#and lorelei DOES get it and i think i should take into consideration more that her instinct is to run!
romanarose · 2 months
Ship me!
I think you know me well enough to just go for it. You know I'm married to Marc Spector, but like aside from him...
I will also accept a Pedro answer, but I only know his 2 Javi's, Dieter, Din, Joel, Maxwell, Frankie, Oberyn, and of course we can all speculate about the new Marcus
Here are my biggest relationship things:
loyalty, sincerity/authenticity
sense of humor a bonus, I can live without it, I think
I like PDA (be a little possessive)
But at home, I need my space. (Not a huge cuddler)
Can we cook together?
Does he like outdoors?
Can we nerd out together?
^ Does a man like this even exist??
after careful consideration, I ship you with Frankie!
I think Frankie's humor is more subtle (You know i ship fishben, i think part of the reason is bens humor is more brash and loud, Frankie I think is subtle, more dry like the office.) However, he can absolutly be a goof. I think outside of life or death movies lol, he's kinda like jim from the office. I watched TF with my mom and she said while she really liked Will (he was rational lol) Frankie was the most enjoyable to watch. Watch Triple frontier again and pay attention to his faces, especially after the donkey falls and almost takes frankie with it and everyone is arguing and he rolls his eyes XD
Biggest is he IS sincere and loyal. You will never ever wonder where he is and with who and why. Never gives you a single reason to think he's cheating or hiding anything except , MAYBE depending where he's at in life, his drug problem. However, I don't think his drug use is that bad in the movies? He goes to colombia without any withdrawl syntoms. Maybe just encourage him to go to therapy <3 but honestly he's very straightforeward. He just says things as they are "hey princessa Im going over to Santi's, Ben and Will might show up, wanna come?"
I think the slight switch is the affection public and at home. In leather and lace you dont see him and jana together again and much of Take Your Time is them fighting for their lives lmfao but For the Longest time they are together and HAPPY. Frankie is not naturally inclinded to kissing in public I think. I think he's easily embaressed. But hes also very protective and possesive. He's the type to have a hand on you in some way, mostly hand holding, maybe his hand on your hip to keep you close if he's on high alert. He knows how men are, especially drunk men. In LAL universe he's very aware that Jana is fucking stunning and my dude is constantly fighting for his life as she gets hit on , even 8 months pregnant XD He'd be the exact same with you. I think he'd WANT to be progressive and not like a caveman, but he'd be seething in anger (not at you if some man talked to you even though they CLEARLY saw you come in with him!!)
At home thought I think he's quite touchy and likes to be close. Im sure though communication you can work it out, like one of you can explicitly state i need space or i need to be close. I think Will is touchy while Lorelei is like you, more personal space. She can often be found with her feet propped up on his lap but oppiset ends of the couch. Maybe something like that (compare to Santi and laci who will just suck each others face in public and need constant skin to skin bc they are both traumatized)
Nerd out, yes. I think Frankie is highly intellgent but in a sciency way. He wont know wtf you're talking about with daredevil and moon knight but boy, he will listen. He will go to every movie premire with you, even read a fanfiction should you care to share.
outdoors are a YES just dont make him go up into mountains again. Maybe some hills. thats it.
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guidingsbolt · 3 years
if cress and lorelei hadn't started yelling at each other lorelei would have told her that gets being backed into a corner with no good options, and that she gets wanting to run so she respects that cress is with them and hasn't bolted. however they did start yelling at each other,
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utilitycaster · 5 years
i know you've mentioned this somewhere before but what classes/subclasses would you like to see the cr crew playing in the future?
I haven’t actually, other than that it’s really hard to figure out classes for Marisha and Taliesin because they’re both I would say the most versatile and interested in pushing things to the absolute limit.
Things I took into consideration here:
Player preferences. People are allowed to have preferences for certain classes or mechanics and I want to honor that.
Party management; I don’t think they reveal classes to each other unless they share a session zero and/or are married to each other but I do think Matt takes the class balance into consideration.
Laura: Wild Magic Sorcerer. I am sure about very few things, but this is one. I think Laura in particular would do a great job with a class that would allow her to be a battle caster and I would argue is one of the harder ones to RP long-term and make sympathetic - Ally Beardsley and Bryn Monroe have both managed this, Matt obviously ran a great recurring NPC in Gilmore, and Calianna is a delight but also a short term character. Like, you’re charming and you wake up with effortless magic powers - how do you make this person interesting and complex? Anyway Laura would knock that out of the part. I also want to see her lean into the chaos but also have a little less control over it than she does as Jester.
Liam: Cleric; any subclass but I am particularly intrigued by either being a cleric of Erathis (GIVE ME THE ERATHIS LORE I DON’T KNOW WHY I WANT THIS BUT I DO) or the forge subclass (dwarven cleric of Moradin? also an opportunity for many dwarven forge jokes). Liam tends towards clerics and fighters in his one-shot characters and I would love to see him explore the cleric class in more depth.
Travis and Ashley are difficult because I want to see them both play bards, but for different reasons and also two bards seems like a lot (it’s kind of great in Fantasy High Live and I know that’s the premise of Sirens of the Realm but: it is a lot). So I’m giving you my bard option and back up for both:
Travis really likes melee and I don’t want to take that from him, but I’d love to see him play a more traditional casting class, and he’s got a musical background and can clearly do a great job with high charisma characters, so College of Swords or Valor seems like an obvious win. For a backup - Matt has drastically rewritten the Blood Hunter. Travis seems to really want to be a fucking werewolf. Song of the Lorelei was amazing but too short and pre-revamp of Blood Hunter so let him have another crack at the class.
Ashley mentioned she’s interested in the bard class and is very musical. I should note that I do not want to see Yasha as a bard multiclass, even if it were more feasible, and I love bards, but I think people can get hung up on musical instrument = bard when that’s explicitly not the case! You can just love music without tapping into the music of creation and I love seeing characters who have hobbies that aren’t their primary thing and that don’t do anything mechanically, because it makes them seem more real! You don’t need to turn all your passions into spell slots, or whatever. That said, campaign 3, absolutely. Any subclass; I think lore is classic for a reason but glamour would be a lot of fun to see too. For backup I think a rogue would be cool, perhaps either the inquisitive or mastermind - one of the ones who does a lot of work through talking and investigation and analysis.
Sam: I want to see Sam have little or no magic (he has always played a character with some arcane abilities but I don’t think he’s terribly invested in having arcane abilities; I think it just shook out that way) and be a tank. Battlemaster Fighter would be interesting and my first choice since we’ve only had a fairly nontraditional fighter build in Percy, plus Sam can be pretty strategic and I’d love to have that show up as part of his character.
Marisha: my main thing here is that I want her to play a character with no fucking wisdom. I mean Beau makes a decent number of poor decisions but just: Marisha make wisdom your dump stat. It’s hard to find something just because she’s so versatile and Keyleth could kind of play every core role (tank/melee, ranged/caster, support). I kind of want to see her play a paladin actually, if only because we haven’t seen Marisha play a high-charisma character beyond her brief foray into bard as Hazel nor have we seen her use a sword much nor have we seen her play a character who’s super invested in the gods or faith - Keyleth was explicitly “they exist but nature is better”, and Beau is technically in service to Ioun but doesn’t like, visit temples or pray regularly. Also, while I think a journey into a paladin role a la Vax and Fjord makes a lot of sense I kind of want to see what Marisha would do with someone who was a paladin from the start, since I love how she approaches characterization and backstory. As for subclass; either devotion or ancients, depending on a few potential future things that I’m not going to say for fear of tempting fate.
Taliesin: I think we all want to see a horizon walker ranger at some point, because it’s just such a cool and weird class, and I think it’s worth giving Taliesin a class often seen as underpowered to see what he does with it, since he is probably the best at min-maxing (in that he does it at all, and also that he does it in fascinating ways. Caduceus is a very strategically built character, and also an amazing character who does not come off as strategically built until you dig into it, vs. some min-maxed characters who are very clearly an unstoppable but boring force). Also, I think he will really lean into the planar weirdness in a cool way, and also I can’t get enough of Taliesin playing a weirdo who lives in the woods, or a ranged fighter, so why not combine them and add some super weird magic?
Also I should note: for balance reasons I have not included any warlock or wizard classes here since I’m already including both a bard and a sorcerer. That said, I love the arcane casters a whole lot, and I would be thrilled if anyone played a warlock or wizard again next campaign.
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alwaysmarilynmonroe · 5 years
Today would be Marilyn’s 93rd Birthday, she has been in my life for almost a decade and I still find it so surreal to think that in theory, she should still be here. Sadly, we all know that is not the case and the reality is that Marilyn left the world over fifty five years ago. It’s sometimes hard to comprehend that Marilyn wasn’t just a Hollywood Star but a human being, just like you and me. However, today is not for dwelling, it is a very important day to millions of fans and myself, as the worlds Brightest Star is ultimately still shining half a century later!
Marilyn photographed by Ed Cronenweth in 1948.
To celebrate Marilyn’s big day, I usually spend it in the best way I know possible, having a Movie Marathon watching my favourite Actress. Unfortunately, so many people see Marilyn as just another silly Blonde Bombshell who didn’t have much talent and was basically playing herself on the screen. However, I can’t emphasize enough that the sweet, lovable, pretty face was so much more than what people perceive. As someone who has watched her films a countless number of times, I actually appreciate her comedic performances over her dramatic ones. This is because people tend to view dramas with more acclaim and respect and the Award Shows further prove this, when in fact comedies should not be overlooked.
In the wise words of Vivien Leigh – an Actress who yes, was more respected critically than Marilyn, but, ultimately was more appreciated more for her looks too,
“Comedy is much more difficult than tragedy – and a much better training, I think. It’s much easier to make people cry than to make them laugh.”
Marilyn photographed on Tobey Beach by Andre de Dienes on July 23rd 1949.
Marilyn was incredibly dedicated to her craft and spent numerous hours educating herself on the Performing Arts and trying to be the best she could possibly be. When you learn about Marilyn you realize how much she suffered mentally and the strength she must have found to deliver such beautiful performances. It hurts to think that she didn’t always feel like the bubbly Blonde Bombshell so many know and love her for, as no one more than Marilyn deserved to be appreciated and loved. She was such a perfectionist and would spend hours analyzing and being critical of her acting abilities and performance in each film.
“We not only want to be good, we have to be. You know, when they talk about nervousness, my teacher, Lee Strasberg, when I said to him, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I’m a little nervous,” he said, “When you’re not, give up, because nervousness indicates sensitivity.” Also, a struggle with shyness is in every actor more than anyone can imagine. There is a censor inside us that says to what degree do we let go, like a child playing. I guess people think we just go out there, and you know, that’s all we do. Just do it. But it’s a real struggle. I’m one of the world’s most self-conscious people. I really have to struggle.”
– Marilyn to Journalist Richard Meryman for LIFE Magazine, published on August 17th 1962.
Marilyn attending a Court Hearing on June 26th 1952.
Therefore, I thought it would be appropriate to choose five of Marilyn’s films in which she believed she gave the best performances or received great critical acclaim, to recommend for others to watch. If there is any day that Marilyn should be celebrated (personally, I believe it’s all day every day) than it is on her Birthday.
Whilst looking through reviews of Marilyn’s films that were published during their original releases, it’s shocking to me to read the downright prejudice, sexism and ignorance surrounding her as an Actress. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, in my belief Marilyn was the greatest Actress of all time as it seems that even then, 99% of people believed she was just playing herself. Therefore, in believing their own ignorance, critics could continue their lack of acclaim and respect for ultimately, an extremely talented woman.
Marilyn photographed by Milton Greene in June 1955.
• The Asphalt Jungle (1950) and The Seven Year Itch (1955)
Person to Person television appearance interview on April 8th 1955.
“Marilyn, what’s the best part you ever had in a movie?” – Edward R. Murrow
“Well one of the best parts I’ve ever had was, in The Asphalt Jungle, John Huston’s Picture and then, The Seven Year Itch, Billy Wilder’s Picture.”  – Marilyn
“You think that’s going to be a big one too, don’t you? The Seven Year Itch.” – Edward R. Murrow
“I think it will be a very good Picture and I would like to continue making this type of Picture.” – Marilyn
Dallas Morning News Review by Harold Hefferman published on June 18th 1950.
“Virtually unbilled and unidentified in a current movie, Asphalt Jungle, Marilyn’s breathtaking appearance immediately piques fandom’s curiosity and imagination. Not since the brief introduction of another tempestuous blond, Shelley Winters, three years ago in A Double Life, has a newcomer stirred up so much interest.” 
Marilyn photographed by Earl Leaf at a Press Party held for Bus Stop on March 3rd 1956.
• Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)
LIFE Magazine Interview with Journalist Richard Meryman published on August 17th 1962.
“I remember when I got the part in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Jane Russell – she was the brunette in it and I was the blonde. She got $200,000 for it, and I got my $500 a week, but that to me was, you know, considerable. She, by the way, was quite wonderful to me. The only thing was I couldn’t get a dressing room. Finally, I really got to this kind of level and I said, “Look, after all, I am the blonde, and it is Gentlemen Prefer Blondes!” Because still they always kept saying, “Remember, you’re not a star.” I said, “Well, whatever I am, I am the blonde!” – Marilyn
The Los Angeles Times Review by Edwin Schallert on August 1st 1953.
“Miss Monroe sparkles much of the time just as the diamonds do. Her work is insidiously intriguing in this picture, and at the same time almost childlike in its utter lack of guile. Her portrayal demonstrates that much may be maneuvered in her instance in the future to humorous advantage. She discloses a surprising light comedy touch.”
Time Magazine Review on July 27th 1953.
“As Lorelei Lee, who believes that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, Marilyn Monroe does the best job of her short career to date. [She] sings remarkably well, dances, or rather undulates all over, flutters the heaviest eyelids in show business and breathlessly delivers such lines of dialogue as, “Coupons – that’s almost like money,” as if she were in the throes of a grand passion.”
Marilyn photographed by Sam Shaw in the Summer of 1957.
• Bus Stop (1956)
Speaking to reporters upon her arrival back in Hollywood to film Bus Stop, on February 25th 1956.
“Marilyn, are you happy to come back and do this Picture, are you pleased with the Bus- Picture Bus Stop?” – Reporter
“Oh yes, very much, I’m looking forward to working with Josh Logan, doing the Picture and it’s good to be back.” – Marilyn
“Was he in your selection as a Director?” – Reporter
“Twentieth Century Fox selected him and I have Director Approval and they asked if I would approve of him and definitely.” – Marilyn
“So you’re very happy, you think you’re going to make a very good Picture?” – Reporter
“I hope we do make a good picture, yes.” – Marilyn
The New York Times Review by Bosley Crowther published on September 1st 1956.
“HOLD onto your chairs, everybody, and get set for a rattling surprise. Marilyn Monroe has finally proved herself an actress in “Bus Stop.” She and the picture are swell!”
Marilyn in Let’s Make Love in 1960.
• Some Like It Hot (1959)
Variety Film Review published on February 24th 1959.
“To coin a phrase, Marilyn has never looked better. Her performance as “Sugar,” the fuzzy blonde who likes saxophone players “and men with glasses” has a deliciously naive quality. She’s a comedienne with that combination of sex appeal and timing that just can’t be beat.”
The New York Times Review by A. H. Weiler published on March 30th 1959.
“As the hand’s somewhat simple singer-ukulele player, Miss Monroe, whose figure simply cannot be overlooked, contributes more assets than the obvious ones to this madcap romp. As a pushover for gin and the tonic effect of saxophone players, she sings a couple of whispery old numbers (“Running Wild” and “I Wanna Be Loved by You”) and also proves to be the epitome of a dumb blonde and a talented comedienne.”
Marilyn photographed by Bert Stern in June 1962.
I hope however you choose to spend this day, you take a moment to think about Marilyn and in her own words, hold a good thought for her as if anyone deserved that, it was she.
“I Love Marilyn” by Sidney Skolsky published in Modern Screen Magazine in October 1953.
“Before the picture flashed on the screen, Marilyn whispered to me in that low, sexy voice that is natural with her: “Hold a good thought for me.” She always says that when embarking on an venture. She feels much better when you tell her you will.”
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Happy 93rd Birthday Marilyn! Today would be Marilyn's 93rd Birthday, she has been in my life for almost a decade and I still find it so surreal to think that in theory, she should still be here.
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hekate1308 · 6 years
Ghost Chase
More siren!Cas. Enjoy!
Now that things have calmed down somewhat – or at least people seem to have realized that most monsters just want to live in peace – Dean likes to believe that everything’s getting easier.
And then there are days like today.
Jody just called him. “I know how this will sound, but a school near my station seems to be haunted.”
“Haunted?” Dean asks, frowning. It’s his first free weekday in a while, and he hoped he could relax for a bit. And why should a ghost suddenly pop up? Rowena and Crowley have told him about ghosts, and how they were common back in the dark Ages when magic was more plentiful –
Oh. “I see” he says flatly.
“Yes, and now...” Jody suddenly laughs.
“Everything alright?”
“Yes, but you know how kids are. Half of them swear they’ll never set foot in the building again, and the other didn’t want to leave in the first place.”
Dean knows exactly which kind he’d have been. “Alright, I’ll ask around.”
Granted, “asking around” isn’t difficult these days. Most people he needs live right next to them.
First, he sends Cas a text to let him know what’s going on, then he makes his way over to Crowley. The demon has just completed one of his rituals and seems relaxed; good, considering Dean has no idea what to do.
“A ghost? A honest-to-God haunting? Squirrel, you never fail to surprise me.”
“Glad to be off service on that front, but still, I’d rather like to know what we’re supposed to do about it. Any failure to get rid of the ghost won’t look good, since the public will think –“
“Dean, Dean, Dean, you worry too much.”
He huffs. “I just want us all to be safe.”
Crowley’s eyes soften in a way he wouldn’t have thought they could when they first met. “Of course you do.” He clears his throat. “I mean your sort of good-good shoes probably needs everyone to like one another. That’s in your blood.”
Dean accepts.
Crowley calls Rowena over, who arrives soon afterwards. She’s accompanied by Gilda. “I took the liberty to call her over. Ghosts are just another part of nature, albeit one that’s supposed to have ended already.”
Dean nods; really it’s not the most illogical thing he has ever heard, being married to a siren. “How can we get rid of it?”
“We can’t” Gilda sounds scandalized. “How would you feel if you were a spirit, just minding your own business, and then –“
“Gilda” Dean says, raising his hands. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like this. But it’s scaring the kids.”
“I understand” she replies softly. “I’m the one who should apologize. You’re not like me.”
He nods.
“Alright, so now that we are all one big happy family again –“ Crowley begins, but at that moment, Cas comes in.
“I got Rachel to cover for me” he says. “The school – it’s one of those I spoke in.”
“This isn’t your fault, sunshine” Dean mutters, drawing him in for a kiss.
“Can you stop it? This is a demon’s house, I have a reputation to uphold –“
“Yeah, yeah, your Highness, that’s why you gave out candy to all the children who decided your house was cool-looking last Halloween –“
“That was in order to make sure everyone is safe, as you should –“
“Dean, Crowley” Cas interrupts them; he doesn’t get to speak further because the door opens and Sam waltzes in.
“I should start locking it again” Crowley muses as Dean asks, “Hey, Sammy, thought you had an important court date today?”
“I did, and I finished it, then I saw Jody had called. What’s this about a ghost?”
After they’ve explained, Sam says, “SO we can’t really banish it.”
“Lore says they are brought to a place of eternal torment if we do that!” Gilda sounds shocked, but immediately calms down. “It’s one of the stories we grow up with.”
“I love it already” Crowley replies.
“Okay, so no banishing” Dean decides. “Any idea how to move it?”
Five pairs of eyes turn to stare at him. “What? It would be much better if we could bring it somewhere safe, and not –“
“Lorelei” Crowley says slowly, “I take it all back. You can kiss him for that.”
Cas frowns. “It’s possible.”
“It’s ingenious” Gilda decides while even Rowena looks impressed.
“No offense, but it’s really not that hard a plan to come up with” Dean says.
“You don’t understand. We monsters – we aren’t deficient, but we are set in our ways when it comes to many things. You humans are more flexible” Gilda explains.
Crowley smirks. “I assume you wouldn’t tell us just how flexible this particular one happens to be, Cas –“
First of all, they have to find a proper environment for a ghost, one where they’ll feel comfortable in, and so they venture deep into the woods to find the darkest corner they can.
Dean and Cas are strolling along hand-in-hand; now and then either of them chases a few pixies away. “Not exactly how I pictured my day off, but hey, what can you do.”
“I’m sorry” he answers. “I know you just finished that long prospect, and –“
“Hey, I get to take a walk with my husband, who I thought I wouldn’t see until evening” Dean kisses his hand.
Cas’ eyes are glowing, but there’s no one to ensnare here, and he hasn’t needed magic to draw in for years now. “It’s a beautiful day.”
“It is. Problem is – oh wait, let’s go deeper. Didn’t Rowena say this was the oldest part of the forest?”
Cas nods. “Means there could be some strange influences at work –“
A twig behind them snaps. Dean sighs. “Come on.”
Crowley appears next to them. “How did you know it was me?”
“There’s no nodded to protect the others, but like Cas said, anything could happen here.” Not that he’s not thankful. God knows how many scrapes Crowley got them out of since they met – that said, he also got him into enough, but then – that’s just their normal, now.
“Oh nice. Really gloomy” Crowley says and Dean becomes aware that the temperature around them has dropped considerably. He shuffles closer to Cas.
“What the –“
“Old magic. Witches must have been casting spells in this part of the woods for centuries.”
Dean shakes his head; his thoughts are turning a little sluggish. “And what exactly –“ He stops talking when he realizes he’s slurring.
“Oh” Crowley realizes, “Of course a human would be more affected.”
Cas squeezes his hand. “I’ve git you, my love, I’ve got you:”
And he has, Dean realizes, suddenly finding it easier to breathe and think again. There’s just something about – “The snare is working on me again, huh” he says.
“No. I am simply suing my magic to counteract the one’s that bruised deep into this forest.”
He nods and suddenly stands still. “Guys, not that I am not flattered you were worried about me, but does anyone else think this would be the perfect place for a gloomy mansion?”
They look around. Some part of Dean is surprised that there isn’t a creepy house already there.
“You are right” Crowley decides, “I’ll get on it immediately.”
Turns out, chasing the ghost of a Victorian scullery maid through the school (and how did that happen, exactly? Doesn’t seem to Dean like there’s much of a history of Victorian scullery maids in the USA) isn’t as easy as it sounds, and it’s pretty difficult to figure out what she’s clinging to. According to Gilda, there has to be something, and they only have to take it with them and out it in the mansion Crowley’s building at the moment to move the ghost.
“Rowena” Dean says into his earpiece, “Any idea where it is?”
“I am casting the spell, dearie – second floor” she tells him, and he meets up with Sam, Cas and Gilda.
Thankfully, the spell makes the object glow, so –
Dean groans. “Seriously? We have to tell the school they have to get rid of their beloved soccer trophy?”
“We’ll have to try, at least.”
And so the rest of their afternoon is spent arguing.
Dean will later admit that it does help that Crowley can flash his demon eyes when principals get enraged.
“So now we’ve got a haunted mansion in our neighbourhood too” Dean muses that night. “Adds a certain flair, don’t you think?”
“I have a feeling we’ll have to be careful around Halloween, lest anyone sneak in” Cas replies, smiling. “But yes, I can’t deny that it seems to fit.”
“Well then, since my day off was interrupted” Dean says, moving close to him “I think we should –“
All of a sudden, a violent storm breaks out. A quick glance out of the window proves that it only encompasses three or four houses in the street.
He catches his eyes and sighs. “Let’s check it out.”  
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ask-goatmom · 7 years
What's your actual opinion on Asgore? This one is for Lindsay. (Did I spell that right?)
(( Ahahah, goodness. This is a complicated question, even if it seems simple on the surface.How do I, Loreley, the person who runs this blog feel about Asgore? I’ve got a mix of feelings about the character, because just like EVERY character in Undertale, he’s a character with both a lot of strengths and flaws. Just like Toriel is blinded by her grief and trying to cope with incredible loss, just like Papyrus is hyper-focused on becoming Popular, just like Alphys hides from her mistakes instead of acknowledging them, Asgore is a character with flaws that, in a weird way, stem from the very things that make him likeable.He is kind, compassionate. He works hard to not just be a benevolent ruler, but to be among his people, to ease their pain and suffering, determined to give them hope. He is a (goat)man who wears silly outfits to give out gifts to people, who tends his garden so well that it thrives. He’s a gentle soul who means well.He was overcome by grief, and in his grief, he declared war. And this is where my opinion on him gets divided. On the one hand, no one should have to experience the kind of grief he felt, and it’s sympathetic that he would want revenge, that he would want a way to relieve the pain. On the other, it’s one thing for a private citizen to declare they want blood in return for their loss; it’s an entirely different scale when a King does it.He’s in a position of power and visibility. When he does something, the shockwaves affect everyone. This did two things; it shattered Toriel’s trust in him, and it gave the monsters hope: If they can break the barrier and be free, they don’t have to suffer anymore. I’ve already had Toriel explain her viewpoint when it comes to leaving Asgore.The thing is, when his anger cooled, Asgore couldn’t just rescind his declaration, even as much as it pained him. He couldn’t just “take it back”, because now the Underground had hope. They had something to look forward to, and him taking that away would have CRUSHED them. But he didn’t want blood; he was too kind of a person.It was never in him to go out and kill people, but he couldn’t face doing such great harm to his people by going back on his word. So he hid. He tried to find alternate solutions; recruiting Alphys to experiment with DETERMINATION and the Soul, and probably other things we don’t know about. But he didn’t admit his mistake that he committed while wrapped in grief, and he didn’t commit to his declaration, either.The result was a very, very long time with people living underground, a period where humans fell down and were eventually killed by Asgore. It’s worth noting, the time that passed between even just the last human and Frisk is significant enough that there are many monsters who have never seen a human before. So there could have been entire lifetimes between each human that fell- lifetimes that Asgore spent waiting and hoping that the problem would go away.That inaction caused a slow death. I don’t know if anyone reading this has ever despaired to the brink of death.... it’s torture. It’s literally torture. People ‘fell down” from their pain, during this time.Asgore didn’t have many options, none that wouldn’t have resulted in further agony, pain, or death. Each human’s death at his hands invariably killed a part of him, too. This is evident when Flowey doesn’t interrupt the battle, and Asgore falls to despair himself; he can’t live with himself anymore. Even Toriel’s suggestion of “taking one soul, returning to the surface alone, and gathering 6 more above ground” would have been brash, and could have sparked another war with the humans.But a fast death from a war might have been preferable to a long, drawn out death. And there are ways that he might’ve been able to make it work; collect criminals, or willing souls from humans already dying. It would’ve been taking action instead of hiding from everything.For all my criticism of Asgore, it’s because I know that he is kindhearted and gentle. That he genuinely cares for everyone and everything so much that it pains him every day that they suffer. I love his character, and I believe that he absolutely can take steps to redeem himself for everything he’s done.I like Asgore. I like his character arc. I like how the game subverts what we think “the Final Boss” is at every turn. And I would’ve loved to see him fleshed out a little better in-game.But, I will repeat this; Toriel is NOT going to hold a favorable opinion towards him, even if I understand very well where he’s coming from. She has her reasons for not trusting him anymore, tied to her own grief and who she is as a person. So questions about Asgore directed towards her are probably going to be met considerably more.... coldly than I personally feel.and no you cannot ever get me to ship Asgoriel, I’m sorry but she literally says ‘no’ to even being friends with him, she’s moved on aaaaa(legit, I love you all, but goodness this argument comes up so much. XD)I hope this sheds a LITTLE insight into the workings behind the author of this blog. ;D ))
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team-adults-blog · 8 years
4.07 Gimme Shelter
They didn’t even get the rights to play the Stone’s song. 
Let’s talk about chicken nuggets, Grey’s Anatomy, and Ethics.
Damn everyone just stripped. Hero boys out to save that kid Harper left for dead.
FUUUUCKKKKKKKKKK. I literally had to pause the show and take a moment to calm down. Everyone’s half nakey. I can handle this. It’s just that it’s EVERYONE. ALL AT ONCE. 
“Why don’t you make a fire, you’re good at that” OOOHHHH Octaviaaaaa burn him. Puns.
Big bro Jackson showing Clarke around like a cool bro should. Abby’s smile is radiating (hah) sunshine and can provide all the solar energy that rocket needs. Jackson is so happy for her. Sachin is the best because he only gets these little moments and kills every single one. 
AWWW she needed to see her mom and get a hug. This is so nice. They used to be pretty mad at each other over dumb misunderstandings and now look at them. I’ve missed you so much. It’s important to remember Clarke is what, like 16-17? Listen. She may have been forced to grow up but you’re allowed to turn into a kid again when you go home. I made my mom buy me chicken nuggets over break and I’m older than Clarke so get wrecked. Here I am, going to brewerys with friends and coming home for the nuggets. But I’m like. An adult. So I make them in the oven and not the microwave. Plus you don’t have to count how many nuggets per 11 minutes. You can have as many as you want. This is important to me because I have no self-control. I also talked my friend into buying the dino chicken nuggets so I’ve basically been living off of beer, nuggets, and smoothies. I’m the picture of health.
Raven’s sedated? AKA you couldn’t get her to take it easy. When was the last time you slept? Um. Try the last episode? Murphy wasn’t only asking do I need to go get the doc, but also do I need to go wake the doc. “I’ll sleep soon enough, one way or another” to quote my cutie patootie B, “dark” aaannnndddd Jackson told on you to Clarke anyways because he knew you’d try this crap. 
Bone marrow? Literally Mt. Weather. Ethicssss. Clarke, why are you not alarmed? DOCTOR LORELEI TSING WAS DOING SOMETHING VERY SIMILAR TO YOU MOTHER (who should also remember this) AND NEITHER OF YOU ARE TALKING ETHICS EXPLICITLY TO EACH OTHER? It’s different because Luna is “ok” with giving you her bone marrow, but creating a human test subject against their will? Whoaaa, Nelly. Glad we’re not rushing into this yet. And Emori is going to misinterpret things. Abs is going to make it voluntary like the culling, right? You don’t need to freak out.
Clarke gets laid, 2 hugs, a SHOWER, and a NAP. All in 2 episodes. She is living the dream. That nap is what she needed to be calm and collected later.
Jump scare! Oh shit someone’s here. I hate this. It’s scary. I fucking screamed so loud. I’m hella tired and saw it coming and still. Apparently I use real swear words and more of them when I’m tired.
Yeah, Murphy! Kill ‘em with a cutting board! My weapon of choice in that kitchen. It’s sturdy and will knock a dude out. 2nd choice in that kitchen is a frying pan because it has a handle. #tangled You’d think knives right? You have to be able to get close to use a knife, and that grounder could kick my ass. My strategy: hit him with something sturdy and solid- not heavy because then he’ll see it coming- and then if he’s not k.o.’d  get him in a headlock. we’re not about stab wounds. we’re about concussions. #5andcounting
Guys Forever is coming back! What a good ad too. “It’s a long story.” I screamed. CW cancels a show for low viewership even though it has an interesting plot, only to bring it back 2 years later. “It’s a long story” covers both the behind the scenes process of bringing it back and how he came back to life this time. The water coming out of the body locker? Fantastic. I knew instantly. But I didn’t believe it until I saw his face. I am excited. Amanda in France is excited.
Bellamy distracted driving in the rain and gets stuck in the mud. Kane has zero ability to help. Awful. All he can do is say sit tight, babe. You’re self-sacrificial, but come one. This sucks so much.
Octavia and Ilian stuck in an elevator I mean cave (thanks B for identifying the actual name of the trope because I was just calling it cave but you’re smarter than me). What a classic way to make two people talk or hook up. Have y’all seen Greys Anatomy? People would just halt the elevator to have an important conversation and/or sex. I should have maybe realized this is what it’s called earlier...They’re not using it as much currently (S13 baby), but it got so bad in the early years it became a bit of a running joke that gets carried onto the spin-off, Private Practice:
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This screen grab (from the google.com) may actually be from Grey’s while they were still trying to sell the spin-off. Like when Psych had that The Finder episode? I don’t remember, it’s been years. Anyways, on The 100 they’ve used the trope a little more tactfully: S1 Finn/Clarke hook up and acid fog, S2 Kabby talk about deserving/not deserving salvation in Ton DC. Uh there are most def more but I give up.
The trope for the cave scene felt very in your face, glaringly obvious. Ilian tells Octavia his sad story, then he says it’s her turn. O’s gonna pass. Feeling numb hard. But everytime I find myself saying “fuck it, I’m tired of being this way” a little voice (my conscious, not the scary ones) tells me that the “I’d rather feel pain than nothing at all” mindset is actually incredibly unhealthy and dangerous. The show could have played the entire song “Pain” by Three Day’s Grace and it would have been spot on for what’s happening in this scene (except for who’s actually initiating the sex). “Just make me feel something else,” that’s using someone. That’s how you get in trouble with people because you’re not taking their emotions into consideration. So maybe Ilian does want this, but it’s clearly not the way he would want it. He pushes Octavia away more than once before he gives in. It’s so clear from an outside perspective that it’s wrong, and yet it makes sense emotionally. To me at least. I have a lot of repressed memories that are surfacing and I would like to shove them back down where they belong so we’re just going to leave this and go somewhere less personal.
“It’s good to hear your voice.” Damn right I would rather talk about Kabby. SOOOOO sorry to be the bearer of bad news but we’re running out of water Abs. We’re getting pretty desperate. I trust you 100% to make the right choice on your medical ethics question. This whole conversation is great because Paige and Ian are acting alone in radio scenes; they’re not feeding off each other. Being able to bring up that emotion by yourself is commendable (for Bob too) and they’re all so lovely. Back to the plot- Kane has made poor decisions before, most notably the culling, and Abby has pretty much always been on the right side of the moral issue, trusting the people to volunteer. Abby will do the right thing, she always does is Kane’s angle from being wrong as well as building this trusting and loving little thing. Speaking of which, Clarke you didn’t send his love? Sure they radioed later but. This isn’t a “tell them I say hi!” from my mom whenever I go to my brother’s house. This is important! (sorry mom) Now, the questions:
Take a life to save everyone? Is it murder? Even if we don’t call it murder, could I live with myself if I did this? Whenever philosophical questions come up, I want more details before I commit to a side. Specific circumstances will drive the answers. Unfortunately, they’re operating under a lie Emori is telling everyone, a lie that says, he’s a bad guy. A really bad guy. Even if we’re not 100% ok that this is a forcible injection of nightblood and then we’ll see if he dies or can run out into the world, it’s not like we’re doing this to a sweet child. Clarke reassures Abby that it’s a good decision, but Abby was about to do it anyway, so are they framing it as Clarke holding more responsibility? Or did they just want to give her some? Everyone there shares the responsibility- I won’t call it blame just yet because they don’t know- but doing this gives Clarke a bigger piece? Will finding out the circumstances they think are driving the situation are lies change how they feel about their decision?  Of course! Will Abby feel incredibly guilty? Of course! Does it matter to anything other than your conscious that he’s not the bad person Emori lead you to believe he was? You still made the decision to do this against his will. What a #fun plot to explore, especially with Murphy knowing it’s a lie as well. It’s not if the others find out, but when.
The Blakes and dad!Kane are ripping my heart apart. Kane’s just trying to keep Bellamy safe and reassure him. He missteps. Big. “your mother would be proud of the man you’ve become. I know I am.” He reads that Bellamy need to know he’s doing a good job despite things being out of his control. If he had said “I’m proud of you” he would have been fine. But. Ya didn’t. “You floated my mother.” Damn. He sure did. For having Octavia, the other kid you’re highkey trying to parent. Nothing like a good reminder that all of the delinquents have good reasons to hate/ fear Kane because he put them all there. Jaha gave the order to drop them on the Earth, but S1 Kane arrested them and floated a lot of their families (which makes the dad!Kane bits a little sad). It’s a nice slap in the face to wake up and remember ALL of the character development he’s gone through since the pilot. He’s incredible now, but he still has a lot of baggage he hasn’t had to really deal with aside from Octavia and Abby. He and Clarke never even talked about it back S2 when they started teaming up bit by bit.
He blunders the Harper situation because he’s too worried about Bellamy, Peter and Mark/Matthew (I’ve already forgotten which) and Abby. “Who you want to be doesn’t always win.” Ok. True. But that’s a shitty thing to say to Harper who’s already feeling like shit and has told you she’s wrecked with guilt. You dropped the ball there. ESPECIALLY when you’re trying to comfort Octavia after she ALMOST murders Ilian TWO HOURS AGO. ??????. Harper not off killing people, she just freaked out in a crowd/mob/crazed herd environment and this guy grabbed her. She shook him off and instead of fighting to help him, she lets herself be pushed along by the crowd. She’s not a terrible person, her guilt is evident of that.
Bellamy gets back- how did he dig that rover out of the mud all by himself? Kane tries to apologize, Bellamy flips his line from earlier back in his face. “You can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved.” I can’t save Octavia. You can’t save me. Savage. Gut punch. Which must be even worse when you think about how those arms pushed a 2,000 lb rover out of the mud. Boy packs a punch. Poor Kane. He deserved it after bringing up Aurora Blake, that doesn’t make it hurt less.
Octavia throws her weapons away and is taking Ilian home. She doesn’t want to fight anymore. I’m glad, but I’m not sure how sleeping with Ilian brought her to this conclusion. If I missed a line help me out.
Shirtless everyone and cool questions give this episode a 9/10. I’m fine with being unclear as to where Octavia is going, I’m not cool with not understanding the morning after and how that decision was made because its 1) really important and 2)the show acknowledges it’s important enough to show is (unlike Abby’s rings). -1 for that.
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