#and olenas little smirk
THE moment 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
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mrfelixfischoeder · 6 months
Chesterlypso - 7 >:)
7- Write about one member of your ship asking the other to dance with them.
WEHEHE i love this but also SURPRISE CHALYPSO
The hall is loud – the band the reverend hired were a tad unusual. Mary supposes with the rise of the Unmentionables, musicians are finding it harder to get jobs outside their comfort zone. So what little they had, they made do: be it the strings are far more violent and the drums louder and heavier. She does note that Orlaag’s charge, Olena, stands on stage with her violin. She is good. Unfortunate that her business seems to lie in the unknown than music. She sits at her table, happily sipping her sherry as she listens to Angie discuss her most recent commission from Orlaag.
“You seem to be quite good with him,” her friend points out, and Mary shrugs.
“I find him easy in personality and in temperament.” She excuses. Though it is as if God thinks she cannot have too much of a good thing: Angie nudges her, head angling to their right, and Mary spares a glance, not making it obvious (the pair had made it their duty to be able to peer and peek and not be noticed for maximum information retention and gossip). Chesterfield approaches, snakelike eyes on the women.
“I’m not putting up with this,” Angie mutters behind her fan, “I’ll get you another drink, right?”
“No, Angie, do not leave me!” Mary hisses, trying to bring her back down onto her seat, but Angie is already up and resilient.
“I’m not gettin’ kicked out of another ‘do!” she replies, winking as she hides her smirk behind her fan. Mary grits her teeth, the fabric of Angie’s dress slipping through her fingers. Another meek ‘no!’ escapes before she straightens and clears her throat, feeling the shadow of a predator falling upon her.
“Miss Huggenkiss!” Dr Chesterfield smiles. He’s got a new suit jacket, velour and red. She despises it (it would look good on Charles). “I see you are alone. That simply will not do.”
“Oh, I find it quite adequate, Dr Chesterfield.” Mary scans the room over his shoulder for anyone she might make eye contact with. Unfortunately she already sees Roisin and Magnus sneaking out onto the balcony. Angie is following around a waiter. Finally Chesterfield leans into her vision, as casually as he can.
“Nonsense, you do not know adequacy quite like I do.” Mary wonders how he thinks these words might make any sort of positive impact, if that is even his intention. Suddenly he holds his arm up, “Come, I think a dance. I have not seen you on the floor once. Surely not all your dances are reserved for the Colonel, even in his absence?”
At the mention of Charles, Mary wants to bristle. Wants to know where he is. Wants to write him another letter. But instead she smiles, standing up, eye to eye with the doctor. “No, not only him. I keep all my friends in mind.” She makes a show of looking around, “Though you will do, if it eases your emotional state that I dance with you.”
She isn’t sure if he simply allows the comment or it’s flown over his head. But as soon as he turns, hand gripping hers a bit tightly, he grunts as he walks right into someone. Chesterfield nearly raises his voice, until he stares at the bespectacled man, still in uniform.
Charles, she thinks with a sigh of relief. The moment she sees him she slips out of Chesterfield’s hold and to his side, taking hold of Charles’ arm to make sure he is not a mirage.
“I do not mean to interrupt, but I do believe that ah – the first dance is at least reserved for me.” Charles explains, looking at Mary. As their eyes lock, her gaze softens entirely, and she doesn’t even feel the smile that is present on her face. He smiles back at the warm reception. He always feels prosperous when she shows him her beautiful smile. “That has been our deal for a very long time.”
“Yes!” Mary nods, soothing her tone, “Yes. Apologies.”
“Indeed, apologies for the interruption, Mr Chesterfield.”
Charles turns with Mary, the pair effortlessly joining the crowd, leaving Chesterfield in the shadows.
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pixeldolly · 2 years
Walden BACC
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Later on, after Jacob had gone back to Walden, a certain magic coin tucked into his pocket, Fiona went out. She needed to clear her head and forget about that morning’s decidedly weird and uncomfortable conversation with her brother, which kept replaying inside her head.
Maybe getting involved had been a bad idea.
What the hell, I’m not his babysitter - if he wants to spy on his fiancé, that’s on him. The relationship sounds doomed anyway.
And what if he’s right, and Roman is cheating on him? I warned that fuckboy what would happen if he hurt my brother. 
Then again, Jacob wasn’t exactly innocent either, as much as he liked to play the injured party. 
What. A. Mess. 
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Fiona’s mood was not improved by running into Olena Dean, who kept giving her dirty looks across the pool table. 
In fact, there was a severe lack of cool, attractive (and available) people on campus, much to her annoyance. College was supposed to be a time for playing the field, and there she was, practically going steady with Jolene! 
If Jacob’s imploding relationship proved anything, it was that commitment just wasn’t worth it. It brought out the worst in people, made them petty and jealous and possessive. In Fiona’s opinion, most people just weren’t made for monogamy, and they lied to themselves about it. Better have your fun in the now, rather than wait for some phony happily ever after.
Fiona: “It’s your turn.” 
Olena took her shot, and missed. The ball bumped against the edge of the table, then rolled away. A smirk spread across Fiona’s face as Olena scowled down at it.
Fiona: “Oops!”
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Olena: “Well, I guess balls and holes are more your area of expertise. Can’t compete with you there!”
Celeste: “Meow!”
Fiona’s temper, which was already frayed, snapped. Just who did this bitch think she was, talking to her like that?! She’d put up with the staring and the whispering, because whatever, but she didn’t have to stand there and be slut-shamed by this frigid, prissy Little Miss Nobody!
Muttering an incantation under her breath, Fiona pulled out her wand.
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She wouldn’t actually hurt Olena, of course. Not in public. But a dose of humiliation might teach her to stay in her lane. 
Celeste found it pretty hilarious. Lloyd, on the other hand, was shocked to see Olena waving her arms about and clucking like a chicken at the top of her voice while attempting to eat bagel crumbs off the floor.
Celeste: “She’ll be okay though, right?”
Fiona: “Sure, it’ll wear off in a few minutes. With some luck, she’ll crap herself first though.”
Celeste: “Remind me not to get on your bad side!”
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gins-potter · 2 years
🖊 Romitri, bakery
This ended up double the length it was supposed to be because i couldn't stop writing... whoops? Enjoy x
The moan Rose lets out as she steps into the bakery and inhales the aroma of delicious scents is practically indecent if the judgemental looks from the people waiting in line are any indication.  But she ignores them, along with their grumbling, as she skips past on her way to the counter where she boosts herself right up onto it.
“Olena,” she sings, receiving an indulgent smile in return as she leans in to press a kiss to her cheek.
“Hello, Roza.”  Olena peers past her.  “No Lissa today?”
“Nah, she had an early class.”
Rose waits, somewhat impatiently, as Olena takes an order, ringing it through the register and accepting the customer’s money, before throwing her a pleading look, the silent question accentuated by a loud growl from her stomach.
It makes Olena laugh as she gestures behind her.  “Go, your breakfast is waiting.”
“I love you,” Rose declares, sliding off the counter and leaving her to her next impatient customer.  
She squeezes past Sonya behind the coffee machine, calling a hello as she does, and receives something mumbled in return, a response that’s practically friendly coming from her so early in the morning.  She’s forced to dodge Yeva, who’s coming the opposite way with a tray of hot blini and who snaps something distinctly less friendly in Russian, before she can finally throw herself at the waiting plate of bread with another borderline lewd moan.  To watch Rose take her first bite of the black bread, that’s so fresh it's still steaming, one might think it’s a heavenly experience, what with the way she closes her eyes and tilts her head back.
“Roza!” Viktoria calls, coming out from the kitchen.  “I thought I heard you.”
Rose waves at her friend, savouring the mouthful of bread, but her chewing slows and her nose crinkles as she notices something.
“It’s different,” she says without swallowing, and it all comes out a little garbled.  “The bread tastes different.”
Olena hands the last customer their order in a brown paper bag and bids them a good day before turning to Rose with a raised eyebrow.  Rose is half expecting her to chastise her for talking with her mouth full - something so motherly that Rose still isn’t quite used to it - but instead Olena just asks curiously, “Bad?”
Rose shoots her an indignant look in return and swallows.  “Of course not bad, it could never be bad, just different.  Did you change the recipe or something?” she asks, knowing full well Olena doesn’t follow recipes.
“No.  My son baked the bread this morning.”
Rose, in the process of taking another bite, pauses, and feels her eyebrows rise.  She knows of the Belikov’s only son of course, but in the year she’s become a permanent fixture in their bakery, she’s never laid eyes on him.  She thinks she remembers hearing once that he’s away at school in New York.
Rose’s thoughtful hum turns delighted as she bites into the bread again; she would never admit it to Olena but she thinks she might almost enjoy the tangier flavour of today’s bread more than she usually does.
She hears the door to the kitchen swing open again and Viktoria lets out a crow of laughter.  “Hey Dimka, apparently your bread tastes weird.”
Rose swallows roughly and gestures in surrender so emphatically that she almost loses the rest of her breakfast.  “Woah, hey, I did not say it was weird, I said it was diff-”  Her words die in her throat as she turns to the newcomer and catches sight of quite possibly the hottest guy she’s ever laid eyes on.
Olena’s son has to have nearly a foot of height on Rose, his arms, exposed by his rolled up sleeves, are corded with muscle, and his shoulder-length hair is tied back in a ponytail that Rose has a wild urge to free from its band and runs her fingers through.
“I’ve never had anyone describe my bread as weird before,” he says, cocking his head with a slight smirk.
Rose ignores the cute dimple that’s appeared in his cheek and levels him with a pointed finger, followed by a glare at Viktoria.  “Different, not weird,” she reiterates.
“Different good?”  He folds his arm across his chest and Rose forcibly drags her eyes away from them.
“That’s yet to be determined,” she shoots back coyly.
“You must be the infamous Roza.”  He offers her a hand to shake.  “Dimitri.”
Rose isn’t too sure about the use of the word ‘infamous’ but accepts the proffered hand regardless; it’s big, and callused, and warm, and she doesn’t want to let go.
“It’s nice to meet you, Dimitri.  And I guess I’ll just have to try your bread again tomorrow to decide.”
“Yes,” Dimitri says, with a slight chuckle, finally, regrettably, releasing her hand.  “I’ve already been told to expect you most mornings.”
Rose levels a glare around at the Belikova women who are watching their exchange with thinly veiled amusement; even Karolina has appeared in the kitchen doorway to observe.  Dimitri moves to his mother’s side and ducks to press a kiss to her cheek.
“I’m going to meet Ivan for a couple hours, Mama, but I’ll be back for the lunch rush.”
Olena reaches up and pats his cheek, smoothing away a stray streak of flour that’s found its way there.
“It was nice to meet you, Roza,” Dimitri says, before lifting his hand in farewell to his family as he heads for the door.
“He called me Roza,” Rose says faintly, once he’s out of earshot.
Viktoria shoots her a bemused look.  “We all call you Roza.”
“Yeah, but not like that.”  Rose snatches up her breakfast and hurries after him, ignoring Yeva’s bark of Russian that follows her, no doubt a warning of the perils she’ll face if she doesn’t return her plate.  “Hey,” she says, catching up with Dimitri at the door.
Dimitri looks amused to see her, but holds the door open for her to step through.
“So, when are you heading back to New York?”
“I’m not.  I finished my degree last semester, I’d moved back home to help out for a few months before I worked out my next move, but…”
“But…” Rose prods.
Dimitri’s eyes trace over her face.  “But maybe there’s more here for me than I thought.  I’ll see you around, Roza.”
Rose grins, “See ya, comrade.”
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
Vacation on Isle Esme
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Word Count: 6,989 Demetri x OC Part 7. Warning; Fluff, NSFW
“What’s going on with Ally?” Felix asked over Carlisle’s shoulder “I don’t know Felix, Demetri can’t wake her” Carlisle replies “I’ll get the plane ready and go and bring them home” Felix replies leaving the room “Demetri, Felix is coming out to Rio to bring you both home” Carlisle advises him “I know you’re worried but you need to stay calm, as long as Ally’s breathing she’ll be ok. Gently lay her on her side on the bed and pack your things because as soon Felix arrives you need to be ready to leave, ok?” Carlisle continues “O-Ok. T-Thank you Carlisle” Demetri replies low.
Ally woke up in Demetri’s arms “D-Demi” “Oh Ally” He breathed “Don’t ever scare me like that again” He kissed her forehead holding her closer to him “I-I’m sorry. I’d been sick…and… felt a bit lightheaded…and…and… I’m guessing I passed out” She replied softly “I came back and found you on the bathroom floor…I-I couldn’t wake you” He said low “I’m sorry” “You’re awake, safe and in my arms, that’s all I care about for now. Felix will be here soon and Carlisle is waiting for us back at the castle” He says quietly as she snuggles into him “I love you Dem” “I love you too.”
“Demetri, Ally” Felix calls out when he arrives “In here” Demetri calls out; Felix enters the bedroom and sees them both lying on the bed, Ally’s eyes closed “Is…Is she ok?” Felix asks voice shaky “Yea, she came round a few hours ago. She’s sleeping now though” Felix nods “I can’t begin to tell you how scared I was Fe, when I came back and found her…” Demetri trailed off looking into the bathroom “I can imagine D…Come on let’s get you both home, Carlisle’s waiting for you” Demetri nods and carries Ally out of the house as Felix grabs the suitcases.
Once back in the castle Carlisle comes to Demetri and Ally’s room to check on her “How are you feeling Ally?” He asks “Nauseous, a little light-headed again” Ally answered quietly “Ok, let’s have a look at you” Carlisle adds but before he can Ally runs into the bathroom and throws up what little food she ate for breakfast. “Carlisle is-is she going to ok?” Demetri asks concern clearly shown on his face “I can’t lose her” “Yes Demetri. She’ll be just fine as long as she takes my advice and you support her 100%” Carlisle replies “Of course I’ll support her. Why wouldn’t I?” Demetri says as he walks into the bathroom; putting her hair into a low ponytail before sitting down beside her rubbing her back gently. “Ally, I know what’s wrong with you” Carlisle says standing in the bathroom doorway “W-What is it?” She asks low not looking up “You’re pregnant Ally” Carlisle replies “Pr-pregnant? But th-that’s not…Oh my god…” Ally struggles to string a reply together before throwing up again. She looks over at Demetri; a look of surprise clearly shown in on his face. “How?” Demetri asks “Well now Demetri at your age I would have thought you knew how babies were made” Carlisle said smirking; Ally choked back a laugh “I know that Carlisle, I meant how could I let this happen? Aro told us how after seeing Edward’s and Renesmee’s thoughts that Bella died just after she gave birth…” Ally put her hand on his arm “I should have remembered that. I should been more careful with you mi amore” He turned her to face him and looked into her eyes “Forgive me. Please” He begged low “There is nothing to forgive my love. I get to have a baby with you, my husband, the man I love” She cups his face in her hands and places a kiss to his lips.
“All that matters now is that Ally follows my advice” Carlisle says “Of course Carlisle. Will you be staying until the baby arrives?” “Yes. I’ll be your doctor through this. I know what to expect this time around. You will need to drink blood daily as the baby requires it and it’ll help keep you healthy through the pregnancy. I will perform a caesarean when it’s time to deliver the baby. We just need to work out roughly how far along you are” Carlisle replies “She needs to drink blood? But she’s human Carlisle” Demetri asks thinking he may have heard wrong “Yes Demetri. We figured that out a little late with Bella I’m afraid” “Ok. When do I need to start drinking blood Carlisle?” She asked “As soon as possible” He replied.
There was a knock on the door “Hi baby girl. How are you feeling?” Renee asks as she wraps her arms around Ally “I’m ok mom” She replied “Do you know why you passed out whilst you were away?” “Yes mom. It turns out I’m pregnant” Ally responds “W-what? How is that possible?” Renee asks shocked “It turns out that male vampires are able to father children with human females. We only found this out last year when Bella got pregnant” Carlisle replies “Wait. Bella’s a mom too? Why wasn’t I told?” “Because Bella’s a vampire now and humans aren’t allowed to know about us” Carlisle replies “Bella only has Charlie in her life because of her friend Jake” He adds “I need you mom” Ally tightens her hold around Renee “I’m here baby girl” Renee says holding Ally closer stroking her hair “Are you happy about the news?” “Yes mom. We are” “Then congratulations to you both” Renee says smiling reaching out to Demetri who steps forward wrapping one arm around Ally and the other around Renee “Thank you Renee” He says low.
Once Carlisle and Renee leave, Ally goes to the closet to change and places her hand on her stomach “I-I have a baby bump” She says low, Demetri having followed her into the closet now notices the slight swelling of Ally’s stomach and wrapped him arms around her from behind resting his hands on her bump “How-how did I not notice before?” “We were otherwise engaged Demi” She says chuckling lightly, she feels him smile against her neck “You look so beautiful darling” He spoke softly in her ear before placing a kiss to her temple “I love you cara and I’m right here with you” Ally smiled and turned in his arms “I love you too Dem”
The following day Carlisle comes to check on Ally bringing her some blood bags, Esme coming with him. Alice and Jasper come by shortly afterwards “Congratulations you two” Alice says grinning wide, gently hugging Ally then Demetri. “You know you’re going to have to stop sending human/vampire couples to Isle Esme for their honeymoon, right mom? Because we’re currently two for two. There’s obviously ‘something’ about that place” Jasper says laughing; Esme smiles but doesn’t answer him as Carlisle and Demetri choke back a laugh “Yea, mom and Marcus are not allowed to go to Isle Esme together whilst she’s still human” Ally says pointing at Carlisle and Esme; both of them nodding at her smiling.
The following morning Demetri, Ally and Felix are watching TV and Demetri is making sure Ally drinks the cup of blood Carlisle bought by as she’s snuggled up beside him. “Hi sweetie, just me. Thought we could catch up” Jane said as she entered the room. “Sounds good” Ally replies “So what happened with you and Felix after we left for Rio? I mean you two were dancing all evening together” Ally asks curiously. “Felix walked me back to me room at the end of the night and kissed me goodnight. It wasn’t entirely unpleasant” Jane replies with a little smile “Aww. That’s so sweet” Ally says smiling at Jane and Felix. “That goodnight kiss became two…which then led to something more intimate” Felix said smiling; Jane looked at her hands, if she was human she’d be blushing “See Dem I told you there was something between them” Ally says nudging Demetri’s arm “Just because they spent the night together it doesn’t mean they’re actually together though” He says eyeing Felix who just smirks at him “He held me in his arms afterwards, like how Demetri holds you when you sleep” Jane says quietly “Aww so does this mean…” Ally started but stopped when Felix wrapped his arms around Jane and she snuggled into his side “Told you” Ally whispers low in Demetri’s ear; Demetri smiles “Wonder what Alec thinks about the two of you” He muses “I think it’s funny that Jane still pain drops his ass despite them being intimate with one another” Alec answers smiling, entering the room.
“How’s Ally doing?” Felix asked as he entered Demetri’s room a few nights later “She’s doing ok. Carlisle said she’s handling the pregnancy better than Bella did, but I think that’s due to Carlisle knowing what to expect this time around. I mean Ally has been drinking blood since we got back whereas apparently it took them about a week before they realised that Bella needed to drink blood to get her through it” “Well that’s good at least. You’re lucky Carlisle extended his stay with us” Felix replied “Yea, I don’t think it was luck, I think it was Alice” Demetri said smiling looking down Ally asleep in his arms “You think she knew?” “Yes Fe, I think at some point whilst we were away, she had a vision and told Carlisle. He called me just after I found her passed out; asked me if she was ok. He seemed too calm and wasn’t surprised by her symptoms, in fact he had a supply of blood bags ready and waiting for her” “Never thought of it like that before, either way it’s a good thing they’re here” Felix added, Demetri nodded.
Demetri, Felix and Alec had to go on a mission to deal with a few rogues in Spain and were gone for two days; so Ally decided to use some of this time to google baby names; writing down some ideas to discuss with Demetri when he got back.
The night he returns home Demetri and Alyssa sit and discuss baby names in front of the fire “We need to have a think about baby names” Demetri said looking at Ally. “I’m already ahead of you. I had a think about baby names whilst you were away and decided that I’d like to honour your Greek heritage; so I googled Greek names and for a girl I wrote down my three favourite; Catalina – it means chaste / pure, Olena – means torch of light and Sirena – meaning enchantress. My favourite three for a boy are; Galen – it means calm / peaceful, Nikolaos – means victor of people and Xander – means defender of man. What do you think?” She asks holding his hands in hers “Wow! You have given it some thought and it means a lot to me that you want to honour my Greek heritage. I quite like Catalina for a girl and Galen for a boy” Demetri responded smiling “We really are made for each other” Demetri looks at her eyebrow raised “Those were my favourite names from the list too. Did you have any ideas?” “No, that’s why I thought we could discuss baby names, but we have our favourites now.” Demetri replied smiling. “Ok then but for now it’s Baby Volturi” Ally said placing a hand on her baby bump; one of Demetri’s hands doing the same.
Later that night Demetri held Ally in his arms as she slept ‘I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad’ he thought to himself smiling. Ally was woken up by the baby moving about “Oh” She said rolling over feeling the baby kick “Give me your hand Demi” She says placing his hand on her belly “What are you…” He was cut off when he felt the baby kick his hand; Ally looked over to see shock then happiness wash over his face. The baby kicked again “Not sure he’s a fan of your cold hands” She laughed “Or maybe he’s just saying hi to daddy, isn’t that right little one?” Demetri says to her belly and the baby kicks again “See daddy was right” He sounded a bit smug; he then proceeded to talk to the baby quietly whilst Ally went back to sleep, telling the baby all about how he met mommy, how he’s looking forward to meeting him and how he will love and protect them both forever.
Ally woke up to find Demetri on his laptop beside her in bed “Morning mi amore. Sleep well?” “Morning Demi. Mmm once the baby stopped kicking” She replied “What are up to?” “Looking online at cribs, never realised there were so many to choose from, but I like this one. It’s light brown in colour so it will go well in the nursery. It’s easy to assemble and turns into bed when they’re old enough to need one” He replies “That sounds great Demi” “Glad you like it as it arrives the day after tomorrow”
They turned the empty room opposite theirs into a nursery for the baby; everyone lending a hand to get everything ready for the baby’s arrival. The walls were painted cream and Esme and Ally painted a jungle themed mural on one wall complete with tigers. Alice and Jasper bought a pair of big stuffed elephants that sat in a corner near some brightly coloured building blocks “We couldn’t decide between the blue or beige elephant so we bought both” Alice said smiling “Of course you did” Ally replied smiling. Demetri assembled the crib and the chest of drawers on his own refusing any help but he let Felix put the shelves up when Felix declared it was his ‘duty’ as uncle to help get the room prepared.
Renee and Ally celebrated Christmas with Marcus and Demetri by watching Christmas movies together whilst Renee and Ally ate a small Christmas dinner, although Ally had to drink a glass of blood afterwards in order to satisfy the baby’s need “Sorry mom, this must seem weird to you” Ally said low apologising to Renee “Don’t apologise. I get it the baby needs blood; he is half vampire after all. I’m just looking forward to meeting the little one” Renee replies smiling “I think it’s time we exchanged presents” Marcus said handing Renee two beautifully wrapped presents; the first one being a deep blue knee length short sleeve dress, the second being a first edition copy of her favourite book ‘Pride and Prejudice’ “Thank you Marcus, the dress is gorgeous and I love the book” She kisses his lips “This is for you. I hope you like it” Renee said handing him his gift; a copy of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ “It’s perfect mi amore” Marcus said giving Renee a kiss “I noticed your copy was looking a bit battered and I wasn’t sure what else to get you” She replied smiling. Demetri handed Ally a beautifully wrapped box and inside was mosaic photo frame with the word ‘Family’ across the top “I thought we could put pictures of us and the baby in it. I hear humans do that sort of thing” He said looking at Ally with a big grin “We do and it’s a great idea, thank you” She kissed his lips and gave him a hug before passing him his gift; ‘First Time Parent’ parenting book “Figured it would help you and Felix out whilst I’m going through my transformation” She said smiling wide; Renee and Marcus trying not to laugh “I love it thank you. I must confess I bought a parenting book myself a few days ago” He responded wrapping his arms around her “I have no idea how to take care of a baby so I’m hoping your mom helps too” He added looking at Renee “Of course I’ll help that’s what Nanas are for” She replied smiling and snuggled into Marcus’ side.
Everyone gathered on the castle roof to watch the New Year’s Eve fireworks that were being let off around the city “Happy New Year mi amore” Demetri whispered in Ally’s Ear “Happy New Year to you too” She leant up placing a kiss to his lips.
January 6th – Baby Volturi’s arrival.
Carlisle and Jasper had turned one of the guest rooms into a make-shift hospital room ready for Ally’s caesarean. That morning Demetri was fussing over Ally “How are you? Do you need anything? How’s the baby?” “Demi calm down, I’m fine; the baby’s fine, the only thing I need is you. Come and sit with me…I need a hug” She replied patting the space beside her on the sofa; he sat beside her and gently held her burying his nose in her hair letting her scent calm him. A few hours later Demetri and Ally made their way to the room Carlisle had set up for them; he and Renee were waiting for them “How are you today Ally?” Carlisle asked as Demetri helped her get comfortable on the bed “I’m ok thanks, just a little nervous” She answered low “You’ll be ok, I promise. You’ve handled your pregnancy a lot better than Bella handled hers, but then I knew what to expect this time” He said reassuringly “I’ll be here with you the entire time amore” Demetri says softly stroking her hair and placing a kiss to her forehead. Renee was acting as the nurse as Demetri didn’t want any other vampires in the room with them due to the blood. “Dem you can wait outside if you need to; please don’t make yourself uncomfortable” Ally squeezes his hand a little “Ally I’m fine and there is nowhere else I would rather be right now” Demetri kisses the back of her hand his eyes closed; his forehead resting gently against hers, Renee watching them with a big smile on her face ‘He truly does love and adore her’ she thinks to herself. The silence in the room is broken with the soft cries of a baby “Congratulations it’s a healthy baby girl” Carlisle says handing the baby to Demetri.
Demetri looked down at his newborn daughter in his arms and the first thing he noticed was her blue eyes…his blue eyes; the blue eyes he lost when he became immortal. He fell in love for the second time in his long life “Hello little one, I’m your daddy and I love you so very much. I will protect you and your mommy forever” He placed a kiss to her forehead and breathed in her scent then looking up at his mate he smiled “Thank you. You’ve given me something I never thought I’d have in this life, a family. I think I love you more now than ever Ally” He leant down capturing her lips in a soft kiss “I didn’t do it on my own handsome; she’s fifty percent you, so thank you to you too.” She said smiling before kissing him “I love you so much Demi”
“Sorry to interrupt the lovely moment but I think there’s another one” Carlisle says looking at Demetri. Demetri's eyes widen in shock. “Santo cazzo…” He breathed, the swear word slipping out effortlessly. Carlisle's eyebrows raised, but he didn't say anything. "There's…there's two..?? You're telling me I have two children..?" Demetri added, an awed smile appearing on his face as he exchanged a glance with Ally. She looked just as blindsided as he felt in that moment. He couldn’t believe it; he had been blessed with not just one, but two beautiful children, to help carry on his bloodline.
“Let me hold her Dem” Ally asked and he passed her their daughter to hold. Carlisle then handed Demetri his newborn son; who had Ally’s chocolate brown eyes. Demetri looked down at his son and fell in love for the third time in his long life “Hello son, I’m your daddy and I love you so very much” He held him close; his eyes filling with venom “I’ll protect you forever too” Demetri placed a kiss to his head; breathing in his scent “He’s perfect. They’re both perfect. Thank you Ally, mi amore.” He kissed her lips softly “He’s fifty percent you too Demi” Ally chuckled.
Carlisle stitched Ally up leaving her with a neat scar and administered some morphine for the pain. “Thank you Carlisle. I really appreciate everything you have done for us” Demetri said shaking his hand “You’re very welcome. I’m glad things worked out for you both” Carlisle replied smiling.
There’s a knock at the door “Only us” Esme says and she and Marcus enter the room “Hi Ally, how are you?” Esme asks “I’m ok thanks to Carlisle, mom and Demi” She replies “Would you like to meet our grandchildren Marcus?” Renee asks “I would love…wait…grandchildren?” He asks surprised “Yes master; Ally and I have son and a daughter” Demetri replies, smiling proudly “Congratulations my dear boy” Marcus smiled wide shaking his hand “And you Ally my dear are most amazing. Congratulations” He kisses her forehead “Thank you Marcus” Ally says smiling. Marcus moves to stand by Renee who is now holding their granddaughter; Demetri sits beside Ally as he passes their son to her. “Have you decided on their names?” Esme asked curious “Well we had a boy’s name and a girl’s name picked out ready as we didn’t know what we were having, so I suppose we can use both names now. Demetri would you like to tell them?” Ally asked smiling; Demetri nodded and smiled back “I’d like to introduce you all to our son Galen Volturi and our daughter Catalina Volturi” “Beautiful names and Greek if I’m not mistaken” Esme replies “Thank you. Ally wanted to honour my Greek heritage so she googled Greek baby names” Demetri replied smiling “I love the names you’ve chosen” Renee adds smiling.
Carlisle carried Ally carefully back to her and Demetri’s shared room so Demetri could turn her whilst Renee and Esme cleaned and dressed the twins, staying in the guest room with them whilst Demetri and Ally spent a little bit of time together before he changed her “I’ll be in the hallway if you need me Demetri” Carlisle said “Thank you.”
Demetri climbed on the bed carefully beside Ally and wrapped his arm around her “I just want to hold you once more before I turn you. I’m going to miss hearing your heartbeat when I hold you and when you sleep bedside me. I’m also going to miss your warmth. I love you so much Ally.” “I love you too” Ally responds; he unwraps his arm from her and positions himself so he is hovering above her, leaning down he kisses her neck, venom collecting in his mouth before biting her; letting his venom flow through her system, he then licks the wound to close it. “I’ll see you in a few days mi amore” He kisses her lips and rests his forehead against hers “I love you.”
Esme and Renee bring the twins to Demetri’s room and place them in the crib together “I’m going to have to get another crib as soon as possible, now there’s two babies” Demetri said “In fact we’re going to have a second set of everything” He continued “It was definitely a surprise when Carlisle said there was a second baby” Renee added “Would you like us to change Ally into something different?” Esme asks “Yes, if you wouldn’t mind. There’s a green sleeveless dress hanging up in her closet” Demetri replies. Renee and Esme change Ally into the dress and brush her hair out before leaving and going back to their rooms “I’ll be back a little later to help with the twins” Renee says as she gets ready to leave “Thank you Renee, I’d appreciate that” He replies.
Just as Renee and Esme leave Felix comes to see Demetri “”Hey Fe come meet my beautiful children” He said pride evident in his voice “Children as in plural?” Felix sounded shocked; Demetri chuckled “Yes Fe, Ally had twins. I have a son and a daughter and they’re gorgeous… perfect, like their mom” “Congratulations D. Our little human really is amazing” Felix replied looking at Ally and smiling “She not our little human any more Fe. She’s going through her transformation” “She’s still amazing and looks so peaceful D” “Carlisle gave her some morphine after her caesarean so that’s helping with the initial part of the transformation” Demetri smiled lovingly at Ally.
Meanwhile Ally is going through her transformation; ‘I felt Demi kiss my neck before he bit me letting his venom enter my system…the initial pain...wow! I know that mom and Esme changed me into a clean dress following my caesarean. It feels like my body is on fire; every nerve ending burns with his venom. I can feel my blood being replaced with venom; Demi’s venom. This is too much…I-I can’t do this.’ “I love you cara mia” She hears Demetri’s voice. ‘I can do this; I must do this… for Demi; for Galen and…Catalina.’ She not tries writhe too much despite the pain she is in; knowing that Demetri would feel bad enough, as he is the reason she is in this much pain.
On the second day of Ally’s transformation Demetri and Felix were holding the twins whilst watching The Hunger Games when they noticed Ally’s heartbeat slowing down “I know Bella completed her transformation in two days but I didn’t expect Ally to do the same” Demetri said looking over his shoulder “Carlisle did say that is was possible and let’s face it the fact they were both prepared for their change probably helps speed up the process for them” Felix says nodding in her direction. They decide to take the twins to Renee’s room “Can you watch them for me please? I think Ally’s going to wake up today and I’d like to take her hunting before she sees them again” Demetri asks “Of course I can, just come and find us when you’re ready” Renee responds smiling “Hello little ones, ready to spend the day with Nana and Grandpa?” The twins cooed in response.
Demetri returned to his and Ally’s shared room and stood at the balcony doors looking out over the garden; waiting for Ally to wake up as her heart beat had slowed right down now so he knew it would be soon. Ally’s heart stopped beating; the room now completely silent and Demetri looked over his shoulder to see her open her now red eyes. She could see everything more clearly; her eyes scanning the room and they fell on Demetri and she smiled wide, getting off the bed and running into his arms hugging him close “Oomph. You’re a lot stronger than I am now amore. It’s your turn not to break me” Demetri said into her ear “Sorry Demi” She pulled back a little and he took her in; eyes looking her up and down “Stunning baby” He ran his fingers through her hair that was now longer, brighter and fuller than before. He leans down and kisses her lips; his hands cupping her face “I love you Demi” She kisses him “I love you too” “How are the twins?” She asks “They’re amazing cara mia and so gorgeous” He smiles wide “Can I see them?” “I want to take you hunting first. Come on” He takes her hand in his and they make their way out of the castle, luckily it’s a cloudy day so they don’t have to worry about being exposed.
They leave Volterra to go hunting; Ally noticing every little thing as they run together including how fast Demetri is. He stops running and turns to catch her in his arms; Ally coming to a stop in his embrace. “Close your eyes and listen, tell me what you can hear” She closed her eyes and focused on listening to her surroundings. “I can hear faint chatter of people below; birds in the trees, traffic in the distance. It’s amazing Dem” “You’ve focused really well cara. Come with me and I’ll show you how to hunt. Stay close”
Ten minutes later they’re standing on the roof a building looking down at an alleyway that was about 5 minute walk from a bar. “Keep your eyes on those two” Demetri said pointing to a couple of drunks leaving the bar and making their way towards the alleyway; he took her hand in his “Jump with me cara” They landed silently in the alleyway below; Ally caught the scent of the couple and squeezed Demetri’s hand tightly “It’s ok cara. I’ve got you” She nods and brings her other hand to her throat feeling the burn “Not long now amore, just do as I do” He kisses her temple and releases her hand as the two men enter the alley and make their way towards them; once they are near enough she hears Dem say “Now amore” She watches as he grabs the man and sinks his teeth into his neck, the other goes to run but Ally is quicker and grabs him around the throat holding him to her chest and bites down on his neck, the warm blood flowing down her throat easing the burn. When she had drained the human she released him and he fell to the ground “Well done amore” Demetri says smiling and kisses her “Are you still thirsty?” “Thank you babe and just a little” She kisses him back “Let’s dispose of these two and then we’ll find you someone else.” Demetri snaps their necks and throws the couple into the nearby river and watches as the bodies wash away. “Come on cara” He takes her hand in his and they make their way towards another part of the city where they ‘share’ a human before disposing of them “You were amazing cara. You were fast, efficient and they were very clean kills for a newborn. I’m so proud of you” He wraps his arm around her, pulling her to his chest and kisses her “I learnt from the best” She kissed him back “Let’s go home” She laced her fingers with his and they made their way back to the castle.
They arrive back at the castle to find Felix and the twins waiting for them “How did our little newborn do?” Felix asks “She did great. She was fast, efficient and very clean for a newborn” Demetri replies his face and voice full of pride “Well done sweetie” Jane says smiling “Yes well done Ally. I must say you seem very calm for a newborn” Alec sounded impressed “Hopefully Aro will be just as pleased with you after the next tour” Felix adds; Demetri continues to look down at her with adoration, feeling proud of his mate “You think they’ll let me join the next ‘tour’?” She asks “Yes, especially once they hear how well you did on your first hunt” Felix replied.
Demetri and Ally make their way back to their room stopping by Marcus and Renee’s room to collect the twins “You look amazing my dear” Marcus says smiling at Ally “Thank you Marcus…or is it master now?” She replied “Marcus will do my dear” He smiled at her; Renee stayed seated on the sofa waiting for Ally to approach her “Hi mom” Ally sat beside her and carefully wrapped her arms around her “Hi baby girl” Renee replies hugging her back “Thank you for helping Demi with the twins” “No need to thank me that’s what Nanas are for. I’m looking forward to watching them grow up and spending forever with you all” “Me too mom” Ally replies smiling. “I’m impressed with her self-control Demetri, I must confess I was little worried how she’d be around Renee” Marcus said too low for Ally and Renee to hear “Thank you master. She also did amazingly well on her first hunt; she was fast, efficient and they were clean kills” He added smiling; Marcus chuckled and Demetri looked at him with an eyebrow raised “I think you’d be proud of Ally no matter what she was like as a newborn. I mean she could kill the postman tomorrow and you still be smiling and telling us all how proud of her you are” Demetri laughed too “You’re right master, I would be proud either way, but you know I’d cover for her, take responsibility for her” He said looking at Marcus “And that my dear boy is why we are allowing her to stay with us during her newborn phase. We know that you would take care of any ‘slip ups’ before they became an issue and so would Felix, Jane and Alec. She is also a new mom and we couldn’t separate her from you and the babies” Marcus replies “I’m guessing it also helps that Ally is now your step-daughter?” Demetri asks “It does. Your loyalty, your position as an elite guard and you being my personal bodyguard also went in her favour” Marcus added smiling “I have always thought of you as a son and now you are officially my son-in-law. We have a family to protect now” Marcus placed a hand on Demetri’s shoulder and nodded to the seating area where Ally and Renee were holding Galen and Catalina “Thank you master, that means a lot coming from you” Demetri responded “You can call me Marcus when we are not ‘working’ Demetri” “Ok, that’s going to take a little getting used to master…I mean Marcus” Demetri said smiling.
Once back in their room Demetri sat on the sofa beside Ally holding their daughter in his arms “I don’t care how quickly my little girl grows up; she’s not dating till she’s like 30, and even then if I don’t like him he’s gone” He said to Ally who was holding their son in her arms. “Now Dem, come on. You remember what it was like when my sister disapproved of you…of us” She replied “Yes I do. You stayed with me anyway. Hell you even left home at 17 and married me… gave me two beautiful children” He replied smirking but that smirk faded quickly when he realised what he just said “Annnnnd…there it is” Ally replied smirking and snuggled up to him “Oh Sshh you” He said pouting, kissing her hair.
Once they put the twins to bed they cuddled up on the sofa and watched a film together “Just for the record though I don’t regret anything and I am proud to be your wife and the mother of your children” “Glad to hear it mi amore as I am proud to be your husband and the father of your children in return”
Ally’s hand made its way down Demetri’s stomach fingertips brushing over his crotch and down his thigh then back up to his crotch cupping him and squeezing gently; he growled low “You like that?” She purred and repeated her action before climbing onto his lap straddling him, placing her hands on his cheeks she captured him in a passionate kiss; she bit his lip gently as she grinded against his hardening cock, his lips parting allowing her to deepen the kiss tongues dancing together. ‘He tastes better than I remember’ she thought to herself and started to unbutton his shirt her hands moving over his chest nails lightly scratching him; a light growl left him and he reached  over and ripped off the dress she was wearing “Hey! I liked that dress” “I’ll buy you two new ones cara” He said smiling before getting off the sofa and laying her down on the rug in front of the fireplace; removing his trousers, boxers and her lace panties before settling himself between her legs. She wrapped her legs around him then rolled them over so she was on top and removed her bra “I’ll be gentle with you. I promise” She smiled and winked at him “You’d better” He winked back.
“Remember the last time we were in this position with you on top?” He asks smiling; she smiled back at him, and if she had still been human, she would've blushed for sure. "Oh, I remember..." She answered, gazing down at him. He smirked, his eyes taking in all of his mate's glorious beauty. "God, look at you, Ally..." He breathed, in awe. She bit back another smile, and he laughed softly. "What? Say it, amore." He coaxed gently. She gestured at him lovingly. "Me? Look at YOU, Dem... You're beautiful... I mean…" She said, quickly becoming a little flustered. He laughed again, taking her hands in his. "No, it's okay; I know what you meant..." He reassured her. "Come here, amore..." He added, his red eyes darkening slightly. Ally let a sharp little gasp escape her as she finally, finally lowered herself down onto her mate. Oh, sweet heavens alive, did he feel amazing...! She let out a soft groan at the same time Demetri did, as every last little part of her was now completely claimed by him. "Jesus, Ally..." Demetri said in a ragged, breathless whisper. "I know, Dem... I know…" She answered, moving her hips against his. As she looked down into those dark ruby eyes of his, he gave her a sudden knowing little smile. "What?" She asked, her own crimson irises sparkling with humour. "Just... We're the same temperature now, baby." He remarked, smirking up at her. Ally's eyes widened as she realized he was right: what was once ice, and cold and somewhat foreign to her before, was now warmth, and heat and just... Home. Comfortable, perfect, made for her in every way and shape, possible.
She bit her lip as she looked down at him. He gazed back up at her, his complete love and awe of her newfound immortal soul reflected in his eyes. "Yes, we are... it's perfect. You’re perfect..." She murmured, leaning down to kiss him. He kissed her back with fervour, urgency, a heat that he'd had to hold back on a little bit, when she was still human. But now that Ally was immortal, well... all bets were off. As his tongue intertwined with hers, he let out a shaky breath, her name escaping his lips in a soft moan. She kissed him harder in response, at the same time moving her hips forward on him so he entered her a little bit deeper than before. The new angle caused a groan to escape both of them; the sensations and heightened awareness was all too much, but in the most delicious way. Her head fell back, eyes closed and lips parted slightly as she continued to move her hips over his; his hands trailing up her sides and taking her breasts in his hands squeezing lightly “Ahh” She breathed her hands resting on his chest; her entire body alight from the lightest of touches, he gently thrusted up into her hitting a new spot inside her that had her crying out his name “Demi” He thrusted up into her again as she grinded against him; letting out a hiss as her walls clenched around him, Ally quickened her pace as she chased her release “That’s it baby….” He encouraged feeling his release was close too. Demetri moved one hand down her body until he reached her clit pinching and circling the bundle of nerves and watched in awe as she experienced her first orgasm as a newborn. Ally felt Demetri pull her over the edge and into the abyss; her entire body tingling from head to toe “Oh…God…Yes!” She cried out; Demetri’s release followed “Oh…Ally…”
He sat up still inside her holding her close as he thrusted up into her; riding out their orgasms together. She wrapped her arms around him kissing his neck teeth grazing over his skin before she bit down on his neck and he let out a cry of ecstasy feeling her venom tingle against his neck “You’re mine” She purred in his ear; pride filling him to know she had marked him, claimed him as hers, the way he had marked her, claimed her as his when she was still human. “I thought my first time with you as a human was amazing…but god that was…” “I know baby” He kissed her softly holding her closer to him.
He laid her down on the rug and pulling almost all the way out of her; he ran his hand up her thigh holding her leg to his side as he re-entered her filling her fully, deeply, completely being at one with her. He roughly thrusted into her capturing her lips with his muffling her cry; her nails scratching up his back as he continued to take her roughly, growling into her ear “Sweet Jesus…Ally!” Him enjoying being able to be with his mate intimately without the fear of hurting her “I’m never going to get enough of you baby” He left a trail of open-mouthed kisses along her neck, his teeth grazing her skin “How is that different to when I was human Demi?” She chuckled; he growled in response and thrusted a little rougher that time; a breathless moan leaving their lips as they came together, their orgasms washing over them entirely.
He pulled the blanket down off the sofa and placed it over them as he held her in his arms “This is the part where you would normally fall asleep” He said low “I can always pretend to sleep…if you’d like” She replied winking at him “Don’t you dare amore. I’m only holding you to be a gentleman Ally” He winked at her “I plan to take you again…seeing as you no longer need to sleep” She gasped slightly as he re-entered her “I was hoping you’d take me again” She purred in his ear.
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Re-watching Game of Thrones.  And by that, I mean only certain episodes and scenes. Because I’m like- might as well watch the whole episode while I’m here.  Especially the cinematic pieces of: - The Battle of Winterfell- well the build-up scene. Well, the scene where the Night King Plays. Cause that was musical greatness. Though as I’m watching it-I’m going- “Let’s put all of those in Winterfell in the crypts!” (Like....WTF)  - When Cersei blows up the Great Sept of Baelor using Wildfire and that other awesome musical masterpiece: Light of the Seven Plays  When Araya takes down a whole house wearing the face of Walder Frey. I love it because of the line, “Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe.”  When Littlefinger dies. Because he was all smug in thinking that they were in there for Arya and then the smirk was wiped off it and Arya with her, “My sister asked you a question!” And then the irony when Sansa turned Littlefinger’s words against him.  Arya and Brienne sparring.  When they went on that suicide mission to capture a wight. It was awesome, insanity, and hilarious because of Tormund.  Gendry. Most specifically when Arya was asking Gendry about the status of the weapon that he was making for her was going.  Olena with her, “It was me!” confession. 
The very first episode- because oh my god it blows my mind how little Bran and Arya and Rickon were. They were so adorable.  And Jon snow looked so good. 
Lyanna Mormont. Any scene with Lyanna Mormont. 
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castielsbeelove · 7 years
Daenerys Targaryen x Reader: My Queen
Request: Can u do a fic where reader and daenerys meet up at dragonstone like shes wih olena and has a crush on her and daenerys notices and flirts with her and it turns out to be smutty pls and thx xoxo
Warning: SMUT, cursing probably. Spoilers for new episodes!!!!!
Pairing: Daenerys Targaryen x Reader
A/N: Reader is Olenna’s grandchild and only heir to High Garden.
You looked up at the looming castle as Olenna Tyrell walked with you, sighing. “Couldn’t we get a damn carriage?” She muttered as she walked, hiking her black dress up.
“Would you like me to carry you?” A guard offered but they were cursed at. You didn’t pay much attention, your eyes were occupied by the dragons. One was flying above the ocean searching for food, another perched near the castle. The other one, well you didn’t know where that one was. All you knew was she had three.
When you saw her, you were stunned. She was gorgeous to say the least. Her hair, her eyes, her everything. You could barely speak when she talked to Olenna, and when she finally noticed you everything froze.
“And you are?” She asked, staring right at you. You stopped breathing and looked around, making sure she wasn’t looking at someone near you. “Yes, you.” She sounded amused.
“My name is (Y/N), your grace.” You stuttered from your seat beside Olenna.
“What a pretty name.” She said and turned to Olenna, talking to her about something. You didn’t hear what she was saying, your ears were ringing and your cheeks were red. She called your name pretty! It felt like such a great compliment from someone so utterly perfect. You closed your eyes as little pink flowers grew on your face and in your chest.
The next few weeks were hell. Olenna went back to get her army and ended up dying. Jamie Lannister had her drink poison.
“I am so sorry, (Y/N),” Daenerys said, holding your hand in hers. It was inappropriate for you to be in her room, especially without a guard and definitely not this late at night.
“As if I needed another reason to hate the Lannisters.” You laughed bitterly, looking out her window. “I don’t know what to do. She was my only family. Now I have nowhere to go.” You knew it was inevitable, Daenerys would eventually make you leave. “I don’t know what I’ll do.”
“I understand.” She said quietly, biting her lip. “Just know, you don’t have to leave here. Olenna is dead, but you are not. You’re as much of an ally as she was.”
“An ally? I don’t have an army. Our army has been killed off.” You sighed, looking down to her hands clasping yours. It was strange she hadn’t let go of them.
“That is correct, but you still stand for High Garden. You will get it back.” Daenerys looked into your eyes. You were too busy looking at her fingernails to notice how she was staring. “I promise.”
You shrugged and removed your hands to rub your face. “I just don’t know. I didn’t think this would happen. If I had gone back with her, I’d be dead too.” You realized how easily you could have died and felt a lump form in your throat. “Gods.”
Daenerys tilted your chin up so she could see your eyes. “Don’t cry. We will get justice for her death, (Y/N).”
You looked at her eyes, at her sky blue iris and smiled. “Thank you.” You genuinely believed her. You looked down to her lips and back into her eyes, your heart speeding up. ‘Don’t kiss the queen, you’ll die. She’ll have someone come kill you for that. That’s weird’. You told yourself and stood up. “I’m going to go to bed, your grace.”
“My name is Daenerys.” She teased and stood up, causing you to blush. “Goodnight, (Y/N).”
“Goodnight.” You smiled and left.
A few weeks later, Daenerys went off to battle. You were sick to your stomach with worry. It wasn’t the first battle she’d been in, but it was definitely the most intense. She took Drogon, her largest dragon, and her Dothraki warriors and left. She didn’t even say goodbye to you. For some reason, it hurt more than it should have? What if you never saw her again?
She came back exhausted and angry. You were in your room when she burst through the doors, an annoyed look on her face. Before you could even fully turn to face her she cupped your face in her hot hands and your lips collided. A gasp of surprise was sucked out of your throat as she kissed you.
“Daenerys!” You breathed when she parted from you, her hands still on your face. “Is everything alright?”
“Be quiet.” She snapped, one hand tangling itself in your hair while the other slipped down to the front of your shirt. You swallowed hard as she unlaced it, keeping full eye contact. “I will talk to you after.”
“After?” You were cut off by her lips on yours again. Soon she had your entire shirt unlaced and she slipped it off your shoulders. You inhaled sharply when she pushed you back on your bed. You fell backward, landing on your back. You pushed yourself up and she was on you, kissing every inch of skin she could find. You sighed, closing your eyes. Inside you were screaming, your dreams were coming true.
Her hands roamed down to your pants, tugging them off. Thank the gods you weren’t wearing some complicated dress. You hated dresses. Once she got them off she stood up, unclasping her cloak. She let it drop to the ground along with the heavy silver chain that held it in place, which clattered to the floor.
“Daenerys, wait!” You stopped her, pointing to your door. She left it open.
She snorted, looking back to you. “You presume I care if anyone sees me?” She asked in a sultry voice and you almost came right there. After a moment she smirked. “Alright, but only because you mentioned it.” She walked to the door and shut it, locking it while smiling at you to show she cared for your privacy. You smiled back and she unclasped her shoes, taking them off.
“Why must you wear so much clothing?” You mused as she walked back over to you.
“You take it off, then.” She said and turned around. You grinned and stood up, rushing over to her. You unbuttoned the back of her dress, helping her out of the complicated thing. Once it fell to the ground you almost fell with it. She turned around and you felt dizzy, she was so gorgeous. She smirked at you, seeing your eyes widen. “You can touch me, I won’t call my guards.” She whispered and something about the sentence made you incredibly wet. Your knees went weak and you stepped closer, licking your lips. Your fingers trailed along her soft skin lit by candlelight, sighing. She was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. You would die for this woman. You cupped her breasts, running your fingers over her nipples. She closed her eyes and you bit your lip. You’d been with a few women before but this was so different. She wasn’t just a woman, she was Daenerys Targaryen.
With a smile, she pushed you back onto the bed. You giggled and sat up as she crawled between your legs, kissing your knees and thighs. When those kisses reached between your legs you cried out, her tongue pleasing you to no end. “Yes!” You moaned and fell back, running your fingers through her hair. She continued her routine until you came, your hands fists in her hair. You groaned and bucked your hips as you orgasmed, cum leaking out from your cunt and onto the bed.
Daenerys sat up quickly after that and pinned you to the bed, straddling your waist. “I hope you can hold your breath long.” She warned before crawling over you, sitting on your face. You inhaled sharply through your nose at that, surprised by her boldness. You got to work though, licking and sucking until she came on your face. Her moans filled the air, beautiful moans that were more musical than any instrument you’d ever heard. You licked it all away and she got off you, panting. Her head hit your pillow and she sighed loudly, nuzzling into your sheets. “(Y/N), come here.” She sighed into your sheets and you happily obliged, crawling over to cuddle with her.
After a while she explained what happened, Drogon had gotten injured, Jon had touched her dragon, then left to go to the north. She planned on leaving soon to help him, she claimed she had a feeling he’d need it. It was all very hard for her, especially with Drogon.
“I’m so sorry.” You said as you brushed her hair with your fingers. “It’ll get better soon, I promise. Jon will convince Cersei, then you’ll have more time to plan. You will have the throne, my queen, I promise it. I’ll kill everyone I have to to see you on that throne.”
She turned and kissed you deeply, lovingly. “And you will be beside me, every step of the way.
“Yes, my queen. I swear to it.”
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birdistheword1997 · 7 years
GOT Thoughts: 7x02
Sadly i wasnt drunk for this one cause i had to work Monday also sorry for the long wait.
·      Daenerys!!!
·      I don’t like Varys
·      I don’t think she likes him either
·      Oh she is going at him
·      Haha Tyrion attempting to stick up for his friend
·      And yet Daenerys still goes after him YAAASSS
·      “If you ever betray me I’ll burn you alive”
·      THIS BITCH!!!!!!!
·      I hate her! She needs to die.
·      At least Varys mentions Stannis
·      If Melisandre ruins Daenerys like she did with Stannis I’m going to be pisssed!!!
·      Oh shit… its going to be awesome if Daenerys is in the prophecy
·      I love how they are starting to tie it all together
·      Yaassss Tyrion trusting Jon
·      “All dwarves are bastards in their father’s eyes”
·      YAASSS Sansa sticking up with Tyrion
·      Fucking Cersie
·      Lies, lies and more lies
·      The one and only time I will only like Sam’s father
·      Jamie being all persuasive…dammit
·      Oh Jorah
·      Not going to lie but I don’t really like Jorah
·      Mostly cause I don’t ship him with Daenerys
·      Sam being the only smart one who mentions Stannis’s daughter
·      And of course the old white guy shoots him down
·      I think Sam is going to find a way to save him
·      The dragon’s skulls!!!!
·      I seriously wont be able to handle it if the dragons start dropping like flies.
·      It was bad enough with the direwolves
·      Aw Tyrion mentioning Mercella
·      I fucking love Lady Olena
·      Daenerys taking charge!
·      “You’re a dragon. Be a dragon.”
·      AWW Missandei
·      “You are my weakness.” –Greyworm
·      Aww Missandei is getting chocked up
·      YES FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
·      Nooooo why she pull away
·      Oh wait nevermind….
·      Yo the door is still open!
·      Are we about to see his…???
·      Guess not…
·      Well I guess that’s the only thing he can do in order to have sex
·      ….the door is still open!!!
·      Knew Sam was going to figure it out
·      …never mind…
·      Aww Jorah
·      Sam is going to save him!!!!
·      HAHA he had to take some first
·      AW shit I know what he’s going to do
·      Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew
·      Oh my god this is so gross
·      That was a disgusting transition!!!
·      ARYA!!!!
·      She just fucking takes it and eats it hahaha
·      Hahaha “You’ve been making pies?”
·      He’s talking about Brienne!
·      Aawwww I love them together
·      AAAAAAHhhh she found out that her brother has WINTERFELL!!!!!
·      I’m screaming!!!!!!
·      Oh my god I’m going to cry!!!
·      “Never knew you before you were a boy. You’re pretty”
·      Arya looks a little surprised at the comment
·      Probably because she’s used to Sansa being the pretty one
·      AAAHHHH Jon telling them about Daenerys
·      Fucking Baelish and his stupid fucking smirk
·      Sansa is shook
·      Here we go again with Sansa calling him out in front of everyone
·      Not going to lie I want Arya to show up so Jon can send her than my two favorite people can meet
·      Sansa saying but not saying ‘your abandoning me’
·      Baelish is going to try and manipulate the fuck out of her now that she has power
·      Baelish needs to go die already
·      I hate him more than I do Cersie
·      SHUT THE FUCK UP Baelish its your fault Ned’s dead!
·      Jon looks like he’s about the behead him
·      YAAASSS Jon beat the shit out of him!!!
·      “touch my sister and ill kill you myself”
·      love protective Jon
·      Baelish creeper watching Sansa again
·      ARYA!!!!! Why aren’t you in Winterfell?
·      Is this the part where she finds Nymeria???
·      She gots needle!
·      YAASSS wolves!!!!
·      NYMERia’s got her pack!!!
·      NYMERIA!!!!!!! Holy shit she’s huge
·      And she’s pissed
·      She knows!!!!! AAAHHHH she remembers!!
·      YAASSS Arya is going home!!
·      Maybe she’ll run into JON
·      Arya looks so hopeful
·      NOOoooo why are you leaving??? Go back with Arya!
·      Aww man Arya’s face…
·      Hahaha Obara, Tyene, and Nymeria fighting over who they are going to kill
·      YOOO are Yara and Ellaria so so about to screw???
·      …I ship it.
·      Yara sticking up for her brother J
·      YOOOO they are!!!!!!!!!
·      Fucking Euron ruining everything
·      This guy is insane
·      Yoo they are all screwed!
·      Theon’s having flashbacks
·      Oh god…please don’t go back to being Reek…
·      He just left his sister for them to do whatever they way to do to her
·      I mean I get it but…WTF!!!!
·      I really hope none of them die but I know that they are going too L
0 notes
the-jam-to-the-unicorn · 41 minutes
Little Volena snippet from the upcoming GMA interview 🥰🥰🥰
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So many ❤️❤️❤️ Vova pictures today
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Olena gave an interview to BBC
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"Thank you for being mine." Ze: моя
I hope you enjoy it, anon! 🤗
"And you're sure?"
Volodymyr closed the last buttons of his shirt as he looked at Olena through the mirror. She was lying sideways on his bed, her bare legs covered and wearing his hoodie, her head resting on one hand and a pencil tucked behind her ear. Lost in thought, Olena nibbled at her lower lip, her forehead slightly furrowed in concentration, and without realising it, she kept clicking the pen in her hand. Her eyes were fixed on the book in front of her, a notepad and flashcards beside it. Blinking, Olena looked up from the book, then smiled as she caught his gaze.
"Yes, absolutely," Olena replied and watched as Volodymyr put the finishing touches to his outfit, her gaze perhaps lingering on his butt for a few seconds.
Volodymyr tucked a stubborn corner of the shirt back into his trousers, then smoothed the fabric before running his fingers through his hair a few times until all the strands were the way he wanted them. And because Volodymyr had no idea where he had put his comb, he had been looking for it for two days.
"And I really can't convince you?" Volodymyr asked again, turning to Olena.
With a smirk, he noticed that she quickly raised her eyes and blushed slightly. Volodymyr found it absolutely adorable that Olena blushed at the sight of his clothed butt, especially when he thought of what they had done just half an hour ago. Then again, absolutely everything Olena did was adorable.
"I can undress again and put on something new if you don't like my clothes," Volodymyr said teasingly, raising an eyebrow coquettishly. 
"Let's see ..." Olena replied playfully and motioned for him to turn around, which he did.
"Unfortunately, there's no need for you to change your clothes again. You look very chic. And as always, you're incredibly handsome," she commented, and he grinned. "And no, you can't."
Pouting playfully, Volodymyr walked over to his bed and dropped onto the mattress next to Olena as she sat up. Volodymyr took her hand lovingly and began to play with Olena's fingers, intertwining them with his own before stroking them gently.
"But the evening will be terribly boring without you," Volodymyr whined, and Olena's smile widened a little.
"I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun without me," she replied, placing her free hand on his cheek. "I'd just be a nuisance. And I'd be the only girl. Have a nice evening with the boys, and next time, I'll come with you."
Volodymyr pushed his lower lip out a little more, and Olena leaned over and kissed him gently on the cheek. Playfully reluctant, he nodded slowly. She was indeed right. Lenny had to work, Irina was in bed with the flu and the other girls had also cancelled. 
"But I'd have a much nicer evening and more fun if I wasn't alone," Volodymyr grumbled in a last attempt to convince Olena, and she giggled when she saw his puppy dog eyes.
"You can hardly talk about being alone with your big group," Olena laughed, and Volodymyr sighed. "And I'm sure you'll have more fun without me."
"But I'm going to miss you terribly all evening," he replied with a smile and leaned towards her.
"Denys, Sasha and the others will distract you so much that you won't think about me for a second," Olena said with a twinkle in her eye.
"That is absolutely not possible. I think about you all the time," Volodymyr replied, and before she could say anything back, he kissed Olena. "I'll miss you so much, I might just have to sneak back home early," he teased with a mischievous grin between two kisses.
She smiled against his lips and looked at Volodymyr in love as they broke the kiss.
"I still feel guilty about leaving you here alone," he said softly, his eyes conveying a sense of concern, and Olena gently stroked a strand of hair from his forehead.
"There's no need for that," she reassured him, her hand gently squeezing his. "I'm going to continue working on my term paper, and I still have to write the new draft of the sketch. And besides, your Mama is coming home later tonight, and I'm sure she'll be happy if I keep her company instead of her sitting alone in the living room. And I'm looking forward to having some time to myself. As much as I like going out with you and the others, it's been a bit much lately."
"All right," Volodymyr replied quietly, returning her smile before giving Olena a tender kiss. "You would tell me if it bothered you that I was going out without you, wouldn't you?"
"I would," she confirmed, sliding a little closer to Volodymyr so that he could wrap his arms around her middle. "But as you know, I'm happiest when I'm alone or with you," Olena continued, his heart beating faster as he saw the love in her eyes, a subtle hint of longing and affection in her voice. "Or with the girls," she added with a gentle laugh, which Volodymyr joined. "And now off you go, or you'll be late. The cinema won't wait for you."
"But only if I get a kiss goodbye," he said flirtatiously, wiggling his eyebrows, which made Olena giggle.
Then she kissed him sweetly, and Volodymyr kissed her back. When Olena tried to break the kiss, he pulled her close again.
"And another kiss," Volodymyr said with a smile and kissed Olena again. "And one more."
Another kiss.
"And another kiss."
She laughed against his lips and jokingly tried to push him away, but Volodymyr pulled Olena tightly into his arms before placing his hands on her cheeks and holding Olena in place as he planted a big, passionate kiss on her lips, humming with pleasure. The smile on Olena's face when they looked at each other again made her eyes light up.
"I love you," Volodymyr said, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs.
"I love you too."
Olena gave him one last, very affectionate kiss, then he stood up and picked up his jacket.
"See you later," Volodymyr said to her as he blew Olena a kiss and then left the room.
"Bye!" she called after Volodymyr and was just about to make herself comfortable again when her eyes slid across his desk and she spotted something on it. "Vova! Your wallet!"
Hurried footsteps sounded in the corridor before Volodymyr came through the door he had just left ajar.
"I haven't forgotten it. I just wanted to see if you were paying attention," he jokingly justified himself, quickly slipping the wallet into his jacket pocket.
"Uh-huh," Olena replied, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
Volodymyr blew her another kiss and disappeared back into the corridor. But as soon as he was out of the room, Olena saw the next thing he had forgotten. It was only a moment before she heard Volodymyr's footsteps in the corridor again. Olena was already holding out the key that had been lying next to his bed when he poked his head through the door again.
"Another test to see if I'm paying attention?" she asked amusedly as Volodymyr hurried over to her.
"No, I forgot it this time. But my forgetfulness is a very charming quality of mine that you love very much," he replied just as jokingly, and as Volodymyr was about to reach for the key, Olena pulled it away.
She pursed her lips, and he kissed her before Olena handed him his keys.
"But now I have everything," Volodymyr said but suddenly stopped. "No, wait, one more thing is missing ..." he continued, planting a kiss on her cheek.
With a smug grin, Volodymyr hurried out of the room. Smiling, Olena made herself comfortable on his bed again as she finally heard the front door slam shut. 
It was just after two in the morning when Volodymyr quietly unlocked the front door and crept into the apartment. He was just about to put his things down quietly when Volodymyr saw a light under the crack of the living room door. As he entered, his mother looked up from the shirt she was sewing and gave him a friendly smile.
"You're home early, Volodenka," she said as Volodymyr returned her smile and went over to Rimma to give her a kiss on the cheek in greeting. "Lena said you wouldn't be home until morning. Has something happened?" she asked, moving the box of sewing supplies next to her on the sofa so that Volodymyr could sit down.
Then she looked down at the shirt in her hands and resumed sewing.
"No, I was just tired and wanted to go home. And when the boys wanted to go to the next disco, I took the opportunity to say goodbye."
Rimma nodded as Volodymyr watched her mend a hole in one of his shirts. 
"There's no place like home," Rimma said, smiling briefly at him.
"And why are you still awake, Mama?"
"You know, Volodenka, I can't sleep when you're out at night. And I finally wanted to do the sewing that's been lying around for weeks," she explained to Volodymyr, pointing to a pile of shirts lying next to her on the sofa. "Your father will soon have nothing else to wear, and I've mended your shirts too."
"That's very kind, Mama, but I could have done it myself," Volodymyr said with a slight smile.
Rimma looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"If I wait for that, you'll take your next exams naked," she replied dryly and knotted the thread before cutting off the remains. "And I certainly won't let Lena sew your shirts and trousers just because you're too lazy to pick up a needle," Rimma added reproachfully, giving him a scolding look. "It's bad enough that the poor girl does your laundry. You're perfectly capable of washing your own bedclothes."
"Thank you. And you're right," Volodymyr murmured, his cheeks feeling warm.
He leaned over to his mother and gave her a conciliatory kiss on the cheek, which made Rimma smile.
"Olena's gone to bed, by the way. I put your pyjamas in the bathroom," she continued, and Volodymyr nodded gratefully. 
"Did you have a nice evening?" he asked as his mother folded his shirt.
Meanwhile, Volodymyr hurried to clear up her sewing supplies.
"Oh yes!" she said enthusiastically, smiling happily. "Oh, she's such a lovely girl! When I came home, she had already cooked dinner for us. And then she kept me company all evening. But when she fell asleep on the sofa, I sent her to bed. She wanted to wait for you," Rimma said, smiling at him.
Then she handed Volodymyr the clothes before picking up the box with her sewing supplies and getting up. Volodymyr followed his mother to the large cupboard in the living room where Rimma stored the sewing supplies.
"By the way, if you ever think about her moving in with us... you have my blessing. She's an excellent cook and her mother taught her well how to run a household," she remarked suddenly, and Volodymyr laughed uncertainly.
"I'll remember that ..." he said evasively.
"Don't look like that, Volodymyr. You have to let your old mother at least occasionally think about it. After all, neither your father and I nor the two of you are getting any younger, and, as far as I know, you have always wanted lots of children. Besides, you've been a couple for quite some time now," Rimma explained matter-of-factly, taking the clothes from him. "So it's only logical that I'm wondering what the future holds for you two."
His mother turned and walked into the bedroom, and for a moment, Volodymyr stood looking after her, perplexed. He hadn't expected to have this conversation now, but since his mother had brought it up ... . Volodymyr hesitantly followed her, standing indecisively and nervously by the door as she put the clothes away in the wardrobe.
"Mama ... can I ask you something ..." he began haltingly.
With raised eyebrows, Rimma turned to Volodymyr and looked at him, waiting.
"Sure. What's on your mind?"
Volodymyr faltered. There was something that had been occupying his mind for a few months. Was now a good time ...? Maybe it was the alcohol that gave Volodymyr the courage he needed, or maybe it was just love. Either way, he gathered his courage and cleared his throat slightly as Volodymyr searched for the right words.
"What ..." he began slowly, swallowing, his heart suddenly beating fast as his hands became sweaty. "What would you think if ..." Volodymyr continued but stopped short. "Well ... if ... um ... if I wanted to ... wanted to marry Len? ... What would you say?"
There was a moment of silence while his mother looked at him, then frowned a little.
"It depends."
"On what?"
"Is Olena the love of your life?"
Without a moment's hesitation, Volodymyr nodded, the answer so clear in his mind that he didn't even need to think about it. A happy smile appeared on his face as butterflies fluttered in his stomach.
"And do you want to spend the rest of your life with her?"
"Yes," Volodymyr said immediately, nodding affirmatively. "I can't imagine loving another person as much as I love Len. Or loving anyone else at all," he added quietly, and Rimma's smile softened.
"Well, she's a very sweet, decent and hard-working girl. Very smart, incredibly pretty. She's a good person, and I'm sure she'll make a fantastic mother one day. And when I see the way she looks at you, I know she loves you with all her heart. And that's all a mother can ask for in a daughter-in-law for her son.
His mother had come over to him as she spoke and now put a hand on his cheek. Volodymyr smiled gratefully and felt a lump form in his throat from sheer emotion.
"Is there something I should know, Volodenka?" Rimma asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No! No, no. I ... only ask hypothetically. I'm not planning on proposing to her any time soon. I think we'll take our time," Volodymyr said hastily, shaking his head.
"Very reasonable," his mother agreed, smiling. "But when the time comes - you have my blessing for that too."
As quietly as possible, Volodymyr finally slipped into his room. The room was lit only by the moonlight streaming through the window. Olena had turned her back to the door. He saw the blanket rise and fall steadily, and for a moment, Volodymyr listened to her breathing as she slept soundly. His heart grew light, and Volodymyr had to smile. The tingling in his body intensified as he thought that, with a bit of luck, this could be his future. Volodymyr tiptoed over to the bed and carefully sat down on it. He placed his slippers next to Olena's and slowly crawled under the blanket. But the mattress gave way under his weight and moved so much that Olena began to grumble. Then she sighed and turned her head in his direction in confusion, her eyes still closed. 
"Vova?" Olena mumbled sleepily, so quiet that the rustling of the blanket was almost louder.
Volodymyr quickly lay down beside her and cuddled up to Olena. He carefully put an arm around her waist and found Olena's hand under the blanket. She smiled slightly and sighed happily as Volodymyr intertwined his fingers with hers. Then Olena pulled his arm tighter around her waist. Smiling, Volodymyr leaned over and kissed Olena tenderly on the cheek.
"Hey. Go back to sleep," he whispered, kissing Olena's cheek again.
She smiled as Volodymyr kissed her, and when he eventually stopped, Olena turned to face him. Volodymyr wrapped his arms tightly around her as Olena snuggled close to his body. He kissed her gently on the hair, and Olena wrapped her arms around Volodymyr's middle to snuggle even closer to him. Her face was almost completely buried in the nape of his neck, and Volodymyr could feel Olena's warm breath on his skin. He tangled her legs together and ran a hand lovingly down her back.
"Hey ..." Olena greeted him, and Volodymyr saw her lift her head drowsily and open her eyes before Olena yawned widely.
Her eyelids were heavy, her cheeks slightly flushed, and her hair dishevelled. Volodymyr smiled with deep affection. Olena looked simply enchanting at that moment. Then, his smile became apologetic.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Volodymyr said ruefully, but she shook her head slightly.
"It's all right. You're back already," Olena said after looking at the alarm clock.
"I wanted to come home. And to you," he whispered, full of love, pulling Olena closer into his arms. "I missed my girl," Volodymyr breathed, stroking her cheek and then her hair.
Olena's eyes lit up. Her heart began to beat wildly, and a blissful giggle escaped her before she bit her lower lip and beamed at him. 
"Did you have a nice evening?" Olena asked, her voice a little too high as she ran her fingertips down Volodymyr's upper arm.
He could feel himself getting goosebumps. Volodymyr hummed in agreement.
"It was very nice. We all had a great time. Greetings from the boys," he replied, smiling. "And I missed you terribly," Volodymyr whispered, and Olena's whole body tingled, even more so when he looked at her in love. "And you? How was your evening?"
"I did everything I wanted to do for my term paper. I'm halfway through the script for the sketch, and I had a really nice evening with your Mama. She showed me a new embroidery pattern and helped me with one my Mama taught me the other day. And old episodes of KVN were on TV, and we watched them on the side," Olena said, smiling.
"I'm glad you had a nice evening too."
She stretched a little and planted a soft kiss on Volodymyr's lips, which he returned.
"Now that you're back, it's a perfect evening," Olena whispered, kissing Volodymyr again.
Then she snuggled back against his body and yawned as tiredness suddenly returned. Volodymyr couldn't hold back a yawn either, as his eyelids began to get heavy. As Volodymyr fought against it and continued to stroke Olena's back, he felt her relax and slowly fall asleep again.
"Vova?" Volodymyr suddenly heard her whisper and looked at Olena.
"Yes, my darling?" Volodymyr asked lovingly, and she smiled.
"Can you say the other one again?"
"You mean 'my girl'?"
Olena nodded, and he placed a deep kiss on her hair.
"My girl," Volodymyr whispered then, and although he couldn't see Olena, Volodymyr could feel her smile of joy.
"Again," Olena said, the love clearly audible in her voice.
"My girl," Volodymyr repeated, also putting all his love into each letter.
A gentle nudge to his side followed.
"My girl," Volodymyr continued, and then there was silence.
"Can you say it again?" he heard Olena ask once more, her voice heavy with weariness.
"My girl," Volodymyr replied, and a heartbeat passed before he continued. "Thank you for being mine."
Olena felt her heart almost bursting with love at that moment. She lifted her head and opened her eyes once more before looking at Volodymyr speechlessly for a moment. Even though his sentence was so simple, it touched her soul so deeply. 
"Thank you for being mine too," Olena breathed, and Volodymyr's heart became light and heavy with love at the same time. "And for loving me so much and making me happy."
"The simplest and most beautiful thing in the world," he replied. "My girl," Volodymyr added just before he kissed Olena.
Volodymyr felt her lips curl into a smile before Olena returned his intimate kiss with devotion. Then she slowly fell back asleep in his arms while Volodymyr's eyes remained on her, studying Olena and wondering how he could be so lucky. Meanwhile, Volodymyr continued to caress her back, whispering the words over and over again so that they would linger in Olena's dreams.
My girl.
And in his mind, Volodymyr added something else that he was not yet brave enough to say out loud. Not now, not today. One day, some day.
My girl.
My future wife.
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mrfelixfischoeder · 6 months
I wish you would write a fic about your character's cheering eachother up or having a happy moment despite chaotic times.
aaa thank u this is a sweet one. set during Doomstar Requiem
Mordhaus is big. You would think with how big it is, she could get a moment to herself – but Olena never gets what she wants, does she.
She hiccups as she tries to cover another sob from her lips, wiping away goopy tears with the butt of her palm. The approaching footsteps and the familiar clack of the heels means it’s her sister. And this is the last person she wants to see right now –
“What’s happening?”
Zorya’s voice rings out in the recording studio. Olena sniffs, bringing her knees to her chest on the sofa, trying to ignore her. She can feel Zorya’s dark eyes boring into the side of her face, and Olena finally spares her a red-eyed glance.
“What is wrong?” Zorya marches over. She doesn’t come too close – both too afraid, too hesitant to close that space – and crosses her arms. But God, she’s trying, and Olena can see that.
“You know what’s wrong.” Olena murmurs, pressing her lips into her knees, feeling the fishnet dent her skin. Zorya sighs, moving to stand in front of Olena, but she doesn’t look up. Olena rolls her eyes, wondering why of all times does Zorya now have to try. “I miss Toki.”
Zorya grimaces. She doesn’t know how to deal with this. But she’s here now, and she knows walking away from Olena hurts her sister, so this time she tries to avoid that. She feels mature and vindicated for this bare minimum effort. “Charles will finds him.”
“When?” Olena demands, head shooting up. Zorya smirks at the sight of the indents on her face. She isn’t sure what amuses her so much about it, but she covers her mouth to try and not to laugh – Olena raises her hand to touch the indent against her lips. Her lipstick’s smudged as well because of it. Olena suddenly smiles – then drops it – and then smiles again as she giggles with Zorya. It suddenly feels cruel, to enjoy life whilst Toki is God knows where. But Zorya lets out a burst of laughter, a cackle, and it makes Olena laugh even more. Finally, the noise fades, and Olena lets out a long sigh. In the midst of their laughter, they hadn’t even noticed more footsteps:
“What’s so funny?”
The sisters look, and Olena jumps to her feet, Zorya leaping up and the pair practically run to Cal. Her throat is bruised, but the rest of the damage is hidden by a DethKlok jumper and sweats – apart from the bandaged left eye.
“CAL!”                  “Should you be here?!”
The girls, despite their concern, hold onto her tight – Cal coughs in laughter, groaning lowly as her ribs ache at the pressure. But she wraps her arms around the two, holding onto them as tight as her body will allow. “Olive gave me the all clear,” she smiles, leaning into their shoulders. She forgot how soft Olena’s hair is; and Zorya’s clearly been drinking more red bull than usual, ‘cause she stinks. And Cal wouldn’t have it any other way. “I was hopin’ to find someone to help me make some dinner… If you guys ain’t too busy.”
“Always!”            “Yeah, Olena’d love to help you.”
Olena lets the comment slide, because it’s true. And Zorya links her arm with Olena’s as they walk, her other arm taking Cal’s gently. Cal looks at Olena, head tilting, still getting used to the loss of half of her vision. “You been cryin’, sweetpea?”
“No,” Olena lies, smooth like butter, “Zorya made me laugh, is all.”
Zorya smiles a little, not subtle enough for Cal to miss it. The older woman nods and lets it be.
The evening is dedicated to Olena cooking, and Zorya sort of helping – by mostly giving Cal beers and getting Olena some wine. Cal starts to tell stories, anything really, and it prompts Zorya to even discuss her childhood too. What little good parts they had. Even Olena adds in tid-bits, both trusting Cal enough. Exposing their hearts to her, and she takes both so gently into her hands and cherishes the beating organs. They know they can trust each other.
 And for at least a few hours, things feel okay. Things feel bright.
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mrfelixfischoeder · 8 months
13, 38, 54 and 77 for all three of the gals and their silly guys >:) for the OC Relationship Asks
13: What is something they find hot about their S/O?
Murderella: physically, thinks his ass his hot. likes the fat, likes his thighs. likes to squish. Also the fact he makes her laugh.
Cal & Pickles: His little expressions, especially the mischievous smirk UGH gets her real bothered.
Olena & Skwisgaar: How well he looks after his skin & hair.
38: What would be their ideal evening in?
Murderella: they could be sitting together talking shit about the rest of them, maybe with jean-pierre cooking them up a special dinner for two. bill's brought them out to one of the myriad of private balconies and tried to make it kinda romantic, she loves it.
Cal & Pickles: House is empty, they've got the Top Gun films set up in order (and then a myriad of Tarantino's and then Halloween films). He's got all he needs weed-wise, there's beer in the cooler, and the hot tub is ON. Nathan joins in when he's done writing music and Cal is the meat in their sandwich.
Olena and Skwisgaar: it's self care night!!! No gigs in the next few days, no rehearsals in the morning. Face masks, foot massages for each other, back massages, hair masks and then they share a bubble bath and a bottle of prosecco, washing out each other's hair, detangling, just taking hours and hours together in the bath.
54: What's something that they don't really care for but tolerate because S/O has an interest?
Murderella: Cars - Zorya could not care less, but Bill could go on for hours about mostly historical ones. She'll pretend to listen. The one thing she cannot bring herself to concentrate on.
I cannot think of a single thing Bill doesn't like that Zorya partakes in. He's got it bad.
Cal & Pickles: Texas; turns out Pickles isn't really wild about the ranch life or Texas in general (it's hot, her brothers scare him). but will visit when she does to see her dad and to support her.
Cal tolerates weed out of everything else Pickles does; she loves coke and drinking, but for some reason weed is an actual ick. Not strong enough to deter her, obviously.
Olena & Skwisgaar: Both Olena and Skwisgaar base their lives around their music and being the best, so they don't really have other hobbies to hate. Skwisgaar puts up with going to the ballet with Olena, cause she likes it, and it makes him look classy compared to the guys.
77: What is something they would never forgive the other one for doing/saying?
Murderella: Again, Bill's got it down bad (and honestly so does Zorya). They say some pretty heinous stuff to each other at the start of their relationship during the blowouts, so kind of get the worst of it out the way. But Zorya could never forgive any sort of comparison to Olena specifically, or Bill ever stating he'd want to sleep with her or choose her over Zorya. And I think Bill is the same; he couldn't handle any sort of inference that Zorya would prefer to be with any of the guys, especially if she went into detail or showed that she thought about it.
Cal & Pickles: It's not that Pickles is possessive over Cal, but the thought of losing her when he's opened up to her hurts, so I think any hint of cheating on him (or even just pulling back!!) when he's given her Everything of himself would be too much. Which was a struggle for them at first as they tried to find the balance of casual and monogamous when Pickles was pretty much ready to jump in and Cal didn't really know what was going on. I think Cal takes herself super seriously as a person though, and I think if she ever heard Pickles mocking her like, REALLY badly to someone else then I think she'd be devastated.
Olena & Skwisgaar: Theyre both so chill and not even sure if they're in a relationship together that I don't think they'd hold anything against the other. However I know it would hurt Skwisgaar's feelings a lot if Olena talked badly of his stage presence, as he secretly holds her opinion in high regard.
I don't think Olena would ever find it unforgiveable so to speak (because she almost expects it at this point) but if Skwisgaar ever explicitly chose Zorya over her, she'd just be like... Deflated, unsurprised, hurt but just leaves the room with nothing else to say to him.
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Are we getting a new chapter of showman today? 👀
I am sorry, but not today. I had a super long and exhausting day at work and a million things to do afterwards. I'm almost done with the proof / final read for German and English but I am so tired I can't concentrate properly any longer. I'll finish it as soon as I am home and done with work tomorrow, which should be much earlier. 😵‍💫😵
So tomorrow, I swear! 🙏
A little spoiler in hopes y'all forgive me ... 😬
“We'll just keep ourselves busy and have fun,“ Irina finally said, calmly and cheerfully, pointing first at herself and Paddi and then reaching for the tray. “Of course she means the bear,” Olena said into the room. Irina reached for the pack of ice cream and then held Olena's spoon out to Paddi. With a deep voice, she made smacking sounds before eating the ice cream herself. She repeated this a few times and otherwise remained silent while she felt Olena watching her and looking at her as if she had completely lost her mind. With the help of her hand, Paddi eventually shook his head at some point and Irina held him to her ear. She nodded and made approving sounds while Paddi seemed to be talking to her. “You know, there are excellent medical facilities that can help you with your problem,“ Olena said with a tinge of sarcasm, whereupon Irina raised an eyebrow and smirked. “You seem a little snappish to me,” Irina stated, and Olena snorted next to her. “You wanted to talk the whole time. And now you're talking to Paddi.” “Because you want some peace and quiet. I'm just following your wishes,” Irina replied innocently, smiling sweetly at Olena. Olena's eyes narrowed and she glared at Irina. “Before you think about using one of these pillows to beat me to death or to smother me, always keep in mind that you would end up missing me tremendously,“ Irina saidwith a grin. “Actually, I was thinking about whether I should have Artem come in here and have him kick you back to your room. So don't give me any more ideas … .”
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