#and now shes the most powerful wizard in existence who can manipulate gravity and light itself
sorieba · 5 months
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thedailyvio · 3 years
Every now and then I feel bad for giving 0 context for anything, so gonna quickly summarize my story stuff under the cut
The Traveler’s Found (TTF)
Skye, Gill, Marth, Kydin, Leo, Kira, Krieg, Heiwa, Narcissa, Sebastian, Vadim, Bahemek, Xenon, etc
TTF is hard to summarize because it has 10 story arcs and they all lead into the other, but the plot begins with ‘A wizard terrorist attacks the king of Hou’lu sending two girls on a quest to stop him’ which sounds so simple doesn’t it -sobs-
 Very adventure, political intrigue, slice of life elements
They basically travel all over the world, and I’ll quickly summarize what that’s like by listing each countries major influences
Hou’lu: Italian Renaissance, China
Sunobor: Medieval Germany, Japan, Inuit
Haldon: Folk Mexican, Folk Italian
Lavynna; Byzantine, some inspo from India to structure of things?
Gehinna: Ancient Hebrew
Parappa: Egypt-Germany
North Desert: Russia-Arabic
Harpies (more a tribe): Maasai
TTF of them all gets the most complicated but very incrementally, so it’s the hardest to express much on. But they get a cool hard magic system based on 10 elements so
Also TTF dragons are sentient, intelligent, and morally complex
The Miyoré Schism
A prequel to ttf by about 900 years
Faolan, Mien, Enlai, whatever I name the girl, Jiao
The plot here is a bit simpler
What happens when the one who pulls the blade only those Chosen by God can touch is among the race of people thought to be destined to serve?
This focuses largely on the Sha’li of East Hou’lu. As a race they have very distinct white hair, pale skin, and red eyes. At this time in history, monster taming was very common as well, so most the characters have a family or personal monster. Sha’li also have an ability to become “invisible” but in actuality they are lowering their ‘presence’ or ‘noticibility’ to all non-Sha’li
This story draws largely from Tibet for its aesthetics
Ariella, James, Charles, Kiba
I have uprooted a lot about this story and not yet relayed it, but so far
A girl who wanted to become a soldier but was refused strikes out on adventure to do what she can for her country on her own- but to her chagrin gets a tag along
This story likely will have a soft magic system, and is definitely still based on Victorian and Japanese aesthetics. It’s actually a specific era of Japanese history but I can’t remember which. Possibly 16th c?
Despite this, it’s a low tech world.
Most fantasy type creatures/races do show up in Kingdoms, unlike my other stories
Dragons exist in Kingdoms but are universally evil and nobody has ever killed one
Magic and Cannons (MnC)
A wip name still
Cusick, Agathe, Romana, Kordell, Levi, Maureen, Ames, Sung-jin
I’m still figuring put the plot to this honestly, but the first bit is definitely
‘A narcissistic man is captured as a PoW and must find a way to escape’
There’s just three countries of any importance to this world, and it’s much less whimsical in nature than the others, being closer to reality in some ways, and having a lot more tech. Though it vibes as subtly cartoony in how characters have slightly exaggerated aspects to their personalities and behaviors.
Delemar is the country Cusick is from and is based on Wild West in many ways, they’re a very independent people which can be good and bad, they also give no hecks about safety and are pretty wild in general
Choson is where Romana is from and they are much more interested in normalcy and order, which can be both good and bad. They prefer reptiles and fish as pets to mammals actually, which feels important to mention. If you know much about history, I suppose it’s clear they draw a lot from Korea for aesthetics.
Choson is also a very mixed population in terms of race, which Delemar is very much not.
Kievan is where Agathe hails from and is based on Russia. In each case I tried sticking to 1850s-1900s ish for my influences of these countries, though socially they are very diff.
Kievan has an affinity for wine and is the only country that appreciates using electricity for power. They have harsh winters, especially compared to the other two countries which tend to be more tropical in climates. Kievan is less developed so far, but they tend towards legalism there, and while that can be bad, they are also the one not involved in a pointless war, so
MnC is what I call glasspunk, Delemar and Choson rely on ‘reactions’ for their energy sources, which I can only explain as ‘you know how if you mix two volatile liquids, they could explode? They harness the energy from such things’
This is possible because their magic system is a type of alchemy which has allowed them a lot of reactions not available to us, and with this they’ve been able to get treated glass which is nearly indestructible, great for containing anything they need.
Magic is still something within the individual, but in MnC the extent of what it does is change the properties of whatever you’re touching with your hands. If you specialize in using this and inventing things based off of things with changed properties, you’re called a mage.
MnC has a lot of strange tech this way, including trains, vehicles, customizeable guns, staves that through weird tech stuff can have sort of elemental effects, etc.
Electricity is not compatible with reactions btw, because it can cause them to explode outside of when they’re meant to, kinda like smoking by a bunch of canisters of gasoline, it might be a lil risky. So societies that use reactions do not use electricity and have things in place to get rid of it, and societies that use electricity don’t use reactions. Combining them can get cool tech, but is inherently risky.
oh whoops I went off there, huh. Oh well it’s not seen as often as the other types of societies/magics I listed so
Dragons in MnC are animals (technically wyverns?) and have been domesticated to be work animals. No fire breath but they do have a strong venom, I think a neurotoxin type?? And the insides of their mouths are orange 👀 oh and the domesticated ones are reflective like mirrors ish
Children of the Little Mine (CotLM)
This is the only one I plan to make a novel, because it’s set in 1950′s-1960′s New York City and I don’t care about those aesthetics at all
I don’t have it planned out very far for plot, but basically a gremlin thief boy of 17 has a strange ability to manipulate how gravity effects him, and seemingly nobody else in the world has this. But one day during a break and entering situation, Geno finds another boy with an ability, and from there they decide to try sticking together a bit to figure out why, and maybe put together a heist against a mafia boss in the mean time (two stealy boys)
This is very close to being historical fiction aside from abilities, which are /extremely/ rare in this world. I’m very inspired by Artemis Fowl and A Separate Peace for tone, and plan to have middleschool boys as my target audience. Though I love fantasy and such, this one’s still a bit close to my heart anyways
Anyways literally nobody asked for this I just do this to myself. I seriously wanna start practicing comic making skills, but I can’t do that too much for a daily thing when I can usually put in an hour at best. I’m trying to find a sweet spot for it all, but it may yet be awhile before I can post literally anything that sheds light on who the heck any of the chars I post are.
I want to though, and I’ve been running this blog for years now, so best to assume it’ll get there someday. I have still written a lot and planned out things, so progress still happens behind the scenes. Aside from the last few months but that’s not uncommon for this time of year. If you actually read this, thanks euchjsd I don’t think many will, but having it here makes me feel a bit better
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liquidstar · 5 years
My old one is a bit sloppy so I revised the loredump for the world my OC’s live in, it’s a bit long but it’s nice to have for reference, and if anyone wants to give it a little skim I’m putting it under the cut here!
In the beginning of this world, there were two “Gods” so to speak. They were two halves of a whole person, opposites that balance each other out. Iris, the Mother of Magic, and Crocus, the Father of Monsters. While Iris was calm and mature, Crocus had the personality of a petulant child on an awful tantrum who doesn't know when to stop. He had seen everything as a twisted sort of game, creating monsters was something he’d do for fun, in the most sadistic way possible. He viewed himself as above everything, all these creations were insignificant entertainment to him.
Iris didn’t see the world the same way, she saw beauty in life, it was a gift. Humans were her most precious creation, she adored the lives they lived. They were so short yet so sincere, so unique, so… Human. She envied and admired their ability to “grow up” more than anything. But the monsters her brother has created threatened their existence, almost as if he was making them for that exact reason. Maybe at first, creation was just a fun thing she and her “brother” did in their pastime, but now she can see it’s more than that, and she didn’t approve of Crocus’ demented method of playtime.
Iris retaliated, and of course Crocus didn’t respond well, he reacted like an angry toddler knocking over their sibling’s Lego castle, it was all toys to him. To Iris it was serious, but he failed to see that. Slowly he’d slip further down the rabbit hole, to the point of wanting to destroy the world they had created together. Crocus had become a monster himself. Iris had realized she could no longer see him as her playmate, her last resort was to banish him to a pocket dimension. But she could never kill him.
After banishing Crocus,Iris had realized that humans needed a way to protect themselves against her “brother’s” monsters, and she gave them the gift of magic, but at a cost. The magic they’d received was actually a fragment of her powers, and Iris would only retain her immortality. In order to help the humans better understand magic and how to use it, she opened a school to be wizards, to fight monsters, to fend for themselves, and maybe to do what she couldn’t do and kill her brother, if he were to ever return.
After the banishment of Crocus, and birth of magic, humans had become united and the world was a single country, Anthea. The first queen was Queen Anne, who had risen to royalty as the first person born with magic, people declared her a Godsend from Iris herself, she was raised to rule and thus the lineage of heirs would continue, each using the royal magic; Light Magic. Queen Anne would split the country into pieces, as governing the whole world was too grand of a task. Now it would be multiple people, each governing different parts that form a greater whole, with the current monarch at the helm. Each piece would go to knights of hers that she had selected, and the type of magic they used would become the noble type taught each lineage of heirs. (Read more about each different province here)
The current heiress to the throne is Amaryllis, whose mother, Queen Ambrosia, had passed on when she was a toddler. Her husband, King Angrec, is now the sitting monarch. However their marriage was arranged, and if you believe the rumors, Queen Ambrosia was having an affair with her personal Knight, Aster. Aster is also the the magic tutor of Princess Amaryllis, who is studying light magic.
There’s plenty of types magic though, for all sorts of things. There’s earth, fire, stretching, gravity, healing, death, plants, animals, clairvoyance, music, space, time... Anything! Wizards invent all types of new techniques all the time, but you can only ever have one type of magic. Once your soul, or “core”, has adapted to one magic it’s all it can do, humans only have a small piece of Iris’ power and so they can only do one thing with it. Unless you were to cram two souls into one body. The core is where magic comes from, it’s your very soul, it’s you. So once you use a certain type of magic long enough, it also affects your body, and wizard’s bodies will change and adapt to their magic as they use it over time.
Despite the original purpose of wizards being to fight monsters, that’s not all a wizard can do. They can run potion and magic shops, they can be healers, teachers, inventors, scholars, practically anything! However, it’s also super common for wizards to be regarded as celebrities and heroes, especially those seen as the best of the best. For example, the Twelve Knights of the Royal Round. Each one with a rank for twelve to one, they’re knights hand-picked by the royal family to serve, they’re considered heroes who do everything from reading to sick kids to fighting the most violent monsters around.
Aspiring wizards look up to these heroes while they learn to be proper wizards. They may be self taught, they may shadow professionals as apprentices, or they may attend one of the many wizarding schools around Anthea. Including of course, the school created by the Mother of Magic herself, Hecate Academy. A boarding school that runs on a very specific system that no other school does; it uses a crystal ball to choose students for field assignments. For freshmen, these assignments may be as simple as taking care of a potion shop for a couple days, but as they grow older, by senior year they will be taking on assignments that involve fighting real monsters. The crystal ball chooses students through clairvoyance, based on their abilities, team work, and whether this assignment will be beneficial to them, while not too difficult still challenging. Whether they get a good grade is solely based on what they learn from their journey.
Crystals in general are a very important magical material and resource in this modern wizarding society. They’re special because they’re capable of holding magic power of any kind when charged. Crystals charged with electricity magic power homes, crystals charged with healing magic act as medicine, crystals charged with sky magic are used for air travel. “Crystal screens” or usually just called “screens” are a huge recent invention, this world’s version of smartphones. They are all connected by three five communication crystals across Anthea, and each charged with magic energy, but of course the most important aspect is in the crystals connecting them.
However not everything is perfect in this modern wizarding world, there’s still plenty to clean up after what Crocus left behind, even if it was nearly 1000 years ago. The current year is 997AM, after magic. That’s three years before the Crocosmi Order prophesied his return. The order is an organization that stayed devoted to Crocus. They work towards bringing the Father of Monsters back, in order for him to defeat his “sister” and bring true freedom for them, that’s what they’re promised. However the reality of the situation is that’s an empty promise, and it’s just a cult brainwashing and abusing its followers the same as any other. The one calling the shots right now is in it for personal gain, a megalomaniac that won’t stop at anything to gain control of everything, and who has no issues manipulating and abusing people to get what she wants, including children. An issue that may spell trouble for a certain new class of children at Hecate Academy.
A class that the aforementioned current Princess is attending, guided by her personal magic teacher, who has now become the newest homeroom teacher. At first she and her classmates struggle with the ins and outs of highschool and adolescence, their general coming of age struggles blend together with all the magic and wizards and fantasy. But what they don’t know is that something more sinister is lurking, and their magic highschool experience won’t be the regular kind. Through their struggles though, the kids form strong bonds, they learn to be themselves, and most importantly, they grow up. 
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