#mainly because I didn’t want to finish it on a plane but at home comfy
The only good thing about forcing myself to finally sit and finish watching The Flash, is seeing Caitlin come back. God the pain that was, and the deep, long rants I can go on about what they did with her character. Isn’t it lovely that we have no character development in the whole last season for a character we followed since season one? So much fun that was. Ugh. The only redemption it has is bringing her back because you best believe the rage in me. I jumped up when she appeared. The only excitement I had in those last 4 eps lol. Like watching this show was fun when her character was doing interesting things. Especially when Frost was still in the picture. Then they fucked that up only to then burn the rest of it. Which isn’t surprising; we’re talking about writers that clearly gave zero fucks, but mate, why?? Anyway, finished the show. So yay to that.
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rhiezus · 4 years
Special Q&A with Moon Nayoung.
now that you’re not an actress anymore, the world is dying to know: what is moon nayoung doing?
what a pesky devil of you. it’s not like i’m very busy but it’s not i want to be busy, so eating well, sleeping well, travelling, picking different hobbies, spending a lot of time on youtube. i’m unemployed, but gladly.
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do you ever plan on acting again?
noo, i loved acting but that phase of my life is over. i am ready to be myself and no else for quite some time. i encourage acting though, it’s an exercise and it was an experience.
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we saw your cat a lot on your social media, what’s is their name?
oh, when we started this i was crossing my fingers thinking: please talk about my cats. in all forms expect physical, i’m a cat. so i found manwol in a shelter, she looked me in the eye suspiciously and i thought “she is testing me”, so i took her home to complete her task. she is always watching me, i don’t know if like a affectionate way, however she is very jealous of the people around me and for that reason i think we identify with each other. i don’t remember my boyfriend’s cat names though, he has many and they just keep adding, i just call them what i feel like calling them and they always answer, it’s like an unspoken connection.
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when are you and keun getting married though?
it’s that a thing you’d like to see? think we should live it for the world and charge a few to enter the livestream?
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what’s the most used app on your phone?
it’s between my yoga app, subway surfaces and piano tiles. people often underestimate how good i am with phone games, not that i am bragging but i’ve had years of boredom and that adds to the experience.
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we heard you like cooking, what’s your favorite dish to cook right now?
my favorite thing to cook... is spaghetti, there is like a hundred ways to do them differently and i love noodles. garlicky spaghetti, vegetable spaghetti, crock-pot spaghetti, the famous carbonara... there is baked spaghetti, it’s one of my favorites, chicken spaghetti, there is even a million dollar spaghetti that’s great and super easy. but last week i aced the tagine, it’s from maroccos. fun fact is most people think the word tagine is the meal itself but tagine is actually the cookware used to cook the meal. the reason for using a tagine is to make a dish tender and bring out its natural flavors. 
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what’s the place you want to travel the most?
i would love to go somewhere on the american continent, because their food is rich and it’s very different from asia but at the same time i don’t like travelling for long periods and spending too much time on a plane. i would like to see mexico or argentina, maybe even cuba too. 
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which of your friends are you most proud of? and why?
i don’t have that many friends, it’s not that hard to choose between them. the one that most accomplished things this year was bonghu, but that’s mainly because she got pregnant and i admire her nerve. she is a great friend, mom, person, woman and all in general so that makes me proud. 
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what’s the song you sing along when you hear it?
ring ring.
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who is the last person you texted? and what as the text about?
it was my friend group, i send a bear emoji with a blinking heart. i can’t recall what was the conversation about, it just called for a cute bear emoji.
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how is your morning routine? 
i wake up, look into my phone for like fifteen minutes to an hour (there is no in-between), i go pee and take a shower, do my skincare, feed the cats, cook breakfast, eat breakfast, go jogging or hit the gym. now in quarantine i would do yoga at home, but since it’s better now i just go jogging again. and that takes about my whole morning.
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who was your first celebrity crush?
i think it was patrick swayze, but also harrison ford. 
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what’s on your mind like right now?
this. i mean? what else? i don’t know. 
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what do you spent way too much money on?
masterclass online classes! i find it so interesting even though i know i don’t have the vocation of being a professional in that area, i mean... it’s just so great. i started paying for gordon ramsey’s classes, because i love that man but now i think i’ve even seen natalie portamn, anna wintour and even usher’s classes. 
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what’s the most cringy worthy thing you’ve seen someone post on social media?
i’m not one to judge cause all i have are cats and food, and that’s the most cringy worthy you can ever get on social media but i hate when people do this long captions like, no one is gonna read it and they know it but they just do that too sound smart and meaningful. i mean there’s nothing you can really say that can’t be said in private, right? i don’t know.
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what was the last show you binge-watched?
finished you a few days ago, don’t know if it was worth it, but i did it anyways. there was stranger too, season two was very well done.
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what is your favorite item of clothing?
my favorite item of clothing? hm, i think is black high waist pants because one) it’s comfy. two) it’s cheap. 3) it goes with anything in your wardrobe. 4) and with any weather or mood.  
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what are you passionate about?
i think... i’m passionate about just living, i mean. focusing on the present feeling and go from there, you know?! no need to be anxious about things you can’t see, while being responsible about the things you do right now and just work with that, like, make your lemonades. 
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what’s the best part of your 20′s? what are you taking from this age?
hm. there is a lot of figuring out, from yourself and from others, nothing is certain and everything is fragile but also soothing and exciting. like there is many things i wanna do but also i don’t feel like doing, it’s a contradictory age that’s just hard to understand. i was not one to feel nostalgic or regret things, but as you get older you start to do that and you have to remind yourself that is a way to learn and be better. so for me, the best part is truly looking at yourself differently everyday, changing is inevitable so you have to keep remembering who you are and what you stand for in order to keep going. i hope that i am taking a better person from this. also make good friends, that’s probably the best advice and best part of your 20′s.
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who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
i don’t have many deep conversations, i am more the type that listens. but when i do it’s just thoughts, like now in this interview. so probably my last deep conversation is this, because you’re asking me things that are hard not to be deep about.
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best advice you received from someone.
advice’s can be fragile and change from time to time, so the only one i think is right is about being kind to others, that sounds basic but that’s because it’s suppose to be. 
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what’s the one food you can’t bring yourself to eat?
funny enough, i don’t like egg. like fried egg, i mean if it’s in the food and as an ingredient, i don’t really mind but as a meal itself... i don’t really like it. i don’t care for tofu either, i can eat it though.
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if you were in a band, what kind of music would you play?
i would go for r&b but it would become popular quick so i’d have to make it pop but with still a little r&b vibe, know what i mean? but i can’t really sing, or play any instrument.
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if it would have a movie about your life, what would be the title?
did you listen to folklore, the taylor swift album? i came across mad woman, and i really like that song, i think something like that... it doesn’t need to be something big and meaningful, just moon nayoung it’s fine. but i don’t want a movie about my life, there is many other important stories to tell.
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do you believe in astrology? 
i don’t really have an opinion. i’m a sagittarius, who are suppose to be really free spirits, curious and idealistic, which i don’t know if it’s me or not. so i think is funny but i don’t really care.
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do you consider yourself romantic? what’s the most romantic gesture you have done?
me? i don’t know. i don’t think i do things in name of romance, i do them because i want to. that sounds sooo bitter, but i swear it’s not! i may be a romantic though, but i am not hopeless, at least not anymore. cooking for your partner counts as big romantic gesture? cause i’ve done that a lot.
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what was your favorite book as a child?
peter pan and little women. i probably didn’t wanna grew up, right?!
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do you prefer baths or showers?
i like both, but i prefer showers because it takes less time and it’s more practical. cold showers in the summer all the way.
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tell something you learn that you wish more people would too.
pay your bills before due date, mark them on your calendar or something and try to pay them before it’s due. even if it leave you broke for a few days, if you take your time it will only make you more lazy and it will become a habit. 
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now leave us with a secret that no one knows about you.
there is not much people don’t know about me anymore and if there is, that’s the reason why it’s a secret, am i right? but maybe i call tell you that i already cheated on a text or something, cause that’s all i have for you. sorry.
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my-emotional-self · 7 years
Let Me Protect You Part 2/Chapter 1 (Chris x OFC Emilia)
Pairings: Chris Evans x OFC Emilia
Word Count: 1,897
Warnings: Swearing, Mild Angst, Fluff, Kink Talk
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Now that Chris and Emilia have established their relationship, she moves into his house after her brother decides to live in New York. Emilia is in bliss, thinking maybe her life will finally be at peace.  But are things always that easy in Emilia’s life?
This was all a dream…right? You kept pinching yourself throughout the day as you packed up your small guest house into boxes, getting ready to move into Chris’ house.  It had been two weeks since you returned from spending Christmas in Boston with Chris and his family.  Two weeks since Eric told you he was selling his house and moving to New York to follow Frank while he started his new Netflix show.  
You were happy for him, you really were.  He wanted to get out of your small town in Minnesota and he was doing that, and so much more.  Smiling to yourself, you thought of memories of you and Eric growing up.  He was honestly the best brother you could have ever imagined and you would miss him terribly.  He was like an anchor to you, kept you steady, and now Chris would have to be your full anchor; but hell, he was already doing that for you.  He kept you centered, anchored to the floor, just what you needed, and now you were going to live with him permanently.  Life had definitely been a hell of a ride so far; but you wouldn’t be the person you were today without going through struggles.
“Any more boxes you need me to put in your Jeep Em” Eric questioned as he walked through your front door.  “Yeah, I got two more boxes in the bedroom and one in the bathroom” you yelled out from your closet.  Most of your stuff was already at Chris’, as you had packed the non-essentials and had moving them slowly in over the last two weeks.  All that was really left was your clothing, bathroom necessities, and kitchen stuff.  You had decided to sell all your furniture except your bed.  You didn’t need another couch, kitchen table and coffee table. Chris had all of that; but you wouldn’t part with your bed.  That was your one condition you told Chris; your bed comes with.  Chris’ bed was way bigger and more comfy than yours, so your bed would be put in one of the guestrooms.  
You packed the last of your clothing from the closet and sealed up the box as you walked to your Jeep with it.  Eric was there, playing tetris with all the boxes and fitting them in perfectly.  As you gave him the last box, you turned around and took one last look at the house; the sold sign standing proud in the front yard.  You’ve had a lot of great memories over the past few months living here with your brother, and it broke you heart for it to all end.  Tomorrow, Eric would be getting on a plane to New York; leaving you behind as he started the next chapter of his career.  
“Well, that’s the last of it” Eric broke you from your thoughts as you turned around to face him. Your body started shaking as you started sobbing.  “C’mere” Eric pulled you into his arms as your hands went to his back, holding on for dear life.  “It’ll be okay Em.  I’m only a phone call away, and I’ll be back every month or two for meetings.  Chris will take good care of you” he said in a soothing tone as your tears wet his shirt.  “I-I know…but it still hu-hurts knowing you wo-won’t be here all the ti-time” you hiccupped out as your grip on his back lessened.  Eric pulled away from you as he took in your appearance, giving you a slight smile.  “A phone call away Em” he stated again as you nodded your head, wiping away your tears. “Okay” you mumbled out, “have a safe flight.”  With one more bear hug from Eric, you got in your car and headed to your new house.
It was a short drive, mainly back roads from Eric’s house to Chris’ which made it easier on your emotional self.  Your medications kept your emotions mainly in check; controlling the outbursts of anger you would get.  But all that was thrown out the window right now.  This hurt even more than when he left you in Minnesota for some reason; and you didn’t have anyone to really rely on back then except for Charlie. Shuddering at the thought of Charlie, you pulled into Chris’, well, your driveway now, and turned your car off.  
You raise your right and stare at the ring on your middle finger; the promise ring Chris gave you for Christmas, your lip curling up into a smile.  The sound of Dodger barking happily makes you look up to see Chris and Dodger heading towards you.  
“Why hello beautiful. Welcome home” Chris says; a huge grin plastering his face as he opens your car door.  Just the sight of this beautiful man, the man you call yours, the man you love, makes your heart flutter and your sadness lifts instantly. You jump out of the car and into his arms, legs wrapping around his waist as he holds you up.  “I love you” you whisper out as you start peppering kisses on his neck.  His chuckle is instantaneous, “I love you too Ems.”  His nose in buried in your hair as you hear him inhaling your scent, memorizing you once again.  “Lets get the rest of your things inside and unpacked, then we can order in some dinner” Chris said and you were all smiles as you pulled away; looking into his gorgeous blue eyes.  “Sounds perfect” you replied, moving in to capture his lips with yours.  
A few hours later, you were unpacking the last of your clothes in the closet as Chris called for you, letting you know dinner had arrived.  Your stomach grumbled at the thought of food as you hadn’t eaten all day. Chris said he would be ordering from one of his favorite pasta restaurants and you couldn’t wait; pasta after a long hard day sounded wonderful.
You raced down the stairs, making Dodger all hyper at your actions, jumping around at your feet. You let out a giggle as you kneeled down and scratched behind his ear; his tail wagging happily.  “You are so damn cute Dodger” you said giving him a kiss on his nose.  You noticed Chris had everything plated and ready to go.  “I’m so hungry!!!!” you exclaimed as you sat down at the table across from Chris.  As your eyes roamed the table, taking in all the pasta and breadsticks, you felt like you were being watched.  Knowing who the culprit was, you raised your eyes and were met with the loving eyes of your boyfriend, a sly smile on his face.  “What?” you asked nervously as you crinkled your eyebrows together.  Letting out a slight chuckle, Chris reached to the floor to pick up a bag, and placed it right in front of you.  You looked from the bag, to Chris, back and forth a few times before speaking up.  “Aaaaand what’s this?”  Chris shrugged at you, “why don’t you open it and see?” he said.  Grabbing the bag hesitantly, you peaked inside, not knowing if something was going to pop out and scare you.  There wasn’t a card or anything of that like, so you took out the tissue paper one by one.  At the bottom, there was something wrapped in more tissue paper.  As you took it out and unraveled it, your heart burst in your chest at the loving gesture of Chris’ gift.  It was your favorite picture of the two of you and Dodger at the beach in a beautiful picture frame.  The same picture that Charlie broke when he assaulted you not too long ago. A single tear of happiness fell down your cheek as you looked up to Chris.  “Think of it as a house warming gift, from Dodger and I” Chris stated softly. You sprang off your chair and onto Chris’ lap; your arms wrapping tightly around his neck.  “It’s perfect.  Thank you Chris” you expressed quietly.  
The two of you sat there in each-other’s arms for quite some time, before realizing you guys had a table of food to eat.  The food was amazing and your stomach was very happy with you.  As you finished your first glass of wine, you got a bit more comfortable in your state as you wanted to ask Chris some questions.  
“I umm” you cleared your throat before beginning again, “I ahh, wanted to ask you a question” you croaked out shyly.  “I’m all ears beautiful” Chris answered you as he reached for his own glass of wine. Letting out a deep breath, you went for it, “what are some of your kinks?” you questioned as you felt the heat rise to your face.  It always felt weird to you, talking about things sexually because you just weren’t used to it.  Your sex life with Chris was amazing, but you wanted to know more about what he liked, to spice it up even more.  Chris set down his wine glass as he folded his hands in front of him, a smirk on his face; his eyes becoming mischievous.  “Well, you know I’m an ass man” he stated matter-of-fact and all you could do was nod.  You had never had anal sex and you figured Chris liked that; hell, almost every guy liked that.  “I find lingerie a huge turn on.  I love to spank in bed.  Biting and scratching, as long as it can be hidden by clothes.  I’ve never cared for role playing” he finished.  
It felt like your face was pulsating from heat, a mixture of being nervous and embarrassed by this conversation, and from the wine.  “What about you Ems?” he asked, making you look up to meet his eyes.  “I’ve never done anal before and it makes me really nervous” you quipped shyly, afraid he would be mad or disappointed in you. “Baby, I would never in a million years push you to do something you don’t want to do” he said as he got up from his spot to kneel before you; his hands resting on your thighs.  “Now why don’t you tell me your kinks” he said huskily before giving you sultry kisses on your neck.   “Umm, well, I don’t have a lot of experience with kinks in the bedroom, but there is stuff I’ve wanted to try” you started to say, but his kisses were soon becoming distracting.  Your hands went to his hair, gripping tight as you pulled his head away from your neck. “You’re distracting me” you declared with a smirk.
He planted a quick kiss to your lips before jogging back to his chair.  He sat down, elbows on the table as he placed his head in his hands; eyes glued to you waiting for you to continue.  “Like I said, I’ve haven’t got much experience.  But there are things I wouldn’t mind trying.  Spanking being one of them.  I’ve also always wanted someone to dominate me in bed; maybe some hair pulling, dirty talk, that kind of thing” you explained as you felt yourself getting wet just thinking about things.  You imagined Chris dominating you in bed and it was the biggest turn on ever.  “I guess we will just have to try some things out now won’t we” he said giving you a wink.  “Shit” your mind howled out, “you are so done for.”      
Tag List: @iamwarrenspeace @ssweet-empowerment @always-an-evans-addict @patzammit @tacohead13 @littlemissacorn @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @potterhead1265 @miss-cap21 @valentinesbird
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 8: The Time Jungkook Nearly Killed The Tutor With His Cooking
Recommended Song: Eat by Zion.T
|All Chapters|
You arrive in Korea where surprises await you.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 2887
Length: 8/?
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You arrived at Incheon airport relatively jet lagged after what was nearly an 11-hour flight. You tiredly ran a hand through your hair while you waited at the luggage carousel for your suitcase. After a few that looked a bit like yours but didn't have your red ribbon tied to them went past, you finally spotted your own and grabbed it. You didn't know if Jungkook had arranged transport for you so you ideally stood and wondered if you should get a taxi to Seoul. Passengers swarmed around where you stood to the side waiting, either wheeling their suitcases towards the exit or greeting those who waited for them.
Taking out your phone, you noticed you hadn't taken it off flight mode; notifications flooded your phone as you turned it off, mainly SNS, until it buzzed with a Kakao message: 'Someone should be waiting with a sign with your name on. See you soon :)' Your eyes scanned the people waiting outside the arrivals, looking for your name. Then you spotted it. Not that you could miss it, the sign was HUGE. 'Y/N-NOONA' was being held up by a person dressed in all black. Black beanie, sunglasses, mask, t-shirt, leather jacket, skinny jeans and Doc Marten's. You recognised that ensemble.
It was Jungkook.
A huge smile broke across your face as you ran towards him. Spotting you, he lowered the sign to let it hang by his side as he waved enthusiastically with his free hand. You slowed a few steps from him; the urge to run up and hug him was there but you didn't quite know if your friendship leant to that yet. Jungkook, however, held no reservations and dropped the sign to catch your hands, tugging you towards him.
"Surprise Noona, did you know it me?" His voice came out hushed, not wanting to risk the people around the two of recognising his voice.
"Ye. You wore a similar outfit on 1st December 2016."
He leant back to look at you, you could barely make out his facial expression. His eyebrows were furrowed.
"Noona remember weird things."
You shrugged, causing your backpack to slip off the one shoulder it was slung up on and fall into the crook of your elbow.
"Oh," He took a step back and grabbed your suitcase. "Let me help."
You tried to protest but he shook his head and after raising the handle to its full height, gestured for you to follow him.
"You my guest." He said, voice muffled by the mask he wore. "You no worry about things, Jungkookie take care."
Your cheeks flushed causing you to look down so he wouldn't notice. Why did he have to have this effect on you? You mentally cursed him for being your bias.
"Noona had nice flight?"
"Eung (Yeah). The food was nice and the seats were really comfy."
"I have another surprise for Noona at dorm. Tae-hyung waiting to see you too."
Upon reaching the automatic doors, you were greeted by a man who introduced himself as Hobeom, one of Bangtan's managers. The baseball cap he wore obscured his eyes, yet he offered you a warm smile and took your case from Jungkook. The two guided you away from the exit and towards the pick-up point where you stopped in front of a black SUV, tinted windows and all.
"And here I thought you might be putting your driving licence to use."
He lowered his mask and took off his sunglasses now that you were out of the crowded airport.
"Came straight from studio. It 46-mile drive back to Seoul so want to be lazy."
Your eyebrows shot up into your hairline when he said that. But then you had a small idea.
"Could I... maybe... nap... during the journey?"
"If Noona want too."
"I fell asleep a little on the plane but I'm still-" A yawn broke your speech and you hastily turned away as you stifled it into the sleeve of your hoodie. "-tired."
He chuckled lightly.
"You sleep, I'll wake you when we in Seoul."
You nodded, balling up your hood to create a makeshift pillow at the base of your neck. The car jerked into action and soon you were on your way in the otherwise quiet car apart from Jungkook's low humming to the radio. His low humming helped you to drift off to sleep. Just before you fully fell into dreamland you felt a gentle pressure push you to rest your head on a warm surface.
"Sleep well Noona"
The light shaking of your shoulder stirred you from your slumber. Wiping the sleep from your eyes you opened them to find Jungkook gazing down at you, the crease between his brows smoothing as you came around.
"We're here." He said softly, shifting to reach between you to undo your seat belt.
A little delirious from sleep, you let him help you down from the car out his door as it was on the pavement side.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Ye, you're warm."
He quickly pulled his mask back up and looked away from you, obviously embarrassed for some reason. He scratched the back of neck then handed.
"Your stuff stay in car for when you go to hotel."
"Okay." You replied.
Jungkook then turned to Hobeom discussing something quickly; you managed to pick out a few words and assumed they were discussing when to pick you back up. The manager said something which Jungkook dismissed with a wave of his hand.
"Is everything okay?" You wonder causing him to look back at you.
"I'll drive you to hotel later, so Hobeom-Hyung go home. That good?"
"Ok!" He says with a bright smile, "This way, Noona."
He grabbed hold of your wrist and practically dragged you to the dorm.
He opened the unlocked door with a shout of "Tae-hyung! Y/N-i wass-eo! (Y/N is here!)"
Suddenly the sound of running echoed through the door until a blur of tan and bright coloured clothes collided with you. The impact caused you to grunt and then Taehyung was pulling back to give you his box grin.
"Noreul Y/N? (You're Y/N?)"
"Ye. Annyeonghaseyo Taehyung-ssi."
"Hyung," Jungkook said as he dropped a pair of slippers in front of your feet.
Taehyung turned to him with bright eyes, he was, even more, smiley than you remembered from the fan meeting.
"Is it ready?"
You look up from your feet having shuffled into your slippers.
"Is what ready?"
Taehyung giggles, hands flying up to his mouth as he twists on the spot and takes off through a door across the room. Jungkook started to follow Taehyung but then paused and turned to you.
"Oh! Noona! Cover eyes!"
He jogged around to come up behind you and place his hands over your eyes and led you from behind. You bit your lip in an attempt to repress a squeal; Jungkook's body heat seeping through your clothing as he carefully nudged you aside. Your leg bumped into something and you blindly reached for it, holding onto the wood with your left hand to steady yourself.
"Hana, dul, set-"
Your eyes were uncovered and landed on Taehyung opposite before dropping to the table.
"Ta da!"
Your eyes grew to the size of the dishes in front of you. Had they prepared a fucking feast for you? There was rice, seaweed, breaded cod fillets, spinach, potatoes in soy sauce, green onion pancake, kimbap, and kimchi.
"You cooked all of this?"
"Tae cooked most because I pick you up from airport. I made kimchi."
"Surprise!" Taehyung sang, raising his hands to wriggle his fingers in jazz-hands fashion.
Jungkook gestured for you to sit and rounded the table to take a seat next to Taehyung who poured you a glass of water from a jug.
"Kamsahamnida," You said, accepting the drink and took a small sip. "It all smells delicious!"
You were thankful that there were no meat dishes like pork, beef or chicken. Jungkook must have remembered your dislike of them. The first thing you tried was the cod. You made a small sound of approval then had a mouthful of rice. It was so fluffy. You set your eyes on the kimchi and became wary, knowing it to be a spicy dish. You took a small amount to try and promptly started choking with tears quickly forming in your eyes. Taehyung made a strangled noise, slapping Jungkook who was already out of his seat and making his way to you.
"Oh my god," He mumbled, hand hovering over your back before throwing caution to the wind and tapping you lightly. "Are you okay?"
A series of coughs overtook your body as you began to cry.
"Too spicy... need milk..."
"Mok? You need drink? Water water!"
You coughed some more, "Milk!"
At that point, tears were running down your face and you felt like your throat was on fire. Jungkook quickly made his way to the fridge looking for the dairy product you had requested. He made a dismayed noise.
"Only yoghurt."
Taehyung was bent over double laughing his arse off. You beckoned him over, snatching the little bottle out of his hand and ripping the foil top off in desperation. To hell with it, you chugged the drink stopping once to wince at the odd combination of flavours. Note to self: never, ever add strawberries to Kimchi- not that anyone in their right mind would do such a thing in the first place. If it weren't for the fact that you were focused on drinking the yoghurt you would have uttered every swear under the sun. You glared at him over the rim then finished the yoghurt.
"Fuck Kook, who taught you about spice ratios?"
"Eomma and Jin."
There was a brief awkward moment between you two.
"Next time not so much gochutgaru (Chilli flakes). Also, buy some actual milk."
He nodded once, "Yes, Noona."
And picked up the empty bottle, taking it to the trash before returning to the table. Taehyung, having gained some sense of composure, reached for the kimchi dish and pulled towards their side of the table.
"I buy milk on way back from hotel," Jungkook said.
You offered him a thankful smile and resumed eating your rice, taking sips of water every now and again when you felt a tingle on your tongue.
"Good because I swear to god I saw the light for a second."
Taehyung said something and you looked to Jungkook for a translation.
"He said that Jin-hyung said it not good kimchi if you no see light."
You had to laugh at that which had him smiling. You tried the other dishes and were happy they all tasted rather good eliciting sounds of happiness from you. Jungkook grabbed a pair of chopsticks and joined you.
"Eat well." He chirped, tucking into the kimchi hungrily now that you had no desire to do so.
Taehyung too eyed the dish, and during a moment where Jungkook had paused to answer you, he attacked, snatching the mouthful of cabbage from between the younger's chopsticks.
"Yah!" Jungkook cried, diverting his attention from you to raise a threatening fist at the giggling boy. "Jeobsiga gadeug chass-eul ttae wae nae eumsig-eul gajyeo gani? (Why take my food when there is a plate full?) Juggo sip-eo? (Do you want to die?)"
Taehyung's box grin returned, "Eumsigmul-eul dodugjilhamyeon eumsig mas-i joh-a jibnida (Stealing food improves the taste of food)."
"Neoreul silh-eohae (Hate you)."
Looking between the two, who had moved on to picking at each other's bowls of rice, you thought back to all those times you had imagined what it would be like to spend time with Jungkook, as well as the members, in the dorm. Chewing on a piece of cod, you looked around the room. It was anything but minimalistic, each of the members' personalities injected into every inch of the room through books and photos in frames, to sticky notes on the fridge door.
"Ah! Noona, other members be back from studio at 3 afternoon. Wanna play video games?"
You looked back to the food in front of you, realising most of it was gone then look back to Jungkook who had just stuffed his mouth full of food so his cheeks puffed out. Cute.
He swallowed, an arm extending as he punched the air.
"We play Overwatch?"
"You'll have to go easy on me."
Taehyung shook his head as he stood and took his dishes over to the dishwasher.
"Jungkookie very good. He go no easy."
The said gamer smirked at you, "Hongbin-sunbae can't beat me."
"Teach me how to play Kookie."
A few minutes later, with the table cleared, you're pulled out of the room and into another by Jungkook. He let's go of your wrist expecting you to follow him to his desk, but you're frozen. You stand in the doorway, eyes roaming the walls and floor. Fuck. You were in Jungkook's bedroom. As you stood there you wondered how many people would kill to be in your position but you quickly stopped that thought once you realised that you would be the one they want to kill. You felt a little shove behind you, Taehyung was trying to usher you into Jungkook's room.
"Go on. No shy."
The creaking of a chair alerted you of Jungkook having spun around to wonder what you were doing. He beckoned you over and pat the seat of the chair next to him. Taehyung gave you another nudge and you relented, shuffling over and taking a seat. Concern flit across Jungkook's gaze so you reassured him with a smile and spun to face his computer. The first thing that caught your eye was a folder on his desktop that said 'Noona Memes' (누나 밈) which caused a confused look to appear on your face. You snatched the mouse from him and double clicked.
You silently thanked your lucky stars Jungkook's used a wireless mouse when you were able to whip it out of his reach, hiding it behind your back- no need to use it when the folder was open and...
"Holy shit."
Giggles from Taehyung could be heard behind you, however, you were too focused on the screen to take notice.
"Noona~" Jungkook whined, pushing your chair away with his foot so he could stand between you and the screen.
The sight before your eyes were multiple screenshots from your skype sessions, all photoshopped to be a meme in some way. Some had text made up of broken English while others were in Korean. Some even had your face photoshopped on to existing memes. You focused back on Jungkook and pointed at the screen.
"Uhhh..." He drawled, eyes wide and darting from you to the pictures. "I don't have-" He swallowed, thinking of the word. "-explanation."
"Sit down."
He did so wordlessly.
Taehyung came up behind you.
You placed the mouse back on the desk and clicked on one of the pictures. It was a perfectly timed screenshot of you missing your chair. From the outfit, it looked to be from the day he was shirtless. The text edited onto the image was in English and read as 'Noona try be graceful. Noona fail.'
"Why are you making memes out of me?" You said, turning to him in disbelief.
"Army makes memes of me." He said with a shrug.
You clicked the next arrow: a picture of you sinking low in your chair, which probably wouldn't have been bad if the angle wasn't awful making it seem like you had no neck. Jungkook recognised this as the text read 'worm' in Korean.
"That's it, your lessons will now be done without the video feature."
"No Noona! Aniya~"
"You shouldn't have compared me to a worm."
"I'm sorry!"
He took hold of your hand causing you to flinch slightly in surprise. He let go as if you scorched him, assuming you did it out of being uncomfortable.
"Don't be mad!" He pushed out his bottom lip, eyes wide and pleading. "Please!"
"Pabo maknae"
You couldn't help but ruffle his hair to show you weren't really that mad. You just had to get revenge. So, then you had 2 revenge schemes in the works.
"So, Overwatch. Teach me how to play."
He eyed you carefully, uncertain as to whether you were pulling one over him. You offered him the mouse which he accepted and wiggled to wake up the screen. Hastily closing the folder, he booted up the game. Taehyung clapped excitedly behind him.
"Jungkook-ah teached me."
"You know how to play. Noona need learn now."
You had the sinking feeling you would regret asking to play Overwatch. An hour past and to say you sucked (even for a newbie) would be an understatement. Taehyung laughed at your every death while Jungkook looked like he had started doing breathing exercises to keep calm.
"Yah!" He yelled, player swinging around in a circle while shooting at an enemy hanging upside down from a railing. "Up! Up!"
"I can't I'm dead!"
The chair creaked as you sat back in defeat and sighed. Jungkook soon joined after dying.
"You," He reached to prod your side, "Are bad."
"I'm not bad. I'm shit."
A/N: Co-written with @tragicshadows  
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foslad · 7 years
Almost Too Good (A Chris Evans Story): Part 15 - 1/2
A/N: Not quite the Monday I promised, but it’s better than four months later, right!? ANYHOO, enjoy this two-parter you lovely diamonds!
LA was not a place I could ever consider home. Under any circumstances.
Sure it was a nice place to visit, spend some time with people you’ve come to know over the years, visit the attractions, etc. But to live? Hell no.
As I finally got round to unpacking the last of the clothes I had brought with me, I did my best to try and think of the positives around me.
Credit where it’s due, my rented apartment was very nice. Small, but it had a comfy living room/kitchen/dining space that was full of warm tones and the bedroom had everything I needed, even an en-suite.
I liked that it had a breakfast bar and that if I had people over, I could talk to them from the kitchen. The only down side to that of course is that the only ‘people’ to have actually visited so far have just been a solo Amy…
Even then it was because she’d rented the apartment a couple of floors below me to stay close in case I needed anything.
I took my eyes off of the clothing in front of me and gazed out of the window.
The one thing that did make up for it all however, was the view.
At night, my favorite thing to do was go out onto the tiny balcony that was home to two steel chairs with cushions laced onto them and watch as the view sparkled and stayed alive no matter what time it was. The lights reminded me of NYC and in its own little way, they made this place feel a little more welcoming. I’d sit out there most nights and just reflect on the past few weeks.
My time with my sister Gracey had been interesting, to say the least. What is it about siblings and the insistent need to butt into every aspect of your life, no matter what age you are?
Each night I was there, I found myself planted at her dining room table with a glass of something strong in front of me as she and her fiancé Oscar rallied off a list of people that they knew who “would be so perfect” for me. And whilst I could understand that they only wanted to help and see me get back onto the dating wagon after so long, all I really wanted to do was hop back on the plane that brought me there in the first place and go home and barricade myself in a blanket fort and not think about men or dating ever again.
Even now, having been in LA for a couple of weeks, I was still finding it hard to adjust. Maybe if I knew more people it’d help. What’s worse was that I didn’t even have my one visitor Amy at the moment after she flew home with my blessing for a couple of weeks to help nurse her boyfriend Corey, who’d broken both his arms after getting hit by a car late last week, back to health. The whole thing had been very traumatic and had really shaken Amy; to the point where I could tell her priorities in life had shifted, drastically.
Having said that, whilst I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, it did mean I was pretty much out here by myself. It wasn’t necessarily the idea that I was missing her as my assistant, but I never realized how much I valued her company until it wasn’t around.
I mean, I knew some people out here, mainly old co-stars and such, but I’d feel so uncomfortable reaching out; like “Hey long time no speak, just checking in to let you know that I’m now in LA and I’m lonely and desperate for friends. K. Call me back. Byyyeeeee.” or something.
I shivered at the thought. No.
Come on, less negativity and more clothes folding positivity Adrian.
At least work was going well! That, I had to admit, I was pleased about. Every day when I’d arrive on set, I felt like pinching myself.
Ben Affleck.
What a dream…
He made it seem like directing and starring in your own movie was a walk in the park and transitioned between the two parts flawlessly during and after each take. With every day that passed, I gained more and more confidence under his direction and I was proud of the little improvements I’d made in such little time already.
This role was unlike anything I’d ever done before. For a while now, I had been so ready to break free of the romantic/teen/rom-com typecasting I’d fallen into in my younger years and transition into more gritty roles that really challenged me. Midsummer was a good start, but The Eyes of Nobody was exactly what I needed to prove that I could actually act beyond a few pouts here and there.
Pulling my sweater up onto my shoulder after it had fallen down for what felt like the millionth time today, I looked away from the pile of clothes in front of me and saw that it was starting to get dark out. I decided to do my nightly ritual of closing all of my blinds before making myself a cup of green tea. (I had made a conscious effort to give up coffee in order to help my sleeping pattern and I was damn well going to stick to it).
Going around, one by one, I began to close the world off from my little hideaway, making sure to leave the one in my bedroom for last.
As I made my way past the double bed and towards the far corner, I mentally prepared myself for the image that should’ve probably sunk in by now, but hadn’t.
I slowly reached the destination of the window ledge and despite curling my fingers around the pull string, I paused. Like always.
In some cruel twist of fate, each morning and night, I was greeted by a pair of glittering blue eyes from the billboard across the street. The face was bathed in a warm spring glow as a pair of very familiar hands draped themselves around his chiseled features.
Gucci Guilty – Pour Homme
The New Fragrance for Him
Rolling my eyes, I let out a sigh as I let blackness slide his face out of my view. Goodnight Chris. See you in the morning “bud”.
Our promise to stay friends had equated to pretty much radio silence.
In fact, I’d spoken more to his brother than I had to him.
I’d exchanged a few texts here and there with Scott after he had acquired my number from Chris to apologize for having called me so late that one night and how all he wanted to do, after Chris eventually told him we’d actually cooled things, was build a wall of shame around himself to ‘contain how extra I am sometimes’. Although it wasn’t long before we were making political jokes about the actual image of that and how people would be coming to him for wall building advice because of how extra they were…
Other than that, however, not a thing with the other Evans brother.
Except, of course, our nightly stare down. And that was how it was to remain I guess.
‘Hey Adrian, can I get a sec?’
I inwardly wept as Marco, the production assistant on set, caught me just as I was about to dive into a delicious bowl of hot vegetable soup I’d acquired from the craft table. ‘Ben wants to see you in his trailer.'
After a quick and insincere “no problem”, a sloooooow placement of the soup back down onto the table, a fond look of regret as I walked away, I eventually set off towards the boss’ gaff that resided on the other side of the set that had been built for the day.
I was pleased with the working relationship I had gained with Ben over the past few weeks and so my mind couldn’t help but wander to the task at hand and what this could possibly mean. Was I in trouble? Why in his trailer? We’d been very open with each other up until now and I just prayed I hadn’t done anything to screw this opportunity up.
I wringed my hands together and pressed the creases in my outfit down as the silver of his trailer came into my peripheral. I strode up to it and, taking a deep breath, I knocked in a rhythmic pattern until a quiet ‘come in’ reached my ears.
‘I’m just gonna get right to it, because I’m not one to beat around the bush.’ His strong Boston accent resonated around the trailer as he clasped his hands together onto the desk and leaned forward to look at me properly. His stance was doing nothing to subside my worries and I could feel the tension starting to build in my stomach.
‘You’ve really impressed me Adrian.’ Okay, good start… ‘I can see you’re a good actor. You’re versatile, you take feedback on board, your nice to cast and crew alike’ Mhmm… ‘I like you a lot.’ He finished off.
Despite the slew of compliments, I could tell he wasn’t saying them just for the sake of it.
‘So, having said that… I have a proposition for you.’ He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms over, studying me closely. ‘After this project is done, I’m directing and starring in a movie that is part of a series of movies..’
Without missing a beat, I knew exactly what this mysterious series was. The new Batman and Justice League movies, of course! I had been one of the few to actually really enjoy the last Batman v Superman movie. I had gone to see it with my brothers and their children and it hurt to recall that it had probably been the last time I’d properly spent time with any of them.
Through the silence, he retained eye contact for a moment before he reached down into his desk drawer and pulled out a small stack of white documents. I watched as he carefully unraveled the binding that held them together and as he slid one of them across the desk towards me, the blinding red “CONFIDENTIAL” took my attention. Wait… He wasn’t…
I was frozen on the spot. He isn’t seriously….
‘To cut to the chase - I want to put your name forward for this role.’
He is. Holy shit, he is.
‘Let me just preface, before we get too excited, if you decide to accept my offer, it’s just talks. You’ll still have to audition and test, which can be a hefty process Adrian, I’m not gonna lie and even then, there is zero guarantee you’ll actually get the part. I don’t have much say in this, I’m just the “messenger”, if you will.’
I could feel my head nodding but it wasn’t necessarily corresponding with what was going on inside my brain. I literally couldn’t corroborate my thoughts down to one emotion. Not being able to differentiate between excitement, fear and sheer perplexity, was quickly becoming my biggest battle.
‘I know this is a pretty big deal and I’m well aware you haven’t done any franchise work before, so why don’t you take this,’ he picked up the CONFIDENTIAL document and physically handed it to my slightly shaking hands, ‘have a read over lunch, show NO ONE, and let me know what you think.’
Even now as I sat in my trailer, I felt as though I didn’t have the strength to even pick up the paper.
Shayera Hol/Hawkgirl
As I gazed at the name, a warming sensation washed over me and I was instantly transported back to my younger years, sitting in the kitchen at the breakfast bar. There was a cartoon adaptation of Justice League on at the time and despite most of them being a little too old for it, my siblings and I would sit and watch it on the tiny TV we had on the wall whilst we got ready for school.
And Hawkgirl had been my favorite..
I didn’t even know where to begin in terms of processing what the hell just happened. I felt like I needed to talk to someone about this. To hear my own voice blurt it out as a means of verification this was not a dream!?
Different names swirled in my head but none seemed like the right person to call. Amy was busy with Corey no doubt, Magda would read me the riot act on how if I passed this up, I may as well die, Mom and Dad would be clueless….  None of them felt like the right person to call…
Against my better judgement, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and drew up a now dormant number.
A: This is so random, I know, but are you busy right now? No worries if you are, but I could really do with some honest advice x
Tapping my phone against my chin, I was thankful that I didn’t have to wait long for a response.
-Of course! Did you wanna call me?
A: I have 35 minutes, now a good time?
-Fire away.
It took me a few seconds to finally build up the courage to actually press the call button, but the loud, ticking, clock in my trailer told me that I was just wasting time.
‘Well this is a nice surprise…’ He mused upon answering.
I gave a little nervous laugh before emitting the most awkward ‘Heeey’ imaginable.
‘Your advice guru awaits..’ He joked. ‘What’s up sport?’
‘Okay, I don’t have very long but I just really feel like I need to talk to someone about this before I give Ben an answer.’ I let out in one breath, my jitters plain to see (or hear in this case).
‘An answer to what?’
I took one more deep breath, trying, and failing, to calm myself down from the building anxiety in my stomach.
‘Do you ever have those days where you’re just sat there, minding your own business, so excited to eat some soup and then all of a sudden your boss intervenes by throwing you a curve ball and asking to put your name forward as a candidate to be a part of his franchise film series!?’
‘Ben!?’ He asked, surprised. ‘We talking DC here?’
‘He’s given me a tiny sliver of the Justice League script that focuses on Hawkgirl…’
‘Fuck me! Adrian that’s huge!’ To his credit, he sounded genuinely delighted.
‘I know it is! It’s SO big and I’m so… little. I don’t know if I can do this!’ I put my hand up to my forehead to somehow stabilize myself.
‘Of course you can! Adrian this is a huge opportunity for you, think what it could do for your career!’
‘If I wanted that answer, I would’ve called my agent.’ I deadpanned.
He gave a low laugh. ‘Fair enough. Point taken. Lay it on me, what do you want to know?’
My voice grew shy. ‘I’m so aware that this is a huge opportunity, I’m too aware. I have never even been in the stratosphere of a franchise before, never mind potentially be in one!? It seems so absurd and, beyond me!? I mean, think about it! I’m freaking out over a part I’m never going to get but even the thought alone is overwhelming me.’
‘Trust me Adrian, there is no one that knows what you’re going through right now better than me. I turned down Cap THREE TIMES before I finally accepted it. Can you believe that?’
‘Did you really?’ I pulled my legs up onto the couch and leant my head back onto the top of the sofa as I listened to his soothing voice.
‘I didn’t want to do it. At all. It scared the shit out of me and it made me feel uncomfortable to even think about the scale of it all.’
‘Exactly!’ I knew Chris was the right person to call. ‘What made you change your mind?’
‘It’s been batted around so much that it’s probably the cliché of all cliché’s but that Babe Ruth quote? You know the one. “Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.” It reeeallly resonated with me. It took a while but in time, I learnt to feed and grow off of my fear of this… thing. It’s insane, and now I look back and I’m like “how much would I be kicking myself if I hadn’t taken this chance and this opportunity?” It still scares me, even to this day, but fear is good. Fear pushes you to do things that you don’t feel comfortable doing, and I’ll tell you; when you overcome that fear? It’s pure ecstasy.’
I smiled, absorbing every word as though it was the oxygen I breathed.
‘You never know unless you try, right?’ He rounded off, his voice sweet like honey.
‘Thank you. You have no idea what hearing you say that has done for me.’ His words had helped me in ways I didn’t even think were possible when I’d been landed with this bombshell not ten minutes ago.
‘Ah, no worries, sometimes you just need someone who’s “been there-done that” to offer some advice.’
‘Exactly.’ I smiled. ‘This was just what I needed.’
After thanking him again and bidding him goodbye, I pressed end call.
With my new found confidence, I picked up the papers and began to read.
‘Yeah? You happy for me to put your name forward?’
I nodded, still feeling slightly shaky but a little more at ease after having spoken to Chris.
‘Before we can go ahead with anything, I can’t stress enough how confidential this is. You can’t talk about this to anyone Adrian. Not your parent’s, not siblings, not friends, not boyfriends, no one! This is strictly on a need-to-know basis. Anyone on your team who needs to know will be informed but other than that, this stays a secret. Capeesh?’
‘Absolutely.’ I lied. Well, damn. I’ve already fucked up.
‘A’rite great. It’s corporate bullshit, but there will be a confidentiality agreement to sign at some point but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.’ He smiled wide at me. ‘Well, good luck champ.’ He took the script back and locked it away back into the drawer that it came from originally.
He then clapped his hands together loudly. ‘Now then, chit-chat-paddy-wack time is over, back to work!’ He joked as he stood up, readying himself to shoot some more takes.
I flopped down onto my couch that night, exhausted from the emotional scenes I’d just wrapped, and hovered over a number on my phone. Surely Amy was one of those ‘need-to-know’ people, right? She’d be the one getting me there…
After my daily routine of asking how Corey and she were doing, I decided to take a leaf out of Ben’s book and not beat around the bush.
‘So you’ll never guess what happened to me today.’ I purred.
‘You made a friend?’ She joked, her voice sounding like a Mom picking up their child from day-care.
‘No. I’m still very much aloooone.’ I joked. ‘BUT….’ I regaled to her my encounter with Ben, from the moment I laid eyes on the vegetable soup to the closing of the drawer at the end of it all; taking care to leave out one minor detail…
After calming down, she stated the obvious. ‘I’m surprised you didn’t freak out!?’
‘I did!’ I laughed. ‘Trust me, I DID!’
‘I’m surprised you didn’t call me then!’
My laugh turned nervous almost. ‘Ha, yeah, well, I didn’t want to disturb you. And then.. I kinda wanted the opinion of someone who’s “been there-done that”, you know?’
‘So you talked to Ben about it?’ She queried.
‘Noooo…’ I trailed off. I felt fidgety all of a sudden, the skin on my thumbs suddenly becoming fascinating to me. She remained silent, waiting for me to finish. ‘… I called Chris.’
Her eyebrow arched. I wasn’t even in the same room as her, I had no visual on her face. But I knew. The brow was arched.
‘Did you now?’
I nodded even though she couldn’t see it, finally tearing my eyes off of the pesky piece of skin on my thumb.
‘And what did he have to say?’ Her tone was sickly sweet, rife with intrigue.
‘He was actually really helpful. He talked to me about what it was like when he was debating accepting Captain America and stuff.’
Not wanting her to make a big deal out of it, I began to wrap it up after that. I’d had a long day and listening to Amy go on and on about a dead romance wasn’t on my list of priorities right now. Besides, I had one more phone call to make…
As the dial tone began to resonate, I thought about what I was doing.
Why was I calling him? I could’ve easily just texted him to say “hey don’t tell people.” Maybe I’m bothering him if I call?
‘Hello again.’ A cheery voice greeted, breaking my train of thought.
‘Hey! I was just thinking about how I probably could’ve just texted you instead. You’re probably busy enough without me annoying you.’ I began to ramble, nervous off the bat.
‘No, not at all. I’m glad you called. How did it go?’
‘Well, I’m in the running at the very least.’ I gushed, my mind still having not fully processed it all.
‘Adrian you have no idea what this will do for your confidence. Regardless of the outcome, you’ve taken a risk and you should be proud of yourself. Not to toot my own horn, but it’s pretty awesome to even be considered. It’s not like they just let anyone audition.’ He paused for a second. ‘That sounded so pretentious didn’t it?’
‘Maybe a liiittle, but I get you.’ I chuckled.
‘So how have you been besides?’
‘I’ve been good. Working hard I guess. It’s a little overwhelming trying to do this Gucci trail alongside the long shooting hours, but I’m hanging in there. What about you?’
I pulled a faux fur throw from the bottom of the sofa up and tucked myself into it and leant my head against the soft cushions. I noticed that this had happened earlier too. Just listening to his voice was so calming to me. It felt so natural to talk to him.
‘Pretty much the exact opposite. I’ve been doing… fuck all basically.’
I laughed lightly and I could hear him crack one too.
‘Do you miss working?’ I smiled, wanting to hear him talk for as long as possible.
‘God no! I don’t really miss anything about LA.’
I could feel my bubble burst a tad as I was brought back to reality. Back to the realization that I had been dumped weeks ago and that I was still lamely hanging on to nothing. Stop fooling yourself Adrian.
I coughed a little to clear my throat and my mind, willing it to just skip right to the point before I started to look like an idiot. ‘Anyways, I was just calling because what I confided to you earlier… well, turns out that kind of information is top secret and I prooobably shouldn’t have talked to you about it. So if you could just keep that between us and save me from my own stupidity that would be great.’
‘Eh, I know how these things work, I’m an old hand at it now.’ He relayed, his tone still light and friendly. ‘Don’t worry Warner, your secret’s safe with me.’
‘Cool, thank you.’ I debated saying my next words for a couple of seconds but I guess my heart won out overall. ‘Seriously Chris, thanks again for talking to me about all of this. I really, really appreciated it.’
‘Ahhh, it was nothing.’ He replied softly. ‘I’m glad good things are happening for you.’
I was about to open my mouth and start my goodbyes when he rushed a statement out so quick I only barely caught what he’d said.
‘So, I’m, uh, back in LA next week to do a podcast for a friend of mine. You wanna grab some dinner? Catch up?’
My eyes popped. My brain was screaming. My hands wanted to flail like a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man. YES I WANTED TO HAVE DINNER. YES I WANTED TO CATCH UP.
‘Sure, sounds good.’ I replied coolly.
‘A’rite, solid. Shall we say Thursday? After you get off work?’
‘Thursday it is.’
A/N: Continued in 2/2
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hisvault · 7 years
For my tenth anniversary the wife and I decided to go to Ireland.  This pleased me beyond belief.  I have been to some great places but for what ever reason never thought that I would find myself in Ireland.  Yet here we go.  We got some pretty good deals so far, the flight was booked round trip through Aer Lingus, and we got a small studio apartment using Home Away.  All in all we have only spent 2800 bucks so far and we took care of the two biggest items.  Are expectations are high, but our itinerary is low.  We are going to relax and take it all in.  The main goal is to go and enjoy the people, the pubs, and mainly the scenery.  We are only a few days away from setting off onto our journey, and I couldn’t be more excited.
Day #1 Pre Trip (Friday)
The pre-trip excitement and jitters have begun, more so for the wife then me.  She has made many statements that don’t seem all that logical or maybe I just don’t get it.  All of a sudden there is zero time, even though we leave on Sunday, and everything needs to be cleaned as if the damn Pope is coming over.  The biggest thing is that she wants to clean weird shit all of a sudden like “Do you think we should mop the ceiling”, or “Eww, HONEY WE SHOULD PROBABLY DUST THE INSIDE OF THE FRIDGE BEFORE WE LEAVE”, WTF.  I try to remind her that there will be no one here for a week, and trust me the cat doesn’t give a shit what the house looks like.  The other things that need to be accomplished fall in very different categories such as needing to get haircuts, shaving all of my body hair off, getting her toe nails done, shopping for more clothes, checking the weather in Ireland every 15 minutes, searching our closet for 30-60 minutes as if new clothes will magically appear each time we re-enter this den of outdated cloth.  While I begin to pack I will be reminded over and over again that I shouldn’t take that and pack this, and constantly asked will this fit in your bag.  Oh the joys of travel.
9:00 AM
Showers are complete, the wife and my oldest are headed to the mall soon to purchase a shit ton of items that will only be worn once.  They will eat a crazy good lunch, and I am sure that when she gets home she will only pack half the things she bought.  Me I am off to find barber to cut my hair, not just any barber though it has to be one the can cut my hair so it doesn’t burn my wife’s eyes when she gazes at me.  This has been an ongoing battle.  I usually don’t get to caught up in it, I pick the first place I see and get it cut.  I remind you that I have been overseas a lot and have had some wild people cut my hair.  My favorite was a gay Filipino with long nails that would sing Christina Aguilera’s “DIRTY” while cutting my hair, and this took place in Riyadh Saudi Arabia.  Yes a gay Filipino hair stylist in the middle of Saudi Arabia.  Dude was good though.
11:35 AM
Back from my hair cut.  The girls are still shopping.  I take this valuable time to wonder around the house and just think about all the things I should be doing.
12:55 PM
Fuck I got shit to do!
1:00 PM
Cold Beer?
1:05 PM
Well I guess I better Mop.
8:25 PM
The puppy has gotten a bath at PETCO, more laundry is in, and I believe the wife is a bottle deep on some white wine.  Me, well I have had a couple more summer ales.  Time to relax and enjoy the night.  I think I have been asked to vacuum the lawn tomorrow.
Day #2 Pre-Trip (Saturday)
8:30 AM
The wife is up and ready to leave so that she can get her hair done.  Most mornings it takes what feels like 47 and half hours for her to get ready in the morning.  Since she is trying a new hair dresser it took 20 minutes to get ready.  Where is this motivation every other day.  I have been told that her hair will take up to 3 hours.  Holy shit, 3 hours!  That’s insane.  For what ever reason the woman that is normally  the most impatience person I know, all of a sudden has the patience of  a Buddhist Monk.  Crazy,  is 0930 to early for a drink?
9:33 AM
So I didn’t grab a drink, but I did start the laundry.  I am beginning to feel like she has a master plan where I do all the cleaning while she runs around.
10:38 AM
I cut the grass one last time for this week.  Started some more laundry and now have become anxious about my pancreas.  Three weeks ago I had Pancreatitis which was by far the most painful thing I have ever felt.  It was like a tiny dwarf made of razor blades was doing laps in my stomach and back.  So fast forward I had three beers yesterday and now I think I have awaken the beast again.  Probably all in my head.
1:56 PM
I went and tried to pick up my dry cleaning and it wasn’t ready.  I hate when that happens.  I am going to start prepping a beef brisket for tomorrow, I just want it to marinate over night.  Going to jump up early to cook it.  The family requested it, and I shall deliver.  Although I wont be able to enjoy it to much because of the law fat anti pancreatitis diet I am on.  FUCK YOU PANCREAS.
5:00 PM
Bags are pretty much packed. The wife’s hair looks great, yet she still hasn’t noticed mine at all.  Off to pick up my dry cleaning again, it better be done.
5:15 PM
God dammit the place is closed.
6:00 PM
I am sitting on my couch my stomach continue to act funny, what the hell.
7:18 PM
We have successfully died Easter eggs.  This was the cleanest it has ever been, no dye anywhere.
Day #3 (Sunday Easter and the Day we travel)
3:00 AM
I wake to smoke the brisket, nothing like getting the smoker ready at 3am.  That smell is good at all hours of the day.  The best part was is that it was quiet, almost tranquil and bliss.  This is because everyone else was still asleep.
7:00 AM
My peace is broken by children searching for the for Easter baskets.  They look like junkies who were just given clues to where drugs may be stored.
8:30 AM
Final touch up cleaning and then it’s off to the outlaws, I mean in-laws. No really they are the greatest people ever.
12:30 PM
Kids are dropped off, we give a quick hello and goodbye all in one breath and it’s off to Ireland.
1:45 PM
We still had to drop the dog off.  At this point I am beginning to fade, 3am was a bit early.  Time to suck it up and head to the airport.
2:50 PM
Chickies and Petes for a beer and some grub, the pre flight meal.  This isn’t the Easter meal I was looking for but who cares I am heading to Ireland.  Side note I haven’t pooped in two days.  I know that this isn’t relevant but it’s frustrating and I had to get it out.
4:10 PM
Frontier Airlines just held a jelly bean contest, you know the one where you have to guess the amount of Jelly Beans in the jar.  Kinda weird, at least they didn’t beat anyone up, or hold a fight club for seat upgrades.
DUBLIN DAY 1 – Hell yeah.
7:15 AM Dublin is 5 hours ahead Thee Time Traveler is in the FUTURE.
I awake from my slumber, we are landing soon and I am juiced.  The wife not so much, she didn’t sleep well on the plane.
9:30 AM
Gary our driver has picked us at the airport, friendly gentleman and gives us a brief on the way over for some things to do today.  He pulls up in front of a boarded up  home and says “alright we are here”, Funny Gary, we    are actually staying a next door.  The place is small but comfy, and has everything we need for the week.  We just can’t seem to figure out the stupid outlet deal, so many prongs.
10:00 AM
We walk down to the grocery store and pick up eggs, tea, Doritos, and water.  You know the basics.
Times will be omitted from this point forward  (They begin to get a bit blurry)
We left the apartment to begin touring Dublin.  The weather was damp, which I am guessing this is what most days are like.  If you could imagine it’s kind of like a damp basement all over the place, a little wet, little cold, and pretty grey.  You wouldn’t be able to tell this from the people though because it’s like the sun is always shinning for them.
Our first stop would be a local pub called Kavanagh’s Pub just down the street from us.  The Bartender was an awesome women named Rose who was well traveled and offered a wealth of information for places for us to go and see.  The rest of the pub was filled with older men wearing scally caps or duckbill, drinking Guinness and reading the paper.  For the first pub to pick it was exactly what we thought it would be like.  Rose knew each person that came through the door.  We sat and chatted for a bit said our goodbyes for the day and off we went to see what Dublin had in store for us.
Dublin was still celebrating Easter and the Easter Rising Rebellion of 1916.  Most shops were closed along the way but there were festivities going on throughout the city.    The first one we went to was a place suggested by Gary the Driver and Rose the barkeep called Smithfield Square.  The square was blocked off for various tents to do things, food trucks abound, and a concert stage on the far end.  We walked around checked out a few things and decided to grab a bite to eat.   Dublin is very westernized so it has a familiar feel when it comes to the eateries, the place we chose was called  Oscars Cafe and Bar. The wife got a veggie burger with chips (French fries), I got a normal burger and chips, both were delicious.  She drank a glass of wine and I drank a Galway Hooker.  This was not a real Hooker it’s the name of the beer, stay with me people.  We finished up and off we went to see more of Dublin.
Ken a local at Kavanagh’s suggested St. Stephens Green, much like Smithfield Square there would be festivities, family oriented activities and a concert.   The park was amazing and packed full of families enjoying the day.  We walked around the park for a bit until the wife got home sick seeing all of the families with their kids.  I have to admit I felt it a bit as well.   So the only way to solve this problem is to head of to another Pub.
When we were searching for St. Stephens green we passed a few pubs along the way, yet ne stuck out to us and that was Brazen Head Pub.  This is the Oldest Pub in Ireland, opening in 1198.  Unreal I know, it’s almost hard to wrap your head around how old some of the things are here, manly because the U.S only became independent in 1776.  The Pub was hundreds of years older then that.  We found to stools at the bar pulled up and ordered two Jameson and Ginger Ales.  Looking around the history of the bars patrons were all over the walls.  Dollars bills from all over the world were taped and tacked to the walls along with patches from first responders, military, and law enforcement groups from all over the world.  The bartender, whose name was Gary, offered up some great advice on more places to go and see.  He laid out a tour that would show us the history of the 1916 Easter rebellion.
We finished our drinks grab the map provided by Gary and took off towards wear we were staying.  At this point of the day we had walked a few miles already and were beginning to tire out.  We got back to one of the main streets near our studio apartment and stopped in at a pub called L. Mulligans Grocer L. Mulligan Grocer.  This would be the final pub of the night, but maybe one of the best.  We sat at the bar and struck up a  conversation with Harry the English bartender.  Nikki would nickname him Harry the Prince.  It was at this point when we were trying to finish our drinks we realized how tired we were getting, I could have fallen asleep right at the bar, so we finished up and headed back towards the apartment, not before we stopped and picked up a bottle of Captain Morgan and some diet Cokes.  Gotta have a night cap right.
We stumbled into the room tired and slightly drunk and tried to map out the next day while having another drink.  Neither one of us at this point could understand the other one so we decided to call it night.  It was only 6pm at this point.  Hey don’t judge us, we were jet lagged and drunk, and tired from walking around the city.  We laid down and fell asleep before our heads hit the pillows.
2 HOURS LATER we sprung from our sleep, I don’t know who woke first but we were up thinking that we had slept through the night.  NOPE, we couldn’t have been more wrong it was only 8pm.  We only discovered this after stumbling around the room in search of our phones to check the date and time.  It looked like the scene from Stepbrothers when they were sleep walking around the house.  Nikki yells to me that it’s still the same day and only 8pm.  I don’t believe her at this point and continue to look at my phone with one eye open and look of WTF on my face.  After checking the time 38 different ways, we went back to bed.  Hopefully tomorrow will be go just as good.
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Day 2 DUBLIN – What did we get ourselves into
We laid in bed until about 9 am.  I decided to get up have some tea, and write down some notes from the previous day.  As I am sitting there smiling and reflecting on the previous day, could smell a slight hint of pee.  Sorry for adding this but I found it funny.  In my drunken state the night before I had attempted to use the bathroom, I guess I didn’t get him all the way out before I started and got a little on the front.  Men you know this has happened at some point in your adult lives, women I don’t know what to say I am disgusting.
After making the wife some eggs and tea we decided to start our day off the same way we did the previous day and that was by going to Kavanagh’s and seeing Rose to have a pint.  The wife has adopted Rose as our Irish mother by this point.  She seemed almost to excited to see us and gave a plate a various chesses and some chutney to spread on them along with some soda bread.  If you don’t know what chutney is look it up, go by some, and enjoy, your welcome.  We finished our drinks, through down some cheese and headed off to the Jameson Tour in Smithfield Square.
I have been to Kentucky and done the bourbon trail tours, which are excellent tours.  Now the Jameson tour isn’t anything like the Makers Mark tour, but more like the Evan Williams tour on bourbon row in downtown Kentucky.  I don’t want to diminish the Jameson tour though, because it was excellent.  Our tour guide for the day was Lawrence a Californian relocated to Dublin.  They give you a wonderful brief on the history of John Jameson, and how much the distiller meant to Dublin.  At the end of the tour you get to conduct a tasting, equally excellent.  The facility is amazing and the tour is just long enough.  Once the tour was complete we sat at their bar and had a couple of drinks.  Jameson is no longer distilled at that location, but you still get a wonderful experience.
We left Jameson and headed towards St. Michans Church where we wanted to go and see the crypts below the church.  The have a short St. Michans tour were they take you below to see ancient bodies that have been amazingly preserved over time.  the crypt’s temperature never changes, and the limestone rocks, and methane coming from the gerund keep the bodies in amazing shape.  The oldest one we saw was nearly 800 years old.   Crazy right. Pictures couldn’t really be taken down there because it was considered a sacred place, and the tombs that were still technically in use no light could be shown in the room.  This added to the eerie fill that the crypt held.  I did manage to touch and old skull sitting on the floor.  Nikki made me use hand sanitizer almost immediately after I told her.  The history above and below the grounds of Dublin are fascinating.
After we were down playing with the dead we headed off to a pub.  I mean come on guys we are in Dublin, I believe it is illegal if you don’t drink while you are here.  The Pub we went to was called O’Sheas Merchant.  We sat down and talked to a lovely lady named Caroline.   She looked to young to be a grandmother but went on to tell us about her son in Australia, and the 2 year old grandson that she missed dearly.  We talked about this while we had drinks and ordered lunch.  Nikki went with the fish and chips (as a reminder those are French fries), I ordered a sandwhich called the Dubliner, it was a smaller panini with beef, and cheese, also it came with a side salad and chips.  Both meals were delicious, especially the fish, awesome grub and an awesome pub.  We finished up there and decided that we would go see Christ Church Cathedral.
I highly Suggest the tour of Christ Church Cathedral.  When you enter this place you are immediately shot back into time.   The church was founded in 1030, yeah 1030 not like that morning but the year.  Pay for the tour also, you could conduct a self tour but you won’t be able to go to the bell house and ring the bells.  This place gets older and older.  The tour guide gives you some amazing history, and tour of the church, the bell house, and the crypt.  The crypt isn’t as creepy as the one at St. Michans but has some amazing artifacts.  The weirdest of which was the cat and the rat mummy’s that had gotten stuck in an organ which were found in the 1850’s. You will need to be mindful of the stair case that leads to the bell tower and the doors as well.  The seem to have been built for children, if you are a man of average height it’s going to be a tight fit.  Once the tour ended we were off to go pub hopping.  MMMM Drinky Time.
We decided at this point that it was time to do some pub hopping around Dublin and the first pace we went to was called Peadar Kearneys Pub, named after the man who wrote the national anthem for Ireland, so we were told, I will have to fact check that one.  I googled it, it’s him.  We ordered a coupe drinks and began talking a man we named drunk Sean.  He talked about a couple of other pubs that he knew where we could hear some Diddly Day Music.  We kept talking and when he found out we were from Delaware he screamed the “THE FIRST STATE” and he said to quote him on it, so there Drunk Sean your quoted.  We left Kearney’s and found a bar called The Auld Dubliner, which was a great little bar with a guy playing some music.  Awesome little place, and the beer was flowing.  We had one a piece and left to find anther pub.  The next stop was going to the trendy Temple Bar.  It was packed, a great atmosphere but almost overwhelming with the amount of people in there.  Plus not as sociable as the smaller off street pubs, but we still sat and had some beers, and Nikki was onto Captain and Cokes by this point.  After drinking there we left and found a place that Drunk Sean suggested called The Old Storehouse.  This place was great, and also had live music.  The solo artist was playing some classic irish tunes, and the place was very much alive.  We sat at the bar and almost immediately struck up a conversation with a unique older fella.  I heard him say his name was Tim, Nikki thinks it was Ken, so he is now TIMKEN.  TIMKEN was an older fella with Phil Donahue hair, no top teeth except for the right K9, a sport jacket, and bow tie.  He had a heavy accent, and proclaimed to know Drunk Sean.  This was not a shock.  Nikki kept leaning back more and more as he spoke, I would later find out that his breath had some history also, it was bad.  So after finishing our drinks and ending our conversation with TIMEKEN we headed off again to find another pub.  It really isn’t hard to find them here they are everywhere, you can’t drink at all of them.  NO WAY NOT NEVER.  The next place was called Bad Bobs, which like The Temple Bar was packed full of patrons.  We found a spot in the back of the bar sat down and orderd drinks.  Nikki struck up conversation with Peter, Johnny, and Rob, three bartenders working that night.  What we did find was that the drink prices in this part of town began to get higher as the night went on.  This will be a little confusing, but TEMPLE BAR is an area as well as a bar also.  So in the TEMPLE BAR area the bars attract a lot more tourists and the prices seem to flow as fast as the beer.  We finished our drinks there and headed of to some local pubs near the apartment.
Along the way Nikki decided that Facebook live was going to be her new addiction, but she isn’t that great at it.  For anyone that saw it, I am sure it was hilarious, after re watching it I laughed probably as much as you all did.  This continued on even when we reached L. Mullgans, we sat down and talked to Prince Harry, Gary, and Steven.  Yes there are a lot of Gary’s in Dublin, this was the third one we met at this point.  It was getting late and we traveled a ton again today, so if was off to one more pub and then back to the apartment. We hit Tommy O’Gara’s but didn’t stay long.  We knew we were well on our way to time traveling so it was time to roll.
We stopped in at Tesco’s, the local supermarket, grabbed a pizza, Captain Morgan, and some other junk for the room.  When we got back I made drinks and a pizza.  We ate it like caveman and threw Doritos down our necks like someone was trying to steal them.  I then began to Time Travel so telling you anything else would be just made up stuff at this point.  Day 2 in Dublin, awesome.
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DAY 3 in Dubiln – The Chance Meeting
WTF is that noise!!!!! Oh it’s my goddamn alarm on my phone going off like a bomb in my head.  I jump up and turn it off with my eyes closed.  What I would have seen if my eyes were open was the full glass of Captain and Coke that I was about to spill completely into Nikki’s purse.  Yup one swift hand movement and this drunk Ninja just emptied that glass of amazing into her purse.  She jumped out of bed like the damn thing was on fire and emptied the contents in like two movements.  I stood there dumbfounded by my actions.  We cleaned it out, set it out to dry, and back to bed to we went.
We would late wake and begin our day.  We figured out a strategy for the things we wanted to see and off we went.  We stopped at Cowtown Cafe to get a little breakfast to fuel up for the long walk ahead.  We walked for what felt like ever trying to find The Kilmainham Gaol, which is an old prison and suggested by many as one of the best tourist attractions around.  We finally arrived after walking about and hour only to discover that the next tour wasn’t going to be for another five hours.  So we bought tickets for the next day and off we went.
Across the street was the Modern Art Museum that cut through the area we were in and expedited our walk.  The grounds of the Modern Art Museum are an amazing sight to see and offer some tranquility in the city.  This was a nice and peacful walk, the kind you don’t say much and just hold hands and enjoy.  It was nice to share this moment with the love of my life.  We just walked quietly taking in the sights, and enjoying each others company.  We never made it inside the Museum, only because we aren’t big art fans, but also because we were headed to the Guinness Storehouse.
We arrived at the Guinness Storehouse to take the tour, learn about the history and brewing process for Guinness.  This, much like the tour of Jameson,  was awesome and you get a free pint of Beer.  We decided to get our beers at the Gravity bar at the top of the Guinness Storehouse.  One of the best views, if not the best view, in all of Dublin.  The bar offers a 360 Degree view of the city which you can see for miles, and it’s nice to just take it all in.  Plus we were tired as hell from all the walking over the last three days, so it was nice to sit a moment and enjoy the views.
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Once we finished our pints we muscled up and headed to the Dublin Castle.  This is located in the City and is almost hidden, you turn down street just up from Peadar Kearney’s and there it is.  We went in and did the self tour where you get to see the state rooms, maybe next time we will do the full tour, but we were getting tired and hungry so we wanted to start heading back towards the apartment in Stoneybatter.  The full tour would have taken more than and hour and we didn’t want to spend that time, so we started moving again.
We casually moved through the city up and down different streets working our way back to home base.  We had passed through Jameson and into Smithfield Square tired and only thinking of grabbing something to eat and relaxing.  We got almost to the end of the square when a gentleman passed in front of me that looked all to familiar.  I have told my wife many times over that timing is a funny thing, and in this case ten seconds later or earlier and I would have missed this chance meeting.  So this man walks passed me and I don’t see his face at first but the back of his head, and his gate is a bit different.  I knew almost right away what I was looking at, my wife on the other hand had no idea and may have thought that I was having stroke, nope I was looking at the Champ and my chance meeting was about to occur.  I tell the wife “hey thats the champ Conor McGregor“, in her really cute voice she sates ‘who”, I said the champ the biggest fighter in the world right now, at which she says ‘OK”.  So like a hippo chasing a cheetah, I follow after the man and sure enough it’s the man himself.  He looked like he didn’t want to take the photo at first but was gracious enough to do so, and I appreciated that.  He turned smiled and took the photo.  We didn’t think or even count on seeing the man but there he was, and the chance meeting happened.  My wife took the photo blasted it to social media, of course after googling who he was, and I guess that makes if official since it’s now on Facebook.
Well back on the path to food, we landed ourselves at L. Mulligans again to grab a bite to eat and enjoy another drink.  We were almost walking hunched over at this point with our backs, knees, and feet hurting from all the miles we have been logging walking around town.  It was nice to get out of the misty rain that had been falling for most of the day and relax for a few moments.  We order Scotch Eggs, and Bison burgers.  Awesome, and I highly suggest them, not because I have taken a liking to L. Mulligans but because they were really good.  We drank a couple of Jameson and Gingers and headed out, last stop was going to be the grocery store for some more Captain Morgan so we could go to the room relax, and have a nightcap.  I let the wife read this story so far and got the thumbs up for some minor editing but many for her approval, as my chief editor I need to run things past here just to make sure I haven’t said to much or to  little.  Well time to enjoy some alone time.  See you tomorrow.
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Day 4 in Dublin – The Last Dance
Our First stop for the day was to be the Kilmainham Gaol, a hostirical prison that held many of the more famous political prisoners during the Easter Rising Rebellion, The War of Independence, and the Civil war for Ireland.  If you want a get a quick lesson in Irish history this is the tour to take.  Plus the jail has a few creepy aspects to it.  We walked back through the Modern Art Museum one more time, there is an amazing Garden on the grounds that is absolutely elegant to walk through.  If you have the chance I highly recommend seeing the parks and gardens throughout the city.  Phoenix Park is massive but beautiful, St. Stephens Green as well, and the gardens at the Art Museum are all well worth the time.  Your eyes will thank you.
The rest of the day was filled with walking around Dublin doing a little shopping and just taking in the sights one last time.  Along our way back we stopped at Jameson for one last Jameson and Ginger, and a little shopping.  We continued to walk back until we hit L. Mulligans to fill up another glass or two.  We left Mulligans headed to the grocer and grabbed some wine and pizza so that we could head back to the apartment and start packing.  So there we were eating Tangy Cheese Doritios, waiting on a shitty 4 cheese pizza, and drinking some wine.  It was a great moment though we got to sit, drink, and reminisce about the week we just had.  There is nothing better than reflecting on the time you just had and knowing that you had it with not just your wife but your best friend.  We had a blast and will truley miss Ireland.  It will surely always bring a smile to our faces.
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Day 5 Dublin – Departure day
Up bright an early so that we could clean all twenty square feet of the apartment we were in.  We also had to pack, which took all of ten minutes.  It is amazing how slow time seems to move when it’s finally time to go home.  Gary the driver was waiting out front patiently for us.  The drive was quick yet quiet as passed through the streets of Dublin.   I won’t bore you with us sitting at the airport playing on our phones waiting for our flight.  Just know that if you ever want to take a vacation over the pound I would suggest starting with Ireland.  No shit right, but honestly the beer is great and the people are even better.
See you in the Future – Thee Time Traveler
Links below are some of the services that we used and recommend.
Aer Lingus
Aer Lingus Airline – The plane was excellent and the service on the plane was great.  Prices were very competitive, and best of all it was a comfortable flight.
Home Away – Greats vacations Places
We found our place on Home Away, we love this site.
Glencourt Apartments
The apartment that we stayed in was great.  If you are looking for a similar experience talk to Liam Travers.  [email protected]
I can’t say enough about Liam and the resources that he provided.  The room had everything we needed, and the suggestions he left us were spot on.
For a list of the bars that we went to check out my story on DOW ( The Ireland Edition) coming this week on Hisvault.com
Ireland “Home of Great Beer and Even Better People” For my tenth anniversary the wife and I decided to go to Ireland.  This pleased me beyond belief. 
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