#and my bf is coming to Melb so I have to be there now
idsb · 5 months
My brain is going a million miles an hour in a million different directions and this sucks so bad
#so our landlord in QLD is selling his house#which means we all have to leave#which tbh if that wasn’t the case#with everything happening in my head I might have just stayed here#I am SO stressed abt money from the kangaroo#I haven’t secured a job in Melb like id hoped#it seems like there’s not so much for me there anymore#cause it’s just too stressful to now find a job I’ll only have for like a month and a half#but also I already quit my job here#and my bf is coming to Melb so I have to be there now#but I’m also stressed about finding housing cause it’s not as easy when you’re not in a backpacker beach town#idk wtf to do#I don’t wanna leave the beach being 2 min from my house or the tiny little town that feels like my home now#I just got added into a giant group chat with tons of acquaintances etc#it took so long to BUILD what I have here#and now that I’ve finally got it I’m just leaving?#what the fuck#it’s so stupid#like I don’t WANT to leave#but I also want to have more experiences in Australia than just this one#and tbh REALLY the problem is I don’t want the time constraint of having to leave in March and only having spent 6 months here#like my bf and I agreed on#it’s just too short and the horizon is finally just stretching out before me#but I think it’d destroy our relationship if I stayed longer#because it’s been Too Much for him#which sucks#in a vacuum I would stay#for the full year#but I like#can’t. and tumblr has imposed a tag limit??? so I have to shut up now
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hastexphase · 7 years
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this is quite amusing lol we were otw to my cousin’s baby shower when my brother questioned me about my sexuality it’s not the first time that my family has talked about this. my mother even talked me “out” of lesbianism when i was 14 coz she thought that Jody and I were a thing. 😂
told them to not worry because my sis only got a bf when she was 23 LOL but i don’t understand what they’re worried about la
our upbringing has been quite strict (erm minus the part that i actually do hang out late and smoke…. i think i’m quite an ok child. LOL) and my mother has always warned us against relationships coz she’s afraid that we’ll get cheated or something lol and i guess growing up with my parents’ somewhat toxic relationship and the relationships that my friends have had killed everything for me.
idk why they’re feeling ???worried??? that i may never find a partner when i’m not even worried at all
if it comes then it comes.
should have taken the chance to ask about how they’d feel if i actually have a girlfriend HAHAHA
i guess my mom would not take it well but my dad would be pretty cool with it??? we’ve talked about it and he told me he’d take me to a psychologist first LOL but i do believe that love is love. and also i’ve never had emotional attachment towards a girl by far so i guess their concerns are uncalled for hahaha
and!!! i’m so glad that i’ve finally talked to my parents about how i’d only start working next year.. and that i hope they’ll allow me to take time to travel about these few months. i’m so happy that they’re ok with it:-)))
now that the myanmar trip is confirmed, it’s time to plan my visit to melb!! i hope it comes true.
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