#and radiant bow fogado
saeraas · 1 year
rosado mage cannoneer is fun as a debuffer with divine pulse+ and dragonic hex w/poison :) I just need to figure out who to go enchanter (besides alear this run) since framme is still like lvl 5 base class
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larachelledrawsfe · 1 year
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Avenir | Lindwurm |Picket | Successeur
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yuuminni · 1 year
god training alfred sucks so bad bc there just isnt any niche that he can fill even as a royal. sword/lance user? great knight louis, who everyone is already using, got that covered baby. goldmary got that covered as well, and she comes with decent avoid. calvary? everyone who hasnt already been using merrin is a fool. high def personal skill that triggers randomly.... diamant AND louis has in built high def that doesnt need to be triggered. personal skill to +2 str if he waits and does nothing would be a good skill if he can field more than 2 enemies in enemy phase. he cant though he's gonna be fucking dead being doubled with that atrocious speed. cant even do backup chip damages.... like the game did you so dirty alfred. you were beautiful while you lasted etc
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agoddamn · 2 years
Gameplay notes for the future:
As far as reclassing goes: Sage Mauvier is great
It's fucking hard to reclass without planning a lot ahead of time since you only have two chapters to spread Lief around like a cheap whore, alright?
Sigurd: every mounted unit wants canter (1k/2k) + momentum (1k/2k)
Lucina: Dual Support/Dual Assist (3k total) on MC are great
Lyn: Speedtaker (2k) is niche but nice on coinflip speed units; otherwise, Alacrity (1k/2k/3k) is nice on speedy crit animals like Kagetsu or Kagetsu
Roy: Hold Out (2k/3k) goes great with Diamant or maaaaybe a dedicated Ephraim partner? Some possible utility on Saphir, though your SP is better spent somewhere else
Kamui: Quality Time (250/500) is worth on MC/dancer for support. Draconic Hex (2k) might go better on units that can avoid counters; ones that are too slow to double and OHKO but not too slow to drop. Incidentally, I've heard very good things about Yunaka/Kamui and MC/Kamui, though I haven't messed with them myself
Marth: cracked lol Break Defenses (2k) is great on triangle units, Perceptive (250/500) is nice on speedy frontliners like Kagetsu or MC
Celica: ...good question 😔 only a physical unit would want Holy Stance (100/1k). Resonance (2k/3k) is basically free damage, but again, you have better things to buy
Micaiah: Healing Light (200) is good on staffbots like Framme or a griffin rider
Leif: Vantage (500/1k/2k) on Diamant or Saphir may have a niche; otherwise you're just using him for his profs
Bylat: ...Mentorship (250) on a support I guess? If you had to inherit something?
Ike: Wrath (2k) on Diamant/Saphir or a similar self-damage synergy unit and maybe Reposition (200) on a high-mobility unit
Eirika: Lunar Brace (2k/5k) is outrageously expensive. It's also limited to physical attacks, and uses the enemy's defense--so it's great against armors and worthless against mages. Only skill worth getting off her save maybe Dodge for Seadall, but goddamn, the cost
Edelgard: str/dex+5 is enough stats to be worth slotting but 8400 SP?! Not in this economy
Magic weapons:
Levin Sword or Flame Spear on your local pegaslut (prob Chloe)
Flame Spear comes with Mauvier for a reason
Levin Sword can also work on MC or Yunaka. Maybe even Clanne/Jeanne depending on your luck? Merrin and Timerra look like they have growths to support magic weapons, though they didn't get those levels for me
Radiant Bow: glue to Fogado's hand
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furrylibrarian · 7 months
Alright so here's the team I'm taking into endgame for my Fire Emblem Engage Hard Mode run. I don't think any of my class picks are too weird, but I barely did any reclassing on my first run, so it feels significant to me. Units are listed in order of recruitment. I'm putting down a "read more" in case people are worried about getting late-game recruits spoiled, any also just so this big long post doesn't clog up people's feeds too much.
I hope you like Canter, because I sure do
Alear (I named her Syldra)
Sword Griffin Knight; S-Rank Xander; Sword Power 4, Canter
Since Alear gets her Emblem form, I was comfortable switching her off an Emblem Ring. I consider this a pretty straightforward build; Flyer mobility and Canter enable her personal skill very well, and then Sword Power and Chivalry ensure that she'll do solid damage. My only complaint is that I didn't think of reclassing to Griffin (and necessarily unlocking staff proficiency) or of using Sword Power until after losing the first batch of rings, so I didn't get to use Alear in her final form until the lategame.
Lance Hero; Sigurd; Dual Assist+, Reposition
I like this setup a lot. Brave Assist, Dual Assist, and the movement boost from Sigurd make Clanne effectively a damage boost for the rest of my army.
Martial Master; Lucina; Canter, Staff Mastery 5
First and foremost a utility setup. Debilitate with staffs, protect allies with Chain Guard/Bonded Shield, and occasionally bash some kneecaps with Flashing Fist Art.
Sword Mage Knight; Byleth; Canter+, Momentum
I like Byleth on a mounted character because more movement is good for Goddess Dance. Plus, the big Luck boost helps trigger Make a Killing, which is helpful for me specifically because I am not good at making financial decisions in video games nor in real life.
Thief; Corrin; Canter, Gentility/Bravery+
Daggers+Draconic Hex can cripple most targets, and Fog Dragon Vein+Trained to Kill with a crit-boosting engraving on her weapon means she is occasionally really good at securing kills. Bravery ensures that she can always deal some damage, therefore ensuring that her daggers properly debuff things.
Successor; Roy; Canter, Speed +5
Honestly kind of a filler pick when I realized that I had 14 deployment slots for the last few maps and not 12 like I thought. I went with Diamant because he can use S-rank swords and I wanted to start using my legendary weapons.
Lindwurm; Celica; Canter, Speed +4
The other character I added to my lineup to fill a newly-acquired vacancy, but unlike Diamant she fills a genuine niche, since I didn't have a good fit for the Celica ring on my lineup that didn't have a different Emblem I really wanted on them.
Sword/Axe Wyvern Knight; Lyn; Canter, Gentility/Bravery+
Very much a meta pick. I took who seems to be considered the best physical combatant and put him into what seems to be considered the best physical combat class. Lyn ensures that he can double enemy speedsters like Swordmasters and Wolf Knights.
Cupido; S-Rank Leo; Canter+, Bow Focus 5
Fogado exists for one purpose and that is to annihilate flyers with the Radiant Bow. Ideally I would have a Claude bond ring for Wind God, but the RNG just didn't pan out.
Warrior; Ike; Vantage+, Pair Up
Blood Fury+Wrath+upgraded Killer Axe=consistent 100% critical rates. Vantage and Pair Up help to prevent my hubris from killing her.
Sleipnir Rider; Micaiah; Canter+, Staff Mastery 5
Here pretty much exclusively for wacky staff shenanigans, using Micaiah to warp and debilitate en masse. My only regret is that I used up most of my Freeze staffs, and the shop never got them in unlimited supply like I thought it would.
Dancer; Leif; Canter+, Quality Time+
Just straight grooving. He gets Leif because I struggle to find another unit that really wants his skillset more than another Emblem's, and Arms Shield protects Seadall from bows and tomes, which are most of the weapons directed at him whenever I fail to move him out of the danger zone.
Royal Knight; Eirika; Canter, Lance Power 4
I gave him a Brave Lance to take advantage of Lunar Brace. I've moved him and Alear to healing duty so that Framme and Hortensia can devote more of their inventories to wackier status staffs.
Sword Wolf Knight; Marth; Canter, Gentility/Bravery+
Levin Sword Lodestar Rush goes brrrrrrrrrrr. She can't debilitate as well as Yunaka, but she still can add to poison stacks, which is neat. I also made her Alear's S-Support, and the two of them have tag-teamed a healthy amount of chapter bosses so far.
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Clash of FE Classes Opening Round - Match 7
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(pictured: a Troubadour icon from Sacred Stones, a Mage Knight icon from Sacred Stones, and a Horseman icon from Shadow Dragon, on a GBAFE arena background)
introductions to the classes, other closely associated classes, and explanations under the cut
Troubadours are typically cavalry units who carry healing staves. they promote into Valkyries, which usually nets them access to offensive magic, although it's not unheard of for them to pick up swords instead. good mobility tends to make them naturally better for utility purposes than infantry Clerics, but there's usually a catch somewhere, such as lower Magic (which can mean less efficient healing and/or less prospects for utilizing offensive staves like Silence and Sleep) or, at the promoted level, weaker overall combat. Troubadours and Valkyries are almost always female, with Fates again bringing the rare exceptions (and still having a gnc femboy as one of them); this is in spite of the fact that "troubadour" is a masculine word, with the feminine being "trobairitz" (thanks again, treehouse!). other closely associated classes include the staff-wielding Paladin variant from Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776; the Strategist, Butler and Maid from Fates; and the Holy Knight from Three Houses. Mist from Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn also has Valkyrie as her unique class, promoting from a Cleric variant.
Mage Knights, Dark Knights, and other such forms of offensive horseback magic-wielding have appeared at several points in the franchise, with inconsistent incarnations; for example, sometimes they're a class branch in their own right, and sometimes they appear as advanced-only parts of flexible promotion trees. sometimes they wield magic tomes exclusively, sometimes they can still carry a staff, and sometimes they'll mix up might and magic and get a melee physical weapon type into their kit. whatever the case, though, they will generally be balancing out their unique perks against lower Magic and Resistance than the typical magic-wielding unit.
while the Bow Knight or Ranger or Horseman or what have you brings horseback archery -- a venerable staple in historical warfare -- its presence in Fire Emblem has been quite inconsistent. they've variously been seen as distinct class branches (most notably as Nomads and Nomadic Troopers in Binding Blade and Blazing Blade) or as side-path promotions (usually fitting between the Archer and the Mercenary). it's most customary for them, at least at the promoted class level, wield swords as well as bows; they have at times been locked to the bow, though, usually in games that keep all of their cavalry classes single-weapon. the Oliphantier from Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is closely related. Fogado from Engage plays very similar to a Bow Knight while belonging to a pair of Lord-unique classes.
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wherefore-whinnies · 1 year
nobody asked but this is my performance tier list for my current engage maddening run (it is pretty radically different from my last run now that I am actually playing somewhat optimally). units are ranked within tiers btw although maybe I should swap Fogado and Hortensia
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Citrinne kind of deserves her own S+ tier tbh I love her so much.
some comments!
Citrinne - I use her with the Olwen S ring and a forged + engraved (Roy or something?) Thunder tome and she just obliterates sooo many things. I thought she would start falling off eventually but she really hasn't yet. once she does I am excited to switch her to a meme bow knight build with radiant bow and Lyn emblem for the world's most devastating Astra Storm
Chloé - she was absolute garbage in my last run so I was pretty shocked in this run when she was actually good? idk what happened. she's currently a Wyvern Knight to help with strength growths but I'll switch her to Griffin Knight after
Zelkov - when did this guy become so good??? I was planning to replace him with Merrin but I can't drop him now especially because he's my only covert. I used to use him with Lyn until I got Corrin
Fogado - I use him with the Claude S ring and a forged radiant bow and he is p strong! but tends to miss kills by a bit. maybe I should give him some spirit dust lol
Hortensia - self-explanatory
Kagetsu - man he's been so disappointing this run. probably because everyone else is so good I no longer use him so much for him to get enough xp. I was using him with Navarre's S ring and he kept not getting crits even with like 60% crit rate and doubling and he kept getting hit by low accuracy attacks my poor guy. I gave him Eirika's ring now in hopes of helping him actually damage enemies since his damage output is falling off hard but for some reason lunar brace is really not helping much ?_? idk.
Panette - I just finished Ike's paralogue so I can finally give her Wrath and then we'll see if she's as good as people say 💪 she's all right rn when she manages to crit but she keeps missing crits or missing entirely. I threw Seliph's S ring on her to help with crit but I might switch to Ryoma when her level is higher if I don't have Roy back by then.
Alear - man this guy sucks wtf. he was my best unit a few chapters ago and now he can barely do damage, can't double, and can't dodge. at least his personal is extremely useful especially for Citrinne. I've been convinced to switch him to Griffin Knight and have him fly around using bonded shield on Chloé for the lulz but I need to finish the next chapter first to get Leif back.
Anna - I've been using her with Olwen S ring and forged Thunder + canto but her magic is pretty low still and I don't have much room for guys so I kind of want to get rid of her... but she's supposed to end up with a better mag stat soon >:(
Merrin - she was pretty decent when I got her but I have no room for her sorry.
Louis - damn this guy was extremely disappointing this time for a unit that I thought it was completely impossible to beat maddening without. he cannot really take a lot of hits... I think it is similar to Kagetsu where my other units are so good now that I'm playing properly that I'm not just turtling through every chapter so he's missing out on a lot of xp compared to last time. I just did Ike's paralogue and Louis was sooo useless because he could not at all hold the chokepoint that he was supposed to. I had to use Zelkov + fog running back and forth between two chokepoints basically being two guys instead.
saline - 😭😭😭 I'm still going to insist on using her for the gimmick build I was planning with divine pulse+, Micaiah, and freeze/entrap staves but man has she fallen off hard for being my highest level and most invested unit in the early game
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My Team In Fire Emblem Engage
Alear, Diamant, Alcryst, Fogado, Alfred, Boucheron, Kagetsu, Zelkov, Bunet, Pandreo, Amber, Seadall and Rosado.
Why These Characters? Well, I'll tell you:
(Click 'Keep Reading').
Alear - Well, you got no choice but to use Alear half the time. But even if I could not use him, I'll still use him because he's a great sword unit and he dodges constantly when you level him up enough.
Diamant - A heavy hitter sword unit that if you level him up a bit, his strength is amazing and he barely takes any damage to anything.
Alcryst - The best bow unit in the game? Sign me up! Also, isn't he just adorable?
Fogado - A very good bow unit via long bow and radiant bow but also is amazing at large swords like the Armorslayer and Wyrmslayer.
Alfred - Honestly in my opinion, the best lancer in the entire game, especially if you give him Emblem Sigurd.
Boucheron - Also in my opinion, Boucheron is the best axe unit after leveling him up enough, he's almost got 90 health.
Kagetsu - Amazing sword unit, fast and constant critical on almost each enemy he's up against.
Zelkov - Amazing Thief unit, fast and strong, dodges almost each hit and he often criticals on enemies too.
Bunet - Amazing axe unit, level him up enough and he hits enemies hard, it may take two turns but he also takes barely any damage.
Pandreo - Amazing healer and magic unit, criticals often, hits twice and the enemy is dead.
Amber - Amazing lance unit with heavy lances, sadly takes damage often but you gotta depend on his dodging and strength when he hits.
Seadall - Usually just used to make people move a second time, dies constantly after one-two hits but that is if you don't have people around him.
Rosado - Never really used him often but he was always my option if I could use 13 characters in a battle. Dies often, but he's cute and I love him.
They're also members of the ships I like: owo
Diamant X M! Alear, Fogado X Alcryst, Boucheron X Alfred, Zelkov X Kagetsu, Bunet X Pandreo, Amber X Seadall and Rosado with well... I don't know, I never came up with an idea.
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I’m finally at the end of Engage! With only the final battle to go, I made a tier list of how I feel all the units performed IN BATTLE. Note this is NOT my feelings on them as characters or their appearance; this is how they fared for me as units. I wanted to do this BEFORE I beat the game since I’m interested to see how the stats and MVP scroll at the end differ from my perception. Check the read more for details on everyone!
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Louis - he started with insane defense and he basically ALWAYS gained more upon level-up. He had over 40 by the end, and that’s without him hitting 20 and resetting his class. I arguably made a mistake in promoting him to Great Knight since he became susceptible to “break” but most physical enemies still couldn’t touch him. Granted he WAS pretty slow and vulnerable to magic, but it’s kind of silly that the BEST physical tank is the first one the game gives you.
Hortensia - she’s clearly designed to be the best healer, between her personal skill and class skill, and she fulfills that role spectacularly. Unlike most other units on this list, I would literally ALWAYS deploy her, with exceptions made for maps with tons of snipers and/or ballistae.
Yunaka - not sure if I just got blessed, but Yunaka actually has insane strength. I paired her with Lyn and watched her annihilate foes from a huge distance. And of course she’s also great with Corrin since she gets boosted avoid from terrain and her personal skill made her likely to crit. I would not be surprised if she has the most kills in my army.
Alfred - I’ve seen a lot of people complain that he’s underwhelming or even bad, and I’m not sure if they got unlucky or I was super blessed, but from start to finish he’s been one of my best units. He’s a little slow but he has the second best defense after Louis, in addition to better strength, res, and HP. He was a natural pick for Ike. He also has INCREDIBLE luck, so giving him divine pulse really helped his shaky hit rate.
Rosado - he under-performed a little initially, but quickly gained steam. I think his biggest issue was just poor build, which can be fixed with skill inheritance from Leif. Once he could wield heavier stuff without being slowed down, he was fast AND hit hard. Plus he has HUGE HP and with a forged/engraved axe, the best avoid in the team! So he’s practically unkillable.
Fogado - he never stood out much but ALWAYS performs solidly and kept surprising me as MVP in battles, so clearly he did more work than even I realized. It helps that he can attack physically OR magically with the radiant bow, and he has the stats to do good damage either way. He’s also fast enough to double most enemies and not get doubled by anything, and sturdy enough to take a few hits. Just all around a great unit!
Seadall - automatic pick for the team most of the time since he’s the dancer. He rarely saw combat and contributed little offensively, but he did his job as dancer and was fast and bulky enough to survive when attacked. That’s enough.
Pandreo - he basically immediately invalidated Jean and Framme when he joined. Maybe they got stat screwed but he was just BETTER and continued to be so. His strength isn’t worth using fists for, but he has the 3rd best magic in my army and the 2nd best res. And excluding Mauvier (since he joined so late with big stats all-around), he’s also significantly faster than every other healer except Hortensia (and that’s sad because his speed is only so-so). His personal skill is also good and helps him hit and avoid. He’s probably the best OFFENSIVE magic user, and 2nd best healer. Natural pick for Nova if you’re willing to reclass him, too, since Ivy’s poor hit makes it a bad choice for her.
Kagetsu - he joins with incredibly solid stats, and has solid growths. RIP Lapis who stands no chance statwise compared to him. I was actually using him sparingly but after I got Caladbolg (and gave it Corrin’s refine) he was the obvious choice to use it, and that bumped him up to A-team material. He’s VERY fast, virtually never misses, hits relatively hard WITH a solid chance to crit and has about 100 avoid. So he dodges most attacks and he’s bulky enough to survive a hit or two anyway.
Alcryst - overall I find Fogado more useful due to having more move and being able to attack magically, but Alcryst benefits from having great personal and class skills. He’s fast, and not too fragile, and his dex is high enough that he procs Luna (or crits) A LOT, which is great. And his damage is OFTEN boosted by his personal skill, since generally you’ll have him behind someone who is baiting attacks. I find Alcryst to be situational and not always worth using, but he’s always done great when I deploy him.
Diamant - he has great utility in that he can use powerful swords AND axes, which means he’s a candidate anytime I’m looking to use either type of unit, and he’s solid all around. He’s not the best at anything, but he’s fast and bulky and hits relatively hard. I can always count on him to do well, though he rarely does amazing.
Timerra - She’s this high JUST for her use in combination with Ike and her general defensive capability, since she takes hits better than most. She’s initially held back by her awful build either slowing her down or preventing her from using more powerful weapons, and in my case she’s overall not as good as Alfred, but she’s still a great Ike user. She has great defense, and Ike further enhances that (which also translates to more powerful Sandstorm procs!). She benefits from being the ONLY unit I have who can use the Brionac, too.
Veyle - the literal last unit to join you, but she’s solid enough to be worth it. I prefer her magical dagger to her tome, which weighs her down a lot and has shaky hit rate. But mainly her benefit is in being a dragon (which gets good bonuses from ALL rings) and her personal skill making her great supporting others. Plus the game bumps the deploy limit from 12 to 14 in story chapters following her addition, so it’s clear you’re EXPECTED to use her.
Mauvier - like Veyle, he joins late and it’s clear the game wants or expects you to use him. He actually has even better stats than her and is incredibly easy to slot in since you can use him however you want - physically, magically, as a healer, or all of the above.
Alear - started the game out PRETTY BAD, personally. She was fast, but her strength was initially garbage (I went several early levels without it) plus she was a bit fragile. But after she promoted she started getting MUCH better levels and is now one of my best units. She’s THE fastest unit and will double literally everything, and has decent strength and surprisingly good defense. Plus she’s my only real fist user now, and it helps to break or kill mages/thieves/archers.
Citrinne - I came close to benching her several times because she typically under-performed and was SO fragile, but because I really like her I kept giving her chances and putting her in whenever possible. She’s probably in the bottom 3 in terms of speed AND defense. But she has the highest magic attack by a significant margin, and I’ve found a niche that works for her - killing wyrms. For several story chapters and paralogues in a row, she consistently had JUST enough power to actually kill them BY HERSELF (and since they’re so slow she can actually double them). Ideally I’d have her using Byleth to attack from a safe distance, but even if she’s up close, she also had JUST enough HP to survive a single hit. So she’s my designated wyrm killer, and her latest few levels actually helped patch up her defense and speed a bit, making her more useful overall!
Zelkov - he and Yunaka are incredibly different stat-wise. She’s got strength and res, he has speed and defense. That said he has AWFUL strength to the point where he couldn’t damage beefier enemies anymore. And since he’s in more likely to be hit by magic (due to mystical units ignoring terrain bonuses) his low res is more dangerous than Yunaka’s low defense. However, giving him the Carnwenhan helped A LOT. Even if he can only attack once, he does significant damage with it. Plus I engraved the weapon to give him even more avoid so he’s fairly untouchable. He’s a better dodge-tank than Yunaka now, even if she beats him offensively.
Ivy - solid all around, but a little slow and has trouble hitting, which is why I typically prefer other mages. She’s great at killing armored units but otherwise the faster, more accurate mages outclass her.
Celine - decent but kind of a master of none? Her strength is notable but not high enough to actually bother having her attack physically. Instead she’s just handicapped magically and often just barely fails to kill things. She is very fast and has high luck though. Generally okay, but again, other mages are better.
Panette - has huge HP and strength and nothing else. She can hit like a truck. When I use her I like to give her Lyn so she can eviscerate a faraway enemy and gain enough speed to double everything, which is basically a guaranteed kill for her. That said before she snowballs with Lyn, she has really bad speed and is danger of being doubled by most enemies, and even though her high HP means she won’t die, her low def and res mean it will hurt a lot. Worse, her hit rate is pretty poor. She’s a high risk, high reward character IMO. Fun to use sometimes but I typically play safer.
Merrin - she was great when she first joined but she’s been underwhelming in the endgame. She’s very fast but doesn’t benefit from boosted avoid like the thieves, and she’s not very tanky. Worse, she has abysmal strength - less than 20 when she’s nearly capped her class. I love daggers and poisoning enemies but she’s too weak to reliably do so, so she only comes out occasionally.
Boucheron - he’s pretty decent but generally outclassed by other axe and/or bow users. His hit rate is a real problem and his strength isn’t awful but it’s far from great. Thankfully he can wield even the heaviest axes with relative ease and he’s fast.
Chloe - very good in the beginning but has fallen off a bit. Part of it is I often don’t want too many flyers out, especially if there are archers about. But she is pretty fragile - low def and HP and surprisingly bad res for a pegasus knight. She is very fast and doubles everything though. Even then her strength is only decent so she fails to kill a good chunk of the time. Rosado is better at avoiding AND tanking hits, so she’s mostly invalidated. But she still has niche value on maps where there’s a lot of terrain for flyers to cross or sit on that others can’t access.
Clanne - I made him a mage knight, and he kind of got the short end of the stick by virtue of being a magic user but NOT a healer. I tend to stick to 3-4 magic users and healers per map, and using him means one less healer, so I often passed him over. Plus his magic attack isn’t great. That said he is FAST and accurate. He actually almost always does well when I use him, I just struggle to justify using him a lot of the time.
Etie - not counting Vander, she was the first unit I benched, basically right after Alcryst joined. Then I took her off the bench like 3 chapters later and tried REALLY HARD to save her, but it just never quite worked. She’s fast and has good strength, but she’s got SUCH bad build that she gets weighed down tremendously and can’t actually double most things. She’s also fragile as hell. I eventually made her a thief which helped her stats A LOT but even then I ended up benching her permanently around chapter 16-ish because she was way behind the other thieves or Merrin.
Anna - I WANTED to use Anna. I TRIED to use Anna. Unfortunately I tried to use her in her base class (since I assumed that, like MOST characters, it was a decent fit...) instead of looking up her growths ahead of time and reclassing her into something better suited. She is an incredibly bad axe unit (but a busted mage, apparently). I gave up on her around chapter 16-ish as well, although I’d stopped using her a few chapters beforehand. This was just when I realized she was too far behind to POSSIBLY recover.
Jean - getting Pandreo was the beginning of the end for him. Despite being a “trainee” unit his stats were overall not impressive. I liked having chain guard healers, but he was just too fragile and also basically ONLY useful offensively against mages. I couldn’t tolerate a healer who was bad offensively AND defensively. He last saw action around chapter 18-ish.
Framme - Jean’s situation, but worse. I liked her more as a character so I tried to use her for longer than I should have, but she was statistically even WORSE than Jean and hit the bench around chapter 16-ish.
Goldmary - the last cut to my army, I benched her after chapter 23. She’s got good defense and did decently as an Ike user, but she had meh strength and literally hadn’t gained speed since she joined. So while she was fast when she joined, she was SLOW when she was benched. Plus as a primarily sword-user, her meh strength wasn’t enough to do good damage. Alfred and Timerra are better Ike users & Kagetsu, Diamant, and Alear are WAY better sword users.
Vander - he’s helpful early on, but giving him kills was just a waste of EXP. By the time he actually can gain decent EXP he’s super outclassed.
Amber - he was decent enough, but I couldn’t really justify keeping him AND Alfred and Louis, both of whom were performing better. By the time I could spend my money/resources to potentially promote or reclass him, it was too late.
Lapis - she’s helpful when you first get her, and maybe worth it if she gets several really good levels? All I know is Kagetsu immediately invalidated her. I could have made her a Hero, but by the time I turned my attention to her, I got Goldmary, who also showed her up.
Jade - I tried to use Jade after realizing that Louis could be broken, but even after investing several levels and chapters into her, she was a disappointment. When I realized that Alfred (who was barely higher leveled than her) had better defense and HP and strength than her (despite her being a GENERAL), I benched her.
Bunet - after his debut, I compared his stats to Louis and Jade, and found him lacking. He was overall worse than both of them, so he never saw use.
Saphir - her stats were decent, but not great. She was basically on par with Boucheron. Definitely not worth using both of them. Since I’d spent a lot of time on and was invested in him, I kept him and benched her.
Lindon - underwhelming and I had plenty of mages/healers I was attached to by this point, so I never used him.
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harusha · 1 year
I’m not using Hortensia, Kagetsu, or Ivy or some other mid-late game units like Alcryst because Maddening main game is already easy+I used them in my last playthrough, so they’re underbuilt for DLC Maddening.
Like they should have honestly just either let you keep the main game builds or did entirely set casts and sets with possibly smaller options (to avoid having to balance like 20 characters) for DLC.
Like Fogado wants a Radiant Bow for his set since it, combined with Lyn (in one possible gimmick) is to spam Astral Storm and mounted magic arrows. But no Radiant Bow in his DLC set.
And tbh the decision to lock the new characters behind repeated dlc plays in new rounds is like…this is mediocre considering that they let you choose difficulty. It’s being forced to trudge through un-fun maps on higher difficulties or just stomp on everything on Normal.
I’m sure someone out there will clear Maddening DLC with the Firenese gang at chapter 6, but with the constant reinforcements and dead weights, it feels less like puzzles like other maddening maps with possible solutions that aren’t incredibly exact and more “just throw shit at a wall.”
And if you want story and to use them in the main game, it’s better to do them as early as possible (considering Warp Celica and Micaiah will hamper some of the stupid cheese too) before the rings get taken.
Like yeah you can win Maddening Maps DLC. Map 1 for example is doable with Leif!Nil and Eirika!Nel + Veronica!Pandreo (resets for 5 star summons and he was a benched unit i had to waste shards for bond 10 on since Anna had my Veronica) and Ike!Panette, but huddling in a corner and praying that no one crits/decreases 5 hp per fang hit is not fun. Like they should have just given Nil a bone and given him staff affinity at least.
It just feels like less care was given to DLC Maddening compared to the main game’s no DLC Maddening and the choices conflict with each other.
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