#and our chickens dont cause any trouble for the wild birds
anadorablekiwi · 2 years
*mysterious cottagecore witch vibes*
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peppypip09 · 4 years
Can someone explain to me why vegan's, in a general sense, like to think that all animal agriculture is completely insidious. Like I completely agree that factory farming should be abolished, but I'm currently living realitivaly close to a butcher that gets his meat from farmers that are local. Like I live in kansas, a state where farming of both types is essential. Also the fact that they tend to not recognize the caloric intake of an only plant based diet vs a diet that has meat. A typical diet that includes meat will generally be more caloric, and while we need the nutrients and minerals plants provide, which in turn makes a healthier person, because without the proper calorie intake you aren't any more healthier if you only eat plants. Most people can't actually thrive on a 1,500-2,000 calorie diet, in fact most averagely healthy people will typically need just over 2,000 thousand calories and people who work out regularly need an even larger amount to sustain themselves. Just because you can live on less calories doesn't mean you should.
I'm not opposed to adding more plant based options to my diet and I dont think that vegan as a lifestyle isn't bad, as long as you're not trying to hate on those who eat meat. It just seems as though there is a lack of understand about that kind of farming. Now onto my first point.
They try to say Artificial Insemination is rape but if you actually look at the biology of cattle, bulls will do what they want when they mate. They dont care about the female, they just want to fuck. Also the term rape can't really be used for animals on farm, because it's a very specific act that relies on "concent", or in the case of rape the lack there of, which is a word that very generally exclusive to humans because of our ability to recognize "morality".
We milk dairy cows because they over produce milk. That over production, if left unattended, can have serious health impacts on the mother. Would also like to mention off hand that there are instances where a previously nursing cow will kick the matured calf to death if the matured calf continues to try to nurse.
Sheep need to be sheared. If they aren't, like humans, they could overheat and die, because absolutely no farmer is sharing their sheep in the winter. Without shearing a sheep their excrement gets trapped in the wool which attracts flies, maggots and other pests. All of which can cause irritation, infection thus putting the animals life at risk.
Chicken and other fowl
Most farms, that aren't associated with factory farming, will keep their birds in areas small enough to keep track of but big enough for them to be fine in. Their given a good amount of proper feed, most of which wouldn't be apart of sustainable human comption. They typically live nice lives, as do all other live stock animals on farms that aren't connected to factory farming.
Again pigs are taken care of. They live good lives like the others.
Farm animals cant be put in wild anymore because we've bread out their survival instincts against predators, and even if they were to survive against predator what about over population? We would need to keep the population down somehow. We cant unload a species to another land mass because of the threat of overpopulation of invasive species. Predatory animals might not be enough to keep numbers down by themselves because wild predatory animals only kill what they need to feed either themselves or their pack.
I totally get wanting to keep animals safe. They have feelings and are emotional, but death is a must. We as a species have always survived on both plants and animals. We have eyes in the front of our head and canine teeth. Our molars are the ones ment for grinding. It's horrible that humans die because of others but it is the way of life. Birth and death. I'm fairly certain if most of the "ethical" vegan community were stuck without any other food they would resort to eating meat, because it's food and we need to eat to survive.
Gonna mention real quick that some people, like myself, have trouble eating some foods. I'm not supposed to have garlic, onions or mushroom because my stomach will have absolutely flip out if I eat any of them.
If you actually made it this far and you're a vegan would you be willing to send some of your favorite recipes my way. Like I said before I'm not against veganism as a whole, I'm against people who're assholes about it. I would actually love to incorporate more meatless meals into my diet.
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