#and like i'm not an archive blog but this is the Perfect excuse to post stuff from the bad bandit era actually
midsummerafternoon · 3 months
XANA - BAD BANDIT (February 24, 2023)
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mothellie · 4 months
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Angel Eyes
Read on Archive of Our Own Rating: Explicit (Minors Do Not Interact) Fandom: Stranger Things Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Tags: Transmasc Steve Harrington (bottom growth referred to as 'dick'), Dom Eddie Munson, Needy Sub Steve Harrington, oral (tm receiving), PIV sex, exhibitionism, bathroom sex, Halloween parties, costumes, dirty talk, established relationship, possessiveness, they're both total pervs for each other (it's almost endearing) About: Eddie convinces Steve to go to a Halloween party with him in matching costumes. However, one look at that paradoxically sinful angel getup knocks Eddie's priorities in a new direction. Notes: This is my first little ficlet on this blog and I'm really excited to post it. Be gentle, I'm rusty with my smut writing, but I really tried my best with this. Inspired by this post by thorniest-rose and the art with it, because I've been obsessed with this concept since I read that. This is imagining they got together later on and Eddie constantly tries to get him to wear the outfit again. Hope you enjoy. ♡
Tagging some of my favorite blogs and moots for visibility @mcplestreet @chrrymunson @shieldofiron @applewillowstone @thorniest-rose @reidsbtch @inourtownofhawkins @succubusmunson and a special thanks to @whataboutthefish for beta reading and giving me so many helpful suggestions + @californiaboytoybilly for cheering me on when I was debating even posting this
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Eddie hadn’t accounted for the inevitable when proposing his idea for Halloween. Going as an angel and a demon to Tommy Hagan’s party seemed like the perfect fit. It was meant to be sweet, paying homage to the beginning of their love. Instead it turned out so much better. 
Over the years, he had begged Steve to wear it again. Time and time again, Steve would roll his eyes and give some excuse on why he couldn’t. He didn’t want to go into the attic to get it, it probably wouldn’t fit him anymore, he wasn’t an angel after Eddie got his hands on him.
And yet, on Halloween night, Steve stepped into their shared living room looking as jaw-dropping as the day their gazes met for the very first time.
Eddie was lured to these rocks by his beautiful siren, who was moaning so pretty for him through the gaps of the fingers he held over those plump lips as Eddie lapped up the sweet taste of his love between his thighs.
There really wasn't a point in trying to stay quiet to begin with. Everybody outside the bathroom door was in their own world, wading through a heavy blanket of fake fog as the sound of Monster Mash drowned out everyone's chatter.
But Steve had always been the type to fluster easy. It was surprising Eddie could even convince him to go through with this little escapade. 
"Eddie-" Steve gasped out, squirming against his tongue with a pinched expression. The hand fell from his face, instead gripping the edge of the sink for stability.
Eddie tried not to break out in a cocky grin, ringed fingers squeezing the plush expanse of his boy's thighs. He licked a stripe upwards until his lips closed around Steve's cock, tongue swirling over the swell. 
The sound it drew from Steve was dizzying on its own. Hands shot from where they gripped the porcelain Steve sat on to grab a fistful of Eddie's curls. "Ah- 'm gonna cum- Please-" 
Eddie almost gave in, wanting to taste his love while he fell apart against his lips. The way Steve begged, breathy and desperate, the feeling of those soft thighs brushing against his cheeks and ears- 
It took a significant amount of strength on his part to pull away, lips and chin coated with the evidence of Steve's arousal. 
His angel made a pathetic sound, looking down at him with those pleading doe eyes.
Eddie tutted softly, grabbing him by the hips and pulling him off of the sink. "Gotta practice some patience, angel." 
With another sharp tug, he pulled Steve impossibly closer, slotting their lips together in a filthy kiss. The heady taste of him was still coating his tongue, transferring to Steve’s as it breached the seam of his lips.
After a moment, Eddie could feel Steve's trembling hands reach for the waistband of his jeans, fumbling for the buttons.
The hands still on Steve's hips quickly flipped him around, one hand reaching out to lay flat against his back to bend him over the countertop. Eddie is met with a whimper that could drive him crazy.
"This is what you wanted, isn't it, babylove?" Eddie rasped, as he rapidly pushed his jeans and boxers just below his crotch. "Wanted to take me like the good little slut you are?" 
Steve nodded weakly, cheek pressed hard against the bathroom mirror. 
Eddie could be meaner. He could make Steve wait for it, beg for it. It wasn't far off from the things he'd done before for his own amusement many times before. Stevie was his favorite toy.
But tonight was a dream come true, and he wasn't going to waste it.
As swiftly as he could manage, he slipped into Steve's wet heat, barely giving him a grace period before starting to thrust roughly into him with renewed fervor. 
His love was an absolute sight like this. That pretty white dress hiked up just over his ass, those damn wings shaking with every movement they made. 
Suddenly there was knocking at the door, the sounds of exasperated party guests outside, demanding access to the bathroom. 
But it didn't so much as make him falter. They could find a fucking bush as far as Eddie was concerned.
Steve moaned at the sound, clenching around him. A grin broke across Eddie’s face, bending forward to bracket his back. "You like that, baby? You've got an audience." He rumbled into the shell of Steve’s ear, brushing his lips against the soft skin he found there.
If the way Steve almost crumbled beneath him was any indication, his words definitely hit home. 
"I bet this is what you used to imagine, right?" He egged on, quickening his pace. "Me dragging you away from your snobby friends and fucking you dumb in a dark corner. Bet that got you off, didn't it, angel?"
As the words left his tongue, Steve fell apart, leaking hole fluttering as he came around his cock. Eddie groaned, slamming into him to punctuate his appreciation. "That's it, baby- Fuck." 
With quick movements, he clasped Steve's waist, feeling himself falling over the edge. He pushed his face into the freckled flesh of his angel’s shoulder as he pumped him full. 
They stayed locked like that for a while, both attempting to catch their breath as they rode out their orgasms. Eddie pressed lazy kisses to Steve's fevered skin, hands that were roughly handling him only moments before, now stroking him lovingly to bring Steve back to reality.
When Steve finally managed to strain out a few words. "You're an asshole."
Eddie chuckled, wrapping his arms around Steve's torso to pull him into a standing position. "No, sweetheart. I'm a demon. Gotta act the part, remember?"
Steve's face broke out in a tired grin, leaning his head back against Eddie as he closed his eyes. "I hate you." 
Eddie pressed a sweet kiss to his temple, shaking his head. "No you don't, angel."
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gaviicreates · 7 months
Craft week in review
Good Morning, and Happy Sunday! Here in the US, we just caught up with the rest of the world with that twice annual clock adjusting we do. Those of you without daylight savings, you know where it's at. In any case, Northern Hemisphere means we got extra sleep today, so not too many complaints from me here. Even the dogs accepted the lie in, which was amazing.
I'm still figuring out how I want to use this blog space. My impulse posts I can't put here, because I used a log in type that requires me to be on my laptop. That means you get the nice pictures, the reflections, the organized WIPs updates, but none of that is helpful in keeping the space active. What are you, blog? An archive, a journal, a gallery?
Please bear with me while I figure it out. I get that the pictures of the finished objects are what tends to inspire people, but I like writing and sharing the journey, even if those musings are not as entertaining. I'm still working on the balance.
Last week, I primarily worked on blocking some finished doilies I had to work on over a couple of days. I only have one set of blocking boards with the circle lines for me to properly measure out the doilies evenly. I'm fine throwing my own stuff on the normal boards and eye-balling it, but not for commissions. With those finished I decided to open up some more local commissions, which quickly filled with family members, and posed the question a bit more in general to the online audience. So four more commissions have joined my schedule, though not all of them need to be in by Christmas.
In the meantime, I started another tree doily, and I plan to take pictures of those pieces soon so I can share them. Here's a phone one to hold you over.
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I had a couple purchases last week - and some quick turn arounds. In the yarn world, I placed an order for some Hobbii Rainbow Lace which is one of my go-tos for when specific colors are requested. The yardage is not as much as one might get with Aunt Lydia's from the local JOANN or Michaels, but the shades they carry are so rich and varied. Plus, I'd been eyeing up a rust color I needed an excuse to add to my cart. I also grabbed some dark reds and soft greens to play around with Christmas shades.
Of the hand-dyers, one of the brands I follow is Hue Loco out of Colorado. As with hand-dyed, you're paying for what I consider a luxury material, so as much as I would like to buy everything I do try to splurge sparingly for the sake of my wallet. But I stumbled upon a colorway that was perfect for a project I'd been planning, and since it was going to be a gift for my husband, I didn't mind going the hand-dyed route. The colorway is called "Magpie" and it's a beautiful blend of blues and greys with a sprinkling of browns. SW 100% Merino in worsted. This one came in yesterday, and I couldn't resist working it up right away.
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I may have also purchased something for myself while I was on their site. Shh.
I also splurged and ordered some Furls wooden streamline hooks I'd been wanting - in Ebony. One of my dogs got ahold of one of the nice resin colors that were no longer in stock, so I couldn't re-order it when it made unusable.
Expensive week for me! But it'll be the last for awhile while I budget instead for Christmas and start working on the projects these materials were purchased for. For a last hurrah before the holidays, I'm happy with these selections.
The sock DPN class I signed up for starts tomorrow, and knit night at my LYS on Tuesday.
I have one more more doily to block, the next tree one to finish, and the commissions pending.
The new Furls Hooks should arrive next week. Hobbii is enroute.
WIPS: My sky blanket project is making great progress - I've been able to keep up with it and the goal will be to provide an update monthly around the middle of the month. Chevron Scarf was put on hold this week, but maybe I will work on it some today to give me a knitting break.
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jessamine-rose · 2 years
Ok, I'm mostly asking for story research purposes and because I simply for him, but without bias, what kind of girl do you think Leona Kingscholar would want. He obviously probably wants to be the dominant one in a relationship since he stated that he is intimidated by afterglow Savanna women but I'm curious what you think! ❤
Please note that this is my own interpretation of Leona, so it could be OOC and should not be perceived as a perfect/ strict “guide” to Leona’s character. Leona’s ideal s/o will be referred to using gender-neutral terms.
Edit: Tagging @nrc-archives to see this!! Thank you so much for your ask!! I thought you were referring to the post tags and not a blog, so my apologies for the late mention ^^;
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♡ Same attitude as Leona – According to Endless Halloween, it is hilariously canon that Leona dislikes people who act like him. Ohhh the irony xD
♡ Childish personality – We already know that Leona dislikes dealing with kids or overly childish/ naive people, as seen in his interactions with Cheka and his Lab Coat SR. He would probably prefer a romantic relationship that isn’t identical to those he already has with Cheka and his kouhai  -.-
♡ Toxic positivity/ blind naivete/ black-and-white morality – These qualities are similar to how Falena and Jack judged Leona’s actions in the Main Story. Leona would thus dislike people who immediately judge his personality and belittle his experiences without considering the serious psychological effects of his upbringing. At the very least, in order to call out Leona on his BS, his s/o should be willing to understand his perspective and have a two-sided conversation with him.
♡ Maturity – Considering his status as an uncle and senpai, I think Leona would prefer an s/o who can look after themselves and think critically. That way, he can distinguish his lover from his other relationships  <3
♡ Optimism + Realism – While I already mentioned why an overly positive s/o is not ideal for Leona, an overly pessimistic s/o could feed into his feelings of hopelessness and negativity. So I think a relationship with Leona needs a healthy balance of optimism and realism. This type of s/o can help Leona appreciate what he already has and show him that a happy, fulfilling future is within his grasp–and beyond his original dreams of becoming king.* Even better if they can recognize Leona’s good qualities, especially the underrated potential of his Unique Magic  ^o^
*Do note, however, that Leona’s s/o should not be the one to “fix him.” Ultimately, it is up to Leona to come to terms with his situation and change his mindset. Without proper character development, I don’t think he would be ready for an intimate relationship to begin with.
♡ Not afraid of him – This ties into the Sunset Savannah servants’ fearsome perceptions of Leona. Aside from viewing King’s Roar in a different light, Leona’s s/o should not be afraid to point out his faults. This trait establishes equal standing in their relationship and shows that Leona’s s/o trusts his strength.
♡ Consideration and firmness – Another important balance of ideal traits!! Leona’s s/o should be the type who knows when to indulge him and when to be firm with him. Someone who takes the time to understand Leona’s situation, but does not overly coddle him or excuse his actions. Someone who accepts Leona’s hobbies and lifestyle, but is responsible enough to wake him up and tell him to attend his classes. On that note, I think an active s/o who strives for their own goals can in/directly encourage Leona to take action in his own life  ٩(*•͈ ꇴ •͈*)و
Thank you again for asking me!! I had to delay my answer again for academic reasons, but I hope you were able to read and enjoy this post. I’m rlly flattered that you asked me for my thoughts on Leona  :’>
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unluckyxse7en · 11 months
Ok so. Long unnecessary rant incoming, just for the sake of ranting and to no one's interest but - I'm gonna be honest. I'm legitimately making plans to leave Tumblr long term, like I'm unfollowing more tags and blogs with each update, and already planning out How or Why I will or won't use tumblr once some of these updates take place.
And here's the thing. I've been parked on this site for Years. I've been a Committed user for nearly a decade, unshaken by Plenty of bad updates. If anything I probably look like that "I can excuse x but draw the line at y (you can excuse x???)" Meme to some.
But this is a final straw because Tumblr's stripping everything that made it stand out and unique, which means I'll leave because I can't excuse x AND y. Y took away the Only thing keeping me going in this case.
And here's why I feel like this is significant - I'm a very archive-oriented person.
I don't just delete things. I don't just ditch things once I'm committed to them. I love to be able to preserve moments in time with trinkets and files and Tumblr has been perfect for that for so long. For archiving art and posts I love even when the blog they came from was deleted or deactivated. Time capsules I could catalogue and fondly look back on. I expanded my tagging systems at my own detriment just so that others could find similar solace in my blog, if they so chose. It was little, but important to me. It felt like a meaningful thing.
But I've hit the point where I'm about ready to just. give up on archiving here.
I'm going to slowly unfollow more people - mostly to avoid new things put on my dash. No more 'doomscrolling', no more new things to add to my long list of stuff to properly 'archive'.
I'm going to start clearing out my likes - by reblogging in honor of the OP in some cases, unliking bc I won't be coming back in others.
I'm probably even going to delete several of my side blogs which. If you knew how many I have and how hard it's been to justify deleting any of them to myself, you'd understand the gravity of this statement.
And - I'm gonna be blunt.
I don't even have anywhere in mind to go.
This isn't me ditching for a better site. I don't think there even is one, for me.
I'm literally leaving just to leave. I have no other options. I am not gonna let that stop me. If I'm going to end up with zero online presence other than Maybe on Discord servers, so be it.
That's essentially where I'm at right now.
So mutuals, if I unfollow, this is just part of the process. It's gradual, I still have posts to reblog or queue up so you'll see me in your notes for a while I'm sure. But basically I'll be pulling away from this site bit by bit going forward I think, unless Tumblr does some hard turnarounds they won't.
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journalofanobody · 2 years
And yet here I am, posting.
In recent weeks, this blog has appeared to have become largely irrelevant--the perfect blog, I suppose, for a "Nobody," an essentially irrelevant individual. Activity, near zero daily. New followers, none--excuse me, actually there have been dozens of those empty blogs with neither avatar nor content. Again, the perfect followers for a Nobody and his blog, right? I have no idea why those things exist, or what they want, or what on earth they are about--I am a wondering Nobody, you see--and I delete them immediately, ungrateful, apparently, for the illusion of new followers they might provide.
And yet, here I am, still posting. People will be quick to scold: You post for yourself, not for others! Never mind that you are functioning in a kind of cul-de-sac or, worse, in a vacuum. A permanent seat at the "uncool kids" table in the high school cafeteria, mostly invisible to the cool kids with their fandom, anime, and cute kitty obsessions.
It wasn't always like this here. For years, actually, my blog attracted quite a lot of attention from people who enjoyed art, poetry, and, well, the sort of things I enjoyed--yes, enjoyed!--sharing. There were a lot of comments, messages, and it was obvious that the blog was visited and enjoyed on a daily basis.
Where are those people now? A lot of them are gone, having quit the site or been ushered out of it after the censorship began. A lot of my favorite blogs--by people I followed and who followed me, people who communicated with me here--were packed with brilliant posts on art, photography, ideas, and eclectic offerings; unfortunately, they also presented a minority of images that contained nudity, the forbidden n-word (no, not that one, but nipple). And so they were suddenly gone, or relegated to a corner of the site where blogs exist without avatar or archive. All those poets and artists, and lovers of poetry and art, vanished. And I can't count the times I have shaken my head over this when I come across thriving blogs containing abundant posts of full-on pornography.
But I'm not making an anti-censorship speech here, or daring to say that my own irrelevance here is a by-product of the banishing of clever and refined people.
I've posted here though good times and hard times because I knew--because I was told--that people looked forward to my posts and found this a place for inspiration or calm. I don't hear from such people anymore. Rarely. Yeah, yeah, ok, I MUST blog for myself--I got it! BUT...but the true joy of the whole thing was reaching people, inspiring or helping them, hearing from them, and (excuse me) for sharing.
Just my thoughts at the beginning of a New Year, after having noticed that my blog seems to have become, as Billy Holiday said in a song, "yesterday's mashed potatoes."
To whomever may actually read these words, I hope your New Year has begun well.
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araeph · 6 years
Conversation with prune-balled-blog
{NOTE: This is unedited, so please excuse spelling and grammar errors. With one exception--colons, which automatically bold anything in chat, have been replaced with [colon] where necessary to preserve the original formatting. Also, this is NOT an invitation to harass prune-balled-blog. Please do not @ him about this.}
prune-balled-blog: Sorry for the confusion. Should asked this. Do you know WHO talked with Aaron Ehasz?
Should have*
araeph: There are various tumblr and message board users who claimed to have talked to him. Some on the Kataang side[colon] http[colon]//araeph.tumblr.com/post/152660740000/web-archive
Some on the Zutara side[colon] http[colon]//araeph.tumblr.com/post/159119946362/kataraandzuko-terminaschosenone
But I don't know any of them by name.
prune-balled-blog: Thanks for the reply.
araeph: You're welcome. [smiley]
prune-balled-blog: It's all fake by the way. Aaron confirmed it on an Reddit AMA. The whole "Season 4/I had a different vision" thing was debunked.
Also, this for good measure.
[two screenshots inserted of reddit AMA]
araeph: Yes, I saw that post. However, what he said was the studio asked him to think up ideas for Season 4 and that he discussed them with Mike. So he did come up with ideas for it, even if they never went into production.
I also would call The Legend of Korra daring and beautiful. I just don't think it was any _good_.
prune-balled-blog: But those ideas were never outspoken.
It's all smoke and mirrors.
araeph: You mean, he never spoke to anyone else about Book 4? We don't know anything about who he did or didn't talk do between the period when Nick asked him to think up suggestions and the time when Bryke shut it down.
Of course, neither do we know that he said any of the things he allegedly said in those tumblr posts. [smiley]
prune-balled-blog: It's very easy to infer that he said absolutely nothing to anyone about anything.
He certainly would have gotten into more detail, but he didn't.
araeph: It's certainly possible. But nothing is certain.
prune-balled-blog: I mean, i would say the chances of Unicorns existing are pretty low.
araeph: How do you know he would "certainly" have gone into more detail?
prune-balled-blog: Because he seems to know of "Fake interviews", and i'm sure he would been able to go into further detail explaining that he didn't discuss any details of a possible Season 4 with some random. My point, is that had those claims been true, he would feel the need to address them further to clear further confusion. But his post implies the entire shebang was a ruse.
prune-balled-blog: There's no need to speculate any further. It was all a big hoax made by Zutara shippers putting Aaron on a pedestal to expand on their agenda. And people who didn't like Korra.
araeph: I think the opposite is true. If he'd said, "I never discussed it with anyone but Mike, and all the interviews from fans are fake," that would have been easy. He said there were some fake interviews out there, and that he did discuss it with Mike, and that's all we know.
Since it was suggested at the studio level, no it was not a hoax, and no one ever put Ehasz on a pedestal.
prune-balled-blog: I'm going to have to disagree with you there.
prune-balled-blog: And oh, yes they certainly do.
araeph: That's fine if you disagree.
prune-balled-blog: Look everywhere. People praise Ehasz as the sole reason why Avatar was good only because he was head writer.
prune-balled-blog: This whole thing reeked of angry fans methodically building a boogeyman because they were unhappy with how things went for their favorite show.
araeph: Actually, it's more of a process of elimination.
Before I saw Legend of Korra, I too thought Bryke were the be-all-end-all of Avatar.
Then LOK's writing let me down, and I started realizing there were people with power to influencing the writing of ATLA.
prune-balled-blog: You don't have to go through the motions. I know exactly your point of view.
araeph: Maybe it was Tim Hedrick or Joshua Hamilton? But they went on to make Voltron, and while that show was good for a while, it's headed off the rails now.
prune-balled-blog: Yeah but were we REALLY shocked when things didn't turn out perfect? Any show would have a stark difference in quality had an army of writers left a project.
araeph: Yes, it would.
prune-balled-blog: Assuming Korra would be just as good as Avatar, due to some naive 'understanding' that Bryke is the "end-all-be-all" is just silly.
araeph: Since almost everyone outside the fandom knows Bryke as /the/ creators of the show, and since they were the executive producers, it actually makes sense.
It just happened to be wrong.
prune-balled-blog: All you had to do was look at who was in charge, and marginalize your expectations accordingly.
prune-balled-blog: Actually, not entirely. It's dumb to assume two guys from Rhode Island (?) who had no prior experience running a show or writing a script, that they would churn out gold a second time without the 15 or so extra writers on board.
Not to mention a missing Head Writer.
What this fandom did to Bryke was shameful.
They kicked them in the dirt and spat on them for making something they wanted.
Aaron was a talented guy, and likely a massive contributor to what made Avatar a great piece.
prune-balled-blog: But what people did to demonize these poor guys was a complete and utter disgrace.
araeph: If you think fans (most of whom have no experience in television) should have known better than the studio heads who banked on EXACTLY the churning out gold a second time premise that we did, I don't know what to tell you.
araeph: Bryke aren't poor, and they're not victims.
prune-balled-blog: Would you forgive a thief for committing a crime because he didn't know stealing was wrong? This should be pretty obvious, no?
They certainly aren't villains.
araeph: Hahaha, so people who are ignorant of the details of television production are comparable to thieves?
prune-balled-blog: And if you think so, you're delusional.
araeph: Let me make this simple. Bryke accepted the credit for being the overall creators of the show.
prune-balled-blog: It was a hyperbolic example. Should have been obvious.
araeph: They got the accolades, so they get all the criticism for not living up to expectations.
araeph: Thievery is not an exaggeration of not delving into production details from a medium you're not an expert in.
prune-balled-blog: That's bizarrely unfair.
araeph: It's called "with great power comes great responsibility".
prune-balled-blog: I know. I saw Spider-Man.
And honestly, the people who spread this bull online should have listened to Uncle Ben.
araeph: How much power do a bunch of online fans really have, compared to successful showrunners who can snap their fingers and get a press release into the news?
prune-balled-blog: A lot, actually. For example, when Microsoft announced the Xbox One, they had a slew of controversial shit under their belt. After 2 days of nonstop harassment from fans, they reneged on that deal. And boom. Huuuuge change.
The internet is a powerful tool.
prune-balled-blog: Granted, that was a good change. Considering Microsoft went out of their way to enslave gamers wallets and playful freedom.
araeph: True. But for every example like that, Microsoft as a thousand other unpopular practices that they continue with no matter how many people complain.
araeph: I don't know of Bryke ever admitting to changing something about the way they took care of business, just because people complained.
prune-balled-blog: I would happen to agree with that. But the bottom line is that the internet is a tool.
prune-balled-blog: My main point is this. Pleading ignorance to how a show is made is not a serviceable answer for what fans have said/lied about with Bryke. That's all.
araeph: I disagree. When a show is marketed by creators like Bryke as a true successor to their previous work, and they make NO attempt to tamp down expectations themselves, they can't blame people who are not industry professionals for believing the hype that THEY and the studio they worked with spread far and wide.
araeph: And if your argument is, "Well you should have known better than to believe what they said," then you can't also make the argument of "poor Bryke" if the latter were intentionally misleading and exaggerating.
prune-balled-blog: What they said? No, i said you should have been able to infer you miiiight just be getting something a taaad bit different if you only saw they were returning, and no one else.
araeph: But this is exactly the problem. You're blaming fans for not reading between the lines, and not Bryke, who put out those very lines, despite the latter having vastly more power and experience at their disposal.
araeph: They, as showrunners, had a greater responsibility to inform fans of what LOK would really be like than the fans had to research and acquaint themselves with the intricacies of making television.
prune-balled-blog: Let me ask you something. Is it probably a fair/good idea to create a fake hoax that basically claimed Ehasz had been at odds with Bryke the entire production, claimed a Season 4 was supposed to be made, and that he had different plans for Korra had be been involved?
Bryke said Korra was going to be a sequel in the future, with a new Avatar. They were also the only confirmed writers. You can infer A LOT from that.
araeph: If any (or all of those interviews) are hoaxes, they should be condemned and the people who made them up should be criticized for it. I personally still believe there was some tension, but stating my opinion, even if it's based on speculation, isn't dishonest unless I pass it off as fact.
prune-balled-blog: That's fair enough.
araeph: As for what they said about Korra ...
:I really love when Korra arrives in Republic City and sees Aang's statue for the first time. There's a moment where she's almost in a trance. She's in awe of Aang and also wants to become as great an Avatar as he was. The Legend of Korra is a little like that for us. We know we have a big legacy to live up to, but hopefully this series will be even better than the original."
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