#and ngl i was so happy that he was already back active on his instagram after a long time
gxtzeizm · 8 months
having a vivid dream really hurts like hell realizing that it's actually not freaking real because i was thought it was really true at that time 😭😭💔
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mayraki · 4 years
drew starkey x reader
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a lovely anonymous requested; could you please do a drew imagine where drew and reader are dating but they aren’t rlly public with it.(kinda like cole sprouse and lili reinhart...) fans really REALLY ship them and they go crazy for any pics of them, interviews, etc. one day a paparazzi photo is released of reader and drew kissing and they break the internet but they don’t address it and occasionally post photos of eachother (like drew posts film of her and stuff) thanks :D
“So, there’s been a lot of rumours lately.” The interviewer said. “The whole Obx fandom is going crazy over your chemistry with the actor who plays Rafe, Drew Starkey. I mean, you two would make a really cute couple, not going to lie here. We just want to clarify things here, so, is there’s something going on between you two?”
“Oh, Drew is a really nice guy and he’s now one of my best friends. We hang out all the time with the rest of the cast. He’s such a lovely guy. But we’re just friends, this happens all the time when you have a good relationship with someone, the fans start to ship. But, with Drew we’re just good friends.”
You finished the interview and closed the laptop you had in front of you. You sighed and then let your back rest on the back of the chair.
“Only good friends, huh?” Drew said behind you and you turned to him with a half smile.
“I think it’s time to go public, isn’t it?” You asked while you got up and walked towards him.
“Maybe, I kinda like the idea of showing you off.” He said and you let out a little laugh, wrapping your arms around his waist.
After a couple of months after the show came out on Netflix, pictures were going around the internet of you and Drew. The fans loved it, and they couldn’t stop talking about it. But, the fact that you were really close with the whole cast, your relationship was just a theory fans had.
“Babe, I think we need to get some groceries.” Drew said entering the living room after spending five minutes looking for something to eat. “I’m hungry.” He sat down next to you and let his head rest on your shoulder.
You put down the book your were reading and turned your head to him with a little smile. “Alright big baby, we’ll go.”
After getting dressed, you took Drews’ car to the little supermarket you had close to your apartment.
“What should be start with?” Drew said letting his arm go around your waist. You slowly pulled him away and he locked eyes with you confused.
“Babe, we haven’t gone public yet.” You said in a whisper.
“I’m sure the fans already know.” He shrugged his shoulder and started to walk inside the supermarket.
“What about if we try to make pizza tonight?” Drew asked.
“We?” You asked and he nodded looking at the cheese.
“Yeah, I think it would be a fun activity.” He said letting his arm go around your shoulders. “We’ve never cooked together.”
“You’re right. Fine, but I have to look for what we need.” You said grabbing your phone from your pocket and walking away. But Drew gently grabbed your arm pulling you closer to him and uniting his lips with yours.
“Dude!” You said trying to sound concerned. But you felt your stomach turned at his action and you couldn’t help but let out a little smile.
“Oh, c’mon, it’s not like people knows us here. It’s just a simple supermarket.”
It was true. Having paparazzis around you and the cast wasn’t something so common for you. The only time a paparazzi followed you was when you were with the intire cast playing around on a park.
As soon as you entered your apartment, your phone started to ring in your pocket.
“Maddie, what’s up?” You said after answering the phone call.
“Dude, check your instagram!” She said, and you noticed she was a little bit shooked.
“Why?” You asked calling Drew with your hand. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked towards you.
“Just do it. Go to your tags.”
“Alright. I’ll call you back.” You ended the call and opened the Instagram app.
“Is something wrong?” Drew asked. You shrugged your shoulders and once Instagram opened, you went to your tags.
“Oh my...” you said after looking at the million pictures of you and Drew kissing on the supermarket. “What the fuck!”
“We look kinda cute.” Drew said while looking at his phone and you turned to him.
You looked at the photos once again and clicked on one to read the comments.
ok but imagine their kid 😍
kinda jealous ngl
they’re so cute I can’t take itttt
she looks so tiny next to him!
I don’t know if I want to be her or him 🤔
“What now?” You asked when you blocked your phone.
“Well, there’s not much to do.” He said and then gave you a little hug. “How about, if we just post a selfie, with no caption.” He said with a smirk.
“You want to make everyone go crazy, do you?” You said while letting out a little laugh.
“Kinda.” He nodded and then opened the camera on his phone.
You let your head rest on the side of his chest while his arm was around your shoulders. You let out a little smile and then Drew took the picture.
“Done.” He said and then you opened your Instagram, reading the multiple comments the post was already having.
“They look so happy.” Drew read a comment and then locked eyes with you. “They couldn’t be more right.”
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aprilma3 · 5 years
So I was really tired right
And I kinda in my half awake state thought of the fic I was trying to look for but just decided to write it out since I couldn’t find one like it. So here’s the fic I really wanted to read because I’m a masochist and I love angst
Mari is drunk and annoyed, self reflects on how fucking stupid it is to pine after such an oblivious guy for over three years. Like does she even know him other than what she believes him to be.
Understands it’s not his fault since it’s his feelings and she can’t get mad at him just at herself. Oh and the ‘she’s just a friend’ she can get mad at that and she will. Literally smashes the pedestal she’s shoved him on and leaves herself a message on a post it
“Fuck mr she’s just a friend and be that fucking friend”
Mari understands her crush is too much of just a crush, understands she actually has to get to know the guy to feel like she can truly love him.
This leads to a hungover weekend of her just reflecting and going over this, ultimately her suffering heartbreak playing depressing music and basically breaking up with her previous self to be a fucking butterfly.
She’s now a lil worried about facing him on Monday just incase she bursts into tears but she goes fuck it I’ll just ignore his presence. Yeet
Mari, to ninny’s and alya’s surprise, manages to speak to Adrien normally since she’s managed to purge herself of her previous obsessive nature.
Alyas like holy shit you fucking mature ass bitch I Stan. Ninny’s like holy shit I’m so proud love u loads nette.
Adrien on the other hand is confused on where his cute little stuttering friend is. Marinette is back to acting indifferent towards him, as if she is just a friendly acquaintance again. He thought her little quirks and stutters were normal since that’s all he saw of her.
Adrien then basically starts to realise she’s kind of ignoring him, and actively going out of her way to not be alone with him.
Mari on the other hand is feeling fucking amazing, she finally feels independent and as if she can do fucking anything. And then Luka is like yo and she’s back into crush town
My baby girl is mature as heck now, understands that to truly like the guy she has to be friends with him first to get to know the guy. And then she finally realises she’s already pretty close friends with Luka and it just works. Something she’s never been able to do with Adrien.
Speaking of the banana boye. He’s having like a little crisis over here, my lil jealous dude tryna understand wtf is happening. He tries his hardest to see Marinette by even going as far as inviting her over or to do shit most days of the week.
She declines most of the time preoccupied with her job at the bakery alya or now Luka.
Adrien finds out about Luka through a picture on marinettes Instagram because modern relationships amirite.
Side note - Luka and Mari aren’t together they’re just testing the waters seeing what’s happenin
Adriens finally facing the ‘it’s just a friend’ consequences and realises fuck I’m too late
Adrien doing the whole drunk thing, this time actually doing the opposite of Mari and setting himself the aim of making the girl he realised he has a crush on as happy as possible.
Remember this time he doesn’t see LB in her so he’s not putting her against another gal, nor does he truly know how she acts. (Idk why I wrote it like I’ve written a fan fic about this before but I’ll roll with it)
Then he sees her whilst as chat due to her running out at an awkward time and nearly being punted into the Seine but quick ass reflexes saved her ass. Adrien is like wtf she is literally an everyday LB.
He starts to see her act like this all the time and actually falls in love, that cute lil pure love where he’s like if I can’t have you im sure as hell gonna make you happy even if it’s with another guy.
Issue with Luka, he’s going to the US for band shit and Mari is like well at least we tried she doesn’t wanna leave and is like we didn’t even date I met you like three times Yeet. (KEEP IT PG MAE DONT DO IT)
Mari obviously a lil heartbroken but not much compared to that drunk night TM
She gets over it with the help of her new best guy friend Adrien being there for her and cheering her up
Like he thought she was in-love with Luka
She wasn’t
She finally is like shit I love this
I love this Adrien
The true Adrien and is like holy shit I actually love him
This isn’t superficial or fake it’s true
She’s shit scared to tell because who wouldn’t be
Adrien is like she needs more time
So time passes a lil bit year 1 of uni about to start and Adrien is trying to spend as much time with the 4.
Story carries on but it’s the awkward they both like each other and it’s so obvious to everyone but themselves but they don’t think the other likes them back. So ANGST TM
They decide to go on holiday the 4 of them before uni starts.
They go to Italy bc why not just chill around Rome for a bit.
Adrien is like fuck this I gotta tell her I’ve waited long enough
Really big angsty reveal, Mari tells him about the night TM and Adrien tells her about his.
They cry bc Adrien is a cry baby confirmed because ofc he is he’s starved from any love because of mr cane up his ass Gabriel Agreste
Alya sees them next morning together (like they cried themselves to sleep (mood) together idk relationships n shit) because she went in early to get Mari for brekkie and is like holy shit my otp
Mari is like fuck it yeah I’m with my dream dude share it I’m not ashamed.
All is happy then they realise they gotta go back to Paris and the whole akuma shit.
LB makes a ref a while later on that chat links to Mari and is like head fuck wtf
Mari makes a few links with chat and banana boye, they both probs did since they had been dating for a while also both of them are actually smart they’re just idiots
Adrien figures it out first and is like fuck yeah I beat you. And is like I saw this coming ngl it’s so obvious now
Samezies with Mari and it’s all gd in the hood
So if anyone knows of a fic like this orrrr is like 30040403x more talented than me and can turn this garbled shit into an actual fic be my guest just tell me bc I would read the shit outta that
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attackofthezee · 6 years
WIP meme
Pretty sure I’ve done this before but I was tagged by @bangyababy (and one other person I think??? But it either got lost in my activity notifications or was a weird fever dream??) so I’m doing it again cause I wanna. Also wow I have too many wips so this is under a cut cause it got long as hell. 
The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Grad School Bucky Cap Steve (There’s literally two lines in this document?? Idk what I’m doing with it and it might be shuffled into the fanfic mortuary file next time I sort through fics.) 
Barnes Home For Wayward Kids (Bucky keeps showing up at home with orphans and so he and Steve just end up with like a whole house of them. It’s also probably going into the fanfic mortuary cause it hasn’t been touched since uhhhh last year?) 
Werewolf Cap Merica F* Yeah (What it says on the tin! The serum is actually lycanthropy. Steve jumps out of things and gives Bucky heart attacks. It is exactly what people should expect from me tbh.) 
Found Baby AU (I WILL ONE DAY FINISH THIS ONE I SWEAR. It features Vet!Bucky who finds a baby in a dumpster and ends up in Pediatrician!Steve’s office at like 1 am and IT IS JUST A LOT OF SOFTNESS AND ONE DAY I WILL FINISH IT.) 
NEW DRAGON AU This Time Featuring More Fae (Steve is a dragon and Bucky is fae and they 110% use fae magic and accidentally blood bind themselves to each other at like 9 years old oops. Sarah and Winifred are NOT amused.) 
Party Goblin Sequel (One time, years ago, I wrote a fic called Adulthood Is Just A Myth -shameless plug!- and it didn’t do incredibly well despite my love for it at the time buuuut I’ve had a sequel planned for it since pretty much the moment I finished it. It involves Bucky losing his arm because I’m a terrible person, and like the exploration of disability and Steve being a disabled person dealing with the person he loves dealing with disability. It’s still funny, because I’m me, but it will also take forever and a day for me to ever finish it because I am Bad At writing things that are overly close to me.) 
Cap PSAs (Literally just a fic about Bucky getting a lot of joy at Steve���s expense from Steve’s really awful school PSAs) 
Practical Magic AU (Listen I have craved a Practical Magic AU for YEARS. So I started one a couple months back, but then wearing_tearing went and wrote one because they are a fic writing goddess so now I DON’T NEED TO. But it’s still sitting in my WIP folder so maybe one day I’ll actually finish it under the Two Cakes rule.) 
IW FIX IT (I had a lot of feelings after seeing Infinity War??? And I wanted to fix them??? But this is another one that’ll probably go into the fic mortuary because I have NO CLUE what I was planning to do with it.) 
MAJOR REWORK NEEDED great american roadtrip (Once upon a time, December 11th 2016 to be exact, at least according to the document details, I sat down to write an epic fanfic where two old assholes went on a road trip, saw the grand canyon, went camping, and also kept up with their therapy via phone appointments.) 
both fall of train au (you think both fall off the train aus mean they both get captured by HYDRA? THINK AGAIN. Because what is TRAGEDY? I CAN’T WRITE ANGST so this shit is just Steve and Bucky fall off the train together and both wake up in the 21st century and Have To Adjust. Idk where it’s going, idk anything beyond that basic premise but who knows, IT MIGHT BE GOOD ONE DAY?)
the sequel i'm not writing to where the heart is (the fact that I haven’t touched this since August means the title is technically correct. Basically it’s the story of how Where The Heart Is!Bucky and Steve go on vacation and end up taking down the leftover bits of HYDRA instead. Also Bucky’s instagram is featured a lot. This one actually has a lot written already so like, I wanna finish it eventually.) 
is it... a fake dating au???? (A one night stand turns into Steve fake dating Bucky for family events because I love tropes.) 
non recovery fic except it IS (Idk how to describe this one except that like it’s a recovery fic but it started based on the premise that not being okay is okay. It’s cute and sad and deals with recovery things.) 
Steve Rogers Meets His Irish History: c. 2016 (This one is literally just a document with a link to what inspired it and also will require a lot of research so who the hell knows what’ll happen with it.) 
A DIFFERENT FOUND BABY (THIS ONE GOT AWAY FROM ME GUYS. Like it started with Bucky Barnes coming home to Steve because he found A BABY AND I LOVE KIDFIC but then I veered into like How Steve Rogers Relates To Disability, His Body, His Gay Identity, And Gender All In Relation To His Past Disability so like, it’s a mess.) 
Angel Steve yo (This will one day be my magnum opus tbh. Steve’s an asshole angel who shows up to a Halloween party in booty shorts and devil horns. Bucky’s the confused millennial who wants to bone him. I don’t think I’ll ever love a premise more tbh.)  
ABO PREG STEVE WHAT (I am genuinely not shy about the fact that I like abo and mpreg and all that soft shit, so like, this is just the result of that enjoyment and features omega Steve going into the ice pregnant, waking up and having a baby because THAT PLOT HASN’T BEEN DONE A MILLION TIMES IN ABO FICS OR ANYTHING. whispering softly but with feeling: two cakes Elizabeth, TWO CAKES.) 
B99 Kinda (Steve Rogers is a cop in Brooklyn. Bucky Barnes is a firefighter who Steve’s kinda smitten with.) 
Jersey- Coda (Soft tummy edition) (someone commented on This Is Why People Don’t Go To Jersey saying they hope Steve’s tummy was soft after having a baby and my inner lizard brain went YES THIS IS GOOD, VERY GOOD. So it’s literally just a fic about Steve having a soft tummy and Bucky being very fond of it.) 
soulmate au f yeah (This is my CHILD and I will one day finish the motherfucker. It’s soulmate magical realism where soulmate’s hearts BEAT THE SAME and there is recovery and goodness and god I love the premise a lot, ngl.) 
FIRST LADY STEVE ROGERS (This is actually just the document that I have Making The Ride Count in, but it’s also got bits and pieces that will become other parts in the series.) 
Will an 80s winter soldier wear leg warmers? (Bucky breaks his programming in the 80s and he and Peggy pal around beating HYDRA and terrorizing people until Steve’s dug out of the ice again.) 
competitive assholes (the idea was given to me to have Steve and Bucky be neighbors competing over decorations and I NOW MUST WRITE IT.) 
Omega Rights Activist Steve (College abo with omega Steve and Alpha Bucky and like, lots of softness and Bucky just wanting to build Steve THE BEST NEST and Steve being like I AM A STRONG CAPABLE OMEGA but also ‘yes pls buy me seventeen pillows and twenty-five blankets and fluff them strategically for me.’) 
An Angel And A Demon Walk Into A Bar... (Angel Steve + Demon Bucky = BEST FRIENDS FOREVERRRRRR. Also lots of jokes about heaven having too much paperwork.)
holiday swap - finish by 12/21 (For the Marvel Holiday Swap. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’M DOING WITH THIS ONE DEAR LORD HELP ME.) 
 It All Comes Back Around (Chapter three! It’s coming along slow as hell but it IS coming along.) 
FOR LATER (a fic in which Steve wakes up from the ice and starts making mental lists of ‘things Bucky would like’ because he’s a sad, sad human being.)
Loyalty Devotion (For Happy Steve Bingo. There’s selkies??? and Steve is some sort of unspecified magic??? and it’s a little different than my norm writing style wise?? Idk we’ll see how it turns out. I might edit the first bits copiously so that it’s more my style, or i might embrace the flow of this one WE SHALL SEE.)
Aaaand I can’t think of anyone to tag right this moment because my brain is word soup soooo if you want to do this then please go forth and do it! There are no rules here, this is the wild west of meme games, BE FREE WRITER FRIENDS BE FREE 
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