#dont worry they are indoor cats
zipmode · 4 months
COYOTES IN THE NEXT YARD OVER there's a pup there but the grass is too tall to see it LOL...
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nomaishuttle · 10 months
now heres the thing is my rule is i have to live on my own for a year before im allowed to get a pet but also consider what if i had a little friend .
#in my heart i want a wawa so badly it hurts but alsoooo i worry quite a bit bc like. i work full time... so el wawa would be at home alone a#lot and one thing about the beautiful adorable majestic chihuahua is they have to pee every 3-4 hours. so i would have to have some way to#let them out OR keep them outside while im at work but another thing is 1. apartments dont generally have backyards#2. chihuahuas get cold very easily .... i could do some ssort of doggy daycare but i fear that would be expensive .... and i hate pee pads#and would prefer not 2 use them so i dont rly have much optionn 😭 but i want a chihuahua so badly.#but ALSO. a kitty cat.... i love cats i think theyre really quite sweetsies and also i think they could handle living in an apartment bette#esp since famously cats use the bathroom indoors. u may know.#so... i could potentially get a kitty..... but also i dont want to get one until im absolutely positive i could take good care of it and i#feel like i could esp now that ive got a system that works so well 4 motivating me to do my daily tasks yk. and also i think if i had my ow#apartment id feel a lot safer just like. being up and around the apartment so thatd be good... but also pets r expensive. but also the apt#i just applied to is rly quite cheap (like 1050 a month) its income restricted but i qualify by like a lot LMAO... n this would be perfect#bc 1050 is likee. not even a full paycheck i could pay rent with 1 paycheck and still have like 150 left over and then my other paycheck fo#the month is fully mine... so i could save up lots#+ wsg is included in the rent whichhh is insane. adn the apartment is cute and Trust . alarm bells were going off a bit bc i was like maybe#this is too good to be true we all remember the 800$ scam incident. but its a verified listing and i checked the propertymanagers and theyr#legit... its even got a washer and dryer IN UNIT and also a fitness center which is good bc i wanna try n start doing more cardio...#IT EVEN HAS A FIREPLACE i dont particularly need a fireplace but its cool 2 have one i could make smores right in my very own living room#AND ITS NOT A STUDIO its a 1 br...#grahhh i rly rly rly want ittt ik i prolly wont get it but :[
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pulverulenj · 1 year
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look at nala, i got her a little dog bed and she’s been loving it 💕
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puzzledshrike · 1 year
You mentioned making a sculpture to spread the message to keep domestic cats indoors, may I ask about it? What sort of sculpture was it?
I've also made a sculpture on this subject (inspired by too many close calls with my neighbor's cat while pulling into my driveway at night) and I think it's cool that there are others who share this experience.
Yes, I was making a ceramic cat for one of my projects this past semester, it's kind of a dual meaning one, half about feral cats and how dangerous/toxic they are to the environment and themselves, and then half about nuclear/ecological collapse.
I think on its own, it doesn't fully get that idea across, but at the show (and the only good pics I currently have lol) I got to hover around it and explain the meaning a bunch. I tried to keep a more cartoony style too, since that masks the kind of brutal imagery a bit, like the fish bleeding from the mouth but the blood is candy red and the fish eyes have comical little X-s
I also have plans to add to it a bit, since I'm hanging onto this sculpture for a little longer, but I was starting to make dead birds to cluster around it too, with broken necks and twisted in ways to more lean into that destruction of wildlife thing with outdoor cats. I also might add glowing paint to the eyes of the gas mask
For a vague scale, it's about 15" tall. With the colors, it's been enough to be eye catching at least!
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asteraceaye · 1 year
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q-kanbas · 4 months
What the fuck is wrong with people that 'TNR is useless we should all slaughter stray cats' is the primary argument I've had to witness today
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faunsters · 1 year
the girl got to see the outside from the porch yesterday
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sneppu · 2 days
The Reasons Why Severus Snape is Secretly a Cat, Actually.
I'm saying he's a neglected and abused stray little black cat and here is why
He's very meow meow. VERY kitten.
Black cats are vilified and assumed by some to be evil. Coincidentally, both of these things happen to Snape as well.
Difficult to befriend. Cats are already picky about who they like, and Cats who have had it rough are even more difficult. One cannot just waltz up to a cat like that expect friendliness, or even indifference for that matter.
Extremely bad, no good, very bad luck with dogs. Seriously, the man MUST have dog trauma by now. Werewolves? Sirius, one of his biggest haters and tormentors, a dog animagus? even Fluffy mauling his leg?? The first two were marauders, yes, but that's not a good thing when it comes to Snape. (not all dogs and cats dont get along, but its certainly interesting. Personally, I headcanon him as a definite cat person who has a bad associations with dogs but thats a whole other post.)
Very hissy and snarly and unpleasant when threatened - and sometimes, even when YOU think there's no apparent threat! This is premium Gato™ Behavior. An abused little shelter cat, horribly unsocialized, becoming hyper defensive anytime anything happens to him, even if the thing that is happening is kind.
it fits with the idea that hes "mean for no reason" because there IS a reason - cats are complicated little guys! Where you see a nonissue, He might see a threat. Where you see kindness, he might see mockery. Where you see playfulness he might see cruelty, and so on. After all, he's been on the receiving end of it all too often.
Cats like this usually end up stuck in shelters - not a home - because no one will take them. They're too offputting, they're too mean, they're too much trouble. One could argue that Hogwarts itself IS that shelter in this scenario; a place to be, but not a home. Not really.
Worth noting: maybe to Harry, Hogwarts can be considered a sort-of Home, but he actually found kindness and friends there. Severus lost his only friend and was tormented there. Better than his incredibly shitty situation with his family? Certainly! but Shelters often are.
SWM fits as well; A moment of extreme distress from being humiliated, afraid, and overwhelmed? all those jeering laughing faces while he is vulnerable and unsafe, defenseless at the hands of people who have continuously hurt him for years?? and to see and know that his friend - his BEST friend - the only friend; the only PERSON, he has, is there holding back a smile as it is happening too? Have you ever met a cat in distress? of course he lashed out. It's honestly astounding that he didnt lash out MORE.
and while on the subject of SWM, him lashing out at Lily applies here too. A cornered, distressed cat (especially one with a history of abuse) sees everything as a threat , even people it is normally friendly to, if it's distressed enough. Have you tried to bathe a cat? or maybe tried to coax one to get into a cat carrier for the vet? these things are very difficult but manageable at the best of times but "vulnerable, afraid, humiliated, and threatened" are NOT the best of times, I fear.
it even works with his occlumency and the way he deals with vulnerability as well. Cats, when in pain, do their best to hide that pain. This is because to be outwardly hurt is to be vulnerable, and that can lead to predation by bigger animals. Severus too, hides his vulnerability. The things that truly matter to him, his worries, his soft and squishy bits, and loyalties all carefully locked away.
Rivalry with Minerva?? that's just good ol' unserious cat drama. Have u ever seen an indoor cat staring down a stray through the window? silly little creatures. They'll grumble about it and act like its on sight (and maybe it is!) but when you're not looking, there'll be sniffing through the glass and pretending they dont care while they nap suspiciously close by.
Starved for affection and touch. An abused stray, past all the hissing and the fear and violence, once they're finally given a chance and finally understand that they are safe, just wants to be loved. They usually end up being the most affectionate and loyal cats of all! only to those they feel safe with, of course.
And speaking of loyalty, that applies here too. He was loyal to Lily, the first and only person to show him kindness (though my feelings for her are very complicated) and he was later loyal to Dumbledore. Unfortunately, neither of these people ever truly took in the stray, not really. And so the Stray was never actually socialized, and never completely safe, and never actually given a home.
and finally.. his death. Cats have a tendency to hide when nearing death, or dying.. and as such, often die in solitude. Severus may not have exactly had a direct hand in this of course, but.. there's something about him dying in this shitty little shack, far away from the action, presumably alone (or so he thought until Harry and his friends materialized out of nowhere under the cloak.). He wasn't actually alone in his actual final moments, but in the time leading up to it? Very lonely.
In a way, one could say that Lily came closest to adopting the stray Sev cat. And maybe she would have! maybe she wanted to take in the stray at one point - had planned to, even! But her friends told her he was dirty and gross, "who knows where that things been! he's probably diseased". and The marauders kept tormenting him, making him increasingly defensive and hissy and violent, as cats often are in that situation and then it was also "look how cruel and mean he is! he'll only hurt you". and maybe when the time finally came and that defensiveness finally WAS aimed at her it only confirmed what she had already begun to believe. And then she decided she wasnt a cat person after all. Who knows? One could make an argument for all of that. Do i see things that way? maybe, maybe not. My feelings toward every character who is not Snape are largely indifferent for the most part.
Verdict: Severus Snape is a Cat. He is a little kitten meow meow. Give this man a little cauldron to curl up in asap
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Prompts 38, 40, 43, and 44 with Jason
And that's it, unless someone requests a prompt I skipped or until I add onto the prompts list WOOOO
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He freezes, thinking he had hurt you. Hes a little hurt, believing that you dont trust him anymore.. please tell him that's not the case and that it's something else. Just know, if your flinching is caused by someone hes going to be absolutely furious. Not at you, but at the person in question.. as well as the mere concept that someone would want to hurt you. Bonus, if you and jason were childhood friends jason feels bad knowing he wasnt there for you, even if logically.. he couldn't be there. He holds you for a while, turning over what to do in his head. If he ever finds out who did it hes going to make sure they never come your way ever again, by any means necessary
You had cleaned his mask after it got partially roughed up one night, leaving jason to wear his old sack. Hes still not at the point where hes comfortable going maskless around you, and he was going to clean his mask as it's more comfortable... but he just didnt have the time. So you took it upon yourself to clean and patch it up while your partner was out doing his work in the camp. To say he was.. touched.. when he saw what you had done is one way to put it. He nearly crushes you in a bear hug. He never asked for you to do it but you still did it, just to save him the trouble. Small acts like that get Jason feeling all soft and mushy..
I've written about a reader who's immortal and I've written a winged reader, but what about a demon reader? When jason finds out hes a little hurt you've kept such a huge secret from him, but he believes he still loves you.. he had always seen you as an angel, but.. you're definitely not that.. if you look like a normal person hes going to think you're messing with him until you show some kind of proof.. some powers or a secret second form or something like that! It does.. make him feel reassured that you're more.. resilient.. than normal humans.. maybe I'll make this it's own post!
Jason sees a lot of the forest critters as friends, so getting a pet isnt going to change much for him.. but if you want a pet to keep you company when hes out and about then he doesn't mind at all! Honestly I don't think Jason has much preference when it comes to choosing a cat or dog.. I can see him liking both, honestly! Regardless of which one you choose.. or if you choose something else..you both put time into it to make sure its healthy and loved. If there's room on the bed sometimes the animal crawls in and sleeps with you two. The only main worry Jason has is the animal wandering into one of the traps he has set out in the woods.. it may have to be an indoor pet, or at least very heavily monitored by one of you when its outside
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shadowcatzone · 7 months
Dan Heng is like the chill house cat who is mostly indoors but likes to hang out in the backyard every now and then, and Blade is the wild stray who manages to sneak in and knock him up.
cat!dan heng: *sitting on the windowsill*
Trailblazer: MR WELT!! MS HIMEKO!! THAT UGLY CAT IS BACK!! *looking up* don't worry dan heng!
Did you. Did you watch that one video? "MA THERE'S AN UGLY CAT/ dont worry lucy(their cat)"
Yeah. You're right.
is- is kafka the owner of cat!blade then?
or maybe it's a 101 dalmatian situation, dan heng is dan feng's cat (bro why'd you call your cat after yourself) and blade is yingxing's cat and they're the reason they start dating. You're welcome.
And also. In case you're wondering. Dan feng's cat would be a super high maintenance pure cat breed he bought at a high price (like a persian cat or smth), meanwhile yingxing fed a stray once and the cat decided "well i'm your problem now." And just followed him home
Dan feng: what is your cat even?
Yingxing: a glutton.
Dan feng: no i mean- what breed is he-
Yingxing: black.
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raisinchallah · 1 month
god why are people so uncaring about outdoor cats..... new cat in my neighborhood is like driving my cat insane whenever she looks out the window making it hard for me to take her outside cuz theres always a risk of conflict if they interact but like im the person with the leashed cat whatever whatever but ive seen this cat outside at fucking 1:30 in the morning ive seen him get carried away by someone so clearly hes not a stray but like who the hell cares so little about their cat they dont care that theyre free roaming around a very busy street and dont even worry about getting them in at night when like there have been coyotes spotted in the neighborhood do u care if this animal lives or dies??? and now its out here torturing wildlife outside my window for hours and idk all this is normal??? and like local large animal shelter i go to their website cuz at first i thought this cat was a stray it kept trying to sneak into my house has no collar and is kinda skinny until i saw him get carried away by a person and its like they dont even take friendly stray cats animals that would do quite well in a home they say its best to leave them where they are the way it was nearly impossible to get anyone to go out and even just spay and neuter the stray cats my grandmother feeds which like does fuck all but also they keep having very inbred kinda fucked up looking kittens in the yard every year and sometimes dont even bother to raise the kittens and i feel like maybe it would be best if that stopped whatever its just bonkers to me people think its somehow the normal humane thing to do to just leave unhealthy cats on the streets killing wildlife regularly and getting hit by cars like you would definitely call animal control if a stray dog ripped apart a rabbit in your backyard but this is just how cats are they are tortured if they arent allowed to depopulate local animal populations and like i know animal services have limited resources but idk its just mystifying to me guess im the freak keeping my pampered indoor cat leashed so she can merely chase animals rather than kill them....
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
Bracket 3 FINAL
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also named price in another submission
shes fat shes a terrible bitch and shes the love of submitter's life. they dont technically know her breed but she looks like a calico kinda. white and black and brown all over. their favorite spot to kiss her is the little brown diamond on top of her head, but she has all kinds of pretty markings. she'll cuddle submitter but not their parents and hisses at anyone else. hence the bitch. its SO funny. she doesnt "meow" so much as she chirps and yells. u touch her n its the worlds loudest MRAP. submitter leaves for work and they go "bye price!" and she goes "meep" and they say "i love you!" and she goes "mow" and it always makes them smile because she rarely does it to anyone else. shes so fat. she has a big ol premidorial pouch because shes 100% indoor and u can hear her claws go clicclicclic on the floor because shes so heavy. she likes to climb on peoples back. she chases moths but no other bugs and likes to make friends with neighborhood critters. she hates bellyrubs from everyone but submitter. if they leave their door open at night she creeps in and lays in the worst possible spot and makes it impossible to sleep. she makes the best bread loaf. shes so fucking round. SPHEREICAL. submitter love her more then anything ❤❤❤❤❤❤ (here submitter said that i can shrink it if i want to but no fucking way i am shrinking things abt a cat aside from their name maybe)
shes named after a canadian hockey player. submitter hates hockey. thanks uncle C dhsbdjjsjsjsjs
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how could you possibly vote against this face 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 shes the roundest, bitchiest cat in the whole world and shes my best friend. stealer of cream cheese and hearts.
submitter also provided a small collection of Pricetag looking very orb-like, but i hit the picture limit and so i can't show it in the post
perceive price orbs here
below i am only leaving the orbest price (in my opinion)
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vote for price orb. shes practically a perfect circle. what more could you want
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also look how polite she is
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submitter's sweet baby boy. He passed away recently, and submitter misses him dearly. He was the softest cat they'd ever pet, and that's not just them being biased. His fur was silk. He was the friendliest cat too, and when he heard new voices he was always up to come meet people. He also enjoyed being around people, and you could always find him in a room with the family. He enjoyed terrorizing the family dog whenevr he got riled up (dont worry, she enojoyed it too), and he loved to bother submitter's parents when they started working from home. Any call submitter had with their folks, he would always make a background appearance, yelling quite loudly. He also had some of the loudest snoring theyve ever heard, and they're so lucky to have a small audio recording of him sleeping. Submitter had him since they were 8, and he was nearly 17 years old when he passed away. Submitter tries to sleep with a crook in their knee so if he's ever lonely, he can come cuddle.
also known as Pumpkin Spice Latte
She's a adorable, a total diva down to the way she walks. Loves tummy rubs if she knows you, if she doesn't she'll probably just run and hide. She makes a little chirping noise and submitter loves it. She also loves running full speed around the house. Pumpkin doesn't really eat people food, not a big fan. She will however steal the bacon off your plate and lick the butter off of any food item.
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Some Pumpkin fun facts for propaganda:
her favorite type of toy to play with are springs (the cat toy kind). When we got our new oven we found at least 3 behind where the old one stood.
She's my first pet and the whole reason I lived through my sophomore year of high school.
I named her Pumpkin because years ago a classmate asked me what I'd name a cat if I ever got one and for some reason, I said Pumpkin.
Alongside bellyrubs she also loves being brushed
I am told that she is me in cat form
I swear she's a cryptic. She'll just appear and she'll be staring into my soul. I do not know where she goes or where she comes from but I'm a little afraid to question it.
She used to spiderman climb up our window screen and we had to patch it up
She likes to watch the birds and bunnies in our yard with her brother Binx (or by herself), it's the only time she tolerates him
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Okay some more fun facts:
She likes to lay on visitors shoes. If your shoes are on the ground they are now in her laying range.
After my grandpa passed she slept with my grandma for the longest time.
Every time I sleep in the living room I wake up with her on top of me.
She's my very first pet, one I was convinced I was never going to get (I have loved cats my entire life but we've been a no pet household until her)
When we adopted her, she was the only cat who actively tried to get my attention via hoping on the cage and meowing. Which when you're dealing mental health problems and feel as though you're unwanted is just the best fucking feeling in the world.
Her original name was Harriet. I wanted to keep it or at least change it to a different human name because I thought it was funny but my grandma told me no.
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mosviqu · 9 months
things/aesthetic you associate with your moots please!
this was in my inbox for over a month i am so sorry anon... anyways. here goes nothing. not doing aesthetics bc thats a lot of effort but here is how i 'see' my friends ig :p
@satoruly - champagne, voice memos, the ocean, the beach, the metamorphosis by franz kafka, tokyo revengers, movie reviews, manga, shopping, indoor plants, sunsets, partying, singing, the bass, i dont do drugs by ariana grande and doja cat, anime, mini skirts, cherries, digital cameras, the color red, shinichiro sano, sand, headphones, random spanish thrown in convo, hearts, gojo satoru, croptops, manga, late night walks in a busy town, izana, gossiping with your best friend, ambition, the feeling of home, endless mutual understanding, passion, freedom, soulmates.
@csenke - monchichi dolls, sylvanian families, minecraft, streamers, the streets of budapest, instagram dumps, sunwoo, afternoon walks, playgrounds, random vlogs u record with your best friends, the colors yellow green and tan, enhypen, mona lisa by dominic fike, random german words, hanging posters in your room, late night conversations, pretty architecture, silly selfies, the excitement of unboxing your packages, changmin, spiderman, chimney cake, Á, lovejoy, candy, loverboy hats, platonic neighbors (yes that exists).
@from-izzy - woodz, bunnies, psychology textbooks, coffee shops, matcha, late night conversations, talking in all caps, excitement, running to catch the bus, making spotify playlists in the middle of the night, protectiveness, the color tan, bicycles, gratefulness, sharing your worries with someone, cloudy skies, the sound of birds chirping outside of your window in the morning, laying in the grass.
@heemingyu - meme reactions, milkshakes, playful banter, inside jokes, playful annoyance at your friends, learning how to drive in an empty parking lot, keyboard smashes, iced tea, sibling-like energy, comfortable hoodies, silent support, instagram reels in your dms as a form of love language, comfort tv shows in your bed.
@sungbeam - admiration, being proud of your friends, watching someone from afar, brainstorming with someone on the same wavelength, literature, baby blue by luke hemmings, dc comics, fic banners, star girl energy, the weird familiarity of a college dorm room, demon changmin, the summer break, doing ordinary things with your music playing lowly in the background, post-it notes on your wall, pancakes for breakfast.
@juyeonszn - cats, supportive comments under instagram posts, lying for fun, feeling yourself when you go clubbing with your best friends, lipgloss, tattoos, roadtrips, concerts, taking polaroids on a night out, flirting with your friends, screaming a song on the top of your lungs.
@zzoguri - valorant, childhood friends vibes, meeting someone and feeling like you've known them for ages, jacob bae, gaming, discord calls, italy, journalism, the friends you meet in university, found family, warm soup on sundays, laufey, day6.
@kimsohn - delusional conversations, talking shit with your honest friends, juyeon, typing really fast on your keyboard, understanding each others typos, editing, yunjin, being in love with women, confidence, yeehaw, iconic energy.
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just so you know, you can be sued for stealing a cat, especially if its collared and microchipped. dont be a vile human being. have some compassion. maybe that persons cat is just an escape artist.
maybe if someone stole your pet, youd be fine with it, idk if you just let your pets go when youre tired of them. idk you.
but not having compassion is actually disgusting. do better.
Ok let's break this down since I'm going to, probably incorrectly, assume that your intentions are good and you are just woefully misinformed. For the sake of clarity, when I say indoor cat, I mean 100% indoor, and when I say outdoor cat, I mean a cat that is regularly let outside without a leash and isn't a feral or working barn cat.
1) "You can be sued for stealing a cat, especially if it's collared or microchipped".
Okay, so if you microchip an outdoor cat, you have wasted your money. Microchips are for finding your cat should it go missing. If an outdoor cat goes missing, you better hope someone picked it up and took it in bc 9/10 if your outdoor cat goes missing it's dead. Full stop. Hawks, coyotes, dogs, other cats, cars, eagles, wolves, cougars, etc all see that cat as food and cats may be OP for their size but a pack of coyotes whose territory is being shrunk by the day will find that cat very tasty. And in case you are confused, coyotes don't care if you sue them, they will eat the microchip and leave the bloodied collar with the bones.
But let's say you are worried about me getting sued, my response is: ok????? You seem to be under the impression that I am taking cats for a selfish reason and i am definitely not. I would do this for the cat's benefit, with no worries for my own. I'll get sued, I'll gladly take the court case if it means they keep their pets inside. But how would they know I took their cat? They wouldn't because I don't let my cats outside ever. They won't see the cat again and it won't be because a coyote ripped it to peices while it was taking a shit. And it would be a lot harder for them to sue a coyote, so I've done them a favor once again.
2) "Don't be a vile human being. Have some compassion. Maybe their cat is just an escape artist."
Ok, that's on me for not making myself clear. If a cat is missing, and there are posters, online posts, text psa, etc I will see them. I actually follow a local missing pet group that alerts me to every pet in my area that's gone missing, and each includes the info about the pet and if they are indoor or not. When I have time I go and look for them around my town. But again, not far from the feral cat colonies is where the coyotes run so I have yet to be successful. If a cat owner has stated that their cat has escaped and are indoor cats, then I am on the streets, in forests, marshes, behind malls, etc, to return that missing family member. But cats are the equivalent of a toddler in terms of ability to navigate life, and it is definitely neglect to leave your toddler outside unattended.
Moreover, there is a bitch who lives near me who buys kittens, doesn't get them fixed, and when they get out she doesn't even bother to look for them and I have rescued several of those and their subsequent kittens(many of which did not survive even after given professional care bc the mothers were still kittens themselves and can't care for their babies). That bitch has been reported many times and guess what the cops do??? That's right, what cops do best, which is jack shit. I have spent months doing tnr just cleaning up her messes so you have no right to tell me I am without compassion or that I'm vile. I had a cat who was an escape artist, but I at least made sure she was fixed in case she ever got out(she only ever got out once and after I reinforced the screens on our porch).
But again, if your outdoor cat goes missing, what good would returning them do? The cat will just go outside again and face the same shit that caused them to dissappear in the first place. It's actual insanity and those people shouldn't be cat owners(personally I think they should be charged with neglect but whose counting?).
3) "Maybe if someone stole your pet you'd be fine with it. Idk if you just let your pets go when you're tired of them. Idk you. But not having compassion is actually disgusting. Do better."
Okay here is where you lost me.
No one would be able to steal my pet unless they literally broke into my place, because again my cats NEVER go outside. And advocating for pet owners to keep their cats indoors only is something that is vital to the cat's health and the environment, so that is literally the opposite of letting your cat go when tired of them. I don't know where you got that from and honestly I don't care because, no, you don't know me and if your reading comprehension wasn't piss poor you would have seen in the tags you are referencing that I HAVE LITERALLY NEVER DONE WHAT YOU ARE DESCRIBING BC I LIVE IN AN APARTMENT WITH A PET LIMIT. ✨️ I've never taken a cat off the street and kept it!✨️ I can't, or I'll get evicted! Ive fostered for a short period but ive never taken in a cat from the street. But make no mistake I would if I could.
My compassion is why I try to remain educated and informed about why it matters to keep your cat inside. I am compassionate toward the 3 month old cat that it's owner let out in the dead of winter, unfixed, that gave birth to 4 kittens under our car, all premature and 1 was a stillbirth. She was too young to be a mother and her instincts never kicked in. She didn't know to lick away the umbilical cord, she didn't know how to feed them, she didn't know what to do and even with my sister, my mother, my coworker, a volunteer foster, and 3 vet techs and a veterinarian doctor, none of the kittens lived more than 2 days.
I am compassionate towards them. I am compassionate toward the owner of a cat I trapped, fostered, and took to the vet, who after adopting this cat, fell on hard times and when her card declined at the register, she put all of her human food back and just bought cat food(I offered to pay for it but she refused).
So maybe read what you have written and before you hit send, maybe do some research. Maybe think about how you would feel if some stranger just barely read what you put in a tag and decided to tell them they are vile and without compassion while in the same message saying that you don't know them or how they treat others.
Good on you for not turning on anon and saying what you believe with your whole ignorant chest, but still
Do better.
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demonskiss · 1 year
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emory and blythe with pet play
aand how would both emory and blythe feel about a darling that liked being treated like a pet? wearing a leash, animal ears, getting pet etc etc🛌 (specifically a cat for this one if u dont mind hehe🙏) -🐈
cw: pet play (cat), belt as leash, breath play, possessiveness, isolation, praise
written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable
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between the two, emory is the one who will indulge your interest. they’re fond of pet play, and even though they prefer to have their darling being a lamb, after all they don’t see you as anything but prey, this little adjustment won’t take long, having them coo at you, aren’t you their pathetic little kitty? emory doesn’t understand your interest in leashes, but they never skimp out, bringing you desire and pleasure underneath their own heel, until all you can say is master.
emory takes great pride in making sure you’re happy with them, as deranged as they are. you simply need the best of collars after all. they don’t give a damn about the significance of collaring in bdsm, opting to give you an old, bloody collar they used for one of their victims. but the more you start to linger in their mind, their initial sadism rescinding momentarily as they find their sweet kitty cute. perhaps, just perhaps, they’ll get you the best one there is, as a true sign that you’ll be stuck with them, forever.
pray that emory never finds out your interest in being leashed. else the next time you get pinned down, they tie their belt around your throat as a makeshift leash, bringing you to the brink of suffocation with a yank, and it doesn’t get better when they’re thrusting in you with such intensity and a warped sense of glee.
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blythe is much more gentle in comparison, he truly wants his kitty to live the best life in his house! they’ll never let you step foot outside, chastising you because you’re just an indoor cat, you can play something else with him! they truly spoil you, making sure you’re comfortable and well groomed… whatever that could mean in this case. you’ll never have to worry when around the pharmacist. blythe makes sure you’re dressed in the finest clothing, with only them as the audience. they’re too possessive to let their precious kitty around, there’s bad people after all!
your collars aren’t going to be basic, no, you deserve nothing but the best. they’re necklaces with the finest tags, with your name on it written in cursive. it’s not very convenient for sex, but he doesn’t care. you look so, so pretty in it. they do have a collar for pet play too… but they haven’t felt the need to take it out, yet.
blythe’s favorite thing is to dress you in cat themed lingerie no matter what you identify as. they’ll run their fingertips down your body, letting you mew out those sweet whines they crave, feeding off that ambrosia. you’re just so, so good for him. and you’re just his perfect little kitty, no one else’s.
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Since the Orders kinda formed out of kittypets after the apocalypse, maybe there are stories about how twolegs used to be kind, but now things have changed? I think that could be a fun dynamic. Caretakers telling kits tales of how twolegs used to provide all the food they could ever want and stuff
aaawwweee wait i really like this , its cute yes sad at the same time??
also I like it bec its always bothered me that Warriors kinda sells this idea that cats aren't living a good and full life if they dont get to go outside, like they are always saying that only warriors know what it is to be a true cat?? and kittypets are not living a full life?? which I defo disagree with. Im a big believer in keeping cats indoors! They are happier, healthier, safer and they are not wrecking the ecosystem (they are literally an invasive species).
The idea that in RoC cats remember how they used to have nice cushy safe lives with their humans is so bittersweet and a good message about how kitties do love us and love being out indoor pets <3
"once upon a time we are safe, and were cared for with little to no worries, we lived long, and never had to hunt, we were loved." Saddddd :(((( but I like it!!!
Also maybe the Orders are fearful of humans now and they dont trust the cats who continue to live with humans bec humans are almost always hostile to feral cats (bec they are more likely to carry the disease). And for some reason some cats get to keep living their cushy lives with humans despite the Orders being hated by them??
Ofc the Orders also think "kittypets" are weak bec the Orders have become so obsessed with their battle for survival way of life they think that the old way for cats, before the sickness came, is completely gone, and it is weak for a cat to continue working with humans.
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