#and ofc we stopped by me and bf’s house too for a smoke sesh lmao 🥺 and i got to play w our best friend’s parents’ dogs!!!!!!!
stinkrascal · 3 years
its 6pm and i just woke up
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#good morning ladies theydies and males#me n bf helped our best friend move back into our town yesterday!! he lives like ten mins from our house now#and im so happy about that lmao now we can hang out more!! i missed him sm ;-;#i still miss our other best friend in colorado the group doesn’t feel the same without him but it’s nice that one of my friends is closer!!!#but damn we moved so much stuff it wore me out lmao and i didn’t even carry the heavy stuff 😭#i felt so bad for my bf and our best friend they had to carry so many heavy couches#but we got it done n our friend bought us mcdonalds coffee then we all ate dinner together!! it was rlly nice!!#and ofc we stopped by me and bf’s house too for a smoke sesh lmao 🥺 and i got to play w our best friend’s parents’ dogs!!!!!!!#so all and all a really fun day! but im so tired today now lmao#i got out of bed to take a shower and make one grilled cheese sandwich then immediately fell back asleep 😭#but still it’s been nice!! my bf has been so cute and sweet lately#i mean he’s always cute and sweet but more so than usual!!! doubly cute and sweet 🥺#our 5 year anniversary is on the 23rd n im excited about that!! he’ll be at the dorms by then unfortunately ;( but we’re celebrating#our anniversary this weekend so it’ll be nice!!#idk im in a good mood today which is funny bc i was in a terrible mood this entire week but oh well i’ll accept the positive change!!!!!#i might go continue decorating vlad n brie’s weed farm or maybe i’ll play skyrim or maybe i’ll take another nap hmmm i haven’t decided#just a day in the life of an obviously very busy layabout gf
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hangekitty · 3 years
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Birthday Special Headcanons
Birthday headcanons for @velvetheichou as it’s her birthday today!! So some of these may seem a little specific, but I did write it as an x reader for everyone else to enjoy!
Summary: it’s your birthday, your BF is Miche and you live with Levi and Erwin.
Genre: mostly fluff, mentions of smut
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, a couple NSFW headcanons, 18+
Universe: modern universe
A/N: this is only a short little thing for my IRL friend, I wrote this whilst getting ready for work so is it rushed? Yes I’m sorry, was this fun? Absolutely. Happy Birthday Amie 🌸🌙👑
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Setting the scene: you live with Miche (your BF), Levi and Erwin (who are a couple) in a shared house. It’s your birthday and you have some surprises ahead of you...
- let’s start off with the main G, your doting BF waking you up with breakfast in bed. He would lay out a large spread filled with all your favourite things.
- Let’s face it, birthday sex would be a thing, but not till later because Levi and Erwin are waiting downstairs for you.
- Doesn’t stop Miche from being a little filthy with you (if you wanted it 👀)
- if the two of you did do the nasty, he would most certainly eat you out, 100% like it’s basically canon than he is great at head; you can’t convince me otherwise.
- Okay but like Miche would want to give you your birthday presents privately, guarantee he has bought you a dress or clothes that you’ve been wanting (and unable to afford). Miche would usually treat you to clothes any time of the year, but he’d make sure to get something extra special for your birthday.
- Miche has also bought you some pamper stuff (particularly Lush because Nanaba works there and gets discounts; means more products amirite)
- So after you shower and do your makeup, you put on your birthday gift (let’s say a dress), you go downstairs and Miche, Levi and Erwin are waiting for you, ready with party poppers. Levi and Erwin pop theirs, but Miche is way too in awe that he misses his queue
- Also can we appreciate the image of Levi popping a party popper, like he isn’t enthusiastic (he feels it, but he doesn’t show it)
- Levi would get you something that is specific to you, if you have a certain interest (or hyperfixation if we’re being honest) he would get you merch. Autographed picture from Lady Gaga? Band t-shirt? He’s got you that.
- Erwin, probably needed help the most from Levi and Miche to know what to get you. He would originally buy you something generic like a book, or a box set from a TV show you’ve never seen. So after talking the others, Erwin would go out his way to buy concert tickets. Let’s say,,,Download? Miche would get his own ticket ofc
- So basicaly the boys arrange a birthday party for you, during the day you get up to whatever you want; shopping trip? Miche will treat you to whatever you want. Trip to the cinema? You pick the movie, and as much as you insist on paying for your own ticket and/or food Miche will pay. This mans goal is to give you the best day.
- In the late afternoon, you go to your favourite restaurant, ordering whatever you like. Depending on how expensive the day is, you will probably pay towards the bill (mainly out of guilt, you wouldn’t want to make Miche broke)
- It’s romantic, candlelit and seated by the window; you watch the sunset as you eat the best damn thing in your life.
- At the party; so all of your friends are invited, even friends of Erwin and Levi; let’s just say it’s crowded to say the least.
- The playlist fucking slaps, not only is a mixture of your playlist and everyone’s requests, you have the special addition of anime music to which Erwin is like huh?? And Levi is like 🙄 but it’s your party and you can totally play Judgement from the DMCB soundtrack if you want to
- Miche brings out a cake with candles (as many candles as your age) for you to blow out, all of the party guests sing to you and cheer as you blow out the candles.
- Hange probably already started drinking, so you can hear them louder than anyone else.
- The cake is delicious of course, but the fact that there are so many paper plates around, it puts Levi on edge and he will most definitely be doing the tidying up.
- Alcohol, lots of it
- Of course as soon as a bit of Alcohol reaches Miche’s lips he is outside smoking a cig
- Nile is out there with him, but he’s a bit of a chain smoker anyway
- The look on Levi’s face when Erwin tries a cig, he definitely struggles and coughs every time
- “No, Erwin you cannot request Piano Man by Billy Joel”
- “No, Erwin, Country Roads it off limits too - at least until we get more pissed then MAYBE”
- Levi doesn’t get drunk, he is the baby sitter after all, but will probs have a glass of wine to last him the night
- Erwin doesn’t get too drunk either, but he is definitely the one with the champagne
- Miche gets tipsy but not,,,terrible lmao
- Hange however, whew goes fucking feral. If they aren’t dancing and doing slut drops, they are hornee and will attempt to drunkenly seduce Moblit who is FAR TOO DRUNK for any of that.
- There will definitely be some party games like the ring of fire, drunk charades and an ATTEMPT at musical chairs, but at this point, most guests are too far gone for that; again, putting Levi on edge and making sure no one hurts themselves.
- The night ends with Hange and Moblit staying in the guest bedroom because they drank the most, Levi and Erwin going to bed mostly sober so Levi can perform his nightly routine; I can totally see him having a whole pamper sesh before he gets into bed.
- You go to bed, the room slightly spinning and you can feel your whole body in waves; this hangover is going to be too much. Luckily superhero Miche is there with the water and some toast/bread. “Eat this before you sleep, you’ll be grateful in the morning”
- The last few moments of consciousness is spent cuddling into Miche’s chest. “Happy Birthday my sweet”
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