#and not being in the gods favour so he pretty much goes roman only to see nico and a few months later percy appearing.
localfraudster · 4 months
Does anybody know if demigods are allowed to leave Camp Jupiter even if they haven't completed their service and haven't been on any quests or anything special?
I need it for a fanfic ;-;
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all-seeing-ifer · 4 years
Greek mythology references in Ulysses Dies at Dawn masterpost
I saw a post a while back by @spacetrashpile analysing all the arthurian references in High Noon Over Camelot, and since I know quite a bit about Greek mythology I figured “hey! I should do something like that for Ulysses Dies at Dawn!” I’m just going to go through each of the songs in order and analyse/explain the references in them - hopefully other people will find it interesting!
“The City”
Starting with the title - Ulysses is the Latin name of Odysseus, legendary king of Ithaca and hero of the epic poem The Odyssey. Interestingly, Ulysses is the only character in UDAD who is given a Latin name instead of a Greek one. There’s a couple of potential reasons for this but the most convincing to me is it’s meant to reflect Ulysses’ opposition to the Olympians, who are all based on the Greek gods.
Jonny calls the story a “labyrinthine task of a twisted tale”, referencing the Greek myth of the Minotaur, which was kept in a labyrinth to hide it from the world. This reference becomes even clearer when we later learn the City’s original name.
This one’s less a reference to Greek mythology and more to like, actual history, but the description of the City expanding to cover the whole planet is reminiscent of Greek expansion in ancient times. Ancient Greece was made up of many city-states, or poleis, which established colonies or “daughter-cities”, mostly in western Asia, or “Asia Minor” as the Greeks and Romans called it.
The story opens at a “run-down gin join” called Calypso’s - Calypso is a sea nymph who plays a fairly major role in The Odyssey, keeping Odysseus/Ulysses trapped on her island for seven years.
Fittingly enough, Calypso’s apparently pays money to Dionysus, whose mythological namesake is the Greek god of wine.
Broken Horses
Ilium is the Ancient Greek name for Troy, the city that Greece went to war against, according to myth,. Part of this war is described in the epic poem The Iliad, in which Odysseus is one of the soldiers laying siege to Troy.
Much like the Trojan War of Greek myth, the siege of Ilium is said to have lasted a decade.
Ulysses’ gambit with the horse statue sending out a signal driving the people of Ilium mad is pretty obviously a reference to the Trojan Horse - the wooden horse the Greeks built as a “peace offering” to the Trojans that they used to sneak their soldiers into the City and that brought them victory in the war. Like in the UDAD version, Odysseus/Ulysses was apparently responsible for coming up with this plan.
Ulysses’ wife is named Penelope, same as Odysseus’ wife in the myths
The Acheron is the name of one of the five rivers of Hades, along with Styx, Cocytus, Lethe, and Phlegethon
As a sidenote, in Greek mythology Hades is the name of the underworld as well as the name of the God of the dead - fittingly enough reimagined in UDAD as the controller of a vast network of half-dead minds (and also Ashes)
The most powerful families in the City are called the Olympians - the name given to the twelve most important deities in the Greek pantheon
Poseidon Industries is named for Poseidon, Greek god of the sea and one of the twelve Olympians. Jonny calls them “one of the architects of the Ilium War”, which seems like an odd reference since iirc Poseidon doesn’t have a whole lot to do with the Trojan War. I guess that’s just there to give Ulysses a reason to want to rob Poseidon Industries.
In the Odyssey, Poseidon hates Odysseus/Ulysses for attacking his son, a cyclops called Polyphemus. In UDAD this is changed to Ulysses stealing the diamond from Poseidon Industries’ laser, which is also called The Cyclops.
My Name is No One
The song’s title and chorus is a reference to Odysseus’ famous trick for escaping the Polyphemus’ cave. He tells the Polyphemus his name is “no one/nobody” (depending on the translation) so that when he attacks Polyphemus and the cyclops tries to call for help, he calls out “No one is attacking me” which obviously none of the other cyclopes take seriously. (There’s also a great pun in the original Greek based on the Greek words for “no one” and “cunning” being very similar, but it loses a lot in translation)
However, just like in UDAD, Odysseus messes up this plan badly by calling out his real name when he’s still too close to the island of the cyclops. (although in the Odyssey it’s motivated by him wanting Polyphemus to know his name so he can get glory, rather than just being drunk)
Odysseus bests the cyclops by taking out his eye (there’s debate around it but cyclopes are generally depicted as having only one eye). Obviously in UDAD the cyclops is a machine not a monster, so this is replaced with the diamond at the heart of the laser being called its “eye”.
Also, I’m not sure if this is an intentional reference, but there is a fun irony to the fact that in the Odyssey, Odysseus tricks Polyphemus by getting him drunk so he can then blind him, while in UDAD Ulysses steals the eye of the Cyclops while drunk themself.
“Trial By Wits”
As well as My Name is No One, the whole concept of no one knowing anything about Ulysses’ appearance, gender etc. could also be seen as a reference to the “My name is nobody” trick, or possibly just a spin on Odysseus being a kind of “archetypal hero” - they could be anyone!
Heracles is better known by his Latin name, Hercules (son of Zeus, demigod, inhumanly strong and all that jazz)!
Ariadne is the name of the Cretan princess who helped Theseus slay the minotaur
Orpheus is another of the most well-known Greek mythological figures - the main myth surrounding him says he went into the underworld to rescue his dead wife Eurydice
Oedipus is most famous as the main character of a famous tragedy. His parents are given a prophecy that he would kill his father and have sex with his mother, and so decided to abandon him. As is so often the case with Greek oracles, he ended up doing both things anyway, seeing as how he, y’know, didn’t know who his parents were. The mechs apparently chose to reference this in the most mature of ways by having Jonny call Oedipus a motherfucker. Kind of a lot.
Aside from committing both patricide and incest, Oedipus’ other achievements in myth included winning a battle of wits against the Sphinx, a monster that was killing anyone who couldn’t solve its riddle. This monster is reimagined in UDAD as a disease that Oedipus finds a cure for.
Riddle of the Sphinx
The chorus of the song is taken almost word-for-word from the riddle asked of Oedipus by the Sphinx: “What goes on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?” The answer to the riddle is “man” - crawls on all fours as a baby, walks on two legs as an adult, and walks with a cane (third leg) in old age. The Mechs being the Mechs, this is made completely literal in the world of UDAD.
“Ulysses’ Will”
Like the Oedipus of myth, UDAD Oedipus also ends up killing his father and marrying his mother without knowing. Since he’s replaced his eyes with data sockets by the time he helps kidnap Ulysses, it’s pretty strongly implied that he blinded himself like mythological Oedipus as well.
The “twenty years of sirens” could be a reference to the twenty years Odysseus spends away from Ithaca in the Iliad and Odyssey
The sirens were half-bird half-human creatures that Odysseus encountered as part of the Odyssey and that tried to lure him to his death with promises of knowledge.
As well as referencing this story, the line “let the lotus set you free” references another episode of the Odyssey, where Odysseus and his crew arrive on the island of the Lotus-Eaters. Anyone who eats the Lotus fruits falls into a state of apathy and will never want to leave the island, so it’s a fitting episode to reference in a song about Ulysses drugging themself to escape their memories of war.
“Trial By Strength”
Heracles’ backstory is essentially the same in UDAD as in the original myths: one of the many children of Zeus’ many affairs, except in UDAD Zeus has affairs with women from “the lower levels”, instead of just mortal women.
Favoured Son
The tasks Heracles performs for Zeus are a reference to the most famous myth about Heracles - the twelve labours he performs to atone for killing his family.
The song references “the ferryman” who takes people into the Underworld. In Greek mythology the dead travel to the Underworld in a boat rowed by the ferryman Charon.
In both the myth and in UDAD there are...what you might you might call “extenuating circumstances” for Heracles killing his family - in the myth he’s driven mad by Zeus’ wife Hera (bc she’s very angy about Zeus having all those bastard children with mortal women) but since Hera doesn’t play a role in UDAD this is changed to him being framed by Zeus himself.
In addition to being king of the gods, Zeus is also the god of thunder - which is where Heracles’ nickname “The Thunderbolt of Zeus” comes from
“Loose Threads”
Heracles and Orpheus “Backing up Jason on the fleece job” is a reference to the myth of Jason’s quest for the Golden Fleece along with his crew (the Argonauts), which included Heracles and Orpheus.
Hylas was Heracles’ servant and another member of the Argonauts. While on the quest he was kidnapped by nymphs, and depending on which version of the myth you’re looking at, either fell in love with them and stayed there forever, or was murdered by them (Hylas is also the only character referenced I had to google to even know who they were lol)
Heracles telling Ariadne that “Your dad helped me out once” is presumably a reference to the seventh labour of Heracles: capturing the Cretan bull. Now the story of the Cretan bull is actually really long and ties into a bunch of other myths but essentially it was sent to Ariadne’s father, King Minos, as proof that he was the rightful ruler of Crete. However, Minos ended up helping Heracles by letting him take the bull with him to prove that he’d successfully caught it (which seeing as the bull was destroying Crete at that point doesn’t seem like a huge favour on Minos’ part, but ok)
Trial By Song
UDAD Orpheus shares the mythical Orpheus’ main defining trait: his skill at singing that he used to help him on his journey to the underworld.
Trial By Song is a lot more metaphorical than all the others so there’s not that many direct references to the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice in the lyrics - probably the most direct one is “But all the landmarks moved as I walked past/Now I can’t look back”, which references Orpheus’ deal with Hades that he can take Eurydice back to the world of the living as long as he doesn’t look back at her.
“The viper town that bled me dry” could also be a reference to Eurydice’s death from a snake bite.
UDAD Orpheus’ motivation is the same as mythical Orpheus - wanting to bring back their dead lover from Hades.
Ulysses, Heracles, and Orpheus all visiting the “underworld” is taken directly from mythology (although unlike in UDAD, Ulysses/Odysseus never actually speaks to Hades).
Underworld Blues
In Heracles’ confrontation with Hades, he says that “I was sent here your dog to seize/Of my tasks, of my tasks/This was to be the last”. There’s a couple of points here - the mythology reference is to the last of the twelve labours of Hercules: capturing Hades’ guard dog Cerberus. However, I do wonder whether this is meant to be literal (in which case guys, why are we not talking about the fact that Ashes obtained a pet dog while in The City?), or if this is a similar case to all the mentions of ‘horses’ in High Noon Over Camelot actually being about motorbikes.
Orpheus singing to Hades and trying to convince them to release Eurydice is also taken directly from Greek myth, except instead of being moved by Orpheus’ song and agreeing to release his love like in the myth, Ashes just tells him he’s poor for a bit and then says he should go commit some crimes.
“Trial By Love”:
The general concept of Ariadne’s backstory - her helping Theseus fight the minotaur only for him to abandon her - is the same basic idea as the myth of Ariadne and Theseus. Although UDAD Ariadne is at least a bit more fortunate in the sense that she wasn’t truly in love with her Theseus, and he also doesn’t straight up leave her on a deserted island.
Ariadne’s family creating the minotaur is also part of her character in the myth. The difference is that in UDAD the minotaur was created intentionally, while the mythological minotaur was the result of Poseidon making Ariadne’s mother fall in love with the Cretan Bull as punishment for King Minos not sacrificing it to him (I said the Cretan Bull story tied into a bunch of other myths!)
The presence of the minotaur in the City is yet another thing that makes even more sense when we learn about the City originally being called Labyrinth!
Ties That Bind
Ariadne’s family name is Minos, same as the name of her mythical father King Minos.
Ariadne describes her family’s actions as casting a “dark horned shadow” over her, which references the typical depiction of the minotaur as a man with a bull’s head and horns.
In the myth of the Minotaur, Ariadne helps Theseus by giving him a ball of string that he then unwinds as he walks through the Labyrinth, letting him find his way out again. In UDAD this is changed to “strings of code”, that shut down the minotaurs programming. (And if you think that pun’s bad, just wait until we get to Torn Suits!)
The song’s title also brings to mind string or thread, so it can be seen as a subtler reference to Ariadne’s gift to Theseus. Same for Ariadne’s line about “heartstrings long since cut”.
“The Daidala”
Daedalus, the leader of the Suits, shares a name with the mythical craftsman and father of Icarus
He is rumoured to “trade as an Olympian under the name Hephaestus” - a fitting alias as Hephaestus was the god of craftsmen and artisans like Daedalus
The rumour that he killed his son for “getting too ambitious” references the myth of Icarus, who famously died after literally flying too close to the sun using wings held together with wax. The heat of the sun caused the wax to melt and Icarus to fall into the sea. The story is often interpreted as a warning about the dangers of ambition.
Interestingly, it could also reference another myth surrounding Daedalus - one in which Daedalus kills his nephew Talos because he was jealous of his achievements.
Daedalus is also apparently the architect of The City, which was originally known as Labyrinth. This once again references the labyrinth which held the minotaur, and which Minos forced Daedalus to design. Considering the labyrinth’s purpose in myth, it seems like an appropriate name for a city that keeps all its inhabitants trapped with no way out.
Presumably the Daidala in the title refers to the City: Daedalus’ finest creation. In Homeric Greek, daidala is a word that refers to finely crafted objects such as armour.
This track also has another reference to the Orpheus and Eurydice myth when Orpehus offers to sacrifice himself to open the vault - “But he can’t see it through can he? Flinches, looks back. And it doesn’t work.”
Torn Suits
This song is notable for having quite possibly the worst pun in Mechanisms history - “Ulysses pulls out their snub-nosed laser and fires the last shot, splitting the beam across twelve axes”. This references one of the climactic scenes of the Odyssey, where Ulysses/Odysseus wins an archery competition against his wife’s suitors by shooting an arrow through twelve axe heads. (get it, axes as in the weapons becomes axes as in the plural of axis do you get it?????)
Another, marginally less bad pun is Heracles getting “the lion’s share” of the beams, referencing the popular image of Heracles wearing the skin of a lion he killed as one of his labours.
The code to Ulysses’ vault: Elysium, is another word for the Elysian Fields. In certain Greek religions, this was an afterlife separate from Hades’ world where heroes and those chosen by the gods would go after they died.
Ulysses’ vault is revealed to contain the “sole surviving oak tree”, under which Penelope is buried. While it’s not as direct a reference as some of the others, this is pretty clearly inspired by the way Odysseus proves his true identity to Penelope at the end of the Odyssey - by telling her that he carved their bed from a tree still rooted to the ground, something only the two of them know.
The track ends with an homage to Homer’s use of similes in the Odyssey: “And as the weary hound, once more at its master’s feet after so long, lays down with the sunlight warming its fur, breathing its last – even so did the eyes of Ulysses close forever.” Not only is this stylistically identical to Homer’s similes, it also doubles as a reference to Odysseus’ dog Argos, who waited for him for twenty years and finally died when he saw Odysseus again.
Elysian Fields
This is possibly a bit of a stretch but the image of Ulysses lying beneath the last tree, next to where Penelope is buried, especially with how they say they’re “with my beloved” and “beside my wife” really brings to mind the scene in the Odyssey where Odysseus and Penelope lie in their tree-bed together for the first time since Odysseus’ return. Which, incidentally, is theorised by some to be the “real” final scene of the Odyssey and everything after that was added on later, but that’s another story.
That’s everything I’ve picked up on but it’s possible there’s more I’ve missed so let me know if there’s any more! I’d like to thank the Mechs for giving me an opportunity to put my useless and extremely niche knowledge to good use!
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Kiro’s R&S - Youthhood (Eng Translation)
🍒This R&S (少年时代) was part of the Dream Heart Lake event which will unlikely come to EN🍒
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Cancelled Kiro’s R&S:
> top experimental subject (by another user)
> stunning young idol
> youthhood ♡
> heaven’s home for children (by another user)
[ Chapter 1]
Kiro sits on the highest flight of steps of TKTS. With the scorching sun directly overhead, he’s queuing to purchase discounted tickets to “Wicked” with Pei En.
TKTS, which sells discounted tickets, is located in the bustling Times Square in New York, USA. Behind it is the NASDAQ screen, and on both sides are shops selling Disney products and all sorts of fast fashion brands. The buildings in front and in the surroundings have gigantic, neat and pretty advertisements.
Among them, a gigantic “The Avengers” poster above the subway is the most attention grabbing.
This is a representation of the era. It’s a symbol of the 20th century, and is also similar to the cyberpunk world of “Blade Runner”.
“I’ve got the tickets!”
Pei En waves the two tickets to “Wicked” in his hand. Pei En is the guitarist in his band. Kiro’s agency formed a band for him, and most of the band members are French locals. Only Pei En is of mixed blood like Kiro - a child from a Jew and an Asian.
“If the performance had gone smoothly, we would have reached earlier!”
They have a final performance in New York as part of their tour, and would have to leave after, rushing to Los Angeles, California.
“This time, I’m going to hide the donuts in an even more secret location so the person who inspects the tickets wouldn’t discover them!”
While Kiro says this, he finishes the donut in his hand.
Donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts are very sticky. Only Kiro can treat such things as delicacies.
His ringtone sounds. With a glance at the number on the screen, he hangs up immediately. Pei En is very curious to know who the caller is. He has expressed curiosity regarding everything involving Kiro, and Kiro knows why.
“Is it that fellow Lawrence again?” Pei En asks. Lawrence is the agent of their band.
“Nope, but it’s definitely a harassment call.”
“It should be.”
Pei En seems to be a carbon copy of Kiro. Aside from his hair not being golden coloured, he is extremely similar to Kiro in terms of bubbliness and openness, and how simple-minded he is. 
[ Chapter 2 ]
After purchasing the tickets, both of them return to the agency. Lawrence is at the side, looking through the program booklet for their performance tonight. Lawrence is overwhelmingly ambitious. He won’t give up until he bags a Grammy Award for the band.
“Did you know? Another group of strange people came to look for you again.”
The moment Lawrence sees Kiro, he pulls the latter to a corner. Pei En curiously watches on.
“What kind of people did you provoke? They look like they shouldn’t be trifled with.”
Kiro shakes his head. “What do you mean by ‘they’? Fans?”
When Lawrence sees the innocent and harmless expression on Kiro’s face again, he knows that his questions wouldn’t get him anywhere. Kiro always manages to find ways to conceal himself.
“How’s the preparation for the concert? You’re the lead singer, and all the girls are flocking here for you!”
“I’ll definitely perform even better than usual!”
Kiro looks to be full of zest and in high spirits. He genuinely loves being on stage, and loves how he radiates brilliance. Who doesn’t like seeing fans go into a frenzy over them and be captivated by them? It enables Kiro to fully feel that he is still living on this earth. And that on this earth, there are still so many people who like him...
“I’m guessing you went to buy a souvenir again today.”
Lawrence comes to such a conclusion after glancing at Kiro’s bag. Kiro has a hobby - to buy some souvenirs wherever he goes, whenever convenient.
From Paris to Munich, Zurich to Stockholm, Vancouver to Montreal - wherever he goes on tour, he would buy local fridge magnets and postcards, and he would always buy two sets.
He wants to collect these things, so if a day comes when he can meet her again, he would show them to her, and say:
“Look! This world is so beautiful, and you no longer have to be afraid.”
But till now, he has yet to find her. He remembers her eyes. One day, he will find her in a vast sea of people. 
“Did you know that the agency from China has sent someone to negotiate with us? They want you to sign on with them, and the amount they’re giving you is basically--”
Lawrence’s tone is exaggerated. “How are people in China so wealthy!”
“What if I said that I wanted to go to China?”
“Hey, buddy, the band can’t do without you.”
“Haha, Pei En is much more outstanding than I am.”
At this point, Pei En is still watching them. Kiro understands him too well. He’s much too curious. Also, he’s only curious about Kiro, which could very quickly expose Kiro’s hidden identity.
Did that group of people actually send Pei En to monitor him...
He kind of underestimates Pei En though.
“But that fellow is always so absent-minded. God knows what he’s thinking about.”
[ Chapter Three ]
Americans enjoy overstating things. At one moment, they go “only God knows...”, and at another moment, they go “for the sake of God...”. Some people can’t stand it, but Kiro finds it very interesting.
Very quickly, Kiro begins rehearsing with the band. His style of singing changes a lot. When they were in Europe, they mostly played rock music. When they reached America, they started playing country or jazz music.
Kiro likes the southern accent of the keyboardist from California. But Lawrence prohibits it. “The southern accent is the most crude and coarse form of English! Why can’t you learn the way the British speak?”
Lawrence has always favoured people who can speak eloquent British English - to him, only such people are refined and elegant. But Kiro grew up in France. When he first started learning English, he tended to pronounce “ch” as “sh”. Actually, French is genuinely elegant and pleasant to listen to. And English tinged with a slight French accent can make one absorbed in it.
The concert ended smoothly.
The fans are cheering in a frenzy outside, wanting them to perform one more song. But the agent has already told them to leave.
Pei En and Kiro take a car and rush to the theatre to watch “Wicked”. This is the final Broadway show they want to watch, and it was a shame that Kiro didn't get to watch the well-known Hamilton.
At the entrance, that group of fellows stopped him again. 
The person standing at the forefront is a Caucasian woman. She walks up to Kiro elegantly and greets him, signalling for the person next to her to bring Pei En away.
“I’ve already given you a response through e-mail, and I hope you won’t disturb me again.”
The Caucasian woman proceeds as usual, showing him an FBI ID.
Kiro grumbles in his heart.
“I swear I won’t disclose the contents of ‘The Avengers’. Even though I’ve already watched it on my laptop, I’ll definitely watch it again in the cinema!”
The Caucasian woman laughs.
“Mr Kiro, you’re very humorous. Even though we know that apart from Disney, you’ve also hacked into Universal Studios and Paramount Pictures, we’re not here to talk about this.”
She continues: “KEY - that’s you, isn’t it?”
[ Chapter 4 ]
Kiro doesn’t respond, his eyes widening as he glances around. 
“In order to track down your IP address, we had to destroy four computers.”
“Are you looking for me to make compensation for the computers?”
“Mr Kiro. Ten years ago, you expended no effort to hack into our computers, and left behind a string of mysterious characters.”
The Caucasian woman smiles at him amiably. Kiro’s expression grows serious. Ten years ago, that KEY who hacked into their organisation wasn’t him...
“Ten years later, you’re back again. I think you're trying to provoke us.”
“I don’t have such an intention.”
“Whether or not you do, we can’t let you continue this way. Mr Kiro, this is a serious issue. We are now sending you a sincere invitation, and we hope to work together to do more noble things.”
Kiro is silent. He had previously found a clue leading to his own master. Finding out that he had entered the American FBI website and left behind a series of symbols - he thinks this is message to him from his master. As such, he entered it as well, and found that series of symbols, but until now hasn’t been able to decipher it.
It’s a series of very strange symbols, reminiscent of a new language formed using Latin and Roman symbols. He managed to decipher it a little, and it appears that the series of symbols seem to be pointing him to a location.
And the FBI had found him quickly, sending him an e-mail. It was a solemn reminder that if he was unwilling to be enlisted by them, he would lose his rights to use a computer forever.
“You’ve stated these things clearly in the e-mail, and I’ve already replied.”
“I don't think you have considered the severity of this matter. Mr Kiro, we can detain you.”
"In that case, I’ll just sing in jail then!”
Seeing the displeased look on the Caucasian woman’s face, Kiro continues smiling simple-mindedly.
“I hope you wouldn’t regret this in the future.” The Caucasian woman leaves a final statement that is often found in a script for a classic villain. She leaves with the large group of people. 
Pei En walks over frantically, and Kiro walks towards him as well.
“Tell them that I’ve met with some trouble, and will need to leave America immediately.”
Pei En pretends to be puzzled.
“You understand the meaning in my words, don’t you?”
For the first time, Kiro looks at him seriously. During serious moments, he doesn’t smile. 
“Where do you plan to go? We can send you to Russia.”
Pei En is no longer smiling. His expression changes, along with his entire aura.
As expected, Pei En is much too similar to him. If Kiro were to leave the band, Pei En could take over his position as the lead singer, and that group of people had considered this fact too.
[ Chapter 5 ]
The face of the little girl surfaces in Kiro’s mind again. 
The girl is lying with him, and is all smiles as she looks at him.
“Don’t be afraid. When I’m out, I’ll buy you donuts, okay?”
The girl draws the shape of a donut in the air.
Back then, Kiro didn’t speak. He just stared at the ceiling in a dazed state.
“Don’t worry that I won’t have enough money. My dad will give it to me.”
Kiro remains wordless, quietly listening to the little girl speak.
The little girl struggles to pull on his hand.
Their fingers lace together, the warmth from her palm gradually coursing into Kiro’s heart.
“Don’t be afraid. I’ll protect you.”
Kiro turns to look at her - to look at her determined brown eyes, to look at how the corners of her lips angle upwards. Kiro slowly learns how to curl the corners of his lips from her. It’s the first smile to appear on his face. 
Suddenly, the door is flung open. A group of people wearing doctor’s coats enter and drag him away. The little girl watches him in a daze, and he stares back at her. They agreed to go out to have donuts - can they still eat them?
“I want to return to China.”
Pei En shakes his head, alarm in his eyes. “Why? There’s so much freedom here, and I’m the only one who monitors you. And I’m inclined to trust you more now. You won’t betray us.”
“No... I still want to go back.”
Not just for the little girl. The symbols left behind by his master seem to point to a certain location in China... Where exactly is it? And why did he leave the symbols with the FBI? Could it be the place he’s hiding at right now?
No matter what, he wants to solve this riddle.
“All right. I’ll handle it for you as soon as I can. I think you’d have to use a false identity this time.”
“As long as everything goes smoothly, it’s fine.”
“Don’t worry, there’s nothing they can’t do.”
He wants to wait till he returns to China before telling Lawrence about what happened. Lawrence will definitely be extremely frantic. After all, he’s been following Kiro ever since he debuted in France.
And Pei En will definitely be happy. He can finally take over Kiro and become the favourite member of the group, and obtain love from the fans.
Kiro is someone who doesn’t lack love. But he always subconsciously wishes that he could obtain even more love. More and more...
[ Chapter 6 ]
Before Kiro retuned, Pei En gave him materials pertaining to the agency in China.
“Your agent is called Savin. He doesn’t seem as eager for instant success and quick profits as Lawrence. Mr Savin is a very amiable person, and you should be very happy interacting with him.”
“Is he one of your people?”
“I don’t know.”
“You really don’t know?”
Pei En shakes his head. “I rank too low, so I don’t have the right to ask. I’m just an elementary spy.”
Kiro nods, taking his luggage and preparing to leave. He’ll set things straight eventually.
“Kiro, I don’t think you’re transparent. They say that what’s in your heart is easy to guess, which is why they put me by your side. But I think they have underestimated you.”
Kiro looks at Pei En’s troubled eyes, then showcases his signature sunny smile.
“How can that be? Do you want a postcard? When I get to China, I’ll mail you one. I also want to mail them to Lawrence and the members from the band. Treat it as an apology.”
Like Kiro, Pei En showcases a sunny smile. “In that case, we’ll wait for your news. You’ll definitely be at the height of popularity in China.”
“Let’s work hard together.”
After parting with Pei En, who has been with together with him from morning to night for so long, Kiro lifts his luggage and embarks on an unknown journey. 
As what Pei En said, he isn’t transparent. His brilliant smile conceals something underneath, just as the brilliant sun shrouds darkness underneath.
Hidden in the depths of his secrets are things even darkness doesn’t know of. If darkness had a mind of its own, it might think it doesn’t fit with this pure and simple youth.
Just as how everyone think he’s a simple, innocent Kiro, the sunlight casted on him can pierce through him completely, the rays of light refracting onto the floor. 
Actually, since a very long time ago, he was no longer a youth...
But, for her sake, he's willing to become a youth again.
“Don’t be afraid, I’ll protect you.”
He once again recalls what the girl said to him.
“This time, I’ll be the one protecting you.” Kiro says excitedly. He stands outside the JFK Airport, his eyes staring directly at the sun.
“I’ll find you, and protect you. I even have a mountain of souvenirs stored in my luggage. I’ll give them all to you. And my purest heart - I’ll give it to you too!”
Other cancelled R&S: here
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mst3kproject · 4 years
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1113: The Christmas that Almost Wasn’t
I’ve been saving this one, too – not because I particularly dislike the movie but because I wanted to do it close to Christmas, and here we are! In fact, I kind of like The Christmas that Almost Wasn’t, to the point where I’m going to enjoy watching it again.
For years now, Santa Claus has been living rent-free at the North Pole with the permission of the Inuit, but now that land has been bought out from under him by the Scroogish Phineas Prune!  Prune wants rent money or he will seize the toys instead, and so to save Christmas, Santa has to get a job.  He lands a gig as a department store mascot, but then Prune buys the store, too.  Looks like there won’t be a very merry Christmas this year, unless some kind of last-minute miracle can happen.  Fortunately, last-minute miracles are what Christmas movies are all about!
So… why do I like this movie?  It’s not exactly festive – as Max points out, there’s nothing very jolly about Santa hiring a lawyer to deal with his landlord.  The animated title sequence is kind of charming, but the actual opening scene in Mr. Whipple’s office is claustrophobic and dark, and both it and the scene where they confront Prune at the North Pole drag a bit. The songs aren’t catchy (although the nonsense one the elves sing about Prune is fun), and the dealings with rent, lawyers, and evictions are probably way over the heads of the target audience of children.  The depiction of Santa’s workshop as one little hut in the middle of the snow, where about nine elves must make all the millions of presents, is pretty depressing. And of course there’s the downright nightmarish plush animals in the department store.  The screaming giraffe is my favourite.
In general, though, I like the movie’s aesthetic.  It’s set in a nonspecific but vaguely Victorian past with just a hint of fantasy on top, and a lot of the sets have something to say about the people who spend time in those spaces.  Santa and his wife in their north pole hovel are simple people who care far more about others than about themselves.  Whipple’s office is comfortable but not large or fancy, and shows us a man who is reasonably successful but not pretentious.  Prune’s cobwebby house tells us, even before Mrs. Claus brings it up, that he is a man who doesn’t look after himself.  The characters' names speak to similar ideas, such as Mr. Prim the very proper department store owner.  It’s true that this is all quite simplistic, but in a fable for children that’s okay.
The costumes do a similar job, equally well.  It’s not that hard to get Santa Claus or a Dastardly villain right, of course, but enough movies manage to fail at it regardless that I feel The Christmas that Almost Wasn’t has earned a kudo or two. Like the sets, the costumes tell us about the characters.  Mr. Whipple the lawyer, in his tidy but plain suit and festive mittens, is a professional but doesn’t like sticking out in a crowd.  Mr. Prim’s mustache-hair tells us he’s very fussy.  Mrs. Claus, always apparently dressed in her pajamas, is a homebody. Somebody took the trouble to dress all the elves slightly different, so that even though we never really meet them we can tell they’re individuals.
The main characters, furthermore, all have more than one layer! Santa Claus loves children but is worried what they’ll think of him, and his isolated life at the north pole has given him a measure of social anxiety.  Actor Alberto Rabagliati manages to embody both ‘right jolly old elf’ and ‘old man down on his luck’, and sometimes both at the same time.  It’s hard to judge anybody’s performance because of the dubbing (although even there I’ve heard much, much worse), but physically he’s perfect.  Mrs. Claus is a ‘kill them with kindness’ type, and you can see she takes just a bit of spiteful joy in Prune’s response to the word ‘children’.  Whipple can be shy but once he gets into his Lawyer Groove he has no problem getting in Prune’s face.  Blossom the butler is a jerk but has a soft spot for the dog, and so on.  The only character moment I really don’t like is Prune’s redemption at the end.
This bit is simply, as Jonah and the bots observed, too easy – one gift and suddenly years of mental torment and toxic behaviour are gone, poof!  It does give a good ending to the bit where Prune insists he was never a child and the elves can’t find anything about him, but doesn’t the fact that Jonathan lost his letter just give him that much more reason to be angry?  Furthermore, there’s the fact that gifts from Santa and gifts from family coexist in this world, as illustrated by the department store and the Christmas shopping.  Even if he didn’t get a sailboat from Santa, shouldn’t little Phineas have gotten one from his parents?  There are clearly more issues going on here than a simple lost letter.
That brings us to the real meat of this movie.  Last year, at the beginning of my review of Elves, I noted that the Christmas season is a contradictory one – what we actually feel is often violently at odds with what’s supposed to be the ‘Spirit of Christmas’, and the most obvious facet of this dichotomy is the whole ‘Season of Generosity’ thing.  Generosity is great and the world needs more of it, but at Christmas the recipients of this generosity are most often children, who respond by learning greed. This interplay goes on throughout The Christmas that Almost Wasn’t.
We start with the kangaroo court in which Whipple accuses Prune of being a tightwad.  Prune insists that his motives have nothing to do with greed – he just hates children!  In fact, one of the reasons he gives for hating them is because they’re greedy. All they want is toys and candy, and every year Santa indulges the little brats!  Santa, on the other hand, insists that being generous to children will teach them to be generous to others.
At the last moment, when all hope seems lost, we find that Santa was right – the kids are more than happy to donate their piggy banks to pay Santa’s rent!  This not only makes Christmas possible, but also allows Santa and his wife to passive-aggressively pay almost entirely in pennies – I once did this to a high school math teacher who made us all buy a five dollar study guide and let me tell you, there are few things more satisfying.  Even so, there’s a weird extra layer to this action.  The kids are being generous, but they must all know that if they aren’t, it’s them who will suffer the consequences.  Who wouldn’t donate a dollar or two when their Christmas presents are at stake?  Are the children being generous?  Or are they being greedy?
Isn’t that what we all do at Christmas?  When the ancient Romans sacrificed to their gods, they said do ut das, which means something like I am giving so that you might give. We give gifts to friends and family at Christmas in the expectation that they will give us something we wanted. My eight-year-old niece really wanted Wings of Fire III for Christmas this year, and pouted all day because nobody could find it for her, despite the fact that she got a load of other presents. When you give with no expectation of return, that’s charity, which we also do at Christmas – but in our minds, our reward for charity is feeling like a good person, while our reward for giving presents is getting presents back.
Another facet of this in the movie is that Santa actually has an arc of his own, in learning to accept generosity.  Generosity is Santa Claus’ defining trait, but in The Christmas that Almost Wasn’t we see him try to refuse offers of kindness from others. First there’s when Whipple offers to give him the money – Santa tries to refuse, and looks relieved when Whipple finds he doesn’t actually have that much money to give.  Too, Santa has not chosen his lawyer at random.  He knows he can’t afford to hire a lawyer so he goes to somebody who has already offered him a favour, rather than pleading for charity from a complete stranger.  Santa does not expect people to be generous to him.
At the end, when the boy named Charlie suggest that the children could donate the money, Santa once again tries to refuse.  The kids’ show of support, however, is so overwhelming that Santa can’t say no.  He realizes that he doesn’t always have to be the generous one – he can be the recipient. I suppose this is reflected in Prune’s arc, as he, too, finds he can accept generosity.  If this were intentional, it wasn’t done very well, but as I already observed Prune’s entire arc wasn’t done very well.  The film spends far more time on Santa and Whipple than it does on Prune, and we would have needed to know far more about the role of generosity in Prune’s life to get anything out of it.
Happy new year, everybody!  We get a new Mars rover in 2020, which is a great note to start on. I’ve only got a couple more MST3K movies to go, so I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to do with this blog once I’ve covered those.  I’ve had a lot of fun writing this and judging by the likes and reblogs, you guys are having fun reading it.  There’s also the hope that somehow, someday, we’ll get more new episodes.  I think I’ll try doing regular Episodes that Never Were for a while and see how that goes over.  It’s not as if the world has any lack of bad movies, and they keep making new ones all the time.
No, I haven’t seen Cats yet.
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The Well
Summary: Virgil couldn’t speak—too caught up in the way every aspect of the fae looked just a little too perfect. It felt like a viewing someone from a dream, features seeming to shift and change before his eyes, almost fluid.
Patton smiled brightly, showcasing his teeth in a brilliant and terrifying display. “That’s what I thought.”
Or, Virgil’s always appreciated water, but this time he may be in too deep.
Pairing: Moxiety with background logince.
Warnings: Talk about a mostly nondescript (probably) terminal illness, mentions of death.
A/N: I don’t have a drabble for y’all today, but I do have a fic I wrote in my writing course this evening! so hopefully this is good too. I’ve wanted to do a fae fic for fucking forever.
Tag list: @mutechild @super-magical-wizard @shadowsfromthesun​
AO3 Link
He’d always had an affinity for deep water.
It was something that should have made him afraid—after all, the ocean was often treacherous and unkind—but instead, it made him feel safe. It reminded him, the same way the stars did for Logan, how insignificant they really were. There was so much to uncover, so much to know that they didn’t know yet and it was immensely fascinating.
The well before him was dark and damp, rough under his fingertips as he gripped on to it, leaning over the side to see the water below. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the blackness, but eventually, a picture came into focus on the surface of the water, rippling and moving ever so slightly before his eyes. Despite the distance, he was still able to make it out perfectly.
The boy in the image was dark-haired—strong but afraid, the adrenaline once coursing through his veins seemingly absent in the solitude of this clearing. There was eyeliner smudged under big, brown eyes, as they studied the water, just watching. Waiting.
“I told you it was going to be fine, Virgil!”
A voice pulled him from his reverie, boisterous and not at all discreet—he was starting to wonder if Roman understood the concept of being discreet. Recent events seemed to prove otherwise.
He pushed back from the well, pressing a finger to his lips in an insistent shush. Roman rolled his eyes and Virgil had to fight to not hit him over the head at his arrogance.
“We could easily still be found, dumbass,” he hissed, pulling Roman away from the entrance of the clearing so he was further obscured, just in case, “I’d rather you not go around yelling out our position if you could be so kind.”
The sound of the guards had faded away a long time ago but it always paid to be cautious—plus, someone had to look out for the two of them without Logan around, god knows Roman wasn’t doing it.
Roman approached the structure beside them, hesitant for the first time since he’d arrived. “So this is the well?”
It was unassuming—a basic cobblestone well, with a wooden roof overhead, a bucket and a rope. You’d think nothing of it if you happened to pass by it on your morning walk—something you were unlikely to do, it was quite enclosed and out of the way—which Virgil supposed was the point.
He joined Roman staring down into the well again, the vision of the man now joined by his friend—a shock of red hair and freckles and big bright eyes, chewing at his lip in concern. Virgil didn’t really think Roman had the right to be worried now, considering he was the one who’d suggested this in the first place.
“You got the coin?” Virgil asked.
He watched his companion pull a small medallion out of his coat pocket, turning it over in his fingers a few times. “I do. Though I have to admit, it was a bitch to acquire, Virge. We’re gonna owe Remy so much after this one.”
Virgil scoffed. “As if we don’t already.”
They both stood there, staring down at the slowly curling water of the well, neither wanting to make the final move to seal their fates. It lasted a few moments more before Virgil stood up, taking a deep breath and holding out a hand for Roman to pass him the coin. The medallion felt heavy in his palm, the weight of both the solid metal and the choice he was about to make pressing him down towards the ground.
“Well,” he said, holding the coin out over the top of the well, “Here goes nothing.”
And then he dropped it.
Distantly a splash could be heard as the coin hit the surface of the water, but Virgil’s ears were ringing so it was lost to him. He stepped back, his heartbeat speeding up as he came to the realisation of what he had just done. Roman was much the same—shock on his face, though missing the dread present on his own as Roman was not the one to make the sacrifice. It wasn’t Roman’s life at stake.
There were a few moments where nothing happened, and Virgil was almost hoping in the back of his mind that the legend was only that—a legend—but then… there was light.
The well began to glow—softly at first, though picking up intensity as the seconds ticked by—and though it hurt Virgil’s eyes to see at he found himself unable to look away. He was unaware and uncaring of whether Roman was doing the same; right then all that existed was Virgil and the well.
“Oh, and what do we have here?”
Jerked out of whatever spell he’d been caught up in, Virgil spun around towards the voice, worried that it was one of the other villagers who’d caught them… but it wasn’t. It definitely wasn’t.
The man standing before them was terrifyingly beautiful—large grey eyes framed with thick eyelashes, a smattering of freckles like stardust across his skin and perfectly pink lips pulled into a smile with too many teeth. He was inhuman, but gods above, he was gorgeous and Virgil found himself speechless.
Unfortunately, Roman had no such affliction.
“Oh! Hello, sir! Uh.” Roman seemed to pause there, unsure of what exactly the etiquette was for asking mythical deities for a favour. Virgil couldn’t blame him. “We were hoping to find you!”
The being laughed, bright and bell-like. It seemed to whip through the trees like a breeze, chasing its way through the clearing and causing Virgil’s breath to catch in his throat.
“Well, you found me!” the being said, taking a step forward, “I’ve had many names over the years, but you can call me Patton. May I have your name?”
Roman perked up, preparing to introduce himself. “Oh! I-”
Virgil cut straight through Roman’s words, breaking them into pieces in the air around them.
Patton laughed again—there was more of an echo to it this time, bouncing around inside his skull. “Oh! A clever one, huh? Alright. What may I call you then?”
Virgil thought for a moment, pushing down the want running through every inch of his body that asked for him to give himself up to this being, to push himself forward and sink into his arms and never leave. What they were doing was already dangerous enough; they weren’t going to receive anything if they weren’t careful here.
“You can call me Anxiety. This is Princey.”
Roman spluttered for a second at the choice of nickname but froze when Virgil turned a glare on him. Now was really not the time to be arguing about what the fae was allowed to call him. If he wasn’t such an idiot, next time, he could pick the nicknames.
Listen to him. “Next time”. As if they were likely to even get through this time unscathed.
Patton walked closer, almost gliding along the grass beneath him and Virgil vaguely noticed that the fae wasn’t wearing any shoes. He’s not sure why he was surprised, it wasn’t like he had much need for them.
“Alright, Anxiety,” Patton hummed, slipping around the human to lean against the well—his well, “What’d you call me up for? Hmm? Are you looking for riches? Fame? Love?”
He tilted his head just a little bit more with each suggestion, curiosity stirred into his words, and Virgil tensed at the reminder of why they came, why they risked all of this in the first place.
“My brother.” Patton eyes, once trained over his shoulder into the forest behind, snapped to meet Virgil’s. “He’s sick; there’s something wrong with his lungs—they don’t know what and it’s just getting worse… He can barely even tell me about the stars anymore.”
His voice was close to breaking now, tears building up behind his eyes though he tried so hard not to let them fall. This was a negotiation, and he couldn’t afford to show such weakness.
“I’m here to trade for his health. I want to know what it’ll cost to have my brother alive and well again.”
The fae looked contemplative, but there was a glint in his eyes that caused Virgil to think he’d already made up his mind.
“That’s a pretty big ask, you know…” Patton’s tone was playful, teasing with just an undercurrent of cockiness, “Who says I’d even be able to save your brother?”
Roman spoke up this time, pushing his way to the forefront of Virgil’s mind. Truthfully, he regretted even bringing him along, but it was Roman’s idea and he loved Logan just as much as Virgil did—albeit in a different way.
“You’ve done it before,” he said, words dripping with fake confidence, “For Thomas.”
Virgil cursed Roman out under his breath for using their friend’s real name, but he supposed it was just one name. Don’t get him wrong, he was definitely gonna kick his ass for it later—assuming there was a later, of course—but he supposed it wasn’t the worst thing he could have possibly done.
“Thomas, hmm?” The fae’s eyes were sparkling and Virgil couldn’t tell if it was the light, his imagination or just plain old magic. “And how do you know this Thomas exactly?”
From the corner of his eye, Virgil caught Roman tug at the necklace he wore under his shirt. It had been an anniversary present from Logan—a clear red stone tucked into a delicate wire frame, twisted into the shape of a tiny flower. Roman had insisted that he wear it, claiming it would be their good luck charm, though it didn’t seem to have brought them much luck so far.
“He runs the bar that we go to for drinks!” Roman hesitated then, rubbing lightly against the side of his neck. “Or, that we used to go to… before.”
There was something that flickered through the fae’s eyes but it was gone before Virgil could identify it, leaving behind only the barest hint of amusement. “Mmm, well maybe he’s lying. Maybe I can’t save your brother.”
Virgil felt rage bubbling up inside him, pressing up against his throat and threatening to spill out. He knew what Patton was saying wasn’t true—Thomas wouldn’t lie to them, especially not about this—and he was beginning to tire of the constant games. His patience was wearing thin, ready to snap, every word out of the fae’s mouth bringing him closer to that edge.
“You can and you will.”
The atmosphere changed in an instant.
Patton pushed himself from the well and strode towards him, seemingly towering over Virgil despite being several inches shorter. The playfulness in his eyes was absent. Instead, they felt void and ageless and Virgil shrunk down under his gaze, a chill making its way through his body. The forest became quiet, all background noises dying away as Virgil was completely spellbound by the fae in front of him—dangerous and so incredibly captivating.
“Oh, will I?” Patton asked, tone innocent but demeanour anything but, “I think you’d better remember your place. After all, who’s the one asking whom for help?”
Virgil couldn’t speak—too caught up in the way every aspect of the fae looked just a little too perfect. It felt like a viewing someone from a dream, features seeming to shift and change before his eyes, almost fluid. He could identify them, sure, but there was still something about the fae’s appearance that was just too much for him to comprehend.
Virgil’s lips sat parted ever so slightly in shock and Patton giggled, bringing the noises of the forest rushing back, along with Roman’s shaky exhale from beside him.
The fae smiled brightly, showcasing his teeth in a brilliant and terrifying display. “That’s what I thought.”
Roman reached out to place a hand on his shoulder, but Virgil brushed him off. There would be time for feelings later—hopefully. They had to concentrate on the task at hand. They couldn’t lose focus.
Once again, he opened his mouth to speak but Patton cut him off before he could.
“A year.”
The fae’s face was almost impassive as he regarded them, all of the earlier emotion hiding itself under his skin and seeping out into the air around them. Virgil couldn’t understand what the feeling was particularly, but it caused a buzz to take up residence in his chest and made him want once again for things he couldn’t have.
He furrowed his brow as he tried to make sense of what Patton had said. “What?”
“That’s what it will cost you. Your brother’s life for a year, I’d say that’s a steal.” He paused for a moment, twisting his lips as he thought. “I suppose, though, it would have to be a year from both of you to make this a fair trad-”
“I’ll take his.”
Virgil’s offer was immediate and decisive and a smile widened across Patton’s face.
“Wonderful,” he purred, tracing his tongue swiftly along his bottom lip and grinning at the way Virgil’s cheeks flushed hot.
Roman’s protests were drowned out by the fae stepping closer, crowding into his space and Virgil could only hear the sound of blood rushing in his ears and Patton’s lilting voice. “Two years with me—two years where I own you—and your brother will be saved. Do you understand what you’re agreeing to, Anxiety? Consent is important.”
His head was whirling from the close proximity, but he managed to form a coherent thought through all the haze. “You promise that I’ll come out of it safe and alive?”
“I do.” Patton’s expression was sincere, and maybe it was a mistake—maybe it was magic or maybe it was just poor judgement—but Virgil trusted him.
He took a deep, steadying breath. “Then I accept.”
And then lips were pressed to his.
It wasn’t anything that Virgil had expected it to be, and yet it was. It was sweet, cloying and hot and overwhelming, leaving him gasping for air but unable to move away—not wanting to move away. The heat felt almost possessive. It trickled across his skin like honey, slow and syrupy and coating every inch of him, inside and out.
The way Patton’s hand rested against Virgil’s face caused a warmth to flare in his chest and Virgil finally pulled back, not missing the way Patton’s lips quirked for just a moment as he did.
“I’ll give you a day to prepare,” he spoke softly, gaze not leaving Virgil’s, “Meet me here at sundown tomorrow evening.”
Virgil nodded numbly, blinked twice and then the fae was gone.
A hand was placed on his shoulder, spinning him away from where he was gazing at the well with a blank look on his face. Maybe he was in shock, he didn’t know, but as his friend’s face came into view Virgil felt a spike of emotions shoot through him.
“Virge? What in the world have you done?” Roman’s skin was ashy, his eyes wide and desperate and Virgil was wondering now if Roman had truly expected any of this to work at all. He knew this is what they’d set out here to do, yet he seemed so regretful now.
That made one of them.
He knew in his heart he’d made the right decision; Logan was so fucking important.
Logan had the most brilliant mind of anyone Virgil had ever met, breezing his way through school and on track to graduate university early before his illness had gotten in the way. Virgil had C’s in every class and a problem with authority, getting on teacher’s bad-lists before they’d even met him.
Logan had a boyfriend and friends who loved him, constantly inviting him out to drinks and whatever performance was running at the time, even if he did often turn them down. Virgil had Roman, Logan and the drawings on his walls, and it was really kind of sad that the only friends he could claim to have were his brother and his brother’s boyfriend.
Logan had a path in life, plans for where he was going to end up once he’d finally beaten the illness that kept him bedridden—and it was always when, never if, confidence unwavering even in the face of certain doom, though certainly exaggerated for his sake. Virgil had only fear for the future—certain he was never going to make a single thing of himself, a belief cooperated by every adult who’d ever had the pleasure of meeting him.
Logan was everything Virgil wished he could be and it wasn’t fair for that to be cut short because of situations outside anyone’s control. It wasn’t fair for Virgil to lose his big brother.
So, he knew exactly what he did. It was exactly what he had come here to do.
Virgil took a breath, looking Roman in the eyes with all of the confidence he could muster up.
“All that matters. I saved my brother.”
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I understand why you chose Remus in ravenclaw but why did you place deceit in hufflepuff? (Thanks to his color scheme he would be the most fashionable person in his house) :)
He wooould...
Okey, so!!
Hufflepuffs value hard work, patience, loyalty and fair play. And I know some of these (cough fair play cough) are like “uh what? Deceit?” BUT I think what’s important is the way he sees these things.
Hard work, for example - he seems to be in favour of finding easier ways of getting what you want, like the pinata metaphor, but equally a way being easier for Thomas certainly isn’t easier for him - he spent 40 minutes arguing with the others just to get Thomas to acknowledge he wanted to go to the callback, after all.
Or in other words, he may not enjoy or want to work hard, but he’s more than willing to do it, and if a way isn’t working he’ll try another method (like sending Remus to annoy everyone.) This may not be the same as valuing hard work, but it’s a sign that he himself is a hard worker, and that he cares about his work.
Patience is fairly easy - it took him an awful long time and being assumed a violent person before he lost it with the other sides. And even then he was still trying to get them to understand his point, whilst I for one would have sworn at them and left-
In Can Lying Be Good, he’s the same way. Goes through everything slowly, patiently, step by step, and only gets worked up after all his effort (read: hard work) doesn't pay off and the others start ignoring him.
(And for a Hufflepuff, hard work not paying off is typically seen as unfair and against what they see as important, so trying hard and being ignored by everyone around you nonetheless? He’d be ranting to everyone in his dorm-)
Loyalty is simple - he’s loyal to Thomas, to a fault. He doesn’t care if he’s seen as the bad guy, or even what they’re doing, he just wants Thomas to be happy and satisfied with his life.
It’s also implied he feels or felt loyalty to Virgil and maybe even Remus, but I can acknowledge that that’s a lot of speculation and depends on your interpretation of events and Word of God.
Finally, fair play, and here I think it’s important to acknowledge that what he feels is fair isn’t what others may think. For example, he says outright that compromises aren’t always fair, and he’s...not wrong?
But the thing is, even if he is, he genuinely seems to believe that fair means not making someone miserable, even if it’s yourself. Typically fairness is that everyone is equal, but he seems to see fairness as more...everyone is happy, I guess?
The wedding thing is what I’m pointing to here mainly. Roman’s idea of fairness is “we’ll do their thing now, and our thing next time”, but Deceit doesn’t see that as fair, because, as he says, “would everyone be happy with that?”
Fairness means something different for everyone, really, but Deceit pretty much insists that it wouldn’t be fair unless Thomas was also happy.
(Also his idea of fair play is that sure Virgil is against Deceit, but Roman is for Deceit, and that evens out!! It’s kinda bullshit, but he seemed convinced XD)
I could read into things more, but I’m already taking forever, sooo...XD
In conclusion tho, Deceit’s ideas of fairness and hard work stem from his loyalty towards Thomas. He works hard to make sure that Thomas doesn’t, he’s patient with the other sides until they make personal slights against him (I’d be pissed if someone accused me of wanting to beat someone up and mug them too) and even if his beliefs on what’s fair don’t always seem quite right, he believes they are, and ultimately I think that’s what the important thing to remember on that is :)
Someone reblogged my initial Hufflepuff post with a better explanation, buuut...
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aiylasallowe · 5 years
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That's APHRODITE not DEMET OZDEMIR. Shes UNKNOWN years old and the GODDESS of LOVE (desire, sex, youth, beauty). She may be BEAUTIFUL, POWERFUL and CONFIDENT but she's also UNFAITHFUL, VAIN and JEALOUS.  
Aphrodite was the daughter of Uranus, the Greek god of the sky. She appeared out of the foam of the sea, floating on a scallop shell to the island of Cypress.
She’s considered the most beautiful out of the God’s and even won a “beauty contest” against Hera and Athena to prove it. Paris chose her as the winner and in return, Aphrodite gifted him the most beautiful mortal woman in the world, Helen. 
Helen's husband was a greek God and so this is what sparked the Trojan war, where Aph faught alongside of Paris and her hero son, Aeneas. She was often on the front line protecting them.
She enlisted help to win the war and managed to persuade her lover, Ares, God of war into helping them fight on the side of Troy, too. She even had to return to Mount Olympus at one point to heal from injury. 
In her earlier life it was feared by Zeus that her beauty would spark a battle due to how many Gods loved her. To avoid this he arranged a marriage between her and the god Hephaestus.
Hephaestus was known as the lame and ugly God and Aphrodite had many affairs. She did not love him and the marriage wasn’t her choice. She had many lovers but favoured above them all was Ares, God of war. He would be her longest-standing lover, even during her other relationships she would always be drawn back to him. 
When Hephaestus learned of her infidelity, to get his revenged he trapped Ares and Aphrodite as they laid in bed and put them on display for the God’s to see. Not that she typically cared for the action, it was never a secret that she had affairs and she knew he was just being bitter.
Aphrodite apparently has 16 children (holy shit), and she would never admit it but yes, she does have her favourites. 
Her main powers are love/lust and desire. She has the ability to make people fall in love. For example, she can stop a couple from fighting and fill them with desire and love for each other, just like she can do the same when it comes to herself. 
She has immortality(but is not invincible), enhanced strength and fast healing abilities. 
Back when the big three made the God’s mortal, Aphrodite only lived a few years; she was way too vain to ever live long enough to get a wrinkle or grey hair. 
Now that she’s been resurrected and power has been restored, she’s happy to explore the earth. Well, the only part she can, San Fransisco. 
She’s been laying really lowkey since she was brought back, using a nick name, “V.” Many think it’s short for Veronica but in truth, it’s short for Venus which is the roman name for Aphrodite, she and that Goddess of love are actually one in the same. 
She’s used her gifts to get what she wants out of people and owns a place called “The Swan” which is a spa hotel with a built-in golf course, restaurant, bar and private lounges. It’s mainly businessmen who come here. 
And no surprise, it’s mainly to be, *ahem*, serviced by one of Aphrodite's employees. Whether that’s for genuine companionship or something more X rated, The Swan is the place to go.
This is a legit, licenced business but whatever “illegal” happenings take place don’t get exposed. What happens at The Swan stays at the country club. 
Very few know her real name and her origin and she much prefers it that way. With an elusive profile, she’s yet to run into the familiars she assumes are also trapped here. 
Her main and favoured symbol is the swan, she thinks they’re one of the more beautiful creations and loves to sit on a bench and watch them in the water. 
She loves to love, obviously. But she loves to help people fall in love also, spreading fluff wherever she goes (mostly.)
Aphrodite was known for her jealousy. If she ever felt threatened by another womans beauty she would give them a disfigurement or horrible life just to appease her own ego. (yikes)
She loves the open air and has a love hate relationship with technology. She’d rather write a letter than send a text, though she knows this isn’t how it works these days and actually, now she has someone teaching her what the emojis mean, she thinks it’s pretty cool. 
She loves cherry cola and gummy bears. 
She will cut you if you try to upstage her in any way. 
If she wants your man, she’ll take him, soz xox
She’s fascinated by Netflix and microwaves. 
She obviously has a gorgeous home with a couple male servants who feed her grapes and rub her feet.  
i’ll add more as time goes 
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anotherloganstan · 7 years
Soulmates? Soulmates. Pt. 2 - LAMP
Summary: Virgil is just excited he found his last soulmate but Logan is more than a bit nervous about meeting his boyfriends as they’re also his soulmates, he can’t help but feel as if he’s invading their already formed relationship.
Warnings: self doubt and crying.
Word count: 4,221
Tag list: @abstractedthinking @romanspuppies @cinquefoilelove @zaisling @emma123patka @teddyorionpotter @tssanderssidestrash @hanramz-the-fander @alwaysmy-lilith @meginoi @not-so-innocent-bi-sander
<- Part 1
Not even a minute after Virgil put his phone away it vibrated, the noise dulled in his coat pocket, he knew it would be his boyfriends but he ignored it anyway in favour of listening to Logan. Maybe listening was a stretch, more like he’s zoned out and was concentrating on the way Logan sat, how his eyes shone with excitement and, god, Virgil would be lying if he said he wasn’t happy Logan was his soulmate.
Logan seemed to realise he was no longer paying attention so stopped talking abruptly, a shy smile on his face at the realisation that maybe he was talking too much or just that Virgil’s enraptured by the situation of finding his last soulmate. “Um, sorry,” Logan apologised, clearly embarrassed. “You don’t need to apologise, I was lost in thought,” Virgil started, unsure if it was appropriate to ask to see his soulmarks, you’d have thought with having experience meeting soulmates Virgil would know what to do by now. Still, he didn’t want to make Logan any more uncomfortable than he already is.
He watched as Logan sipped his drink again, watching to see if he would strike up a conversation again but he didn’t. “Tell me if I’m overstepping the boundaries but can I see your soulmarks?” Virgil finally asked, feeling a flush rise to his cheeks both at the possibility for being rejected and potentially seeing Logan in a vulnerable state of undress. There was silence again, Logan considering his options, and the pause did nothing for Virgil’s nerves. “You’re not imposing,” Logan began, “I-I suppose I will have to show you sooner or later.” He paused to sigh and finish off his coffee, Virgil mirrored this movement. “Would you like to come back to mine? I could show you and then grab a new shirt.”
Virgil finished his drink, then they were up and out of the cafe, Logan leading the way. The walk was pretty silent aside from Virgil calling work and explaining his situation, one of the nicer staff answered the phone so let him have the day off easily which he was very thankful for. Minutes later they were at the door of Logan’s apartment, he opened the door as quickly as possible but Virgil could still see the way in which his hands shook. They walked inside and went straight to his bedroom, leaving the door opened behind them, it's not as if anyone would walk in on them.
“Um, how do you-” Logan broke off his sentence, looking at Virgil in a way he hadn’t before, he looked nervous but also something else Virgil couldn’t quite figure out but regardless Virgil felt guilty. Guilty of what, he wasn’t sure yet. Maybe guilty that Logan had spent so much time alone in this small, cold apartment. Maybe guilty that they had done nothing to actively search for him. Maybe guilty that Logan could’ve thought he would never find his soulmates. Virgil couldn’t help tearing up slightly, quickly rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand knowing that Logan was well aware of what he was doing.
“I’m sorry,” Virgil apologised, returning Logan’s gaze and his heart broke again. Logan had the same heartbroken and devastated expression, “you don’t need to apologise for crying Virgil.” Virgil shook his head, sure he was embarrassed slightly about crying in front of a man he’d only met a few hours ago but this man was his soulmate and needed to know how he was feeling right now. “It’s not that,” Virgil sighed, sitting himself down on Logan’s bed while the other sat on top of his desk directly opposite Virgil.
“I feel so guilty that we all had each other for so long and you- you had no one. We were happy and we didn’t bother to even look for you or- or anything we just carried on like normal. God, we were so selfish, I was- no- I am so selfish.” Virgil paused to let out a shaky breath, tears stinging his eyes as he forced himself not to full on weep, he opened his mouth to continue but Logan hopped of the desk and stood in front of him.
Virgil was ready for him to scald him, maybe even for him to breakdown in tears, shout that he’d never forgive them. But it didn’t happen. Logan started unbuttoning his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders and the item fell to the floor. He stood and waited till Virgil raised his gaze to point to the soulmark on his chest, his hand grazing over the words fondly. He outstretched his hand towards Virgil and he took it, Logan pulled him into a standing position and without letting go of his hand brought it up to his chest, positioning it over the words.
They stood in silence for a moment, Virgil admiring the small, elegant handwriting, while Logan admired the fond look on Virgil’s face. “Can I see mine again?” Virgil asked softly, as if speaking any louder would break the intimacy of the moment. Logan nodded and raised his arm slightly, Virgil’s hand moved from his chest to the words on his bicep, tracing them ever so slightly. They were beautiful, he usually hates his handwriting but it’s so beautiful right now on Logan.
He wants so badly to see the other soulmark but is afraid it’s a step too far. Virgil’s hand falls from his arm and rests on Logan’s side, so close, he needs to see it. “Can I-” Virgil doesn’t want to finish the sentence so he doesn’t, he knows it’s so personal and is relieved when Logan nods again. Not being able to trust his own voice Logan opts for showing him, his hands slowly work his belt and unbutton his trousers until they’re slack. He shoves his dress pants down slightly and Virgil helps push them further till they’re pooled around his ankles.
Logan is flushed a deep red, the vulnerability of it all getting to him, and Virgil thinks it makes him look endearing and gorgeous. Virgil’s eyes leave his face and quickly dart downwards, he takes a step back to be able to see it properly but leaves his hand on Logan’s side. His legs are paler than the rest of him which makes Virgil smile faintly, his other hand goes out to touch the soulmark but stops halfway. He looks up at Logan for consent and Logan nods again, uttering a quiet ‘yes’ as well.
And Virgil’s skimming his fingertips across the phrase, his knees aching slightly from his hunches position, fondly admiring the rushed print that he’s become so accustomed to but this time it’s different, it’s on Logan. “Wow,” Virgil mutters, overwhelmed by the feeling of, god he doesn’t know what he’s feeling right now, but it feels good- no great, he feels content, and happy, and like he belongs here. Belongs with Logan. He comes to a stand again, Logan’s gaze never leaving him, and it still feels so intimate and Virgil just really wants to kiss him right now.
So he does. As simple as that. He leans in and captures the other’s lips, he hand that was previously on his thigh goes to his jaw and caresses it. Logan doesn’t return it straight away, he hesitates, unsure of himself and the situation but the feeling of rightness overpowers it all and he kisses him back. They pull apart not too long after but remain close, Virgil wants to show him his soulmarks but feels as if it may be too much for one day. So, he steps back, the backs of his knees grazing the bed, and waits for Logan to speak.
The air goes awkward slightly, Logan’s state of undress now very obvious so he pulls his trousers back up and buckles them again. He picks up his discarded shirt and throws it in what Vigil assumes is the laundry basket, he walks over to his wardrobe and opens the doors. “I want you to meet them,” Virgil blurts out from his place now sitting on the bed, “your soulmates, my boyfriends, I want you to meet them. Maybe not today but soon. Please.”
Logan pauses his actions, a plain grey t-shirt in hand; Virgil knows it’s a lot to ask and if he were in Logan’s situation he too would be freaking out. But Logan puts on a calm front, and it’s good but not good enough. Virgil can see the worry in his eyes and in the way his fingers twist in the grey fabric. “Okay,” Logan says plainly, the words absent of emotion and that concerns Virgil, he watches with furrowed brows as Logan slips the t-shirt over his head and then moves to sit next to Virgil.
“Okay?” Virgil asks, he knows that Logan isn’t telling him everything and it both annoys and pains him because, goddammit, they’re soulmates and Virgil can’t help giving a shit. “But what? What aren’t you telling me?” Virgil’s trying to encourage Logan to talk, he’s being too harsh and direct but he needs to know. “I just- don’t worry, I’m being stupid.” Logan looks down, avoiding Virgil’s gaze as much as possible, “you’re not being stupid but you need to tell me if something’s wrong because, well, because I care about you.” Now that sounds stupid, he’s so in love with a man he just met and then saw him mostly naked but it’s the truth.
“I feel like I wouldn’t fit in. You have all been together for so long, you said you met Roman in college and god,” he pauses to sigh, Virgil tries not to be excited about the way Logan says his boyfriend’s name because this is serious, “I feel like I’d be imposing on this life you’ve already built, it’s not my place to suddenly step in and expect to be accepted and-” Logan stops, pushing his glasses onto his forehead momentarily to wipe his eyes then puts them back into place.
And Virgil’s heart hurts again. Logan doesn’t feel like he belongs. But god he does. Virgil needs to tell him how much they need him, how they’re incomplete without him, how they’re spent hours thinking about him. “Logan?” Virgil asks softly, silently wishing for the other to look up at him and he does so, Virgil grabs one of his hands loosely and just holds it. “You don’t understand how long we’ve been waiting for you. Sure, we loved being together but you were missing all this time and we always wondered when you were finally going to show up so we could be whole. So, please, please, please don’t think we don’t need you or want you because we do, we want you so much, more than words can explain.”
Silence overcame them again but a comfortable one this time, Logan squeezed Virgil’s hand gently and Virgil repeated it. “I should go,” Virgil whispered in false hope that if Logan didn’t hear him he wouldn’t have to go, but he knew his boyfriends would be waiting for him by now and Patton’s probably worried because he’s been ignoring his phone. “Alright,” Logan replied, slipping his hand out of Virgil’s and standing up suddenly, Virgil followed suit. “Uh, I’ll show you out then,” Logan said gesturing towards the door, then following Virgil out into the hallways and to the front door.
“Wait,” Virgil said, spinning around to face the other before he opened the door, “I should get your number.” Logan nodded his head and pulled out his phone, Virgil did the same and they swapped numbers. Logan opened the door, using his foot to hold it open, and Virgil stepped outside into the hallway. “I’ll text you later, okay?” Virgil asks and Logan replies with a quick ‘okay’, and Virgil turns to leave but stops short. Instead he kisses Logan’s cheek briefly then makes his way down the stairs as quickly as he can manage.
It takes Virgil fifteen minutes to get home, with the help of his phone map, and sure enough the door is unlocked meaning his boyfriends are probably inside waiting for him. He opens the door and steps inside, kicking his shoes off and unzipping his hoodie before going through to the living room. Patton and Roman are curled up on the sofa watching some kind of drama on the TV and talking, but the talking ceases when Virgil enters and they both turn to him. He probably would’ve been embarrassed if he wasn’t used to their attention already.
“So?” Patton asks, prompting Virgil to tell them everything about today and about their soulmate, and Virgil doesn’t know where to begin. He sits down in front of them on the floor, placing his hand on top of their joined ones. “God, I don’t know where to start,” Virgil begins, fully aware that they’re going to want to hear the full story, “at the beginning preferably,” Roman quips but Patton is quick to playfully hit him.
“I was on my lunch break at the coffee shop near by and I walked straight into him, spilling his coffee everywhere,” he gestures to his t-shirt, “I apologised to him - to Logan - and he just stood there, not saying anything, he knew we were soulmates and then he said it and, god, I just felt it you know?” They know, it’s exactly the same feeling they got when they met Virgil and each other. “I bought him coffee and he told me about his soulmarks, then I text you guys, and went to his apartment.” Roman makes a suggestive face at this and Virgil can’t help but laugh lightly.
“He showed me his soulmarks. Your’s is on his chest,” he spoke to Roman, “and your’s on his thigh,” then to Patton. “I touched them,” he whispered, running his fingers over their knuckles, “he let me touch them a-and it was strange, intimate but right. I asked him if he would meet you, he agreed but it wasn’t right, I knew it wasn’t right. Logan told me how he felt as if he was imposing in on our relationship a-and he didn’t want to ruin what we had.” Virgil pauses to take a shaky breath, he looks up at his boyfriends and Patton looks about the same, his eyes sad as if he’s about to cry, and Roman just looked lost, angry at himself too.
“B-but I told him- I told him how we need him and we want him, we’re incomplete without Logan.” The words came out like a statement but Virgil wasn’t too sure. He’s reassured when Patton frantically nods his head, and Roman takes his free hand and cards it through Virgil’s hair, any other day he would’ve told him off for that. “We swapped numbers and I left. Oh, and I may or may not have kissed him. Twice.” Virgil ended, his voice slightly teasing towards the end, and the other two just laughed at him.
The rest of the night was spent with them making plans to finally meet Logan together and Virgil explaining the day's events again and again. Virgil ended up texting Logan: Patton and Roman want to meet you badly. When’s good for you? x Only until after he sent it regretting adding a kiss to the end but not for long when he got a text back.
From Logan: I’m free tomorrow and Sunday x
To Logan: Tomorrow then? 10am? X
From Logan: Sure, where? X
To Logan: Do you want to meet at our house? Or meet me first at the coffee shop? X
From Logan: Coffee shop please x
Virgil smiled at the text, understanding that Logan was probably nervous so wouldn’t want to straight up meet them. “Come on time for bed,” Patton said, dragging Virgil up off the floor and Roman from the sofa. Virgil briefly told them the plan for tomorrow while getting ready for bed, soon enough they’re all in bed together, huddled up under the blankets and sound asleep.
The blaring of his alarm wakes Virgil, he aimlessly reaches for it on the bedside table and brings it closer to him, detaching it from the charger in the process, and he switches off the alarm. He groans quietly, blinking a few times and gathering his bearings, he realises Patton is no longer in bed with them, which is a normal occurrence, and that Roman had slept through the alarm. “C’mon Ro, up!” He prods Roman’s cheeks and nose until he stirs, opening his eyes slightly to look at Virgil but closes them quickly again.
“I know you’re up now, no excuses.” He huffs when Roman stays put, he sits himself up in bed, ready to leave, “if you don’t get up then you’re not meeting Logan.” That was the deal breaker, and Virgil felt like he was dealing with a small child next he’ll threaten than if he doesn’t eat his greens he won’t get a bedtime story. Roman gets up partially, he moves so he’s sitting on his knees facing Virgil, he’s smiling at him in a ridiculous way which makes Virgil want to kiss him.
He does so, pecking Roman on the lips quickly before jumping out of bed and dashing to their en suit before Roman can. He hears his complaints through the door but tells him he’ll have to use the main bathroom. Virgil starts planning his outfit out in his head, he wants to look smart but not like he’s trying too hard but not lazily either but not like he’s a snob. He doesn’t know why he’s so nervous, he’s met Logan before, it’s his boyfriends who should be nervous.
Virgil opts for black jeans, his favourite Panic! At The Disco t-shirt, and a hoodie. He knows Roman’s already been in and changed because his pyjamas are on the floor, which Patton will probably tell him off for but Roman keeps doing it so what’s the point. He wanders downstairs and into the kitchen diner, Roman sitting at the table eating his french toast and Patton at the stove finishing off cooking breakfast.
“Morning Pat,” Virgil greeted, walking up to the other and kissing his cheek before sitting down opposite Roman. “Morning love,” Patton replied, setting Virgil’s breakfast down in front of him before joining them at the table. Breakfast went by quickly and quietly, them all in anticipation of today's events. The plan was that Virgil would meet Logan at the coffee shop and walk him back to the house, giving him enough time to feel comfortable about meeting them, and Virgil specifically told his boyfriends to try and not make a big deal of things but that probably won’t hold.
Soon enough Virgil is putting on his shoes, grabbing his phone, and heading out the door. The air is cold but not windy which he is thankful for because his hoodie isn’t that thick. He makes it to the coffee shop on time only to find Logan standing outside waiting already, a cup from the cafe in his hands. He smiles gently when he notices Virgil and makes his way towards him, they stop still in front of each other when they are close enough. “Um, hi,” Virgil greets, it’s awkward and he’s not sure why but then Logan smiles and returns the greeting and it’s fine again.
The turn and walk back the way Virgil came, Logan offers Virgil some of his drink and he accepts, slightly taken aback by the sweet tasting caramel latte expecting it to be a cappuccino or something, but enjoys it nevertheless. The walk was filled mainly with meaningless chatter but Logan’s steps faltered when Virgil announces they were about five minutes away. “Are you alright?” Virgil asks, worry evident in his voice as he turns to face the other straight on.
Logan avoids his gaze momentarily but admits defeats and looks at him. “Sorry,” Logan apologises, he’s apologising for more than just stopping, “for what?” Virgil asks. “I don’t know, I’m still just… nervous I guess, I just want them to like me,” Logan utters quietly, he’s in a vulnerable state expressing these worries. Virgil can’t tell him anything more than what he told him the other day so he repeats himself, “we’ve been missing you for so long and worrying where you were, now that we’ve found you it just- it feels right. They’re so excited to meet you, I told them all about you and they’re waiting right now. They will love you Logan, just as I do.”
The words seem to work as Logan is silent in considering them, he nods once he’s finished and Virgil takes that as a gesture to keep moving. They start walking in silence, Virgil can’t imagine what Logan must be feeling so he grabs ahold of his hand and squeezes it gently in a show of comfort. Logan glances sideways at him and smiles, he’s a little reassured and Virgil is glad of this.
They arrived not too long later, Virgil opens the door and gestures for Logan to follow him inside, they kick their shoes off in the hall and Virgil takes Logan coat and hangs it up. He can see the nervousness in Logan’s eyes but doesn’t comment on it, he just leads him through into the living room where Roman and Patton were sitting. Patton was the first to get up, “so, this is the infamous Logan,” he says, a usual bright smile on his face and Virgil could tell he was fighting the urge to hug the other. “Um, I guess so, I mean I am,” Logan stumbles over his words, his cheeks flushing slightly from embarrassment but Patton took no notice and finally caved, hugging the other slightly, making sure not to hold on too long or too tightly.
As soon as he was released Logan looked over a Virgil, a still nervous but happy expression on his face, and Virgil gave him an encouraging smile. “Well, you’re just as pretty as Virgil said,” Roman said appearing beside Logan now; Logan couldn’t help but give a shy smile and shake his head slightly at the other’s boldness, “oh, um, thank you” he responded awkwardly unsure of what else to say. Virgil felt embarrassed all the same because even though he knew Roman would say that he did just tell Logan that Virgil had been talking about him a lot.
“I’ll go make some coffee because I think we’re going to be here for a long time,” Patton announces, turning to go into the kitchen but calls out before he’s out of sight, “make yourself at home!” That gains a small smile from Logan, Virgil doesn’t think he’ll ever get sick of that smile. Roman catches Virgil’s gaze and gives him a knowing look, he knows just how much Virgil loves Logan already even though he had to listen to the full story of yesterday just seeing it makes it so real. Virgil scoffs a laugh and gestures with his head for Roman to go help Patton in the kitchen, but Roman somewhat knows his intentions, regardless he leaves muttering about how he should help Patton bring the mugs through.
Then they’re alone for now, Virgil turns to Logan, “so what do you think?” Logan looks hesitant to answer but the smile has never left his face yet, “it’s weird but definitely in a good way, I think I’m going to get used to it all eventually.” Virgil smiles at that, taking Logan’s hand in his and he guides him to the sofa, sitting himself at the end so Logan is forced to sit in the middle.
Patton returns and gives one mug to Logan and keeps his own then sits down on the other side of the sofa, careful not to sit too close to Logan but just close enough that their legs touch. Roman comes back through, switching the kitchen light off as he goes, he only complains slightly that there’s no room left of the sofa for him before giving Virgil his coffee and sitting down on the floor, resting his head in Patton’s lap.
The day is young yet and soon enough they’re all chatting like they’ve known each other for ages. Logan occasionally mock arguing with Roman makes Virgil smile, they’ll definitely have to gang up on him at some point, and Logan releases Virgil’s hand at some point to switch his cup to the other hand but it doesn’t return, Virgil is giddy when he realises he’s holding hands with Patton instead.
They spend most of the day on the sofa huddled up together, Roman gets sick of the floor so sprawls across all of them at some point, until it’s dinner time and Patton decides that cooking is off the menu so they order chinese in. They eat uncomfortably close to each other, Patton jokes about buying a bigger couch if this is going to become a common occurrence. Eventually Logan has to leave, he does so but not before getting kisses from all three of them and promising to come back soon. And maybe he returns tomorrow. And maybe he plans individual dates with them. And maybe they’re already talking about their future, all of them, together.
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wwereaderinserts · 6 years
The Camping Trip
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for almost two years, and I finally finished it. Enjoy!
Pairing: Seth Rollins x Reader
Word Count: 1,841
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, implied smut
Summary: During a camping weekend with Seth, Dean, and Roman, you share a tent with Seth, and things escalate as the night goes on...
Camping has never really been your forte. Every time you’ve gone on a trip, something has always found a way of going wrong, and this time is no exception. Admittedly, it’s a huge downgrade when you compare it to the likes of being accommodated in four-star and even five-star hotels, but there’s something about camping that you find solace in.
Whether it was being out in the middle of nowhere and completely in touch with nature, or just the general peace and quiet, you’re not too sure, but there’s nothing comforting about camping on this particular trip. The only words you can use to describe this experience are near disaster. Your tent is soaked through from all the rain earlier on in the day due to poor placement, and you have nowhere else to stay, but luckily, Seth has kindly offered to share his tent with you instead.
There’s no denying that there’s always been a spark of some sorts there between you and Seth, and honestly, anyone would have to be blind to leave the chemistry between you two go unnoticed. Your little flirtationship has been the gossip of the locker room amongst all of the other superstars for quite some time, and when Dean and Roman had invited you along on the trip, you were almost certain that they were both all too aware of your feelings for Seth, and you were entirely convinced that this was some kind of effort to finally set you two up. Little do you know, you’re absolutely right.
“I know I’ve thanked you like, nine times already, but really, thank you so much for doing this for me. It really means a lot.”
You thank Seth for what is possibly now the tenth time once you’ve slipped into one of his spare shirts and shorts. As a result of your tent being soaked through, your belongings have also fallen victim to the rain. Seth simply chuckles, and rather modestly shrugs it off, flashing you a bright smile.
“Well, y’know, anything for you,” he grins sheepishly before turning to reach into the cooler box he’s brought along with him, pulling out two cans of beer, “I came prepared just in case there was some kind of emergency, and I think you could use one of these right about now.”
“Seth Rollins, you are a literal life saver.”
You gladly accept the can, quickly cracking it open and clashing it with his, taking a long swig before you pull it back from your lips and lick at them. Seth shakes his head at you and gently places a hand over yours, lowering your beer and placing his down beside him for a moment.
“Woah, slow down! I mean, I brought plenty with me, but don’t drink it all at once!”
Seth jokes and locks eyes with you, probably staring a little longer than he should be. He finds himself totally lost, even captivated as the smile slowly fades from his face. After he mentally screams at himself to look away, he does so, and rather than call him out on it, you simply blush, and suddenly, your muddy boots are the most intriguing thing currently in the tent.
“Some trip, hm? My tent is fucking wrecked along with everything else. I guarantee that Dumb and Dumber picked the best spot to camp with their tent!” you chuckle softly before gazing back up at Seth once you feel the heat in your cheeks ease off, “I really am sorry about having to take away your privacy and all, but the damp floor outside didn’t seem too inviting to me.”
“I’ve told you once, and I’ll tell you again. It’s nothing. I just want to help.”
Seth smiles, gives you a light nudge, and shakes his head, downing the rest of his beer impressively quickly, and he chuckles when you lightly scold him, telling him to pace himself, just like he had done to you.
But he doesn’t. You both proceed to knock back various cans of drink, almost competitively, and that’s when things begin to get blurry for you both pretty quickly. It gets to the point where you have no recollection of the majority of the nights’ events…
Empty, crushed cans litter the floor of the tent, as well as the woodland floor outside the tent by the time morning has broken. The subtle scent of stale alcohol is present in your tent, which you discover when you stir awake. Your head hurts, your memory is fuzzy, and...you’re naked. Completely naked.
Groaning, you look to your left, and you find a couple of empty beer cans next to the cooler box. No sign of anybody there, so you slowly look to your right, and you’re stunned into silence. Laying next to you is Seth, who is also completely naked, but still sound asleep.
At this point, you’re able to put two and two together. Things definitely happened between you two last night, and at this moment in time, you can’t piece it together. When you begin to recover from your hangover, you’re sure you’ll be able to, and to do so, you opt to get dressed and take a walk, hoping the fresh air will do you some good.
Wearing Seth’s clothes, yet again, you take a walk. So far, the fresh air hasn’t done you any favours, but you figure that if you do need to throw up, you’re better off doing it in the open rather than in Seth’s tent. That’s a sure way to get yourself in his bad books.
“Well, look who’s up, nice and early!”
Dean’s voice rings out in the woods, startling you. You turn around, groaning while you attempt to shield your eyes from any and every source of light, much to his amusement.
“Not so loud. I’m fragile right now.”
You pout, seeking refuge from the light in a spot of shade. Dean follows you, grinning from ear to ear. You frown a little, also looking bemused, to which Dean laughs.
“So...good night, or what?”
He smirks and wiggles his brows at you, and you shrug a little, shoving your hands into your pockets. Not that you can actually remember the events right now, but judging by you waking up naked next to Seth, it must have been. However, you decide to play it down and not give anything away.
“Yeah, wasn’t too bad. We just had a few drinks.”
Dean scoffs at that, snorting as he laughs, shaking his head. You shoot him a look, and he smirks at you, smugly. As if on cue, Roman saunters over, smirking knowingly before he joins in on the teasing.
“That’s bullshit. C'mon, we heard all the fun you two were having.”
He joins you and Dean in leaning against the tree, giving you a nudge in the side. You groan and nudge him back as hard as you can, dismissing him.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Hey, it’s alright, I’ll refresh your memory.” Dean hums, “You fucked him. Ro and I heard it all. In fact, it was impossible not to hear. Kept us up most of the night. Didn’t know you’re a screamer.”
Your face immediately flushes with embarrassment, to the point where it’s impossible to conceal. To add to the embarrassment, Dean gestures to your neck, chuckling a little while he also makes Roman aware of it.
“Where else would you have gotten these, huh? Fuckin’ hickeys!”
He continues to tease you, and you roll your eyes, shaking your head. You flip them both off, but it only makes them laugh even more. Cursing them out, you storm off and begin to make your way back to your tent. Along the way, you narrowly avoid quite literally bumping into Seth.
“Shit, sorry-”
Seth groans, not really paying too much attention to where he’s walking. He’s under the impression that he’s bumped into one of the guys, but when he sees that it’s you, he turns sheepish in an instant. By now, he’s figured out what happened last night. Seth looks worse for wear, equally as much as you do, and no matter how badly you want to avoid having this conversation with him, you know you need to address the elephant in the room. The sooner, the better.
“...We need to talk about last night.”
You’re candid about it, and while Seth initially hangs his head, he nods slightly, sighing. Even if it was nothing more than a drunken thing, you don’t want to lose his friendship by never speaking to him again because of it.
“Yeah, we do. Uh…” Seth pauses, carefully choosing his words, “From what I can remember, it was fun. But…”
You press, and he slumps his shoulders before he finally meets your gaze.
“I need to know...do you regret it? Like, did you regret waking up next to me this morning, knowing what we did?”
Seth asks, his tone somber. By the sounds of it, he doesn’t regret it. He probably wouldn’t have asked otherwise, so now, this is all riding on you. You sigh, swallowing thickly while you maintain eye contact.
“...No. I don’t.” you pause, then you shake your head, “Fuck it. While we’re in the middle of deep talks, I may as well just say it. I like you. Have for a while, and I get it if you don’t feel the same. I get it if you only wanted this to be a one-time thing. Just...tell me now before I-”
“I do feel the same. God, you have no idea.” Seth takes a step closer to you, “And...only if you’ll let me, I want to do this the right way. When we get back, I want to take you to dinner. Yeah, I know we kinda did this the wrong way around last night, but...I’d love to take you out.”
You’re taken aback, and once Seth’s words have registered, you crack a smile that gradually becomes a full blown toothy grin. He mirrors your expression, patiently waiting for your affirmation.
“And I’d love to go out with you on an actual date.” you chuckle, giving him a slight nudge before you slowly reach to take his hand, “Come on, I need to go lay down. I don’t know about you, but I’m still feeling delicate.”
Seth smiles and gives your hand a squeeze before he proceeds to walk with you, and as you both walk, hand in hand, you hear two voices cheer from nearby, but the figures they come from are nowhere to be seen. You don’t need to hear them, anyway. You’d recognise those voices anywhere.
“Damn, it’s about time!”
Roman chuckles and steps into view, tugging Dean with him before he gives him a fist bump. Glancing back, you and Seth roll your eyes, smiling nonetheless at your friends before you continue your stroll back to his tent, praying for both your hangovers to pass rather hastily in time to pack up and go home.
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a-lucha-brother · 4 years
This year might have sucked, but this ppv won’t, I can guaran-dam-tee it.
Look, I cannot deny the rocket up Roman’s ass and what it does to my peepee whenever I look at him, but as a Scotsman, I cannot choose anyone else to win this match but Drew, that’s my goddamn brother right there!!
I do actually think this match will be booked for a non-finish, of one of two possible scenarios.
Either they batter each other for so damn long that they just have to call the match a draw or a no contest (cause legit they can’t just let them wrestle for hours on end, there’s a schedule to keep here pal!). This potentially could set up each champs next feuds heading into the new year quite well as both men will be savagely hurting on Raw and Smackdown (less so for Roman as he’ll have longer to heal but he can still be weaker from it).
Or the match could be stopped in the end by interference by whoever decides to run in, whether that’s say Bray (or heaven forbid Randy AGAIN) for Drew or, and this is where I get excited, Seth for Roman.
Considering where the Murphy issue has went on Smackdown, he could and should be heading in a more Rey direction anyways, so what the hell is Seth gonna do now that his issues with Rey are done and Murphy has abandoned him, why, try and take the champs title of course (even though he’s in the elimination match, perhaps Jey does something to piss Seth off so he attacks Roman?). So that’s how I potentially see this match going. Indeed, you could possibly suggest that Undertaker comes out, chokeslams Roman and sets up their Wrestlemania 33 rematch unfinished business shindig but that as much wishful thinking as Seth is at this point. (1-0 to Raw either way I guess or 0-0 or 1-1 whichever way, it’s not in Smackdowns favour)
Well well well, what do we have here?! Why it’s only the MATCH OF THE NIGHT. You’re hearing it here first (shut up yes you are), this is by far going to be the BEST damn match of the night. These two women, notorious for wrecking themselves are going to wreck each other no matter what. No shenanigans, just straight up the two best women in the company knocking lumps and years off each other. In the end.........I can’t technically decide who should win, because no matter who wins, the other person is going to look a bit bad as a result.
But since I have to choose, I’m going with Asuka.
*As you’ll see already and as we go on I’ve sided with Raw here and I have a plan for this later so stick around*
(2-0 to Raw)
Now technically I want New Day to win for obvious reasons, but I think the Street Profits will be given the win, not just as a dangling carrot to keep Smackdown metaphorically in the race, or at least have them on the board, but mainly because the Street Profits are THE tag team WWE has to hang their hat on for the future. The New Day have been around for the better part of 6 years at this point (let that sink in folks) and they’ve just separated Big E from the group so they’re on the downturn in their careers even though they’re your world famous 8 time champs. I could easily see WWE just having Big E coming out to help the guys out to win, but I’m sticking with my guns on the Profits.
(2-1 to Raw)
Oh lord, Bobby Lashley is going to put Sami in the Hurt Lock after 2 minutes of him running around and tap him out in the blink of an eye. Interestingly though, this is the match that has a lot of potential for setting up new feuds or having a surprise appearance for either mans next opponents etc. But aye, big Bobby is gonna put the big hurt on Sami and it’s gonna be quick.
(3-1 to Raw)
By the power of a thousand shenanigans, the Raw men’s team are winning this, it’s written in the stars to be how it goes down and it’s also written to be funny as a motherfucker. I can honestly see it being that all the big beefy boys absolutely kill themselves and everyone else throughout the entire match whilst also fighting each other, when all of a sudden AJ finds himself in a position where he’s the last man standing against Otis, but ends up winning anyways because he’s the best and Otis is a goof (also maybe potentially Shaemus might do a tricky nasty on Otis behind the ref’s back). So Men’s Raw to win, AJ and Otis to be the last men.
(4-1 to Raw)
Good god (the) almighty (Bobby Lashley), the same story is pretty much going to happen here but in a more brutal and violent display as the Smackdown women’s team get ripped limb from limb by the Raw team. With the main shenanigan of this match being the Raw team trying to constantly one-up each other, especially Shayna and Nia whom I see one of them being eliminated as a decoy for the other to eliminate someone else. I would suggest it’s Nia that’s eliminated and Shayna takes advantage of it............... Now this would all be true and would have come to pass, if Lana wasn’t on the Raw team, so now I have to rewrite my entire prediction, excuse me.......
The Smackdown team will win, because of the in-fighting in the Raw team leading Nia and Shayna to be eliminated very quickly and leaving the rest to be easily picked off by the Smackdown team. Now interestingly, I’d have it be that Lana goes on a tear and ends up eliminating 2 or even dare I say 3 of the 5 women in a row before succumbing to the overwhelming pressure of the Smackdown team, who them go on to win with Bianca and Bayley standing tall. So Women’s Smackdown to win, Lana, Bianca and Bayley to be the last women. (4-2 to Raw)
Don’t know anything about this but to fit my narrative Raw wins and the final score of the ppv is Raw 5-2 Smackdown, or 4-2, or 5-3, either way Raw wins.
This leads me into a narrative that Roman takes this as a personal slight and embarrassment on him and decides to impose himself as the tribal chief of not just the Samoan Dynasty, but of Smackdown itself, and starts to rule with an iron fists, interfering or having an involvement in every single match that happens going forward. He then recruits a women to be his vassal on the women’s side of Smackdown and since Bayley and Bianca were the only Women’s survivors and winners at the ppv he has them go 1-on-1 to decide who will be the tribal queen.
And that’s how we go forward. But who the hell knows what‘s gonna happen, I’m just a dirty mark who has no clue about the industry or how to write wrestling storylines better than the WWE creative so I’m a moron I guess.
Let me know what you think though if you read this garbage!
0 notes
dotshiiki · 6 years
Since the sneak preview of The Burning Maze is now floating about (which I have not read, so no spoilers in this post), I thought I'd go back to where we left off in The Dark Prophecy and, well, have a look at the dark prophecy itself, and have some fun guessing at what might be coming our way. Also because @eternal-state-of-voorpret inspired me to take a good hard look at it. 
I'll probably be way off (I'm always pants at this sort of thing) but hey, I'm happy enough to be proven wrong.
So here's our lovely Shakespearean sonnet, broken up as it was in TDP.
The words that memory wrought are set to fire, Ere new moon rises o'er the Devil's Mount. The changeling lord shall face a challenge dire, Till bodies fill the Tiber beyond count.
Our main cast have already parsed most of this—an attack on Camp Jupiter in five days, possibly to destroy Ella's recreation of the Sibylline books. And with the reference to the Devil's Mount, I guess we're looking at the attack coming from that direction too … which is interesting given that the Little Tiber actually borders Camp Jupiter on the west, at least according to RR's map of it. But that's probably beside the point.
But I actually think this is only going to be a minor part of the book and we've possibly been mislead by the 'bodies fill the Tiber' bit. Let's face it, I really don't think we're going to get a massive bloodbath because hello, ultimately, children's book. What I do think is that Frank (the changeling lord, as guessed by Leo) is going to pull off something like what he did in HoH with the katoblepones. Because he kind of filled Venice with those bodies (beyond count)!
I had a think about what sort of shapeshifters could possibly come up if 'changeling lord = Frank' was a misdirection, but Greco-Roman mythology isn't exactly filled with notable shapeshifters besides the gods shifting into animals and whatnot. And there's no one god that's really renown for it, so I think the attribution to Frank is probably a safe enough one.
But I stand by my prediction that all this is going to take place fairly early in the book, possibly in the first couple of chapters, because the rest of the prophecy fits the book title and set-up (with Grover and the Labyrinth) much better. Not to mention, there's five days. I mean, sure it's possible the whole book can take place in that short a period (since a lot of the series pretty much happens over one week or two in each book), but five … is kind of cutting it very fine, I think. Especially if we're going into the time-warping Labyrinth. And also the last line talks again about the Tiber reached alive. So prediction: we'll have some action at Camp Jupiter involving loads of monster-killings by our awesome shape-shifting Frank, but resulting in the loss of the Sibylline recreations/kidnapping of Ella, because why not? Half the first two series is people being kidnapped! Followed by which Apollo, Meg, and Grover head off south (I'll get to the next prophecy chunk in a bit), likely going after the Sibylline prophecy/the Oracle of Cumae.
Yet southward must the sun now trace its course, Through mazes dark to lands of scorching death To find the master of the swift white horse And wrest from him the crossword speaker's breath.
Okay, so south they go, and we're pretty much committed to the Labyrinth now. Here's the interesting thing—in THO, we have people accidentally ending up in Peru. We also have the introduction of Paolo, a Brazilian demigod. Could this be a clue that we're heading to South America? (The Atacama Desert borders Peru and is the driest in the world … just saying. There's also the Sechura Desert in Peru). Not to mention Peru is southwest! Of course, it could just be that we're headed to Arizona or some other US desert or really hot state (you US citizens will know what there is better than me, I'm sure) but wouldn't it be cool if we do go overseas? (I loved popping over to England in Ship of the Dead, but hey, I'm biased. And I'm fairly sure RR's 'verse isn't going all the way to Asia, so I'll take the UK as a win.)
The master of the swift white horse is posited to be the third emperor, but I don't know—this could in many different ways. I admit I thought immediately of Arion, but I think he's a different colour? Anyway, a horse named Incitatus was the favoured steed of Roman Emperor Caligula (and he actually attempted to appoint the horse a priest …), which could point at him being the final of the triumvirate. More on that in a bit.
Apollo names the crossword speaker as the Erythraean Oracle, which gives me pause, because we're already looking at finding the Sibylline Cumae, and I kind of think we're probably going for one Oracle per book (since there's conveniently five and five books … and I'm fairly sure the last one has to be Delphi, because Apollo slaying Python makes a nice symmetry and relates back to old mythology). So which would it be?
Legend has it that the Erythraean Sibyl spewed prophecies in the shape of leaves, which connects nicely back to Meg and Demeter's daughter's ancient roots … which brings us to the next stanza.
To westward palace must the Lester go; Demeter's daughter finds her ancient roots. The cloven guide alone the way does know, To walk the path in thine own enemy's boots.
This bit has been glossed over quite a bit in TDP, where Apollo just goes how he can't wrap his mental fingers over what the westward palace means. Which just means this probably is the plot 'twist' in the next book. I admit the first thing I think of with westward palace is Mount Othrys, but I also think that's pretty unlikely, because the Titans are pretty much done with. But then, given the Triumvirate's apparent hand in orchestrating/financing those wars … possibly they're building on something from that?
As for Demeter's daughter's ancient roots, I do think that goes beyond a simple family connection. It's interesting to note that Demeter was associated with the Eleusinian Mysteries, which RR has not really drawn upon thus far in any of his books. So while admitting I have no clue how that could possibly be spun out, I do think it may be somehow related to that.
We've pretty much committed Grover as the cloven guide, but relying on him to know the way suggests more than just his ability to get them through the Labyrinth, because let's face it—Grover was never the Labyrinth guide back in BotL. I'm guessing the 'the way does know' discusses a different way that Grover knows about—possibly providing an answer to that last line: to walk the path in thine own enemy's boots. And Grover knows plenty about walking in (literally) another's shoes. Even traitorous, drag-you-down-to-Tartarus shoes.
And okay, side point that I can't quite work into the rest, but let's not forget the Teumessian Fox that got raised at the end of TDP—I think it's got to come up at some point (if not in this book then one of the next). I just can't figure out where to slot it into the prophecy just yet. Unless the lands of scorching death is a reference to a modern-day Thebes.
When three are known and Tiber reached alive, 'Tis only then Apollo starts to jive.
I'm guessing the three here refer to all three emperors in the Triumvirate, which sparks the guessing game as to which is the last. My money’s on Caligula, who seems like a shoe-in given his description as referring to himself as a god during his own lifetime. And also, he owned a swift (possibly white) horse.
Finally, Apollo starts to jive could refer to some godly power finally returning to him (well, he's had some flashes on occasion, but this could be the point at which he finally gains a modicum of control over it).
And this brings us back to the Tiber, and the question of what prophecy will shape this book. There's two ways I think the overarching plot could go. One, they track down the Erythraean Sibyl and get the prophecy from her; two they rescue the Sibylline/Cumaean Oracle and the next prophecy leads to the Erythraean. I favour the book being about the Sibylline Oracle because it makes a nice little enclosed adventure within a bigger series, which is neater, literarily speaking. As opposed to resolving a new Oracle and leaving the existing one dangling for two books (since we are pretty certain to be going to Camp Jupiter where the Sibylline books will be under attack).
And here's a question about poetry and prophecies in the upcoming books. We've already seen the limerick and the sonnet, and most likely there's two more to go if the next two books will follow the same general structure. Since every chapter title's a haiku, it might be unlikely that one of the prophecies will end up being one (it's not easy squeezing a prophecy into seventeen syllables … believe me, I've tried!) Yet it might be poetic (sorry!) if Apollo's final prophecy comes out in his over-abused favourite style.
I don't think RR will go for a long one again, so my money's on something like a sestet, a sestina, or even free verse (hey, you never know!) Or maybe we’re looking at visual poetry if it’s the Erythraean Oracle ... 
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tipsycad147 · 4 years
Pagan Origins of Christmas Traditions
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Megan Black 
With the holiday approaching, I thought it would be fitting to write a little something about the traditions of Christmas and their roots in paganism. Now, before I continue, I just want to say that this is not a stab at Christmas and Christianity. It is merely an observation and educational opportunity. Please do not go around to those who celebrate Christmas with these traditions and tell them that they are a “secret pagan” or that they need to stick to their own traditions.
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Roots in Saturnalia - Holly, Gift-Giving, and Frivolity
Holly is the sacred plant of Saturn, and the Romans used holly not only for decoration but as a gift given to others during Saturnalia. They did this to mark friendship and good fortune in the year ahead.
People decorated their homes with wreaths and other greenery, and shed their traditional togas in favour of colourful clothes known as synthesis . Even slaves did not have to work during Saturnalia, but were allowed to participate in the festivities; in some cases, they sat at the head of the table while their masters served them. 
Many of the Christmas traditions are derived from the ancient Saturnalia festival, including giving gifts, singing carols, and even the day that Christmas is celebrated on. Saturnalia was traditionally celebrated from December 17 through December 23, but on the Roman calendar, it ended on December 25 
It is interesting to note that during Saturnalia, the Romans would loosen the ties that bound their Cult Statue of Saturn to represent His liberation, and then each household would choose a mock king to be the King of Misrule. This person would then go around and it was their mission to be rude to guests, chase people around, and cause all around mischief
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Santa Claus
The jolly man we know as Santa is based on a real person named St. Nicholas through Sinterklaas. St. Nicholas was the patron saint of children, and he was known for his secret gift-giving across the land. The feast of Sinterklaas is still celebrated in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and many others. Sinterklaas is one of the main sources for our legend of Santa.
There is also another theory out there that Santa is loosely based on the Norse God Odin. It is said that Odin would fly across the sky with all the Gods on one night in winter, bestowing gifts upon those who were in His good favour, and causing mischief for those that were not. It is also interesting to note that Santa has eight reindeer (nine counting Rudolph), and Odin rides on an eight-legged horse named Sleipnir
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Christmas Carols
The origin of Christmas carols is two-fold and goes back to England in the 1700′s - wassailing the neighbours and wassailing the crops. Both involved singing to someone or something else, and they both involved wishing goodwill upon the recipient for the new year. However, the tradition of wassailing your neighbours does not have such an innocent past.
The tradition of wassailing your neighbours came about as a way for the peasant class to beg their more wealthy neighbours for gifts and good cheer without it being deemed as begging. In the Here We Come A-Wassailing, we can see how this is demonstrated in the lyrics
We are not daily beggars that beg from door to door But we are friendly neighbours whom you have seen before. Love and joy come to you, And to you your wassail too; And God bless you and send you a Happy New Year
An older tradition was that of wassailing the crops in orchard-producing England to encourage good growth and a prosperous new year. I do not think this tradition happens anymore on a large scale, but it would not be uncommon for it to still be practised.
This tradition of singing to your neighbours has changed from one of disguised begging to one of a true blessing. It is not practised much here in my area where people go door to door, but I have seen it down in common public places like parks and public events. It is always nice to see and brings a smile to everyone’s face.
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Celtic Origins and Winter Solstice
The last things I want to talk about here are mistletoe, the Yule log, and Christmas trees. These three traditions have most of their roots in the Celtic practices surrounding Druidry and the Winter Solstice celebration. We cannot deny the influence that the ancient Celts had on the Romans and their feast day of Saturnalia. We know that the Celtic people also liked to dance, sing, and have a grand time during the Winter Solstice as a way of bringing the sun back to our side of the world.
Mistletoe has become a staple during the holiday season, but did you know that it has its roots in the mystical belief of the Druids? The Druids believe that mistletoe protects from thunder, lightning, and evil spirits. It is also said that we kiss under the mistletoe because, in ancient times when enemies would meet under the mistletoe, they would be compelled to lay down their weapons and call a truce! Mistletoe, for being so pretty, is believed to have healing powers due to its hardiness. It is technically a parasitic plant that grows on trees, oftentimes from nothing!
There is also the burning of the Yule log. To this day we still call it the Yule log and not the Christmas log or the holiday log. This is a testament to how the old tradition has survived all this time. The burning of the Yule log today is a small reminder of the ancient bonfires that were held to welcome the sun back to our side of the world. Fire from the Winter Solstice bonfire would be taken back to every home, and the hearth fires would be relit with the new fire of the Solstice.
Lastly, and most recognisable, is the Christmas tree. Evergreens are known for being hardy plants that do not die out in the colder months of the year. The Celtic people revered the evergreen trees for this reason and they are associated with life, abundance, health, and rebirth. These trees were decorated during Saturnalia and Winter Solstice, and that tradition has carried over into the modern age.
Does it really matter?
Unless you are a historian, archeologist, or anthropologist, I do not think the Pagan origins of Christmas are all that important in the grand scheme of things. It is good to know why we do the things we do, but that is about it. There are a lot of reasons why these pagan traditions made their way into a Christian holiday. Some of those reasons are simple while some of them are more complex. The pagans who converted - either willingly or forced - grew up with these traditions, and traditions die hard. These traditions might have been brought over from paganism willingly and innocently. However, we also need to acknowledge the acts of the church during this time and their quest to convert everyone around them. The church is not innocent in this, but we also do not live in ancient times anymore. The best thing we can do at this point is to learn from our history, enjoy the traditions we enjoy, and create new ones.
Final thoughts?
Enjoy the holiday season with your family, friends, and loved ones. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Yule, Winter Solstice, Jul, Saturnalia, or one of the many other winter celebrations, we can all acknowledge that it is a magickal time of the year full of happiness, friendship, and mystery. Keep that mindset about you as you do your shopping and celebrating. Shop small and local when possible, and do not get stuck in the capitalistic trap of holiday shopping.
Let love and the return of longer days be the reason for everyone’s season!
What traditions are your favourite around this time of year? Do you celebrate Christmas, Yule, or any other winter holiday? I’d love to hear your experience.
My favourite tradition is the making of sugar cookies with my Nana during Christmastime. I grew up Christian, so we celebrated Christmas both secularly and religiously. I haven’t made cookies with my Nana in many years since we live apart, but I continue the tradition with my own daughter. This year, they will be Yule cookies for the Winter Solstice and the return of the Sun!
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prinzenhasserin · 7 years
Dear Creator!
This letter is just in case you might want to poke at some more of my prompts/likes. Generally, I’m open to a lot, and I will be pleased with any rating from gen to explicit.
My prompts are pretty ridiculous in places. That’s just how my mind works! Feel free to play them entirely straight, or subvert them to your hearts desire.
I’m not so much a fan of darkfic, exceptions apply for hopeful/happy resolutions.
Feel also free to include other characters or OCs as side-characters, if they are necessary because of plot reasons.
fake/pretend relationships
arranged marriages turning into supportive partners
odd couples
found family, dysfunctional families that nevertheless love each other
cultural differences, age differences, height differences
heists, rescue missions
dragons, fairy tales, magical realism, urban fantasy
competent characters
people not realising they’re the most competent at their job/hobby
people failing their way to success
happy endings, earning your happy ending, open yet hopeful endings
cynical humour
mutual pining
suits, corsetry, fancy dresses
Identity shenanigans (secret identities, mistaken identities)
Blatant Lies
Enemies becoming friends and/or lovers
orange/blue morality, grey/grey morality
outsider POV
people not usually found in law enforcement solving crimes
non-verbal expressions of affection
wall sex
shifting power dynamics
semi-public sex
lots of foreplay, drawn out orgasms, edging
sex toys
sex toys in public (though I get embarrassed if someone else notices)
size kink (not only about their dicks but also hands/body/muscles relative to each other)
sex, and then slowly growing romantic feelings
mentions of suicide
major character death
rape (dubcon is fine though; I’m mainly DNW’ing feelings of utter revulsion on part of the POV character)
The Queen’s Thief - Costis/Kamet
This contains spoilers for Thick as Thieves!
Oh god, I am still not over how competent Costis looks through the eyes of Kamet. I love the cultural differences, and I’d love if that relationship developed further (or more explicitly!) I’d love to see a relationship develop during their travels (because a pleasure slave is less obvious?)
If you want to rewrite the ending, I’m game! 
-Kamet likes being pampered, Costis pampers him? 
-Kamet learns to appreciate other cultures through their sex practises
-Through a combination of Costis and Kamet’s knowledge they solve a plot on the King.
-They need to pretend to be a couple on a daring escape from someone
-Kamet is — now that he’s been freed — an object of desire among the court, and Costis is jealous. At first Kamet thinks it’s because Costis wants to be the object of desire himself, until he notices that it’s him Costis desires…
Would love canon AU’s!
Original Work
If you want to combine any of these pairings, feel free :D Juvenile Superhero/Librarian Supervillain would be a personal favourite but all others seem intriguing too.
Male Pirate/Male Naval Officer
-I would love this pairing in any setting, Mediterranean pirates of pre-Roman Empire, Egyptian pirates, Chinese pirates, privateers, pirates of the Caribbean, pirates in SPACE, smugglers… -Did they know each other before? Is the naval Officer perhaps a point of contact for the crown for a privateer? I like an aspect of danger in my ships, but I don’t like totally unredeemable characters. -Does the pirate capture the naval officer for ransom? To seduce him to the dark side? -Does the naval officer capture the pirate, and the pirate seduces him for his freedom? Or both at once?
Juvenile Delinquent/Librarian
-I’d love if the setting in this would play a role. Space Libraries? Rural Libraries? Library of Alexandria? The Global Seed Vault? -Maybe they meet because of community service. Maybe they meet because the delinquent likes to read? Maybe they meet because the delinquent uses the space to sleep, and he gets kicked out during closing time?
Nobleman/Diplomat from Enemy Country
-They are spying on each other. It involves lots of fancy parties. -The Enemy Diplomat finds out a secret the nobleman is hiding, and blackmails him. Somehow it involves lots of sex. -The nobleman finds out a plot the diplomat is involved in, and tries to resolve it himself.
- I like moral quandaries. Maybe it turns out the superhero was working for an evil government, and the villain helps him get out? -Maybe they team up to defeat an even bigger enemy? -The Superhero is really into being tied up, and gets an unwelcome boner during one of their fights, and the supervillain really does not know how to deal with that.
Prince who is out of favor/Loyal Councilor
- The prince who is out of favour is told to marry the loyal councillor to get back in favour? -The loyal councillor teaches the prince about politics, and somehow the lessons are really boring but the councillor is really hot, and the prince can only seduce him?
Treasure Planet - Jim Hawkins/John Silver
This pairing fascinates me. I like that they are both tricksters, that Jim wants to be moral and good, while clearly being a bit of a bad boy. I would like if he manipulates Silver into doing something altruistic, even though John Silver is the one with all of the experience.
I would also love if people suspected them of having sex while they weren’t yet.
-John Silver teaches Jim Hawkins a bit more than sailing. -There’s a really odd-looking cyborg that visits Jim Hawkins every weekend at the marine institute, and his fellow students would really like to know if that’s his sugar daddy or what. 
DNW: D/s, A/B/O dynamics, character death, rape
(I’m really not all that fussed about canon accuracy of any kind here, I’m well aware that it is an incredibly cracky pairing, and you can feel free to take it wherever you want to. All ratings are excellent!)
Mycroft Holmes (Sherlock)/Percy Weasley (Harry Potter)
-Does Mycroft learn the existence of the Wizarding World from Percy? Does he want to meet again to learn everything he can? - There’s an issue with the traffic cams at Charing Cross. They are malfunctioning constantly. It’s gotten to the point where even Mycroft can’t ignore his actual position in the government any more. His research leads him to a really weird, if exceptionally bureaucratic person, Percy Weasley. -Mycroft Holmes is not all that thrilled to learn of a secret society that has infiltrated the government at its deepest levels, and can control minds with the wave of a wand. He would really rather eliminate the entire issue. Percy Weasley is the person elected to stop him.
Thomas Nightingale (Rivers of London)/Bertie Wooster (Wodehouse)
- Did they meet during WW2? How was that like? - would love outsider!POV for that relationship. Peter, maybe? Or Jeeves? And them wondering how Bertie knows such a respectable person/Thomas knowing such a flamboyant flake -Or maybe they meet later, in the sixties, perhaps? Maybe Bertie is the one who makes Thomas halfway comfortable with ageing backwards – or the first one to notice it, anyway?
Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones Series)/Flynn Carsen (The Librarian)
-This would be such an epic rivalry. This stupid English lit guy who vanishes behind doors all the time, not like a real Archaeologist at all (and yet somehow he continues to nab all the best artifacts, and then they disappear, nevermore to be seen. What a waste) -Or maybe Flynn Carsen outsources some of his work to Indiana (because even he can’t be everywhere at once) -Sex Rituals. I don’t know about you, but they would definitely stumble upon the only trap that would necessitate having sex with each other to escape. Bonus points: epic rivalry, but still reluctantly attracted -also good: ancient ruins filled with sex pollen of some kind
Harry Potter
Regulus Black/Harry Potter
-The possibilities of this relationship fascinates me. Is Regulus not really dead? A ghost of some kind? Does that potion in the cave transport him to the future? I’m not too fussed about the details, you can handwave any time travel. I would be really interested in their cultural differences, the way they see the world. -Do they bond over their friendship with really weird house elves? Or on killing Horcruxes? -Does Harry try to renovate Grimmauld Place and disturbs something he really should not have?
Marcus Flint/Harry Potter
-What do those two have in common other than Quidditch? Do they get together because of a Quidditch celebration that got out of hand? Drunken one-night stand fuelled by rivalry? -After the war is over, does Marcus contact Harry because knowing/seducing him might make his reputation better?
Rivers of London - Thomas Nightingale/Alexander Seawoll
Is negotiating about cases a sex thing? If so, is it hate sex, or the “I really like the way you look but the bullshit that comes out of your mouth”-sex? Is there going to be a romantic relationship, or just one filled by really good sex? Would also love canon style cases — maybe they at first think magic plays a part, but then it turns out the solution to the case lies with mundane police work?
Also a thing I would read: An accident turns Seawoll into a genius loci, or any other being of magic and he’s entirely sceptic about it. He goes to Nightingale for help.
Or they split hairs about bureaucratic nonsense – and it’s not actually about that it’s that neither can stand being attracted to the other?
Or do they get surprised by some kind of sex pollen?
Have fun!
Please feel free to tell me if I made a mistake anywhere, I hate to be wrong forever. My anon is open.
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