#and plus im going to do a zip line course and im both excited and absolutely terrified
greenmenace · 2 years
Sorry for not being around, I've just been a little busy with birthday shenanigans, I'll be 21 next Sunday!
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bruhlsbees · 3 years
sweet disposition: 1/? || femaleprofessor!reader x modern!alex kerner
hi bestie hehe i’d like to request a little series for you, sub! a little jealous modern alex keener (of age) x professor! f reader (late 20’s) - shes an english romantic lit professor & her “love interest” is a film professor who is one of alex’s shared teacher. alex has a little crush on her, and knows the film teacher is after her. super fluffy, smut maybe??? u decide baby, im just so excited eeeeek!!!
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summary: alex kerner is a senior film student and develops a crush for his friend, denis, english professor
pairing: modern!alex kerner and professor!reader
warnings: age gap (alex is 22 and reader is 32), wet dream, sweet sweet pathetic boy, nsfw, 18+, minors dni
word count: 4,387
a/n: thank you for the request @gotmadison ily sweet gal!! this will be a short fic series i write and will post probably throughout the coming weekend! :) please enjoy and if you have any requests or asks please send them in!!!
For Alex Kerner, a senior film student, nothing bored him more than the first day of a new unit. He knew what to expect - twenty plus slides about some dead, or borderline dead, director while connecting their life to the style of films they did and how it related to whatever political controversy was going down at the time. Alex knew that there was a reason for going into so much history to better understand the meaning of the films, but jesus did it have to drag for so long?
The auditorium that Alex’s class was held in was larger, although the class was rather small. There were maybe, at most, thirty students in his class, including him, which felt empty as the auditorium they were in was meant to hold almost double that. Alex didn’t mind though, of all the rows, he was the only one in the back, taking the middle seat - of course, the best view to see a film. He recognized a lot of the faces in his class, as it was a senior level class, but he didn’t bother to converse with many.
It wasn’t that he was shy, not overly at least, he just didn’t care to make friends. It was an afternoon class, he was just getting out of work to rush to his class, and far too exhausted to try and fake being friendly…hence him sitting in the back, all alone. 
The ‘Authorship in Cinema’ course he was currently in was held twice a week - both two hours long. The first class of the week was held for lectures and the second class was held for the film screening. The university was just getting back from winter break, continuing into the last half of the semester. In Alex’s class they had finished their unit on Roman Polanski before the break and they came into the next covering Krzysztof Kieślowski. Alex was thrilled to say the least about not having to listen to his film professor rave on Polanski. Even after discussing Polanski’s case, his professor still seemed to idolize the man.
Alex was not fond of his film professor. He was a younger professor, maybe in his late thirties, early forties, and he seemed to praise the worst directors he could find. His name was Jaxon Thorne and was the staple image of a douche. He always wore faded jeans that were tight in the crotch, scuffed up sneakers that he always tried to pass as being cool, and a sweater with a scarf - even though they were inside. He truly didn’t get how girls liked the man. Alex wouldn’t lie though, some of his opinions were interesting, but the guy loved to hear himself talk, that much was obvious. 
They weren’t even at the tenth slide yet when Alex felt himself beginning to doze off. Work had been busy today, fixing satellites and dealing with prissy wives and their drunk husbands. He was almost late getting to class with all the traffic that was on the highway. The last thing he wanted to do was attend class. It took everything in him not to put his head down and go to sleep right there. He had done it before, and that was a mistake he would never make again. Waking up to everyone staring and snickering while the teacher was hovering over you meant for a lasting effect.
But Alex just couldn’t take it, he was so bored with Kieślowski’s early work. The documentaries of everyday lives for city dwellers, workers, and soldiers could not keep his attention even if he wasn’t tired. He sunk down into his seat, crossing his arms over his chest, before craning his head to the side on his shoulder. His blinking became slow, desperately trying to stay awake and pay attention, but his eyes grew heavy, and before he knew it, his mouth was gaped open, drool slipping out of the corner of his lips.
He didn’t know how long he had dozed off for, but when he woke up he heard the projector screen zip up and the lights click on. Jumping slightly, Alex sat back up, feeling the stickiness of his drool on his face. With a groan, he wiped his face with the sleeve of his jean jacket before beginning to pack his things up into his bag.
“On Wednesday we will dive into his documentary, Workers, and discuss the censorship aspect of it. Come prepared to watch the screening and discuss afterwards. If anyone has any questions or comments, I’ll be staying after for a few minutes.” 
Rolling his eyes, Alex pushed himself out of his chair, swinging his bag over his shoulder before rushing out the back door at the top of the auditorium. He couldn’t have gotten out of there fast enough to avoid his teacher from going off on an ‘intellectual conversation’ on their new unit. Barf.
Alex was happy though to finally be out of class and to enjoy his hour and a half break before his next class. He knew he should have been finalizing what project he wanted to submit for critique in his senior portfolio, but he needed something to wake him up. 
As he turned the hallway, going to leave the building, he stopped by the vending machine and pulled out a crinkled bill from his pocket, pushing it into the machine before pressing the buttons to get a bottle of Coke. To his luck, however, the machine stalled, the bottle retriever getting stuck in front of the row and producing an obnoxious ‘whirring’ noise. 
“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!” Gripping the side of the vending machine, Alex shook the machine roughly, rocking the broken vending machine back and forth until setting it back, sending a punch to the front of it.
“Woah, woah! Jesus man what did that vending machine do to you?”
Turning his head, Alex’s glare softened at the sight of his friend, Denis, approaching him. Denis, with his books still in his hands, tucked them under his arm as he stood in front of the machine, watching as the machine stalled with Alex’s bottle of Coke.
“The stupid thing got stuck! Is it too much to ask for a bottle of co-”
Before he could finish his sentence, the machine began to work again, grabbing the bottle and dispensing it below. Staring blankly at the bottom, his lips pulled into a tight line, Alex could only feel the embarrassment settling in - and it didn’t help to hear Denis laugh at how ridiculous he reacted.
“Oh my god, dude, you seriously need to take it easy. Did work kill you that bad?” Denis asked, watching as Alex bent down to pull out the bottle, standing back up as he began unscrewing the cap, guzzling the pop down. 
Nodding his head, Alex screwed the cap back on before tucking the bottle in his bag, hiccuping at the carbonation before sighing, “Yeah, and it doesn’t help that I gotta go to Professor Dick’s class right after.” 
Shifting his weight from one foot to the other, Denis nodded, listening to Alex as he vented, “Yeah, Thorne’s a real piece of work. But hey! Only gotta deal with him for another semester after this. Who knows, maybe he will knock a student up and ditch down?”
The fantasy would have been nice to come true, but Alex knew that it would stay just that - a fantasy. Thorne was a questionable guy, with interesting ideas and made borderline inappropriate comments towards the female students in all his classes…but that was just it, he could charm anyone he wanted, and that’s how he stayed around.
“Yeah, maybe when dogs walk on two legs…” Alex mumbled, pressing his knuckles to his eyes and rubbing the sleep out of them, a yawn escaping his lips. 
As he dropped his hands down to his side, he felt Denis nudge him in the arm, groaning at the contact as he was too tired to have any contact, “You got class at seven right?”
Nodding, Alex blinked, a tired smile on his face as he smacked his lips, “Yeah…seven to nine, best time of day to have a senior portfolio workshop.” 
Denis laughed at the sarcastic comment, mentioning that it could’ve been worse and be at seven in the morning than at night. Alex, however, couldn’t see how anything could be worse than an evening class after a long day of work.
“Listen, I got my ‘Romanticism in Literature’ class in a few…why don’t you come with me? My teacher’s pretty cool and I’m sure she won’t mind if you sit in. I’m in the back anyways so she probably won’t even realize. She’s got pretty bad vision I’ve realized. I think she said that her glasses don’t got the right prescription or somethin. She’s always runnin late and claims she never has time to put her contacts in.” 
The detailed explanation of the professor’s vision made Alex laugh, shaking his head as Denis looked at him confused, cheeks red, “What? It’s what she’s told us! She’s always coming in late. I wouldn’t be surprised if she came in late this time around. She’s got office hours before class, so she probably gets held up with a student.”
“Sounds like you’re in love with her, is that right, Denny Boy? Someone’s gotta crush on the teacher? Ain’t that every high school kid’s fantasy? Get the hots for the teacher?” 
Scoffing, Denis rolled his eyes at Alex’s teasing and shoved him in the arm, “No man, come on now, it ain’t like that. Look if you don’t wanna come I don’t care, but I gotta go before I’m late.”
Holding his hands up in defense, Alex trailed behind Denis, going back in the direction he originally came from, “Hey, hey, I was only kidding, don’t gotta get defensive. I’ll take along, hopefully I won’t fall asleep in this class. Why you even taking this class anyways?”
Following Denis into the class, the auditorium setup similar to the one he just came out of, except smaller, Alex sat beside Denis in the back row, watching as the class filled up, only a few seats not filled. 
“I guess I gotta earn some more credits outside my degree, this was the only one that wasn’t completely filled up yet and it worked with my schedule. It ain’t too bad, she gives us a lot of free time to work.” 
Watching as Denis set his bag down beside him, opening his textbook to where they left off the other day, Alex watched Denis prep for the class, the teacher not in sight. Alex figured that the teacher must have been running late, like Denis said she always did, but he couldn’t help but wonder how long it’d be before she even showed up.
Fifteen minutes after class was supposed to begin the front door ripped open, slamming shut seconds after while heels frantically clicked towards the desk in the front of class.
“Sorry I’m late! I got caught up with another professor. I hope you all enjoyed your winter breaks and are happy to be back. I know I’m thrilled to be back!” 
The sweet voice caught Alex’s attention, his eyes pulling from his cell phone and to the front of the class where the professor had just walked in. He felt his mouth fall open slightly, catching it before Denis noticed his reaction.
He was expecting an old lady for Denis’ class, someone who was on the edge of death and smelled of cats. What he found, however, was someone the complete opposite. Younger, curvier, and the scent that filled the room when she entered was warm - like she just finished drinking a cup of coffee.
Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun, bangs hanging low over her eyes, covering the tops of her crooked frames. She couldn’t have been all that older than him, maybe mid-thirties at max. He didn’t notice what she was wearing below, but the shirt she wore clung to her so well, the outline of her fuller chest displayed with her necklace dipping into her cleavage. 
‘Good God, Alex, get a hold of yourself.’
Alex watched the professor, noticing her speaking although his lusted thoughts deafened his ears. He assumed she was asking how the break went and if anyone did anything fun because a few people raised their hands, a kind smile on her face as she listened to her students.
“That’s great to hear, Polly! You’ll have to show me the photos you took sometime. I have never been to that side of the country before,” Her head shifted towards the other side of the room, looking up at the higher rows. “Did anyone else have anything to share about their break?”
Denis’ professor sat patiently and listened to everyone who wanted to share, giving everyone the opportunity to discuss their breaks before she opened up her laptop to get started with class. Alex watched as she picked up the remote and pointed it to the projector box, the screen coming down beside her with her computer screen displayed.
Her home screen featured what he assumed to be her and some friends. He recognized a few of the people in the photo as they were also professors at the university - what made Alex turn his nose, however, was right beside her - in all his douchebag glory, Jaxon Thorne. Before he could make a cohesive thought, the photo went away and a slideshow on Mary Shelley appeared…and maybe for the better.
“Okay everyone! As mentioned in the email, we are gonna be diving into Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein for this part of the semester,” She began, her warm smile still ignited, chuckling lightly as some of the students up front became uneasy in their seats, excited for the novel, “I’m glad to hear we have some fans. Now, I promised that I wouldn’t give you any reading over break, but because of that we will be reading quite a bit over the next few weeks.”
The slide shifted to the reading guide and what chapters were due when. Alex watched as some students scribbled the due dates down while others pulled out their cell phones, snapping a photo before stuffing their phones away. 
“For Wednesday I would like you all to have read the preface and letters one through four. Come prepared to discuss your analyses of the text and any questions you may have. Of course, I’ll have my office hours open tomorrow and Wednesday before class, but if there are any questions, you can send me an email and I’ll try to get back with you in a timely manner.” 
The rest of class seemed to lull by, Alex’s gaze fixed on the professor that continued to go over what the last half of the semester would look like, answering the occasional question, before finally it was time to pack up and go. Frowning, Alex shifted in his seat, looking at Denis who was packing things up in his bag. 
“It’s over?” Alex asked, eyebrows furrowed, a pathetic frown on his face.
Looking up from his bag, Denis smiled, nodding, “Yeah man, it is. Why? You fall in love with Mary Shelley?” Standing up, Denis pushed his seat under the table and shrugged his shoulders, “I mean, if it works for your schedule and you’re interested, maybe go up and ask if you can enroll. I don’t know if you’ll be able to with it being so late in the semester, but it’s worth a shot,” Glancing down at his watch, Denis sighed, “Look, I gotta run, but let me know how it goes, okay?” Patting Alex’s back, Denis rushed up the stairs and out the back door, fleeing the auditorium to get to his next class on time.
Meanwhile, Alex kept seated, watching as the professor talked with some students who approached her desk after class, laughing and admiring the editions of Frankenstein that students presented. Was this how professors could be with their students? Actually caring and involved? It seemed like Alex had poor luck with his own professors - either they were old as a bat and didn’t know how to work the computer, or they were a presumptuous dick.
When the students began to flock out, already discussing how they were looking forward to Wednesday’s class, Alex finally stood up, pulling his bag over his shoulder and making his way down the auditorium steps. She hadn’t noticed him as he walked, writing something down in her planner. As he stood now in front of her, he cleared his throat awkwardly, gaining her attention as she looked up, squinting before taking her glasses off.
“Hello,” he began shyly, adjusting the strap of his bag, “I’m Alex. My friend, Denis, he’s in your class.” 
At the mention of Denis, she smiled and nodded, “Yes! Denis, nice boy he is,” She adjusted her position in her seat, leaning back slightly, “I-I’m sorry, are you in my class? I don’t believe I’ve ever see-”
“No! I mean, no, no I’m not in your class. I have a free hour before my next class and Denis invited me to sit in for this one,” He rushed, cheeks red as he realized how abruptly he had interrupted her, “I’m sorry, um, yeah I just came down because I really enjoyed your lecture today. I was curious if there was any way I could maybe enroll? I know it’s late in the semester, but I did enjoy today.” 
The cheeky smile faded into a sadder, smaller smile. She chewed on her bottom lip before leaning forward again, crossing her arms over chest, accentuating her cleavage that Alex desperately tried not to stare at.
“Oh, I’m sorry Alex, but I don’t think I can convince the department to let you in this late in the semester. I love your enthusiasm with the course and would love to have you in my class, but I don’t think I can make that happen.” Her smile dropped to a frown when she saw the visible disappointment in Alex’s face before bending over to open her bag, pulling out a copy of Frankenstein, handing it to Alex.
Looking down at the copy, Alex opened the cover, reading what he assumed to be her name in the cover, before flipping through the pages, a weak smile on his face, trying his best to not look so pathetic in front of her.
“How about this? I probably shouldn’t, but if you want to sit in on the days you’re free, you’re more than welcome to. I’ll forward you the reading guide so you can keep up with us, but you won’t earn any credit in this class. Is that okay?” 
His frown turned into a grin, looking up from the book, Alex nodded, his cheeks pink as his toothy crooked grin spread across his face, “Yeah, yes. Thank you,” Tugging down the front of his striped blue shirt, he cleared his throat awkwardly, looking down at the book before back up at her, “Um, so when are your office hours? Just in case I have any questions?”
Letting out a faint ‘ah’, she opened her notebook and scribbled some notes down, tearing off the paper and handing it to Alex, “You’re more than welcome to shoot me an email though if you need help outside of my office hours. Or you can call my office number, sometimes I answer it.” She admitted, her own cheeks going pink at the confession.
Smiling, Alex looked down at the paper and made a mental note to remember all that she had given him.
My email,
My office number,
Office hours are M&W: 3-5:15 and T&R: 1-2
Class takes place on M&W from 5:30-6:30
The smile she left on the page made Alex’s stomach flutter. His thumb ran along the smiley face before he looked up, thanking her quietly for the note. She was sweet, almost too sweet for Alex to absorb, like he was in a sugar coma and begging for more. 
“Of course, it was nice to meet you Alex. I’m looking forward to seeing you in class. I don’t mean to run off, but I’m to meet another professor here in a couple minutes and don’t need to be lectured on being late.”
When she stood up, Alex’s face went hot. The flowy flower blouse that showed more cleavage than he had seen on a professor before was tucked into a tight jean skirt, clinging to her hips in all the right places, a thick black belt holding it all together. If it weren’t for the fact that he was right in front of her, he probably would have started drooling. 
Packing up her desk, she stuffed her things in her bag, throwing her sweater over her shoulder before throwing her bag around her, moving around the desk to stand beside it now, looking up at Alex. He noted how she was shorter, the heels helping her with height, and how good her legs looked in them. Clearing his throat, he shifted his bag around him to sit in front of his pants, attempting to hide any possible pop-up in his jeans.
“If you’re free tomorrow, stop by my office hours. I’ll even buy you a coffee if it’s too early for you. I know you college boys stay up far too late. I can only imagine what your mothers think.” She teased, shaking her head and she turned and began to head out of the room, hearing Alex keep tight on her trail. 
Turning off the lights and letting him leave first, she shut the door behind her and stood beside Alex, motioning towards the English department office, “I’ll see you tomorrow, or Wednesday, my office is the last one on the right. I’ll be sure to leave my door open!” 
Nodding, Alex smiled and waved goodbye as she waved back, rushing down the hall and weaving through the students to get into the office. Letting out a sigh, Alex leaned against the doorway, processing his first encounter with the professor, the boyish lust grin stuck on his face.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
Panting hard, Alex gripped her hips tight, his fingers digging into her plush figure, grunting as he snapped his hips into her from behind, her pillowed ass meeting him with each thrust. The sweat that built up on him was beginning to fall down face, trailing down his neck and chest. 
Tangling his right hand into her hair, his left still placed on her hips, Alex pulled her locks gently, smiling at the sound of her wanton moan, her eyes rolling back into her head. 
“A-Alex! Oh god, Alex, I don’t think I’m going to last. F-Fuck!” 
Feeling his own climax build, Alex let out a shaky breath as he bent down craning his neck to kiss her lips as he continued to rut inside of her, his thrusts becoming sloppy and quicker.
The sensation became too much too quickly, his legs shaking as he kneeled behind her befo-
Jolting awake, the obnoxious phone alarm woke Alex from his dream, resulting in a now completely frustrated mood. While still on his back, Alex reached behind him on the shelf that rested behind his bed frame, pulling his phone up and looking at the screen, squinting to gain his vision from waking up, the bright screen burning his eyes.
When he unlocked his phone and opened it, prompting him to his email, his frown lit up and turned into a smile, seeing her name in his inbox.
Good evening, Alex!
I’m sorry this is so late, I’m finally getting back to my apartment and wanted to send this your way before I forgot. Here is the reading guide for the rest of the semester and that information I shared with you earlier in case you lost it.
I look forward to seeing you in my office tomorrow or Wednesday. I hope you have a good night! :)
Alex’s mood quickly shifted after reading the email. While he was disappointed that the wet dream he was having with her ended so soon, he was more than pleased to see that he had an email from her. Clicking his phone off, Alex tossed his phone onto his bed, sitting up with his hand behind him to keep him up.
His room illuminated a red/orange hue from the lava lamp that sat on his dresser in the corner of his room. Turning his attention towards the window, he looked behind the blinds to see the city life outside his apartment lit up, the sound of music coming from the club down the road and laughs from those partying. 
Letting out a yawn, Alex shook his head and rubbed his face, shifting his legs before stopping quickly, feeling the mess in his boxers. Looking down, Alex groaned seeing the stain in his boxers, pressing his hand to feel the wet spot before sighing, standing up. He pulled his boxers carefully off, tossing them into his laundry basket before making his way into the bathroom to clean up. 
When he entered the small bathroom that was connected to his room, he hissed at the bright light as it came on, looking at himself in the mirror. His hair was tangled up, sticking out on the sides and his eyes were squinted, too tired to open them fully. Shaking his head, Alex climbed into the shower and started the water, the cold water hitting him both waking him up and cooling himself down.
He was absolutely and pathetically smitten over her. There was no doubt about it. Since leaving her class, the only thoughts that occupied his mind were of her. He had already planned out what he would wear tomorrow when he went to her office hours. It was pathetic, truly, with how quickly he was letting the woman ruin him. It was ridiculous to say, no doubt, because what would happen between them? Nothing. Not a single thing would come between the two other than a conversation about Frankenstein, maybe a personal question here and there.
Or so he thought.
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swiss-cheeze · 4 years
What Gube Wore || Matthew Gray Gubler
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Request: YES/NO: I asked the Instagram account whatgublerwore if I was able to use a few of their posts (as well as a few I asked for specifically) and they agreed!
Gender: they/them, none.
Warnings: uh, cute? Kissing, Gube being Gube.
‘Can we go for a walk?’ you had asked, ‘of course, after I finish learning this scene babe,’ he said. Oh yeah, walk, AN HOUR AGO. All you wanted to do was to take a walk in the nearby park, frolic in the flowers and then walk home in the dark with Matthews arm wrapped around your shoulders as you try not to fall asleep on him.
That's it, that's all.
You loved him with every fibre of your being, for five years of course you did, DO. But goddamn can Gube be annoying.
Matthew at a red carpet two years ago.
Criminal Minds.
This is what graced your instagram page as you scrolled through that little magnifying glass at the bottom of your screen. Scrolling. Scrolling. Scrolling. God, it was endless! You let out a little huff as you put your arm down beside you, phone still in hand, and let your head fall back on the top of the couch. You could hear Matthew rehearsing upstairs for one of the newer movies he recently got cast in; Gube did allow you to rehearse lines with him every now and then when he needed it, bounding down the stairs with a ‘BABE HELP’ before shoving the paper into your chest, telling you what to read and where to end before bounding back up to his office for another few hours, however that was not the case today. Picking up the dreaded block of wires and battery you scrolled to the top of the discovery page, pulled down and waited for the pictures to load, however as soon as the pictures did load, one caught your eye. You cocked an eyebrow as you pressed on it; a half picture of Gube and the shirt he had on and the other half was the shirt he was wearing in the picture.
‘Whatgublewore’, was the name. You cocked an eyebrow as you clicked onto the profile, and sure enough there was 29 posts of shirts that Gube had worn, that teddy bear face coin purse (you swore you saw that purse not a day ago), sweatshirts, jackets, a cup and that orange and black scarf of his you loved. They were all there including the real names as well as ebay listings or prices from the actual website, you couldn't help the smile that spread on your face as you went through every single post, looking at the listings as well as the names and liking the ones you, well...liked, obviously. It didn't cross your mind that yourself and Matthew had been out about your relationship for the past 4 years and whoever ran the account would see that ‘(Y/n)_Gube’ would be liking their posts...whoops? You shrugged at the thought as you finally got to the end of the posts, and followed the account as a devious plan crossed your mind, an evil grin replaced the previous happy smirk as you got off the leather couch and bounced to Matthews office.
“Guuubbeeee~” you sang from outside the door with the ‘shave and a haircut’ knock. You could hear the rustling of Matthew as he put down his script, possibly his journal, what sounded like a few pencils and another book? (possibly his art book?). The oak door opened and you were met with a disheveled looking Matthew; hair sticking in every angle and matted, sweaty, but still smiling.
“Hey darling, you okay?” he asked, you gave out a laugh as you pushed Matthew back into the room and walked straight for the unopened window.
“You have to learn to open the window in this room Gube, remember last time?” you questioned as you opened the window, a nice gust of wind rustling the sill, curtains and loose papers as Matthew let out a soft sigh from the sudden coldness in the room.
“What? Me passing out? No not at all,” Matthew said with a laugh as he played with his shirt before sitting back down in front of his desk and picking up a blue colour pencil, you shook your head as your devious plan rolled itself onto its back in your mind.
“Gube, you said we would go for a walk when you finished the scene!” you huffed softly like a little child as the scratching of Matthews pencil came to a halt and he placed his head in his hands on his desk, your face fell. He was exhausted, “oh...babe,”
“Im sorry,” the small whisper came from Matthew as he rubbed his hands over his face, “Darling i am really sorry,”
“Oh sweets,” you mumbled as you padded softly to the man in front of you, your hands coming onto Matthews shoulders and rubbing the tension and knots out of them, Matthew groaning appreciatively, “come on babe, it's not too late; let's go for a walk to the park and get some ice cream” you kissed the side of Matthews head softly before going lower down his ear. Leaving butterfly kisses to the side of his neck, down his collarbone before giving a little nip and quickly kissing your boyfriend's cheek, his hearty laugh bubbling from his throat.
“Yeah come on, grab some shoes let's go to the park,” Matthew said happily as he stood up but you blocked his walk way, a cocked eyebrow was all you got.
“Can I wear your Coach Western Parka with fringe from the 2018 fall slash winter collection?” you questioned with a shit eating grin, Matthews mouth dropped open for a moment before closing, opening, closing and opening again as his finger came up to point at you, took a breath before clothing his mouth again.
“My what?” Matthew questioned, completely oblivious and confused, you giggled.
“That jacket you wore to the Horse Girl premier earlier this year!” your excited voice rang out, Matthew winced slightly with a laugh.
“Right, that one, of course! How could i forget” Matthew said with a laugh as he put a finger in his ear and wiggled it, “huh? I'm sorry? What? I can't hear you, my girlfriend made me deaf” Matthew said with a laugh as you giggled with him, giving a little ‘im sorry’ before Matthew shook his head and quickly picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder and walking to your shared bedroom. Your loud screams of ‘GUBE’, ‘PUT ME DOWN’, and ‘TWIG’ seemed to go on deaf (pun definitely intended) ears as you hit Matthews butt softly, after a few seconds of Matthew walking (seemingly taking the long route to the bedroom) you started to just play with his nice rounded butt, hitting it like bongos while making ‘boop boop boop’ sounds. “You good back there?” Matthews asked, aliebt loud so you could hear what he was saying.
“Perfectly fine besides the dizziness of my blood rushing to my head!” you said with a laugh before Matthew finally got to the bedroom and placed you down on the shared bed, walking to the wardrobe he found the jacket you requested and threw it to you from across the room before the two of you started moving around the room/house; grabbing shoes, keys, purses or wallets as well as Matthew quickly shoving on a jumper he left from earlier in the day before heading out the door for a nice relaxing walk...plus ice cream!
About a week passed since you asked specifically for Matthews clothing and since then you hadn't asked for them by name, just taking what you wanted because you knew Gube wouldn't mind either way, but as the two of you where getting ready to go shop in a few new thrift stores as well as the newly opened ‘The Smell Of Old Books And Coffee’ cafe; buy, read or rent books while drinking your favourite drink or cakes, only rule? You spill it, you buy it. You grinned as you swiped through that same instagram page before finally landing on something good, you liked the photo, read the title a few times and then closed the app and your phone and shoving it into your jeans pocket as Matthew walked into the bedroom.
“You ready doll?” Matthew asked as he put away a few of your stray shirts, you smiled.
“Yeah, can i just borrow your Vintage Tuak Canada Wool Sweater?” you asked with a devilish grin as Matthews face broke out in a smile too.
“Okay, what's up with you?” Matthew asked as he stood in front of you, “how do you know all these names suddenly that I can't even remember or know?”
“I have my ways~” you singed, “gray zip up sweater with what looks like brown snowflakes on it,” you said describing the jacket, Matthews eyebrows rose in confusion.
“Gotta give me-”
“You spilt orange juice on it when we went on a breakfast date in the winter two years ag-”
“YEP OKAY” Matthew said quickly, remembering the embarrassing moment instantly, you laughed as you put a finger in your ear and wiggled it.
“I'm sorry? Did you say something? I think my boyfriend screamed so loud HE MADE ME DEAF” you yelled at the end of your sentence jokingly as Matthew rubbed the sweater on your face, muffling your laugh.
“Blah blah!” Matthew said as you took the jumper and slid it on, zipping it up halfway before walking out with Spencer to the shops, your evil plan still dwindling in your mind.
You waited another two, almost three weeks before asking for another article of clothing; this time it was for an radio interview for the both of you, ‘celebrities and their relationships: Matthew Gray Gubler and (Y/n) (L/n)!’.
“BAAAABBBBBEEEEEEE” your loud voice rang out from the kitchen as you heard the tell tale sign of Matthew footsteps moving towards you, his head popping out from a doorway making you laugh as his hair bounced.
“Wassup?” Matthew questioned.
“Can I wear your blue blue japan woven rayon MT. fuji & sakura fubuki short sleeve shirt?” you questioned, “jesus christ that was a mouthful i didn't even think i would get out,” you said with a deep breath and a laugh, Matthew was laughing too with that beautiful smile of his.
“You gotta tell me what shirt that is love,” Matthew said as he finally came to lean against the door frame.
“Blue shirt, you wore it in japan for your book tour,” you said with a grin, “cherry blossom petals-”
“GOT IT” Matthew exclaimed from the hallway as he ran to the bedroom, you waited a few moments and sipped at the juice you had in front of you before hearing Matthews footsteps coming back and into the kitchen with the shirt you requested.
“Thank youuu~” you kissed Matthews cheek on your tiptoes before pulling the shirt over your head and tucking it into your pants.
“You gonna tell me how you know the names of all of these shirts or still keep me in the dark?” Matthew asked as he fingered the collar of your (his) shirt.
“Imma keep you in the dark a little longer” you said with a sigh and sweet smile before Matthew rolled his eyes teasingly and beant to kiss your forehead.
“Alright fine, you gotta tell me soon though” Matthew mumbled softly, you kissed the man's chin as it was the only thing you could reach with his lips on your forehead.
“I will, promise” you said softly, “I just like messing with you, you know that,” Matthew finally released your forehead as you looked at him, your eyes beamed with love and mischief as Matthew smiled before tugging you out of the house and towards the interview.
Again a few weeks past before you asked for another article of clothing of Spencers, this time it was for a cute little local carnival that the two of you agreed to go to, and you just thought this little number would be cute for people to see, so, you bounced to Matthew who was in the kitchen pouring a cup of coffee.
“Oh no, did the body come back alive?” Matthew asked as he added sugar with a grin.
“Oh shit yeah, i had to uh, kill someone else cuz they saw me burying the other one” you said with a laugh, this was an inside joke of course and you two didnt actually kill anyone, Matthew laughed as he took a mouthful of his coffee and leant against the kitchen counter.
“Okay, what do you want this time my little duckling?” Matthew asked, the nickname made you grin wider at the irony.
“Since we’re about to leave for the carnival~” you singsonged as you cozied up to Matthew, him looking down at you with such love and adoration, “could i wear your Ralph Lauren Mallard Sweater?” you asked with a knowing look.
“And what sweater is this exactly?” Matthew asked as he kissed the top of your head and wrapped his arms around you, coffee cup still in hand.
“The ducks!” you happily exclaimed, Matthew made a ‘ah’ sound.
“Should've known,” Matthew laughed, “i'll go grab it while you pack the car?” your boyfriend asked, you gave a nod, kissed his cheek and bounced off to the car to start packing. A few minutes passed and of course Matthew came out with the sweater of your request, handed it to you, gave you a loving kiss against the car and then got in; driving off to the carnival.
The two of you flopped through the door of Matthews ‘haunted tree house’, showbags, teddies and food tucked under each of your arms and a few bags in your mouth for extra space (Matthew had laughed when he asked where the last few bags would go and suggested a second trip but of course, you being you said two trips where for losers and simply opened your mouth, and of course Matthew didn't say no). The bags rustled as they where put down on the couch and you stood around for a little, taking in the day as you pulled out your phone and scrolled through the numerous photos you had taken; on the ferris wheel, darts, milk bottles, a few with fans (those made you smile the most).
“Why are you smiling at your phone doll?” Matthew asked as he somehow morphed next to you, you grinned.
“The photos from today,” you showed the photos on your phone to Matthew who giggled at a few and pointed into some others at peoples passing faces that he thought was funny, but, his laugh was caught short when you swiped across for another photo without realising that that new photo was of Matthews Cherry Blossom shirt, and it was an instagram screenshot.
“Babe whats that?” he took your phone as you protested against him, swiping for the piece of tech, Matthew swiped a few more times and sure enough there was more, specifically of the previous items of clothing you'd asked for in the passing week. He turned to you with a confused look, “okay, cats out of the bag, what's this?” Matthew questioned, you huffed slightly but agreed, the cat was indeed out of the bag.
“Okay okay, i found this account,” you paused and took the phone from Matthew and moved it to Instagram, “here,” you showed the account to Matthew who idly scrolled through the few hundred posts, “they came across my suggested page and i thought they were so cool,” you shrugged feeling slightly embarrassed, “they do a lot of research for what you wear and have and i think it's just a really cool thing that they do and other people also buy what you've worn and it gets those brands out to more people and all of that good stuff and...yeah” you shrugged, “i'm sorry” you mumbled.
“What? No sweetheart, don't say sorry, this is like amazing!” Matthew exclaimed as he brought you in for a hug, “this account is amazing,” Matthew reached into his pocket and brought out his own phone and found the clothing account, “‘Whatgublewore’?” he laughed, “that's one way to put it,” and with that Matthew followed the account as he handed back your own phone.
“You do realise the heart attack you're going to give that person who runs that account right?” you asked with a chortful laugh as Matthew had realisation all over his face.
“Shit,” he thought for a moment.
“Send them a message Gube,” you said knowingly with a laugh.
“RIGHT, yeah that would be a good idea wouldn't it?” Matthew said with a laugh and a smile as he brought up the messaging box.
Yes this is the real Matthew Gray Gubler.
Thank you so much for this account! It's amazing that my fans do these sorts of things, it's slightly weird but weird is good. (Y/n) found your account and for the past few weeks has been asking for certain shirts, jumpers and sweaters with their exact names because of your account!
It's amazing that you've done this and I encourage you to continue.
Don't be afraid to message me if you get stuck, i can send photos of the tags and...stuff, lol.
“How's that?” Matthew asked you, you scanned the message and smiled.
“I think they’ll love it,” you said with a nod, Matthew grinned as he sent the message and turned off his phone.
“Well i think that's enough phone time for one day,” Matthew said he he plucked your phone from your hands amongst your protests, “how about we go up to our room with all the candy we've got, watch movies and eat ourselves into a sugar rush slash sugar coma”
“That sounds brilliant” you agreed as the two of you started gathering the candy into one bag (leaving the others on the couch for you to deal with tomorrow), grabbing a water bottle each from the fridge you always have stored (reusable don't worry) and headed up to your shared room to start binge watching...well, whatever you wanted really.
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got7-markjinson · 6 years
Strawberries and Chocolates
Pairing: JB x Reader x Yugyeom Genre: Fluff; Warnings: None!
You were in love with your childhood friend, Im Jaebum for as long as you can remember. But you have been keeping it a secret which slipped out one drunken night with him. Avoiding the awkward confrontation, you employed your neighbor Kim Yugyeom to pretend to be your boyfriend.
A/N: As I post this, they just released film teaser and I’m screaming/crying! @katdefbeom @parkhabits HELP!
Read: Chapter 1, Chapter 3(END)
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Chapter 2
“A dancer, huh?”, Kat repeated when Yugyeom answered her question on what he does for a living. You’re all currently inside a tailor shop, having a fitting for the dresses and suits of the bridesmaids and groomsmen. It was supposed to only be you who was required to go, but Kat insisted you bring your new “boyfriend” with you.
You were nervous at first, but after introducing Yugyeom to everyone, they seem to welcome him. It didn’t even occur to you that Yugyeom is a very charming person. Somehow you always thought of him as this annoying neighbor and nothing more. But you even got a few looks of approval from your girl friends when they saw how he looked like. Looking at him closer, you realize, maybe he is handsome. Plus his height adds to his points, too.
“Yeah, I do all types of dances but I’m currently teaching street dance at the JYP studio.”, he added.
“Wow! JYP studio! I’m impressed. It’s really a famous studio for dancers.”, Mark chimed in. “I have a few friends who go there for some of their classes.”
“Really? That’s good news for us then!”, Kat clapped her hands. “Maybe you can help us for our dance rehearsal!”
“Dance rehearsal?”
“Yeah. We’re actually planning for a dance at the reception where everyone of our close friends dance with us. That is, if you’re not too busy, of course.”
“Oh, no problem!”, Yugyeom grinned. “If it’s for Y/N’s friends, just let me know so I can make time to help out.”
Kat smiled at Yugyeom’s remark. She’s so happy to see and hear that Yugyeom really cares for her friend.
Meanwhile, inside the dressing area, you were reaching for the zipper of your bridesmaid dress. You were facing the mirror, your back towards the door, when you heard someone come in.
“Need any help with that?”
You turned around to see it was JB. “What are you doing here?”
He chuckled and stepped closer to help you zip up the dress. “I was dying to see how you look like.”
“You mean, you were dying to make fun of how I would look like.”, you corrected and turned to face him again.
He laughed a little more and you see his eyes disappear into crescents again which never fails to make your heart flutter, “That was the plan.”, he said and with both his hands holding each side of your arms, he takes another look at you in the dress. “But you actually don’t look all that bad.”
Your eyes squinted, waiting for the catch, the punchline to the joke. But it never came. He just looked at you with a content smile on his face and you felt your cheeks blush.
Wanting to get rid of the awkwardness, you focused your attention to the tie laying lazily around his neck, “What did you with this?”, you laughed and tried to tie it for him. “Don’t tell me you still don’t know how to tie this.”
“And you do?”, he asked.
“As a matter of fact, I do.”
“I didn’t know that.”, he looked at you in wonderment.
“Well, Mr. Im Jaebum, there’s a lot of me you probably don’t know about, anymore.”, you tapped the tie on his chest, looking satisfied with how it turned out.
Just then, Yugyeom opened the curtains to your dressing area, “Y/N, are you done?”
You and JB turned to look at him in surprise and quickly took a step back from each other.
“Yup. We were just about to go out.”, you answered.
JB nodded to Yugyeom and stepped ahead.
“What was he doing here?”, Yugyeom whispered to you.
“Just saying hello.”, you answered and followed JB out the dressing area.
After Kat checked on all the dresses, she sat back down beside Mark. She asked Yugyeom, “So what do you think of how our Y/N looks? She looks better in a dress, doesn’t she?”, she teased.
“I don’t know.”, Yugyeom answered with his eyes on you and you’re signaling something in the lines of ‘answer nicely, or you’re dead!’, he grinned. “I actually think she looks better when she wakes up in the morning with her messy hair and sleepy eyes.”
You can hear Kat and a few of the other bridesmaids, squeal from Yugyeom’s remark. Yugyeom gave you a quick wink before grinning, pleased with himself.
After a few days, you were surprised when Kat setup another meetup at a dance studio near your place, whose name is familiar to you, but you can’t remember why. You came in and was ushered into one of the rooms. It was dark at first with only a light shining on one person at the center. A song started playing in the background and you can see how the dancer in front smoothly started moving.
When he turned around, you finally saw that it was none other than Yugyeom. You were caught in surprise. He was totally different from how you pictured him to be. It felt like he’s really born to dance, and you can’t help but admire how well he performed. You were speechless the entire time until the song ended, and all the lights went on. You saw your friends were also already there watching with you and applauded.
Yugyeom saw you and gave you his signature puppy look smile, and you smiled back.
Kat revealed about the plans to have the entourage dance with her and Mark during the reception and that is why you were called here. To practice dancing. And now your palms are sweating, predicting all the embarrassment you are going to have when everyone will see you have two left feet.
The next hours were spent on Yugyeom teaching you and your friends the dance to the surprise performance. You thought Yugyeom would tease you because of how slow you were compared to the others, but you were surprised with how patient he actually was with you. He even praises you when you get the step correctly, even if it’s not that good.
Thankfully, the practice ended, and everyone bade their goodbye and thanked teacher Yugyeom.
“You got quite a catch there, Y/N. I’ll make sure you catch the bouquet at the wedding.”, Kat whispered to you before leaving you and Yugyeom standing at the curb in front of the dance studio.
You just now noticed Yugyeom was holding your hand when he pulled you to walk towards your apartment building. You looked at it, how big his hands were enwrapped with yours. You looked at his back, you just now realize how wide and tall he is. Just the boyfriend material, if you didn’t know him any better.
“Why are you so quiet?”, he asked. “Dancing made you tired?”
“I’m sorry I’m not as used to dancing as you are, Teacher Yugyeom.”, you mocked, and he laughed. “Why didn’t you tell me you’re going to teach us dancing?”
“I thought it would be a good surprise for you.”, he grinned. “Plus, I don’t think you would’ve approved.”
“What do you mean?”
“Of me, being around you and your friends as much as necessary.”, he clarified.
You nodded but didn’t deny.
“I’m actually surprised with one of your friends, was it JB?”, he added.
You looked at him, waiting for what he’s going to say about him. Your JB.
“He danced so well. I would’ve thought he’s a dancer, too.”
“Oh”, you nodded and Yugyeom noticed how you smiled proudly to yourself. “Yeah, he’s cool like that.”
When you reached your door, Yugyeom asked, “Hey, can I take a shower at your place first? My shower is still acting up and I wanted to clean before sleeping.”
“Yeah sure. I’m gonna watch TV before sleeping anyway.”, you settled on the couch as he returned to your apartment with a towel and change of clothes.
After showering, he saw you all sprawled out on the couch, asleep. He chuckled at how carefree you were. He turned off the TV and took the remote slowly out of your hands. Raising your hands over to his shoulder, he carried you into your bedroom and tucked you in.
He brushed the hair away from your face and grinned when he saw you smiled in your sleep.
The next day, you woke up to see a chat from JB.
JB: “Do you have any plans today?”
You typed back, “I have work until 6.”
JB: “Can we meet up after?”
You typed back, “Sure.”
You arrived at the restaurant JB reserved and saw he’s already there waiting for you. He stood up when you walked closer and gave you a hug.
It was pretty casual at first, ordering food, eating, having small talks, and updates on the KatMark wedding plans. After dinner, you both walked at a nearby park.
“Five cats???”, you asked in shock and he laughed at how you reacted. “How could you live with five cats?”, you asked again.
“Remember when we were young, we both wanted cats?”
“I remember. But I didn’t think it would be that many!”
He laughed again. “Jen was against cats. So, I guess when we broke up, I splurged.” And with the mention of Jen, you both got quiet. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about me and Jen breaking up.”
You shook your head, “No, it’s okay. I’m the one who was unreachable.” You say.
“You say that, but…”, he began. “I actually avoided you back then too.”
It was the first time you heard it. “I didn’t tell you that me and Jen broke up because I don’t want to tell you why we broke up in the first place.”, he said.
“The truth is, she was really jealous of you. I have put you in a pedestal that she said I wouldn’t be able to love anyone. And I kept telling her she’s wrong about it. That you are special to me but not in that way. But she keeps comparing herself to you. Saying things like, if it was you who did that, I wouldn’t have been mad, or if it was you I’m with, I would have been happier.”
“When we broke up, I thought about it, and maybe she was right. I have loved you for far too long, maybe I just needed to tell you that and everything would be fine. Which is why, I was really excited for the reunion.”
He smiled, trying to compose himself as he tells you this. “Don’t worry, I know you already have Yugyeom. Who I think is really a great person, by the way. I don’t want to ruin that. I just wanted you to know… “, he paused. “When you told me that you loved me back in the bar at that reunion, I thought that was my chance to finally confess my feelings too. But I guess I was too late.”
“I guess what I’m saying is… I’m glad you found him. I see the way he takes care of you. Just forgive me for being a little bitter that it wasn’t me but know that I’m really happy for you.”, You can see the sadness in his smile and your guilt was creeping up into you again.
You couldn’t say anything. You couldn’t really say you and Yugyeom’s relationship is not real. No, you were already in too deep to go back now. Tears are starting to form from your eyes and you summoned all your will not to let it drop.
You were about to put your keys into the door knob when you were startled to see Yugyeom standing in front of his door just a few paces from you.
“It’s really unfair you’re telling me not to date anyone when I see you’re dating someone else.”, he said. His face serious, different from how he usually is.
“What do you mean? JB?”, you asked. “No, that’s not a date Gyeom.”
“It isn’t? Then why do I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me?”, he asked. Please tell me I’m just being paranoid, he said to himself.
“Look, Gyeom.”, you say. “You never asked me why I asked you to pretend to be my boyfriend. I think you need to know why so you understand.”
You walked to the mini playground of your apartment building. You both sat side by side on the swing set under the night sky to talk.
“JB was my childhood friend and I’ve loved him since forever.”, you confessed. “When we graduated from college and had work, he started dating a girl named Jen. The first time I heard of it, my heart was torn to pieces. I know I deserved that, since I never really did anything to tell him about my feelings. And I know I couldn’t bear seeing them together, so I avoided him. When I saw him again at that high school reunion,”, you breathed in. “…my stupid drunken self, confessed to him. About how I fell for him. But I can’t go through with him confronting me about it. So, I took the coward’s route. I told him I already have a boyfriend.” You sighed. “I was so afraid of what he would say or what would happen, I just wanted to let it be the same as it is.”
“Hmmmm...”, Yugyeom thought for a few seconds after you spoke. “I think your fear is invalid. I think if you straight ahead and tell him your feelings he would accept and reciprocate it.”
“I’m afraid of that too.”, you replied.
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve been living my life thinking of this perfect “what ifs” with him. He was that dream, the ideal thing I have in my life. I’m afraid when we get together, it wouldn’t live up to it. and if we end it, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to get him back as a friend.”
“Well, nobody knows that. Nobody knows what would happen, right? You just have to take a leap. Afterall, wouldn’t reality with him a million times better than your perfect “what ifs”?”
You sit and stared at Yugyeom for a moment. You wonder where he found wisdom to speak like that. It gave you a lot to think about. You’re thankful you had that conversation. You somehow see him in a new light. He’s not that annoying neighbor anymore but rather this smart, reliable friend/pretend-boyfriend. 
A/N: Dear reader, when you reach this, please help me decide who y/n ends up with. Team Yugyeom or Team JB ^_^
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Apopka Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32712
"Apopka Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32712
Apopka Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32712
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Question for uk drivers: How much does disqualification effect car insurance?
Was convicted 5 months ago for permitting use of a vehicle without third party insurance and driving with not in accordance with a licence . Got 4 month disqualification but managed to keep driving licence just need to re-apply for it back from d.v.l.a. Does being disqualified greatly effect insurance? will it affect insurance the same as say drink driving?
Are Americans excited about brand new affordable 2014 health insurance plans?
Plans where you pay $610 per month premium for a plan with a deductible of $6,000 dollars before you see any insurance payments So unless you have medical costs above $6,000 you will pay everything yourself in addition to $610 a month as well Are you used to this level of sharing in the cost of your healthcare? So if you see your doctor because you think you might have the flu: $375 You buy some anti-biotic: $450 Hospital night: $6,500 per night Physician MRI: $3,750 Plus every month: $610/month""
What does maternity and complications of pregnancy mean for insurance coverage?
I am looking into getting health insurance and the policy I am currently considering says that maternity and complications of pregnancy are covered as any other sickness. They are in the same section on the same line so I am wondering if this means they cover maternity expenses or if they only cover complications like any other illness. Any help would be great. Thanks!
Car insurance please help?
Car insurance arghhhh !!! help? OK how does this sound to you guys? my mum has two cars one of which is insured with me as a learner im 19 and my sisters as a full driver 22 she is also insured with her own car but on my mums so she culd take me out to learn and for emergency reasons ok so the second car is going to be insured under the same company on a diffrent policy with my mum only. aparently this sounds suspecious ?? pepole think the 1st car is mine but its NOT my mum will be the main driver on both i she will decided which car she takes one day and which the other not me but she got the second car because my sister who is insured on the policy aswell well her car broke so she took a lend of my moms which was annoying for my mom coz she needed it and when she takes me out to learn my mom got fed up waiting till we come back to she jist got a second car to aviod that ! when i pass my test yeah i will be a full liceance on the policy im currently on but that does not mean it will be my car ! only time i can driver it is if my mom or older sister is not using it. BUT ppl are convinced its mine and all that ? surley an insurance company cant refuse to insure???
Insurance Prices please help?
I want to know how much insurance will be. I need auto, health, life, and renters insurance. What prices do the top insurance companies promise for auto, health, life and renters?""
How much does it cost to insure a 17 year old before he has passed his test?
I am a 17 year old boy who is about to book his driving test. However I want to buy my car now and insure it so that my dad can get in the car with me and I can get some extra practice in. I just want to know roughly how much something like this would cost? As I cannot find any details online, only details on how much insurance is for a person who has passed their driving test. I am going to be buying a Peugeot 107 (1 litre)""
How do auto insurance providers calculate your payments?
I just got off the phone with my auto insurance to change my address. They informed me that my rate is going to be $16 more now because I moved to a different zip code. The problem is, I had previously had my insurance changed because it skyrocketed after my previous move. Which is strange because I had moved from the same city before and it went down about $20. I have since moved BACK to the SAME city I was in before and it's going up again?? This makes NO SENSE! I thought it was based off of your location (zip code). But now I just think these insurance companies are making up their own numbers and rules and we're all getting screwed!! Can someone please explain this insanity to me? My zip code is now and was before, 95608. The zip code I just moved from is 95628. Yes, I have moved back and forth 4 times within the same 2 cities if you're confused.""
Is it worth getting motorcycle insurance?
Im about to buy a Drz400sm with a loan. I like to know snice I have a loan should I get insurance coverage on it and what type of coverage like theft for sure im getting it if I do buy insurance. What other coverage should I get for it. I just turn 18 with a super clean driving history and Im planning to take a motorcycle safety course so how much will you believe insurance will coast me on the drz400sm. What are some cheap insurance companies too by the way?
Why do people keep comparing health insurance mandates to car insurance mandates?
Car insurance mandates are done at the STATE level, in accordance with the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. constitution. Yet people (the president included) continue to claim that a FEDERAL mandate to buy insurance is no different than being required to cover your car. (Completely ignoring that you have to BUY a car before you must get insurance...the govt's basically saying they own your body...insure it or be taxed) So isn't a FEDERAL mandate unconstitutional unless you plan on writing an amendment to the Constitution so that such a mandate is in accordance with the Tenth Amendment?? http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0909/27384.html The questions from ABCs George Stephanopoulos highlighted a politically dangerous new aspect of the health reform debate for Obama  as critics from Republican leaders to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce say his reform proposals amount to a middle-class tax increase. Obama promised during the campaign that Americans earning less than $250,000 a year would not see any tax increases from an Obama administration. Obama strongly denied that the mandate amounts to a tax increase  saying it was no different than requiring people to have auto insurance and charging a penalty if they dont. He also said it was important for everyone to have insurance so that people who do carry insurance dont have to shoulder the load for people who dont. The excise tax is designed as an enforcement mechanism to ensure people will carry insurance.""
Will my son be turned down for insurance?
I have an autistic son, and I have decided he needs better hospital insurance than what he has (I have regular health insurance, but his hospital coverage is not great). So I applied for extra hospital insurance. Aside from being pretty severely autistic, he's physically a pretty healthy kid, no major problems, no ongoing treatment. However, recently he needed to have a dental procedure, and they decided it was best that it be done in the hospital, and that he be fully knocked out. A few years back, he also needed to be knocked out for an MRI (he had a seizure, but none since). Anesthesia is expensive, and when he had the dental procedure, it maxed out the hospital coverage on my current plan and I got stuck with a $9000 bill. Hence, the decision for better hospital insurance. When applying for health insurance, they do 5 year medical records check, and those two things are going to come up. What's going to happen... Will I have higher premiums? will they refuse to cover anything they deem is caused by his autism? Or will they flat out reject him? Or will it not be a problem?""
How much would insurance for a 17yr old cost?
the car is a cts-v coupe. I need to know if i can afford the insurance b4 buying for my son. -thanks
Car insurance go up if not your fault?
If somebody hits you from behind, and it's completely their fault, you file claim for insurance, does the non-fault person's insurance go up?""
Does anyone know where I can find good affordable health insurance?
I lost my job a few months ago along with the health insurance, does anyone know where a 24 year old guy, no health problems, etc can find a cheap but good health insurance company?""
""Car insurance for 2 people, is it cheaper to insure 2 seperate cars or 1 ?""
So 1 car each, or one between 2 people..... which one would generally be cheaper ?""
Can insurance company's raise your deductible without you knowing it?
My Daddy thought he had full homeowners coverage for years with a $250 deductible. He found out last week he wasn't as covered as he thought and his deductible mysteriously rose to $1,000. How could a company do that without notification?""
""Does anyone know an insurance company that insures parts of the body i.e. hands, legs, etc?""
I've always said that people that use certain parts of their body to make a living should get that part insured. I've been looking for companies that do that but can't seem to find any. I know celebrities do it, but commoners should be able to also.""
Does anyone know anything about Life Insurance?
I heard on the news that some life insurances might be in trouble..especially if they dealt with AIG. I have life insurance with AARP...Please tell me if I am in danger of losing it....What is the matter with people...Why are they so evil and greedy??? How would I find out if my Life Insurance si still good??
Is Renters Insurance Mandatory If I Rent A Condo?
I've been having a hard time finding a new place, but I came across a very nice 3 story condo complex that had one on the 2nd floor for an affordable price. A few people have told me that I HAVE to get renters insurance if I want to rent it. Is this true? It also claims I have to pay for the gas as well. I've never had to pay for gas before in the apartmetns I've had. Is this a costly expense? thanks!""
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Why is my car insurance quote massive?
Since few weeks im just looking up comparision sites quoting 1.0 engine first cars such as corsa, pug 206, punto, clio, polo etc ( not all of them are 1.0 but from what ive heard it doesnt make that much difference). In fact, i havent got my licence yet but i adjust my details as if I had one already. It was okay when i searched a quote for corsa and polo for provisional - ended up at 1k yearly. Then I've checked full uk at both comprehensive and 3rd party only - prices went up from minimum of 6k up to 30k which is enormous and ridiculous. What might be wrong with that. Most of people says like it should be up to 2 grand, even my instructor said so. Is that my name, postcode, something wrong with cars I choose? It'd be understandable if i wanted range rover or aston martin as first car. Im foreigner, nearly 19, studying and working both full time. It feels like they just picking at me.. Any ideas though??""
Car insurance question..please help.?
Can someone be able to have car insurance in the state of new york and have the registration in someone else's name? Ex: Car insurance by the name of Jane Doe, and Registration by the name of John Doe. Please let me know..thank you.""
What is general insurance?
i want to know abt general insurance.
Is it possible to argue with the insurance company against totaling the car?
The insurance company wants to total the car. I do not. The insurance adjuster's estimate and the body shop's estimate is below the insurance company's valuation of the car (even adjusting for the insurance company's salvage value). The policy defines when they can total the car, when the repair cost is greater than the value + salvage value. It is not there yet. The insurance company is also cheating by unreasonably saying the value is low but even with that, the repair is less. How to I go about changing an insurance company bureaucracy so that they follow the policy?""
Which auto insurence is the cheaper?
i whan insurance may car but which one is cheaper
Does anyone know of an affordable high risk car insurance co. in Calgary Alberta?
Does anyone know of an affordable high risk car insurance co. in Calgary Alberta?
Apopka Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32712
Apopka Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32712
Will my car insurance pay for surgical weight loss surgery?
i live in michigan and have no fault benefits. i was involved in a car accident 2 years ago and lost my leg resulting in weight gain and need to stabilize my weight to wear prostheis. my doctor wants me to get the surgery and has scheduled an appointment with the weight loss clinic.
19 year old male car insurance on a peaugot 206 1.4 ltr?
Im looking on how i can get cheap car insurance on my car iv had my licence for 9 months now no driving experience?
Inexpensive insurance for 25 y.o. with no prior driving history ?
She just bought a 1993 Subaru Justy. We live in Oregon. Do you know how to get quotes on the internet ? Who generally has inexpensive insurance and is not a SCAM ????????
I just got a speeding ticket how much will insurance go up?
Im 18 i was speeding to get to school, 50 in 35... The ticket was worth 50 dollars, i pay 1200 a year for insurance and i was wondering how much it goes up, and my insurance company is farris insurance in Hickory NC, and my sister works there.""
""I was rear ended, question about insurance?""
I was rear ended, and since it was completely the other guys fault my insurance company (allstate) said I could just call his insurance company to file the claim, as they would be paying for everything. So I did, and they sent out the adjuster to assess the damages (basically scratches) and said they will be sending me a check based on the adjusters findings. So... what if when I go to get it fixed it costs more, or what if they find out something is bent or jacked up underneath? Can I go back and ask for more money if that happens?""
Affordable car insurance/ college student. please answer =]?
hey everyone! i am looking for some car insurance! like... the most affordable i can find... for a 98 nissan. i am 18 years old, no accidents or tickets. and im a broke college student soooooo the cheaper the better, and just liability is fine. any suggestions? good/bad experiences? thank you!!""
How much could my car insurance increase if I pay a 90.00 fine that included 1 point on my record?
I have a clean driving record so would it be worth paying the ticket and watching my insurance go up a few bucks? I can't imagine my insurance going up too much for a single point, but maybe I am totally wrong. Any advice on this matter would be much appreciated.""
""Guy at school hit my car, pocketing the insurance money?""
A guy at my college hit my car the other day, and the (lowest) estimate was $1,029. I only paid $1,650 for the car, so it feels like $1k is a little to much for a dent. However, I could really use the money because I just got laid off, have bills, and I'm running low on money. I know I am entitled to this money, but it be wrong to get it and then use it for bills? His dad asked me to do a $500 settlement without insurance, but I know I can get the $1,029. I really do need the money. Ethically, would it be wrong of me to do this?""
Will alloy wheels effect my insurance and in what ways?
I'm 18 and just bought my first car, (Vauxhall Corsa). It came with wheel trims, and ideally I want alloy wheels: but if it's going to put a lot on my insurance then it might not be worth it. They would be after-market alloys, and the same size as the current wheels. I'm currently paying 2,000 for my car insurance: how much would somebody estimate the new wheels increasing my insurance. Many thanks!""
Question about car insurance/registration in Connecticut?
I live in Connecticut, and I just got a car. I am only 17 so the car cannot go in my name because I am not 18. My dad bought the car, but I live with my mom (my parents are divorced), and my license says my mom's address. Is there any way for me to have to car garaged at my mom's house but it be in my dad's name/can I go on my dad's insurance? Reminder: this is for Connecticut!!! I really can't find this information online anywhere, so if anyone knows the answer/ has had this problem please let me know! Thanks!!!!!!""
Motorcycle insurance for 20 yr old mn?
I'm looking at getting a motorcycle and was wondering what it would cost me. I don't have any tickets or anything. My record is clean and I was looking at either a Kawasaki ninja 250 or 500r that would be like a 2005. Maybe a 750ccc cruiser. What difference would there be between the two types of bikes and about what would I be looking to pay?
""Car insurance cancellation, what to do?""
Alright so I had my insurance policy through my mom with Allstate. Today we got a cancellation letter from them, and it was because of a reckless driving charge put against me. What should we do, what is the next step of getting a new policy? My mom also just got a new car about three years ago and i know for sure that she does not have it payed off. Will she be in endangerment of losing her loan. Lastly, if we do get new insurance, what do you purpose the figures maybe?""
Buying a used Honda Civic 1996? First Car? Insurance?
Hi guys. I'm a College Freshman, and I got my California Driver's License last winter break. I am thinking about buying a used Honda Civic 1996. I know the only way I can find out how much insurance would cost me every month would be by me getting a quote. But on a rough estimate, how much would I be paying at age 19 for a Honda Civic 1996, on my own plan. Not on a family plan or anything. Also, plus gas and everything, how much roughly would I be paying every month? Best detailed answer gets 10 points. Thanks!!!""
Car insurance?
which insurance provider gives the cheapest insurance for 18 yr olds
Auto Insurance Price?
Does anyone have a rough estimate of how much my auto insurance would cost per year? I'm a 19 year old female purchasing a 2000 Toyota camry.
Around how much is Driving Insurance for a 17 year old?
Or is it car insurance...w/e What would be the cost? Allstate is the insurance my parents use. What would it be from.
Can i renew my geico auto insurance for just two months rather than six months?
my insurance expires in oct but i'm planning to sell my car by nov. so i don't want to pay for my 6 month renewal in oct. is there a way out? thanks for all suggestions.
Whats the cheapest car insurance for 17yr old girl?
Whats the cheapest car insurance for 17yr old girl?
Can anybody help me figure out how much car insurance would be?
I am 19 years old, female, and I'm moving out on my own. I have to buy my own car insurance. I have a 2004 Mustang that is completely paid for in my name. I need help finding a good insurance company and price range?? PLEASE AND THANK YOU (:""
Looking for affordable medical insurance plan for my husband. he is 31. please suggest?
Looking for affordable medical insurance plan for my husband. he is 31. please suggest?
Health insurance for the poor in California?
Does anybody know how to get some kind of free health insurance in Los Angeles? I lost my job and want to go to school full time but I need health insurance. Med-Cal told me you have to be 65 or disabled
If I buy a turbo car will it raise my insurance?
I have geico, I will be on my own plan. I am 19 years young ( Almost 20 ) Tomorrow I am looking to purchase a 2005 volvo s60 2.5 Turbo .... I've never owned a turbo car before, will it raise my insurance rates with Geico? If so by an enormous amount? or just a little more? I won't buy it if it doubles my insurance! Please help with previous insurance rates based on turbo cares and young drivers. Very important. Thank you""
What does a person credit score have to do with rates on car insurance rates?
It should be against the law since everyone must carry car insurance. Also, what does my low credit score got to with my great driving record? Sounds like another reason to raise rates because most credit scores are low across the board. If someone pays their insurance company on time and has a good driving record should be their only concerns. Doesn't that make sense to raise car insurance rates to persons that had a hard time paying a bill, bit made all their car insurance payments on time. If there are others out there mad about this issue please help me do something about this robbing...""
Insurance Cost?
I'm 18 and I have a 3.0+ GPA and I'm a male. I'm looking to get a new 2007 Honda Accord two door manual transmission. I live in California in the L.A. area. Does anyone know the price range of my insurance?
Auto Insurance for Military?
My older brother is wondering if he could get cheaper insurance if he went on an auto insurance policy with me. Im active duty Marine Corps if that helps. I don't get much spare time, so any help on this would really help, thanks.""
Apopka Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32712
Apopka Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32712
""How much are you paying for car insurance, mine is...?""
Right now, I pay $74 a month on a 97 4 runner. Is that too much or am I over reacting?""
""Where can I find cheap teen car insurance in Cincinnati, OH?""
Few people in my family actually drive with a license let alone insurance(not including my mother) she doesn't even drive. I'm only 17, how can I and where can I get CHEAP car insurance from?""
Im Looking for cheap auto insurance in NJ?
Any suggestions? Anything except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. been there done that. Cure is just awful and unprofessional!""
I'm 20 from London what insurance companies will let my 17 year old brother be on my policies?
Me and my 17 year old brother want to buy a 50cc gilera dna 1 for me and 1 for him. I have a full UK drivers licence and revived insurance quotes for around 400 a year......where as my brothers cheapest. Quote was 550 a year. He doesn't have any sort of licence but was hoping to get a scooter license this coming January's. So the question is would he be able to be put on my insurance policies I'm 20?? And what insurance companies will do that? Thanks ;).
Can my uncle insure my car? 10 points?
I'm 17 and have my provisional license. I don't live with my uncle but we live in the same town (in NJ). I can't get put into my parent's insurance since they don't have their licenses. If i get my own car, can my uncle add me onto his policy even though we don't live under the same address? 10 Points""
What kind of insurance?
I want to do residential housekeeping .What kind of insurance should i get?What is the difference between being insured or being bonded?please explain ?
Which Health Insurance Benefits do I choose?
I am finally eligible for health benefits at work. My wife has recently decided to attend school, so therefore I will have to include her in my benefits. With so many to choose from, I wanted to find out options. To skip the PPO, since it's overpriced at my job, I will list several I am considering. First, we are both healthy couple, we are on our early 30s, and planning on having kids, so maternity has to include. My work offers AETNA California Small Business group plan. Here are the following I am considering.... 1. HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT (HSA) - Really considering due to the tax advantage, but you have to select a high deductible heath plan (HDHA). We have HSA $3000 deductible, HSA $2500, HSA $2000, and HSA $3300. 2. We also have HMO with co-pays ranging from $10 to $50 3. Aetna Value Network (AVN) HMO with copays $10 to $50 With so many selection, my head is starting to spin. So if someone can enlighten me the deductible they chose if you are planning to have kids and also saving tips on selecting the health benefits that would work for a couple. Considering with high prices on health insurance, I am luck enough to have a decent company that can provide fair prices.""
What is the best insurance plan for Abilify?
I'm an 18 year old smoker, female. I need to get on an insurance plan that's not too expensive. Which is the best?""
What is the average amount I should expect to spend when buying my motorcycle?
I want a Kawasaki Ninja 250r (new) which is about $5,000. Then I have to buy a helmet ($500), gloves, jacket, and other protective gear. Then I also have to worry about insurance and other costs that come with initially buying a vehicle. How much do you think I will need saved up in total to buy this bike (and the extra costs) by January 2010?""
Retroactive auto insurance premium?
I obtained an auto insurance policy in August 2007. In January 2008 (five months after the policy was purchased) I received my policy renewal. The renewal price was substantially more than the initially policy cost because the insurance company had written my original policy with innacurrate information (assumptions they made that were incorrect, there was no falsification on my part). I cancelled the policy and found a new provider. The insurance company then sent me a bill retroactively charging me for the original policy with the new information and premium changes. Can they retroactively charge me for the policy that I had already paid in full based on our original agreement? Does the insurance company have any legal recourse or right to collect this money? I already filed an official complaint with the NJ Dept. of Banking and Insurance and am waiting to hear back. BTW don't need people's opinion, looking for response from someone who knows the laws in regards to this""
Is Sumner Insurance a good company for auto?
I received a quote through AIS or some other multi-serve insurance quote gatherer for a good rate if I choose to pay lump sum. I don't know if Sumner Insurance is a good company and I am sort of nervous to get a policy with them. AAA for me would be 941 yr and this company is about 680 a year or 1020 if I pay in installments. It seems too good to be true, but if it were, I'd be very happy. If you know somebody who has insurance through them or have insurance through them, please let me know what you think and if they're decent.""
How much should I expect my homeowners insurance to cover?
Last month, my car was broken into. A laptop and and navigation system were taken, all together costs about $1700 to replace. How much should I expect a check for? I'm looking for new laptops at the moment and I'm thinking of purchasing a replacement before the check comes in.""
Insurance for mercedes glk350?
I was wondering how much it would cost to insure a 2011 mercedes glk 350. I am looking to buy a new car
Whats the cheapest insurance company you could find?
I'm 18 years old, just passed my test, and the cheapest quote I could find is LV at 2600 on a 1.2 litre 06 reg corsa.. Help guys??? D:""
Am I eligible for the good student discount for auto insurance if I'm a part-time student?
I have the grades (3.0+), but I'm not a part-time student. I live in California, am I still eligible for the good student discount?""
Will my car insurance be cheaper driving a 2007 corolla or a 2005 altima?
20.m.IL clean driving record
Business Insurance?
I want to start a roofing company in MN and I was wondering what kind of insurance I need for me and a crew of five or six people. I was also hoping someone could help me with the required licenses. Thank you
CheapEST foreign cars to maintain? (Audi / Lexus / Volvo / Volkswagen )?
Which of these cars is cheapest to maintain? (Oil changes, brakes, tune ups, insurance, etc) I realize they're all foreign and they'll all cost more than a Ford would. But which is cheapest? Which is most expensive? Please help! I need someone with experience! Thank you so much!""
Tricare/ER Insurance Question?
I lived in Arizona last year and still am in the Tricare West system (out of Luke AFB), although I now live in Ohio. I hurt my ankle several weeks ago and still can't bend it certain ways, and am beginning to suspect a hairline fracture...if I go to the ER (nowhere near any military facilities, especially not with hospitals), and put down my insurance company, will Tricare pay for it (including poss. X-rays) even though I'm still in the Tricare West system? Or should I submit the papers to get a PCM in the North region? (No matter what, I'm assuming I don't need a referral from my PCM to go to the hospital/get X-rays, is this correct?)""
I need health insurance?
My boyfriend and I will be moving to NYC to start college next August. We will have very little money, and will have no form of health insurance. Here in California, we both have free insurance provided by the state, but we are barely eighteen, still in high school, and therefore still living with out parents. I suppose what my real question here is can we still get free state issued insurance if we have part time jobs and no children? Or do you have to have dependents to receive that? We both have serious stomach conditions, and are sick very often. We cannot be without health insurance. But we also could not afford to pay for it. Any help?""
Barely tapped a car I have no license or insurance I checked the kids car nothing even happened to it not eve?
A scratch...my mom had an emergency so I had to pick my little brother up from school. As I was about to park I got a little close to just tap his front bumper. He said it was fine nothing happened I had asked him about a little piece of plastic that looked like it latched off and he told me he wasn't sure if it was like that he asked for insurance I didn't have any he called his mom and my mom spoke to her. The lady is asking for 200$ (never even got an estimate she just came up with 200$) and she won't report it to her car insurance. I know I can report her to the cops for trying to extort money from me and it's also a felony in the state of California.. This happened yesterday... So can she really do anything?
Please answer!!! Is my car insurance too high?
I have a 2007 toyota corolla, clean title and no liens. Im 20 years old, female and part time in college. I have state farm and it costs $280 every month, i have full coverage also... Is this expensive or what??!!""
How much would I pay for motorcycle insurance in Hawaii?
How much would it cost to insure a 500cc or less motorcycle in Hawaii for a full-time female college student with a 3.0 or better GPA who is 19 years of age and single and has one speeding ticket on her record? I would just like a ballpark range to work with so I can decide whether or not I want to buy a motorcycle for going to college and work while I'm here in Hawaii. I passed a motorcycle safety course and have my M1 license. I want to know if I could afford the insurance.
Short term health Insurance for my parents who coming to California from China ?
My parents are coming to visit me (California) from China. They plan to stay in U.S. for 6 months. They're 67 yrs old, my father has Diabetes (not so serious) and my mother is very healthy. I'm thinking to get a short term health insurance for them just in case they need to see a doctor. Since it's the first time they come to U.S. they have a visit visa, I'm US citizen. What insurance I should get for them? Thank you very much for your response in advance!""
Gieco insurance rate?
Ok I got a auto quote and I lied on the online form I said I have no tickets and car crashes.I do have some Im 18 years old And If I chose this company will they find the tickets? I did give my social number.
Apopka Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32712
Apopka Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32712
Homeowner's insurance and lawsuit?
If I was physically assaulted on someones's property by their family member, can I sue homeowner's insurance? The grandson of the homeowner had been drinking and during a discussion he punched me and broke my jaw.""
Car insurance?
I 've gotton two tickets within four months of each other. What are the chances that my car insurance rate will go up and by how much? i live in california and have Mercury Insurance.
Do you have to buy insurance before you get a car?
I would like to buy an used car (from a private owner). But I was told before I do that I must have a license, tag and insurance on the car. But another person told me that its best for me to get the car first and then get the other stuff... I am so confused.. which way is the best way for me to do? please help.""
Cheapest car insurance for 20 year old females?
im a new driver, 20, and female. i need car insurance! which would be the cheapest? i already looked at geico and esurance quotes, its $250 a month....""
How much would i pay for car insurance?
Im 17 and i had my g2 for about 9 months now. No accidents no tickets no nothing. I'm a good respectful driver. I drive my moms car which is automatic. its a rav 4. my dad has a van and doesn't want to drive manual. I really want to get a car because i like manual and i want to get experience with it. I would like it really soon. If i were to get an older honda civic or toyota corolla manual 5 sp, How much do u think i would pay for primary.""
Best insurance for a young additional driver?
Hi, I am in the process of buying a car, and have been for ages, and i am now trying to find the cheapest insurance like i have been for ages. My um will be the main driver, as she is selling her cr, and i walk to school everyday, so i will b the 17 year old male additional driver. Whats the best insurance quote i can get? Anyone got any recommendations? Im looking at getting a peugeot 207, which are 1.4 or 6, and many of them the sport edition. Dont bother telling me to get a different car as this is the one i like and have saved up for. Many Thanks for any help with my cheap insurance, Thanks""
I need help choosing my first car. Mustang vs Mustang vs MINI?
I will be buying my first car soon and I have a few choices to pick from. I'll have to pay for everything myself (insurance, fuel, maintenance, etc.). I'm trying to narrow my choices by choosing between a 2005 Mustang v6 (has 50k miles and is an auto :c) and a 2004 Mustang v6 (has 80K miles and is a manual c:). I found both of these cars at an auction site I'll be going to with my father next week (he's mechanically inclined lol truck driver) and I'm nervous since it's likely I won't be able to check for many issues other then auto check. I don't need much power so I don't mind having a v6 (because I'll work my way up to the newer models heh heh heh). Anyway, which should I choose should I decide to get a Mustang? I mostly need it to get to school and work; maybe an occasional mini road trip to LA (twice a year; I live in the Bay Area too so weather isn't a problem). Also, are they difficult to drive? The front seems so long on the 2005.... please take hating on the v6 elsewhere Also, I found a 2008 Mini Cooper for a suspiciously low price from a private dealer (4cyl, 79K miles but it used to be a fleet vehicle and I still need to run it through autocheck). I could test drive this one and run it by a mechanic but the seller lives 2 hours away... Insurance for the either of the two Mustangs would be around $60 a month with Geico (I'm 19 so I had to look for the cheapest branch I could find). My dad has a ford so he would be able to help me with the Mustangs. However, I don't know anyone with a MINI that could give me advice. I really like the MINI because of it's perfect size and quality but Im scared of what the fuel, maintenance, etc. could be like. I'd really appreciate any advice or extra info you could give me on these cars. Especially the MINI.""
Should auto insurance for teen boys be more expensive than teen girls?
im doing a project and i don't which one to answer i need your help
Does Gap insurance transfer if I refinance?
Gap insurance was included in my originol car loan-the same company refinanced me for a lower interest rate-will my gap insurance still be intact???
Car insurance for men vs. women?
I was debating with a male that all other things equal that female car insurance is typically less then males. He was arguing that its the other way around. Who pays more for car insurance, men or women? And is there a accurate website I can look at for these statistics?""
When will Obama Care go into effect? Will I be able to get free health care?
My husband and I are currently uninsured. We can not afford health insurance right now. How little do you have to make to get free insurance. And If I have to purchase it, how much will it coast?""
What happened to Obamacare lowering the cost of insurance?
A watershed moment in the ongoing disaster of ObamaCare,as Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally admits that health insurance premiums are rising because of the Presidents health insurance takeover, per the Wall Street Journal : http://www.humanevents.com/2013/03/27/hhs-secretary-finally-admits-obamacare-is-raising-insurance-costs/""
What is the age in Florida for males when car insurance gets cheaper and the prefered minimum age...?
for renting a car?
""How much does car insurance cost for 23 years old male, first driver/car?""
I am 23 years old and just got my driving license few weeks ago. I am planning to get volkswagen golf match 1.4, but don't know if i will get cheap car insurance for it.. If you know anything please help..does anyone know the exact monthly/yearly cost of the insurance? if it will be too expensive what will be a cheapest one...i don't mind vauxhall corsa but i prefer golf ,and reason is straight forward, we all know :) help would be much appreciated.""
Seperate Business Car insurance Policy?
I am starting my own delivery business and plan on using my own vehicle, I have looked into the price of business car insurance and got a rough quote, however I realised I am with Hastings Direct, and have not seen anything about business car insurance with them, so I checked on their site and it appears they do not offer business car insurance, so my question is, should I cancel the policy with them and take out a new one with someone who does, or is it possible to have a domestic car insurance with one company and a business one with another?""
""Regarding NJ Law. If I suspend Auto Insurance on my car, do I have to surrender the plates to the MVC?""
I have a car that I seldom use now, can I keep the plates on the car with no insurance policy. And if I need to use this car, reactivate my auto policy for those specific days. Is this legal? I know in some states it is and in some not. If I do suspend insurance and I do have to surrender the plates, how long do I have till the MVC penalizes me?""
Is there any Health insurance for a 4 year Marine Veteran (never deployed)?
I just got out of the military after my four year contract. It seems all Tricare military insurance is aimed at is current Active Duty and retirees. If not, what is a good insurance ...show more""
How much is motorcycle insurance in nc?
i'm thinking about getting a motorcycle and i wanna see how much cheaper it is than getting a car and how much it would help
Which car insurance would be cheaper?
I know it's different for everyone but which would be cheaper (details about me would be exactly the same)? Getting my own 1L car and insuring it as the main driver or becoming a named driver on my mum's 1.4L car? Her being the main driver. I'm a 17 year old male on a full license. Thanks x
Why is barebones insurance for me going to be...?
...$150 a month for a 1985 gmc s15 4x4, valued at approx. $200 with the very basic coverage, liability only type thing. i have a 2002 chevy s10 2wd and its only $350 a month with total coverage. what the heck?! im 18, have a couple traffic violations but nothing serious (22km/h over the limit and an amended stunting ticket), i live on my own, have a steady job, and am looking for something that i can get stuck in the mud and dont give a crap about. any one know where i can go to get really cheap insurance for this? i live in alberta so it limits my choices a little from the world wide options. thanks everybody""
How much would car insurance be?
I'm 17 and I wanna know how much insurance is on a 1993 Jeep Wrangler before I go out and buy one. I tried to do quotes but I need to know a lot about the car but since I don't have the car, it's kinda hard. Help. Thanx""
""Insured car, uninsured driver?""
I have a free-loading bother in-law and I was just wondering. If he uses the family car which is insured but he does not have car insurance, can he be liable in any accident situation? Please tell me yes, so I have a reason to refuse my car to him. Anything from if he is at fault or not at fault, injury, coverage, or settlements... Thanks""
How much is car insurance in Ireland?
Not too sure of location in Ireland at the moment but I am British and planning on moving in the next 2 years. I am 19 year old woman, have been driving for 2 years and wondering what are the average car insurance amounts per month?""
Should i get 20 year term or a 30 year term life insurance?
My husband and I currently have a 20 year term life insurance policy. We are switching companies because we were paying too much at State Farm. I'm 30 and he is 33 and we are both in very good health. We have a 9 month old baby boy and our policies are for $500,000 each. The rate I'm getting is $45 for both of us for the 20 year term and $70 for both of us for the 30 year term. Which one should I go with?""
How do i find affordable insurance?
I lost my job last year and had to get medicaid for health insurance because I am a single mother of one. I have since gotten my license in the beauty industry and have just started a new job. The problem is that they do not offer health benefits (I think it has something to do with them being a franchise). And I know that I will have to go through re-determination in November for the medicaid and because I am employed will be denied. So, what exactly are my options, especially now that things are going to change. Any help would be appreciated.""
Apopka Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32712
Apopka Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32712
0 notes