#and obi-wan is like you cannot convince me to stay your husband through free coffee beverages
tennessoui · 1 year
please write part two to the divorce attorney where they actually get together 😭 im dying, it has me in stitches and i NEED TO KNOW HOW IT ENDS XD
ok maybe i will soon write this (obligatory pause for groans from people who want me to stop finding new things and just finish my old things) but i was thinking about it today and honestly
they meet at a bar after obi-wan's long term girlfriend tells him she can't marry him and they should break up, and this is obi-wan's and anakin's first conversation that isn't in some professional capacity so at first honestly they don't know what to say to one another
but then anakin confesses that he wasn't sure obi-wan would recognize him without a wedding ring, and obi-wan scoffs and is like do you know how many other repeat customers i have?
and anakin is like no? and obi-wan is like just one other. he's been divorced three times. every time, it's been devastating for him.
and anakin is like (pensively) i've been divorced before.
and obi-wan is like uh i know. i'm your divorce lawyer. you've been divorced 29 times.
and anakin goes all quiet and picks at the label of his beer and then he shrugs and he's like. 30 i guess. and once when it mattered.
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