#and making fun of buffabutt
narashikari · 10 months
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asknarashikari · 5 months
Goodness, the more I actually think about this, the more I actually wish Kekera wasn't just another sadistic DGP enjoyer like Beroba. Hell, I even once pointed out in an old submission that he and berobitch aren't that much different in terms of character as villains, with the only difference being Kekera has the goal of having an "ideal kamen rider"....in which, now I actually think about this, there's actually a flaw with this idea. Why did it take until KEIWA specifically to come along for Kekera to finally have this sort of character to shape up into his ideal kamen rider? Seriously, it couldn't have been any other nobody we don't know about from previous rounds? Seriously? We don't even know how old he is and how long he's been watching the DGP anyways.
Looking back at my submission on the Kekera analysis...I still completely agree with the points I made, both the villain and supporting ally route can still work for Kekera IF DONE RIGHT. However, by this point, I definitely prefer for the supporting ally route than the villain route for my take on Geats (especially the really flawed latter portion) by this point. Among the sea of bored lowlife DGP audience from the future who watch the DGP for the sake of entertainment...I think Kekera would've stood out more if he was that one supporter that saw the flaws of the DGP/JGP/DR from the get go. Like maybe long before the start of Kamen Rider Geats, he USED to be like the others who watch the DGP for entertainment because of his mundane life only to then become more metacognitive and realize how fucked up the DGP, it's audience, and even a lot of the riders participating is in general and detest it but knows there's realistically nothing he can do about it at the moment, not by himself anyways...and then seemingly mundane average Keiwa shows up and happens to resonate with him, not only because of his well-meant goals, but he also seemed to understood how fucked up the DGP is from the start and is not entirely okay with it. Something he could EMPHATHIZE Keiwa with. Yeah, just coming up with these ideas alone definitely make me appreciate the ideas I had for that submission for the conniving yet sincere Kekera route even more, because this not only makes him stand out from the other supporters (Hell, objectively speaking, I think Ziin and Kyuun stood out more from Beroba and Kekera) but it has much more depth and maybe complexity than the multiple generic boring sadistic DGP enjoyers. (No offense, how am I able to come up with better ideas that could give Kekera more depth and complexity than the writer himself? That said, executing them is still a different story but I digress. Like we really didn't need another Berobitch-esque major character with a different notable quirk to make them stand out.
Tbf, the whole "why did it take until KEIWA specifically to come along" thing kinda applies to all the supporters (except maybe Ace, 'coz Ziin actually explained the reason he felt drawn to him pretty well). Why did Kyuun fall for Neon out of all the pretty girls that would've joined the DGP at any point? Why did Berobitch decide Buffabutt was the one she decided was most fun to enact her plan with??
I mean, we don't even know what about Ace's dad made his mom fall for him to the point that she defied the DGP to have Ace with him. (And Ace doesn't seem to find him that important either given that he focused all his efforts on Mitsume, but finding out his father had been unpersoned by the DGP had no similar effect...)
But yeah, I agree that it would've been much more fascinating if Kekera was a benevolent supporter who was more aware of how fucked up the DGP was and was working within its system to take it down.
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asknarashikari · 1 year
Least favorite Rider and Sentai seasons, Kari?
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Putting this under a readmore because... well, I have ~opinions~
I know I'm going to get a lot of crap for this, but... I'm not liking Geats very much. The character writing is just atrocious at times, and Takahashi's habit of redeeming scumbags while making the protagonists suffer is getting really old. I already had my reservations early on, and he did nothing but prove that I was right.
And even worse is the fandom. Somehow Geats seems to have brought all the nasties out of the woodwork. There's the "based" takes and double standards, especially about a certain Buffabutt. Honestly, half of my disillusionment with Geats is just came from fans who defend him to no end- e.g., "It doesn't matter [that he killed a lot of people including Keiwa and Ace] because they all got resurrected!" *cue facepalms*
I've also seen people who accuse others of sending anon hate or harassment with no proof, for the audacity of not agreeing with their opinion on certain characters. It'll be very hard to disassociate Geats with these pieces of work. I won't be looking back on this show with a lot of fondness no matter how it ends.
As for Sentai, that's Kyuuranger. Lucky and his catchphrase single-handedly ruin the show for me, and almost ruined Sentai as a whole for me. The hot-blooded red type never appealed to me to begin with, and the catchphrases weren't as fun to me after the first time (which in my books was King, with the "Brave da ze!" thing). It didn't help that the last guy like that was Takaharu, who wasn't very interesting at all.
I get that "Yossha Lucky" had a whole tragic backstory and all, but it grated on my nerves so much. I dropped the show entirely, and even ditched Sentai as a whole for a year or so. That's how much I got turned off.
This was when I got into Kamen Rider though, so I suppose there's a silver lining there. Thank Gaim Kyuuranger was airing alongside one of the best KR series to date.
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