you too, papa...
Chuuya: *nods* *gets up, turns off the lights* "Night..."
Tanizaki: "I'm all packed. Ready to check out?"
atsushi: yep.
Kenji: "Yes!" *holds up a suitcase--that has clothes poking out of the edges*
Tanizaki: ^^; "I'll check on the girls..." *knocks on their door*
naho: almost ready~!
Tanizaki: "Okay--we'll bring our luggage downstairs..."
Kenji: "Hey, what do you think it would be like to see our kind of stories on the TV? Like vampires and pyro-people and us detectives?"
atsushi: ^^; seems like a bit much for one show.
Tanizaki: "I mean, Hollywood runs out of ideas--the new thing is 'genre crossovers,' like how every superhero movie is also another genre? Like that 'superhero romance' film they're making?"
atsushi: ^^;;
Emine: -____-; "Mom, he's not getting up." *pokes the top bunk bed with Tool's scythe*
setsuna: let's let him sleep for now. he'll be up soon.
Emine: "Hmm...Fine. I don't know why he's like this--everyone has been weird since we got home."
setsuna: well...things were quite eventful...perhaps even traumatic for some...
Emine: "..." *nods* "I...saw something."
setsuna: ??
Emine: "That dream-maker...I saw my...birth mother."
Emine: "...It wasn't real...I wanted it to be."
Emine: "..." *holds his head in his hands* "Sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."
Emine: "..." *sniffle*
setsuna: it's alright, emine...
Emine: "I...just don't want this pain anymore."
setsuna: ....
Libra: *sighs* "He's still unconscious..."
King Leo: "I can wake him..." *pulls out a sword--*
virgo: D8>
Libra: "..." *takes her PDA--and slaps it equally across both sides of Leo's face* "NO! NO MORE STABBING!"
Aries: *still unconscious*
gem: *takes orange juice and squeezes it up aries' nose*
Aries: "... ... ..." *eyes snap open--before he screams, swinging his fists wildly*
gem: yay!....
ini: ....success!
Aries: "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU--" *groans, holds his head*
Libra: "...Here." *offers a can of cola*
Aries: "Ug..." *sips* "Ah, that's the stuff..." *rubs the can against his face* "I missed you, baby..."
Libra: "..." >_>; "You're welcome."
aquarius: oh look he's alive. that's no fun
Aries: "Yeah, I missed you all too..." *looks* "Where did you take us?"
capricorn: some old factory or something.
Aries: "So, let me guess--Queenie didn't win?" *finishes the cola*
scorpio: got locked up in the tartarus prison.
Aries: "Jeez, that blows..." *shrugs* "A'well. That screws things up..." *shrugs* "A'well. Libra, did he call?"
Libra: "No. And when he does, you know he is going to be furious how Fear Factory overstep its boundaries."
virgo: Q~Q uuuu....
Aries: *shrugs* "That's for the Observers to deal with. Aquarius, Scorpio, keep an eye for any Federation thugs popping up. As for you, Virgo..."
virgo: i-i-im so-sorryyyyyy >~<;;;;
Aries: "...You really feel bad about what happened back in Toykyo?"
virgo: i-i-i d-di-didnt m-meant to, h-he-he asked me a-a question a-and it would have b-been rude not t-to answer....
Aries: "I get it, I get it...Well, it's in the past. And we still need you for what comes next--you got that?"
virgo: y-y-you're not m-mad at me?
Aries: *smiles* "You hook me up with another cola, and we'll call it even."
virgo: y-y-yes s-sir! r-right away!
Libra: *sighs* "That's hardly balanced, _sir_."
Aries: *lies back down* "That's your job, not mine..."
King Leo: "..." *pulls out another sword--*
aquarius: *sigh* im bored. i think i'll bully pisces for a bit~<3
Pisces: O_o "Um, my tank's filter needs to be replaced? It's kinda murky in here..."
Aries: "??? The fish ain't dead yet?"
Denki: *holds up a box labeled 'fireworks'* "This is what summer training is all about!"
jirou: you're going to smuggle fireworks onto the campsite?
Denki: "It's not 'smuggling'--it's packing!"
momo: easy now, jirou... ^^;;;
Mineta: "...Am I the only one turned on seeing her shake down Kaminari like that?"
momo:....on second thought, maybe jirou has the right idea.
Mineta: D8<
Denki: "Desert fireworks aren't fun! Deserts need dark smoke, and fireworks are all bright smoke!"
jirou: since when are YOU a pyrotechnics expert?!
Denki: "I read a book about it."
jirou: sure you did. 7_7
mina: hmm. *lightbulb* i got it! BRB!
Denki: -_-; "Oh, what did you read? Something from the _jerk_ factory with all the other _jerks_?"
itsuka: and that's how the regulations were set in place for the sports festival.
Bakugo: "Huh. What about that near-fatal injury at the 5th annual festival?"
mina: *enters the library* BAKUGOU! FOUND YA! *walks over* sorry itsuka, i gotta kidnap your boyfriend for a sec.
itsuka: eh?
Bakugo: "WHAT THE F--"
mina: nothing suspicious, i just need him to help us with explosion related stuff bye! *runs off with bakugou*
itsuka: ah............................wait WHAT?
Poe: "SHHHH!"
-and so-
mina: i brought the expert!
jirou: *has kaminari in a choke hold* oh good.
Denki: OwO "I am so happy you're here, Baku--"
Bakugo: "...You're going to kill Pikachu here? Ashido, it's not my birthday."
jirou: i wasnt gonna hurt him THAT much..........yet.
Denki: T~T "I just wanted summer fireworks...and they said bringing them to the training camp would be stupid and reckless--"
Bakugo: "I AGREE."
jirou: thank you for being sensible, bakugou.
Denki: "Mina, help me out!"
mina: i think it does sound fun, but i gotta listen to smokey bear.
Bakugo: "I'LL SMOKE YOU!"
Mineta: "That doesn't make sense, dude. And Kaminari just wants to see fireworks--help a brother out!"
Denki: OwO "Could you?!"
mina: ?? hey mineta, i think someone carved boobs into the desk here.
Bakugo: *face going red with anger, sparks around his fists...*
Mineta: *gasps!* *looks under the desk* "WHERE?!"
mina: on top of the desk.
Mineta: *jumping* "I can't see! Curse my height!" *gets up on the chair* "Where, where, where?!"
mina: riiiight here- *SLAMS HIS FACE INTO THE DESK*
Mineta: "URK!" X___X
Denki: D8
Bakugo: "...Nice."
mina: welp, that's ONE problem solved!
jirou:.....god i love you.
mina: ^w^
Bakugo: "Okay, I assume you idiots set up a space for me to do my thing? Yaoyorozu, your house is big--you got a field or something?"
momo: i suppose we could use the tennis court.
Bakugo: "Fine. Just don't go inviting more than this idiot, Earjacks, Ashido--"
Hagakure: "And me!"
Bakugo: "... ... ...HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE?!"
Hagakure: "When Mineta got a face full of desk."
Mineta: *bleeding* X____X
momo:...i'll get the shovel.
Free: "Okay, now just take it easy..." *standing in the shallow end of the community pool* "You can do it!"
milia: *doggy paddling*
Free: ^^ "Great work!"
Kanin: "Oh, hello, Mr. Free, Milia."
milia: hiyaa!
Free: "Yo! You two trying to beat the heat, too?"
Kanin: *nods* "It's unbearable..."
amelia: hello.
Free: "Hey, Amelia! You swim?"
amelia: a little bit.
Free: "Milia's learning how--and she's getting to be a natural!"
eruka: ^^
Kanin: "Neat! Maybe even work up to the high dive?" *points to the diving board*
*someone is walking through the forest...she's barefoot, with a small baby strapped to her back*
Medusa: "..."
neian: *asleep*
Medusa: *looks up ahead at a cottage* ("There...") *approaches*
-it appears empty-
Medusa: "..." *opens the door*
neian: mmm? *opens her eyes*
Medusa: *enters* "Shh..." *looks around* "...Sanctum..."
*a magical barrier forms around the cottage*
neian: maman?
Medusa: "Did you sense that?"
neian: uu!
Medusa: "Amazing..." *smiles* "Let's see what else you'll notice..."
neian: bubu!
Medusa: *sets Neian down...opens her knapsack to reveal magical items* "How about this one?" *holds up a small pyramid*
Black Star: *at the airport* *looking around* "..."
otogiri: i think that's them now.
Black Star: "Oh, cool!" *looks*
-the plane lands-
naho: we're hooooome~!
Kenji: *carrying Atsushi* "You can calm down now, we landed!" ^w^
atsushi: QwQ
Tanizaki: "Here's your bag, Maki."
maki: thanks. ^^
Kenji: *picks up Naomi's luggage* "Here you go!"
naomi: ah, it's good to be back!
Tanizaki: *nods* "Yeah...I'll call Kunikida to see about picking us up. Naho, you need a ride?"
naho: *spots otogiri and sakuya* SAKKUUUUUUN! *TACKLE HUG*
Sakuya: .\\\\\. "H-Hey?"
Tanizaki: ^^; "Guess that answers that one."
naho: >w<
Black Star: "Welcome back! How was the flight?!"
Shotaro: "Nea, can I ask you a question?"
nea: yes?
Shotaro: "Why do you like Shinoda?"
nea: ...you're much too young to know this answer.
Shotaro: "Man, that's what all adults say, and I'm really confused!"
nea: ask shinoda then!
Shotaro: "Fine! Hey, Shinoda!"
Shinoda: *walks in* "What?"
Shotaro: "Why do you like Nea?!"
Shinoda: "... ... ...Uuuuuuuuum, how much time do I have?"
Hyde: "--then they combine the music with the fireworks! So that's why I'm going to bring an M-80 to your next performance. Also, you'll need a helmet. And life insurance."
licht: .........
ochako: ._.;; hyde that sounds a bit dangerous.
Hyde: "Really? 'Cause I was going to go with 12 M-80's but thought I'd tested the one first. I already have Guil setting it up--"
Hyde: "... ... ..."
julian: *SCREAMING*
ochako: .____.
Hyde: "... ...What a lovely morning! I think I'll go for a walk!" *opens the window, approaches to jump out--*
licht: get back here, coward.
licht: prison will be the _least_ of your concerns.
Hyde: *falls on the floor, whining* "No! I don't wanna--"
-too violent to show-
Guil: *walks in, half the whale suit burnt off* "... ... ...I wanted you to save some of him for me."
Axel: "--and I want us to get to be bad-butts out of this training camp so we can be the best weapons for you possible!"
zeke: yeah!
hibiki: thanks you guys.
Axel: *smiles* "Now we just have to figure out what kind of training this'll be. Did your grandmother go through something like this?"
hibiki: she probably did.
Axel: "Maybe it'll be dueling with each other? ...Ah, man--I don't want to deal with Duncan and his yo-yo form."
Dazai: "Hey, I see them coming!"
Lucy: "?!!! HE'S HANGING FROM A NOOSE AGAIN!" *pulls Dazai back inside*
Dazai: "D'aw!!!"
naomi: *waves*
Kyoka: "Welcome back. How was your flight?"
atsushi: exhausting.
Lucy: "Aw..." *pets his head* "Maybe you should take a break--"
Kunikida: *shoves papers into Atsushi's hands* "You got work."
Lucy: -_-;
atsushi:.... QwQ
Tanizaki: ^^; "Kunikida, we did just come back from making a big breakthrough on a murder investigation--"
Kunikida: "I know--so file this, too." *drops a stack of papers into Tanizaki and Naomi's hands*
Kenji: *sneaks into the room...dragging a heavy bag behind him...something in it looks sharp and angular--*
yosano: kenji, can we talk to you a moment?
Kenji: "I SWEAR, IT WAS A GIFT! ...I mean, yes?"
yosano: ??
Kenji: *sighs* "The actors had this made for Naomi--I was keeping it a surprise..." *holds up a giant Walk of Fame star with her name on it*
naomi: ......*teary eyes of happiness*
Tanizaki: "Ah, that was really nice of them!"
Kenji: ^w^ *hands it to Naomi--and it's heavy as a weight*
naomi: ^w^;;; t-thank you...kenji...
Kenji: "You're welcome! Where you going to put it? Maybe hang it on the wall?"
naomi: s-sounds good.
yosano: right, now kenji, could you help us out with the rooftop garden?
Kenji: "Oh, sure! You keep the tomatoes watered?"
David: *sits up in his hospital bed* "Melissa..."
nurse: good morning, mr shield.
David: "...Hello. Ow, my arm..."
nurse: easy now.
David: "...Police still outside?"
nurse: ...yes.
David: "I suppose that's to be expected. Just a matter of time before I'm transferred to a prison cell."
David: "...I'll keep it down." *lies back down*
Foien: "??? You okay?"
dia: ??
Foien: "You were looking off to the distance--the drills ended 5 minutes ago."
dia: was i?
Foien: "Yep...Maybe you need a break? Vacation?"
dia: i was thinking......with father's day around the corner....i was thinking of....something to give the commander. 7///7;
Foien: "Oh, that'd be good! But he is kinda hard to shop for...You getting him meat?"
dia: im being serious about this. he's....done so much for me already...i wanted to thank him somehow.
Foien: *nods* "I get that--he does look out for you. Well, how do you think you'll thank him?"
dia: i want to get him something nice...
Foien: "Hmm...Want to take a walk, look around?"
dia: that may help.
-rain begins to fall-
stocking: >~< *rushes to the cram school*
Rin: "Yo! Cuz!" *waves under the cafe umbrella*
stocking: mind if i take some shelter here for a bit? ^^;
godaiin: im sure it's fine. we're just waiting on bon to get here for lunch.
stocking: thanks. *sigh* should have brought an umbrella with me.
Rin: *looks around* "Speak of the--...Well, looks like you weren't the only one without an umbrella*
Bon: *soaked*
stocking: oh! you alright there, suguro?
Bon: *shakes water off his head* "Great--just got caught in this freak storm."
godaiin: hey bon, we got your lunch for you.
Bon: "Huh? Oh, wow--thanks...Happy to have something not unhealthy or served with fries..."
stocking: overworked by lewin?
Bon: "You could say that..."
konekomaru: speaking of work, amaimon's been-
stocking: what did he do this time?
Rin: -_______-#
stocking:...that look isnt exactly reassuring.
Rin: "He sat on the desk, ate spicy candy, and burped up fire before explaining why we women-inclined folk should all desire strong women who can kick our asses."
Shima: "...I mean..."
stocking: i...see....
godaiin: wait, i thought his name was ambrosius?
stocking:......the hell kind of name is that?
Bon: "German...-ish....Wait..."
izumo: what are you talking about?
Rin: "Oh, hey, Izumo!"
shiemi: sorry we're late. ^^;
stocking: oh hey guys.
Shima: "We were talking about Amai--Ambrosius's fascinating ideas about men and women."
izumo: ....want me to punch him?
shiemi: why dont i handle him? i've learned a bit about keeping him in line.
Rin: "...That's scary, Shiemi--but in a goody way."
stocking: ^^;.... !!! yukio! what happened to your arm?!
Yukio: "Oh, a mission went sideways." ^^; "Still recovering after that trip with Shura, too."
stocking: right...so much has been happening it's been hard to keep track of everything.
Rin: *looks to the side* "Yeah..."
Yukio: "Rin...Do you have a moment? About...Mr. Misumi's wake?"
Rin: "..." *nods*
Bon: "... ... ..."
-text on bon's phone-
Bon: "..." *picks up his phone* "..."
-it's from lewin-
Bon: "?!!! Um, I got to go! I'll pay you for food later!"
godaiin: wait we-....already...paid for it...
Mephisto: =w= *reclines in the bubble bath*
Mephisto: "??? What the me?"
lewin: yo!
Mephisto: "...EEK!" *covers his chest*
lewin: sorry to interrupt the 'me' time, but i gots some questions for ya, is that cool?
lewin: *shoves a phone with a picture in his face* this seal was on the neck of a man killed a while back from a contract of morinath, HOWEVER! said contract isnt in the record of seals, why is that?
Mephisto: *muffled* "HELP! HELP! I'M BEING ASSAULTED!"
lewin: just answer the question; what is sector 13, exactly? you arent experimenting with elixers, are you?
Mephisto: "..." *looks away* "And why would you think of little old me?"
lewin: you are the king of time, which puts you quite close to the shinigami race, including old death himself, and by extension, the two stripers, including one who killed this man.
Mephisto: "Hmph!" *slaps away Lewin's hand* "Such outrageous accusations..." *blows bubbles from a toy pipe*
Bon: *stares*
Mephisto: "...Fine. I don't want any more trouble. I'll tell you the location you seek..."
lewin: that wasnt so hard, now was it?
Mephisto: "You'll want to go when it's dark...Just put the key into the hand."
lewin: right. *ears perk up* i think your wife's coming now. so we better skedaddle before she serves our asses on a silver platter, haha!
Bon: "..." *follows*
Mephisto: -^- "Such ruffians....No fun at all!"
felisia: are you alright? i heard you yelling!
Mephisto: ^^; "Quite fine, dear~ Just got a little too into my bath..." *picks up a rubber ducky* "Quite a rude chap, this one!"
felisia: *looking at his markings*........
Mephisto: "..." *looks down at the floor*
felisia:....*hugs him* please, dont overwork yourself so much....
Mephisto: "I won't. I promise."
Tezca: *humming* "New mission, new mission, new mission-onie!"
enrique: ^o^
Tezca: "And you and I need to look the part! I suggest shades and the most expensive flip flops."
enrique: *thumbs up*
Tezca: "Then just around this corner, let's head out--" *turns the corner--and trips over someone* "UMPH!"
esther: oh, pardon me.
Tezca: "Oh--hey, Esther! What you up to?"
esther: just doing some paperwork is all~
Tezca: "Ah--you got back from a big mission with Kirara?"
esther: ah yes, it was quite exciting.
Tezca: "Neat! You two will have to tell us--we're getting ready for a tropical mission!"
Axel: "Okay--donut run, or ice cream run?"
hibiki: maybe a salad for something different?
Axel: "Huh--sure! Maybe add some cheese to it..."
zeke: or croutons! can never go wrong with croutons!
Axel: "Bro--a salad...of croutons and bacon."
hibiki: *sigh* it's a start i guess....
yosano: so yeah, the tomatoes are-oh!
frances: *putting flowers around the garden*
Kenji: "Hi, Miss Frances!"
frances: hmm? oh hello dearies~ ^^
yosano: i wasnt expecting anyone else up here.
frances: oh, is the garden private?
Kenji: *looks at one plant* "Ooooooo! This one looks healthy? Is this one yours?"
frances: why yes, i thought the plants could use some flower friends to help them grow. ^^
Kenji: "Good thinking! Hello, Little Petunia!"
yosano: ^^; (well, kenji seems to be fine with it...)
Kenji: "It's great to have so much green life up here! It feels like a bit of home." ^w^
frances: you're from a farming village, right?
Kenji: *nods* "Ihatov!"
frances: how lovely~ ^^
Kenji: "Have you had greenhouses, ma'am?"
frances: oh why yes indeed. i have one in my home, both here and back in england.
Kenji: "Neato! I bet they are real happy, if they are like this one!"
frances: why thank you. ^^
Kenji: ^w^ "We just got back from Los Angeles--but I didn't get to see the orange groves."
Kimizuki: -_-; *has bandages on his arm* "Stupid cactus..."
hyakuya: *stomach growling*
Kimizuki: "...I better cook you something."
hyakuya: =3= i can cook too, you know.
Kimizuki: "??? Without burning it?"
hyakuya: >3< i used to cook for my family all the time back then.....
Kimizuki: "Oh? What's your signature dish?"
hyakuya: im pretty good at making curry. *proud face*
Kimizuki: "Oh yeah? Prove it."
hyakuya: i will!
shinoa: ^^
Yoichi: "Sweet! We're having curry!"
mitsuba: good to see she's in high spirits again.
Guren: "Yes--just needed a change."
mitsuba: how long before we're back on the field?
Guren: "When the next mission is approved."
Belkia: T~T "I'm so happy you're home! Do you feel okay?"
naho: im fine, belbel. ^^
Black Star: "Maybe take a nap--that was some powerful adventure you had!"
naho: yeah, i'll go do that now.
Sakuya: *small smile...pats Lilac's shoulder*
lilac: w-welcome back, naho. we missed you a lot.
naho: thanks guys. *hugs*
-she seems to be shaking slightly-
Sakuya: "...Hey, Naho, can I talk with you before you sleep in?"
naho: oh, sure, what's up?
Sakuya: "You feeling alright?"
naho:...why dont we talk in my room a bit?
Sakuya: *nods, follows*
naho: *enters her room*......
Sakuya: "Naho?"
naho:...*hugs him*
Sakuya: "..." *hug, strokes her head*
-she tells him about what happened-
Sakuya: "I'm so sorry...That's awful to go through that."
naho: it was so scary...it was like i wasnt in control....*trembling*
Sakuya: "Hey...You're okay...You're home, and we can figure this out."
naho: *sniffle* i...wanted to tell you privately...s-so the others dont worry.
Sakuya: *nods* "I get that...I think you should later, as they know more than me...But for now, yeah..."
Sakuya: *strokes her head* "You're a good person, Naho...You're so many things..."
naho: ....sakkun...could you sleep here with me tonight?
Sakuya: *nods* "Sure."
Eijiro: "Hey, Yaomomo! I brought the hot dogs, burgers, and veggie patties! Where's the grill?"
momo: the grill is on the patio.
Eijiro: "WOOT! Thanks!" *humming* "Fireworks, FIRE-WORKS!"
Bakugo: *stares at Momo* ಠ_ಠ
himiko: *spinning in a spinny chair* iiiiiim sooooo booooooooreeeeed.
fang: *baby babble*
Kurogiri: "Perhaps you would like to help with some tasks?"
himiko: can i bring the baby?
Kurogiri: "It should be fine to do so--just a quick errand before our 'guest' wakes up."
himiko: OK!
Kurogiri: *hands her an address* "Try to blend in."
himiko: *salutes* come on baby~ you and mommy are gonna do stuff~<3
fang: gaba!
Kurogiri: *nods* "Glad someone is being productive..." *looks around*
banshee: see? like this, clockwise to unscrew it, counter-clockwise to screw it in.
Spinner: "Huh. Kind of like spinning it around..."
Dabi: "Fascinating...I'll remember that when I can't see because it's dark inside."
banshee: ^^;
Kurogiri: "I'm still tidying up after the last mishap--I'd like to keep things organized before--"
Muscular: *broke a door handle* "Oops."
kinuta: oh dear. *covered in a bedsheet*
Spinner: .\\\.;
Dabi: -_-;
Kurogiri: *sigh* "Banshee, how are you at door repairs?"
banshee: ._.;;
Muscular: "Hey, it's not my fault some things around here are made of weak stuff."
twice: waaait a minute. did you two like...y'know?
Muscular: "Did we what, shrimp?"
kinuta: 7w7
twice: did ya play twister in bed?
banshee: *almost chokes* O-O
Muscular: "...Yes. Want me to help you reach left hand red? I can do that by ripping off your arm--"
Kurogiri: "Please, there are children present."
twice: so you did f*ck her then.
banshee: TWICE!
twice: myeeeess?
Muscular: "Twice? No, at least five times."
Spinner: .\\\\\\\.
twice: she meant my name is twic-... OOOOOHHH DAMN! that explains the loud screaming and creaking.
tomura:.............................................................................you people are fucking disgusting.
Kurogiri: "Oh, for Pete's sake, could we have some tact here?! We have broken light bulbs--"
Spinner: "I said I was sorry."
Kurogiri: "--broken doors and now beds--"
Muscular: *grunts*
kinuta: ^^~
twice: wait a sec- shouldnt that mute chick and her teddy be back by now?
Spinner: "...You don't read the news, do you?"
twice: oh yeah.....i forgot.
Kurogiri: "There is nothing to be done about it--we move forward. However, there are some people to look into..."
banshee: oh?
Kurogiri: "Since USJ, more villains rising...including some other groups. Keep an eye out for them..." *hands over a folder*
banshee: *examines it*
*the file shows a small person in a mask, some man in Roman armor, a cheerleader, and someone looking like a Venus flytrap*
Sagittarius: *clop clop clop* "Hmm...I have lost track of the prey..." *holds up his bow...with a plunger arrow on it* "Where did those two go..."
gem + ini: *giggling*
Sagittarius: *small smirk* "Could they be...there?" *fires a plunger arrow at the wall--*
capricorn: ??
Sagittarius: "Oh. Sorry. I was not attempting to shoot at you, just the children."
capricorn:...*holds the core closer* get your own apple, dude.
Sagittarius: "I have no interest in your apple. ...And I'm still sorry for the William Tell incident."
capricorn: *huff* yeah whatev. *walks off*
Sagittarius: "..." *looks around for the sound of giggles*
Scorpio: *growls* "How freaking annoying!"
cancer: no need to get all pissy about it.
cancer: tch- whatever.
Aries: *staring at a tablet* "..." *turns it left* "...Yeah, I don't get it. I'm tired of looking over security footage--can this thing stream that cop show?"
Scorpio: >_<# *angry scorpion chittering noises*
libra: *sigh* let me see it.
Aries: "Thanks, L." *drops it into her hand*
libra: *looks*
Aries: "..." *leans over, looking over her shoulder* "Show me how to do it. Is it that?" *he's close*
libra: .////.; i-it's a touch screen, sir.
Aries: "..." *smiles* "So I do this?" *his finger passes her face, tapping the screen--and the tablet makes a loud beeping noise* "?!"
libra: !!
*SWISH* *CRACK* *an arrow strikes through her tablet in her hands*
Sagittarius: "...Sorry."
Aries: ^^;;;;; "Now, L, I know you're upset, but now is no time to get all angry and sword-y--"
Chuuya: *staring at a nearly empty glass* "...Top me off."
bartender: k...been busy, chuuya?
Chuuya: *slightly slurred* "Super busy."
Chuuya: "Just...stupid mechs, stupid Abernathy, stupid sheep...What a mess. All some lunatic..."
bartender: *cleaning glasses* you wanna talk about it?
Chuuya: "..." *sips* "...Why do Dokeshi get shat on? I don't see ability users getting it nearly half as bad."
bartender: not sure what to say about here, but other places arent as kind as here. goes for quirk humans too.
Chuuya: "Hmm. Pyrokinetics, too. People fear power...Maybe they're right to. But people aren't..." *looks at the mirror, seeing something staring back at him* "...just power."
bartender: understandable. my uncle's actually a dokeshi. he and his wife had to move to alaska to get away from the harassment.
Chuuya: "...Is it working for them?"
bartender: they seem pretty happy for the most part.
Chuuya: "Guess that's better...Don't like the idea of just running away from things..."
bartender: *nods*
Chuuya: *long sip* "Jeez...I'm going to feel this in the morning. Fucking hell...It's all just a mess, and, what, some crazy mind controller just had to make it worse?!"
Chuuya: *groans, holds his head* "...Rain."
bartender:....*hands him a glass of water*
Chuuya: "..." *sips* "..." *sniffle*
bartender:.....why dont i call you an uber?
Chuuya: *groans* "Ya."
bartender: maybe get to bed when you get home.
Chuuya: *grunts*
*someone in a cloak stands at the outskirts of Death City...the setting sun is behind him*
Luke: "..."
itsuka: wow, your house is really fancy, momo.
momo: i get that a lot. ^^;
*fast running is heard*
Iida: "MOMO! I apologize for being late!"
momo: oh, it's alright. you're right on time. ^^
Iida: "Oh, good!" *holds up a bag* "I brought a dessert! Cupcakes!"
mina: WOOT!
kirishima: you got it!
itsuka: oh, hey tetsutetsu!
jirou: seems we got more people than we were expecting.
Bakugo: *standing far away, meditating...inhaling and exhaling*
ochako: guess he's getting ready for the show later.
Todoroki: "Hmm." *noms on a burger*
Denki: "--so then we can put on the Star Wars theme and see if he can time the fireworks to Williams's score--"
sero: sick, my dude.
Denki: "Right?!
Iida: "I'm surprised Bakugo agreed--he usually doesn't seem to enjoy these social activities."
ochako: aww, he can be a team player after all. ^^
Todoroki: "Hmm. I guess he's cooled down."
Iida: "... ... ..."
ochako:......wait, was that a pun?
Todoroki: "??? Was it? ...Huh. I hadn't intended for it to be."
ochako: it's alright, if it was, it totally went over my head, haha!
Todoroki: "..." ^^;
mina: 7w7
jirou: ??? mina?
mina: i think im seeing sparks, and not from fireworks~
jirou: =///= b-babe! they're gonna hear you!
Bakugo: *eyes snap open* O^O "..." *SHARP INHALE* "Let's do this!!!"
kirishima: WOOOOT!!
Denki: *presses play on the stereo*
jirou:...are you seriously playing katy perry's 'firework?'
Denki: "It seemed appropriate, and--"
Bakugo: *blasting louder and louder attacks* "RA RA RA RA RA!"
Denki: "I knew it would fire up his irritation."
mina: well played.
Denki: ^^
Iida: "Ooooo! Aaaaah! Incredible use of shapes and colors!"
itsuka: woah! look at that one!
Tetsutetsu: "How does he do that?! Has he been practicing his quirk for aesthetic stuff?!"
kirishima: *shrug*
Bakugo: "..."
{Bakugo: *looks around* "..." *pulls out an art book* "Okay, so if I do it this way, I can make a bunny..."}
sero: hey! that one looks just like all-might!
Bakugo: -~-###
Denki: "...Heh. And he calls Midoriya a nerd?"
itsuka: ^^
*a spark falls onto Denki's head, igniting his hair*
Denki: .w.;;;;;
tsuyu: *tosses him to the pool*
Denki: *BLUB!* <Translation: "Thank you!">
Iida: "Oh, I didn't know this was a pool party, too."
Bakugo: *continues the display...*
sero: ^^ *spots something* ??
Monoma: *in the bushes* O^O
sero: hey monoma.
Monoma: "?!!! YOU SAW NOTHING!"
itsuka: *siiiiiiigh* monoma, are you going to behave yourself?
Monoma: "Don't I always~?" ^^
itsuka: *intense stare*
Monoma: Q^Q;
lewin: not far now....say, ever heard of the alhambra palace in spain?
Bon: "Not really, sir."
lewin: it's said the moorish king that built the palace contracted with a demon to hide a treasure. when the contract ends, a hand engraved in the gate of judgement will sieze the key. in that moment, the palace will crumble and the treasure is revealed. *holds his hand up*
Bon: *looks up* "So, that hand-shaped mark up in the keystone?"
lewin: *looks around*
Bon: "What was Sir Pheles saying when he mentioned the hand seizing the key?"
lewin: hmm. *pokes at a floor panel*
Bon: "?!"
lewin: found it!
Bon: "What the heck is it?"
lewin: turn off the flashlight, first.
Bon: *does so* "..."
lewin: *shines his light on a mirror that popped up from the panel*
Bon: *looks up at the keystone* "?!"
kyouko: *puts on her raincoat*
Rin: "Hey, where you going?"
kyouko: !! oh, im just gonna run a quick errand, i'll be back before you know it.
Rin: " 'Kay. But it's getting late--use your phone's flashlight."
kyouko: ok. if im not back by midnight, make sure momo's put to bed, ok?
Rin: *nods* "Of course."
kyouko: thanks rin. you're really dependable, you know?
Rin: "Um, thanks? That's really nice of you..."
kyouko: see you in a few. *heads out* (right. they're my family...i know it's selfish, but i want to understand what's going on with them. and if this is the only way, so be it...) .... (crazy clown guy, here i come.)
lewin: boooon... boooooooon...wake uuuup~
Bon: "Hmmm? What?"
lewin: oh good, you're alive!
Bon: *groans* "What happened?"
lewin: seems we got teleported by that beam. and look where we are!
Bon: "Wh-What?!" *looks*
lewin: any guesses?
Bon: "...This is a cram school?"
lewin: yes. the cram school's predecessor, the exorcist training school, 'asylum'!
kyouko: *ringing the doorbell to pheles manor*
Maid: "Yes?"
kyouko: hey, is mr pheles home? fujimoto sent me.
Maid: "I'm afraid he is in for the night, but if it's from Fujimoto, he likely would want to hear. Come in. May I get you something? Tea?"
kyouko: I’ll have some lemonade if you have any.
Maid: "Coming right up." *exits*
*it's quiet*
kyouko:..... *looking around*
*look to be photos, aged sepia...Mephisto seems to be in some of them*
kyouko: *examines a few pictures*
*seems to be Lord Death, Fujimoto...another with...Abraham Lincoln?*
kyouko: ?? (what the....) *notices another picture, a small painting*
*it looks to be two people with Mephisto, as they stand among test tubes and beakers*
kyouko: .....
Mephisto: "Well, this is an evening surprise~"
kyouko: !!! *stumbles* jeez! dont sneak UP on me like that!
Mephisto: "This is my house..."
kyouko:...where's your office?
Mephisto: "Upstairs. You wish to speak privately?"
kyouko: im here to talk business. and in this regard, you're really the only one im able to turn to. *mutter* much to my dismay.
Mephisto: "Very well." *removes a key, opening a closet* "Shortcut."
kyouko: *enters and sits down*
Mephisto: *pulls out his chair, sits across the desk from her* "Now, then, what's going on?"
kyouko: alright, im going to get right to the point. *inhales* i want to enroll at true cross and the cram school.
Mephisto: "...Fufufu!"
kyouko: im being serious about this!
Mephisto: "Runs in the family, does it not--barging up to me, demanding entry into _my_ school..."
kyouko: *bites her lip, gripping her fist* im doing this for my family.
Mephisto: "...Make them proud?"
kyouko: rin and yukio....and uncle shiro....i worry about them. even if we arent blood relatives, they're still my family. and i want to look after them. i know, it's selfish of me, but what else can i do for them, huh? i just...i dont want to be out of the loop anymore.
Mephisto: "Hmm..." *pulls out an application form*
kyouko: *looks*
Mephisto: "Fill this out, then you'll have to pass the entrance test."
kyouko: alright... (heh...not wanting to be out of the loop, yet i dont tell them anything so i dont worry them....im a real damn hypocrite, huh....)
Mephisto: "And you'll need your study materials--" *drops a dozen books on his desk* "Payment up front."
kyouko: ...
lewin: you know why this place is so important? go on, guess. ^^
Bon: "It looks like a school--some old True Cross buildings?"
lewin: yes. but more importantly, it's the ground zero of the blue night.
Bon: "?! Wait--it happened under True Cross?"
lewin: according to official reports, satan assumed human form and had a child with an exorcist named yuri egin.
Bon: "?! A child? You don't mean..."
lewin: that's right, rin and yukio......strange, did mephisto place this school in a barrier? either way, we shouldnt waste time! let's go! vamanos!
lewin: ??
Bon: "You have been playing the fool too long...We saw someone close to the Okumuras die...You aren't even affected by that. Are we responsible for his death? Am I?"
lewin: yeah, that does kinda suck doesnt it.
Bon: "You can't even _pretend_ to give a shit?!"
lewin: im not exactly an 'empathetic person'. i was just born different is all. as a kid, i was violent and loved demon research, and people didnt exactly want to be my friend, but i wasnt bothered bit it at all. you can imagine how hard it was for my parents, haha!
Bon: "Then why did you care enough to bring me?"
lewin: it's true i love demons, but i love humans and this world even more, so im willing to protect it, no matter what. the reason you're my apprentice is because you seem like a good person with common sense, i get antsy when i cant rely on someone for advice. i'll probably abandon you if it means achieving my own ends, so if you want to turn back now, now's your chance.
Bon: "..." *sighs* "I've come this far. If you need someone with common sense to put the brakes on anything stupid you're about to do...then I'm your guy."
lewin:....you're really masochistic arent you. welp, im not complaining! let's go!
Bon: >_<# "Tch! I'm not a freaking masoch--" *staaaaaaaares* "... ... ..."
*tap tap tap tap*
lewin: ....is that a spider riding a hand? *looks* we-he-hell! look who else is down here!
Hand: *tap tap tap over to ???*
???: "Lewin Light and Ryuji Suguro...What brings you here?"
Hand: *nuzzles*
-a hooded woman leans down and takes the spider-
???: kataro, what did i tell you about wandering off?
lewin: mr and mrs neuhaus! what a surprise! ma'am you're looking really good for a walking corpse full of jorogumo!
Bon: "..." *slaps the back of Lewin's head* "BRAKES!"
lewin: i mean that in the nicest way possible. ^^
Neuhaus: "Hmph." *walks by him towards a wall*
lewin: heard you and the mrs moved someplace, but i didnt think it was down here. also loving the facial hair, it's a good look for ya!
Neuhaus: "..." *examining the wall*
lewin: so what's new with you guys?
michelle:....why are you here?
Bon: "..."
lewin: weeell we're investigating the illuminati and found ourselves down here.
michelle: ........*she seems tense*
Neuhaus: *his hand along the wall forms into a fist, pressing against it* "..."
lewin: we also learned some interesting things about section 13 and elixers. and the guy we learned it from up and died! how funny is that? seeing as you also placed your blood seal on a contract of morinath, right, mr neuhaus?
Neuhaus: "...Section 13 is up ahead."
lewin:....huh, still alive. welp! we better get a move on!
Bon: "..." *follows Lewin*
Neuhaus: "...'Alive.'"
michelle:....heh....the irony....isnt lost on me.....
lewin: jeez, look at this place. you can still see the scorch marks....
Bon: "Sir, how is this still preserved? Did Neuhaus do this?"
lewin: most likely this time axis was put in a barrier to perserve it, in the real world, in it's place is the cram school. this barrier world most likely contains it after the blue night. in other words, it's mephisto's doing.
Bon: "...Multiple timelines. Great. I was hoping to have a headache tonight..."
lewin: oh boy, you dont know nothin' yet. but i digress.
Bon: *looks in one room--and spots--* "?!"
*there's a doll and a broken baby crib*
lewin: this place took in orphans with taint wounds and blood relatives of demons, and raised those with potential to be exorcist, but that was just the surface....
Bon: "You think they were covering up for something? Why take in orphans?"
lewin: well, we're here.
Bon: *looks* "?!"
lewin: careful it's wet. *enters*
Bon: "Yuck...Rain runoff?" *sniffs* "Woo! No..."
lewin: *shining his light into rooms*
-one room has medical tables-
Bon: "Sir, what was Mephisto _doing_ here? Why orphans? Did he...kill them?"
lewin: *looking at a bookshelf*
*it seems to be research notes for--*
lewin: !!! bon, look at this.
Bon: *reads* " '--drug for resuscitating--' So, is this the Elixir?"
lewin: bingo. *looking through more files*
Bon: "..." *reads one* "....Wait...!!!"
lewin: *looking at one file* ......!!!! (this is....)
Bon: " 'Donors possessed by demons high in regeneration'? What the hell..."
lewin: *looks into a room*...ryuuji...you might want to see this...
Bon: *follows* "Oh no..."
-inside is a lab with incubators-
lewin: this place......was creating copies of demon kings
momo: sorry the fireworks were rained out, guys.
itsuka: it's fine.
Bakugo: *rubbing a towel through his hair* *grumbles*
mina: well, we can still make tonight totally awesome. let's play hide-and-seek!
Hagakure: "Yeah, Yaomomo's place has to have a lot of hiding spots!"
momo: well, try not to get lost or break into any locked rooms.
Monoma: "I can hide b
etter than anyone--to the point where no one will be able to find me."
kaminari:...that dude needs to get a hobby.
Bakugo: "He needs to be lost and not found."
Tetsutetsu: "He's not that bad, once you get to know him."
shiemi: *looks out the window* (it's really coming down......gotta study.) *writing*
Shiemi's Mother: *sets down tea* "Shiemi, did you bring in the saplings?"
shiemi: ah! yes mom!
Mother: "Thank you...How is...studying?"
shiemi: it's coming along. it's a bit hard, but im learning.
Mother: "...You intend to pursue this exam?"
shiemi: *nods* i've learned so many things now. and i want to be able to protect those i care about, so...
Mother: *nods* "Shiemi...You're different."
shiemi: i guess i am different now, huh?
Mother: "...Against all of my concerns, you have indeed gotten stronger."
shiemi: ....*nods*
Mother: "But I do want to talk with you first...and if you still want to pursue the exorcist exam, I won't stop you."
shiemi: of course mom, what is it?
lewin: bon, give me some light over here. *examining a folder*
Bon: *shines a light* "...Cloning demon kings...The hell..."
lewin: look at this one!
-holds up a file that reads 'ambrosius'-
Bon: "?!!! Amaimon?!"
lewin: !!!
clone?: BWAPAA!
Bon: "?! Did someone release them?!"
lewin: we might wanna run!
Bon: "Decent plan!" *heads to the exit--*
???: "Darn. And they were sleeping so soundly."
lewin: mephisto? is that you?
Mephisto: "I had set off that time axis, but it looks like years have passed there too. Time is a weird thing, isn't it?"
lewin: well, im no expert in wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff, that's your thing.                        
Bon: "Ow...The hell is going on, Pheles? You just pulled us out--"
Mephisto: "Saved you is more like it." *sniff* "Ugh--you smell like death. Dead things, not Lord Death."
lewin: though im not sure how a reaper smells.
Mephisto: "Actually? Kind of like jasmine. Belial, show them the fancy body wash soap."
lewin:.....*makes a break for it*
lewin: OwO;;;
Bon: "?!!"
felisia: ^^# where do you think you're going dear~?
lewin:....*gulp* *squeaks* mother.
Mephisto: *sips his milk*
Bon: -_____-; "The hell is even going on?"
-too horrifying to show-
Bon: O_o;
Mephisto: *finishes his drink* "Ah~"
lewin: *all fancied up* mrs pheles, how could you?
felisia: welp, revenge has been had, so im quite satisfied~ ^^
lewin:....it's official, angels are fuckin scary.
Mephisto: "Indeed. Now, since you've given us some amusement, how about I answer some of your annoying questions."
lewin: alright, why did you show us that place?
Mephisto: "To offer my own defense. Neither the Order nor I are working with the Illuminati. I assure you, we oppose them and Lucifer."
lewin: but how do the clone babies come into play here? that was fucked up.
Mephisto: "Well, you can blame lacking human imagination for that one."
lewin: ....
Mephisto: "Demons were conceptual beings. As human civilization developed, so too did their imaginations--giving demons more concrete forms. Demons even gained flesh and blood...You may not appreciate it, but as soon as demons for senses...Well, they indulged in carnal pleasures."
felisia: 7////7 *ahem*
Mephisto: "...I meant the wide range of pleasures--consumption, imbibing. In any case, flesh can't last forever. While magic can delay the rate of decay, such decay is faster for higher-ranking demons. Their egos will persist, but not their bodies."
lewin: so you're basically making back up bodies, then.
Mephisto: *shrugs* "It's a hobby. And it worked--for a bit, until the eldest baal, Lucifer, got super-pissed that his bodies were lasting only about a decade each."
{Mephisto: "I sympathize, my siblings--but it's not like you can extend your bodies so long--"}
{Lucifer: "Not unless we can manipulate time itself, as you can..."}
{Mephisto: ^^; "A little bit of hostility?"}
{Lucifer: *wheeze* "I'm not the only one, now am I?" *stares at Amaimon*}
{amaimon: *bandaged*.......}
{???: still, eradicating humans is a bit extreme, dont you think?}
{Mephisto: *nods* "While your body will ultimately fail, your spirit will persist. Isn't that enough?"}
{Lucifer: "..." *shakes his head* "I would rather kill myself--and take this Earth with me."}
Bon: "What the hell?! This kind of thing happened before the Blue Night?!"
Mephisto: "Let me put it this way--you know what happened to the dinosaurs? It was kinda like that--only narrowly averted."
lewin: ....
{Lucifer: "Demons will revert to mere concepts. That is ultimate equality. Why not bestow that gift to humans and the other physically embodied?"}
{???: i understand where you're coming from, but forcing it onto humans seems rather unfair to them.}
{???: "Oh, come off it! Humans have destroyed their world, plunging it into chaos--we'd be doing them a favor."}
{Mephisto: "..." *smirks*}
{???: and what do you find so funny, samael?}
{Mephisto: "Oh, nothing much--just this weird thing the humans developed. Any of you ever hear of biological cloning?"}
lewin: then what happened?
Mephisto: "So I set up shop in what you know as Asylum or Section 13. It's weird--sci fi lets you think clones are exact duplicates. On the genetic level, maybe? But environmental conditions of course will alter the look...and there is always the chance of mutations. And...well, those biological differences had an influence on the demons' spirits possessing the clones."
lewin: or in other cases, said clone develops its own soul.
Mephisto: *nods* "There needed to be a way to silence those souls...And to top it off, Lucifer's situation was so dire that a mere human body couldn't contain his spirit. That's why the elixirs were administered to strengthen those bodies, make them superstrong with the ultimate goal of making the flesh immortal."
lewin: let me guess, things went horribly wrong.
Mephisto: "Hey, come on--it worked fine for Amaimon's vessel--"
Amaimon: *hangs upside down* "Brother, we're out of whipped cream."
felisia:......how long has he been there?
Amaimon: "I came in during the horrific part. That was badass, ma'am."
Mephisto: *clears his throat* "Back to my story...We had been creating better and stronger bodies over the next few months. We thought we had our best one ready for Lucifer...But before Lucifer could enter it...something else did."
Mephisto: "We realized what inhabited this body...was Gehenna itself, the realm that birthed the baal. A demon of such a gargantuan scale could only be..."
Bon: "Satan..."
Mephisto: *nods* "Rin and Yukio's father. Once Satan acquired an ego...that was when the Blue Night happened."
Bon: "..."
kyouko: im home.......
Rin: *passed out on the couch* "Zzz..."
kyouko:......*puts the coat over him*......*heading to her room*
{kyouko: *weeping under her blanket*}
{Rin: "??? Kyouko? Hey, you there?"}
{kyouko: ....yeah...}
{Rin: "Okay..." *sits by her* "...I couldn't sleep. Would you like to talk?"}
{kyouko:....mom....dad.....*whimpers* t-they're...t-they're...*sniffle*}
{Rin: "...I'm sorry."}
{kyouko:....d-did uncle shiro...tell you anything? about what happened to them?}
{Rin: *shakes his head*}
{kyouko:....dad...something...took him over and....h-he killed mom.....i.....i had...i-i had to...*cries*}
{Rin: "..." *pats her back, hugging her*}
kyouko:......(they've always been there for me....at the very least, i want to pay them back...somehow...)
Fujimoto: "Hey, kiddo."
kyouko: !!! uncle shiro! jeez, you scared me...
Fujimoto: "I could say the same..." *grunts as he seats himself* "Where'd you run off to?"
kyouko: ...just running a quick errand is all...
Fujimoto: *nods* "To see Mephisto."
kyouko: !!! w-what makes you say that?
Fujimoto: "He called."
kyouko: *mutter* damn him, never knows when to shut up.....
Fujimoto: "What's this about selling your soul to get into True Cross?"
kyouko: i didnt do it _literally_!
Fujimoto: *sighs* "He always did exaggerate...Why you want to do this?"
kyouko:...can we talk about this in the morning? i had a long day and im really tired-
Fujimoto: *stares*
kyouko:.....look, i worry about you guys, ok?
Fujimoto: "Is that what this is about?"
kyouko: well what do you expect me to do, sit on my ass doing nothing while you guys risk your lives on a daily basis?! MAYBE IF I HAD A BETTER UNDERSTANDING, I COULD BE SOMEWHAT HELPFUL!
Fujimoto: "..." *sighs* "You're so stubborn. And you know the risks, ones we're all facing..."
kyouko:....i just.....i cant fucking lose anyone else....*shaking* i just cant....
Fujimoto: "..." *hug*
kyouko:..nng....*cries into his chest*
Fujimoto: *strokes her head* "This is a heavy burden you've carried for so long...I admire that you're trying to take on so much."
momo sakura: *yawns and rubs her eyes* uncle shiro? what's going on?
Fujimoto: "Sorry--just was talking with your sister."
momo sakura: oh no, kyouko's not sick is she?
kyouko: *sniff* i-im fine momo. go back to bed, ok?
Fujimoto: *nods* "I think we all could use some sleep..."
kyouko: yeah....good idea.
Fujimoto: *nods* "Night, kiddos. We'll talk in the morning."
shiemi: *in the loft, curled under a blanket*.............
Nee: "??? ..." *nudges* "Nee?"
shiemi: *rubs her eyes* h-hey, nee.
Nee: *nuzzle* *sympathetic murmur*
shiemi: *sniff* thanks nee....
stocking: =~= too comfy. dont wanna get out of bed.
Kid: "D'aw...Maybe I can help?"
stocking: this is the opposite of a problem, babe.
Kid: *smiles* "I can imagine one problem, though. You'd have to get out to get breakfast..." *neck kiss*
stocking: mmn~ kiddooo~
Kid: "Hee hee...Do you have to go today?"
stocking: kid, if you keep kissing my neck, you're gonna be walking a bit funny. 7w7
Kid: "I'll take that as a no~" *slides a hand along her side, kissing down...*
suzune: *yaaaawn*
Matsuri: "Hello."
suzune: good morning, matsuri.....i wanted to thank you and your dad again for letting me live here. i appreciate it.
Matsuri: "You're welcome! You sleep okay?"
suzune: yes. *looks around her room*
-the room is kind of plain-
Matsuri: ^^; "Sorry it's not much to look at."
suzune: it's fine. im not the best at room decorating, to be honest.
-text on matsuri's phone-
arisa: [hey, what's taking u guys so long? chisato and i are @ the station now! >3<# ]
Matsuri: [sorry! on our way!] "Hey, ready to head out in a bit?"
suzune: y-yeah....are you sure about me coming on this trip? kamihama is a magical girl haven, and given my past, i've certainly made a few enemies...
Matsuri: "Well, I can't let you out of my sight. So if we encounter problems, we'll deal with them as they come up. It's simplest that way."
suzune:...r-right. i'll get my bag then.
Matsuri: "Great! I left mine by the door..."
Relan: "??? What did the Commander ask you to write, Shinra?" *he looks at file folders with people's names on them*
shinra: oh this? just writing some info on the members of the 8th.
Relan: "Oh--like confidential profiles?"
shinra: more or less. want to see what i got so far?
Relan: "Is that really appropriate for me?" *already flipping through one on Takehisa*
-file; Hinawa, Takehisa; company commander of the 8th. 2nd gen pyrokinetic. ability type; manipulating bullet trajectory (?), age; 33, DOB; Sept 23, side notes; -very good cook, -bad taste in fashion, -intimidating, -former member of the army-
Relan: "Heh--'bad fashion.' Oh, he's a Libra! I guess that explains his moodiness--"
Takehisa: "What moodiness?"
shinra: really? im not too good at horoscopes.
Relan: QwQ; *trying to ignore Takehisa behind him* ^^;;; "Well, Scorpios are said to have a lot of intensity--intense eyes, magnetic personalities, really passionate about what they believe in...I think that sounds like you!"
shinra: oh. .////. t-thanks.
maki: OWO
Relan: ^^ "Aw..."
Arthur: "??? Oh, you're writing a biography about my heroic exploits? Then I will need to have woodcuts for visual reinforcement."
shinra: riiiiight.... -_-;
Vulcan: *looking at one file* "...You got the number of tattoos wrong."
lisa: *notices one note*
-personal note; same hair and eye color as mikami kurai of the 5th? relation? or just coincidence??-
Akitaru: "Well, that's why we're reviewing these files to make sure we get things accurate."
tamaki: are you sure about letting shinra do this? a few notes seem rather....opinionated.
iris: he's even added a few doodles. i have to say, your art's really improving, shinra.
shinra: aww. thanks iris. ^^
Akitaru: "???" *flips through Arthur's file* "...Shinra. 'Recalcitrant' has only one 'e.'" *the doodle of Arthur also has him with donkey ears*
shinra: you like how i used the word? i kind of borrowed it from petra's 'word-a-day' calender. ^^;
Petra: "...Normally I would be upset, but I admire an expanded lexicon." *reads Karin's file* "!!! YOU HAVE PLANS FOR A FIRE ROBOT LABOR?!" *shiny eyes*
karin: it's more of expanding on my mech. ^^;
Viktor: "??? Wait, Maki, I thought your cousin was one of the Nakatsukasa?"
maki: well, technically tsubaki is tsugumi's cousin on her mom's side of the family. im tsugumi's cousin on her dad's side, since he and my mom are siblings.
Viktor: "...You're sure you don't have both fire _and_ weapon abilities?" *holds up a scalpel*
komori: *CHOP* *holds up a note* <stop>
Viktor: T~T ("At least my file doesn't mention Joker...")
Arthur: "Shinra's file doesn't mention his superhero footy pajamas?"
shinra: shut up! >n<#
scarlet: good, again.
nana: *slashing at mannequins with a string of fire from her blood*
Joker: "Huh. Nana's movements are getting more precise."
ivy: that ring you got her really helps.
scarlet: *nods*
Joker: "You make that, or order it somewhere?"
scarlet: let's just say i know someone.
Joker: "Huh--metallurgy, I guess."
*a mannequin head rolls to his feet...it has an eyepatch like Joker's*
Joker: ._.;
Joker: "...Ha! I guess any motivation is good motivation?"
ivy: she puts a lot more effort into customizing them. i just tape hibana's picture from magazines onto mine.
Joker: "Huh--I was wondering what happened to this one." *shows a swimsuit cover with Hibana's face cut out*
Sakuya: *walks into Naho's bedroom, carrying a breakfast tray*
naho: *sniffs* are those pancakes?
Sakuya: "With chocolate chips."
naho: OwO
Sakuya: *cuts a piece, holds it up on a fork to her*
naho: *nom* ^w^ yum!
Sakuya: ^^; "I was worried I'd screw this up."
naho: did you make them?
Sakuya: *nods* "From mix, granted. But I did add the chocolate chips."
naho: ^^ then the fact that you made them makes them even yummier!
Sakuya: "..." >\\\\>; "I-I'm glad."
Denki: "Hee hee...No one will find me in here."
maid: *opens door* ?!?!?!?!
Denki: OwO; "...I'm sorry--was this your room?"
momo: gerta? what was it, i heard-...KAMINARI?!?!
Denki: OwO;;;;;; "...Hello. You're probably wondering why I'm hiding amongst a closet full of maid costumes."
Denki: "All night? Did no one bother to find me? Did I win hide and seek?!"
gerta: and also they are UNIFORMS! NOT. COSTUMES!
Hagakure: *walks up in just her socks* "Guys, this isn't funny! Where's my shirt?!"
Denki: "...Please tell me you are wearing your full-body suit, Hagakure?"
Hagakure: "Duh, of course I am!"
momo:.....i need to make a few calls.
Bon: "..."
lewin: *snoring*
Bon: "..." *kicks him*
lewin: *snort* gu-whuh? mom?
Bon: -_-# "Get up. It's morning."
lewin: *YAAAAAWN*
Bon: "...What Pheles said last night..."
lewin: yeah, crazy stuff, man...say, can you get that bag over there for me?
Bon: "Fine..." *picks it up* "It's not going to explode, is it?"
lewin: whaaat no!
Bon: -_-; *brings it over*
-inside are files from section 13-
Bon: "...You didn't."
lewin: our little secret, alright?
Bon: *sigh* "Fine. Don't blame me if Mrs. Pheles shaves your head."
lewin:....*trembles* QwQ;;;;; s-scary....
kyouko: *sniff* ugh... =~=;;
Fujimoto: "Now, add the pepper--"
Rin: "I know how to cook, damn it! Just sit your ass down!"
kyouko: i'll be fine, really. *sniff* *shivers*
Fujimoto: "I know. That's why you need a good hearty meal! Rin! Add more chicken stock--"
Rin: *practically breathing fire* "COOK YOUR OWN DAMN MEAL!"
Yukio: "I'll get it--" *approaches the door*
mami: hello. ^^
Yukio: "Ah, hello, Miss Tomoe."
mami: i brought over some tea.
kyouko: hey mami. kinda sick today. *sniffle*
mami: so i heard.
Fujimoto: "That was very nice of you. Sit down--we were about to have some soup--" *sneaks a bottle of pepper--*
Rin: *slaps his hand away*
mami: well, i brought tea to help make her feel a little better.
momo sakura: can i help make it?
mami: why of course. ^^
Rin: *hands the kettle to Momo*
mami: i brought elderflower tea, since it's good for combating colds.
momo sakura: *nods*
Yukio: "Excellent choice. Shiemi had mentioned some of them."
mami: ah.
Rin: "How've things been, Mami? Keeping busy?"
mami: i've been well for the most part.
Rin: *nods* "I heard something about you traveling?"
mami: oh yes, i'm planning to visit kamihama for the magica fest in august.
Rin: "Ah, right! Hope it's fun!"
Giriko: "You going to be okay for a week?" *packing a bag* "I can tell them to go pound sand and find someone else."
arachne: we'll be alright. eva- malaria said she'd stay over and help.
Giriko: "Girls' night in."
anna: guu nait een!
Giriko: "Hee hee--right on, Anna."
Axel: "Yep! I even packed the marshmallows!"
Saria: *pops up* "We're roasting marshmallows out there?"
hibiki: sure, why not?
Saria: ^w^ "That would be fun!"
Kazue: *pops up, hanging from above* *sign* <Roasted desert scorpions provide protein.>
Axel: "...Huh."
Yohei: *grunts* ("Another month with this cast...Perfect...")
saki: morning yohei.
Yohei: "Hey...Sorry, did you want to be alone?" *struggling to open the cupboard with one hand while holding milk under his arm*
saki: need some help?
Yohei: "..." *nods* "Trying to get a mug..."
saki: *reaches and hands it to him*
Yohei: "..." *nods* "Thanks."
GET: *walks in* "Hello, Saki-gege! Good morning, Daddy-gege!"
Yohei: "..." *looks away*
chie: morning. ^^
GET: Q_Q *downcast*
Yohei: "..."
chie: morning babe. *kiss on the cheek*
Yohei: "...Morning. Sleep okay?"
chie: yeah, feeling any better?
Yohei: "..." *shakes his head*
Yohei: "..." *one arm around her*
chie:....why dont we go for a walk later?
Chuuya: *passed out in bed*
sonia: *making waffles*
miyuri: *getting the syrup*
Chuuya: "..." *coughs, grunts, looks up, confused* "..." *sees his pants on the floor* "..." *looks at the clock*
-it's 10:36 AM-
Chuuya: "Shit..." *gets out of bed, grabs his pants, pulls them up*
sonia: *getting out the butter and fruit*
Chuuya: *exits his bedroom, heads to the kitchen*
sonia: good morning papa.
miyuri: morning~! ^^
Chuuya: *nods* "M-Morning...You're cooking?"
sonia: we figured we'd make some toaster waffles to help you feel better.
Chuuya: "...That is very kind of you--thanks." *sits* "Um...Can I do anything?"
miyuri: can you get the plates? miyuri cant reach them.
Chuuya: "S-Sure..." *wipes his eyes*
Yohei: *walks with Chie* "..."
chie: this is nice, isnt it?
Yohei: "..." *nods* "...Not too cloudy."
chie:...*hugs his good arm*
Yohei: "..." *leans his head* "Hey."
chie: you know i love you, right?
Yohei: *nods* "And I love you...And I hate myself."
chie:...*sigh* alright, how can we make you feel better?
Yohei: "...When I was there, I saw him."
chie:.....*holds his hand*
Yohei: "...Chie, a lot of this wouldn't have happened if I hadn't worked for Fear Factory."
Yohei: "When Fear Factory held me before...I thought I deserved to be punished. This time? ...I don't know. I just...It was like seeing if Dokeshi Hunt was trying to wipe out all humans at once...Those people who are dead now..."
chie:....*hugs* we cant change the past. we just learn from our mistakes to make the future better...
Yohei: "I don't know what kind of future I can make if my tech is still out there..."
Yohei: "...I think I know what I need to work on next."
chie: *listens*
Yohei: "I think I need to find that tech--and get it out of hands who would abuse it."
chie:...*nods* that makes sense.
Yohei: "I can develop a program looking for the coding or news reports, then get to those locations to--...to...to..."
chie: *holds his hand*
Yohei: "...I'm going to need some help."
chie: do you want to see a therapist?
Yohei: "I-I don't know? I think seeing hallucinations is a big red flag that I probably need to."
ManBearFix: *slurps up his soup* "Hmph? Aren't you hungry?"
mimeca: ...
ManBearFix: "Come on--eat up! I'm even up for seconds!" *steals an inmate's bowl*
Prisoner 1: "..." *grabs ManBearFix by the throat*
mimeca: D8>
ManBearFix: *eyes bulging* OwO "H-Hey! Something the matter?"
Prisoner 1: "Never. Steal. My food!" *slams ManBearFix's face into his own soup bowl, holding him down*
ManBearFix: *flinging his arms*
mimeca: *blade arm* *glares at the prisoner*
Prisoner 1: "..." *drops ManBearFix* "Don't they turn _off_ those abilities on you Dokeshi freaks?"
ManBearFix: @_____@
mimeca: *holds the blade up to the prisoner's throat*
Prisoner 1: "!!!! Hey, you crazy bitch! Back off!"
Prisoner 1: *SCREAMS*
Guard: "?!!!" *slams the siren button as more guards rush into the commissary*
ManBearFix: "Hey, you got us some company~"
Guard 2: *bashes Mimeca in the head with a baton*
ManBearFix: "?!!!!!"
mimeca: *glares*
Guard 2: "?! Hey, let go--"
ManBearFix: "..." *glances at Prisoner 1, who is bleeding on the floor*
Guard 2: *collapses*
Guard 1: *blows the whistle, as multiple guards tackle Mimeca, grabbing her arms*
ManBearFix: "Hey! Don't forget me!" *tries to choke hold a guard--*
mimeca: !!!
ManBearFix: *smushed face* "..." *muffled voice* "THAT'S IT! DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!" *grabs a guard's face--and vibrates their face off--*
Guard 7: *screams, their face ripped off*
ManBearFix: *picks up Guard 5, hurling them away*
Prisoner 2: "RIOT!"
mimeca: *spikes sprout out of her back*
Guard 6: "GRRK!" *falls limp*
Prisoner 3: *flips a table, crushing other prisoners*
Guard 8: *dialing a number*
ManBearFix: "So, this more fun now?"
mimeca: ^w^
ManBearFix: "Hee hee~"
*gas pours into the room through the vents as guards put on masks...*
mimeca: !!!
ManBearFix: "Aw, poop..." *getting drowsy...falls over*
ManBearFix: *groans...opens his eyes, finding himself strapped to a table* "...Is it my birthday?"
*someone is seated at a nearby desk, writing out notes*
mimeca: oxo
ManBearFix: "???" *looks around* "Oh, hey, Mimeca. How's it going?" *looks at her* "Tied up too, huh?"
mimeca: *nod*
???: *closes her notes, stretches* "Ah, you're awake..." *her hair is messy, her eyes obscured by thick goggles*
mimeca: .w.;;
ManBearFix: "You a doc? The goggles look like a doc. That, and the hair in need of conditioner..."
Scientist: ( - ) _ ( - );;; "Yes. I am a doctor. After your injuries in that riot--"
ManBearFix: "Ha! That weren't no riot! You should've seen that time I blew up people in downtown Toyky--"
mimeca: !!!!!
Scientist: *stabs a knife directly into ManBearFix's eye*
Scientist: *takes out her tape recorder, talking into it* "Subject is experiencing the pain one would expect, despite the cartoonishly large eyes. No blood yet accumulating in the retina--"
mimeca: *tries to stop her, but ends up flipping the gurney she's strapped onto* O-<
ManBearFix: *shaking under the straps, until the knife is dislodged by slamming his head onto the back of the board*
Scientist: "Hold that thought." *flips ManBearFix's bed out of the way, approaches Mimeca's...flips the gurney back up, clutches her by the chin, examining her neck*
-there is a scar across mimeca's throat-
Scientist: *both hands are on the gurney, as she keeps talking into the tape recorder* "Subject 2, female, has scar across the throat--" *...what is holding the tape recorder if both hands are holding up the gurney?!!* "--potentially self-inflicted, given the reports of her Dokeshi ability..."
mimeca: *looks*
ManBearFix: *groans, looking at the floor...and sees things growing out of the Scientist's back*
*she has multiple limbs...*
ManBearFix: "...Handy."
Scientist: *one arm brings over a beaker full of coffee...sips* *sighs* "Ma'am, can you speak?" *holds up Mimeca's chin, leaning in*
mimeca: *shakes head and taps her finger on the gurney in...morse code?*
Scientist: *listening* "Uh huh...I hear you...So, you cut them out?"
mimeca: *tap tap* -tore them out, really-
Scientist: *clicks her tongue* "You poor dear..." *strokes her finger over the scars* "Does that hurt?"
mimeca: *tap tap* -it tickles a bit-
Scientist: *small smile* "I can imagine. It tends to happen when the skin needs to heal over..."
ManBearFix: *his eye has healed over* "Yeah, no shit!"
mimeca: *tap tap* -so who are you?-
Scientist: "A friend--as any doctor has to be." *still staring at Mimeca but speaking to ManBearFix* "I know: NoFix, the serial killer whose Power of Spin allows him to regenerate...and evidently that extends to whatever that medium did to transfer your soul into that plush bear before you experienced a secondary mutation that turned you into a tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff."
ManBearFix: "Hey, tight ass! My friend asked for your name--"
Scientist: *one limb pulls a chainsaw out from under Mimeca's bed*
mimeca: OxO;;;;;
Scientist: "Call me Dr. Sasaki." *revs up the chainsaw, and brings it down onto ManBearFix*
Guard: "..."
ManBearFix: *screaming at the top of his lungs* "SON OF A COCK!"
Guard: *hums*
Agate: *takes a step forward--and stumbles slightly* "Wah!!!"
remina: easy now!
Agate: T~T "My legs aren't listening to my brain! Something is still off..."
remina: want me to look at it?
Agate: " 'Kay..." *lies down on the workbench*
arisa: *grumble grumble*
suzune: are you still upset?
arisa: they didnt even apologize after bumping into us! the jerks!
Chisato: "Not everyone adheres to decorum."
Matsuri: ^^; "Let's just focus on the rest of today."
???: you really need to watch where you're going, rena.
suzune: ?
rena: w-well, i was _gonna_ apologize, but then she got all huffy at me!
???: come on, rena, it's not nice to sink down to their level.
rena: exCUSE me? i wasnt talking about you!
Chisato: *sighs* "I think we have places to be--"
Matsuri: "Let's not fight!"
???: sorry for the interruption. ^^; we're on our way to a live concert. ^^; my name's Momoko Togame, and these are my friends, Rena Minami and Kaede Akino.
kaede: it's nice to meet you. ^^
rena: hmph. 7n7
kanami: oh, we're actually on our way to a live concert too. i think it's 'Sayuki Fumino'?
Chisato: "Greetings. I am--"
momoko: NO WAY! you're fans of sayu-sayu too!?
Matsuri: "I'm Matsuri Hinata! Hello!"
arisa: hell yeah! her song 'Turn Table Innocence' hits so close to home.
suzune: um.... ._.;
Chisato: "..." *small smile*
momoko: i take it you girls arent from around here, are you?
arisa: yeah, we're from hoozuki town. we're the akanegasaki magical girl club! i'm Arisa Narumi, club president~
suzune: i thought chisato was club president? or am i misreading things again?
kanami: i dont think it was established officially?
momoko: oh, you're magical girls too? so are we?
suzune: *opens her mouth to say something* ah-....
momoko: ah! our stop is coming up!
rena: seriously!? come on! if we're late, im going to fine you both for $100!
Gin: *holding ice to her hand*
hirotsu: what have we learned?
Gin: "...When punching, you need to make center-knuckle contact?"
hirotsu: and to make sure you have proper knuckle protection.
Gin: "This is why I stick to knives and kicks. But I was so fed up..."
naoya: what happened?
Gin: "The witness was being uncooperative...and I missed."
Akutagawa: *carrying groceries, wearing sunglasses* "..." *looks both ways before crossing*
kan: hey! *waves*
Akutagawa: "??!! W-Wait...You're..."
kan: im kan kikuchi, from salamander publishing. i found you unconscious a while back, remember?
Akutagawa: "...Yes. I remember. ...Your shirt is missing."
kan: hmm? but im wearing a shirt.
Akutagawa: "You had lent me one."
kan: oh that one! sorry, it's been hectic, y'know? so how're you doing?
Akutagawa: "Surviving. Thank you again for saving me. Yourself?"
kan: no prob, im actually on my way to the armed detective agency building to hold an interview-
Akutagawa: *tenses*
kan: ?? you ok?
Akutagawa: *squeak* "Fine--" *clears his throat* "Fine."
kan: ...well, glad to see you're alright.
Akutagawa: *following them* "Thank you."
kan: ^^ ...say, do you have plans for today?
Akutagawa: *shakes his head* "I will be returning these groceries after I see something."
kan: ah. well, if you arent busy, maybe we could get pizza or something.
Akutagawa: "...You like pizza?"
kan: it's pretty good. my friend eiji knows of a pretty good place grissom street.
Akutagawa: "Hmm...Let me drop off the groceries on the way home and meet you there."
kan: sounds good. *writes down the name and address* here you go.
Akutagawa: "Thank you. So...An hour?"
kan: sounds good.
Jacqueline: *in lifeguard outfit, blows the whistle* "No running! ??? Karl, stop dunking food in the pool--it's got chlorine."
Poe: Q__Q *hiding under towel*
kim: cannon ball! *jumps in*
Jacqueline: *drenched* -____- "..." *blows the whistle, water squirting out* "No...Oh, forget it."
rowena: *dipping her toe into the water*
lenore: im not going in there. i'll molt.
Magaki: *staying under an umbrella--covered in sunscreen* "...I have to agree. The appeal is lost on me."
lavender: it's not for everyone, i suppose.
Higan: *staring at the 'no smoking' sign* "...Well shit."
lavender: yes?
himawari: pardon me if i sound rude but, i-isnt that suit a bit...erm...flashy? ^^;;
lavender: i know.
*people are staring...with nosebleeds*
Jacqueline: -____- "I'm not paid enough for this."
lavender: ^^
Shamrock: *cooking on the grill* "And don't go swimming after eating--"
Belkia: *nom nom nom*
lilac: *avoiding the water* Q_Q *shaking*
naho: want us to sit with you for a bit, lila?
lilac: ...y-yes...please....
Sakuya: *sets out a plate of chips*
lilac: s-sorry...i-im not good with..b-being in water....
Sakuya: "Hey, a lot of people aren't--it's normal."
naho: want to walk through the gardens later?
lilac: uh..o-ok...
Asher: *fanning* =_= "It's too hot...The desert is going to kill me."
izumi: we havent even gone yet...
Asher: "Hence the operative future tense 'is going.'"
Axel: "Still not the clearest sentence formation."
Asher: -_-#
Jinn: Q_____Q *silently clutching the side of the flying chariot*
zubaidah: im actually amazed we could find such transportation, and at such a price.
Jinn: *squeak* "Gr-Great...Watch the bumpy clouds, please..."
zubaidah: -_-; clouds technically are water, so we'll go right through them.
Jinn: "It's not like airplane turbulence--"
zubaidah: *looks*
*something is under the chariot...a small sky whale*
zubaidah: oh!
Sky Whale: *small noise...bumps into the chariot*
Jinn: "D-Don't they usually go in packs?"
zubaidah: perhaps it's lost?
Jinn: "Does look kind of tiny...A baby?"
zubaidah: perhaps. *throws a rope down*
Sky Whale: *sings*
zubaidah: *checking for any injuries*
*the whale has scars along its fin...and a harpoon embedded under*
zubaidah: hmm....
Jinn: "What is it?"
zubaidah: they have a harpoon on them.
Jinn: "Ah...How to remove it?"
zubaidah: im a meister and a sage, im not a veterinarian.
Jinn: -___- "I've done enough first aid, let me loo--" *looks down* "... ... ..." *shudders* "Let me get a rope..." T~T;
Rin: *sets out ice pops* "Pick your flavors."
konekomaru: i think i'll go for the melon flavor.
Shima: "Grape, thank you!"
Rin: "Shiemi? Hey, which flavor--...You okay?"
shiemi: hmm? oh, yeah im fine. im just not hungry right now.
Rin: *bites into a pop* "Well, cooling down is important--the summer is a bear."
shiemi: huh?
Rin: "I just mean it's really hot and stuff, so hard to deal with...like a bear?"
izumo: what does hot have to do with bears??
Rin: "I don't know--I just mean it's really difficult getting through it!" >_<
Damon: *rolls the watermelon to the mark on the sidewalk* "Is this good?"
soul: looks good.
Damon: *hands the baseball bat to Becky*
becky: *puts on the blindfold*
Damon: *spins her around slowly* "Okay..." *steps back* "Take a big step forward..."
becky: *raising the bat*
Damon: "Not yet! Turn, um, a little bit? Like 15 minutes on a clock?"
becky: *scoot scoot* like this?
Damon: *nods* "I mean, yes! Okay, step back one foot, and you should be good to go!"
becky: ok!
Damon: "Ready? And...swing!"
Damon: *gets sprayed by watermelon* .________.;
becky: *removes the blindfold* you ok?
Damon: *licks his lips* "Hmm! It's tasty!" ^^
soul: welp, let's get servin'!
Damon: *hands a paper plate to Becky*
arisa: that concert was so good!
suzune: everyone seemed energetic enough. though i dont get the part about wanting her to cut them up. *sweatdrop*
arisa: tch- probably pervy otaku fans. that's one thing about these events i could live without.
rena: totally, pervs like them are the WORST.
kaede: congrats on your tied victory in the contest. ^^
kanami: it's gotten kind of late now, huh?
kaede:...wah! i just remembered! i promised konomi i'd help her at the flower shop!
Chisato: *checks her phone* "You have enough time to get there?"
momoko: well, guess this is our que to head home. thanks for today!
Matsuri: *waves* "Nice to meet you."
arisa: well, we should probably go find the hotel now.
Chisato: " I hope it's a nice one..."
Yohei: *lies down in bed...* "..."
chie: feeling better?
Yohei: *nods* "Yeah...I'll look up doctors after dinner."
Chuuya: *looking up something on his laptop*
miyuri: *staring at him* ^w^ watcha dooooin~?
Chuuya: "Just looking over a map..."
miyuri: ??
Chuuya: "Was thinking of a short trip.
miyuri: oooooh!
sonia: where to? *she's reading a book; Charlotte Briar and the forgotten labyrinth*
Chuuya: *looks up a hotel...* "How's this look?" "What do you think of the beach?"
miyuri: beech?
sonia: it's a place with sand by a large body of water, in this case, the ocean.
miyuri: woooooow!
Chuuya: *smiles* "Let's see...Clearwater, Virginia Beach..."
sonia: how far are we planning to go to the beach? somewhere in california? or the east coast?
Chuuya: "I think California...Hmm...Maybe Santa Cruz..."
sonia: *nods*
miyuri: *shiny eyes* SANTA CLAUS?!
Chuuya: "Um..."
sonia: ._.; erm....miyuri, do you want to read with me?
miyuri: OK!
Chuuya: ^^; "I'll book the travel..."
Asako: "!!! Goldie, come back!" *running through a crowd*
goldie: *runs up to a store door* *barks*
*the door opens...*
louisa: oh goodness!
Asako: *catches up, panting* "Oh...dear..."
louisa: ._______________.
Asako: O_O; "Um..."
Fitzgerald: "Enough delays, Miss Alcott." *pulls Asako by the sleeve--*
Asako: "?!!!!" D8<
louisa: s-sir francis! you have the wrong person!
goldie: *head tilt* ??
Fitzgerald: "... ... ...Miss Alcott, why didn't you tell me you had a cloning ability?"
louisa: i dont! my ability doesnt work that way!
goldie: *ruff*
Fitzgerald: "Well, now I'm all confused--"
Asako: *elbows him in the ribs* "LET GO OF ME, MASHER!" *socks him in the jaw*
louisa: D8>
Fitzgerald: *unfazed* "... ... ...Well, that cost me a good $100." *rubs his jaw* "Not terrible."
Asako: *picks up Goldie* "Stay back!"
louisa *FAINTS*
Fitzgerald: "?!!!" *catches her*
Asako: ._.;
louisa: i've seen my doppelganger, does this mean im going to die soon?
Walter 1: "It doesn't really work that way." *exiting a candy shop*
Walter 2: "Dude!" *exits the video game shop* "I've been looking all over for you! Walter 3 is in line to get our pre-order!"
Walter 1: "Oh, word?"
walter 3: DOG! *pets goldie* precious doggo, kyute widdle doggie!
Asako: .___.;;; "...This is why I stick with the hospital..."
ManBearFix: *back in his jail cell...shivering* Q~Q "I feel so violated..."
mimeca: *offers a cig*
ManBearFix: *takes it* "Thanks...Hey, where did you get these?"
mimeca: *puts a finger to her lips and winks*
ManBearFix: =w= "Oh, you~" *puffs* "...So, we've done the riot, we've scoped out the infirmary...That leaves getting put on mess hall cooking duty, and we're all set."
mimeca: *thumbs up*
ManBearFix: "And you just need to keep up the friendly relationship with the lady doc...WHEN SHE'S NOT RIPPING ME APART!" -^-#
Kid: *sets down dinner*
stocking: ooh, it looks lovely!
Kid: ^^ "Thank you--I hope it tastes as well. Bon appetite." *sits with her*
stocking: *nom* mmmm~
Kid: *smiles* "I take it that it's satisfactory?"
stocking: delicious! and quite savory as well.
Kid: "That may be the thyme..." *sits closer*
stocking: it really compliments the meat.
Kid: "I'm glad...May I...?" *sneaks a bite*
stocking: *chuckle*
kirika: *groans* some of us want to _eat_ thank you very much.
Kid: "...Don't you have a training mission to prep?"
kirika: i will after im done eating and not barfing my guts out.
Yumi: "Do I have to separate you two?"
kirika: *rolls her eyes*
Kid: "No, Mother..."
lord death: here comes the airplane~ *holds up a spoon of applesauce to shiori*
shiori: *nom*
Yumi: *smiles*
stocking: so how was work for you two?
lord death: same old, same old. working out missions, planning charity events.
Yumi: "Welcoming some returning guests..."
stocking: oh?
Yumi: *nods* "I shouldn't say given the NOTers' training..."
stocking: confidential info, got it.
Yumi: "I'll stay back--they can handle it."
lord death: and yourself?
stocking: -_-; dad sent me about a ba-jillion texts of shion doing stuff.
Kid: ^^; "Not too different from Father..."
lord death: ^^;;
stocking: i still have, like, 2000 more texts to go through.
Kid: "Your poor phone."
Akutagawa: "...That wasn't bad."
gin: dammit now im hungry.
Akutagawa: "Sorry...Let me cook something. What would you like?"
gin: im down for whatever i guess.
Akutagawa: *grabs an apron* "Okay. Pot stickers..."
gin: yes, thank you.
Akutagawa: *pulls out ground pork* "Hmm...I should've bought more oil...Hope this will be enough."
Jinn: *pets the whale*
whale: *baby whale noises*
zubaidah: thank you for letting us stop here for a while, sir.
swashbuckle: tis not a problem. ^^
Jinn: "Your ship looks a little worse for wear..."
*sidekicks are hammering boards to repair damage...*
swashbuckle: yarr, we ran into a lil trouble a while back while droppin off me griece and her friends back home.
Jinn: "..." (" 'Griece'?") "Sorry to hear."
swashbuckle: 'salright, we be survivin.
Jinn: "Hmm. Should be another few hours before our destination..."
kyouko: *lying face first on the ground* *grooooan*
Fujimoto: "That's an interesting approach to reading..."
momo sakura: waaah kyouko, dont die!
kyouko: i've read at least twenty-two-teen books today and i think i hear grandma calling us for biscuits~
Fujimoto: -_-; "Momo, I think your sister needs a nap."
kyouko: naaaw it's aaaawl goooood~ i just need to deliver this pik-a-nik basket to mr flamingo and i'll be *yaaAaaAAAAAWN* good.
momo sakura: *trying to drag kyouko to bed*
Fujimoto: *sighs* "It may be easier to bring the bed to her...I'll get a pillow."
lavender: ready girls~?
naho: just about! i got to pick out my hair ties!
Otogiri: "Ready."
himawari: *nods*
Otogiri: "I have the money, so we should be fine."
tsubaki: get back safely and stay out of trouble.
lavender: i know i know.
Otogiri: "I'll keep an eye on them."
himawari: ^^;
Black Star: "Don't do anything I would."
Hemingway: *sitting on the roof with a harpoon* "..."
emily: up here again?
Hemingway: *grunts* "Thought I saw something..."
Hemingway: "Ah, thanks!" *sips* "Mmm...Not bad. Reminds me of the Kopi Luwak from Java. You ever see a civet?"
emily: cant say i have.
Hemingway: "I kept one around for the coffee--you need the little critter to make it."
emily: um.... ._.;;
Hemingway: *looooooooooooong sip* >_>;
emily:...... ._.;
Hemingway: "...So, why are you still up?"
emily: couldnt sleep.
Hemingway: "Ah--bit of that going around. I thought you finished all that paperwork, though?"
emily: yeah, same here.
Hemingway: "Hmm...You know, we all depend on you to keep our heads on straight."
emily: oh, t-thank you.
Hemingway: "I would lie on that--so, take care of your health and get some sleep."
naho: *noms a crepe* mmmh~ yum! ^w^
Otogiri: "Mmm. It is good."
himawari: it's nice to be able to do these things once in a while.
Otogiri: "It's rare--given circumstances."
lavender: *nods* but that just makes it better, y'know~?
Otogiri: "I suppose...You do enjoy risk more than some of us."
lavender: ^w^
Otogiri: "Well, fine. Might as well go nuts. I'll have another crepe."
himawari: ^^ ......*notices a nearby church* ......
Otogiri: "...Himawari."
himawari: hm? oh, i-i'll be back momentarily, i just...need to do something quick.
Otogiri: "Be careful."
Rin: *yawns* "??? Hey." *nudge*
kyouko: *groan* hnn?
Rin: "...You got something on your face..." *peels a post-it note off*
kyouko: hnn? when did that get there?
Rin: "Seems you were writing notes...What's a 'bluey bloogur'?"
kyouko: *looks*
Rin: "Must be some intensive note taking you're doing--never heard of that demon! ...Or your handwriting is bad."
kyouko: maybe....*yaaaawn* what time is it?
Rin: "10:54."
kyouko: *looks outside* OH SHIT! I HAD A JOB TODA-
Rin: "!!!"
kyouko: *stumbles out of bed* ow! nnngh...
Rin: -_-; *picks her up* "Oh, no--you need your sleep!"
kyouko: i'll be fine, rea-*ACHOO* -,-;
Rin: "Nope. You're wearing out your body too much--bed for you!"
kyouko: *groan*
Rin: *tucks her in* "Now, go to sleep or I'll get Pops to tell you..."
kyouko: ....*sigh* fiiiine....it might....do some....good......zzzzzzzzzzzz......
Rin: *sighs* *turns off the lights, picks up her books*
himawari: *in the chapel, praying silently* ........
*it feels...like someone else is there*
himawari: *she doesnt seem to notice*
???: *slithers closer*
himawari: .....
Jeje: *watching* "..."
himawari:....*gets up and turns*
Mikuni: "Howdy."
himawari: !!! *stumbles back a bit*
Mikuni: "Seems you're a bit aways from home."
himawari: i-i wasnt aware anyone else was here....
Mikuni: "No one is ever really alone, are they?"
himawari:....i suppose not. *small smile*
Mikuni: "Yep. Especially when you're being watched."
himawari: *tenses*....i should be going, my friends are waiting for me.
Mikuni: "Oh, where are they?" *walks with her*
Mikuni: "They as talkative as you?"
himawari:.... *tries to walk faster*
Mikuni: *suddenly leaps in front of her*
himawari: !!!
Mikuni: "Come on--it's still early. Long before sunrise..." *leans in*
himawari: *shaking a bit, backing up*
Mikuni: "I was thinking...You want to get a drink?"
himawari: i-i already have plans for tonight, s-so i should really be going-
Mikuni: *is face to face with her* "I'm sure we have something in common that would be more important to discuss in private...After all, we both come from the same place."
himawari: *trembling, not looking at him*
Mikuni: "I too was kept at C3--"
himawari: *her eyes widen in terror*
Mikuni: *sad smile* "Yep. I commiserate."
himawari:..what do you want from me?
Mikuni: "Since I last tangled with some of your friends, I've wanted to makes sure y'all aren't causing trouble."
Mikuni: "That one with the strings--Otogiri? Is she behaving well?"
???: you tell us, bucko!
Mikuni: OwO "Huh--?"
lavender: *glares*
naho: leave hima alone you jerk! >3<#
Mikuni: *smiles* "What? Just having a friendly chat--"
*Mikuni's arm gets caught in strings*
lavender: then why does she seem so uncomfortable, hmm?
Otogiri: *stares*
Mikuni: ^^; "Must've been a bad memory..."
lavender: *GLARES* come on himawari, let's not let this fedora-creep ruin our night.
Mikuni: "It's a cowboy hat..."
Jeje: *blocks Lavender's path* "..."
lavender: move it, bags.
Jeje: "We're not finished talking."
lavender: pretty sure we are.
Mikuni: "Jeje, let them pass...I'm sure we'll have another chance soon."
Jeje: "..." *backs away*
lavender: hmph, let's go girls.
Otogiri: "..." *keeps a hold on Mikuni's arm as she follows...*
naho: *pulls her eyelid down and sticks out her tongue* ngh! >XP
Jeje: *snake hiss*
0 notes