#and paul would have definitely bragged at Goode that Percy was getting amazing grades
annabethchase06 · 4 months
Honestly, why do people think Percy would not like college?
Most of us assume he's going there just for Annabeth. There's a difference between going FOR Annabeth and going WITH Annabeth.
Just because Percy didn't do well at schools does not mean he can't get through New Rome University. Remember, he struggled because the New York schools weren't equipped to deal his conditions.
He didn't get good grades because he had trouble reading(Dyslexia). We know that he can read Ancient Greek without much difficulty, and the same is for Latin.
New Rome University is equipped perfectly for demigods – which means that Percy would get along pretty fine there. Just because someone isn't getting good grades doesn't mean they're not smart, maybe they just aren't getting the kind of conditions they are comfortable in.
People were surprised when Annabeth mentioned that Percy's getting good grades. Not all people who get good grades are nerds – maybe all Percy needed were teachers who could get him, and he found them at New Rome University.
Just because somebody is not a nerd or a bookworm doesn't mean they're not smart.
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