#and oh-aew actually grows in that way (even though he didn't have to really)
ungiftedmusings · 4 years
okay listen i get that teh relinquishing his spot in university was a super emotional, irrational, and stupid decision.  i get it.  but why have i not seen anyone mention that it’s what oh asked him to do?
i mean, even as kids: what “if miss nuan had chosen you, and i said i wanted to play, would you have let me?”
i’m not saying it’s oh’s fault, it was definitely teh’s choice - i’m just saying, for a dude who’s very smart and has a tendency to way overthink things, there’s no doubt in my mind that those words stuck with teh (and those lines were a really deliberate writing choice to convey that and even foreshadow that ep. 4 scene).  and i do not think oh meant for teh to take it this way - i actually don’t think he meant it at all, it was just him being upset and lashing out -  but in episode one when he found out he didn’t get in by direct entry, oh said “you’re so good at studying.  why didn’t you go through the admission system?”
now, pair that with the show’s theme of “if you love someone, you can’t stand to see them sad.”   itsay framed sadness as the most honest language of love and i could write a whole essay on that but not right now and on top of that, oh-aew’s sadness in episode 4 was directly caused by teh.
again, a rational person isn’t going to take this to heart, and i don’t think teh really did until he was emotionally torn apart and we all know he wasn’t being rational right then.
i’m just saying, it’s not just one single thing that led to teh doing that.  there was the false hope when someone showed up late,  there was the guilt from hurting oh, and more guilt on top of that because teh thought he’d led oh to give up on his dream.  and then, on top of all of that, all the guilt and the hope and the lack thereof brought oh’s words back to the forefront of teh’s mind.
on one hand oh-aew didn’t mean to ask teh to do that for him - but on the other, even if he didn’t intend to, he actually kind of did.
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josiewrites · 2 years
Okay so for FTR X Reader, the reader is a member of FTR, has been since their WWE days and way before that. The three (much like Edge x Reader x Christian) are in a long term established relationship. The Reader is the longest Reigning AEW Women’s World Champion but ends up having to relinquish due to Pregnancy. Maybe a one shot that shows this trio through the trials & tribulations of the pregnancy & parenthood, as well as leading up to the Reader’s along waited return which is portrayed much like the way Becky Lynch returned after giving birth (Summerslam 2021 for those who don’t know)
Okay, so this was fun. I love the idea of Soft FTR, they just seem like genuinely great guys. Also, this is the part where I mention I've never been pregnant, so I'm going off some of the experiences I've heard. I hope you like it!
Best Titles
Pairing: FTR/reader
Genre: fluffy
Warnings: discussion of pregnancy and childbirth
Tag List Babes:  @writtingrose, @abadamn, @rubyred1980, @letmebeawesome, @brittsdmd, @unlikelywrestlingfan, @rollynchwhore, @cuzimacomedian, @demonqueen29, @auburnwrites, @thebestintheworld, @elitehoe
"You're joking." 
Cash's eyebrows shot up as Dax set his phone on the table beside him. 
"Why would I joke about this?" I asked, shrugging. "You really think I'd joke about this? To you two?"
Dax stood, his trembling hands clasping mine, eyes full of adoration. "Oh my god," he whispered, kissing my cheek softly. "You're actually pregnant."
I nodded, Cash stepping up beside his teammate. "I am." Cash and Dax exchanged an excited look, tears forming in Dax's eyes before they embraced. I smiled, knowing how much this meant to both of them. "We are."
I've been with these two for years, even before they joined WWE. When they joined AEW, I went with them, and quickly rose to the top of the women's division, currently holding the championship. I felt my smile falter slightly, as I thought about how I’d have to give that up while I was pregnant.
Cash must've seen my face, and he took my hand softly. "It'll be waiting for you when you're back," he said gently. "This is worth so much more than a title."
I giggled slightly. "I expect that level of sappiness from Dax, not you," I said playfully, laying a kiss on his cheek. "But thank you. Both of you. I'm so excited for our family to grow."
"So, do you know which of them is the father?" Britt asked the question I knew everyone wanted the answer to, the championship on her shoulder.
I was in catering with many of the other women, after I announced to everyone I was expecting and passed the title to Britt. I was at the point where taking bumps could be dangerous, and like hell would the boys let me anyway.
"Britt," Jamie chided, the shock in her voice evident, "you can't just ask that."
Britt threw her hands up defensively. "I didn't mean anything by it," she said. "Just curious. Wanted to see which of them we could expect the kid to take after."
I chuckled and shook my head, popping a forkful of my congratulations cake into my mouth. "It's all good," I said smiling. "I know you weren't being a bitch. This time." Britt shot me a playful glare, and I couldn't help but laugh. "We decided not to find out. It doesn't really matter, and they're both going to be dads anyway."
The ladies nodded, and I looked up to see Dax and Cash standing in the doorway, making me smile. I excused myself to stand and go with them. They were going with me to one of my check up appointments, just to make sure everything is okay so far. Though I could tell they were excited, so was I, I also knew they could tell I was upset. 
“Everything okay, buttercup?” Dax asked, resting a hand on my lower back as we walked down the hall. 
“Of course,” I said, but even I heard my own disappointment in my voice. 
“Darling,” Cash said softly, taking my hand. “You don’t have to lie to us. Are you upset about giving up the title?” 
I sighed and nodded, blushing with slight embarrassment. “Yeah. I know it sounds stupid, it’s just a belt, but…” My voice trailed off, turning and burying my face in Cash’s shoulder. 
“You’ll get it back,” Cash said softly, patting my hair. “Remember, you’ll be returning undefeated. And that counts for something.”
“And in the meantime,” Dax said, pulling me close, “you and the baby will get to see us keep being the top guys.”
“You guys!” I found myself near tears as I held up the tiny red onesie. The whole roster was crowded around me in catering, all smiles for my impromptu baby shower Billy Gunn organized for me, which was sweet and surprisingly wholesome. 
“I’m glad you like it,” Kris beamed as I showed off the lettering in the front, ‘My Dads are the Top Guys’. “I made it myself.”
“It’s perfect!” I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore, I was just so overwhelmed with joy and emotion from everyone. “You guys are amazing. Thank you all so much.”
I felt arms around me, and I looked up into Dax’s beaming face, Cash right behind him. “Really, guys,” Cash said, picking up a piece of cake. “We can’t thank you all enough for this, for everything.”
“We’re just excited to see the family grow,” Nick said, bumping shoulders with his brother. 
“Definitely,” Matt replied. “Now we’re just hoping you don’t go into labor during a match.” 
“God I hope not,” I laughed as Cash and Dax kissed me on each cheek. “But we have a plan if it happens.”
I nervously chewed my nails as I stood in gorilla, watching both of them in the ring. Normally, I’m not nervous about them, but this isn’t a normal match. When the Owen Hart tournament was announced, Cash and Dax immediately knew they wanted to be involved, and I backed them completely.
Then they decided to face each other.
I knew this was just for the tournament, it was all in fun, but that didn’t make me less nervous. Especially with how close to my due date we were.
“They’ll be okay,” Adam Cole said to me, resting a hand on my shoulder. He had a vested interest in this match, seeing as he’d be facing whoever won. “They’re tough, and there’s no way this is getting between them.”
I smiled softly, the nerves in my stomach aching. “I know,” I said, leaning into him slightly. “I just can’t help but worry. Especially…” My voice drifted away as I rested a hand on my swollen belly. 
Cole nodded, his blue eyes sparkling. “Soon, right?” I nodded, then winced. The pain in my stomach I thought was nerves seemed to reappear. “Are you okay?” He reached out his other hand to steady me, calling Britt over.
I gasped as the sharp pain came again, nearly doubling over. Britt ran over and took my hands. “What’s up, babe? How’re you feeling?”
I looked up at her, tears in my eyes, then my glance flicked down to the small puddle at my feet. “Britt, I think my water just broke.”
Getting me to the hospital was a blur of motion. Britt refused to leave my side, making sure backstage knew where I was going when the boys finished their match. She knew she wasn’t needed for this taping, and she didn’t want me to be alone for this. In a haze of drugs and pain, I barely remember Cash and Dax coming to the hospital, both demanding to see me.
I couldn’t help but smile at their faces as they came into my hospital room, both men brought to tears at the sight of me holding their son. Our son. I passed the baby to Dax as I collapsed against my pillows in exhaustion. “So who won?” 
Cash sat softly beside me as Dax bounced the baby in his arms. “Dax won the match,” Cash said, gripping my hand tightly. 
“But,” Dax added, leaning down to kiss my forehead, “I’d say we both won the important titles tonight.” I chuckled at his cheesy comment before dozing off as all three of the men I loved surrounded me
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moaserendipity · 3 years
I Promised You The Moon ep3
And we're back with episode 3....................😖I'm not sure how many times I have sighed during this episode but it was a lot because well, yeah let's just get into it.😬
We are starting with a new acting class after time-skipping to junior year. So Teh is rehearsing or in a workshop where he plays the lead with this girl. They are practicing the love scene and it's obvious that Teh is having trouble with it, after they stopped, they are handed a Logbook(dairy) that they have to write in and give to Jai after every workshop.
Now I'm sorry to say but I don't think this is a good idea but who am I right? (Do I like the way Teh is giving compliments to Jai, NOPE I DO NOT AT ALL but let's just say he is being a good friend.)
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The way he writes in detail what he thinks and what he feels about Oh-Aew, is way too personal for Jai to read, it's really none of Jai's business and also the way he hides it from Oh.. He is not liking the person who Oh is becoming because he is becoming his own person, while Teh is still stuck. He did not change, I mean he did not even ask Oh if he wanted to join him to the play. Who knows maybe he would've liked it but he is not even really trying.
Oh is even that worries he is consulting his friends about it. It's like I thought they are growing apart and it's getting more obvious at this point. lol, this random dude showing up to ask Oh's insta, can't blame him because he is just that cute. I immediately knew the two friends were actually dating, it was written all over and I am loving this. I mean what can you do once you feel that spark..that "Oh my gosh" from one of the guys though, cracked me up, lol.
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I feel kind of sad when Oh springs back to life when Teh finally asks him to help out, I mean it could be cute but tbh it's just sad because he was longing for it so much. It's sweet of Oh that he offers to help out with the poster because he is right. If the viewer doesn't feel any chemistry between the main leads, they probably won't watch if it's a romantic play. I know I wouldn't, Chemistry is a big part of romantic plays or movies. I hate this weird thing Teh does though. He is trying to stop him but also not, it's a bit weird. I feel like he is pushing Oh away but you know that could be me..
This workshop though is seriously intense, thinking back to the first time you had sex and to use that for something like this, it's a bit much but what upset me, even more, is that Teh couldn't remember his first time anymore, like WTF, who forgets their first time if it was with someone you loved. I also don't like how he tells Jai everything, also the look on Jai's face...I don't know...
Lmao having an affair with the professor, kind of cliche Jai. The way Teh keeps looking though, I mean dude stop watching and leave but NOOOOO he got caught and actually teased Jai. Hmm so bringing Teh long to a play, okay tbh there is nothing wrong with that but the look on Teh's face while Jai was on stage, made me just SIGH. (i actually asked my dear friend, if she saw it as well and she did) Teh likes Jai.... They have too many things in common and tbh this is looking like a fudging date instead of just friends hanging out. The thing is I am not sure if Jai likes Teh or if he is going to use him. For now, though the look on his face tells me he likes him but I do have a seriously bad feeling about this. Also, I knew Teh was not going to tell Oh what he was doing before he even stopped typing. It's just another crack...
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It's sad though because Oh-Aew his world is still revolving around Teh and I just want him to prepare his heart, just in case.
Okay so I think Teh reminds Jai of himself when he fell in love with his ex James but yeah I don't like the look on his face every time he looks at Teh. Jai basically ran away from his relationship, so here is why the workshop isn't working. This script was written for two guys and not a guy and a woman...
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Hmm, he didn't tell this to any of his friends but he is telling it to Teh... I see what is happening he is pulling Teh in because he wants him and he likes him, that's the only reason. I'm not happy..
hmmm yeah, that hiding together makes things 100% clear Teh really likes Jai, the way he is looking at him, just makes me want to SCREAM!!!!!!! please just no Teh.
ugh, poor Oh-Aew. I wanted a scene like this but not because of these reasons, not because Jai told him to do this. I am just sorry Oh-Aew. BUT OMG REMEMBER THE FIRST EPISODE, WHERE MY FRIEND ASKED ME THIS QUESTION;
“Do you think they did it on the beach?🤔” I was like “WHAT THE, I DON’T KNOW!!”
LMAO WE NOW KNOW, THEY DID IT ON THE BEACH!!!  🤣 lol, I'm sorry guys but this was too funny to not quote it. lol, now we know.
okay so let's just forget for a second why Teh is doing this and well just enjoy this, because I have a feeling we won't be seeing this anytime soon after this. I love the way Teh always explores Oh
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because it does mean he loves him and I love how they did this because it's seriously intimate and this combined with their actual first time, it's quite beautifully done. The cuddles afterward are something beautiful. it's really tender and I love this so much. They look so comfortable and I just love their chemistry so so much.
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I don't like that Teh is wearing his redshirt because he usually only wears this when something important is happening with Oh-Aew, also I just have a bad feeling and my stomach just feels super upset. I hate that Jai brought the stupid plume wine and that Teh actually wants to drink it.  Why is this happening, why does Teh need to ask Jai for his help with the assignment. I hate that Teh's heartbeat is getting louder and faster while they hug closely, I hate how Teh kissed Jai before he even said he could and I hate that Jai continued it, while he should've stopped the second Teh pulled back and then my heart broke because Oh-Aew saw it, my poor baby, Oh-Aew should be protected at all costs. I just hate this so so much, I know it's part of the job of an actor but this didn't feel like acting, this felt real.
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I am happy though that Oh-Aew heard Jai talk about the assignment for the workshop because this could go both ways, He is probably upset but also understanding but if he didn't know this, things would be very, very bad, even though things are already really bad and I am seriously going to put bubble wrap around my heart for the coming episodes because I just know we are landing in a big storm.
So in my opinion I think that Teh is still the same selfish boy he was back in Phuket, not knowing what he wants and feeling obsessed about certain things and even though he loves Oh-Aew he is now completely fixated on Jai and this will just end up badly, I am hoping on a good ending but I am not so sure of that will happen right this moment. We'll just have to wait and see for next week but damn Teh, you are just so stupid right now.
Anyway yeah see you next week😬😎
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shinjaeha · 3 years
i want oh aew to find someone new so so much but i just know it's not gonna happen. oh aew is not a protagonist (no more 'two male protagonists' i guess lmao), he is only there to prop teh's development and thus his role is just 'teh's boyfriend'
it's funny bc i /knew/ since i saw the opening credits that oh aew was not gonna be prominent this season apart from being teh's boyfriend: we see bkpp first in the credits, then jai alone, just like bkpp (important role then), then khim and top together (not as important bc they aren't alone in frame but still, they are after jai) and then we see oh aew's friends ALL TOGETHER in one frame, the last ones, that's when i knew. it sucks bc ltip was oh aew's pov and i thought that meant ipytm was gonna continue with that but guess not.
I am guessing it's bc they wanted to explore the acting world through teh so oh aew had to be transferred to another major so they could focus only on teh and his development as a character. it sucks bc while it is in character some of the things he is doing, it just feels repetitive? teh is confused about his feelings (again) and now it's oh aew = tarn; jai = oh aew, the storyline thread seems the same, it's a cycle and yeah, in real life it's like that sometimes but this is a tv show, you HAVE to show growth in the character, from one season to another, rn its just feels like teh didn't learn anything in itsay, he just became older (and more of an ass).
also the "changes" in oh aew, what are they? like i only see superficial changes: his major, his car, his hair, but personality wise? he is the exact same as in itsay, he didn't change? so teh's feelings about it are just not understandable to me, and seem SO superficial? it's like he only fell in love with oh aew bc he had the same dream as him, which isn't true (at least from what i understood in itsay) so like, what is it? i just don't get it and again, everything seems so superficial in general and it lacks the depth and complexity of itsay for me (i guess the time skips are partly to blame for that)
idk it's just disappointing i guess, i loved itsay so much, i loved these characters so much and now i just don't feel anything anymore? i am apathetic towards all of it and i hate it bc i spent so much time waiting for part2 that i just feel like i wasted my time.
anyway i loved reading your thoughts (like always!) and you can ignore this ask if you don't wanna talk about this ep anymore, i totally get it ^^
honestly, same :( i don't necessarily need oh-aew to find someone else, but i do want him to be able to be his own person without teh. not just an add-on to teh's story. i know we'll be getting more of him in ep 4, but it looks like he's going to get even more hurt from the preview :/// i'm guessing there'll be a confrontation by the end of it so i really hope he doesn't just take what happened lying down. i want him to see his worth and realise that he deserves better than what he's been putting up with. i honestly really want to see him tear into teh about it bc that's the least he deserves.
i didn't even think that about the opening credits but you're so right :((( it's weird how inconsistent everything is in terms of the povs...i totally thought the same about ltip bc there was so much focus on oh-aew, but then they really only continued on with oh-aew's feelings in ep 1 and everything basically got resolved for him by the end of it.
yesss, that's why it feels so much like teh's taken all these steps back in ipytm. like yes, it's obv this is his personality and so technically everything he feels/does is consistent with his character...but it's also like the development we got by the end of itsay's been revoked. so he's regressed only to grow again, rather than just grown more from where he initially was. if that makes sense? and bc we've already seen him act like this before, it's harder to sympathise with him now bc you'd think he'd have learnt something more the first time he went through this (and ESP now that he's older). so even though this is technically something different, it's similar enough that it feels like a rehash of his previous experiences.
i really think this is def a case of where they told too much instead of SHOWING us oh-aew's changes/why their relationship had deteriorated so much in teh's eyes. like we hear him say the words (and see all the superficial ways oh-aew's changed), but that's not enough for us to actually understand WHY things have changed so drastically for teh in regards to their relationship since the last ep. and also just why he doesn't try harder (or at all tbh) to make things work between them. he did so much for oh-aew in itsay, you could tell how much he loved and cared for him...which is why it's so strange to watch this ep and see how cold he's grown towards him since.
yeah...itsay gave me this fluttery excitement every week. i couldn't WAIT for new eps...but ipytm kind of just leaves me dreading new eps bc it's nowhere near as enjoyable to watch. like i'm still interested in knowing what happens in the last two eps, but it doesn't feel the same anymore. the cast and crew really were right when they said it's like watching two entirely different shows...
whatever happens in ipytm, i already told myself before it aired that i was going to separate the two shows in my mind (also partly bc i love itsay so much that i didn't think anything would ever live up to my love for it anyway). i'm SO glad that itsay at least gave us a proper ending so it can still act as a standalone series by itself as it's genuinely one of the shows that comforts me the most (and i'm not gonna let my sad ipytm feelings ruin that for me no matter what).
and nooo, i really appreciate the asks, anon!! it's really nice to know that i'm not alone in all my feelings too ;;; it means a lot!! i'm just sorry it takes me so long to answer bc tbh i've been avoiding tumblr a bit bc of how drained i've been feeling. that being said, i'm always happy to talk more!!!!! i really love hearing your thoughts too ❤️
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