#and obvs I grinned like an idiot at the Barry moments with Cait at the end
The only good thing about forcing myself to finally sit and finish watching The Flash, is seeing Caitlin come back. God the pain that was, and the deep, long rants I can go on about what they did with her character. Isn’t it lovely that we have no character development in the whole last season for a character we followed since season one? So much fun that was. Ugh. The only redemption it has is bringing her back because you best believe the rage in me. I jumped up when she appeared. The only excitement I had in those last 4 eps lol. Like watching this show was fun when her character was doing interesting things. Especially when Frost was still in the picture. Then they fucked that up only to then burn the rest of it. Which isn’t surprising; we’re talking about writers that clearly gave zero fucks, but mate, why?? Anyway, finished the show. So yay to that.
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