#and remebered these beefy guys
heyitsmejona · 2 years
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“Death will consume you.”
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squeiky · 13 days
Just had a dream that both metal sonic & his triggerhappy counterpart from sa1 (who i nicknamed E.T) was here and bro i fuckin miss that guy. He followed orders, shot people with a fuck ton of bullets from his hands (omega style) and at some point told me me i couldnt do an arm lift in the most stupidest way possible (i forgot how he said it) and i had to explain that im having trouble because my finger was fucking injured.
And also i miss the war appleblossom lady (she was absically if you mlp applebloom, and then made her a short adult human who's worn of war.), because damn she had issues but GOD was she a boss.
Apperently the red wolf kid from sonic forces was our "training guy" and then the woman who was the boss of him was one of the elemntal magic ppl (she was water?) And they had a fight with both of then slicing eachothers neck because red wolf was angry that she left the who team behind and that even though she the recruiter, shes not the one who trained everybody up (btw theyre both fine. Apperently he has godlike abilites as well and they both instantly healed from the gash.). Also, apprlerently she was underestimating Oswald, who she had helped uncover his abilities (as the metal element).
Also that whole fight took place in a grocery store because our original base got overthrown by an army of robots and one SUPER beefy white guy who was just.. so strong that we had to use forks and distance attacks to prevent us (the other elemental peeps who were part of pur team) from getting instakilled.
Also, very few elementals survived mr beefy guy (look, E.T literally shot a bullet through his head and he shook it off like nothing.) So im pretty sure it was just E.T, oswald and few other characters my brain just did not focus on.
Oh and to explain, Oswald was the starting point of the dream (his name is based off of the kid from fnaf game "Into the Pit") who originally started as some young boy tryna make it big in game development on earth (i acutely remember the game nobody wanted to buy/liked that he attempted to advertise for in the most akward of ways, and its about some jappanese karate man who just wants to be a singer (main accesory was his karoke microphone). I remeber just going "wow this guy is going to get nowhere"
And then all of a sudden i remember having a comic/manga esc cutscene play out in my head, about this guy thinking about his karaoke karate man, and then being like, "but okay what if.." and eventually the doodles divert into something like a doraeon, where hes like "but what if the karote man is instead this kid with superpowers that he has to work for in order to awaken those abilities, and he has a team of this adult senseis who also have superpowers" and apperently that comic idea is real and makes it big. He gets popular for his newer story.
But plot twist: that story was actually real! And my boy Oswald, whilst at a pool, get isekaied into this new realm with all these elementals and they're like "you gotta do all our chores boy" and Oswald is like "okay i guess this is my job now" and does it. And the tasks go from like sweeping leaves to one of the elemental gods (he was a tree man i think. His elemenet wasnt said outright though) explaining that the water god has a shit ton of dogs, 3 of which i took care of and a slew of other ones, (a few that stood out was this angry lookong white pitbull and a borzoi). Out of the 3, one of them served as a "final boss" of sorts, and was described as "the only dog the the water god HAS to walk" because not only if this dog apperently posses some god-like powers that its able to witstand the area that it wants to walk through, but that its so deadly only a god can walk her.
So obviously, as a final test, Oswald (aka me in Oswalds POV) must go through these 4 portals and walk this dog (as it refuses to walk anywhere else but these areas.)
The first portal i went through was straight up pure white, and on the otherside was apperently Earth from 100000 years away or something where everything is a firey apocolyps (basically Sonic 06 Crisis city) and i remember getting burned form the lava and whatnot. But halfway through the walk, the water lady comes and is like "alright your good to go" and i guess i did well?
Well, apprently once Oswalds powers were awoken, it was revealed that the comic was actually 100% true to the point that this guy, ended up transforming into the doreamon style with these blue glowing polygonal wings around. Him (ultrakill style gabriel wing stuff. Thats what i mean) and apperently his powers are revealed to be of "hard material" which i later (in the dream) renamed to "metal".
So after brushing that lore all up, to continue. Thered a part later in the story where i have to downnn underneath the realm (this us during the war after our base got invaded) where i needed to make some money, so i headed down to the demon world (which btw there are 2 worlds. The "dome realm" which is earth, and the god/demon realm, in which the gods are high up and the demons are all the way on the ground/bottom. Its a location seperation thing.) And theres this collusiem, in which i mentally describe that the audience/crowd isnt like other crowds where all they want is entertainment. These demons like to see a bit of bloodshed. And instead of fighting in the ring and causing bloodshed, i take a peice of what looks like ground beef, get what can only be describe as some kind of scythe or pirate hook, and then use that to move the ground beef around. And then i exploited the demons weakness, by stating it was "human meat" which i guess distracts them from the fact im human myself(??) And the challenge was annouced from thereon on who could grab bite of that sweet human ground beef. Eventually one guy managed it as i gradually increased the size of the meat every time a demon would try jumping down from the audience and grabbing a bite of the floor ground beef, and eventually some guy caught it, ate it, and said it tasted like shit. Which prompted the demons in the audience to straight up leave due to boredom.
Because surprise surprise. That shit wasnt human meat, it was literally peices of ground beef and chicken from my chicken and beef sandwhich.
The whole thing ended with one of the demons getting seriously invested in my weird ass food game, jumping down and challenging me with the grabbing piece thing. Then at the end, i end the tournament with a few peices of bbq potato chips, place it on the middle of the table and go "who ever can grab this first is the winner"
And we both got hooks, and my guy swipes first and wins.
Then after that i believe i head back up.
Also E.T fucking leaves the walmart base after spending so much time with us. Just because the boss told him to. And when i asked what happend (as a.. floating fish for some reason.. we all turned into fish near the end of this, and then reverted back to our normal forms during red wolfs and water gods fight) she said she didnt know where he was going or whats going to happen to him (i was worried he was leaving us or was goong to be scrapped)
I miss that fucker he had guns...
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If y’all ever feel dumb just remeber they I’ve decided to hit the gym to get beefy at 1am bc of some gay guy on a really shitty web series that I weirdly enjoy
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