#one of my first crushes in gw2
heyitsmejona · 2 years
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“Death will consume you.”
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saclarclay · 2 years
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I’m sorry I didn’t stay for long as I didn’t sleep the whole night so I took a couple off quick ss of people n probably from miles away cus hhhgghvhcgfcgxdxds//slap
andofcourseIendedupnotcatchingeveryone’sname like there were so many people n the name just overlap one another n me being the smart me didn’t click on you cus I again it was such a quick ss take I was running as I exit the game
Feel free to take your character from miss Orinvia’s daycare 🙏//no
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konig-varorson · 1 year
The Added, The Removed, and the Changed: Continuity Alterations of Living World Season 1 Return
So last year ArenaNet brought back "most" of LWS1 in 2022 after about 8 years of demands for it to be made permanent. What many people may not know is that, yes, ArenaNet did change things up. Be they for better or wose. As it got brought up while talking with friends in the GW2 subreddit's discord, I decided to write up what these changes are.
Overall: The Investigative Studies and Records
The most obvious additions to the lore span all five episodes, where each one got an achievement called Investigative Study. These were added lore books, using a UI created in Season 4, exploring backstory of various characters and factions.
Flame and Frost namedropped some Icebrood Saga characters like Crecia and Efram, while also delving into why the dredge and Flame joined Scarlet, for example.
From Clockwork Chaos onward, there were also the Investigative Records achievements, which were audio recordings from Scarlet to delve into her character a bit.
All of this stuff is brand new, and provides new insight on characters - especially Scarlet and her motivations.
Additionally, it is worth noting that when LWS1 first released, it was written from a perspective of "the events happen at any point in the personal story" - so you were not strictly "the Pact Commander". This created some dissonance in the original story for how characters reflected their state at the beginning of the Personal Story instead of the end - most notable being Destiny's Edge, who end the personal story claiming to stick with the Pact until the Elder Dragons are no more (specifically Logan doing so), but then when we meet them in LWS1, they're back with their nations doing their deskwork or what have you. That commitment didn't last long, huh? Well, it made sense if you were a level 10 going through LWS1. But the LWS1R firmly cements LWS1 as post-PS, dubbing you the Commander right off the bat to Braham and Rox, yet didn't change any this. Or explained it.
Flame and Frost
In addition to the above, Flame and Frost got one very peculiar change to it, which is arguably the biggest change in the entire LWS1R: Ottilia.
Ottilia is a norn from Cragstead that Braham had a "bit" of a crush on. In the original release, Ottilia was Braham's firm motivation for... the entire season, really. When the player first gets to ask about Ottilia, this is what Braham says:
Ottilia? Who's Ottilia? Well, she lives in Cragstead, and she's... kind of beautiful. I mean sweet. She's nice. Okay?
But in the re-release, Braham says this instead:
Ottilia? That conversation might require some ale. Ottilia is amazing... She's beautiful, and...not interested. But she helped me work through some angst about my family. My mom. I owe her.
Interestingly, despite 'helping him' cope with his issues with Eir, Braham's attitude towards Eir is still very harsh, unchanged from the original release. In fact, despite Braham "getting over her", Braham still writes cringy poems for her. Why say he’s over her, if he still acts like he’s pining for her and even writes cringy teenage puppy love poetry for her? Curious.
And in addition, there is an entire subplot following the entirety of Season 1 removed because the writers wanted to reduce Braham's puppy love.
First, Ottilia showed up in the bonfire in Hoelbrak at the end of Flame and Frost, though the wiki didn't record this unfortunately.
After, from Secret of Southsun to Cutthroat Politics, Ottilia and Braham had monthly dialogues in Cragstead. At the end, Ottilia leaves Braham for a merchant, and Braham joins Rox in leaving Cragstead. This is his motivation for being involved in the rest of LWS1.
In Clockwork Chaos, we first see him complaining about Ottilia. This complaining returns in his banter with Rox during Escape from Lion's Arch.
All three of those sets of dialogues were removed from LWS1Return. Ottilia is never seen by players now. According to Bobby Stein, the change was to "downplay the "puppy love" angle and tie in more as a support system for his strained relationship with his mother".
(Personal Rant: I do not like this change, as it flattens Braham's character, making him almost entirely just about his relationship to Eir with little else about him. Without him going to Rox as emotional support over the Ottilia breakup, their relationship seems simpler as well, like he's just tagging along just because - he has no reason to be involved with Clockwork Chaos, he's just there. Of course, I admit I am bias as back in the early 2010s I had a similarly bad breakup and Braham's bitter reaction to Ottilia was highly relatable for my late-teens self.)
Lastly, Flame and Frost saw a loss of the Lion's Arch refugee camp - NPCs that were tied to the non-returning Secret of Southsun arc vanishing along with it. Lorewise, this camp still existed, as it still gets referenced, and the events at Southsun still occurred. But the NPCs tied to the heirloom collections got moved to Hoelbrak and Black Citadel refugee camps instead.
Sky Pirates of Tyria
In the original release of Dragon Bash and Sky Pirates of Tyria, there were some protestors who showed up in the Grand Piazza - Merrik, Marren, Broll, and Roardina. These four would be protesting the celebration of Dragon Bash the first week, get questioned by Kiel about the assassination attempt in the second week, and call out for a hunt on the assassins afterwards as a point of concern for their own innocence being in question.
A small piece of worldbuilding that is lacking in LWS1 - more on the first part. The part where there were active protests against Dragon Bash. With the actual Dragon Bash returned celebration in Hoelbrak, we got new protestors about the celebration, but it was more of a highlight in the original patch that wasn't part of the story instances, and thus did not get a place in the LWS1R.
A somewhat weird addition is that at the end they added a line of Magnus talking about Southsun Cove's events as if the Commander wasn't there. But all the old reference tags for dialogue reflecting you having done that content in the original LWS1 releases remain. I guess Magnus is a bit senile.
Clockwork Chaos
In addition to Braham+Rox's dialogue about Ottilia, there is another duo dynamic that was changed a lot in this release. That of Hobo-Tron and Marcello DiGiacomo. While these two do still show up in both the Closing Ceremony instance (redubbed The Queen's Address) and Scarlet's Playhouse, there was an entire dynamic between them in open world which is now MIA, and paints the entire spat of the two which continues on into Lion's Arch to this day.
Additionally, a lot of their dialogue in Scarlet's Playhouse itself was simplified, reducing their banter during your fight with Scarlet. Though it didn't provide much depth, as it was just the two name-blaming the other as being connected with Scarlet.
On an aside, in LWS1Return, during Scarlet's Playhouse you confront a hologram of Scarlet... But in the original, it was Scarlet Briar herself. Odd change.
There's also the change of the Watchknight models, but that discussion has been done to death back when the content released. Here's referencing that can o' wurms.
Tower of Nightmares
Similar to the two above, there are some open world dialogues that did not make the cut for LWS1. Most can be found on the wiki. The most famous of these dialogue, or rather infamous, is Kasmeer telling Marjory at the end of the arc that her dress that she's been wearing the entire time in the Tower was an illusion, and that she was naked all along. With the change in society and media, I can understand the mentality of the changes. But this is also a very curious aspect of Kasmeer's mentality as former nobility - at this point in the story, Kasmeer has not yet entered that "adventurer's mindset", and still favors not tearing a dress over her own safety.
In addition to that infamous dialogue, there is other stuff. Most critical are the prologue and epilogues to the arc. The entire time of the camp being established with Marjory and Kasmeer studying the veil that hid the Tower is MIA, and so is the gathering afterwards in The Dead End.
Aside from the cut content surrounding our dear proto-Dragon's Watch, we also have a lot of Bloomanoo and Penelopee dialogues cut. For those who weren't around in LWS1, these are two quaggans first introduced in ToN, who had cameos in almost every (or every other) episode until they settled down in the rebuilt Lion's Arch at the end of Season 2. They would often show up in a place that would soon to be attacked by Scarlet's or Mordremoth's forces, making them a hilarious harbinger of doom duo.
Also not making it was the quaggans refugees who took refuge in Fort Salma. There wasn't much, but those poor quaggans.
Lastly, did you know that the finale of Tower of Nightmares was also the very first time we met Belinda? She even had dialogue for whether or not you were involved.
Overall, Tower of Nightmares had the most content cut from its return. Mainly, I imagine, because it was worldbuilding fluff and not part of the Golden Path, like Ottilia, the Dragon Bash Protestors, and Hobo-Tron.
Battle for Lion's Arch
Surprisingly, Battle for Lion's Arch was perhaps the most comprehensive and inclusive of all five releases, making the fewest reductions, changes, or additions. To the point that as I write this, I can only think of two points (besides the Assault Knight model change).
First, we have Canach. While he does show up in Fort Marriner, his audio lines and dialogue with Sheriff Siriam were removed. He was also removed from Escape from Lion's Arch instance, though it a minor appearance.
Escape from Lion's Arch is the second point. Due to the reduced area of the zone players could access during that story instance, several events and related dialogues were removed. The two critical pieces were the escorts of the ogres and the racing moas - especially, curiously, the racing moas.
Though the wiki does not have the dialogue (for some reason), it was a plot point that during the escort for the moas, the group woudl be attacked by a giant Toxic Wurm Queen, leading to the follow-up event. Narratively, this wurm queen eats the moas. Tigg even commented on it, blaming the players for the moas' deaths. And in Dragon Bash's return in Hoelbrak, we get a new set of moas, including one named after one of the dead moas.
But in LWS1R, the moas (and other escort NPCs) are there to interact with and they vanish, presumably escaping the city without issue. The moas never die - they survive now.
But the dialogue of their death remains.
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soulbeastdragon · 11 days
I was gonna rant about something but I forgor, so now I'm gonna ramble about one of my GW2 OCs, Rensai.
So Rensai's just a normal human dude guy from Divinity's Reach who would later become one of the Commanders later down the road.
He was actually a Noble, his mother being part of the Ministry and he was childhood friends with Demmi and Valette. He and Demmi used to have a kid-crush on each other.
Anyway one winter, Rensai and the girls were wanted to go iceskate on the lake. Rensai went first and well, the ice wasn't solid enough and he fell in. The girls were helpless to save him and they ran to get the local farmer. Rensai was pulled out of the icy lake, but it was too late. At 7yrs old, he drowned.
Now this news devastated his mother and instead of grieving and burying her child, she went to contact her husband's great Aunt, Jhosung (who was a very powerful necromancer mesmer) to bargain for Rensai's life.
Sidenote: both of Rensai's parents were Whispers operatives. Rensai's dad disappeared before Rensai was born, so his mother raised him by herself.
Rensai's great great Aunt did bring him back from the dead, but at the cost of his mother forfeiting her own life to be Jhosung's bloodstone experiment.
Rensai would wake up in the orphanage with no prior memories. It would be Demmi and Valette to tell him his own name and tried to explain what's going on the best they could, but they also have no idea how Rensai came back to life. His parents' estate now belonged to someone else and Rensai pretty much grew up a street rat.
As a young adult, Rensai would be inducted into the Order of Whispers thanks to a good friend of his dad's and from there, he'd be pulled in with the Pact.
Rensai kinda takes the spotlight during LWS3, esp parts involving the White Mantle. He also shines during LWS4 with the fight against Joko.
Anyway still brainstorming on this dude cus I plan for him to take the lead in my story for Janthir Wilds.
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cigarettemother · 1 year
Hey here's my GW2 characters that I leveled and then never touched again
It's a real problem I just want to make creatures but then I have to level them to unlock specs and then I have to make them look pretty and then I probably delete them because I don't actually vibe with them anyway here are the ones that survived (so far)
It's all very rambly I've never written any lore down and I don't know how to structure things.
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Meemie Grimsnarl
I forgot Pokémon existed fuck you I like the name it fits. She's named after a spicy bobcat on TikTok who I love and I love her so much Meemie my beloved. Grim-Warband, she snarls when eating.
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Ariana Grounde
I love the gays and the gays love me shoutout to my brother Frankie who is gay!
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Tealin Briar
Old main, semi-dropped just because I couldn't really get into her as a character again. I like her, I'm just struggling to make her personality fit with everything going on around her as commander. So she's no longer commander and in the middle of a full rewrite so uh this will be fragmented I don't know how to make the pieces fit anymore.
Grew up as an orphan in Divinity's Reach, has always been a bit "prickly" so the other kids called her Briar (see I had a reason) a name she officially adopted as an adult.
Really wanted to get into the mesmer collective her whole life, she's been motivated to "prove them wrong" despite not really knowing who she's proving wrong. Was accepted into the collective after HoT and quickly discovered it was kind of shit and not her kind of thing at all. But she's a shining blade now?? I haven't figured out the how yet but y'know she's one of those schemers with unresolved anger.
Due to the rework I have no idea how she lost her eye, it was originally during PoF but idk anymore.
She's just a prickly bitch that fought her way up the social ladder only to realize it was boring at the top.
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Nora Fischer
The new and improved commander. Norn adopted by a human shipwright-family, grew up comfortably in Divinity's Reach, was the biggest girl in the guard. She's a big believer in both the spirits and the human gods. Have some headcanons about Norns being more bestial so I'm thinking she has a faint snow leopard pattern on her back/arms/legs and scared a lot of drunkards on her night patrols with her night-time laser eyes.
We joked about Nora attending a lot of social gatherings with her parents where they served itty bitty portions of food and how as soon as they got home her parents would release her like a dog and she would bolt down to the basement to feast in the dark. So she's a prim and proper lady but with a silly goofy feral side to her which they've had to adapt to as she grew up.
We also talked about how she attended her first Norn moot with her father and how she would have so much fun while her father was sidelined with a giant fur coat feeling very out of place but also reassured that his daughter would do well in life if she could excel in a chaotic situation like this.
She's also lesbian I don't really give my characters a sexuality but idk playing her she's just lesbian she just is that's just Nora over there crushing on the pretty girls the big femme top looking at the girls.
Idk I have more of a vibe for her I like her a lot she's a goofy gal from a family that loves and supports her. She's a goof because she's not a goof which makes her a goofball I like her a lot she looks like any prettygirl norns but in my head that's what makes her a goof. Again, I don't write down lore I am very much a vibe-based person.
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Tiberius Marrowfed
One of the cooks in the Fed-Warband a warband all about supplying the front lines with nurturing slop. He's an alright cook but his specialty is drawing out every bit of flavor from bones. Permanent broth-duty.
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@hookhound and I made "leafbians" for HoT. One day we'll do it but for now I'm having fun rolling on the ground with Deadeye. Pale Reaver? idk she's a bubbly girly assassin.
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Bro I was like 15 now I'm just keeping the name to spite people who are weird about Norns.
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Bruh Brofist
It's technically a valid name. I play him when I get knocked on my ass too much and I want to experience the highs and lows of flamethrower stability. He's all about building people up and yelling.
He's also canonically had straight sex with Orelius Hingejaw (because Bruh only has straight sex because he's straight)
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She's a freak a wildling a menace a creature in the truest sense. She has no loyalty to anyone but herself and her "friends" she has liberated from pet owners (they didn't feed them junk so they're better off with her because she let's them eat whatever they want). She has standing bounties in every major city but because of her destructive impact she and her friends have on whatever annoys her most cities (not black citadel) will simply send out scouts to observe her. She did a lot of accidental interference during Zhaitan's invasion just from being a roaming lethal anomaly.
She stole Tomme's dog. Chaotic Neutral. Uneducated.
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Peasant Paul
He is just a normal dude. Does not fight.
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Newest girl who knows how long I'll keep her. Tusplha is a schoolyard bully, a mean girl, a real stuck up self-centered brat. She's stolen credit for several projects and knows how to shut people up.
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Etta Ashtender
She's in the danger zone. idk she tends ash?? I like the name.
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Alice Volkhart
The reason I have decades devotion. I hate her name but also it's a good memory of being excited for the release of GW2, I would read the devlog every week up until release. Simpler times has exactly ZERO lore.
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spiribia · 2 years
hello i booted up gw2 and i wanted to ask how to get started in the game? also how do you get a flying mount? like how many hours does it take? i asked someone in game and they said it was a lot of work :(
Hi! Happy to see another prospective gw2er! I don’t know if you’re looking for any advice about anything in particular, and feel free to ask (or even DM me if you’re comfortable) if you have any more questions at all. gw2 is intentionally pretty unique from your standard MMORPG experience – level 80 is the max level, and the process up to reaching that level is considered the BEGINNING of the game. It’s only after level 80 that the starting expacs become accessible, and a more traditionally linear, uninterrupted storyline begins.
The narrative before then comes in the form of a more branching, choice-based Personal Story, a new chapter of which unlocks every 10 levels until the conclusion at level 80. Gw2 carries a very “explore and do whatever appeals to you” philosophy, so to bridge these beginning story chapters you’re really encouraged to just wander the overworld. There aren’t really traditional sidequests, but doing tasks in the form of renown hearts and live events or even just reaching a new place or vantage point you haven’t been before (some require a bit of parkour) will get you a decent amount of experience.
You also can’t swap classes, so what you picked in character creation is what you are for life for that particular character, BUT each class comes with a lot of modularity in the form of different builds and weapons (equipping a new weapon completely changes the first 4 skills on your bar). The game is also super alt friendly - a lot of progress in terms of unlocks saves account wide rather than localized to a single character - so feel free to play around with that. That’s all I really have to say about getting started though, the early stretch seems mostly just for figuring out how you like to play yourself.
As for flying mounts, there are 2 in the game at the moment, the griffon and the skyscale. You currently need the Path of Fire dlc to unlock mounts overall, including the griffon, and the expac after that (Living World Season 4) to unlock the skyscale. These do honestly take some time, though I couldn’t tell you exactly how many hours – it’s pretty variable given the open-ended nature of the obtaining process. I’d say getting the griffon is popularly regarded as the less tedious of the two - its main obstacle is that you need to dump 250 gold into it, which is still nothing to scoff at. The skyscale comes at a much lower cost in gold if you don’t buy any skips, but requires a lot more running around and doing specific meta events and bosses, interacting with objects in the overworld, time gates, etc. A lot of people find this process soul-crushing, but I’m the weirdo who really liked it. I will say my one tip for a newbie regarding this is if you think you might be around long term and even kind of think you might want the skyscale in the future, start making charged quartz early. You can only make one a day, and you’ll need a minimum of 12 and an optional maximum of I believe 22(?) for the skyscale unlock. or you can buy the required stuff with gold instead, but it adds up to be pretty costly.
Although gw2 has a very robust mount system even for ground mounts, and I would say having a flying mount, though fun and convenient, isn’t make or break, if any of that sounds daunting to you. The springer mount, for example, lets you catapult yourself upwards vertically, which is great for rapidly scaling the environment. Heart of Thorns dlc (which comes free with Path of Fire) gives you a glider.
Hopefully that helped at all? But you’re always welcome to reach out if you need anything else
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guildtree · 2 years
Ok ok since you said you want to talk gw1 - what has been your favorite part of it? Any unexpected things you recognized from gw2?
Oh excellent, hahaha. I have so many thoughts, long post incoming!
My favorite part has actually been the combat, which surprised me a lot because I usually prefer the faster, looser style you'd find in GW2. I think it's a huge testament to GW1's quality that I enjoy the tactical, slower combat there just as much as something that's more classically in my wheelhouse. More than that though, I like the enemy design. I was shocked at how SMART the enemies are. They resurrect each other, they target your healers, they heal themselves, etc. Different groups have different tactics and require different strategies, and you start to learn those as you go through the game. I can DPS through a krait monk's healing, for instance, but a Stone Summit dolyak rider healer will stall me forever. It's tactical and consistently challenging enough that I have fun just running around the world killing stuff, and because they stay dead it's a lot more satisfying to do that.
Seriously, the enemy design is sharp enough that I had down to a science exactly how many Afflicted it took to murder my whole party of henchmen down in the Kaineng sewers. 4 or less was an easy win for us. 5 made me pay attention. 6 was a hard fight, and any more than that would kill us, guaranteed. Oh hey, guess how many Afflicted tend to be in the patrolling groups down there? 5-6.
Couple of things I was surprised to see: First, the humor is still there. There's less of it, but from the way people talk about the first game, especially Prophecies, I was expecting a serious almost grim-dark adventure. Instead, while there are quests about losing your homeland and the trauma of that, there is also a quest where I have to find treats for a pet devourer named Joe so that it stops eating the Vanguard soldiers' rations. There's the running joke where every female henchman in Cantha has a crush on Mhenlo and Cynn is about to set them on fire for it. I think the game actually does a good job balancing humor and tragedy to make the tragedy hurt more. And like, humor is a way people process trauma, so it makes sense for Ascalonians to have a dark sense of humor.
Other surprising thing: the amount of developed female characters, especially ones that can kick your ass. Even back then ANet wasn't afraid of making women a key part of the adventure, which is refreshing compared to other MMOs of the time and even other MMOs now. 3/5 of the core henchmen you'll see on the box are female. Beyond that, there are important female characters throughout all three campaigns, like Salma, Evennia, Danika, Kormir, Gwen, and many more. And there are female villains too - I just met Varesh Ossa, for instance, and I know Minister Reiko is in there somewhere. I have some grievances, but for an older game it's pretty impressive, and it's clear the developers aren't afraid to just let women be badasses. While I wouldn't say I'm as connected to these characters yet, there are definitely some that I fell in love with. Like Danika - she's the only Kurzick with any brain cells and I love her.
Other random things I discovered: mursaat are awful bastards. Like, I knew they were terrible lorewise, but having to actually fight the floaty buggers that shoot deadly magic at you and hide behind their bulky golems makes them so much more annoying. Titans are horrifying enemies (why do the ash ones BLEED???) that I can't believe aren't talked about more, since apparently we've just got a sealed-up apocalypse hanging out down in the Fire Islands. There's another lich besides Joko!? How does that happen!? Do you just become a lich if you're a powerful necromancer whose entire nation gets destroyed?
Also the Jade Sea is like ... blue in this game. I think I like it better. You can burn down Old Kaineng though, that place is terrible.
Alright, I'll stop rambling now. Thank you for the ask!
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salty-medley · 6 months
[GW2] Samsara Ashùr
[ will be deleted after] I can't believe I never finished the character sheets for my GW2 babies but it's a bit the same case for all my other fandoms ones, work went kinda crazy and I chose to prioritize illustrations, ropeplay and in game, and let the information on the side but it's never too late I guess, even if rumors about an incoming GW3 in the future start to spread, I don't think I'll let GW2 the same way I let the original game, which I still love a lot but doesn't represent as much to me, except the old Ascalon and Cantha.
Here's a small info dump about Sam before I made her an official sheet.
Full name: Samsara Ashùr but usually called Sam
Youngest kid of Cyrus Ashùr (1), a Vigil warmaster and Juliana, stay at home wife who left them to marry her own cousin and live in Amnoon. He has orrian and south krytan roots.
She has 4 brothers, the eldest, Ashkan (2), is a fire elementalist and a Siegemaster in . Then come the twins, both tacticians in Orr, Farhad ( 3; necromancer) and Kaveh ( 4; earth elementalist). And finally, a mesmer, order representative in DR, Reza ( 4 on the bottom line, sorry for the error).
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She arrived in Cantha right after the commander's landing, with the first Pact's soldiers and fell in love with the place. She didn't renew her contract and after working for Joon for a time, chose to became totally independant.
Sam loves speed. And mechanics. Manipulating the engines to increase its speed is her main hobby. But she doesn't forget mounts owning two, a skyscale and a rollerbeetle.
She raised her skyscale, from the egg. The result? Oskàr is a spoiled brat, will steal food or bite people and randomly try to make his rider fall. He thinks he's a raptor and tend to adapt his comportement to be like them. Rolls in the mud or raptor poop when freshly cleaned.
Sam used to have very long hair but after an incident in the Dominions with Svanir adepts involving a sword, she ended forced to cut it and kept it shorter, fearing that someone could once again try to grab her like that.
Due to that, she now is the exact copy ( except the eyes color) of an elonian famous pop singer. She loves to pretend being her just for being offered free stuff, especially during the Metal Legion concerts.
She used to crush easily on cute guys. Before it was Doern V... Right after her arrival to Cantha we can count: Yao ( but they were into the commander) ; Agent Teng ( but he didn't seem interested) ; Detective Rama ( her longer chase, she was very creative just to be arrested) and finally Shun but that one was ok so they are still together. Ended friend with all the previous others, and also like to hang out with Chul Moo in Gyala. Especially opening crates.
Another close friend is another vigil engineer, Caïus.
Loves spices. The spiciest it is, the better it is.
Is the only member of her family who can't use magic well, only managing to create some sparks. She decided to be an engineer after watching some colleagues of her father, learnt with them and found her spe, Holosmith, when she met Baraz near Amnoon.
Blessed by Balthazar, but never was religious. She likes the old tales about him however and doesn't understand how he could turn into what he was in Elona.
Fashionista but broke, she frequently thrifts old armors, repair, uses dyes & cie then style it as regular clothing.
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woozyintyria · 2 years
Okay gimme rytlock for the opinion bingo 👀
OH BOY THANK YOU (now that I finally have time+energy to write this up)
For Rytlock:
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So like, fun fact, I used to have a small crush on Rytlock? I really liked him back before GW2 came out, and even during the personal story. Of all of the characters from Destiny’s Edge though, he was not the one I would have picked as the one to just... keep showing up. Admittedly, I still liked his involvement in season 2, and attempting to cleanse the foe-fire was fun!
And I know I’m criticizing his involvement the further along the story goes, but I do like that they set him up to be the catalyst for path of fire. I do NOT like how quickly the commander was to forgive him for it, considering just how harsh of a treatment both Canach and Caithe got for their crimes. Does it help that Rytlock didn’t know he was Balthazar? Probably! Do I still think he deserves a hell of a lot more ribbing? Definitely!
I think he was used for more things than he perhaps should have in the story. I wish we’d actually get something regarding his adventures in the mists and learning how to use revenant magic. Sure, he’s canonically the first one, but now everyone can just make a revenant. If it took THIS long for one to show up, how are these other revenants getting here? He sure as hell doesn’t look like he’s taking on any apprentices. I feel like this would be a great spot for a Fractal centered on his adventures in the mists, perhaps with the players taking on the role of new revenants for the fractal’s “story.” Or running into him, or another version of him in the mists. Something to fill in the gap he refuses to explain.
Ok hold on the deeper I go into this rabbit hole the more questions I get. Rytlock is an enigma. He’s as much mechanics as he is character, like Aurene. How much of his character is actually just a blank slate that can be changed up according to the plot’s needs? Was he always intended to be a guy who fucks up his life and feels that pressure of regret, leading him to make stupid mistakes and try to reconnect with people who may not reciprocate? (Hello Ryland!) He settled his vendetta against Logan, but after the personal story.. is he even capable of going back to being a Legionnaire? Even in PS he’s so quick to excuse himself from his formal duties in favor of tagging along with the player.
He’s just fuckin bored, isn’t he? He’s restless. He’s bored, restless, and afraid he’s washed up. I think he’s got tiny man syndrome. He says as much in the short story released after All or Nothing.  Charr war culture fucked him up so he’s only capable of being macho man and he doesn’t know how to handle his feelings so he just makes it everyone else’s problem.
Now I kinda feel bad for him, damn. I’d feel more bad for him if he was less of a prick about it, though. If we’re going to get more Rytlock, I’d like to actually see him commit to improving his life from here on out and find some meaning besides just tossing himself at the next big challenge just to prove he’s worthwhile. Maybe use his people words, too.
okay fuck it I’m updating the bingo sheet here:
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To sum up my feelings on Rytlock:
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Character Study: Braham (Part 2: Ottilia)
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We left off with Braham at the end of Flame and Frost: Retribution, with Rox and the Vigil, continuing to raid Molten Facilities, rescuing more 'steaders, but primarily looking for Ottilia, whom he has a crush on.
At some point (presumably while Last Stand at Southsun is going on,) Braham finds Ottilia in Hoelbrak and brings her back to Cragstead. There she says she liked Hoelbrak better because it was more beautiful, "vibrant and alive" compared to Cragstead which is still damaged.
We point out in some surprise that she lives here, doesn't she care about it?
Ottilia acknowledges this, explaining that Braham had brought her back. She tells us that nobody had ever done that for her, and sighs over how amazing he is.
Amused, we say "So it seems," and the conversation ends.
Later, Braham approaches Ottilia and tries (awkwardly) to make small talk, asking if she's glad to be home.
She supposes so, but is more glad that Braham is here too.
Braham tries to answer, but he quickly stumbles over his words and can't find his answer.
Ottilia giggles, calls him adorable, and runs off.
(Teenagers having crushes! Who would have thought this would feature in GW2? XD).
Presumably, Braham tries to start conversation with Ottilia a few more times, which ends in embarrassment, and nothing seems to be going anywhere for Braham until the first Dragon Bash - held in Lion's Arch - begins.
Finally, Ottilia makes her own move and initiates a conversation with Braham, suggesting they go on a hunt.
Braham, presumably caught off guard, is confused and trips over his words until he manages to ask what she wants to hunt, naming jotun and Svanir as possibilities. (Both active enemies of the norn.)
Ottilia replies airily that she wants a new rabbit-fur vest and would rather fight rabbits (weak little creatures, and also very adorable, and who remembers the Bunny Spirit?!).
Braham, confused about hunting them, repeats "Rabbits?"
Ottilia ignores him and brightly informs him time and place, leaving Braham in the dust still scrambling for words.
Braham, of course, still shows up the next morning and hunts rabbits with her, but rabbits aren't really his preferred enemies and he sees it as a sacrifice he has to make to win over Ottilia.
I imagine they don't keep going on rabbit hunts for very long, but I'm sure similar encounters - awkward, Ottilia charging ahead and taking the lead, Braham stumbling over his words and perhaps not being super happy with where it's going - happen between them while the Commander is busy during Sky Pirates of Tyria.
After that, though, during the Bazaar of the Four Winds, there is apparently some sort of Wolf Spirit Appreciation Day, and Braham gets himself a plan, gathers himself and approaches Ottilia with remarkable composure, asking if she wants to go to Wolf's shrine together.
She says no (ouch), and explains that she'd already gone. Most people would take that as a rejection and just leave.
Braham however, is not daunted by this and keeps his cool. His backup plan plan kicks in and he asks if they could eat together that evening.
Ottilia then flat-out tells him she's going with someone else, a fur trader, and asks Braham rather nastily what he does for living, legend, or fame.
He is finally at a loss for words (perfectly understandable) - he'd saved Cragstead, hadn't he? He's spent the last four episodes (several months!) taking care of it! What kind of a question is that? But he only manages to stammer out a confused "what?"
Ottilia sneers that he's just "growing old in Cragstead like all the others." She leaves, calling "I'll send news of my travels. Promise!" over her shoulder.
As far as rejections go, that's a pretty awful one. Braham is, of course, devastated, and during the next episode (Cutthroat Politics), Braham gets to watch Ottilia making plans with her fur trader, telling everyone who will listen that she's going to Hoelbrak with a merchant who travels the world.
Rox visits Braham at some point and finds out about all this mess, and eventually drags him to the Queen's Jubilee to keep Braham's mind off of Ottilia.
For a while, this works - Braham admires the set-up and the show the humans are putting on, but eventually his attitude starts getting more grouchy.
Rox, casting around for something to say, suddenly exclaims "wait, Kuh-bam? This whole time I thought you were saying "Kuh-Braham!" Braham is rather affronted by this, and Rox keeps the dialogue going, eventually claiming that she'll start going around saying "Kuh-Rox" and "Kuh-Frostbite."
Eventually, Rox runs out of things to say and subjects to bring up, and just grumbles, "Try concentrating on the good time we're about to have instead of the vicious harpy who broke your heart."
This sets Braham off and he starts ranting about Ottiiia, saying he'll never love again. He manages to curse out rabbits before Rox takes him to the battle arena.
He likes this and cools himself off, even after the end of the official Closing Ceremony, and he seems to work off his lovesickness fairly well given that we never hear about Ottilia again.
But he also doesn't return to Cragstead. I'm thinking that Ottilia's comment about him doing nothing interesting to build his legend got under his skin.
Credit to the Gulid Wars 2 Wiki (and especially its editors!) for the pages on Ottilia and Braham, and also the admirably well-documented S1 story mission pages that detail all the dialogues I pulled from four episodes to know what Braham's been doing!
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rollrobin · 3 years
I heard you play gw2; tell us about your characters? :D
WHAT WHAT WHAT who told you is it because I keep crying about Tybalt Actually lemme answer your question because I HAVE LIKE FIVE CHARACTER SLOTS FILLED RN so I'm slapping this under a read more.
Aquaries Lynn - My main character for story stuff, a Sylvari Revenant AU of my beloved main OC, Aquaries Val'Amoldo. He's a Night bloom so he's a bit of a quiet, keeps to himself type, but also a little bit chaotic in the sense that if you point out a sign that tells him to Keep Out he'll just point at his blindfold and warp past it with mists magic anyway. He wears the blindfold both because it helps him focus with channeling and because it takes a TON of pressure off him when it comes to eye contact (something he struggles with in every canon bc neurodivergent) and because he's very"Don't pity me" about the scarring he has over one of his eyes from an incident with the Inquest. He joined the Order of Whispers, but was stationed in the Priory for a bit (because his original canon self is a scholar and a mage who specializes in stealthy magic).
Nico Seren - My map completionist character. AU of another beloved OC of mine. Human Druid with a massive beef against the White Mantle (her parents were Shining Blade). Blessed by Dwayna, but mainly worships Melandru. She joined Durmand Priory because exploring the world to learn about it was just FUN! Which is her motive for a good 99% of anything actually.
Aisirona - The Sylvari character I made way back in 2015 or so when I first started playing, though I never went far with her. Elementalist with a focus on Water. I'm going to make her a Catalyst after End of Dragons drops. She's bubbly, purple, and cute! And is more than capable of crushing things with a hammer. And is a disaster lesbian.
Nazaria Prismclaw - Charr Warrior. Ash Legion. Completely mute. Joined the Vigil. She's BIG and STRONG and will kick your ass if you make fun of her or her friends.
Magda Dawnbreaker - Norn Guardian. Designed To Fit My Very Specific Tastes In Tall, Heavily Armored Women. I was working out her story and personality for some in-game RP but then Aisirona got me in a vice grip and I said Yes I Will Enjoy Another Plant.
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gwtoomanyalts · 3 years
Alright, woot! Let's go! Thank you @i-mybrunettelady
Imma run this one for Victoria Deadwood.
They are, a really convoluted character that also so happens to have been my first character I made in GW2! OOC fun fact, if they were a person and had been born on the day they were made, they would be in 4th grade (USA) right now. Oh how time makes you feel old. ^_^
More to IC facts, they are the, ((reincarnated?) relocated?) flung around violently soul of my one and only PvP character from GW1, Victor Necroman, who was in fact a necromancer at the time, and a man. The IC reasoning for him being trapped in PvP was that he was, well, banned from everywhere else. Short version of the story is they cheated death, floated about a bit, crashed into the dream, and the Pale Tree threw them into a new body quickly to just bloody get rid of them.
Bonus fact the trick that let them cheat death may have lead to Grenth cutting them off from using necromancy entirely and that's why they are now a warrior.
Also, they had, hell still have, a very large crush on Scarlet Briar basically from the first moment they saw her. To the point that they still carry around a Gift From Scarlet, obviously unopened, in their inventory to this day.
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just-eyris-things · 4 years
Fun facts about yourself: GW2 edition
Got tagged by literally 5 people, so I guess yall thirsty for some Eyris facts. @yellingskyscale , @ascalonianpicnic , @likemesomesalads @fellis-world and @seboostian-art ! Yes I am calling you all out. And I love you and I thank you a lot because I love these games!!!
》 List 5 facts about yourself as a player and tag people to get to know the fun and surprising stuff they're willing to share 👍
1. I was introduced to the game around 2012-2013 by a couple of friends from a local Anime and Manga club. I chose my first character’s race basing on the dances and I liked human dance most and thought sylvari dance was stupid. Nowadays, as a sylvari main, I am ashamed of myself.
2. My very first character was a human ranged named Tlieta Vantass, who was a GW2 version of my Homestuck troll OC, because back then I was a huge “Homestuck nerd” (what don’t you do to impress your crush, am I right?). Please do not judge me or I will come for you (I won’t I have anxiety).
3. I bought the game around 2013 and I made an account, but because of my laptop which wasn’t very good I couldn’t play a lot. Then I took a long break and got back to the game around 2014. My biggest regret is deleting and remaking my main CONSTANTLY, because a) someone stole my name “Eyris” and now I have to play as “Eyris of the Night” and b) she’s only 4 :(
4. My favourite expansion is Heart of Thorns and not because it’s about sylvari. While Path of Fire has a great plot, I don’t come back to it with as much pleasure as I do with HoT. I wish I could see the jungle before the whole trash started laying around though. The biggest con of HoT is that it was hurried and could have been even better imho if that was not the case. But still: HoT stole my heart and ran away with it into the sunset. 
5. I don’t have a favourite OST because the game is full of amazing sound tracks and I just can’t tell which ones I love the most. But I think the biggest contestants would be Tarir meta OST, Tarir the Forgotten City, Mordremoth fight, Mouth of Mordremoth fight, that one OST from Shiverpeaks where there’s only violin present (after all these years I can’t find it on youtube which makes me really sad :( ) and Aurene the Dragon Full of Light. And from ambiance I really like Orr sounds, when you have that...bird? making sounds? I can’t possibly describe it, but I love it. 
Tagging....YOU! Yes, you! You, the one who’s reading this right now! ...unless you did it already. Or you don’t want to. What I mean is...no pressure...hhhh I love these tag games but I hate tagging... uhhhhh @akurathereaper? @mystery-salad? 
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sparxwrites · 4 years
(it’s ya boy sparx, heelying in eight weeks late with starbucks and fic for a fandom none of my followers are in! gotta stay true to my incredibly erratic form. anyways, yall should play gw2, it’s a good game.)
“Canach.” There was, abruptly, a woman’s voice behind him, sweet as honey and dark as smoke. “How’s jail been treating you? Rather poorly, it seems. Pity. You looked like such a sweet young thing when you were bringing a horde of karka down on Lion’s Arch. Or so I’ve been told.”
Canach grit his teeth, suppressing a flinch of surprise. Not that there was anywhere to go, stuck in a chair with his wrists manacled to a table and the table bolted to the floor – and a pair of guards outside the door to boot. Visitor’s rooms at the Vigil Keep, it seemed, were irritatingly thorough.
And populated with invisible visitors, to boot.
“I’m sorry,” he said, infusing the words with as much irritated insincerity as he could manage, “have we met? I’m afraid I don’t do terribly well at recognising mysteriously disembodied voices.”
“Where are my manners?” said the voice, as its body walked into view. “Countess Anise– well. Ordinarily, I’d say at your service, but…” She smiled, and it was the smile of a predator faced with its prey in a snare. “I think, in this case, that you’re rather at mine.”
If he’d expected any visitors at all – and he hadn’t – it would have been a firstborn or two, come to tell him how terribly disappointed they were in him, and how very sad he’d made the Pale Mother. If she’d even noticed her wayward child’s misbehaviour at all, that was.
He certainly hadn’t expected a human, dressed like she had money and with voice like someone clever. A bad combination, in Canach’s books.
“That’s an awfully bold assumption.”
“Not really.” Her voice, initially so pleasant on the ear, was starting to burrow into his brain like a particularly tenacious insect.
“And what does that mean?” He was staring at her, blatantly, and didn’t much care that he was being rude. He didn’t much enjoy having conversations on the back foot – which he very much was, currently – and any kind of information he could glean about his mysterious visitor would be most welcome.
Low cut dress, expensive but tasteful jewellery, no visible weapons, and no guards other than the ones outside the door… She was either stupid, less important than she looked, or capable enough of defending herself without weapons that there was no need for a guard in the room. The first two options seemed unlikely, which left the unpleasant conclusion that he was stuck in a room with a powerful magic user.
Countess Anise ignored his question, instead leaning over the table to grasp his chin. Her touch was gentle, but the invasiveness of the gesture had him pulling away – as much as he could when he was stuck in a chair, wrists chained on a short leash to the table. It was futile, really, and all he managed was a sharp jerk of his chin and a baring of teeth.
The fingers on his jaw tightened, almost immediately, in subtle warning. Countess Anise turned his head this way and that, her eyes raking over his face. They lingered on the pale, ugly scars of thorns grown in too fast from the softness of his scalp, on the lines of tension carved into his brow, on the crushed-grass bruise around his left eye.
It gave Canach the uncomfortable impression of being a cow at market. No doubt the Countess, with her fingers dug into his jaw, could feel how hard he was gritting his teeth.
“How did you get this bruise?” she asked, eventually, releasing his jaw. One pale, manicured finger came up to tap the underside of his eye, just on the edge of the faded discolouration. “You’ll forgive me for saying so, but you don’t strike me as the kind of man to start fights in a prison. Given your track record of running away from confrontations, that is.”
Canach took a deep breath, and tried to keep from doing anything stupid – like, say, attempting to bite a certain rich human mage’s finger off. “Why are you here?” he asked, in a voice inches from a growl.
“Ah, ah.” Countess Anise tapped the bruise, twice, before finally, finally pulling her hand away from his face. Canach couldn’t quite hide his wince, and the Countess didn’t bother to try and hide her smirk. “I asked first.”
Canach ground his teeth together so hard he felt sure she must be able to hear it. “Some of the Consortium– I’m sorry, ex-Consortium– inmates here seem to have a bit of a problem with me, for some reason. I can’t imagine why.” There was a throbbing starting up behind his eyes, and it wasn’t from the week-old bruise. “Why are you here?”
“Several reasons,” she said. She was still staring at him like he was some sort of rare, fascinating object. It was starting to make the back of his neck prickle – moreso than it had been already, anyways. “The only one that concerns you, though, my little sapling, is that I’ve bought your bond. I thought it might be nice to have a quick talk, before I collected you formally. To get to know one another.” Her eyes settled on his bruise again. “And to check you weren’t… damaged goods.”
The silence that followed was a physical thing, a weight in the room, claustrophobic in its closeness.
“…You can’t buy me,” was the only thing Canach could think to say, eventually. The words snapped out of him, shoulders rigid, something thrumming bright and terrified deep within his chest. It was suddenly hard to breathe. “I’m not a thing.”
Countess Anise laughed, openly, in his face. “You’re a prisoner in Vigil custody. Convicted of crimes against the peace, no less. I’d rather not be crass about it, but… I can absolutely buy you. In fact, I think you’ll find I’ve already bought you. You’re mine, for the rest of your sentence. Which– remind me. A life sentence, wasn’t it?”
Canach stared at her, wide-eyed, disbelieving, chest heaving with every breath.
“Hmm.” Countess Anise pursed her lips at his lack of response. “Regardless. Everything has a price, Canach. Even you. We can either keep that as a little footnote in what I’m sure is going to be a very productive working relationship, or… well. I’ve got a little time on my hands right now. I can spend it on reeducating you, if you insist on being a brute about it.”
With a roar, Canach hurled himself forward across the table. The cuffs brought him up short, of course, and peeled a thick layer of bark off his wrists to boot – but it was gratifying to see the brief look of surprise on the Countess’ face.
Only for a moment, though. Then the world disappeared.
His vision went first, swallowed into black, his hearing following seconds later. It was as though someone had plugged his ears with wool, except he couldn’t even hear his own heartbeat, or his breathing. He could still feel his lungs working though, too-fast with panic– and then even that went. The texture of the table disappeared from under his fingers, and even the scents and tastes of the room – the bitterness of his own green, snapped-stem odour, the rich musk of Countess Anise’s perfume – vanished.
Canach was left suspended in… nothingness. The word darkness didn’t quite do justice to the all-encompassing absence of anything. No sight, no sensation, no awareness even of his own body or its subtle processes. Just blackness, and silence, and the infinite drag of horrified terror at his mind.
It could have been minutes he hung there, consumed by the endless, gaping absence, or it could have been hours. Days. Years. It was impossible to tell, without anything to measure by.
Even his frantic attempts to count were useless. One stretched on forever, an eternity in a single word. Two and three passed by so quickly he nearly missed them. Four seemed futile, after that, but he forced himself to count it nonetheless.
The panic drowned him, after five, and the only thing he could think was, Pale Mother, please, make it stop.
When Canach came back to himself, he was hyperventilating, gasping for every inhale like a scared child. Sprawled on his chest across the table, with his arms wrenched out beneath him, the cuffs dug deep and painful into his wrists.
“That,” said Countess Anise, mildly, “counts as being a brute, you know.”
He swallowed, a slow and laborious motion, and heaved himself back into his chair – carefully, so carefully, so as not to give her an excuse to do… whatever she’d just done, a second time. “You intend to torture me, then,” he said, picking each word with the delicacy of a man removing ticks from his flesh. His wrists throbbed, dark, yellowish ichor oozing out around the cuffs. “Until I behave myself.”
The Vigil guards outside the room, he couldn’t help but note, were still very pointedly facing away from the door. Who was this woman, to be able to pull such weight within the Vigil? Certainly not any ordinary human noble. He doubted they’d have even let her in the room without an armed escort, if she had been – and they certainly wouldn’t be turning such an aggressive blind eye to a mesmer pulling tricks on a high-profile prisoner in the heart of their most secure facility.
“Don’t be dramatic.” The Countess smiled, a thin, lipless sort of expression that set every thorn Canach had on end. “As I said. If you intend to be a brute about things, I’m willing to invest a little of my time in teaching you to… not be. If you cooperate, though, then we can dispense with all that unpleasantness.”
“And what,” asked Canach, warily, his heart still hammering in his chest, “would my cooperation involve, precisely?”
Not that the question mattered much. There was little he wouldn’t do to avoid getting sent back to that awful, endless absence.
The Countess hummed, examining her nails in a poor pretence at mulling his question over. “I like having useful people to hand,” she said, at length, eyeing him from under her eyelashes. “And you, flower, seem like you could be very useful, given your… ah, unique skillset.”
A spymaster of some sorts, then, Canach surmised. That explained the cleverness, alongside the money. Nobles, especially human nobles, were interminably dull and stupid to a fault, in Canach’s experience. He wondered which had come first – whether she’d been born into nobility, and was the exception to the rule, or whether she’d acquired her wealth and title via making herself indispensable to someone higher up in the human pecking order.
She was watching him for a reaction, he realised, and schooled his face into a carefully neutral expression. No point in looking too eager to get out of this hellhole – no matter the strings attached. Or in looking too afraid of what those strings might be.
“…At the very least,” she continued, and he couldn’t tell if she’d found what she was looking for in his face or not, “you’ll be useful at parties. I’m obliged to attend, but I can’t stand talking to the great and good of Divinity’s Reach. Having a convicted criminal at my side might at least discourage some of the more irritating attendees to keep their distance.”
Canach couldn’t help himself – he barked out a laugh at that, grinning a grin that was more a baring of teeth than a true smile. “I do hope you can find something a little more interesting for me to do,” he drawled, pulling on his usual, careless mask as best he could. “I don’t enjoy parties, and frightening nobles hardly seems like a challenge.”
“So you’ll take the position?”
“Do I have a choice?” The bitterness was back in his voice. He couldn’t help it. No matter how interesting this woman and her bizarre job offer seemed, she’d bought him. And then tortured him into consenting to his enslavement, to soothe whatever strange sort of conscience the monster of a woman still had.
He wasn’t a big fan of being caged.
Countess Anise laughed again, and raised an eyebrow “Not at all. But I do like to maintain the illusion of a mutual business relationship, no matter how… messy the finer details are. And it might help your poor, wounded dignity to pretend that you’re doing this of your own free will.”
Canach made a disgusted noise in the back of his throat. “Illusions. How very true to form of a mesmer.” He hissed out a breath through his teeth, trying to keep his temper in check, to not let her know how badly she’d disarmed him. “Yes, yes, I’ll take your damned position. It can’t be worse than staying here.”
“I’m so glad we could see eye to eye.” Good gods, every time the woman smiled, Canach wanted to crawl out of his own skin. “I look forward to working with you, Canach. I think this is going to be a very productive… partnership.”
Canach bit the inside of his own cheek hard enough he tasted sap, resin-bitter and thick against his tongue. “I’m sure it will be,” he gritted out, only biting down harder when her smile widened. For one of us, he thought, but very carefully didn’t add.
Working for the Countess was, at the very least, going to be an interesting exercise in holding his tongue – in the face of, he suspected, severe provocation.
“Excellent. Guards!” she called, rapping smartly on the bars of the door. One of the guards, a young and fresh-faced charr, finally turned around to look into the room. It might have been Canach’s imagination, but the recruit seemed almost relieved – that the Countess was unharmed, or perhaps that the prisoner was still alive. It was impossible to tell.
“Canach is being transferred into my care, by order of Queen Jennah,” Countess Anise informed the charr, who immediately stood a little straighter at her tone. “Your superiors will have all the paperwork within the next twenty-four hours. Get him ready for transport – and for the gods’ sake, give him a bath and some new clothes. If I must play babysitter to a convict on the way back to Divinity’s Reach, I expect him to at least be tolerable to look at.”
“Yes, ma’am!” The charr saluted smartly, completely failing to hide her utterly bewildered expression. “Of course, ma’am!”
The Countess graced the guard with a smile, far more friendly than the ones she’d bestowed on Canach. “Wonderful,” she purred. “And Canach? Do try and stay out of trouble for the immediate future, would you? There’s a good boy. I’ll be back for you tomorrow.”
Canach, his wrists still throbbing in time to his heartbeat, still oozing sap onto the table below them, mustered up an exceptionally half-hearted baring of teeth. “I can’t wait,” he called after her. “Good talk, Countess! I look forward to our next one!”
Countess Anise neither responded nor looked back as she breezed out the room, and out of sight.
The Queen. Good gods. Canach leaned back into his chair, head spinning as the two guards came in to unchain his hands from the table. He barely noticed them tugging him to his feet, escorting him back to his cell. The thrice-damned human Queen. What in the name of the Pale Tree had he gotten himself into?
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books-and-cookies · 4 years
Then keep you updated I shall :) thank you :) at least it’s extra money for you :) where I’m at either we take our holidays or we lose out 😂 I’ll do my absolute best not to drop cutlery on myself, I promise, although it won’t be the first time if it does happen 😂😂 Guild Wars is on computer, right? I haven’t played an mmorpg in years 😂 but there’s one in the works I’m actually going to get and I’m really looking forwards to it :) that sucks about WOW though, at least you found something better :) I am having fun :) are you? Then you’ll be the first to know :) it takes a lot for me to feel pressured, I’m far too laid back for it 😂 (I’m sure you can both cope with the disappointment 😂) - crush anon
Good :) Nooope, no extra money, on the contrary :P It’s fine, 2020 is just chock full of surprises :P
Yes, GW2 is on the PC :P Oh, which is the one you’re looking forward to? I’m curious if I’ve heard of it :) And yes, I’m having fun, it’s a relaxing night :)
Being laid back is great, tbh, I wish I were more like that 😂 (we’ll find a way to cope, I’m sure :P) 
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lorerys · 5 years
Tagged by @charoban (I can’t find your main blog in the mention suggestions D:)
Thank you so much for tagging!! ( ´ ▽ ` )
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better!
Name? Dana
Birth year? 1992
Sign? Leo/Virgo cusp
Height? 1.62 m / 5′3 feet
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs:
Undertale MEGAMIX - Spider Rave
Mayumi Morinaga feat. Another Infinity - Glitter (Starving Trancer Remix)
Silent Hill - Hell Frozen Rain
Rachel Rose Mitchell - Hey Alice
Grab the nearest book, turn to page 23, what’s the 17th line?
“De akkor se adjatok fel minden reményt. Mert ki tudja, mit hoz a holnap.” J. R. R. Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
(I couldn’t find any book in English, only in Hungarian. It’s the part when Legolas says to not give up hope because no one knows what tomorrow brings.)
Ever had a song or a poem written about you?
Yes, poems by my ex.
When was the last time you played air guitar?
Not in this life.
Celebrity Crush(es)?
I can crush characters (like, Jon Snow. until last season), but I’ve never crushed the actors/actresses/any celebrities. I remember school when my classmates were crazy about band members or actors and I just stood there watching them awkwardly as the one dork who has no idea how it works.
What’s a sound you hate/love?
Hate: thunder from close. I easily get nervous as I’m extremely scared of heavy storms, especially since the ghost town incident.
Love: rain. I love watching/listening to it while I’m inside a warm room with hot chocolate or tea. It also helps me in falling asleep.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes, absolutely! I’m really interested in the paranormal but I don’t believe most of the videos/photos on the internet, though I enjoy watching paranormal Youtube channels. I once had a terrible experience of spending the night in a hailstorm in a ghost town far from the nearest village and there were some very freaky moments. Our group separated (best decision ever) and at 2 am we heard someone walking up the stairs towards us. But imagine making every step in a really loud, really slow noise. It made me anxious to the point I grabbed something from the debris and told my friend to run to the others. As we ran, we saw no one and everyone from the group was inside the big room on the other end of the corridor, so it wasn’t them. Then the whole night we heard scratchings on the walls and finally, it was dawn and we got the hell out of there.
Do you believe in aliens?
Yes. I think it’s impossible that we are the only intelligent lifeform in existence. But I’d rather meet a ghost than an alien because I find them waaay creepier than ghosts.
Do you drive?
No. The responsibility that comes with driving is overwhelming to me so I use public transport.
Last book you read?
The GW2 book about Destiny’s Edge. I haven’t finished yet, I’m about in the middle when they are fighting in Lion’s Arch. I’m reading it in Hungarian and I’m cringing when they changed some of the names, even "Brimstone”. I wonder if they did this in other language translations. I can’t take “Kénkő Rytlock” seriously.
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
No. D:
The last movie you saw?
It Chapter Two (2019)
Do you have any obsessions rn?
Guild Wars 2. During work, uni, even while sleeping, I keep making headcanons about my characters and draw doodles when I can. I always need a story to be obsessed with, especially when my life is stressful like now. So I choose a fandom and make a story, or I delve into my own story, creating is my life fuel.
Do you tend to hold grudges?
I’m likely to, but in the Myers-Briggs personality typology I’m an INFJ and I can confirm the “INFJ door slam” thing is real. I can give a second chance if they improve but once someone hurts me badly and I see no change, I manage to completely shut them out of my life, forever. It’s painful, but I’d rather hurt myself by my decision temporarily than let someone else keep hurting me. When I’m through this point, becoming neutral is worse and more effective than holding hatred.
Tagging (I’m sorry and pls ignore if you’d not like to do it):
@resonatingfern @sylvari-bouquet @astralarias @indigo-montari @gulmontjonty @likemesomesalads @duskroots @procession-of-blades @fire-orchid @szallejh
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