#and only left once because the real rebels (the organas) begged him to get off his ass and do something!!
chipthekeeper · 1 year
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I know it’s literally just so they can sell books to fans of the shows but frankly it’s offensive to put Obi wan on the cover of this
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Dark Side - Poe Dameron
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Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader
Characters: Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren, General Leia Organa
Warnings: N/A
Request: @roseslovedreams: “Poe Dameron. Reader goes out of the old resistance base to talk to Kylo Ren, and comfort him because she’s really good at talking to hurt people. She is Poe’s girlfriend and he didn’t want her to go out. Leia asks for her to try anyways. You can make up the ending.” Word Count: 1081
Author: Hannah
It was always incredible to see who would actually stand by you in a time of need but then those who would decide to not be there.
The difficult part was coming to terms with the fact that those people did not consider the cause worthy enough to stand and fight for – the resistance were strong, and they always had been, however some people had their doubts.
It was pointless to remove these doubts as people were stubborn, but it came to the point where lives were going to be lost for the resistance yet again and decisions needed to be made about who was going to stick around and who was going to leave.
Of course, you were loyal to the resistance no matter what, as was your long-term boyfriend Poe.
The two of you had been together through practically everything and that therefore meant that the two of you were going to be together at the old resistance base on Crait.
Poe had been trying not to show the panic on his face when everyone learned that Kylo Ren had arrived with his army, but you knew him too well.
“What do we do?” Poe asked the group that had gathered, whilst keeping his arm around your waist so that you were by his side.
Leia turned to you with a small smile on her face. “My dear, would you go and talk to my son?” Poe shook his head. “No, she is not going out there and talking to him.”
Leia sighed, turning to Poe. “As much as I respect you protecting her Poe, I asked Y/N and not you.”
You nodded your head in confirmation. “I can go and talk to him – we were friends once, I’m sure he remembers that.”
When you were a child, you had grown up alongside Ben and whilst you could not pinpoint the time at which he turned, you still had hope that your best friend from childhood was still in there somewhere.
Turning to Poe, you went on your tiptoes to kiss him gently. “I’ll be back soon, okay?”
Poe shook his head, holding onto your waist so that you didn’t move away. “No Baby, please don’t do it.”
“I have to Poe, he’s my friend.”
He shook his head again. “Your friend hasn’t been in there for a long time Baby and you know that.”
“Poe, I love you.”
“Don’t make it sound as if you don’t think you’ll come back,” he begged you with desperation in his tone. “You will come back if you’re mad enough to go out there.”
You hugged him tightly, him holding you as if he was going to lose you but you knew you were coming back.
Leia smiled at you, pulling you into a hug also. “I have loved you like a daughter my dear, please just try and get through to him.”
You could hear the sadness but also the desperation in her voice, so you nodded with a smile but also tears in your eyes. “I will try my best.”
With one last look over at the man you loved with all your heart, you made your way out of the base and the shooting stopped almost immediately.
“Ben! Please, just come and talk to me!” you called out and you breathed a sigh of relief when Kylo came out of ship and across to you.
“So, they sent you?”
You sighed. “Your mother asked me.”
“Why you?”
You shrugged. “You tell me Ben.”
He chuckled darkly, seemingly void of all emotion. “You mean nothing to me anymore.”
“Meaning I once did.”
He sighed. “A long time ago perhaps.”
“You wouldn’t have called off the shooting if I no longer meant something to you.”
He shook his head. “I called it off as I was unaware of who stepped out of the base.”
“Ben please.”
“That is not my name, and you know it.”
“I refuse to call you by your chosen name, you will always be Ben to me,” you explained as calmly as you could. “You will always be the Ben that hugged me as I cried after scraping my knee, you will always be the Ben that came to me whenever I needed you, you will always be the Ben that was my first ever real friend.”
As you spoke it seemed as if your words were having an effect on him.
“You must remember our childhood.”
He twitched ever so slightly but it was still noticeable. “I remember.”
“Then the old you is still in there. Please, call this off and we can all figure this out.”
He shook his head, taking a step back from you. “The only way we can sort this is war.”
You reached out to him. “No Ben, please that is not the answer and you know it.”
Kylo’s hand was placed on his lightsabre and part of you was worried he would use it on you, you weren’t overly confident that the Ben you knew was still in there.
“I need you to listen to me,” you told him. “Listen to the fact that your mother is in there in tears over her baby boy being in such turmoil.”
“My mother does not care, nor do I care for her.”
You gasped at his words. “You liar!”
He looked hurt at your exclamation but made no attempt to respond to you.
“Call this off Ben, please I beg you,” the desperation in your tone was beginning to show. “We do not need to lose anymore lives than we already have.”
Kylo shook his head, taking multiple steps back from you before turning around and heading back to his ship.
As tears fell on your cheeks you ran back inside the base and straight into Poe’s arms.
You looked to Leia. “I am so sorry, I tried, and I know he is still in there, but he will not listen.”
Leia sighed as she placed a hand on your arm. “It is okay my dear, you tried and now we must win this.”
She left to organise the rest of the rebels whilst Poe held you in his arms.
“He didn’t hurt you?” he questioned, sounding surprised.
“No, of course he didn’t.”
He sighed. “Then why are you crying?”
“The Ben I knew is there but is not allowed to be free.”
Poe kissed the top of your head, trying to comfort you. “That is what the dark side does Baby.”
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whimsicalworldofme · 6 years
Ben is brought safely to Paxis and has difficulty accepting that this is his new reality. Especially when coming face to face with his only son for the first time.
Word Count: 2954
Content Warnings: None
Ben tensed up the moment the Falcon landed. Ava saw the tension in his jaw, the rigidity of his posture as he stood behind Chewie and Poe in the pilots’ seats getting his first look at his new home, the expansive base on Paxis spreading out in front of them around the landing strip. No one else was on the landing strip but they could see some people milling about on their every day business.
               Before this trip, Ava and Poe had put out a message around base advising everyone that they were going to retrieve Han and Leia’s son. That meant little to most of them. Among the members of the Resistance, not many of the ones who remained on Paxis knew that Ben was Kylo Ren. Everyone knew that Luke was the only child of General Organa’s only son, but everyone knew better by now than to ask where the General’s son actually was. Some of them had assumed he was dead. They just knew that he was a sore spot, so they didn’t talk about him. Poe, ever the master of spinning a story to help the ones he loved, had told everyone that Ben had infiltrated the First Order to help the Resistance bring them down from the inside and that all he wanted now was a quiet, peaceful life. Everyone had been cautioned to simply treat Ben with kindness and not ask him about his time with the First Order or too many questions about his childhood. Ava hadn’t told him about the preparations that had been made in advance of his arrival but didn’t think it was necessary. All she wanted now was to put him at ease. She laid her hand over his and gave it a squeeze.
               “Hey,” she smiled. “It’s going to be ok. I promise.”
               He tried to force a smile, but it didn’t quite work. The corners of his mouth very briefly turned upwards before all hints of happiness flickered away and he was nothing but tense again, shuffling stiffly with her to the hatch.
               “Ready to head home?” Poe asked, meeting them at the hatch while they waited for the gangway to lower to the ground. “We grabbed some clothes that should fit you, so you’ll be a little more comfortable once you’re home,” he scratched the back of his neck as he glanced momentarily at Ben’s exposed ankles. Ava knew her husband felt embarrassed and broken-hearted for his friend, furious that he hadn’t even been afforded the common decency of clothes that fit properly. “We hadn’t thought it would be an issue, otherwise we would have brought a change with us.”
               “It’s fine,” Ben stated his eyes downcast, voice low and guttural.
               “Come on, buddy.”
               Poe clapped his shoulder and pulled him along with him down the ramp with Ava following behind, feeling like this was a good start, like they were kids again; back before she and Ben had gone off to study with Master Luke, back when he and Poe were basically brothers and the three of them were inseparable.
               “Maybe once you’re settled we can go down to the main hangar together. I’ve been modifying some cargo shuttles and I think you’ll find what I’m doing interesting. And I’d love to get your input see what ideas you might have to make them even better.”
               “General,” Connix jogged up to them, eyeing the tall, uncomfortable stranger with suspicion but she held her tongue, “we need you for a meeting in command.”
               Even though the fighting was over, the Resistance was still an active organization. They didn’t run military missions anymore, but they were now responsible for the well-being of all the rebels who had chosen to stay on Paxis. And since Poe was the highest-ranking officer, they naturally looked to him for leadership. The eighty some people who had decided to colonize the uninhabited planet permanently were family to him and he took that responsibility seriously.
               “Is it absolutely essential and urgent?” HE asked, raising a brow. “I’d really hoped I would have the day with my family.”
               “It is, I’m sorry,” Connix flashed Ava a sympathetic look before turning her attention back to Poe, her hands clasped behind her back.
               Looking to Ava, Poe wordlessly begged for forgiveness, a pained expression knotting his brow and dimming the light in his eyes. Stepping closer to him, she gave him a gentle kiss.
               “It’s ok,” she assured him. “They need you. We’ll be all right.”
               “I love you,” Poe gave her another smiling kiss before heading off with Connix, who had pulled a datapad from behind her back and begun going over whatever information was being covered in their impromptu meeting.
               “Does she know who I was?” Ben asked as Ava linked arms with him and began to guide him away from the landing pad. “She looked at me like she did.”
               “She might have seen you on Crait,” Ava speculated. “But there aren’t many people left here who knew us when we were kids, who know what happened when we were seventeen.” She didn’t want to say what it was that had happened. He didn’t need reminding of their shared, painful past. “The few of us on the base who do know all of your history have agreed that you deserve a chance to start over.”
               They walked in silence for a few minutes. Despite the limited remaining population on base, it was still a lively place. Three kids streaked past them playing a game of tag, giggling and shrieking in delight, completely unaware of anything else. When they passed the main hangar, they could hear the echoes of voices, whirs of power tools, beeping droids, and clanking metal. Ava tipped her head to one side, a little concerned about Ben’s extended silence. When she studied his face, she saw him keeping his gaze ahead. Even if she couldn’t have read the expressions in his doe eyes and the set of his lips, she felt the waves of his emotions crashing over her through the Force; the doubt, the fear, the loneliness.
               “Hey,” Ava stopped walking and tugged him around to face her. He complied to her physical queues, even though he didn’t have to. Halting, he stood in front of her, only glancing down momentarily, sorrow weighing on him so clearly. “Listen to me,” she cupped his face in both hands, “Kylo Ren is dead. He died on that prison moon. He’s gone. And every power that twisted you into that monster and conspired to weaponize you to their purpose are dead. You are Ben Solo. You get a new start here. You can have the life you wanted here, with us. You have family here that loves you still.” She stroked his cheek with her thumb. “Let go, Ben. You’re allowed to start forgiving yourself, all right?”
               He didn’t say anything, just turned his gaze upward and searched the horizon with teary eyes, slightly chewing on the inside of his cheek in an attempt to prevent himself from having a complete breakdown there in public where anyone could see. He shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. Going up on her tiptoes, Ava kissed him softly on he cheek, which was easier since he stooped down slightly when he realized what she was doing.
               “Come on,” she took him by the arm again, keeping him close to her side. “Let’s get you home.”
               “Home is off base?” Ben asked in confusion as they left the cluster of buildings, the only real civilization on the planet. They plodded onto the now well-trod path between the base and the Dameron homestead.
               “Obviously we used to live on base,” she said. “That’s our house,” she pointed at the large stone home crowning the hill in the distance. “Nearly everyone chipped in and helped to build it.”
               “It’s huge,” he gawked. His feelings were clear to her. He felt envious that this was the comfortable life that Poe had been able to provide her. There was grief there too, at the loss of that potential chance with her, the chance of that happy family life together. “Don’t you think it’s a bit too much?” There was a hint of anger, but Ava let it slide. Those were natural emotions and he was doing well in not letting it overtake him.
               “We have three kids, three droids, me, Poe, and a constant stream of people stopping by,” she chuckled. “It’s just enough, to be honest. But it’s good we have it because now you have a space of your own with us,” she smiled brightly.
      ��        Ben was still a tumult of conflicting emotions, guilt, love, anger, joy, when they stepped into the house.
               “Ah Mistress Ava,” Threepio came shuffling suddenly around the corner from the study, making both her and Ben jump slightly. “And bless my circuits, Master Ben!” The droid threw his hands in the air, elbows bent at a right angle. “I never thought I’d see the day. Oh, if only your mother were here-”
               “Threepio,” Ava cut him off, not wanting him to continue and upset Ben any further. “Are the girls napping?”
               “Yes,” the droid nodded with the whole top half of his body. “Mistress Shara and Mistress Leia went to sleep fifteen minutes ago, and Master Luke advised me to inform you that he is meeting up with Master Jacen and will return later.”
               “Oh,” Ava frowned. “I’d asked him to stay here,” she was disappointed that her son had chosen this moment to display his teenage rebellion and disobey her. She had wanted him there to meet his father, but she supposed he might be nervous or even afraid.
               “I don’t want him to see me like this,” Ben mumbled, tugging at the collar of the ill-fitting prison uniform and she felt her heart break again.
               “Threepio let me know when the girls wake up, all right?” She took Ben’s hand and led him further into the house, to the great room and into the guest suite and shut the door behind them to keep the droid out. He didn’t pick up on social queues at all, but he knew that closed doors meant he’d need to wait.
               “This is my room?”
               “It’s all yours,” she smiled.
               Ben wandered around, examining the furniture which Poe and Ava had gathered up from what had been left behind when people had left Paxis for their home planets. He took in all the little details, running his hand along the top of the dresser, feeling the sheets between his fingers. She’d seen his room on the Finalizer. His bed had not looked comfortable at all. This mattress wasn’t as plush as some, but it was comfortable, and the sheets were soft and warm. He went to the windows along the back wall that looked out onto the backyard with the creek and the forest behind.
               “We’ll get you some better furniture when we can,” she insisted.
               “This is fine,” he insisted, glancing back at her for a moment.
               “Well at least a better mattress,” she added as she went to the dresser and pulled out some clothes they’d found for him that should fit. She laid them on the end of the bed. “Why don’t you take a hot shower and then change?” She suggested. “You have your own bathroom through that door,” she pointed. “I’ll make you something to eat. Have you eaten at all today?”
               “No,” he shook his head, not looking at her, his tone flat. He had shifted to the desk they’d put in there, completely fixated, though not on the desk itself but what was on it. It hadn’t been easy to get at the last minute, but Ava had found a calligraphy pen, an inkwell, and a few nicely bound notebooks in the fledgling trading post on base. She watched him run his lithe fingers over the cover of the notebook on the top of the stack, making her smile. “Thank you,” he turned to her again. He didn’t smile but he wasn’t looking so teary eyed anymore either.
               “You’re welcome,” she beamed at him. “When you’re dressed, come out to the kitchen, it’s just across the living room from here.”
               “Ok,” Ben nodded.
               By the time he emerged from his room, Ava had made a big pot of noodles that she knew he’d liked when they were kids. It was something Luke had a taste for too, so she made them regularly at home anyway, which she explained when he asked. He asked a few questions about life on Paxis as he ate, and Ava answered what she could. Ava was washing the dishes when the front door opened and clanged shut.
               “Oh, are you making noodles?” Luke hurried into the kitchen, his eagerness for food turning to fear of his mother when he saw the fire in her eyes. His face fell and then he saw his father, sitting at the counter and his breath caught in his throat, eyes going wide.
               “Luke, I asked you to stay here to help look after your sisters,” Ava put a hand on her hip.
               “I’m sorry, Mom,” his voice cracked slightly.
               “Come here,” she softened, waving him over as she came around to the other side of the counter and put a hand on Ben’s shoulder, encouraging him gently to turn around. He’d locked up as soon as he heard the boy’s voice and hadn’t been able to bring himself to look at him. “Ben,” she was gentle about it as he shifted off the stool he’d been sitting on and turned around to get his first look at his son in person. “This is Luke.”
               “You’re so tall,” Ben mused, struggling to find anything to say. “I don’t know if I was that tall at fourteen.”
               “Mom says you were,” Luke offered after a moment’s hesitation. “You’re going to live with us?”
               “Only for a little while,” Ben answered quickly, and Ava could tell he was afraid that his son didn’t want him there which is why he’d been so quick to insist he wouldn’t be there long.
               “I hope you’ll stay,” Luke stated. He couldn’t take his eyes off his father, the man he’d been compared to his entire life, whose shadow he’d fought so hard to break free from, but who he’d also learned somehow to forgive.
               “You do?” Ben faltered and cleared his throat against emotions welling up in him when his son nodded. “Well…I can, if you want me to.”
               “I do,” Luke smiled kindly and pushing past the discomfort, the oddity of the situation, and his own conflicting emotions, he stepped closer and gave his father a hug. Ben locked up again, looking to Ava for help. She just gave him an encouraging nod. He hugged Luke back and took in a deep, ragged breath.
               “I’m sorry I wasn’t here,” he murmured. “I’m sorry I missed everything.”
               “Just be here now, Dad,” Luke tried out the term for the first time and smiled. “You want to see the speeder I built?” He asked, taking a step back and wiping at his eyes. Ben did the same with a chuckle, shocked and overwhelmed. “Mom says you’re into ships and flying.”
               ‘Yeah,” Ben nodded. “I’d love to see it, Luke.”
               “All right, come on,” Luke stopped to give his mother a kiss on the cheek before waving his father on to follow him to their little family hangar.
               Ava felt like her heart might burst of happiness. She’d spent fourteen years trying to prepare Luke to meet his father someday, to forgive him, and welcome him home, to see the man and not just the monster. Seeing the end result made her feel like everything she’d tried to teach her son about patience, kindness, love and forgiveness had paid off and sunk in. Her lessons and Poe’s example of unending, uninhibited love and acceptance had combined to create one amazing kid.
               An amazing kid who can help his father on his path back to the light, Ava sighed contently. There was a lot of progress to make with Ben. But this was a start. Everything has to start somewhere.
               The door opened and shut again and soon Poe was in the kitchen, eyes scanning for the other inhabitants of the house.
               “Hey, where’s Ben?” He asked, paused sniffing the scent of food in the kitchen. “Did you make noodles?”
               “Yes,” Ava laughed and went to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, feeling his sturdy hands on her hips, his soft lips capturing her own. “Luke is showing Ben his speeder.”
               “Their meeting went all right?” Poe asked, and she nodded. “Good.”
               “I need to tell you something,” she paused. “And you have to promise not to get mad.”
               “Ok,” Poe raised a brow, the word coming out in a stream of confusion and wary concern. He held her a little tighter as though afraid she was about to tell him something horrible.
               “I’m pregnant,” she grinned slyly.
               “WHAT?” Poe nearly shouted, his face radiating pure joy. He picked her up, kissing her, and then began dancing around the room with her. “Wait,” he halted abruptly, making Ava laugh. She knew it had just now clicked. “You knew before we went to save Ben.”
               “Yes,” she had the decency to look a little bit ashamed that she’d kept it secret from him. “I actually only found out two days ago. You would’ve tried to stop me. But I knew what I was doing.”
               “You are very lucky that I love you,” Poe smirked.
               “I know,” she laughed again as he went in for a deep, eager kiss.
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