#and no ''read more'' we die like men here 🤣
belit0 · 11 months
Madara and Indra tag-teaming the reader? Indra gets called back from the afterlife and takes offense that Madara is almost as good as he is. I love your writing! I binge read it all this afternoon! I'm so happy you write Indra, he's perfect!
Thank you very much for your words! Indra is absolutely my favorite, there is no one who can get to me like him!
I love that you like my work, and feel free to send as many requests as you want! Welcome to this beautiful corner of Uchiha perdition!
This was actually hard to picture, but bc I can't imagine both of them together lol.
I don't think both their egos would fit in the same room🤣.
Anyhow, sorry for taking so long to reply, but here we go!
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Why would anyone call him from death, from eternal rest, to bring him to a present where his name is only a legend? Indra does not know, but such is the scene he encounters when opening his eyes for the first time in millions of years.
In his original body, but in his 24-year-old guise, the Otsutsuki awakens in the midst of a ritual. There is blood on his feet, a strange pattern drawn in peculiar intersections that don't seem to make sense, and four men he doesn't recognize looking at him expectantly.
His world spins as he tries to acknowledge the space, and understand he has been summoned to the world of the living again. "Very good... you did it, Tobirama. Now put him back where he came from." A man with long, black, prominent hair speaks with his arms crossed, looking at him with eyes he identifies as his own.
"Of course not. I just brought the most important piece of history we could get, adding I don't know how to release him either." Another jabbers angrily, with strange white hair and red marks on his skin.
"You brought my fucking grandfather and you have no fucking idea how to let him die again?!" A third man shouts in despair, very similar to the first guy, but smaller.
"He's not our grandfather, Izuna. He's our ancestor."
"We should bring our grandfather too, Tobi! It can be a great family reunion and-"
"Why would anyone rouse me from everlasting slumber without apparent reason... I'll get an immediate explanation right away, or else things will get bad." The Otsutsuki decides to interrupt the interaction impatiently, holding his head between both hands and trying to focus his gaze without his eyes hurting. He has no balance to get up from the ground, sitting up and trying to regain control of his body.
4 months have passed since Indra was forcibly brought back to life, and all he wants is to die again. People became progressively more stupid, having as idyllic proof this supposed descendant of his who goes by the name of Izuna. The young man keeps pestering him with uncomfortable questions about a life that no longer is, and the Otsutsuki does not know how to get rid of him.
The man who dared to bring him back, Tobirama, still can't find a way to reverse his jutsu, and works tirelessly every day to give him eternal rest again. Meanwhile, Indra decided to confine himself inside the current leader's house, and learn a bit of the current world through him.
Madara Uchiha, his supposed reincarnation, recounts an era of peace where his clan and his brother's became friends. The sole purpose of creating the Uchiha was an endless war against Ashura's family, and apparently, they had figured it out.
Outraged and dismayed, Indra constantly compares his power to that of the current leader and understands they opted for peace because power levels decreased over time. The only thing he and Madara have in common is the darkness of their thoughts, the shape of their hair, and their taste in women.
The Uchiha has a wife alarmingly similar to his own, both in attitude and appearance, and he ponders whether reincarnations are possible. (Y/N), he learns her name is, is both charming and submissive, perfect to his preference.
When the leader disappears for the day to attend to his work, Indra has convenient access to the woman and enjoys her quiet company. There is nothing like an obedient, non-fighting wife, and after seeing today's world, the Otsutsuki understands there isn't much of that anymore.
(Y/N) treats him like a king, attends to his every need, and genuinely respects him. Nothing gets his dick harder than a woman who knows her place.
Madara seems to notice his attraction to her, and after consulting with his wife, they decide to give him a gift of satisfaction before dying again. A night of passion, discreetly catalyzed and planned to perfection.
Indra walks through the corridors of the Uchiha house, trying to find a quiet place to meditate. His mind is a mess, he is tired, and all he wants is perpetual repose again. Overwhelmed by his situation, he wanders aimlessly, seeking release somehow.
He decides to try the first room he finds, and as he slides open the door, he comes across an image both provocative and scandalous. (Y/N) shamelessly touching herself while sucking Madara's cock. The Uchiha smirks, grabbing her roughly by the hair and pressing her against his pelvis, forcing her to swallow him completely as she masturbates.
Kneeling with her ass in the air, he has a perfect view of her wet pussy, and how her fingers slide in and out with need. "She looks like she needs help, doesn't she, Indra-Sama?" Madara asks sardonically, leading her to follow an overwhelming pace with her mouth.
"What is this... what are you implying-"
"A little parting gift. Tobirama figured out the formula, and you'll be going home tonight. One last indulgence is impossible to deny, isn't it?"
The Otsutsuki genuinely considers it, relieved for the torture to end and feeling a bulge growing between his pants. There's no denying the sight is beautiful, and that (Y/N) looks both inviting and predisposed to be fucked by whomever she's commanded.
He's never had a threesome, but as long as the Uchiha leader won't touch him, he'll have no problem abusing that beautiful cunt and claiming it as his own.
In a burst of arousal, he walks over to the bed, and with no words to say, makes quick work of his clothes. If the woman is anything like his wife used to be, she will accept being violently and angrily fucked, used as Indra sees fit and without complaining about it.
Positioning himself behind her, he penetrates her with a dry thrust, burying himself deep inside her and listening to her moan being muffled by the other man's cock. "Shit, (Y/N), no teeth, or there will be consequences."
A dark satisfaction runs through his mind at the thought of getting to punish her, to destroy her as he wishes, and his thrusts become brutal to the point of trying to make her lose control of her mouth. The woman cannot continue to move her head, and Madara grabs her by the hair to direct her to the pace he thinks necessary.
Both of them use her holes as they wish, taking her with abandon and making her scream all the way through. Indra will soon return home, and plans to take a good fucking before then.
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Misc. Tag Game! ✨
thank you for the tags @ronald-speirs @panzershrike-pretz and @sharkboyandlavalieb !!!
Made by the amazing @ronald-speirs 💖
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
Hmmm I’m gonna have to go with when my mom, sister, and I all went to Las Vegas for my 21st birthday! It was so much fun and just an incredible experience 💕
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
Probably continuing my therapy journey! I’ve been in therapy continuously since I graduated in 2020 and I feel like I’ve made some good progress! I’m proud of myself for not giving up when things felt impassable
Favorite books?
Soooo i’m not too big on reading but something I will read over and over again is the fruits basket series!!!! That’s the only book series I’ve read in its entirety and I love every bit of it!!!
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
It’s not the dart scene at the start of replacements idk what you’re talking about
Favorite thing about your culture?
About being American? I guess just the fact that BoB is American 🤣
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
Umm i think in April ‘23?? @dontirrigateme and I had just watched the x-men first class movies and wanted to watch more James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender, so of course we watched BoB… the world has never been the same
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
I’m trying to read Ambrose’s book right now, but I have Winters’ Beyond Band of Brothers, Guarnere and Babe’s book, and a couple others on my shelf!! (if anyone finds Webster’s shark book i promise you my first born for a copy of that)
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
Oh goodness there’re so many!!! Ummm well right now I’m going thru a Liebgott phase oml the man makes me FOAM AT THE MOUTH so I’m gonna go with when he tends to Talbert on the Night of the Bayonet, like Liebgott is known for his temper and fighting but here (and with Tipper) you can see he’s an absolute SWEETHEART AAAA I WOULD DIE FOR JOSEPH DAVID LIEBGOTT
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
I’ve just recently started writing for BoB!! I also have some Pokemon x BoB collages that I’ve made 🥰
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
Johnny Depp hands down, and absolutely pirates of the caribbean, it’s just all-around lovely and whimsical and amazing (fun fact till like middle school i had no idea what Johnny Depp actually looked like because my only references for him were Captain Jack Sparrow and Willy Wonka and they just did not look the same to me 🤣)
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
I think I’ve said this before, but it’s a quote from my blorbo Vincent Van Gogh, “I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.”
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
My dad’s retired Navy, so I grew up moving around until he retired when I was about 8!
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
Three things that make you smile? (I’m watching BoB rn so this is about to be BoB momes)
“We salute the rank not the man”
“I’m John Wayne! The costume department set me up with these nice navy whites, what do ya think!?”
Any nicknames you like?
Honestly I just feel warm and fuzzy when given any nickname, I’ve been called Em, Emmy, Ems, my favorite might be “Yellow,” I’ve had three separate best friends give me this nickname just cuz they associate me with the color yellow and sunshine vibes ✨
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
ASDJ:LKF THERE ARE SO MANY @dontirrigateme @panzershrike-pretz @ithinkabouttzu @executethyself35 @ronsparky @love--persevering @ronald-speirs @sweetxvanixlla @whollyjoly @xxluckystrike @venus-haze @thicccqueyoongimin @joetoyesbrassknuckles101 @neptunes-blue @ewipandora @hanniewinnix @sharkboyandlavalieb @footprintsinthesxnd @mutantmanifesto @jump-wings @malarkgirlypop @mads-nixon @blueberry-ovaries @coco-bean-1218 @b00ks1ut AND SO SO MANY MORE I'M SORRY IF I DIDNT TAG YOU I PROMISE I LOVE YOU
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
Cry and die probably
Favorite movie?
Bohemian Rhapsody, the Mummy, and Pirates of the Carribean, and the Blair Witch Project!
Do you like horror movies? YES!! Especially found footage movies!!
No pressure tags!! @dontirrigateme , @ithinkabouttzu , @executethyself35 , @neptunes-blue , @thicccqueyoongimin , @love--persevering , @jump-wings , @blueberry-ovaries and anyone else who wants to do this!!! 💖
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munsonownsmyass · 1 year
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Quinn McKenna x reader
Summary: New to town, you wrinkly become friends with a sweet little boy and his handsome father.
Notes: This is my contribution for the Thirsty For Cox May challenge and our theme was "Sundress". It was supposed to be a short smutty piece, but Rory and reader had a different idea 😅
Oh, and I've given the reader a name (there's a purpose to this) and she's plus size. But besides that, there's no features mentioned.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and thanks to sweet Ericca for encouraging me in my Quinn brainrot. This is unbetaed. We die like men 🤣
Warnings: oh, there's a few. Insecure reader, plus size reader, idiota in love, kissing, unprotected sex (well, you know me), creampie, cockwarming if you squint, fluff.
Notes: 3.1K
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You are quite shocked when you hear the doorbell ring. New to town, you don’t know anyone yet. Hell, you haven’t even talked to any neighbors or your new colleagues yet. Walking to the door, you expect it to be the old nice-looking lady you saw the other day, but instead you find a young boy. 
“Hello.” He says softly, his eyes barely meeting yours. He doesn’t really seem like he’s comfortable, so you wonder what might have brough him here. 
“Hi. Can I help you?” 
“My dad isn’t home, and I don’t have a key yet.” He pouts, looking down at his hands. “He was supposed to be home.” 
”Oh, well… Do you want me to call him? Or do you want to come in?” You step aside, opening the door for the boy. For a second he hesitates, looking you over, before walking forward. You can see right away he’s not like everyone else as he inspects your home. 
“What’s your name?” You try softly, closing the door behind you. 
“Rory.” His eyes scan your bookshelves, fingers dancing over some of the titles. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Rory. I’m Luna.” You walk over to see, wondering which of your books he’s taking a liking too. You have quite the collection, always loved books, and something tells you Rory might be the same. “You like reading?” 
“I like lots of things.” He reaches for a book but doesn’t take it before you gesture that it’s okay. After reading the back cover, he looks into your eyes for the first time. “Can I call my dad?” 
“Yeah, of course.” You hand over your phone and give him some space as he makes the call. You try not to listen as you get something to drink, but something tells you this isn’t the first time this has happened. Rory comes back with your phone, sitting down at the counter in the kitchen. 
“He’ll be here soon.” He vibes his nose, sniffing, more out of habit than because he’s got a runny nose, it seems. You hand him the glass of juice, before sitting down yourself. “He doesn’t do it on purpose. He’s got an important job.” 
“I get that.” You smile, taking a sip of your glass. “So… What do you want to do until he’s here?” 
He looks over to your shelves, touching his ear as he’s thinking. “A puzzle?” 
Usually, it would take you a day or two to complete a puzzle, but never before had you made one this fast. Rory is a genius little boy, scanning the pieces and placing them so fast you can barely keep up. You’re starting to recognize some traits in him, having lived with an autistic sister for your entire life. 
An hour quickly flies by, and you hear the doorbell ring. Opening the door, you’re thankful Rory is there to distract his dad so he doesn’t see your flushed face, cause frankly, you’re speechless. His dad is handsome. Scratch that, he’s gorgeous. Hot. He’s barely even looked at you, but you feel your cheeks burn. 
“I hope he wasn’t too much trouble?” He asks, flashing a gorgeous smile. You smile, feeling silly over how much he affects you. This is not good. 
“Not at all. It was fun.” You stroke Rory’s hair softly, before looking at him again and his beautiful eyes. “I love kids.” 
His eyes look to your hand, before looking into your eyes again with a smile. “Well, feel free to babysit anytime. I’m Quinn. Quinn McKenna. We live next door.” 
The next day while reading in your garden, you hear the unmistakable voices of Rory and Quinn. Sneaking over to the fence, you look through the cracks and see them working on something. Maybe a school project. 
“I have no idea how to do this, buddy. There’s not a whole lot of glue and paper in the army.” He grins, but the smile fades when he sees Rory’s worried expression. “Sorry, I ain’t much help.” 
“It’s okay.” Rory says, putting glue on a little cardboard figure. They sit in silence for a bit, Quinn frowning as he chews on his bottom lip, trying to cut something, but curses under his breath when it goes wrong. 
“Maybe-” he cuts a little more, ultimately cutting off what you suspect to be a head of a little figure, “Fucking hell!” He throws the stuff down, looking over towards the fence. Towards you. “Maybe Luna is good with stuff like this.” 
“I think so.” Rory replies, looking up at his dad. 
“You like her? She seemed nice.” Quinn tries, looking at his son. You shouldn’t eavesdrop, especially when they’re talking about you, but you can’t help it. 
“I do. She didn’t seem to mind that I’m weird.” 
Quinn’s smile falters a bit, his hand gently patting Rory’s back. “You’re not weird, just… different. Good different.” 
“Okay.” Rory shrugs, looking down at his diorama.  
“You want me to ask if Luna wants to help?” Quinn questions, looking towards the fence again. 
“If you want her to come over, just ask.” Rory says plainly, making both you and Quinn smile. You can’t help but notice the flush of pink on Quinn’s cheeks, as he nudges Rory’s shoulder gently. 
“Easy there, buddy. It ain’t like that.” 
“If you say so.” 
“Smart ass.” He gives Rory a kiss on the forehead, before walking towards the fence. When you realize he’s coming, you run towards your sun bed, barely sitting down and opening your book, before Quinn peaks over the fence. 
“Hey Luna.” He smiles and you swear someone has released a swarm of butterflies in your belly. He should not be allowed to look so beautiful. 
“Hi Quinn.” You smile, hoping he doesn’t hear the crack in your voice. Under any other circumstances, you’re pretty sure a guy like that would never even speak to you, so you thank all possible Gods for making him your neighbor. 
“You busy? Rory’s got this project and I ain’t very good at shit like that.” 
“Oh, and here I thought a guy like you would be dexterous.” You smile playfully, not even knowing where you mustered up the confidence from.  
“Oh, believe me, darlin’. When it counts, I’m very skilled with my hands.” He smirks, before looking back, remembering that Rory is there. “So, ehm... Dinner on us if you can help him glue some stuff?” 
With that simple request and a fantasy diorama of Quinn fighting some alien (the kid sure had a wild imagination), a beautiful friendship was born. Rory was currently living with Quinn because his mom Emily had gotten an exciting job offer in another state and didn’t want to pull Rory out of his usual environment. 
Quinn sometimes had long days, so it became normal for you to pick up Rory on your way from work and spend most of you time with him. And you didn’t mind, because besides spending time with a clever, kind boy, you got to spend time with his hot, charming father too. 
You couldn’t deny the feelings you had for Quinn, but you wouldn’t even entertain the idea that he could be interested in you. A glorified plus size nerdy nanny. Not exactly a match for a muscular and very attractive Ranger. Sure, he was flirty around you, but you got the sense that Quinn just was a natural flirt. 
Despite knowing that nothing would ever happen, your silly little heart ignored your brain and always said yes to any invitation they extended. Trips to the zoo, movie nights and museum tours. The latter was often you and Rory geeking out while Quinn watched you from behind, bored. Still, there always was a bright smile on his face as he watched you and Rory, happy that you connected. That you understood Rory when others didn’t. 
A few months had gone by and being with Rory and Quinn was almost like second nature. You were a little unit, spending more time together than apart and they made you feel happy. They felt like home. So when Rory asked if you wanted to attend this thing at his school, you of course said yes. Only problem was… What to wear? 
You were more of a hoodie and jeans kinda girl, but your coworker who knew about your deep crush on Quinn, wanted to force you into a dress. Said you had to make an effort. You just agreed and let her pick your outfit. 
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The doorbell rings and you look into the mirror a final time. This would have to do. You felt weird in a dress, afraid your rolls would show, but it was pretty. When you open the door, Quinn greets you with a smile, but soon he just stares at your dress. 
“What are you wearing?” He asks in disbelief and what little confidence you had, crumbles in an instant. 
“Ehm, a colleague told me to wear it. Shit, I know I shouldn’t have. I look fat in it, don’t I?” When he doesn’t answer, you look down your body, pulling the dress down a little to cover more of your thighs. “I’m sorry. Give me a sec and I can go cha-” 
As you turn, he grabs your wrist, stopping you. “Don’t you fucking dare.” He looks you up and down and you notice the way his eyes linger at your plumb thighs and cleavage, his tongue wetting his bottom lip before his eyes once again finds yours. “You look gorgeous.” 
“I… I do?” You ask in disbelief, not even sure you heard him right.  
“Yeah, you do. Just sucks, cause now I’m gonna have to fight off all the single dads tonight.” 
“Oh, as if.” You giggle, taking a cardigan from the closet before walking out and closing the door. “Haven’t had a date in six months. That isn’t gonna change.” 
Quinn is just about to say something when Rory greets you from the car and interrupts. As you get into the car, he tells you about his newest school project and you’re thankful for the distraction. Not sure you’d want any more attention to yourself. 
Arriving at the school, you notice how they’ve turned the football field into a little fair with rides and lots of booths. Some sort of charity event in the wake of Mother’s Day to raise money for the school. You spend some time walking around, checking out the booths and Quinn used his sniper skills to win both you and Rory a teddy. 
After getting some food, Rory hands you a small gift. Surprised, not even sure what the occasion is, you take it from him with a smile. Inside is a necklace with a stone pendant. It has a rough surface, but still looks beautiful. 
“Thank you so much, Rory.” You turn it around in your hands, feeling the stone. “What kind of stone is it?” 
“Moon rock.” He smiles, looking to his dad shortly, before looking at you again. “Luna means Moon in Latin. The Moon is very important and so are you.” 
“To us.” Quinn chimes in, giving you a sweet smile. He gently takes the necklace from you, wanting to help put it on. You brush your hair away, shivering as his hands touch your bare shoulders after closing the necklace. “Perfect.” 
The rest of the evening, you keep touching the small pendant, smiling every time. You already knew they appreciated you, but this just made your heart soar. Throughout the night, you catch Quinn looking at you and even though he told you earlier you were gorgeous, there were still that little voice messing with you, saying he was staring for the wrong reasons. But you try to ignore it, not wanting your insecurities to ruin a great night. 
Back home, Rory asks if you want to tuck him in. A task you’ve done many times and one you always loved. You had meant it all those months ago when you told Quinn you loved kids. And you did love Rory. So tucking him in and reading to him had become one of your favorite things to do. 
When you leave his room, you find Quinn standing in the kitchen with a huge smile, his beautiful blue eyes looking at you. “You’re better with him than I’ve ever been.” 
“We just… Understand each other.” You say with a smile, jumping up on the counter, watching Quinn as he pulls some beers from the fridge. He hands you one, before drinking his own. His eyes fall upon you again as he licks away a drop of beer on his lips. 
“Okay, what is it?” You put the beer down on the counter. “You’ve been staring all night and I know you said I looked good, but with the way you keep looking, I fear you were just being nice, so-” 
You’re interrupted by his lips on yours. One hand snake around your waist, pulling you closer to the edge and him as he deepens the kiss. Your entire body is screaming for you to just give in but still, you push him away softly. 
“You’re kissing me?” 
“Well, not anymore.” Quinn grins, putting down his beer before moving his hand from the counter to your thigh. For a second your brain short-circuits and you can only focus on his hands on your plumb thighs, dangerously close to the hem of your dress. 
“Why are you kissing me?” You ask before you can stop yourself. You really don’t want to ruin this, but years of being insecure makes it hard for you to believe this. 
“Because I want some of your ChapStick. Why do you think I kissed you?” He says bluntly, the corners of his mouth moving into a small smile. “I like you.” 
“Hold up. You-” You look at him with a goofy smile, barely able to comprehend what he just said. “You like me?” 
“Well, I actually think I’m in love with you, but what the fuck do I know about love?” He smirks, his hand leaving your thigh to cup your cheek softly. “Do you even know the effect you have on me?” 
At that you giggle, finding it hard not to notice the way his hardening cock press against your inner thigh. “I, ehm… I think I do.” 
He leans forward, claiming your lips again, pressing himself closer to your clothed core. You moan softly, feeling the months of want pull at you. So you deepen the kiss, your fingers entangling in his hair, not ever wanting to let him go again. 
His lips leave yours, only to kiss down the column of your neck, causing you to moan out loud. Remembering Rory, you cover your mouth before giggling softly. Quinn just nibbles at your neck, smiling. “He’s a heavy sleeper.” 
You sigh as he sucks on you pulse point, hand sliding over your shoulders to pull down the straps of your dress. He pulls the fabric down further, exposing your breasts. He cups one, his mouth closing around your nipple, sucking softly. 
His free hand is caressing your thigh, pushing your dress up higher. “You’re so beautiful.” He breathes out as he lets go of your nipple, kissing you again. His hand reaches your already soaked core, pushing your panties to the side. You moan out his name as Quinn thrusts his fingers into you. 
“Fuck Quinn.” You moan, your hands running down his muscular chest, traveling all the way down to his belt, undoing it quickly. You pull his to the side, unbuttoning his pants and pull out his hard cock. As your fingers take a hold of his aching length, Quinn groans. 
“Fuck darlin’. Are you sure?” He murmurs, lining himself up against your wet entrance.  
“Please just fuck me, Quinn.” You plead, not even caring if you sound desperate.  
“Yes ma’am.” He whispers as he thrust into you. You have to cover your mouth to stop yourself from crying out, afraid you’ll wake up Rory. Quinn slowly presses in, making you sure you feel every inch off him before pulling out slowly again, teasing you.  
You wrap your legs around him, a silent plea for him to stop teasing and just fuck you. You’ve wanted him for so long, needing him and you’re done waiting. Quinn takes the hint and grabs your hips, thrusting into you again, harder and faster.  
You bite your lip, trying to hold the moan in as he hits that sweet spot inside you, bringing you closer to climax as he moves faster, spurred on by the pretty noises you make for him. Quinn buries his face in the crook of your neck, nibbing at your sensitive skin as he grinds harder against you. 
“Fuck, Quinn.” You whimper, so close to seeing stars with each drag of his cock. He whispers against your skin, praising you for how good you feel, how long he’s waited for this. You cry as you feel yourself quiver, your whole body on fire as Quinn pushes you over the edge. Desperate for his own release, he pulls you closer, unable to hold himself back as he feels your walls convulse around him. 
“Fuck darlin’, you feel so good.” he pants as he thrust one more time. Your name falls from his lips like a silent prayer as he comes hard, filling you with his cum.  
You both fall silent, the only sound filling the air is your heavy breathing. You look into Quinn’s eyes only to find him already looking at you. Pulling you in for a passionate kiss, he holds you close. You feel better than you have in a long time, hoping this is the start of something new. You sure as hell know you want to do this again. And soon. 
“I’m sorry if you felt I was moving too fast.” He pants, smiling wide before kissing you softly. “But seeing you in that dress, I just couldn’t control myself.” 
“Guess I’ll have to wear more sundresses then.” You giggle as you look into Quinn’s beautiful eyes. 
“You won’t hear me complaining. Wanna see those gorgeous thighs whenever I can.” At that you frown, still in disbelief that he’d actually want you, rolls and all. Quinn cups your cheeks, forcing you to look at him. “I do want you. And your thunder thighs.” 
“Thunder thighs?” You snort, shaking your head. He really is something, that Quinn McKenna. 
“Yeah, heard some kids call it that. Thick thighs saves lives and all that.” He smiles, kissing you again. 
“You’re so dumb.” 
“But I’m your dumbass.” That makes you smile, leaning in to rest your head against his shoulder. He holds you close as you both come down from your high, enjoying finally being in each other’s arms. You look up at him, placing a soft kiss on his neck. 
“So… what now?” 
“My plan is to stick around and annoy you for the foreseeable future.” He looks down, kissing the tip of your nose. “How does that sound?” 
“Sounds perfect.” 
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Tagging: @e-dubbc11 @albatrossandivys @itwasthereaminuteago @mindidjarin @hlkwrites @pedrito-friskito @wardenparker @mattmurdocksscars
And a little no pressure tagging (hope that's okay 🙈❤️): @absurdthirst (because you made that great fic featuring Quinn with Connie) and @lucy-sky
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wendys-ash · 5 months
daddy you forgot my FUCKING TUCKBOX 🤣
that dude in the pink shirt walking past Oliver
this part makes me remember my first day at uni WHICH WAS THE SAME YEAR 2006
oh look at Farleigh being unnecessarily rude as usual
FOOKIN ASK ME A SOOM, THEN! he’s so creepy
Oliver looks so beautiful in his tie and shirt and he’s got glasses on at the beginning where do they go later in the movie? Felix get him contacts?
Merseyside… that’s where the Beatles are from (by the way hello I like the Beatles) 🥰
Farleigh has a Lucozade.
The way the professor says “Frederica CAHtthn”
Oliver’s essay is so poetic! “To look as if it were alive,” I want him to write an essay about Sylvia Plath
Oh look at Farleigh being rude again. he’s wrong here. and Oliver’s essay style is POETIC.
The cheeky Christmas song is surprisingly catchy!
Felix be like “siiiiiiighhhhhh” “siiiiiiighhhhh” big brown eyes
But look he’s so sweet “CHEERS OLLIE!” 😁
Oh look at Farleigh forcing Oliver to buy the most expensive drink ever, even in 2007 it was like £6-7 for a Jägerbomb IIRC
Oliver waking up and remembering and being all happy is so lovely
Omg this music is so beautiful, favourite part of the score I think
“I’ve not sucked any teachers off.” “Not yet, you ‘aven’t…” 😋 GET THAT SHIT OUT OF HERE FELIX JESUS
Ollie still has his glasses on when do they disappear
“Was it was it was it was it awful?” How many times did he say was it?
no one ever said chirpsing at my uni 😂 I did not go to Oxford
I think Oliver is wearing Felix’s hoodie because Jack Wills was quite sought after back then…
What if Felix looked outside and saw the cherry of Oliver’s ciggie in the dark, that’s fanfic fuel!
Ollie’s face after Felix yells at him
Fuucking wood fucking panelling
I don’t like this bit. 😠
Oh look at Farleigh, he’s actually got a nice cardigan on here!
The use of colour in this film drives me nuts, the blue and red light on Ollie’s face when he leaves the pub
From experience, drinking vodka like that at 18/19 most certainly leads to vomit in high places. Awful stuff.
More red. I want to go through the movie and go red red red red 😂 Felix has a red shirt on.
Fucking - I’ve historically been disgusted by men’s body hair but Ollie’s is… acceptable and by that I mean hot.
“Always check the sleeeeeeeeves!” He actually isn’t directly nasty here but still condescending
When they’re running to the bridge it’s one of the most beautiful shots in the movie. And when they’re standing by the bridge. it makes Barry’s eyes pop.
The way Ollie says “it’s not stupid. thank you.” no idea why that’s significant but I just love the way he says it.
“And I believed him.” You can never leave Saltburn, Ollie. Even if you leave that house, you will never leave that house. 🖤
Duncan. Is. So. Scary. What if he’s a ghost who comes with the house like in American Horror Story? Omg
Felix’s tour makes me so happy “Henry VIII’s sPUnk”
I wish we got a better look at Felix’s room. But the bathroom is where the magic happens.
“A sort of… hellish SQUOT.”
Venetia’s EYES and her TEETH and I want to know what she’s reading (or pretending to read)
They all throw innuendos at Oliver until James stops them also “oh my god she’ll die.” SHE FKN DOES DIE and Elspeth’s way of saying “drAping”.
Oh look at Farleigh being rude some more
“It’s rooooood!”
I forgot to check when Ollie’s glasses disappeared
The face Ollie makes after Felix says “Duncan will be thrilled.”
Of course he doesn’t have fucking CUFFLINKS FELIX
Love Pamela’s high collar feather thing here and also I love her hair
Venetia is perfect Venetia is perfect Venetia is perfect WHY DIDN’T OLLIE PUT SOME CLOTHES ON was he trying to show off his physique to Venetia?
“Sweet.” aw I love her
“Niiiiiight…” 😍😍😍😍
James says “morning,” so sweetly!
Oh look at Farleigh being rude again how the fuck was Oliver supposed to know how breakfast is served in Rich Land?
Venetia’s shirt is something I would wear.
“Look, Pamela.” “Oh nooo…”
Those eggs are really undercooked, I wouldn’t eat them either. They’re not over easy at all. They’re extremely sunny side up.
Sorry but Venetia’s legs and flowers in her hair she looks like Ophelia
EVERYONE was reading the last Harry Potter that summer and we all asked questions like that and made dirty jokes! so much nostalgia!
Venetia leaning through the harp and being scared of The Ring… 😍😭😍🥰
All dressed in their finery playing tennis! They all fuck. And sleep in a hamster pile.
“Yes! Do you know him?” 😁 James is so excited and happy about things, I love him!
THE LABYRINTH OF SALTBURN first Theseus ref I caught
Oh here we go
No one can convince me that Felix didn’t do this hoping Ollie would walk in and catch him so he could be like “why don’t you join me,” and that’s fanfic fuel
How many times does Felix bare his neck in the film
Also this has been said by someone else much more eloquently but people who squick at the 🛁 have obviously never felt desire that hurts and EATS you and makes you want to rip their face off and throw up on their shoes and that’s why Saltburn is so compelling to me
(I had to pause here while I got deep)
Elspeth’s drink matches her dress. This scene is so beautiful and the colours are bloody gorgeous and again making Barry’s eyes pop!
“Sexually incontinent” 😬
Those flowers next to Ollie 💖 match the cushions oh god 💖
“Men are so lovely and dry,” says Elspeth. THEY’RE NOT. Not in this movie anyway.
Bye bye Pamela, I wonder if she had to go through the servant’s entrance.
I could just look at Elspeth forever in this scene…
The vampire scene is unspeakably erotic, I don’t make the rules
The light reflected in Venetia’s eyes 🤩
They definitely went all the way after this and Farleigh watched - whoops, another fanfic idea.
The sex music is so sinister!
AGAIN Venetia looks like a goddess.
Oh look at Farleigh GLOWERING at Oliver. so rude.
Felix flings his napkin like a child! 😂
Farleigh is wearing all beige.
“I can wear my suit of armour, Elspeth!” James being a ray of sunshine again
Felix sat over there pretending to be Lolita srsly
Ollie implies Venetia is out of his league but Felix clearly thinks she’s not and also Felix is so jealous here it’s coming out of his hair
Felix’s sideburns ugh 💖
Venetia must be cold on that step 😕
Farleigh is still wearing beige but I like his jumper. Felix’s orange jumper is not his colour.
That shot of Oliver
More gushing about how fucking flawless Venetia is but that’s probably getting old now if anyone’s actually reading this good god my ego
I’ve seen Henry before but I can’t remember where. Something funny.
“She had two arseholes!” excuse me what the FUCK
Low was EVERYWHERE THEN. Perfect choice.
Farleigh fancies the fuck out of Oliver. Look at him manipulating the shit out of the spoiled beige-wearing twink!
“I don’t hate you,” no you fancy him
Henry’s sad face when Farleigh snatches the mic.
James is so excited about karaoke.
There was absolutely no reason for Ollie to sing “I need it,” that way.
And. And. “I love you. You pay my rent.” I can’t explain why that does this to me.
Feeelix and Veneeetia waving their arms together is just so very lovely.
What’s Farleigh wearing on his head in bed? Genuine question.
Also no one can convince me Ollie didn’t ride him here I mean who said that (fanfic idea) him and his fucking mad top energy
I expected someone to throw themselves down the spiral staircase if I’m honest. Or Ollie to throw someone down it.
Venetia among the lily pads 🪷🪷🪷🪷
It was pretty hot in 2007 but I don’t think it was hotter than Barbados…
Brit pop is not a band…
I saw Pulp and Sophie Ellis-Bextor last year at Latitude. 💖💖
The wallpaper in the sacred bathroom is just gorgeous. I want it.
Ollie bowtie 😍
Oh wow that little Felix x Oliver montage made me want Atonement AU with Farleigh watching them fuck in the library
I don’t like this bit either. Not good with secondhand shame and embarrassment.
“Always beetling off by himself,” I could write an essay about the insect symbolism in Saltburn
Is Ollie’s dad the same dad from It’s A Sin?
The talking and ringing is so much like sensory overload in real life!
Red and blue again! Same shirt! And Ollie is in blue and framed in blue.
The black splatty painting next to them… 🤩
This song is such a BANGER! I was not a club girl so I didn’t know it before this.
What did the orchid do to offend Elspeth?
Ollie’s jacket is like something Neil Perry would wear in a dream… 🌿
The light flashes off Farleigh’s ring just before Oliver says hello!
Why would Oliver have fat kids? So rude!! Again!
That’s why Farleigh’s hair is so big, it’s full of secrets!
Barry’s FACE. Just his facial structure. The close-ups of his face are just… chefskiss
Duncan doesn’t feel like dancing dancing miniminiminiminiminiminoo 🎶
Most beautiful shots in the movie of Oliver lurking in the shadows 💙 skulking
“You two are fucking gross!” India knows what’s up
there’s a lot of fingers in mouths here that I’ve not linked together before…
Felix still cares about Oliver enough to ask him if he feels better 🥺
The carnage after that party, good god.
That magenta colour is everywhere here. The robe, the flowers, the streamers and balloons and debris on the lawn. it’s perfect.
I love the Minotaur statue so much.
Music here reminds me of the soundtrack of Perfume, which came out in 2006.
The sideways shot with the looming Minotaur is pure art.
“Felix, darling, where’s your jumper?” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Horrible pie 🤮
Horrible everything
I had a cardigan like Venetia’s back then
I feel physical pain during this scene. my beautiful posh trashy eccentric darling family is breaking apart. 💔
Venetia pouring the wine is so disturbing to me.
James is no longer a ray of sunshine 😭😭😭
Oliver really unleashes the fury on Farleigh. See, being rude gets you nowhere. Hannibal would eat you, Farleigh.
Oh GOD, this HYMN. It’s so beautiful.
James carrying the coffin 😭 and Venetia’s chipped black nail varnish. Poetry about Venetia’s chipped black nail varnish.
Ollie doesn’t get to come to the stone ritual
*siiiiigh* how can something so bizarre be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen?
I have to make a joke because I’m uncomfortable, sliiiiightly worried about Ollie getting dirt in places it shouldn’t be and having to make up lies to a doctor about how he got mud in his urethra 😬
Sad room 💔
Venetia be like wtf at Ollie asking about the font
See this is my favourite bit (the whole movie is my favourite bit)
I have fanfic planned about this scene. It will be sad and hot and fucked up.
Venetia’s flushed cheeks 💖😭
Ollie barely reacts when she splashed him in the face. How did he not flinch? He has so much control at this point and he knows it.
More fingers in mouth.
Why is this kiss so hot? And the one tear on Ollie’s cheek… 😭
Ohhh I do not like seeing dead Venetia.
James has no sparkle left 😭 he has a signet ring too though
That gardener doing a stupid wave at Ollie 🤔
Ollie doing his Tom Ripley as Dickie Greenleaf bit, he’s even got the hair.
Duncan is still there BECAUSE HE IS A GHOST!
Do we think Ollie slowly poisoned Elspeth? Do we think he slept with her? I think so.
On Ollie’s nonsense screen in the coffee shop the only thing coherent is “milk and cookies”!
“I hated all of you,”
When he pulls the tube out it mirrors the statue I think?? One of the statues.
here we go with the magnificent penis
The euphoria I feel at this ending I swear to god
Holy shit this got long
I asked my SO what it feels like to fling your penis about and he didn’t give me a serious answer
Barry’s arse is ridiculous. 🤬
It’s ridiculous.
I’m gonna make some rocks with the Catton’s names on.
And that is that.
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mrsbakashi · 2 years
Ahhh you're truly so kind-hearted and lovable. My day was great, considering that I should actually study for an entrance exam that I know is going to kick my ass lol. And its already 1 am here, oh well Procrastination is my profession ✨ My Top 5 Naruto characters: (I genuinely took 15 mins because I love nearly everyone)
Kakashi ☼- the love of my life, the apple of my eye, I live and breathe for him
Obito- idk what to say haha
Itachi- This sweet baby man, I just wanna give him love
Gaara- this one is a the biggest cutie pie after you (+ he loves cacti)
Yamato- he kind of just wormed himself into my heart, idk how but...
honorable mentions (cuz otherwise I feel bad): -Shikamaru- love him sm -Genma- damn -Naruto- little devil sweetheart 💞
This was sooo hard omg, but I loved this. Why do I have mostly traumatized men up there? Btw, do you have a Top 5 list somewhere ? P.S: I read 'composure'- damn, it made me really giddy. I hope I didn't write too much 😅
how was the exam? sorry i wasn't around! (procrastination is also my profession what a coincidence!)
i love that it took you 15 minutes to chose your favorite characters because i do the same, i can never decide 🤣
ooh, btw i retook the test and i'm still an INFP, probably even more than before lol tell me your secret to turn into an ENFP because i need to be an extrovert so my life will get better
so my top 5 naruto characters (there i go to spend at least 20 minutes trying to choose 5 between all the characters that i love - that's a form of torture, just saying):
here's a cut because shit got too long
kakashi, obvs. he's my everything and i can be the therapy he so desperately needs (or i can make him worse 😉 watch me make him never leave the house again and just spend eternity in bed with me - he only goes out to see the kids who are not kids anymore and his kid's kids because they're like our kids)
my number 2 right now is obito, i just love him sm and i wish i could live squeezed in a sandwich between kakashi and obito (i could die happily, i just know that's what heaven feels like: you die and your favorite fictional characters are real and you get to live squeezed between them). i just wanna be loved by this unhinged boy 😩 tbh i think that the #1 reason obito is here is because my uterus just explodes whenever I hear his name, so...
itachi 🙄 i love him sm i wanna die, ugh. let me make you feel good, sad boi. watch me saying i don't love uchihas and then putting only uchihas on my top 5 because i am, in fact, a uchiha girl (also our top 3 is the same which explain why we're friends ❤️)
sasuke, i'm not sorry 😔. he just has been through so much, i understand his character (though i can't forgive his actions) and i just wish things could be different, you know. wish he could be happy... i also love naruto as much as i love sasuke, they're like my children. (is it cheating to put 2 characters in one position? because then i could put obito, kakashi and itachi on 1st 👀)
yamato - he had had 5 seconds of screen time when my heart decided that he needed to live there forever. purest heart in the whole world, i love him sm 😩😩😩😩😩 yamato let me love you properly
and of course honorable mentions!
zabuza and haku (i'm putting them together because even tho i love them in different ways they're a duo and can't be separated). i just love, understand and respect them a lot, wish we could've seen more of them.
deidara - i love this chaotic mess of a man 🙄
kimimaro - same as zabuza and haku, he'd amazing and i wish we could've seen more of him... wish zabuza had adopted him that night so he would be happier and would have haku to talk with. i just... wish i could hug him and tell him everything's gonna be ok. he just needed love. true, free and unconditional love, not that shit he got from orochimaru.
shikamaru and choji - yes, i love them abnormally, and i'm putting them together because i love them the same.
sakura - i know the list is already too long because i really do love all of the characters, and i also know most people hate on Sakura but i LOVE her, i think she's amazing, she grows so much!
this was really hard, like you said 🤣 i could go on forever about each and every character because i do love them all (except maybe orochimaru and danzo). anyway.
i'm so glad you liked composure! no one else but me did 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
i hope i didn't write too much, and thank you for asking and talking to me ❤️
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What are your fave photos of Kimi?
Firstly, this very dramatic shot... I love the black and white and the designs on his helmet and how that single visible eye of his is full of emotion. For me, this is an iconic photo and I have a similar one taken from a different angle on my camera roll, but it is in colour and I like this BW one more.
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Simi, of course... This wasn't the first photo I saw of them that hooked me to their bromance. But look at the unintentional sensuality of this one. They both look breathless for each other and I am the gleeful cameraman watching them 😂
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Then this one... He looks like a movie star here. The wind in his hair, the shoulders, the way he is sitting on the Ferrari he had just totalled... This looks just like a race poster from the 70's. Too bad I couldn't find it in better resolution.
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Here is one I am putting up for purely aesthetical reasons... If he was on the grid today looking like this, he'd give everyone a run for their money. And he was in his prime as a driver, too... Chal who? Max which? Hey!
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This one is here, because it sums up his attitude against life and Lotus!Kimi, ofc. God, I wish I had half of his level headedness.
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Finns and their coffee! Rally!Kimi under the snow... This photo has such a dreamy quality that it always makes me stare at it for a little more than usual. What a soft guy! Angelic 😇
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I like this photo a lot. We don't know much detail on their relationship, but once Kimi said he never had idols, but among the Ferrari drivers, he felt himself closer to Michael. He also considers Michael as his hardest rival and says he immensely enjoyed racing against him. I am sure it must have felt nostalgic to race against Mick, too.
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Another iconic photo. Ron celebrates Kimi after he won Japanese GP 2005 in the final lap, having started the race from P17. In other photos from different angles it's so clear that Kimi smiles hugely, too. And it always warms my heart.
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This beautiful car is Alfa Romeo Alfetta 158. Kimi drove this in British GP, in 2019. And would you look at this photo... It is like a still from a racing movie. He fits into the spirit of this car's history to a fault. And I am thankful Darren Heat caught and immortalized this frame.
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And lastly, I want to choose this one. It is from Turkish GP 2005. He is the first winner on my home race. I watched this race live and I still remember my excitement, remember how I prayed the whole race for that Merc engine to keep intact and not burn. I was so happy after the race that the euphoria of it possibly lasted me for a month.
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ayyaaa101 · 3 years
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🕷Scorpio along with Capricorns have the most intimidating stares and aura. Example
-JUYEON From The Boyz (Capricorn Sun) This man has such an intimidating stare it was hard only choosing one Gif/Photo.
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🕷Gemini placements, Aquarius placements, and sometimes Sagittarius placements have a thing for hands and especially when they long and thin hands and well kept that's really attractive to them and it sets something off🙃😶.
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🕷I'm not sure why but I've heard of a little observation from a couple of astrologers both from tumbler and from YouTube that Pisces are the sign most likely to be overweight or gain weight easily. Even though Taurus is known as the sign of food it seems that picese gain weight the easiest.
🕷The placements most likely to become alcoholic or drug addicted is Pisces and Virgo since both of them are sister signs, both are likely, but I've heard from a YouTube astrologer and psychic that Pisces placements are most likely to die from it 🩸rather than virgos because virgos are moderate and specific Pisces do it more emotionally since they are a water sign.
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🕷Cancer placements and just water placements in general tend to have the prettiest eyes and they always have such soft features at least from the women I've seen them have this. Also men who have water in their big 3 especially Cancers and Pisces in their big 3 tend to have more feminine software features along with libra.
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-Sunoo from Enhypen (Cancer sun)
🕷Earth signs in Venus is the least flirty placements. You will never see these people flirt but they will flirt but it will be more physical friendly flirting like touching. Some people may say Scorpios are cold when in love and while this is true they still have an intensity towards the way they show their love language, like intense staring, and they will be more emotional with it because they are a water sign.
🕷 The reason why people aren't as devoted to astrology and instead believing in themselves and being helpful towards earth and out community's is because this is the age of Aquarius and the age before ours was the Picean age where people lived blinded and where the vaile hadn't been lifted. Things are slowly being revealed in this day and age because of it being the Aquarian age.
🕷 I've read in many posts that Aries placements are the least patient sign and.... I've never agreed more to something in my life!! I have Aries siblings and they are living proof of impatience 🥲🤣.
🕷The most flirty placements from my observation are 100% Libra, Gemini, and sometimes Sagittarius and Aries placements. Aries are more aggressive flirts than natural flirts, and Sagittarius don't even have to flirt for you to fall in love lol, it's just their aura.
🕷Majority of good dancers have Aquarius, Virgo, Gemini, and Scorpio placements from what I've seen .
🕷Leo placements are bosses at making people feel appreciated and confident because they know how it feels like to be neglected of those things.
🕷 The most stubborn placements of the fixed signs are Scorpios and Tauruses.
🕷I feel like Leo's either hate Scorpio or love e'm but either way there's an attraction but most times it ends up being toxic because they both want control and possession over one another since they are both fixed.
🕷 The more trines a person has in their natal things get handed to them easier.
🕷Having many planets in retrograde can signify not being able to fully finish your karmic past life lessons which is what you're here to do now.
🕷 Do you know why there's always more focus on space than on the infinite ocean, as above so below which means that our focus is always on "is there aliens in space", but what if they are below us? Look at the ugly things that have been found in the deep sea but we've only discovered 5%??. Like for example we went to space!! But somehow we haven't found out the mysteries of what's going on in the Bermuda Triangle which is much closer to us than landing on the moon but somehow we did that?? (Anyways, off topic but how interesting 🤔).
🕷Earth and water placements have such an ethereal look and such ethereal eyes as well. Example-
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Heeseung From Enhypen(I think you can tell from my last post and from this post that I use the group enhypen a lot🤣).
🕷In my opinion people talk about how scary Scorpio placements are and powerful but the true powerful signs that are scary are Capricorns, Scorpios, and Cancers.
🕷Fire placements and Virgos have the best top notch jokes.Fight me.They are the funniest zodiac sign.
🕷I've observed that virgo placements tend to space out easily. Like you talk to them and you talk to them again and it's like they don't even hear you, like they're in their own little world inside their heads.
🕷The 6th house tells you about your pets and your 5th house tells you about you children. For example my 5th house is in Capricorn so my future 1st child and maybe my following children will have Capricorn or 10th house placements. I have Aquarius in my 6th house so my pet is most likely going to show Aquarius characteristics or they will influence in an Aquarius manner.
🕷I've noticed that the moon sign is much more influential than the sun sign when looking at appearance. I always try guessing somebody's sun sign based off their appearance and it always ends up being their moon sign!!.
🕷Aries are the most athletic looking sign.
🕷Cancer placements either loveee children or absolutely hate them. My ex friend hated them she said it was because they whine and cry a lot🤣.
🕷In my opinion I think that Leo's enjoy children more than Cancer placements. The reason why is because Cancer rules fertility but Leo rules childhood and creativity so I think they have a deeper connection to children because children make them feel young again and it takes the adult responsibility off their mind. Leo's are also really childish so they get along with children well.
🕷The signs that let themselves get walked over the most are Picese, Virgo, Leo, and Libra placements. The signs that won't take any crap from anybody are Aries (their patience isn't made for that loll), Gemini (roast tf out of you infront of everyone), and Capricorns (The sign who's stare itself demands respect).
🕷Scorpio and Aries always end up with each other even though they bump heads and argue a lot 😶.
🕷I have a theory that the sign on you 5th house represents the characteristics that you like to show off to other people. For example I have a Scorpio in the 5th house and I have a friend that has Scorpio/8th house placements or they just embody the sign Scorpio, I might feel the need or want to show them off because it's the traits that make you prideful of them and the traits that make you feel they need to be shown to other people.
🕷Virgo and Pisces are the most psychic of the zodiac signs.You can fight me on this as well🙃.
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The best piano music ever!!. Recommend listening 100%!!
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Give love to this post, thank you❤❤
Also thank u to my followers and viewers for reading , enjoyyyyyy!!!!❤❤
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celestialholz · 2 years
Celestial Live-Reacts: STP 2.1, 'The Star Gazer'
(SPOILERS AHEAD, as you might imagine! Read down at your peril)
- Uhm I'm sorry is this the opening to Ctrl+Alt+Del AND A Good Day to Die at the same time, HAVE YOU READ MY FICS CBS 👁👄👁
- This is a James Bond opening sequence
- He's so proud he knows Romulan, bless him ❤
- Oh, HE is dead! The more you know
- ... Yeahhhh, no. What *is* this romance nonsense? When has there EVER been anything between him and her?
- ... Awkward...
- Baby!card! 😍 All adventure and adorable
- "Why have you chosen to be alone?" "Idk queen not sure where my immortal husband's at rn"
- I love how English his mother is 😂❤ Really sticking with the theme there of being the most English French people ever. Also I love her and she's a girl boss 😍
- Earl grey, cold 🤣
- What *is* Laris talking about, that this has been building for a while? From WHERE exactly, pls explain
- THEY GAVE ELNOR A THING 🖖 Bless up, king ❤
- Hologram Rios! Seven! Beautiful folks everywhere 😍😍
- Is that the AGT phenomena?
- No synth ban; only progression
- Oh hey Agnes, it's once again hugely ambiguous to see you
- Soji's hangout is glorious, my god
- Rios is a captain again???? Like, an official one????? Bless him, he got over his shit 😍
- ... Anyone else forget that these two had sex?
- Sulu reference!
- 'Chancellor of the Academy', much wow
- "You two are so damn self-sufficient, happy to travel the stars..." 🤔🤔🤔
- Elnor has gone from confident young adult to overly tall child lmao
- "Live a little" 😂 I love him so much ❤
- Raffi/Picard friendship is gorgeous.
- Stargazer!
- 'Cigar in the captain's chair' is a VIBE 😍
- "Help us, Picard"????? ... Is that the fucking Continuum?
- BIG MOMMA G 😍 Welcome back Queeeeen ❤
- This bar music is a jam 😍
- "But you'll always be 'captain' to me" - amen ❤❤❤
- "With you pushing a century and me pushing several, I don't really think that at our age we should be reserving anything" 😂😂
- El-Aurians only age 'if they want to'? That's lore, kids
- Another beautiful male/female friendship! They can do it!
- "It's not as if I haven't loved before - I have, sometimes quite deeply." "But always with those that would only be temporary." "That's not entirely true -" "- So you'd never have to fear any of them taking root."
"The problem isn't time, it's you."
"You've been on your own for nearly a century - why, what's holding you back?"
Okay so a. this is hilariously Qcard and b. a beautiful character piece ❤ Fascinated by whatever this is alluding to, too?
- Oh hello, Admiral Great-Hair 😍
- ... Are you trying to tell me that the Q want in to the Federation, what in god's name
- Picard @ Laris: aight imma head out babe 🖖
- Borg stuff?
- IT'S THE BORG. OHHHH. Never mind my dumbass theories then... they want to join the Federation? Are they sick of getting their arse handed to them by Janeway?
- Nice bit of looping back to the beginning
- "We wish for peace", they say, walking in like the cyber fuckparty from my most vivid vodka nightmares
- Doc Ockto-borg????? That's a new take...
- Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
- "We're out of options" - swear Rios says exactly that in Ctrl+Alt+Del, and Picard definitely blew himself up for Tapestry Day... and I had a bloody countdown... just call me Benjamin mes amis, I'm a prophet out here
- "Noooon, je ne regrette rieeeeen" 😂 Come on slut, get in the damn frame already 😍
- That was quite the flash... bit pissed off, are we mon dieu? Of all the men in the universe to kill, they have to kill yours huh?
- "Oh dear, you're a bit older than I imagined - let me catch up." HAHAHAHA yes! Absolute perfection ❤❤😂 He de-aged just to age, that is phenomenal, and exactly what I wanted - just making a mockery of the whole concept
- "You've been talking a lot about second chances - well, my friend, welcome to very end of the road. Not. Taken." ... Fucking HELL 😍❤👁👄👁
Dear. Sweet. God ABOVE. What a fucking start lads 😍
Celestial rating: 7/10.
Relationships out of nowhere, some great leaps of time more or less waved away though still mostly nice to see, but a deeply fucking compelling narrative, and those last fifteen minutes? Wow.
... I have high hopes, dears...
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roxy206 · 2 years
Eating Cheetos on the Floor of the Met Gala with Kelly Mantle & Katya — 05/17/2022
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This is going to be me screaming for an hour about how fucking good Katya looks
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The Air Conditioning and The Sex podcast
You have an awesome body, are you kidding — that’s right
Regular Woman #3
Your body is like architecture — again, so true
Oh my god no but actually… Katya on the cover of Men’s Health… I would like to see it
I knew Kelly would be an exception to the podcast guest thing — Kelly & Macy can guest on the pod any time
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I can’t imagine being on more than one episode 🤣🤣🤣
Would you go back? No.
I would looooove to hear more of a conversation about how mainstream Drag Race has become vs drag as a fringe culture
Katya just casually mentioning memory loss … yeah that is concerning!
The mistakes really are the best parts of T & K Live
🥺🥺🥺 I really can’t when they talk about the fans
Kelly talking about T & K’s energy drawing in those kinds of people 😭
I didn’t have to trick myself into making it feel fresh
Listen, something about how much Katya loves this tour gets to me so, so much
I’m both surprised & not surprised that Katya hadn’t met LVP until the LA show
Them talking about how it makes sense that Trixie is genuinely friends with LVP
Katya’s laugh is the best thing in the world
I grew up reading Anne Rice novels — yeah that tracks
When you die Trixie’s going to take your corpse & scotch tape pubic hair to your armpit
Lmao I love that everyone agrees whoever survives gets the other’s corpse
I don’t think of myself really having age
the visible reckoning — I don’t want to talk about it lol
What’s hilarious is hasn’t that vintage Katya pic been going around here for like a good week lol
Katya not realizing she is in fact a hot person
Kelly saying I think you’re very hot & Katya’s very hot 🥺
I love that Katya was like we have to stop talking about sweat because Trixie & I are constantly talking about HVAC & then they come back from break talking about AC 😂
What turns you on? This. What turns you off? This
erotic content that’s not erotic at all
It’s a rare delight to have a colleague that you genuinely enjoy all the time. Yeah. I’ve yet to find one
You lose a day & then you get one back I’m sure Trixie will be working both of them
That was such a good episode
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megafrost4 · 3 years
The Clone Wars Season 3: Nightsisters/Savage Arc
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Episode 12: Nightsisters
The swiftest path to destruction is through vengeance
Palpatine: there is a disturbance in the force
He wants Dooku to kill her
You can see Palps face more clearly 🤔 funny, he looks like the Chancellor??? 🙃
Ventress goes after Obi-wan: looks like I’m her favorite 😏
Gosh the animation has gotten so much better with these space battles 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Dooku: you have failed me for the last time, [how many times has this been said? across media in general...🤔]and now you are no longer my apprentice…you shall die
Obi-Wan: Ventress you’re not looking well 😳
Anakin: she never does 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
She is force choking both of them!!!!! 😳😳😳😳
Dooku cares for his apprentice 🥺
Ventress returns home to Dathomir 😳😳😳😳😳
Mother Talzin: bring the water of life 😳
Sparkling green water
[whooshing] adds to favorite subtitle/cc
She goes to Dooku after her master dies 🥺her backstory is sad!
Nadee mah reez ven doo la tren potion to reach Dooku’s palace undetected, step into the mist and become like shadows
They have Jedi weapons? 😳😳😳😳😳how many have they killed?
Dooku: what sorcery is this???? 🤨
Mother Talzin offers up a male instead, one that he can “tame better than a female” 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
FILONIIIIIIIII sorry, I just like screeching his name now, making note of which episodes he had his hand in personally
Episode 13 Monster
Evil is not born, it is taught
“Blackroot, to replenish the body.” Mother Talzin can I have some?
“Men are easy to acquire, hard to control” Mother Talzin 😏
Ventress: let the games begin! HUNGER GAMES 🤣
Vetnress: in order to fight against the Force, you must seen what cannot be seen 🤨
The starry blood red sky is gorgeous 😭🙌
[eerie humming] Mother Talzin strokes her hand all over his body 0_0 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Geiss kan erde mak harden ob stein, geiss kan lewf mak krig ob blitz, geiss kan pire mak blud loge raga, geiss kan vass byn skol zum asajj! [Erde-blitz-raga-byn] 3 times , zum asajj! [whooshing]
He buffed out 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
“He is ready, sisters, look at the strength, the power!” she taps his forehead and he wakes up CAN I JUST SAY, HOW UBER POWERFUL SHE IS??? WITH MINIMAL EFFORT ON SUCH COMPLEX SEEMING MAGIC, SHE JUST...BOOPS HIM HERE, WAVES HER HAND THERE...NO EFFORT WHATSOEVER, SHE IS
The way his eyes glow in the dark 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
“Savage, you know me, I am your kin! Brother, Brother please!” Feral
He cracked his neck! 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Cue epic operatic music ✊✊👏👏
Savage: “Jedi” 🤬
“Soon, your powers will be greater than Darth Maul.” Savage frowns
Episode 14: Witches of the Mist
The path to evil may bring great power, but not loyalty
Plo: Not everything is what it seems…PLO KNOWS!
Dooku: you have no technique…sloppy…but with the proper training, you can be powerful 😒😏
Obi-Wan: Darth Maul, alive? It can’t be, I killed him myself 🤔
Dooku: the task is only impossible because you deemed it so GIVE IT TO A Sith Lord TO GIVE GREAT LIFE ADVICE
Force lightning him to fuel his anger 😎
Savage: I hate you 😒
Dooku: good 😏
A wise master does not reveal all his secrets at once 😏 WISE
Obi-Wan and Anakin go to Dathomir
Anakin: don’t worry, I won’t start anything 😏
Obi-Wan: Anakin, kindly release him please
Anakin salutes him with a finger 😏
Anakin: great, warrior men, witches, this place is all kinds of fun 👏
Obi-Wan: I’m glad you think so 😒
Anakin: you never know, I tend to be popular with the ladies 😏
Obi-Wan: too popular 😒
“Master Kenobi…I believe you have a question for me” 😳
Master Jedi, we have no control over the males” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Savage has a duel lightsaber! 😱
Anakin lands roughly
Obi-Wan grimaces
Savage killed the king! Force snapped his neck! 😱😱😱😱
Dooku: you ignorant beast! I told you I wanted him alive! Force lightning 🤬
Ventress did the head tap, now Savage teamed up to fight Dooku
That camera zoom to Dooku’s head as Ventress charged was awesome! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Mother Talzin REVEALS DARTH MAUL!!!!
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