#and my prediction is that he's obvi gotta get out of there and end up in a place of prominence in the army
sharkneto · 1 year
1, 6 and 16?
.1. fave book? MEAN why did you ask me that when it was one of the options, hard question. My default answer is Aron Ralston's autobiography, Between a Rock and a Hard Place (what the movie 127 Hours is based on). I've read it quite a few times and Twin gave me a signed copy for Christmas one year. Idk, reading about a man's mental and physical survival journey to cutting off his own arm (and all his adventures before this moment) hits me in the right spot. Books I've read recently, as I'm getting back into the whole reading thing, I supremely enjoyed Six of Crows and The Goblin Emperor.
6. fave trope? Another hard one. For this I'll say... main character denying that they're Special as they figure out they're Special. I'm listening to The Way of Kings at work and the few chapters it took for Kal to realize something was up, making excuses for why x or y happened, was delightful.
16. fave day? Fan of Thursdays. Something about it being over the hump of the week, get to look forward to the fact that tomorrow is Friday and then the weekend. It's nice.
faves ask game
#i appreciated the goblin emperor for how straight forward it was#loved the main character and you were absolutely rewarded as a reader for paying attention and predicting things#and then obviously six of crows - kaz is a blorbo and that heist is french chef's kiss#this is now just books i enjoyed and gideon and harrow the ninths both get mentions here#gideon was just a great ride and then harrow had the *best* twist. the pov reveal i had to pause and walk around for a minute#it was So Good#and i've been enjoying Way of Kings!#my friend sent me the audio book because she and another friend are obsessed with it#so i report to them as i get to different parts and have thoughts about what's happening#fun for everyone#kaladin has the worst fucking time guy can't catch a fucking break#i have a whole prediction for where he ends up but i dont know the pacing of this series for what happens when in what book#or even what the necessary overarching plot is of the entire series#the war obviously and uniting the kingdom i suppose - and the return of the knights radiant and the implications of that#but again idk the pacing of it - i'm almost done with book 1 and Kal is still having a terrible time with bridge four#and my prediction is that he's obvi gotta get out of there and end up in a place of prominence in the army#probably with dalinar because he's not a sack of dicks - and get a shard blade#(even though he doesn't want one I know - so it has More Implications when he does accept one)#my pet theory is he gets Dal's#but - again - first he has to get out of being a bridgeman#which assume will be a terrible time for him yet again and all his fellow bridgemen will die on their escape attempt#ah fuck and then however Shallan fits the fuck into all of this what is she even doing#any way if anyone else has read way of kings/stormlight archives enjoy my probably very wrong predictions#please do not spoil it for me i'm having a great time listening and guessing#ANYWAY thank you for the ask lizzie lol#ask game response#ask response
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munsons-mutiny · 2 years
One day I’ll make a post about the ways Nancy messed Steve up and how her behavior in season 2 to him was absolutely unacceptable because I feel like people don’t talk about it enough. It’s all oh they faded apart under the stress, and oh Nancy has to do what’s best for her (which obvi is true but also not really the point that’s like seeing someone throw a chair at someone else and going they gotta do what’s best for them)
It’s just you can say Nancy and Steve were done when she and Jonathan got together but they hadn’t officially ended it they’d gotten into an argument where Nancy basically said she hadn’t actually loved Steve and then she left. Then when she comes back Jonathan at her side, Steve just graciously steps aside. No hard feelings, a total sign of his growth.
It’s just not okay to end a relationship by getting together with someone else. Not to mention when she and Jonathan talk it all out at Murrays she’s like I waited a month… Like are you fucking kidding me, not only did you only give Jonathan a month to get his family back in order after an absolutely horrifying ordeal, but when nothing happened you just went back to Steve. I feel like this is never addressed. That Steve was always just her backup when her first choice failed. That she definitely didn’t love him. That she treated him like he was to blame for everything with Barb when that’s just not true. And I know that’s because she blames herself (which is also not true it was just horrible luck no one could’ve predicted this would happen from Nancy being a bad friend one time) but that doesn’t mean she gets to put Steve down in the process! Not to mention she’s always surprised when he does something smart and sometimes she really treats him like he’s stupid when he’s trying so hard support everyone. And it just all pisses me off. Even this season I feel like Steve’s all like I’ve changed Nancy we can work now, and Steve you were never the problem!!! And also are we just going to suddenly pretend that Nancy ever loved you????
Nancy’s romantic relationships are just not it. I’m not a huge fan of Nancy in general but stuff like this really cinches it for me. She just doesn’t care about others outside of how she feels and she can’t see outside herself. Cant see other peoples perspectives and gets jealous when she’s not being hailed as all mighty tough genius within the group. Hell this season she got jealous of Robin for NO REASON while being IN A RELATIONSHIP and was completely out of line. And it’s just??? Never addressed??? Like this is acceptable behavior that Robin needs to explain for??? Like it’s Robins job to win her over when really it’s Nancy’s job to take a step back say I’m in a relationship and my own problems there don’t justify me lashing out at my ex’s friend. Whether they’re together or not.
God I wasn’t gonna make this the post talking about Nancy’s behavior but it is now!!! Deal with my Nancy wrath. I know so many people really like her and she’s a great character and very cool but I just don’t like her and how she treats people.
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chloelucia13 · 4 years
Chapter 14: Suzie, Do you Copy?
Pairing: none for the moment (currently Jonathan Byers x (kinda) Platonic!Henderson!reader)
Prompt:  You always thought Hawkins was the most boring town of all, stuck in a vacuum void of excitement and entertainment. Well, it seems that way until the world decided to flip upside down, literally.
Chapter Summary: Dustin’s return to Hawkins had overjoyed you, but other than that, there was no change to the normal routine of your summer. At least, that’s what you thought.
Warnings: Mostly fluff, spoilers (obvi), language, mentions of violence, injuries, pretty chill tbh
Word Count: 2764
A/N: AHHHH, I’m back finally! I’m so sorry I took so long to update this story! Hopefully I’ll be able to get back onto this series and update it regularly like I used to, but I can’t make any promises. For the time being, I hope you enjoy and make sure to keep an eye out for any updates! As always, my taglist and ask box is open! 
Tags: @just-my-fandom​, @nightbu-g​
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You couldn’t recall a time you had woken up earlier than nine a.m. in the past month.
In all honesty, you had considered just sleeping in until the very last minute scramble to get dressed, rush out the door, and get back before Dustin got home.
Unfortunately that plan could not be executed as your mother woke you up, knowing you well enough that she could predict your plans.
And that was why you were at the mall at 10 a.m., your gaze focused on the floor as you made the trek over to Scoops Ahoy. Surprisingly, there was a small line in the shop, considering it wasn’t even lunchtime yet.
As you finally stood at the counter and lifted your head, Steve visibly relaxed, his “customer service” persona fading. “Oh thank god, it’s just you,” he sighed, leaning against the counter.
“Just little ol’ me,” you hummed, absentmindedly rubbing at your eye. “God, has the day already gone to shit for you, Steve?”
“Well, he’s already struck out twice if that’s any indication,” Robin piped up, peeking through the window that peered into the back area.
“Twice? Didn’t you guys open just an hour ago?” 
“Don’t rub it in,” Steve huffed, a frown sinking onto his features.
“Fine, fine.”
You and Steve had grown close in the past six months, sharing a special bond that you honestly needed. Though you couldn’t decide if the bond grew from him literally saving your life, or from your significant others (well, for Steve at least) dating each other rather than you two. Both, probably.
“Are you here to order something or just to bully me?” he spoke finally, pulling his ice cream scooper from his makeshift-holster. 
“Right, right. Just a pint of cookie dough and a pint of strawberry,” you instructed, pulling a ten out of your pocket.
He nodded and began scooping the two pints of ice cream. “Who’s the cookie dough for?”
He looked up at you, his brows furrowed in confusion. “He’s coming back today?”
He sealed the lid of the cookie dough pint. “No one tells me anything!”
You rolled your eyes. “Steve, I told you this two days ago.”
You heard Robin let out a laugh in the back room and Steve pressed his lips into a line. “Do you want ice cream or not?!”
You laughed. “Come on, you know you’d never deprive your two favorite people of ice cream.”
He rolled his eyes and finished up the second pint, sliding both of them over to you as you handed him the $10 bill. “Do you work today?”
“Unfortunately. I’m just hoping I’ll be home before dark tonight because they’ve been fucking keeping me for hours after closing.”
“Doesn’t the pool close at like five?”
“Yup,” you huffed, popping the ‘p.’ “And, to top it all off, I’m stuck with Heather  and Billy today.”
The two of you cringed simultaneously. “Can’t say I’d rather be you.”
“Thanks for the support.” You took the change from Steve and stuffed it into your pocket before cradling both pints of ice cream in your arms. “Well, I gotta drop these off at home and then sit in the sun for a few miserable hours. I’ll call you when I get home.”
Your soul nearly left your body when a chorus of screams erupted in the kitchen as soon as you stepped in the front door. They fell silent a moment later, though, and a voice echoed out, “Oh, it’s just you.”
With a hand clutched over your chest, you rolled your eyes. “Sorry to disappoint you guys with my presence, but can we avoid killing me the next time you see me?” you huffed, still struggling to take in a proper breath.
We thought you were Dustin,” Lucas explained, a party blower between his teeth.
“Yeah, I figured.” You brushed past the group and put the ice cream in the freezer. “Can someone make sure that Dustin gets his ice cream? I won’t be able to see him until later tonight.”
“I can,” Will spoke up, raising his hand in the air.
“Finally, someone I can count on.” You grabbed the drawstring bag that held all of your items and slung it over your shoulder. “How’s Jonathan enjoying his job at the newspaper?”
There was a small silence. “You haven’t talked to him about it?” Mike spoke up, and Max swatted his arm.
You shook your head, the healing scratch on your eye beginning to burn slightly. “No, not yet. We’ve, uh... We’ve both been too busy. We haven’t talked in a couple of weeks.” More like a month.
There was another silence before Will spoke. “He likes it. He has the dark room all to himself,” he explained, his voice gentle and hesitant.
“Good. That’s good. Tell him I said hi, or something.” You cleared your throat before turning to the group and giving them a smile. “I gotta head to work. You guys have fun, okay?”
God, you felt like vomiting.
Everything seemed to be going wrong today, like you forgetting to bring your sunscreen and sunglasses, Billy and Heather’s constant pestering and gossiping, Billy ignoring his job so he could flirt with Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Wheeler completely ignoring you so she could flirt with Billy, the dozens of kids that had coined multiple nicknames for you and your scar, and the 101 degree temperature that was unrelenting.
Luckily, though, the day was close to coming to an end. Most of the crowd had thinned, excluding a couple of kids who spent the whole day there anyways and adults who insisted on lingering until they absolutely had to leave. 
The shriek of a whistle startled you from your thoughts, your head slipping from your hand and making you lurch forward slightly. A group of muffled cackles sounded to your right, and you rolled your eyes. “Can I help you, or are you just here to make my life a living hell,” you grumbled, snapping your gaze over to Billy and Heather.
“Well, I was gonna ask if you wanted a water, but I guess not,” Heather huffed, stubbornly crossing her arms over your chest.
You gave her a doubtful glance. “Were you really?”
She laughed. “No. Now get up, It’s my turn on deck.”
With a huff you stepped down the ladder and tucked your book and raft under your arm. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Billy step closer. “Billy, if you push me in the pool you’re gonna wake up with no fucking mullet tomorrow.”
The pair just laughed behind you condescendingly, and you stomped away with a scowl etched on your face.
Ever since the... altercation that occurred months ago, Billy had kept his distance from you. It was a relief, knowing that he wouldn’t test your limits for the sake of his own health. But that didn’t stop him from sprinkling in some teasing every single time he spoke to you.
The hot concrete stung the soles of your feet, and you picked up your pace so you could get to the office before your feet blistered.
“Hey, no running!”  You froze at the voice, your eyebrows knitting together in confusion. Slowly, you turned on your heel to face the source. 
Jonathan stood behind the fence, his hands in his pockets and a shy smile on his face.
“Jonathan?” you whispered, tilting your head slightly as if you were a dog. 
“Hey Y/N,” he hummed, awkwardly shifting from foot to foot.
A small smile settled on your face and you walked over to the fence, a silent sigh of relief leaving your lips when your feet settled on the grass that bordered the fence. “Hey! W-What are you doing here? I thought you got out the same time that I did?”
“I do, I just uh... I wanted to go on a walk.”
You nodded. “Oh, okay.”
“And I uh, I wanted to see you. Just see how you were doing, I mean.”
You let out a small chuckle, hooking your fingers through one of the chain links in the fence. “I’m doing good. I mean, as good as I can be sitting in the heat for five hours straight with no sunglasses. How have you been?”
“I-I’m good. Isn’t Dustin back in town?”
“He is, he just got back today. I haven’t seen him yet, though. How’s your job at the paper going?”
“It’s good, really good. I’m enjoying it a lot.”
“That’s good to hear.”
The two of you stood silently, avoiding each other’s gaze except for the spare glances you’d risk. 
“I should get going,” Jonathan spoke finally, a hint of reluctance in his voice. 
“Right, yeah,” you hummed, clearing your throat. “It was good to see you, Johnny.”
“You too.” His mouth opened as if he wanted to say more, but he decided against it, giving you an awkward wave before walking away.
You lingered there for a moment, an all-too-familiar ache in your chest as you watched him walk away from you.
After rinsing off, getting changed, and making a final check of the area, you were finally off for the night. You could feel your shoulders nearly weighing your entire body down and your eyelids were extremely close to falling shut at any moment. Silently, you made the trek through the parking lot and over to your car. 
You hopped in the driver’s seat and fished your key out of your bag before putting it in the ignition and twisting.
And twisting again.
And one more time.
You slammed your hands against the wheel and let out a groan, throwing your head back against the headrest. “Of course. Of fucking course,” you grumbled.
Then you began to weigh your options. The first idea that came to your mind was walking home, but you quickly decided against it as you were too exhausted and it was too far. 
Your next idea was to walk over to The Hawkins Post and see if you could catch a ride with Jonathan. But you knew that wherever Jonathan was, Nancy would also be. For a moment, you contemplated swallowing your embarrassment and fear and just do it, but again, you decided against that option.
Then you thought about using the phone in the office to call Steve, but you had no idea if he was even home.
And after running through all of the ideas in your mind, you last ditch plan walked past your peripheral.
You shoved all of your disgust down and hopped out of your car, rushing to try and catch up.
“Billy!” you shouted, trying to stuff your keys back in your bag as you jogged over to him.
He stopped and turned to look at you, part-confusion and part-annoyance wrinkling his features. “What?” he huffed.
“Can you, um...” You shifted awkwardly, the reality of the moment catching up to you. “Would you mind giving me a ride home? My car won’t start.”
He rolled his eyes, fishing a pack of cigarettes out from his leather jacket. “Y’know, any other night I’d love to, but I’ve actually got plans tonight. Call a tow truck or something.”
“Billy, please.” Your shoulders slumped. “I don’t live that far from you.”
“Who said I was going home?” 
Your jaw tightened and you pulled your bag higher up on your shoulder. “I’ll pay you $20. Just please.”
“Why don’t you ask your boyfriend to do it? I saw you talking to him earlier.”
“He’s not my boyfriend! Goddammit-” You cut yourself off, taking a deep breath and scrubbing a hand over your face. “$50.”
He stood there a moment, placing a cigarette between his teeth as he silently debated it. “Fine. But you’re paying me upfront.”
You bit your tongue and refrained from snapping at him, instead pulling your wallet from your bag and handing him a $50 bill. He snatched it from your fingers and shoved it in his back pocket before nodding his head over to his car and heading that way. 
Though the anxiety from asking him was gone, it was replaced with the anxiety of being in a vehicle with a man who very clearly hated your guts. Your brain was nagging you to just walk home, but you pushed the annoying warnings away and got in the passenger seat.
Billy had exited the parking lot before you even had a chance to put on your seatbelt, the engine roaring as he tore down the empty streets. The ride was silent other than that annoying engine, his godawful music, and your heart racing so loudly and harshly that you felt as if you were about to have a heart attack.
Whether it was your panic or your swarming thoughts, you had zoned out for the first few minutes of the ride. When you finally came to, you realized that you were nowhere near your house. “Did you take a wrong turn?” you mumbled, brows furrowing confusedly.
He scoffed, pulling his lower lip between his teeth. “No, I have an errand to run,” he explained as if you were stupid, as if you were already aware of his plans.
Oh my god, he’s gonna kill me.
You gulped, gripping onto your drawstring bag. “What errand?”
“Well, I had already made plans with Karen before you decided to ask for my help, so you’re tagging along.”
Your jaw dropped and you turned in your seat to face him. “You’re making me sit in the car while you hook up with Mrs. Wheeler? You said you were gonna take me home!”
“I did, but I didn’t specify when.” He was grinning from ear to ear, and you had to move your hands under your thighs so you didn’t smack that look off of his face.
“You motherfucker. Literally.”
He rolled his eyes. “Shut up and get in the back seat. I don't want her seeing you.”
It was your turn to scoff. “Excuse me?” 
“I said-”
His words were cut off by a large object hitting the windshield, making both of you jump and causing him to lose control of the vehicle. The car spun off of the road and collided into a tree on your side, making Billy’s head collide into his door and crushing your door into your body.
A slew of curses and grunts fell from your mouth as you worked your way out of the seat, feeling your ribs ache with each breath as you finally got out from between the door and the center console. You sat down on the center console and gripped onto the back of the seat for balance.
“Oh, no,” Billy grumbled from beside you, eyes wide as he took in the damage. The stereo still spat out a distorted and garbled sound that resembled the music that were playing earlier as Billy tried to restart the car, to no avail. “Piece of shit.”
You finally glanced over at him. “You’re bleeding,” you wheezed out, watching the blood drip down his forehead and into his eye.
He reached up and touched the wound, pulling away and glancing down at his fingers with disdain. “Shit.” He slammed his hand against the steering wheel before shoving his door open and crawling out. You followed behind him, collapsing to the ground beside his feet. You gripped onto his arm and heaved yourself up.
Billy left your side to attempt to pry the passenger door open, only for a spew of expletives to fall from his mouth. “Yeah, I’m good, thanks for asking,” you huffed, leaning against the car and clutching your right side as he stomped past you and over to the front of the car.
“Shut up,” he grumbled, leaning close to the windshield and gliding his finger along the spiderwebbed glass. “What the hell?”
A strange ooze clung to his finger, stretching between his hand and the windshield with a strong elasticity. “Fuck.”
A rustling in the shrubs near the building you stood by attracted both of your attention, your heart leaping to your throat.
“Who’s there!” Billy shouted, his body standing straight up.
“I don’t think it’s a who,” you grumbled, reaching for your pocket knife in your back pocket.  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
As you opened your mouth to explain, Billy fell to the ground and was lugged away by a snaking vine. You screamed, but before you could move onto the car and off of the ground, a similar vine wrapped around your legs and dragged you through the dirt
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dillydedalus · 5 years
september reading
i read some things i guess! open for the last (almost) of robin hobb, more mountaineering disasters, and …. dungeons & dragons?? (i completely forgot i had this in my drafts lol)
the nickel boys, colson whitehead idk man this is really well-written, well-paced, an important story based very much on real history, the characters serve their purpose very well, the violence and abuse is written in a way that is chilling without ever being gratuitous and with the exception of a twist that i thought was a little too predictable, there’s nothing i can really criticise. it just really lacked some spark for me, and maybe it’s just that after underground railroad (which is also didn’t particularly like, but damn that had spark) it feels a lil conventional. still good tho! 3/5
the adventure zone #1: here there be gerblins, various mcelroys & cary pietsch my brain Does Not Do podcasts but obvi i’ve been hearing A LOT about the mcelroy boys & i’m like. vaguely interested in d&d* so when this was made available on overdrive i was like okay why the hell not. it’s a fun, quick read, and while i don’t really know anything about d&d the trappings of the game were included in a fun way. nothing mindblowing, but a good time. 2.5/5
assassin’s fate (fitz & the fool #3), robin hobb y’all this is it… it’s been over a year & now i’m done with the realm of the elderlings (actually i still have the piebald prince novella & the short stories). i have some criticisms of this one (the timeline & the main climax seemed a lil muddled to me) but to be honest??? loved this, had all the feelings, was superhappy to see my cursed shores kids again, fitzy & bee were heartbreaking all the time, the paragon conflict was great, when fitz got to the quarry i literally immediately started uglycrying & pretty much didn’t stop until the end, so: 4.5/5 (series rating 4/5 i guess bc fool’s assassin was a drag & a half)
die nebelkrähe, alexander pechmann this is a speculative fictionalisation of a little episode in the spiritualist movement where medium hester dowden claimed she had communicated with/been briefly possessed by oscar wilde, which is pretty fun. unfortunately, pechmann chose to focus on his version of mr v., a pretty boring mathematician and skeptic, rather than the absolutely wild shit going on with dowden, which includes oscar wilde’s ghost dunking on james joyce (who responded by making fun of the whole thing in finnegans wake) and claiming he’s like totally straight. 2/5
oval, elvia wilk a neoliberal corporate hell/psychotropics/eco-punk gone wrong dystopia in berlin so you know i’m here (i.e. in berlin lol) for it. this is about a berlin in the not too distant future where finster corp (real subtle) is buying up everything, driving up rents through ecological redevelopment, artists mainly work as consultants for corporations, and our protags anja and louis live in a finster-sponsored zero-waste eco-commune on an artificial mountain in the middle of berlin. everyone’s jobs are nda-clad bullshit, everyone parties all the time without ever enjoying themselves, homelessness and income inequality are ignored with the barest twinge of guilt, and louis is developing a party drug that chemically makes you generous. oh and the nature on the mountain (the berg -.-) seems to be eating itself. the concepts are great, the writing is pretty good even tho it tries a bit too hard sometimes, wilk, while also suffering a lil from Expat Gaze, really knows berlin. the execution isn’t perfect, the pacing is a bit off, too much time is devoted to anja and louis’ boring relationship, and look, some of the dystopian elements are a bit obvious. neoliberalism bad. okay, we know. but there’s a lot of good here, and the ending is pretty great, if a bit underdeveloped. 3.5/5
travelers, helon habila a novel about the african diaspora in europe, told thru 6 inter-connected stories, all focusing on one story of migration. these are important stories well told, and i liked how they all linked up in the end. while berlin is the central hub these stories revolve around, not all are set in berlin and the setting really isn’t as central as i’d hoped (this is obvi very personal to me & my research interests so it’s not really criticism). i’d recommend this if you’re interested in the representation of african migrants and refugees. 3/5
the uninhabitable earth: life after warming, david wallace-wells shit’s fucked: the book. starts with ‘it is worse, much worse, than you think’ and doesn’t really get much more cheery from there. good if you want an idea of what the effects of global warming might be (a pretty pessimistic one, which is the point - when does pessimism become realism?), and how we (& how we might) respond to them. 3/5
the girl from the other side, nagabe (#1-5) spooky-yet-wholesome manga series about a snazzy demon who’s adopted a little human girl who has been abandoned/cast out by her human community, which is like 100% my jam. the central relationship is super cute & wholesome, the demon designs are amazing, the worldbuilding is really spooky & intriguing (if you touch a demon you’ll be cursed & also turn into a demon & tbh who doesn’t want to turn into a weird tall slightly monster with cool horns), and a lot of it is just the demon like. badly baking pie to cheer the girl up. 
girl woman other, bernardine evaristo somewhere between a novel and a collection of short stories written in a somewhat unconventional but highly readable style. the 12 stories each focus on one woman (and one nonbinary person), most of them black, examing black womanhood in britain throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. i enjoyed many of these stories, but the observational style and the way we quickly cover whole lives left me a bit detached. there’s also a lil corniness throughout, which comes out in full force in the epilogue, and while it’s cool to have trans rep, it honestly came across as a bit clueless. 3/5
dark summit: everest’s most controversial season, nick heil did someone say high-altitude mountaineering disasters? because i’m always here for some high-altitude mountaineering disasters. this is about the 2006 season which was p disastrous in terms of deaths even tho it didn’t even have a storm (cf the 1996 season aka please just read into thin air), just people walking past dudes who were dying bc rescues are extremely difficult & dangerous. anyway this ain’t into thin air, but it’s a good one & pretty wild bc all mountain climbers are fucking nuts. 3.5/5
sense & sensibility, jane austen really enjoyed this! the pacing is a lil weird & none of the men really is all that, but it’s all very charming & witty & i love sisterhood narratives (poor margaret!). as in (tho not as much as in) mansfield park, there’s a lot of attitudes that just don’t really track but in contrast to mp i found them interesting rather than frustrating, mostly - brandon/marianne is very uncomfortable especially when you realise that he’s projecting his tragic dead first love/sis-in-law onto marianne and that we don’t really see their courtship at all, but w/e. i especially enjoyed the ferrars family drama and the hilarious resolution to it, and i gotta say: lucy steele really did that & good for her. 4/5 
anyway, i’m about halfway thru alasdair gray’s lanark, which is a great big pomo brick, half portrait of the artist as a young glaswegian, half weird visions of hell in the city of unthank & i’m into it but it’s not a quick read. in october uni reading is also going to start, perhaps for the last semester ever :(
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7x19: FArewell my lovely
"I'll convince her" ok yea Caleb cause y'all are secret agent friends we all know it just admit it already    
Ezra talking like he knows AD personally or something, like he's been the one getting texts or something. I see u Ezra u can't fool me.
But he was right about everyone in the room making mistakes & the look on everyone's face when he said it HA I loved it
Ooooo looks like AD stole the game back "time for pie"??? Is that not screaming EzrA to anyone??? especially the crows.
Mary really does seem like she's the nice twin but I can't help but think she's still more involved than we think
"It took me so long to finally get here w/ you, I'm not gonna loose it now." MY EMISON HEART UGH EMILY YOU DESERVE THE WORLD ALI BETTER GIVE IT TO YOU
 AD PUT A GAS LEAK (But nothing ended up happening so i’m confused wtf marlene)
Did anyone else notice how when the video of ali kept playing on a loop she wanted emily to quickly turn it off, almost like she didnt want anymore questions raised about ‘That night’
Hanna the only one who ever gives Mona the benefit of the doubt now that's a somewhat real friend lmao
"You two are fighting like a married couple.." AWKWARD we are. Spaleb who??
Lmao Caleb annoys me a lot now but I am not gonna lie dude has BALLS idk if that's a good or bad thing tho.
But like I said before him and Mona are too comfortable around each other. Look how easy she's talking to him and how calm he is with her. They have to be working together they just have to be!! (Not like as AD but idk as investigators to track AD or something, they know each other tea choices THERE AIN’T NO COINCIDENCES IN ROSEWOOD)
"There's always been someone watching, manipulating." Girl yes I been saying this since day one!!! Bethany young, twincer, wren, ezrA you may make your appearance now.
Lol I knew that waiter left a note from AD, like u said Mona, they be watching
 By the looks of Mona running they had to have said meet me in the back or something, Mona READY to see who keeps jacking her games lol
Come on though I knew that body was gone the minute I realized they left it in the car
I'm not mad that they reshot the classroom scene or that it ended up being a dream but I would've much rather the dream be Ali's than Emily's dream the "emma thornwald" name would be a lot more relevant b/c how in the fucking world would emily know that. & why put that scene as the cliffhanger?? That's so anticlimactic! They could've put the liars burying Rollins but not showing who it was, or charlotte clutching the rose, or fuck even the fucking girls sipping mimosas w/ Mona would've been more climatic than that shit. 
"AD doesn't get notes they give them." Finally someone has a clue, go Caleb I get points. 
Btw idk if I really enjoyed that spaleb moment or if I just really love Troian & her amazing acting, her whole part in that scene was just perfect!
Was it a little weird to anyone else that Alison was the one who apologized to aria first?? I think it's because she knows she still has her own secrets/mistakes that haven't come to light. 
Ooooo I bet this tunnel that spaleb is in is going to lead to the church and radley. 
So Mona must have a split personality disorder or something cause the way she's telling on herself to Hanna and how she's dressed just give off a total old school Mona vibe like radley Mona vibe. Hanna really fucked up by letting her fuck with that game she should've just killed charlotte and GOT GONE GIRL. lol Ali 2.0 forreal this time.
I also figured she had some altercation w/ charlotte that was the only person I could see her saying "am I supposed to be scared of you?" Too lol I love ceces sass.
I love how Mona knew everything & I also think it's funny but slightly choosy how charlotte said "you always were the smart one Mona, not spencer."
I think this charlotte flashback is the FUCKING BEST THING EVER
Ceces such a bitch it almost doesn't seem like she's the charles she explained in her story. Like literally she’s not charles.
So I guess Mona does have a personality disorder and she's even convinced one said that the liars are actually her friends wow I'm sad. I love her :(
& I think it's now clear cece was planning to start the game right back up again but this time bigger and better it seems "not only did u lose the game you lost the story, its mine, everything's mine... god I hate this town I guess I'm supposed to do something about that too."
Fuck janels performance is EVERYTHING I am loving this flashback!!!!!
But did anyone else notice how we never actually SAW mona push the body off and fake the suicide. She could’ve ran and someone else came and covered it up. Like mona said to hanna she didnt mean to mess it up but what exactly did she mess up?? she didnt cover up the murder someone else did.
I think Hanna spoke for everyone when she said "not really an answer"
I told y'all Mary was gonna take the fall
Wow andrea Parker did so well at playing both Mary & Jessica
In the end im still confused and my brain hurts
OKAY SO, obvi alot of my predictions were a miss but I did get a few, I knew mary was gonna take the fall, I did see a few ali clues not a ton though maybe ill find more in the rewatch, I was right about mona getting into a fight with charlotte and somehow being involved in her murder & the episode did feel like a lame finale so I guess thats pretty good! This episode was amazing from start to finish they really kicked it into high gear for these last few episodes i’m finally seeing a picture in this crazy ass puzzle we call PLL. I’m trying not to expect alot from the finale but I just really hope it is as satisfying as all the cast say it’s going to be.
After this i’m really starting to hop on board with twincer, ezrA, or even Toby after seeing the finale promo. I’m going out of town for the next week so tomorrow i’ll post my finale PLL theory & then ill be off til the finale! It’s been real guys and although i’m ready for closure i’m also going to miss reading everyones amazing theories and all the possibilities this show could have gone with.
Tell me all you last minute theories!!! I wanna know what everyones thinking before the finale and how we all see this shit tying together!
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