#and now there's a fancy mom offering lease space to the lead?
kdramaxoxo · 2 years
Wow ‘May I Help You’ finally gave us The Kiss We Deserve but we really had to work for it
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inkjam-moon · 5 years
Go Go (M)
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This is part of Love Yourself: the Collab
Summary: Jimin’s been your best friend since you were little; but coming from a rich family he’s paid for everything, and he doesn’t realize that it hurts you when you can’t pay him back for all the presents and vacations. When he becomes CEO of his own successful company, it gets worse because he promised to always take care of you, but when secrets come out on the night of your graduation from university, will Jimin be able to keep his promise?
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Smut, fluff, hint of angst
Word Count: 9.2k
TW: unprotected sex, swearing, drinking, oral (female recieving), grinding, riding, cock warming, creampies
(Also this is my first piece back after my three month writers block so i’m not the happiest with it but oh well)
“Jimin… You have to stop this.”
It hurts just as much as it did the first time you said it. On your eighteenth birthday.
Actually, it was the day before your eighteenth birthday. Your birthday landed on a saturday for once, so you decided to have a party. Jimin, being your best friend, eagerly offered to let you host it at his house; or as you liked to call it: The Park Mansion. He took the reigns and planned everything without so much as an ‘okay’ from you.
The sunday before your birthday was when it started. When you went to his house to hang out, he gave you a gift.
“Jimin, what’s this?” You ask, taking the small box in hand. “My birthday isn’t until saturday.”
“I know.” He nods. “But it’s all part of it.” You open the box to find a small silver charm bracelet with several charms already attached. “I hope you like it.” He smiles sweetly. “Mom picked out the bracelet, but I picked all the charms.”
You did like it. So much that you’ve rarely taken it off in the eight years that you’ve had it. It has a few dents now, along with several more charms; all from Jimin, and you cherish it; what you didn’t like was what came next. 
You grew up in an average middle-class family. When you were young, your parents spoiled you to the best of their ability, but they weren’t made of money. Jimin’s parents however, were. Jimin had the best of everything; clothes, shoes, cars, everything you could think of was top of the line, in fact, the only thing Jimin had that wasn’t, was you.
You don’t know how it happened, why Jimin picked you out of all the people he could’ve been friends with instead, people in his circle, people with the same lifestyle. He tells you it’s because when he saw you crying on the swingset when you were both five years old, he felt something stir in him, something that told him you needed him, and he’s been there for you ever since.
“Jimin, you need to stop this.” It’s the day before your eighteenth birthday. After the charm  bracelet, Jimin gave you a new, more expensive gift every day leading up to your birthday; shoes, a necklace, makeup, a dress, and today, friday, he gave you the keys to a new car.
“Stop what?”
“Giving me things.” You shake your head as you hand the keys back to him.
“But it’s your birthday!”
“My birthday’s tomorrow.”
“But I wanted to give you something to wear to the party and-”
“It’s too much!” You snap, tears forming in your eyes. “It’s too much…”
“Y/N-ah…” Jimin coos softly, reaching out to comfort you.
“Jimin how will I ever repay you? I don’t… I don’t have money for things like expensive clothes, designer makeup, or anything like that. What am I ever supposed to give you in return for a fucking car?”
Jimin smiles just a bit. “The car is actually from your parents. Their names are on the lease, not mine. I just helped them pick it out.”
“They wanted me to give it to you so you wouldn’t make a big fuss about them spending money, but… that didn’t turn out so well did it?”
“Jimin I-”
“Do you really think you have to repay me for birthday presents? They’re gifts for a reason Y/N.”
“Then what am I supposed to get you for your birthday? Nothing I get will measure up to all this stuff Jimin. I can’t even imagine what you have planned for tomorrow…”
“You could always make me another scarf. One of those big fluffy ones?”
“A scarf?” You roll your eyes.
“Or those rice cakes you make with the honey drizzle. Ooh those are good.”
“Do you know why I buy you all this stuff and take you to nice places?”
You scoff. “Because you have money.”
"No, because I can't do what you do."
"What do you mean?"
"I can’t make things from the heart. I don’t have anything in myself to give, so I have to give from outside myself. But you? You can make something and put love into it and have everyone appreciate what you’ve brought.”
His words bring a playful smirk to your face. “That’s just something rich people say.” You tease.
“Mm, there’s my girl.”
The next day you wake up, internally groaning at whatever grand soiree Jimin has planned for your birthday when your phone starts ringing. You pick it up to see it’s Jimin calling.
“Hey Chim.”
“Come over at 1. Wear pajamas.” Click.
Pajamas? What happened to the dress he bought for you? You try to call him back but he sends you to voicemail. You sigh and get out of bed to see it’s almost noon. You head downstairs to see your parents have laid you your typical birthday breakfast of pancakes and ice cream. 
“Happy birthday!” They both cheer as you come into view. As you sit down at the table, your mother comes over to give you a hug and your father places a kiss on the top of your head.
“Are you excited for your party this afternoon?” You mom asks. 
You can’t help the small sigh that escapes your lips. “Yeah I guess so.”
“You guess so?” Your father asks as he sits down with the newspaper. 
“I don’t know. I kind of don’t want to go.”
“Why not?” Your mother asks, wiping her hands on a dish towel as she sits next to your father. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know. I feel like the only reason people are coming is to be at Jimin’s house. I don’t have that many friends and I don’t know who he invited. I’m sure he’s planned this giant party with lots of expensive things and I’m just not that excited to go over and pretend to have fun.”
“Oh honey. You know Jimin wouldn’t do anything you wouldn’t like. I’m sure you’ll have tons of fun.”
“I agree.” Your dad nods. “Jimin knows you’re not into flashy events. He wouldn’t do that to you.”
“Then why’d he get me a big poofy dress?”
“Did he tell you to wear it?”
“At first yeah, but he called me this morning and told me to wear pajamas instead.”
“Sounds intriguing.” Your dad raises his eyebrows as he folds the newspaper back up and lays it on the table. “Finish your breakfast and get over there.” He stands up and ruffles your hair. “I’ll see you when I get home tonight.”
“Have fun at work dad.” You mumble, mouth full of pancakes.
“Happy birthday my little one.” Your dad calls as he walks out the door. 
You finish your breakfast and your mom hurries you along. “Go get dressed or you’re going to be late!”
You nod, and hurry back up to your room, grabbing the cat onesie Jimin got you a few years ago out of your closet and slipping it on. You’ve always wanted a cat, and your parents knew, but they never got around to it; you figured that buying things for a cat was too much of a stretch for their budget, so you never pestered them for one. 
When you’re dressed, you head downstairs, grab the keys to your new car, say goodbye to your mom and head to Jimin’s house. When you get there, you’re a little late, so you can hear laughter already and see cars parked all along the street. You pull into Jimin’s driveway and park your car, getting out a heading up to his front door which is open. You take a breath and head inside, walking to the kitchen where you hear all the commotion. 
“There she is!” Jimin’s mom is the first to spot you. “Happy birthday sweetie!” She wraps you in a tight hug. 
“Thanks Mrs. Park.” You smile. When she pulls back, you look around to see only adults in the kitchen. “Where is everyone?”
“Down in the basement, waiting for you! But first!” She drags you into the kitchen over to the breakfast bar. “Fix up your popcorn!” In front of you sits a giant bowl of fresh movie theatre style popcorn and every topping you could imagine from sweet to salty and everything in between. You grab a bag and quickly fill it up with popcorn and your favorite toppings before thanking Jimin’s mom and heading down to the basement. 
Jimin’s dad loves movies, so they had their basement remodeled to be like a mini movie theatre; giant screen, surround sound, even those fancy reclining seats. They have new movie screenings at their house all the time, as well as sporting event viewings like the world cup and the olympics. Jimin’s dad is the CEO of a fortune 500 company; which is how they have the money for absurd things like putting a movie theatre in their basement. 
As you walk into the basement you hear Jimin’s high-pitched cackle ringing through the space and when you walk around the corner you see Jimin, in his puppy dog onesie, sprawled out on the floor in front of the screen laughing his ass off, hands clutching his sides. As he calms down, his eyes open and he spots you standing in the corner.
“Y/N!” He jumps up to his feet and runs over to you, giving you a giant hug.
“Hi Chim.” You choke out as he squeezes you.
“You’re late!” He pouts as he pulls back.
“Sorry.” You shrug. “Traffic.”
“That’s okay, now we can start!” He cheers, bringing you to the front of the room. You get a brief glance at the seven people he invited, all the friends that you two sit with at lunch, all wearing their own pajamas with their own popcorn mixes. You’re happy to see Jimin didn’t go overboard for once. Jimin pushes you into a recliner. “Is everyone ready?”
“What are we doing?”
“We’re watching your favorite movies!” The girl you’re closest to, Jisong, smiles at you.
“Really?” You look over at Jimin as he puts a dvd into the player before coming over to sit next to you.
“Mhm!” He nods happily. “First up, ‘Train to Busan’!” Since your birthday is right before Halloween, you’ve always been a fan of horror movies. You wonder what else Jimin has on the schedule. 
After three movies, Jimin’s mom comes downstairs with cake and ice cream. Everyone sings to you and you all eat happily; Jimin of course, has to smash icing on your nose, but you get him back, with his moms help you push an entire piece of cake in his face, making everyone laugh. After everyone’s finished, they start to leave one by one until it’s just you and Jimin left sitting in your respective recliners, finishing your ice cream. 
“Thanks for this Chim.” He looks up at you, spoon hanging from his mouth. “I had fun today.”
Jimin smiles as he removes the spoon. “It’s not over yet.”
“What do you mean?”
Jimin suddenly stands and tugs you up with him. “Leave your bowl, come on.” You place your empty bowl on the table as Jimin drags you up two flights of stairs to his bedroom. He pushes you in and shuts the door.
“Jimin?” You turn around and try and open the door only to find it’s locked. “Jimin what are you doing?”
“Get dressed. Tell me when you’re done.”
“Get dressed? In what-” That’s when you turn around and see what’s laid out on his bed. The dress, shoes, and makeup he gave you in the span of the last week. You sigh, knowing there’s no use fighting him. You do your makeup first, and when you think it looks good enough, you change into the dress; it’s a mid-thigh length, ruffled red strapless dress. You slide into the matching red kitten heels and then knock on the door. “Can I come out now?” You hear the door unlock and watch as it opens to reveal Jimin standing there in a suit and tie looking unexpectedly handsome.
“You clean up nice.” Jimin states, taking in the sight of you.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” He smiles. 
“So where are we going?” You ask.
“You’ll see.” He grabs your hand and tugs you down the stairs into the dining room. The table is set for two, two giant bowls of ramen sitting on the placemats along with two cans of soda. 
“What’s this?” You ask as Jimin pulls out your chair for you. You sit and he takes his seat next to you.
“You said you didn’t want anything fancy, so I thought of the tastiest, inexpensive food I could think of and I came up with ramen from that dollar ramen restaurant we went to after I came back from China. The one they moved to the other side of town right after we went, so it’s too far to walk to.”
“You went to the other side of town to get me dinner?”
“Of course. It’s your birthday.”
“Chim. Why are you so amazing?”
“Because you’re my best friend Y/N-ah. I care about you and I want you to have the best birthday ever.” He smiles so genuinely, you feel your heart skip a few beats.
The two of you eat your ramen, enjoying your conversations, reminiscing on things you did as children and you slurp your noodles. When you’re finished with your meal, you lean back in your chair, stuffed.
“Thank you Jimin.”
“You’re welcome.” He takes your hand and holds it between his, rubbing the back of yours gently with his thumb. “But it’s not over yet.”
“It’s the last thing I swear.” He bites his lip and you sigh before nodding at him. “Wait right here.” He jumps up out of his seat and runs out of the room, returning a few moments later with a box which he places on the table. “Here. Open it open it!” He squirms with excitement. 
“Okay okay calm down.” You stand up to take the lid off the box when suddenly the box moves. “Jimin. This better not be a prank.”
“Just open it.” He whines.
You take a deep breath, preparing yourself for something to jump out of the box as you lift the lid, only to find something you never would have expected. Staring back up at you, with wide green eyes is the tiniest, fluffiest kitten you’ve ever seen.
“It’s a girl.” He states. “I haven’t named her yet.” She’s grey all over with patches of orange and black throughout her poofy fur and she’s wearing a bright red ribbon that matches your dress.
“Can I-?”
“She’s yours. Of course you can.”
“Mew!” The kitten squeaks at you so you lean down to pick her up, holding her up to your face. She happily starts purring and licks your nose.
“Hm?” Jimin looks at you as you hold the kitten close to your chest.
“Her name. It’s Bamboo.”
He leans over and scratches Bamboo’s head. “Bamboo, huh? It suits her perfectly.” Bamboo mews again in approval, making Jimin giggle. “Come on, it’s late. You can stay here tonight.” Jimin puts his hand on your back and pushes you in the direction of the stairs. You lead him up to his bedroom and he shuts the door. You place Bamboo on the bed and she quickly curls up into a ball, watching you. 
Jimin hands you a shirt and some shorts and you run to the bathroom to wash your face and change before coming back in and slipping under the covers with him, Bamboo curling up at your side. The two of you watch tv for a while as you try to figure out what to say to thank Jimin.
“If you thank me again I swear…” He teases.
You hesitate, but instead of thanking Jimin with your words, you lean over and kiss him. 
“Y/N-ah, what…?” He looks at you, surprised but intrigued.
“Thank you…” You whisper.
Jimin only nods, looking back and forth between your eyes and your lips before apparently making a silent decision and leaning in to return the kiss, this time longer. He cups your face with one of his hands, his skin warm on your cheek as he moves his mouth against yours.
It feels… odd. In the thirteen years you’ve known Jimin, you’ve never felt any sort of feeling for him other than close friendship, but right now, in this moment, you feel… something. You can’t put a name to it, but there’s something there. 
When Jimin finally slips his tongue into your mouth, you let out a small moan, just the slightest gasp, but apparently it encourages Jimin. You feel his hands move and suddenly they’re sliding up your sides under your shirt. Jimin’s mouth moves down your jaw to your neck, just as he grabs your breasts, but he can’t quite get to your shoulder, so he pushes you onto your back, resulting in a loud squeak coming from your side. You separate and look over to see a disgruntled Bamboo. 
“Whoops.” Jimin sighs, out of breath. “Sorry Bamboo.” She grumbles and readjusts herself next to you, closing her eyes again. You look up at Jimin, whose hands are still on your breasts as he waits for you to say something. You can feel how flushed your cheeks are, and your heart is beating faster than ever as you look into his eyes. 
“We should sleep.” Jimin nods, taking his hands away from you in understanding. The room goes silent as you both settle down into the bed, you curl yourself around Bamboo and feel Jimin laying on his back beside you. 
“Can I see your hand?”
“My hand?”
“Mm.” You feel Jimin shift as he reaches around you, laying his arm across your side as he  waves his hand in front of your face. You grab his hand with yours and place it on your stomach, lifting your shirt so that his hand is splayed across your warm skin. “That’s better.”
“Yeah?” Jimin chuckles, snuggling up to your back, pulling you close. 
“Almost.” You move his hand upwards so that his fingers are brushing the underside of your breast. 
“Good?” Jimin asks, obviously unsure about touching you like this.
You never talked about that night. When you woke up the next morning, you avoided talking about it, pretending it never happened and it’s been brushed under the rug ever since. It’s just something that happened, no need to acknowledge it. Right?
Bamboo meows at you from where she lays on your bed. “Not this one either huh?” You’re standing in front of the mirror in your room on the eve of your graduation from university, trying to pick a dress for tomorrow. “Bamboo-yah… We’re running out of options here.” You throw the denied option on your bed next to her and she chirps at you. You’re digging into the back of your closet for the first time in a long time you only have two dresses left, a slutty black number from Halloween a few years back that’s more lingerie than dress, and- Oh… this… this is the dress Jimin gave you for your eighteenth birthday. Hm… You haven’t thought about that night in years. Your fingers play with the soft fabric as you reminisce when suddenly Bamboo meows at you.
“What? You remember this dress?” You smile. “I met you in this dress, huh.” She meows at you again. “What’s wrong?”
It’s then that the doorbell rings throughout your apartment. Strange. You weren’t expecting anyone. It’s probably your neighbors again looking for sugar. You head over to the door and look out the peephole to see the only person who would ever show up unexpected. You can’t help but smile as you open the door. 
“Chim!” You immediately wrap your arms around him. “I thought you were in Japan!”
“You think I’d miss your graduation?” He asks, stepping over the threshold and closing the door behind him. 
“You told me you couldn’t come!”
“I wanted to surprise you.” He smiles widely. “Speaking of…” He takes the large box in his hands you hadn’t noticed and holds it out to you.
“What’s this?” You shake the box.
“A graduation present.” He states. You tear open the wrapping paper to see a plain black box, you take off the lid and unfold the tissue paper to find a beautiful white lace dress. 
“Do you like it?”
“It’s beautiful. Thank you.”
“I figured right about now you’d be rifling through your closet looking for something to wear tomorrow, yeah?”
“What? No.” You scoff, grabbing his arm with your free hand and leading him to your bedroom. “But you’ll never guess what I just found.” You toss the dress and box on your bed, startling Bamboo.
“Ah, be careful with the dress… Right Bamboo-yah?” Jimin giggles. “How’s the prettiest girl?” Bamboo begins mewing happily when she smells Jimin and doesn’t stop until he sits next to her on the bed and scratches her chin. 
“She missed you.” You point out. “When was the last time you visited? Six months ago?”
“Ah, I know it’s been a while…” Jimin sighs as Bamboo crawls into his lap. “But once you start at the company we’ll have more time to spend together.”
“Jimin I told you. I don’t know if I’m going to join or not. I have… other options.” In reality, you don’t know how to tell Jimin that you’ve gotten the perfect job offer already… In Thailand… 
“I know I know. But what’s better than working with me? I told you, I’ll give you anything you want.”
You sigh once more as you stand in front of your closet. Jimin went to business school and took over his father’s company when he retired. Now, Jimin is one of the top five richest men in Korea, not to mention Korea’s most eligible bachelor. He swore when you graduated he would pull as many strings as he could to get you a job by his side, but you don’t want to rely on Jimin for your future. You’ve gotten this far on your own, why stop now?
“Anyway. Look what I found.” You reach into your closet and pull out the red dress, holding it up to yourself. 
“Holy shit.” Jimin smiles wide, placing Bamboo on the bed and standing to walk over to you. He reaches out and touches the fabric. “You still have this?”
“I didn’t think so, but I guess I never got rid of it.”
Jimin smiles as he looks at it, until his eyes catch on something behind you. “Okay, but what is this?”
“Hm?” You turn to see him take the Halloween costume out of the closet. 
“You should wear this under your gown tomorrow.”
“Stop it!” You snatch the dress out of his hands and hang it back up. “It was a halloween costume.”
“What were you dressed as? An almost naked person?” He smirks.
“I was a sexy cat…” You huff, putting your red dress in the closet as well and shutting the door in a huff. 
“Sexy indeed.” He mumbles, walking back over to your bed and taking a seat on it, carefully putting the white dress back in its box and then observing the mess on your bed. “You were deciding what to wear weren’t you?”
“Shut up.”
“Called it.” He teases. “Are you excited?”
“To finally be free of school? Ecstatic.” You walk over and flop down on your bed, reaching out to scratch Bamboo where she sits next to Jimin. “I can’t wait to walk across that stage.”
“We’re all really proud of you, you know.” Jimin stops petting Bamboo to sweep a stray hair behind your ear.
“Thanks Chim. That means a lot.” You lean into his palm as it rests on your cheek, closing your eyes for a moment to enjoy the sensation.
“Your parents taking you out after?” He asks, taking his hands away.
“Mm. To Bento’s.” You nod. “You should come.”
“Nah, I don’t want to crash.”
“Please, you know they love you.” You scoff. “Plus you can probably get us a better table.”
“Well, there’s that.” Jimin smirks, knowing full well just how much your parents adore him. “You sure?”
“Of course. It wouldn’t be right without you.”
“Alright. If you insist.” He smiles before sighing. “I should get going though.”
“Already?” You pout. “Don’t want to grab a drink?”
“We’ll do plenty of celebrating tomorrow night, I promise.” He stands up. “But tonight, I have some work to finish.”
“Workaholic.” You pout.
“That’s me.” Jimin smiles, grabbing your arms and lifting you off the bed, wrapping you in a tight hug. “But I do have to go.”
“Yeah yeah.” You shrug him off of you and push him out of your room toward the door. “Get out.”
“Wow. That hurts my feelings you know. When you cast me away like this.”
“You’ll get over it.” You smirk, opening the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“I’ll be the one screaming your name.”
“Please don’t.”
“You can’t stop me.” He states smugly. 
“God help me.” Jimin pulls you into one last hug before saying goodbye and starting to walk away. “Hey, Chim?”
He turns back toward you. “Yeah?”
“Thanks. For the dress.”
“Be careful with it. It’s Gucci.” He winks and then turns back to the elevator.
You gasp. “Are you serious? I thought we agreed, no more expensive gifts!”
“I can’t hear you.” He states as the doors open. 
“Nope, still can’t hear you.” You’re about to yell at him again, but the elevator doors close before you can. You huff and shut your door, locking it before you head back into your bedroom. You pull the dress out of the box and hold it up. It’s a long sleeve lace dress that should fall right above your knees. You look at the tag. Sure enough, it’s Gucci.
“Goddamnit Jimin.” You sigh, causing Bamboo to meow at you, obviously upset that you cursed Jimin’s name. You open your closet back up and hang up the dress, then make your way to the shower, cleaning yourself before slipping into your pajamas and curling up with Bamboo in your bed, setting your alarm, and falling asleep.
When you alarm goes off the next morning, you groan, but then you realize what day it is. Finally. Graduation. You get up and stretch your tired limbs to wake them up before walking into your bathroom to start getting ready.  You do your hair first; nothing fancy just curling the ends so they sit nicely. Then you do your makeup; full face with a nude lip and a popping highlight that’ll hopefully catch in the stage lights.
When you’re finished, you give Bamboo some food and water, slip into your dress , grab your gown, then put on your shoes and head out the door. It takes you about twenty minutes to drive to the theatre downtown where the graduation ceremony is being held. When you arrive you quickly park and head over to the line of your classmates, slipping on your hat and gown as you look for Jisong; the two of you remained close friends up through high school and were even roommates in your early college years.
“Y/N! Over here.” She waves you over once she spots you and you hurry over, giving her a quick hug. “Glad you could make it.”
“Yeah, I lost track of time.” You shrug. 
“Just like Professor Kim’s class. Late every day.” She chuckles, shaking her head. “I saw your parents go in though.”
“Good.” You nod, happy they didn’t get lost on the way over from their hotel. “Anyone else?”
“Not that I can recall?” She shrugs, just as they call you all to start walking into the building. You can’t help but feel a little pouty that she didn’t see Jimin. He said he would be here. You sigh. Maybe he got called back to work anc can’t make it after all. 
You all walk into the auditorium and up to the stage, taking your seat as the dean of your school begins his speech. You zone out as he talks, scanning the audience to the best of your ability, looking around to see if you can spot Jimin. Just as the dean finishes his speech, you see the doors in the back of the theatre open as someone slips into the seats in the back. You’d know that silhouette anywhere. Well, at least he’s here.
After all the speeches, it’s finally time to walk across the stage. Your row rises and one by one, names are called until it’s finally your turn. The dean calls your name and you walk across the stage to grab your degree as a loud cheer comes from the back of the auditorium, even louder than that of your parents.
“That’s my girl! Y/N-ah!”
Oh my god Jimin. Your face flushes bright red as you shake the dean’s hand and quickly head back to your seat, thoroughly embarrassed. When everyone’s name has been called, the dean gives his last words and you switch your tassel to the other side of your hat, finally done with school.
When all is said and done, you walk out to the lobby to find your parents waiting for you. You give them both a hug and then someone taps you on the shoulder. You turn around to see Jimin standing there, a huge smile on his face, holding the biggest bouquet of flowers you think you’ve ever seen.
“You were late!” You state poking him in the shoulder.
“How did you know it was me?” He immediately pouts.
“Please. It’s just like you to make a grand entrance.” You tease.
“Ah, you caught me.” He shrugs. “Here.” He hold the flowers out to you.
“They’re beautiful Chim. Thank you.”
“Let’s get a picture!” Jimin suggests, clapping his hands together. “You and your parents first.” Jimin ushers you in between your parents and takes your moms phone. “Say Kimchi!”
You can’t help but smile at Jimin, saying the same thing he’s been saying when he takes a picture since he was five. He takes the picture and then your mom takes the phone and squishes you and Jimin together.
“Come on, just one.”
You roll your eyes, but oblige, laughing as Jimin pulls you as close as he can. You smile widely for the picture, but as your mom takes forever to hit the button on her phone, you start to hear murmurs coming from other people in the lobby.
“Is that Park Jimin?”
“Park Jimin?”
“The bachelor from the magazine?”
“Park Jimin?”
“Who is that with him?”
“Does he have a sister?”
“He’s not dating her is he?”
Your mom finally takes the picture and, sensing how uncomfortable you’ve become, Jimin quickly suggests a move to the restaurant. “Shall we head to Bento’s then?”
“Of course!” Your father nods. “We’ll meet you there.”
Jimin quickly grabs your hand and tugs you out of the theatre. As you start walking toward the parking garage, Jimin squeezes your hand. “Better?”
“Yeah.” You nod. “Sometimes I forget you’re famous now.”
“I’m not famous, I’m just… well known.”
“That’s something only famous people say.” You tease.
“Hush or I’ll sit in the back of your car and treat you like a chauffeur.”
“What do you mean my car? You have your own.”
“Nah, I took a cab today.”
“Why?” You ask as you step into the parking garage elevator.
“Because it’s your graduation!” Jimin states, wrapping his arms tightly around you as the doors close. “I wanted to spend as much time with you as possible! When was the last time we drove somewhere together?”
“Bento’s is five minutes away?” You remind him, shaking him off.
“That’s five extra minutes together.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You shake your head as you get out of the elevator and lead Jimin over to your car. You take off your graduation gown both hop in and you start the car, turning on the radio as you exit the garage and pull out onto the street toward the restaurant. 
It’s a short, quiet ride. Jimin simply stares out the window as he hums along to the radio and it’s not long before you’re pulling up to the restaurant. 
“Pull into the valet.” Jimin orders.
“What? No, that’s expensive.”
“I’ve got it.”
“Jimin no.” You huff as you pull into the regular parking lot. It takes a minute, but you eventually find a space and park, getting out and walking up to the front of the restaurant as Jimin nags you.
“Now we’re late, why didn’t you just use the valet?” Jimin asks as you walk through the door and start looking for your parents.
“Don’t start Chim.” You shake your head as you spot your parents, leading Jimin over toward them, but for some reason, your mother seems upset.
“Mom? What’s wrong?”
“We were late so they gave away our reservation. They said they won’t have another table for an hour.” She sighs. “I’m sorry Y/N-ah. I told them we’d wait, but it’s up to you.”
“We can go somewhere else, it’s okay.” Although you’re a little disappointed, this is your favorite restaurant.
Suddenly Jimin straightens himself up next to you, puffing out his chest with a smirk on his face. You watch as he walks over to the host stand, leaning on it as he flashes a charming smile at the girl standing behind it. “Evening Mijoo.”
The girl looks up from her seating chart and nearly drops the menus she’s holding. “M-Mr. Park!”
“How many times do I have to ask you to call me Jimin?”
“J-Jimin…” She swoons. “Do you have a reservation tonight?”
“ I did, actually, but according to my friends,” He turns and points to you and your parents, “You gave it away?”
Her mouth drops open before her brain connects to her lips once more. “O-Oh I’m sure there’s been a misunderstanding!” She exclaims, sifting through the papers in front of her. “Let me see what I can do here.” She grabs the radio off her stand and checks with the back to see if there are any tables available for ‘Mr. Park Jimin’ and of course, for ‘Mr. Park Jimin’, there’s always a table.
Your seated in a matter of seconds at a table with a view and Jimin orders a bottle of expensive champagne before whispering to the waiter. “Add it all to my tab please.”
“Of course Mr. Park.” The waiter nods before going to fetch the champagne. 
“Mom, dad, get whatever you want. Dinner’s on me tonight.”
“Oh Jimin please. You already got us a table-” Your mother tries to decline, but Jimin doesn’t let her.
“I insist.” He smiles widely. “They give me a discount.”
You simply sigh to yourself, leaning back in your seat and perusing the menu. The waiter brings back the champagne and Jimin immediately calls for a toast.
“To Y/N, our beautiful graduate.” He cheers. Your parents raise their glasses and toast with him. 
“To my parents. I never would’ve made it without you guys.” You cheer back. You all clink glasses and then drink. 
You have two glasses before your food arrives, and another as you eat, thoroughly enjoying yourself; laughing a reminiscing with Jimin and your parents, all the way until dessert. As your waiter places your strawberry cake in front of you, two men walk past your table, before stopping and back tracking.
“Park?” One of them says. 
“Min, you bastard!” Jimin smiles as he stands up and shakes the man’s hand. “How are you?” Then he turns to the other man. “Jeong, always good to see you!”
“What are you doing here? I thought you were in Japan?” Min asks.
Jeong nods. “If we had known you were back in town we would’ve invited you.”
“I’m here for pleasure, not business boys.” Jimin laughs. “Today my best friend graduated from college.” He puts his hand on your shoulder and squeezes. “Y/N-ah, this is Min Yoongi, CEO of MY Entertainment. And this is Jeong Hoseok, founder of Jeong Dance Company and Studio. Boys, this is Y/N. The girl I was telling you about.”
“Ah, so this is the one you want to hire so desperately.” Min states.
“And the one Min wants to snatch away from you.”
“Have you seen her resume?” Min questions. “Who would want her working for the wrong team!”
“My resume?” You ask quietly. 
“Of course.” Jeong states. “Jimin brought it to our last lunch.”
“He was trying to brag about you, but all he did was make us want you for our own companies.” Both men pull out their business cards and hand them to you. 
“If you ever want a real job, call me.” Jeong winks at you.
“And if you want a career, call me.” Min states. Both men then say goodbye to you, Jimin, and your parents before continuing on their way out of the restaurant.
Your parents and Jimin eat their desserts, chatting with each other like nothing has happened, but you eat in silence. Jimin gave them your resume without asking you first, and then they both randomly happen to show up while you’re out to dinner with Jimin?
“Y/N-ah?” Your father’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts as you eat your last bite of cake. “What’s wrong?”
“Something’s bothering you dear.” Your mom agrees. 
“Y/N…?” Jimin places his hand on yours under the table.
“You planned that didn’t you?” You ask.
“Planned what?”
“For them to be here. For me to meet them. You planned it.”
Jimin shakes his head. “Y/N, they didn’t even know I was in town.”
“But you knew they were. Just admit it, you planned it.”
“Y/N-ah I-”
“You planned it!” You burst, suddenly on the verge of tears, causing a few tables to look your way. You stare into Jimin’s eyes. “Tell me the truth.”
Jimin meets your gaze for a moment before looking away, ashamed. “I might have suggested Bento’s to them.”
“I knew it.” You stand up, furious, and throw your napkin down onto the table, turning to leave before Jimin grabs your wrist.
“Y/N, wait.”
“Stop squandering your money, I don’t need your help!” You wrench your wrist out of his grip and storm out of the restaurant, hopping into your car and driving back home. You slam your front door shut and collapse onto the couch where Bamboo quickly jumps up into your lap and rubs against your face, sensing that you’re upset and doing her best to make you feel better.
“Why does he do this to me Bamboo?” You sigh, scratching her between the ears. “I don’t need his help.” Bamboo meows at you, seeming to disagree. “Don’t look at me like that.” You shake your head. “He knows I don’t like it, why does he insist on upsetting me by spending so much money on me?” Bamboo purrs as she kneads her paws on your chest. “I know he’s my best friend I just…” You sigh. “Maybe going to Thailand will help.” That’s when Bamboo hisses and steps directly on your breast, putting all her weight on it. “Ouch! Bamboo-yah!” You scoop her into your arms as you sit up, but she wriggles out of them and jumps to the floor, her tail flicking to show her displeasure. 
Just as you’re about to stand up to go get ready for bed, you hear a knock on your door. Before you even look through the peephole you know who it is. 
“Jimin go away.”
You hear a thunk against the door. “Please let me in.” He sounds thoroughly defeated already.
“I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
“Just hear me out.”
You huff. “I can hear you through the door.”
You hear Jimin sigh before he begins. “Remember when you had me look over your resume? To make sure it was okay before you started applying for jobs? That’s when Min and Jeong saw it.” He explains. “We were having lunch in my office and it was on my desk. They thought it might’ve been an intern’s resume and wanted to see it, but when I explained who’s it was, they snatched it out of my hands and read over it themselves. I swear I never meant for them to see it, but after they saw it, they wouldn’t stop bugging me about you. They wanted your contact information, but I never gave it to them.”
You pause for a moment before unlocking the door and opening it to see a very sad Jimin in front of you. 
“I wanted you for myself.”
“Jimin…” You sigh as he walks past you and flops down on your couch.
“Why won’t you come work for me?” He whines. “I promise I’ll be a good boss! I can get you anything you want! Executive assistant, board of directors, anything!”
“Jimin… You have to stop this.”
“Stop what?”
“Stop trying to help me. Stop throwing your money at me. Just… Stop.”
“But Y/N I-”
“My entire life you’ve been beside me; buying me things, paying for me, doing anything you can to help me; but I don’t have any way to pay you back. I don’t have any way to help you. I don’t… I don’t have anything.”
“That’s not true.”
“For once I want to make a name for myself without you standing right behind me. I want to start over.”
“I can help you start over Y/N.” He grabs your arms and drags you down onto the couch with him.
“You aren’t even listening to me.” You shake your head. “Jimin, I think we should take a break from our friendship for a while.��
“W-what…?” Jimin’s face is crestfallen as soon as he registers your words. 
“I got a job offer and I think it’d be good for me to take it.”
“But… Why can’t we be friends still?”
“The job is in Thailand.”
“Thailand??!” Jimin bursts. “You can’t go to Thailand! What would I do without you?!”
“Jimin you’re gone for six months out of the year anyway. It wouldn’t be that different.”
Jimin stares at you incredulously. “It’d be completely different! Those six months that I’m here in Seoul are the best six months of the year because I get to see you. I get to be close to you! And now you want to take that away from me?”
“Don’t you think you’re being a little selfish?”
“Selfish?” You can see the anger in Jimin’s eyes now as he lets out a hollow laugh. “I’m the selfish one?? Right. I can’t buy you anything, I can’t take you anywhere, I can’t do anything for you, I can’t hire you, I can’t love you, and now I can’t even be friends with you and I’m the selfish one. That makes a lot of fucking sense.”
“Why don’t you just rip my heart out of my chest Y/N? It’d be easier for both of us.” He stands up and starts pacing back and forth in front of you. “Do you have any idea what it’s like to be in love with someone for ten years, and then have them tell you they don’t want anything from you? That they… don’t even want to be friends anymore?” Halfway through his words Jimin realizes what he’s said. “Shit…” He smacks his forehead and then stands there in a silence you dare not break in fear of scaring him off. After a few moments, you hear Jimin sniffle as he falls to his knees.
“Chim?” You jump off the couch and kneel in front of him, lifting his chin to meet his gaze, only to see tears rolling down his plump cheeks. “Why… Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I thought you knew…” He sighs. “On your eighteenth birthday when we… When you kissed me I thought it was because you knew, and you wanted to try, but you stopped. Then we never talked about that night again, so I never brought it up because of, well… Because of this.” He gestures to the two of you and looks down at the floor. “I didn’t want to lose you as a friend.”
You don’t realize you’re holding your breath until your own tears start to fall and you inhale sharply in surprise. Your brain stops working and you’re unable to repress your emotions any longer. “Jimin don’t you know how much I love you?” You breathe out, causing Jimin’s head to snap up and stare at you in confusion. “Don’t you know why I don’t want anything?” He shakes his head. “Every gift, every meal, everything that you got me gave me hope. Hope that maybe you liked me too. Hope that maybe we could be together. But eventually I just got so tired of having hope.”
“Because.” You roll off your knees and sit on the floor. “Because you could give me the world, and I realized that the only thing I could give you… was me.”
“Y/N-ah…” Jimin slumps forward and wraps you in his arms, holding you against his chest. “You are, and always will be, my entire universe.” He pulls back and cups your cheek, forcing you to meet his gaze before his lips find yours. 
The kiss is the sweetest moment of bliss, because now you know; you both know that you love each other. Your tears mingle with Jimin’s on your cheeks, happy tears now, making Jimin chuckle as he pulls away and wipes your cheeks with his thumbs, staring into your eyes before pulling you tightly to his chest once more, not letting go for a long time.
When Jimin finally pulls back, he kisses you on the forehead and then mumbles against your skin. “I think you should get some sleep. It’s been a long day.” You nod, standing up with him. You start to walk toward the bedroom when you realize Jimin is headed in the wrong direction as he starts to pull his shoes back on.
“Jimin?” He looks up at you, his shoe half on. “Will you stay?”
Jimin smiles. “We don’t have to rush into anything you know.
“I know, but I want you to stay. Please?”
Jimin kicks his shoe back off and then walks over to you. “Of course I’ll stay jagiya.”
The term sets your heart aflutter as you lead Jimin back to your room. You dig through your dresser and find a pair of basketball shorts and a sweatshirt of his that you borrowed forever ago and never gave back, tossing them at him before grabbing your own pajamas and changing. You slip out of you dress and hang it up in the closet before taking off your bra and pulling and oversized t-shirt over your head before turning around to see Jimin laying in the center of your bed watching tv with Bamboo curled up asleep at his side. You smile at the sight and walk over to the bed, crawling under the covers. You curl up to Jimin as well, laying your head on his chest as he pulls you close, his arm around your waist, the two of you watching tv in silence for a while until you start to get sleepy.
You’re almost asleep when Bamboo jumps off the bed, startling you when she thumps on the ground. Jimin feels you jump and giggles, stretching before rolling over to turn off the light. He rolls back to you and finds your face in the dim lighting of the tv, cupping your cheek as you see the slightest smile before his mouth is on yours. 
You can tell he intended it to be a short kiss, a goodnight kiss, but you can’t help it when you pull him back for another, and another. It isn’t long before your lips only separate when you need to breathe. When he slips his tongue past your lips, you mind flashes back to that night eight years ago, only this time your older, bolder, more experienced, and you know exactly what you want him to do; or more likely, what you want to do to him.
Before he can even blink, you get up and straddle Jimin’s lap, pushing him down onto his back, thoroughly surprising him if the cute look on his face is any indication.
“Y/N-ah what-”
“I know we don’t have to rush. I know we can wait, but I… I don’t want to. I’ve waited long enough.” You wiggle your hips in his lap, causing him to gasp as he reaches out and grabs your waist tightly to stop you. “Tell me if you want me to stop.”
You can see Jimin mulling it over in his head, his eyes scanning you up and down as you play with the hem of the sweatshirt that adorns him, watching him think. Just when you think he’s going to say no, one of Jimin’s hands starts to creep from your waist up under your shirt to the underside of your breasts. His thumb brushes against your nipple by accident, causing you to gasp, and that’s when you feel it; something twitches between your legs. 
“Goddamnit it jagiya.” He groans, sitting up and pulling you flush against him. “Do you even know how long I’ve wanted to get my hands on you?”
“Ten years?” You tease.
“Ten fucking years.” He growls, grabbing your shirt and nearly ripping it off in his haste to get to you, his eyes trailing down to your chest. “You’re even more beautiful than I could imagine.”
“Your turn.” You state, tugging at his sweatshirt. He chuckles and then lifts his arms, allowing you to pull the fabric up over his head. You stop dead in amazement as soon as you see him. “What the fuck is this? Park Jimin since when do you have abs?” You lightly smack his stomach a few times.
He shrugs. “Jeong likes to work out. He got me into it.”
“Jesus please if I’m dreaming don’t let anything wake me.” You beg, running your hands all over Jimin’s chest until you find the waistband of his shorts. You begin tugging at them until Jimin gets the message and lifts his hips, allowing you to slip the silky fabric off of him, along with his boxers.
As you grab Jimin’s throbbing length in your hand, he moans low in his chest, causing your core to clench; he’s so hard and he’s already leaking all over the place, making a mess between the two of you, although by the dampness of your panties, you know you aren’t fairing much better. You don’t want to waste anymore time.
You get up on your knees and with one hand you pull your underwear to the side, using the other hand to line Jimin’s cock up with your entrance. He’s been so entranced by the feeling of your hand around him that he doesn’t realize what you’re doing until he feel the wetness of your core pressing against his head.
“Jagi, don’t you want me to play with you first?” He asks, concerned you’ll feel pain when he enters you.
“I don’t need it.” You gasp. “N-next time.”
“Are you sure?”
You nod, and before he can ask you again, you relax your body and sink down onto him. “Jimin…” You moan softly as he stretches you open, continuing down until you can feel his thighs against your ass, and then wiggling further to make sure he’s entirely inside you. Jimin holds you completely still and you whine in his ear, begging him to let you move as your core tightens around him, desperate for friction.
When Jimin still won’t let you move, you push on his chest until he falls back against the bed and then you plant your hands on his chest, leaning on him as you lift your hips, moaning out as you slide back down, relishing in the feeling of him inside you. 
“Oh god…” Jimin groans when you pick up the pace. “Jagi you feel so good. You’re such a good girl for me, aren’t you?”
“Uh huh~” You whimper, breathless. 
“You really didn’t need any foreplay did you?”
“I t-told you…” You nod, trying to go faster, but you can’t get your body to cooperate, your thighs are burning. “C-Chim…” He understands immediately, grabbing your hips tightly and planting his feet on the bed, rapidly thrusting up into you faster than you can bounce. “O-o-oh god~” You whine, leaning forward so that your chest is pressed against Jimin’s, letting him fuck up into you as hard as he can as you get pushed closer to your release.
“Jagi… you’re getting so tight.” Jimin groans. “Too tight, fuck… I’m close love.” You can only moan at this point, too far gone to form words. “Oh god.” You can feel Jimin’s thrusting growing more and more erratic, until finally, with one last impossibly deep thrust, you feel yourself come undone with a cry of his name, and a few seconds later, Jimin releases his warmth inside you, filling you to the brim.
You slump down against Jimin, suddenly exhausted; all of your energy spent. The two of you lie together, panting, Jimin rubbing your back soothingly as he presses soft kisses to your face and neck. When you feel like you can move again, you sit up, causing you both to whine from sensitivity as Jimin’s length shifts inside you. You shiver pleasantly at the feeling of being so full before moving to lay on your side facing Jimin, pulling him close so that he doesn’t slip out of you as you lay your leg across his waist.
“Do you want me to clean you up jagiya?” Jimin hums, brushing his thumb across your cheek.
You shake your head and mumble, already half asleep. “I want to stay like this.”
Jimin pulls you closer. “Didn’t take you as the cock warming type.”
“Shut up.” You smack him in the shoulder.
“I didn’t say it was a bad thing!” He defends himself. “But before you fall asleep, um…”
“Hm?” You open one eye and peek at Jimin, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Are you… are you still moving to Thailand?”
You exhale a small laugh, smiling. “Only if you come with me.”
“I um… I don’t want to move.”
“Then I guess I’m not going.”
Jimin shakes his head. “But I don’t want to stop you from doing something you want to do.”
“Chim.” You giggle. “I’d rather have no job than have to live without you again.”
“Does that mean…?”
“As long as it won’t be an HR problem, yes. I’d love to come work with you.”
Jimin holds you tightly against him as he kisses you passionately. “I love you so much Y/N-ah.”
“I love you too Chim.”
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theinsanecrayonbox · 4 years
oh here’s some more of my M9 modern/quarantine/video call au that no one asked for, because my mind wanders and i like domestic fluff
everyone primarily lives in 2 buildings, that may be across the street from each other
in building 1;
Caduceus just recently moved in with Fjord and Jester after the lease on a sublet was up (plus Jester’s is closer to the bakery he works at normally); Fjord formally moved in with Jester about a month before, after a bad breakup with his ex-girlfriend and couch surfing for a few weeks (one of which was Cad’s at his old place). Jester’s mom pays for the place, so she has a place to stay when she’s in town. the boys do contribute rent though, which goes into other bills.
Nott/Veth has an apartment with Yeza and Luke. she moved out here before they did, since it was for Yeza’s job; he stayed with Luke to finish packing up, while she found them a home before he had to start work. they’ve been here a while though, just that she’s more familiar with everyone else cause she’s been around longer.
Caleb lives a floor up and one unit over from the Bremattos; Veth has been known to scale the fire escape to go climb onto his balcony...half the time to return his cat.
in building 2;
Yasha used to live with Molly, until he had to go away “for work” (rumor says it was rehab...). she tried to live on her own for a while...Fjord actually stayed at her place the longest. she’d finally asked Beau to move in with her pretty much when quarantine started, so yeah, that got put on hold.
Molly does still live in the building though! when he came back, with K’nessan and Ashe, they got a unit several floors away from Yasha; they didn’t wanna impose on her, since you know, growing family and all.
other people;
Essek is here. he’s fancy rich, lives far uptown with his family...and kinda hates it at times, so often goes and stays with Caleb; only Verin knows where he disappears to.
Reani used to live in Molly and ‘Ness’ place; she moved away, that’s why they got it so cheaply
Keg was somewhere else...but got shipped off for army training to another state. she and Beau were a thing, but with having to move, they broke it off, but Beau also lost her place to live that wasn’t her parents’
Calianna lives in another city entirely, and is mostly just in Jester’s video chats, though she has come to visit before
Avantika is Fjord’s ex. we don’t like to talk about her if we can help it
now for the fun “we’re in quarantine’ shenanigans;
Essek did indeed escape Thelyss Manor, about an hour after lockdown was announced. his mother didn’t know he ever made it back to the house...but Verin did; basically he agreed not to rat his brother out as long as he checked in with him by text regularly. the brothers are pretty good at staying out of each other’s business as long as you prove you’re still alive. he’s gotta call his mother once a week to prove he’s safe though. but at first, he kept trying to hide in Caleb’s M9 video chats, but then Veth randomly showed up and caught them and was dying for like 4 days not to say anything until Jester caught sight of Essek in the background in one video chat in Caleb’s space cat pj pants.
part of Ashe’s daily routine is running up the flights of stairs to go hang out at auntie Yasha’s place and go out onto her balcony too see their tiny garden (Ashe’s apartment does not have a balcony you see). sometimes they’l catch Cad doing the same across the way and have a waving contest
Jester cannot share a screen with either of her boys on the group calls, she just physically cannot...most of the time. she’s better with Cad than Fjord, but Cad sort of is known to wander the apartment and goes in and out of both Jester and Fjord’s screens.
Jester has “kidnapped” Luke a few times to go bake cookies with her and Cad, and by “kidnapped” i do mean that she forgot to tell Veth she was doing it (thus leading to her catching Essek in Caleb’s, cause Luke either goes there or to Jester’s)
Beau got trapped at her parents’ in the suburbs and HATES it. she was in the middle of moving in with Yasha, so yeah, she’s been getting “talked out of doing that” a bunch. that’s why she was annoyed more than amused when the wild Essek appeared, because sure he could escape his annoying family, but she couldn’t, uhg!
Jester’s known to leave the M9 group call to go answer other calls (like from Cali or her mom, or even her dad surprisingly enough-he’s been very nice offering to get hard to find supplies for his daughter and her boys...and we don’t ask how he comes by these goods...). sometimes she’ll come back to the M9 call, other times she’ll crash Fjord’s feed
idk if Cad is preg with Cami or not. on the one had, Fjord is trapped with a pregnant firbolg and a tiefling on sugar withdrawals, so that could be funny...on the other, Cad would get really claustrophobic or the like, because he feels like he should be doing stuff and can’t. either way, at the start they’re all “pft, we won’t have to worry about having a baby at home, it won’t last that long” but as time goes on...
as said before, Ashe, Luke, and TJ have a “tiny tots business conference call”
i’m torn between Cali getting stuck at the Ironbrood home for quarantine and that’s how Jester learns her bff is dating someone OR her being home, and her parents accidentally interrupt a video chat with Tarn (that might have been getting steamy lol) and that’s how her parents find out
Beau has really gotten into Words With Friends or whatever and nags everyone to play with her; Molly keeps cheating by using pharmaceutical words, and Caleb uses zemnian
‘Ness pretty much stays to the background of Molly’s feed, except when they go a group game night playing Quiplash or something of the like
Cad video chats with his family at least every other day; it took Clarabelle and Calliope walking their parents through how to use the video app, but they figured it out eventually
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changseobbing-blog · 7 years
0 Mile - Chapter 1
Sooooo I might have written a thing, my first fic!…Thank you so much to @kollectionn for editing and putting up with me being a nervous mess and I’d also like to thank @not-zuleika for the encouragement and support to write in the first place!! Any feedback would be appreciated and there may be a couple more chapters in the works. Hope you enjoy! - Kimmy
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NCT Fanfic: Bartender AU
Main Pairing: Female Reader x Johnny Seo
You were in the midst of sorting through the final box of your belongings, having just moved to a new city for your first job out of college. The apartment wasn’t anything fancy; bathroom, small kitchenette and an open plan space big enough for a bed, dresser and couch. It was on the 8th floor with a small balcony opening onto the street and the building was only a 30-minute walk or a short bus ride from your office.
You had found it only the week prior and had moved last minute, praying for something in your price range. The building manager was a short, greying Russian woman. Her blunt humour had amused you from the start. You thought back to your first viewing when you’d asked what the length of the lease would be and she had replied “yes or no?” You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing at her reply and it had gained you her favour when she offered you the apartment later that day.
You collapsed back against the couch when the final item was unpacked. Looking around your living space, you noted to buy a screen or a large bookcase to split the room. You also contemplated brightening the room with some plants, if you could keep these ones alive…
You quickly became bored, it was Friday evening and you didn’t start your new job until the following Monday, you also didn’t know anyone in this city. You had taken the job to ensure you could survive out of college as your family lived overseas, it was an entry level role with little pay but it was something you could hopefully progress in.
Stretching your arms to release the tension in your shoulder, you crossed the room and stepped out onto the small balcony. The sun was cascading light in every direction as it set behind the maze of concrete buildings and you felt the calm wash over you.
Leaning against the railings you looked down the street. The flashing fluorescent lights of a sign instantly catching your attention. It was a pink and red neon sign. The place was called ‘0 Mile’ and it had a red strangely shaped apple as the logo…maybe it was worth checking out. You googled the name and it came up as a bar. This could be a way to make friends with some people in your neighbourhood.
Catching sight of yourself in the mirror, you definitely needed to freshen up and get out of the sweatpants first. You threw on your favourite black skinny jeans, then a pale blue off the shoulder blouse and lastly a pair of navy flats for comfort. You brushed your hair out of the loose knot it was tied up in and applied a light touch of makeup. Much more presentable.
The walk to the bar only took five minutes and you wondered how dangerous to your bank account it would be having a bar this close. It was located down some steps under one of the high rises. Arriving at the entrance it was hard to tell it was even open. It was 8 pm so you decided to risk it and push the door open, it was unlocked.
You stepped in and felt like you were instantly in another world. The colour scheme was…. loud.  The walls were half red, half black, split through the middle. It was a long room with the bar at the opposite end. There were booths stretching down the left-hand side and mismatched tables and stools scattered in the remaining space.
The floor had a black tiled path leading down to the bar like a catwalk and pink, purple and black camouflage carpet everywhere else. That’s when you finally noticed there was no one else around, not even a bartender.
You started to back up and leave, feeling embarrassed at the fact you had rudely walked into a closed establishment. But then, a deep voice suddenly called out from somewhere in the back, “Be out in a minute!”.
The voice was so deep it kind of boomed and made you jump in the silent atmosphere. You couldn’t tell if the owner was old or young, but now that you were caught you felt obligated to stay and stepped further into the space settling on a stool at the bar.
You felt nervous that you were alone in a bar with a stranger, albeit the owner, it was still a strange man and you were a lone woman in her 20’s who just moved to a city where no one knew you and wouldn’t even notice you’d disappeared and what if?
You were instantly startled out of your panicked inner thoughts when a large hand waved in front of your face and you were snapped back to reality.
“Oh! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to make you jump, I just wanted to know if you wanted to order anything?”
Your eyes jumped from the large hand and followed the voice to the face of its owner and your heart stopped.
He was beautiful, you were sure you’d never seen someone as beautiful as him in your entire life. He had the warmest brown eyes, that sparkled in the light and when he tilted his head slightly to the side you noticed he had the sharpest jawline, you swallowed hard trying to remember words.
“U-uh…do you h-have gin?” you blurted out tripping over the dryness in your throat.
He started chuckling, his lips curving up into dazzling smile, “Well, this is a bar, so we’ve even got more than one kind! It’s also happy hour right now so cocktails are half price”
You internally facepalmed at your own goddamn stupidity, smiling back sheepishly.
“Then, a cocktail, anything you’d recommend,” you said.
“Coming right up!“ he replied, smiling, before turning around, grabbing various bottles from the glass shelves lined against the mirrored back wall. You watched him for a while throw various liquids in a shaker, his back muscles flexing under his well-fitted white tee.
Feeling like you shouldn’t just sit here gawking at a stranger you decided to try and make conversation.
“The bar sign is pretty cool, do you know what the apple means?” you asked staring at your own hands, fiddling with the ring on your middle finger, trying to find something to do while you waited for that drink that you decided you definitely needed if you were going to make any conversation with this attractive man.
He instantly froze and slowly turned around, eyes wide and mouth open. You raised your brow at the dramatic display, instantly feeling on edge at his reaction.
Then his shoulders slumped and he sighed, ‘It’s meant to be a cherry bomb…” you instantly relaxed at his words “…my mom was a huge fan of Joan Jett, and it was one of my favourite songs so I thought it would make an interesting sign”.
You noticed his mouth had started to form into a pout and you snorted and raised your hands defensively, “If it helps I’m not wearing my glasses? Now that you mention it, it’s totally a cherry!”
He raised his eyebrow and shook his head, shaking the drink mixer vigorously.
“It’s ok, you don’t need to humour me, the place I got the sign made back when I first started up was a bit basic, but I’m kind of attached to it now,” he poured the purple mixture into a tall glass of crushed ice and placed it carefully on a napkin he had laid out ready.
“It’s called a purple rain and I’m not ashamed to say I make this for myself every once in a while”
You tentatively took a sip. It was delicious. You nodded and gave him a thumbs up to show you approved, and he continued to ramble, “This is probably none of my business, but you’re new to this neighbourhood right? I’ve lived here a while and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around before. I’m Johnny by the way.”  
He leant back against the bar, running long fingers through his floppy brown hair. It was longer in the front than the back and framed the features of his face perfectly.
You nodded at his words, making sure to take an extra large gulp of your drink before responding, “I moved here today actually.”
He looked at you surprised and then his eyes travelled around the bar and he groaned, “Wild crowd right?”
He stood upright, “I haven’t even put any music on! Your first impression of ‘0 Mile’ must be pretty low right now…I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”
He reached for a small remote by the cash register and pointed at a nearby speaker, acoustic guitar started playing softly in the background. You shook your head, “Not at all, I just got to try the best cocktail in the city”
His eyes lit up at your words.
“And my name’s Y/N,” you finished.
It was so easy talking to him and you discovered you shared a lot of the same interests in music and movies. Even food, you spent at least 10 minutes agreeing that breakfast was the best meal of the day, especially pancakes. You were usually more guarded, but he had this relaxed aura around him and he made you feel like what you were saying was the most interesting thing in the world.
Even when more customers started to trickle in slowly, he always came back to talk to you while he was free.  You also learned that he was born in the city and had opened the bar two years ago after deciding that college wasn’t the right path for him. He was two years older than you and lived in the apartments above the bar. Two hours after you arrived the bar was practically full.
He introduced you to a few of his friends before it got too busy, he said he wanted to make sure you weren’t alone, only if you wanted to stay longer and they had come to drink and hang out. Their names were Taeyong, Ten and Jaehyun. They were just as handsome as the cheerful bartender but you couldn’t keep your eyes off him for long; even when he wasn’t talking to you and your new drinking buddies.
They made you feel included instantly, Taeyong asked you more questions about yourself and told you more about the city. Ten tried to drag you up to the small dance floor at one point which you utterly refused. After 2 more cocktails, you compromised and performed a short synchronised shoulder swaying routine from your seats at the bar, which had everyone in the group in stitches, you even saw Johnny’s shoulders shaking from the bar reflection as he tried to serve a customer. Then there was Jaehyun, who you later learned was Johnny’s roommate and best friend, he made jokes that left your sides hurting and he teased Johnny endlessly about his apple sign; after you let slip your earlier mistake.
You got home not long after two in the morning, Ten had insisted that he and Taeyong walk you down the street, “It’s on the way to the bus stop and we have to make sure our new friend gets home safe!”
You collapsed onto your soft welcoming mattress, feeling your head spin slightly. Had you drunk that much? You remembered nearly getting into a heated debate with Johnny over paying your bill, which he ended up winning with “…but new customers get a free drink!” Or five.
You had flashes of the way his face scrunched up in annoyance and how cute he looked pretending to be angry with you. You closed your eyes and held onto that image a little longer.
You woke with a start when a car backfired outside your window and groaned, realising you were still in the clothes from yesterday. You reached blindly to retrieve your phone from the bedside table to check the time, it was only 8:00 am and you rolled back over to get comfortable.
There was also a text from an unknown number, and for a moment, you couldn’t think who would be texting you. A stupid grin spread across your face at the words and you kicked your feet against the mattress in excitement.
“If you aren’t feeling too hungover, how about pancakes tomorrow at 10 am. I know a great place =) - Johnny”
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