#and my intense fear of being alone seems to only be getting bigger
blugerine · 1 year
I’m just now realizing the geniusness of the dance scene in season 2 and how taking a “comedy” show seriously reveals so many new things about it.
NOTE: I have no idea if Neil Gaiman wrote this scene with the intention of it being interpreted in this way, but I really think it sheds so much light on why Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship seems like it went nowhere but downhill ever since season 1.
I feel like because New Omens is marketed as a “comedy show”, viewers usually go in with the intention not to take things too seriously (except for the more emotional beats that are signaled by somber music and intense acting *cough cough*), but as a result of that, we (or at least, I did) missed out on seeing some scenes differently because we originally wrote it off as “just a silly bit”. I definitely did that during the scene where Crowley performs the “apology dance” in front of Aziraphale because he left him alone to take care of Gabriel. I kept thinking about that scene over and over again in my head because it always seemed much more intentionally childish to me than any other goofy scene we see the husbands get up to in season 2 and even in season 1, and I just realized now a reason why that might be the case.
When Crowley comes back to the shop and has to apologize to Aziraphale, the first words that come out of his mouth are “I’m back”, and both him and Aziraphale know those words aren’t enough for Aziraphale to take him back, so what’s the next best thing? The apology dance! When Crowley initially resists the idea of performing the apology dance, Aziraphale reminds him that he’s done the apology dance numerous times in the past, listing all the specific years over the centuries to really get his point across until Crowley relents. After Crowley begrudgingly finishes the silly dance, the audience share a good laugh, Aziraphale is content enough to accept him back, and the fight they just had all seems so “stupid” now in comparison to the bigger fish they have to fry.
Now, what’s the problem in this scene? Or rather, why is this scene such a big deal in regards to why they broke up at the end of season 2? That’s because it’s, again, another example of how they always DANCE (quite literally) around the actual problems in their relationship that result in them constantly breaking up. And this has been happening for CENTURIES, time and time again, they always default to pushing their problems under the rug, letting bygones be bygones. They believe they’re forgiving and forgetting, but as Aziraphale keeps recounting all the years he’s done the apology dance, it’s very clear that they’ve actually never forgotten any of those previous instances of frustration and words of venom they’ve hurled at each other. Instead, they’ve opted to pretend they’re over it, onto “bigger and better” things to do as a distraction. The only time they start conveniently bringing up past wounds is when they have YET ANOTHER breakup scene.
The dance is performed so childishly because of the childish way they deal with the problems that arise in their relationship. Despite knowing very intricately about the infinite vastness of the universe, of mankind’s greatest strengths and weaknesses, they were not made to view themselves as having human emotions, and they were not trained to make compromises that did not threaten their very existence. Crowley and Aziraphale both started as angels, and Crowley wanted God to compromise with him about keeping the universe around for more years than She had planned. But God doesn’t take suggestions, so Crowley’s angelic status was quite literally burned from him as he was sent down to Hell, which traumatized him greatly, and made Aziraphale exist in fear of the divine punishment that came to those who disobeyed God.
As such, Aziraphale and Crowley have so little understanding of how to compromise in a healthy manner, because the first time one of them tried to do it, it ended terribly for both of them, and they subconsciously vowed never to do it again. That’s why, when one of them wants to apologize, it’s almost like a child’s idea of what one is. There’s no addressing of why Crowley’s so desperate to abandon everything and run away, or why Aziraphale is so adamant on staying, even when it clearly hurts him to do so. There’s NO reasoning or compromise. There’s NO talk other than “I was wrong, you were right”. It’s either your side or my side, or we never see each other again.
Aziracrow represents a very realistic on-and-off relationship, where two broken and codependent individuals cannot compromise for fear of divine punishment or even just fear of losing the one that means the most to them. And their little dance? It’s just one of the many times they’ve tried to ignore their very real and important relationship (and character) issues, and it just continues to rot away their relationship time and time again. It’s like putting a bandaid over an infection, but they’re both immortal and everything’s working against them to actually work on healing that infection from the inside out.
So yeah, the dance scene is fucking brilliant because no one saw that coming until you actually finish season 2 and think back on it. Again, maybe I’m just being delusional reading into a scene that wasn’t a big deal, but if Neil did write it with this intention, then I think the way he disguises meaningful insights into broken relationships, tortured characters, and religious trauma through the use of comedy to be really. fucking genius.
And really sad.
I think I might cry a bit after this actually.
(Also, hello, I still have no idea how to use tumblr 💀)
Edit: Just made a couple clarifications here and there! Also, thank you so much for all the positive reception 😭!!! Reading all your reblogged tags gives me so much serotonin agsjdgs it feels so nice being in this fandom so far ❤️
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banmitbandit · 6 months
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Shoutout to a few of my bloodswap Solluxes :) Infodumps about them in the Keep Reading if I formatted Tumblr Correctly. I just couldn't stop myself from writing a bunch about all of them Q~Q
I always wanna draw more of Sollux so more bloodswaps is obviously the way to go about it :)
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Burgundy!Sollux - telosAutotelic
Sollux dies pre-SGRUB, and can't bring up the energy to care about anything anymore, let alone his whole red and blue schtick. Shortly after the game begins, he's "gifted" a new robot body by Equius in return for having done some extensive troubleshooting for him in the past. He's horrified to find his new metal husk has all the features wrong- the horns are wrong, the teeth are wrong, fuck, even the stupid red and blue are wrong, and he hates it so much - he had no idea he could even feel hate anymore - he only uses it when it's more efficient to be a robot than a ghost. He quite literally doesn't have the time to fuck around these days. Equius is miffed his psychological warfare to get Sollux pitch with him fails so spectacularly.
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Mutant!Sollux - tacticsAllogeneics
Sollux tells everyone he has red blood, but no one believes him because that's totally not a thing. This is all according to keikaku (Keikaku means plan). Despite this, everyone seems to think he's a pretty cool dude, and so when SGRUB comes around, everyone kind of just looks to him to lead. His only experience with leading is strategy games and a few FLARP sessions. He's absolutely miserable. He ends up learning just how fucked up his friends are in the thinkpans, and it falls on him to have to try and haul their asses into being useful. It causes some ire with his friends who come to the conclusion he sees them as chess pieces rather than people, but really he just wants to get through this game without people kicking the metaphorical bucket. He's forced to play the healer in video games.
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Purple!Sollux - tamedAnimus
Sollux is the descendant of one of the most notorious purplebloods of all time, who had the art of subjuggulating down to a science, and he wants nothing to do with his legacy or the church, only maintaining a few rituals out of routine habit. He's found a good couple of heretics who are pretty chill, and as loathe as he is to admit it, he wants to see them thrive. He makes a conscious effort to keep his violent highblooded tendencies in check for them, though his mood swings are both frequent and intense. One problem, a rather big one, is that he can quite literally feel the emotions of those around him, hyper-empathetic to the point where strong emotions from his peers during the game give him migraines. When things start kicking off and people start dying, Sollux acts on the fear, panic, and rage that's flooding him like adrenaline and attacks two of his friends, losing his eye in the process. When everything cools down, guilt eats him into hypervigilance, leaving him paranoid and self-destructive.
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Violet!Sollux - trenchantAnglerfish
Sollux has spent his entire life deep underwater, where few seadwellers dare to live. The Continental Catfish keeps itself well fed but Nepeta has difficulty finding the thing most days, so Sollux's small army of fishbots keep an eye on it for her, tracking its movements. Because he's never gone above water, he's something of a NEET, and Nepeta is glad she can push him onto some of her friends when the game starts because he really needs to get out more. He's not the worst, all things considered; he's somewhat petty and spiteful when wronged, but this is mostly a result of his on-again, off-again relationship with Karkat, who happens to think he's a huge tool with an even bigger ego (and his best friend). The first thing he alchemizes is a pair of dark-tinted glasses for his extreme light sensitivity.
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I shipped Carmy x Sydney hardcore based on season one but I’m putting my shipping on leave until further notice.
There was so much that happened this season that just left me cold about them. We got a few cute bonding moments but overall Sydney and the restaurant was an afterthought to Carmy. I’ve been wanting him to heal and have a personal life. I would have preferred it with Sydney but I was open to this new girl if they really sold it for me. 
There was obviously a lot of emotion between Carmy and Claire but it did seem very sudden and not built up in a way to make me invested. First, the character seemed pretty one dimensional. All the people from Carmy’s old life rooted for them but we didn’t get to see those relationships or why beyond they all knew each other. She just seemed like the ultimate “nice girl”. That’s great but give me some depth. They tried to frame it production wise like this epic pairing but I wasn’t getting that. I did mildly enjoy seeing romantic Carmy but it seemed a bit hollow and a bit Hollywood let’s have a romance in execution. Like, it for real felt like an FX exec was like we need to do this for a bigger audience. I was endeared by them at times but I felt the dialogue was lacking and it was all very cliche. 
It also dominated most of Carmy’s time. I missed Carmy being Chef Carmy with the crew. It did do what many feared would happen if this show did romance. It became more important than anything else in Carmy’s life and weighed down the season. We also lost the sense of Carmy being a fish out of water with relationships. There were a few nods to this being new for him but honestly everything seemed very smooth. I wanted to see him struggle more with intimacy and just doing the normal things yet still finding his way. They could have made it spicier, way more nuanced, way more dynamic in presentation. But it wasn’t that. And the extent to which Carmy was captivated by her it would be hard to match that with Sydney and I’m afraid she would seem the second choice. Like, would Sydney get the swooney declarations of beauty and him telling everyone gushingly how he loves her? Would we get the kisses and bed cuddling? I want that for Syd. I’m not even sure I could buy Carmy being attracted to Sydney now if she doesn’t get some grand declaration of her beauty and loveliness.
But it wasn’t necessarily that another woman was introduced. If I was more sold on the pairing I would give a pass. It’s that Sydney as his professional partner was so sidelined. They have already been through him leaving her in the lurch and expecting her to pick up the pieces without a lot in return. At this point is coming across very navel gazing white dude taking advantage of a black woman’s ambition with no end in sight and that makes me not into it. It may not be intentional on his part but in effect that’s what we are seeing. Sydney is still loyal to him even in her frustration and she is getting very little in return, not much more than she would get with any other Executive Chef. There seemed to be promise beyond that based on how last season ended. He seemed to be inviting her in as an equal but all we saw was her being the committed one and covering for him yet again. Her only reward is maybe The Bear’s success but their dynamic is still very I’m the owner. 
We also never got any bonding aside from the rare meaningful touch bases about work. There was no light hearted banter, not any intense menu planning genius. I was excited for those scenes but they were brief and kind of not that impactful to the process of them creating together. The final menu work seemed to be done in isolation from each other. The opportunity to go explore cuisine was wasted with Syd going it alone. 
If they ever do try to pair them, I seriously doubt it now, they would have so much work to do to rebuild Carmy as a character and their dynamic. It seems they did try to pair her with Marcus. She doesn’t seem into it. Is she not into him? Does she think it’s a bad idea professionally? Does she hae repressed feelings for Carmy? She did seem a bit jealous in a weird way, which I hated. But yeah, if they were to have any intention of pairing Carmy and Sydney they missed a lot of opportunities this season that could have been epic. It should have felt like their restaurant, not his, and she’s just there for the ride and a line on her resume.
I will finish my fic, but being invested in the ship isn’t big for me. I know a ship doesn’t have to be canon to ship but I just am not even a fan of Carmy enough right now to like him for her. It even affected my attraction for him a bit. He’s still fine but I wasn’t as lusting for him this season because of his behavior. I was also sad JAW as an actor didn’t have a lot to work with that was challenging. 
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opiatemasses · 9 months
Is fandom bigger than football?
Football fandom has its highs and lows. Conversely, excessive fandom can tarnish the sport. This issue came to the fore recently at a European fixture at Villa Park.
30th November 2023, Aston Villa versus Legia Warsaw - a night of history building for the ‘Villans’. Yet the immoral behaviours of a select group of opposing fans, dimmed the light on proceedings. Pre-game planned and targeted Violence struck fear and uncertainty to the safety of those involved.
This season alone, there has been similar issues seen at the Newcastle versus PSG fixture as well as AC Milan in their home Champions League game. This pattern of behaviour is cause for concern in the running of European competitions.
In this intense environment, I’ve learnt to appreciate that acting critically as a fan is the idyllic way to express emotions. A critical fan is one who exercises their loyalty to a team or individual, it can involve ‘attempting to change your team or fellow fans for the better.’
Some fans act critically in a space of passion and unity, binding individuals together. However, not all as seen with the examples above. This raises the question – where is the change in their behaviours going to come from?
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A catalyst for resulting actions
Current unruly behaviour in sports stadia is a catalyst for so many contemporary issues within football such as hooliganism, misogyny and violence. This, I believe, is why the microscope should be targeted towards addressing excessive spectatorship in the hope resulting issues can be tempered.
Integrity: a guide to follow
Individual integrity is a fundamental cog in a progressive society. Yet the actions we saw at Villa Park suggest there’s a negligence by some to act morally in a shared space. This shared space or  Imagined community of horizontal unity, is a great way to depict how actions in a public setting should take into consideration of those around.
Can fandom exist without getting out of control? It is in my contention that until there’s widespread awareness of the issues outlined, there won’t be any significant change.
A deep-rooted matter
We know that examples of unrestrained fandom are not just of present times. The impact of traditions and role models has only seemed to expose and encourage younger generations to express negative behaviours. This is why I call for change and action to limit the future impact of unethical behaviour within football.
Spectatorship is intense due to its embedded interest. However, the Villa Park example fails to accept that affiliation and devotion is an acceptable reason to act un-morally.
It seems as the stage grows, as the stakes increase, the acts of loyalty by fans are in danger of taking over the sporting event itself. Without digesting into more examples, I take you back to the England Euros Final where the actions of individuals eclipsed this event.  I ask, will excessive fandom always have a damning societal effect?
Football is commonly characterised as being about passion, togetherness and community. These are the values that should be upheld and celebrated, rather than the unruly behaviours that shine a negative light onto the game.
Minimising and normalising unjust fans' actions turns the shoulder on fronting this current issue within football. This ‘glossing’ over of repetitive negative actions, begs the question – can there ever be a complete control of unmoral behaviours within the sport?
A fan’s perspective
Camaraderie. inclusion. Escape. Passion. These words encapsulate what it means to be a supporter. Spectatorship brings a sense of belonging, it’s a form of escapism.
However, this escapism has its dangers - the excessive loyalties manifest at Villa Park, resulted in violence and the re-emergence of the negative fan stereotypes that exist within football, such as: misogyny, aggression and abuse. How would you feel knowing your safety is uncertain when attending these matches, especially European ones?
Why now and where next?
The recent examples of excessive fandom re-iterates the notion that this is a current and ongoing issue that needs widespread attention. By increasing awareness of this issue, my hope is that we can help put the focus on what it means to be a critical fan. By doing this I believe there can be a greater emphasis on enjoying the game and appreciating those around us to bind fandom and football in a more progressive society.
Do you agree that tackling excessive fandom, could stimulate a positive response for other current issues within football such as sexism, racism, and violence?
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cutetinyartist · 1 year
G/T July Day 5: Caught
Synopsis: A Borrower sneaks into the Pizzaplex, unaware of its strange robotic inhabitants...
[I'm uploading this Fic on my Birthday so I'm being pretty Self-Indulgent with Monty being a Giant here >:3 Ik it's only short buuut I'm probably gonna do more G/T Prompts with Monty this month~]
Fang (She/They) Borrower, 4" Tall
Monty Gator
Lil' Music Man (briefly)
A S.T.A.F.F. Bot is mentioned too
Word-Count: 468
Fang lay on the rough ground, trembling and breathless after being pursued by not just one but TWO robotic menaces. The first was some Security Bot (possibly even more than one, as there seemed to be an extortionate amount of the bastards) and the second was a horrifying spider-like mechanical creature that scuttled after her in the vent they'd tried to hide in!
After running for their life through the winding vents, Fang's pursuer finally ceased as she jumped out of the first exit she saw. Thankfully the vent hadn't been too far from the ground, though it was still a rough landing for someone so tiny.
It took a moment for them to even sit up and catch their breath, but when they did they couldn't help but to stare in shock at their surroundings. The place was illuminated by an unsettling green light, and the very artificial way it tried to mimic a natural swamp with its canopy of plastic leaves and its automated alligator snarls sounding every so often added an extra layer of terror for the poor Borrower.
The only thing that gave her any sense of relief was the distinct lack of those annoying Security Bots. She was thankful to finally be alone as she crept across the rough, grass-coloured carpet, hoping to find some food and an escape-
That hope was quickly dashed when a deafening metallic thud exploded from somewhere not far behind her, and a menacing shadow engulfed her, "HEY, LITTLE GUY!"
All they could think to do in that moment was fucking RUN, not even wanting to see whatever had made that horrifying sound. Whatever it was stomped towards her, each footfall sounding like a raging thunder getting closer and closer and causing the ground itself to shudder. The Giant himself let out a menacing chuckle, all too familiar with the sensation of being feared (albeit, never by anyone so tiny) and in the mood to indulge his more menacing side...
A huge palm suddenly slammed down right in front of Fang, and as they collided with the purple metal it conpletely engulfed them in a tight fist. She let out a cry as she squirmed in its grasp, but there was nothing she could do as it dizzyingly lifted her until she was finally forced to face her captor.
The first thing she saw was teeth sharper than knives that glistened in the artificial light, snarling down at her. He loomed over her effortlessly; his dark, shiny claws alone were bigger than her entire body. Once he lifted those star-shaped sunglasses, Fang's blood ran cold at the sight of menacing red eyes glaring down at her with fiery intensity, their devilish hue like nothing they'd ever seen before.
"Ha! Caught'cha..." The Giant Gator grinned viciously, tightening his grip...
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magnusmodig · 8 months
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emotion meme / anonymous / accepting ! ╰┈➤ send my muse a mood, and i’ll describe how my muse deals with it.
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╰┈➤ panic (mun will also refer to anxiety and stress, as for thor they are all the same)
thor + panic specifically: when anxiety and stress becomes panic, and the evolution of both of these emotions thereof.
Out of the gate, it's worth establishing a baseline that Thor is an incredibly sensitive individual. He feels intensely, loves intensely, grieves and becomes joyous intensely. Combine this big heart with a naturally temperamental nature (pun intended), the constant pressure of high expectations (from his family, friends, and people alike) and the added detail of 'host of quasi-infinite power'... You will get a surprisingly active anxious energy beneath the surface. (Something that Chr.is Hems.worth absolutely EXCEEDS in portraying through body language and facial expressions alone.)
Obviously, Thor has enough of a handle on this anxiety for it to mostly manifest as overthinking or progressively becoming more and more reserved... but more often than naught: thor's response to fear is to become brave. Often times, this means flooring it into facing the danger head on. Ironically, by brute forcing it, he manages to still avoid the issue and it's most surefire solution altogether. (re: relying on his loved ones emotionally to get through that which is his danger; trusting his loved ones to save HIM, rather than always being the savior.) As such, Thor's anxiety will lead to Thor "lone wolf"ing through almost any and every situation, and when he is anxious and/or stressed, he likewise becomes more easily agitated. He's the sort that, when anxious, Thor becomes angry (re: mission into Jotunheim, 'treason' to Svartflheim behind Odin's back, his creation of the Vision, literally all of Ragnarok/vs. Hela &. the entirety of Infinity War post!Slaughter on the Statesman/Loki's Death)
So, predominantly, Thor's immediate response to stress, anxiety, and fear is to double down on courage and barrel in head-on, if not to make himself bigger, angrier, more aggressive and more dangerous than the worst threat in the room. (see also: thor vs. gamokra/guardians in Infinity War.)
And so what happens when none of that works? What happens when Thor begins to panic? How does it manifest THEN?
Two ways: inward, and outward.
Inward is the reaction that typically comes first, and is the most prolonged affect. (he can even skip the step of angry-anxiety and slip straight into Inward Panic.)
When the wolf that growls becomes quiet, it would be best to heed the warning. Thor's changes are subtle, and in effect he SEEMS focused and calm. But, look closely, and something behind the eyes is erratic and off-kilter. If you were to take his pulse, it's racing. His hands twist together, they're trembling; if he's in an atmosphere he can manipulate, then that alone will give him away with thunder and wind without him ever saying a word. He becomes blinded by tunnel-visioned then, with the lone objective of either: a.) get through the danger as quickly as possible (expressing extreme hyper-vigilance with a specific strain of self-preservation involved, if not an intense desire to protect any loved ones or innocent persons around him.) b.) obliterate the danger at all costs (recklessness towards the matter of his own person will largely ensue, though he will be exceedingly mindful of the safety of the people around him.)
in both of those ways, thor's motive is a simple one: regain control.
what comes after the danger has passed is Outward Panic.
This is, generally speaking, a more stereotypical panic or anxiety attack behavior and symptoms. Shortness of breath, loss of balance, erratic thoughts, headaches/migraines, chills, dizziness, nausea, roughly speaking. This is when the fear is SO overwhelming that it is something that overflows from him so quickly he can only react to it, and can't manage it. The panic is no longer held behind the dam. It is an outpouring. (e.g., all of Endgame, and when Jane shows up in L+T)
Which isn't to say inward panic doesn't also have these symptoms... it can. The difference being that Thor does not give in to these responses until after the danger has passed entirely and thor is no longer required to remain brave. (and is, preferably, isolated.)
If a threat is large enough to force Thor to jump straight into having what is effectively a more obvious panic attack, then either this threat is something insane like Thanos, or an interpersonal conflict he’s been avoiding confronting and is caught off-guard by. (again: Jane, Loki, honestly, probably Hela, survivors of asgard.... Odin.) His brain will tend to default to “you’re in danger, you can’t fight the threat, get away as fast as possible because It Is Coming For You”
… So, naturally, you can see why outward is a lot more rare of a response. (and it’s a little sad it usually would come from being caught unawares in a social situation in particular but I digress.) Not impossible by any means but certainly hard to come by if you aren't actively going out of your way to get to know Thor on more than just a surface level. Which is something that you really WOULD have to commit to, because he plays emotional chicken.
Other things of note is that Thor's stress, anxiety, panic and depression all usually are coupled first by red flags like
Loss of eye contact (often a complete loss, looking past you, just below your eyes, further down towards your chin area, or down at the ground. This... happens often he's so bad with eye contact.)
Holding his own hands, usually with the specific tic of "wringing out" his hands by the wrists or otherwise kneading at the back of his palms, stroking his own skin (aka trying to self soothe, subtly)
Closed off body language, specifically arms folded over his chest, clenched jaw. Typically gives the energy of trying to fold in on himself or otherwise make himself smaller in the space that he is in.
Overly reserved, "floaty" or otherwise distracted behavior in social situations (Typically this means absolute dead silence from him, a drop in attentiveness that usually involves needing to repeat your words back to you, seemingly speaking as if in a daze, or otherwise not engaging.)
Occasional mentions or comments of a headache (the headache in particular is a BIG red flag post!ragnarok that he is pushing his limits)
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faeintheointment · 2 years
Based on @aaytaro-gt and @bittykimmy13 #inktober and #promptober words: Rest and Gaze. The next stage of Paul and Emily-Rose’s tale
She was terrified - and hurt. He was going to have to be really careful. Predators knew how to make themselves bigger to scare off would-be attackers. How could he make himself smaller to show that he wasn’t a threat? He crouched down as much as he could and tried to adopt an expression to show that in a way, he was just as scared as she was.
“You’re hurt… please, let me help you… I’m Paul, I don’t want to harm you…”
Great. Stammering like an idiot. That should reassure her. He used the stunned silence as a way of taking a closer look at her. She was pretty - long hair tied in a scarf, her eyes were captivating. And she met his gaze. She was going to speak!
“My ankle… I’m not sure I can stand up,” she said, wincing. She sat up and made the attempt - unsuccessfully. As her ankle gave way, the giant put his hand out and caught her in his palm.
“Oh god,” she thought, scared despite his reassurances. Then he put his hand flat on the ground and let her get down into a seated position. He let her go! He was looking at her and the concern was evident.
She blushed, at both her weakness and under the intensity of his gaze. For all he was huge, had they both been the same size, she would have called him handsome. She wasn’t sure that handsome applied to giants - oh, now he caught her staring. Great. Just what she needed - to make him angry for making him feel like a monster. She averted her eyes and focused on her throbbing ankle and knee.
“I don’t think it’s broken… I probably just need a stick to support me…” she said if only to break the awkward silence.
“I don’t think you’ll make it back with just a stick. Please, let me help you…” he said gently.
She looked at him, and he wasn’t sure whether what her expression said - fear? Oh no, more of the same again. And he had hoped so desperately that this would be different. Maybe approaching her when she was extra vulnerable wasn’t the smartest idea, but he couldn’t leave her hurt and alone. He knew he could just pick her up himself and she’d have no choice in the matter, but he wanted to show her that she had nothing to fear.
She seemed to realise that, as he kept his hands away from her. Slowly, she nodded. He placed his hand palm up beside her to sit on herself, as much as he wanted to help her do that too. She did, and eased her injured leg into as comfortable a position as possible. He slowly stood up and looked down at her to check she was alright. Gently, he shifted her so that he was carrying her in two cupped hands that he kept close to him as if he was carrying a precious treasure that he wanted to keep safe from view. Slowly he turned toward the direction of her house, as tempted as he may have been to take her to his. Trust. He wanted her to trust him.
As big as he was, the giant - what was his name? Paul? - was gentle. He didn’t want to hurt her. It was strange being carried in his hands like this. She felt like a wounded animal - which, in a way, she was. He took slow steps toward home. But how did he know which way to go? Did he already know she lived here? She considered this quietly in the warmth of his hands. This situation was puzzling.
As they reached her house, she felt him slow down. So he definitely knew she lived here. Not that it was a wild stretch of the imagination. She felt herself being eased back into one palm and he gently lowered her to the ground as near to the front door as possible and helped her stand.
She unlocked the front door and before she went in, she turned to speak, wishing she’d said more as they walked. It was just hard to know what to say to a giant, especially when you were in so much pain. She hoped he wasn’t upset, especially because he’d taken so much care.
“You’ll need to rest your leg,” he said softly, and turned away. His strides took him away too far to hear her say “Thank you, Paul.”
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fae-iii · 9 months
It's New Year's eve! I made a post last year (on Cohost) that I think I deleted cuz I was kinda spiraling pretty hard, but I thought I was doing "really well" at the time, lol. Deleted quite a while ago cuz it embarrassed me and I don't want a ton of personal stuff on my main account. Anyway, here's a ton of personal stuff!
In a lot of ways I've gotten better this year! I've done less crazy things that I don't wanna talk about and I've done more crazy things that I do wanna talk about! Uh, but first:
My physical health is kinda worse right now than it was this time last year. From a low of ~260lbs, I'm up ~40 this year. Upset about that, but from my absolute high of ~400+, it's not too bad and I think my original method was kinda all over the place for various mental reasons and I've very recently gotten back on the saddle. So I'm not gonna reach my desired weight this year; that's insane, but I am gonna be more active and try to make better food decisions. Try and prioritize physical and mental health, seems like a novel idea.
Oh, mental health… I wanted to get a therapist this past year. With work going into crunch time, I don't think I'm gonna have the time to commit until mid-April rolls around again. It's trending better though! I've felt less scared and less alone for the past few months than I have in a long while and I've let go of some delusional thoughts. Regardless of the therapist situation, my mental heath has improved, and I'm really happy about that!
Speaking of improvement: pixel art! Felt very inspired and jealous seeing other's stuff, from small pieces of art to more ambitious projects come to fruition and feeling very unfulfilled with my own place in life, I finally started doing pixel art, which is something I've always had romantic thoughts of, but the low-confidence thought of "I'm not a good artist and I'm too old to start at the age of (13~23) and there's lots of people who're better than me so why even try" and my penchant for kinda abandoning things at early stages had held me back.
I think the being able to stick to a diet and exercise of the prior year helped discipline me, even if it was a little intense and that kinda stemmed from another delusional thought, so I had the fear that this was all being built on a weak foundation. I've gotten good enough at it that I don't have this fear anymore! Well… only a little.
I'm pretty conservative on my goals for it right now. I eventually wanna make some kind of big creative endeavor, not gonna be this year. I've had an idea for a much smaller scale, less elaborate pilot project. After "Weasel Wednesday"s denouement, I might- I will play with smaller sprites and read into GB Studio and see what I can come up with. I'm thinking something Zelda-like. Like a singe, medium-large dungeon, maybe? I could probably design something passable. Idk if anything will materialize this year of it, but I'll at least experiment.
It'd be cool to maybe contribute to or work on a project with other people eventually. I don't really expect that in the upcoming year, but maybe further in the future. I've got some lofty dreams, but I'm also a believer in not taking on bigger workloads than I can handle alone (mixed results).
I think that generally covers my resolutions. Probably a lot of goals under that "mental health" banner that I neglect to mention. Happy New Year™!! !!!!!! ! !! !!!!!
0 notes
mango-bango-bby · 2 years
This is my first time requesting so I’m quite nervous👉👈. I really love your work a lot, especially since you write all your characters so soft. I often tend to shy away from Yandere fics since many are abusive and less love than violence so your blog is one of the few I can enjoy💝.
Since you recently added Jujutsu Kaisen to your list and I love that show and the manga, my request is for Toji with a darling who is really polite to him but dodges all of his attempts to woo them. One day he happens to eavesdrop on a conversation with darling and friends where they ask the darling why they haven’t accepted Toji yet despite the reader wanting to be in a relationship with someone. That’s when they finally admit that his sheer built alone intimidates and scares them immensely and that it’s sort of hard to be around him and not show any sign of fear yet they don’t want to be impolite.
Thank you for everything you do for us❣️
♡ Intimidating ♡
(A/N: No need to be nervous, sweetie, I promise 🥺🥺 I’m so glad you like my works and I definitely feel you. I personally tend to not like certain yandere stuff because it’s just really intense. But I’m glad mine are soft enough for you to enjoy 💖 I hope you like this, and you’re very welcome, thank you for all your kind words 🥰)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, stalking, Toji bugs readers phone
Summary: Toji keeps trying to approach you only for you to run away every single time, he finally gets to find out why (Yandere!Toji x GN!Reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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Toji was trying to catch your attention, he really was. Yet it seemed like no matter what he did, you never seemed to notice him. Or at least you didn’t notice him in the way he wanted. You were always polite to him, yes, you would acknowledge him with a polite smile before finding an opportunity to slip out of the room before Toji could try to strike up a flirty conversation with you.
It was frustrating if he was being honest. He wanted to flirt his way into your heart, he already really liked you and he wanted you to want him back. Yet you always seemed to try and get out of his conversations or try to run away.
Of course, today was no different. He approached you, knowing you’d most likely be at this cafe. And of course, as always, you would glance up at him as he spoke before glancing back down at the floor nervously. After nervously talking to him, you eventually slipped into the crowd of the crowded cafe. You managed to slip away again.
You lay on your bed, bringing your head away from your phone at your friend screeching into the phone. “Why wouldn’t you stay and talk to him!?” They ask loudly, before continuing.
“He’s so handsome and cute!” They squeal. Little did you know though that Toji could listen in on your conversations, bugging your phone was a decision he doesn’t think he’ll ever regret.
“I mean, he is pretty handsome” You say, not knowing that smirk that appears on Toji’s face as he listens in on your conversation from his apartment. “But don’t you find him kind of- I don’t know- scary?” You ask, wondering if maybe you were the only one. He was intimidating to you!
“What do you mean he’s scary?” Your friend asks, through the phone. “I mean, he’s just- he’s so tall, and he’s just a big person in general, don’t you find that kind of intimidating?” You say softly into your phone, not exactly waiting for your friend to respond.
“Like, I’m sure he’s a very nice person but he just kind of intimidating” You mumble, as if embarrassed that you’re afraid of this man who from your perspective was just a kind man who wanted to get to know you.
Toji listens to your words with a small smile on his face. You’re just so goddamn cute. That’s why you always seemed to avoid him. You were just nervous. You were scared of someone that was bigger than you. That was absolutely adorable.
He wonders how he could make you like him. He needs to come up with a way to show you that he’s not threatening.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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emmadoodle · 2 years
Just Start Talking
WARNING: THIS IS AN INTENSE TICKLE FIC, INTERROGATION FIC, AND TICKLE MACHINE FIC! This will verrry likely not be for everyone. The lee in this fic while even though is being interrogated, is not in any distress, and is revealed to be having fun. Please be sure to read the content warnings before proceeding! This is very different than my other stuff, if you’d like to see my more playful fics you can check out my masterpost :D
I want to give a huge shout out to @fluffallamaful and @covenofwives for giving me little words of wisdom and the courage to post this! And I wanna give an even bigger shoutout to @mushiewrites for being the first person I ever got to give this idea to, the first one to ever read this fic, AND for brainrotting this entire idea with me for weeks so that this fic could be born. I LOVE YOU!!
Summary: c!Dream, even after escaping prison, finds himself in the hands of c!Sam and c!Quackity, as they try one last time to get him to give them the revive book. In order to do so, they use a brand new machine that Sam invented.
CWs: intense tickles, restraints, interrogation, c!dream, at a single point dream is unable to breathe but it is only for a small amount of time, swearing, slight disassociation 
This takes place in a canon divergent timeline- cDream was not tortured as much as or as badly as he was in canon, after escaping prison he was allowed to stay away from the smp to live with cGeorge. With everything out of the way, without further ado, I hope you enjoy
3,669 words
Dream stirred slightly in his sleep, grogginess hitting him much harder than it usually does when he awakes in the morning. He shifted, attempting to rub his eyes sleepily before realizing he was unable to do so. He opened his eyes with a start. He was sitting, not laying down in his bed.
Behind him, attached to the back of the chair was a large machine, with two dormant mechanical arms attached. The end of both arms gave the appearance of futuristic ray guns, with bright red spheres attached to the edge.
“Oh what the hell,” Dream groaned, eyes adjusting to the dim light of the room and seeing his two captors. He hadn’t seen Sam and Quackity since leaving the prison finally a couple months prior, “I thought you agreed to leave me alone Sam,” Dream said calmly.
“Yeah well change of plan,” Sam answered, “Quackity still needs information, and I had made him a promise. We won’t keep you captive, since that would be breaking my other promise to you, but we are going to need to get some info from you.”
Dream tensed, he couldn’t go through this. He was finally free, he was living on his own with George, he wanted nothing to do with the SMP anymore. He struggled against the restraints and began screaming.
“NO! Let me OUT! You can’t do this!!”
“Awww don’t worry Dream,” Quackity cooed, “I’ve learned from past mistakes that pain just doesn’t seem to work on you,” Dream stopped his struggle to look at his interrogator, “Yeah, don’t even sweat it. This won’t hurt a bit,” Q gave him an evil look, making Dream swallow to mask his fear.
The second the signal was given the mechanical arms lifted from their dormant state to point directly at Dream. They were even more terrifying as the end point of the ray gun like devices pointed on either side of his torso. He braced himself, expecting a new type of pain, tensing his muscles and clenching his jaw so he didn’t give the other two in the room any sort of gratification. He heard a slight humming from the ballpointed tips, and to his utter surprise, and slight dismay, it truly wasn’t pain that he suddenly felt. Quackity hadn't been lying.
It took a moment to process what was now happening, but his laughter came first. A very precise feeling of being tickled in the middle of both his sides made him jump suddenly, giggles escaping through his nose, and then pouring out passed his tightened lips, as he realized there was nowhere for him to go. It was unlike many other sensations he could even begin to describe, the warm and tingling sensation seeming to attack his nerves directly.
“Whahahahahat?!” Dream squirmed and shook his head slightly. He jolted suddenly, as best he could with the restraints, when the robotic arms began to move. Each going up and down in a predictable pattern. Down over the bottom of his sides a little above his hips, making him buck against his waist strap, and then would travel back up his sides and over his ribs all the way to the top bones. “Whahahahat thehehe hehehehell ihihihis thihihihis!?” Dream demanded, although it didn’t exactly sound very demanding through his laughter.
“Tell me where the book is, Dream” Was Quackity’s only response. Dream shook his head, refusing to give in. The arms continued their movement. Up and down and up and down, not missing a single area on either side. His torso moved side to side involuntarily as it tried to resist the feeling, even though it didn’t help at all.
Quackity looked over at Sam, and gave him a nod. Sam took a look at his monitor, taking in some of the info given to him before pressing another button. The arms stopped their movement, but the vibrating shockwaves continued. Dream tensed his body now that the tickles weren't moving, trying to drown out the sensation, but nothing was working. The arms moved again suddenly, positioning themselves over two different areas on his sides. On his right, the machine seemed to focus over his top rib. On the other side it pointed directly in the middle of his left side.
Dream flinched as the arms took their position, the reaction making it apparent that these two spots were much more sensitive than anywhere else. The tickles engulfed the nerves there making it impossible for him to sit still or even focus on anything else.
The machine moved again, but this time neither up or down, but towards him. And then both ends touched down. One pushing into his top rib, and the other poking him in the side. The once semi tolerable tickling was now so much worse. An intense ticklishness shot straight into his most sensitive nerves, and Dream screamed.
He arched his back in a desperate manner before he landed back down with his back hitting the back of the chair. He pushed his shoes into the ground, kicking over and over.
The feeling was overwhelming and intense. It felt nothing like when someone were to drill into your worst spot, and more like it was tickling him from the inside out. The feeling sparked like fireworks, never slowing down or faltering, and there was no way to get used to it.
Dream pulled at his arms, trying to slide down to at least make the arms aim somewhere, anywhere else, but they stayed glued to the areas that made him laugh the hardest. His cackles no longer contained screams, but had turned to continuous loud belly laughs that came from deep in his chest. His mouth was open wide with a smile and his eyes were now permanently squeezed shut. His thrashing continued until he melted back into the chair, head thrown back in his mirth.
He was completely lost to the feeling until he felt someone grab his face, grounding him slightly from the fuzziness that was starting to fill his head.
"Are you ready to talk yet?"
Dream opened his watering eyes to meet Quackity’s. The duck hybrid’s hand had a good hold of Dream’s chin, forcing him to maintain eye contact. Dream could barely hear him though, his laughter being too loud, and there was a slight ringing in his ears.
"LEHEHEHET MEHEHE GOHOHOHAHA!" He continued to laugh and weakly tried to turn his neck away from his grasp. Quackity groaned and let go of Dream’s face and gave Sam a look. The tickling only went on for a few more seconds before it finally stopped.
Dream took in a shaky breath of air to catch his breath, and let out a giggly sigh of relief. He slumped down, wishing more than anything to rub away the ghost tickles that still lingered along his ribs and sides. Any time he moved though, the two arms still pressed into his torso made him jump.
He was dazed, and he still hadn't completely caught his breath, but Dream tried his best to speak, "Whahahat is thihis tehechnology? Hohow did yohohou mahake thihis?" He managed to get out, even after all of this, curiosity got the best of him. What type of foriegn science was this?
"You aren’t asking the questions here!" In response Sam quickly turned the device on and back off again, only lasting for a second. Dream screeched and yanked on his restraints, and then bent over as he faced the floor and giggled.
"Ihihi've told you behefore! Thehere is no physical cohopy of the boohok anymore."
"Well then you better start reciting it to me!"
Dream only shook his head at that, sitting back up straight. He looked Q in the eyes again. They were already tired but determined. Quackity huffed through his nose in annoyance and gave Sam the signal again, not breaking eye contact
Dream broke eye contact first, becoming distracted as the same pulsating ticklish energy shot straight into his nerves again and this time not stopping.
There was no build up unlike the first time since the two arms were already pushed against his body. With the feeling going from zero to one hundred, his entire body tensed, not sure how to even process the sudden extreme sensations. At first there was silence, all except a deep gasp coming from Dream. And then a scream. His back arched again, this time staying in that position as his scream went back into silence.
Dream could feel his mind blanking, the tickling coursing through him felt as though millions of lightning strikes were toying with every single one of his nerve endings directly, and it plunged him into silent laughter.
His lungs burned as they spasmed through the motions of laughter without any air. He couldn’t even notice his lack of air until he felt his vision begin to darken. The machine stopped again, and the robotic arms finally moved away from him. Dream noticed immediately this time, and he took in a huge gulp of air, as he relaxed in euphoric relief. He coughed, letting out the cackles that couldn't come out before.
"Just breathe Dream," he could barely comprehend Sam's voice from across the room; Q was giving Sam a disappointed look in response to Dream getting another break so soon, "we can't have you dying on us,"
"Why mehehehehehe," Dream tugged weakly at his restraints. His brain was starting to feel rather cloudy, he couldn't tell if it was because of exhaustion or the still ghostly buzzing on his skin.
"You know how to make this stop Dream. Start talking." Q demanded, and Dream flinched and giggled.
"Fuhuck you!" His smile was more giddy than defiant at this point.
"Fine. That's how you wanna do this? Sam turn it back on!"
"No no noho nohohoho hahahahaha-" The machine whirred to life, starting back at stage one. Dream jerked and squirmed as the end effector left a trail of tickles up and down, never letting him get used to it again. To make matters worse it seems over time Dream has only managed to get more sensitive, this beginning phase feeling more ticklish than the first time.
"Plehehehehease I cahahahan't tahahahake ihihit!!" He was dreading what was coming, knowing at any second the arms would make contact with him again. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to handle it. He bucked against the waist strap in strained anticipation. It was too much.
Finally he felt the arms stop their movement. This time around they had chosen different spots. One of them was now aiming towards his lower side, right above his hip, and the other one positioned itself to point towards the top of his side. Dream began pleading again through his laughter, but it fell on deaf ears. The arms began moving inwards, and Dream made one final weak pull at his restraints before they touched down.
“FFFFUHUHUHUHUCK!!!” Dream screamed out a hoarse shrieking cackle as he arched his back once again for what felt like the fiftieth time against the feeling. The arm aiming for his upper hip ended up digging more into the back of his side than the first time around, creating the most mind numbing sensation Dream had ever felt. And Dream’s head was certainly starting to go numb. There was nothing else he was willing to focus on. There was nothing else he could focus on.
The electric like buzzing felt as though it was coming from deep within his nervous system, expertly manipulating and focusing on his weakest points to make him scream. He wanted to crawl out of his own skin just to escape the onslaught of tickles he didn’t know was possible to perceive. His mind was buzzing as much as his skin was, he was trapped in his own head, where the only thing he was allowed to notice and focus on was the red hot tickling shockwaves that at this point felt as though were penetrating his very being. No words were forming in his brain anymore, but if his thoughts could be translated to a sensical stream of consciousness, all it would be is ‘it tickles it tickles it tickles this tickles it tickles’
Dream wasn’t fighting anymore. Being zapped of all his energy, he now sat limp in the chair, body spasming every once in a while as it was wracked with another wave of agony against the never ending feeling. His eyes were no longer squeezed tight and they looked lost in a daze as he laughed hysterically, looking at nothing. His hands kept flexing open and closed, though he wasn’t aware he was doing it. He was lost completely to hysteria, and it was at this point something shifted.
The tickling was constant and extreme, beyond anything Dream was able to wrap his head around, and as it continued to course through him, leaving him feeling like a puddle of nerves, he felt himself buck a little bit more. But it wasn’t against the restraints anymore, it was into the feeling itself. It was so tortuous, so agonizing and nothing would stop its torment against his body. Yet every pulse of sparkling jabs against his nerves was beginning to make his head spin with pure bliss.
He wasn’t cognizant enough to realize what was happening, but now, contrary to a earlier, he couldn’t get enough of this torturous onslought against his own limp form.
‘It tickles it tickles it tickles so so much’ and now he didn’t want it to stop.
But eventually it did stop, although it took a good 3 minutes for Dream to notice. He could still feel everything. His entire body, not even just the spots the machine was targeting, felt as though it was aflame in ghost like tickles that made him turn to putty. He continued his loud laughter until finally it died down on its own.
Dream however was still a mess. His face was blushed deep red, both from the situation and the physical excretion. He was breathless, but his face seemed so lost in the leftover tingles, basking in the now wonderful feeling. His muscles were all relaxed, twitching every once in a while when he felt air brush against his overly sensitive skin.
It took him a good while to remember where he was, but Sam and Quackity seemed patient. When he was back in the present, his nerves still feeling as though they are on fire, he spoke, “Ahare yahoo guhuys dohone yehet?”
“No we’re not done you! We haven’t gotten anywhere!” Quackity genuinely thought by this point Dream would have caved. He seemed to have much more mental strength than Q would have given him credit for.
“Yohohour not gonna gehet ahanything from mehe. Juhust lehet me goho,” Dream begged, and Quackity was not happy with this response. He stalked towards Dream as he sat helpless in the device, but this time he didn’t flinch.
“Give me the book Dream, or else!”
“Ihi ahalready told you I dohon’t have it.”
“You know what I meant.”
“Whahat else are you gohonna do? Ihisn’t this torture enoguh?” Dream lazily cocked his head to the side as it rested against his shoulder and gave Q a dazed smile.
In anger, Quackity grabbed the machine’s arms, swinging them to the front of the chair. He then grabbed at the hem of Dream’s shirt, who then burst into laughter just at the feeling of someone touching him. He continued to laugh as Q dragged his shirt all the way up his torso, revealing Dream’s quivering tummy and bare sides.
“Alright Dream, this is your last fucking chance,” Quackity manuvered the two arms again, making them aim right at the skin of Dream’s bare stomach. His breath hitched as he realized what was about to happen, “Agree to recite the fucking book to me, right fucking now, or I will make you lose your fucking mind,” this was a threat Dream did not take lightly. But he knew there was nothing he could do.
There was no way he could share the book with Quackity, it would surely lead to his own death. And on the other hand, way deep down, a small part of him felt almost…giddy? Why did he want this? The idea of the machine’s torturous and precise shockwavse being sent directly into his stomach, on his skin, sounded wonderfully torturous.
He didn’t have to imagine it any longer as the machine buzzed and turned on. The arms weren’t touching his skin directly yet, but they were still aimed perfectly to shoot its vibrations straight at his belly. Dream threw his head back and squealed, tucking in his stomach at the wondrous feeling. This was much different than before, the shockwaves hitting bare skin seemed to create even more of a spark that pricked every nerve at once, creating an explosion of tickles all over the area. Dream dug his feet into the ground again as he realized just how agonizing this was and the device wasn’t even physically touching him.
“You know what’s about to happen, Dream. Tell me now, and all of this can be over.” Dream was no longer even acknowledging Q anymore, his head was too fuzzy, and it felt like he was floating. Quackity did not like being ignored, “You fucking asked for this,” was the last thing he said before pushing both arms right onto Dream’s stomach. One touching down at the top of his stomach right below his sternum, and the other one burrowing itself right onto his belly button.
Before Dream could even think, or even begin to comprehend this sudden eruption of extreme tickling now flowing through his middle, he felt his entire body jerk upright almost as if he’d been electrocuted. A raw screech tore through Dream’s throat as he pushed himself desperately against the back of his chair to get away. There was no way to tell if he was laughing or screaming, or perhaps both at the same time.
Wave after wave of firework like bursts of ticklish energy was shot through his entire stomach, and his head was reeling in a bliss like daze he’d never felt before. The sensations made him feel lost, like he was somehow outside his body yet engulfed in nothing but warmth. As he arched his back, thrusting his belly into the mind numbing tickles, he felt shiver after shiver run down his spine. He melted completely, there was nothing else that mattered. He could only know what he was feeling right now, and how much he just couldn’t get enough of it. It tore apart his nervous system in the most perfect way. He was buried in complete hysteria and he never wanted to go back
It wouldn’t stop. How long had it even been?
It tickles.
Dream couldn’t tell if he was even still laughing, not even aware of his physical position. Was he still sitting, or was he flying? Was he falling?
It tickles so much.
The ringing in his ears, and the sound of his own beating pulse was a perfect lull to the mush of his brain. He simultaneously tried to move towards and away from the swirl of feeling teasing his nerves perfectly.
It tickles it tickles it tickles it
He couldn’t see, or at least he couldn’t focus on anything. It was a blur of shapes and colors.
Everything tickled. It tickles more than words could describe, it was the only thing in the world that made sense.
When he felt someone grab his hair, he realized that the machine had actually stopped. So why did his nerves still feel like they were tingling with tickles just as intense as before. He couldn’t stop giggling. He was still floating, unconsciousness was dancing in the corners of his mind. There are people talking. Everything is still buzzing. Dream closed his eyes again to bask in its hold. A warmth of tickles could be felt everywhere, all over him. Somehow Dream was content.
When Dream opened his eyes again he was laying down, know longer strapped in his sitting position. He was in a grassy field. The events of before came back full force and he turned over to wrap his arms around himself, wincing as his muscles ached. The amount of tensing he had done taking a number on his strength. His abs hurt the most from the sheer force of his laughter.
He sat up while gritting his teeth, still slightly dizzy. He heard his name being called and he flinched and turned to its direction, regretting it as another dull ache tore through his muscles. It was George.
“Oh my god, Dream? Where have you been!? You disappeared the entirety of yesterday. I was terrified!” It took Dream a moment to comprehend his words, and then he thought back to the day before. He was fine now, and it seemed as promised Sam and Quackity let him go free. And the last thing he wanted was for George to worry.
“Ah, I’m sorry. I decided to go running yesterday and got a bit too much into it. I didn’t realize how much time had passed until the sun started to rise haha!” Dream created a quick lie, not the best one, but it would give him an excuse for being sore.
George didn’t buy it, and Dream knew that, but he didn’t pry, “Well come back to the cottage, I had made soup for you before you didn’t come home.” All Dream could still think about was everything he’d just gone through. The insane tickling, that he never knew was possible, the feeling of absolute bliss, and the almost out of body experience it had led him too. He wanted to do it again. Why did he actually want to do it again?
He took George’s hand and helped himself up, pushing those thoughts back into his head. Now he was with George. Nothing else needed to matter. Right?
tag list: @twordishl @starlightrosa
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
The Second Cumming.
Fandom: Obey Me Pairing: Lucifer x MC x Diavolo, Satan x MC x Belphegor, Leviathan x MC x Simeon, Amso x MC, Asmo x MC x Solomon, Mammon x MC x Beelzebub. (Female MC). Warnings: Threesome’s, Female heat, Mild Dubcon, Voyeurism, Mild Exhibitionism, Toy use, Oral, vaginal, anal penetration. Squirting, Double Penetration, mild Yaoi, Polyamorous relationship. Notes: The Dickening Part 2. The biggest thank you to @theshove​ for having so much faith with me for this piece. Not only for your generous donation but also for beta-ing the whole piece within a day! And also to @theinariakuma​ for all your love and support. Also thank you to all those who donated for early release as well and all your wonderful feedback. 💛 Tagging: @starry-starry-night24​, @0-miles-away​, @pixiestick0924, @iloveobeyme, @ghoulgirlradio, @raymiazaki. 
“Just five more minutes,” she whined, pulling the red bed covers over her head.
“You said this five minutes ago, and five before that, and five before that,” a deep voice answered above the sound of metal hooks clinking as curtains were thrown open, letting light flood into the room.
“But Lucifer!” She whined once more in protest, squeezing her eyes shut, trying her best to attempt to block out the beams of light shining through the covers.
“No buts,” Lucifer huffed, attaching his cloak to his shirt in the golden framed mirror beside the bed. “You promised Solomon you would-“ The end of his sentence was cut off by the bedroom door being slammed wide open. 
“Lucifer! Beel ate my lizard custard slice!” Mammon came storming in, huffing with rage and disturbing the peace.
“Oh lord Diavolo give me strength,” Lucifer sighed as Beel came bounding in after him. 
“He took my money to gamble at that tournament! He owes me more than a lizard slice!” The ginger haired brother took a few paces into the room. 
“Lucifer, there’s no food! That big oaf must have eaten everything again in the night!” Satan tutted, walking straight into the back of someone. Not realising that the broad back he’d just walked into belonged to Beel, the big oaf he was talking about. 
“Hey I didn’t touch a thing! And who are you calling oaf, scrawny bookworm!” Beel towered over Satan as he turned around, prodding a finger into his chest. 
“Boys, don’t start!” Lucifer growled as both Satan and Beel transformed into their demon forms, Satan glaring up at Beel. 
“My grimm’s on Beel,” Mammon laughed, sitting down on Lucifer's bed as a squeal rang out.
“Mammon you idiot!” The young girl threw the covers off her head, making Mammon freeze in mid air after realising he had sat on her. 
“Shit-I- I’m sorry, I didn’t see ya! Shouldn’t be sneaking up on the Great Mammon like that,” Mammon’s facing blushed red as he quickly stood up. 
“Hey, what’s all the noise?” Belphegor and Levi ran from their rooms into Lucifer's. Lucifer sighed and covered his face with one hand. Just once he wanted a quiet and peaceful morning without the shenanigans of his younger siblings. 
“Tough guy here thinks he can chat shit as always,” Beel hissed, staring down Satan, whose tail flickered feistily into the air. 
“Oh, morning boys!” Asmo chirped as he walked past, sporting only a small thong and a half done up silk robe. “Has anyone seen sweetie, I need her opinion and she’s not in her room.” He pouted softly before his eyes fell onto the girl in Lucifer's bed. “Ah there you are! Now come on you,” he cooed, pushing past his brothers with little regard for their problems and tugging her hand.
“Wait- Asmo! I’m not dressed!” She squealed, attempting to clutch the sheets to her naked body but, as Asmo pulled her, the sheets fell and she stumbled forward off the bed. Her nightie lay bunched on the floor from her previous night with Lucifer and all eyes fell on her. The arguments and squabbles from moments ago became lost in translation as seven sets of eyes travelled over her, all of their pacts visible in different locations, with Satan’s and Beel’s radiating due to them being in demon form and giving a glow to her skin. 
Ever since helping them with their heats, she and the brothers had come to love each other, creating a relationship between all of them and the human. Each getting private and shared alone time with her, all of them giving her their heart and hers to them. 
“You know, I’m not hungry for food anymore,” Satan smirked as he turned his body to face her, taking a few steps forward only to be held back by Beel.
“Fat chance. I’m the one for gluttony, I need to eat more importantly,”.
“Beel move, you're blocking the view.” Levi entered and pushed Beel out of the way, sending the biggest of the brothers flying into Mammon.
“Hey! Watch it! These treads were expensive!” Mammon growled as Beel stepped on his white shoes. 
“Right! Out! All of you out!” Lucifer finally snapped, bending down and handing the girl her clothes. “School is in an hour. I want all of you ready to go by then I have an important meeting with Diavolo and, as we are all aware, our little dove is meeting with Solomon.” 
“I- um,” The girl blushed as she threw on her clothes, all of the brothers sending her a confused expression. “I’m helping Solomon with a birth-control potion.” The pill she was currently taking was in short supply and since condoms broke left, right and centre with the brothers - the dick game was too strong - this seemed their only viable option. 
“So this,” Solomon was holding up a vial in his hand, the gold shimmers twisting in the light of the open window, “is just a tester. Its effects will last a few days, just to trial how it gets on.” In one hand was a gold vial with shimmers, in the other a gold vial with dark blue swirls. “I’ve perfected the ingredients; it works similar to human contraception, just in liquid form. Everything regulates the same. To test its success you should bleed in a week's time. If all is in order I can produce a bigger batch which will last you roughly twenty one days. if you wish to not continue with periods then you can take another one straight after.” 
“And what is this one?” She pointed to the potion with deep blue hues in his other hand. She’d grown close to Solomon over her time here, becoming close friends with the slightly perverted sorcerer. 
“The same; both are made from the same batch, only this contains fairy dust which enhances the aphrodisiac hormones.” A ‘birth-control viagra for women’ as he had once put it. Pumped full of ovulation hormones to increase sex drive without fear of risk. 
“Okay, so do I just take it now or…?” she asked as she took the potion from his hand. It was the same potion she’d used during the brothers’ heat, only this was longer lasting with regard to time and helped to regulate the hormones inside her body. 
“Yes, take it all. You won’t feel any different,” he assured with a slightly sweet smile, a smile he only kept for her. Without thinking she knocked the golden liquid back, humming at the sweet taste of honey, as silk liquid dripped down the back of her throat. 
“You are an angel!” She smiled sweetly, pressing a kiss to his cheek and the vial back in his hand. “I can’t stay for much longer; I have a meeting with Diavolo and Lucifer I must attend. Are you sure there is nothing I can do to thank you for your help?”. 
The sorcerer sighed and rolled his eyes, she always did this. Offering a thank you for his assistance. “As I’ve told you before, the thank you is you letting me test out the potions on you.” ‘A real-life guinea pig’, he’d once teased her with. 
“Well, I must dash. I’ll see you soon, okay?” She waved as she picked up her satchel before leaving purgatory hall and headed back to R.A.D. She’d never understood the twisted rumours she had heard about Solomon. He was always so sweet and pleasant to her. Although he could be mocking and demeaning at times, his words seemed more of a false threat than anything more. But his actions towards her were always soft and gentle.
As she walked back with a little skip in her step, Solomon turned back to his book upon the table. It was open to the page where the instructions for making his potions lay. He’d skimmed over the ingredients as he made it, as he had to make some minor adjustments. Golden Hell Fire Newt Syrup was required, a vital ingredient, but notorious for being an aphrodisiac for demons if they came into contact with it. Even the residue from the bottle on her lips would set off intense lust inside a demon if she was to kiss them - and Solomon knew this was a contraception potion. She would most definitely be doing more than just kissing her demon lovers. He had to add in a set of ingredients to hold back the effects on demons so that this would only have effect on a human system. He didn’t dare risk sending the brothers into an accidental heat; he had heard from her (and Asmo) the extent of what had happened during their heat only a few weeks ago and couldn’t bear the thought of putting the poor girl through it again after she’d had such a short time to recover. 
Only he didn’t notice an error in his work until it was too late...
“Once the liquid has cooled, add a few drops of blue fairy dust - check. To neutralize the effects of the Golden Hell Fire Newt Syrup… oh,” Solomon stopped as he read out the remainder of the listing ingredients. “Well then… doesn’t this make for an interesting turn of events.” A dark smile grimacing over his face. 
“Darling.” Lucifer smiled to see her walk into Diavolos' office, her uniform in perfect condition and hair without a single strand out of place. He beamed with pride at how beautifully she represented the school. 
“Hi, sorry I’m late.” She smiled back with a faint blush as Lucifer pressed a kiss to her cheek. She brushed a piece of hair behind her ear as she sat beside Lucifer on the opposite side of Diavolos' desk. Dia felt the corners of his mouth twitch upwards, seeing the pair so smitten with each other, the glancing looks of admiration shared between them. He was more than glad to see his old friend so happy, even if it wasn’t with him… But that part of their relationship had ended many centuries ago out of fear of the council; Lucifer had refused to put Dia’s claim to the throne at jeopardy. Diavolo had never found a lover since. There had been the occasional one night stand before but nothing more serious than that. The council would be infuriated to find out about his past with Lucifer and his nightly activities with others. He’d thought Lucifer would never find another either, with the years he had spent alone and unloved. But then a ray of hope came into his life with the young girl opening up her heart to him and his brothers. Whilst Diavolo watched from the side lines, longing to be a part of it all as he, too, found himself purely intoxicated with the young female and wanted nothing more to have a stake of claim to her heart.
“____, it’s a pleasure as always,” Dia greeted her with a nod. “To continue from where we were…”
Diavolo carried on their conversation, about how well the exchange program was going and how she was receiving some of the best grades to be seen from pupils. All was going well, until she felt it.
At first it was just the normal burn. She knew sometimes it happened, a faint ovulation feeling. She didn't mind. But her eyes kept drifting over the two demons. She found her mouth going dry as she admired Diavolo, his strong arms... his general size. He and Beel were the largest men she knew. She wondered if-- Nope. She had to stop that right there. "A-ah Lucifer. I think we need to go." Her voice was meek, arousal getting worse the longer she was in the room with two extremely attractive demons. However, golden eyes were locked on her, and she was squirming. 
"My dear, the meeting isn't over. We'll go once it is over."
“Lucifer... we really need to go.” Heat was rising amongst her cheeks, her fingers grasping the pleated edge of her uniform skirt. Every nerve in her body flooded, pulsing alive with arousal and a pool of liquid flushed between her thighs. The more she looked between the demons, one her superior, the other one of her pacted seven lovers. “Please.” 
“My dove,“ Lucifer had started, a little huff of annoyance which peaked into curiosity at her soft whimper at him placing his hand on her thigh. His words pulled her away from her stare at Diavolo, crimson eyes meeting her lustful gaze. 
“Lucifer-“ She was unable to stop her thighs parting slightly at the contact of his palm upon her thigh. The scent of her arousal grew thick in the air, hitting Lucifer instantly, him now realising the need of her pleas. And just as he was about to offer his hand to leave, a low growl came from the other side of the desk. Diavolo was not about to let this opportunity pass him by.
The look from Diavolo made her legs spread wider, her cheeks flushed red as she let out a short gasp. Her fingers reached to her side as she grasped the edge of her chair, both of the demon's eyes focusing on the rise of her skirt up her bare thigh and the straining of her nipples against the thin material of her bra and shirt. She looked desperate, felt desperate and just ached to be filled. A small ‘please’ mustered, not directly speaking to Lucifer but to both of them.
“I can’t wait until we get home.” As she began unbuttoning her shirt, the white of her bra peeked through, showing the fullness of her breasts. Any sense of shame had left her body, the only thing on her mind right now was to be ruthlessly taken and to quench this burning desire between her thighs. Lucifer had objected at first, but with how strong her scent was, he knew it would be a risk to get her home as any demon within a few meters radius would be able to catch her scent. A scent that was meant only for him and his brothers. 
“You can have my office…” Diavolo had gestured, feeling sorry for the poor girl, having to watch her become undone so quickly. But as he walked past to offer them some space, her arm quickly caught his and a small doting look from her with the word, ‘Stay’ pushed him over the edge. 
“Ngh- Dia!”.
A low chuckle came from the prince as he shifted slightly, tongue moving from her dripping clit to tease where her and Lucifer met. Lucifer was just as sensitive as he remembered. Whilst his mouth moved to capture his balls, Lucifer let out a deep hiss as his fingers gripped tightly onto the girls waist, Diavolos fingers continuing to tease their sticky meeting and her clit for the additional stimulation. The additional stimulation she had begged for.
Diavolo lay on his desk, his head close to hanging off the side whilst she hovered above him on all fours, his cock buried deep inside her mouth - well what she could take anyway - whilst her hand worked the rest of him. Lucifer stood behind her, impaling her onto his cock as he took her deep and fast, giving her exactly what she needed right now. Both Dia and Lucifer working together to bring her to climax after climax, each one melting into the next. Diavolo having to hold himself back a little every now and then, wanting nothing more than to bury himself in both of them and leave them in a heaving pool of his mess. But now wasn’t the time for that.
“Ah… ah! Diavolo!” she whimpered, her voice an octave higher than normal as one hand dug her nails into his thigh. The feeling of Lucifer fucking her with the touches of Diavolo on her clit and folds was too much, sending her barrelling into another high. 
“Good girl,” Diavolo cooed, pulling his mouth from Lucifer’s balls to lap up the wetness that had drenched his cock each time he pulled out. “I believe it’s your turn now,”. Champagne orbs glistened but were missed by Lucifer as he clenched his eyes shut and let his jaw tense as the teasing actions of Diavolo. 
“N-not yet Dia- focus on her first,” he grunted, snapping his hips quickly against hers as Diavolo’s mouth was once again on him, sucking in a motion that made the heat pool like a volcano ready to erupt at any given second. He needed Diavolo to stop now or it would be over and she was clearly far from being spent from the way she glanced over her shoulder and begged for more with the little words she could muster.
With a grunt Diavolo pulled himself away, latching his mouth onto her clit and feeling smug at the way she cried out. Her back arched as she clawed at his thighs, almost drawing blood, the weight of her breasts pushing down against his lower stomach was an added sensation in itself. The push and pull of her body rubbed her nipples against his skin, sending vibrations of her moans around Diavolos cock and across his body. 
The wet sounds of slapping skin and Diavolos tongue against her rang through the office, Lucifer having put on an enchantment to block any sound leaving the room so they could attend to her needs without fear, Diavolo in amazement to see how sensitive she was to his touch, how good her essence tasted and just how mind blowing she felt with her lips wrapped around his cock. But, like Lucifer had said, this was about her pleasure and Diavolo didn’t want to blow his load until she was a whimpering mess.
“C-close!” High gasps growing louder with each breath, only a few thrusts after her previous orgasm,her walls beginning to tighten once more. Her arms wrapped tightly around Lucifer for support, his hands holding her waist tightly to guide her movements. Lucifer rested on Diavolos desk, her straddling as him as she rocked in his lap with the help of his movement whilst Diavolo pressed against her back, his lips focusing on her neck whilst his hands fondled her breasts. Tweaking her nipples in his index and thumbs, grinding against her behind whilst his cock slid between her thighs. The movement of her rocking, the clench of her thighs and the fleeting contact with Lucifer's cock was enough to keep him on the edge. 
“That’s it princess,” Diavolo whispered softly into her ear, catching her lobe and giving it a gentle tug, his soft words touching her heart. With the little strength she had left, she turned her head, pulling an arm free from Lucifer to grasp the light-red hair and pull his face closer to hers. Her cheeks were flushed red, eyes lost in a galaxy haze, a goddess of lust was all Diavolo could think when he saw her. It was their first kiss, and far from their last, but the softness of it as they melted into each other made her clench tightly over Lucifer. The strong feeling of intimacy and love she shared with the brothers was portrayed with Diavolo as their lips continued to meet. 
And as her climax hit her, she turned back to Lucifer, letting his lips glide over hers as they had done some many times, soft whimpers escaping their kiss, her body convulsing as it curled from the sheer force of her release before slumping against Lucifer’s chest, her thirst quenched and her body exhausted. 
Her raven haired lover pressed a kiss to her temple, pushing her hair which was now stuck to her forehead out of the way and off her face. Diavolo’s hand wrapped around Lucifer’s on her waist, continuing the rocking motion as they both chased their release, Lucifer buried deep inside her and Diavolo snuggly between her thighs. 
“Dia…” Lucifer thrusted up slightly at the feeling of his length pressing against his own each time he pulled out. Crimson eyes met golden over her shoulder as she lay panting against his chest, fingers curling over each other’s and before they knew it both leaned across to exchange a kiss.
A sloppy kiss, tongue and teeth meeting in a passionate exchange. A kiss that hadn’t happened for decades but had never lost its rhythm. A kiss that spoke a thousand words that could never be said out loud. It had been the end of both of them, lips sparking and igniting the fires within. Lucifer spilled deep inside her as Diavolo came upon the top of her thighs, finally marking her skin with his release.
The room fell silent apart from the sound of ragged breaths, the two men pressing their foreheads against her shoulder and back, holding her until her racing heart had finally calmed down.
Diavolo had seen them off, Lucifer carrying her to his car before whisking them home after a fleeting exchange of kisses from Diavolo to them both in the privacy of his office. Another demon, only this one being the prince, having stolen her heart. 
“Take care of her,” Diavolo had whispered to his former lover, stroking her hair as she blissfully slept in Lucifer's arms. Her body was exhausted. 
“I always do,” Lucifer gave the faintest of smiles to Diavolo before parting ways, his whole being flooded with pride to have two lovers back in his life. 
Lucifer was ecstatic; nostalgia of feelings came flooding back that he had kept down with Diavolo. But he was also weary. This behaviour from her was completely askew. She’d teased Lucifer before in Diavolo’s and public presence, but never to the extent that she had begged him to take her there and then. Never had she looked so radiant yet so frustrated at the same time. And never had she been so unsatisfied that it had taken a few more rounds than normal to satisfy her. Something was wrong. The only thing Lucifer could think of was that the potion with Solomon had gone wrong and Lucifer needed to get to the bottom of it. 
“Lock her in her room. No one is to enter until I get back. Do you understand?” Lucifer asked one final time to Satan and Belphegor, the pair of them sat outside her room. He had tucked her sleeping figure into bed, placing a spell on the door to ensure no one could get in. He needed to ensure first what was happening in case another episode occurred. 
The morning and afternoon had faded by the time their session had ended, meaning Solomon would be finished from his afternoon classes. Unfortunately for Solomon, mixing up the potions would be the least of his troubles as Lucifer pinned him against the wall the second he caught sight of his white hair. 
‘What did you do to her?!” Lucifer hissed, his eyes aglow as he leaned in closer to the young boy's face. 
“Nothing. Nothing I swear,” Solomon was rolling his eyes; he was far from scared of Lucifer and it showed. “Just a little hiccup is all.”.
“Hiccup? Hiccup!” Lucifer mocked, steam ready to pour out of his nose and ears with anger. “She’s like a- like a…”.
“Like a demon in heat?” Solomon prodded the bear with his choice of words. “It’s fine Lucifer, just enjoy the fact she’s going to want to be on your cock endlessly for the next few days.”
A poor choice of words. A very poor choice of words. 
If Lucifer’s anger hadn’t been poured into Satan then the clenched fist slammed directly into the wall would have landed straight on Solomon's face.
“What did you do,boy?” Lucifer raged into demon form, a row of fire lighting up behind him as he towered over Solomon, teeth snaring. The soft Lucifer had vanished. Facing Solomon right now was a beast, a beast that was angry. And for the first time Solomon was scared of the demon facing him.
“A mix up! A mix up, alright? She’s just got more hormones in her body than intended; it will wear off in the next few days but there is nothing I can do to help - it’s Golden Hell Fire Newt Syrup”.
“Golden Hell Fire Newt Syrup? But it didn’t affect me or Di-“ Lucifer stopped his sentence there.
“The potion is neutralised to only affect humans. And since humans don’t have blood like demons, the command won’t work to stop it either…” 
‘So what you’re saying is-” Lucifer grasped his jacket and hoisted him up into the air.
“She’s in her own heat, so my advice to you and the others is to just be prepared and help her because it’s going to be a long ride for her.” With that sentence, Lucifer dropped Solomon to the floor, letting him fall with a thump before racing back to the house of Lamentation. 
“Who does he think he is? Barking his commands at us, I swear he- oi! Are you even listening?” Satan punched his younger sibling in the arm. Belphegor, who’d started to fall asleep, slumped against the wall, jolted forward.
“Ay! What’s your problem?” Snarling slightly before pushing the long curve of hair out of his face, he said “We just gotta sit here until Lucifer comes back.” 
Even saying the name of their eldest brother made both of their blood boil. 
“Well anyway, I’m not here on babysitting duty.” Satan took hisD.D.D, turning it off before putting it back in his pocket. “Still got him blocked?”.
“Would you unblock someone who shoved you in an attic?” Belph rolled his eyes.
“Touché,” Satan nodded before pushing himself off the wall. “What do you reckon is wrong with her? She looked wrecked. Reckon something went wrong with Solomon?” 
“I wouldn’t put it past that slimy wizard… No good for nothing-“ Belph muttered before stopping, a noise from inside making them both still. The young girl was calling out for Lucifer in a confused manner, only infuriating the brothers more. 
“Why does Lucifer always get her to himself? Always giving out his commands,” Satan growled as he ran a hand through his hair. “Enough is enough, I’m not listening to his rules. Fuck him.” 
“Hey Satan, you really gonna mess with Lucifer?” Belphegor's eyes lost all sleepiness as they sparkled with mischief.
“Lucifer…?” She continued to call out. “Anyone?” She took a few steps outside her room. She knew she had heard voices but to whom they belonged she was unsure. Her bare feet padded along the dark corridor, following the noises that lured her. 
She was pleasantly surprised to find that when she woke up the muscle aches she thought she would have were not there. Something in the potion must work to help soothe her aches. Lucifer had undressed her from her sweat soaked uniform and covered her in her nightie. 
She couldn’t stop the flush of her cheeks after her actions this afternoon; she had felt like she’d lost all control of her body and given into the need of sexual desires - which normally wasn’t a problem, but begging Lucifer and Diavolo to ravage her in the middle of a meeting was a different story. She was searching for Lucifer to apologise for her behaviour, although secretly she knew both of them had enjoyed it just as much as she had. Today had marked a new day for someone to become part of their relationship, from seven lovers to now eight. Knowing Diavolo would not allow this to be a one time thing - which she was rather excited about. 
“Lucifer? Are you in here? I- I wanted to apologise for earlier-“ She knocked on his office door, pausing as she walked in, “Oh.” Her eyes fell on the pair causing havoc in Lucifer’s office.
“Stop being such a sloth! Faster!” Satan was unscrewing the lids of Lucifer's ink bottles before placing them back down, so when Lucifer next used them the ink would most likely spill everywhere.
“I’m going as fast as I can! Stop rushing me!” Belphegor's tongue was sticking out of his mouth in concentration, counting out five sheets before pulling one from the stacking pile of work on the desk. He continued this down until he had a few sheets of paperwork in his hand, meaning every fifth paper from his stack was missing. Both of them were going out of their way to mess with Lucifer in a way they knew would annoy him most. 
“Ah!” Satan squealed to see her standing in the doorway, dropping one of the bottles and sending ink dropping to form a thick black puddle on the carpet. “Oh, it’s you. I thought you were Lucifer.”
“Pft, how does a human girl look anything like Lucifer?” Belph gave her a warm smile and gestured for her to enter properly. “What are you doing out of bed? Lucifer told us to guard you.”
“Guard me?” She laughed, her smiling instantly brightening up their moods. “I just- I wasn’t feeling too well, but I feel better now.” She took a few steps further into Lucifer's office, carefully avoiding the ink stain.
“Good. How did it go with Solomon, kitten? Everything in the clear?” Satan took her hand and pressed a delicate kiss to it. In his moments of affection she really did question how he could be the avatar of wrath.
“All good,” she nodded, letting out a gasp to feel two arms encircle her waist and pull her close.
“That’s great news, because you know,” Belphegor was embracing her to him, his nose tracing over her neck inhaling the delicate scent of lavender and rose from her skin with a low groan, “tonight’s my night with you.” She was glad her face was hidden from view as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Belph was the most affectionate towards her. The sweetest of kisses, the warmest of hugs, the doting affection he only gave to her, the way he’d kiss her so softly before whispering, “Good morning my sunshine.” Because in Belph’s eye, she was his sun, bringing light and life into his world. In heat he was a beast, but outside of it he was a sleepy teddy bear, who just wanted to love her with everything he had. 
“You won’t get anything if you don’t sort out this mess,” she huffed, trying to distract herself from the tingle in her thighs. She could feel it happening again, the same empowerment she had felt in Diavolo’s office, stirring stronger from the smallest of Belphegor's affection and touches. 
“No. No stop that, you’re ruining it,” Satan grumbled as she began putting the paperwork back in its position. 
“One, two, three, fou-oh!” Her sentence slurred into a moan as Belphie pressed his body up against her back, pinning her slightly to the desk. Two warm palms began teasing the back of her thighs before pressing flat against her skin and pushing upwards slowly. The thin material of her nightie, which skirted mid-thigh, crept slowly up. Belph expected her to slap his hands away, but he never expected for her to part her legs a little wider for him to witness the already wet flesh between her bare thighs. A low hum rang against her neck, one hand cupping the round curve of her ass and giving it a playful squeeze.
“I think,” came Belph’s voice, dropping into a huskier tone, “that this is enough mischief for one day. Let us retire to my room.”
“Like hell you are!” Satan snapped, pulling Belphs gaze away from her slickened folds. “She’s more aroused than usual; I should know.”. His words were followed by a smug snicker. “I bet she’s thinking of him.” ‘Him’ being a reference to Lucifer. 
“Actually,” her hands gripped onto the edge of the desk, giving in once more to the heat that burned across her body whilst her cunt clenched with need, “I was thinking of both of you and all the mess we could cause over this desk.” As she finished her words, she pressed back to rub against Belphegor's crotch which was already rapidly hardening from scent and sight alone.
“No fair, my love, it is my night with you.” He gave her ass another squeeze. As much as he hated sharing her, the thought of having her on Lucifers desk was arousing to him. Knowing Lucifer would have to see the marks that she left, smell her scent upon the table and having to know that it was him and Satan that were the reason for it. It would drive him wild, which would essentially drive both the two brothers wild with enthusiasm.
“And a night with me you will get, I promise.” Turning her head over her shoulder to catch his lips, she let his eager tongue part her lips as it sought out her own.
“This isn’t what I had in mind.” Satan was huffing against her neck for the third time in ten minutes,
“Just be patient, it is his night after all,” she replied as she pushed Belph flat against Lucifers desk before straddling him, whilst Satan was pressed as close as he could behind her. With one hand wrapped around his cock, she lowered herself down, still sensitive from the previous high that they brought her to with their fingers and mouths. “Oh god… Belph!” Her finger grasped at his hoodie, both him and Satan still fully dressed whilst her nightie had been tossed to the floor. 
Belph couldn’t find the words to respond, watching her sink down as his cock disappeared inside her tight heat. She was wetter than he or Satan had ever seen her, bursting and coming to life as she told them exactly what she needed, letting the lust and arousal in her body speak for her.
His fingers traced up her thighs, hands ghosting over her waist and behind, leaving a trail of goosebumps upon her skin as she whined loudly. The teasing touches and the stretch of him inside her was too much, walls pulsing as she came with him fully hilted inside her. Her jaw slackened and a cold sweat ran down the back of her spine, the salted droplets being lapped up from Satan as his hands continued to squeeze over her breasts.
“Kitten- I really need to be inside you,” he groaned, the head of his cock pressing against the left cleft of her ass leaving a clear mark of pre-release upon her skin. 
“Lube is in… the… top drawer,” she panted, letting her movements slow down as she rode out her high. This wasn’t the first time she’d gotten down and dirty in this office, having provided a very stunned Lucifer with a one-on-one private show of her and her toy collection whilst he worked. 
All Belph could do was groan and raise his hips every so often, hitting all the perfect angles inside her to make stars dance across her vision. Her movements kept on at a slow pace whilst Satan prepared himself.
“Be a good kitten and make them wet,” he commanded as he stood back behind her, letting his fingers thrust into her mouth at the same time she lowered and raised over Belph. 
Another climax hit her when Satan’s fingers began playing and teasing her puckered hole from behind before a finger, dripping with saliva, slowly pushed in. The slow rhythm of her movements allowed for Satan to let her body adjust before two fingers were thrusting inside her. Each time they pulled back, her muscles clenched sending Belph into a groaning mess at her spasming walls. 
“More,” she begged, her fingers ripping the front of Belph’s clothes as she grinded forward to feel him hit against her g-spot.
“Good girl kitten, that’s it - relax,” Satan cooed, his fingers removed to only be replaced with something much larger and thicker. 
“Relax,” Belphegor encouraged, leaning up the best he could as he pulled her down by her shoulders to kiss her. Satan slowly pushed in, her whimpers and moans caught by Belphs mouth, until finally two cocks were buried to the hilt inside her. Satan did nothing more than pull out as Belph thrusted up, sending her headfirst into another climax. Her palm scratched at the wooden desk below Belphs shoulders, leaving curled pieces of wood right in front of where Lucifer would sit. 
“There! There! Fuck- like that,” her head being thrown back in bliss at their rhythm. One would thrust whilst the other pulled back, gaining a pace that had slapping skin ringing through the office. The pace would slow when one got close, wanting to focus on her and leaving her with the ability to only say their names and think of them. Belph continued to tease her skin with faint touches, the occasional grab of her waist to guide her before ghosting over her skin once more. When her breath became a high pitched gasp, her lust filled eyes would catch his, a signal for him to help push her over the edge. Satan’s hands would tug her nipples, his sharp teeth nipping at her stretched neck whilst Belph’s thumb would rub tight circles over her swollen clit, perfectly synchronised to bring her tumbling straight over the edge of sanity.
Climax after climax hit her, tongue lolling to the side at being penetrated by both of them. It wasn’t something she was new to; being in a relationship with seven brothers meant double, sometimes even triple, penetration was a regular occurrence. But never did she feel this full, this ravenous. 
By the time Satan and Belph had spilled inside her, Lucifer's desk was soaked in fluids, paperwork and hardwood stained with her release that had soaked down Belphegor's thighs and onto the surface below. Each time Satan had thrusted into her, traces of lube would drip down their thighs to pool onto a puddle on the floor. Her scent stained the room, which Lucifer wouldn’t have minded but it was tainted with the hint of his brothers.
And to make matters worse for their eldest brother, Satan had snapped a photo whilst she was mid-orgasm. Ensuring to get his cock stretching her ass whilst Belph fucked her pussy. The photo itself was a masterpiece: Her back arched, head pressing against Satan's shoulders with her eyes tightly shut and her own hands pinching her nipples; The face of someone lost in the wild abandonment of pleasure. A caption of ‘Can’t believe you tried to hide this’ followed. 
“I think we made a pretty good mess, Kitten,” Satan panted against her shoulder, his face as red as her behind which had been slapped multiple times ather request. 
“I don’t think I can move,” she whispered, her legs purely boneless as Belph sat up to carry her bridal style.
“Hey! Where are you going?” Satan yelled, watching Belph carry her out of the room, leaving the office stained and her nightie upon the floor. 
“I told you,” Belph growled lowly, “it’s my night with her.”
Regardless of how fast Lucifer had run, he was too late. He stumbled into his sex-scented office. Release from her left a sticky glaze over his desk whilst scratch marks looked like a beast had clawed at them. His gloved hands held tightly onto the nightie upon the floor. The mess of his desk was an issue for another time; he would place no blame upon her. 
“You utter imbecile!” Fangs pointed out from his gums as he found Satan alone in the library in the west wing of the house.
“You saidto not let anyone in; you didn’t say she couldn’t come out,” Satan taunted, smugness plastered over his face. He knew Lucifer had seen his office from the silk material of her clothes he still clutched in his hand. He also knew he had seen the explicit image he had made sure to send him. “As I said, why did you try to hide her?”
“The potion went wrong. She’s in heat.” Lucifer watched as Satan’s eyes sparkled.
“But that’s impossible. She’s a human, how did-“ the blonde began.
“Solomon. Solomon is how.” Lucifer pushed a hand through his hair. “Where is she now?”.
“In the attic.” Satan returned to his book as Lucifer turned on his heel. “But Lucifer.” Lucifer threw his head over his shoulder, ready for a snide remark about the activities that went on in his office. “Normally I wouldn’t bother about you but, for her sake, I’d leave them be.”
“And why’s that?” Lucifer stopped and turned, crossing his arms over his chest.
Satan continued to express his smugness, his eyes peering over the top of his book. “Remember when Levi was in heat and destroyed that Ruri-chan pillow?”.
“Of course… he bit Mammon for trying to take it away”
His lips curling into a smirk, Satan put his book down. “Belphegor is the pillow.”
“Good morning my little star-light.” Belphegor brushed her hair out of her face, a sleepy smile on his face. His eyes still shut, the urge to fall back to sleep lulling him into the warmth embrace.
“Good morning you,” she yawned, eyes fluttering open as Belph’s strong arms pulled her close. The warmth of his skin against her and the content smile on his face was a sin of its own kind. A small giggle left her as he pulled her closer, burying her head against his chest. “We need to get up soon.” As she pressed a trail of small kisses over his heart, she smiled to herself to feel the hardness already pressing against her stomach. 
“I thought you would have been worn out after last night,” he gasped as her hand teased its way into his boxers, wrapping around his cock and stroking in a lazily manner.
“I was but-“ Her body felt rejuvenated and fresh, no muscle aches, only heat coursing through her veins. “I’m hungry for more.” A deep groan filled the attic space as her mouth replaced her hand, waking Belph and repaying him tenfold for the way he had satisfied her the previous night.
When she finally pulled herself out of the attic, leaving Belph still panting and breathless from the way her mouth had worked over him, she ran straight into Lucifer. Luckily, Belph had dressed her in one of his hoodies for her modesty, not that she minded.
“My dove, you really should rest. I fear you cannot leave the house in your state.” Lucifer cupped her cheek and was rubbing his thumb softly against her. “It is not safe for you”
“Lucifer, I- I’m so sorry for yesterday, I really don’t know what came over me…” A blush spread across her cheeks. Even now, as he glanced down at her, the top of her thighs became damp and she regretted the lack of underwear she had on. 
“My dear-“ He stopped, pupils widening at the heavenly scent hitting his nose She was extremely aroused. “It appears Solomon gave you the wrong potion; yours is filled with an aphrodisiac we can’t control. It should fade in a few days, but for the time being it is safest for you to stay here.”.
She nodded in response, pressing herself closer to him and letting her fingers toy with the buttons of his waistcoat. 
“Lucifer...,” she meekly whispered, leaning up to kiss him. He melted into her kiss, letting his arms hold onto her shoulders as she continued to press against him. “I want to thank you for yesterday.” Her fingers slowly unpopped a button and she began pressing her lower half against him in a silent plea as her tongue playfully darted across his lower lip. She was losing her self control in a rapid manner, whining heavily as he pulled back.
“I fear I have matters to attend to today, otherwise I would be more than happy to keep you content in the confines of my room.” He watched as her eyes sparkled with lust, a hint of disappointment forming over her face. 
“I’ll be waiting for you to come home,” she pouted as he did up the buttons she’d undone. 
She ate breakfast and had a bath to calm herself down before pulling out her small vibrator and withering away in her satin sheets. Is what she would have done if she had listened to Lucifer. Instead, she showered and set off to find the sorcerer who had caused all her problems, hoping to find a way for him to help calm her constant need. 
Dressed in a white summer dress, a slightly plunge top with a skater skirt and her hair down in loose curls, off she went to him in purgatory hall. It probably wasn’t the best decision to wear such a short dress but her skin felt on fire; clothes were just too restrictive at the moment. She’d cleaned her thighs before she left, making her best effort to prevent her scent from wandering demons. And all was going well until a masculine scent hit her nose. One of Beel’s team mates walked past her; he must have been to the gym as sweat gleamed off his shirtless body. The smell of pheromones hit her instantly and she felt a throb between her legs instantly ruining her underwear. The scent of her was caught by the demon, who turned whilst sniffing into the air. She had to move quickly or he’d trace the scent to her. 
With a frantic look around, she realised how far she still was from Solomon’s quarters but luckily Simeon’s room was only a few doors away from where she stood. Without a second though she raced to the room, listening as footsteps quickly approached behind her. Without knocking, she flung herself into Simeon’s room, thanking anyone and everyone that the door was open. Only, she didn’t expect to see what she did inside.
“Normie…?” Leviathan called out as she panted against the door. In the glowing light of the room were Simeon and Leviathan sat at a table, a stack of comics between them.
“Levi? Oh god, Levi, it’s you.” She took a few running steps to embrace him from behind as he sat down, sending the boy redder than beetroot. “Oh, and Simeon, I’m so sorry for barging in.”
“It is quite alright my sweet,” the angel said, smiling wholesomely at her. “You look parched. What happened?”
“Oh I just-“ she started, her eyes falling to the exposed muscles of his biceps. Beneath his cloak and visible from his black top was the clear outline of his god-sculpted body. A body that made her lose all train of thought.
“Yo, normie?” Levi pinched her hand gently to break her trance.
“Huh? Oh sorry, I just thought someone was following me. Would it be okay if I hung out here for a little while to calm down?” By ‘calm down’ she meant for her core to stop pulsing and her thighs to stop rubbing together. She was getting worse by the minute sitting with the two boys, the total opposites of each other; the demon of envy and the most angelic angel to walk the dusty pits of hell. A yin and yang she most definitely wanted to be in the middle of. “So what are you doing here Levi?” She pulled herself off him and took a seat between them. 
Levi, unable to stop the breath hitching in his throat when she walked in, could scent her before she even walked through the front door. And that was when he realised why she came running into Simeon’s room. Any demon nearby would have been able to pick up her scent with how strong it was. He also sensed her rapid heart beat, pumping and throbbing like her pulse as red tinted her cheeks the look of arousal written all over her face. 
“Levi here is showing me the ways of ‘manga’,” Simeon smiled, oblivious to the way the young girl was fidgeting in her seat.
“Normie, are you alright?” The purple haired demon asked as he watched her. He’d received a message in the group chat from Lucifer to state she was, quote, in a ‘situational state’ with nothing more. Satan had replied with a smirk emoji, leaving Levi to question what exactly was happening.
“I- I need to use the bathroom.” she stammered as the rising colour of her cheeks spread down her neck and chest, making the white dress glow atop of her skin. The more she looked between the two, the more her mind wandered into dirty territory...
“Normie, you don’t look well.” 
Both Leviathan and Simeon reached out to hold her arms. The young girl’s back arched at the contact and gripped the table edge as she stood up, unable to look either of them in the eye as she was unable to hold back the moan, the slight of touches having sent her in the deepest pit of lust and arousal. 
“Levi-“ She finally turned her head over her shoulder to meet his gaze, her eyes swimming and lost behind a clear gaze. Cheeks flushed and her lips parted, she didn’t have to say another word for Leviathan to understand. This was the state Lucifer was clearly on about. With her legs spread a little, the aroma of her arousal quickly found itself to both him and Simeon and Levi knew in that moment just how desperate the situation was. 
“Shit normie.. I-“ Leviathan scratched the back of his neck as he looked between her and Simeon, unsure of how to handle the situation. 
Simeon watched her, a familiar tension building in his stomach, a feeling he often felt around her but was usually able to ignore. But in this moment it was almost overpowering, overwhelming and he was unable to fight the strong stir of emotions inside him. 
“Simeon… I’m so sorry-“ she began and, as she turned, the angel felt himself crumple from the heated gaze that bore down at him as passionate lust took over his body. 
The potion may have had no effect on demons, but the scent alone was enough to have an impact on the angel, sending him into an aroused state.
“Do not apologise, my sweet.” Simeon took one of her hands and pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles. “You by far smell more sweet than anything I have come across. Do not deny yourself the pleasure you desire.” He nodded at Levi who stood up to wrap his arms around her waist. “Use my room as you please.”
“Is this okay?” Levi whispered into the shell of her ear, worried about her more than anything else. Her answer came in a quick nod and her hands bunched up the skirt of her dress to expose the white silk resting upon her skin.
Simeon’s heart was racing as he sat forward, intrigued to watch Levi slowly tug down her underwear, watching the gloss of her arousal stick to the fabric before it pooled to a heap on the floor. A groan filled the room. She was unsure if it came from Levi or Simeon. 
“Please…” she whispered, spreading her legs as she bent forward, exposing her drenched cunt to both of them.
Eager eyes flitted between the two of them, Simeon still watching the couple. How Levi had knelt down, spreading the cheeks of her behind to gain better access to her before letting his serpent tongue flicker across her wet slit. How her arms gave out and she fell flat against the oak table, letting her hips buck against his face as he kept her ass in place whilst his tongue disappeared between her velvety folds. How she lost herself when her climax hit after only a few moments calling out for more.
“Leviathan,” she whispered so sweetly as she turned around once his mouth had pulled away from her, the same lips slicked with wetness pressing against her own as her tongue played with his, which had just brought her intense pleasure. 
“I got you.” Hushed whispers shared against her lips as she hastily undid his belt, her hand diving into the confines of his boxers to wrap around his cock, stroking it until he was fully hard, both of them almost forgetting about their audience as he pushed her down, spreading her thighs and pushing them around his waist as he lined himself up against her, taking her with no resistance as he slid into her tight heat.
It was lustful, it was a sin, but most importantly it was love. The reassuring whispers of “I’ve got you, I love you,” as Levi drove deeper into her. His hands holding her waist as he pulled her up to meet his thrusts, her legs tightly around his waist squeezing and tensing with each rock of his hips. The thin silk of her drenched underwear hanging off her ankle, swaying with each movement, almost taunting Simeon as he watched on. 
It was the soft whimpers of ‘harder’ that pulled him from his trance, shining eyes of blue meeting hers in a gaze as they stared on in wonder. Her dress pushed up just enough to bare her waist, her breasts spilling from the top half and bouncing forward with each thrust. Back arched like a bow reaching breaking point off the table, petite hands grasping at anything they could find. And, whilst he and her held eye contact, he watched in awe as she came. Her voice raising into a high pitch moans, chest rising and collapsing quickly, her body curling as they finally broke eye contact when her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her moans were so sweet they made the angel blush. He was positive they could part the clouds and give a direct pathway to the gates of heaven. 
It made him wonder how something so beautiful and breathtaking could be such a sin.
It was that which ruined the angel. He was unable to stop himself as a hand began to palm over his erect cock in his pants. Scent, sight and sound became too overbearing for him as he gave into the heat of his need.
The air in the room had changed, Leviathan too busy driving into her to notice it. His grunts and the slapping of his skin echoed off the walls, whilst she came down from her high to fix on Simeon. Watching him as he watched her, his pupils expanding as his tongue darted out to wet his parched lips whilst he continued to touch himself above his clothes. 
By her third orgasm, Leviathan was unable to stop himself holding back, gritting his teeth as his pace began to falter. His eyes screwed shut as his jaw clenched, a stuttered groan came as he released inside her, pressing himself tightly against her to be sure he filled her with everything he had, her name hot off his lips as he leaned down to kiss her, keeping themselves together as they basked in their afterglow. 
“You did so good,” He praised, cupping her cheek as he wiped away the tears that formed under her eyes. Until finally he pulled out of her, his seed from inside her spilling onto the table beneath. “I’ll get a towel,” he said, giving her hand a squeeze before leaving the room. She would have blissfully laid against the table not moving, but the presence of another kept her from doing so. 
“Simeon…” Her voice angelic to his ears as she sat up, her breasts swaying as she stood in front of him, slowly kneeling down. “My sweet, sweet, angel…” The tan of his skin was flushed red as her eyes wandered down, his hand continuing to mess over the front of his trousers as he looked at her like a helpless lamb. “Let me.” She leaned up as she ghosted her lips against his in a way to test him, to test if he’d show any protest but instead he melted into her, letting his lips glide over hers as if that was their sole purpose. 
Her hand slowly trailed up his thighs, parting his legs as she fitted between them. Her own hand replaced his as he whined softly against her. Hands slowly unpopped the buttons, the haste from before now eased into a soothing-time stopping pace. No rush, just slow, burning desire.
“Am I the first?” She questioned, gently nipping at his lower lip as his trousers and boxers slowly came down, her hand ghosting over his erect length but not fully touching.
“Y-yes.” His breath hitched to feel her hand slowly wrap around him. Her eyes widened in shock at the length of him; the gods had truly blessed him. 
“Oh- I-“ His words were lost as his hips slowly bucked into her touch.
“Do you want me to stop?” Letting him free of her hand, she stared up at him with doting affection.
“Please-don’t,” he said, taking a deep breath as she wrapped her hand back around him, her face leaning close. 
“My beautiful angel… my sweet, sweet angel,” she cooed, letting her hand move over him in a gentle grip, savouring the noises he made. The world was completely forgotten,the two of them sharing an intimate moment as she wetted her lips before slowly taking his head into her mouth. His fingers grasped the edge of the chair, twitching as he breathed out in a stuttered breath. His mind went blank as she took him in further, pulling him into the wet depths of her mouth. Her name left his mouth like a chant, repeated like a prayer he spoke every morning and night. 
Leviathan had entered back into the room, pausing before turning and leaving the pair alone in their tender moment. 
Heat pooled in Simeon’s stomach as her lips touched the base of his cock, unable to hold back the groan as the pit inside him dropped. His eyes shut tight as white heat took over him, and then he was spilling down the back of her throat with no warning. 
She hollowed her cheeks as she swallowed his plentiful release, sucking him dry before releasing him. His taste was sweet, lingering, leaving a pleasant taste in her mouth. 
“My perfect angel,” she said, pressing a kiss to his head as his hand moved and intertwined with hers. Nothing in all of heaven had made him feel as good as she had. 
“She will be safe here,” Simeon’s face softened as he stared at the young girl asleep in his bed. After the events of earlier, she had passed out with a blissful face whilst the angel and demon cleaned up. “I’ve put a protection charm on the door. No one will be able to get in.”
“It’s not them getting in I’m worried about it’s her getting out,” Leviathan sighed, running his hands over his face. The two boys agreed to never speak of what had happened earlier, for an angel to allow lust to take over his actions especially from watching acts of a demon. 
“I promise you, no harm will come to her. Have you spoken to Lucifer?”
“Yes, he was so pissed she came out. But she’s like the rest of us; never listens to him,” Levi chuckled, watching her sleeping figure cosy up in the blankets. “I guess that’s why we all love her.”
“And did Lucifer explain this- her behaviour..?”
“One guess.”
“Solomon?” Simeon rolled his eyes.
“Bingo. Something about the wrong potion, her basically being in heat, I don’t know. It’s something he needs to explain in person. He was too busy yelling down the phone.”
“She is safe here, my friend. Let us wait until Lucifer comes.” Simeon reached for a comic off the table, intending to pick up the conversation from before she had come in. Only to stop when he saw wetness that they’d missed coating the cover.
Lucifer had gone ballistic when he arrived, all his rage was bubbling through him as he yelled left, right and center. “You disobeyed me! how could you be so reckless?” He had scorned her, towering over her with gritted teeth. His words stopped and his anger subsided as her bottom lip trembled, her eyes filling with tears as she hung her head in shame. A weak, “I’m sorry,” made him pull her into his hold tightly, showering her forehead with kisses. He knew it wasn’t her fault; he was simply worried. Worried that if another had scented her the way she was then they would try to take her. “From now on, I need you to stay in the house, okay?” he said, cupping her face as he whispered softly, kissing her gently, hoping she would understand without him saying the words to show how worried he had been. 
Lucifer took her home and straight to his room, informing the brothers not to disturb them. He ran her a bath with rose petals, resting her back against his chest as he cradled her close, whispering sweet words of praise as he washed her. That night, he cared for her, letting his fingers work her she was almost sobbing for him to fill her properly. 
In the morning he had to go back to work. As much as he wanted to be with her, his loyalty to Diavolo came first. This time, however, he placed an enchantment on the whole house, ensuring the girl would not be able to leave; the front door, window and back door glued shut if she tried to open them. If another demon opened them and she tried to exit, they would face an electric shock, both of them. It even included the windows; he knew Belphegor had a tendency to sneak out of the attic window. Lucifer was taking no risk or chance. The only way she could leave was if Lucifer left with her or if he lifted the enchantment.
She woke up alone, throwing on one of Lucifer's shirts. Even his lingering scent was arousing, regardless of the way he’d taken care of her in the night. The potion was ruining her. None of the aches or the worn out muscles remained, only fresh feelings and a warm glow. 
She left his room and walked along the corridor until she heard it. 
“Sweeeeeeetie,” Asmo yelled, running, well, skipping, towards her at the top of his voice.
“Asssssie,” she laughed as he picked her up with ease, using strength only a few demons ever got to see. Her shirt lifted as she wrapped her legs around him.
“I heard someoooone’s been in a little trouble the last few days,” he teased in a singsong voice, walking with her in his arms. “I’m offended you didn’t come to me first.” He pouted as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a slow kiss.
“I’m sorry. I’m here now baby,” she whispered, letting that feeling of heat take over once more.
Asmo carried her into his room, keeping one arm around her as he ran a bath, kissing her tenderly whilst the water drew to the right heat, his hands slowly peeling off her shirt until his fingers glided over her soft skin.
“So perfect,” he whispered, letting her undo his own clothes, his trousers dropping to the floor as he picked her up and settled her into the water. He lay back with her straddling him, his mouth nipping gently at her neck as his hand dipped below the water to ghost over her thighs. “And I thought I was meant to be the lustful one,” he teased at the scent of her arousal, his eyes sparkling as he felt her heartbeat quicken. 
She didn’t have time to answer back with quick wit, instead letting his fingers work inside her until she came over them, the water splashing at the sides of the tub as she rocked gently over his until he sat up and began to push her back gently. 
“No,“ she blushed and stopped him, pushing him back down and taking his length into her hand. “I want to be on top.”
Asmo showed no sign of protest, holding her waist gently as his hands brushed up and down her sides whilst she lowered herself onto him. Whilst he knew he was skilled at giving pleasure to his lovers, that he liked to be in control, she needed this more. To let herself set the pace, the mood, the angle. She needed control more than he did at this moment. 
One arm circled her waist to keep her close, the other cupping her breast in his palm, squeezing it softly as it bounced in his hold. Her moans were captured by his mouth, a sweet kiss at first only breathing away for air., before pulling back to each other, this time tongues slipping between the velvet folds of their mouths, desperately searching for each other.
He kept her pressed against him when she came, whining so softly against his lips. His arm around her kept her close even as she tried to pull away naturally, her walls pulsing as he felt every tight flutter over him.
“That’s it, you're so good,” he cooed softly, taking his hand off her breast to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. His lips touched her ear as he shallowly rocked up against her. 
He encouraged her through another climax; he was skilled in holding off his own until finally he could do so no more. The water around them was now lukewarm as she pressed her lips tightly against his, the avatar of lust unable to resist anymore as he spilled inside her, bringing her to one final climax from the throb of his head against her cervix. 
He refused her help as he cleaned her thighs and skin with a wet cloth from the side, pressing kisses to her glowing lips. He enjoyed afterwards with her just as much sex itself; she brought him a different type of pleasure. The cuddles, the kisses, the reassurance through panting breaths, the way she looked so radiant as she curled up against him, still a little hazy and drunk off pleasure. He was good at that, making her feel so blissed out that words, colours and meaning to anything no longer made sense.
“I have a class I need to start getting ready for, sweetie.” Asmo pressed a kiss to her forehead, peeling himself away from her even though she clung after him as he placed her on his bed. “I skipped biology this morning, but it’s okay. I got a more physical lesson than R.A.D could ever teach.” He waggled his eyebrows playfully. “Here, this will satisfy you until someone’s back.” Asmo pulled out a toy that curved, passing her a remote. It was her toy, one that Asmo had bought for her when they began experimenting with different ones. He peppered kisses up her thighs before slowly easing it into her. It wasn’t as thick or as big as any of the brothers but at least it did all the work for her to satisfy her. 
She had already begun withering from it’s touch, the curve of it hitting against her g-spot with a humming vibration. Asmo stood for a few moments in silence, in admiration of her. She was beautiful. He didn’t have words for how special she was to him or his brothers, their human captivating the hearts of demons and giving them a piece of her own in return. He was just about to pull himself away to finally leave for class when his door open and in strolled-
“Solomon?” Looking on in confusion, the young girl quickly closed her spread thighs as the sorcerer came walking in as if he belonged.
“My, my.” He had a cheshire grin full of darkness, “So it is true.”
“Solomon, what are you- Get out!” Asmo took a step but a flick of the wrist from Solomon had him frozen in place. Asmo’s eyes darted to her in worry, unable to move any other part of his body. 
“My dear, I can practically sense your heat from here,” Solomon grinned as he focused his attention on her. She was softly mewling as the toy continued on a low intensity with her legs shut. “Don’t fear, I won’t touch.” He knew that if he placed a hand on her in this state, the brothers would feel it due to their pacts and it would only be a matter of seconds before Lucifer appeared. “I just want to watch.” He’d been fascinated at Lucifer's claims, that a human had gone into heat by his doing and he longed to see the effects of it in person himself. “May I?” 
The girl nodded and gently parted her thighs; she knew Solomon wouldn’t hurt her. She also knew of his ‘relationship’ with Asmo. If Asmo trusted him, then so did she. “I won’t touch her, I swear.” Solomon turned to Asmo with a soft look in his ashen eyes. With a click Asmo was free, stumbling forward slightly before stopping. 
“Sweetie… are you sure about this?” Asmo placed his hand on her knee and squeezed it slightly with reassurance. 
“Yes,” she breathed out in a part whine, the toy continuing to buzz inside her, making her stomach light, her eyes heavy with desire as they met Solomon’s. She let her thighs spread further, giving them a full view of her glistening folds as she gently gripped the sheets below. 
Solomon watched with sparkling eyes of lust as she came, quickly followed by another orgasm as Asmo cooed her softly through them, telling her how good she was. But by that point, Solomon was losing his composure. The scent of her heat was affecting him. He knew the potion she had taken had no effect on demons, but after his conversation with Simeon and the way his own body was becoming heated, he was feeling first hand that the effects could pass on to humans and other godly creatures.
“Touch her,” he commanded, peering down at Asmo as his hand moved to palm over the bulge growing in his black slacks. He would stay true to his word, he would not touch her, but he’d never said Asmo couldn’t. 
The flames of pleasure licked her lower stomach, a strong sensation she had only felt a few times before building inside. 
“A-Asmo-!” Her voice was wavering and brimmed to the lid with lust, her hands shaking as they grasped at his golden-brown hair.
“"Look at that, Asmo... She cums as easily as you. Just another needy little slut." Solomon's words were sharp, mocking, with a grin on his face, "The great Asmodeus, outdone by a needy slutty human. You should be ashamed."His words were followed by a harsh blow, the sound of the slap ricocheting off the walls as his hand came down onto Asmo’s ass. 
The mumbles of pleasure from the avatar of lust vibrated against her. His tongue languidly licked at her swollen clit whilst two fingers curled up against her walls, pressing over and over against the spot that was rendering her breathless and seeing stars. He wanted to gaze up, admire her body writhing in pleasure with his rose-gold eyes but the way Solomon was roughly pounding into him from behind had them rolling to the back of his skull.
The thrusts from Solomon had Asmo pulling and pushing away from her folds, her hips grinding desperately back against him in need of friction until her hands anchored his head in place to keep him where she desperately needed him. She whimpered his name, thick pools of lust beneath her eyes gazing up and meeting’s Solomon’s. His brow was knitted, his jaw clenched as he drove into Asmo, each thrust harder than the last. His perfect shade of winter eyes baring down at her was the final push she needed.
Her thighs trembled as her toes curled, gasping profoundly into the air with loud curses as every nerve inside her body set alight whilst every hair on her skin stood up. Her spine curved as she rose off the bed, thick rivulets of her arousal releasing from the build up of pressure inside her. 
The hot squirt against his mouth and hand had Asmo undone; getting her to squirt had only happened on a few occasions. He whined heavily, almost louder than her as he came, shooting thick white against his torso as it dripped onto the floor. Solomon growled lowly at the tight clench of Asmo around him, his cock heavily throbbing inside him until he found his own release. His hips pressed harshly against his ass, his cock pulsing as he came inside him.
"You're just a natural slut like Asmo here. Such messy people." Solomon chuckled, slightly breathless as he gazed down at the mess glazing Asmo's skin. The demon surprisingly went red-faced under his words. "Little sluts need to be kept under control. Who knows the trouble you'd get into?" His gaze flickered to the woman. "Must be why Lucifer keeps you on such a short leash."
Solomon grinned with a devilish smile as Asmo cleaned her and himself up, resting against the door frame as he pulled up his slacks. The potion effects seemed to have worked unbelievably well, far better than any aphrodisiac he had ever seen. The girl had been able to handle multiple climaxes, each one growing in intensity until finally it became too much. Whilst she trembled with her aftershocks, she had been able to tell him that after a few hours’ rest her body would recover and be begging for more, muscle aches and bruising all vanishing as if just a dream. 
The white haired sourcer pulled Asmo into a deep kiss before, in the blink of an eye, he was gone, disappearing into thin air at the sound of the front door opening andLucifer calling out. He had come to check she was still there. 
“I’m here,” she panted out, Asmo helping them both to dress as she climbed under the covers. She was exhausted. Lucifer appeared with a smile which quickly faded; he sensed something in the air. 
“My love, who has been here?” His question sounded more like a command as he focused his gaze on her. Asmo could feel her bashfulness at having to explain the situation which occured, choosing to save her the trouble instead. 
“Come, she’s tired.” Asmo blew her a kiss before he tightly gripped Lucifer’s arm and led him down the corridor. 
Asmo calmed Lucifer down, explaining everything to him. Telling him how the girl saw Solomon just as close and special to her as she did the brothers. The same applied to Simeon after Levi had told him about the previous day. And Lucifer himself knew first hand the claim to her Diavolo now held.
“As much I hate the thought of his hands on her, if she wishes to be with them as well, we must let her and respect her wishes,” Lucifer sighed. He and his brothers had to accept that she touched the hearts of many and that they simply couldn’t keep her to themselves. “I fear we must learn to share our human, or we simply will push her away…”
The following morning she rose and headed to the kitchen. Although she still wasn’t going to R.A.D, she tried to keep herself in the routine of getting up and ready. Only, a dull throb pulsed between her thighs upon entering the kitchen upon sighting a shirtless beel wearing low skimmed joggers. Her eyes began falling down his toned torso, abs chiseled by the gods themselves, to the mouth watering v-line that led directly to his-
"Pft! Quit your starin’," Mammon huffed, pulling her out of her trance after witnessing her eyes practically glow. He was still overzealous when it came to her, hating that he had to share and fight for her attention amongst his brothers and, now, three more. 
“I-” a near growl rose deep within her chest to witness Beel innocently licking cream he’d spilled from his deviled puff eclair off his long, slender fingers. Unable to find words, she found herself throbbing and clenching over nothing as she rubbed her thighs on the spot where she stood. All she was able to do was shoot Mammon a look. A look he knew far too well as a smug grin took over his face. 
“I could smell ya from ya room,” he said in a low growl of a voice as he stalked towards her like a predator upon prey, the avatar of greed caging her in between him and the kitchen counter. The pink of his tongue darted out to swipe across the pointed fangs of his teeth before he leaned in. “I betcha ya already dripping.” His suspicion was confirmed as she sat upon the counter, hitching her skirt up for him to witness the wet patch already staining the silk of her underwear. A small ‘please’ was all she could muster, giving into the heat surging across her body as the need grew stronger with each passing second. “I’ve been waiting for ya, to get ma time with ya, waiting to make that tight pussy feel so good that ya won’t want anyone else.”
The following few moments were a blur, her eyes held tightly shut, nails scratching indents into the wooden surface. Her mind was left blank, two fingers swirling over her clit whilst two more thrusted into her tight cunt, unsure whose hand was whose. Her body lay flat against the surface as the two brothers stood between her legs, one leg hooked over Mammon's shoulder whilst the other rested over Beels, the two of them working in perfect unison to bring her to a blissful climax before the sun had fully risen. 
“Look,” Mammon’s voice commanded as he gripped her chin to keep her facing the full length mirror in front of his bed. Naked, he sat with her back to his chest, her feet placed onto his spread legs with his cock buried to the hilt inside her, giving her a full show of his cock disappearing and entering her each time he lifted her up. 
His teeth caught her ear as he whispered filth, “Look how well you take me, my tight human, my lewd girl,. Cumming again? Filthy girl, ya gonna make me bust a nut squeezing me like that, that’s it, scream ma name baby.” 
He held her waist with an arm around her, using his hidden strength to lift her up and down as he thrusted deeper. The girl was in the deepest of pleasure, tongue lolling to the side with her eyes thick with rapture, her head resting back on Mammon’s chest as she let him work her body. 
A low growl reminded her that there was another in the room Beel sat watching from the side with his hand around himself, his eyes focused purely on her, watching Mammon stretching her and her perky breasts bouncing up and down. His jaw ached to be on them, his tongue ready to devour her and his cock ready to buried deep inside her. 
“My turn,” he growled, as Mammon’s hips pressed up against her, his teeth in her shoulder to muffle his cry as he came inside her. Beel blocked the view of the mirror as he stood in front, the girl whimpering at the size of him. She couldn’t lie, his cock always scared her. Like his physical build, it was huge and intimidating. 
“Wait ya turn, I’m not done.” Mammon continued to shallowly thrust as she began to tremble in his hold, clenching around him with a tight grip. A heavy groan left him, making Beel roar in anger. 
The ginger dropped to his knees. His height had him now eye level with the girl as he kissed her deeply. One of his hands began thumbing over her nipple as the other toyed with her clit, making her buck violently against Mammon. The added stimulation had her thighs quaking and, if not for Mammon for holding her up, she would have fallen sideways as she came. 
They helped her ride out the high, before Beel lifted her up and off Mammon, Mammon unable to match his strength as he huffed, watching Beel push himself into her. The girl shifted so her legs were around Beel, her arms around his neck as she clung to him. She was as light as a feather to him, him kissing her deeply as she felt Mammon stand and line himself up behind her. His cock, slicked with her arousal, together with wet fingers, pressed against her puckered hole. 
“We’re gonna fuck ya so good,” Mammon licked the shell of her ear as a finger pushed into her, Beel slowly bouncing her off his cock, both brothers as greedy as each other as they filled her, taking climax after climax and leaving her utterly speechless. It was hard to tell in that moment which one really was the avatar of greed.
The next day, the girl had literally fucked the heat out of her body. Mammon and Beel had sent her into overstimulation as they worked together until she saw stars and came close to passing out. 
But when she woke up in her own bed the next day, heading down to breakfast and seeing all of the brothers, no rush of arousal came to her. The potion’s effects had finally worn off. 
“Morning!” She smiled sweetly, walking in and grabbing a slice of toast off the counter. The brothers waited a second, seeing if she would pounce on any of them but it never came. Instead, she merrily chatted and took a bite out of her food. 
The girl was thankful it was Saturday so she could enjoy some free time on the weekend. 
“Well, I think I might go out, get some fresh air if anyone wants to join?” she asked, turning around and heading out the door. But a leather glove stopped her, sending her turning backwards to see all of the brothers stalking close to her, Lucifer keeping a grip on her wrist. 
“It seems, my dove, you overspent myself and my brothers this week.” Lucifer pulled her close, his hand cupping her cheek. “You’ve been a very needy girl.” 
Lucifer caught her lips as the other brothers surrounded her, each one pulling at her for her attention, several pairs of lips finding her own, several sets of hands beginning to undress her and caress her skin. 
For the first time, all seven of the brothers shared her, savouring their tiny human all for themselves. And as for getting some fresh air, that was never going to happen, since she wasn’t able to leave the house at any point that weekend, purely because she couldn’t walk the following day. 
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catzula · 3 years
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So, you chose the indigo tent?
Welcome to Shinsou's route on something wicked this way comes. I hope you enjoy.
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a/n: so, here goes nothing. I'm really excited for this and I really hope you like it! Leave me a like, a reblog or a comment if you enjoyed it 😗
a big thank you to @qawaii for beta reading because you are the only person I can send this to beta and not die of embarrassment. Also thank you love for always motivating me and hyping me I love you muah.
Warnings: NSFW! Minors do not interact! Smut. 7.4k of pwp. Degrading, blow job, orgasm denial (once), hair pulling, slight choking, calling good girl, enemies to lovers kinda vibe, idk what else
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Everyone has their low points of life. This night must be yours, you think.
You're tired- exhausted and on the brink of possibly passing out, even; hungry, frustrated, cold, and shivering, and everything seems to be going wrong.
Standing on the hill before the tents, you try to focus on why you're here. Never to feel like this again, of course, but it's hard to push yourself to take one more step at this point.
You have to find Aizawa; you repeat yourself. Find him, convince him to take you in so you won't ever feel this hopeless, so you won't ever think if you can survive sleeping in a night as cold as this. You can't go back, won't go back to that place you once called home. You're determined to find a new home or never belong anywhere again.
There is a dull pain on your fingers, feeling like they're frozen and burning. You know you gave to find somewhere warm to at least wear the exhaustion off of you, regain movement in your fingers and feel like you won't pass out any second.
You'd rather sleep, but you're more than aware how dangerous that could be, so you'd have to yield to a stop break, instead. As the thought seeps into your mind, your brain doesn't even give you the chance to rethink; quick to come up with more reasons for why you should rest first, then find Aizawa.
It's the sweet hope of finding warmth that pulls you closer to the tents. You know it's mad to even think of going in any of them, straight into the territory of people that are freaks, people with quirks that makes you an easy bait for them to kill.
But exhaustion has that kind of an effect on people, and even the worst ideas seem bright at the time, mind foggy, unable to give you a reasonable answer when you ask yourself what's the worst that could happen.
You won't be staying for long, anyway, if anyone finds you, you'll flee- you're smart, not so strong but quick, you can run, right?
Your eyes scan the tents to see which one you can go in and out of without being noticed, and you're quick to eliminate the red and black ones.
The red tent has torches all over, so there's no way you can try and sneak in. And the black tent- well, you don't have a good feeling about it.
The tent closest to you has heavy-looking, dark blue curtains, but when you look closer, you can see the light coming from there, too. Your body getting heavier and heavier by the second, and you're pouting as your eyes fall on the indigo, purple tent. A few careful steps taken closer, you confirm there isn't light coming from inside.
As you come even closer, so close that the heavy, velvet-like material of the tent brushes your naked arms, making goosebumps run down your body. You wait for a few seconds for a sound, anything that indicates there is someone there, but after a few minutes of waiting, you conclude there isn't.
You're reluctant but quick to slip through the curtains, staying close to the exit so you can flee without having to face anyone.
It doesn't take long for your eyes to adjust in the darker room, and you're careful as you scan the room step by step.
It's not massive, but the area still seems bigger than any tent you've seen. It's almost twice your room- your old room.
Head pounding with exhaustion creeping in, you find a hiding place behind a cupboard in the corner. Your body acts before you, slipping in the small opening with ease. It's an advantageous hiding place , giving you the chance to spy on the entrance without blatantly sticking out.
As you wait for someone to come in, for something to happen in this dead of the night, your body starts feeling the signs of exhaustion even worse than before, with finding a warm place and somewhere to sit, adrenaline slowly leaving your body.
And before you know it, you're asleep.
You only after realize that you hadn't thought this through.
You wake up by the dim, reflected light of a candle- you're lucky you're a light sleeper, or you wouldn't have woken up to someone entering the tent.
The silhouette of a man dances on the floor, crouching down as he holds the candle in one hand and busies the other with the pile of clothes. Not sure when he entered the tent, it seems he's not yet aware of your presence, and you know you have to get out before he does.
Noticing his back is turned to you, you finally gather the courage to peep your head from where you sit. A purple head of hair is what you first notice, his ltousled ocks sticking in every direction as if he faced a thunderstorm.
He's reaching towards the pile of clothes, eyes half open as a look of exhaustion challenging yours lingers on his face.
As you stretch your head a little more from the corner you're hiding in, you finally see something hiding between the pile of clothes. It's a cat, you realize. The man's hand runs over the black fur; it makes the cat close his eyes and lean to the touch as he continues to pat its head, scratching under its ears.
You're not aware how intensely you're watching him, wide eyes following his movements, how his odd hair color catches the dim candlelight on itself, soft shadows dancing on the sharp, handsome features of his face.
You know you have to run, get out of here before he notices you, but it's like you're in a faze, curiosity boiling in your body.
It's a scene to behold, the pair of a mad-looking man and a black cat relishing in each others' presence as you gasp and retract back when the cat suddenly opens its eyes, golden gaze looking directly at you.
Your heart drumming in your ears as you sink more into the corner you're in, you miss how the candle he's holding flickers and the way his head tilts your way so slightly.
For a few minutes, nothing happens. You're too afraid to breathe, let alone reach back out to see what the man's doing. It's silent other than your booming heart, and despite knowing you have to get out of there- now, you can't do anything but wait.
"Aren't you cold?" The voice breaks the silence in the tent, a deep grumble that turns your stomach upside down. You think you recognize it; you've heard it earlier today, quickly depicting who he is; the man with the black, beak-like mask who was doing the hypnosis tricks.
"Does anyone want to volunteer for this trick?" He had asked many times that night. "If yes, cheer for me so I can see who does."
It's an automatic response; to cheer with the whistling and clapping crowd, and you hadn't noticed the self-satisfied smile he hid behind the mask at getting a reply from everyone watching him.
"I'm talking to the cat, not to the person hiding behind the cupboard, by the way." The man speaks again, a sarcastic comment that comes out of his lips so indifferently, and it shows how unfazed he is even by having another presence hiding in his tent.
Even the thought of it is chilling, but you don't give yourself the time to ponder about it, now that your cover is blown, leaping towards the exit. You're fast and agile, and Shinsou thinks you would've escaped if you were in the presence of anyone else.
But you aren't, and you soon come to realize that as well.
As you push the velvet curtains and the cold air hits your face, you're sure you've escaped since the man hasn't moved from where he stood. Still, not taking a second more, you're about to disappear into the night.
But instead of running after you, you hear him speak.
"Stop," It's a simple command that would've made you scoff any other time. Does this man really think you would-
Just in the border of the night and the tent, you suddenly lose the ability to control your body.
You freeze, despite your mind screaming at you to get out of there; you're not able to move an inch as you watch the man as he walks towards you, painfully slow, too.
As he stops before you, you're forced to realize just how bigger he is than you. Crazy locks of hair defy gravity, looking deep blue instead of the purple you had seen in his show.
He looks mean as he stands before you, eyes locked on you. Dangerous, even.
Stuck in a body you can't charge, you have to wait as his eyes scan you with a frown on his lips, the only emotion available on his face being a silent surprise and tiredness. Even with the situation you're in, you can't help but notice he's even more handsome up close. Secretly admiring his dark indigo eyes looking at you with suspicion, the circles under his eyes giving him an even more stern look, lips pressed into a line, high cheekbones shadowing his cheeks.
"Speak." He commands once again, and you fear if you had control of your body, you might've shivered at his tone.
"Wh-what did you do to me?!" It's your first reaction to regaining control; it makes the purple-haired man scoff. He leans a little closer to you, the ends of his locks close to grazing your face, but not quite, inspecting you with a scorning look and a mean frown. He's the source of the tinge of lavender smell in the room, you realize. That and something a little more... musky.
Despite having the control to speak, you're silent as he judges you, and you swear the corner of his lips quirk at that, too. "You were at the show today, weren't you? I think you can guess what's happening."
"You- you hypnotized me!" You shout, terrified. When he hears the accusing tone of your voice, the man quirks a brow at you.
"You broke into my tent." He mocks you with a smile, looking you up and down. "Aren't you cold?" He repeats. "Come in."
Your body obeys the commend, following the man back into the tent you just escaped, your body once again meeting the lavender-tinted warm air. You stand in the middle of the room as you watch him plop himself on a seat, legs wide open, almost invitingly so, his lips curved into a smile as his gaze keeps wandering on you.
You're unable to help it when your gaze starts shifting on his form, too, especially with the way he's looking at you now; you're not sure if it's the harsh shadows on his face that makes him look so irresistible, with that knowing smirk when he catches your eyes flicking lower than they should. When he quirks a brow at you, with eyes that almost tell you; I know what you're thinking, it suddenly feels a little too warm.
A hum vibrates in the air before he speaks again. "Tell me, pretty girl," he says, "why were you in my tent?"
As soon as you hear the command, you brace yourself to blurt out the whole truth, but- you don't. Questioning eyes finding him; he shrugs. "I'm not going to force it out of you."
He looks so smug with the way he says it, too, making you scoff with narrowed eyes. "Oh, how generous of you."
He ignores the mocking tone of your voice, the only indication he even heard them being the slight tilt of his lips. "If I knew you wouldn't flee the moment I let you go, too, you wouldn't be in this situation, either."
"Is that so?" You mutter, seemingly disinterested. "I will, though."
Your words seem to amuse him, the way you resist him, despite being entirely under his mercy, acting like he has no power over you.
So he smiles; it's deceptive, dark, exciting. It makes the air shift into something new; something that feels thicker, hotter, lustful.
He seems indifferent, however, and you hope he's blind to how your body reacts, as well, to when he sighs, hands running through his tangled, odd-colored locks.
"Why are you still keeping me here, anyway?" You blurt out, wanting to get out of here before you do something... mad.
"I'm curious." He answers the question, a smile resting on his plush lips as he shrugs. "Why were you in my tent?"
Eye for an eye, you think as he counters you with his question. He had answered yours, and it was only fair if you did the same. "I was cold," you tell him, staying as vague as possible. "Your tent seemed warm."
"That's it?" His brows arch up. "The rest isn't any of your business."
"I'm curious."
"I don't even know your name!" You huff angrily. "All I know is you're a guy who works in a circus with powers that leave me a puppet in your hands. I'm not here to entertain you."
As you blurt the last sentence, you don't miss his dark chuckle at it. "We'll see about that," he mutters, but before giving you the chance to speak, he speaks again. "My name's Shinsou. Feeling better?"
"Much." You mock him with an exaggerated smile, voice hostile. "Now will you let me go?"
"Why would I?" He laughs. "You still haven't answered my questions, and haven't you heard it's only courtesy to tell your own name when someone tells you theirs?"
"And haven't you heard it's being a basic human fucking being not to keep people under your influence like this?"
A beat of silence passes as he ponders on an answer and fails, and both of you know he lost this round. "Kitty's got claws, I see." He swipes his tongue on his bottom lip, amusedly watching your reaction at the pet name. You sneer at him- but Shinsou's a little too interested in this to miss the way you shift in your place, your quickening breaths, the flutter of your eyes.
"Don't call me that."
"Why? Got you excited?" Shinsou quirks a brow when you squeak angrily. "You won't even tell me your name."
You would've rolled your eyes if you could, instead just sighing at the purple-haired man. "It's Y/N." You answer. "My Name's Y/N."
It's been a while since Shinsou had this much fun; he missed this game of cat and mouse.
"Very well then, Y/N," he repeats your name as suggestive as possible, "would you answer my question? I can force the answer out of you, you know." He looks amused as he leans forward in his chair, suddenly much more interested in what you say, how you move. Like a predator watching its prey. "All it takes is a command."
Each word makes its way out of his lips so smoothly- you shiver at the way he speaks them. And you're disappointed when you realize not with fear.
It was a lost game the moment you even felt a tinge of lust towards the man, but you doubt there is anyone who can resist his charm. Still, you refuse to play into his hand, choosing to fight submitting to him just like that.
"With your witchcraft or whatever it is, yes." You shoot back, "but you can never control me without it." You feel needles of excitement run over your skin.
"Hm?" He quirks a brow, a feline cat on his lips, making you shiver with the lust settling on his gaze. Your eyes follow the movement of his adam's apple when he gulps. "You think I can't make you do as I say without my powers?" His voice drops an octave, and it almost makes you gasp.
"I know you can't." You sneer. "I would never let you."
"Big words from a little girl. Are you challenging me?"
"And what if I am?"
"Well," Shinsou slides his tongue over his lip, your gaze follows the movement. "you'll have to prove it to me."
As he speaks the words, the heaviness that had consumed your body disappears, as well. Your eyes shoot up- only meeting his mocking indigo gaze. You don't need him to tell you what to do, as one glance is enough for you to see how his pants seem a little strained over his crotch, a print making itself visible.
"What?" He asks, a grin resting on his lips as you stay still. His voice is deep, a guttural, almost tired tone that has you shivering with each way he speaks his words. "All bark, no bite? I thought you were up for a challenge- oh." You effectively shut him up when you settle before the man in one quick motion, relishing in the way his eyes widen, a content, almost excited grin consuming his face.
"You were saying something?" You purr innocently, as if you're not kneeling between his legs, licking your lips and giving him a glance from beneath your lashes.
"Nothing," Shinsou huffs out a laugh, settling in his chair to give you better access. "Do go on."
His dick is even more prominent now, you notice, a wicked smile settling on your lips. You lift your hand to trace his cock, touch ghosting him from over the material of his pants. He's semi-hard beneath your fingers, but even then, you have to muffle a gasp at just how big he is. Unfortunately, he seems to notice the widening of your eyes and your gulp.
He leans forward to tease you, but you don't give him a chance. His eyes flutter close when your hand finally takes him in your hold. "Shit-" Shinsou curses, his tongue darts out to wet his lips as you palm him over the material of his pants, not fast nor hard enough to satisfy him but to keep him tittering on edge. "You fucking tease." He sounds out of breath, but somehow manages to open his eyes to give you a dark look.
"Can't wait to fuck it out of you."
Shinsou waits, endures your torture until you yourself can't, growing impatient to feel him in your mouth.
His chuckle sinister as he aids you while your fingers work his pants off, leaving you face to face with his now hard cock, a small patch of wetness painting his briefs a darker color.
"Look what you did to me," Shinsou heaves, forcing himself to keep his indigo eyes open and on you. "making me hard without even taking me in your mouth."
You bite your lip as your hands slip beneath his boxers, feeling him hot and pulsing under your touch for the first time. You both groan at the sensation.
As you finally push his briefs down, you first see a tuff of deep-purple hair, his cock red and angry. "Ah, fuck." He curses at the contact with the cold air, his head lolling and falling back slightly.
"If it's too much-" he breathes before you can move any further, "tap my thigh twice, or yell bandaid." He only lets you go on when you nod, making sure you understood what he said.
Without waiting any longer, you take him in your hand, and it only makes you realize he's even bigger than you originally had thought. You try to hide your doubts on if you're even going to be able to fit him in your mouth, but he realizes anyway. "What?" Shinsou mutters breathily, "scared?"
You don't answer him, leaning forward to take the sensitive tip between your mouth, instead. The bitter taste of precum has a tinge of sweetness to it, and you don't even realize you start suckling on it a bit harder to get more of the taste.
"Oh- fucking hell." He runs his hands through his hair with a loud groan, a borderline moan, when you suck particularly hard, twirling your tongue around his sensitive head. The sound makes its way straight down to your core.
Your other hand comes up to cup his balls as you let go of his angry red tip, tracing his cock to the base with kisses planted along his shaft. "Ah- fuck, fuck, fuck!" Shinsou groans when you massage his balls softly, leaving kisses on the base, your other hand pumping him slower than he wants it.
"Stop fucking teasing." He growls, voice breathy and shallow. "Or are you afraid -ah- you can't take it all?"
The smug grin he has, despite your best efforts to wipe it off has you fuming. You know he only says it to rile you up, but it works. "Shut up." You spit at the handsome man, not even missing a beat or trying to ease him in as you start pushing yourself on his length. It's pure spite, he knows it too, but it only makes it more fun for Shinsou.
You underestimated him.
You open your mouth as much as you can, jaw aching almost immediately with the pressure, but you try to discard the feeling, focused on having as much of him in your mouth.
"Ah fuck!" He groans out loudly, hips twitching, a thrust in your welcoming mouth before he can catch himself. "Good fuckin' girl," Shinsou breathes, his hand flying to your head as support, pushing you even further down. You almost miss the subtle whiny moan he lets out when you gag loudly around him. The head of his cock hitting the back of your throat as Shinsou keeps pushing you down on his cock mindlessly, your heart drums in your ears, jaw aching, breaths shallow and insufficient.
"Look at you- oh, look at you." Shinsou mutters between his ragged breaths. "Such an obedient little girl, so pretty, so eager-" his warm cock thrusts deeper in your mouth and makes you gag once again, tears that had welled in your eyes before now spilling down your cheeks. Shinsou's half-lidded gaze falls on you, face wet with drool, tears, and his precum, and you feel his cock twitch along with a groan, "-so eager to please me."
You wish- you wish you could protest, say he's wrong, that you don't care the slightest bit about how he feels, but you can't. And not because of his cock stuffing your mouth, either.
Instead, you feel the blood starting to rush downwards, straight to your pussy, making you soil your panties with how he spits out each syllable.
Shinsou's aware of this, too, how effective his words are. His head falls back, weak to the pleasure you're giving him, moaning and gagging around his length as he thrusts faster into you. The dull pain in your skull feels so good, the ache of your throat, his cock hot and heavy on your tongue-
"You're- you're getting off on this, huh?" Shinsou tightens his grip on your hair. "You like it when I call you a good girl? You like it when I use you as a fuck hole?"
You try to lie, shake your head no, but he doesn't give you a chance, no room to move your head with how tight his hold is. With one thrust exceptionally deep, Shinsou laughs almost cruelly as he speaks. "Of course, you do. You're sucking me so fucking well; it's impossible you don't."
"Good girl- good fucking girl, I bet you're soaking in your panties, too, huh? What a little slut. I thought you weren't going to give in? I thought you said I couldn't control you?"
"Fuck you." You spit out when you pull away from his cock, but he doesn't seem pleased by it. "Don't speak with your mouth full, darling." Shinsou growls, his hand cupping your jaw and forcing your eyes to meet his, fingers digging deep into the soft of your skin. "Didn't anyone teach my baby any manners? Or are you just too dumb to learn?"
You open your mouth to say something, but before you can even utter a word, his long fingers force their way through your lips; whatever you were going to say stays as a muffled moan.
"You know, from the moment I saw you all I thought about as you talked and talked and talked was how I wanted to put that big mouth of yours into good use."
In all honesty- it was all you thought about as well.
With seeing the glint in your eyes, Shinsou huffs out a laugh. "Oh, look at my pretty little slut." He forces his fingers even deeper, making you gag. "You think I don't know what you're thinking? You think I don't know how much you want my cock in your mouth? Such a whore, hiding in my tent. You did this on purpose, didn't you? Came here to get fucked like a bitch in heat by one of us freaks?"
The last words are but a haze to you since by then; he's already pushing himself back and forth past your abused lips, moaning at the feeling of your warm, wet mouth, without giving you the time to think, to breathe, to accustom. Shinsou holds a ruthless pace, gripping your head fest by the hair as he groans and moans, making you squirm under him. "Good girl- ah, fuck, such a good girl, suck my cock just like that- ah!"
"Fuck- I'm coming." You almost don't hear him, only raise your gaze to his half-lidded eyes and feel his cock twitch between your lips. "I'm coming- ah- shit, shit shit!"
Your moans get louder as his thrusts get sloppier, and you feel his whole body tremble at your voice. "I'm gonna- fuck!" Shinsou finally feels himself falling over the edge he's been dancing on, his hot cum shooting down your aching, abused throat, moaning when he notices how eagerly you swallow his cum.
His body falls limp back on the seat, chest heaving with deep, heavy breaths. There is a sheen layer of sweat covering Shinsou's body, making the muscles of his body shine under the dim candlelight.
All you hear in the quiet tent is his deep breaths, his head resting back, eyes closed, and he seems exhausted. A few minutes pass for him to pull himself together, opening his eyes to look at you, and- fuck he's hard again.
"Are you okay?" You shake your head, suppressing a smile at his now even messier-looking hair.
"Are you okay?" You ask smugly, coughing once because of the ache. "Thought you were gonna- hey!" You squeak as he jumps on his feet, and in a moment, you find yourself swept off the floor and in his arms. "I see you still have words to speak." Shinsou laughs, his face so close to yours, you feel his breath fanning against your ear, and he feels you tremble between his arms. He quirks a brow at your surprised reaction. You hadn't expected him to be able to continue, truth be told.
"What?" He continues, "I thought I made myself clear when I said I'd fuck it out of you."
You try to keep your last bit of resistance in you by speaking, "I'd like to see you try." But both of you seem aware you've already lost.
"Oh, I'm sure you do." Shinsou gives you a look before placing- throwing you on the unmade bed, eliciting a loud gasp from you. The dim candlelight hits his naked form in a way that has you rubbing your legs in anticipation. He isn't bulky but well-built and muscular, enough to toss you around with ease, enough to have your mouth watering at the thought of running your fingers over his well-defined muscles.
His gaze predatory, Shinsou looks dissatisfied eyeing you. "Strip." He orders, a knowing smile finding its way on his lips as you realize he won't use his powers but knows you'll obey his command like a good girl.
And you do, too. Maybe it's the anticipation or the uncanny glint in Shinsou's eyes that get to your head, but thoughts of defiance are thrown out of the window as you're shrugging off your clothes without giving it a second thought.
"That's it." He grins, his index finger just barely ghosting over your thigh, and he relishes how you squirm because of it. "Look how good you can be for me."
"Such a pretty girl," his hand continues circling your bare legs, getting dangerously close to where you need him the most, but never quite giving it. "My pretty girl." You feel him smile on your skin, littering it with kisses and bites as his fingers ghost over your pussy.. "A shame she has that bratty streak, though."
Shinsou clicks his tongue, suddenly pulling his hand back away, suppressing a smile at your needy whine. It's the kind of sound that's pushing him closer to ruining you by the second.
"No, no, baby, don't cry." You feel his hand cup your face, pads of his fingers tracing your face. His thumb grazes your lips, tracing the outline and pushing in, the sudden intrusion making you moan around it. "I'm here to help you with that."
Help you, he does. You feel his finger graze your clit, circling it just barely but even that slightest contact has you gasping for more after spending that long focused on him.
"Look at you," Shinsou tuts disappointedly, "just barely touched you, and you're soaking wet. Did you enjoy sucking me that much? Did you like how my dick tastes so much that it turned you on?"
"I-" you try to gather your thoughts, but he silences you by pushing one of his fingers in your pussy, his fingers long and slim, such pretty hands he has, his pale skin glistening with your wetness. "What was that?"
"P-please," you beg pathetically as all his motions still abruptly, eyes turning steal as he leans so close that you think your noses might touch. His other hand latches on your hair when your head lolls back down, his grip forcing you to keep your eyes on his indigo ones. The dull pain in your scalp goes straight to your core, and Shinsou can tell by how you clench around his finger.
"That isn't an answer to my question, Y/N." Your name rolls of his tongue so cold, so distant, you find yourself whining at it.
"Y-yes!" You exclaim, hips moving and grinding against his hand to find more friction with yet another cry, "I did- I did, so please!"
Shinsou has to admit.
Having you look at him with wide, watering eyes, face contorted in need of pleasure, your lips trembling as a form of begging- he doesn't think he can hold off much longer.
You feel so tight, even with just a finger, so warm and welcoming that he might be going crazy. Your mouth falls slack; eyes squeezed closed as you focus on the pleasure, silent other than shallow, desperate breathes.
"That's a good girl." Shinsou approves, adding a second finger and closing the gap between your faces to press a kiss on your lips as a reward.
So desperate for affection, you don't hear nor feel his amused laugh as you throw your arms around his neck when he starts to pull back after giving you but a peck, trying to hold him close, pull him into a kiss.
Shinsou shakes his head no, his fingers curling in you as he does so, your back arching off the bed. "Let's not get greedy, pretty girl. Don't worry; I'll take you there- as many times as you want. Okay?"
"Okay." You nod obediently and- fuck, Shinsou feels his dick ache with how hard he is.
"You take my fingers so well." He mutters, almost talking to himself, fascinated by how eager your pussy pulls him in. "Just listen how you gush around my fingers, how slutty your pussy is," Shinsou chuckles, the wet sound of your cunt making you cry out a whine. "Looks how wet you are, so messy, so pretty, wanna make you cum so many times-" He raises his brows when you shake your head 'no'
"Wanna-" you whine, "wanna cum on your cock."
"Please?" You add quickly, giving him the mastered doe-eyes. With the way his fingers sink into the flesh of your thighs, you know you're pushing him till he can't hold back anymore.
"Ah, fuck baby." You moan as his eyes roll back in his head. "How can I say no to you when you ask so nicely?"
You writhe under him as he rubs the swollen head on your pussy first, wetting the tip of his cock with your arousal as you nuzzle your face on his neck to get more of his scent, his skin muffling your moans when he lightly taps your clit.
"If it's too much," Shinsou holds you by the chin to make you look at him, your gaze half-lidded, mouth agape, you looked fucked dumb already. "what were you going to say?"
"Band-bandaids." You half-moan, half speak. Satisfied with the answer, Shinsou can't wait any longer as he's finally pushing himself in you, your cunt pulsing around him-
fuck- so warm, so wet, so soft-
"Holy fuck!" A guttural groan rips from his chest as he feels your strained walls pulse and flutter around him, trying to adjust to his size as he hears your needy cries right next to his ear. It has him losing his mind; Shinsou angles his hips just enough to have you screaming his name, and the feeling of his cock dragging against your pussy, heavy and hot in you, is enough to have you teetering on the edge already.
"'s big!" You whine into his neck, body convulsing with each drag of his cock in you. "So big- you're so big, makes me feel so full." You gasp, unaware of how you bring your hand to your stomach, pressing on the bulge that appears when he pushes in you.
You look so mindlessly fucked out; with your face twisted in pleasure, mouth fallen slack and drool pooling in the corner of your lips, eyes rolling back in your skull as he plunges in and out of you.
"Shinsou- Shinsou, ah, fuck!" You babble, nails digging in his arms to leave angry red crescents. So lost in the pleasure, you're not exactly aware of Shinsou's hands roaming around your face, cupping your jaw, caressing your cheeks, pushing back stray hairs. So cute, so vulnerable for him- he can't wait to make your face wet with tears.
"I'm gonna- I- I'm gonna cum!" You moan, but he knows this already, by the way your back arching off the bed with each deep thrust of his hips, by your pussy clenching even harder on his cock, your hands holding on to him like he's your lifeline.
In a heartbeat, just as you're sure the coil that's been growing in you is going to snap, just as you're about to fall into that bliss- he stops.
A broken sob follows his stillness, a cry ripping itself off your chest at the feeling that was just beyond reach. "Why?" You whine into his chest, hips wiggling to try and feel the same as you did a second ago.
"Shh, it's okay," he coos, voice breathy, more uncollected than he tries to look, purple locks of hair submitting to gravity and falling down, hovering around his face like an indigo halo. "I'll let you come as many times as you want- if you beg."
He raises a brow at you when you squirm under his touch, clamping down on his cock when he growls in your ear, hot breath fanning on your neck. "Beg for it, pretty girl, beg for me to make you cum on my cock- such a hungry slut- beg and I'll give you whatever you want."
You look up at him teary-eyed, your body shaking like a leaf in hungry need, for release, for him, but your lips refuse to atone, your head shaking side to side as a sob leaves your throat.
You can't, you can't beg, but the feeling is irresistible.
"No?" Shinsou voices your silent rebel, and you think the shadows on his face just got a few tones darker.
"You think you have a choice?" His voice low and grave as you feel a pair of hands snake up your body and wrap around your neck, squeezing just the right amount to have your eyes widen with shock, pussy tighten with need but not so much that you're gasping for air. "Nothing but a filthy whore- look at me when I fuck you."
Another squeeze has your eyes rolling back in your head, his filthy words traveling right down to your weeping core. "Now beg."
This time, you don't miss a beat before obeying, pleas falling from your lips along with whimpers of his name, but it's not enough; that you can tell by the dissatisfied click of his tongue. "P-please, sir," you whisper, it makes him move, a hard thrust in your to show praise.
"P-please fuck me-" you add, trying to speak between his occasional deep thrusts, messing with your head. "Show me my- mmh, fuck!- my place!"
As soon as the words are out of your lips, Shinsou goes out of his mind as well. His eyes widen with how your words affect him, an electrifying warmth blooming in the pit of his stomach. "Show you your place?" He growls, and you cry out a moan when he starts thrusting in a ruthless pace, his grip on your neck now suddenly a tad tighter, black spots dancing around in your vision.
"Show you what a slut you are, is that it?"
You're not even comprehending the words he's spewing, the feeling of his cock filling you up has warm tears running down your cheeks, sobs mixed with moans filling the silence other than the sound of skin slapping skin and his low growls.
"Crying? What a little baby, can't even take a cock in you, huh? Then what are you even good for?" Just as he finishes his sentence, the tip of his cock grazes that sweet spot in you, making you cry out a louder sob. "Sh-shinsou, please!"
Hearing you sob out his name like that has his cock twitching in you, your legs wrapped around his waist, legs digging into the small of his back, your nails biting in his shoulders as if he's the only thing holding you up and sane, newer ones filling his skin with each thrust he gifts you. His lidded gaze focuses on your fucked out face, drooling as your mouth falls slack, eyes rolling to the back of your head, face wet with tears you're still shedding. His hand travels from your neck to your jaw, forcing you to look at him so he can lean forward and plant a wet kiss on your lips.
"Fuck yeah- look at you, pretty girl, crying because how good I'm fucking you, huh?"
You nod pathetically, knowing he's waiting for an answer, but a nod is all you can muster with how hazy your mind feels. "More, more- please sir, ah!" Your hands travel from his arms to his back, leaving red, angry stripes on his back as well; one of your hands find a purple lock of hair, taking it between your fingers and hanging on it as hard as you can-
"Ah, shit!" Shinsou shouts as he throws his head up in the air at the dull pain you give him, his cock twitching in you and making you cry out a moan. You're not even aware you're pulling his hair, not aware you're getting him so close to cumming, not aware of anything but his fat cock drilling in you.
"Shit! Baby don't- ah, don't do that or I'm-" He groans, thrusts getting harder, faster-
"You're gonna cum?" He growls in your ear as he feels you clamping harder on his cock, the feeling of you fluttering around him bringing him to your high with you. "Huh? Are you? Answer me." Shinsou's hand grips your hair, pulling it and exposing the skin of your neck for him, open and vulnerable for him to leave marks.
The feeling of his hand in your hair, the kisses he leaves on every sensitive part of your neck, the way his teeth graze and sometimes bite your skin- it's all too much, your body shaking and back arching, you're close- so, so close that-
"I'm cumming- sir, please, I-"
"Cum for me then." Shinsou orders, voice breathy and shaking with the pleasure he's swimming in.
All it takes is for him to lean for another kiss, his tongue sliding in your mouth, and you're falling off the sweet edge, cries getting louder and body shaking with a ripping orgasm, you're clamping down on his cock like crazy, like you won't ever let him go, your dainty hands in his hair and hanging on his locks without care and fuck-
"Give me one more, baby, one more-" Shinsou grunts in your ear, lips grazing the shell as his fingers rub vigorous circles on your clit, "I know you have it in you, come on."
"I- I can't-" You try to speak, but it's all too much, your mind foggy, the tip of your tongue lolling out. "You can," Shinsou growls, orders. "You can and you will."
It's not much after your body convulses with yet another orgasm, hanging on Shinsou as he keeps fucking into you, and you know he's close.
"Come in me!" Your voice cries out to the man; you have your arms thrown around his neck, pulling him to yourself, want to be closer, closer, closer- "Please- come in me! I want to feel you- ah!"
You gasp as he gives you few last pumps, overstimulation making you flinch. Shinsou comes with a groan, teeth sinking into the conjunction of your neck and shoulders and causing you to cry out in pleasure mixes with a tint of pain.
Your eyes are falling as he pulls you to himself, closing his arms around you and holding you against his chest. You stay like that for a while, both too tired to even ask each other how you're doing. He finally slips out of your abused cunt, standing up to glance at you worriedly when you wince. "Sorry."
"How are you feeling?" You hear him grumble as he shuffles through the drawers, wetting the clean towel he pulled out from there. When he comes back, you also notice the bottle of medicine he has in his hands.
"Here, take this." He gives you the medicine and a cup of water, leaning towards you hesitantly. "Should I?" He brings the towel towards the between of your legs, but still keeps a distance.
When you nod, his soft touch ushers your legs to part. He grimaces when you wince at the contact with the towel, even when his touch is so light, but you endure it.
"I should help you out with those." You mutter, half-embarrassed as you inspect the angry red lines adorning his back and arms. His chest is littered with lovebites and marks you don't even remember leaving, and he chuckles when he drops his gaze to look for himself, as well.
"It's okay; you should rest." He laughs. "I'll take care of it later."
You nod, but you still feel his gaze on you as you push yourself deeper in the sheets, mind swimming in thoughts of-
"What are you going to do now?" Shinsou voices, and you notice he's back in his boxers and a shirt, hair in a little more shape. You blink a few times, not knowing how to answer, not knowing the answer, hands fisting the sheets in tight balls.
"I first wanted to go find Aizawa." You shrug, rubbing your eyes. "Before I came here, I mean."
He huffs out a surprised laugh, glancing at you with his brows raised. "That's a first." He mutters. "What's the occasion?"
A smile sneaks its way on your lips as you give him an unfazed shrug. "You think I'll tell you? Maybe I'll let you hear what it is when you take me to him."
Shinsou stays still for a second or so, the predatory glint he had a few minutes ago appearing once again in his indigo eyes. "My silly little baby," You feel two of his fingers graze the underside of your chin, tilting your gaze to meet his. "I thought we already agreed that I can make you do anything I say." You feel his breath on your lips, leaning to close the gape.
"Or should I teach you one more time?"
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kamotoshi · 3 years
reminders [fushiguro tōji x reader]
pairing: fushiguro tōji x fem reader
genre: fluff
warnings: a bit of swearing; brief mentions of past trauma, manipulation, and financial instability/struggles
word count: 2.3k
overview: a sunset picnic reminds him to stop for a moment and remind his wife how he truly feels about her
note: just another fic to serve as evidence for my obsession with making big, beefy 2d men with tough exteriors completely soft for their significant others (wives especially)
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“Aren’t we just the cutest couple ever?”
Tōji’s eyes move from the spread of food laid out across the patterned blanket beneath the two of you over to either side of him, where a few other couples and families have set up their picnic spots for the evening, then, to your phone. A glance at the screen displaying the timed photo you’d just spent the past five to ten minutes setting the scene for and perfecting brings a smirk to his face.
“Just the right amount of nauseating.”
“Like, to the point where people are a little envious, but they don’t think we’re being too over the top, right?”
You hum in understanding as you pop a piece of fruit into your mouth.
“But, I would say err on the side of caution and don’t post the super lovey-dovey ones. Actually, please don’t. That’s a request now.”
Your hand flies to your chest to match the look of feigned shock on your face at his words. He doesn’t miss how the diamond on your finger sparkles in the amber glow of the setting sun. The thought crosses his mind that he wants to buy you a bigger one when he has enough money to set aside—something that would shine just a bit brighter. Almost as brightly as that beautiful smile of yours he had the pleasure of seeing each day, if he was lucky.
“You mean… I can actually post a picture that I took with my notoriously elusive husband?”
With a nod, he shifts his gaze to the horizon—or whatever he can see of it peeking around the sides of each building—for a moment. “Just know it’ll probably end my job,” is his response given with a sigh, “Nobody’ll fear me after they see that I enjoy sunset picnics with my adorable wife, now, will they?”
“Or,” you offer with a grin, scooting closer to him so his arm can snake around your waist, “it could give you an advantage, people thinking you’re kinda sweet. Like, oh, he’s a cold-blooded killer who takes care of business, but he’s got a soft side, too. And then, bam! You swoop in and they’ll never even know what hit ‘em.” Sweeping a hand dramatically across the landscape in front of you, as if you want him to picture the scene in your head, you add, “Suddenly, you’re the talk of the town. Women want you. Men want to be you. Hell, they’d probably want you too.”
“And that’s the story of how I end up on the front covers of magazines, right?”
“Exactly. This is just the start of your success story, baby.” Tenderly, you place a hand on the side of his face to bring it closer to your lips. After pecking him on the cheek, you whisper, “Just try not to forget about me when you’re famous, okay?”
He turns to look directly at you, his eyebrow raised with incredulousness in an expression you’ve seen many times before. “You kidding me? I would never. Be famous, I mean.”
The teasing smack you land on his chest doesn’t deter him from leaning down towards you to press a kiss against your lips that you readily return in spite of your complaints at his devious comment. He relishes in the sweet taste lingering on his tongue when he pulls away, and the affection present in your half-lidded gaze brings a comforting warmth over him akin to the feeling of finally crawling into bed after a long day. In his moment of distraction, you’re able to sneak in another meeting of your lips before grabbing one of the snack boxes you’d meticulously crafted and dropping it into his lap.
“Since I’m nice, unlike you, I’ll still let you eat the food lovingly prepared by your loving wife.”
“C’mon, baby,” he murmurs, giving your thigh an appreciative squeeze, “You know I love you.”
“I mean, I hope you do. You did marry me, and stick with me all these years, after all, you weirdo.”
He chuckles and pats your leg before shifting his attention to the delicious food you’d put together for the two of you, and you settle down beside him after collecting your own. His free hand plants on the ground beside your opposite hip, closing the gap between you.
Each day that he gets to spend with you he’s thankful for. But there’s something different about those where the sight of the sun slowly descending toward the horizon is beautiful enough to draw both of you out of the house to sit and watch it. He can’t quite explain it, but everything about these days feels different. The harshness of the city seems to fade away for a bit. The air smells sweeter. His breaths come a bit more deeply. The absence of your body against his in some way is felt more intensely.
In between gazing ahead at the sunset—allowing his eyes to flicker to his meal, the kids zipping past every now and then on their bikes, or other passersby—he finds his attention being drawn back to you. Each feature of your face bathed in the golden light of the sun’s last rays brings an unexpected flutter to his heart. He’s never surprised by how gorgeous you are, but, still finds himself in awe of just how lucky he is each time he stops to take it all in.
Lucky that he gets to wake up next to you and see you in those quiet moments of the morning when your eyes are still struggling to focus and your cheek is stamped with each wrinkle of your pillowcase, but you look beautiful all the same. Lucky that the arms and legs he has draped around him until you both wake up sweaty in the middle of the night are yours. Lucky to be offered a refuge wherever you are. Lucky you’re one he promised to love for the rest of his life.
In the busyness of your days, sometimes things are assumed rather than said. He assumes the parting kiss he presses to your lips each time he leaves the house translates into a small, “I love you, I’ll be back soon.” Just like he assumes the way he pulls you onto his lap while you’re sitting together, watching a movie, sends a small message of, “I need you here, close to me.” Or the pause he takes to gaze into your eyes after your more passionate displays of affection means, “I love you more than I know how to say.”
He realizes, given the risky nature of his work, that thought alone isn’t enough, though. Maybe he’s too afraid of saying something that’ll curse you for his lips to form the words he’s thinking as often as they should, but if he was one to let his life be ruled by fear, he wouldn’t be sitting with you in the first place. He would’ve let his family wreak havoc on him for the entirety of his life, weighing it down with constant reminders of his failures. He would’ve let his fear of being vulnerable keep him from getting close enough to you to fall in love with you.
Yet, here he is, making relaxed conversation with you—his wife—as the two of you sit together beneath a sea of brilliant oranges, candied pinks, and the gentlest hues of lavender. With the way you use your steadily built and strongly maintained trust in him to speak so freely and be so vulnerable without fear of judgment, he feels it’s only fair that he shows his trust in you by doing the same. That he reminds you of his feelings rather than lets the implications behind his actions speak for him.
When he decides to mention it, most of the sky has lost its fire and quite a few of the other picknickers have packed up and returned home. But the two of you choose to remain out just a bit longer in the warmth of the summer night, bathed in the sound of cicadas chirping incessantly. “Hey babe?” he calls, giving your hand resting in his a gentle squeeze as his cheek drops to the blanket so he can look at you.
“Mm?” You shift onto your side and scoot closer to him, moving your interlaced hands to your chest, holding the back of his against your gently beating heart. On instinct, your other set of fingers find his face to brush a few strands of dark hair away from his eyes, and he presses feathery kisses to your palm.
Sighing against your skin, he asks, “Do I tell you I love you enough?”
Without a moment’s hesitation, you assure him, “I know you do.”
“Because I say it?”
You hum with uncertainty, fingers gliding from the scar at the side of his mouth down his neck, and to one of his broad shoulders. “More because I can see it in the way you look at me. But, then again, I also see you look at a really good meal the same way. Makes me kinda jealous sometimes,” is your answer given with a small, teasing smile, “Besides, I feel like I can safely assume that you’ve stayed with me all these years because you love me, right?”
“Of course,” he says, the strength in his voice contrasting the subtle, pained look behind his eyes, “But I don’t say it enough, do I?”
There’s a short pause before you murmur, “Not usually unless I say it first. But it tends to be more of a reflex for both of us, anyway. Like, ‘I’m heading out now, love you!’ or, ‘Goodnight, I love you,’ y’know?”
A gentle tug on your wrist pulls you towards him, until you’re propped up on both elbows, body leaning over his. Wrapping an arm around your waist brings your chests flush against one another and your faces mere centimeters apart. The way he’s regarding you as nothing else is as important as you are to him in this moment has you melting into the kiss he plants on your lips.
“You’re the love of my life.” Heat radiates from your chest all the way up to your face at his tenderly spoken words accompanied by his thumb skimming along your cheekbone. “And you deserve to hear me tell you how much I care about you more often because you’re the only person who’s made me feel deserving of love.”
The hand on your back slowly moves up and down, his fingers tracing along your spine. It was once deemed as a mindless behavior in your eyes, but after many years with him, you’ve come to learn that sometimes it’s a means of comforting himself or finding the courage to speak about something that’s been on his mind. To reassure him, you place a soft peck against the corner of his mouth and run your fingertips across his jaw.
He seems to find the strength he needs to speak the rest of his truth, since he continues, “I remember being terrified when I first realized how much I loved you. Because here I was, thinking I was only gonna marry someone as a way of erasing my connections to my family, and that falling in love would weaken me—make me easier to be manipulated—but you changed my mind. And I don’t think there’s a damn thing that could ever happen to make me wish I did things differently, even though we got married young, when we barely had enough money to our names to get ourselves through the week.”
A pang of somewhat bittersweet nostalgia ripples through you at the memories of sleeping on the floor, clinging to one another to keep warm during the cold, winter nights. Of how you’d both worked so tirelessly to make a living that sometimes all you’d do was cry into his shoulder when you got home. But soon, there was a couch. A bed. A table. A lamp that didn’t flicker. Then, a new place in a safer part of the city, filled with all the furniture and appliances you could need. Jobs that paid enough for the tears to subside.
The impulsiveness the two of you had displayed in your early twenties had gotten you into a lot of sometimes unbearable situations, but you wouldn’t have changed a thing had you somehow been granted the power to alter the past. While unpleasant, those events had helped the two of you get to where you are today, happier and more in love than ever.
“After all we’ve been through, and that you’ve stuck with me through, I at least owe it to you to remind you how much you mean to me instead of just assuming you know. Because you really do mean the world to me. So, this is me telling you that I love and appreciate you a lot more than I might feel capable of saying sometimes, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try.”
With that same, bright smile of yours that he adores, you take your weight off your elbows to wrap your arms around him while he gives your body a tight squeeze in return. “I love you so much, Tōji,” you hum, heart swelling with joy.
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
There’s a few moments of peaceful silence while the two of you remain wrapped up in a tight and much-needed embrace. Eventually, a deep exhale fans across your neck before he mentions, “That was pretty cheesy, huh?”
“Just a bit. But I promise not to tell anyone you’re secretly a bit of a sap, okay?” you comment, sending the two of you into a small fit of snickers. Your tone is more serious, however, when you mention, “It made me really happy to hear, though.”
“Good,” is his response as he moves his head so he can press his mouth to your temple. His next words are spoken quietly, as if just to himself, and nearly lost beneath the layers of environmental noise surrounding you, but you’re glad you hear them.
“That’s all that matters to me.”
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soulmate-game · 4 years
Useful Part 2
fluff with a little hurt and comfort. If you want answers as to the lack of angst, look through my recent posts for an explanation. 
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“Wait, you have a WHAT?” were the first words that the rest of the Gotham-based vigilantes heard when they finally were able to track down where Damian had gone. Dick looked over at Bruce, who was noticeably tense. No surprise there, the man had just found out that he had a second biological child. One who was apparently a superhero already, without his intervention, and also apparently had a tragic background in the League of fucking Assassin Assholes. Not to mention that Damian’s track record with meeting siblings wasn’t great, even if this one wasn’t actually new to him. Nobody had any real fear of Damian relapsing on his no-kill rule, they knew he had matured far too much to be at risk of killing for something as immature as sibling rivalry anymore. 
But there was still fear. Because this new Wayne was an Unknown Factor, and as a rule the Bats hated Unknown Factors. And they had no idea what the relationship between the two had been before they had been separated, or what it would become now. 
“That wasn’t Damian’s voice,” Dick helpfully pointed out the obvious. Bruce only frowned, doing his best (and failing) to hide his anxiety about what they would find. Silently, the group inched forward to the edge of the abandoned building they were on top of so that they could look over at what was happening. What they saw was a girl, presumably the same one who had been in a ladybug onesie and had fearlessly begun to ask them to leave Paris— until she had laid proper eyes on Robin and fled, that was. That girl was sitting down next to an unmasked Damian, who had his arm around her shoulders and let her lean into his side. He even smirked cheerfully at her question before continuing to speak to her. 
“A dragon-bat. I knew you’d love hearing about him, I’ll introduce you when you come visit the Batcave. His name is Goliath,” Damian admitted smugly. Despite the familiar attitude and pride behind his words though, his spying family couldn’t help but notice that he kept periodically rubbing the girl’s (they really needed to find out her name) shoulder in reassurance. None of them missed the tear tracks on both of their faces, or how red the girl’s eyes were. Clearly they had missed something big. 
But nobody wanted to try to figure that out yet. This scene was too precious, too breathtaking for them to interrupt just yet. They had never seen Damian this vulnerable around someone outside of their little circle before, someone from the Time Before Bruce, no less. Most of the time, only Nightwing was able to see this side to Damian. And usually the roles were reversed, with Damian being the one consoled. They had never seen him in the position of the comforter before. The pillar of support. 
It really cemented just how far he had come. 
So they watched silently as the girl flinched, pulling away a bit and hunching in on herself. The laugh she let out was small and overflowing with self-degradation. 
“You make it sound as if the rest of your family actually wants me to visit,” she replied sourly. Damian gently cuffed her over the head, frowning. 
“Two things,” he held up two fingers from his free hand. “One: They will. They accepted me, and I was— well, you remember how I used to be. Once they actually meet you, and process the fact that there’s another Wayne now, they will bombard you with more welcoming than you will know what to do with. Two: It’s Our family, Marinette. Not mine, ours.”
Well, at least they had a name now. But it seems like they had bigger issues now, like Marinette’s clearly damaged sense of self. Jason and Tim traded knowing glances; it wasn’t hard for them to guess where, or how, she might have been damaged enough to think so lowly of herself. 
They watched as Marinette shook her head. 
“I don’t know. It’s one thing to try to… to get to know you again. We used to be close before… everything,” she haltingly argued, voice small and frail and uncertain. But she never once looked away from Damian’s eyes, trying to convey as best as she could what she was feeling. “But they’re different. They don’t have any reason to trust or like me, Dami. And I’m bad at, well everything, but especially,” she waved her hands frantically as if indicating the whole situation they were in. “I mean, listen to me! I can barely articulate right now, and I’m talking to someone I’ve known my whole life! I’m a mess. Nobody wants a mess.” 
It was Damian’s turn to snort, and he pulled her right back into his side. “Please. If anything, that’s exactly the type of child Father goes looking for. We’re all a mess. Especially Father, trust me.” 
“You’re just trying to make me feel better,” she accused suspiciously, but sank into his sideways embrace anyway. Damian chuckled. 
“No, I’m being honest. He’s terrible at emotions, not that I really have much room to talk. We all are pretty bad with them. But he’s the most obvious when it comes to that issue,” Damian smirked over at his sister conspiratorially. “For example. He still tries to tell people that he works alone, and pushes people away because he has this intense desire to protect, but doesn’t know how to say “I don’t want you to get hurt, stop worrying me,” so instead he says “Go away, I don’t need you,” only for us to see through that nonsense and remind him that the amount of people in his team is in the double digits already. He doesn’t want to admit he cares about us and is vulnerable—”
“Sounds familiar,” Marinette teased with a watery grin, startling a short laugh from her twin. He nudged her a little roughly (but not to roughly) and playfully glared at her. Marinette just giggled.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he lied with a grin before waving his free hand in dismissal. “Anyway. Another example. He has no idea how to tell a stranger, “hey, I’m your father and I will not reject you. In fact, I’m completely willing to adopt you right this moment and whisk you away to Gotham and relative safety and hire an entire team of therapists to help you and buy you half the world if you asked for it,” so instead he and the rest of our emotionally constipated family just lurks on the edge of a building in broad daylight eavesdropping on us and expects us not to notice.” 
“Wait what,” Marinette’s gaze instantly whipped up towards the sky, taking only half a second to locate the aforementioned eavesdroppers. Everyone except Bruce at least had the courtesy to duck down and pretend not to be there when they noticed she had seen them, leaving Batman standing seemingly alone on the concrete roof. Marinette blinked once. Twice. Then turned to Damian. “I’m gonna blame the fact that I didn’t notice them on emotional turmoil, because there is no way I’ve gotten THAT rusty.” 
Damian smiled, but didn’t laugh. He knew that was a deflection to try and distract from Marinette’s quickly resurging self-consciousness. Her hands were already trembling again, and the fear from only minutes ago had resurfaced. The insecurity. He could practically see the words “I’m not good enough,” written in her irises. 
“You’ll be fine,” he whispered, standing up and pulling her with him. “If anyone has to worry here, it’s me.” 
“What the hell are you talking about?” Marinette whisper-hissed right back, eyes wide in disbelief and confusion. “You’re— You! Mister Perfect!” 
Damian rolled his eyes, and his self-deprecating smirk matched the laugh Marinette had given just a few minutes earlier. “For the League, maybe,” he shrugged. “Never the Wayne family. Which is why I know you’ll be fine. If they put up with everything I’ve done and still call me one of them, they’ll accept you with barely a second thought.” 
Marinette’s next argument was cut off by the sound of a dozen soft footfalls stirring up dirt not far ahead of them. The BatClan had landed from the rooftop. 
Marinette gulped. 
But if there was one thing— one thing she still remembered from her days as Marie Al-Ghul, it was how to fake pride and confidence. She straightened her shoulders automatically, lifted her chin, and pulled away from Damian’s supporting arm around her shoulder. Damian let her. 
A little bit of old resentment flared up in him as he saw Batman walk up close enough to comfortably talk with them. Resentment that he no longer held onto, but that had haunted him nearly every night of the first two years he spent with his dad. The realization that maybe his twin was the one that was meant to be a Wayne. Marie had the blue eyes, the compassion, the more specifically detective-oriented mind. The calm head. Sometimes. Marie was exactly who he imagined when he thought of a naturally born member of the BatClan. Stubborn, clever, morally just. She had risked immediate death just because she refused to fight him, for crying out loud. Because she didn’t want to hurt the boy who used to be her best friend. The only ally she had ever had, growing up. 
Meanwhile, he still had issues reigning in his anger sometimes. He had too much blood on his hands, he was more of a battlefield tactician than a long-term strategist. Still stubborn, but also completely unaware of the pain he brought others with his words or actions a lot of the time. He used to be such a rage fueled little demon, and thinking about how his sister fit the classic Wayne outline more thoroughly than he did had made him destroy more than a few practice dummies in frustration. 
But now, looking at Marinette trying so hard to appear strong and proud when he knew she was still so shattered inside, relief overpowered the old and dull resentment. This was what she needed, he could sense that easily. She, just like him all those years ago, needed Bruce and the others to start to heal her and reforge what the League had badly molded. 
“... Marinette, I suppose?” Damian nearly facepalmed at his father’s awkward attempt at a conversation starter. Marinette herself was clearly too keyed up and overthinking things to even register any amusement at the lame attempt, merely nodding with an overly serious expression on her face. 
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Monsieur Wayne. Or that’s my name nowadays, that is,” She stumbled a little in her response before clenching her fists and forcing herself to continue as calmly as she could muster up. “My birth name was Marie Al-Ghul.” 
Bruce’s eyebrows visibly furrowed underneath his cowl. “Was?” 
“I…” Marinette finally looked away, shame creeping back onto her face. “I was explicitly told that I was stripped of the Al-Ghul name and would be killed if I ever dared lay claim to it again. So I not-so-legally changed it. And I was later adopted.” 
Several sharp gasps or the hiss of breath through teeth bit through the quiet breeze. Nobody was necessarily surprised, Marinette could see it when she looked through her eyelashes and examined the winces and sympathy on the faces of the vigilantes before her. Batman’s shoulders were stiff, as if someone had paralyzed only his shoulder blades. 
“And the people who adopted you?” Batman pursued. Marinette couldn’t read his tone very well, but it sounded vaguely angry so she quickly raised her hands in a placating gesture and her eyes widened significantly. 
“They’ve been amazing! They don’t know anything about my past, or who raised me, but they are endlessly patient with me. I mean, honestly! Sabine caught me when I was trying to steal one of her gold bracelets in Hong Kong— and I know I’ve never been as good of a combatant as Dami, but I’ve always been better at sleight of hand and stealth so honestly that’s impressive— and she saw my dirty eight-year-old face and for some reason decided, ‘yeah I want this one as my daughter’ and roped Tom right into it and next thing I know they somehow tailed me to my hideout? I still don’t know how the hell they managed that, but Tom had a huge plate of steaming buns and I was so hungry and suddenly it’s two years later and I’m adopted and we’re on a plane to Paris—” Marinette threw up her hands. “I still don’t fully grasp what happened sometimes.” 
She belatedly seemed to realize that she had just gone on an entire breathless rant at the speed of sound, and slapped her hands over her mouth before lunging into a deep bow. “I apologize! I spoke horridly out of turn!” 
To her surprise though, she was met with a soft laugh instead of a scolding. She jerked in surprise, whipping her head up only to see Batman holding a hand over his chin to hide his large grin. It only took another second for the boys behind him to laugh a lot LESS softly. Nightwing strolled over casually and swung an arm around both her and Damian’s shoulders, playfully nudging her brother with his knee. 
“I think she fits right in, don’t you little D?” 
“Of course,” Damian scoffed, though his eyes were playful. “She is a Wayne by blood. She ‘fits in’ more than you strays.” 
“Dami!” Marinette whipped back to him and puffed out her cheeks. “That was uncalled for!” she barked. Damian held his hands up in surrender. 
“Relax,” he said as soothingly as he could manage. “They know I’m joking,” he dropped his hands and a knowing smirk took over his face. “And besides, now you’re relaxed so my plan worked,” Marinette could only blink at that. She… did feel more relaxed, actually. “Also. I told you you’d be accepted easily. They already consider you one of us.” 
“Wha— there’s no way—” she frantically looked at each of the older men around her, but each of them just shot her a smile or grin and a short nod. Her shoulders and jaw both fell, and it broke a little of everyone’s heart. 
Marinette looked so utterly shocked, bewildered to be accepted as if it was still something profoundly foreign to her. And there was that disbelief in her eyes, that distrust that screamed that she expected some sort of lie here. That told that she thought this would all crumble away at any second. If anyone had any reservations about bringing her into their inner circles, it vanished right that moment. She needed support, or she’d crumble away and they all knew it. 
“How about we start by talking about the situation with Hawkmoth?” Red Robin spoke up, walking forward to stand beside Batman. “I assume that’s a little more in your element?” 
Damian silently vowed to thank Tim later for that. In a silent, completely anonymous way of course. Couldn’t have Tim thinking they were friends or something now, could he? Marinette instantly straightened up and nodded, her confidence returning with a little more sincerity this time. 
“Yeah. Yeah, let me transform again. It’ll be easier to explain.” 
It was three weeks later, on Marinette’s third now-weekly visit to the Batcave, when the question finally came up. Jason had asked to spar with Marinette for the first time, having seen her in action as Ladybug and wanting to test the girl when she didn’t have superpowers to rely on. Damian hadn’t been down in the cave to warn him, and the result was Jason’s gut sinking as Marinette scrambled as far away from him as she could, eyes wide and chest heaving in the beginnings of a panic attack. 
“Shit,” Jason muttered before he quickly knelt down and did his best to talk her down, to calm her until her breathing slowed and her pupils were back to normal. It wasn’t long afterwards that Marinette started hugging herself, refusing to look at him. But he wasn’t going to just back down, he wanted to solve this issue. If even the mere suggestion of a spar was enough to set her off, he needed to figure out why and fix it. 
So he carefully lowered himself so he was sitting only a foot away from her, resting his arms across his knees casually. 
“Sorry,” he apologized. “Didn’t think it would be a sore subject. That’s on me.” 
Marinette just shrugged, but didn’t answer him. She just buried her face in her arms and took a shaky breath. 
Jason let the silence linger for a while before trying again. “Does this have to do with certain Asshole Assassins?” 
That startled a slightly hysterical bark of laughter from her, and she had to wipe away a few tears when she raised her head and finally turned it in his direction slightly. Not enough for her to be looking at him,  but just a subtle turn to show that she was listening and speaking to him. “Yeah.” 
“You know, you never told us why you got disowned,” Jason tried to make his words as casual as possible, but wasn’t surprised when Marinette still stiffened and took a sharp breath. He didn’t push. The stage was set, and he’d wait until either she took the opportunity to open up or told him to leave well enough alone. Her tongue flicked out to wet her lips, and her foot tapped on the ground a bit. Clear signs of her anxiety around the subject, and Jason’s hopes vanished a little. He would probably have to wait longer for her to be ready to share.
But, to his pleasant surprise, he was wrong. She took another few minutes to gather her thoughts, but she did eventually open up to him. 
“I refused to fight Damian,” she admitted. “It was… We were seven. It wasn’t supposed to be a fight to the death, but it was a very important spar. We were using live weaponry, and we were told to fight until we couldn’t anymore. Whoever fell first would be relegated as a mere soldier, and have to fight for status like any other assassin in the League. The winner would officially be named as G— as Ra’s Heir. I didn’t want to fight, because I knew Damian would win but I also knew that it wouldn’t be as easy as Ra’s probably expected if I gave it my all like he wanted. I knew both Damian and I would be heavily injured if I did as he asked, and it wouldn’t be worth it. If I misjudged anything, any single hit, I could have accidentally injured Damian permanently and ruined his worth in Ra’s eyes, and that wasn’t an option. I didn’t care that throwing the fight was as good as giving up my life, because at least I could be sure that Damian kept his. I could make sure that he was treated well, or as well as anyone could hope for in the League anyway. I could, with only a few words, make sure he became indispensable. Ra’s and Talia never liked me as much as Damian anyway, I figured… I figured it was nobody’s loss,” She swallowed heavily, clenching her eyes shut. “I was always just the spare. The extra. Damian was their crown prince, the one with actual value. Even to me. I saw him, and I saw everything I wanted to be. I… I tossed down my weapons and let him stab me, because I figured I owed it to him for being such a failure in comparison to him. That I owed it to him to do everything I could to make things easier for him, since I was just an unnecessary obstacle—” strong arms wrapped around her, and she turned to sob into Jason’s chest as he just silently held her. 
“Idiot,” Damian whispered, making Marinette jump. Her twin sat only a few feet away, though only Jason would have known when exactly he had gotten there with them. He shook his head at her. “I never would have gotten as far as I did without you,” he whispered, looking up at the cave ceiling. “You were the only real rival I had. When you left, everything was either too easy or nearly impossible, nothing was the same as trying my best against someone who was just as good as me. And when I got here and met the others, I didn’t think any of them were worthy of taking your position, you know,” he scoffed a bit as he got lost in his memories. “That’s why I hated Tim for so long, I think. He reminded me of you so much that I wanted nothing more than to punch him for daring to replace you—”
“Heh, the Replacement twice over, huh?” Jason joked. Damian chuckled with a small eye roll. 
“Plus, he just has a really punchable face,” Damian added, trying to distract from the emotion behind everything he had just admitted. “Part of me thought you were dead. The other part refused to believe that. And seeing Tim and how some of his mannerisms were the same as yours,” Damian shrugged a little. “It stung. Especially that second year, when I started to regret that you never had the chance to come here and join them with me. Meet them with me.” 
Marinette sniffled. “... Who are you and what have you done with Dami? He’s never this sappy.” 
Damian flicked a pebble at her head with a good natured glare, successfully diffusing the serious air a little. Marinette wouldn’t ever be normal, and it would take a while before she was no longer fragile, but she could get there. Especially now that her bridges with her brother had been mended, and and a whole new family had cropped up to help support her. 
She was glad Damian had convinced her to try, again.  
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hajimesh · 3 years
𝗸𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝗺𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁
⥅ eren jaeger / 1.8k words
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warnings. manga spoilers, fluff and angst, gender neutral reader
a/n. my entry for anilysium's collab, don't forget to check the masterlist !! thank u sm temi for the beta ♡ @thefairywalker
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hope is what makes someone hold onto a promise. and that hope it's worse than the broken promise itself.
an autumn-like breeze cooled down the summer afternoon, and with the sky barren of any clouds, it was easier for the sun rays to land on those familiar blond strands.
"over there!"
eren's small hand—even though it was big enough to cover yours—wrapped around your wrist before it tugged you through the crowd. your rapid breaths were all you could hear while you mentally prayed to make it on time, just a couple more steps and you would be within reach, already staring at armin’s frightened face which caused your heart to jump. but what finally managed to send you in a state of despair was the sight of eren shoving the bigger kid away.
“what do you think you’re doing, yeager?!”
“are you hurt?” tears gathered at the corners of your eyes while you helped armin up on his feet, you didn’t have to turn around to know eren had received a punch, his pained wail making you flinch.
armin took your hand and together faced the scene before your eyes, holding onto each other's hands while tears dampened your cheeks.
“leave him alone!” the tremble in your voice was obvious, even after multiple fights with those kids it always ended up the same way. armin and you crying in fear for eren and mikasa's safety.
only this time mikasa was nowhere to be seen.
“shut up!” 
“don’t talk to them like that!” with a kick on the shin, eren managed to keep the bully out of commission for a few seconds. but that was enough for your saviour to arrive.
“leave before i call the garrison.”
relief began to relax your tense stance, you all knew that it wasn’t the moment to be wasting their time in a kid’s fight, the shortage of food seemed to worsen each day and keeping the people on a tight leash became harder as the days went by.
the kid seemed to finally realize he wouldn't win this time, so with a scoff he took a couple of steps back, "this isn't over," his annoyed gaze traveled from eren to you, "and try not to piss your pants next time."
the three of you watched him run away while the rush of adrenaline began to wear out on your bodies and gave in to the tiredness. had mikasa not intervened, the outcome would've been way worse.
"hey," eren was the first one to break the silence, turning towards you and landing a hand on your shoulder. unfortunately, the softness in his voice was your catalyst and soon you allowed the distress to overcome you, "oh no, don't cry!"
it was useless to try to get your tears to stop, falling one after another as your chest racked with broken sobs, "i-i'm sorry i couldn't be o-of help!"
armin watched in worry as eren tried and failed to get you to calm down. he could tell you were scared when you confronted the bully, your hold on his hand so tight he feared you would end up hurting yourselves. but even so, you had pulled through your fear and stood your ground, something he admired from you.
with a tug on your shirt, mikasa signaled you to start walking, her impassive yet reassuring gaze letting you know she was there for you.
"let's go home."
the warm steam that blew onto your blotchy face felt soothing, the taste of mrs. yeager's freshly brewed tea successfully relaxing the tightness in your chest as it ran down your throat.
you could already feel the tiredness hitting you all at once, begging you to lie down and close your eyes so you could rest your mind after the afternoon's occurrences. but with eren's eyes observing you, you knew you weren't off the hook yet.
not trusting your voice, you hummed and smiled behind the cup resting on your lips, sniffling slightly when a flashback of eren being punched on the face appeared on your mind.
however, he didn't seem to be done with the topic.
"why did you stand up to him if you were so scared? you were lucky he didn't go for you." 
"'cause i didn't want him to keep punching you."
"i don't need your help," his tone gave you the wrong impression. were you bothering him? a frown pulled your lips in a wobbly pout but he was quick to realize his error, "i mean, we should focus on armin, right? he's the one always in trouble."
you rocked your feet back and forth, watching them dangle from the chair as you mulled over his words. he wasn't lying, it was armin who often ended up as the victim of those bullies. at least when neither of you were around to aid him.
"i have a plan!" eren suddenly perked up, eyes brimming with excitement and pride as he obviously found his plan a good one, "dad always says that it's his duty to protect mom because they're married. so, if we get married, i can protect you and we can protect armin—together!"
you couldn't help but gasp, "married?! but we are too little!"
"not now, dummy. when we grow up!"
"what if i cry again and can't protect armin?" you voiced out your biggest worry as you pushed the cup away and made room on the table for your arm, resting your chin on top of it after yawning.
"i'll protect all of us," he didn't even hesitate, “and we have mikasa too.”
the silly promise made so much sense to your 10-year-old brain, which is why you held onto the hope and safety it gave you and agreed.
carla yeager squealed the news to her husband once eren and you had fallen asleep.
there wasn't a day where you didn't regret not going with them.
the lively days soon became dull without eren and armin’s excited voices as they discussed the fire and icy lands in armin’s book, mikasa’s reassuring presence gone as well. but you knew you wouldn’t make it through the strenuous military training—or at least that was what you had told yourself.
truthfully, you wondered how were they not scared of continuing with their suicide mission of joining the legion, all those sacrifices just to see what was outside the walls. why couldn’t they be happy with what you already had? it wasn’t much, but you had each other, which was more than what most people could say.
with shiganshina gone, you became one of the refugees that lurked in the streets of trost. the conditions to live growing harsher, food and shelter becoming escarse and a luxury, but eren’s promise gave you enough strength to go on with your days until you landed a job as a waitress at a pub. 
you missed them, all of them.
their names flew from the mouths of the military police and other higher ups that passed by, making you wonder what they were up to. however, when news spread about eren’s abilities to shift into one of those creatures, that old sense of worry shook you to your very core.
was he hurt? mikasa wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on him, but what if they separated them?
multiple scenarios ran through your head, many of them not so pleasing and only worsening your nerves. but if their names kept coming up in the authorities’ conversations after each and every mission, then it meant they were still alive.
unfortunately, all you could do was pray for their well-being and silently beg them to return.
after years of not hearing his voice, it took you several seconds to recognize it.
“where– where are we? why–”
“you’ve changed,” his tone was soft yet hints of curiosity sept through as he marveled at you, “you look older..." prettier, he wanted to say.
having spent so many years without the intensity of his gaze, you realized you had grown unused to it, “you’ve changed too.”
it seemed like everyone had disappeared, except for you and him. dunes of fine sand slithered under your feet and a bright light illuminated the starry sky, converging by the horizon and causing his green eyes to shine in a way you had never seen before.
“eren… what’s all this?”
one moment you were surrounded by chaos, people screaming while an army of colossal titans walked south and eren declared war against the rest of the world; and the next it all had gone quiet, a man—eren—standing next to you while holding your hand.
"they will pay, and then we will be free," his thumb rubbed the skin on the back of your hand gently.
you caught the way his gaze hardened for a second, rage clear in his features but what confused you the most was the amount of hurt swirling in his eyes.
​​what did he mean by 'they'? you were aware of marley's feelings towards the eldians but was it truly that bad? there were so many questions you wanted to ask, but something told you that you didn’t have enough time so you chose to stick to the most important ones. 
“how's mikasa? armin... is it true? he’s the colossal now?”
eren pulled you closer to him by tugging on your hand, cradling the side of your face with his free hand as a smile took over his lips.
"mikasa's busy kicking everyone's asses," he joked and you couldn't help but laugh, relieved at the sudden lightness in his voice. your eyes closed briefly when he leaned forward and rested his forehead against yours, licking his lips before continuing, "armin... yeah, he's the colossal. looks like i need to find another excuse to marry you, hm?” 
you found it unfair how after almost a decade, he could still hold such a power over your heart, the butterflies in your stomach feeling worse than what you recalled.
“you remember?”
he didn't miss the hope in your tone, his own heart aching at the thought of you assuming he had forgotten about your existence. there wasn't a day where he hadn't wondered about your well-being, were you safe? had a titan stole your life just like they had done with his mom? it was armin and mikasa who consoled him whenever the intrusive thoughts became too much to his already stressed mind.
“i never forgot.”
it was subtle, the way that kids promise evolved into a lifetime vow—but neither of you minded.
“i need you to promise me one more thing," he murmured, his breath fanning over your lips while your own faltered at his proximity.
“you’re leaving again,” it wasn't a question.
“i have to.”
it pained him to no end, but it had to be done. the warmth of his lips touched your forehead, your cheeks, and lips; staying longer on the latter while your hearts synchronized for a moment, sharing years worth of affection.
"stay here, on the island. find somewhere safe to stay until it all ends.”
a mere murmur on your lips, that was all it took to harm your hopeful soul.
"and don't wait for me."
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
My Favorite Kind Of Night - 5.
Camboy!Bucky x CEO!Reader
Part 5 of this series
Run-through: On Friday nights, you are punctual to your virtual meet-up with your favorite camboy over a streaming platform, for your private stream session. You’ve known him for a couple of months now. He goes by the alias of ‘Winter Soldier’ on the platform, which is perfect for the kind of man he is; brawny and drop dead gorgeous. Over the past few months, he has become your favorite kind of night. And secretly, you became his as well. You two get closer over time, and things get interesting when your real, professional lives gets intertwined.
Themes throughout the series: sex worker!bucky, smut, phone sex, fluff, language, dirty talk
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“Am I in trouble?” Bucky asked, being subtly playful with his words and tone, on the phone and watched how your smirk grew slightly bigger.
Oh was he a sight. Black shirt, grey tie and that damn hair of his tied up in a bun. His beard wasn’t so full today, it was a light stubble and you loved it just the same. He stood by his door as he answered the phone.
How the fuck did you not see the resemblance before?
“I don’t know, come find out.” With that said, you ended the call and winked at him before turning around and walking back into your office. You could feel Bucky’s stare on your back as you did, and you didn’t mind it one bit.
Once inside, you waited. You didn’t really know where this was gonna go, or how it would play out but all you knew was that you needed to clear the confusion at once. Not even seconds later, you heard knocks on your door.
Your heart raced. “Come in.” you called out and took a deep breath as soon as you saw Bucky stepping in. He seemed relaxed, but what you didn’t know is that his heart was racing faster than yours was.  
“You called?” he played along, shutting the door behind him and stepping into the room, a bit closer to you on the couch by your desk. And you smirked again.
“I believe you and I need to talk.”
He cleared his throat and looked down at the marble flooring before looking back up at you again. There was no awkwardness, just a lot of tension. So dense that Bucky could physically feel it. “I think so too.” He took the liberty of taking a seat right across you, on the other couch facing the one you sat on. The coffee table being the only thing between you two. “Are you planning on handing me my termination letter?”
He knew it wouldn’t come to that, but he had to ask.
You smiled at him and shook your head. “No. Rest assured that none of this will affect your job in any way. Your position in this company is secured, James. We wouldn’t want to lose you.”
Your reply made him feel a tad less nervous but he was still unsure of what would happen to you and him.
He studied your face intently, waiting for you to say something. You initially thought you’d be all confident but now that you were this close to him, you got a little nervous.
You cleared your throat. “Did you know? Before the other night that… you know, all that happened. Did you know it was me all along?” you trailed off not knowing how to word it properly.
He replied right away. “No. I didn’t.” he exhaled loudly. “But now that we do know, does that change anything between us?” he asked right after, not wanting to leave any room for awkwardness.
You liked him, a lot. And he liked you too, a lot. And something like that wasn’t going to change that.
“No, Bucky. It doesn’t.” You took a deep breath and straightened your shoulders. “Look, it doesn’t have to be awkward. We’ve known each other for months. But we just didn’t know that it was, you know, us. Besides, it doesn’t really change much, does it?”
He shook his head. “Does anything about… this whole thing with me make you uncomfortable?” he asked.
You shook your head immediately, and answered truthfully. “No. No, because at the end of the day, it’s you.” You watched how he cracked a little smile at your words. “It’s been you all along.”
He nodded, agreeing. Then smiled and looked at you, “Do you still like me?”
His question made you crack a little smile. “Of course I like you. I like you a lot. And I don’t want to lose what we have. And what we could potentially have in the future.”
He smiled at you. “I don’t want to lose that either.” He studied you for a second. You seemed calm, just a little shy. Bucky smirked, then asked, “So, how’s your roommate’s arm?” he had a smug look on his face when you lifted your gaze to look at him.
You smirked, picking up on his playful demeanor. And just like that, it was gone; the nervousness, the slight awkwardness, the fear of messing this up and losing what you had with each other. It went back to being comfortable and playful again.
You stood up from the couch and walked around the large coffee table, Bucky leaned back in the couch. He would never get tired of watching you walking his way. Determination and confidence in your step, that wild hunger in your eyes, you made him weak and you didn’t even know it.
Or maybe you did. Because once you lowered yourself down on his lap and straddle his thighs, you placed the palm of your hand on his chest, and through the cool material of his dark shirt, you could feel his heart racing.
You giggled and Bucky spread his legs apart a little more, his hands reaching behind you and cupping your butt instinctively to hold you closer to him. “Not being so professional now, are we?”
You chuckled. “Oh shut up.” You leaned in to give him a gentle kiss on the side of his mouth. He smiled as you did. There’s nothing he loved more than feeling your warm body pressed to his.
“I knew it.” he purred, “Oh the things I would have to do now to keep my job…” He joked, sighing dramatically, and you giggled again, pushing your face into his neck. You kissed his skin softly, then licked a thin stripe from the side of his throat up till beneath his ear. He moaned and squeezed your butt.
“You gotta work for it, soldier.” You whispered in his ear and the hairs at the back of his neck stood up. “You gotta work really, really hard for it. I’m not easily pleased you know.” You kissed the shell of his ear and felt his squeeze your butt again.
He groaned. “Don’t play with me, babygirl.” He spoke in the same tone he uses to tease you during his livestreams. The same voice he has used multiple times to edge you until you lose your god damn mind. The same voice which made you cum over and over again on multiple occasions.
You pulled away, feeling more confident and playful as ever, you looked into his eyes and smirked. “Or what?” you challenged him and he liked it.
Bucky slowly moved one of his hand from your butt, trailing slowly up till your neck where he gently wrapped his long fingers around your throat and pulled your face closer to his. “Or I’m gonna take you right here on this couch.” He whispered gently. “I’m gonna fuck you like I own you. And you’re gonna like it.” he spoke, softly, looking you deep in the eyes.
You visibly trembled and shifted in his lap – which then made you aware of his growing bulge. You felt it, through the material of his slacks. You felt his big, thick length pressing against your inner thighs. And you knew then, that he wanted you just as bad as you wanted him.
“Think I would like that a lot actually.”
Bucky held your chin in between his forefinger and his thumb, and he looked into your eyes intensely. “Yeah?” he asked, and you nodded. He smirked and his thumb soon moved to touch your soft lips gently. He traced the shape of your mouth and slowly pushed his thumb past your lips, into your mouth. You took him in immediately, tongue wrapping around his finger and you sucked on his finger with nothing but mischief in your eyes. He chuckled. “You’re my dirty little girl, aren’t you?”
You closed your eyes and moaned at his words and how his voice dropped an octave. You had heard those words multiple times through livestreams and phone calls. But to hear it in person… it reverberated inside you and sent tingles down your spine. Which only made your desire burn brighter.
Bucky hissed and groaned as you gently nibbled on his finger. He smirked when he caught the playful and fierce look in your eyes. “You really want it, don’t you?” he purred. “You’re gonna make me fuck you right here, won’t you?” he pulled his finger out of your mouth and wrapped his fingers around your throat again, squeezing just a little as he pulled you closer to him again. “Gonna make me fuck your wet, greedy little cunt, huh?” he chuckled, darkly. “Can’t get enough, can you?”
You were a dripping wet, whining mess from his words alone and you couldn’t take it anymore. The need to have him, touch him was burning hot, and pressing. And you just needed to do something about it. You scrambled to your feet, getting off his lap and knelt in between his legs in less than a second.
He chuckled when as he watched you; his body language showed how cocky and confident he was. “So eager…” he stroked your hair while you hurried and undid his pants, pulling his cock out.
You wrapped your hands around his cock and placed your mouth on his tip; your tongue slowly circling his tip. Bucky held your head gently and slowly pushed himself deeper into your mouth. You bobbed your head around his tip; taking him in inch by inch until he hit the back of your throat.
“Fuck…” he moaned, throwing his head back. “That’s it, doll. Take all of me.”
That nickname did things to you…
You felt all of him against your tongue, his velvety smooth skin and all the veins on his thick cock. You repeated your actions, hollowing your cheeks and sucking him as best as you could. The sounds which left his mouth were downright sinful and it only made your body throb even more.
Bucky quickened the pace at which he moved in and out of you; eager to chase his orgasm. He twitched against your tongue and you tasted some of his pre cum which you swallowed and got back to moving your mouth up and down his cock.
Deciding to mess with him a little, you took him out of your mouth and teased him a little bit; licking his cock from his base all the way to his tip; dragging your tongue over his slit while your hands toyed with his balls. Bucky swore under his breath as he looked down at you with a warning in his eyes.
“Don’t tease me, babygirl.” And those words were all it took for you to take him back into your mouth and suck on his cock until he came undone all over your tongue. You swallowed all that he gave you and you licked him clean; before you settled back onto his lap just like before. “Now that’s a good girl. So good that you get to have whatever you want.” He kissed your neck and your heart fluttered. “Tell me, babygirl. What do you want?”
You whined again at the sound of his voice. “I… I just want you, Buck. Please.” You begged and he smirked against your skin.
Within the next minute, you were lying on the couch on your back, with Bucky’s face in between your legs. You knew no one would come into your office without knocking first, but still, getting down and dirty like this at work did give you a rush.
Bucky looked up at you as he kissed his way up and down your inner thighs. You couldn’t help but giggle at how ticklish you felt when his rough stubble scratched against your soft skin. He noticed and purposely teased you even more to a point where you were squirming against him.  
“That tickles, huh?” he asked, nibbling on your skin. You opened your mouth to answer him, but all that came out was a moan and a pathetic whine. He chuckled. “Gotta be quiet, we can’t get caught, babygirl.”
Your back arched off the surface of the couch as his tongue slowly circled your throbbing clit and licked down, parting your wet folds with ease. Your arousal, and your wetness drenched the lower half of his face. But he didn’t seem to mind it. His sole purpose was to make you come undone all over his tongue. Your legs wrapped around his head, Bucky made you squirm and whine incessantly.  
“You taste so sweet, babygirl…”
Your taste drove him wild, so did your soft whimpers. Fuck… he’s been waiting for this for so long. Your hand flew to his hair and you tugged on it gently, messing his man bun, as he flicked his tongue over your clit over and over again. His deep blue eyes watched you in awe and how you lost control under his touch; legs shaking as he teased your entrance with the tip of his tongue. His hands wrapped around your thighs, securing you in his grip as he pushed his face further into you; making you cry out loud.
“Buck… please!” you cried, whining in pleasure. Your body hot and needy.
He chuckled against your wet cunt. “No.” you trembled under him at the denial. “What, all those days that you teased me with your photos,” he kissed your clit, “tortured me, made me wish I was right here tasting this sweet little cunt,” he kissed your further down, “and you think you just get to cum so easily?” he chuckled again and lifted both your legs and placed then over his shoulders. “Oh no babygirl, you will not cum until I tell you to.”
Bucky ate you out passionately, not caring about a single thing other than wanting to make you cum all over his tongue. And he did. You came violently all over his tongue, body trembling and shaking while you moaned his name out loud. It gave him a pleasant rush when he heard your strained voice moan out his name. He had heard it before, yet each time it made his heart flutter and filled his brain with filth all the same.
He barely gave you enough time to recover from your orgasm, and the next thing you knew; you were lying on the couch with him hovering above you, and he had that feral look in his eyes. You whimpered and bit your lower lip as you awaited his touch. You could feel his growing bulge as it rested against your dripping core while Bucky leaned in to kiss your face gently.
He chuckled as he leaned in to whisper in your ear. “Think you’re being sneaky, huh?” he kissed the shell of your ear. “Think I can’t see how you’re desperately trying to grind against me, trying to get me inside of you already, doll?” his words made you gasp because you mindlessly had been grinding against him. “Just so eager and ready for me to stretch you out and fuck you raw, hmm?” he teased and you just about lost your mind.
You didn’t realize you had begun moving your hips faster as you got more and more needy, until you heard Bucky chuckle right in your ear. And the sound of his laughter sent chills down your spine, making your arch your back even more. “Come on babygirl, you know how to ask nicely.” He breathed into your ear and pulled away so he could watch how pretty you look when you beg for his cock.
He cooed and stroked your cheek each time you begged wantonly, unashamedly. “My dirty little girl wants my cock, is that it? That’s all you want, isn’t it baby?” he spoke as he slowly pushed himself inside you. “All you want is to be filled by my big cock, huh?” he hissed as he seated himself inside you completely. You whined and bit on your lower lip to keep yourself quiet as he stretched you out deliciously.
You whined as he slowly slipped out of you completely, before slamming back into you with a slightly bigger force. He groaned at the feel of your walls wrapped around him, squeezing and clenching around him. He leaned in and pressed his mouth to yours; tugging on your lips and he started moving his hips and rocking into you slowly, then gradually increasing his pace.
You were too caught up in pleasure to even make sense of where you were, all that mattered was that you were close to Bucky. Your back arched off the velvety surface of the couch and your chest pressed to his. Bucky kissed you; his kiss was messy and hot.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and secured them at his lower back as each one of his thrusts got rougher than the last. You were a moaning mess under him in no time.
“You’re always so ready for me to ruin you, huh babygirl?” he spoke in your ear, groaning as you moved your hips forward to meet each one of his thrusts. He pounded into you, his hand reaching up your body, until it wrapped around your throat. He fucked you raw and relentlessly, watching how your face morphed into frowns of pleasure. Bucky squeezed your throat gently, looking deep into your eyes.
 “Look me at me.” He leaned in once again to give you a messy kiss. “You’re all mine.” Bucky mumbled under his breath as your moans got more and more frequent. “Only I can fuck you like this, you hear me?” His voice was laced with lust and passion as he rammed his cock into you like he owned you.
You nodded frantically, looking him in the eyes as your body moved along with his perfectly, your legs numb as he slammed into you relentlessly. Bucky slid his hand in between your connected, warm bodies and gently rubbed your clit, earning a loud moan out of you.  
You felt a familiar warmth wash over you, and the pressure in between your hips became too much to handle, and you craved for release. “Buck… can I please cum?” you asked as he took you higher…and higher.
He chuckled and leaned in to nibble on the skin at your jaw. “You can’t take anymore, can you?” he cooed, his hips moving fast against yours. You whined and tugged on his hair. “It’s okay, baby. Cum for me. Come on.” he panted against your cheek, kissing the side of your face and squeezing your throat just a little.
Bucky didn’t slow down as you felt your orgasm wash over you, he kept pounding into you as your eyes rolled back and you moaned out his name as you came hard.  
You whimpered at how he kept slamming into you even after you came, and your face burned as you felt the knot forming again right at your core. Bucky fucked you relentlessly; not even stopping for a second. He panted and groaned at how good you felt and shamelessly told you about it; whispering against your skin about how perfect you felt around him. “Just can’t seem to get enough of your greedy little cunt, baby.” he mumbled.
You moaned as you felt your second release approaching while the first was still fading. Your legs were numb, and your body moved along with his like a rag doll. “Bucky…” you whined. A rush coursed through your veins as you felt your mind clouding with lust again.
His large frame hovering above you as he tightened his grip around your throat just a little more. “Cum for me again babygirl, come on.” He growled, his lips dangerously close to yours as you whined and whimpered under him. Your body felt hot in his embrace.
You pushed your face into his neck and bit down on his skin as you came for the second time, walls tightening around his length. You lifted your hips to meet his thrust; chasing your release. Your body trembled under him as you came again; gushing out around his cock while he chased his own release.
Bucky came right after you, groaning and growling under his breath. He kissed you again, while you tried to steady your breathing and calm your racing heart. He chuckled when he pulled away to look at how messy you were all because of him. His hand left your throat and his thumb traced your mouth again, he was mesmerized by you.
“All mine.” he whispered. And you gave him a weary smile and pulled him in for a kiss again.
Bucky sat you on his lap and just wrapped his arms around you for a while longer after you two were done. And you hugged him back and slid your fingers into his lovely hair.
“Hmm?” He pushed his face into your neck and kissed your skin.
You had one burning question still. “Are you gonna continue camming?” You honestly had no problem with it. It was sharing him that you had a problem with. However, if he chose to continue with it, you knew you would support him no matter what.
He pulled away from your neck and smirked. “No, babygirl. I have a nice and stable job now. And I have my favorite girl right here with me. I don’t need to.”
You smiled, then playfully frowned and pouted. “But what about when I’m away on business trips and missing you?”
He chuckled and leaned in to kiss your cheek. “I’ll always be available for you, babygirl. I’ll be just one call away.” He pulled away and winked.
You smiled and kissed his forehead. Oh you were falling hard for this man. You pulled away from him and stared into those deep blue eyes. “I like you a lot, Mr. Barnes.”
He chuckled and reached out to touch your face softly. “I like you a lot too, boss.”
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