#and none of my irl freinds care about marauders
cressthebest · 3 months
out of all the marauders era/Slytherin skittles/valkeries characters, who do you relate to the most and why?? (idk why but this is always important to me, helps me figure someone out :D)
ahhhhh!! okay um this is going to be a longer explanation than you need, but i love to overshare:
wolfstar is my favorite ship for reasons i cannot describe, and out of it, i probably act more like remus, but i don’t outright relate to him. i, in fact, so desperately want to look like sirius black in the most gender way possible, and personally see him as gender-fluid, which may just be projection, but do not personally relate to him either. i have a mix of his fashion, marlene’s fashion, and mary’s fashion
i do relate to the family issues the black have, when dealing with their mother and everything revolving around that with queerness and expectations (don’t worry, i’m in a safe household unlike them)
but i don’t relate to regulus either except with the family issues and the fact that the fandom headcanons him to have autism. (fantastic hair and fashion sense tho)
the other skittles are too unhinged to be me, including dorcas and pandora.
so that leaves james, peter and the valkarkies.-
-marlene- doesn’t fit. just, straight up. all that matches is that we both like women
-mary- maybe? i like her fashion sense and i’m a huge jewelry type girly and love to dress up. but not enough to relate to her with all her struggles and personality, especially with her sexuality and the way she is viewed by others.
-james- oh sweet james. i’m definitely a gold jewelry person like him. and i’m very mom freind of the group, and i match him with the role i take in romantic relationships. (literally. it’s an issue. all the way down to sex life.. :/ )
but it’s still not quite matching.
that leaves… drumroll.. lily and peter. it’s a mix between the two.
lily- lily, oh my beloved lily. with the beautiful personality and everything so wonderful about her. i wish to be her and i try to be her. and of course, when trying to be like lily, i also come with her faults as well. i have her “will fuck you up if you hit the right nerve” personality. like, the way you know she’s badass. deadly, even, when you mess with her crew. she won’t even hex you, she’ll deck you the muggle way, like you fucking deserve. she’s also struggling with her family, which i relate too, the way her sister calls her a freak for being magic feels similar to the way my brother says gay people are gross. also, the fashion <3 i can’t tell if i am her or want to be her so badly that i’m hallucinating
then lastly, peter. my peter. i’m him in the way that isn’t fun. i’m him in the way that i’m the fourth member who will always be left out of things. the fourth member who tries to fit, and they love me, but the others will always connect better and connect more. and no matter how hard i try, i feel left out and don’t know what i did wrong other than exist. i feel for peter, i really do. god, i feel like him so much at times that it hurts. though i finally know that the reason i always felt like that was autism and it helped me out so much, cause then when i purposefully made freinds with other neurodivergents and realized i understood them better, i felt so much better. i have a great group of friends now- equal mix of neurodivergent and neurotypical. also, i want to encapsulate “just lovers” peter personality. that’s my favorite version of him.
thank you, goodnight, and i hope that wasn’t too much 😭😭 i promise i don’t normally ramble like this
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