#and once again the librarians dont tell them to be quiet
bunnihearted · 1 year
the construction work right outside is driving me insane today it's rlly bad. i wish i could go to the library and hang out there just reading for a couple of hours but guess what, there are always annoying fuckface kids there running around yelling. and in todays society we dont longer tell ppl to be quiet at the library, children are allowed to be as loud as they please everywhere!!!!
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aezuria · 5 months
*ੈ✎ two lovers entwined, pass me by
"and heaven knows i'm miserable now" —the smiths
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content: leo valdez x roman! reader
╰┈▸ back cover: what if leo gets a little too tired of being the seventh wheel, wait- ninth wheel? (and meets a girl who is a d1 hater)
╰┈▸ warnings: leo and yn dont hate hate couples its a joke okay (unless its not a joke anymore pls give them love-) cursing, maybe ooc reyna? NOT canon compliant, a bit of angst but overall its silly
librarian's annotations: this is now my fav work if u guys dont like it then dont tell me pls 😣
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leo was tired. sick and tired of everyone's public displays of affection! can they at least have the decency to romance each other in the privacy of their own rooms!? he did not build ten of them for no reason! there was absolutely no way they needed to suck face at the dining table. like, right in front of his food!?
okay, he was being a bit dramatic. the most everyone was willing to do in public was hold hands. and maybe share a kiss. but that was a kiss too much! and wasn't reyna supposed to off doing (cool) praetor shit!? ever since her and jason made up, leo has not been able to catch a break! can they stop eyefucking each other already!? (they are simply staring into one another's eyes)
"guys." leo swept his gaze over the dining table. he was seated at the end, giving him an unwarranted view of everyone paired up. apparently, love is also deaf, since no one turned their head to him.
"guys!" leo raised his voice. would he be heard over the sound of their unspoken conversations? heads finally spun to look at him, as if they just remembered he was there.
"can you guys like, eat? or do this-" he gestured widely. "elsewhere? and by elsewhere i mean not in front of me."
they all managed to give him the exact same look that was a mix of embarrassment at being called out, and something that said "poor leo, he's so single!" oh come on! jason made it even worse by putting a—what was supposed to be—comforting hand on his arm. "it's okay, leo. i'm sure you'll find someone one day."
this was not funny at all. and leo would know; he's the funniest guy ever! he snatched his arm away with an utterly aghast expression. "ew! get your pity off of me!" he shuddered, playing up the theatrics and wiped his forearm over jason, giving him his couple-cooties back.
the blond reeled back, laughing at his best friend's antics. "what was that for!?"
"don't act like you don't know!" he sneered accusingly.
nights were always the worst for leo. they were quiet, and not the calm, peaceful quiet when he would stay out and watch the sun set, the time before his happiness came to an end. it was an empty quiet, devoid of the laughter he caused, his thoughts become louder to fill up the silence.
(it was night when his mother died, when he had burned down the warehouse. when he had killed her. it was night when he awoke to the front door slamming, the sounds of drunken yells and glass splintering were backing instruments in an interlude of impending misery as he waits for the sun to shine once again. it was night when he ran away, with nothing more than his heavy heart and some left over change.)
leo's thoughts ran rampant with the feelings he kept in a glass box. always there, always seen, very fragile yet rarely opened. sometimes he would shake it a little too hard, and it would come crashing down like a bottle of alcohol, spilling insecurities instead of wine.
tonight was one of those times.
he doesn't know what brought it on. well, he lied; it was the sight of everyone at dinner, looking happy and complete without him. but he was used to it. it shouldn't have bothered him this much. but the more he let it stew, the more it hurt. leo loved his friends, sure, but he couldn't help but have a little bit of resentment at how easy it was for them to make up, make out. hell, even piper got a girlfriend, a mortal one at that! between traveling and fighting monsters, he didn't even know that was possible. what about him was so unlovable?
as he tossed and turned to shake off the voices in his head, he knew that this would be another sleepless night.
today was going to be a good day; leo could feel it in his gut. the skies were clear, there were no monsters coming to wake them up, and the engine was running smoothly. he had time to work on his little projects all day today! he hummed a tune as he walked to the engine room, or his work room for today, and spun a wrench in his hand. maybe he had a little skip to his saunter, a pep in his step. something about today was just so-
his gut lied to him. (maybe he was hungry?) the wrench clattered to the ground as he came to an abrupt stop. "oh. my. gods." leo paused between every word to further emphasize his disdain.
the sight was scandalous, completely and irrevocably scandalous. like, i-need-to-wash-my-brain-out scandalous. and leo was so not being dramatic this time.
percy and annabeth flinched away from each other in a half-asleep fumble, trying to act as if they had not just been caressing each other's bodies mere moments ago. (okay, maybe he was being dramatic again) this wasn't even a romantic place to do that! and leo would know, he's such a romantic guy. what was the purpose of his hard work of making bedrooms if they were just going to sneak off and desecrate his beloved engine room!?
"frank catching you two once wasn't enough?" leo huffed and bent down to pick up his dropped tool. "now i have to see the two of you fraternizing in my domain!?"
"that's not even the proper word-" annabeth had tried to hold back, but the urge to correct him was too much.
"i don't care! shoo!"
leo was so done. his perfect day had been ruined first thing in the morning! now it was late, he was tired, and he was finally heading back to his room to get some much needed rest after holing himself up all day working on random knick-knacks. a soft noise caught his attention. it was dim, the lights low since him and annabeth wanted to save electricity. he felt the familiar dread in his stomach. there was absolutely no way this could be happening.
"we shouldn't do this here..." wait, was that reyna?
"i know.. but i'm gonna miss you when you leave." no. no. NO. the direction the two very very familiar voices were coming from was right in front of the hallway to his bedroom. "please?"
leo was torn. he didn't want to walk in on them, but he couldn't spend another night in the engine room! he wanted his comfy bed right now!
he slapped a hand over his eyes and stepped heavily on the wooden floorboards, giving them a much needed warning. he heard the sound of fabric and shuffling, a satisfied smirk gracing his face.
"are you guys decent?" leo asked, still squeezing his eyes shut under his hand.
jason huffed, no doubt red in the face. "it's not like we weren't in the first place."
leo dared to open his eyes, finding that not only was his face red, but there were bruises starting to dapple his neck. ew. he did not want to think about how that came to be. "uh huh. well go and canoodle somewhere not in front of my room, please and thank you."
"reyna i told you, i don't wanna go!" you grumbled akin to a toddler, despite your status as the centurion of the first cohort. you took off your armor, dropping it to the ground haphazardly. "i don't need to see you and mister perfect canoodling in front of me!"
the praetor snorted and shook her head. "'canoodling?' you're the second person i've heard use that word this week." she paused, a thoughtful expression passing over her face. "you guys would get along well, i think. anyways, i'm not asking as a friend, i'm ordering you as praetor."
oh that was so unbelievably low! "what!? reynaa!" you stretched out the end of her name in an embarrassingly childish whine. good thing it was just the two of you here, otherwise no one would let you live it down. "i thought they were supposed to be going soon anyway!?"
"you heard me. and no, they're staying for a couple more nights. something about the engine being broken again?" she shrugged, an amused glimmer breaking through her usually serious front. "besides, we have a lot to discuss about the whole gaea thing, and who better to bring than you? you're my right hand woman."
you tried to hide a smile at her words, but sweet-talk always won you over. "ugh, fine. i guess i'll go."
something was up. you knew that from the moment she asked you to "wear something other than purple for once." who even owned anything but purple!? heck, you didn't even know reyna had different clothes outside of uniform! was that even allowed? you'd only ever seen her wear the same shirt as you, and a toga if the event accounted for it.
you sifted through your wardrobe, digging through masses of violet and coming up blank. oh well, guess its uniform time again. not that you minded all that much.
"you are changing." reyna shook her head, giving you a disappointed look only a mother could offer. this wasn't even a big deal! what was so wrong with your shirt? you rather liked purple!
"but why!? what better way to represent rome than this?" you gestured to your clothing. "aren't we talking business? also this is like the only shirt i have."
"you just wanna look all pretty for your boyfriend." you cut her off, faking a gag. "doesn't mean i have to look pretty."
her shoulders tensed and you drew back, already anticipating her near-fatal blow.
"reyna? you know i was just kidding- OW!"
"-wait this is so my color actually." you checked yourself in her mirror. who knew reyna had fashion sense? although not much was required for a simple shirt and jeans.
she nodded and got to her feet. "suits you well. consider it my apology."
"huh? apology for what? for hitting me? aww you're so-"
"no. for what's about to happen to you." a solemn expression took over her face. she was well aware of your exaggerated hatred for couples. maybe you were just a bitter single, but she wasn't about to tell you that. she hoped you would soon be taken (not literally) and stop harassing her for her romantic escapades.
that was ominous. should you be scared for your life? "what the hell does that even mean?"
oh. now you knew exactly what it meant. as the two of you boarded the argo ii, she was immediately swept into a bone-crushing hug by jason, as if he couldn't bear to let her go ever again. you almost threw up at the sight. how could your beloved best friend be reduced to a lovesick schoolgirl at the touch of a man!? a man that had forgotten her! (and remembered, and apologized, and confessed his love- okay, you were starting to see her side quite clearly)
you turned your head away entirely, not wanting to see all that. but everywhere you looked, a new couple seemed to pop up. it was like your worst nightmare come to life. percy and annabeth? piper and some girl? frank and hazel? holding hands? since when were they a thing!? sweet hazel and shy frank? they were—admittedly—adorable, but still!
your only respite was leo looking just as exasperated as you. he must have it way worse; he had to live here with all of them. you shuddered. you were glad you weren't in his place right now.
you stood awkwardly to the side as they reunited. do they do this all the time? and everyone's just cool with it? maybe they can relate, with their taken-ness and all. ugh.
leo peeked at you curiously from the corner of his eye. your expression was as clear as day, face scrunched up in disdain as he traced your gaze to the practically infinite amount of couples onboard. he nodded internally, knowing exactly how you were feeling. but hey, he couldn't just let a pretty girl like you stay unhappy on his ship, not if he could help it!
"hey there," leo said smoothly, or as smooth as he could be after he had almost tripped on the crack between the floorboards. "i'm leo."
finally! someone had the decency to entertain you. "i know you! you're the guy that made octavian throw a hissy fit for firing at new rome!" shit, was that a weird thing to say for a first time interaction? too late now.
the brunette cringed at the mention of his possession. "uh, that's not what most people know me by, but yeah..?"
"oh? and what do most people know you by?" consider yourself intrigued.
leo perked up at your question, having been given an amazing opportunity to charm you. "well obviously it's my rugged good looks, and ingenious inventions, and-"
"we're starting dinner now!" jason called out from the dining table, before recieving an elbow to the gut from reyna and a harsh whisper from piper.
you were lost in your thoughts, zoning out as everyone spoke around you. leo's actually kinda... a tiny part of you popped the idea into your head. he was kinda, indeed. gods, i hate couples. a much larger portion of your mind seemed to yell. do you, or do you just hate being single? you asked yourself. huh. well it's probably-
a cough to your left caught your attention. it was leo. when his brown eyes met yours, you couldn't see a trace of that same boy who was described a traitor and a freak for firing at new rome. maybe something really did possess him.
"wanna know how i built this ship?" he asked excitedly. it was clear that the argo ii was his pride and joy.
"yeah!" you grinned, his cheerfulness rubbing off on you. who cares if he fired on new rome anymore? that was so last tuesday.
"so first, i had this cool metal dragon..."
unbeknownst to you, annabeth whispered across the table to reyna. "i think it's working?"
so, the dinner wasn't anything about business. you did learn a ton from leo though! that was business enough wasn't it? still, you couldn't help the pang of guilt that came with not getting anything work-related done. it was practically in your genes as a roman.
"y/n! you should stay the night!" hazel encouraged from the sofa across you. she was met with choruses of yeahs! and you shoulds! by the other girls, including reyna.
"oh!" you laughed awkwardly, trying to think of a way to politely turn them down. as much as you would love to stay and get to know them, you had a job to do. even if that job was getting all the legionnaires in your cohort to bed by curfew. (like seriously, the amount of times you've had to reel in couples you caught sneaking out was crazy. maybe that's where your hatred came from.) "i'd love to, but i have... centurion duties and all that."
"but reyna has praetor duties and she's staying," annabeth argued. her gray eyes shone with an intensity you only saw on the battlefield. what was going on?
that was new information to you. "you're staying?" you questioned your friend, who looked away with a hint of embarrassment.
"jason's leaving soon," she coughed. after being apart for so long, you could hardly blame her for wanting a little more time with him. "but that's besides the point. you should stay."
you crossed your arms, trying to come up with another excuse. "uh, i don't have clothes to change into?" it was a weak attempt, but you hoped it would work.
"i can lend you some," hazel piped up from the side, obviously eager to make you stay.
aw. she was always so nice. but you had a feeling there was an underlying motive you just couldn't figure out.
you tried again. "i don't think there's a spare room for me to sleep in."
"there's an empty one by leo," piper pointed out.
well, that was it. they refuted all your claims and left you no choice but to stay. you heaved a sigh and relented. "fine."
you weren't sure how it happened, but you ended up with leo again. so much for girls night. but you couldn't complain, leo was good company. he never let the silence stew between you guys for too long, always switching between one topic to the next, until somehow, you were both talking shit about your pathetic love lives and the insufferable ones of those around you.
"you wouldn't believe how many times i've caught these people! i swear, they can never keep it in their pants for more than two seconds! it's like, trauma at this point!" you rolled your eyes, absolutely abhorring the new legionnaires in your cohort.
leo laughed, a sound that made your heart skip a beat. he looked over his shoulder, before leaning in as if telling you a secret. "like two days ago, i caught jason and reyna making out! he had hickies all over his neck!"
you gasped at the scandalous behavior of the two most serious people you knew. "what!? no way..."
the curly-haired boy nodded vehemently. "yes way! it was so gross."
eventually, it was time for the both of you to say your goodnights. leo led you to your room, giving you a cheeky wink before he retreated into his own. you shut the door, and threw yourself into bed.
maybe it was the unfamiliar environment, maybe it was the fact that you were way up in the air, or maybe it was leo running circles around your mind. whatever the reason was, you couldn't sleep. or maybe you chose not to, just to have an excuse to see the stars. the time when they were out was the only time you'd allow yourself a break.
you crept out of the room, careful not to make noise as you made your way out onto the deck. the air was crisp, a gentle bite against your skin. it seemed that the god of the sky was on your side tonight, for the clouds were nowhere to be seen, only the full moon of artemis and the familiar stars shone. you made yourself comfy on the floor, leaning back against the railing as you took a deep breath.
it would be another night of no sleep for leo, that much he could tell. he groaned into his pillow. he couldn't tell if it was the new crush already forming on you, or his angst from a few days before. regardless, his nervous energy made him get up and pace the room, fidgeting with a screw he found on the floor. with footsteps light, he traveled the small area, before something told him to get some fresh air. he obliged. it was better than being in his stuffy room.
as he went up the stairs to the upper level, he caught sight of a figure in the distance. leo's curiosity spiked. he walked closer, the image of you coming into view. your eyes locked on his, a soft smile gracing your face at seeing him. "hey."
"hey." leo dipped his head in greeting, and sat down beside you. "mind if i sit here?"
you shook your head and returned your gaze to the starry night sky, a comfortable silence settling between you two, with only the tapping of leo's fingers against the floor filling the air. it was different, being alone with him. he seemed different. he was quieter, more mellow.
"i hate nights." leo blurted out, breaking the peace you two had shared.
"really?" you asked softly. he braced himself with the condescending remark that was sure to come after, but it never came. instead he received a genuine interest from you. "why's that?"
the boy felt his heart beat a little faster. was he really going to tell you, a girl he barely knew, his whole life story? perhaps it was the late hour that made him want to spill everything out. or the feeling that stirred whenever he looked at you, like magnets attracting. and so he did.
and you listened without any interruption, never followed up with that remark he was waiting for, never gave him the pity he hated. instead, you followed up with your own story.
"i love nights. for me, it's the only time i really feel free. when everyone else is asleep, and it's just you and the stars. away from all the rules." you looked up. they seemed so close from here, way up in the floating ship. they twinkled like glitter, flashing heys and hellos and nice to see you agains. it was beautiful.
leo admired you the way you did the stars. they reflected off your eyes and made your irises shine, the same way fire casted a diffused glow on everything around it. maybe nights weren't so bad after all, if every one of them would be spent with you.
and when you leaned against him to rest your head on his shoulder, whispering secrets into his ear? oh, caligula would have blushed. (leo knows he sure did)
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"operation get leo a girlfriend, complete!"
"i thought we were calling it operation get y/n a boyfriend?"
"whatever. operation leoy/n is a success!"
"...you know we can hear you guys, right?"
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claitea · 2 years
I love your second chance au so far!! Do you have any other info on it?
! i do indeed!! its pretty much a completed au actually, its timeline is complete, i just didnt have plans to release it All in drawing form since just the parts i posted seemed enough
volo in the present day is a librarian. its a simple quiet job where he doesnt really need to interact with people too much, plus his obsession with research translates into a general love of books so he'll often stay after hours when he's supposed to have closed up just to read. he's still very good at the whole fake nice guy act so his few co-workers love him and think he's the best senior the library's ever had but he's sitting there like "they don't know i tried to end the world once"
i havent thought about his team much but i imagine to lower suspicion and not draw attention to himself he strays from using the same pokemon as cynthia. he's already been asked if he's related to her a few times and he's just had to try pass it off as a coincidence so people stopped asking. he keeps using the togepi line though they're his lil buddies and he adores them actually
the au's timeline is simple. volo gathers together emmet, barry and dawn to go find a way to reach hisui to bring back ingo and lucas so that volo doesnt have to keep seeing their names pop up and get reminded of how he Failed so bad at his original plan. its just salt in the wound to keep seeing lucas's face after volo vowed all those years ago to keep trying to meet arceus, but he still hasnt succeeded 200 years on.
at first, volo tells them barely anything. he doesnt even explain why he knows ingo and lucas are stuck in the past. so combined with his grumpiness around them they all initially distrust him, especially emmet who's just become a cool uncle and was trusted to protect barry and dawn. this trio's general cheeriness eventually rubs off on even volo and he cant help softening up after a while of traveling. thats where the guilt sets in for him, really slowly, he doesnt even realize he's getting too attached for his own good until its too late and now suddenly he's starting to develop Empathy again. so eventually he'll at least say he's from an ancient sinnohan lineage that granted him immortality and thats why he knows where ingo and lucas are. hard to believe at first but also dawn remembers that one story about the immortal guy in kalos so like. this might as well be happening
they find a way to timetravel eventually, they track down the lake guardians to (safely, unlike team galactic) summon dialga. a little before he lets them go to hisui, its been so long since they started travelling and the guilt's chipped away at him so much he comes clean. admits the whole past ordeal with giratina and why ingo and lucas were taken was because of him - ingo was direct interference since it was his rift that pulled ingo through, and even arceus itself was forced to call the only person strong enough to stop him, lucas, into hisui. he expects them to hate him after that and was fully ready for it but, while they're shocked and angry, they... still want to be friends with him. they've come to understand volo's changed for the better since his hisui days, they've travelled with him long enough to know that for sure and its not just volo being really good at the happy chirpy friendly facade. they dont forgive him for past deeds, i mean can you really excuse trying to wipe out the Entire Universe, but they at least give him a much needed second chance (roll credits)
emmet, barry and dawn get to reunite with ingo and lucas, everyone goes home. from there i was actually tossing up two ways volo could go: one becoming a researcher again, maybe moving to other regions to help out there. the other becoming a pokemon trainer, pokemon journeys are all about broadening your horizons and connecting with others so volo could benefit from it probably. also cmon he has three friendship evolution pokemon, even if he used to call himself a "wielder" he probably actually cares about his pokemon a lot very deep down. maybe emmet even invites him to be a special guest final opponent on the multi trains with him sometimes.
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felikatze · 3 years
Just wanted to say thank you so much for all the brainworms you have been giving me and my friends for the past few hours about Ayin and all the analyses you've been doing about him.
I have been losing my mind in the middle of the night thinking about all the things you've said, turning it over like crazy and trying to compare it with the gameplay I've had of Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina.
Please do more analysis and share more of your ideas! Please? Please, with cherry on top? Please, I beg of you?
Especially if you have in-depth ideas of analyses for the Sephirah and how it relates to both their own characters and Ayin and Angela.
I thank you greatly in advance!
the implication that i've infected an entire friend group with my brainworms is power that will 100% go to my head i feel amazing. what else is analysis posting except trying to inflict people with the same thoughts bouncing around your skull on repeat
i DO have shit on the sephirah but mostly netzach, because i love netzach, and i in fact found my discord ramble about him (and chesed)
i dont have things on how they relate to A and Angela specifically because I mainly kept thinking abt Reverbaration Ensemble parallels... i have so many thoughs abt Netzach and Bremen.
(but if you want me to talk about, say, a specific core supression, or floor realization... i have a lot of thoughts on floor realizations.)
First off I am so sorry that you seem to think I'm smart because that means i have the perfect opportunity to inflict you with this
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okay now we can get to the serious stuff
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containment breach:
quick ramble abt lor again but i love the ensemble receptions so much. i'm at chesed's rn, and i know he's been chill the entire game, but him just refusing to comment on jae-hoon's tragedy seems, out of context, a dick move, but also is so important for chesed to do? he recognizes that another's suffering is not related to him, that he can't do anything about it, and that this is fine. The closest i'd describe chesed in lobcorp would be "activist burnout." Due to betraying the lab from garion's pressure, chesed was so consumed by guilt, he just blamed himself for everything and became more callous because it's already his fault, right? There's nothing he can do. But in lor, he knows what his responsibilities are, and allows himself joy where he can find it. I love the ensemble receptions bcuz they are just examplary of each patron libriarian's growth and i iqbfjc (sobs)
GOD this sure is a paragraph
also have to salute netzach for carrying his scene all by himself as the musicians of bremen just (animal noises) :pray:
ykno being online i realize that i'm not quiet at all i am a complete and utter chatterbox /end]
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containment breach:
thinking abt netzach's scene where he doesn't talk to bremen, because he can't, but recognizes this who has not only lost themself in their own art but also their own suffering
i just i love netzach so much his entire character arc is abt learning to live with depression and learning to want to live again
so he becomes unable to understand, really, why someone would sacrifice themselves for their own art
when he started out just, similar yet different from bremen, completely submerged in his own misery
musicians of bremen reminds me i still have bremen bon bons at home i should eat those. they r tasty /end]
i wanna specifically dig into this scene more because i love that scene, a lot.
Art as we get to know it in the City is irrevocably tied to violence. Puppets are made of human bodies, music is played on bones and sinews. To the artists of the City, to create art is to make someone suffer. Rewatching Netzach's story bits, Roland describes it as doing nothing but seeking stimulation and being provocative.
Furthermore, there is a direct comparison between art and alcohol. To paraphrase more, the Pianist must've been one hell of a stimulant, like getting hit by a strong booze. A performance some are still hungover from.
Netzach's main struggle was addiction because of depression, and his growing appreciation for art is a continuation of that arc. He says himself that art and alcohol are linked.
However, alcohol is a step down from hard drugs. Netzach hasn't quit, but just that step down shows he learned moderation, which makes me very proud of him.
Moderation is what the other.. let's just call them artists, lack. I said in the screencaps above, initially, Netzach was lost in his own suffering, and the musicians of bremen are lost in their art. And if art is seen as equal to suffering, that just means Netzach and Bremen are more similar than expected. (Especially considering what we see of the musicians previously; they’re always trying to chase the same high they experienced listening to the Pianist by any means necessary. The addiction parallels are not suprising.)
I rewatched most of Netzach's lor scenes, and what rlly gets me is that in his first one, he seems almost the exact same as in lobcorp. He doesn't want to work, he got dragged into this against his will, he feels as if his accomplishments are futile.
But! He eventually invites Roland for drinks. He's not drinking to forget alone anymore, he's doing it as social activity. Furthermore, the more time he spends as Patron Librarian of Arts, the more he grows to appreciate art. Art is tied to suffering, still, but it is an expression of suffering. It does not produce any. Or should not, in any case. He sure wishes it wouldn’t.
So we arrive at his Ensemble Reception. This one makes a rather interesting comparison: art as the pursuit of the light. Let me elaborate.
To quote, “Honestly, I wanna tell people to stop doing the kind of art that requires ‘em to immolate themselves and others. Although, on the other hand... I can kinda see where they’re coming from. Art narrows your vision, after all.
You stop caring about the things around you. That’s how most artists seem to act, I think. And so, you indulge in the craft, not realizing that you’re throwing yourself and your surroundings into the fire you started.”
I pose this: Netzach speaks of his experience as Giovanni. Giovanni was a researcher who, when push came to shove, willingly sacrificed himself to advance the project, in hopes of seeing the light, seeing Carmen, again.
Though he dislikes Bremen’s actions, he does not judge them for it, because he recognized that it would be hypocritical. Even so, what shows that he’s grown is that he.. doesn’t want to see people harm themselves anymore. The focus here isn’t if Bremen hurt other people, which they have, but how much of themselves they’ve given up for their performance. He condemns the act, and not the people.
“If I can see that light once more... If I have to muster up the courage to reach it, I’ll gladly do it. It’s easier said than done, though; you need a lot of fearlessness for it.
And I guess you saw the same kind of light I was so desperate to see, yeah? Even if yours was a twisted creature... [...] Though, I don’t think I can tell you off like the others. At least I can see the reason behind it.”
He even explicitly mentions the light. The funny thing is, both Giovanni and Bremen tried to reach the Seed of Light, and Carmen. It’s tragically hilarious that we know Carmen is the voice the Distortions hear.
Hell, the more I think about it, the more you can just compare the Ensemble as a whole to the Outskirts Lab crew, down to Angelica’s puppet body and Carmen’s desecrated corpse.
“And I know pretty well that we have no right to devilishly pick apart each other’s way of art. I’m not very proud of mine, really...”
Netzach just.. gets it. I can’t remember atm, but I don’t think the other Patron Librarians really draw parallels like that. I’m seeing all the parallels now and I can’t unsee them ever. Bro.
His “art,” his way of protecting the light, is still violent. But he sees that perhaps it didn’t have to be, or rather shouldn’t be. I fucking love Netzach so much. His arc just means a lot to me personally, and I’d wager a lot of people who’ve struggled with mental illness would agree.
I’m not gonna get into Netzach’s floor realization here because this post is already long enough, but like, look at the specific flashback of Angela shown in Netzach’s story bits and contrast it to his arc of learning to want to live, and. Yeah.
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coffeeclubbuchan · 4 years
Stressed Out - INabber
So, I hit a block with another thing but I still wanted to write something. I ended up writing a Library AU with Fraser because I was inspired by that goddamn bear ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. It’s the first actual piece of writing I’ve ever put up so constructive criticism an’ all that jazz is appreciated! 
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Fraser x (gender-neutral) reader
1.7k words
Work had been a lot lately and you were starting to feel the stress catching up with you. Your bosses at this point might have been out to get you with the piles of work they have mounted on top of you. You just wanted it all to slip away; to have a day when the papers and numbers aren’t clouding your brain that leaves you longing for an escape of the mindless work you have to do day in and day out. That’s how you ended up taking a drive on a Saturday - not knowing or caring where you were going, but only hoping to have some sort of fun with it.
You had been driving for about half an hour now and decided to pull onto the side of the road and get out of the car. The weather had been slowly getting worse and soon it was going to be unsafe to drive in. It was starting to pelt it down with rain, so quickly you grabbed your backpack, haphazardly throwing it over your shoulders and darted into the closest building.
That said building was a cozy library, grand old oak bookcases stood high against the walls. Spines of books - old and new - were coated everywhere the eye could reach. There were various wooden desks situated in between the bookcases. Not too many people were currently there but there was a quiet buzz to the room. It was almost tranquil; a polar opposite of what your chaotic life had been recently.
Deciding to not just stand in the doorway forever, you shuffled into the room. Your honest expectation had been for people to turn and look at the newcomer walking into the library - but no, everyone who was there barely even glanced a look at you, which was a huge relief.
You started looking at the front bookshelves, trying to find something to read while waiting out the storm. To an outsider, you would look like you were browsing, but really you just had no clue where anything was and was extremely overwhelmed with what seemed like an endless choice of books.
Nothing immediately grabbed your attention, so you walked deeper into the library. You had walked into the European History section. Now, there had to be something here that you would enjoy. You used your knowledge of the good ol’ Dewey Decimal System you were forced to learn in secondary school to help you locate the books.
‘941, British Isles… no…’ You thought as you scanned around the area; running your index finger along the bookcases as you walked along, noting all the literature surrounding you.
‘944, France and Monaco. I guess I could read about the revolution?’ You started gazing around the self, lost in your own thoughts but was quickly taken out when a voice spoke to you.
“Ma’am, do you need any help finding something?” You turned around to face a tall man (and a good-looking one at that). The light brown-haired guy stared back at you. His features soft and welcoming, with round clear glasses and his hair swept over to the left. He was wearing a dark green and navy tartan button down with black ripped skinny jeans. You read his name tag that was pinned to his shirt - ‘Fraser’ it read and. Oh! He asked you a question! ‘Answer it Y/N!’ You shouted at yourself.
“I’m trying to find something to read while waiting out the storm. I... I don’t know where to start looking” You stated honestly.
“Well, what do you want to read?” The guy - Fraser responded.
“Have you got any suggestions?”  You asked.
“Hmm,” Fraser started, “I normally read fiction, so if you’re only here until the storm blows over you could read something by ‘Terry Pratchett’ or ‘Phillip Pullman’?”
“Yeah, that sounds good. Show me the way o’ wise librarian,” You replied. Fraser turned around but you could see the small grin he had on his face. I mean it wasn’t the best one liner, but you’ll take it.
Fraser led you in between winding bookshelves until you got out of the non-fiction area. It leads straight onto the fiction part of the library, so you both walked forward with you trailing behind.  
Even just from looking at the back of Fraser, you could tell that he was cute looking. It wouldn’t be a surprise to you if he had a girlfriend or boyfriend. You could see his shoulder blades pressed up against the shirt and saw how the clothing clung to his arms. He wasn’t jack ripped, sure, but you could still tell that he had some muscles from working out and you always found lanky boys to be cute and charming, so it didn’t really matter anyway.  
‘Y/N!’ You shouted at yourself, ‘You literally just met the guy and you’re practically planning a wedding! He doesn’t even know your name!’
You didn’t want to give it your internal self (the smug bastard) a point but you have to give it to them. You shouldn’t be thinking about these things when the poor guy was just trying to do his job.
You gripped onto your backpack straps, taking in note the surroundings - it was similar to the other part but had more colour to it; In one corner a specially - 'children's books’ your brain (un)helpfully supplied. In that corner, the walls were painted pastel baby blue, with darker blue bean bags dotted around and you saw a large pink teddy bear sitting propped up against a wall. That had to at least be a 5 foot - why is it so big?!
Fraser looked over his shoulder to make sure you were still following and saw you looking at the pink bear.
“That’s Winnie, Will brought him in and the kids who come in seem to love him, so we’ve just kept him.” Fraser said fondly.
“Who’s Will?”
“He’s another guy who works here, he works on Sundays normally. Said some girl got it for him, I’m not sure - wasn’t really paying attention to him,” Fraser stated and you both walked over to see Mr. Winnie - the big pink bear.  
You each sat down on a bean bag facing each other and you turned your head to look at the bear.
“Hello Winnie, it’s nice to meet you!” You exclaimed while picking up his pink paw to shake.
Fraser looked at you out of the corner of his eye and chuckled. You turned his attention back to Fraser, “Wild guess here, but is he named after Winnie the Pooh?” You questioned.
“Yeah, we aren’t very creative when it comes to name making, and we saw a person looking at the books and just called him that,” Fraser replied.
"I think it's a rather cute name," You said. 'Fucking hell Y/N, laying it on rather thick there' Your inner voice whinnied at you.
You sat and quietly talked to Fraser for another half an hour, you found out that he played League of Legends and that this was his main job, and he created videos as a hobby. (also, he did find out your name during the conversation) The chat was winding down, but Fraser had a curious glint in his eye.
“You wanting to ask something?” You gently asked.
“Yeah... don’t think I’m pushing anything here, but you seem really cool and I want to get to know you more. Are... are you single?” He quietly asked, a blush rose on his cheek bones. “If you're not that’s fine! I’m just asking, and we can be friends and-” He quickly added, babbling on a bit more.
“Fraser,” You stated, moving your hand to rest in on his knee. “I’m single, I’m not seeing anyone.” You chuckled and slightly shook your head.
“Well I was wondering…” The blush that was on his cheek slowly worked its way along his nose, extenuating his freckles even more. “Could I get your number and maybe we can plan to meet up again?” He said. The word ‘date’ never left his mouth but was heavily implied.
And because at heart you're a person for the theatrics, you felt that just putting your number in his phone was too simple. You swung your bag round, so it sat in your lap and went into the front pockets to grab a sharpie. You found it and took Fraser's hand in yours and wrote on his arm.
[xxxxx-xxxxx ~ Y/N] and drew a little heart below and filled it in black. You put the pen back in your bag and swung it back round, pulling the straps back over your shoulders. You stood up from your bean bag and saw Fraser softly running his finger over the heart.
“Text me later,” You said, and he looked up at you with fondness in his eyes. You winked and spun on the heel of your foot. ‘Fuck yeah, what an exit’ You thought, and the rain had cleared up enough to drive, so you made your way around the bookcases and reached the front door.
Once you had gotten into your flat, you sat on your couch and started thinking.
‘Today, I never ended up where I expected to. What started as an escape turned into something much more than I could have ever predicted. Was this the thing that could take me out of the pit I’ve been slowly falling into? Maybe the thing I was missing was another person? Someone to help, care, comfort, protect, joke -’
A loud ping off your phone took you out of your thoughts. You sat up straighter and grabbed your phone - seeing it was from an unknown number.
“hey! Its fraser from the library! did you get home okay? are the roads bad?”
As you were reading the text a few more came in -
“If the roads are too bad I can come pick you up if you want?”
“Wait if your driving dont respond to that”
“oh god please dont crash because you were reading my texts”
‘Yeah’ You giggled to yourself ‘this is definitely going to be the start of something special’
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brianandthemays · 6 years
Marry You (Roger Taylor x reader)
A/N I highly recommend listening to “Marry You” by Bruno Mars cause that’s def what inspired this.
Warnings: UMMM, fluff, slight mention of sex I guess. 
Word Count: 1950 
Marriage, something meant for other couples. But not you and Roger. Not that you hadn’t dreamt of getting married to Roger, he just didn’t seem the type. You found yourself thinking about marriage that afternoon, staring at him as he read a book in your living room.
 The sun was hitting his hair perfectly, and his glasses had fallen to the end of his nose giving him cute librarian vibes. You thought about how it would feel to see him reading bed time stories to kids you had together. You rested your chin on your palm as you watched him in the sun light.
             “What are you looking at?” he mumbled, not looking up from his book.
             “Nothing.” You sigh, not looking away from him. He looked over at you with a smirked. When he turned towards you, his back was to the window and the sun created a halo around his hair, his eyes were a darker blue than usual and he took your breath away yet again. But you just smiled at him knowing that, for the time being, this man was all yours and nothing could stop that. “Let’s go out tonight.” You insist, not taking your eyes off his. He raises his eyebrows at your suggestion before nodding at you.
             “Okay.” He said simply, turning back to his book. You grumbled when he turned away from you, the book stealing his attention away from you once again. He knew it drove you mad when he ignored you or brushed you off. Taking matters into your own hands you walk over to his chair and stand in front of him. He glanced up at you, a cheeky smile on his lips “Can I help you, love?”
 You narrowed your eyes at him and plucked the book from his hand. Careful not to lose his place, you place to book down on the counter next to the chair and curled yourself up in his lap. He chuckled deeply, wrapping an arm around your back to keep you from slipping, the other coming to rest on your knee. He rubbed circles into the skin there as you rested your head on his chest.
             “Do you ever think about us, Rog?” you ask taking a deep breath of his scent.
             “Course I do, I’m thinking about us right now.” He replied simply, not getting the depth of your question. You sighed, deciding not to push the question further for fear of the answer. Right now, you closed your eyes and just savored the close proximity and the arm firmly wrapped around you back. You didn’t realize that he had been staring at you the entire time, looking at how your hair perfectly fell into place to frame your face, or how you lifted up and down with his own breath, falling into sync with your own small breaths.
 Later that night, you were putting in earrings to finish off your outfit for that night. Just a simple dress with some wedges, easier to dance in.
           “Beautiful as always, love.” Roger’s voice from the doorway made you look up. In the reflection you could see him leaning against the frame, watching you finish your get up. He smirked and came to wrap his arms around you, placing a kiss to the side of your neck.
             “Thanks, Rog.” You say softly, feeling butterflies in your stomach. He smiled, resting his head on your shoulder. “You ready?” you ask. He nodded, placing one more kiss on your shoulder before taking your hand and dragging you out the door.
 It wasn’t long before you found a bar to go to and you both had a drink in your hand. For some reason, Roger couldn’t keep his eyes off you. As you rambled about something to do with work, he found himself entranced by your voice and your wild hand movements. You stopped when the jukebox finally turned on a song, and you let out a little screech.
             “ROG! I love this song! Come dance with me!” You say setting down your drink and grabbing his hand. He sputtered as some of his drink spilt as he rushed to set it down before you dragged him off. He found himself in the middle of the dance floor watching you as you danced. You had a giant smile on your face as you sashayed your hips and threw your hands in the air and suddenly, he couldn’t hear or see anything other than you. His chest tightened and a pit formed in his stomach. You finally looked back over at him and say the lazy smile planted on his face and you nudged him.
             “What’s up with you?” You giggle, not stopping your movement.
             “I think I want to marry you.” He said nonchalantly. You stopped and your eyes snapped towards him.
             “What?” you reply, your voice barely audible over the music.
             “I mean it, I want to marry you right now.” He grabbed your hands and looked directly in your eyes. Your mouth dropped when you realized he was serious. He squeezed your hands and dragged you with him off the dance floor so you could hear him better. “I know a chapel just down the street. I’ll go buy rings if you want, I just want you to be mine.”
 You didn’t know what to say or do. Everything you ever wanted was happening right now. You took deep breaths as you processed everything he was saying. He wanted to marry you. He wanted to take you to a chapel right now and marry you.
             “Say something, baby.” He begged, his eyes searching yours for some response. Your mouth twitched and you felt the corners twist up, as you came to grips with the reality of the situation. You looked up at him finally and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a deep passionate kiss. He sighed in relief against your lips and reciprocated immediately.
             “What are we waiting for?” You murmur against his lips. He smiled wildly at you and ran out the door with your hand in yours.
You stopped first at a ring shop near the bar. He made you wait outside as he looked for the perfect ring. It wasn’t 15 minutes later he walked out with a velvet case and another smaller bag.
             “I wanted to do this a little more officially.” He laughed. He got down on one knee and your heart froze in time. This picture, of Roger on one knee asking you to marry him, was on you never thought you would see. “You are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. (Y/N) (L/N), will you marry me.”
 You couldn’t contain your giggle of happiness as you nodded “Yes, you dolt!”. He hopped up and slid the ring on your finger. It was beautiful. His finger lingered on yours as he drew a circle around the ring. “I thought it looked like you.” He explained, looking at you “it’s bright, and elegant, and perfect.”
 Though you were standing on the side of the road, in the middle of the night, you couldn’t think of anything more romantic. You cup his face and place another passionate kiss on his lips. “Well, let’s go get married.” He smirked and dragged you down the street.
 Just an hour later, you were married. Two hours later, you were laying bed with your husband. Naked under the sheets you ran your finger up and down his chest. He had one arm wrapped around your shoulders, holding you to his chest, the other held a cigarette to his lips.
             “What made you want to marry me.” You ask resting your hand and craning your neck to look up at him. He removed the cigarette and looked down at you, a faint smile on his lips.  “Cos’ your so… unique… and perfect, and so… you.” He said simply “and I knew that if I didn’t marry you right then, I would lose you.”
 You propped yourself up on your elbow to look down at him. “You could never lose me.” You murmur, brushing his lips with your fingers. He lightly grabbed your hands and pressed a kiss to each of your fingers individually before pressing a kiss to your wedding ring. He chuckled softly, and you cocked your head at him. “What’s so funn?”
             “Fred’s going to lose his mind when he realizes he got married without telling him”
 The next week you joined Roger at the studio, sitting on the couch quiet watching Roger on his drums. John was sitting next to you on the couch and Brian in a chair next to Fred near the sound board. You had brought a book but had long since abandoned it, keeping your hand in to keep it open while you watched him. For just a slight moment, John glanced down at your book, just to see what you were reading but his eye widened when he saw your finger.  You noticed John’s small gasp and looked over to see him wide eyed.
             “what’s gotten into you?” You whisper, trying not to disturb the recording. He scoffed and looked at your finger again. Finally, you realized what he was looking at and blushed.
             “Since when are you” married?” he said rather loudly. You shush him quickly, but he caught the attention of Brian and Fred as soon as he said the word married.
             “Married!?” Fred exclaimed forgetting all about the drum solo he was recording “Of course not, don’t be silly.”  He narrowed his eyes at you as you let out a sigh and send a glare at John. He shrugged unabashedly and raised his eyebrows still waiting for an explanation.
             “What’s going on in there?” Roger’s voice came in over the speaker. He had stopped playing when he noticed that Brian and Freddie had stopped watching.  Brian clicked the button and said “Your girlfriend’s gotten married, it seems”
 Roger let out a loud laugh and made eye contact with you. He leaned back on his chair and motioned for you to explain.  You made a sour face at him before turning your attention back to the other three boys around me.
             “Well, Rog and I got married last week.” You shrug and hold up your hand for them to see. Fred’s mouth opened and Brian just smirked as Deaky let out a short laugh.
             “You’ve been married for a full week and you didn’t bother to tell any of us?” Brian reasoned.
             “Forget telling us, why wasn’t I invited to the wedding?” Fred demanded grabbing your hand to look at the ring.
             “Fred, I think we all would have wanted to be invited.” Deaky pointed out. Fred shrugged him off and continued his ogling.
             “well, it was sort of spur of the moment, to be honest.” You explained pulling your hand back from Fred.
             “I’m going to have a heart attack.” Fred responded grabbing onto the side of his chair to stabilize himself “‘spur of the moment’ please don’t tell me you were drunk.”
             “Light buzz at the most” you defended.
             “I can’t believe this, my to best friends-”
             “Hey!” Brian interrupted.
           “My two best friends got married and I found out a week later.” Fred continued ignoring him.  
             “Aw, don’t feel to bad, Fred.” You began but Freddie just turned around and clicked the button.
             “You’re both dead to me.” He concluded. You just chuckled and looked at Roger who was also smiling at you. You were sure you weren’t going to hear the end of this for a long time, but you knew you could handle it if you were with Roger.
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katymacsupernatural · 6 years
The Other Side of Reality Part 4
Dean Winchester x Reader
1200 Words
Story Summary:Y/N is a patient in an Asylum. Each and every day she noticed a handsome man sitting in the same place. Holding the same tattered book. Mumbling about ghosts, ghouls and vampires. Almost two months later, she finally gathers up the courage to go up to him. To listen to his stories. Little did she know her life would change forever as she began to wonder if there was a hint of truth to his stories.
Catch Up Here: Masterpost
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The fluorescent lights ricochet off the clean white tiles. Blinking against the annoying glared, you continued down the hallway. Trying to ignore the fact that Devon followed behind you. Your fingers picking at the hem of your shirt, shaking slightly. Each footstep was a shuffle, your padded slippers sliding across the cold and unyielding tiles.
Passing the community room, you noticed the inhabitants staring your way, and you faltered for a moment, wanting to go back into your room. Back into hiding. It wasn’t a safe place. Not anymore. But you weren’t sure you could be here either.
The new medicine, your new rules had you nervous and afraid. It didn’t help that you Devon following your every movement. Devon was your constant shadow, always there when you never wanted him to be. Touching you like he had every right. Getting mad when you shrinked away from his touch.
He hadn’t wanted you to go to the library. The scowl on his face made it clear that he wasn’t happy with it. But you had wanted to see Dean. You needed to see Dean. He was the only normal thing in this place. Or at least as normal as you could get in an asylum.
“Devon!” A voice called out. The voice of the head nurse, a woman stern with a scowl in place at all times. “What are you doing?”
You stopped where you were, watching as Devon made his way to Mrs. Lynch, his scowl almost worse than hers. “I am keeping an eye on Miss Y/L/N, just as the Doctor requested.”
“It’s her free time. Let her be. There are other things that need done,” she ordered. You were grateful for her distraction, but you had a feeling you would be punished for it later on.
“Miss Y/L/N, please keep moving. Devon is otherwise occupied,” Mrs. Lynch ordered, and you scurried to obey. Leaving them behind, you raced down the hallway, running straight into the Librarian.
“Y/N! Please slow down!” She exclaimed, taking a step back. Looking up, you were ready to pass her when her eyes flashed blue.
“What the…,” you muttered, taking another step back, your eyes wide, your heart racing. Quickly her eyes turned back to their normal brown, a frown pulling at the laugh lines on her face.
“Y/N, is everything okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I...I think….I’m just going to...to...find Dean,” you stuttered, racing past her to your usual corner of the library. Wondering if you had actually seen her eyes flash a brilliant shade of blue, or if it was your medicine making you imagine things. Because there was no way a person’s eyes could literally glow like that.
You could see Dean sitting in his usual seat, his journal clutched tight to his chest. His eyes seemed vacant, his entire body rocking slightly back and forth. Your slippered foot making no sound on the carpet floor, you were almost to him when a switch seemed to be flipped inside your mind.
Voices, loud voices echoed through your head, almost as if a radio had been turned on inside your brain. Never making any sense, talking in a language sounding ancient and almost alien. It was the loudest it had ever been, so overpowering you felt yourself falling to your knees.
“Y/N!” Dean called out, dropping his book as you pressed your hands to your temples, trying to block the loud voices. Hands reached up, grasping your shoulders, but you shook them away. The touch was too much with the voices screaming inside your head, and you knew you would do anything to make them stop.
“Please!! Make them stop!” You screamed, your hands tightening against your head, pulling at your hair. Never even noticing the pain as you tried to ease the pressure in your head.
“Breathe. Just breathe,” Dean kept saying over and over, his voice calm. It was the calmness, the even tone of it that had the voices silencing as you realized something didn’t quite right.
The voices faded away as quickly as they started, a giant relief as your head finally quieted. Taking a deep breath, your hands shaking, you reached for the hem of your shirt, picking once again at the loose thread.
“Are you alright?”
“The voices, they’ve changed. Becoming louder, speaking like the people in my nightmare. Dean, what if it’s true? What if I am completely crazy?”
“You aren’t,” he answered, his eyes fluttering back and forth. “This place, there’s something wrong with it. You and I, we aren’t crazy. That’s why they keep changing our medication.”
Calming down long enough, you could see that Dean was in a frantic state, his breaths coming fast, his pupils dilated. He kept licking his bottom lip as he stared your way. “Dean, did they change your medication?”
“They wanted me to forget about Sammy,” he exclaimed, holding tight onto his journal, looking over your head. No doubt making sure there weren’t nurses to overhear. “They gave me more medicine. Telling me that it would make the pain manageable. But my hands don’t hurt! The burns don’t hurt anymore. Just my heart! I miss my brother and my best friend. Why couldn’t I save them?”
It was your turn to comfort Dean, much like he had you. Resting your hands on top of his, you made sure he was looking your way. “Dean, you did everything you could. I know you did. It wasn’t your fault.”
“But it was my fault!” He argued, straightening up, almost knocking you to the floor. “I was supposed to look after Sam. My Dad always said that was my job, and I screwed it up! Now I’m locked in here, and they’re trying to stop me from remembering!”
He stood, reaching down and grasping your hand. Pulling you tight against him, almost embracing you as he made sure you were alone. You tried ignoring the feel of his strong arms around you, the rushed beating of his heart against your cheek. You wanted nothing more than to lean into his touch, forgetting everything that was going on. But you couldn’t. “They’re watching Y/N. Always watching. They don’t like us being together.”
“The nurses?”
He nodded. “Especially Devon. Be wary of him. I’m going to try to stop taking my medicine. I suggest you do the same. I need to remember. I need to remember Sammy.”
“But the voices,” you tried arguing, stopping as Dean’s arms tightened around you.
“The voices are a clue! Don’t shut them out! Welcome them. Learn from them,” Dean insisted, just a familiar voice that sent shivers of fear down your back echoed through the library.
“Dean, I’ve got to go. If he sees us…,”
“Go,” Dean whispered, surprising you when he pressed a kiss to your head. “Be safe. And don’t forget.”
Dean/Jensen Tags: @acreativelydifferentlove @adoptdontshoppets @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278 @all-will-be-well-love @anokhi07  @assassinofmasyaf @biawol @bebravekeeponfighting  @buckmasters @brindz30 @colette2537 @crusadedean @dean-winchesters-bacon  @haelyn @ikeneasul11 @imascio08 @its-not-a-tulpa @just-another-winchester @keikoraventeller @lauren-novak @librarygeekery @mirandaaustin93 @mlovesstories @msimpala67  @michirutenshi @pisces-cutie @ria132love @ruprecht0420 @sassymoose07 @shadowhunter7 @sizzlingbearpolice @sleep-silent-angel @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @thegrungequeer @thewinchestergirl1208 @torn-and-frayed @wonderfulworldofwinchester
Reality Tags: @crazysocklovingfangirl @letmedrainwiththestars @raven1aris @spnbaby-67 @karouwinchester @demondeanismybaby @wxxnks @closetspngirl @omnia-pod @soullessdemontrap @musiclovinchic93 @pie46733 @yes-this-is-doggo @maydayfigment @choosemyname
Forever Tags: @16wiishes  @alexwinchester23 @algud @amanda-teaches @andkatiethings @andreaaalove @angelsandwinchesters @anspgene @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @bemyqueenofdarkness @bohowitch @buckysmetalgoddamnarm @bumber-car-s @brooke-supernatural16  @brunettechickbitchezz-blog @camelotandastronauts @chelsea072498 @clairese1980 @darthdeziewok @destiels-new-girl  @dont-you-dare-say-misha @dslocum89  @docharleythegeekqueen @emmazach @emilicious-7 @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @esoltis280 @essie1876 @generalgoldfishldrm @gh0stgurl @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek  @heyitscam99 @highfunctioning-soiciopath @hms-fangirl @hobby27 @horsegirly99 @ichooseeternalplaces @i-hear-crazy-calling-my-name @imboredsueme @internationalmusicteacher @ithinkimadorable-67 @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @just-another-busy-fangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @keelzy2 @kittenofsarcasm @leanbeankeane @lifelovelaughangell123 @li-ssu @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice @luciferslucille @maui137 @mellowlandrunaway @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @mogaruke @nanie5 @natashacamillaus @newtospnfandom  @offbeatwriting @percussiongirl2017 @pilaxia @pizzarollpatrol @plaid-lover-bay25 @roonyxx @ronja-uebrick @rosegoldquintis @roxyspearing @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @sassysquirrl07 @shamelesslydean @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @smoothdogsgirl @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman @sunskittlex @starry-chaos @superbadassnatural @thebikiniinspector @theflameontheinside @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @thisismysecrethappyplace @tina8009 @totallovelesson @tunadean @vvinch3st3r @walkslikesummeractslikerain @whimsicalrobots @wildlandfox @winchesterbrothers-inc @winchesterxtwo @winchester-writes @worldwidehansum @yourvoiceislikearose @zombiewerewolfqueen
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clown-bait · 5 years
Monster Family (Monster Roommate AU) Ch2
Eyyy fandom welcome back I’m going to be posting two chapters tonight in celebration of the up coming trailer! Enjoy my weird spider sex!
I’m going to put some additional warnings on this one: Spiders, and Oviposition are at play here. If you dont like that turn back now.
Ch2 Mike Hanlon Nearly Quits
The Derry library was finally quiet and calm on a snowy lazy Sunday afternoon. The busy morning browsers had finally begun to dwindle as they stopped in to stock up on a new mystery series then ducked back out into the cold with their entertainment for the upcoming snow storm. Mike Hanlon the head librarian decided he could take it easy for the rest of today, no one was going to show up in this weather. The remainder of the day was going to be nice and relaxing…..it was until they showed up.
“No! I am not doing this today.” the librarian groaned as an unusually tall man took several long strides to the non-ficiton section. He knew who the devilishly handsome stranger was the second he came in, the give away being in the way his baggy eyes drifted different directions and how his large delicate hands whipped the frozen beads of what was probably….hopefully drool from his plump lips.
“You are not welcome here we have a deal!” Mike chased after the disguise after being completely ignored by IT. It began tracing its fingers on the spines of books uncaring that the lighthouse keeper of The Losers Club was about to throw the biggest hardcover he could find at it. The creature finally turned to his greatest enemy when Mike found the courage to yank on his pea coat and it snapped the biology book in its hands shut causing Mike to jump out of his skin. Robert Grey grinned that disturbing wall eyed grin of his. “Hiya Mikey!”
“Leave.” the librarian growled
“Without my books? That’s not good business don't cha think?” he said as he leaned down to Mike’s level.
“What could you possibly want to find in a book?”
The disguised clown frowned and his cool steel eyes began to spark with amber. “I’m here for research Sheep Boy, remember our deal now. No phone calls, no dead kiddos.”
“I hope you’ve been sticking to it monster.” Mike spat
“Unfortunately I have.” the creature snarled and stood back up to tower over his enemy. “The things I do for family.” he muttered under his breath. “Now! About my research,”
“What makes you think I’m going to help you?” the librarian crossed his arms over his chest.
“I have given you more time to solve your little riddle have I not? I also must note that I happen to be a card carrying member of this library and last I checked it is your job to serve me yes?” The clown grinned and pulled an ancient piece of paper from his coat the name “Pennywise” scribbled on the dotted line in red child-like writing.
“I’m starting to think you don’t actually need any help at all.” Mike glared at the beast he was sure now that Pennywise’s agenda was to just humiliate him further.
The clown’s threatening posture relaxed and he let out a laugh. “Oh Mikey! While I do greatly enjoy causing you embarrassment I am genuine in my request. There is knowledge I seek that I do not have the time to observe on my own.”
“Which is?”
“Nope.” Mike turned on his heel to leave.
“I don’t need help with the part you are thinking of, I am very skilled at mating!” the creature called after him.
Mike tried to make it to his office. He really tried, but was stopped by an extremely pale pregnant girl blocking the front of the door. A cheshire grin grew on her lips and Mike could see the enormous buck tooth front fangs she hid in her mouth. “Hey there Hanlon! Came to do some reading.” she grinned and removed her hood revealing a poorly dyed wig underneath. Color drained from Mike’s face. The clown was bad but the clown and his mate? He might as well set the library on fire.
“Need to borrow some books on spiders and What to Expect When You're Expecting do a girl a favor and point me in the right direction?”
“For the last time I will not help either of you.” the librarian growled.
“Wait who else is here?!” Leech’s ears perked up from under her wig, her face lit up when she saw Robert from across the room.
“WUFFLES!” the vampire shouted and shoved past Mike who got several looks from the elderly volunteers for not silencing the new obnoxiously loud visitor.
“Peachy pie?!” Robert grinned wide and extended his arms. “You changed your hair!” he said excitedly as he scooped her up and spun her around.
“This is a library!” Mike tried to shout over them but clearly the monsters didn't care.
“How are you feeling my love, better?”
“Yeah they've calmed down in there. Came by to pick up some reading material.” Leech placed her hands on her bump running her fingers gently over her babies. Robert got on his knees purring and cooing at his young.
“Are you giving your mother trouble my little ones?”
“Of course they are, they take after you.”
Robert growled affectionately at her and rose back up tilting his mate’s chin upwards to press a quick kiss to her lips. “I like the new color.”
“Doing rose for Valentines Day.”
“Ah yes, the holiday you won't stop reminding me about.”
“Cause you'll probably forget it.”
“Will not!”
“This is a library!” Mike shouted louder.
“Yeah it is Mikey so be quiet and bring me a book on spider anatomy.” Leech waved the poor librarian away as she plucked a medical book off the shelf and tugged on her mate’s scarf to bring him with her to a table. The pair sat down on opposite ends grinning up at one another every now and then. After a moment of reprieve from their chatter Leech once again resumed talking loudly across the table “So Ruffles what cha’ reading?”
“I'm more curious about what you're reading darling. Spider anatomy?”
“I want to know what I’m dealing with in here.”
“How coincidental. So do I.”  the disguised clown crossed his leg over the other and tapped the spine of his book on parenting. Mike slammed a book on their table labeled Spiders of the World interrupting the conversation. “I hope they're the kind that eat their parents after they're born.”
Robert stuck a long tongue out from behind a set of fangs as the librarian glared.
“Hey Bob you think I’ll lay eggs?” Leech interrupted the exchange and Mike tried to hold back the urge to throw up in his mouth as he evacuated the area.
“Most likely.” Robert cooly replied.
“I'm amazed that doesnt even phase you. How big?”
Robert shrugged and licked his finger obnoxiously to turn the page creating a spot of drool on the paper.
“Please don't damage the volumes!” Mike called out
“Please don't interrupt my reading librarian!” the eldritch snapped back making a defiant mocking face before soaking his finger with drool again. After another brief moment of quiet reading Leech flicked a pencil over at her mate’s head then waved sheepishly when he glared up at her.
“Hey! Tell me if this does anything for you.” she said as she began to rapidly tap the pads of her fingers on the books next to her. The disguised Pennywise paused his reading and glanced upward at the sound and Leech grinned making the tap again. A low curious chitter vibrated out of the creature’s throat as his eyes became a radioactive yellow. “Am I turning you on big guy?” Leech wiggled her eyebrows at him seductively. “Says here spiders drum on things to attract mates.” she tapped again louder and faster this time and Mike popped his head out from behind a shelf ready to throw them out, supernatural super beings be damned. With no warning the eldritch stood and floated up onto the table walking across it in a few short strides much to Mike Hanlon’s absolute horror. The creature hopped off with a thud nearly straddling his mate’s legs and leaned down over her as his arms trapped her shoulders to the chair.
“Faster.” he commanded. Leech blinked a few times then tapped on the book in her lap.
“FASTER.” fangs split out of the side of his face and a pair of spider limbs erupted from his back. Every person in the library merely glanced up as if all he had done was spill some water. Every person except a sweating mortified head librarian.
A dark blush of ichor formed on the nosferatu’s cheeks when she saw the hot and bothered beast practically panting above her. She began to tap again but was cut short when she found Penny’s lips crashing into her’s letting out a frantic clicking as he shoved his tongue into her mouth. Another set of arachnid limbs shot out of him to anchor him in place and the first set drummed furiously on the table as he kissed her.
“Breed with me.” he hissed out voice almost unrecognizable.
“I already did Ruffles.” Leech mumbled into his hot kisses. The creature growled and put his hands on her swollen stomach pressing his lips to her with more urgency as his tapping resumed nearly breaking the table.
“Again then...more...breed with me.” he was almost demanding it at this point. Leech couldn't help but twist a set of talons into her mate’s coat pulling him tighter to her. Before he could act Robert Grey found himself suddenly freezing and damp as Mike bravely wielded a fire extinguisher hosing him down once more when his radioactive red and yellow eyes snapped up at him.
“OUT! GET OUT! RIGHT NOW!” the librarian shouted preparing to spray again. The eldritch growled and hissed fangs extending through his gums. “I will do it again and you know I have more of these!” Mike warned them and Leech let out a loud “FUCK!” as she tried to wipe the chemicals off her jacket. Claws splintered into the chair behind her and Leech quickly snapped her fingers in her mate’s face to get his attention.
“HEY! Calm down Pen holy shit! You made a promise not to kill him remember?” The eldritch’s fangs receded back into its jaws “Come on grab your books you horny bastard it's not like we don't live together or anything.” The vampire stood up not wanting to be sprayed again and tried to calm her beloved horror shoving her book bag into his chest. “You can take me to the circus cart just don't flip out in public sheesh.”
An eldritch whine spilled out of the creature’s lips as he hoisted his mate to her feet. “Hey Hanlon I’m keeping the spider book if that's cool.” Leech grinned as her arms slipped around her monster’s slender waist.
“Its not.”
“Cool. Alright abracadabra!”
“Must you shout that every time I teleport us?”
“Let me have my fun and I’ll let you have your’s. Abracafuckingdabra.”
The creature hissed in annoyance but his massive hand still enveloped around hers cradling his mate to his body. His golden eyes flicked up as he clicked and churred at her his stare piercing into Mike with a look of mischief. Static fizzled in the air and the pair were gone along with several unchecked books. Mike sighed and began to wonder if supernatural security sensors were a thing.
They reappeared in a room that was not the circus cart and Leech found her eyes darting around the dark space. If it wasn't for her night vision she'd be completely blind in the tunnel yet she still found herself collecting sticky webbing on her jacket anyway.
“Pen where the hell are we?” she asked him who's shape had already shifted into a familiar clown.
“Nest!” he grinned down at her with pride. It was like she was in a tunnel of soft sticky webbing that reminded her of spinning cotton candy before it was wrapped around a cone. It smelled sweet and made the ground feel like a giant suspended hammock made of silk Leech pulled away from her clown to touch the walls noticing the web covered ground outside of the soft cocoon was a bit firmer. He had made a nursery for them.
“Do you like it?” her clown bounced excitedly in the soft silk bed.
“Is this what you do while I’m at work all day?” she turned to him and smiled “And here I was going to suggest you get a hobby” Leech ducked back into the funnel and flopped into the webbing that caressed her like an extremely soft bounce house. Her mate crashed beside her causing Leech to bounce up with his weight. The vampire couldn't help the chuckle that spilled from her lips and Pennywise grinned wide pushing on the webbing to bounce her more. “PENNY STOP!” she laughed and squirmed her way over to him till she was in his arms. “Its gonna need some pillows so I can lay upright.” she said leaning up “How did you make all this?”
“Do you really want to know darling?”
“It came from your ass didn't it”
“Which are located on your ass”
“I warned you.”
“Speaking of, weird request, but can you make me something to prop myself up with? Back is starting to hurt.”
“I brought you here to mate with you darling.”
“No shit sherlock, but I'd like to be comfortable during.”
Pennywise stood up and grumbled to himself letting his form grow and melt away with his back to her. The giant spider that stood in his place adjusted its legs as it stood delicately in its web tunnel then it arched its abdomen forward a pair of legs beginning to knit and shape what Leech assumed to be silk. She decided she wanted to watch and moved around to the front of the enormous arachnid who hissed and turned away.
“Oh come on Pen it's not like we haven't done weird shit in front of each other before, it's just knitting with your ass thread sheesh.”
The spider hissed and churred.
“Yeah yeah spinnerettes I got it. Come here let me see what you're doing” she tugged on the spider's leg who reluctantly let her turn IT. She could see the large ball of silk in its pedipalps as it worked and spun it like a white ball of cotton candy. Leech couldn't help but rest her head on the metatarsus she was holding onto gently stroking her hand up and down the arachnids limb kissing it softly. The great spider turned its head cocking it a bit to the side in its quick robotic way of moving. IT’s mate smiled up at it and kissed it again this time more deeply with soft tapping on its exoskeleton. “Have I ever told you how impressive you are underneath the paint?” Leech grinned into the hard skin of its leg. “I bet I could ride you.” IT stopped its weaving and looked down at her in silence. “I meant on your back perv.” Leech rolled her eyes and shoved ITs leg, the creature hissed in response. “Oh come on Pen what’s the point of dating a giant spider god if you don't get to ride around it every now and then especially when you're having its demon spawn. You owe me a ride.” IT made another annoyed sound before swiftly lifting its mate into the air with a hooked claw at the end of one of IT’s legs. Leech squirmed a bit in IT’s grasp until the large silk pillow was thrust into her arms. It was way bigger than she thought it'd be, in fact a large dog would be pretty comfortable using it as a bed. She was carefully set down much to her surprise at how gentle IT could be with her, deciding to settle in on her new giant cotton ball while she watched IT fuss with the web ceiling of their nest. After a long awkward silence Leech sighed and removed her bra from under her shirt flinging it at the giant creature. “Will you stop your fussing and come here already sheesh Pen. It looks fine.”
The giant spider looked down at its mate its mandibles clicking and fluttering. “How do I cuddle you in this form?”
The giant arachnid slowly moved over her and lowered itself almost mechanically until its head rested atop her swollen baby bump. Leech grinned and traced it's fangs and mandibles. The spider twitched violently until its top half became the clown who leaned into her touch. “Are you satisfied now?” he purred through hazy yellow eyes.
“I think so.” she mumbled pushing her hands into his hair as he made his way up her body. Penny continued his insectile churring and clicking against her neck and ear. When she didn't respond to his usual noises of arousal he pulled back hovering above her breathing in her emotions through her scent. Sensing she wasn't satisfied the clown cocked an eyebrow.
“Turn back.”
The clown blinked in surprise and Leech sat back up removing her shirt.
“The spider is the closest to your true form right? I want you as you really are.”
“Are you sure you know what you are asking darling?”
“Has it ever bothered me before?” she smiled pulling him to her and kissing him softly. “I want you Pen, I don't care what form you're in.”
Pennywise rumbled out a curious growl returning to her neck clicking and purring. He dragged his tongue along her flesh until soft lips became sharp fangs and mandibles. Leech opened her eyes in a daze and the spider scraped ITs fangs over her cheek. She expected the familiar feeling of teeth sinking into her flesh and her body flinched instinctively but what came instead was gentle pressure. IT was being incredibly careful with her being so big and deadly. She felt the smaller set of front limbs trace over her swollen belly carefully hooking onto her belt loops and begin to tug. IT’s mandibles fluttered against her face in ITs version of a kiss which Leech returned as best she could drumming her fingers on ITs carapace. She felt the entire creature shudder and groan the noise muffled thankfully by the silk cocoon they were in. IT hovered over her predatory and hungry beginning to grow impatient with her pants tugging with more force.
“Let me get it before you tear them off Pen-” Leech began reaching to remove her jeans she was cut off by a terrifyingly loud hiss causing her to gasp and pull away. The scent of fear flooded the creatures senses the noise IT made could almost be described as a moan. IT lunged forward at her a pair of legs pinned her arms above her head working silk to tie them together. IT churred with arousal as it brought IT’s fangs back in close front legs tapping furiously causing the whole chamber to shake. With a harsh yank her pants were torn from her body and Leech opened her mouth to protest but was cut off when IT hoisted her into the air. “Pennywise! What are you- HEY!” Leech shouted at her mate who was already far too gone in IT’s own fantasies at this point. She was cut off again when her spider was now upside down and spinning sticky silk to fasten her to the ceiling. Leech blinked then smiled nervously “Bondage? Looks like I'm not the only one who's put some thought into this huh Pen?” she smirked and waved her ass in her restraints. The spider below her moved back above her body angling IT’s self into a comfortable position. Leech continued her bratty chatter until something large and slimy slid to rest on her backside. “Th-thats new.” She stuttered with large eyes the giant arachnid let out a laugh like chitter bringing its fangs back near her neck while it's small front limbs poked and rubbed her swollen breasts. She felt her spider's longer legs rubbing her belly as it rocked its abdomen back and forth grinding its alien member against her ass cheeks. Huge slimy globs of drool spilled over her shoulders and against her cheek each time IT turned its head to affectionately click and churr in her ear. The small vampire returned IT’s affection as best she could kissing and running her tongue over its fangs and mandibles in soft kitten licks. IT was being incredibly gentle for what it was, IT had to be, everything about IT was for death not love. She felt her spider's grip on her tighten a bit and she let out a hiss when its slick member rubbed against her folds lubricating her as much as IT could before beginning to press at her entrance. Leech cried out as the thing between her legs began to fill her it wasn't a tentacle and it was much bigger than she thought it'd be. IT began to drum its front legs on the wall as it growled and churred pushing its thick appendage into her until she couldn't take any more of it. The spider at her back went still, letting her adjust to IT as its member stretched her inner walls. She felt a spill of hot liquid on her back and felt her monster cooing in her ear checking on IT’s mate and tenderly rubbing its brood within her. “I-Im okay Pen.” She panted and the creature above her gave her a test pump, Leech moaned loud in response.
She could hear her mate making an insectile laughing noise above her clearly very pleased with itself before thrusting into her again beginning a slow rhythm. “OH myyYYy my g-gOD PEnny!” Leech shuddered out as she tried her best to fuck him back. She didn't know what to expect when she thought of trying this but at this point fucking IT was definitely something she planned on trying again. The spider at her back hissed and purred making its “love growl” to her as the bumps and ridges of its slick organ rubbed at her insides, careful not to disturb the clutch of eggs already growing within her. She felt IT grip her body tighter and something leaked from her tit as it pressed harder at her breasts. Involuntary cries of pleasure escaped her lips as IT rocked itself in and out of her dripping cunt. Her mate picked up the pace, mouthing the back of her neck gently and scraping ITs fangs into her skin just enough to prick it. She could feel IT’s venom in her fresh wounds giving her not pain but unexpected pleasure. Her skin feeling sensitive and tingly to the massive arachnid's touch on her breasts and swollen belly which IT still stroked with reverence. She was able to come out of her high just enough to hear the sounds her lover was making above her roaring and gurgling out some dead language as it fucked her pussy with less carefulness than before. Her ears pricked up when she heard a familiar word escape its mandibles. “LeeEecHiiE.” IT tried to purr her name over and over as hot liquid venom filled drool dripping off the back of her neck and shoulders. “Yes Pen fuck take me!” She growled out encouragement to IT knowing how much it loved praise “Take your little slut, don't hold back Pen please!” she heard IT roar in pleasure at that humping into her like it was a race. Leech came with a shuddering cry her mate still fucking her and pulling another from her body shortly after. Leech's long vampiric tongue lolled out of her mouth as her body took more of her monster's rutting and she barely registered it when her restraints were suddenly cut. IT flipped her around to her back setting her on the pillow it had made for her earlier before going back to chasing it's own release. She could feel its mandibles at her throat scraping her skin with more potent aphrodisiac venom. The amount of overstimulation she was receiving was reaching an uncomfortable level and the vampire began to beg for the massive spider's cum. IT roared loud once again drumming its front legs so hard IT shook the entire sewer. Suddenly it bit down on her shoulder and leech felt a gush of liquid fill her abused pussy followed by something solid and squishy filling her hole to the point of bursting. She came a final time as her mate released inside her milking what she knew now to be its ovipositor with her slick walls. IT pulled out violently and finished on her body ping pong ball sized eggs and cum bathing her as she shuddered and spasmed.
The vampire could only lay there in the sticky mess as leftover eggs leaked from her stretched hole and onto the web hammock she lay in. Moving wasn't an option at the moment no matter how weird or gross the situation was. She knew something was coming from her nipples but looking required too much energy. Her spider's mandibles fluttered gently over her skin first at her belly cooing at her young assuring that they were alright then against her cheek until fang were replaced by a giant's soft red lips. Pennywise in his giant form, began to lick her clean his tongue covering half her body. She could feel his large thumb gently rubbing her forehead and his lips pressing against her body every now and then with massive kisses.
“Holy shit Pen.” Leech finally panted out and her whole body vibrated with his giggle.
“Are you alright little one?” He purred as he shrunk down.
“Am I still alive?”
“Very much so darling. You did so well for me.” He cooed as he settled beside her pressing his hand on her belly as he purred against her ear. Leech found the strength to turn and press her lips to his smiling into the kiss. “I fucking love you.” She giggled and bumped her head against his.
“And I you sweet thing.”
After a long quiet moment Leech finally decided to look down and assess herself and yelped when she saw her tits covered in red human blood. “OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK? WHY IS IT RED?!?!! THAT IS NOT MILK!” Pennywise seemed a bit startled by the sudden shouting and bolted up in surprise sniffing her and groaning at the false alarm.
“You are fine Peachy.”
“You need to feed our young somehow dear.”
“So I'm stockpiling blood instead of milk?!”
Penny growled and placed a hand over his growing young. “Everything is alright.”
“This whole pregnancy is terrifying I hope you know that.”
“I'm very aware.” The clown rolled his eyes and changed the subject tapping gently on her rounded stomach. “They will be vulnerable their first month this place will be soft and safe.”
“How do you know” leech turned to him finally calmed down. Pennywise grinned smugly at her and tapped his bulbous forehead.
“Something I lack. Its gonna be hard for me to take care of them I'm not...the most maternal person. I hope you know that.” Leech sighed her hand joining her mate's over their babies.
“Peachy pie.” He purred and rubbed his cheekbone into her “We will learn together.” Leech laughed at the thought.
“I can't wait to see you of all people try to interact with a baby in a way that doesn't end in eating it.”
“I'm sure you will get endless amusement.” The clown rolled his eyes.
The vampire beamed and kissed her monster's cheek nuzzling him obnoxiously. “I sure will!”
Her clown sighed in annoyance and turned into her “Rest my love. I will bring you something to eat.”
“AB blood type please!” She grinned and kissed the creature on the nose.
Pennywise huffed but a small smile tugged at his lips and he returned her affection before standing and leaving their nursery. “Sleep well darling.” He purred before disappearing into the darkness.
SO YEAH I WENT THERE. Wake up fandom shits gotten weirder and more depraved. I hope you all enjoyed my weird spider egg bukkake. Love you freaks!
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tenecity · 6 years
from haters to lovers; you zhangjing
library! au
Tumblr media
cr: @aestheticninepercent
sooooo AFTER MUCH procrastination and wrecking of my brains i tHINK I FOUND SMTH TO HATE ABT zhangjing so here we go
soooo ure a librarian at yr local library
its like a summer job, just to kill time. plus, there's the aircon so its a perfect job. for the most part
until that one boy decides to come to the library
you knw him
everyone knows him bc he is so loud. its impossible not to notice him.
he comes in n ure alr hella pissed bc
a. he is shouting at the top of the voice
b. his grp of friends r equally noisy its sounds like hell broke loose
c. he is munching on a bag of chips
if looks cld kill, he wld alr be in the grave.
now, being the nice, polite person u r, u control yr anger and v nicely remind him of the rules.
"if u dont want to abide to them, sir, u r kindly requested to leave"
his doe eyes just look innocently at yrs
and u roll yr eyes, shoving him towards the exit and walk away, huffing in annoyance
but as soon as u turn yr back
ajjsbsjsjsjsjsjsj THEYRE SO ANNOYING
so u tell them, once again to leave
but his eyes still reflect that same innocence
"will u pls-"
"but i hvnt done anyth wrong." he cuts u off, tone simple, almost hurt
and then u look at him and realise he's right. no potato chips and his friends r hardly making a noise
gritting yr teeth, u stalk off, annoyed tt he caught u off guard
for the next few weeks, he continuously turns up at the library
whether it is to annoy u or actl study and do some serious work, u hve no idea
the only thing u knw, is tt he never shuts up. no matter how many times u tell him to be considerate and be quiet, bc its a goddamn library he never listens. the moment u turn ur bck, his mouth opens again and nonsense sprouts out
how does one speak inccessantly for hours????????
AND THEN oml, one day he comes in and actl requests to be a librarian
yr head librarian finds his bubbly attitude cute so she passes him for the interview
u roll yr eyes as u bring him arnd, showing him the diff sections
ure so focused, u dont even see how bored he is, and how hard he is trying to remember what ure saying.
but, yr words still end up blowing past his ears, not a single word goes in
which is why, he ends up placing the books in wrong sections, messing up everything and you have to clean up the mess every. single. time.
buttttt...... its not like u mind
bc every time he messes up, his sorry brown eyes, pouty lips that spill multiple apologies is enuf to make up for it
him bringing u to eat is a plUS
by the end of summer, u've gained like 7kg
and somehow, between bickering across the bookshelves, between the cup noodles and luncheon meat, between the pages and covers, u gained affection for him
u dont knw how either
i mean, quiet pple hang out with other quiet pple, u knw?
but his loudness is endearing, his constant mistakes make ur stomach hurt as you laugh at his adorable apologetic look.
his chocolate eyes are entrancing, his smile, blinding and completely heart stopping
but it's terrible
he will never like u bck
ure quiet, shy, introverted, cold and not the least bit humourous
ure pretty sure someone like him, wld want a person who is equally bubbly and loud and happy
as the leaves start to float down frm the trees, and the days get colder, u cont yr job as the assistant librarian, zhangjing tagging along, non stop chattering
it seems like he doesnt notice how quiet u've become, hardly even speaking a word now, smiles never exactly meeting the eye
bc the more u look at him, the more u feel yrself tipping over the edge; the more paranoid and upset u get, bc u knw this will b a one sided, impossible love.
that is of course until one day he finally realises theres something wrong
it was in the evening, a break for all the librarians before the next batch comes in at night to study
usually, u wld take this time to rearrange the books and thats exactly what ure doing.
walking down the first aisle whilst pushing the trolley, ure not exactly comprehending what zhangjing is saying as u try to distract yrself by focusing on finding the correct placing for the books.
as u chuck a book bck into its place, u suddenly realise how silent it is.
"zhangjing?" u peer through the gaps of the books, but he's not in the second aisle, like he's supposed to.
panic rising, u urgently call his name as u rush to the other aisle.
"BOO" he whisper-yells into yr ear, his body flushed against yr bck, arms wrapping arnd yr shocked figure.
you turned arnd, ready to b annoyed and roll yr eyes, but the sight before u causes u to freeze
the sunlight falls softly on his features, casting shadows at the all the right angles that emplify his sharp features. his eyes sparkling with cheekiness, his cheeks lightly flushed, his lips pouty and extremely inviting.
you gulp and pull away, but zhangjing's not hving it
he firmly pushes yr shoulders bck, knocking them against the bookshelf, hands planted right next to yr forehead, trapping u between him and the wooden shelf.
"u've been ignoring me."
"no, i hvnt." u swallow hard, looking away, blush creeping up yr neck
"yes u hve. u dont even knw what i was talking abt just now, right?"
ur eyes focus on the floor, neither denying nor acknowledging it.
"what's wrong? why r u ignoring me? did i do smth wrong-"
"zhangjing, u didnt do anything wrong-"
"then why r u ignoring me? i invited u to eat with me thrice last week, and u didnt even accept at least one of them! u hardly pay attention to anything i say, and u hve that mournful look on yr face like someone just died! oh wait shit unless...did someone in yr family pass away? oh shit im so sorry-"
"my family's fine, zhangjing will be quiet for once?"
he opens his mouth again, abt to continue his rant when you decide to seal his lips with yr own
honestly, its a relief to finally cave in to yr desire to shower zhangjing with all the love u hve for him
emotions of the past two seasons flow through yr body and pass through yr lips, conveying the message of "i love u" through that one, light, gentle kiss.
u pull away, face flushed, eyes shyly looking up and they make contact with a shocked zhangjing.
"zhangjing?" a girl's voice travels down the aisle, light and delicate.
he hastily pulls his arms to his side, head turning as he sees his girlfriend at the edge of the aisle.
he looks despairingly, eyes shifting between u and the other girl
the word that passes through yr lips drive a dagger through yr gut, but u maintain the smile on yr face.
and he goes, causing the invisible string, that once connected the two of you together, to snap, as he walks further and further away; the recoil causing u to stumble bck, tears flowing down yr cheeks in a gentle stream as u nurse the pain deep in yr heart.
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witchyinthekitchen · 6 years
This is a Vent Post about my Mother, Please do not reblog
This post is probably gunna be all over the place/time with things that I can remember/recall so bear with me here.
-Being told to make my own food bc mom was too busy with brand new baby (I was between 5-6 so poptarts were about all i could manage. I'd asked for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.) (my brother was a VERY finniky baby. If you weren't holding him he'd scream till his face went purple.))
-Tried to share interests in Anime/manga with her, when I asked her what she felt about it she said she couldn’t get into it and that it felt like a chore. (13-15 ish)
-Told her I needed therapy bc I was having suicidal thoughts. She took me, but then took me out once I started getting upset about the things i’d been talking about in therapy with my therapist because I'd come home in a bad mood.(15-16 ish)
-Went to Mother Daughter Group Therapy with her (there were other mother daughter combos) and she stormed out in the middle of it saying that we were only attacking her and not my dad too. (was 15-16 ish)
-Got into an argument about who i was voting for in the 2016 election while on vacation at Disney World (Hint it wasn't Trump like she wanted)(24 ish)
-Tried to gaslight me about trying to get everyone together to talk wedding stuff saying how she tried but that it all fell apart. (I have texts of her canceling it the day before we were all supposed to get together.)(26)
-Gets super defensive/upset any time I talk about “other mothers” in my life (MIL, BM)
-Has been super hot and cold with me during wedding planning and making passive aggressive comments about everything: Tell him to buy new pants for the engagement shoot 'bc I dont want him wearing baggy clothes -SO's Lost over 20lbs+ for the wedding and i'm so fuckin proud of him- “I don’t want to pay for hard alcohol for SO and his friends to drink at the wedding.” As if ½ the people invited weren’t all just her friends? ((All our friends live out of state/country so half the wedding is family and HER friends/neighbors.)) "I’m sure H*(SIL) and K*(MIL) have good counsel for you on _____," (Why would you say this when i'm asking for YOUR opinion? If i wanted their opinion i'd ask them.)
-4 months before the wedding she’s trying to talk me out of my venue saying we need to go look at the ones SO and MIL had suggested.
-Wants me to keep (BM)'s relation to me a secret even though i’m pretty sure 85% of the people who know me and are coming to my wedding know i'm adopted.
-Angry that I was moving out of the house at 21 with my SO she told his mother she hoped we’d fail. (In her defense she'd just been diagnosed with breast cancer and I'd done poorly in my last semester of college so parents thought it would be a good idea to take me out of college for a semester so i could live at home and basically be at my moms beck and call while also being expected to work 2 jobs (they'd told me the instant that the semester was over that i was expected to work 2 jobs) -That's at least how I was viewing that whole situation before I moved out- )
-As a kid I remember wanting to run away a lot. (Never away to a friends house but always to a park to live under a bridge like the goblin I am (lol)) (is it obvious I use self depreciating humor to get through things that I'm uncomfortable with? haha)
-I'd always hide things from her, even small things like a puzzle book i'd bought myself from the elementary school book fairs. i even began writing my diaries in code so she couldn't read them. Not that i ever caught her reading my diaries or what not but thats how afraid i was.
-The only things that stopped me from killing myself was the distressing thought that my mother would be more upset with blood on the floor than me being gone. (It was a constant worry of mine when I was having ideations.)
-When i was getting close to graduating high school the librarians told me they had a bunch of excess old books they were getting rid of and one of them happened to be the "Toxic Parents" book i've seen several other posts refer to. I took no other books besides that one. I hid that from her too. Looking back through it i remember there was a checklist in the book and i'd filled some of it out when i was younger. I most definitely am a people pleaser.
-We've never really been able to "talk" about things together like how my dad and i do and i think she's really jealous about it.
-The only way I feel comfortable talking to her is Via Email/Text because then that way i have a copy of all the things she's said. because i often forget things. (I honestly don't know how bad my memory is or if its gaslighting but i hope its just me being forgetful and not the latter...)
-I literally cannot let my SO do the dishes because my Mom would always do the dishes/clean when she was mad and bang pots around loudly and just even those sounds set me on edge.
-Her telling me that the careers i wanted to get into (IE: the Arts/Theater/Music) wouldn't make enough money and that they'd be fine as Hobbies but not as careers.
-She's continually trying to push me into a Customer Service Job because i'm so good at making other people happy. (talked to dad about this and he says i'm a very big people pleaser who doesn't like conflicts -cue nervous laughter about wedding planning-)
-Being around her for long periods of time is so physically/emotionally draining. I know that's probably a result of always being on edge with her and I always feel bad that I feel that way.
-Because she's said she hoped I'd fail (me and my So when I first moved out) I'm terrified of telling her anything personal going on in my life for fear that she'd take it out on me or use it against me (i got super anxious/scared when she came up to see me on my end of town once because we'd be stopping at the mall where i used to work and i hadn't yet told her that I'd quit that job.)
-I want to have a relationship with her. I want us to do fun Mom& Daughter things but at the same time I'm scared of letting her get too close to me again just to have it fall apart again.
-When I moved out (21) i went VLC with my whole family before i even knew what VLC was. I barely saw them (except for certain holidays/events.) I didn't talk to my dad for about 3 years because of this and am just now recovering that relationship with him (been 5 years now since I moved out)
-After I get married my plan is to move to CO. During that time i don't remember if my mom has mentioned if she'd miss me, but i do recall she has made multiple points to tell me that my dad says he would miss me.
-I had to beg for a 16th Birthday Party. She finally caved half a year later after I'd talked to my Therapist about it.
-pretty sure i'm the SG of the family (possibly Cousin 1 being the GC because she went to same University my mom did)
-Other family members on her side have stepped in to provide financial help to me on the promise that i wouldn't tell anyone. (probably to stop any gossip of favoritism)
I Don't know if she's an N or just really bad at expressing herself but her hot and cold attitude really sets off my anxiety that i've done something to piss her off and that she won't talk to me about it for a few weeks and then acts as though nothing is wrong/nothing happened. Planning my wedding is the MOST contact we've had in 5 years since i moved out and went VLC and i've been trying to use this as a way to bond with her better but anytime i think i'm getting somewhere Something happens and she's upset again. A phrase i've found myself come into saying recently is "I can't fix something that I don't know is wrong." So i've tried to take that approach when it comes to her. I know she's an adult and can choose for herself if she wants to talk about whats on her mind. I can't force her to talk if she doesn't want to but the anxiety it causes when she gets into these moods is really debilitating. I'm terrible at letting things go (especially if i think its my fault)
I'm Not Her Therapist, but if she has an issue with me I wish she'd just tell me instead of the Silent treatment for a week.
Trigger Topics that I've learned to Avoid at All Costs:
Anything about "Other Mothers" in my life.
Politics & Racism
Anything in the Past that happened.
My moving out
Anything that paints her as a "Bad Mother"(aka this whole post probably)
This post is a mess and I'm rambling. Thanks for sticking through this Brain Dump while I process. 
-Edit 2:
More things i'm recalling: For Christmas one year in front of my whole family (I was between 8-10 ish) she got me a set of underwear with the days of the week labeled on them and told me in front of everyone that "Maybe this would help me remember [to change my underwear daily]..."
One of my final years in high school I somehow managed to get a Cold Sore. My First Cold Sore ever and my lip where it broke out swelled up HUGE. I woke up the day it appeared ( a weekend thank the gods) and horrified went downstairs to tell my mom about it. I don't recall any words of sympathy other than "Cold Sores are caused by Herpes." I just remember breaking down into tears.
I mapped out a "Quiet Walking Path" that avoided all the creaky floorboards and steps in our house.
I get extremely anxious whenever I would hear my parents footsteps coming up the stairs. It got to the point that I could distinguish their steps on Carpet.
I jump/flinch (visibly) at loud noises, even if I know they are coming (movies songs ect.)
Routinely friended/unfriended me on Facebook before deleting it entirely (due to 2018 spying/hacking allegations)
I don't know if she means for these things to be hurtful but as someone who doesn't enjoy confrontation and is extremely sensitive to others feelings it just hurts y'know?
-edit 3: Attempted to talk to mom about her saying she hoped we'd fail via email. went about as well as expected. =Well, that clears a lot of things up. We only wanted you to be independent and happy, and it appears you are. End of story!
And for what it’s worth, I’ve said a LOT of things over the past 6 years that you didn’t hear about. And I’m not really sure where you heard “I hope they fail.” But I’m sure your source is 100%, and certainly not something you’d want to clarify with me.
I hope you got your apartment all squared away in Colorado. You should be under the 60-day notice by now! Woo hoo!
Let me know when you all are coming to get your stuff out of the house.
I’ll have it packed and ready for you.
Am i reading into this too much? because it sounds like she's being hella passive aggressive about this.
-Edit 4: 7-19-18 Been venting about wedding planning being stressful on fb away from my mom since she doesn't have one anymore. I didn't realize she had fms reporting to her about my posts as she just randomly mentions via text that she wants to help me have fun while planning and that she wishes she could make it a happy time for me.
Edit 5: 9-26-18 Wedding is over finally. had our honeymoon and got moved out of our apartment back into my MIL's house. During the move we had to put all of our stuff into storage which includes Wedding gifts and thankyou notes. So Mom has been hounding me about getting them done and i've informed her several times that all of that is in storage and i havent been able to yet. She said not an excuse go buy more thankyou notes and write them all. I asked if Emailing a thank you would work, she says no must be hand written and mailed out (also who's paying for 100+ stamps: Me) Well Tonight she informs me that she's doing all the ones from her/my side and that she doesn't care if we do them for DH's side since SIL didn't send any thank you notes either. Cue big long talk with DH about all of this and he says not to worry about her being passive aggressive like this. Go and check my Email to find she sent an Email to me only with writing saying
"Dear all,
Thank you so much for attending --- wedding. Your presence was so important to me, and I know to the kids as well. Thank you also for the lovely wedding gifts you sent or brought. I know they are appreciated and will be enjoyed by the newlyweds. It was very kind and generous of you!
Unfortunately, --- is unable to send thank you notes, but I did want you to know that your gifts, and your presence at the celebration, were very important to all of us, and very much appreciated.
currently I'm choosing not to respond and I wonder how our relationship is going to be going forward from all of this... I was so happy that the wedding was over so i wouldn't have to deal with this petty drama bullshit anymore but I guess thats just too much to ask for.
-She's also unfriended me on facebook again. I'm tempted to just block her to stop this wishy washy stuff from happening again.
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darkdarkmydesire · 7 years
I really hope it wasn't (just an experiment)
Chapter 4:
"Fuck", Alec swore, running his hand through his hair, while simultaneously blocking the flow of students. He ran his gaze, once again, over the text from his boss.
According to the typed lexis, Alec's shift had been cancelled and the café closed early. He was in the middle of tugging the roots out of his head, when Alec was interrupted by a warm hand on his arm, a gliding voice. "Is there a reason, darling, why you seem yo have decided to pursue a career in being a road block?". came a familiar voice.
Lifting his head Alec came face to face with the glittery man, he called his friend. He took in Magnus's form. Compared to Alec's policy on choosing practical clothes with no thought on their asthetic appeal, Magnus crafted his wardrobe on the basis of enhancing and highlighting his beauty. He wore crimson jeans and a white flowing shirt, that tightened around his biceps and ended in folded cuffs just below his elbow. The sheer material hung off Magnus's frame almost poetically. He had on his signature twine bracelets and various rings, while his hair was glittered and streaked red. Coalesced, Magnus looked edible. Casually removing his eyes from Magnus, Alec grumbled, "None, except the fact my boss cancelled my shift." It may not be an extremely mature move, the professed ignorance of his tangible attraction to Magnus. However, it was an effective move. Eying Alec suspiciously, Magnus clarified with a measured tenor, "So you're pissed, because you're boss gave you a day off?". Magnus was quiet perplexed at discovering the source of Alec's perturbance, he was thoroughly unaware of the existential crisis the lack of commitment had bestowed on Alec.
"That's seems backward logistics to me.", he observed arms folding, stance shifting. Magnus leaned forward slightly, " You do realise free time is an actual concept? Don't you know how to relax?", he questioned smirking. Magnus was clearly teasing the younger man.
However, at the sight of Alec's resigned face, his superior grinned faded, as he huffed out an exasperated laugh, "Okay, it is decided. I, the fabulous Magnus Bane shall spend the evening with you.", he declared straightening with a flourish. Magnus clapped his hand together in finality, if Alec had forgotten how to relax, Magnus would show him, he was nothing if not a dedicated pursuer of improbable challenges. He would make Alexander once again enter the gate way to adolescent amusememt. No, he would make Alexander build his own mansion beyond the gate way of adolescent amusement. Lost in the maze of his multiple plans, Magnus stood eyebrows furrowed deep in thought, as he tapped an incessant finger to his lips. Magnus therefore, didn't have the foresight to move out of the way of a wayward individual, causing him to stumble forward on unsteady feet, barging past the pair.
" Excuse you ", he called out after the offending party, straightening the sleeves of his blouse. "We were having a conversation here.", he called out, raising his voice slightly, far it be from him to let injustices committed against himself pass fleetingly.
Alec had to admit, spending time with Magnus wasn't a bad alternative and Alec could relax. No, Alec would relax. Filled with a new purpose, Alec began dragging Magnus way from the bickering match he was having with a surly looking student. Chuckling at the Magnus's antics, Alec lead them away.
"Honestly, what a rude man.", Magnus muttered, not at all perturbed as the taller man dragged him away. At this words, Alec's smile widened, as he lead Magnus through the hallway and to his next class.
After the bell signalling the end if school rung, Alec texted Magnus that he was going to the library. He had an assignment and finishing early never hurt anyone. Fine, perhaps Alec didn't know how to relax, but the sooner he got his work done, the sooner he could have piece of mind and get to the relaxing part. Alec's idea of relaxing differed from the average teenage view. Clubbing and ruckus, parties and noise, were fun enough, but Alec preferred curling down with a book, when relaxing.
Running his fingers along the weathered spine, Alec sighed in content. He would gladly spend every waking hour of his free time among the ink filled pages. Standing in the swirling dust motes, illuminated by the shafts of sunlight, the musky smell of old books and pine filling his lungs. Running his finger over the dust covered shelves, which became more prominent the further back he traversed. This was Alec's haven.
Realising, he couldn't find the book he was looking for, Alec drifted towards the front desk. Perhaps, the student librarian knew where it was, he mused.
"Excuse me.", new said, knocking softly on the desk, to get the attention of the man behind it. He sat with his head buried in a book.
The man was quiet plain, from his sandy blond hair, to his square shoulders and symmetrical face. Pleasant looking, but plain. Although, as he lifted his head, Alec was confronted with a stubbled jaw and the most mesmerising eyes. A pale green, so light they were almost translucent.
Scowling, the man snapped, " Something on my face?", his tone carried a hint of exhaustion, despite the snarky words. As if he had heard all the jokes and what Alec had to say was no different.
"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't stare.", Alec answered apologetically.
" I get they're creepy, but if you have a problem, dont look at them.", the man growled angrily.
"What?", Alec sputtered. "I wasn't thinking that. I was thinking they're mesmerising, beautiful, like the surface of an iridescent, rippling lake."
"They're not creepy.", he spoke firmly, " More like a jewel. Rare and precious.".
"Oh.", blinked the other man in surprise. "Is this how you pick up all your men then, by waxing on the spot, poetic lyrical on their features?", he said grinning.
Alec felt himself burn with embarrassment, he had got so caught up in making the man see how stunning his eyes were, that he had forgotten himself. "I actually just came for a book on Derivativea and Rates of Change.", he coughed, looking up from his lashes in embarrassment.
" I'll go get it then. Its out back.", the man said standing, a grin still on his face. He was surprisingly tall, almost as tall as Alec, if not an inch taller. He wore a chestnut brown T-shirt over black tight jeans A simple attire, much like Alec's own black sweater and black jean, albeit in hindsight, Alec probably looked like a future felon, or Dracula in his all black piece.
Returning the man gave a cheeky smile, "Calyx Atarall, by the way.", he introduced. "Alec Lightwood.", Alec answered, reaching for the book. This man held a powerful allure, his gripping eyes a contrast with his plain features. And Alec was not a painter, but as he looked at the man he thought this: he would definitely capture this man if he was. -------------------------------+
Magnus strolled through the library doors smiling. Of course Alec would want to spend his free time studying. What a nerd, he thought fondly, but any traces of a smile vanished as he beheld Alec leaning slightly against the front desk, in the midst of a conversation with the man behind it. It was not the interaction that bothered Magnus, but they way Alec looked at him. As if he wanted to take his picture and hang it up for all to admire. Which he could do, of course, but Magnus was no third wheel. And Alec shouldn't treat him like one.
Arranging his face into a neutral smile, Magnus made his way to them. " Alexander", he breathed, sliding his palm over Alec's behind and squeezing hard.
The action caused Alec to jump slightly and swallow his yelp, "Hey", Alec said turning towards Magnus, putting their faces an inch apart.
"Ready to go darling? I was thinking we could study at Nightingale.", he purred, ignoring the presence of the other man.
'That's fine by me.", Alec answered, stepping out of Magnus's grip. " Thanks for the book and sorry again for offending you. I meant what I said though.", smiled Alec earning a reluctant smile from Calyx, who had watched the exchange between Magnus and Alec.
"No problem. See you around.", he said.
" Definitely. ", answered Alec causing his smile to widen.
Upon turning down a few blocks, Magnus hailed a cab, all the while not saying a word to Alec. As the two climbed, Alec heard Magnus tell the driver the address. Confused, Alec broke the silence, " That's your house address.". In lieu of answer, Magnus roughly captured Alec's lips.
"Can't do this at Nightgale's. Can I?", he smirked, licking Alec's bottom lip, before leaning back.
Pleasantly surprised, Alec agreed, " No, no you can't. ", unsure of what had brought on the sudden change in mood, but Alec couldn't say he minded.
As they stepped into Magnus's apartment, Magnus slammed the door shut, before pushing Alec up against the wall and attaching their lips. The kiss was a war dance. Magnus roughly biting Alec's lip, sweeping the roof of his mouth and sucking on his tongue. The action caused a lightning bolt to sear Alec's spine. Noting the change in Alec, Magnus pressed harder against Alec, grinding his hips. Alec moaned and slide his hands over Magnus's abdomen feeling the burning skin, he stroked higher brushing Magnus's nipples, eliciting a sharp gasp in Alec's mouth. Loving the sound, he did it again and again.
When suddenly, Magnus pulled off and spoke voice scratchy from desire, " Just two adults acting on attraction, right?".
The words sent a surprising pang of pain through Alec. The way Magnus had acted, Alec almost thought he had been jealous, that maybe...
Lightly shaking his head, Alecs sent the half formed thought clattering on the floor."Yeah.", he panted, hands on Magnus chest and eyes on the shorter man. Alec knew this was unhealthy, but he didn't care. Tomorrow, he would think about what the disappointed meant. Right now, he just wanted Magnus, wanted his touch.
"Fuck.", he groaned, " You're addictive.".
"And dont I kow it, darling ", Magnus smirked, before pushing off Alec and turning him around.
" Wha-", Alec asked confused, as he found himself staring at the biege wall, as Magnus yanked his hands up and pinned with an almost painful grip.
"Quiet, darling. You'll enjoy this.", he whispered, biting harshly at Alec's exposed neck, earning a strangled moan. Complying to Magnus's silent request, Alec stretched his neck, allowing further access to Magnus's teeth. Magnus continued biting and licking over the hurts, hard enough to leave marks, while his right ripped open Alec's shirt, running a proprietary hand over his torso. His slightly heaving breaths were no comparison to Alec's jerking gasps. Reaching down, Magnus opened his trousers and roughly gripped Alec in his hand.
Hissing, Alec leaned against the wall, " Fuck - Magnus. ", he ground out. Laughing huskily, Magnus bit at Alec's lobe, moving closer until Alec could feel Magnus's arousal against his behind, causing him to buck his hips backwards.
" Now, now. ", Magnus whispered sultrily. " Patience, Alexander.". His hand tightened around Alec, his thumb flicking the tip, as he began stroking, slowly. With a firm hand he continued pulling and twisting, but not increasing his pace. "Magnus.", Alec moaned breathless.
" Yes, darling.", Magnus crooned in a midnight caress.
"Do you want me to beg?", Alec gritted out, as he began to pull his hands down to grab Magnus and make him listen.
Magnus tightened his grip in response, pulling Alec's arms further up in a swift movement. Magnus hummed, circling his tongue over Alec's ear, taking in Alec's restricted form with hungry eyes.
"Maybe.", Magnus whispered, lips ghosting over Alec's neck and trembling shoulders. " Tell me what you want, Alexander. Ask for it. ", he urged, voice hard, emphasising his command by sliding his finger across Alec's base, eliciting a shudder.
" You.", he gasped.
"Be more specific, love.", Magnus purred, slamming his hips into Alec's forcefully.
Alec's knees buckled at the contact, as Magnus's hand kept moving at a a torturous pace. " Magnus.", Alec whimpered. Alec had begged the last time, but he would not do this. Would. Not.
Voice clipped, Magnus asked, "What. What do you want, Alexander?", dragging his nails along Alec's length.
" I want you to - to grip my - my -", he trembled, grinding out the words.
"Grip your?", Magnus taunted, stopping all movement.
" My cock.", he chocked, " Goddamn it Magnus.", he swore voice breaking. "Grip my cock and pull faster, harder.".
" Now?", Magnus deadpanned, "Alexander, where are your manners. I do remember teaching you.", he said in a scolding tone.
" Please.", Alec gasped, "Fuck Magnus. Please Now.", he groaned as Magnus began moving his hand.
" Keep asking, wouldn't want me to forget? Would you love?", Magnus said, voice smooth, containing the hint of a threat.
"Faster, Magnus, faster", Alec sobbed, nails clenching into his palms on the wall, as Magnus began to pump harder and faster. " Harder. Fuck... fuck.", Alec cried, spilling into Magnus's hands.
Not giving the taller man a moment to recover, Magnus dragged Alec to his room , before bending him over his dressing table. He wanted to look at Alec's face, as he tore into him. Magnus was too lust riddled to care that his actions seem to stem from a particular emotion. He just wanted Alec, he wanted, wanted with such a burning ferocity that his desire flared inside of him until all he could think was: Alec, Alec, Alec.
Splayed out on the dresser, Alec met Magnus's eyes in the mirror, his mouth becoming dry at the sight of Magnus shucking his jeans, before pulling down Alec's. Not breaking the contact, Alec opened his legs, watching through lowered lashes, as Magnus's eyes darkened and he gripped Alec, nail digging into his hips.
Without warning Magnus thrust into Alec, earning a loud moan, eyes pinned on Alec's, he collided with the bent man again and again. Hitting his prostate and causing Alec to arch backwards with a feral cry. Eye's shuttering, Magnus coaxed throaty moan, after moan of pleasure. Magnus's own member strained painfully but Magnus was not done yet. Increasing his pace, Magnus thrust into Alec harder, as he reached yet another climax. His eyes stayed locked onto Magnus, lips parted, crying out his name, as he shuddered through his release.
Snatching his face, Magnus placed a sloppy kiss on Alec's lips, as he slowed down slightly. It was more of them panting into each others mouths than anything. But, he still did not stop.
"Magnus.", Alec whimpered, vioce gravelly, " I can't, I - ".
" Yes.", Magnus growled, "You can.", his voice guttural. He pushed in deeper and once again increased his pace, roughly slamming into Alec. Hard enough to cause the dresser to rattle underneath.
Alec took in Magnus's rumpled firm through the mirror, he felt Magnus throbbing inside of him, but he was still raw and sensitive from his previous release and as Magnus shoved in, Alec shouted in pleasure.
Looking at Alec's glazed eyes, white knuckled hands Magnus pounded in hard and deep, earning scream, after scream, until Alec came once again with a hoarse cry. Unable to hold back any more, Magnus too succumbed to intense waves of pleasure, as he flicked blazing eyes over Alec's wrecked form. Shuddering he pulled and stumbled with Alec to the bed, both men collapsing into each others arms.
" Magnus.", Alec croaked, as they lay tangled in bed. The moonlight pooled along their naked bodies. Magnus tried and failed not to recall the reason for Alec's voice like that of a seasoned smoker's.
"What's wrong, love?", he whispered back, his own voice slightly scratchy.
" Get up.", Alec chuckled, "We need to clean ourselves and the apartment.", he reasoned.
" And who's fault is that?", Magnus teased, rolling over and caging Alec's head between his forearms.
"Yo - ", Alec pauses mid - sentence taking in Magnus's shining eyes and plump lips curved into a smile. His hair brushed Alec's cheek softly. The moonlight cast a faint glow around Magnus's frame, making him seem ethereal in the light.
" That was great just attraction sex.", Magnus gave a lopsided grin. His words caused Alec to reel himself back. Of course, what had he been thinking? He had agreed to that. Deciding the freshly released hormones were confusing his brain, Alec pushed off Magnus. It was immature of him to even think of other alternatuves. Flicking the other man's nose, Alec swiftly slide out from under Magnus and slipped into the bathroom without looking back once, much to Magnus's confusion at the abrupt departure.
Taking turns, Magnus entered the shower as soon as Alec had exited, unintentionally leaving Alec to clean the apartment. Upon emerging Magnus perpetually insisted he was planning to help, much to Alec's dubiousness of the matter. With no prior engagements, the two spent the rest of the evening lightly teasing each other and working on the project from the book Alec had dropped in the hallway. They're laughs echoed around the apartment: light and easy. In contrast with the heavy atmosphere of the earlier frenzy. Soon Alec had left and Magnus found himself alone in the apartment: exhausted, but content. The reason for initiating the steamy encounter lost in his slowing breaths.
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