#and now you wanna put her movie counterpart through that bullshit?
senseiwu · 8 months
Why is that even a ship.
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simply-ellas-stuff · 5 years
Batwoman Episode Three Talk *Spoilers*
Are we not doing the normal Arrowverse monologue? I miss it. The diary narration is cool but... I miss the opening monologue.
Nightmare flashbacks, I wonder who the fuck Beth was living with? Who turned her into Alice? Did Alice live with a serial killer?
Who the fuck is running Wayne Enterprises besides Luke & Kate??
Hand puppets to get Batwoman's attention, childish.
Alice is blunt as fuck, Horny for Batman, did she take notes from Bo from Lost Girl.
Why does Alice have a boyfriend in the first place?
Negotiations? Innocent peoples lives for a boyfriend? Sounds weird but nice try.
Is Kate the Younger Twin?
Does Beth have split personality? Alice is the girl she became to protect herself from her hellish post-accident life but Beth is buried somewhere inside her mind??
Fucking commercials always indicate someone dying. Poor fellow.
Elliot Estates? Dumb name.
Training with your husband while thinking of your ex-girlfriend you never told him about?  Go. To. Therapy. Sophie boxing? With her husband? I guess that's healthy? I mean, if they were working on their own personal issues instead of Sophie's issues with Kate... maybe.
Commander must adore Soph to be that much of a considerate shade of Asshole. Also because Soph is too blunt for them to not be close in some way.
Why is Soph wanting to protect Mary? Its not going to get her closer to Kate.
Vesper, you beautifully voices woman!
Mary is a sweetheart, and decent at acting drunk/hungover to safe face for her clinic.
Mary is so fucking sassy to her sister's ex-girlfriend.
Why blame Commander Kane for your idea Soph?!
Kate getting defensive over the desk, aww.
Tommy Elliot is already a cunt before he showed up at that desk.
'Candy Kane' would be a cute nickname, if this guy didn't immediately give me a bad feeling.
Fuck Tommy for bringing that shit up to Kate like it doesn't already fuck her up. How the fuck does Tommy Elliot know Bruce is Batman?
Tommy Elliot wants to prove he's the most damaged, bigger ego-ed, richer, jerkwad of Gotham. And instead he goes psycho. Kate was right, Bruce's is bigger - He didn't go psycho. Even though, that comment was inappropriate but also forgivable given how she was attacking his ego not the physical aspects of Tommy vs Bruce. Metaphorical not realistical.
Wayne Tech, how the fuck is it still up and running?
I like how they reference weapons and explain them in a slightly normal way before Kate uses them later.
Pretty sure the dummy and faux blood and spray paint was Tommy Elliot, not anyone else.
Is there a Tommy Elliot Comic Counterpart that becomes a villain?
Vesper sassing Batman is fucking hilarious.
Mary checking out that guy and Soph interrupting it, cockblock.
Soph grilling Mary for information about Kate is fucked
Luke yelling while wearing the noise cancelling headset is cliche but funny. I wonder if they had to have Ruby say screaming because her accent came out too much when she said Yelling.
A gun that can penetrate the Batsuit? Why in the fuck would that exist without a fail safe?
Kate feeling the sting of being hit with a bullet while not actually being in the suit, she's already formed a relationship with the suit even though she refused to take up the mantle.
Kate sassily decides to go ask Tommy about knowing about Bruce and Batman only to be shocked about Luke telling her to put on the suit.
I still wanna know how Alice broke into the Kane house.
She messily puts in the lipstick, finds the perfume gross smelling, wears a crow uniform, Licks a cupcake and puts it back, downs a martini, reads the invite, smashes the family picture, kills a crow that knows her name with no hesitation but mocks Kate's disappointment. All of these acts seem to mean something to her, and I wonder what that is.
I still wanna know how Alice broke into the Kane house.
Why is Alice dicking around in a crows house??
Why did Alice kill him? and How did he know her name??
She messily puts in the lipstick, finds the perfume gross smelling, wears a crow uniform, Licks a cupcake and puts it back, downs a martini, reads the invite, smashes the family picture, kills a crow that knows her name with no hesitation but mocks Kate's disappointment. All of these acts seem to mean something to her, and I wonder what that is.
Kate looks hot as fuck - Hair a little less upwards, one singular dangle earring, p/leather leggings or jeggings, black over-sized suit jacket, a lacy shirt, heeled boots (that i'm pretty sure are from Hot topic? with the metal backing on the heels), Minimal dark make up, one singular shiny bracelet/watch, and her tattoos peaking out. Why did Sophie marry a man again?
The fucking shock, confusion, and pure "what the fuck" that crossed Kate's mind when she stepped into the elevator lmfao. Great acting on Ruby's part.
Mary's facial expression then Kate's "I’m sorry" makes me aww. Did anyone else think the conversation about "Go radio silent on socials" was actually code about the Clinic in a way?
Awkward fucking elevator ride, Love the broke tension Mary.
The blond is pretty. I think I have a similar, longer version of her dress. I'd definitely let Ruby Rose check me out like Kate did Reagan.
Tyler you poor unsuspecting fool.
I'd love it if Reagan is telepathic, like a meta human, and that's how she knew that stuff. Bartenders can be good but, she was a little too spot on with Kate.
I love how Kate was impressed by Reagan pouring herself a shot, like she didn't expect it.
Tyler and Kate talking makes me feel... sad for Tyler. Soph never told her husband she secretly fucked Kate Kane at the academy.
Reagan is hot, and if Kate doesn't fuck around with her - I will.
Daddy Kane and Kate Kane have similar taste in people, they both hate Tommy.
I love how Kate brings up twin intuition even though she made a deal, and her father walked a way uncomfortable because he can't bear the idea of Alice being Beth.
Kate setting her sights on Tommy, she looked hot albeit out of place.
Mary trying to convince her mom to let her have more elbow room, just so she can sneak out to her clinic.
Tommy is a fucking dickbag "took five years but I'm finally looking down on Bruce Wayne", You are competing with someone who you already won against - you have your parents, family, the weight taken off your shoulders, a fuck ton of money, and could have any girl you want. Fuck the fuck off.
Kate's "Here I thought I was his favorite cousin, not even a phone call" was so well said as to point out she knows Bruce better than Tommy thinks he does. It was subtle, sarcastic, but right on the money.
Nice lie Kate, make him find the gun even though your bullshitting. Nice, very 'Oliver Queen' of you. I'm proud, sure he would be too.
Fucking Bach. Can people pick another one of his songs, its the same fucking one in ever fucking movie and show. Pick something different, or fuck just pick a different artist all together.
Alice tormenting Commander with the instrument, the song, and just toying with the idea that she might really be his daughter makes me laugh for some reason, its oddly well thought out. She will get in his head though, eventually.
Alice bearing the disappointment and heartbreak Beth felt being left behind... heart shattering.
King of the Crows... he should become scarecrow... maybe.
Alice just casually waltzed away from the window, sifted through the box, and the likely promptly ditched the fuck outta there.
That box is all of Beth's life, and Alice still feels the pain of it.
Maybe Alice is to Beth what Frost is to Caitlin? At least she saw the search Map.
Aww poor Mary basically getting dragged away  by her guards.
Kate... you smart girl, following him right to the gun. That conversation about Tommy being less than. Tommy is psychotic in every aspect.
Tommy talked to the fucking Riddler?! The Riddler knows Bruce's identity? [If they follow the Gotham story line that kinda makes sense]
Tommy hates his mom that much? The fuck
Kate didn't expect him to have a contingency plan to draw Batman out... not smart sweets.
Kate immediately going to help the victims is why she's a good hero.
I wonder how many people actually did in that fall, we only saw a handful still moving during Kate and Mary's scenes with them.
Kate's concern for people is what makes her a hero, she even apologizes to the man she pulls attention too. Her obsession with Alice/Beth, her dedication to Bruce, her hatred towards Batman then forgiveness towards him, her affection of Sophie, all of that doesn't matter. Her heart does.
Tyler had the worst fucking timing, you are stuck in an elevator, have this martial spat in private in your home. Shut the fuck up.
Step Mom Kane doesn't seem as maternal as she acts, she also seems to be rooting for someone's death... get a divorce.
Mary and Soph would be cute friendship - if Soph wasn't in a triangle.
Luke and Kate having a heart to heart with honesty towards Bruce ever coming back.
Mary saves a life like a bawse!!
Where did they get the spray paint from? Did Luke spray it or did Kate? Where did they get a wig? Did they go shopping while this time limit is happening.
Dicking with Tommy by 'flying' around him, how "Flash/Firestorm vs Tokamak" of you. I fucking 🎶Love🎶 it.
Did she seriously Now get a voice changer? Her voice seems edited whereas with Dodgson it wasn't.
[[I keep getting Ads for The Tomorrow People, should I watch it? Is it any good??]]
Batman's side piece? Gross.
She forgot to charge the glove... cute. She's still learning.
She just stabbed him in the leg... I think they cut Luke's question of "What are you doing?" because her "Stalling" sounded like an answer not a confirmation.
She saves her Dad and Stepmom, without knowing whose in the elevator, but lets the other elevator drop... she didn't know it was empty??
She forgot to charge the glove?! LMFAO I'd do that!
Kick his ass Kate!!!!!
She saves her dad, but let the other elevator drop not knowing if there were other people in it???
He's so psychotic that he literally steps on her hand.
Alice to the rescue!!!
"and im the crazy one" I love that. She's literally insane yet the red wig is the drawn line lmfao.
Alice saving Kate makes me happy.
She took off the cowl yet has almost perfect hair... woman. really mess up you hair!! You'd probs looks hot as fuck.
Kate's appreciation of Alice saving her life only for Alice to crash the moment. Kate wants her to leave to keep her safe yet Alice is annoyed.
The red being the color of the birthstone is a nice poetic touch.
Alice ruined the moment again, jerk.
Alice touching Kate's face is probably because she hasn't seen her in so fucking long its a wonderment for her to feel her sister again when their Twins and have been connected their whole lives.
The laugh about the wig having roots, nice joke Alice.
Kate trying to talk Alice back into Beth.
So Alice wants Kate to stop thinking of her as Beth? But she was willing to prove she is actually Beth by cutting her palm? Alice really does seem like Season Four Killer Frost "Beth is gone"/"I'm not Caitlin"
Sending Tommy to Arkaham... Smart.
Reagan is cute, I love how she was worried for Kate whom she just met and Kate checked in on her. I love the bluntness between the two!! Please tell me she isn't a bad guy!
Is Soph really jealous?? She's fucking married?! Soph, don't be jealous, your married. Mary slap her for us.
Two of Hearts, Eight of Cloves, and Three of Diamonds?? What does Alice, Catherine, and those numbers/cards have in common?
Commander Kane is finally starting to believe!!! Yes! Catherine, you do not live up to the legacy of your name you dick.
Batlady? Batchick? Really?! Did Sophie call that name in? otherwise it won't stick...
I hope Soph phoned in that name, otherwise we'll end up with something stupid.
Sophie definitely knows that Kate is Batwoman.
When is the reference episode to the Arrowverse cross over going to happen? I need to know and understand the fucking timeline.
I kinda think that Alice is Beth's alter, like she had disassociative identity disorder and Alice is her protector. That's why Alice remembers being Beth but "Beth is gone" because Younger Beth is 'asleep' in their shared mind or too afraid to come out yet Alice is acting out with anger now because she had to go through the hell that she was made to protect Beth, Maybe as an alter she's resentful towards the host? Is that possible? Maybe she blames Beth but because she can't hurt her, she hurts her family via payback and revenge.
☆Side Note:: I watched this episode only twice instead of my normal three, I've been a bit busy -Which is also why this is a day later than it has been-, so excuse me if anything is wrong or they explained something in the episode☆
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angel-phantomhive · 6 years
Voltron thoughts
I was watching videos pertaining to the new Bleach live action and I am pretty excited and scared about it. I wanna pray that it will be better than it’s other counterparts of live action anime. Now, not to discourage people, but live actions don’t get the best rep... Like at all. This movie looks promising.
I was thinking silently to myself while I trailed to the bathroom, What would happen if Voltron had its own live action? That would be fine and dandy, but... I wanna see more people work on this project than the current Voltron writers. 
Listen. Voltron: Legendary Defenders is a good series. Recommended even, but it has so many plotholes here and there that need to be filled up. Season 8 will be coming and if those plotholes aren’t filled, what will happen to the series?! Like, what would be expected for the next version in like 2024 (Just stating a year)? 
Movie ideas:
I mean, in my opinion, I would love to see them walk the same path as V:LD, but add more to it. Hunk, Lance, and Pidge all are young pilots with minimal ability to pilot, shown to us possibly by their records of sorts. Keith is briefly mentioned instead of him being focal when he is introduced. Keith was a high-level student that dropped out due to declining grades and sudden behavioral issues following the Kerberos mission. When news spreads about a man claiming to be Shirogane, the famous pilot who ‘supposedly’ died during the mission,has come back and is spouting alien nonsense about an entire race of purple people (Galra) and he starts panicking about the others, Pidge and Lance are elated to hear about it because Pidge wants her brother (who was introduced earlier in the movie with Pidge’s character as well) and Lance wants to meet the esteemed Shirogane. (They semi-follow the instructions of the first episode with more detail to back up future information).
We get a glimpse of Zarkon and Haggar after the squad leaves the Garrison. Haggar, being a woman with a cloak over her face and bright Alteian markings--maybe beautiful as ever-- informs Zarkon that she has sensed the blue lion after because Shiro maybe has a chip inside them. Like a tracking device, the Galra use on their fighters to always know where they are? Zarkon, elated like a damn child, order for an assault. Much like season 7, the attack is pointed to the Garrison and the squad catch wind of all this. Keith, the conspiracy theory boy he is, has been informing the group about scriptures his father left behind about the blue lion, (after like 20 minutes of adventure) find the blue lion (fast forward the galra attack and chase after them and the decision to go through the wormhole in space), they make it to Altea.
Allura, sexy and beautiful, and Coran, mustache on fleek, are introduced as beautiful, godly beings. They are beautiful and wise, but when Allura finds out about the war, a mini flashback is pulled into her eyes as she remembers the bloodshed, her father fighting and pushing her into a pod, kissing her head, and sealing her away, forces her into shock and the group panic. She starts worrying about the lions, to which Lance makes a sly remark about having the Blue Lion on lockdown, she informs them about the other lions. Coran reminds her of the teledove (isn’t that their projector?) and she cautiously sets her hand down, it bursting to life and turning on the entire castle and showing them the lions. She explains a little more in depth about the lions and the group agree to require them. Shiro, a shook bastard from all dat PTSD, tells Allura he isn’t sure about requiring the machines because the Galra are probably surrounding Earth and they are ruthless (insert bad adjective), but she reassures him that the machines/lions will save them. 
Maybe a few jokes are cracked about why are they all lions and what not and we get some more depth behind characters, action sequences, etc. The paladins get some practice with their lions through the action sequences and maybe a practice montage. 
So this post won’t take weeks to read, the ending ends with a reveal of possibly the squad meeting Zarkon or Lotor, it all depends on how the pacing goes. It’s kinda like a part 1 of maybe a trilogy of movies. I would love if they were like 2 hours or maybe even 2 and a half hours long to put more info in and to kinda bring together all this info in a well-paced movie. 
The movie should at least hint at (and not some bullshit reason too) that Shiro is gay through some added dialogue of Adam roaming through his head, a few flashbacks, or even just a small memento that Adam gave him and a flashback pertaining the two before he left (a kiss), and some cute dialogue. Adam could guest star in movie two by helping the Garrison in the first scene and possibly debating going into space to help his PTSD ridden baby boy.
I’m not sure, but this was all subjective and what I think could help the series. This is just a set of what I believe the first movie should be like if they ever make one. God pray they get some new writers to watch the series and some of the true-to-the-fiction writers as well. The producers also better be open for EVERYTHING to happen. Blood (maybe), homosexuality, CGI, death, etc. Also, don’t slap actors into this movie. I want some genuinely A and B-list actors who could pull these characters off. A dark-voiced and malicious-looking/sounding Zarkon, a goddess of a woman Allura, maybe an actual Cuban actor for Lance, etc. Whitewashing isn’t allowed (unless they have the PERFECT * I’m talking finger licking good* actor with experience in acting and amazing appearance to do a character).
Tell me if you think this could be a good pitching idea? I actually kinda like it. 
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