#and now i know!! its bc im queer!! and i wouldnt expect someone to tell me and wouldnt be offended if they didnt immediately tell me!!
grgie · 11 months
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spnshameblog · 3 years
I wish Jensen was as horrified by people shipping Dean with his brother as he seems to be over Destiel.
i'm not gonna lie, i have bad feelings, too. i think that jensen has done a lot of things that have led to lgbt/queer kids feeling invalidated and he has given a lot of people ammunition to bully us over fictional ships. i also think that was entirely unintentional, but that doesnt make it better.
i gotta be honest, i take a lot of the info out there with several grains of salt, especially unverified stuff and fan stories. people like to lie on the internet. (i remember a few years ago someone made up chris evans having a panic attack at a convention and cevans himself had to clear that up bc concerned fans kept messaging him) i know he doesnt like talking about destiel at cons and the few times he did pre-despair werent that positive.
i think bc his first real exposure to shipping was w*ncest he mentally equated shipping to fetishisation and hes not the only one. you can tell from a lot of comments that other actors (sometimes even misha) think fanfic is all about smut and that its mostly written by horny straight women aged 16 to 45. which is incorrect and hurtful, but ok.
the way he talks about the confession scene is jarringly different and enthusiastic. there has been this meet and greet where he got asked a few questions about it and while i, again, like to be sceptical about these types of sources, it does match up with his general behaviour wrg to the confession. i think he genuinely had a change of perspective some time in the later seasons and i dont think he was ever actually horrified by the existence of destiel, but annoyed about his own misinterpretation of what destiel actually meant to the fans. not gonna defend him for that tho, he did contribute to the mistreatment and gaslighting of queer spn fans, even if that was never his intention.
now w*ncest is another thing. it drives me up the wall whenever w*ncest and destiel are in any way put into relation to each other and as much as i love robbie, im fucking mad about them having both of the "ships" in fan fiction in the first place. however: sam and dean CONSISTENTLY react to w*ncest with disgust, confusion and horror, like duh. w*ncest is, iirc, mentioned more times in-universe than destiel as a ship. fan fiction has the only mention of destiel as a fictional ship, whereas w*ncest has been mentioned multiple times before, aka in every episode becky is in. its always portrayed as ridiculous, mostly played for laughs and never taken seriously. to the cast and crew of spn w*ncest is a non-thing bc it disqualifies itself by its own nature. nobody in their right mind (which excludes most w*ncest shippers sadly) would expect them to actually put i//ncest on screen. its easier to joke about this, simply because its so ridiculous.
i think jensen and co dont see w*ncest itself as a 'danger', thats why they never talk about how disgusted they are by it, its a foregone conclusion. it cannot be treated seriously bc its simply too bogus.
destiel however. unless youre a raging homophobe or devout biblical christian there is nothing morally wrong with destiel, which makes it harder to discredit it as a joke, which is why you cant joke about it so easily. not that you should lmao, but i dont claim to know what goes on in these mens heads.
this got way too long so im gonna try to wrap it up:
i think its not that jensen is less horrified by w*ncest than destiel. there would be something really wrong with him if he was. i think he can put w*ncest and all its crazy fans into a box and label it "too ridiculous to care about except when they send my wife rusty nails". i dont claim to know what exactly his problem with destiel was/is, but if i had to make a guess its that he spent a long time misinterpreting what destiel actually was and just treated it as another outlet for horny teens, which i wont defend him for. i think he really mellowed out on that front, but kept his grumpy persona for a while (hes clearly not uncomfortable with ppl thinking thoughts about him and misha in situations or else he wouldnt act like THAT at cons tho, so idk). His positive and enthusiastic comments surrounding the confession and his open-ness about dean reciprocating (which is still a cop out, ngl. idc if he said he didnt want it to be one) ESPECIALLY compared to his glacial silence surrounding the finale show me that he is not at all disgusted or horrified by destiel.
tl;dr this man is an enigma to me and there are a couple of things i hold against him, but i truly dont think he is horrified by destiel.
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19possums-blog · 5 years
On tianshan relationship and their fandom, i guess ?
hello there @nightfayre !! Im the 5asks anon lol (the one abt the last chapter of tianshan). I wanted to thank you for your answer and continue to rant in your askbox but i figured it was so long that mb it would crash ur box lmao, so I... kind of created a blog..... hm. well theres no bad reasons to create an account is there lol ?? (also is there no way to send a long ask ?? why is it so limited :(( )
So once again thank you for anwser, and what an answer ! You raised many points i didnt think about and that was very interesting. I knew i would be glad to hear your thoughts ! the rest under a read more coz i think its going to be looong lol
(( To do a sort of disclaimer : I despise fandom discourse and im more of the mentality “let ppl enjoy what they want as long as it dont hurt real life ppl”, and “dont like dont interact”. So everything im going to say is not an attack against anyone, but just a way of prolonging a manhwa that i like. Most of all, i want to emphasize that at the end of the day, its just a manhwa : it doesnt justify being mean or aggressive towards other real life ppl. If you find yourself raging while reading fandom wank, just stop reading, block, and go outside a little. My way of enjoying the manhwa is to be analytical, to criticize (positively and negatively) and to look at the material source as well as the fandom in itself ; if its (understandably lol) not your definition of fun, this post may not be for you !))
Ur totally right in saying that the hardest thing is separate morality, reality and fiction. I hope my asks didn't come across as a 'u shouldnt like tianshan bc its not morally good'. There is a lot of puritan push back on tumblr lately, and im totally against it. Everyone is free to like/ship what they want ; reading only ‘morally good’ literature wont prevent you to become a nasty person - i would argue itd be the exact opposite, as your spirit wont be trained to think critically or to evaluate a situation (and every situations is always grey) by your own means. Also, its important to separate fantasies/what you like to read and who you are/what you do. To be embarrassingly honest, and like many people, one of my sexual fantasy is rape ; but in my real life, im in a queer anarchist collective that actively fights against rape culture and defends rape victims. That is why i dont have a problem with SheLI/Mo shippers (or even HeCheng/SheLi shippers) even if its not my cup of tea, but i would have a problem if in real life (irl) ppl would say to irl Mo that irl SL is good for him (or if they wouldnt find it wrong that a irl 30yo Cheng is involved wt an irl 15yo Li). I digress.
But then again this confusion about fiction/reality/morality is at the core of the tianshan fandom -and many fandoms. I dont know about you, but i grossly see 3 types of ‘trends’ depending on how ppl interact with the source material  :
1.The ones who think you cant like something while being critical of it. I love 19 days but I think there are flaws in it, beyond tianshan dynamic (like how OX handles the transition between funny and dramatic moments –I think its badly done). It doesn’t mean I personally hate OX and wish harm to their family oc. Worse than this, the ones who, because they dont like certain things in 19 days, feel free to harass OX on their social media.  Here its a confusion between fiction and reality and a lack of critical thinking.
2. the ones that loves Tianshan because they think it fits the trope “Dark, handsome, tortured violent boy who is violent towards fragile, sweet, pure cute boy because he loves him” and the typically associated trope “the pure boy will change the violent boy by the pureness of his heart”. Aka the most common yaoi trope. Again, if it pleases people to see Tianshan like this, good for them and i hope they have a nice time reading 19 days. Lets face it, I love really bad yaoi and books. Its just not how i see tianshan at all, but to each their own. I just have a problem when these ppl insist that its an ok behavior to have in real life and say things like “possessiveness is a proof of love” uncritically (hint : it isnt). For me, its the difference between enjoying fast food (thats okay), and wanting to force everyone to eat fast food and to find it pleasurable (not okay).
3. the ones that think what you like in literature defines who you are, and so in order to be a “good person” you have to only like “morally good litterature” -there are the ones I personally find the more interesting bc they can ask good questions. But alas, in most cases its just puritanism badly disguised and currently they are in all fandoms. Lets not delve into the issue of this statement : what is ‘morally good’ ? who are in the authority to proclaim what is good ? how can you recognize what is ‘morally good’ if you dont see what is ‘morally not good’ ? is it literature’s responsibility to educate its audience ? do literature have to point out “watch out audience what just happened is not okay” as if we were brainless children ? whats more important : what you like reading or what you do irl ? .... Okay i totally delve into this lmao. Here its a confusion between fiction and morality and a rejection of critical thinking : we could say its like when the Catholics prohibited women from reading bc it would pervert them and think of the children).
Returning to the specifics of what we've been talking about  : so in this last case, you (generic ‘you’) think that you are a good person ; so you have to read morally good literature. So in this case, fandom isnt just a harmless hobby, but a proof of how you are morally good, imagine the stakes ! But alas, you happen to like 19 days and most specifically tianshan. You said (@nightfayre​ ) that you judge Tianshan unhealthy as they are now, and i wholeheartedly agree with you, so im not going to discuss why since you already explained it so well. So, what happens when you like a morally not good ship, but you think liking morally dubious things makes you a bad person ? You bent over backwards to explain that, in fact, this ship is morally good, to protect your integrity. And thats why, in 19days fandom since the last chapter (and its the same thing with every chapter where flaws of HT are revealed!), there are many posts going around “hm, in fact, what He Tian did is good ! i know it can seems like hes a violent asshole who dont respect MGS because he punches him, threatens him, and dont listen to him, but hm.... in fact its because he’s nice...” and then they do mental gymnastics to justify what is, obviously, not morally justifiable. And i find its a pity because, my guy, my buddy, nobody is going to throw you tomatoes if you like a morally dubious character, and also bc nothin is morally good ! everybody does what they think is the best in ‘problematic situations’ ! and thats what make life interesting ! and so, 19 days interesting ! The flaws of HT (and MGS) are what drawn ppl to his character, bc it makes him real, its makes him contradictory, we can project ourselves in him, and we can see a complicated character with awesome latent potential. And yes, treating someone like a territory bc you care about them is a flaw lol. (on this subject : i saw ppl saying that its protectiveness and not possession : if you protect someone like you would protect a territory, then its not a healthy protection. you deal with a human whose agency you must respect, contrary to a territory).
MGS and HT are the product of what happen to them in their early childhood and then their adolescence. Like you said, they grow up in a violent, twisted world, where being emotionally distant is the norm. I would even say that they are expected to conform to the standards of (toxic) masculinity : channel all your emotions into anger, caring is being weak and feminine, prove your worth by your physical strength, be in control in all ur relationship, etc. I would say thats why Mo is so hostile towards HT : HT challenges his masculinity, by seducing him (everyone know that the biggest fear of macho men like HT and Mo is being considered gay -_-) and being stronger than him. Lets face it, Mo has kind of a homophobic issue, like all the boys. Between JY who tells HT its disgusting being told hes handsome by a man (at the beginning of the manhwa, i hope by now he had grown out of it), or Mo who tells HT he isnt happy that a guy is on his bed or who desperately wants to prove his heterosexuality by saying he likes all cute girls to his baldy friend... HT is more nuanced, but at the end, when he ‘seduces’ Mo, its always predatory. He doesnt let himself being vulnerable and he aggressively touches Mo even without his consent. For me, its a way of proving his domination, not his interest (and when i say that, i dont mean that HT is not genuinely interested in Mo -just that his actions dont translate this). ZZX is the only one who seems to have a healthy relationship with his masculinity lol, but then hes the healthy one in all aspects (thats why i dont like his character and am not invested in zhanyi, even if irl i would love to be his friend).
With all that being said, oc HT wont know how to adequately express genuine concern and interest in Mo ! This sort of social interactions is not something you just know, its smth you learn. And in HT and Mo’s cases, nobody was there to teach them -we could even say that ppl in their life made them unlearn caring behaviors. So HT does what he does best : he fights and forces, and is surprised when Mo thinks (obviously) HT is evil. And also, like you said, Mo will never be (at least how he is now) a driving force in their relationships bc he will always run away from bonding with ppl. So here we are, HT being the only driving force in their relationship, the same HT who only knows violence. No wonder that their relationship is like this...
As it is, i feel like tianshan is kind of in an impasse right now. One or the other is going to have to evolve if we want to see their relationships changing. Either HT learns how to care without being violent (seems complicated if Mo doesnt challenges him, bc HT isnt going to realize this without feedback since its how he has always functioned), or, more likely, Mo is going to be honest with him and tell him that his behavior is hurting him. Though more probable, I dont see it happening anytime soon : for one, Mo isnt capable of seeing when he is hurting emotionally and what is hurting him ; and also, bc Mo doesnt know any other language than violence, not unlike HT. I think its smth most of the fandom ignore, how violence is smth that HT and MGS both have in common, and how if HT wasnt violent, MGS certainly wouldnt consider him at all.
Anw im excited to see where OX is going with all this ! Like you said, the forced kiss was pivotal to their relationship, so im kind of hoping it would be the same here ! I just hope they wont... do like usual and just put a funny chapter and ignore this latest development.....
OMG i wrote soo much and there is so much i still want to say.... i think im going to do a second post... sorry about the spam lmao
( @nightfayre : i dont know how this site works yet, is @ you alright ? will it show you my post in your notif or should i send an ask ?  bc i want you to see my answer, but i dont want you to feel pressurized to respond or interact or anything !! above all dont feel pressurized, i was sad last night when you wrote ‘im sorry to not answer more quicly’ bc you should answer at your own rhythm or not answer ! your blog is a hobby, not an obligation, so dont feel bad to not do more when yo already do much !! )
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historians · 6 years
RIAN... im not 100 percent if you'll care for this but something tells me maybe you'd like to know. anyways oh man because of your recs via that culture vulture thing i bought call me by your name late october last year and only got around to reading it now, 10 months later ... that book is so incredible i cant even begin to tell, it got progressively more indulging, shit made me part of its actual WORLD and now im facing a crises of some sort of having to face that ending- (1)
- like i genuinely just feel like crying at everything :( i really didnt expect it to take as big as a toll on me oh my god they call me loser. and i dont know i dont have anyone else to tell and i just thought of you and wanted to say that i think so highly of you i dont know how else to put it despite what you might say i really think of you as a star and youve taken me back to a lot of things i thought i wouldnt enjoy as much anymore and i just want to thank you for having been such a wonderful influence on me and you wow me so much at times, i wish i were a little more like you. i always feel like im being creepy lurking around but thats probably just because im a creep. okay shutting up id finally like to ask how you feel about call me by your name, id love to hear everything you can think of but honestly anythingll do, im just seriously curious. okay i hope youre living well and being happy bye!
first off, you’re right in thinking this is something i would care to hear! i’ve actually had a pretty emotional and trying week, and seeing this after i got home today was really lovely and brightened my mood so thank you ): i remembered that list out of nowhere the other day, too. i’m glad you found something on there you like! (also buying books you read months or even uh years later... big mood). i’m really happy to hear all of this honestly, i’ve been kind of on a journey of reconnecting with things these past few months and tbh getting a lot out of it, so it’s for real nice to know it’s benefitting someone else, too. i’m just out here trying my best, and i’m always glad to be smth positive for others if i at all can!! i’m really kind of a dumb nerd so it’s definitely not creepy, it’s really flattering!
that book has a lot of nice memories attached to it because i read it at a time where i needed the reminder to go back to the basics on what type of story i love, and more importantly what sorts of stories i want to tell myself. i bought it on a whim while trying to clam down from a panic attack, and i think i ugly cried through almost all of it haha. it’s portrait of longing manages to be both soft and sharp, like a fox in the arms of sufjan stevens... but for real, i appreciate how it describes a sort of raw, uncertain intimacy that has always been so resonate to me as a queer person. it captures the immediacy of that tension as well as nostalgia for the initial sexual awakening, which is a solid one-two punch as they say. i’ve read a fair amount of Discourse (TM) on this novel (not the age difference discourse tho lmao bc frankly... idc) and i don’t think it captures a universally relatable queer experience by any means esp bc it’s technically written from an outsider perspective, but it speaks very well to a certain experience of emotional intimacy that’s rooted in instantaneous, and often inexplicable, similarity and understanding. the ending is like, crushing, i feel you on that. part of me can’t help but feel it’s fitting for the tone, though, and i almost wish they’d kept it in the movie bc i saw a few too many bad takes about the ambiguity of it. i always read the book ending as oliver being clearly closeted in some capacity. (i did like the movie overall, i was also Incredibly Determined to hype it). i was thinking about re-reading it one of these days, so i might just soon...
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“its week ONE. why is everyone being so cracked i hate it here i absolutely hate it here someone take me out with a sniper rifle” - aria 
HOH: Jev UPSIDE DOWN: Jacob & Gina NOMINEES: Kiki & Nash POV: Nash FINAL NOMINEES: Kiki & Mo EVICTED: Mo (14-1)
WOO holy shit this cast is filled with such insane personalities, and I cannot WAIT to play this game!
tell me why i'm already nervous
waits patiently for mo to pick another damn person to infect
skghkdgljhgdlj BRAIN HURTY,, sm people to talk to and everyone is so so nice! just glad I'm not winning hoh
alternative title: im very mean for 20 minutes
so far the cast seems very sweet! a little quiet so far but otherwise im really enjoying talking to them!! and i think the twist is a cool idea but could be dangerous.... maybe a little too easy to expose alliances
I really like this cast! I'm actually really good friends with Aria (but we keeping that a secret) and I recognize Joshua from other orgs! Also, this twist seems super fun!
okay,,,,okay,,,ok,,,k my brain is struggling to complie everything ive learned today i am STRUGGLING!!!!
So!! Lets make a tier list
We're working together (didnt even need to discuss)
Asked to work together
Implied we're working togther but lower tier
-Josh C
Super Sweet & Nice
Sweet but i want a response
So thats what i've gathered for today mostly, Jacob-Joey-Jev-Joshua all seem to really want to work close with me and we've talked a bit of game ( ITS ALL THE Js HELP) and seem super open while the girls seem more closed off as of now, kinda worried gina isnt gonna be active enough but idk, oh also everyone is noticing bri is CHAOS and that nick is talkative/assertive. more to update in a bit but heres a trust ranking for night one, one more thing jev said he doesnt like nathan or nick :OO and someone else mentioned nick being overbearing
1.Gina (i love her to the moon and back)
2. Nathan( the charisma SNAPPED this game go off sir!!)
3. Josh C (they're also charismatic but they're hecking hilarious and our view are pretty similar) 
4.Jev (they cared about me!! and im nice to them and this is just really wholesome)
5.Jacob (LOVE him but we havent talked enough beyond "we're winning this game")
6.Joshua (super fun to talk to, same og community king)
7.Bri (they wont keep info to themselves but shes SO sweet pls take my heart)
8. Joey (hes kinda sketching me out tbh but also he wants to work with me so)
9.Nick (they wouldnt put me up and thats all i could ask for)
10.Monty (PLEASE trust me i need ur braincells)
13.Mo (existential dread buddies <3)
14.Dem(approached game w/ me,,,but on the first message so might be doing that w/ everyone)
15.Nash (kate protection gang!!!)
16.Saira (we loVE DOGS! and thats it)
17.Emma (feel better soon,,,then pls talk to me k thanks)
18.Aria (dont trust anyone,,,not even yourself)
If alliances have been made already, I am gonna have some QUALMS... This cast is very cute, I love meeting new people, let's see we have
Aria - an ANGEL we've been talking about SIX the musical and slime tutorials
Brianna - The first person to recognize me using a Carole & Tuesday song in any of my videos. I'm v grateful.
Dem - He kinda jokes like a mom... 
Emma - I'm friends with Emma outside of the game and she is such a chaotic sweetheart. We been in the house a day and she plays Lois Griffon singing Doja Cat... for what...
Gina - I have not talked with her, I just said hi.
Jacob - Jacob is nice. I think I've yet to have a super positive ORG experience with him tho. So. Yeah.
Can I do the rest tomorrow cus I'm tired and just not in the mood. Okay thank you.
I was a little surprised by the amount of people dming me but they all seemed pretty nice! The twist sounds cool, I'm excited to see how it plays out
i definitely did NOT expect to win the first hoh but here we are, i have no idea what i'm gonna do but i need sleep so that's tomorrows problem
HELLO! it's your boy josh coming to give you some thoughts on the cast. coming into this game, the only person i know of beforehand is.. JACOB who has managed to snake me in both games we've played together so that's cute. i don't really have a choice but to trust him for now bc that's my only outside connection so we'll see how it goes. he's fun to talk to so i don't really mind but my eyes are PEELED for it going south.
my favorites just from the first night are probably aria, kiki, nathan, and saira. for no REAL reasons other than i just feel like i've had the best conversations with them and they were more fun than the rest of the cast. i'm not sure if those will stay the same but that's HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW!!
i've reached out to everyone and heard back from everyone (other than nash.. dunno what that's about so i'll just let it sit there. i don't REALLY mind bc it's good if i win HOH because it's a good reason to throw someone up there). everyone is cute enough, though i think i've connected LEAST with brianna, dem, joey, and monty? just haven't gotten a lot of energy back from them but i'm hoping that was just FIRST NIGHT jitters of people not putting in their full effort into their social game.
i'm going to spend today just chatting with people so i have a base relationship with them and that way if jev goes the route of asking people who they'd him to nominate -- i'm not someone they name simply for not knowing who i am. trying to be a little SOCIAL QUEEN. fun and funky so let's hope it pays off.
for the twist, i'm not really sure how to play this. i don't think the first round is going to have the BEST power hidden in it but it'd be nice to know that i for sure won't be first boot. (though i'm feeling OKAY enough that jev won't kill me bc we've talked at least). i think i'm going to wait a minute before i ask someone to send me in, or someone just sends me in on their own accord. that way people don't look at me for having a secret power bc it'll be really easy to narrow down who has one and that's just such an unnecessary way to get a target on your back. i like the twist, it's just hard to figure out how to play it and maybe i should just wait until someone does it for me or i'm one of the later people to get it so i get safety when there are less people in the house and it'll be harder to survive.
xoxo gossip josh
He's here, he's queer... and oddly enough starting off by not doing a Video DR; however, I think when making an initial first impression/trust list this method seems to go a little smoother... First off, coming right off of Big Brother Pasio and thrown into this game has made my head hurt more than it should. I forgot how annoying and tiresome the initial conversations are with everybody. With that said, I have begun to kinda pick out a path that may be suitable for me this season. In Pasio, my goal was to lay low, not be seen, and form connections. That strategy is going to be partially active this time around as well. I'm a big personality, and while that's fun and cute, I learned by keeping a low profile in the beginning portion while remaining social it does wonders. I don't need to be a Skinny Nick character and be talking in the house call and house chat at every ounce I get. With that being said, this season is full of Pasio players... some in which I had both good and bad experiences with. However, pushing that aside I really have my eyes set and locked on Aria. I have a feeling that the other Pasio alumni may see her for how she played in Pasio and I do as well, but I want to make sure her and I are on as good as terms as possible. She did NOT like me in Pasio, so rekindling that flame is ultra important. Alongside Aria, I get to play with both Monty and Jacob who I've had rocky relationships with in the past, but have grown to become great friends outside this. Working with them is going to be vital, but keeping them too close is suicide. With that being said, here's my initial trust ranking:
1. Aria
2. Jacob 
3. Nash
4. Jev
5. Josh
6. Monty
7. Joey
8. Nick
- - -
okay, well nominations just came out and i can't say i'm too surprised that nash got nominated for eviction considering she hasn't responded to me yet and most everyone else is saying the same. i can't really imagine anyone using the veto on her unless she has a complete social turn around in the next 24 hours but that seems like.. a stretch. just gotta hope she doesn't win! we love an easy first week boot!
i'm a little sad about kiki getting nominated because i've really hit it off with them, but i think it's a good way to secure some trust with them and spark off a relationship. i've been trying to already be like YOU GOT THIS, YOU'RE STAYING! NASH DOESN'T TALK TO ANYONE! and i think they're being receptive. i like that i can joke around with them, so i'm hoping they enjoy me as much as i enjoy them.
i've also had aria and jake come talk to me about noms which means they trust me and that's GOOD. i want to try to secure something with them soon because i think they're both people that would want to work with me and i know that jake doesn't have a lot of connections already so being an early ally of his would be BIG.
just trying to focus on being a cute little social presence so people don't really focus on targeting me early on. i think this is a game full of half social players and some.. not so exciting people so it'll be easy to just slip through by not being the most boring person around. i don't want to promise TOO many people loyalty just yet but i think building a small core for myself will be important to keep me safe and i'm hoping that can come with jake/aria/kiki/jacob(?)
chile............. where the fuck am i?
i dont know what dimension i'm in right now with these people but i am ready to show them what i am made of!! so far i've felt..... on the outs of most of what is going on so im just gonna give my perspective on things so far!! 
the cast....... ill just do an assessment
dem: said maybe three words to me since we've started... so there's that
saira: seems like a queen! i def need to talk to her more i've been sleeping on her and i think we'll get along well
joey: girl sometimes idk what this man is saying to me but we're rolling w it..
nash: her "sick" ass hasnt responded to my message from yesterday so bye
joshua: oh he can work! hes fun to talk to and i def see some potential to working with him. hes only 16 so yung so pure i remember those days </3
nathan: hes so hot god i literally want to eat his entire ass but i dont wanna be creepy so im trying to subtly flirt with him SDLKJFSKF he seems to be a sneaky player to me but hopefully thats not the case and we can be a showmance later on hehe
emma: LEGEND. QUEEN! PUT SOME RESPECT ON HER NAMEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my ride or die in this thing <3
jev: oh jevfrey my angel im so happy he's here!!! he's a loyal guy from what i remember and ill def be working with him ESPECIALLY now that hes the first hoh ayyyyY!!!! i feel completely safe with him
kiki: oh i LOVE THEMMMM we had a great connection from the jump and i have a soft spot for them for sure. theyre sadly nominated this week i did not know why jev made that decision but i will make sure they stay know THAT
monty: monty left me on read :( we had a kinda awk convo so idk how monty feels about me right now?? i def dont think he trusts me and ugh i hate the tension!!!!!!!! i hope we can resolve it all and be friends again
josh: KDJKFG i love this man... hes not entire truthful and is def playing me a bit but i think he's great and hopefully he doesnt turn out to be the snake i think he has the potential to be
gina: idk what to think of this girl she doesn't reply much to me and we haven't really spoken much for me to really get a good read of her. i infected her and idk if she'll take that a certain way i came to her with the explanation that we just havent talked as much. idk shes fine?
mo: hahhaha hes a cutie too and i think hes not much of a talker so i think hes nice for the most part it's just kinda hard talking to him sometimes
brianna: um....... yeah we haven't spoken yet and she infected me so idk how to feel about her yet. she claims it was this number system but do i fully believe thats what she based it on? not really.. so ill def have to talk to her more
aria: NOW THIS........ THIS IS ELEGANCE. THIS IS CLASS. THIS IS EXPENSIVE. THIS IS TASTE, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! this 15 year old girl has me shaking to my god damn core with her social game within a 20 minute conversation ive already devoted my entire game to her and our "attention whores" alliance. iM GAGGGEDDDD i really like her and i know shes a big threat but if shes with me then we can do some damage together hehe
skinny nick: SKINNYYYYY i dont have much to say about nick i think they're well connected in this game so i have to make sure i'm good with them a little more. our convos are a little dry hopefully that'll change as the game goes on
jacob: a sweetie.. i really like jacob as a person but as a player he scares the shit out of me DSLKFGFKJ he lied to me like every round in BBHOS9 so i dont rly know if i can trust him. he def has other friends in this community hes playing with so ill have to sus out who exactly that is...
and......... yeah! kiki and nash are nommed. gina n jacob went to the down under. i think jacob will def get whatever power is down there he is one lucky man so i wouldn't be surprised if it's something good. oh well hopefully when i go i get whatever the best thing is a dpov mayhaps!.......
i hope the next hoh is something i can win because i want these people to TALK TO MEEEE tell me where their heads are at for god's sake! me on day 2: why arent you telling me all your alliances? dFGKLF i feel like im okay just gotta talk to some said people more and try to make sure they dont hate me!
I thought Jev was nice but I'll have to go back on that because he absolutely is not fooling a single person, I thought we'd be allies but he's been acting sus all day so he can choke on rat piss. Joey and nick literally aren't talking to me at awl so... they can choke and die too. Aria is talking to me a lot but I know she talks to everyone a lot sjdkjds queen of big brother pasio... but I trust her for now I guess. Other than that I'm not super like concerned with anyone else I mean brianna kiki gina mo are nice I guess.. mo is a little hard to talk to though so :( anyway glad to be here but my social is kind of rocky skjdjskdj : ( ( ( ( ( 
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trying to hint to dem that I’m not okay... wonder if it’s working
its week one. its week ONE. why is everyone being so cracked i hate it here i absolutely hate it here someone take me out with a sniper rifle im sick of this, but its fine im gonna try to do my best to explain EVERYTHING bc whew is there a lot..
First off lets start with the fact ive been talking with everyone from the moment i woke up and my fingers hurt so much but also now people like me and thats all i need in life so heck yes!! So when it was nash vs kiki i start planting seeds to keep kiki with people and then nash wins veto so thats thrown out the window yayyyy- 
Things start happening after jev renoms Mo. First off i get a call with crack kills (joey bri me) and we discuss the vote a little bit with Joey leaning towards keeping Mo and Me/Bri wanting to keep Kiki, joey leaves and me and bri talk about the alliance we were invited to (jacob josh jake kiki us) and then i notice theres a house vc which i then go and join alone.
It was silent for a bit before they mentioned they were talking about votes and were being kinda secretive about names but i asked directly so Mo tells me that dem told him that there was 5 confirmed votes against Mo (nash Jacob Nick Joshua/Jacob(dont remember which) and Josh c) he said the names really fast so i mightve missed a few and nathan interjects about my notes and like??? shut up nathan???? anyways i act all shook about an alliance and we talk about votes and apparently when mo campaigned to bri she just sent "hugs" and im caCKLIGN FDSGFDSH anyways that confirmed 5 votes is gonna make people nervous and cause people to keep Mo which like, im not totally against but i just want a unan vote please. Also i think dem & emma dont really trust me which is big ughhh idk if one of the pregame girlies (any of the names from that list) win hoh next week ill throw one of them utb easy peasy 
So then i start asking around to gina and she ghosts me??? gina NEVER ghosts me so im sketched out there and Mo is asking for my help when i already told kiki i would save her its such a messsss. So if i had to guess the sides i would say 
PREGAME GIRLIES: Nash Jacob Jake Joshua Josh c kiki
Whomst: Saira Jev Monty Nick Gina Bri
Help: Aria
So, where do i go from here? How do i make sure this vote comes out hecking even,,, im not sure. nvm i am sure because Mo just told me they want to give up HFBHJBSDFS MO MY SAVIOR ILL NEVER FORGET YOU KING <<<<3333333 okay nvm hes not fully giving up but im giving him an avenue that would make my life much easier where im telling him to have good convos with people so they connect more and if anyone feels moved theyll come to me and ill get the ball rolling with a easy peasy unan vote hopefully. But i think i might be able to manipulate this situation to my advantage WHEW im hyped now!!
So lets say mo leaves the thought of those "five confirmed votes" is still gonna be in peoples heads mainly dem/joey/emma/nathan which might form into a side and go hard for hoh taking out some big social player and then we have two sides going after each other which would be cute.
I would make trust rankings but i trust no one fbhsafd and thats on pewiod
WHEW!!!!!!!!!!! im not the first boot :~) let's celebrate that.... 
but i'm not too thrilled about these noms...... im happy nash won POV she started talking to me more and shes actually really cool so i wanted her to stay. i am sad kiki is nominated i don't want them to go at all..... and mo being the replacement nominee was a shock to everyone i think..... 
i don't have a problem with mo leaving cuz we have a weak connection i just thought dem was going up based on my prior conversations with jev. he says dem started talking to him more but i just wish jev would talk to me and emma about his decisions if we're "aligned"?? like whats the point of having an alliance if we don't have any say in your decisions?
today i woke up to a message from josh asking me what i think about being in an alliance with jacob brianna aria and kiki........ and im just like wtf where this come from and he said that jacob is making it and its just his fave ppl??? im like ok like im not one to turn down an alliance but i let him know that i dont rly trust jacob n brianna as much as the others in the alliance. hopefully this makes him feel close to me and not blab his mouth to jacob ab that! 
brianna has yet to speak to me and jacob is just someone im always gonna have a hard time trusting sooo if i have to nominate them down the line i won't hesitate unless this alliance is genuine and helping me in the game.
i really only trust emma so far with aria being my secret spy and big meat shield im gonna need in this game. aria's super well connected and im hoping she'll be able to provide me w the information i need to take bitches down later on. 
i think i'd be worried about brianna winning bc we've never talked but at least we have this alliance possibly in the works?? and i dont know if nick would nominate me we haven't talked much..
but i want to win the next hoh so people actually talk to me LOL praying i can win
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turtles-go-quack · 8 years
answer them all pls?
1. Are looks important in a relationship? I mean an attraction is necessary for the relationship to work but personality is key. 
2. Are relationships ever worth it? Always, even if they don’t work you get to be apart of some amazing persons life even for a little while, I think that,s pretty neat 
3. Are you a virgin? No
4. Are you in a relationship? No
5. Are you in love? No, I guess not, but love is confusing af. 
6. Are you single this year? Yeah
7. Can you commit to one person? Yeah
8. Describe your crush. Right now there’s not really a crush, there are some cool people that im talking too but rn I’m trying to focus on myself. 
(The most cliche thing to say after a break up forgive me)
9. Describe your perfect date - A takeaway then to the pub then a drunken wander then a movie or something idk. I don’t like big fancy things, lowkey and private is best for me.
10. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yeah
11. Do you ever want to get married? Someday definitely 
12. Do you forgive betrayal? I can forgive a lot of things but in any form of a relationship/ friendship I give my all to that person and help however I can. If someone takes advantage of that then no, I can’t forgive that
13. Do you get jealous easily? Nah I trust people to tell me the truth so unless I get given a reason to be jealous then nah im pretty chill
14. Do you have a crush on anyone? Already kinda answered this, not really 
15. Do you have any piercings? Yeah just my ears.
16. Do you have any tattoos? I have, my wee squirtle the turtle with a wizard hat on my arm 
17. Do you like kissing in public? Not really
20. Do you shower every day? Usually more than once a day 
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you? I dunno, doubt it
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Hell nah, noone needs me running round their head so early in the morning 
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? I have, I could think of no reason to cheat on someone regardless of time together. If your unhappy in a relationship, leave- don’t act selfishly and hurt the other person just because you’re scared.
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? I’m honestly not sure
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year? Im not sure, who knows where this year will go. I never thought id be starting this year single and here we are so who knows 
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? Yeah usually right before they leave
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you? nah
28. Have you ever been cheated on? yeah
29. Have you ever cheated on someone? nah, I know how bad it sucks why would I put someone else through that 
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body? Yes on my nose
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? Honestly I cry over a stain what do you think?
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? Yeah
33. Have you ever had sex with a man? Yeah
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman? Yeah 
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yeah
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends? yeah
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? Um im not sure tbh bc they would all probably say they like someone even if they didn’t 
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yeah
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? Yeah 
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone? Kinda
41. Have you had sex so far this year? No its been a struggle
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? Not long im a handsy person
43. How long was your longest relationship? A year
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? Uhh 6????
45. How many people did you kiss in 2011? Fucked if I know that was far to long ago
46. How many times did you have sex last year? A lot, it was fun
47. How old are you? 19
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? I’m not sure I like anyone but regardless I would let them be happy
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? N/A
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? No
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? All my friends have all my heart, I would do anything for them in a heartbeat
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why? Yes, because sometimes its easier to walk away as much as it hurts sometimes your’re not the person they need and you have to let them find there way without you
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? Nope
54. Is there someone you will never forget? Multiple
55. Share a relationship story.  If you don’t mind im going to leave this one out. I’m trying my best to get out of this sadness and I don’t think relationship stories are best rn sorry x
56. State 8 facts about your body. I’m tiny, I have a love heart shaped birthmark, I have a scar from when I was burned at a barbecue, My hair grows ridiculously fast, my right foot is smaller than my left, idk i cant think of anything else
57. Things you want to say to an ex. I hope you are truly happy now.
58. What are five ways to win your heart? food, food ,food, food and laughter 
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!) maybe later x 
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners? uhhhh 6 years? but that wasnt a relationship just a thing
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone? eyes and smile
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? care about me lol
63. What is your definition of “having sex”? idk dude the sexy time is private sexy time as long as everyones having fun
64. What is your definition of cheating? doing something you wouldnt share with your partner 
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine? idk, i did use to sexy dance in a picachu onsie that was pretty sexy 
67. What is your idea of the perfect date? Already answered 
68. What is your sexual orientation? Idk, I still identify as a lesbian despite being gender queer idk?
69. What turns you off? Arrogance and Ignorance 
70. What turns you on? Affection and like idk women in general
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream? I had sex with Emma Watson it was wonderful 
72. What words do you like to hear during sex? Fuck 
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?  Just come watch movies and drink wine and let me be sad pls
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for? im not sure what counts as a superficial characteristic
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? There was this time I was super sad like wouldnt leave my room type thing so some of my friends all got together and made me this kinda care basket with a blanket and some movies and some chocolate (also a unicorn) and we just sat watching movies all day and it was just so lovely and I wont ever be a able to repay them for how loved that made me feel 
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone? Idk im not very good with affection I usually cock it up when I do try  
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? There’s always a limit but as long as both are consenting ADULTS then its alright 
78. What’s your dirtiest secret?  Its a secret for a reason xo
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why? I’m not sure, I was angry about something with my ex but I dont think it was jealousy 
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? Yesterday talking to my mumma 
82. Who is the last person you hugged? My mumma
83. Who was your first kiss with? This boy called David
84. Why did your last relationship fail? Oh that is a very long story, perhaps for another day
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? Idk maybe?
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