#and metal is literally a competitive pokemon player
pokemonruby · 2 years
honestly sometimes i think they made the tera raids for hardcore competitive battlers or something with 1. how hard they can be 2. how for 5-6 stars i see only the same few pokemon all the time (like tinkaton, iron hands, mirai/koraidon) and how people who are actually good at them talk abt them lol. "ok i'll do ms t1-3" or whatever girl are you talking about pokemon or a first person shooter. hint: its pokemon bc apparently ms t1-3 means "metal sound turns 1-3" and not the name of a gun
but also.prety crystal pokemon cool...............
YEAH THAT'S HONESTLY WHAT IT SEEMS LIKE, like i know my fair bit about pokemon of course but i am by no means a competitive player, i'm just here to have fun with my little dudes but doing these raids makes me feel like i have to fight for my goddamn life at times. outside of it just being a poorly rendered feature in general it's just way too stress-inducing. again i wouldn't be doing them if it wasn't for the fact that 5 & 6 star raids have a chance of dropping the stuff you literally need to shiny hunt in this game, which is what i am! not a competitive battler! i just want the funky rare color palettes not intense anxiety!
i do think that aesthetically it is indeed a fun concept but god they will never be max raids. give her back to us, game freak.
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kirfuffel · 3 years
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Blinding Lights || Pokemon Drabble (Gym Leader OC)
Summary: Not being able to sleep for whatever reason sucks, but at least in Galar most other towns are within walking distance when you need a change of scenery A/N: I’ve seen quite a few nice oc x canon things floating around the pokemon fandom so I wanted to write some of my own so I just -slides this into the tags.
Honestly this is the first time I actually fully want to introduce an OC to the fandom while I have her pine for my favorite character in the game so I’m actually kinda nervous about this lol
Song is ofcourse The Weeknd - Blinding Lights because it just vibes right, yknow?
All she heard was the soft ticking of the clock in her room, and her own racing breath as she tried to calm down from jolting awake in the middle of the night.
She had never been particularly fond of the way she dreamed, everything too real and too tangible even if it happened during her slumber.
Levyna’s phone buzzed awake when she grabbed it, the Rotom in in making sure the phone was full of battery life whenever the user needed it, even if that was at half past one in the morning. Scrolling through her contact list, she hovered over one of the names for a while, before pressing down and calling the number.
 “Sorry, I can’t come to the phone right now. Leave your message after the beep and I’ll call you when I can,” informed the voicemail. Figures. Not many people would be up and about at this time.
Stretching her body a little, Levyna sat up and slipped her legs over the edge of the bed. She turned a little bit to look at the sleeping pokemon at the foot of the end- or at least, she thought it had been asleep. However, her Espeon had been silently watching her from the moment she had jolted awake, and gave a curious purr as he felt the eyes of his trainer on him.
“... Do you mind going on a walk with me, Illusion?”
The pokemon stretched as well, before elegantly hopping of the bed and sitting at the door with an agreeing noise. Levyna nodded, getting up and turning on the light in the room so she could see what she was doing while getting dressed.
For a moment she considered taking her headphones along with her, but really, where she was going everyone would be asleep or not even around. So there was no real need for it, was there?
Followed by her Espeon, she made her way out of the small, minor league village of Bellfair, quietly setting foot on the road away from her home.
“Come on, Illusion. Route 7 isn’t far from here. We’ll be there in no time. ” She knew perfectly well why the dilapidated state of Spikemuth didn't sit well with its Gym Leader. Truthfully, nobody would be too happy to see their city fall off the map the way Spikemuth did, to where only 29 residents remained. The town she came from wasn't much bigger in size, perse, but Bellfair got plenty of attention even if it kept flip flopping between being minor or major League.
But to Levyna, Spikemuth was heaven. With team yell on the road to support Marnie in her journey, only a handful of people remained in Spikemuth; most of them asleep around this time as she had expected.
She sighed in a sense of relief when she got to the main stage, momentarily deserted and with most of its neon lights turned off. Sitting down and leaning back on the steps up to the stage, she soaked in the silence around her.
No conscious thoughts to hear aside from her own. No expectations. Just blissful silence, while softly petting the delicate fur of her Espeon who had curled up in her lap.
Illusion however suddenly sat up, letting out a thrilling noise and looked at his owner with a tilted head. A sign to Levyna that he wanted to explore the area, but was unsure if he could leave his owner by herself when he did.
She smiled, very softly petting his head, getting another purr from her partner pokemon.
“It’s okay. You can go explore if you want. I’ll stay here until you’re back, okay?”
Illusion let out a happy noise, slightly wiggling away from her lap before trotting off in an elegant and quick pace. He did momentarily halt and look back at his trainer, as if to make sure she remained where she was, before fully allowing himself to explore the city of Spikemuth.
There were lots of nooks and crannies in the city the Espeon could have explored, but he stuck to most of the main road until said road took a turn left before the entrance of the town. Illusion halted there, seemingly thinking for a moment, before taking the left turn and peaking around the west entrance of the town that was surrounded by high grass, some fencing and some metal containers.
Illusion purred at the shape he saw leaning back against the biggest container at the entrance to the left, going closer to the shape and sitting down next to it.
Piers watched the pokemon from the corner of his eyes, raising an eyebrow as the lilac feline pokemon sat down beside him. Eeveelutions were an uncommon sighting in Spikemuth either way, but an Espeon seemed an far more unlikely eeveelution for any resident to have than an Umbreon.
“Hm. You’re not from around here, are ya, mate?”
He couldn’t help but smile a little as the Espeon purred, leaning over with a hand reaching over in a relaxed way so the pokemon could sniff it. He didn’t plan on petting it necessarily, he just wanted to show that he was not a threat.
“You must be Levyna’s Espeon, then. Didn’t see her coming in. Mind bringing me to her?”
He stood up straight, pressing against one of his shoulders before rolling it back a little, only to follow the pokemon back into his town and along the main road to the stage where he often held his concerts.
Seeing Levyna there in the middle of the night was not much of a surprise, and he didn’t mind keeping her company on the nights she came to Spikemuth if he had been struggling to get to sleep as well.
“Hey,” he greeted, casually, watching as the Espeon that guided him crawled back into the lap of its trainer.
“Hey,” she greeted back, moving just a little bit so there was enough space for him to sit down next to her. Not that there wasn’t, or like Piers took up a lot of space anyway, but it seemed like the polite thing to do.
“I was planning on calling you back, you know. Missed call and all? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just.. you know. Sleeping got hard, wanted to ask if I could come over. Decided to do so anyway. Hope you don’t mind.” “Of course I don’t mind. Beats standing outside on my own.”
A silence fell between them, but it was hardly an awkward silence. In fact, the gaps in their conversation seemed more comforting than anything else. To just sit there, besides one another to enjoy the company offered, in the calm silence of a town that was asleep.. It seemed to calm both of them down, even just a little.
To share space without the expectation of much else was a luxury neither of them could really afford to have more often during the buzzling hours of the day. Not with their responsibilities as gym leaders, and Piers’ responsibilities towards his music career to boot.
Still, Levyna picked up vibes. Bits and pieces of the thoughts and worries on his mind, despite her trying not to listen in on his thoughts out of respect. However, hearing the thoughts of others was something she couldn’t fully block out without her headphones. Still, maybe if she asked it right she could offer some help?
"You seem worried."
"Same goes for you."
… Fair enough. While Piers didn’t share her telepathic abilities, he seemed to know better than anyone else when something was bothering Levyna- maybe it was some body language thing that she never really seemed to understand as it was something she didn’t particularly needed to focus on herself.
Levyna was never too sure how she felt about Piers’ ability to tell when something was up with her. She knew that sounded bad coming from someone who could literally read minds if she didn’t try her best to block out thoughts that weren’t hers, but still. "You're in the major league, Piers. Does… Does it bother you to be a major league gym?"
"I don’t know. Does it bother you to be a minor league player this year?”
"Not particularly... In the background maybe, but... you know what I'm like."
"Mhh… Actually, it’s more… It’s Marnie. She’s at the age where she's ready to take on the gym challenge, so…"
"She'll do great."
“I know. That’s not what I’m worried about. Just.. letting her go, I guess. Letting her go and travel Galar all by herself, cause I’m stuck here being part of the gym challenge she’s going to take.”
Levyna nodded, very lightly patting his shoulder to try and offer sympathy. It was no secret that Piers was protective over Marnie and wanted her safe, especially as he had been more of a parent figure to her than just an older brother. Levyna could only imagine it was hard for him to let her go and spread her wings even if it was the best thing to do for her.
Another silence fell between them as she withdrew her hand to go back to petting Illusion, hoping she had at least given him some comfort.
“… You just want to be there for her when she battles, huh?”
“Yeah. Wish I could be.”
“I don’t think she’s going to hold that against you. She knows you have responsibilities you can’t shake, no matter how much you wish you could. Plus, well, I don’t have siblings, but I bet it’s going to be fun for her to try and beat you on your home turf.”
Piers gave a slight amused huff. Levyna did have somewhat of a point there. He’d be lying himself if he said he wasn’t looking forward to try and beat his little sister himself, and knew she would put up a great fight against him as well. And for Levyna to have so much faith in Marnie making it far into the competition anyway meant a lot to him.
He knew his sister would make it far. But to hear that same faith in her from someone else was nice.
However, that didn’t explain something else that was on his mind. He looked at her, watching as she silently petted the Espeon in her lap. The purrs from the pokemon were the only noises that broke the peaceful silence between them.
He decided to first place a hand upon her upper arm, much like she had offered a similar kind of affection while they spoke of his worries. “So… why are you here, then? I know something's on your mind, Lev. And unlike you I can't exactly peek in to see what's going on. You can tell me anything, you know?"
She looked at the hand that ever so gently had been placed on her upper arm. She wondered if he even knew how much his slight touches calmed down her racing mind.
".... It's nothing. Nothing huge, anyway. Just too many thoughts making the process of actually shutting down my brain and getting some damn sleep incredibly hard and... I mean this in the best way possible, but Spikemuth is.. calm. quiet. I can actually hear myself think around here. I know how that's not something necessarily positive though. Makes me feel like a wandering Absol."
"Didn't realise disaster omens came in hues of purple."
That drew a small laugh out of her as she lightly swatted at his shoulder, fully aware that it was just a joke between friends.
"I'm glad you can find some peace and quiet here, Lev. At least until the gym challenge starts, I suppose."
They sat there together for quite a while, just talking about the upcoming gym challenge and the differences between the major league qualifications and leader responsibilities in comparison to those of a minor league gym, talking about Marnie and the journey she was soon about to make.
And talking about just anything in between that came to their minds until rays of the sun slowly started to creep through the cracks of the ceiling that kept the whole of Spikemuth protected from the cold weather blowing around route 9. With the hours slowly creeping towards the daylight, Levyna decided it was about time for her to go home and get some rest there. Even just a light nap would help her get through the rest of the day.
Illusion left her lap as she gave even the slightest motion that she wanted to get up. She patted down her clothes a little to make sure there were no weird folds from the way she had been sitting, readjusted her gloves and pulled her fingers through her long blond hair to push it back into shape. She thanked Piers for keeping her company, which he assured was no big deal as he thanked her as well for doing the same for him.
As Levyna told him to take care, she started to walk towards the main entrance of the city. She halted, however, as she got a few steps onto the gym floor where Piers usually held his battles or kept his audience during concert. She bit her lower lip for a moment, thinking about something else she had been wanting to tell him. "Piers-" she started, turning back around towards where he still sat, and immediately held back what she wanted to say. He looked up at the mentioning of his name, looking at her curiously.
".... Let me know if there's ever anything I can do for you, okay? You... help me with so much of my problems, and I know you don't do it so I owe you but... I want to help you if you need me to."
"... Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."
With that they said their goodbyes for then, and Levyna walked along the main road before leaving Spikemuth through the main entrance. Standing out on route 9, she sighed before pressing her back against one of the brick pillars that held the shutters in place. She stared down at Illusion who had followed her along, sat down beside her and now seemed to be disappointedly glaring at her.
".... Don't you judge me," she muttered.
"Let's just go home. I have to get some rest before starting the day, anyhow. Hmm… Maybe I could try to visit Milo somewhere in between my breaks. Speaking to him would be nice.”
Illusion just purred in agreement as he followed his trainer home.
 I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights. No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch
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kobenipilled · 6 years
70 questions about video games answered, if you read even a little bit, please like the post!
1. First game you played obsessively? Probably would have to say Spiderman 2 on the original Xbox 2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc. Final Fantasy 7 3. Who did you play with as a kid? My two year old younger brother! 4. Who do you play with now? My best friend @i-no mostly 5. Ever use cheat codes? As a kid, yeah, not so much anymore 6. Ever buy strategy guides? Hell naw 7. Any games you have multiple copies of? Final Fantasy 7, GTA V, Skyrim, Bioshock 2, Metro Redux, Phantom Pain, The Last of Us, All the Uncharted games. Just off the top of my head. 8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection? Probably one of my PS1 games, no clue 9. Most regrettable purchase? I didn’t buy it myself, but FFXV 10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours? Not anymore, no 11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games? Hell yeah! 12. Ever get picked on for liking games? Sadly, yeah 13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has? Most of the zelda games? Maybe? 14. Favorite game music? Bitch I can’t pick, but I’ll link 5 of my favs in no particular order Final Fantasy 7 DOOM (2016) Chrono Trigger Silent Hill 2 Gunpoint 15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick? I’m already getting a bunch of game tattoo’s, outsiders mark is the first one I’m getting! 16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL? Any split screen fps, they’re fucking amazing to play with frens! 17. Ever lose a friend over a game? Nah 18. Would you date someone that hates gaming? Hates? They wouldn’t date me. If they just don’t play, yeah. 19. Favorite handheld console? I don’t own one really, but it would be the switch for sure 20. Game that you know like the back of your hand? The Last of Us maybe? GTAV? Uncharted 4? No clue. 21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now? Dark Souls, maybe. Or Persona. 22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories? Yeah, kinda. Got a GTA shirt, Game Grumps shirt too 23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into? Skyrim? Fallout 4? Minecraft? Who tf knows 24. First Pokemon game? Pokemon Red? I think. 25. Were you ever an arcade game player? Hell yea! Used to play Metal Slug in a cafe! 26. Ever form any gaming rivalries? Depends on what you mean 27. Game that makes you rage? Any platformer tbh 28. Ever play in a tournament? Yeah, played in a Digimon Rumble Arena 2 tournament as a kid 29. What is your gaming set up? TRASH (specs on my twitch) 30. How many consoles do you own? Uhh, 3? Yea 31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches? Nope 32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic? Yea boi, spiderman ! 33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games? I owned a bunch on my PS1 34. Do either of your parents play video games? My dad does! My mom likes nintendo 35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop? I don’t really like game stores 36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game? All three 37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination? Fucking FFXV bitch 38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like? Phantom Pain... 39. A sequel that you would die for them to make? Eh all the sequals I want is being made, maybe Silent Hill 40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls? VR rocks, Wii motion controls suck my ass 41. A genre that you just can’t get into? Fighting Games 42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness? Most absolutely some star wars game 43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else? Literally every day 44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters? Metal Slug was free baby 45. How are you at Mario Kart? SHIT like omg 46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon? LOVE Animal Crossing 47. Do you like competitive games? Yeah! 48. How long does it take your to customize your player character? First time, 1+ hours 49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character? Yeah, rouge/ranger type 50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create? I am a game designer! Currently working on a 1888 detective game! 51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep? LOL yeah 52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid? GTA, my mom wouldn’t let me have it 53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days? Depends, some DLC’s are fucking awesome, like Ubisoft is pretty good at them. Prefer expansions though 54. Do you give in to Steam sales? Fuck yeah I do 55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them? Yeah lmao 56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests? Does Planet Coaster count? 57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements? Yeah! Uncharted series and The Last of Us, DOOM 2016, Black Flag 58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick? DOOM 2016, Fallout 4, PUBG 59. Do you play any cell phone games? Hearthstone ig 60. Do you know the Konami Code? Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A 61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever? If I don’t like them, trade in 62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game? Yeah, got PS4 for bloodborne 63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? Ye! 64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming? Yep 65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file? Nope 66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it? FUCK YEAH 67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share? I got so many, most with my brother playing XIII or Nightfire 68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool? Not really 69. In your opinion, best game ever made? Honestly a hard pick, DOOM maybe? FF7? Uncharted? TLOU? Dark Souls? No idea. 70. Very first game you ever beat? Hmmm, James Bond Nightfire probably
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dearmysan · 5 years
Wooyoung’s Notes.
Here’s only the smallest collection of all the things I have noted along our journey so far. Enjoy reading them, I’m sure there was some I have missed out on, but there definitely will be more to add along the way!  ↷ San often gets shy when it comes to me. He says it’s because what he’s had with me was unlike anything he’s had with anyone before. I get what he means by that, as I also can’t help but to feel shy when I’m around him. What we have is really different and special to me.  ↷ He’s into Overwatch as much as I am, probably even more! Recently he has found out how much of a god he was at Hanzo. He says his favorite player is Jjonak and he often goes to a lot of games. I hope to go with him one day.  ↷ We played Overwatch together with a few of his close friends. I had a lot of fun! But there was one time where we met, I kind of panicked and killed him. It made him sad but not as sad as I was. It’s okay though because in return, he shot me right in the head. hM.  ↷ I asked San if I could kiss him, and he said he wouldn’t ever push me away, He probably doesn’t know this but he is the most precious person to me, hence it took me awhile. I did it though, I kissed him and he kissed me back, now I’m afraid I may have an addiction.  ↷ I always tell San how much I like him, so instead, I tried something different and I told him I loved him. He told me he loved me and though our intellectual sides were screaming, it’s really a day I don’t think I’d ever forget.  ↷ I was busy one week, and in the end, I couldn’t spend as much time as I wanted to with him. I really miss him.  ↷ IF SAN’S DIMPLES AREN’T THE CUTEST SHIT EVER WTFF. And can I just say, nice, nice jawline. What a pretty neck he has too. He’s just pretty in general, we may have a problem, I love him too much. ↷ Warning! San has found ways to tease me and make me jealous in return. Maybe I should cool down my teasing, maybe he’ll have some mercy on me.  ↷ He had a dream about Yunho and Hongjoong, I sure hope that we meet in our dreams instead. But then again, he called me his dream come true and that just made me the softest shit ever.  ↷ After our first time, I was surprised to learn about one of his risky kinks, I’m definitely putting it on my list of things to try with him though, how exciting! ↷ He’s so cute when he’s drunk. He literally sent me a whole spam of gifs that were all like, “I love you” & “I miss you.” It was the most precious thing ever.  ↷ Since I first met San, there hasn’t been a day without spams of himself. I love seeing his cute face everywhere so I never mind though. It really reminds me that I need to get my lazy ass off to give him a spam as well.  ↷ He’s so competitive and I can tell he get’s sad when people stop playing games with him. I hope everyone continues to play games with him even if he is always victorious!  ↷ I took him on our first date. We had pizza and a ton of beer, we even played 20 questions and though we’re not currently done, I hope to continue soon as I still have many things to learn about him. ↷ We’re going on our first Vacation together, just me and him, alone. We’re travelling to the Maldive Islands. Though I’m sure it’d be beautiful, I don’t think it’d beat his beauty.  ↷ San’s so honest. He’s probably the most down to earth person that I’d ever come across. He’s too sweet for his own good. I’ll protect him, no matter what it takes! I hope the greatest people come his way, always. A good person deserves good things, I hope only the best things come his way from now on. ↷ San gets easily stressed when things aren’t organized. Sadly, I hate how I can’t do much, I can only be here for him at the end of the day when he is done. San should take his medications with him always though, I want him to be safe and I want him to always feel content. He’s a really strong person and I admire him for that. ↷ He really has endless love for the people around him. ↷ He says he’s not a fighter, yet when it came to me, he couldn’t let go. I still find that so cute.  ↷ San asked me to be officially his, he even blushed and boom, there went my heart again. The answer was too obvious though, of course I’d say yes. ↷ Our vacation was short lived, but extremely fun! We had a nice dinner and he even threw himself into the water. I hope we get to go again, this time, I’d like to take him somewhere nice. Also, we forgot Shiber, poor baby. ↷ So like, San asked me if it’d be alright for him to temporary cc to a girl. He’s so goofy, of course I’d be more than alright with that. Whoever he may be in the world, he’ll always be my one and only. As long as it’s him and no one else, I’d be absolutely content.  ↷ I had one of my firsts rabbit sessions with San a week or two ago. I don’t remember how far back it was because at this point, we’ve had so much sessions! We watch scary videos, scary mazes and even disney things! I felt like I was there right beside him. It made me so happy to see him so excited over the things he likes. ↷ So, San put on a scary game play in the middle of the night when I was preparing to go to sleep. I couldn’t do it...and I left. I’m still sorry about it. Also, he couldn’t exit out of the video after I left and we started talking about how we’re cursed. ICB. ↷ Noted. San loves heavy metal. He’s also calls himself a nerd because he loves Star Wars and Lord of The Rings. So precious, I want to share his love for all the things he likes so, it’s definitely on my list to do so. ↷ Perhaps, does San love Winnie The Pooh more than me? I’m shaking.  ↷ I’m shaking again because my little boy is growing so fast. Don’t tell me he’s going to get taller and taller and taller.  ↷ We finally got a place to ourselves! It’s on the outskirt of town and it’s quite a beautiful little home. We still need to incorporate a lot of Mickey Mouse decorations in our home though, we specifically talked about the kitchen! I hope to get to that soon.  ↷ I’ve been desperate to get tall so, I did it, I am currently Yunho. I think San likes it though. Now he can curl up in my chest all he’d like! May I also add that I am a fan of my blue hair. ↷ I’m starting to think he doesn’t realize how beautiful of a person he is. I’m dyiiiiiiing.  ↷ Okay so, he had a dream about Han and I got mad. Then he had a dream about Han again but this time I was there to pull him away. He said it made him laugh, and it honestly made me super happy yet embarrassed! ↷ It’s his birthday today! I’m celebrating it with him for the first time. I couldn’t prepare much but I hope he enjoys his time today anyways. He deserves so much. Also, I shall add that we also reached our first month together as companions!  ↷ Though my baby is a daredevil, he isn’t good with drop rides. I definitely have to protect him when it comes to those! ↷ San brought home a kitty! We decided to keep the baby and call the kitty Simba, our very own baby! ↷ Over the time span that we’ve been together, San has gone from Soojin to Solar to Yeeun and back to himself multiple times. I have even more fond memories of these people now. May I also say that he was beautiful every single time.  ↷ So like, we went to the mall together. I bought a few suits and San/Yeeun wore the prettiest skirt. What happened after that was quite exciting. We even had a session in the car afterwards. I hope we have many more opportunity to share those exciting and rebellious times together,  ↷ I finally got to watch San play some horror games. It honestly wasn’t as scary as I initially thought it was going to be so I’m quite glad. Not going to lie though, I closed my eyes a few time and sat pretty far from the screen. He’s so brave compared to me.  ↷  We finished Pokemon XY & Z. I still remember when we first started. Man have I grown so attached to all the characters. I am real excited to fall in love all over again with the new cast of the Sun & Moon series we are watching. My baby even got us a netflix to try out so we could finish Lord of The Rings as well, especially after rabbit died off and made me real sad.  ↷ A car trip came to mind with San. It sounds absolutely perfect and I can’t wait to set out on that adventure. It’s like we share the same idea of many dates and I find it absolutely adorable. I have somewhere I want to take him. ↷ San had started talking about Jeno ever since that Boom comeback. Something about an attractive undercut and headband. I’m kind of real jealous but it’s okay, I’m learning how to live with it. Pft.  ↷ We played so much dating doors, it’s so fun to see how our choices differ and how they are yet so similar. I really didn’t want to play the NCT because of you know who but it’s alright, I had a great time anyways.  ↷ My baby called me dramatic...a lot of things started making sense after that. I am indeed a over dramatic person.  ↷ San has started work again. I really hope he learns how to take better care of himself. I don’t like seeing him in pain. Before when we were just friends, I know he had a lot of stress and it brought upon chest pains. Now San’s back is often sore as well. I just hope my baby is okay after an exhausting day. I believe that he’ll always do his very best. I just hope he doesn’t push himself to hard.  ↷ I have started school. Not going to lie, I’m very upset about the fact that my time with him has been cut off shorter, like I’m super upset. I hope he knows how important he is to me and I hope to keep him by my side, always.  ↷ I miss him, all the time.  ↷ San is really my source of strength. He keeps me motivated and really pushes me to make good decisions. He says he doesn’t know how to offer words of encouragement but little does he understand that just his mere presence is enough to keep my spirits up.  ↷ We betrayed each other in a game and I was really sad. Reminded me of that old overwatch days where we killed each other. I never want to go against him again, it’ll break my poor baby’s heart and my own. ↷  San seemed to really enjoy his Loki self. I got Nick Wilde, oh yeah! ↷ I believe we are exchanging gifts this year and I’m real excited for it. I’ll work hard so I can buy him meaningful gifts.  ↷ There’s something I want to do, but I’ll keep it to myself until we have time.
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comiccrusaders · 8 years
Sequel to Boo Bunny Plague Delivers Strangest Gathering of Hellions to Compete in the Fieriest Battle of the Bands…Ever!
A dungeon crawling, Heavy Metal musical melee from indie developer On The Level Game Studios, shreds its way onto Steam today.  Players take part in the “hottest” battle of the bands competition in the Underworld, where the Devil (concert promoter) makes them do it…literally.   Jam with Rock-N-Rogue: A Boo Bunny Plague Adventure in a ridiculously intense, 3rd person top-down adventure with outrageous humor, absurd characters and packed with mayhem, monsters, music and magic…a head-banging gamers dream come true.   Rock-N-Rogue: A Boo Bunny Plague Adventure is now available for Windows PC via Steam, for $8.99 USD.
In Rock-N-Rogue: A Boo Bunny Plague Adventure, players can choose from four twisted but musically gifted characters – our eponymous hero Bunny (lead), his robotic pal Gunny (drums), the powerful pachyderm Ganny (bass) as well as favorite-of-the-underworld and the spawn of Satan herself, Faye (backup vocals).Each character features their own powerful musical instrument which delivers a unique fighting style — critical as the heroic garage band enters the depths of darkness and battles their way through the nine layers of Hades and beyond.  Rock-N-Rogue: A Boo Bunny Plague Adventure also features:  procedurally generated worlds to keep the action almost demonic, “Go Rogue” modes which are unlocked after completing the main game for new and tougher challenges with no saves or continues, dozens of godly weapons with special elemental powers, instrument upgrades to amplify the jam, Boomboxes with mysterious abilities, and of course bat-$%!@ crazy Bosses.
“Our last game Boo Bunny Plague was a hack and slash music adventure, done our way and after we finished that up we thought wow where do we go next?” stated Jeff Reimert, Chief Executive Officer, On The Level Game Studios.  “Music is what makes us who we are and our style and approach is unique in a way that is all our own.  Once we landed on a dungeon crawler for the sequel, we knew we had to level it up on the audio front and we got lucky – we found mc chris, a popular rapper focused on nerd life and we knew he was a perfect match.”
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This small indie team out of Houston, Texas is one with true heart.  The adage “Good friends who play together stay together” exemplifies the camaraderie here between the three top members of the team. With a common love for music, and jamming together whenever they can, they’ve been resolute in taking their passions and creating a unique twist on classic game genres.  Following their first two titles, the team recruited mc chris, popular rapper focused on nerd life and writer, performer, actor and animator – his works include The Brak Show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and the award-winning Space Ghost.  In addition, industry veteran John Melchior (The Allegiant, Ghostbusters, The Videogame, Scarface The World is Yours, The Simpsons: Hit & Run and Aliens Versus Predator 2), worked alongside other senior level talent whose portfolio includes God of War III, Pokemon Go, Ghostbusters: The Videogame, Silent Hill: Homecoming, Ratchet & Clank, Spyro: Year of the Dragon, Jak & Daxter, Uncharted 2 and Crash Bandicoot 2, among others.
Rock-N-Rogue: A Boo Bunny Plague Adventure is brought to you by On The Level Game Studios, creators of Boo Bunny Plague and survival horror golf game Curse of the Nordic Cove.
For more information on Rock-N-Rogue: A Boo Bunny Plague Adventure, hop on over to: http://onthelevelgames.com/.
Follow On the Level Game Studios on Twitter: @OnTheLevelGames Like On the Level Game Studios on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OnTheLevelGameStudios Check the game out on Steam:  http://www.onthelevelgames.com/RockNRogue
About On The Level Game Studios In May 2011, the jar of On The Level Game Studios was opened. The lid was stuck; so eight Houstonians with their talents and rubber gloves arrived at the scene to lend a hand. Soon after, the first game title was all over the table, the floor and their parachute pantsuits. The team grew to 12 including programmers, artists, sales and marketing, producers, musicians and evil-doers. Nearly five years later, the table and floor were cleaned (pants were stained – thanks, Brand X!), and the team (still six members strong) have two titles released The Curse of Nordic Cove and Boo Bunny Plague and now launching their third – Rock-N-Rogue: A Boo Bunny Plague Adventure (with the support of some very talented individuals who jumped in (no parachutes) and just dove right in.)
The Bunny is Back! ON THE LEVEL GAME STUDIOS LAUNCHES ROCK-N-ROGUE: A BOO BUNNY PLAGUE ADVENTURE FOR PC TODAY Sequel to Boo Bunny Plague Delivers Strangest Gathering of Hellions to Compete in the Fieriest Battle of the Bands…Ever!
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