#and ngl i was totally not in mood after i woke up :((((((
gxtzeizm · 8 months
having a vivid dream really hurts like hell realizing that it's actually not freaking real because i was thought it was really true at that time 😭😭💔
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Ngl I feel really down today. I try not to vent too much on here, but if you want details it's below the cut (Nothing happened to me personally, but it was just kind of a bummer)
But basically, I need a little bit of distraction and want to get into a more creative mood. So, send some asks, fandom or otherwise. I could use an anon to tell me about their day or to babysit or something. I just need some positivity or connection rn.
Tw for drug use below
I work at a public library and this probably shouldn't be affecting me as much as it is because it wasn't about me.
Some guy came in. He was quiet and well behaved compared to a lot of the patrons we get.
He sat down at a computer and started to work. For a while everything was fine.
Then, as I was shelving behind him, I noticed he was leaning. I thought (from behind) that maybe he was older and had arthritis and was just struggling to reach for something he had dropped.
But he was young, so well... maybe he was just nodding off. Maybe he's a tired college student... I finished up with my cart and then told my supervisor about it. He checked and was like "...Yeah that guys on heroin"
So I was like "can we call someone? Is he okay?"
And I got the response of "Uh... well, as long as you're going to be over there can you keep an eye on him? Just make sure he doesn't totally lose consciousness?"
And tbh I think we should've called an opioid hotline for this guy when he was leaning over.
His nails were white. He was making really horrible snoring and grunting noises. And sometimes he'd get up and try to log into the computer, but then he'd slump over again.
So my job was to do my usual straightening work while watching this guy. Make sure he didn't die. I was told if he's totally limp (horizontal or head on desk for more than 30 seconds) to come up and talk to the higher-ups.
And eventually, after about 20 minutes, he put his head fully down on the desk and lost consciousness.
So I ran up to the front, and told my supervisor. But instead of calling someone, he walked up to the desk, knocked on it, until the guy woke up, and then asked him to leave.
The guy got up and walked out, but I can't help but feel like we should've just called someone. Even though it wasn't deadly, he showed a lot of signs of overdosing (then again, that's according to the internet so you never know. I've never dealt with this. I haven't been trained for this)
I think we just told this guy to go OD somewhere else instead of getting him some narcan or something and it left a really bad feeling in my stomach.
Also later on, I was talking to one of my coworkers and then heard him complaining to another coworker about how much "that guy" talks and that doesn't mean anything because it definitely could've been about someone else, it's just me being insecure but it didn't help.
I'm also just kind of tired. Last night was late.
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haik-choo · 4 years
karasuno first years out late w/ their s/o
request: Could you write how 1st years (yachi too pls🥺) going out with their s/o late at night ?
a/n: this is such a cute little concept i -- 
-tsukishima, kageyama, yamaguchi, hinata, yachi
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tsukishima kei.
not gonna lie, he’s often awake late at night. he’s a night owl and doesn’t mind sacrificing his sleep to watch some youtube videos
occasionally, he even goes out late at night, slipping past his parents and brother’s room and softly closing the front door with his headphones covering his ears and his hands stuffed in his pockets
so when you text him at 3am and ask if he can go out with you to the convenience store, he agrees in seconds to meet you at the halfway point between your houses
wastes no time in putting on his sneakers and a hoodie; he wants to get there quickly so that you aren’t left out by yourself
tsukishima knows there’s creeps out there, which is exactly why he jogs to the halfway point and is relieved when he’s the first one there
as soon as he sees you in the distance he fast walks to catch up to you, and slips his hand into yours
he totally brings bluetooth earbuds so that you two can listen to the same music instead of his wired headphones <3 uwu
is always on the lookout for any weirdos, and if he spots someone eyeing you up he shoots them the nastiest glare
eventually wraps his arms around your shoulder while your hand is sitll in his and its that cute little thing where your arms is across your chest holding his hand </3
pays for whatever you get at the store, ignores your complaints and tells you to shut up when you continue to insist on paying
“im trying to be a good boyfriend for once, for the love of god PLEASE shut up”
secretly takes a candid photo of you at some point in the night and sets it as his home screen -- NOT his lock screen, and when you see it he outright denies having taken it
tsukishima: you told me to take a picture of you
you: stop lying i know you’re a closet hopeless romantic 
convinces you to stop at the park and eat the snacks you both got there, music still humming in your ears as the moonlight washes you both in cool tones
tsukishima when he’s alone with you is so soft -- he literally kisses your hand and temple and mutters very softly “love you” 
all in all, tsukishima kei is the perfect night-owl boyfriend to go on snack-runs with 
kageyama tobio.
"why would i go out right now. do you know what time it is. i have practice in the morning”
kags really out here kinda hurtin’ your feelin’s ngl boy doesn’t understand the vibes LOL
honestly you probably woke him up, he’s asleep at like ten every night (even tho he still has homework to do he just flat-out ignores it LOL) 
only agrees to go out walking with you because you said he could bring his volleyball and you’d toss a few for him....and also because he’s a little worried because it’s so dark out
doesn’t walk with you to the park but meets you there LOL
he deadass has his wholeass duffel bad with the ball, two waterbottles, two towelettes, volleyball sneakers and everything
“you know,,,,we’re not playing a game, right, tobio?”
“yeah???? and??? what’s your point”
acts nonchalant but is totally having fun and is lowkey glad you asked him to go out so late because it’s cool out, there’s no one to bother him, and you just look...really good under the stars
he’s not a cheesy person but...god you just take his breath away sometimes. not that he’ll ever say that though
you ask to take a break like thirty minutes in because you are LITERALLY dying meanwhile he hasn’t even broken a sweat (”you’re already tired? maybe you should workout more” “shut UP kageyama”)
you both sit on the bench, and you’re lowkey waiting for him to reach for your hand but they’re just folded in his lap as he stares out in the nothingness of night
kageyama can’t take a hint. we know this. he’s incapable of knowing what you want unless you flat out tell him; so you have to be a very honest person
he doesn’t even really initiate skinship, not because he doesn’t want to, but just because it never really crosses his mind
plus he doesn’t feel the need to constantly show affection because he thinks it’s obvious that he likes you
despite this, he is good at spotting weird people, and he’s pretty protective of you, so you’re completely safe with him. trust him, he’ll keep you safe
all in all, have patience and stamina because kags will play volleyball with you until you pass out. also, he loves you 
yamaguchi tadashi.
is in bed by 11pm but doesn’t actually go to sleep until two am because he’s scrolling through tiktok on his phone
sees your text about wanting to go out for a late night walk and maybe go through the little forest near your house and automatically sends a text that says “ill meet you at your window! can you pack some snacks? :)”
he walks all the way to your house, even if it’s more convenient to meet halfway because he wants to protect you! he’s not the strongest nor is he the most intimidating, so all he really has to offer is his presence
despite not being strong nor scary, yams literally has eagle eye. you can’t tell me that he can’t read people in a heartbeat -- he’s extremely perceptive 
also texts you to not bring a jacket because he’s bringing on of his own for you !!! so sweet what the hell
he waits at your front door and when you step out he automatically pushes his volleyball jacket into your hands and he takes the bag of snacks from you and sticks out one of his hands UGH such a gentleman
lets you ramble about anything and stares at your side profile as he listens 
joins in with a few quips here and there but ultimately is pretty quite and lets you speak or lets the silence cozy into the conversation
sees that there’s a guy sitting on a bench up the road and he switches places with you so that you’re further away from the stranger 
also wraps a protective hand around your waist until you both are past the random dude but yams will glance behind yall every once in a while
when you two reach the mini forest he ends up taking the lead claiming that he knows a good spot
and damn, he’s right
it’s a little clearing that is illuminated solely by the moonlight and he sets the bag of snacks down beside him before sitting down himself, apologizing for not bringing a blanket that you two could sit on 
pats the spot next to him so that you sit right beside him and he leans back with his hand on yours ONGMIRG 
is the super cheesy type and tells you that you look really pretty and that,,,he kind of wants to kiss you
you: *experiencing heart palpitations* and you did this for what. 
yamaguchi: ...because i love you?
you: *K.O*
all in all, yamaguchi is the boyfriend that completely indulges your late-night escapades <3 
hinata shoyo.
is either completely fast asleep and doesn’t see your text or was awake and not planning to sleep for the next five hours, no in-between
but if he’s awake and sees your text, he agrees right away and asks where you want to meet up and what time because homeboy probably has to bike to get there AgAGAGAGA
literally doesn’t even show up in sneakers. he’s wearing sandals and shorts with a short sleeve top 
“i came in my pjs”
“i see that.”
asks if you two can bike around instead because he doesn’t want to have to wheel his bike around for like an hour 
he tells you to hold on tight because the bike was built for one person, and when you press against his back his warmth is literally so,,,comforting 
has no sense of awareness and will scream going down a hill in the middle of a neighborhood, no fucks given
so, no, he doesn’t notice any weriod people even if there are some around
you always end up running into some weird people and you get new interesting stories every other day because let’s be honest hinata is a magnet for crazy shit and crazy people (usually crackheads) 
you both just ride around as he talks about his day, usually his sister always comes up in the conversation( “she asked me to marry you the other day” “doirhgAEROIHFGRE SHOYO WHAT” “what? i told her i would. i keep my promises!”)
after like thirty minutes he begs for a break and you stop at a little 24/7 ice cream store that is run by the sweetest elderly couple
you share a sundae because you don’t want to eat too much this late at night
he plops on the bench right outside the store with his bike leaning against the metal handles, and h snuggles up to you and watches you scroll on your phone
he talks a little here and there, but for the most part, he goes quiet, and it’s during this time where you’re unaware of his gaze that he just takes his time drinking in your features in the yellow light of the lamppost 
he can’t read the mood most times, but this time he does, and he stays quiet, and he thinks to himself
that he really will marry you one day
all in all, hinata gives you the impulsive young teenage experience of late night bike rides while eating his fair share of ice cream
yachi hitoka.
another either or, except this time she’s either fast asleep or stressing over homework and the nine tests she has the next day
when you ask if she can go on a walk with you she’s hesitant because she doesn’t want to get in trouble with her mom and she’s a total goody goody and terrified of doing anything reckless; but then she remembers that her mom was on a business trip and so she, very cautiously, says yes
you: good. i’m outside your door btw
yachi: i never had a choice did i
you have to meet her at her house because she’s way too scared to walk by herself at night; she might even make you factime her as you commute because she’s worried for you
jumps at every little thing, even the crows cawing make her shit herself
instictively grabs onto your sleeve and nervously look around the entire time, to the point where she doesn’t hear what you say
so you offer to go to a little cafe that’s still open and right away she nods
she’s so adorable, she bows really deeply when you two walk into the store and apologizes for it being so late
and finally, because you two are safe, she’s calm and smiling as she sips at her strawberry smoothie
awkwardly and very shyly reaches out for your hand on the table and gently lays her palm on yours
canon: yachi totally has freckles and you can’t convince me otherwise 
her face is red and her freckles are just on display you can’t help but coo at her and tuck some hair behind her ear because god could she get any cuter?
you two end up staying for like a hour and a half and very shyly she asks if you could walk her home 
and this time on the walk she’s not overly cautious and seems to enjoy the nighttime breeze and your hand softly clasping hers
does that cute thing where she lays her head on your shoulder or arm while you both are walking and looks up at you through her eyelashes and asks if you could give her a kiss on the cheek </3
you: stop. please. im going to die.
when you’re at her door she literally just stands there awkwardly for a few seconds before tilting her head upwards and pressing her lips to yours and then promptly running inside
video calls you three seconds afterwards to make sure you get home safely 
all in all, you might need to be the impulsive one, but yachi enjoys spending late night time with you more than she admits. also please kiss her thanks      
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fandomtrash264 · 4 years
I have some Fred and George promts that I don't want to forget so imma put them here. If you are interested in writting them, by all means go for it, just tag me. I don't think I have a preference over who is in each scenario. I will probably write George and Fred based on what I thought but they should work with either twin. I do think they are different, im just saying that I could see the story going with either boy
• Reader and Fred pull a prank on George that changes his hair color based on mood. (Red - angry, blue - sad, green - disgust, light pink - embarrassed, hot pink - flirty, purple - in love/swooning, dark purple -lust) The 3 are sitting in the great hall eating and George is staring at reader and his hair turns purple. Reader thinks he has just zoned out and starts to bug him asking who he is thinking about. Leads to confession (and I imagine he is embarrassed so his hair is pink)
• Reader is a metamorphmagus and they like to switch between male and female so they change their physical appearance as such. (I see Fred as bi ngl) Fred gets a crush on the reader without knowing they are both people. A little while later, he falls for the other side (if that makes sense) of them and thinks he likes 2 different people. He is super torn and has no idea what to do
•This one is a Soulmate AU. The one where you can hear the music your soulmate is listening to. Reader is listening to ✨🌶 S p i c y 🌶 ✨ music and he knows its reader and he is shocked because they don't seem like they would listen to it and he is pleasantly suprised to find they are super flirty and such (he is twin of your choice lol)
•Yet again, one of our boys gets pranked. They lie about something that makes reader upset so they prank them so that everytime they try to talk, bubbles come out instead and the only way to undo it is to do somthing super embarrassing (I'll leave that to y'alls imagination's) and they refuse because they are petty but they eventually give in with this big social stunt or smth
•i imagine reader is a Ravenclaw (could really be any) who is the child of Bellatrix and *Moldy Voldy* (why ravenclaw you ask? I'll explain) They are in George and Fred's year so they are older than Harry. Reader was rescued a little before Harry was born and got to stay with someone else (probably Remus or smth. I imagine a gryfinndor so that way the Slytherin and the Gryfinndor kinda cancel out so you get Ravenclaw. Slytherin is their blood but they know its wrong so they push for the good values. I know slytherins can be good [believe me, I am very big on the fact that not all Slytherins are evil] but when its Bella and Mr. Tom, they have some bad bones) and they keep it a secret from their friends (the twins, the trio, etc.) Until Remus brings them to an OoTP meeting. He doesn't say who he just says he is bringing He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named 's child and they are terrified of how their friends will react. Kinda angsty but eventually they all understand that reader isn't evil
• Branching off of the previous, same family situation but when they were younger, they weren't seen as a child, they were a weapon. Trixie and Tommy boy would experiment on them so they are lowkey fucked up. They are super powerful and struggle to control it. Reader freaks out because they are terrified that he will be able to control them or see in their mind and good 'ole Gred and Forge help our reader to feel better and reassure them
• Reader and a twin are dating in 7th year (With Umbridge) and instead of breaking up or telling them about the plan to start a shop, they just leave and break off all contact. Years later they see each other and reader confronts them about how he couldn't even break up with them before leaving and he confesses his worries. Inspired by the song Ways to Break a Heart by Maddie Zahm [you can find it on YouTube]
• Can happen to either the reader or George or Fred but somehow by prank or accident in class, they get separated into different parts of themselves [parts like the 7 deadly sins (so they would be split into Pride and Lust) but also other things work (like Fear and Wonder)] and the other 2 have to deal with it until the problem is fixed
• (I have a lot with the boys and pranks, sorry lol) the boys get de-aged and reader has to chase them around because they are H E A T H E N S but then later on they put them to sleep and the Love Interest (twin of choice) snuggles up to them and mentions how much they love them and reader gives it no mind because "he was a baby". They snuggle and when they wake up the boys are of normal age and the Love Interest just snuggles closer and says something like "I meant it y'know. I really do love you/think you're amazing" and just. Fluff
• (I wrote George, yet again, could work with either) Reader is playing with the sleeve/hem/string of George's sweater/hoodie and he quips with a flirty comment like "you want the whole thing? Here, give it back when it smells like you" and the reader brushes it off as a flirty comment and teases "how am I supposed to know what I smell like? I'm noseblind to myself" and he gives them a scent. The scent seems familiar to them but oh well. They wear it because its soft and it smells like him and later on when they are chilling in the common room or whatever (George isn't there) they realize that's what he said he smelt in his Amortentia in potions last week and they lowkey freak out and go to ask him about it and aaaah! Cute things ensue
• [!!!TW: Depression, suicidal thoughts!!!] Can happen to either reader or one of the boys.(If it happens to a boy i see it being George as he seems insecure of being in Fred's shadow and I will write the prompt that way but it works with Fred and reader as well) George has been a little off recently and reader and Fred can't figure out what it is until reader goes to the astronomy tower late one night and finds George on the roof of the atronomy tower, seemingly fighting with himself about whether or not he should jump off. Angst, ends with fluff, reader helps him to feel better. Inspired by the song Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
•During their 6th year with the Triwizard Tournament, a durmstrange gent takes a liking to the reader. They start to court the reader and flirt with them, give them lots of compliments, try to show their affection. The Love Interest (again, twin of choice) get REALLY jealous tho and decides to try and out-do the durmstrang boy. This leads to really extravagant methods of flirting (ex. Sending a howler that is actually a shower of compliments or after a big quidditch match, the whole team does a choreographed dance where the suitor sings/performs to reader) all of this leading up to the yule ball. They either go with the durmstrange guy and deal with Love Interest later or they end up going with the Twin, whatever you would like
• Everyone is at the Burrow and they decide to watch a movie. While everyone is in the kitchen, the twin (who is the Love Interest) comes by and says "Oh! Are you guys watching a movie?" Readet replies "Yeah, P.S. I Love you" and he just blushes really hard and sits next to them and says "I love you too". Reader doesn't know how of if they are gonna tell him that "P.S. I Love You" is the name of the movie. Then everyone else comes back in so they have to wait until after the movie to talk about it. The whole time the movie is going all they can focus on are the "I Love You"s that escaped each others mouths. Inspired by a wolfstar text post by @starsandmoonys
• Inspired by the drarry work, Mental by sara_holmes on Ao3 (which you should totally go read like holy shit i love this idea sooooo much) written with George but as usual, can work with either. Reader is in for total shock when a joke gone sour ends with George striking them with a bad Legilimency spell. Due to this spell, they can (and have to) hear each others thoughts and see the pictures in each other's minds. What will happen when they see all that goes on in each others heads? Will they learn to communicate? Will they let one another in? Will they like who they see, or will they be scared away from the thoughts behind closed eyes?
• (TW!!!!: Dreamt character death, War) Fred and reader have been friends-with-benefits for a long time with feelings slowly growing between the 2 of them. They stay in denial until Fred has a nightmare one day where reader dies in the war. The next day he is desperate to hold them and see that they are okay. He confesses his feelings in fear of losing them. Inspired by Woke the Fuck Up - Jon Bellion
• [(TW!!! War) Fred lives] Fred and Reader had a huge fight right before Fred and George left Hogwarts and leave things on a rocky ending. Fred knows just how much he needs Reader and he desperately wants them back. Reader doesn't want to admit it but they miss him.and want him back too. They see each other again after the war and Fred breaks down in their arms and confesses how much he misses them and needs them. How hard it has been without them. Reader reciprocates these feelings and tells him. They start over, slowly building their love up again inspired by Bad Habit - Ben Platt [First verse and Pre-chorus would be Fred's feelings and second verse and Pre-chorus would be Reader. They blend on the 3rd]
• George has been strangely quiet all day. Reader is confused and a little hurt as George seems to avoid them. Leaving rooms when they walk in, not keeping eye contact and staying as physically far as he can. That is until they sit down in the great hall for lunch and Fred tells his friends (including reader) all about having put a truth serum in George's drink and all the funny things he has gotten him to admit. Reader goes to confront George about what he is hiding (because otherwise he would talk to them, right?) And they get an oddly specific but touching confession [ie. "I borrow your chapstick because that is what your lips will taste like" and "I see you in my dreams almost every night" ] inspired by Jenny - Studio Killers
• [Choose whether the person who can dance is reader or Twin of Choice. I will be writting with reader] The yule ball is coming up and reader can't dance to save their life. A certain red-heades friend comes in to help. At first, reader doesn't believe him because "c'mon, why would you know how to ballroom dance?" But they are pleasantly suprised to find they are actually really good at it. Like, REALLY good. "Mum made all of us learn. In case we ever needed it". Reader notices their feelings start to change as they spend more and more sessions together dancing until the yule ball occurs. Take it from there lol
• just a very cliche typical love potion fic. Reader volunteers to be on the receiving end of one of Fred and George's pranks- spike their drink with love potion- on one condition. The person reader will be in love with, knows about it. Reader figures this will allow them some leeway and safety against other pranks. All is going well until they spike the drink for reader to like (twin of your choice) and they realize that nothing has happened except they are a bit more flirty. Everyone is crazy confused because for everyone else they were head over heels swooning and attached at the hip until Hermionie (or somebody else) quips in with "You can't create something that already exists, y'know".
• So this one is less creative and it's also a mix of 2 tropes but bear with me. Reader is a very outgoing flirtatious type of person. They openly flirt with everyone, Fred, Ginny, Neville, Dean, etc. They don't care, its a way they show affection. Then, when they start to get a crush on George (or Fred) they star getting more shy and reserved with him. And he is completely clueless. He's lowkey hurt because "why doesn't Y/n crack jokes like that with me?" And shit like that. He is feeling down when he sees it. No, not 'it', he sees you. You and Fred flirting. He's got you cornered to the wall and your cheeks are flushed and George is big mad. (When really, Fred just cornered them so they couldn't avoid the question and was teasing and asking about their crush on George). George ends up seeing out Y/n, getting them alone and confronting them. Light angst? But ends fluffy as reader explains what actually happened
*im going to keep updating this as I get more ideas so be prepared*
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skinnyghosttears · 3 years
April 20, 2021
11:02 am
I woke up at 5 am this morning but after a while I finally fell asleep again. The scale said 59,9kg! This means 2 things: 1. I will def take that cheat day saturday, I dont want to go over 1600kcal so I will still count everything but I deserve it. And 2. I will eat that mini croissant I made yesterday, maybe with the coffee after lunch. I am incredibly happy since yesterday at this time I was +0,3kg.
Today I will go to the store with mom after the therapist so I can buy some safe foods and something new I want to try (and obv, the ice cream and the pizza for saturday). And the cereals I promised to myself for reaching 60kg, but maybe I'll wait next week for eat them. I thought about divide those in portions so I know how many I can eat and I will not do a mess. God Im so happy, its the first time in years that I see a 5 as the first number on the scale.
12:57 pm
???????? 59,75kg right before lunch? Holy shit, is the scale ok? I will not count this because I dont believe it lmao.
1:32 pm
Ate lunch, I feel really full but Im happy. Today is the right day for go and buy stuff for the rest of the week because of this mood. Im just scared of he therapist ngl, we will talk about my panic attack of last week so mmmh I hope this will not ruin the day.
2:48 pm
Im wearing makeup for the first time in months, I had to do it quickly since I was late but I feel like another person. I just hope to not cry or my face will be a mess and the mask will not be enought for cover it lmao.
9:27 pm
I had not a single moment since the therapist. We did a test I already took alone so I know what she will find out. I really dont like to talk about this with her even if everything she say is for my health.
I went to the store with mom and I took the pizza and the ice cream for saturday, it will def be a cheat day but its ok. I cried while we were going away. I also took other safe stuff and some sushi that I will split with my brother tomorrow. I also took the cereals (and I found a choccy soy milk that taste like heaven), I already divided the cereals in portrions so I can safely eat those when I want. I also had a breakdown because I had to change my plan this week but its ok.
I feel really full rn, I dont like the feeling but I'll exercise in a minute. Tomorrow I have to feel good enough for the drive lesson, so I did the right thing.
So uh, Idk how I feel rn, but the rest of the week should be good.
11:56 pm
Burned 900kcal, I ate a total of 1081 so Im fine. Coffee time, goodnight y'all!
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merinnan · 4 years
We start episode 5 with the Xiaoge Rescue Count at 6 for Wu Xie, and 7 total.
- Pangzi just sitting there eating while they go to dig an evil bug out of A-Ning 
- A-Ning is luckier than Pan Zi, though, having it in her leg rather than in her gut 
- Should I consider this part of the Xiaoge Rescue Count? Technically he is saving A-Ning here, but does she count?
- Fuck it. There's now 3 Xiaoge Rescue Count categories: Wu Xie, the protagonists as a whole, and everyone 
- So the count is now 6 for Wu Xie, 7 for the protagonists, and 8 for everyone 
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- That was a relatively painless bug removal. Probably helped that A-Ning was unconscious 
  - That's a large hole left in her thigh. Speaking from experience, standing & walking are not going to be fun for her for a LONG time. 
- But this is a cdrama, so she'll be fine within an ep or two 
- lol, I've never seen an unconscious person with this level of muscle control
- Wu Xie, you don't just wrap a bandage around a wound like that! Dress it first! 
- But, again, it's a TV show, so a bandage will be fine 
- LOL, yes, shhhh, Pangzi. Shhhh. 
 - Pan Zi's looking a lot better this ep 
- ...what's wrong, Wu Xie?
- Aaaand he just passed out. 
- Xiaoge actually looks mildly disturbed. I think this is the second most amount of emotion we've seen from him so far 
- That looks like a nasty bite 
- Oh, we're just gonna...feed him blood. That's what we're going. 
- And it woke him up
- Okay, so Xiaoge Rescue Count is now 7 for Wu Xie, 8 for the protagonists, and 9 for everyone 
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- Fortunately, Xiaoge hasn't lost as much blood as he did last time he used it for magic rescue purposes. Last thing they'd want is a comatose Xiaoge down here
- Everyone is just so chill whenever Xiaoge does weird stuff, it's great 
- Aaah, I was wondering how he'd been bitten, since I didn't remember a bug biting him. I forgot that A-Ning did 
- That's some odd poison if it got into her saliva just because she had a bug in her leg
- GDI Pangzi 
 - Of course the cure is in the tomb, and of course Xiaoge knows about it 
- LOL, there's a vaccine against the poison gas 
- Oooh, I was wondering when the dudes in the trees were gonna make their move. Poor Wu Xie's friend. He really would have been safer in the tomb, huh
- Hahah, why are the bad guys treating Wu Xie like the leader when he's just a uni student? 
- Ooh, who did that? 
 - Oh, Wu Xie's friend. Good boy. I mean, it was dumb, but brave. Now they can't use you against your friends. 
- Poor Wu Xie is so woozy he's not sure what happened
- Yeah, figured it was some more of A-Ning's friends 
- Get out before nightfall. Isn't that what Xiaoge said, too? 
- Yeah, abandoned in a forest at night doesn't sound like fun
- She should NOT be walking that well, although at least it is showing her limping and in pain instead of just okay 
- God, Pangzi, that was a dick move 
- And that was even more of one 
- Wow. I...don't really like this Pangzi. Those things he just did were actively cruel, even if she is an antagonist
- It's blocked? Yeah, ya think? 
- Oh, STFU Pangzi 
- Pan Zi looking at him like "I really regret not shooting you properly when I had the chance" 
- Xiaoge doing this "stab fingers STRAIGHT INTO MORTAR and remove the brick" trick again 
- The look on Pangzi's face is pure gold
- Had to pause watching for a sec to think about why I'm so mad at this Pangzi and more forgiving of Liu Sang in Chongqi. I think it's because Liu Sang intended to pull a prank. A mean prank, but he lacked the experience to understand that it was actively harmful and dangerous. It went wrong, and then he freaked because of that lack of experience and didn't know what to do/say until Xiaoge pushed him. And then he tried to help make up for it. Whereas this Pangzi did things that he knew would cause real physical pain to A-Ning and potentially worsen her injury just because he doesn't like her, and he doesn't seem to care or even give that a second thought, let alone look like he's going to apologise or try to make up for it. 
- OK, mini-rant over, back to the episode.
- Gratuitous Xiaoge side-profile pic just because
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- And now Pangzi is gonna embarrass himself by trying & failing to be Xiaoge 
- Okay, I gotta stop to look up his name. I can't keep calling him Wu Xie's friend all the time
- High Shao. There we go
- High Shao is a good kid 
- A-Ning's eyeroll at Pangzi is my entire mood with his antics right now 
- Eyeroll from Wu Xie 
- Can't see Pan Zi's face, but his whole posture is basically an eye roll 
- Oh. Well. Huh. I did not expect Pangzi to actually manage to break the wall
- Judging by everyone's expressions, no-one else did, either 
- Oooh, something bad must be coming, Xiaoge is going on guard 
- Yep. Zombie dude is on his way 
- Yes, send the woman with the serious leg injury to go crawling through a tiny cave tunnel first. Brilliant idea, Wu Xie
- OK, I should stop being so hard on bb!Wu Xie, this is his first time in a tomb after all 
- Y'know, guys, I really think it would have been a better idea to let Pan Zi go before Pangzi, given that he's also injured and all. Get your most injured people to safety first.
- How the fuck is that zombie deflecting Xiaoge's sword with his HAND?! 
- Oh, NICE, Xiaoge! 
- I am very disappointed that I could not get a good screencap of that awesome, smooth, and effortless slide he did through the tunnel
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- Things I discovered when I went to YouTube to see if I could get a good screencap of it by slowing down the playback (which I can't do on Viki) 
- the eps on YT and the eps on Viki are edited differently. I'm gonna have to watch this again on YT once I'm done with the Viki one
- At a guess, the YT ones have a bunch of stuff cut, because where I'm up to in ep 5 on Viki is in ep 4 on YT 
- Wow, I'm going on a lot of tangents tonight. OK, back to the ep.
- Xiaoge holding the zombie at swordpoint until it gives up and backs away 
- So these zombies have some intelligence 
- ngl, though, if I was on my hands and knees in front of a hot guy holding a sword on me, backing away would be like the last thing I would be doing
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- Why the fuck is there a giant, chained up tree deep in the middle of an underground tomb? 
- And ivy all over the cave walls? 
- I'm glad you're just as confused as I am, Pan Zi
- OK, some sunlight is getting in, since there are two bodies laying in a conveniently positioned sunbeam 
- Sure, what the fuck are you gonna do to him, Pangzi? He's dead. He doesn't care. 
- Unless he's another zombie who's gonna rise from the grave, but still don't think he cares
- Yes, Pangzi, tomb robbers don't end well 
- Love Wu Xie's cute suspicious face 
- Lucky grab there 
- Oh, there you are, Sanshu 
- Do all the tunnels in this place empty out at this tree? 
- LOL, I love that Sanshu immediately doesn't take any of Pangzi's shit
- That was a bad place to faint 
- Good thing Xiaoge is right there! 
- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 8 for Wu Xie, 9 for the protagonists, 10 for everyone 
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- I love how often Wu Xie is the damsel in distress
- Don't worry, Sanshu, Xiaoge will definitely look after his future bf
- Looks like Pangzi is about to fall. Again 
- Pangzi, if you had HELD ON to that vine, it wouldn't have been as bad 
- Wait for him to realise he's laying between two corpses in 3, 2, 1... 
- Uh...I hope they're just stuck to him and not actually sitting up under their own power
- These are remarkably well-preserved corpses 
- THERE'S that realisation 
- And there's the freakout 
 - They did get just get caught 
- They're not gonna have kids, Pangzi, they're dead 
- Pangzi, what are you doing? Leave the corpses alone now
- Wake them? I don't like the sound of that, Sanshu 
- Also, how do you know that? 
- Cute pingxie shots just because 
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- In her mouth? 
- Oh, a key, thank goodness. I thought it was gonna be an evil bug 
- Pangzi, stop appraising her necklace, didn't you say you're not a tomb robber? 
- There's fucking what now? 
- HOW?! 
- Hahah, well that certainly stopped Pangzi from checking out the valuables on her 
- JFC 
- That got Xiaoge's attention 
- Oooh, he's noticed something in the tree 
- Sorry not sorry for more gratuitous Xiaoge shots
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- That's a pretty looking key 
- ...and now her corpse is undergoing rapid decay? How the fuck was the key preventing the corpse from decaying? 
- That explanation makes no logical sense, Sanshu 
- Maybe that box the other corpse is holding, Wu Xie? 
- Pangzi thought of that, too
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- What were those flashes? Were those just for the viewer, or was one of the characters getting them? 
- That seemed to be the unnaturally bright green-eyed man from the opening credits 
- Leave the sword alone, Pangzi 
- Although I do understand the desire to pick it up
- Uh...what 
- No shadow is NEVER a good thing 
- WTF? 
- Sanshu, I never wanna play poker with you 
- This doppelganger has done a damn good job of acting like Pangzi this whole time 
- When did it replace him? 
- Maybe it was the doppelganger who was so cruel to A-Ning? We'll see.
- That's a very solid ghost 
- And that's kinda creepy 
- Uh...isn't she already dead? 
- Sanshu just going straight for the tackle 
- Clever boy, Wu Xie 
- Though, Xiaoge, where were you? Were you just gonna let Pangzi strangle Sanshu, or did you figure Sanshu had it handled?
- (he did not have it handled) 
- (pretty sure if that had been Wu Xie you'd've jumped in the moment Pangzi's hands went around his throat, if not before) 
- *sigh* Pangzi, pls 
- The Green Eyed Fox? 
- Was that the dude in the fox mask? 
- Probably (also?) the opening credits guy
- How the fuck has it taken me 3 hours to get through half an ep? 
- Oh yeah, I keep going off on tangents and pausing to take pretty screenshots of Xiaoge 
- So we're doing fox demons, are we? 
- Don't touch anything. Yeah, like that sword you had casually slung over your shoulder.
- Storytime! 
- Suuure, Pangzi 
- Xiaoge really seems to know everything 
- Don't rattle it, Wu Xie 
- Oh, that interested A-Ning 
- I wonder if this is the thing that's supposed to cure Wu Xie 
- Sanshu thinks it's a bad idea, but doesn't want anyone other than Wu Xie to know
- Or, more to the point, doesn't want Pangzi and A-Ning to know 
- Good excuse, Wu Xie 
- I wonder if Pangzi is still supposed to be a doppelganger, or if that was part of the hallucination 
- Yeah, suuure you're not going to steal relics, Liu Tai
- Have they set up a new camp at the digsite, or did they take Chengcheng and High Shao back to their original camp? 
- I think he does legit want A-Ning to be ok, though 
- Looks like I was right, all the tunnels lead to the tree 
- Which means I expect zombie guy to show up any minute
- Don't think A-Ning will be happy they kept what happened to her friend from her when that happens 
- Xiaoge back into 'something is coming' mode 
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- Oh, how was that for timing? Less than a minute after I said it, zombie dude is on his way 
  - And it goes straight for Pangzi 
- Maybe he knew Pangzi was a dick to his friend 
- GDI A-Ning 
- That's a strong zombie 
- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 8 for Wu Xie, 10 for the protagonists, 11 for everyone
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- Yes, Pangzi, Xiaoge IS amazing
- lol, Pangzi making so much noise cheering for Xiaoge that he got the zombie's attention back 
- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 8 for Wu Xie, 11 for the protagonists, 12 for everyone
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- This is apparently the Xiaoge Rescues EVERYONE ep 
- I'm not surprised you fell, A-Ning, with that wound
- That was a heavy fall. Ouch 
- Come on, A-Ning, you seemed more level headed than this so far 
- And the zombie knocks away the easier/closer target, Wu Xie, to target A-Ning 
- Wonder if there's a reason for it, or just dramatics
- And then he stops trying to bite her to kick her away & go back to fighting Xiaoge? 
- Those are some very nice moves from Xiaoge 
- And now the zombie is...launching himself at Wu Xie and the others? 
- Wu Xie being the hero and pushing everyone else out the way
- Pangzi to the rescue? 
- No - A-Ning!
- Poor A-Ning 
- Oh yeah, better pull Pangzi out the tree 
- Zombie spitting up blood as he's dying 
- No, Pangzi, he's not gonna be fine. A-Ning shot him like 4 or 5 times in the chest 
- Aaah, zombie is lucid now
- Wu Xie ain't doing too good right now 
- Those are some nasty bruises. Caused by the poison gas/blood, I'm guessing 
- WTF made you think drinking the water in a tomb chamber was a good idea? 
- Xiaoge's shown emotion a total of 3 times in 5 eps, and 2 of those have been worry for Wu Xie
- Whatcha looking for, Xiaoge? 
- Huh, no-one even thought to look under there, just assumed the box was all that was interesting 
- Kirin blood?!  
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- And how did A-Ning know what it was, esp from that distance? 
- Pan Zi, you are like the second most badass person here next to Xiaoge
- Also, I am no longer feeling sorry for A-Ning 
- You owe these people your life, A-Ning, and this is how you repay them? 
- Xiaoge isn't too impressed. After all Pan Zi ain't Wu Xie 
- Oh, that seems like a fair deal. 
- I am pleased with the amount of Xiaoge in this ep
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- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 9 for Wu Xie, 12 for the protagonists, 13 for everyone
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- Not gonna count his offer to A-Ning as a rescue, since he didn't bother waiting to see if she'd accept before he went ahead and saved his future bf 
- This is the softest I've seen him look all show
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- Pan Zi is much nicer than I would have been. I would have probably punched her 
- Then again, they've made a fuss a few times about treating her differently because she's a woman, ugh
- Hahah, Xiaoge just getting up and walking off without any explanation for poor Wu Xie
- Wu Xie seemed so concerned, like he thought he'd done something wrong 
- Then all worried, aww 
- Hahah, Xiaoge not even gonna wait for A-Ning, just gonna go find her guys all by himself 
- Several *thousand*? No wonder Wu Xie's gagging
- Oh, eating super old kirin blood is what made Xiaoge's blood magical? Does that mean Wu Xie's blood is also magic now? 
- Just Chengcheng in danger, Sanshu? What about High Shao? 
- What about climbing the tree? 
 - Sanshu saying exactly what I just did
- There's sunlight already coming through, will you even need to dig a hole? That sunbeam on the corpses was pretty big 
- Pan Zi like "of course I can climb all the way up there with a hole in my gut and several other injuries"
- Of course Wu Xie is gonna worry about A-Ning getting out as well. He wouldn't be Wu Xie if he didn't 
- Wu Xie is such a nice boy 
- Pan Zi is also pretty forgiving 
- Pangzi, you just can't take people being sincere with you yet, can you? 
- That's some depressed fatalism there
- Sanshu now doing his part to convince A-Ning by appealing to her sense of responsibility for her men 
 And there we go for ep 5! It only took me...5 hours for a 40 minute ep 
We end with Xiaoge Rescue Count at 9 for Wu Xie, 12 for the protagonists, 13 for everyone
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moldy-mold · 5 years
Diary Post: My Thoughts and Processes on Making “Silent Strength” It’s lengthy, taking place over long period of time. Mainly written for my future-self to remember what I went through, but also for anyone who is curious. Now that the project is over, I can post without reservations. There are certain things I need to keep secret though, so if I’m vague I do so intentionally!
Basically, a lot of number-crunching, physical labor, and psychological labor.
It started off as kind of a joke tweet I made. I had enough content to make a Tales Of art book and people were receptive to it. So… I thought maybe I could go somewhere with this. A few weeks later, I suddenly had a lot of Kratos art. Like. 80% of all my Tales art was Kratos. It didn’t make sense to make a broad Tales Of book when really most of it was Kratos.
I hadn’t made a book since I was in college despite it being one of my favorite things to do. They were never art books, just some editorial design projects that totally didn’t count. This book… would be my first-ever art book.
Several times, I came close to having enough art to print a book - the last time was my large collection of Yusuke Kitagawa, but the quality wasn’t where I wanted.  At that time, I was still experimenting with my iPad Pro and figuring out Procreate, so that was what I used him for.
NGL, I was pretty afraid of looking like a clown. After doing all this work, what if no one actually buys it? I was talking to some friends and they said they would buy it. It was enough for me. In the end, I’m creating something that I love. - The first thing I really wanted to work on was the cover. It needed to be epic but also mysterious (lol)… It was a good time to practice lighting and backgrounds. The cover had to be freaking Fantastic. I spent 3 days drawing nonstop. I was on vacation so I could spend full days just drawing. It was really intense. I would stop in the evenings to go for a run or else my legs would never get circulation again.
The hardest part was keeping it secret. I wanted to share it with the world right away bc I was so proud of it. Well, all I could do was show it to my parents and some close friends. They didn’t know who Kratos is, but it was obvious I was crazy about him.
Initially, I was doing some hand-lettering for the zine title instead of using a typeface. Tbh, I was so sure I was naming this zine “Blame Your Fate!” bc that is such an iconic line. But it just didn’t work with my cover, which looked… a little too serene for that. So… Silent Strength or Divine Strength? I asked around and got my answer.
But what size? All of my art has been on letter canvases. I wanted it to be large so you could see the details in the art. I’ll just start with that. - Luckily, I had all my Kratos-related art in one place. I started my InDesign file and threw everything in there just to see what it looked like. Man, I draw a lot of boxes… But I didn’t want them all next to each other. I also wanted to kinda organize it by the people Kratos hangs out with. There’s a Yuan section LOL… and a Lloyd section… and an Anna section. Idk, I tried to get some kind of order in there with a sprinkling of full spreads here and there to keep it fresh and interesting for the eyes.
I hadn’t worked with InDesign on such an intense level since college. I forgot all of the tips and tricks we learned in class. Spent some time reading on how to do things again… like adding page numbers. - I started drafting my pre-order form. It’s my first time making a google form like this. It’s kind of fun? I spent a long time on it, despite how simple it was. This was going to be my “Store” so it had to look and sound good. - My friend introduced me to charm-making. It seemed easy enough, and I wanted to give my zine more oomph. Besides, I’ve always wanted to make a charm.
I remember someone saying they’d buy a book of just the 4 Seraphim if it existed. I like them too and they lack art imo. In the end, I decided to do a polaroid charm. It’s not really that unique but I wanted Kratos to have actual friends to hang out with for once LOL.
She was going to do a group order to try to reduce the costs. I thought maybe 4 weeks would give me enough time. In the end she said I only have 2. I work well under pressure, so needless to say, I did make that deadline. I actually sketched the whole thing on the plane headed home. - After playing the game the second time, watching the OVA again, and reading “Offerings to a Star,” I have gained a real soft spot for Yuan.  My friend once said, “If you weren’t stolen away by Kratos, you would be in love with Yuan.” Lol. I’ve been in a “Kratos and Yuan hanging out” mood lately, so of course I needed something good for the zine. They’re so cute together! Now… what is the bro-est thing I can draw?
I was currently in Florida for my friend’s wedding. I was friends with the groom and his best man since high school, so that makes it 10 years now. Seeing how they’re still friends after all this time, despite living in opposite sides of the country, was really moving to me. Of course, me being me, I could see Kratos and Yuan’s long friendship being similar to this, if they had gone to school together. I just had to draw it. - When I got back from vacation, I did some research on zine sizes. Mine was HUGE compared to others. I just didn’t quite realize it until I held a magazine in my hands. It really is huge…
I settled for a medium size. 7x9. I really liked how it looked. Petite but not too petite. Unfortunately resizing my book had messed up my artwork placement so I spent hours rearranging all the text and resizing my images. I found out afterwards that there’s a way to retain the format while changing the document size. Gee, that would have been helpful 4 hours ago.
Sadly, choosing a custom size booklet makes printing more expensive. But I wanted it badly enough that I’d be willing to pay for it. Letter size is just too large… - I decided to stop dragging my feet and post a promo. I just really needed a deadline for myself to get this all done before July ended. I’m happy it was well-received. A lot of people like Kratos huh…
Anyway, the pre-order is due in a week and I still don’t know what all the costs are yet. I need a physical proof ASAP to weigh at the post office! - Something possessed me one day to do another drawing. I don’t usually do painterly style (mainly because it’s really difficult and takes 10x longer) but I just REALLY wanted to push myself on this Final Piece to the zine. I wanted it to be… radiant. Almost religious. I worked on it obsessively. From breakfast to sundown. The only time I would stop was at 7pm to go running or else my legs would give out on me.
Call me crazy, but I would save my progress on my phone so I could examine it for errors during my warmup. I also spend an hour examining it for errors before going to bed. It’s a miracle I hadn’t dreamt of the painting. - I sent my files in on Sunday in hopes that they start working on it first thing on Monday…. and it HAPPENED! They finished before I even woke up. I think they start work at like 6am…
Of course, I drove over there as soon as I heard so I can get a look. “Please… please let the colors be okay,” I prayed as I was driving. I barely remember driving there, I was so lost in thought. It would be another long ordeal if I had to fix all the colors.
Thank the stars. The press proof looked BEAUTIFUL!! I was screaming to the client coordinator how much I loved it. I mean, I worried for a looooong time that everything would turn out too dark (it usually does) but it was PERFECT. I was especially worried about the cover, which contained a lot of yellow and I def did not want it to come out mustardy… But it was great in the end!
The press operator is a quiet man. He’s got a scary face and never smiles but I think he’s secretly nice. He has done a lot of favors for me in the past without my asking. He was the one to print, bind, and trim the book for me. Obviously he had to have seen what I was drawing. I wonder what he thought of it…? He walked away before I could express how happy and thankful was. He didn’t need to hear it. It was like he already knew. So cool…
I immediately took it to the post office to weigh it. I needed as much info as I could get and plus, I was dying to know for myself. This is the week I was supposed to open pre-orders and there was still a lot I needed to do. Take pictures, create mockups, pricing, etc.
NGL, all of these costs were building up fast. It was so darn expensive to make a zine while also keeping prices down. But I wanted so much more for my baby. Extra glossy cover, perfect binding!! I knew by the end of this, I probably wouldn’t make much money. It hurt a little, but I tried to think that it was for the greater good. Learning experience and all that. And creating something beautiful. Especially something beautiful of Kratos. - Pricing was really the hardest part. I pretty much threw profit out the window. However, I definitely did not want to be losing money. My dad and I had worked together to create a spreadsheet of expenses to make sure my head was above water. I followed it… loosely.
My friend came to talk to me at the right moment. I was sort of panicking at the prices. She made me realize I was thinking way too hard about it and gave me some tips based on her own experience. It really put my mind at ease talking to someone who understands my woes.
The truth of the matter is, the book is wonderfully made and has a lot of pages - countless hours of drawing. There is only so much I can do about pricing. It is what it is… I just needed to come to terms with my own worth. - Boy, what am I going to do once the zine is done? My friend says that I’ll be so over Kratos that I’ll stop drawing him (but the love remains). It’s like… all of the intense planning, working, struggling nonstop will just suddenly… stop. TBH, I’m running out of ideas. I spent it all on the zine. - Photoshoot today. I had to paint my nails purple for this occasion. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the look I wanted in the apartment. It’s just so naked without props. I think I’ll take it to a cafe for some nicer backgrounds. I talked it over with my friend and decided to do a quick flip-through of the zine as a promotional video. I used the most professional video program I had on hand… Snapchat. It actually turned out pretty legit and of course I slapped stickers on there because it’s Snapchat.
I had to tape/hide some of the pages for the video because I wasn’t actually done with the drawings. I had the printers print it anyway so I could examine it for color accuracy.
I’m really stressed about pricing now. It turns out I had a lot more international fans than I anticipated. I wish I took notes on interest earlier in the game to cater to them. I had a list of “possible buyers” and I only just now decided to check where they live? Foolish.
I did another cost analysis on paper to figure out what my goal was to make up for the charms. Right now they’ve cost me a fortune for something that was supposed to be giveaway. Other things that rack up are packaging costs, PayPal fees, and some other supplies I needed for this project.
Maybe I shouldn’t have made it 40 pages. It is an impressive number, but no one is really paying for quantity. I think 25 is a better number lol. If I had done that, I could have had my super-gloss cover like I wanted. :’(
There is hope though. And I’ve placed it in the hands of my followers to come through for me. I think I’ll open pre-orders on Saturday or Sunday, depending on what I finish. - “Losing your cool will only lead to poor decisions.” 
Thanks, Kratos twitter bot. You always know what to say.
I read this post today on what makes people buy zines. Very interesting!
 https://twitter.com/andythelemon_/status/1141469048653398019 - Photoshoot part 2 today. My friend and I went to a cafe nearby that had some nice atmosphere in hopes of finding the right shots. I brought all of my Kratos merch just in case. I’m glad I did though, since the tables were pretty sparse and it was difficult to capture the backgrounds without getting a bunch of random people in it too.
I would have been the photographer, but I definitely wanted my hands in the shots. In a way, it was meaningful - to show that this was made by my own two hands. Plus, I wanted to depict natural interaction with the product. It made it feel real.
The photos were cute! I feared it would look a little amateurish with all the merch in there, but I think fun was what I was really going for, not “professional.” And plus the flip-through was a Snap anyway LOL. As long as the photos have good lighting and tasteful composition, you really can’t go wrong with “fun.”
Now that I’ve finished editing my photos, there really isn’t anything holding me back from opening pre-orders. I’ve pretty much come to terms with my pricing. If I fail to break even, I’ll just have to open commissions to try to make up for it. I was telling my friend on the way home, “I gave this zine EVERYTHING I had to give. So at the very least, I won’t be disappointed in myself.” No stone left unturned, no detail left unchecked. It was perfect according to my standards. I really love my zine okay?!
I thought I was crazy for not only choosing a small fandom, I narrowed it down even further by picking ONE GUY to make this zine about. She replied, “Even if it’s small, those people who love him now must be EXTREMELY LOYAL to still be in love with a character from a 15-year-old game. All of them will want your zine.” - I went to bed that night with the intention of making the pre-order post live in the morning. I was so nervous I couldn’t sleep. I was wide awake until at least 5 or 6 am. Luckily, I was able to doze off for a an hour or two before I would shake myself awake again. It was a mixture of anxiety and excitement. It was the moment of truth - to see if all my effort made a difference. Was it going to sell? - The pre-order post looked really freaking good. I’ll give it that. I even made a YT account just to post that darn preview video on tumblr lol. It was definitely fun seeing everyone’s excitement and we all just freaked out together.
I broke even! That’s what really matters. Honestly at this point, I couldn’t care less if I made profit or not. I now know how much people really like the zine and that alone made me so happy I could die.
I was particularly fascinated at Google Form’s ability to transfer all the data collected into a spreadsheet. That is extremely helpful. I spent hours organizing the data. It was really fun…?! Now I can tell who gets invoiced and who paid and separate them into categories. IT’S FANTASTIC!
Stayed up late researching how much adding tracking could be. I had a slight panic attack thinking “what if my books got lost in transit?” It would really hurt me to have to reprint books and ship them again. And then I realized I will need to fill out customs forms for all international orders. Yikes, I’m gonna be living at the post office lol. You can print them out at home if you fill out the form online but there are still some things I’m uncertain about. I may visit the post office later this week to ask all my questions. - This morning I sent out everyone’s invoices. I gave the international people the option to purchase tracking. It’s expensive… but I need to provide that option just in case.
I received a nice message from someone who offered to advertise for me on Instagram. Of course, I gave them the OK! I’m really so shocked they would do that… They said the liked the zine so much it deserved more exposure. My dude… I love you… T_T
I thought about advertising on insta myself earlier in the week. For some reason I felt it was going to be fruitless since I don’t have an art account on there with a following. So, I gave up on the idea. Hey it worked out in the end.
I’ve never been so organized in my entire life. I want this zine experience to be perfect. The people have placed their trust in me, so I cannot mess up. - Edited some pages in the zine. The typography must be perfect… It made me think back to undergrad days in graphic design school. Man, if only I can present this as a project - photos, videos, matching accessories and all. I’d probably get an A lol. - Orders slow down after the first day. The rest is just about getting new people to see the post and giving other people more time to decide.
I finished my Kratos stationery today. It’s going to be so cute. My friend said people would want to buy it but I don’t have it in me to do more products at this time. Plus, I want it to be a surprise.
Why make stationery? Well my real job (no, I don’t draw Kratos all day for a living) is a stationery designer! It would feel really wrong not to put into practice what etiquette I’ve learned in this business. Plus, I felt that it was necessary to properly thank all those who ordered. And it’s fun?
I started designing the shipping labels for the domestic orders since I don’t need to fill out a customs form for those. I wish I had sticker labels but… it’s okay. It will still look good in the end. - Every so often, I would get nervous at the amount of money I’m responsible for. Perhaps, if I had a store with existing products I wouldn’t feel this way, but the fact that the books haven’t been printed yet made me scared. I know, I need this money to even print the books in the first place, but I’m just baffled at my customers’ trust in almost a total stranger. I felt pressured that I could not let them down and lose that trust. It probably didn’t help that I watched a documentary on Elizabeth Holmes (Theranos) that day.
So, I prayed every single day that nothing would go wrong. I’d check my spreadsheet constantly for any mistakes. It was a little obsessive, but I would rather be that than overlook something.
I began collecting cardboard boxes. My plan was to cut them up to protect the books during transit. I would have preferred hard envelopes but they were a bit pricey. If I have to do more work myself, so be it.
I’ve been getting nice DMs from some buyers. I think my invoice due date scared them… I really did not intend to be strict, but I wanted people to pay now if they can rather than forget about it. This happens at work all the time, so the best thing to do is have it due immediately. It would not look good to have to wait on stragglers when I close pre-orders, so I’ll probably reach out when there is one week left. - My Kratos stationery arrived! Aww it is SO CUTE!!! My babies… I have a lot of notes to write so I got started right away. It’s going to be a lot of work trying to come up with creative ways to say “thank you,” but I don’t mind. I said I was going to put my all into the zine experience so I will.
At long last, the charm order has been put in motion. My friend said it could take a while… I hope it won’t be longer than 3 weeks. I really do not want to keep everyone waiting. I may ship out the ones who did not win a charm first. I mean, there is no reason to make those guys wait. I should ask the charm winners if they still want to wait and see if anyone wants to give it up for someone else who is more patient. Hm. - I finally stopped by the post office today to collect customs forms. I have my work cut out for me since I’m filling all of them in by hand. D:
I’m not used to international addresses so I think I’ll ask for help in checking them for spelling errors and typos. Heaven forbid I mess up on the very last part of the zine experience.
In my nervousness, I decided to reach out about invoices early on. If someone wanted to cancel, I would rather find out sooner rather than later. Everyone was really nice about paying and thank goodness they’re still excited.
Feeling kind of overwhelmed by all the things I need to do, but it’s a good thing. If I don’t know what to do, I can either: cut cardboard, write letters, type shipping labels, draw more Kratos for a… possible volume 2? Someone I talked to today already said they’ll pre-order a second book if I make one. Omg I think I’ll die. But we’ll see. It’s just a joke right now haha… - Preorders end today. I had another nightmare last night that the books could not be printed properly and there was nothing I could do. Why do I keep getting nightmares about the zine! I had one a few days before about people canceling their orders when I asked them about the invoices. I’ll take these dreams with a grain of salt. I’m probably just stressed/worried but everything is going to be okay. When I open my eyes, nothing is on fire.
I received my final proof a few days ago. With all of the artwork completed and changes applied. The book looks good, no doubt about it. There was only one thing I was nit-picky about but it can be fixed. The press operator offered to print another book for me to inspect. I’ll go see it on Monday and then submit the rest of the orders. I also asked to to have a meeting with the press operator so we are on the same page. It would be beneficial to have an understanding of how my book is made so that I may be more helpful to him.
I spent the day preparing shipping labels. I hate to admit, I am not too familiar with the format international addresses so I had an address validator open as I was typing them in. For the most part, everyone was helpful in already formatting their addresses in the preorder form! - My parents called me the day after preorders were closed. They wanted to say congratulations on my success. No one thought it would do this well. I couldn’t be offended by that since I was also guilty of it. I’m happy though. It feels like my love spread across the world and was contagious.
I tried to think of what advice I would give to others. Obviously, genuine love for the subject and hard work were a necessity. But it would be good to consider value. If I were selling it at this price, I had to make sure my pieces and presentation looked the part. I ask myself, if someone else sold it, would I buy it?
I sent out messages to all the charm winners in the morning. I wanted to apologize profusely at the ridiculous amount of time it has taken to get them made. But no, I’ve got to stop apologizing. I stated the facts and left it at that. Everyone was really kind and patient⁠—to which I was thankful for. I don’t usually get that when I’m working customer service. - All the books were done printing in one day. Wow! I went to pick it up immediately of course. I can’t believe all of this is coming to an end. I finished preparing the mailers. All that was left was to stuff and seal the domestic orders. They were the easiest to do so I’m going to ship those first. The rest will need customs forms, which I haven’t filled out just yet. It’s going to be a while for those…
The mailers were quite sturdy with the cardboard cutouts I slipped in them. I have nothing to worry about. I’m sure my babies will be okay! - I took a whole box of domestic orders to the post office today. Wasn’t sure what to expect. But my clerk had to input every single address one at a time while I checked for errors. Omg, why are the post office shipping labels SO HUGE. I thought it was going to be half the size. And they’re ruining my designer labels! Slight panic but oh well…
I had a long long line behind me. I’m so sorry, people. Luckily there were two clerks or I would be really sweating. Despite my intimidating box of zines, the clerk and I had Synergy and we managed to ship all of these in about 15 minutes. I received a very long receipt and quite the bill lol. - Shipped the international orders today. I was kind of a mess since I had no idea what to do. I keep wondering if I can help speed up the process in any way but I don’t think I have the option to ship first-class at home.
When shipping international, keep the post office copy of the customs forms together with the package since they use that to type the address info into the system. Also, we get free tracking, which I did not know about. The other clerk told me that we did not get tracking for international first-class but I guess he was misinformed. It’s good to know for next time. - The charms finally arrived!! And THEY’RE HOLOGRAPHIC?! It was pretty awesome, but it makes picture-taking kind of difficult!! Anyway, I was a tiny bit disgruntled that they got my order incorrect, and I even asked for a reprint. But they said no, so I left it at that. Besides, it seems the holographic effect was well-received.
I like this size that I made. It’s really cute! Larger than your normal charm but not too huge. It’s almost like an Instax photo! - There was one customer who I found lives near me! I asked her if she wanted me to hand-deliver it to her in a public setting and she agreed (to my amazement). We finally met a few days ago and talked for hours and hours lol! I’m glad to have finally made a new friend here in this town but of course she’s moving away in two weeks. <:’3
We’re going to meet again to make the most of her time left. - I shipped the rest of the orders on the following Monday. I HAD to get these out. The poor guys have been waiting over a month! I think I picked a bad time to go because I had a huge line behind me and only one guy working. People in line were getting antsy or mad. The clerk at the other post office was super fast but not this guy…
For some reason shipping to the UK and Japan nearly doubled in price since the last time I checked. RIP. T_T - Omg I finally made a mistake. I wrote a letter to the wrong person. And the contents of that letter are too personalized!!! I am dying of embarrassment!!!!! Screams!! Had to apologize to both customers too!!! Luckily they were good sports about it but I’m seriously kicking myself AAAAAAAA!!!! - The most rewarding part after sending all my babies away is seeing the commentary on my project. It is so so nice to receive positive feedback. People are happy! Happy with something I created out of thin air. Everything was worth it 1000 times over. I can die happy!
I’m especially thankful to those who show understanding for how much effort went into it. It definitely wasn’t easy and I poured way too many hours into it… not that I regret that.
I don’t want to jump the gun but I would really love to make a volume 2. Because I know I can do better than last time. New and improved art and comics! But we’ll see if I make enough pieces for another book. I was against printing 40 pages before but now I kind of like it. It feels more worth it than a 25-page zine. If i’m going though so much effort, might as well bring in the entire package.
I’ll be printing more of this volume for Aselia Con 2020. Now I know people will appreciate it.
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ettadunham · 5 years
A Buffy rewatch 5x19 Tough Love
aka you are not immune to… internalized bi erasure?
Welcome to this dailyish (weekly? bi-weekly?) text post series where I will rewatch an episode of Buffy and go on an impromptu rant about it for an hour. Is it about one hyperspecific thing or twenty observations? 10 or 3k words? You don’t know! I don’t know!!! In this house we don’t know things.
And in today’s episode Tara’s not perfect and gets her mind sucked out for it, we kick off the season’s multi-episode finale arc by revealing Dawn to Glory, and we draw some weird parallels between two of our dynamics. Perhaps mostly though, I’ll just talk about Willow’s sexuality, because at some point, we need to properly address that elephant in the room.
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Okay, so, let’s just kick this off. If you’ve been in this fandom long enough, you’ve been inevitably exposed to the discourse of Willow’s sexuality. And you might be asking now… what’s the big deal anyway? Isn’t art up to interpretation? Wasn’t that one of my main motivations for this rewatch? Why does it matter that parts of the audience ascribe different labels to Willow?
And well… that’s valid, but it also misses a crucial element of our media, one that I alluded to in my rant about Whedon character deaths. Art doesn’t happen in a vacuum. And the significance of that is only amplified for folks and groups whose experiences aren’t recognized or seen by society in the first place.
To them it will matter whether or not someone recognizes a character by a certain label. Because a refusal to do so feels like an erasure of their own identities. That’s what makes this whole discussion complicated in the first place.
Now, am I the best person to do a deep dive on this? No. Especially not in one of these barely proof-read long rant posts. I’m sure you can find much better sources, so please do that. But it’d feel disingenuous to ignore it too, so I’m just gonna address it to the best of my abilities as well as provide my own in-universe interpretation of what it could mean for the characters.
Great. Now for that pesky discourse.
Personally my go-to analogy to describe it is the classic Shrek onion one.
You see, you peel away a layer of the Willow’s sexuality onion… and it’s still an onion. You peel away all the layers, you chop it up, and sure, it remains an onion, but now everything’s a mess and you’re crying.
The issue is that you kind of need to peel those layers away anyway if you want to truly divorce yourself from the binary thinking that the show itself often engages with. Which is what’s arguably gotten us into this mess in the first place.
Because however you view Willow’s sexuality, you can’t deny that the show is doing a lousy job defining it. Willow does identify as gay/lesbian as of 5x11 and through the end of the series, but the language the show uses makes it impossible to just leave it at that.
In Doppelgangland, when Willow meets her vampire self, she describes her as “kinda gay”. Not gay, but kinda gay. We also see Vampire!Willow making out with Vampire!Xander in The Wish beforehand, so if Vamp!Willow is supposed to tell us something about Willow’s own sexuality, then it’d stand to reason that she’s bi. Right?
Well, apparently not. But then we run into her actual line in 5x11 where she first uses a label, saying “Hello, gay now!”. Notice, it’s gay now. As in Willow just woke up one day and turned gay. The same joke(?) is repeated in Intervention, where one of the characteristics that was programmed into Buffybot about Willow was saying Gay(1999 - ).
Now, that’s not to say that Willow can’t just have a fluid sexuality and identify anyway she fucking wants to, and she doesn’t need to justify her label to anyone. She fell in love with Tara, and that made her reconsider her own identity. Season 7 almost ends up addressing this too in a scene I think, so that’ll be nice to get to.
The issue mostly comes from the show skipping to engage even with the possibility that Willow (or anyone for that matter) might be attracted to more than one gender at the same time. The closest we get to this is with the love triangle setup in New Moon Rising, except I guess in this love triangle Willow also chose a sexual orientation?
It’s like that episode was the quantum superposition of Willow’s Schrödinger’s sexuality, and upon observation, it locked into either one of its two states. That’s why Tara’s been talking about getting a cat in that episode! Guys, we solved it!
Notice also that I’ve yet to really talk about Willow’s sexual history before Tara in regards to this… because for me that’s sort of less part of the point? If Willow was a real person, and you knew that she had this adorable boyfriend before she identified as a lesbian, you wouldn’t go up to her and question how she defines her own sexuality. I mean… I hope so? Don’t be a fucking asshole.
But that’s both the fallacy of the argument and the reason why you should still respect the label Willow identifies with. Because Willow is not real, she’s a fictional character, and therefore arguments can and should be made about how the show portrays her sexuality… And yet, the people who identify with Willow are very much real, and so are their own experiences of people dismissing their own chosen identities.
So, there you go folks. These are my two cents. Willow’s gay, but we need to acknowledge how the show appears to be either completely unaware, or actively dismissive of the existence of bisexuality. This even comes up in the S8 comics, where Buffy’s sexuality after having a relationship with a woman is continuously referred to as essentially “not-gay”. Because I guess in the Buffyverse canon these are your only two options.
Now that we got all that out of the way, we can briefly talk about this episode, I guess.
To keep it on track, I guess we should dissect the argument between Willow and Tara that sort of caused me to whip this whole discussion out here.
Now, this is a fascinating scene, because it pivots a lot, and reveals a lot about the characters and their insecurities. It also appears to be fueled by Willow’s own lack of self-reflection and Tara’s non-confrontational nature.
It starts with Willow complaining to Tara about how Buffy appears to be trying to be more strict with Dawn. Willow is obviously identifying with Dawn in the situation. But Tara says she completely understands Buffy.
This then probably reminds Willow of Buffy earlier telling her that she wouldn’t understand when she was talking to her about Dawn, which causes a mood shift in Willow. It also reminded me of season 3 of Buffy telling Willow the same thing regarding her connection with Faith, so as a Buffy/Tara shipper that association kind of delights me, ngl.
But as Tara pushes further, seeing that something is bothering Willow, she reveals the insecurity behind it. Willow isn’t just responding to Tara having this wisdom through this major, tragic life experience that she can relate to Buffy with; it’s that Tara’s done all of this so much longer than she has. She’s been a witch all her life. She’s been out much longer.
That however then triggers Tara’s own insecurities about Willow rapidly surpassing her in her own magical abilities, and says that that “frightens” her. She tries walking back on her choice of word later, but it’s too late, and Willow locks into that.
Now, this is some riveting stuff. Because with foreknowledge, the easiest interpretation here is that this will relate back to Willow’s abuse of magic in season 6. That deep down Tara already sees what having this much power will do to her girlfriend.
This is arguably even reinforced in the episode with Willow going after Glory. It’s once again foreshadowing, Willow attempting to take revenge for something that’s been done to Tara; but it also betrays a certain arrogance in Willow. She actually believes that she can take on Glory, a supposed God. (Which, honestly? She probably could by season 7.) That’s the kind of power that she wields and how she chooses to use it.
Still, in the argument itself Tara pushes this fear of hers in a slightly different direction, saying that she’s afraid that she wouldn’t be able to fit into Willow’s life, after all these changes. And that’s where the previous discussion fits in.
Perhaps to understand Willow’s response, we should remember how magic has been used as our lesbian metaphor for almost a whole season. Because she almost immediately jumps to the conclusion, that Tara’s afraid that she would… go back to boys? Which is of course a classic, toxic stereotype used against bisexuals, despite the fact that no one here canonically identifies as bi, so add that to the discourse.
More importantly, it’s said by Willow. Now, Tara totally drops the ball here, asking her “Should I be?”, which reinforces the validity of Willow’s assumption that it’s actually something that Tara is thinking. Even someone as perfect and precious as Tara is not immune to propaganda.
In Tara’s defense, she once again tries dancing back on it, and talking it out before Willow storms out, but yeah. While I’d like to think that Tara’s question came more from a place of general insecurity, regardless of the gender of Willow’s next possible love interest, she sure fucked up in that moment.
Still, the fact that it’s Willow jumping to this debate, might just tell us more about Willow herself and how she sees herself.
Let’s go back to Restless for a bit. In that episode, Willow’s fear was ended up being about how she was scared that deep down she was still the same girl that she was in high school. That all these things she developed through college that made her stand out were just a facade, and that she was merely hiding her true identity as the same lonely loser she believed herself to have been back then.
So… and bear with me here… if we take that fear as a core motivation for Willow’s character, we can interpret the way she identifies her sexuality as a means to distance herself from her old identity. From this perspective, it’d perhaps even make sense for her to feel insecure about a supposed attraction to men, because she sees that as a regression to her old identity.
I can not stress it enough that this is merely a possible interpretation though. And one that would really only become satisfying if season 7 - which was already largely about reconciling with these different aspects of her identity for Willow aside the obvious theme of power - ended up tying it all together with Willow re-defining her own sexuality. It didn’t though, so I’m still left with the same conclusions, and this thought experiment of a character analysis.
Anywho, this is getting so very long, and there are still a few things that I wanted to touch upon this episode. Mainly the parallel we’re drawing between Willow / Tara and Buffy & Dawn throughout.
Normally, I love a good parallel storytelling. It’s efficient and makes the whole thing more cohesive. Here however, they manage to drive the parallel home so hard, that it just becomes weird at some point.
Like the fact that we have these two conflicts in the two relationships, arguably anchoring the episode? That’s good stuff. I also like the fact that Willow and Tara’s argument grows out of their discussion about Buffy and Dawn’s situation.
There’s actually a lot of great interaction in the entire episode. I love Dawn opening up to Spike about how she feels responsible for what would happen to Tara, and how she feels like she can’t be good because of all the terrible things happening around her. That’s a brilliant scene. Spike’s “Well, I’m not good and I’m okay”? I actually love him in that moment, not even gonna lie.
Buffy thinking that she actually convinced Willow to not go after Glory reminded me of a scene in Angel the series, where the gang thinks they managed to curve Fred’s impulses to axe murder her old professor. Do you all even know these people you call friends??? But again, I liked that exchange.
And okay, Buffy needed to be reminded what she would do if something happened to Dawn to realize what Willow was planning. Fine.
But then you’ve got the doctor asking Willow if Tara was her “sister” (to which she of course replied “She’s my everything”, and it’s fine, I’m fine), and then in the last scene, Buffy explicitly equating Willow’s need to take care of Tara with her own feelings regarding Dawn.
Again, I understand parallel storytelling. I love it. But when you’re equating a romantic and a familial relationship there’s a point where it becomes weird, and for me, these two moments put it just over that edge. This is of course a deeply subjective perspective, and I recognize that.
And then you also get Buffy trying to take on these new adult responsibilities in the episode. She’s dropping out of college to try and care for Dawn, and is faced with the challenge to become a parental authority figure in her sister’s life. The scene where she explains to Dawn that the reason she’s being tough with her, is because otherwise she could be seen unfit to be her guardian just gutted me.
This episode is just way too much, guys. And we’re only just at the beginning of the big finish of this season.
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mhaccunoval · 5 years
i woke up like 20 min ago so I’m still in bed! i want to draw something today bc i haven’t drawn anything in weeks but alas........... I probably won’t end up doing anything lol. ur art is also totally 🔥🔥🔥 btw, when it comes across my dash it Gives Me Life
as someone who has a tendency to lay in bed for a while after waking up (on weekends or during summer at least), i feel.
i"m kinda in the mood to draw too ngl. haven't had a chance to all week because of school. but idk if i will. hopefully later if i do
and thank you!!! uwu
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powerpuffs · 7 years
jinhee x minhyun, minjun x jihyun, hani x nash (bc why not)
status: selectively accepting // @slideivy​
where was their first date ?: 
jinhee x minhyun: i don’t think they know when they first started hanging out together just by themselves buT if we go for first official date, it’s during that picnic date :’’)minjun x jihyun: do they ever date?!?!? they date inside jihyun’s house LMAO probably the first time minjun took her out was to watch a movie hani x nash: at that cafe :’’) but their real real date was prob at some mcdonald’s eating that big mac and fries
what my muse would do to cheer your’s up:
jinhee x minhyun: annoy him :(( although i dont think minhyun is capable of being annoyed at jinhee. she asks him whats wrong, gives him cuddles or blows him, there’s no in between. minjun x jihyun: cook for her!!! a full course meal!!! he takes care of her so well!hani x nash: to be honest, it’s nash that makes her feel bad all the time lol :–( she’s gonna have to find a way to cheer herself up before facing him
who wakes the other up with kisses ( and where ) ?: 
jinhee x minhyun: jinhee would!! she’d often let minhyun sleep in bc she wakes up early to do morning stretches and maybe clean around their house ( she always wanna help out!! ) and she’d wake him up with cheek kisses when she’s done so he could make breakfast :’)) minjun x jihyun: they don’t bc they both sleep in LOL but i guess if she’s in the mood, it’s going to be jihyun ((( lbr…. with the amount of times she woke him up with a bj… ))) just kissing him on the neck and shithani x nash: definitely hani!!!! she’s so sweet and cute prob wakes up earlier and watches him for a while, leaving soft kisses on his eyelids and cheeks huhhuhuhu
who would pour water on the other to wake them up ?:
jinhee x minhyun: OMFG I DONT THINK ANY OF THEM WOULD JDKSDGSDKG minjun x jihyun: deadass jihyun. it probably happened alr one too many times. hani x nash: neither!!!! nash would never do it to her and hani is too enamored to even try that shit lol
how my muse would wake your’s up:
jinhee x minhyun: kisses!!! whispering softy, sitting beside him on the bed and stroking his hair telling him to wake up bc he’s gonna be late :(( minhyun prob hugs her by the waist and they both end up falling asleep againminjun x jihyun: minjun wouldn’t dare LOL she’s always so tired and she deserves to sleep but if he does….. he’d probably wake her up by eating her out wow hani x nash: he doesnt wake her up :( he lets her sleep in and often she wakes up with him already out the door sighs
who would start a food fight while baking or cooking ?:
jinhee x minhyun: JINHEE!!!!!! she’s always always the one to first wipe the icing on his face or shower him with flour cries she doesnt help out in the kitchen much but when she does it’s meSSYminjun x jihyun: minjun but jihyun wONT EVEN BUDGE she just glares at him and he behaves LOLhani x nash: hani would bc whEN he cooks nash is so focused and concentrated he doesnt wanna fuck up LOL
who would suggest putting marijuana in the brownies ?:
jinhee x minhyun: rather than marijuana, i think either of them would suggest putting surprise m&ms inside the brownies. minjun x jihyun: neither??!?!?!??! jihyun would beat him up probhani x nash: NASH WOULD AND U KNOW IT ! ! ! ! !!
who said i love you first and how ( or when ) did they say it ?: 
jinhee x minhyun: MINHYUN DID!!!!! when she told him she was pregnant (( but not really )) LOLminjun x jihyun: minjun did (( also i cant believe we haven’t plotted about this??? )) they’re not very good at saying i love you but when they say it they’re shook hani x nash: NASH!!! when he thought she was asleep but she wasn’t huhuhu s ofuckin cute
who would get into a physical altercation over the other ?:
jinhee x minhyun: tbh i think jinhee has beaten up more guys than minhyun did LOL, so jinhee. minjun x jihyun: oh boy it’s minjun and jihyun HATES IThani x nash: definitely nash LMAO hani is an angel, nash is the complete opposite
who insists on purchasing a pet together ( and what kind of pet ) ?:
jinhee x minhyun: THEY ALREADY HAVE A PUPPY!!!!!!!!! but if anything, i think soon enough jinhee would suggest getting a corgi!!!! minjun x jihyun: MINJUN FINDS PUPPIES SOOOO CUTEEEEE but tbh in the end they’d probably get a goldfish bc jihyun doesnt trust him enough for a puppy’s well being LMAOhani x nash: hani would!!!!!!!! prob a cat or a dog :’))
who is louder ( in and out of bed ) ?:
jinhee x minhyun: LOL JINHEE IS A WALKING LIVING MEGAPHONE SHES ALWAYS SO LOUD!!!! when she talks she’s loud, when she laughs she’s loud, when she’s moaning she’s loud. minhyun likes her loud anyway :–))minjun x jihyun: JIHYUN TBHHK DJGKDSJFKSD minjun just out here whimpering like a little bitch but jihyun is definitely louder in bed, but outside of bed, minjun is louder!! he likes being the life of the party so he’s always making ppl laugh :’)hani x nash: HANI…………… nash prob tells her he loves it when she’s loud and so she gets louder everytime…. outside of bed…….. neither of them?? they’re not very boisterous people LOL
who takes more risks ( in and out of bed ) ?:
jinhee x minhyun: jinhee?? shes really adventurous in and out of bed and she’s always dragging minhyun around lolminjun x jihyun: risk-taking, i think it’s minjun outside of bed but inside it’s jihyun LOLhani x nash: NASH OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!! he’s the one that introduced her to everything…
who would bring up the word ‘daddy’ first ?: 
jinhee x minhyun: THIS IS SO UGLY!!!!! jinhee did it, i cant believe….. minjun x jihyun: none of them LMAO they kinkshame soyeon and jinhee for it :’((hani x nash: nash lowkey into that nastie ass shit……… teaches hani that kdgflsdkglsdgk  
what is their shared, favourite kink ?:
jinhee x minhyun: constant love and affection and opening yourself up to others and making commitments?!?!?! IM JOKINGGGFDSKGJFD maybe…. semi-public sex bc we all know what happened and what kept on happening LOLminjun x jihyun: omg idk if it’s a kink but they do love TESTING each other like… jihyun’s not gonna allow him to touch her for the rest of the night while they’re out and it results to gREAT SEX AFTER LMDFOSDKFShani x nash: bondage……………….. g2g!!!!!!!!
describe their typical kiss:
jinhee x minhyun: they kiss all the time, they dont have a reason to kiss but they do!! like minhyun’s cooking and jinhee reaches up on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek and he turns to her, hoists her up on the counter and they make out for a while as the food cooks LOL or he’s playing a game and he pauses it to kiss her for a while, they just!! love!! kissing!! minjun x jihyun: so soft and sweet surprisingly, bc minjun always gonna be initiating it and jihyun tries to resist him but she cant so she gives it and minjun kisses her really slow and really nice. often leads to sex ngl.hani x nash: they’re alw kissing harD nash is never going to let her breather or catch up to him kdgjdklgdflgkg he’s alw kissing her like he’s hungry and shes his prey :(( wtf
how my muse shows their love for your’s:
jinhee x minhyun: when does she not!!! she says things like “omg i love the way you put up the christmas lights” or “i love the way you did your hair today!!” also she supports him whnever and however she can, they’re just alw so understanding and loving towards each otherminjun x jihyun: by annoying her LOL he’s her significant annoyance after all but his constant presence is his way of showing his love.hani x nash: nash???? showing her proper affection??? LOL I GUESS EVENTUALLY he alw cuddles her and alw alw looks out for her!!! hes gonna fight anyone that hurts her 
their favourite ways to give affection:
jinhee x minhyun: oh my gosh!! they love holding hands!!! and hugging and kissing and cuddling pretty much everything!! but def in public they’re alw holding handsminjun x jihyun: lbr he alw wants her sitting on his lap so he pulls her down to sit hehe he loves giving her hugs too!!hani x nash: i feel like nash would love giving her kisses to the top of her head when he isnt giving her hickeys LOL
who is more dominate ?:
jinhee x minhyun: i think outside of bed jinhee is really dominant!! cuz thats who she is, she’s always leading?? but minhyun definitely shares it with her bc she always asks for his opinion on her decision first. in bed though………….. it’s totally minhyun, she loves being dominated. minjun x jihyun: jihyun LOL he’s her tiny lil pup!!!!!hani x nash: nash!!!!!! he loooooves dominating women
who sings in the shower ?:
jinhee x minhyun: minhyun and jinhee LOVES listening to him sing criesminjun x jihyun: minjun sings disney songs in the shower lmaohani x nash: hani!! nash just showers and goes LOL
who washes the other’s hair in the shower ?:
jinhee x minhyun: minhyun does sobs icb we have a thread like this LOL but she also washes his hair even if he has to bend down his knees LOLminjun x jihyun: jihyun!!!!! she alr takes care of him so well!!! hani x nash: neither….. they dont shower together dfjksjfdkg maybe nash would after hes done fuckin her in the shower ugh
who initiates shower sex despite being in a rush ?:
jinhee x minhyun: for some reason, i feel like minhyun would LMAO jinhee doesn’t like being late but if he promises he can do it in under 5 minutes then maybe she’d reconsider LOLminjun x jihyun: always…. minjun…… alw tryna get into her pants…hani x nash: maybe…. hani….. like it’s out of the blue…. nash willing to provide though!
who teases the other under the table at dinner with the family ?: 
jinhee x minhyun: MINHYUN KDJGKJGDFGKL he touched jinhee under the table when she first met his parents SO THERES THATminjun x jihyun: i feel like… minjun would but jihyun sWATS HIS HAND AWAYhani x nash: LOOOL hani’s fam doent like nash!!! he’ll never have the balls to touch her under the table while meeting them
who has the weirder taste in music ?:
jinhee x minhyun: jinhee bc minhyun drags her for listening to halsey ://///////minjun x jihyun: minjun doesnt listen to much music??? but prob him bc he loves pororo’s theme songhani x nash: LMAO I THINK THEY BOTH HAVE GREAT MUSIC TASTE
who would initiate dancing in the rain ?:
jinhee x minhyun: hmmmmm i think jinhee would shes highkey a romantic LOL and then they shower tgt :–)minjun x jihyun: NEITHER LMAOOOO they prob think those scenes in the movies are dumb afhani x nash: lol hani but nash would laugh at her
who would be the one to suggest marriage ?: 
jinhee x minhyun: WOW OK IM CRYING!!!! probably minhyun?? but i feel like it’s something they agreed on alr w/o talking about it…. they know they’re gonna get married…….. jinhee says shit like “i want to buy this for our house when we’re married” and minhyun is like “what about we get the blue one instead”minjun x jihyun: MINJUN SDGKJFDGFDKG even the first one to bring up children hani x nash: neither lmao……… but eventually, def nash.
what would they name their children ?:
jinhee x minhyun: PEANUT AND AEGI LMAOAOFSDJGKLK :((( they prob talk about this all the time that there’s a lot of choices huhuhuhu minjun x jihyun: MINJUN WANTS KIDS SO BAD!!! he prob alr planned it out like “seohyun” and “seongwoo” for their girl and boy TTTTTT matching names ofc!!hani x nash: would they ever have children….. kidding idt they talk about it….
who would their children take after more ?:
jinhee x minhyun: REMEMBER THAT PIC I SENT OMGGGG i think it’s going to be a mix, but def their bb girl gonna look like jinhee but grow tall bc of her dad **my hearttttt**minjun x jihyun: maybe minjun???? somehow i want them to have twin girl and boy OMG HOW PERFECT??!?!!? but personality wise, jihyun.hani x nash: cries if they do have kids, they’re gonna take after hani and nash loves it :(( 
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