#you can bet sally was surprised but knew her boy had so much talent
annabethchase06 · 4 months
Honestly, why do people think Percy would not like college?
Most of us assume he's going there just for Annabeth. There's a difference between going FOR Annabeth and going WITH Annabeth.
Just because Percy didn't do well at schools does not mean he can't get through New Rome University. Remember, he struggled because the New York schools weren't equipped to deal his conditions.
He didn't get good grades because he had trouble reading(Dyslexia). We know that he can read Ancient Greek without much difficulty, and the same is for Latin.
New Rome University is equipped perfectly for demigods – which means that Percy would get along pretty fine there. Just because someone isn't getting good grades doesn't mean they're not smart, maybe they just aren't getting the kind of conditions they are comfortable in.
People were surprised when Annabeth mentioned that Percy's getting good grades. Not all people who get good grades are nerds – maybe all Percy needed were teachers who could get him, and he found them at New Rome University.
Just because somebody is not a nerd or a bookworm doesn't mean they're not smart.
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honeysorwell · 4 years
You rush into my life, stay a little while (I know that we can have it all)
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x fem!Reader x Sally Mckenna
Word Count: 2,7k
Summary: A concert like any other was what joined the musician Sally Mckenna with Billie Dean and her girlfriend Y/N. Even when time passes and domesticity takes over the routine of the three women, Sally still feels that everything she is living with these two women is just another welcome adventure in her life, but her perspective changes, even if silently, after an unexpected gift and she ends up remembering of words said by a fortune teller decades ago. 
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[gif by @grilledcheeseandguavajelly]
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[gif by @julianemilian0]
A/N: Hey @tltl​ !! I'm your Secret Santa! And I wish you the best for this holiday! I have no idea how things are in Italy, so if the situation is okay, I hope you can spend this holiday with the family you love. I promise I did my best to fulfill your wishes, and I honestly hope you like it!! Stay safe, and if you ever need a friend and feel comfortable with me, I'm here!
Warnings: I honestly believe that there is nothing that will trigger someone, but I think it's cool to warn that this is like an AU since Sally can leave the Hotel (even because she doesn't live in one) and she is absolutely NOT dead... and their relationship starts before Billie gets her television show.
Enjoy it!
When Sally’s younger self accepted a fortune teller's invitation for an experience with her, she expected nothing. Even in her teenage years, everyone in the town where she lived knew that the thing Sally wanted the most was to be a singer in the future, and even looking at the thought-provoking and incredibly flashy sign shining in shades of purple and gold, the phrase “I can tell you the greatest truth about you deeper desire”, the blonde one had some suspicious guesses about what she would hear.  
Perhaps some absurd about an authorial song that would be heard on a world scale, or about a featuring with some world-renowned artists  — just raw ideas that would momentarily cheer up her small, young, and a little pessimistic heart  — but nothing was even close to what she received.  
You will only find the love you want and wait for  — intense, lifelong, and reciprocal  — when you stop believing in its existence.  
The blonde girl in the printed coat remembers cursing the lady before leaving the place without paying her, but the fortune teller did not seem to care and did not try to stop the teenager from escaping, and perhaps that made Sally's perception of the situation even vaguer.  
She remembers thinking while she was going home with some friends, that maybe the city was too small and that was why the enigmatic woman had discovered about her recent breakup. She loved the bastard but after discovering that the boy who lived in her heart without worries was cheating her with a girl from the local religious choir, even with tears in her eyes, it was over.  
The thought made sense at the time.  
A teenager looking for love.  
But time passed and she became an adult woman looking for love.  
Sally doesn't know why she was graced by such a specific memory now, with Y/N's arms around her waist and her head lying in Billie's collarbone, who even just about to fall asleep, was still pressing her against Sally’s naked one.  
It was a particularly pleasant and absolutely surprising arrangement.  
In a particularly exhausting show, in which she also expected nothing from, Sally saw the two women in the audience. They seemed in love, always exchanging honest touches and sweet smiles, but even in all that passionate aura, the two pairs of eyes were always fixed on Sally.  
The concert contracts offered to Sally was starting to grow significantly, as much as the price she received for each performance, as well as the size of the places that hired her, so she was rarely in the same stage two weeks in a row.  
And something in her heart was happy about it.  
Her social media were doing well with likes as followers growing each day, her covers had a nice number of views on digital platforms. And, more importantly, she finally stopped performing only in depressing bars  — in addition to getting an audience that really paid attention to what comes out of her lips or the harmonies of her guitar  — and this was very good, much more than she believed she could achieve in her early teenage days, but still, something inside Sally would like to see that couple again.  
But in the following week, regardless of which bar the musician was playing in, they were there. And in the next one too. And the next one.  
Only in the fifth week did one of them bought her a drink.  
Her expression was sweet and bright, and every time she flicked her eyelashes, something inside Sally lit up. She looked a little uncertain, but still took a spare napkin and, taking a pen out of her bag, started writing on the paper.  
The musician took advantage of the moment, traveling her own gaze at the pleasant woman beside her and silently wishing to use her fingers to make sure her hair is as soft as it looked, and if she smelled as good up close as it looks from a distance.  
But something was wrong, especially because Y/N was alone. And even without planning to do so, Sally's focus was distracted with everything around her, looking for the owner of the blond hair who always accompanied the one beside her, and a forced breath escaped through her nose angrily and accidentally when she noticed that her search as unsuccessful since the blonde was not there. However, when a subtle introduction of herself jumped out of Y/N's tongue, and a sweet smile was directed at her... that was enough for Sally to smile back at her as she started a pleasant conversation.  
Within minutes, when their cocktail party was almost over, Y/N made it clear what she intended by sharing a bar counter with the blonde musician, and Sally felt intoxicated. She always knew it was impossible for anyone not to feel intoxicated by a beautiful woman, especially when the words that slipped from her lips were so inviting, but that sounded like it was coming from another planet.  
“You performed very well on stage. A true artist. No one in the audience could take their eyes off you.”, Y/N's voice was happy and loud because a new musician was performing on the stage. She was trying hard not to have her sentence drowned out by his voice, and Sally could only smile and get in her game.  
"Interesting. Especially for someone who has heard me sing so many times.”, even with the dark, bluish light painting the entire surface of the entire bar, Sally was pretty sure she saw Y/N's cheeks flush.  
“Oh... So... You saw us?”  
No verbal response was made by the musician, she just shook her head positively before taking another sip of her own drink, patiently waiting for what Y/N would say next.  
“I like to hear talented people.”, The phrase escapes her lips like nothing, and how genuine her voice sounds makes Sally's shoulders a little less tense, “And Billie believes that you have a beautiful face and talented hands. I told her that we only saw you play the guitar so we couldn't jump to conclusions.”  
“I don’t know her, but I think Billie is quite a perception person, and I already like her.”, at the moment the words slip through Sally's tongue, she knew that she said something good because Y/N was smiling at her like if she was some huge and shiny toy she just won in some tough game at an amusement park.  
"Billie and I would like to get to know you better... But if you are not interested in our arrangement, just know that we will continue to watch you because... you have so much talent, not because we are stalkers."  
"Thank you... So, if Billie is also so interested as you said, why she is not here drinking with us?", Sally's voice sounded like all of her flirtations ones, answering the compliment with a sweet voice and asking the question with a dripping malicious amid curiosity, as she looked at the napkin Y / N had given her.  
Two names and two phone numbers, but the blonde one just wanted to make sure it wasn't some kind of joke.  
Some lost bet.  
Some stolen kiss and a sinful night while the partner isn't looking.  
"She's smoking outside, but believe me... Billie will be here in just a moment."  
And, as if she knew she had been mentioned, the blonde one in question appears at the front door and walks towards the two women at the counter as if she owns the place. If the look wasn't enough to show Sally that Y/N wasn't kidding, the blonde woman's lack of subtlety in sliding her right hand over Sally's shoulder before sitting next to Y/N would show Sally that yes, she was interested too.  
Billie Dean.  
With her formal clothes and her sagacious desire for a television program. She was not like Y/N, stepping on eggs and sighing deeply before starting a conversation with a stranger she found attractive. Billie was quite the opposite. She knew exactly what she wanted and, when Sally accepted the invite to go on an actual date with the couple, the musician found that everything reflected in those brown eyes was pure malice, even if she was immersed in unexpected grace.  
And almost unexpectedly, Sally fell in love with the two women.  
Unexpected loves were what ruled the life of the woman in printed clothes, but all with an expiration date. Her last love disappointment - with a tall and clear-eyed man that she forced herself for months to forget her name - was enough for the musician to stop believing in something good and permanent showing up.
So she let it go and forced herself to learn how to just take advantage of the incredible people who were going through her life for the time they here in her life.  
But since Sally first laid eyes on that couple, while her fingers echoed the melody of her songs in a bar she had long since gone to, they have not stopped to surprise her.  
Y/N and her apartment in pastel colors, which was the first place belonging to the couple that Sally met, almost 6 months ago. The apartment that nowadays was always full of Sally's grocery shopping. It happened in the second month when the three women went to the musician's house in search of a bottled sauce that was missing at Y/N's house for dinner, and when they stopped in a red traffic light, the suggestion flew between Billie Dean's lips automatically.  
"You could just take things you like to eat at Y/N's apartment... So we would make sure that nothing you like is missing."  
When the silence became thick inside the car, the medium lost the focus of her cell phone, focusing her eyes on Sally and Y/N, who was driving the car, to explain her thoughts, and so she received two heads producing affirmative nods and smiling before returning to the usual silence. After all, it is more practical for everyone to leave their groceries at the home of the person who cooked the most in the arrangement.  
Two months later, Sally simply thought that bringing any groceries back to her home when she rarely spent any time there was senseless.  
And that was new.  
Different. Amazing. And new.  
Because of all the things Sally didn't expect, the one at the top of the list was being silently presented with a new place to call home. Or rather, two new places.  
Whenever Sally imagined a place that would be like her second home, her mind automatically painted the image of a studio. Large, with a few instruments, a matte wallpaper, and shiny pictures hanging on the walls. Everything in addition to a table full of paper with letters being finished.  
But the present proved to be more and more surprising every day, mainly because the musician knows that she probably has more clothes in Billie Dean's house than in her own wardrobe. She also knows that her guitar and unfinished rhymes rest in the western part of Billie's office, next to the window.  
It was good. New. Passionate.  
But it probably has an expiration date. And for the first time, Sally believes she's okay with that.  
She doesn't know why she thinks about it, and especially at that moment where the two women who live in her mind are lying and almost asleep in her arms, but still, she does.  
Because she loves the simple and unique moments when she receives more affection and adoration than she imagined in a lifetime. Like when Y/N caress her hair absently after work while when she is laying down in her lap, looking for words that rhyme with the verses Sally writes. Or when Billie arrives tired of the recording studio, feeling that her energies are almost consumed and still gives her the most beautiful of all smiles when she readily accepts the musician's arms in a hug.  
But her bubble of memories bursts when Billie starts to move, and then Sally needs to move away and consequently move away Y/N so that the older blonde can get up. And she does, but not before giving them an explanation.  
"I forgot something, I bought it for you."  
It's a dangerous word, especially in their arrangement, which is why Sally remains silent as she watches Billie stagger towards the bag she used today. She is naked, with the marks of the dark lipstick that Sally's kisses painted on her legs, but the medium doesn't mind and absently rummages in her purse before, after just a few seconds, grabs a relatively large and thin velvet box in her hand, and goes back to the mattress.  
Y/N is still rubbing her face, trying to dissipate the sleep that had almost taken the best of her, just to try to give Billie all of her attention, and the image is lovely even amid the marks of Sally's lipstick staining her neck. But the musician continues lying down, enjoying the view of Billie's body in front of her without even moving a muscle, until the medium opens the box and the contents of it are seen.  
It is a set of jewels.  
A pair of earrings and two more pieces that Sally can't quite see what they are because she doesn't catch her eye on the box. And the musician only knows that the first ones are earrings because Billie gently moves Y/N's hair out of the way before placing the jewelry gently on her ears.  
It is beautiful, in gold and with only a small and delicate emerald.  
A part of Sally is enchanted by Y/N's sweet smile while she thanks for the gift - which she now wears proudly - with a subtle kiss, but another part of her being almost forgotten would like the two to do it privately.  
Because Sally knows that this happens - those sweet, domestic moments full of gentle kisses and loving touches that are shared only between the two woman - but since the arrangement between the three started seven months ago, the musician has never seen one of these moments and, a part of her just look away.  
But fast enough, Billie has two fingers on Sally's chin, gently lifting her face until her brown eyes focus. But this intense exchange of looks quickly comes to an end, because the medium smiles and moves away, bringing the musician's line of sight into a necklace.  
"I know you like your dark chokers, especially the one with the silver pendant that Y/N bought you." Billie's voice is sweet and smiling as she opens the necklace clasp.  
Sally remains silent almost without blinking, like a deer caught by a car's headlights while trying to cross a highway, but everything becomes softer and easier to understand when S/N takes her hand and squeezes it while Billie continues to talk.  
"So I looked for a set that had a necklace with a long, loose chain, even with a small stone because honestly, the rings with larger emerald stones were just dreadful...", at that moment the medium closed her eyes and for just one second she has a disgusted expression on her face as if the small mention of the jewels she didn’t like was something powerful enough to make her sick, but then her eyes open and her cheeks are painted a light pink before she continues, in a more whispery voice, "So you can use the necklace and your choker together."  
Sally feels her body move in automatic as she sits on the bed and lets the medium put the necklace around her neck, and then Billie's lips are on hers in the sweetest way the musician has ever felt and for a second she feels tears starting to form in her eyes. But Sally doesn't spill them, she just smiles. And then she feels Billie smiling against her lips too before the medium moves away and finally puts a delicate ring with a small emerald on her own ring finger.  
They don't say anything. There are no thank you, or questions about any motivation. Just incessant smiles as the three of them lie back between the covers in silence.  
Sally believes that in a few hours her face will be in pain from smiling too much, but the musician hardly cares, because for the first time in almost twenty years she wants to go back in time and pay that fortune teller.
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ask-the-phan-site · 4 years
Phan Cam: Thanks all around.
>November 26. Thanksgiving.
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>The Virtual Track of Racer Academy. The Thanksgiving Day Race was now under way. The racers were ready.
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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! Happy Thanksgiving! This Thanksgiving is different due to circumstances. However, we decided not to let that stop us from celebrating. Which is why we will still be having our annual Thanksgiving Day Race. Now, let us introduce the racers in our race. First up, my oldest nephew, X!
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I hope you’re all ready for this! This is going to be unforgettable!
Headmaster Spritle: Next up, my younger nephew, Speed Jr.!
NOTE: I apologize, but this is the only image that could work.
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Thanks, everyone! I hope this race will light up your day!
Headmaster Spritle: Next, Jared and Jesse Deucey.
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Slice: We would like to dedicate this race to our dad, Ace Deucey. Sadly, we could only spend our Thanksgivings with plait glass between us and can only see our races on TV.
Dice: But if he could be here now, we know he’d be proud of his boys.
Slice and Dice: Pops, this is for you!
>Meanwhile, in a prison, someone was watching TV in the prisoner lounge.
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(with a tear hidden being his glasses) My boys...
>Back at Racer Academy.
Headmaster Spritle: Next, from one of our overseas schools and has just made her transfer here despite the pandemic, Annalise Zazic!
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I know most of you have your doubts about me, being the daughter of a mechanical menace. But I can assure you that while I’m here, you won’t have to worry... (now sounding threatening) I mean it. I’m nothing like him!
X: (whisper) It’s here, alright. Not a robot this time.
Headmaster Spritle: Next up, our student lesion from Alpha Academy, Alpha Leader!
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This race will be a victory for both Racer Academy and Alpha Academy. And since the twins were honorable enough to dedicate this race to their father, I also like to dedicate this race a couple of close friends of mine... Wish me luck, Bobby and Cameron.
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Thanks, Alpha. You’re a true pal.
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You bet! Hey, we should go to Superboy’s bachelor party as soon as they give they okay!
Alpha Leader: We’ll see.
Nearby Race Fan: Question... Why is there a supervillain here?
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Relax, that’s why me and the merman came along. To make sure he behaves himself.
Icicle Jr.: (trying to sound innocent) Can’t I help it that Sterling jerk hurt my fellow ice-guy?
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We’re not going to take that chance. Miss Martian and Superboy would kill me if you did anything to hurt anyone. Especially in these times.
Icicle Jr.: Okay, okay.
Headmaster Spritle: Moving on. We have in the Mitch-mobile, Mitch Mitchson!
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Aww, I’m just doing this for the people who can’t come here... That, and I’m hopin’ to get more subscriptions for Mitch-Per-View. And more subscribers means more money in the back.
Headmaster Spritle: And now, for our special guest racers! First up, the young genius inventor who will be driving the Mach 60, Ronald Multon!
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(in an obviously fake accent) Roe-nald! It’s Roe-nald Muu-tan!
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Oh no. Don’t tell me in this timeline, Ronald is still...
Ronald Multon: ... (laughs and speaks in the normal accent) I’m just kidding. Still, it is a pleasure for you all time see me here.
Conor: (a bit relieved) Well, at least he’s using his real voice.
Headmaster Spritle: Our next guest was once a student here, but he’ll be participating in this year’s race. Trey Sterling!
>Everyone was surprised to see... Trey’s spot on the starting lane was empty.
Headmaster Spritle: Mr. Sterling, you did say your son was coming, right?
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Well, when I found his bed empty this morning, I assumed he already got up and got ready for the race.
Headmaster Sprtile: Are you sure about that?
Mr. Sterling: I’m sure he’ll be here any- Oh, here he is!
>Trey appears on the commentator’s balcony with an almost depressing air around him.
Mr. Sterling: Ah, Trey, you’ve come! The question is why are you up here when you should be down there with your car?
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... I have... something... to say...
>Trey goes up to the podium and Headmaster Spritle moves aside for him.
Trey: I... I won’t be in this year’s race.
>Everyone gasped. Especially Mr. Sterling.
Trey: The reason is... Because me and my father had the race fixed.
Mr. Sterling: (shocked) What!?
Headmaster Spritle: (grinning a bit) I figured as much.
Trey: I had some of the racers attacked or paid them to either lose or drop out... I especially attacked those who disagreed with me... I became a race champion through a lie... I’m not a champion... I’m a cheater... In both sports and in love...
Icicle Jr.: (grinning widely) I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! JUST LIKE THE CALLING CARD SAID!
Kitty Pryde: (quickly) Yes, I know! Now shush!
Trey: I cheated on Bobby Drake and Annalise Zazic because I thought it would make me more popular... And I thought that because I was rich, I could get away with it... I treated them terribly... I even told everyone I would propose to Annalise at this race... But it was a lie just make more money...
Annalise Zazic: (shocked and enraged) WHAT!? You lying bastard! You never loved me, just my money!?
Bobby Drake: (smiling a bit) I know how you feel.
X: (thinking to himself) If Trey and Annalise are through, does this mean I have a chance at her? Wait, no, the race might still go on. I’ll think about this later.
Trey: But the one I need to apologize to most of all... is fellow Bostonian, Zack... Whose last name I never bothered learned... I treated him and his sister like like amatures when I myself was the real amature... (begins tearing up) They were a real professional team and I was just some spoiled brat living off his father’s money... I didn’t deserve that money... I’M THE REAL FAILIER! I’M SORRY! TO ALL OF YOU! (breaks down crying)
Mr. Sterling: (now sounding impatient, a first) Trey, my son, pull yourself together. You’re making a scene.
Trey: ...
Mr. Sterling: (now trying to pretend that this was all very normal) Come now, son, quit joking around, you have a race to win.
>Trey just sat silently without a response. Then, Mr. Sterling did something no one ever saw coming...
Mr. Sterling: (angry, real angry) Now you listen here, you piece of shit, I didn’t pull strings and bribed the board to let you back into this garbage school just to blow it! I swear... Sometimes I think I should have invested in Zack after all. At least he has real talent instead forcing me to fix races so I can bet on them to pay back Sharkhead Eddie for giving me the money start this wretched team!
Trey: (shocked) What?
Mr. Sterling: (realizing what he just said) !
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Something tells me you have some explaining to do, Mr. Sterling.
Mr. Sterling: (trying to compose himself) You can prove nothing.
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Are you sure about that? Because, we got this recording of you in our inbox this morning and we found the something very interesting about it.
>Mrs. Racer takes out a tablet wirelessly connects it to a holographic screen to show a scene of Mr. Sterling on the phone.
Holo Sterling: Relax, Eddie, I’ll get you your money. Me and my boy have this race in the bag. We fixed it. I paid some of the racers to go away for ‘certain reasons’.
Sharkhead Eddie’s Voice: Good. With this virus still going on, I think it would be best to gather up on old debts while I still can. So you better get me my money soon. Because if you don’t, then perhaps I should pay a visit to your mother at St. Terrence Retainment Home, unless she, like most of everyone else there may have COVID. Or maybe I should go see you sister, the beloved Dr. Sally Sterling, at her clinic in Chinatown, if she isn’t busy with the same virus. Or perhaps your brother, Samuel Sterling. I hear he could use more patrons at his restaurant. Or maybe your other brother, Professor Shelby Sterling, at Harvard University. Yes, I think we should visit him since his students switched to online learning. So, are we clear?
Holo Sterling: (scared) Y- Yes.
Sharkhead Eddie’s Voice: Good. Sharkhead out. (hangs up)
Holo Sterling: (nervous and enraged) That spoiled brat better now blow it.
>The recording ended and everyone stared at the nervous Sterling.
Mr. Sterling: Well, (nervous chuckle) I guess this is quite the predicament.
>Some security guards came and and cuffed Mr. Sterling.
Trey: (still sobbing a bit) I want to make up for what my father did. I will use the money I did earn and donate it. If that is alright.
Mr. Racer: Well, what you did was still a bit unforgivable, but I guess it’s a start. How about to us since the money your father donated to us is clearly not his?
Trey: I could. As long as I have enough for B.O.M.G.T.M. or W.E.B.
Mr. Sterling: (in disbelief) W.E.B.!? You want to give money to those idiots? Especially the fat homo who disappointed me by not rebuilding the school that I was actually hoping to invest in it this time, so instead, came up with that?
Trey: (getting upset) His name is Max Modell. And it was his old lab partner, Peter Parker, who came up with W.E.B.
Headmaster Spritle: He’s right. I think you should start there... But for now, all your attacks on the students and other racers could have gotten them hurt. Even killed. So you still have to answer to the police.
Trey: I... I understand.
>The guards came and cuffed Trey and lead both him and Mr. Sterling away.
>Down in the pits, we saw the whole thing unfold.
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Yes! We got it.
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We shouldn’t forget to thank Futaba for recording that conversation. We had a feeling something was up.
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I just happened to be browsing the school security system and just happened upon this footage. I just thought that something like this needed to come out.
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You did well, Futaba chan. I’ll see if you can get an extra helping of pumpkin pie.
X: Forget it. Grandmom says you only get one each. She said getting second helpings of anything wouldn’t be fair for the others.
Speed: It’s true. You should have seen her at the Easter Party. I’ve never seen anyone so mad just for asking for another chicken leg. But there might be some left-overs. We’ll see.
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I call dibs on the left-over turkey and ham!
Oracle: Not before I get the turkey first.
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Hands off the stuffing.
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I would like try all of them. I remembered the last Thanksgiving Dinner we were invited to and liked it.
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Yes. I miss that tofu turkey. And I should really ask Dogg what herbal spices he used in it.
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If there are any left-overs, I wonder if Grandmom Racer will let me take some back to my father.
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I doubt you can get any of it past customs. Especially during a pandemic.
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Oh, we have our ways.
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(on Carmen’s phone) I’m not sure what that means, but okay.
Oracle: Wish you could be here, Player. It’s way more better than having to see it from a “dark little cave”.
Player: Hey, I’m happy in my dark little cave. Besides, you know us Canadians have our Thanksgivings way earlier than Americans.
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Hold on, I think they’re continuing.
>Back on the balcony.
Headmaster Spritle: With that out of the way, we should move on. Good thing we only have one left. And now coming all the way from Los Angeles...
>The sound of an engine can be heard coming. But sounded more like... the roars of flames.
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Th- That car!?
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That’s a 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner. And it appears to be in great condition.
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I think they’re more concerned on who is driving it.
Joker: Fox?
Fox: It... It can’t be...
>The car opened... and the driver came out.
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Here I am, Racer Academy. Happy Thanksgiving.
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D- Dad...
REMINDER: This is a fanmade timeline. Fox and other Persona characters are not really related to characters from other franchises as according to ATLUS. These relations exist only in this fanmade timeline. Please do not hate or sue me for this. Thank you.
Everyone: (except Joker) WHAT!?
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Shush! I don’t think he heard you guys!
>But he did. The man the Fox and I were going to see was right here. He turned to us. He seemed to have recognized Skull as an Idol, Panther as a model, and Crow as a famous detective. Then, his eyes fell upon Fox... He was slightly shocked.
Taro Kitano: ... Kitagawa Sensei?
Headmaster Spritle: It looks like the Leader of the Scorchers has seen a ghost. But let’s not cross into that thorny territory. Now, we shall-
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If I may, Headmaster Racer, but now we have an empty space in the starting lane. This simply will not do.
Headmaster Spritle: But we’ve had races with one less racer before. I don’t see why that should be a problem.
Professor Aniskov: True. But this time, I must insist. We need someone to replace Trey Sterling.
>Back down with us.
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Conor: Chim-Chim’s right, Zack, this is your big chance to race again.
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That’s great, Conor. You, too, Chim-Chim. It would be like a dream come true... But I’m gonna have to turn it down. My racin’ days are long behind me now. Me and Ivy got a new goal in life.
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I’m sure we will race again someday. But right now, Carmen needs us and we need her. Until V.I.L.E. is down for good.
Carmen: And besides, Player says our little calling card got A.C.M.E.’s attention. They’re on their way here now, so we gotta leave.
Joker: I see. That’s a shame.
Carmen: Hey, we had a wonderful time with you guys. We should try this again some time.
Sophie: Will we see each other again?
Carmen: (winking) Sooner than you think.
Joker: Carmen, before you go...
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If you ever cross paths with my favorite cousin, tell him I said “Hi”... Even if they will happen soon.
Carmen: I’ll be sure to do that.
Player: Hey you guys, they just passed the gates.
Carmen: Happy Thanksgiving. And Happy Holidays.
>With that, Carmen, Zack, and Ivy run off and were gone... Who knows when we’ll see them again. Then, a black car drives up to us and two people in suits came out.
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La Femme Rouge! We just saw her here! Where did she go!?
Joker: I’m afraid we have no idea who you’re talking about, Agent Devineaux.
Agent Devineaux: (a bit surprised) How did... Never mind, I know you saw her!
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Calm yourself, Devineaux! If we just saw her, then we should follow her where she might have went.
Agent Devineaux: ... I knew that. I just wanted to see if you knew.
Oracle: (whispering sarcastically) I’m sure.
Agent Zari: Happy Thanksgiving.
>With that, the two A.C.M.E. Agents leave.
Conor: I wonder if I should have told them that I put cloaking technology in their getaway car?
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As detectives, me and Wolf frown that you aided and abetted a criminal...
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But as Phantom Thieves, we say “Right on”.
Conor: Thanks.
Headmaster Spritle’s voice on the speakers: Speed, X, can you send our Japanese guests up here, please? We wish to talk to them.
Speed: Alright! You guys better go. We’ll meet up after the race. If we’re still having it.
Joker: Right. See you all later.
>With that, we leave Conor and the others for now.
>Meanwhile, with Taro Kitano, he goes back inside his car... He is not alone.
Taro Kitano: So the rumors are true. Aren’t they?
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I am truly sorry you had to find out this way.
Taro Kitano: So what now? You want me to talk to him? To get to know him?
Goemon: (shaking his head) Yusuke's in no hurry to meet you. Right now, he is content with how things are. He’s in college, he’s a talented artist, he has many good friends... And even someone he can share his heart with.
Taro Kitano: You mean that frizzy-haired guy with the glasses? I see. They look so happy together. It definitely reminds me of... me and her. When I look at Yusuke, I see his mother. And when I see his boyfriend, I can’t help but see myself. And I don’t even know the guy... Except in the ring.
Goemon: You’ll know soon enough... Speaking of comparing yourself with Ren, I have a favor to ask you.
Taro Kitano: (confused) Me?
Goemon: Or rather, someone on your team.
>Up on the balcony, we meet up with Headmaster Spritle, Speed Racer Sr., his wife Trixie, and Professor Aniskov.
Queen: You wanted to see us, Headmaster?
Headmaster Spritle: Professor Aniskov insists we can’t start the race without someone taking Trey’s place... And he suggests one of you do it.
Phantom Thieves: WHAT!?
Professor Aniskov: If it’s not too much trouble.
Mona: Well don’t look at me, Ryuji, Yusuke, Futaba, Haru, or Sumire. We’re still learning.
Wolf: Me and Akechi were asked to assist things with the Sterlings. They thought having a couple of detectives would make things a little more smoother. So we’re out.
Queen: I don’t think Sis would be too happy for me to spontaneously join in a big race like this.
Panther: And I promised the modeling agency I would take a few pics here as inspiration for their next session.
Fox: Then that would just leave...
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?????: Pretty much.
>Then, my parents arrived with the wheelchair bound Defensive Driving teacher, Professor Winn, and Speed and X’s grandparents, Mom and Pops Racer..
Joker: Mom, Dad, so glad you guys decided to stay.
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You didn’t think we’d actually miss this, did you?
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Nor I. This is proud day for all of us.
Jonny: And who knew it would be on Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Racer: What do you mean?
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As some of you may not know, but Mr. Amamiya here had just taken his driving examination with me as the supervisor.
Jonny: I’ve been helping him, too. Ever since last summer.
Professor Winn: Well, after much evaluation and seeing how well you managed your driving, whether it be regular, casual, cruising or even racing, I can honestly say... You passed.
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For real!?
Queen: Congratulations, Ren.
Crow: Well done.
Mona: That’s our Joker.
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I’m very proud of you, Ren.
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Thank you all... Especially you, Yusuke.
>Me and Fox embrace each other lovingly.
Professor Winn: (taking a camera from her chair) Okay, smile!
>Everyone and Fox moves aside as Professor Winn takes my picture. Then, something prints out and she gives it to me.
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Jonny: (smiling) You did good, kid.
Mom: Yes, well done. We’re so proud of you.
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Thank you all.
Professor Aniskov: (clapping a bit) Now that that’s settled, I think we can get this race started.
Joker: I’m still not sure about this. I don’t even have a car. I mean, I do have one, but I don’t think it’s meant for racing.
Jonny: Professor Aniskov says he has that covered.
???? ??????: Hey, down here!
>We look down at the track. We saw that members of the Scorchers were hauling in a car.
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Taro Kitano: Everest is letting you borrow his car for the race! So you better get down here, now!
Mom Racer: Well I’ll be.
Pops Racer: Yeah... (We finally have a speaking role here.)
Speed: (calling from down below) I have something for you, too! Chim-Chim!
Chim-Chim: *Chirp*
>Chim-Chim takes a package up to the balcony and give it to me. I open it up to find it had a white racing suit with some black and two patches on the chest. One a red circle with a white 5 on it that looks like it came from the logo our game. The other patch had a picture of a white coffee cup with some steam coming out with a fancy CL on the cup. There was also a white helmet with a large black stripe in the middle with a red line on each side of it.
Speed: (calling through Chim-Chim) It’s my old racing suit. I don’t use it anymore, so you can have it. But I did change the patches. Consider it an early Christmas present. And a thank you.
Joker: You’re welcome.
Mr. Racer: (a little confused) Thanks for what?
Speed: (awkward) I’ll tell you later, Dad. Right now, we have a race to get going.
Pops Racer: (looking stern) You better tell us later.
Mr. Race: (also looking stern) You bet.
>Chim-Chim climbs back down to Conor. Panther snaps her fingers and I magically change into the racing suit.
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(this is the only picture that could be found that is similar) How do I look?
Headmaster Spritle: A bit like Speed when he first started here. Seems only yesterday he first started here... Wait, hasn’t he always? Never mind. It suits you well.
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I think my heart just skipped a beat. If only I had my sketchpad, I would preserve this moment for life.
Joker: (smiling) You can do it later. I’ve got to head down.
Wolf: And me and Akechi have to deal with the Sterlings.
Crow: I just hope Trey will be cooperative.
Panther: And I have some pictures to take.
Queen: The rest of us will be at the stands if you want to join us. Text us when you’re ready to join us.
Mom: We will join you.
>We leave. Then, Professor Aniskov stops me for a bit and does something no one would ever think he would do... He gave me an encouraging smile... And a wide one at that... Wait a second.
Professor Aniskov?: (whisper in a very familiar voice) Good luck out there... Favorite cousin. (wink)
Joker: ...
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(also whispering) Thank you, favorite cousin. (out loud) It’s showtime!
>We leave the balcony.
Headmaster Spritle: Ladies and gentlemen, filling in for Trey Sterling is one of our Japanese visitors, Ren Amamiya!
>I get in the Thunderbird. Then, I get a call from Speed, X, Slice, and Dice.
Dice: Good luck, Leader!
Slice: You’re gonna need it.
X: Hope you can keep up.
Joker: Can you?
Speed: Pretty bold. Let’s race!
>With that, we begin our engines. A holo-screen shows staring lights.
>Ready... Set... GO!
>We drive off. We go around the regular track once before the arch to the Virtual Track opens.
Automatic Voice: Virtual Track, activated!
>We drive into the Virtual Track. The track was made to look like we were on a giant table where a giant Thanksgiving Dinner was set up. The dishes, foods, and drinks were the obstacles, including a gravy boat spilling gravy around.
>In the stands, Fox, Mona, Skull, Queen, Noir, Oracle, Violet, and Sophie were watching the race when Bobby Drake, Kitty Pryde, Icicle Jr., and Lagoon Boy come to them.
Bobby Drake: Enjoying the race?
Queen: Well, Ren is still in 7th Place. But all in all, it’s going great.
Icicle Jr.: I don’t know about him, but I’m rooting for Alpha Leader. Look, he’s already in 4th.
Oracle: (laughing) Until he drives into the mashed potatoes.
Commentator: Oh, right into the mashed potatoes.! Hope Alpha Leader can dig his way out. Now, Annalsie Zazic has passed him, narrowly missing the yams! But can she get by the slicing ham?
Kitty Pryde: (cheering) Don’t give up, Alpha Leader!
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Yeah, you can do it, Alpha Leader! Keep going!
Skull: (surprised) Yoshizawa san, just who’s side are you on?
Violet: (a bit surprised herself) Sorry, senpai. I can’t just disagree with my favorite X-Man when she’s sheering for her favorite racer.
Kitty Pryde: (smiling a bit) I’m your favorite? I’m quite honored.
Violet: I’m so glad to hear that, Shadowcat san.
Kitty Pryde: Oh, you can just call me Kitty, Sumire Yoshizawa.
Violet: You know about me?
Kitty: I know a thing or two about the world of gymnastics. Plus, we know Spider-Man and the Future Avengers and they told us a lot about you guys.
Bobby: Yeah, we recognized you guys from what they told us, the past two Dream FESs, and those Dancing in Starlight videos.
Lagoon Boy: Yeah, Nightwing and the others told me about you as well. And a certain connection.
Queen: I see. So you have also been having dreams.
Lagoon Boy: How do you think we came to know Alpha Leader and each other?
Icicle Jr.: Yeah, we’ve been having dreams about him and each other for a long time. Ever since the last Dream FES... Along with that guy.
Skull: What guy?
Bobby: Well, maybe it would be better to show you. If you don’t mind.
Fox: Actually, I wish to stay and support Ren.
Sophie: I can record the race for you so you won’t miss much.
Mona: Thanks, Sophie. Okay, we’re coming.
>With that, Mona, Skull, Queen, Noir, Oracle, and Violet follow Bobby, Kitty, Icicle Jr., and Lagoon Boy.
>In a parking garage, they arrive at a black SUV with the X-Men logo on it. It was parked next to an old fashion roadster. Then, Lagoon Boy knock the back of the roaster with the “Shave and a Haircut” rhythm.
??????: Finally! I thought we were gonna die in here!
??????: Hurray! This lovely bear can become the prince he was meant to be! It was getting cramped in here.
??????: Only because you were wearing the suit when we got taken! You should have taken it off when we were leaving!
??????: But I lost my mask! I needed something to protect me from the virus!
??: I’m sure you were only doing what you needed to do.
??????: Thank you for that, Sensei.
??????: Kiss up.
??: Don’t worry, Yosuke, you’re still my best partner.
Yosuke?: (happily) Thanks, Partner.
Kitty: Okay, enough with the shouting, we’re getting you out now.
Bobby: Just try not to kill us when we let you out.
>Bobby opens the trunk. And out comes...
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Ah, at last, fresh air! You guys know we can’t get to close like that, do you? We might get the virus.
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I feel like an can survive anything with Sensei around. Even in enclosed spaces.
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What!? You guys!?
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Ryuji san? And the others? You’re here, too?
Queen: Yes, but how are you three here?
Yosuke: (unhappy) Ask him. (points to Icicle Jr.)
Icicle Jr.: (putting his fingers together) Well...
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>Junes Department Store, Electronics Department in Inaba. Yosuke had just finished work for the day. However, it was a slow day.
Teddie: Not many customers today, huh, Yosuke?
Yosuke: What did you expect? Because of the virus, only essential businesses are allowed to open. So the customers are only going to parts of the store that sells the essentials. And I doubt they include electronics unless they need replacing or if they want to do some early Christmas shopping.
Teddie: I see. (sighing sadly) I sure miss playing with the kids that come here. I haven’t even seen Nana chan in a long time. I miss her.
Yosuke: You just video chatted with her this morning.
Yu: (coming in with three take-out bags from Aiya) Talking to each other on the computer and talking in person are very different from each other.
Yosuke: Yu, you’re here?
Yu: I didn’t have time to make dinner tonight, so I picked up some take-outs. I would have ordered it, but due to the lockdown order, Aika’s really busy with other deliveries... There should be some left over to take to Nanako and Dojima san. So I guess we can visit them after all.
Teddie: (dramatically) Thank you so much, Sensei!
Yosuke: (unimpressed) Don’t get too excited, bear. We need to save some for Nanako and Dojima san.
NOTE: Before we go further, let me explain. By this point and time in this fanmade timeline, Yu, after graduating, moved back to Inaba. This time, for good. Yosuke had also moved out of his parents’ house. However, Mr. and Mrs. Hanamura didn’t want to be left alone with Teddie because of the messes he always leaves behind, so they convinced their son to take him with him. Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie all move in together in an apartment that was just a block away from the Dojima residence so they can visit each other whenever they want. Yu and Yosuke attended college in Okina City, though, Yosuke continued to work part-time at Junes and Yu started work as a gas station attendant at Moel. After they finished college, they still work their jobs because Yosuke is still trying to figure out what to do with his life. Though, after a long time of always listening to music on his headphone, dancing at the Love Meets Bonds Festival, and performing at the Dream Festival, he might consider something in music. As for Yu, he wishes to work in Psychology, but that requires him to study a little more into it, so he’s still works at Moel. And Teddie... Well, he does have an “exclusive contract” with Junes.
>Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie make their way through he parking lot to Yu’s car where Yosuke’s scooter was also parked. Then suddenly...
?????? ??: Hey, are you Yosuke Hanamura?
Yosuke: Yeah, who wants to-
>They turned and are surprised by who they saw.
Yosuke: Y- You’re...
Icicle Jr.: Sorry about this. Don’t worry, I’ve been training with Iceman.
>With a blast of ice, Icicle Jr. froze Yosuke and Yu. Luckily, they were both still alive.
Teddie: (boastful) Ha! Betcha didn’t know that ice doesn’t work on moi!
>Teddie is suddenly knocked out by a wrench. He didn’t see who did it.
>End of flashback.
Teddie: So that explains the small bump on my head. Good thing I was wearing my bearskin or else it would have been serious.
Queen: So you kidnapped three people from Japan and smuggled them across the sea to America in the middle of a global pandemic?
Yosuke: I think the real question is... Why?
Icicle Jr.: I just wanted to confirm some stuff... Like that you guys are the Phantom Thieves. Besides, do you have any idea how hard it is to book a flight overseas in a global pandemic?
Noir: So you know who we are, huh?
Lagoon Boy: Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone. This is out of respect for your friends. And we warned Icicle Jr. that we would send him off to Belle Reve this holiday season.
Icicle Jr.: I’m really hoping to spend it with an old friend of mine... To help her get over that her boyfriend isn’t around to spend it with her.
Kitty: (unsure) I don’t think she’s ready to go back into the fray yet.
Lagoon Boy: It’s true.
Icicle Jr.: (shrugging a bit) I don’t know. If Superboy and Miss Martian can even get engaged, there maybe hope for me yet.
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I think we got bigger issues here. Like how you brought these guys here without even testin’ ‘em first.
Kitty: Got you covered. (takes a scanner from the SUV) We bring some with us whenever we go looking for new mutants. We may have powers, but apparently, we’re not immune to COVID. (scans Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie) They’re good.
Yosuke: Well that’s a relief. (rubbing some sore spots) But even though I’m not sick, I’m hurting all over from being stuck in there. Why couldn’t you have just kept us in the nice roomy SUV instead of the tiny trunk of this antique? Who owns this thing anyway?
Bobby: Another good friend of ours... Including you, Yosuke.
Yosuke: (confused) Mine? Who would... Wait, now that you mentioned it, I have seen this car before... in a dream.
Yu: Same here. When I think about that dream, I have the oddest feeling that I should thank you. But for what? I know you helped me a lot, Yosuke, but what I should thank you for is something else.
Yosuke: Yeah. But I just can’t remember. Then again, that dream isn’t as clear as... No, we should think about that one.
Yu: I agree.
Teddie: (confused) I don’t get it.
Yosuke: If this car is what we think it is... Where’s the owner?
Lagoon Boy: Most likely outside watching the race.
Yu: Race? What are you talking about? And where are Joker and the rest of the Phantom Thieves?
Sophie: (on Oracle’s phone) You’ll meet Fox, Panther, Crow, and Wolf in the stands. As for Joker, you should see for yourself.
>Sophie was now showing me now neck and neck with Annalise on a bridge over a casserole.
Yu: Is that a casserole?
Violet: We’ll explain later. Right now, they’re waiting for us.
>With that, they all head back to the stands.
>Back on the stands, Fox, Panther, Crow, and Wolf were surprised to see Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie here. They explained what happened.
Wolf: (whining) Please, one crime at a time. We already just dealt with the Sterlings, and we’re celebrating here.
Icicle Jr.: I just said I was sorry.
Queen: By the way, where is this friend of yours?
Bobby: I guess he stepped away for now.
Yosuke: Can you blame him? It would be awkward for a French guy to be at an event for an American holiday.
Violet: Hey, Senpai’s catching up to Taro!
>In the Virtual Track, I was catching up to Taro Kitano with rows of glasses of sparkling cider surrounding us. Some of them kept falling to try and drown us.
Commentator: Ren is gaining up on Kitano. Can fresh college student pass a seasoned pro?
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Just so you know, I’m not going easy on you just cause you and my son are dating, kid.
Joker: I don’t expect you to. I wanna beat you fair and square. We’re all equals here.
Taro Kitano: Good. Hope you’re ready for this.
Announcer: This is it, folks! Speed, X, Kitano, and Ren are at the final part of the race. The man course itself: THE TURKEY!
>Before us was a giant cooked turkey the was guarded by robot turkeys with titanium drills for beaks.
Speed: Time to carve this bird!
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You bet! It’s showtime!
>We managed to tear are way through the robot turkeys. They drill hard, we be are harder. Then, some of them were now ganging up on Speed and X.
Joker: We can’t let them get drilled by robot turkeys, will we?
Taro Kitano: I guess. Fine, we’ll save them from the robot turkeys... Now that’s something I never thought I’d say.
>We managed to drive up and beat the robot turkeys with the cowcatcher on the Thunderbird and Taro Kitano with his car’s hook. Finally, they were gone and Speed and X drove up ahead.
X: Thanks for that.
Speed: Now let’s go!
>We make it to the end of the rack. The exit portal arch looked like an eaten-through pumpkin pie. We drive in and back into the real world. Once out, Speed was the first to cross the finish line, then X, then Taro Kitano, and I was the last one. The remaining racers followed.
Commentator: And that’s that! Speed Racer Jr. comes in a spectacular 1st Place! His older, brother, X, in 2nd! Taro Kitano in 3rd! And Ren Amamiya in 4th!
>The crowd was cheering loud. I could see my friends in the stands. Wait, why are Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie here? Actually, never mind, this is a great moment for me. Then, I look up to the commentator’s balcony. The Racers were smiling and waving that Speed and X came in 1st and 2nd. Then, I look to my parents who are waving to me. Then, I looked to “Professor Aniskov” who was also waving to me. Finally, I turn back to the stands and see Fox.
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????????? ???????: WHERE IS HE!?
>Uh oh, the jig is up. I see the real Professor Aniskov wearing nothing but his boxers, a white tank-top, and a very angry look on his face. With him is my favorite cousin’s favorite every-vigilant inspector.
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Excuse me, Racer Family, but I found this man tied up in a closet somewhere. You wouldn’t happen to know where to find a man who looks just like him, would you?
>The other Aniskov was already gone.
Jonny: (smiling) Not at all, Inspector.
Mr. Racer: ... Not me, either.
Headmaster Spritle: Nor me.
>The other Racers just shook their heads.
Professor Aniskov: (upset) Are you serious!? He was just here!
Inspector Zenigata: Don’t worry, Professor. I’ve been chasing Lupin for the longest time. Knowing him, he can’t be that far.
>You don’t know that half of it, Pops.
>In the same parking garage, the other Aniskov had just come in when a car shows up.
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Cutting it rather close, aren’t we? I’m not sure Fujiko would want to spend Thanksgiving alone this year.
Professor Aniskov?: (laughing) Don’t forget, Jigen, I have family, too.
Jigen: Even though he’s not related to you by blood?
>Then, the other Aniskov removes his disguise.
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True... But do you want to tell his Persona that?
Jigen: ... Good point.
>Suddenly, someone comes running in. It was Pops Zenigata.
Inspector Zenigata: LUPIN, YOU’RE UNDER ARREST!
Lupin III: Took you long enough, Pops. Probably because ACME came here looking for my rival and told you to stay back. But I’m afraid I have other plans to get to. Happy Thanksgiving!
>Lupin III gets in the car where Goeman was already seated and Jigen drives them off. Pops tries to chase after them... But the car they my friends were just at drives up and blocks him. Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon get away.
Inspector Zenigata: (angry) Hey, what’s the big idea!?
>Icicle Jr. walks in.
Icicle Jr.: Sorry, Inspector! My friend was just leaving.
Inspector Zenigata: I should have known crooks like you and him stick together.
Icicle Jr.: Hey, don’t blame me for that thief’s escape. I was just seeing my friend off before I go to the feast with my other friends.
Inspector Zenigata: Grr! Fine. But you better watch yourself. One of the heroes you face is here today.
Icicle Jr.: (smiling) Who do you think invited me?
>The inspector just stood silent with his teeth gritting. Then, he ran off after my favorite cousin. Then, Icicle Jr. goes over to the driver of the car.
Icicle Jr.: Hey, thanks for helping Lupin and his friends escape... And thanks for helping me bring Yosuke and his friends here. I really appreciate it.
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Anytime, Cameron. Anytime.
>Another successful heist.
NOTE: I apologize that this post was a bit long, we tried to cram as much of this day in as possible.
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November 18th, 1968
Ryan proves that he has not learned a thing since Bioshock. 
“Sally can say whatever she wants, just because she was one of the millions born today does not give her authority over me.”
One would think that after nearly ten years of dealing with Andrew Ryan, Jack would be immune to his rants and demands, but his father was exhausting. Truly exhausting. Just attempting to have a simple conversation with him was draining.  He could say the sky was blue and Ryan would then argue that the sky was actually green. Or, he could say that the weather was nice, and Ryan would then complain about how it was too hot or cold for his liking. Nothing ever satisfied him.
Jack supposed it was to be expected given how devoted he was to his beloved city. He put his heart, soul, everything he had into its creation, including his billion-dollar fortune, which, in turn, kept him trapped here; with them. None of his rich buddies in New York cared enough about him, Ryan alienated practically every ally he had there by considering them too ‘simple’ for his grand utopia. Besides, if any of them were as callous he was, they would have laughed him right of the city for daring to ask for a handout. Hell, not even the media cared. When word got around that he had somehow been spotted on the shores of Saratoga Falls after nearly twenty years, the only mention of it was a small paragraph in The National Enquirer. The grand return of the prodigal son was instead a fizzle; unbefitting for the once richest man in America.
 And so, Andrew Ryan was stuck in a small town, full of people he loathed, depending on his ‘greatest disappointment’ to provide for him in his senior years. It was like some twisted purgatory for him, but instead of somehow learning from this and bettering himself as a person, he decided to make everyone as miserable as him. If he couldn’t be happy, no one could.
How very collectivist of him.
“Dad, it’s gonna take five minutes tops,” Jack said as he rubbed his temples. Yep, there was that migraine. “Come on, all she wants is for everyone to be here.”
“Everyone will be here, and when they arrive, they can go to the fridge and take a slice,” Ryan replied with a wave of his hand. “I’m sure there will be plenty left unless your wife sucks them down like the human vacuum cleaner she’s become lately.”
Jack scowled. “You don’t talk about Elizabeth like that, you got me?” he warned, wagging his finger.
And the older man crossed his arms and huffed, as if he were a child being scolded. “General Hospital is almost on, it is the one fulfilling thing I have left in my life, so I demand silence while I watch it.”
“You want to watch your soap opera? Fine, you can watch your soap opera. I’m sure Sally will compromise with you and we can do cake during a commercial break.”
Ryan shook his head. “No, that will not work.”
“What do you mean that won’t work?”
“ABC’s commercials are only thirty-seconds long, I’d miss too much in the time it takes for you to gawk at the cake, snap unnecessary pictures, and harmonize off each other like hyenas in coitus.”
Leta, who had been silent the entire time, cringed at that lovely metaphor. She looked at her father to see what he was going to say next, but frankly he didn’t know how to respond. His blood pressure was sky-rocketing. It was taking everything in him not to lose his patience, which was exactly what his father wanted so he could have the upper-hand.
If Ryan’s stubbornness was genetic, Jack was really going to be in trouble in the next few years with the baby.
Thankfully, what sounded to be a herd of elephants stomping down the steps meant that his two other girls. Sally and Masha, were coming down, and with them, his wife. Finally, a united front. Dealing with Andrew Ryan was a family affair and he desperately needed reinforcements.
Ryan reacted appropriately for a man of his age when cornered by his son, his pregnant daughter-in-law, and three teenage girls. He huffed like a toddler during a tantrum. It was a pitiful sight. For a man who used his wealth and talents to build the most advanced societies ever conceived to get away from welfare to pout in his bathrobe and bunny slippers as he relied on his son to survive must have been humiliating.
But, Andrew Ryan would never admit defeat. That would take away the last shred of dignity he desperately clung onto. From an underwater city full of deranged addicts to soap operas and birthday cake, he’d go down kicking and screaming, never admitting being wrong or pinning the blame on someone else.
Sally’s the first one to speak. Unlike the other girls, who were much more combative and aggressive when it came to ‘debating’ with their grandfather, she had a different approach. “Grandpa, I know you want to watch your show,” she began as she sat on the edge of the kitchen table, playing with one of the straps of her faded, pink denim jumper shorts. “And, of course, your happiness matters. So, we can do cake after your show is over, how does that sound.”
Ryan paused for a moment. His brows furrowed as he put a hand to his chin. Jack was impressed. It was looking as if she had him, a nigh impossible feat. “No.”
“What do you mean no?” Sally, taken aback, asked incredulously.
“What, you can’t spare five minutes of your time to sing?”
“No, I cannot, Elizabeth,” the older man replied matter-of-factly.
Leta, who had been silent since entering the kitchen with Jack, finally chimed in. “You get to watch your show, though? Isn’t that what you wanted?”
“After the show is over at nine, it will be my bedtime.”
“Bedtime?” Masha scoffed with a smirk. “What are you? Five?”
“No, it is called aging, Masha!” Ryan snapped, his eyes narrowing at the fifteen-year-old. “And while it may be hard to understand due to your youth and the seemingly infinite energy that comes with it, as people grow old, they get tired earlier. Therefore, they have to go to sleep earlier.”
“Oh, so you’re Benjamin Button, then? Got it, with every passing year, you turn more into a man-child.”
“Very smart, Masha. I’m surprised you knew that reference. I would think it’s too old and complicated for your small, feeble mind, unlike, say The Beatles high on whatever brain-frying drugs they take to spew their bolshevik propaganda garbage-”
Elizabeth put her hands on her hips. “Sally’s willing to hold off and wait until your show is over, and here you are, doing what you always do: being selfish and inconsiderate of everyone else around you!” Her lips pursed. “One day. That’s all we were hoping for. One day of you just going with the flow and not arguing-”
“Well, then let’s just do cake now then!”
“We’re waiting for Janice and Rosie! I want everybody here so we can all do this as a family!” Sally said, though her sweet facade was beginning to crack and show a hint of annoyance.
“And there will be plenty of cake left for them when they are here!”
The stress-induced migraine Jack had finally reached its boiling point. He was putting his foot down, figuratively and literally. He pressed his finger into his father’s chest. “You’re doing cake with us no matter what time we do it, and that’s final,” he hissed. “I don’t care if it’s three in the morning, your ass is going to be there.”
“Or what? You’ll drag me out of bed?” Ryan asked, staring down at his son’s much larger finger as if it were a joke. “Frankly, this country may be a husked shell of what it used to be, but I know I am well within my rights to go to bed when I please and you can’t force me to do anything.”
Jack scowled. His index finger poked deeper.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“You thought that ten years ago,” the younger man said. “You really want to test that hypothesis again?”
That seemed to change Ryan’s tune. His bemused, smug expression dropped as his brows raised and eyes shot open. He glanced down at the finger jammed into his chest and then back up at his son’s frown for a few seconds before slowly brushing away his hand. “I see, you have made your point.”
“I know what’s going on.” Masha chortled, nudging at Leta with her elbow. “He doesn’t want to meet Janice’s new boy-toy, Daniel-”
“David,” Elizabeth corrected.
“Yeah, sure, David,” Masha continued, rolling her eyes. “Why else would he want to do cake now and run up to bed with his tail between his legs?”
“I’m not running with my tail between my legs. As I recall, I am not a dog, but a human being, Masha, and human beings do not have tails-”
“Oh, shut the fuck up-”
“Hold on, this is what the problem is?” Jack put his hand up, silencing everyone. Now it was all starting to make sense. “Janice’s boyfriend? Really?”
Ryan crossed his arms. “You know how these college kids are today! They all fall into the collectivist group mentality and are pumped out by schools to hate the free market! The very same system that has given their mommy and daddy wealth and the cushy, comfortable life they have!” He turned his head away and huffed. “Especially in California, the breeding ground of parasitic degenerates like those goddamn hippies.”
“You haven’t even met the kid and you’re already got him out to be a bum!” Jack cried.
“Oh, but I have heard plenty about him! He’s from California! I bet he’s ‘free-spirited.’ A real ‘bohemian.’” Ryan said with finger quotes. “The last thing we need is her bringing a hippie into the house. They don’t bathe because they believe all the water on Earth is going to magically dissipate, so they roll around in their own filth. Like bringing a farm animal into your home.”
Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “Janice wouldn’t date a slob, Andrew.”
“You don’t know what that college has done to her! It’s changing her!”
“Whatever you say.” Jack shook his head. “Listen, they’re going to be home in the next ten minutes so I’m expecting you to be on your best behavior-”
Ryan was flabbergasted. “I am not a child, son-”
“Then stop acting like one,” he replied as the group began to disperse. “You’re going to be there for cake and you’re going to be nothing but polite to David. End of discussion.”
“Now, wait a minute-”
Jack wrapped his arm around his wife and led her out of the room, but not before waving his hand, his back turned away from his father. “No, no, this discussion is over.”
And before Ryan could open his mouth again to argue, he was alone in the kitchen. He turned his attention down to the floor, where Spot, the nine-week-old Australian Shepherd laid, completely exhausted from barking at a beetle an hour prior. The puppy blinked at him.
“I’ll tell you this,” he said. “I’m not shaking that parasite’s hand. I’d rather not risk getting the bubonic plague, thank you.”
Spot tilted his head. His big ears flopped over. 
“Well, at least you listen.” 
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