#and lucky for them emmet is friend shaped
monith-13 · 1 year
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Giratina has taken a liking to Emmet. It's familiar with the feeling of loneliness since it's been stuck in the Distortion World for Arceus-knows-how-long. Deep down, the poor worm just wants a friend, somebody who won't use them or fight them on sight.
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sa1808fi · 5 months
I wrote a little thing.
This was supposed to be a very small preview to the next fic in my 'The 5 year wait' series that I was supposed to put at the end of my Undar fic.
But I didn't think it fit the vibe I was going for, and it felt a little out of place to end it off with this.
So imma just post this little thing here.
Lucy stared out at the starry night sky from her balcony. 
She‘d just finished a performance of one of her newest songs, and while she felt like she should be happier about her success thus far, and all of the smiles on her fans’ faces (too much like him, it hurts sometimes), she can’t help but feel a bit wistful as the anniversary for Batman and Watevera’s wedding is coming up. 
All of Syspocalypstar would be celebrating the peace that was brought five years ago, as the two systems joined together and stopped all of the fighting. But she and the rest of their group of friends would be mourning over the loss of one of their best friends. 
Emmet, The Special… her boyfriend. 
It’s been five years since they came back from the wedding and found out that he went missing on a mission to save them, and god, of course he went to save them! Emmet was like that! Sweet, loving, kind and caring! She loved that about him.
And yet… the last words she said to him were about how he should toughen up, change himself to fit in with everyone else…
Man upstairs, she was so stupid.
Why would she say that to him?!
And of all of the things she could have said, those were the last things he heard from her before he died. 
Tears welled up in her eyes as she remembered his smile, the way he would always carry on with that happy-go-lucky attitude despite everyone around him trying to make him stop and conform to their dark and broody ways She did too didn’t she?. 
“God, I miss you so much…” She muttered into the empty air as she wiped the tears from her eyes, words washed away by the cold night wind. 
It had been years, and yet she still couldn’t move on from him, the declaration that he was dead after searching for a while still sat heavy in her heart. The knowledge that she would never see him again and couldn’t even find a body was upsetting. But it was like the others said, it would be better to move on. It’s what Emmet would have wanted.
“You deserved so much more than what I could’ve ever given to you” And it was true, he was so loyal to all of them, helping them through tough times, being that bright comforting light in a dark apocalyptic world. Even when they repaid him with scorn, demands for him to change, to leave behind what made him Emmet. 
“Hey, Wyldstyle! Come on, the fireworks are starting!” Lucy could hear Unikitty yell at her from the other room, excitement clear in her voice. 
The unicorn-cat hybrid would always get excited for the fireworks with a childlike joy that became infectious to everyone around her. She claimed that it was just because she thought the shapes and colors were pretty, but Lucy knew that it reminded her of the times that she and Emmet would sneak off to set off fireworks for celebration. The construction worker indulged the hybrid with that one explosive joy that they had claimed was too loud and would attract duplos with the bright colors.
She huffed out a fond breath at the memory, wiping away the remaining tears before getting up to follow the cat and meet up with the others.  
But not before sending one last longing look at the starry galaxy. 
“I don’t know when, but one day, one day I’ll see you again…”
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wardenswateringhole · 3 months
a birthday request if that's alright! i would like butler ingo baking and serving me cake ❤️ or maybe gateau… I just think it would be sweet for ingo to try to make a cake! Author's choice on who he serves lovingly!
“I am Emmet! You can prove nothing!”
“You are lucky I do not take that finger off.” The sound of squabbling could be heard as you neared the door. The smell of food had wafted down the hall all the way to where you were. A sight greeted you as you entered the room. Your three butlers stood by a table laden with food of all sorts. Most of it you recognized as your own personal favorites. A very pretty cake sat in the center of it all. White icing with intricate blue flowers piped along the side. The words “Happy Birthday” was written on the top, next to a heart shaped ditch carved deep enough to reveal the cake underneath. Blue velvet.
Your attention was pulled away from the cake and to Ingo holding Gateau’s arm as he glared at Emmet. Emmet was being held by the nape of the neck like an animal being scolded by the larger man. The tell tale signs of absconded icing sat on the corner of his mouth. Ingo was trying his best to diffuse the situation.
“Gateau, dear. Perhaps you should calm down? I’m sure they would not want Emmet’s blood on their cake.”
Emmet’s eyes shifted over to you. “I am Emmet! My blood is not yummy! Wouldn’t you agree?”
ingo and Gateau’s heads snap to your direction. Emmet is unceremoniously dropped to the floor as Gateau’s full attention is on you. Ingo turns toward you and clasps his gloved hands together, trying to give you the warmest smile his stone face could offer.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” You and the other two butlers shielded your ears from the overly loud proclamation. Ingo held a hand to his mouth apologetically.
“Sorry… Too loud… And sorry you had to see us like this! We were hoping to surprise you…”
Ingo was quick to pull out a chair for you and offer you a seat. “We tried to make as many of your favorites as we could. Gateau baked the cake. I think he did a marvelous job!” Gateau glared at Emmet who was picking himself up off the floor. “Until someone ruined it…” “I was adding decoration!”
Emmet stood straight and tidied up his outfit. “Why should Gateau be the only one recognized for showing appreciation!? I want to show I love them too!”
Ingo nodded. “I sure they know.” His expression turned serious. “But just in case, please know we love you dearly! All of us!”
Emmet grins broadly. “And not just us! So many friends want to wish you well too!” Gateau huffed and crossed his arms. “Even that Warden idiot. She said to relay her regrets that she could not be here but she… sigh… loves you all the same.”
Ingo’s eyes went wide. “That’s right! You are early… We were preparing a surprise party for you but you arrived before all the guests.”
Emmet pushed a tray of cookies in your direction. “However. You are the guest of honor! Yup! The most important guest! You should grab a few treats before the others show up. We will not tell anyone.”
Gateau shakes his head in disappointment as Ingo laughs. “Emmet is right, You are important! Not just for today but all the time. You will always be important to us.”
The butlers nod to one another before looking to you and giving you the warmest smiles they could all muster. They extend their hands toward you in flourish as their voices rang out in joyous unison.
(I’m sorry this took so long. I just wanted to get the words right. You’re such a good friend and I want you to know you are so damned special to me. I know others would express the same. You are so bright and beautiful. You inspire so many people it isn’t even funny. I don’t think I even would have stuck around on this site as long as I have if it was not for your friendship. Please remember that you are loved to fucking Neptune and back. I know you’ve seen some stress but I hope that your year is a good one overall. Here’s to another year of thirst and dumb dick jokes by yours truly.)
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outcasting101 · 1 year
Day 6
Warning: Kidnapping, yandere, (implied) murder, blood, runaway
You were a time-traveler going back in the past to prevent ever encountering to ingo and emmet. It was the worst decision you ever make in your life.
You were great friends at first start, often meeting them around the library you tried to study in prep for university. Your favorite cafe you visit for a wholesome old grandlady, You favorite band they coincidently know. Oh, oh-no.
Anyway, here you are running away, thankfully the time machine shape of a hand watch with it side a bright violet gem; your friend who is no longer there, their bloodshot eye with their mouthing hanging slightly dripping blog long had dried since you first investigated them; joking gift you back from an antique store. Its design style in the Victorian era with a bright violet gem contrast with the gold accent and floral surrounding it.
You kept it as a lucky charm from your love for old item. You were corner at first but what luck played with you pressing the button at the exact time hit 12.
You were back again the day you moved into this region. Your flet weight leaves you opening up. It was that hand watch now withering away from the edges flowing by the air as you stand by the bridge suitcase on other hand. Light reflected the violet gem, you curcl tightly as you bring to you chest before crashing down in relief. Too tired to process the phenomenon going back in time
What will you do now, that you have second chance - a hand place on you shoudler as you whip you head around. no nonononononono - How were they here? This was NOT MEANT TO HAPPEND
Okay calm down, with a deep breath, you face them; rewinding chapter with more twist than you woudl have liked.
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Nothing. After everything was erased from existence, there was nothing... However, Allister had been shielded from the doom that fell upon the universe with his Pokemon team safely with him. He was a lucky one, getting to witness the world rewriting itself...
From the darkness, a being of light, bigger than the universe itself, rose. Bearing a familiar smile, yet too big, going out of the translucent face's constraints. A halo belonging to the old god now adorned the new one.
"Allister!!" A voice, familiar, echoed inside the other's mind.
"I am Emmet! Do not fear! I-I have achieved something great! The world is now shaped as I will it! And I will make sure it will be a happy world where my brother can live safe and sound. Where people's prayers will not go unheard. No one will be neglected anymore."
"But... I will not be living in it. I can't. We can't change this. We cannot go back. Please, do not make this harder on us, alright?"
"Well... I am already making this a burden on you. I can erase your memories of me, since the memories of the old world has to be erased either way. But I will leave that choice to you."
"Allister... I will shape the new world, but not without granting you your wishes. So, tell me... Tell me what you wish for, in your heart of hearts. There is no limit, except the one wish I cannot grant: do not wish for me. Do not wish for the old world. But everything else will be granted, if it fits with my vision for the new world as well."
"What can I do for you, Allister? You had been my greatest friend. Let me make your wishes come true..."
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The world was gone. 
Between one blink and the next, the world was gone and Allister found himself alone in a void.
His family, his friends, his coworkers... gone... all of them. He didn’t even get to say goodbye.
And then he found himself facing a god. Not Arceus...
But a friend...at least... he thought he was his friend. He didn’t know anymore.
Erase his memories? You weren’t getting rid of him that easily Emmet. He shook his head, staring the other in the eyes with the sternest expression he had ever held.
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Foolish... foolish man...
A wish...
He couldn’t wish for Emmet to join him in this ‘new world’. He could wish for the first strike to never happen, he could wish that his childhood friend never died in the accident, he could wish that he never attempted...!
No... A smile curled on his lips, soft, playful.
“Alright Emmet... here’s my wish; a reward for this game I’m about to challenge you to. I will find a way to meet you again and when I do, you will let me stay. I have to lose you once... It’s not going to happen a second time.
And don’t think erasing my memory of this challenge will work... because that’s the easy way... and you’ve never been about easy... now have you? Give me til the tenth anniversary of our meeting... what’s time to a god after all?
I don’t plan on losing.”
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Hey Fi, I'm curious about something. We already got demon au, god au and everything in between. What about an angel au? I can either think of the train guys being guardian angels in disguise or spiritfarers at some kind of afterlife station.
.... between the feathery bird creatures and the actual eldritch horrors of angels... though we have eldritch demons already so why not some soft, feathery eldritch beings. who are completely not yan unlike their counterparts.
cw: poly (ingo/reader, emmet/reader), a little angst, angel AU, death mentions
▲Angel Train Twins Ideas▽
● From the first moment of their existence under their fair light of their Creator, they had been together. Two identical beings who shared a very being and mind. They never had to speak with one another, simply knowing how the other felt naturally. A shift from their powerful forms of unending bright light that could blind any mortal and banish any demon from existence into a humanoid shape with the presence of soft feathered wings behind them. Each wore robes as they were assigned to their first task.
○ They were beings that watched over humans near the ends of their lives, guiding them when they finally passed on. The older angel, Ingo, took his duty extremely seriously. He was to guard and lead them. The younger, Emmet, remained dedicated but found himself dreaming. It was irresponsible of him, yet the way humans lived intrigued them. It was boring; it was exciting. They could change and grow. Even those at death's door seemed to change their minds on many things. Demons, despite his disgust towards the creatures, seemed so lucky. They were free to do what they wanted.
● It was during their times watching over their assignments that Emmet found himself slipping away from the gentle light that should always guide them. A demon caught his attention with her vibrant sapphire eyes and bright yellow clothing. Elesa's electric energy called to him. He should have banished her, yet her company provided him a sick insight into his growing curiosity. Freedom was so appealing yet in order to stay at his stringent brother's side, rules had to be obeyed.
○ It was during their newest assignment that he found himself even more infatuated. Elesa was a friend of yours, and he felt enamoured by how you both interacted. He very much should have banished her, but he resisted. Even going as far as to hide her demonic energy from Ingo as he most certainly would. Emmet hated to admit the strange emotions, but as he watched you engage in things, he desired to join you both. The consequences for such actions went ignored by him, as he grew tired of his cycle of watching people slowly succumb to a sad fate without any ability to intervene.
● That's why when you tripped in the station while waiting for the train, he dared to break all the rules. His hand grasped the back of your shirt and pulled you back on your ass just as the train pulled into the depot. Your eyes sat wide while Ingo screeched about his actions. You stared at the beautiful being that hovered above you. Pure white wings shaded you from the harsh lights above as his iridescent chrome eyes gazed at you. A bright smile was on his lips. The moment of pure infatuation was broken by another crying out. Ingo hugged himself as he crash to his knees. Tears poured from his eyes as his delicate wings faded from a shining white into a pitch coal. The golden halo above his head faded, and he sobbed vocally. Emmet chest grew tight.
○ Ingo was banished from the holy realm as Emmet was forcibly recalled back. His rebellion had not resulted in a direct punishment to him, but rather one to his dear brother. You stared at the fallen angel who wept from such immense pain from losing his light. On your feet in an instant, you came to his side. People whispered as they stared at a man who suddenly appeared. A single black-haired woman in a crowd swallowed dryly. Elesa had never expected Emmet to truly rebel as he had, nor would she have except Arceus to punish Ingo over him. You lived with a new fate and partner at your side. Ingo grasped onto you desperately, soaking your shirt with his tears. Where was he? Why did he feel so alone?
● Ingo was quick to settle into your life as a sudden 'roommate'. You found yourself immensely curious about him. He was identical to the being that hovered above you, but clearly another person altogether. Elesa had finally opened up to you about being a demon, with a reassurance that she wasn't dangerous. Her explanation was given about Ingo and his new fallen status. He was still technically an angel, just one without a light within him. You had met his brother, Emmet, for a moment. She presumed he was called back to the holy realm, leaving you with the reject angel. Emmet had risked everything to save you for a reason she couldn't comprehend. Your gratitude towards him left you with a decision to take care of Ingo.
○ The fallen angel took to a job in the station, ironically, and helped with your rent immensely. He was nothing but courteous and polite. Had it not been for the few times his inhuman powers had come out with saving a child from wandering onto the tracks or when someone had been threatened, you would assume him a normal human. Elesa remained a frequent in your life, curious to see how Ingo adjusted to humanity in his amnesic state, alongside just becoming a genuine friend of yours.
● It was on a rainy evening hidden away in your apartment that Ingo confessed a romantic attraction to you. It was a strange, inhuman phrasing, but his feelings were genuine. The warmth from his hand and red on his cheeks left you charmed. His presence had become a positive in your life, so you were never going to say no. Your lips met his while his ebony wings blanketed you away from the world outside.
○ Your relationship was a pleasant, gentle one. Ingo showers you in adoring words and promises. Affections cover you in private situations, but a hand always seems to hold yours in public. He often cooked for you and gave sentimental gifts to you. Though, you never failed to notice his distant nature at times. He would grasp his forehead and shudder. A memory escaping him before it could be recalled. He knew he was once an angel, but failed to recall what had resulted in his banishment or the strange nostalgia he felt when his lips twitched into a smile while looking into a mirror.
● You jumped at a tapping on your window-door to the veranda one late night. On the outside stood a familiar being with their wings pressed in a resting position. Emmet smiled genuinely when you opened the door before pressing a finger to his lips with a quiet 'shhh' leaving him. The curtains were drawn, and he gazed around the living room suspiciously. “I am Emmet, and I am forbidden from being here. My punishment for rebelling is to lose Ingo,” he spoke quietly with wet eyes, “I hate it. I'm verrrry lonely. Elesa tells me about you both. Thank you for taking care of him.” He fell to his knees before you and grasped your hands. “I need you to corrupt me,” Emmet explained, “Please help me. We are soulmates, the same as you and Ingo are.” You would deny the crying man a simple wish.
○ Emmet soon joined you and Ingo within the human realm. Elesa made even more frequent visits with the younger twin's now permanent presence. You three found a strange peace together. Ingo's memories returned with Emmet's banishment. They hugged each other tightly as they both apologised and forgave each other. Ingo properly explained your status as their soulmate, and it's importance to them. They were both bonded to you and fully dedicated to you alone. Of course, they were now allowed to pursue human hobbies and activities. (Emmet joining Ingo in working at the Gear Station.)
● A calm, nearly human life settled with you all. Your room became a separate one for Emmet, while you went between the two to spend time with either. Everyone thought the twins were so plain, but no one ever noticed their winged shadows or the mysterious things that continued to happen around them. Or the strange demoness who quite took to keep you three company.
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