#and randomly I saw my mother this weekend
tiya-minuscule · 5 months
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Moving out...
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And this is the reason why my mother must never read this comic...
Relationship with parents can be really tricky especially at that age (oh how I loved finally moving out !)
We don't see much here,between Claire and her mother but I wanted to keep it subtle. I hope you felt the things I wanted you to fell (pain) haha
I hope you're all fine and safe, take care you all <3
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Very first chapter of this AU
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thatfandomslut · 2 months
Opposites Attract
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Trigger Warning: mean Regina bullying r a bit
r is a new student, a sweetheart, sunshine vibes and regina is randomly mean towards r, but r is just gentle and kind and eventually Regina falls in love, maybe some confessions and a bit of their relationship as a couple
Mean Girls requests are open.
Other Accounts: hoe4flo | ghostyanne
Discords: Mean Girls
Regina could feel her pulse quicken when she saw (Y/n) enter the cafeteria with that dumb, bright, beautiful smile that always adorned her features. It made Regina’s blonde boil to see her over there, laughing. Even though she wasn’t even sure why this bothered her so much. When (Y/n) glanced up, sending a small wave over to Regina and a smile, Regina felt her eyes widen and cheeks heat up as she rolled her eyes and looked away. Why would she, the Queen of North High, have anything to do with her?
“Hey,” Gretchen greeted, her honey blonde hair cascading in waves over her shoulders as she sat across from Regina with a smile. However, when she didn’t get a response, she turned around to see Regina staring at (Y/n) again. She was unsure if she should say something and if Karen didn’t whisper ‘Danger,’ under her breath when Gretchen was about to, she would’ve. Instead, she remained quiet as Regina crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at the girl across the room. “Do we have any plans this weekend?” It was an attempt to get Regina’s attention and to see if she needed to plan for any kind of party.
It was successful as Regina blinked, suddenly realizing that Karen and Gretchen were sitting in front of her. “What?” She questioned, processing Gretchen’s words. “Oh, right, a party. I don’t have one on my radar, but I’m sure I’ll find one.” She hummed, glancing at her nails, pretending to be nonchalant.
“I heard (Y/n) was going to have one for her birthday this weekend.” Karen spoke up, her voice filled with a bit of nerves. (Y/n) was always a weird subject for the trio. It seemed only Regina could talk about her. Gretchen and Karen had no problem with the girl, but because Regina did, they had to pretend to. “It’s supposed to be really big, and her brother is getting drinks for everyone.”
Regina sucked her bottom lip in, nibbling it for a moment while she thought about Karen’s words. “I guess we could make an appearance. I’m not really sure how a party by Little Miss Sunshine could be big though. I just don’t see her throwing a wild party that’s actually… good.” She hummed, grabbing the apple off her tray to take a bite off of it as she glanced up, making eye contact with (Y/n). She made sure to give her a look before glancing at her friends to see what they thought. Even though they were bound to do whatever Regina wanted to do regardless of their opinions. After all, this was a monarchy not a democracy. There were no votes.
Admittedly, Regina knew why she found it hard to like (Y/n). It was because she was in love with her. She had loved her since they were in the third grade and (Y/n) came running to help Regina up when she scraped her knee. But afraid of the school’s thoughts, she had shoved those feelings down. Instead of being nice to the one girl who made her feel any sense of normalcy, Regina would treat her to icy stares and her infamous scowls. She couldn’t allow herself to allow anyone to know about her feelings. Even if she knew deep down that Gretchen and Karen had caught on a long time ago.
On the night of the party, they were immediately greeted by (Y/n) who had a grin plastered onto her face. “You made it,” she cheered, hugging Karen and Gretchen. She didn’t want to overstep with Regina, so she opted to only extend the girl a polite smile. “The drinks are in the kitchen guarded by my brother. Do you want anything? He is an awfully great bartender.” She said, leading them to the kitchen.
“Sure, we’ll take some drinks,” Regina answered, knowing that she would call her mother when they were ready to be picked up. She nodded over to Gretchen and Karen who enthusiastically accepted themselves, taking drinks. “So, any party games?” Regina questioned, quirking up an eyebrow.
A smirk made its way onto (Y/n)’s lips as she crossed her arms. “I’m glad you asked. You three arrived just in time for a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven. A classic game that somehow never gets old. Shane Oman just spun on Aaron.” Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she walked into her living room where a group of people were talking, waiting for the timer to blare when it was up. When it did, (Y/n) took the liberty to knock on the door, and when it was opened by Aaron, he and Shane had accidentally swapped shirts, causing the group to snicker but say nothing. “Go ahead and take a seat,” she told the three, who sat on a couch that was suddenly open with one look from Regina.
“I think it’s the birthday girl’s turn.” Aaron winked, wrapping an arm around the girl with a wink, hair tousled by presumably Shane’s hands. Everyone but Regina started cheering for (Y/n) to spin the bottle except Regina. She wouldn’t be able to watch her go into that closet with someone else. Her chest felt tight as she glanced over at Gretchen, who looked back at her nervously. It irked her to know that Gretchen knew her so well. Though, it was also pretty comforting to not feel so alone in that moment. “Well, the people have spoken. Go on, birthday girl.”
(Y/n) shook her head with a playful smile, kneeling down to spin the bottle. Regina’s breath was sucked in and held there as the Bud Light’s amber bottle started to slow. She couldn’t even exhale and relax when it stopped, making a clear point to her. “All right,” Shane said, opening the door with a wide smirk. “The birthday girl paired with the Queen Bee. This should be interesting.” Regina almost knocked him out, fist clenching as she made her way into the closet, pushed close against (Y/n).
When the door closed, darkness ensued. Before Regina could think of something- anything- to say, (Y/n) spoke first, surprising her. “I’m sorry you’re stuck here with me.” She said, her voice quiet, and very unlike her. (Y/n) was usually loud, and her smile could brighten up even the darkest of rooms. “I know you don’t like me very much.” She said solemnly.
Regina’s eyes closed before she released a sigh. “That’s not true,” she confessed. The words surprised them both, causing a silence to fall upon them. The closet was stuffy and hot, but neither minded being pressed against each other despite that. “I wish it was, it would make everything easier. The truth is… I do like you. Maybe more than I should.” Regina admitted, wishing she never said anything.
“What do you mean?” (Y/n) questioned, confused on what Regina was meaning. After all, she could never figure the blonde out. She was always staring, but when (Y/n) made eye contact, she would suddenly turn icy. “You like me?”
“I’ve liked you since the third grade. I just never felt like anything would happen.” Regina began, biting her lip for a moment. “Well, that and… I was scared for what others might think of me. Stupid, huh?”
(Y/n) didn’t agree nor disagree. Instead, she stayed silent for a second, processing Regina’s words. “Regina, it’s okay to be worried about personal perceptions. I think that’s very human. Though, you can’t allow it to control your happiness.” She stated simply, and Regina knew she was right. She just struggled with the idea of being happy if the entire school didn’t fear or love her.
Then, she decided fuck that because (Y/n) was here, telling her to stop allowing her fears to control her happiness. “(Y/n), I really want to kiss you,” she finally said. She decided to be bold. She wasn’t going to allow herself to hold onto her fears. Instead, she decided to be happy and to let go of what controlled her.
There was a small snort from (Y/n) that made Regina smile a bit. “Then do it,” she said before Regina crashed her lips against hers. There was a muffled squeak from (Y/n) before she quickly reciprocated, kissing her back deeply. Their hands were left exploring each other, but before they could fully enjoy it, there was a knock. Regina pulled away, rolling her eyes. Opening the door slightly, she narrowed her eyes at Shane, the person who knocked. “Seven more minutes.” She stated before reclosing the door, making the cheering barely audible.
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Unexpected Romance
SEVENTEEN Mingyu Oneshot
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Your friends dragged you to a haunted house claiming it would be “fun”. It would have been if you weren’t someone who got scared easily, what makes it worse is that you get separated from your friends & now have to find your way back alone with all these monsters. But you would have never guessed they would be this cute….
Word Count: 882
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“Come on Y/N, PLEASEEEEE” your friends all begged you. Some college students had set up an early haunted house a month before Halloween to just test everything out, since it was a test drive, it was free & your friends were begging you to go with them. You’ve never been a fan of haunted houses, horror movies, or anything of that sort. You get scared very easily & you weren’t up for any sleepless night, lying terrified in your bed. Not when your roommate was gone.  But your friends were still begging for you to come, claiming that they would all be there with you & protect you. You loved your friends a lot, but you just couldn’t do it. But after a while, you got tired of their constant begging & just gave in. It would just be like a test drive, it wouldn’t be the real thing so it had to be fine, you said trying to convince yourself this would be fine.
That weekend, your friends picked you up. They were all excited to go to the haunted house, on the other hand, you were so nervous you were visibly shaking. One of your friends noticed & reassured you nothing would happen & that they were all there with you, which made you feel much better.
When you arrived there it looked like your typical haunted house, dark, spooky with decorations everywhere & creepy background music. You & your group all went in after showing your IDs & everything, & that’s when the fun started.
People dressed as the most terrifying things started chasing you, there were traps in some areas, screams were heard & occasionally something would just grab you from behind. When you reached a certain point there was a masked man with blood all over him chasing everyone around with a chainsaw. In the middle of all this chaos, you realized you weren’t with your friends anymore. You tried calling out to them but all you could find were just a few random people. So now you were stuck in this huge dark & scary house with God knows what hiding everywhere waiting to pop out. Your heart started beating fast & your hands started getting clammy. You didn’t know what to do, you couldn’t just stand there in the same spot all night, you had to get out of this house. So you slowly started finding the exit, which wasn’t easy. It was dark & you were walking very slowly since you were terrified about what could be ahead. At times monsters & ghouls jumped out making you scream your lungs out. Fake blood & fake dead bodies would randomly drop here & there. By now you were on the verge of tears, you were shaking very badly & just wanted to get out of this place.
The last straw was when some ghoul started chasing you, you just backed away to a corner & dropped down in a fetal position & started crying. “Hey, hey are you okay” The guy dressed as the ghoul came up to you, but when you saw him coming closer you just started crying even more. The guy understood & removed his costume & came to comfort you. “It’s ok, it’s all fake, nothing real,” he said patting your back. At this point you were clinging on to him like a baby koala would to it’s mother. That’s when you realized you were sobbing in the arms of a complete stranger who tried to give you a heart attack. “I’m sorry,” you said sniffing, “I’m not good at handling things like this & I got separated from my friends” “Hey it’s ok no worries, how about I take you out to our little lounge while your friends finish up in here & then I can help you find them. That way you can get out of here quicker & get some fresh air to help calm you down” the guy suggested. You smiled at him grateful for his help, “yea I would like that, thanks” you said smiling at the guy. He gave out his hand for you, which you gladly accepted. While you waited for your friends to finish up, you made small talk with the guy. You found out his name was Kim Mingyu & he was around your age. “So Y/N if you don’t mind me asking, are you single?” he asked you. The question slightly caught you off guard but you answered it anyways, “Yea I am.” “Well then do you mind if I ask you out on a date?” he asked hopefully. You were surprised considering you both just me, but you said yes since he was really cute. Just then your friends came rushing out, “Y/N OH MY GOD WE’VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU! WE’RE SO SORRY YOU GOT LOST” they all said hugging you. You just smiled at them & said it’s fine. On the way back they all got you your favorite foods to make up for tonight & also promised to never take you to another haunted house again. But you weren’t that mad at them about tonight though, cause if it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t have a date with a super cute guy to look forward to!  
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nighthunter241 · 1 year
He is Mine-Prologue (Henry Cavill x male reader)
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NOT MY GIF, GIF USED FROM TUMBLR OPTION 18+ DNI if you are lower the age of 18
(First day of the Freshman year)
M/N….M/N….M/N….WAKE UP, you wake up and it is your brother Anthony being annoying. “Why did you wake me up, can’t you see I was sleeping dumbass.” Anthony signs and says, “Well maybe it is because I don’t know ... .IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL SO GET UP.” You jump up instantly “Shit,Shit,Shit I forgot to set my alarm,” “You're welcome by the way” says Anthony but you barely hear him due to you running to the bathroom. After a quick shower you put on your school uniform which you sadly must wear, three kids and your parents of course still wanted to send you to a prestigious school. You go downstairs for breakfast and see your other brother Sebastian finishing his breakfast. “OOOHHHHHH someone is going to be late” says your brother. You ignore him and grab a quick bite; your mother and father go up to you “We told you not to stay up late and we also reminded you about your alarm.” “I’m so sorry mom and dad won’t happen again.” “Better not” says your father but his tone is not serious, after breakfast you notice your siblings left you and you are forced to run like hell to school. While running you check the time on your phone and without paying attention you run into someone. You fall onto the floor and before you can process what happened you hear a voice with a soothing british accent. “I am sorry, here let me help you up” you look up and see a good-looking guy with his hand extended towards you. “Um ... .no need to apologize I wasn’t paying attention; my name is M/N.""My name is Henry. It is a pleasure to meet you, wait a second, that uniform you are going to attend S/N also.” “Yes, I am currently a freshman” you said, “How about we walk together to school then.” After making it to school on time you barely get your schedule and head to homeroom you end up realizing you are with Henry. “Hey, good to see you again I guess we are in the same homeroom” you say. “We are, well at least I know one person here”  says Henry. “You barely know me though, not to sound too rude,” “Well I guess that means we just need to get to know each other” Henry chuckles and you blush. 3 years later (Senior year)
You are making your way back home on a Friday without your siblings due to them having to stay back because of their club, you did not really care you were happy the weekend came. Three years passed by so quickly, everything still seems the same, you and Henry have become good friends, but a part of you always hopes for something more but having Henry as your friend seems better than having him hate you. You two would always walk to school together then he would go to meet up with his other friend before  meeting up in the homeroom class and any other classes you guys had together. Except for lunch since that is where he usually likes to be alone so you respect that. You cannot stop staring at him, the way he looks, the way his eyes look when he is talking to you makes you feel things. You accepted the fact you have feelings for him, the question is whether it is worth trying to tell him without knowing if he even feels the same way. Hours pass and you are ready to head to bed when you get a strange text from Robert, another student you worked on a school project a month back.
Robert: Hello M/N
M/N: Hey?
Robert: You remember me, right?
M/N: Yes, we worked on that science project, the one that I DID all the work in
Robert: Which I gratefully thanked you for
M/N: Anyway, why are you randomly texting me?
Robert: Well, I saw you staring at a certain senior for a while and a little birdie told me you might have some sort of romantic feelings for that senior, that senior being Henry.
M/N: I am sorry I believe this is a misunderstanding.
Robert: Relax, I am not going to threaten to expose you, I am wanting to help by giving you a heads up.
M/N: Heads up?
Robert: Do you know someone named Amy; she is in your AP Calculus class.
M/N: Oh yes, she is Henry's childhood best friend, I see them talk to each other before I meet up with him in our homeroom.
Robert: Well ... .to get to the point she likes Henry deeply and wants to confess her feelings for him this upcoming Friday since she believes in that dumb school legend.
M/N: ????
Robert: Is it really that hard to understand?
M/N: No, is not….just that random for you tell me and why are you.
Robert: Well after cheating off you this entire year I believe it is good karma for me to help you.
Robert: Relax man you helped me out, I really do not give a shit about this school stuff since I am going to run my father’s company anyway. 
M/N: Whatever, so you telling me this is just because you want to be generous, what is the catch?
Robert: No catch just helping a friend 😊
M/N: Ok????
Robert: So, you have until Friday to stop her by any means necessary.
M/N: What do you mean by any means?
Robert: Oh, you know, over time I am sure you will understand.
M/N: What?
Robert: Well goodnight and text me whenever you need me for anything, and I mean ANYTHING. I would think fast, you do not want to lose Henry and lose the opportunity to be with him.
What the hell you thought, you went to bed trying to forget what just happened until you started having a dream. You woke up in a room with Amy and Henry and they were just chatting and for some reason you were getting angry. “Henry is mine, and you won’t get in the way!” you said while running to her and before you could attack her  you randomly woke up startled. It was Saturday seven in the morning, and you decided to get up. You thought to yourself, “what in the world was that dream, can you really be willing to hurt someone over a crush”. You had no homework to do, and your brothers and parents were still sleeping, out of curiosity you looked up Amy on social media. Now knowing about her confession coming up you start realizing all the signs were there, she always liked Henry and now she was ready to tell him, if the legend is true then that means Henry will say yes and you will lose your chance with him. You grabbed your phone and texted Robert hoping he would be up. M/N: HEY WAKE UP
Robert: Well, someone is excited.
M/N: Can you find any info on Amy, I mean anything.
Robert: Oh, someone is all ready to plan, I wonder what it is.
M/N: Just shut up and do it please.
Robert: All right I will do my best, who am I kidding of course I will find something I am the best.
You wait for a bit and after some time Robert has sent you a file with general information about Amy, you read it, but nothing catches your attention. If they are friends her feelings for him will never go away, so what can you do? Unless you could somehow change his perspective of her that will cause him to think differently of him. That's it, you just need to make sure their friendship diminishes to the point where Henry cannot see himself in a relationship with her if their friendship is not working out, but can you do that in just one school week, well you must try at least.
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lindszeppelin · 1 month
Kaia hasn't been doing paparazzi walks for a few weeks, which is strange after doing it daily. Maybe she wants to change her profile because of the basic roles she's being given as an actress, or she's just plain depressed and doesn't want to be seen.
I feel like the next few weeks are crucial to know how that relationship is going. If Kaia attends Austin's birthday party, she'll let us know.
The last time we saw them papped was her bookclub event. Ever since then there's been nothing. She left NY and was in LA for a few days where she was papped once, before she went to Paris. After coming back from Paris there was only one randomly "candid" photo of the two of them out on a walk at 10:30pm. No pap pics from the outing, which is extremely unusual and unlike Kaia. No deuxmoi sighting either. No nothing. Which leads me to believe he said to her "im done here, don't call the paps". Something happened for sure. And then she went to Montana for the weekend, where he was not there, and now im pretty sure she's either in Canada along with Presley, his gf, and Rande. Or she's in LA. She's gonna be slowly promoting this SNL movie, so we will be seeing things from her until the movie comes out in October. Will she wrangle Austin into a couple more pap pics and headlines in the press until then? I honestly don't think so, that's just my opinion.
We cannot go from how miserable Austin looked at the last pap event to then continuing the PRship charade all dandy. He was not holding her hand, not looking at her...head down and on his phone, not walking with her, walking away from her, her pushing him along from fans saying hello. Body language does not lie. And that is the worst we have seen them together...and that's saying something, because they always look terrible. But that was a new low.
I know her team put in that People magazine "kaia will attend Austin's bday party" sometime ago, but that was before everything happened in NYC. Before she knew what those weeks with him in NYC were going to be. It was abysmal. Plus her mother saying that rude comment about Austin's voice once Kaia left NYC. Timing is everything. I think it's a wrap. You can't come back from that. I highly doubt he will want her around for his birthday knowing what she is capable of, and knowing that she ruined his birthday last year. He said himself birthdays stress him out...we know why. He will not want this nonsense to linger on for much longer.
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tamagosandesu · 7 months
Title: Meet Cute Author's Notes: So, I was grocery shopping with my mom and realized that fridges was technically storage freezers on the inside. I suddenly thought that wouldn't it be fun if somebody had a meet-cute at the moment? Then I thought, why not sasusaku?
The last part wasn't really planned, I just randomly thought about it and decided to add it. It's up to you to imagine what happened at the dinner ;)
Enjoy! .
. Sasuke yawns as he feels the prick of tears welling in the corners of his eyes. His eyebrows furrow as the sun suddenly shines too brightly on his face, heat and light passing through the windshield of his car.
It was too early. Being a university student, Sasuke did not have much time in his hands, and between wanting to graduate and being well rested, Sasuke chose to invest in the long-term effects that studying has to bring rather than laying in bed and slacking off.
He thinks it's normal for many college students to have the same situation; all nighters over sleep, requirements over nap. Taking up Political Science wasn't really much of an exaggerated struggle, but being the high-achiever that he is, Sasuke thinks he can't risk any moment to fail.
Although, between weeks of practically facing university without an ounce of sleep, there are still days that Sasuke is given a reprieve of hunching over his laptop or finishing reports after reports. Every Saturday, he gets half the day free and the whole Sunday to himself. Mondays to Fridays are jam-packed, either with being a student or through juggling his commitments to his part-time job.
Usually, he just spends his weekend free times inside his dorm room near the university; Konoha State University is one of the best schools he could ever get into and is infamously known to produce achievers after achievers that top exams and creates a name for themselves. People whom Sasuke admires are mostly alumni of KSU, so it's only right that he also enters the college.
The only problem with it was that it was a good 2 hours away from their home, an hour and a half if there weren't as many commuters. Sasuke, at first, challenged his chances and tried to face the tribulation of commuting from their house to KSC for his first semester. He had to wake up in the dead of early morning where the sun is nowhere to be seen and the moon is still high up. Sasuke likes a good challenge, and so went his college life.
To say that it was tiring was an understatement. The first week was okay—adrenaline was still powering his body and the fact that he was in KSU oh my god was motivation enough to keep him sane through barely 4 hours of sleep. However, when his family saw his state of practically being a zombie, and he saw his mom shake his head with a pointing look similar to a mother hen to her chicks, he knew he had to move out and find a place near the university.
It was short-lived. However, since Sasuke is able to constantly get 5 hours of sleep, or 6 if he's extremely lucky, he thinks it's quite alright.
Sasuke yawns once again at the thought.
"Stop yawning."
Sasuke Uchiha scowls at his Mother who looks like a trophy-housewife and an elegant mother in the passenger seat, wearing an equally annoyed scowl on her pretty face.
Mikoto Uchiha was the image of elegance—long, ebony hair, styled and fixed neatly that it flows down carefully, her blouse pearly white and neatly pressed without any wrinkles whatsoever, her shoes the latest fashion from her favorite luxury shoe brand, and her face devoid and any imperfections. All this just for merely getting groceries.
Meanwhile, Sasuke looks casual—not too casual, but perfectly casual that still looked presentable. He thinks he looks fine, fine enough for the occasion of becoming Mikoto Uchiha's assistant in her grocery shopping. It wasn't bad, but when you put Sasuke beside his mom, there's no doubt that he would look like he'd come out straight out of bed.
"It's not my fault you woke me up so early," Sasuke retorts, earning a glare from his mom.
"Is that how you speak to your mother, Sasuke Uchiha?"
Sasuke shivers. It's the full name.
Sasuke feels like a little kid again, getting scolded by his mom as if he sped up with his bike way too fast and accidentally tumbled and scraped his knee.
The reverie is gone in an instant, however, when Mikoto suddenly smiles, as if reminiscing.
"Besides, it's not everyday that you get to spend time with the family all together again."
Sasuke sighs and smartly keeps his mouth shut. Anything further and Mikoto goes all sentimental again until Sasuke has to practically tear his ear off to hear none of it.
It was those rare weekends that everyone in the family was free. Well technically, forced to be free. Sasuke decided it was time to come back home after he's had enough of his mother nagging him and painfully reminding him how he and his brother has left her all alone, then proceeding to silently imply as if they don't love her anymore.
Sasuke was mama's boy through and through. So even if he has a mountain of tasks to accomplish and deadlines to reach, he packs his bags for a weekend stay and comes home to his family. Even if Mikoto Uchiha wakes him up early in the morning just to drive her to the grocery store and eventually carry bags of groceries, Sasuke still complies albeit grumbling.
Sasuke yawns once again.
Mikoto tsks and scolds him again. "Stop yawning."
Sasuke only rolls his eyes as he roams the parking lot to find a spot. .
. Sasuke rocks the cart back and forth, bored out of his mind as he waits for his mother to finish her chattering with her high school friends that they coincidentally bumped into. Sasuke was an introvert, like an introverted introvert. Not an extroverted introvert, or an at-least-i-can-socialize introvert, but a please-leave-me-alone-i-beg-of-you introvert.
He's suddenly lost half of his almost non-existent social battery when Mikoto dragged him to meet one of her friends and fussed over how her little boy was all grown-up. If Sasuke's uncomfort wasn't obvious enough, judging by his smile that almost looks constipated, Mikoto further forced him to talk and socialize with people he has no idea who are, much to his chagrin.
After Mikoto lost even an ounce of attention on him, he made sure to go as far away from her as possible.
So now, he absentmindedly stares at the variety of chips in front of him while still looking out for his mom if she finally decided to bid farewell to her friends.
Said man tenses as his blood runs cold at the voice. It can't be…
Slowly, he turns his head to confirm.
"Sasuke!" Suddenly, he found himself in a tight hug by none other than his self-proclaimed best friend, Naruto Uzumaki.
Sasuke curses under his breath when Naruto finally releases him, smiling ear-to-ear, barely aware of the dark aura and menacing glare that Sasuke is sending his way.
If his social battery was at least still half earlier, Sasuke was sure he lost a quarter more just by being engulfed by the blonde's hug. Naruto is a loudmouth—so loud that it's deafening and extremely vexatious to Sasuke. They were buddies ever since high-school. Well, maybe not-really-buddies since Naruto just rubbed him the wrong way which ended up in a brawl and a notice from the principal, a suspension, a black-eye for Naruto and a broken nose for Sasuke.
After that, Naruto went ahead and apologized which Sasuke did not accept which led to more taunting and shouting before Naruto said he'll just treat him to a bowl of ramen at the very least if Sasuke did not want an apology. One grumble of the raven's stomach and a grin from the blonde was all it took before they suddenly became friends.
At those moments, Sasuke suddenly thought that perhaps, one of the very few foundations of friendships starts at exchanging fists and sustaining damage.
"What are you doing here?" Naruto happily asks the grumpy Sasuke.
"Nothing," Sasuke answers, stealing a glance at his mom who still has yet to finish their conversation.
"Who are you looking at?" Naruto follows his line of sight and spots Mikoto. Face lightening up, Naruto abruptly drags Sasuke out back to his mother with him almost stumbling and leaving the cart in surprise.
"What the hell are you doing?" Sasuke hissed. He was sure he knew what the blonde was doing, but still he asked.
"I'm gonna say hi to Aunt Mikoto!" grinning like a child, Naruto arrives in front of a surprised Mikoto before saying hi in a voice so loud that onlookers started to watch.
"Naruto! How nice to see you!" Mikoto exclaims after recovering from her earlier surprise.
"You too, aunt Mikoto!" The blonde replies all too enthusiastically.
Like a domino, it seems as if Mikoto and her friend's conversation started all over again as she introduces Naruto and chatters away. Only this time around, compared to Sasuke who looked like he was constipated and ended the conversation as fast as possible, Naruto appears to be enjoying the talk and replies happily, asking questions after questions.
Sasuke sighs.
This is gonna be long. .
. Finally, after almost an eternity, Mikoto finally bid goodbye to her friend and continued with their initial shopping, only this time there was Naruto to tag along.
Sasuke thinks he might've gone deaf from all the blonde's talking. Can't he speak quietly? Why must he always shout?
When they arrive at the counter to finally line up, Sasuke feels like he's already had a long day. And it was only just morning.
"What are you up to today Naruto?" Mikoto sweetly inquires.
"Nothing much auntie, probably just sleeping at home," the blonde casually replies.
Sasuke feels like he has a good hunch about where the conversation is going.
Please don't invite Naruto to lunch and dinner.
"Do you want to spend the day with us? Sasuke's all alone since his dad is still at work and Itachi and his wife's not gonna be home until dinner. Wouldn't it be fun if he had company?" Mikoto asks.
"I'll be fine mom," Sasuke said, hissed, probably putting too much emphasis on 'fine'.
"Nonsense," Mikoto waves his son off. "The more the merrier, right?"
Naruto nodded enthusiastically like a dog to his owner, while Sasuke profusely scowled.
"I'd be delighted, auntie!"
There goes my peaceful weekend. .
. "Shoot."
Sasuke hears his mom mutter under her breath while the cashier nears scanning the end of the goods they've bought. He's suddenly alert, spine straight and eyes to his mom since it's wasn't common to hear Mikoto Uchiha swear.
"Sasuke dear, can you please get some alcohol?" Mikoto looks at his son with pleading eyes.
Sasuke, without missing a beat, nods and walks away, He briskly strides towards the wine section and swiftly grabs three different bottles. Champagne, red wine, and whiskey. He'e sure Mikoto will reprimand him for the whiskey, but still he takes one just for him and his brother to drink in the night after their dinner.
Sasuke had half a mind to buy a can of his favorite drink when he spied the refrigerator section, almost about to ignore it altogether, until he saw that they had a new flavor. Quickly, he decides in a split second and walks from the wine aisle, passing by the frozen foods' fridge to the drinks that were at the very end.
In his peripheral, he notices someone inside the fridge walking. Probably a staff. When he finally stops to open the fridge and take a drink, he sees a mop of pink and a lithe frame checking the boxes behind the shelves of the fridge. Curiously, he watches her back until she slowly turns to give her his profile.
A cute nose, long lashes, and pursed lips were what he saw as she tapped the pen in her lips and looked in wonder. As if sensing his staring, she side-eyes Sasuke before finally facing him and catching his gaze.
He felt like his breath was taken away.
A beautiful woman looked straight at him, wearing a cap and a uniform while she held onto a clipboard. Definitely a staff. Sasuke studies her pink hair, cut short into a bob that framed her pretty round face. Up front, her lips looked plump and pink, dusted with a light red lipstick. When he looked up and saw her eyes, Sasuke saw the prettiest shade of viridian, staring wide at him and sparkling as if she saw something fascinating. Her lashes and eyebrows were light, and for a moment all Sasuke could do was stare like a dumb kid.
He's probably not painting a pretty picture in front of this gorgeous woman, but still Sasuke looks as if it was the first time he's seen a girl ever in his life.
He tries to say something—she probably thinks he's weird for staring at her for so long—but all he could do was open his mouth and close it, hesitating and most likely looking like a fish.
"Sasuke!" he hears somewhere. Turning his head, he sees Naruto with a frown, urging him to hurry up.
He takes a look back at the fridge and sees the woman still there. She smiles sweetly and says hello before Sasuke snaps out and blushes, nodding his head in acknowledgement and sneaking a glance at her name tag.
Sakura Haruno.
How cliche, he thinks as he walks off and turns his lips in the slightest, the closest he can give to a smile. Pink hair and green eyes—colors he usually thought were loud and obnoxious, and definitely not his type, felt right with her.
With Sakura, he felt like he's never seen anything more beautiful and appealing than a mixture of pink and green.
When he returns back to the counter, he sees his mom glaring at him, probably for taking too long, and Naruto conversing with the cashier, probably to buy them time. He also notices the queue that he's most likely produced, all looking annoyed and impatient.
Usually, he would've felt chagrined at his fault, but after remembering the cause of it, he can't find it in himself to care.
In his mind, on that day, Sasuke feels like he's experienced one of the most unexpected things he would have felt. With all the sudden awareness and sensibility that he possessed in that moment about his feelings, Sasuke Uchiha therefore concluded:
I think I'm in love. .
. Itachi Uchiha is a busy man.
Being the CEO of their family company, Itachi barely has time to spare to attend trivial things, like dinners, for example, unless it's part of business.
Or, unless it was arranged by their dear, overbearing mother.
So, Itachi rushes to fix his things and hurries to pick up his wife from her work.
When he gets out of the car and meets Izumi, he sees a certain someone come out.
"Sakura," Itachi greets with a soft smile after kissing his wife on the cheek.
"Itachi-san," Sakura nods and returns his smile.
Izumi Uchiha was the daughter of the owner of the biggest mall-chain in Konoha, and Sakura Haruno was a 4th year university student that works part-time in one of the branches. The pink-haired girl was a sweet little thing that was able to befriend Izumi through a few exchanges of words. Izumi was also sweet, and liked especially sweet things and people. Sakura and Izumi getting along was almost inevitable, if Itachi says so himself. Put two girls together with things in common and you get a pair of bestfriends.
Although Sakura still maintains professionalism knowing that Izumi is practically the daughter of her boss's boss's boss, which Itachi respects. She was a clever girl from Konoha State University studying medicine, but still excels in many fields.
It was a waste to not know her as well.
"Dear, Sakura here was just telling me how she had a 'meet-cute' moment with someone," Izumi tells her husband as she wiggles her eyebrows at Sakura, who profusely blushed.
"Izumi-san!" Sakura tries to chastise.
Itachi, feeling as devilish as his wife, also decides to tease. "And what did he look like?"
Sakura, if possible, darkened further to a shade of red. Being the diligent girl that she is, she still answers the question.
"He was handsome," she admits in a shy voice. And then, in typical Sakura fashion, she proceeds to ramble. "He oddly looked like you, Itachi-san, same eyes and your face structure, but his hair was like all over the place,"
Now that piqued Itachi's interest.
"Did you know his name?" Itachi asked.
"It was…" Sakura trailed off to think. "Sasuke, I think."
Itachi and Izumi both shared a look. Surely, there wouldn't be anyone who looked like him and was named Sasuke right?
Itachi suddenly had an idea.
"Sakura, would you like to have dinner with our family?"
Sakura was confused, with their family? Isn't that supposed to be just intimately between them?
She became even more confused when she noticed both Izumi and Itachi grinning as they awaited her answer, faces as encouraging as ever.
I have a bad feeling about this…
"Sure...I guess...?"
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greazyfloz · 1 year
Lovers & Strangers - Chapter 21
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 After Mark left, Ethan arrived about a half hour later. I called him crying after Mark left the room, and with no hesitation he was on his way. I didn’t exactly tell him what happened, just that Mark and I got in an argument about something and I told him to leave.
“hey what’s wrong?“ Ethan asked me as he enters the room
“your parents don’t know yet?” I ask him with a little bit of fear in my voice
“don’t know about what?” he asked and I sighed out loudly as I continued to cry. Ethan comes over and sits on the bed beside me and I scooch over so that he can have a spot on the bed next to me. He moves in and puts his arm around me, and I rest my head on his shoulder. “tell me what’s going on. Why are you so upset?“ he asked me
“I asked Mark to drop by my house and grab some stuff for me and when he was there, he opened my drawer in the bathroom. I completely forgot they were there, but he saw them.” I tell him. Without even having to say the pregnancy test is what he found, I can already tell by the look on Ethan's face that he knew what I was talking about.
“ He brought that up in front of your parents? Is that why you asked me if my parents knew?”
“No, he was asking me questions about it and we were both looking the other way and when I turned around to look at him, my parents were standing in the doorway. They heard enough to know it’s yours.” I tell him and swallow hard after as I try hard not to let any more tears escape from my eyes. 
Ethan beside me, just nods. He doesn’t say anything, but his arm around my shoulder begins to rub up and down my arm to comfort me. 
“Mark is really mad at me, I think, but why would I tell him?” I continued.
“he’ll get over it” Ethan says, I can tell he didn’t want to reassure me of that. But I also know he wants to make me feel better. “So where are your parents?” Ethan asked me
“I don’t know. My mother ran out of the room, and my father followed. That was probably 10 minutes before I called you”
“Well, my guess is my parents already know. You really think that your parents wouldn’t have already told mine yet?”
“but wouldn’t they have called or texted you?” 
“I don’t know, they’re going to have pretty much all week in Tampa to tell me how they feel about it” he says with a sigh
“I’m so sorry Ethan, I feel like I caused you way more stress than you need to have” I say, and Ethan looks down at me, bringing his free arm up so his thumb can wipe across under my eye, catching the tears and rubbing them away.
“hey, don’t be sorry. I l-“ he starts but catches himself, “Sorry it’s hard to not say it once it’s already been said”
I look up at him, and it takes every muscle in my body to hold me back from pressing my lips to his. I love him, but something inside of me keeps telling me that it should be Mark. I don’t say anything, I just continue to rest my head on his shoulder.
20 minutes later, both of my parents came into the room. Ethan pulls away from me out of awkwardness, and my parents each pull up a chair and set them next to the bed before sitting down.
“good, you’re both here“ my mother says to us
“ what the fuck were you two thinking?” my father says randomly out of nowhere
“we weren’t” Ethan says to my father, but my father shakes his head
“I wasn’t talking to you, me and you will have a conversation later” my father says to Ethan
“Okay calm down” my mother says looking at my father, grabbing his arm. She then turns and looks over at Ethan and I and lets out a gentle breath, “how did this happen?“
“I- um-“ I stutter not knowing what exactly to her
“we went to a party, we were both drunk, it just happened. It was a stupid mistake, and I can guarantee it won’t happen again ever” Ethan says, interrupting my stutter.
“you guys need to be more careful“ my mother starts, “having a baby, it’s a serious thing. By no means are you guys lucky that any of this happened this weekend but if you were to have a child that would ruin your friendship, your relationship and it could’ve even ruined my and y/f/n’s friendship with your parents Ethan”
Ethan and I both nod as we look at my mothers sad face, beside a much angrier face plastered on my fathers. But what my mother said didn’t phase me as much as it did Ethan. What phased me was what Ethan said. Honestly it kind of hurt to think that maybe he was serious, maybe I was a stupid mistake to him.
After discussing it more with my parents, and my parents calling Ethan’s parents to discuss with them as well; visiting hours soon came to a close and my parents along with Ethan were discussing who was going to stay with me overnight since Mark was no longer here.
“ Ethan you have practice tomorrow and you’re leaving soon you should go home and get some sleep. I’ll just stay.” my mother says
“No, I promise it’s okay. I don’t m-“
“I’ll be fine one night by myself” I interrupt Ethan. “I’m gonna text Mark and see where he is anyways” 
“well, I can stay until you get a hold of him” Ethan says, and I shake my head no. I don’t know if Mark will even answer, but I don’t think Ethan staying the night wouldn’t be the smartest after Mark's remark tonight.
I ended up convincing them to leave and I pulled out my phone and called Mark. the phone rings a couple of times before he answers.
“hey I’m so glad you called“ mark starts on the other end of the line, “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to say that, it’s just hard to compete with him”
“ Mark, you’re not even competing with him. There’s no competition. I sent him home so you can come back” I said, taking a deep breath before continuing: “ please come back“
“I’m on my way” Mark says into the phone before hanging up. Mark was quick to get here. And came running through the door as the nurse was doing her final check up on me for the rest of the night.
After she left Mark was quick to get under the sheets with me and wrap me close into his chest, “one week without you, I don’t know how I’m gonna do it“ he says
“I’m choosing not to be admitted tomorrow, so I’ll get to go home and we can spend your last day in Ann Arbor together” I told him as I turn, so we are now chest to chest, “but for now, I need you“
Mark looks down at me timidly, not knowing how to react. As I look up at him, I press my lips on his and he kisses me back immediately. I begin to press my lips harder on his, and he lets my tongue enter, as we begin to make out. 
“one second“ I say, breaking away from the kiss, and standing up and walking towards the door. I take a chair and tilt it so the back of the chair is jammed underneath the door knob so the door cannot be opened.
I look back at Mark and I smirk,”remember what I said this morning?” I ask him making my way back to the bed.
“remind me again” he hums as I get back onto the bed and throw my leg over his lap so I’m now cradling him. I lean down and press my lips against his again before I pull away.
“I want you to fuck me, Mark“ I say, before pressing my lips back again but he pushes me away
“are you sure? Are you sure you’re ready?” he questions me looking at me seriously but instead, I just pressed my lips back onto his.
“ yes” I mumble onto his lips as we begin to make out more passionately. 
As we were making out Mark’s hands travel up my side underneath my shirt, and he grabs onto my tit. I moan out softly and Mark pulls his hand away.
“mark please” I say against his lips but he pulls away again
“I don’t want to hurt you and I don’t wanna do this if you’re not ready” he says to me with a worried expression on his face
“ mark, I want to fuck you. Please. I’ll be okay. I need to do this. I need you.” I say, as I sat back up, still cradling his hips and taking off my shirt.
Mark bites his lips before leaning up and pressing his mouth on my tit, massaging the other one. I breathe out, roughly as Mark begins, massaging my tit, flicking his tongue against my nipple before switching and taking turns with the other one.
I grind up against him, trying to get him hard then reaching down and pulling his shirt off, making him release himself from my tits. He then turns me over, so he is on top, and then presses his lips onto mine to begin making out with me once again. 
As we make out his hand travels down my side and into my pants as his fingers rub circles around my clit, and I anxiously lift my hips and pull my pants down myself. He leans to the side for a second so that I could fully take my pants off and he could do the same with his. Now we are both fully naked as he connects his lips back onto mine, and his fingers travel down to my pussy.
He enters two fingers Inside of me, pumping them in and out at a slow pace. “Faster Mark” I breathe out and Mark begins to pump his two fingers quicker inside of me. I moan out as he hits my G spot with his long fingers with every pump. I begin to moan out a little louder when I feel his fingers curl hard and fast.
“Shhh, baby we have to be quiet” Mark says, bringing one hand and covering my mouth. I nod my head as his fingers continue to work inside of me and he brings his lips onto my neck, sucking hard.
“P-please mark please just fuck me” I say to him and he cocks an eyebrow at me,
“so soon?” He asks.
“yes, Mark please”
Mark sits up straight before positioning my legs over his thighs, and rubbing his dick up and down my slit before he stops and stands up from the bed.
“what are you doing?!” I ask him as he walks towards his clothes
“I didn’t bring a condom” Mark says to me and I throw my head back into a pillow and groan
“mark please just fuck me I don’t care” 
I can tell Mark is thinking about it by the way he looks back at me and just stares. He gets back on the bed, stroking his cock while coming in close again. He rubs his dick up and down my slit once again, making me moan out.
“I’m pulling out” he says to me and I nod fast
“Okay please Mark just fuck me” I beg once again, as I feel Mark slide himself inside of me. My moan quickly, place my hand over my mouth to muffle any noise. He begins to thrust himself inside of me faster and faster. Hitting my G spot every time. with his quick pace, he begins to go even deeper inside of me, making me unable to release my hand from my mouth as I whimper.
When I finally released by hand for my mouth, I look up at him and tell him, “oh fuck Mark I’m gonna cum” 
“cum baby” Mark says he continues to thrust. 
“oh fuck, oh fuck, I’m cuming m-mark!” I moan out a little louder, as I cum on his cock
I feel Mark begin to twitch inside of me as he quickly pulls himself out then rests his cock on my stomach where he continues to finish on me as he groans in pleasure.
“Shit!” he says, standing up and grabbing tissues off the table on the other side of the room before coming back and cleaning me off. “fuck! I think I came inside you a little bit” he says, “I’ll have to go get Plan B or something in the morning for you”
I try hard not to giggle, especially after the talk I just had with my parents as I’ve bend down to pick up my clothes and put them on. I don’t say anything to Mark, but once I’m fully dressed, I make my way around the bed and wrap my arms around his shoulders, pressing my lips back on his. When I pull away, he looks down at me smiling.
“you’re so beautiful“ he says to me making me blush, “I’m so glad you’re mine”
Mark takes the chair away from the door before coming back and laying with me in the bed. He wraps his arms around me, and we begin to talk about the rest of the week and how excited he is for Tampa and how I wish I was gonna be there with him.
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fvckyouimaprophet · 1 year
Music asks! 1, 2, 8, 17, 27, 38, 54, 56, 92, and 106!
Thank you, Ash!! Sorry it’s taken me forever to respond. I’m just very indecisive (despite asking for these questions, ha).
When I’m saying favorite for any of these questions, it can change day to day or even mood to mood, so I’ll just pick two or three that come to mind for most. 😅
1. What is your favorite album?
I will admit that with streaming, I don’t typically listen to most albums in full beyond maybe 3-5 times.
But since I saw them in concert recently, I’ll say, I’ve been listening to The Head on the Door by The Cure.
But the real forever answer is Shrek 2: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
2. What is your favorite artist?
It may currently be Angel Olsen and Sharon Van Etten.
8. What is your favorite concept album?
Look, I know it’s a big one, but it’s gotta be Ziggy Stardust by David Bowie. 
17. Favorite song right now?
Favorite might not be right, but ones I’m listening to non-stop lately: Vampire by Olivia Rodrigo, Immigraniada (We Comin' Rougher) by Gogol Bordello, and Mermaids by Florence + The Machine
27. What is your favorite album that is not sung in your mother tongue?
Ooh, while I listen to many songs that aren’t in English (especially French and Croatian), I feel like I can almost count the number of full albums on my fingers (that aren’t associated with movie soundtracks).
Un verano sin ti by Bad Bunny G***y Kings by G***y Kings (given the name, I want to add that their parents mostly are Romani from Spain) Tous les garçons et les filles by Françoise Hardy
It has been years since I’ve listened to it, but I’m also going to put Rebecca: The Musical in German (Vienna production). We were robbed of a Broadway production. Hoping the London version this year leads to that.
38. Good song for writing
I admittedly make a lot of playlists for things that I’m writing but mostly play instrumental music while I write because it can be hard to tune it out, and I don’t want to be distracted.
But also things are so dependent on vibe?
Instrumental: Shape of Water by Alexander Desplat, Comptine d’un autre été by Yann Tiersen, and Drive My Car by Eiko Ishibashi
Non-Instrumental: Hounds of Love by Kate Bush, Shadow by Chromatics, and Sorry Not Sorry by Tyler, The Creator
54. Song you recommend
For you specifically (if you don’t know them already): A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley, ale Bien Qui Fait Mal by Mozart l’Opera Rock, and Androgynous by The Replacements
For people who may randomly be reading this whose taste I am less familiar with: Easy On Your Own? by Alvvays, Sun Bleached Flies by Ethel Cain (for the uninitiated), and Hot Knife by Fiona Apple
56. Underrated song
I have a bad sense of how popular things actually are, so I’ll just list songs I wish had more recognition that I’ve been listening to this year:
Body by 070 Shake and Christine and the Queens Young Lover by St. Vincent Leather by Tori Amos
92. Which album(s) would you wish to see performed live front to back?
Not possible but:
Blue Weekend by Wolf Alice I Put A Spell On You by Nina Simone Lion and the Cobra by Sinéad O’Connor (😭)
106. Which musicians would you wish to teach you an instrument?
St. Vincent and Mitski can teach me guitar. Kim Deal could teach me bass. They’re all the best at what they do, but also my gay self would thrive.
Send me music asks.
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ayearlaterletters · 2 months
Jul 18 - Jul 21
Written on July 21st at 6:39 pm Before I start recapping our days together let me just say hi baby and good morning, good afternoon, and good evening. :) I miss you so much and I like you <3 ahhhh I want to see you tonight. I have the urge to see you again even though I just saw you like 4 hours ago lol. Surprise beach night drive? ^_^ We will see, hehe <3 !!! Alright, let's start the weekend recap!!!!!!!
Thursday July 18th Recap: I believe you worked and it was my day off! We hung out with Marcus and watched his volleyball practice! Before you came to pick me up for Marcus practice, I got my nails done all white, which you liked. My nail tech lady, whom I haven't seen in months because I haven't got my nails done by her in a minute or she's been away traveling, brought you up. i was blushing so hard because I cant believe she remembered that conversation but I'm glad she did because I love talking about you to everyone else but you - at that time you didn't know I had a crush on you. You thought it was cute that I liked you so much in that time period. Then you picked me up, picked up Marcus, drove to the YMCA and supported his volleyball practice then out of nowhere around 8:30 the power went out lol that was funny. Then me and Marcus decided to gang up on you keeping you outta the loop lol but I asked if he was down for pizza and we all got pizza! :) yay then we dropped Marcus off at home you and i and kissed in front of your driveway for like an hour. then we drove to the beach for a little bit kissed some more stared into each others eye then you drove me home. the end of our goodnight. Friday July 19th: Finally your day off and I woke up so early that day like 7am. I went on my usual 2 mile walk with trooper to the park. I went to Starbucks got myself some ice water, drove home and started packing for our weekend gateway which we had been looking forward to for a week ^_^ I think you were cleaning your bathroom, packing, showering, and playing dress up for your momma because she was attending the rugby game, then finally you came and swooped me up! We made our way to C level lounge and met your mother. I ordered the Korean tofu and you ordered the Mediterranean bowl which was super delicious :) 7.5 rating because I like my bowls hella built with more veggies but it was all good lol. After our delicious lunch we made our way to the hotel and checked in. We made endless love for almost 6 hours. I would repeat this day again, no... i would repeat this weekend with you, but with days off from work, again. We didn't have dinner, we just went to bed after being in each other's embrace for hours. That was a great way to end the night by falling asleep in your arms <3
Saturday July 20th: Sadly I had work in the morning which was a drag but luckily my day was super easy because I was SS and not a lot of special services that day. After you picked up from work, we went to get breakfast at the Lazy Hippo and you had your first mimosa. You got strawberry french toast rating 5.5 and I got a breakfast burrito with country potatoes. Would rate a 7.5 :) After our delicious breakfast, I randomly wanted something sweet and tried vegan rocky road ice cream for the first time. walked around downtown, came across some vendors and met a guy from section 6 selling graphic tees lol for like $40. now I know about different the sections lol I love learning something new every day. things just amaze me what goes through people's minds lol Anyways... after walking around downtown, we made more love but originally you wanted to change clothes and get out of the outfit that you started to feel hot in. which you didn't tell me until after we finished making love and woke up from our nap! You also tapped out that day which is funny because u learned about the refractory phase! You seriously thought you had erectile dysfunction omg lol. i won the championship belt temporarily because that night I called defeat when you seriously put me to bed lol. we did get indian food from the royal India then walked around downtown even to seaport. we stopped at this fancy restaurant, animae which is an expensive ramen, steak place I think lol I just heard about this place from word of mouth. lovely ambiance and beautiful people, we belong there because we are beautiful people. After we walked around downtown we made our way back to the hotel and ended up snuggling because we had some questions for one another like do we still like each other. we passionately kissed and made really great love to end the night.
Sunday, July 21st: I went to work and girlbossed. luckily i got out before 10am and had enough time to get back to the hotel and pack my belongings before check-out time. however, you were giving me those damn puppy eyes asking for one last time before we leave our lovely weekend. after our festivities, we went to ob and got Luigis pizza. we originally were going to Hodads but the line was stupid long but its all good because I got to try your pizza spot! After pizza I got some mid thai tea and then you drove me home. i lowkey wished you took the long way home so we could spend more time together vibing, holding hands, and looking at you. we both knocked out and now we've been on the phone together since 17:00 and it is now 22:00. Goodnight my lover boy, who almost said I love you today hehe
See you another time i cannot wait to see you again and let's have another good week ^_^ more adventures and blessings to come!
10:13 pm Much love, appreciation, and gratitude, angel your taxi driver.
Angel Numbers: 10:10
0 notes
suckitsurveys · 7 months
What would you say is the worst part of high school, period? The constant fear and anxiety from every fucking aspect of it.
What is your favorite color of apple? Red, green or yellow? Green, and some red ones, like honeycrisp.
How old will you be on your mother’s 68th birthday? Is that ‘old’ to you? My mother died when she was 61 so technically she didn’t have a 68th birthday, but I was 30 on that day.
Ever thought you were dying of something you weren’t even close to having? Sure.
Ever want to be a doctor? Is it because of all the hospital shows? I wanted to be an animal doctor for a bit as a kid but never a human doctor.
What do you think of all these reality shows that try to alter personality? I’m not sure what you mean.
Where are your favorite pair of shoes in the whole world right now? In my closet.
Do you live anywhere near a mall? Which one exactly? Yeah, I do. There’s a few in the Chicago area.
If you were dying who would you say goodbye to first out of everyone? I don’t fucking wanna think about that thanks.
Are you someone who actually likes to babysit children? Just my nieces.
Do you ever have those ‘ah ha!’ moments? Do those annoy you? Depends on the moment?
When is the next time you’ll eat a cupcake, if you know when? I'm not sure but there’s nothing really stopping me from going to get one at any given moment..
Does your family go on a lot of vacations? Are they more boring or exciting? We did every summer when I was a kid and we try to go somewhere as a family once a a year. We’re actually all going somewhere in a couple weeks!
Where did you last buy socks from? What do those socks look like? I don’t have a specific place I get socks from.
Do you ever lay in the grass and look up at the sky, just because? Not really but I’m not opposed to it.
When do you normally go to sleep on the weekends? Anywhere between 11-1am. I’ll stay up a little later on Saturdays if SNL is on.
Have you ever met someone with the same ‘biggest fear’ as you? Sure.
Do you ever have movie nights with your significant other? Yeah, or TV show nights. Last night we watched a few episodes of Bob’s Burgers.
Would you rather write with a pen or a pencil? Why is this? Pen. I don’t like how pencils get dull so quickly.
Who was the last person to call you fat, if anyone at all? My 5 year old niece. I told her that there is nothing wrong with being fat but it isn’t nice to comment on people’s bodies.
Are you afraid of being kidnapped if you go outside at night time? Yeah.
Has your mother ever called your school because of your grades? I don’t remember a specific incident but it seems like something she would have done if she felt I was being graded unfairly.
The best field trip you’ve ever been on; where was it to anyway? I loved field trips to the zoo as a kid.
In the next twenty minutes, what will you be doing and where will you be? I’ll be here, probably doing another survey since I’m on a roll right now haha.
Do you work? If so, have you ever been fired, then rehired from the place? I do work, but have never been fired from here. I did get “let go” as a temp in the beginning but then they hired me full time not long after.
Can you tell when people are lying or telling the truth? That’s hard to answer. Some people can lie effortlessly.
What would you say your average word per minute time is on the keyboard? I don’t know.
What is your least favorite class in school? Why is this? Math because it didn’t really allow for creativity.
Do you bite your fingernails or tap them on desks? I tap them a lot lol.
Have you ever wanted to be in a band? What position exactly? Sure.
Do you ever call your cousins just to talk to them randomly? Not really.
When did you last spend the night at someone’s house? Uhhhhhhhhhh I guess technically in October when I slept in my friend's friend’s camper after me and my friend saw Pete Davidson in Kalamazoo. We weren’t really in her house but we were on her property.
Do you find any of your friends’ parents creepy or really mean? I don’t interact with my friends parents often enough anymore to find them mean or creepy.
Do you ever have to wash your clothes at someone else’s house? I wash our clothes at my dad’s house because the washer in our building is so small and only holds like 2 pairs of underwear.
When is the next time you’ll go to the library? Why is this? I don’t have plans to do that.
Do you know how to play pool? Are you any good at it? Yes but I wouldn’t say I’m great at it.
Are you someone who likes to get in arguments or fights a lot? Not at ALL.
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voirists · 1 year
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This is the picture I have as my profile on one of my socials.
Just a lot of tired rambling beneath the cut. Descriptions of not so great parenting and insinuated queerphobia, I guess?
Today my mother that I see once a year (and i'm very happy for those circumstances. 7 days a year are torture enough) called me on my dad's phone since she knew I wouldn't pick up if I saw her number to inquire about it. Or rather, interrogate me about it.
Her last update was me insinuating I had a girlfriend (which I didn't. I did say it out of spite though, since I'm afab and my mom is enough of a fucking queerphobe, she insists on disrespecting me in all ways possible and still hasn't managed to call me by the right names or pronouns even once without mocking me off the ends of the earth) and that nearly gave her an aneurysm, so I quite enjoyed not correcting her about that. That was nearly two years ago.
I also have never, never, ever brought up Pedro or anything of the like to her because she will never see any of his things on her own (she's kind of extremist old-fashioned when it comes to electronics and media too, what a shocker) and her favorite pastime is destroying the things I enjoy and making me miserable.
For some reason, she saw this picture today (I've had it for months) and her first thought was that this is a picture I took of my (non-existent) boyfriend. So she called me to complain that
1. Why doesn't she know about him? Clearly, we are best friends and she loves me oh so much and god, I am such a terrible daughter who just wants to make her miserable, what did I ever do to you? She's incredibly upset that I would not share these things with her (gasp) and she wants to meet him. I literally live in a different country. There are over ten hours of a drive between us (and thank fuck for that, physical distance is the only thing stopping her from randomly showing up on my doorstep and ruining my week and instantly making my mental health skyrocket 50 feet beneath the ground).
2. I seem to have fun. He seems to have fun. God forbid I have joy in my life that she can't get a chance to ruin and make about herself.
3. I am terrible with photography. Why is this picture so blurry? Also, he looks older. Have I finally realized the whole queer thing is just to make her suffer and myself special so I don't feel so worthless? Having a man put me in my place is just what I need, because clearly I'm still in my rebellious stage, thinking I don't want to see her every weekend.
4. She's also calling to remind me that it's mother's day, I owe it to her to celebrate her special day and she's so upset I didn't get her a week-long trip to Italy for two (that I wouldn't even be invited to) as a present. It's not like I'm barely paying rent and am lucky to have 20 bucks left at the end of a month.
And every time, she's fucking surprised as if it was big news that I'm not really into spending time with her as her metaphorical and literal punching bag, door mat and therapist. I wonder why that is. For fucks sake.
I am currently very tempted to photoshop myself into pictures with Pedro and putting them as my profile on that social she's apparently now stalking, slowly getting more unhinged until she's so fucking offended by it, she won't try to call me any longer out of pure disgust.
Apparently "Oh god, yes please" is not the right answer to her threat of putting me in therapy and going no contact because I'm so fucking horrible and bullying her by being myself and not giving a shit about her opinion anymore. I would have gotten myself therapy fucking years ago if I could afford it, and this is a very weird attempt to control a full ass adult who lives in a whole other country.
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miaikon · 1 year
I was exposed to a lot of not-age-appropriate media during my childhood in the 80s/ 90s. Anyone else share this experience?
This is not a try to explain or excuse my mental issues, or to complain. It's just a kind of vent since I'm thinking about this a lot, on and off. For context, I was born in the 1980s and reached 18 years of age in the early 2000s. My native language is German. Also, apart from a few nightmares, I don't know how much this affected me.
My earliest memory of catching something I maybe was too young for was when I was six or seven. My stepfather liked playing videotapes of musicals while he did the house chores (he was our stay at home parent). This got me glimpses of "Hair", "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" and also "Jesus Christ Superstar". I remember asking my stepdad why Frank'n'Further was dressed like he was, and him answering "because he likes it". Also, I was a big fan of the big dance scene at the beginning of "Hair" (set to "Age of Aquarius").
I don't think this chapter, while probably not stuff you'd usually show a seven-year-old, affected me too much. I watched all these musicals later as a teen and was able to re-contextualise what I saw in my head after I learned English and understood what was going on.
The nightmares came later. I must have been nine or ten. My bio father had me every weekend then, but apparently didn't want taking care of me to stunt his social life, so he brought me along to the big sci-fi watch parties he had with friends every Saturday. In retrospect, I think my mother made him take me for the weekends, and he wasn't a fan. Before that, he used to leave me with friends, who also had kids, or his then-girlfriend a lot and just go off do his own thing.
Anyways, I was present for the sci-fi screening. I don't know all the names, but three of the series they watched were some form of "Star Trek" (it definitely had Data and Picard), "Deep Space Nine" and, I think, "SeaQuest". They watched one episode of multiple series a night, and I wasn't allowed to ask any questions and usually fell asleep on the couch. Scenes from some episodes haunted my nightmares for years after (remember, my age was in the single digits!). As a teen, with the help of my now-fiancé, I managed to hunt down and re-watch some of these episodes for context.
Quick interlude - the man is a sci-fi enciclopedia. He managed to figure out not only the series, but the EPISODE, from clues like "Woman with psychic powers enters brain of serial killer, sees all his murder victims", "half-machine woman tells pale guy to rip off his own skin" and "two people scream at each other while a woman is giving birth in the same room. They argue about the symbolic value of the baby".
Paralell to all that, nobody really cared what I read. Starting with "Discworld" at age 13 was probably the most age-appropriate thing I ever did XD. I learned to read at age five, before being enrolled in school at age six. According to my mom, I wanted to learn. According to my memory, she taught me so I could read my own bedtime stories.
Anyway, anything that said "Fantasy" on it was fair game. The same way anything animated was DEFINITELY for kids of all ages ("Watership down" also lived in my nightmares for years). I got given books quite randomly. Some noteworthy ones are: me reading "The never-ending story" at age six (before I could read a clock. I refused to learn how to read a clock for a long time because, in my kid mind, it meant I couldn't be expected to have a bed time/ know when it was time to stop reading). There was also "Sorla Flusskind" ("Sorla Riverchild"), which is a pretty decent kid's adventure book - if it wouldn't start out with our protagonist's conception via assault. Honorable mention goes to "Dracula's daugther's", which I received as an Anne-Rice-Obsessed fifteen year old. It's basically soft porn. There were probably more that weren't age appropriate, but I just can't recall.
Thank you for reading! If you had similar experiences, share please if you feel comfortable to do so. I'd like to know if I'm alone in this.
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shennigwriites · 2 years
❛ the first time i met you , i had no damn idea i’d love you this much . ❜ em and will!
Emilia laughed as she felt herself spinning through the air, thighs gripping Will with her legs wrapped around him until it came to an end and her feet found their way back onto the ground. “I’m so proud of you.”
Will have just finished his race earlier, the one where it was officially determined that he qualified for the Olympics – again – and it had taken every ounce of self-restraint to not run at him right then and there. She had wanted him to have his moment, to bask in that accomplishment and just feel it. Now, however, they were alone and she was all but buzzing with excitement for him.
There had never been any doubts, not on her end, but to see it actually come true was still… it was really something else.
“I’m going to take you out to dinner. Tonight. Or whenever works for you – but I’m going to take you out. Somewhere nice, so that I can wear that little black dress you like. And if anyone asks why we’re out, I get to say it’s because my amazingly talented boyfriend is going to the Olympics. Again. Then maybe I’ll go get a billboard or a TV commercial or just start randomly yelling it in the street-“
Emilia wasn’t really one to go off on tangents, she generally thought things through before speaking, but in this moment her words seemed to get away from her – until she saw the look on her face. “What?”
“Nothing, I just… You know, the first time I met you, I had no idea I’d love you this much.”
Her smile somehow growing in size (her facial muscles would certainly feel sore later on), Emilia’s head ducked down for a moment before raising back up to meet his eyes. “Really? I so thought that was how I got the job. I knew I should have worn heels.”
His arms now around her waist, Emilia’s went around his neck, almost as if on instinct. They’d been there so many times before. “Me either, though. Or… I don’t know, maybe I did on some level. And that’s why it took me awhile, because of….you know, my parents.” Her father’s betrayal, her mother falling apart, everything being different. “But we’re here now. And at some point, I’m going to get us a weekend somewhere. One dinner isn’t enough.”
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Memory - Bucky Barnes smut
The one where Bucky's a vampire but still manages to develop a breeding kink
Warnings: smut, breeding kink, vampire!AU, creampie, daddy kink, mention of blood because of biting
A/N: this is for my darling cousin @whisperlullaby​‘s challenge, and also my own! Like I explained here, I’m going to try to fill every single AU I listed with the characters I picked for the challenge, and since the deadline if May 27, these fics will be posted randomly, as I finish them, instead of on Thursdays, which are my usual one-shot posting days. I hope you guys will enjoy this silly idea of a vampire with a breeding kink 💛 I had a blast writing it! Unbeta’ed because I almost died this week and cannot be bothered to stare at my writing for any longer.
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Bucky’s P.O.V.
“Okay, let’s play truth or dare!” I groaned as silently as possible at the proposition. One of the downsides of dating someone in college was having to deal with the immaturity of their friends, especially when I was unable to escape yet another invitation for a weekend getaway.
There were only so many encounters a man could refuse before mysterious became annoying, and I knew I was toeing the line, even if my girlfriend never complained.
She understood just how irritating these gatherings could be to me. It would have been easy to imagine if there was a realistic age gap between us, but considering the centuries that separated our birth dates, it was laughable that anyone would entertain the idea of me with a bunch of young adults who only wanted to get laid, smoke some weed and drink their asses off.
Of course, her friends didn’t know my true age, so they only thought I was a little bit irked by their behavior. Y/N knew the truth, and so evidently she tried to get me out of it, but I resisted.
I wanted her to take part in the normal experiences people her age were having. There was already so much that she was missing out on just by being with me - and I wasn’t even referring to the blood that she granted me every night.
I’d accepted to be there with her that evening. I was going to immerse myself in the full experience, if only to learn a bit more about her and those she surrounded herself with.
Her best friend let out a little excited yell when she noticed that we were joining the circle and I forced myself to smile at her. “Alright, let’s do this.” One of the male friends rubbed his hands before reaching for the bottle, making it spin as I frowned. I thought that was a different game, but apparently I was mistaken.
It landed on a girl I had yet to get acquainted with, and so I disconnected myself from the conversation as I watched my beloved laugh and have fun with her friends. It made me feel warm. It made me grateful I had decided to join.
A few more rounds went by without anything of essence actually happening. I was about to excuse myself when the bottle surprisingly stopped while pointing at Y/N.
She gasped as she stared at the man who was responsible for deciding her fate, and I already knew I wouldn’t like what was coming next. But she was smart, so she avoided the dare that would undoubtedly enrage me, leaving her to answer a question that I also would have preferred not to hear.
“So… Y/N…” He began, taking far too much pleasure at the situation, and by the way she rolled her eyes, I knew she was thinking the same.
“Yes, Simon.” He opened his mouth to say something, but instinctively looked my way. I was trying my best not to let any emotion slip through the cracks of my perfectly constructed mask, but whatever it was that he saw seemed to make him change his mind.
He closed his mouth and frowned, for a second deep in thought, before he sighed and finally voiced his question. “Just tell us one of your kinks.”
It sounded like he was trying to get this over with, and although Y/N seemed just as confused, she cleared her throat and gave him an answer.
“Oh, I don’t know… I guess.. Creampie?” Little giggles and comments rose around the circle, but nothing really stuck out and they were quick to motion her to spin the bottle so another person could have a turn.
It was a different reaction that I was expecting, especially considering what everyone did for much tamer answers, but the explanation for the lukewarm crowd was made clear by a groaned comment from Simon to the man beside him.
“This is no fun now that she isn’t single.” A small giggle resonated by my side, and I turned in the direction it came from to find my girlfriend trying to suppress her amusement behind her palm.
“Something funny, little one?” I knew they’d take notice of the pet name, but I honestly couldn’t be bothered to even pretend to care, and the fact that she smiled openly up at me showed me that she didn’t, either.
“Not at all.” She pulled me closer to deposit a quick peck on my lips and I was sure if my heart was still beating, it would have fluttered at the way she looked at me. “Thanks for coming tonight.”
“Of course.” Thankfully, the game didn’t last much longer - for us, at least. Somehow, the bottle didn’t land on me once, and Y/N started to yawn, her head resting against my shoulder after the third consecutive “Who would you rather bang?” question.
“I think we’re gonna leave for the night,” she excused us even though I knew she wasn’t really sleepy. She really could be an excellent actress when she wanted to.
We walked up the stairs to where the bedrooms were located, quickly getting in what had been assigned as ours for the weekend. She smiled softly at me as she reached for her backpack, no doubt looking for the one shirt of mine she always slept in, but I had a few things in my mind I wanted to ask her about.
“Why do you like creampies to much?” The words spilled out at me so unusually, considering the silence in the room, it didn’t surprise me that it took her a while to answer. When she did though, I was surprised to find her biting her lip, a look between amused and horny in her eyes when she approached me.
“Dunno.” She shrugged, taking my hands in her and playing with my fingers. I knew it was a way to avoid my intense gaze. “Guess I have a bit of a breeding kink, actually. It just felt too personal to share with those guys.”
The answer took me by surprise as I stared down at her, blinking a couple of times as I made sure to really process what she had said.
“A breeding kink?” I confirmed, and she rolled her eyes in that way I knew she did when she was embarrassed but trying to play it off as annoyed.
“Yeah, you know.” She pulled away from me to sit on the bed, legs dangling off of it almost like a child. “I like the idea of being bred. Even though I’m in no way ready to become a mother,” she added in a serious tone, making sure I understood what she meant.
But I didn’t. I didn’t and I guess it was clear in my face, because she quirked an eyebrow and jumped out of the bed, coming to stand before me once more.
“Why is this so weird to you?” She inquired, head tilted in amusement. “You’re over a century old, I’m sure your expectations regarding sexual relationships were related to impregnation for most of your life.”
And I mean… she wasn’t wrong. But I hadn’t thought about that for so long, I guess it didn’t occur to me that there was an actual term for it these days.
“There’s no way you don’t have a breeding kink.” The affirmation sounded almost like a dare, so my instinct was to fight it, wrap my arms around her torso so I’d keep her close to me, but deny it.
“You know I can’t ‘breed’ anyone anymore, darling.” But she wasn’t giving up. Her fingers softly traced my jawline, eyes sparkling with a dangerous glint as she countered, “Doesn’t mean you can’t like the idea of it.”
Even though I didn’t need the oxygen, I inhaled sharply, suddenly fascinated by her every movement, the way she gently unwrapped herself from my arms to slowly unbutton her simple dress, the one she made it look like a fucking gown.
“Think about it, Buck…” Every inch of skin that became exposed to my eyes still had my mouth watering, desperate to taste her all over.
“Wouldn’t you want to see me round with your child?” The question provoked my imagination, playing with her features as I thought about what she proposed. Her breasts fuller, stomach protuberant, and maybe a little feet rubbing against the skin, something I could kiss.
“See me carry your genes, continue your lineage… Wouldn’t you want that?” Her innocent eyes spelled trouble when she stood before me again, close enough to touch.
And I couldn’t deny that the idea did something to my heart - even though it didn’t beat anymore. Most undeniably, it definitely did something to my cock, which now strained against my pants, the arousal that the image of her impregnated by me provoked bursting as I looked at the creature that I loved in wonder and fascination.
“Are you trying to tempt me, doll?” She bit on her lower lip to stop herself from giggling before I pulled it away from her teeth when I took her in my arms again, naked breasts rubbing against my shirt.
“Is it working?” She breathed out, eyes connected to mine while she tried to gather my feelings about her attempt. I pressed her body closer, making sure she’d feel the hardness in my pants before I even voiced it.
“Very well,” I whispered in her ear, enjoying the way my cold breath awakened goosebumps all over her warm skin. She never complained about the difference in temperature, something that I was profoundly grateful for, since I loved to feel her hot blood pumping underneath my fingertips whenever I trailed my digits over her flesh.
“So tell me,” she pressed, still going for seductive even though she sounded slightly out of breath, her desire evident in the way her pupils had dilated. “Would you like to breed me, James?”
A shiver went down my spine at the question and I closed my eyes for just one second, just to relish in this sensation before I opened them to confess, “You have no idea how much I’d like that.”
My hand easily spread her lower lips, middle finger running between them to test her wetness and finding her soaked, like she always seemed to be for me. The knowledge had me smiling as I lifted my hand to taste her before making quick work of my belt, observing her slowly walking backwards towards the bed as I followed, almost like there was a thread connecting us, keeping us close.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he moaned against my ear as he buried himself inside of me and I clutched at his shoulders, desperate to feel every part of him connected to every part of me.
Only he could get me this way. Chest heaving, mouth open just from the simple act of feeling him stretching me open. It didn’t matter how many times he took me, it still burned the same - and I loved it.
“Tell me, doll,” he panted, hypnotizing eyes connected to mine, unwilling to let my gaze escape his hold. “Tell me you’d want to have my child. You’d look so beautiful with your body changing because of me, wouldn’t you want that?”
I groaned, throwing my head back as James fucked me senseless, his cock ramming against my sweet spot over and over again. He knew no mercy, I knew that. I just never anticipated to have such an overwhelming reaction to a silly little kink I never even thought I’d ever get to explore.
“Answer me, little one.” His fangs came into play then, piercing around the nipple that he sucked, galvanizing me into actually responding, “I would, I would, daddy,” while pulling on his hair without even realizing.
He let go of my breasts to look at me with dark eyes - not because he had come in contact with my blood, oh no. It was clear that this was the reaction to the name that escaped me so easily, waving its way into him until it broke the last bit of his control and left him completely undone, only determined to fuck me.
I watched him lick his lips before he ordered, “tell daddy you want his cum inside of you.” Hearing him acknowledge this other secret kink, refer to himself as it had me delirious, unable to formulate any words to obey him, so I opted to hide my face in the crook of his neck, hoping the feeling of my burning cheeks would satiate him.
What a mistake.
“Oh, so now you’re shy?” He mocked, rubbing his jaw against my cheek as I whined against him. “Want daddy’s cum so much but can’t be a good girl and beg for it?”
I came with a long drawn-out gasp right then, my body twitching underneath his as his cock dragged along my walls once, twice, a third time until it spilled his cum inside of my channel. The act was so hot to me that it had me pulling on his hair, whispers of “I love you, I love you,” tumbling out of my lips.
He silenced me with a kiss, still managing to keep on thrusting until I had to push him away because of my sensitivity.
“Spread your legs for me, little one…” He ordered, brushing his tongue over his lower lip in contemplation. “Let me see the mess I left there.”
I was still a bit nervous about the whole ordeal now that the wave of horniness had left me, but I did eventually spread my legs for him, whimpering as he bit down on his own lip at the sight of his spent dripping from my abused pussy.
“Oh, you look so good like that, darling.” I could barely contain my giddiness as he laid down by my side and pulled me to rest on his chest, pressing a kiss to my temple while he caressed my arm. “But one question remains unanswered.” To my almost sleepy hum, he proceeded, “Why do you like the idea of breeding so much?”
That got me thinking, wiping the tiredness off of my muscles like a bucket of cold water. It felt weird to admit it, but at the same time, I wanted nothing more than to bare my soul to the man I loved, to have him aware of every little thing about me…
So I admitted, “I like the idea of being yours… in this very scary, slightly territorial way.” At his silence, I giggled, hiding my face on his chest as I waited for his response.
“But you are mine,” he reminded me, and even as I rolled my eyes, a silly smile painted my lips, loving that he felt like he needed to tell me that.
“I know I am,” I recognized. “It’s just another way I’d like to be claimed by you. Besides, I can just imagine how well you’d take care of me…”
Silence filled the room as we both got lost in the images of what could never be. Me with a fully-grown belly, walking like a penguin as he held up tiny onesies that looked ridiculous in his huge hands.
My heart ached for what could never be, surely, but I couldn’t really grieve a future I’d never have while I was so happy with the man who wanted to give me one.
“I’ll always take care of you.” He kissed the back of my hand, and even though he knew it wasn’t exactly what I meant, it was just enough. “I’m sorry that I can’t ever give you children.”
The guilt in his tone was almost palpable, and I wanted to do anything in my power to make it disappear. This wasn’t what I intended when I shared my sexual fantasies with him. They were just that - fantasies. I wouldn’t trade my reality for any alternative version the universe could offer me.
“It’s alright, babe,” I assured him, depositing a kiss on his chest, right where his heart would be beating for me if it could. “I think the way you want to claim me is just as territorial… and much more final.”
Bucky held me close, breathing me in - even if he didn’t need to do that to survive - before he asked me the last doubt that still hovered in his mind.
“Aren’t you scared?” And as I laid there in his embrace, feeling loved and cared for, I knew the only acceptable answer that I could give him was, “It’ll be worth it.”
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rylie-studies · 3 years
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april 02, 2021 ♡
Happy Friday y’all!! Here’s some Roman Emperors notes; these were taken a while ago as I’m now on the Severan dynasty. I like to write down things I find fascinating and wanna remember long after I finish the book. Sometimes, when I’m really shook by the information, I make random comments where I judge and question some of their decisions, haha. It’s quite fun! Also, it may just be me but, for some reason, I feel like this week has been slow bcs I thought it was Friday already like two days ago. It’s crazy. By the way, we had snow yesterday after many days of sunshine and warmth and the weather really did pull an April Fools prank.
In other news, I ordered a new laptop for university and things are feeling super real now. I’m embarking on a new chapter of my life. Also, the universe really does work in mysterious ways bcs, yesterday, my mother randomly went to this Italian store for the first time and bought so much Italian food and, me being shook, I told her that we’ve got so much Italian stuff and she joked and said that, at this point, it’s like we’re living in Italy and it was hilarious. She also said she saw a tiramisu cake and I screamed bcs it’s my favorite. Also, this one time, my mom bought a random broom at the local store and it was made in Italy like dude! Anywho, I take these as a sign that Italian is (and always will be) my true love, period. I hope y’all have a relaxing weekend ahead!! 🤍✨
🎧: mara - mox ft. canova
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maria-akira · 4 years
how you meet the ahs boys + their reaction while you're having a class - PART 1
hey yall im back again 🧍🏻‍♀️ is this what you call a headcanon?? idk BAHAHSHHA. anyways i've had this idea in my mind for a while and i wanted to share it to yall, so i hope you guys like it 😌
these also have a little back story on how you guys meet !!
also, special mention to @tatestripedsweater for helping me give ideas with jimmy's part !! thank you so much mwah 🥺❤
warnings: none! just pure fluff <3
please excuse any errors !
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before the pandemic, you and your family have moved into the murder house.
the house gave your family a very odd vibe, but nonetheless all of you had to bear with it because it was sold for a cheap price.
but when the pandemic arrived the country, you were stuck at home 24/7. thus, classes were online.
you met tate because of your father. tate was one of his patients and the both of you grew close.
"Y/N, what are you doing?"
tate would randomly barge in your room while having a class and you would jump out of shock.
"Jesus, Tate. Stop scaring me like that!"
tate would giggle and lay on your bed, observing the lesson that the teacher rambled about.
while you're writing notes, he would stand up and take a chair from some part of your room and sit beside you.
knowing that tate is clingy, you would warn him not to bug you and behave while you listened in class.
of course, he doesn't listen and he would place his head on your shoulder and eventually would cuddle you.
"Taaate, please let me focus."
luckily, you always keep your camera off.
"Mmm, no. I enjoy bugging you."
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one time, you were driving to school on your own and you were almost running out of gas.
luckily, you saw a gas station nearby and decided to get a fill before heading to school. and there, you met kit.
when you first laid your eyes on kit, you thought that he was the prettiest man ever. you couldn't let this chance slip, thus, you exchanged numbers with him.
you talked all day and night, the both of you were so inlove with each other and you finally decided to introduce him to your parents.
your parents loved him and you were so, so happy.
but when the pandemic came, it affected your relationship with kit.
since all schools and unis were closed down, everything went online.
when kit stayed over, he couldn't spend a lot of time with you because you had to attend classes early in the morning, till afternoon.
"Can you stay in bed with me for a little bit, darling?"
unfortunately, you woke up late that day and you missed 10 minutes of your first class. and just like that, you were stuck to your desk until afternoon.
"Kit baby, I'm sorry. I'm late for my first class. Maybe later, okay?"
as much as kit hated this whole online class thing, he would always find a way to cheer you up.
thus, he would cook you breakfast and bring it over to your room.
"C'mere, I'll feed you while you listen and write down notes."
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madison, your friend, had bugged you all week to go with her to this college frat party near your house.
you weren't the party type. you loved staying at home, watching netflix or reading some sort of fan fiction on wattpad.
but you hated being single. so, this was your chance to actually get a boyfriend.
when you arrived at the party, you immediately hated it. everything was so loud and everyone was drinking, it was definitely a new sight for you.
you were sitting on a couch that was in the balcony, with a red cup that was filled with punch. you loved being away from the commotion.
this is where you met kyle, it was love at first sight. the both of you had so much in common and you thought that he was the man of your dreams.
you exchanged snapchats and from there, you were partners-in-crime.
you and kyle had stopped going to parties ever since the pandemic arrived, which means you got to see each other less.
since the both of you were students, both of your classes went online.
one time, kyle had no classes for a day and he decided to surprise you.
that day, you were having an online presentation. both your camera and microphone were on.
"Rene Descartes was the Father of Modern Philosophy—"
as you were presenting the slide show, you were cut off by kyle's presence infront of your desk.
"I brought you food, baby!"
you would shush him and suddenly turn off your mic.
"I'm so sorry, Miss. My boyfriend arrived and I—"
kyle would go beside you and kiss you on your cheek, your classmates and teacher cooing over it.
"Miss, you better give my girlfriend a good grade."
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*pretend that he survived the bus accident and had a coma, because we arent involving witchcraft here*
kyle and his fraternity were on a bus that was going to some college event at school.
on the way there, you guys snapped each other and his friends would talk to you as well.
unfortunately, they got in an accident and the bus was flipped over.
a few students, including kyle, survived the accident.
when you heard this news, you cried your heart out and you didnt talk to anyone in your family.
you and your family visited the hospital and you rushed to kyle's room, it broke your heart to see tubes in him, with machines that beeped like there was no tomorrow.
when the doctor said that kyle was in a coma, your heart sank in the deepest part of your body.
this made you stay 24/7 with him until he was discharged.
when he was discharged from the hospital, he was not his usual self. the bubbly, energetic kyle was gone. instead, he was so confused with everything.
kyle's mom made him stay with you until he got his memory back, and you were more than glad to help.
but this took a toll on your studies because your classes were online due to a pandemic.
everyday in class, you would let kyle sit beside you and let him observe what you were doing.
"We're in Science class, Kyle. You were really good in Science, you helped me alot with my homeworks."
most of the time, you would help kyle develop his speech and his writing. but it was difficult for you.
"S-Sci... S-Sci-en.. ce?"
"Yes, Kyle! Good job, now one more time."
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ever since you were a kid, you loved going to carnivals, your parents would always bring you there every weekend.
there were carnivals almost everywhere, and your family brought you to all of them.
to you, each carnival was unique. the clowns and magicians in each carnival had different tricks up their sleeve.
but as you grew up, these carnivals slowly went out of business. except for one, which was elsa's cabinet of curiosities.
you decided to visit it one day just for a trip down memory lane, you never really had expectations for this place.
when you arrived there, there were a few people that were seated.
the show started and it instantly made you smile, they reminded you of your younger days. oh how you wished to be a child again.
you watched through a few acts, and the last act was a man named jimmy darling
when he came on stage, you locked eyes with him. there was something about him that really struck you.
after the performance ended, jimmy ran over to you and got your number. from there, you always talked and you would visit him regularly.
the regular visits stopped when the pandemic struck the country, forcing entertainment establishments, schools and unis to close down.
for the mean time, all your classes went online. you told jimmy that he could stay with you until things went back to normal.
on an early tuesday morning, you were in english class. jimmy was with your parents preparing breakfast, and you were falling asleep while your teacher discussed about the odyssey.
unlike tate, jimmy would always knock on your door. as his mom always taught, never enter anyone's room without knocking.
jimmy would giggle at your sleeping sight, your head lowered and your hair messed up.
"Hey, sweetheart, wake up! You're in class."
jimmy's timing was perfect. as he woke you up, you were called by the teacher.
"Miss Y/N, Do you think Odysseus was loyal to his wife?"
obviously, you panicked. but jimmy was there to save you. since jimmy was fond of reading, he finished the book and he whispered the answer to you before you could turn on your mic.
"No, Ma'am. Odysseus had an affair with Calypso and Circe."
once you got your teacher's approval, you turned off your microphone and let out a sigh of relief.
"You're lucky that I'm here to help you."
jimmy would joke and you would jump up to him, tackling him into a hug.
"I'm always lucky to have you, baby."
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at a young age, you were exposed to different types of fabrics. denim, silk, corduroy, neoprene. they name it, you've probably seen it.
your mother worked as a fashion designer. she managed to open a shop in the city and it was a great success for you and your family.
your mother has styled famous models. because of this, the shop was promoted and broadcasted all over the country. one day when you came from school, you saw a long line outside the shop.
that day, the staff count was low. there were only 5 employees instead of 10. you didn't exactly know why, so you decided to help.
after what felt like several hours, the long line finally dissolved into 2 customers, which was a mother and her son. they looked through the shop and the mother instantly loved everything.
her son, on the other hand, was trying on this lilac tux that your mother made.
you assisted her son and when you locked eyes, the both of you smiled. you entertained him throughout his shopping spree and the both of you never broke eye contact.
this was how you met dandy. he made the first move by getting your number, and of course you gave it back.
from there, the both of you talked day and night, even when you were in school.
since dandy's mother, gloria, loved your mother's shop so much, she would invite you and your mother regularly to her mansion.
gloria and your mother got along very well, and it was like gloria was your second mother.
so when your mother went to paris for a fashion show, she let you stay in gloria's mansion until she came back.
but to your dismay, your mother was not able to come back due to a pandemic that was all over the world. flights, establishments, and schools closed down.
of course you were sad, but you didn't worry so much because gloria treated you like her real daughter.
classes were online and you were forced to attend them everyday in the shared room you had with dandy.
since you had to get ready for class early in the morning, you would quietly get out of bed because dandy was sometimes a light sleeper.
it was around 8am and you were in math class. in your school, cameras were required to be turned on at all times. you thought this was a shit rule, but you had no choice to comply.
you were drawing some circles with a compass for an example that was being discussed by your teacher, when all of a sudden dandy was beside you.
"Dandy, sweetie, what are you doing up so early? Go back to sleep.."
dandy would pout at the lack of attention that you were giving him. since he loved holding your hand, you let him hold your other hand that you didn't use for writing.
"You're doing Math instead of cuddling with me!"
i'm actually super proud of this omg !! i hope yall enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it 🥺❤
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