#and people STILL have the nerve to say that ty doesn’t love kit as much kit loves him
wikitpowers · 6 months
“You should go after him,” Mark said. “You’re the one he wants.”
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buckyodinson · 5 years
A Clan of Three (Mandalorian x fem!Reader)
This is dedicated to @tlittlet​ (hope you don’t mind me tagging you in this) - I saw your post saying:
‘I wish I could read a mando x reader where the reader is all shy but passionate and mando craving for touch. But like, I know I can write it but I don’t want to write it, I want to read it, do you know what I mean? 😫’ and I kinda ran away with it? 
A/N: This is the first thing I’ve written in about a year and a half so it may be a little rusty, and it’s based vaguely on the post mentioned above. I just love Mando a lot right now, and this is the first time in a long time I’ve actually felt compelled to write something, so I hope some people out there can enjoy this, as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Feedback is appreciated!!
Word count: 2.6k
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There was a lot left unspoken on the Razor Crest as of late. You’d been travelling with Din and the Child for just over a year now, and barriers had slowly broken down in that time. A lot had been shared between the two of you, but a lot had been kept under wraps on both sides, through fear of rejection. You loved both Din and the Child with every fibre of your being, and it tore you apart trying not to just lay all your cards on the table, but you were terrified the gamble was too risky.
You would often be left on the Crest while Din fetched his latest bounty, staying to watch over the Child and keep him out of harms way. You felt a true maternal instinct, and while watching over the Child while he slept or played with whatever he could get his hands on in the cockpit, your thoughts would drift to the signet on Din’s pauldron - a clan of two - and how desperately you wished to be a clan of three. 
You loved Din. You knew as much. You knew from very early on, after a few weeks of settling into life with the pair of them on the Crest, you knew this was a life you could get used to. And you thanked the Maker that you could spend at least part of your life travelling the galaxy with two who you truly and genuinely loved. You wanted to let him know how you felt, but you knew The Way. And you knew you couldn’t put Din in a situation like that - partly because you didn’t want to disrespect the life he swore to uphold when he swore The Creed, and partly because you were terrified he didn’t feel the same, and he’d drop you off at the next system to avoid the awkwardness that would likely ensue.
So you kept quiet. You would often lie awake at night, thinking of endless scenarios of what life would be like if he knew. If he felt the same. If he took his helmet off, abandoning his bounty hunting life to settle down on a planet somewhere in the outer rim, just the three of you. A clan of three. There goes that thought again, and just as quickly as it enters your mind, it’s snatched away when you scold yourself for getting carried away. You’re setting yourself up for heartbreak, and you know it, but you’re too far gone to care.
Unbeknownst to you, Din would also often lie awake in the safe confines of his quarters, with his helmet removed, wondering how the soft touch of your hands would feel on his face. How your lips would fit against his. How perfect your body would slot into his as you laid together, your head tucked into the crook of his neck. These ephemeral thoughts calmed him after a long day, but they also brought pangs of sadness, knowing that they were only his imagination. She’d never feel the same. After all, how could she? All she’s ever known is the cold, unforgiving glare of Beskar. She’s never seen the longing on his face when she’s idly hanging up a small decoration she bought at a market, his mind racing at the thought of a domestic life with her. Nor had she seen the soft smile he can’t seem to shake when he catches her playing or chatting away with the Child.
He craved her touch. He’s only felt it in fleeting moments. Usually when one of them is badly injured after a particularly nasty run-in with a bounty. On many occasions, he’s been badly hit with a blaster in places he can’t patch up himself, and she silently reaches for the med-kit and beckons for him to sit with her. She removes his Beskar so softly, as if it isn’t one of the toughest materials around, and it makes his heart ache. She works mostly in silence, other than to ask him if it’s okay to lift his undershirt. She always asks. She doesn’t have to, and she knows, he’s told her so many times. But still she does. And that longing creeps into his entire body every time, knowing she truly respects his way of life.
When she works, her delicate hands clean the injury with feather-light touches, using a bacta spray to help with further healing, before applying a bandage. Even these light touches cause shivers to run up Din’s spine, and he knows it’s a ridiculous reaction to have, given the circumstances, but nobody has ever been so gentle with him. Nobody has ever taken the time to make sure he is okay. Once, he was so exhausted from a fight with a bounty that ended badly, that after he’d taken all his armour off, dropped it to the floor, and let you tend to his wounds, he’d fallen asleep where he’d been sat, in the hull of the ship. When he woke, he found a blanket draped over him, and all his armour was neatly arranged on the nearby shelves, seemingly having been polished. He was speechless. It was such a sweet gesture on your behalf, he didn’t know how to react. He wished he knew how to thank you for all you did for him. But he just didn’t know how.
When you helped with his injuries, you never failed to notice the almost imperceptible hitches in his breath, and small sighs he let out as you worked. You never questioned them, but they made you wonder when the last time he was ever touched by another person. If he had been touched by another person since he swore the Creed, and vowed to live his life shielded from the world.
The day came when things left unspoken finally bubbled to the surface. Din had been out looking for a bounty, and had been gone for several days. You grew worried very quickly, as even the toughest of jobs brought him back to the Crest within a day or two. But it was four days since you’d last seen or heard from him. The Child was beginning to grow restless, being cooped up in the ship. You spent most of your time pacing the cockpit, trying to contact him, to no avail. You knew it was dangerous to leave the ship, and leave the Child unattended, so you had to settle for staying in the Crest and praying to the Maker that you’d see him emerge from the tree-line any minute.
You slept very lightly while Din was away, any and every noise rousing you, hoping it was the ramp lowering, and Din coming back. After five days of nothing, you finally heard that familiar hiss of the ramp to the Crest opening, and you all but sprinted from your cot to the ramp. You were ecstatic that he had returned, but also terrified at what state he may be in. You were right to feel this way, because once the ramp lowered and you caught a glimpse at him, you knew he was in trouble. He was leaning heavily on his left leg, and you ran down the ramp before he all but collapsed into your arms. You made quick work of dragging him into the ship and closing the ramp door.
You set him on the floor and made quick work of removing his armour, disregarding your usual tentative movements. The more armour you removed, the more blood and grime you noticed on his underclothes, and the sight made you gasp.
You spoke softly but with a sense of urgency, “Din… I’m going to take your underclothes off. Is that okay?”
You received no reply.
“Din? Can you hear me?” You tried again, but to no avail. You reached one hand under his neck to support it while you reached your other under his jaw, and could still feel a strong pulse, which calmed your nerves ever so slightly. But upon pulling your hand other hand back to rest his head on the ground, you noticed your hand was covered in blood. You began to really panic now, not knowing how to proceed with the situation. He needed serious medical attention, but you didn’t want to overstep the clear boundaries he lived by.
You knew his safety came first, but you also didn’t want to jeopardise his religion and risk him never being able to put the helmet back on again. So you removed his underclothes and got to work on all the injuries on his body first. His chest rising and falling as you worked comforted you by a fraction, but the lack of sighs and grunts made you acutely aware that his head injury needed treating soon.
You quickly disappeared to your room and ripped a strip of fabric from the bottom of your blanket before coming back and dropping onto your knees by Din’s side yet again. You gathered all the materials you needed before securing the fabric around your eyes and tying it in the back of your head. You took a deep breath before reaching for Din’s helmet. You pressed a switch, and heard the hiss as you slowly lifted it from his head and placed it softly on the ground next to you.
You lifted him slightly and stuck a leg out underneath his shoulders, so you could feel the back of his head and assess the injury. You located to wound fairly easily, and while it wasn’t large, it was bleeding a lot, so you applied a bacta spray to it after wiping his hair first. You tried to ignore the butterflies in your stomach as you ran your hands through his hair. You slowly felt his face using the hand not covered in blood, checking for any smaller injuries that may be there. You found nothing, and rested your hand on his cheek while you sighed, hoping you’d done enough for the meantime. You were shocked when you felt Din’s hand cover yours, and you immediately went to pull your hand away but his grip tightened.
He cleared his throat and croaked out a small “Thank you”. You smiled at his unfiltered voice, the first time you’d ever heard it. And while it was barely there, and scratchy, after all he’d been through, it was still him, and you couldn’t help but feel lucky to have heard it in all it’s beauty.
“It’s okay… I could probably do a better job of it, but with the blindfold, there’s only so much I can-“
“Take it off..” he whispered, and you flinched back in shock, not knowing if you heard him correctly.
After a beat of silence, his hand came up to rest on your cheek, mirroring your actions, and he slowly lifted the material covering your eyes. He chuckled and coughed a little when he noticed your eyes screwed shut. He came to rest his hand on your cheek again, the unfamiliar feel of his skin warm against yours, as his thumb moved slowly across your cheekbone. “You can open your eyes, cyar’ika… it’s okay.”
You slowly obliged, and you were completely taken aback by his features. His soft brown eyes looked up at you, and despite the pain that must be coursing through his body, he was smiling at you. You took notice of his curly brown locks, some of which were stuck to his forehead. You brushed them away, before running your fingers down his hooked nose, to rest on his lips, where he lightly kissed your fingertips. Before you knew it, tears were falling from your eyes, and his face contorted into one of concern.
“I’m sorry, Din.” You breathed out as he swiped his thumb under your eye.
“What do you have to be sorry for, mesh’la?” He spoke, his voice a little stronger now.
“The Creed. I’ve seen your face. You can’t go back now. I’m so sorry.” You hung your head, and felt him slowly manoeuvre himself to sit up in front of you.
“What if I don’t want to go back?” He all but whispered, lifting your chin.
You met his gaze again and was frozen in place as he lent towards you and slowly brought your lips to his. You barely had time to react before he pulled away, your lips almost chasing his as he smiled against you.
“I’ve been thinking for a long while now, about you… about us. I get this unfamiliar feeling deep inside me when I think of you. When I see you with the Child. At first I dismissed it, thinking that was just how it felt to finally have a real friend. But then I would get worried sick when I was out looking for bounties... worried about you. Worried that something would happen to you here in the Crest and I’d be none the wiser. Then I realised. It was love.” He fell into silence, and you both sat there for what felt like an eternity, comfortable to just be there with each other, no more words needing to be exchanged.
He finally spoke up again, “I never acted on it, always telling myself ‘This is the way’. Telling myself this is the life I was born to live, it’s not fair to drag you into it. I never thought, for a second, that you could feel the same. But seeing you now, scared that I might be dying, but still blindfolding yourself to respect the Creed… that was all the confirmation I needed. Tell me I’m right?” He pulled away slightly to look in your eyes, and you saw tears brimming in his.
You nodded, not trusting your voice, before leaning in to kiss him back. Your lips touched, and in this kiss, you felt everything that had gone unspoken this past year. You broke apart and whispered against his lips, “I’ve always loved you Din.”
He whispered something back in Mando’a, and while you didn’t understand it, you’re sure you knew what he meant. You leaned back to look at him once more, and as you brushed his hair from his face, he winced slightly. His injuries dawned on you again, and you slowly rose, helping him to his cot. You fetched him a glass of water, something to dull the pain, and something to eat, and out of habit, started to leave, when he grabbed your wrist and silently pleaded with you to stay. He moved to lay on his side and you joined him in his cot, resting your back against his chest. He closed his eyes, and couldn’t quite believe you were here in his cot, laying pressed against him, like he dreamed of not long ago. He remembers a time when he would chastise himself for thinking you would ever feel this way, and yet here you were.
The door to his quarters opened with a hiss and the Child moved slowly over to the bed, looking at the pair of you with his wide eyes. You leaned down to pick him up and place him against your chest, where he promptly fell asleep. Din wrapped his arm around both you and the Child and held you both securely as he drifted off. You stayed awake a little while longer, just laying there smiling to yourself. As sleep finally consumed you, only one thought danced in your mind, you were finally a clan of three.
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Shadowhunters Short Story #41. Kitty mundane AU.
It is the middle of September 2014 and 16 year old Kit Herondale-Carstairs has abandoned his homework in favor of playing with his 5 month old sister Mina. Mina isn’t Kit’s biological sister, her parents Tessa and Jem Carstairs were friends with his parents, more specifically they were related to his mother some how, Tessa is her far out cousin or something like that. Kit’s mother Rosemary died shortly after he was born so he has absolutely no memories of her. His father Johnny was left to raise him alone and he wasn’t the best father, he never told Kit he loved him or made him feel safe and loved, he was always inviting shady suspicious people over to the house, Kit couldn’t know for sure but he was almost certain his father had been some sort of drug dealer or something. This time last year his dad had been killed by some other rival drug gang. For a few months Kit had been fostered by Andrew Blackthorn, where he met Andrew’s kids Helen, Mark, Julian, twins Ty and Livvy, Dru and Tavvy. He also met a girl named Emma Carstairs, who was also related to him somehow and good friends with The Blackthorns, she was also a far out cousin of Jem’s. 
While staying with The Blackthorns Kit had become particularly close with the twins and Dru, especially Ty. After a few weeks of hanging around with the twins and getting to know them he realized he had a massive, massive crush on Ty. He had realized he is pansexual when he was about 14, but he thought he would always have to stay in the closet, his father didn’t seem to be the most accepting person in the world and would probably have sent him to conversion therapy or something awful like that. However when Kit found out that Helen is bisexual and engaged to a woman and that Mark is also bisexual and in a polyamorous relationship, Kit found the courage to confide in Ty that he is pansexual. To his surprise Ty then told him he’s gay but hasn’t told anyone. Kit was delighted that there was a chance Ty would like him back but he didn’t get his hopes up. Over the next few weeks they grew closer and closer until one day Ty randomly asked Kit if he’d like to go on a date with him. Kit was shocked but instantly agreed and not long after that they officially became a couple, though they didn’t tell anyone.
After a few weeks of staying with The Blackthorns Kit got a letter from Tessa and Jem Carstairs, explaining who they are and how they know Kit’s family and offering to meet him and offering for him to move in with them. At first Kit was hesitant but he agreed to at least meet them. They arrived at the Blackthorn's house a few days later and Kit was shocked to see how young they were, and that Tessa was visibly pregnant. They couldn’t be more than 25 and they were expecting their own child, Kit couldn’t understand why they would want a troubled broody teenager too.
However Tessa and Jem turned out to be two of the nicest people he had ever met and by the end of the meeting he found himself agreeing to move in with them. They didn’t live far from The Blackthorns so Kit could keep in touch with them, and he wouldn’t have to switch schools. School had become a lot more bearable now had friends, he and Ty had a lot of classes together and just sitting beside Ty made everything more bearable for Kit.
Kit didn’t tell Tessa and Jem about his relationship with Ty or his sexuality, he really wasn’t sure how they would react, he was terrified they would throw him out and be disgusted by him, so he kept quiet.
5 months after Kit moved in with Tessa and Jem, Tessa gave birth to a little girl that she and Jem named Wilhelmina Yiqang Ke Carstairs. At first Kit was very weary of the new baby, he wasn’t sure he could trust himself not to hurt her or say something stupid, but he had always adored her and after a few weeks his fears and worries melted away. Often when Kit got home from a bad day at school, he would drop his bag, pick up his baby sister and instantly feel better.
Right now Mina is just learning to roll, and Kit is trying to catch it on camera, but she seems to be camera shy. They are laying on the floor in her nursery which is right next door to Kit’s room. He had been doing his homework when he heard Mina babbling to herself, obviously awake from her nap, and decided to come in and play with her for a bit, he had told himself he would only play with her for half an hour, then he would take her to Jem and Tessa and go finish his homework, but it had been over an hour and Kit decided he could get up early in the morning and finish his homework.
“Come on Min-Min roll over, I know you can do it!” Kit encourages. Mina smiles widely at him but doesn’t budge. Kit grabs one of Mina’s favorite toys from her crib and places it behind her, hoping it will encourage her to roll. Mina gives Kit an unimpressed look and once again doesn’t budge. She is extremely stubborn, something Kit can relate to.
A few minutes later he hears the door to the nursery creek open and Mina’s face lights up.
“What are you two up to?” Tessa softly asks. She had been wondering why Mina had slept for an extra hour, it was so unlike her, but now she can see she hasn’t been asleep at all. 
“I’m trying to get her to roll over but she just won’t.” Kit says.
“She will in her own time, aren’t you suppose to be doing homework?” Tessa asks, raising an eyebrow at Kit.
“I’ll finish it later.” Kit promises. Tessa and Jem aren’t extremely strict about Kit and his schoolwork but they do think it is very important for Kit to finish his homework, study and work really hard. Tessa is a qualified nurse and midwife though she’s currently on maternity leave, and Jem is a high school teacher who mainly teaches History and Music, thankfully though he doesn’t teach at the same high school Kit attended, that would have been mortifying. 
“Are you having trouble with any of your subjects? Jem and I could help you and I’m sure Ty could too, you two certainly spend enough time together.” Tessa gently says, causing Kit to blush. Does she suspect that he and Ty are more than friends? He honestly can not keep living like this, constantly hiding his feelings and not being able to be him true self, he needs to come out to Jem and Tessa, if they kick him out he can probably move back in with The Blackthorns, Andrew had made it clear that he is always welcome there, and he would get to be with Ty more often.
“No it’s fine thanks.” Kit quietly replies, turning his attention back to Mina. If Jem and Tessa kick him out, he’ll miss this little one the most.
“Alright if you’re sure, dinner will be ready soon.” Tessa says, trying to hide the worry in her tone, she can tell something is off with Kit and that he wants to be alone right now. 
When Tessa leaves the nursery Kit sighs and looks back to Mina. He pushes himself up from the floor, sitting back against the wall before he picks Mina up and balance her in his lap, which she loves. She is the sweetest, happiest little girl and makes Kit so happy, he has always wanted a little brother or sister, and Mina is the best he could ask for. 
“Oh Mina I just don’t know what to do.” Kit quietly says, as Mina looks at him with her big brown eyes filled with curiosity. “I mean, I’m not ashamed of my sexuality at all, in fact I want to shout it from the rooftops. But at the same time I’m really scared about how Tessa and Jem are going to react, if they kick me out I won’t get to see you anymore Min-Min, and the thought of that just kills me. But I’m so tired of hiding who I am, Min, and I’m tired of hiding my relationship with Ty, I want to be out and open and honest but I’m scared, I’m so scared and I just don’t know what to do.” When Kit finishes his rant he is close to tears of frustration, then Mina smiles widely at him, her eyes lit up with joy, and he can’t hold the tears back anymore. He holds his sister tightly and closely and lets the tears pour down his face, knowing that he has to tell Tessa and Jem soon and there is every chance they will kick him out and he’ll be on his own again. 
Little did he know that Tessa had heard every word he said, through the baby monitor. 
Later that evening once they’ve all had dinner and Mina is down for the night, Kit works up the courage to tell Tessa and Jem the truth. He is nervous, more nervous than he’s ever been before, but he knows he can’t live a lie anymore. When he walks into the living room he finds Jem grading papers and Tessa reading The Handmaid’s Tale by Margret Atwood. 
“Tessa, Jem.... can I talk to you for a bit?” Kit asks in a tone full of nerves. Tessa smiles brightly at him and sets her book aside. 
“Of course, come sit down.”She says, patting the free seat next to her.
“Is everything alright?” Jem asks in a worried tone. He is always worried about his kids, he was a total mess throughout Tessa’s pregnancy, wanting to rush her to hospital every time she so much as flinched. 
“I.... need to tell you something.” Kit quietly says, not meeting their eyes. 
“You haven’t gotten someone pregnant have you?” Jem asks in a teasing tone, trying to lighten the mood. Kit gives a short laugh and quietly says
“No, that would be easier to tell you than what I’m about to say. I... don’t know how you’re going to feel about this, you’ll probably hate me and throw me out but... I.... well I’m not gay but I’m not straight either. I’m pansexual, I’m attracted to boys, girls, non-binary people... gender doesn’t play a part in my attraction to people and... right now I... I’m in a relationship with another boy.” Once Kit has finished his explanation, he buries his face in his hands in an attempt to cover up the fact that he’s started to cry.
“Oh Kit, baby don’t cry, come here my love.” Tessa softly says, pulling Kit into her arms, holding him tight and close. “Baby, look at me.”She softly adds, stroking Kit’s cheek with her thumb. Kit lifts his head from her chest, his blue eyes still filled with tears. 
Before Tessa says anything, Jem gets up and sits on Kit’s other side, wrapping his arms around he and Tessa. 
“Kit, my sweet boy, Jem and I don’t care about your sexuality, we could never hate you for something like that, especially when neither Jem nor I are straight either.” Tessa quietly says. Kit’s eyes widen with shock, this wasn’t something he was expecting her to say.
“Y-you’re not?”He stammers. 
“No, Tessa is demisexual which means she only experiences attraction to people she knows well, and I’m bisexual.”Jem gently explains. 
“So... you don’t hate me? You’re not going to throw me out?” Kit asks in a tearful tone. 
“Of course not Kit, you’re our baby, our son, we would be disgusting awful parents if we stopped loving you because of your sexuality, we just want you to be happy and safe.” Tessa gently explains. 
“I love you too, I’m so glad you don’t hate me, I didn’t want to leave.”Kit tearfully admits, wiping at his tears. 
“You can live with us all your life if that’s what makes you happy.” Tessa gently says.
“So who’s this boy your seeing? Can we meet him?” Jem asks.
“I... well you see he’s not out yet and you know him, so I can’t tell you who it is but he’s wonderful and amazing and I love him.” Kit explains. 
“I see, well as long as he treats you well and makes you happy then I’m happy.” Tessa says.
“I’m happy for you too Kit but know that I’m not going to stop worrying about you now and how your boyfriend is treating you, if he ever hurts you, you just come to me and I’ll deal with him okay?” Jem says in a serious tone. Kit laughs lightly and  says
“Yeah okay dad.” He freezes when he realizes what he’s just said. He always called Tessa and Jem by their names, even though they were very much like parents to him, this was the first time he had called Jem ‘dad’ and he hadn’t meant to. “I... is it okay if I call you dad?” Kit quietly asks. 
“Only if I can call you Christopher.” Jem teases, knowing that Kit hates being called by his full name or any variation of it, though he himself thinks it is a wonderful name. Kit grins shyly at him and says
“You can call me Christopher once a day.” Jem grins at him and nods.
The next day Kit leaves for school a bit earlier than usual so that he can walk by the Blackthorn's and wait for Ty who always left a bit earlier than his siblings. He wanted to tell Ty that he had come out and Tessa and Jem are so wonderful and understanding. 
Kit gave Ty a quick text to let him know he would wait by his house to walk to school with him, just before he left. Now he has been standing outside The Blackthorn’s house for about ten minutes, waiting for Ty. As Kit runs through a mental list of all the exams he has coming up, he hears a door open and shut behind him, and he turns to see Ty walking toward him, his headphones around his neck, grinning at Kit. Ty is autistic and also has sensory processing disorder, meaning everything seems brighter, louder, stronger smelling, etc. for him. Sometimes it really overwhelms him, especially the loud noises, so he often wears headphones to block out the noise. Other kids in school are always laughing at him and making him the brunt of the joke but Ty always has someone to stand up for him, usually it’s Livvy and Ty in school, anywhere else it’s all of his siblings and his father who stand up for him and defended him. 
“Hey.” Kit lightly says, as Ty reaches his side. 
“Hi, I missed you.” Ty softly says, leaning in to give Kit a quick kiss. 
“I missed you too, how was your weekend? Did you do anything interesting or fun?” Kit asks, as they link hands and set off down the road toward school.
“I came out to my family.” Ty says in a nonchalant tone, surprising Kit. As far as he was aware Ty had no plans to come out anytime soon.
“Really?”  Kit asks.
“Yeah, Helen and Aline set a wedding date and Mark’s going to be a dad, Cristina’s pregnant, I figured since there had already been two big announcements I might as well come out, I thought it might not seem such a big deal compared to Helen and Mark’s news.” Ty explains.
“So how did it go?” Kit curiously asks. 
“Great, everyone was fine with it, Mark says he always knew I’m gay and so does dad, no one made a big deal out of it or anything which I’m really glad about. I told them I was dating someone but I didn’t tell them it was you because I know you aren’t out yet.” Ty tells him. 
“Actually I am, now. I came out to Tessa and Jem last night and they were totally fine with it, they were really accepting. I told them I was dating someone too but I didn’t say it was you either because I thought you were still in the closet.” Kit says, laughing at the irony of it all. 
“I’m okay with you telling Tessa and Jem you’re dating me, are you okay with me telling my family I’m dating you?” Ty asks. 
“Yes of course! I want the whole world to know about us Ty, I love you so much and I want everyone to know it!” Kit exclaims. 
“I love you too.” Ty quietly says, squeezing Kit’s hand softly. 
“I knew it!” Comes a familiar female voice from behind them. Ty and Kit turn to see Livvy standing a few feet behind them, grinning triumphantly. 
“Did you follow us?” Kit asks in a tone of astonishment. He never thought that anyone would follow them, especially not Livvy.
“That’s not important Christopher, what’s important is that you two are dating and I knew it all along!” Livvy exclaims, waving away Kit’s question.
“How did you know? I never told you.” Ty asks his twin, as she runs to catch up with them.
“You didn’t have to, it is so obvious just from the way you two look at each other, I remember mom and dad use to look at each other like that and Helen and Aline look at each other the same way, also Kit’s whole face turns red every time your name is brought up Ty, also through our twin bond I can feel the love you have for him!” Livvy exclaims in a smug tone.
“No you can’t, that’s not a thing.” Ty says in an amused tone. 
“Ty! Shut up, you ruined it! I was trying to freak Kit out!” Livvy says in an amused tone. 
“That’s not very nice.” Ty lightly says, looping his free arm through Livvy’s. 
“It’s also not very nice to keep secrets from your twin! When are you two going to tell everyone else?” Livvy curiously asks. Ty and Kit share a look and Kit says
“Today? I can come around to yours after school and when we’ve told your family Ty, you can come back to mine and we can tell Tessa and Jem.” Ty nods and says
“Okay, sounds good to me.”  
“Hey you two should have a double wedding with Helen and Aline!” Livvy chirps. 
“We’re 16 Liv, we can’t legally get married. Also we’ve only been together a few months, it’s a bit soon for marriage.” Kit says in an amused tone. 
“Details details Christopher, I’m going back to the house to get my bag, you two go on with me but don’t get up to anything too crazy.” Livvy says, winking at them before turning and running back to the house.
“I think she’s more invested in our relationship than us.” Kit jokingly says. 
“She’s just excited for us, for me, she’s really happy I’m out now and that I’m happy with you, it’s rather sweet.” Ty says in a tone of affection. 
“I’m happy you’re happy with me too, I love you.” Kit quietly says, pausing at the side of a shop and pulling Ty closer to him. 
“I love you too.” Ty quietly says, running his fingers through Kit’s thick blonde hair.
“Kiss me.” Kit quietly says. And he does, and Kit never wants him to stop and Ty doesn’t want to stop either, and that is how a few minutes later they decide to bunk off school and spend the day together, finally being able to be their true selves. 
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