#and my guy victor is such a dramatic little bitch (the finger gun killing the guy in prison? really?) but i love him
gambitandrogues · 2 years
victor vale my beloved <33
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S1E13
Taking a break from dead week and Netflix in order to post this late, not chronologically accurate reaction post.  *finger guns*
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post.
*in dramatic, hushed voice*  Rain...
They’re probably carting a body away... gonna go ahead and roll with that.
Oh, it’s Fish!
Oh God, they’re gonna torture her [Fish], aren’t they?
“Bob will be taking care of you [Fish].”  Bob?!?
“Word is you [Jim] got caught with Doc Tompkins in the locker room.”  Yes he did.
Isn’t [Flass] Kris Kringle’s really douchey boyfriend?
AN:  It’s implied but not confirmed
I pity that dude for being named “Pinky Littlefield.”
Whaaaat are you doing...
*Jim grabs a piece of evidence from the victim’s shoe*  You are withholding evidence!  Jim!
[Jim] Whaaaaat are you doing?
Ed’s freaking going in with a magnifying glass!
“I’m putting you down as Maria Mercedes Mooney, AKA Fish.”  Oh OK, that’s her name.
Why is she called Fish?  Because she wears scales half the time or what?
Or is it just because she talks all the time?  Fish lips?
Butch!  What happened?
“Upside is the place is crawling with criminals, so we got beaucoup suspects to choose from.“  Beaucoup!
Sorry, I just really enjoy using that word.
“The second that those guys out there hear that you're looking at a cop, they are gonna turn on you [Jim].“  Flass!  It was Flass!
Bruce!  Good to see you again!
*in terrible Boston accent*  [Alfred] Lock dah cah!
*bangs hand on desk with each word*  Lock!  Your!  Car!
What’s going on?
*Butch come to Fish’s rescue*  Ohhh.... oh wow!  Butch to the rescue!
*sing songs*  Interrogation montage timeeee!
Is this a drinking game?  Yeah, it’s gonna be a new drinking game.  Take a shot!
*eyes bulge in shock when one of the cops mentions having an affair with another cop’s wife a while back*
“Then who was it?”  It was Flass!
“[Jim] You couldn't bring him [Officer Delaware] in here quietly, put him in some back room? You making some kind of statement?”  “Damn right I am.”  Jim, what are you doing?!?
What are you doing, Ed?!?  What are you doing?!?
“This [greeting card] is for you [Kristin].”  Nooooooo.....
Ed, what are you doing?  What are you doing, Ed?
Being a creepy little shit, that’s what it is.
Hahaha, he’s [Ed] like “blah blah blah” *mimics Ed randomly drumming his fingers against the cabinet*
That’s a big ass ice pack!
Oh, they [Oswald] revamped Fish’s club?  They reformatted it into the Iceberg?
“Someone [Liza] left a scarf...”  Nooooo!!
“Finders keepers!”  Oh, [Oswald] you bitch!
*imitates Jim hissing “Now?  You tell me this now?”*
He uses his teeth so much when he’s angry!
Y’know what, what if it isn’t Flass?  What if it’s not a dirty cop?
I dunno, my money’s still on Flass...
I like this music...
Greeeeennnn!  Green lighting everywheeeeerreee!
*Jim starts fighting Delaware*  Yo, Jim, whoa, stop!  You instigated it!
Is there always this rivalry between the homicide and the narcotics departments?
“Internal Affairs just ruled Winkler’s death a suicide.”  Wwwhaat? 
That is B.S.!  How could he have stabbed himself in the back of the neck?  No... no!
“’Can't be a suicide?’  He [Winkler] stabbed himself in the back with an ice pick? That's absurd!“  Exactly!
“Where are you [Jim] going?”  “Back in an hour.”  Jim, what are you doing?
*Ed walks in on Flass reading Ed’s greeting card out loud to Kristin*  OH NOOO!!!   NOOOOOOOO!!!
“It's a real piece of work you [Ed] got there, perv.  I wouldn't quit your day job if I were you.“  Screw yoooouuuu!!!
*flips off screen with both hands*
“What a creep.”  He’s [Ed] right there, you freaking moron [Flass]!
“Jim.  Welcome.  Come in.”  PLEASE GOD do not go to Oswald for help!
He [Jim] looked so uncomfortable when he had to kiss Gertrude’s hand!
I cannot freaking believe that Jim is going to Oswald for help.  What has this show come to? 
I’m only midway through S1.  What is going on?
“I [Oswald] was beginning to think you’d forgotten about me.”  He [Jim] doesn’t wanna do anything with you!
“I'm [Jim] investigating him and his crew for murder, but I've hit a wall.  He's too well-connected.  I figured since Maroni runs the drug trade, maybe you [Oswald] could find somebody with the goods on Flass?“  NOOO-OH MY GOD!
I cannot freaking believe this...
Jim’s like “I cannot freaking believe I’m doing this...”
Ooooohhh, this music!
Is this Victor [Zsaz]? 
I cannot believe that I just cheered for a serial killer who makes slash marks on his arms
I cannot believe that she’s [Gertrude] wearing around a dead girl’s scarf.  Un-freaking-believable.
*Oswald starts getting drunk*  Yes!  Drink all the booze!  All the booze!
HAHAHA I cannot believe this!
*starts jamming out to the music in the background, hand movements included*
*Fish starts clapping at Oswald’s drunken introduction*  Shhiiiiiiiiiiiitt!!
Heesa [Oswald] in big doo-doo dis time!
He’s [Bruce] playing chess with himself?  The neeerrd!
No, I’m kidding.  I’ve done that before.
No, kidding.  I never have.
*Bruce gives Selina a snowglobe as a present*  Aaawwww... oh that’s cute!  That’s so cute!
“I [Selina] came here to tell you [Bruce] to stop hassling me.”  Lies!  You two like each other!
[Selina] You broke the kid’s [Bruce’s] heart... c’mon!
*Oswald’s second-hand man starts waterboarding Delaware’s wife in order to make Delaware talk*  Nooooo!
*imitates Fish wagging her finger in Oswald’s face*
*Victor and his henchwomen start shooting at Fish and Butch*  Ooohhh!
*Victor traps Butch*  Oh, buddy... oh no.  Oooooooooohhhhhh boy.
I know they’re not gonna kill off Butch because he’s Solomon Grundy in S4 but c’mon!
Ooohh, is that spaghetti?
“Anyway, I’m [Kristin] sorry.”  OK, first steps...
“There’s hope.”  But you’re [Ed] still freaking creepy...
*Jim finds the bloody ice pick*  OH my God!
*Harvey and Fish kiss each other goodbye*  Ohhh....
*boogies out to ending theme*
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