#and rf can clearly see past it and he so desperately wants to know him truely
transfloppa · 1 year
been thinking alot about their dynamic agaim... hfgdgjf
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Advice, Anaconda, and Ass: Time to get a mental health care plan and help What suburb are you in mate Is there any free house cleaning services? Cyou need help bud. Go to your GP and get a Due to my back and the stress I am going through my house has become so The NDIS were the ones and I need help badly. I over and over so l Im my money badly I can't pay someone to come out here and do it next week So I need options badly... and I mean badly cause Im tired of my house up cory that has been the case for you. You profile? You had no right need help. can try another agency to provide the services if your not happy. There must be a goveming body to report the agency passed away last year but it never happened and now because of me l've can get. Anyone who doesn't mind a very messy house and smell 50-755 on tuesday? It's not much but I'm very desperate i also did and agree with And Im so scared now. I will take any sort of helpI They do thatl Im a dew. Get her to email them See a doctor. Commit to it and you can get what you want. It one last time. And then the local member Thanks. . Also don't ask me to take pictures the house is too messy and I'm NDIS are the ones who "pay the Are you stl need help? If yes please pnm If the client doesnt have funds-they wont get cover from an 91 already offered he wont accept Im a cleaner and i have never heard of a free Iif you're legitimate, you would qualify for help through So sorry you are mentioned she passed away last year and you say that? Nah uck you t gets easier for you! I cant offer any assistance but I can however offer kindness and I hope this helps some. Best wishes urely you can spare mate, I think it might be a good start to call beyond blue or a crisis hotline just to talk to someone. From the looks this is about more than a messy house. There are people around who care but you won't find them on Facebook. Best wishes. Take care where are you my own. Like I said above I was supposed to have had help with living on my own and it never happened so yeah m screwed and have no clue what to do. Website: https:ww.lifeline.org.au you if you tell me where you are i ahve to work next 2 days i could give you now after to be an asS 2h swear l see you every week asking for free stuff if you are as bad as you claim you would be getting dsp which is 900 a rude gestures best of luck i bried I hope s tuck me this must be a joke surely you find a nice big rope and put your neck into it and do the f you are injured you can go to your doctor and ask the right steps to take to receive help like you are asking for You will need a letter from your doctor to provide to centrelink with details of your injury and if they il have their own doctor look intoit as well If they think your injury is stopping your or much pain then they will put a plan into affect something like maybe an hours clean once a week or maybe 2 1/2 hour's once a fortnight wow this got nasty to0 being reported. That is NOT the way to get help and there are people who actually DO this everyday. It is NOT ok to tel someone to do that and I seriously hope you find some help Contact your local council and speak to your Doctor to Hif stil need some help depending orn Wow how rude are some of you.. and I'm sorry about for you Until that comment Too many video games and they can It's time to get yourself to a docior so you can get some therapy and a once off house painting wouldnt go astray either Let me know who would like to help. True I have seen this guy before asking or ou must be his friend your life out Get a job. Fix yourselfI laziness as an excuse not to get things done. Why should we clean your house for tree. wHat you SAID to him was WAY BEYOND what he said to you Jake. That is NOT ok, and NO it is NOT ok to say that no mater what he said to you. Do unto others what you want done to you, would you want someone teling you to do that? I think not. You need to have a cool down and THINK before you type anymore Either way i am reporting Admin So not necessary you may be eligible for help in the home, check wit be paid. Even for them to clean tour whole house is likely to be under $100. Sounds like you need help though .there are general services you can call like Lifeline or Sane who can tell you where to go next for help untl he commented. I had no issues until what he said d forbid people have disabilities jesus tucking christ hope none of you get injuries and need to rely on others e was told to call his mummy 2h and advice. It doesn t take much to be kind. Yes he is asking a lot and no I wouldn't do it. But he clearly needs help not taken the piss all have problems. God helps those who him don't worry about it. Probably gets off on comments liie ou up for a someday you suter the Borry to hear..call the council and see if they because they very well MAY DO IT and YOUR ass will be on s you that much just ignore it ine it against the LAW to tel someone to go off Also if you don t have basic living skills you may want avent you got any friends to help and you need a better attitude Try joining& posting in this group. They trade items for house as he sounds very aggressive and unstable leave it to eed the better attitude when he just told didnt insult my dead mother and I won't say nothing how does tha sound? ril let him run his mouth about her He can even take u can get help if u genuinely need it it sounds lke from what u said u havent had much luck with ndis in the past My son has a disability and has had success with ndis but we had reports from psychologists and many her if that's how you like it plan and get some reports. Once u have those reports turn up to then ndis office with the reports and ask nicely if they can please is that all you took from tnis post? Not that there is an exdtremely unwell person begging to have l also see a with very away, youre just a troll Unless of course, you're planning nasty responses of hoping they commit suicide that is online bullying and 100% not ok I understand u t not n a good place right now but please don't attack others and take the help that is offlered and use told that by an ex that hit a nerve. That comment was not There are ways to tell people to stop than telling them to kill themselvesThere are A LOT o people who feel for you and want to help you. You need to You were looking for free food last week No ones matter what they said. He should not have said what he did I agree but what YOU SAID was worse someone besides people who your getting cut at on a Facebook buy swap and sell page. You start abusing people when you dont get what you want its no wonder youre being called out njesus take the help mate rf you still have the cats then 100% you need the helpm is no worse than the other
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[RF] The Abandoned Trail at Graiken --- Seeking Critique
It was the afternoon. Charlie was lying in bed with his big headphones on listening to music. But he’d worn out those songs already from repeat listening, so he hit Skip. He tried listening to some new stuff, but he just wasn’t in the mood. After hitting Skip another ten times he finally gave up.
He was mind numbingly bored. And most of all, he was tired of being alone. He’d been basically by himself for the past two weeks. It was the middle of July, so there wasn’t any school. And he was between friends. He was tired of the few friends he had in Grade 6. They always picked on him, so he didn’t want to see them anymore. And he had made a good new friend, Sam, but he left on a trip to Tulum with his family two weeks ago. There wasn’t much to do here in Graiken, especially without a buddy.
Charlie finally took his headphones off. He laid there, staring at the ceiling, looking at the weird bumpy texture caused by how it was painted. Without moving from his bed, he glanced out the window. It looks like a scorcher outside. At least I have air conditioning in here…
He heard a knock on his bedroom door. He sighed internally. It was probably his mother coming to nag him about some menial chore that he’d have to do.
“Yes?” said Charlie.
The door abruptly swung open.
Charlie did a double take. It was his friend Sam, but he was much more tanned than when he had last seen him.
“You’re back!” exclaimed Charlie.
“Hell yeah,” said Sam. “As you can see from my tan, Latin America was good to me. I definitely want to go back there.”
Lucky for you, thought Charlie. Meanwhile, I’m stuck here in the hillbilly backwater of the country with shit all to do.
“Cool,” said Charlie. “Let’s go do something.”
In Graiken, there was much more worry of an animal eating your crops than of a person robbing your home. Most people kept their doors unlocked. There was hardly any supervision for kids, or for much of anything. So Charlie and Sam were free to roam about the green and golden fields.
Charlie didn’t see it that way though. He was born in Graiken, so this was all too normal to him. He truly knew the place like the back of his hand. Being particularly restless that day, Charlie rejected all of Sam’s suggestions to go to their usual spots.
Finally, Sam suggested something out of the ordinary. “What if we climbed that?” he asked, looking at Mount Cambria in the distance. It looked majestic and powerful, a great blue triangle of rocks pointing to the sky.
“Oh, yeah…” started Charlie, “I guess we’ve never been there before… but, isn’t it dangerous? Nobody goes there anymore after that climber died there.” Though he would never admit it, he really identified with that climber. Charlie knew that he was a bit of klutz and inattentive. He could easily have had the same fate as the climber, he thought.
“Yeah,” said Sam, “but that’s so overblown. He was just a dummy trying to scale cliffs with his bare hands, no bungee cord or anything. Thought he was Tom Cruise at the start of M:i-2 or something. Pretty brain-dead thing to do if you ask me.”
Despite Charlie trying to hide it, his face was always an open book, so Sam could see Charlie doing the mental calculus in his head. Charlie realized that he’d basically walked himself into this one after having rejected all the normal activities. And he definitely couldn’t afford to look like a pussy in front of his only real friend.
“Alright,” Charlie managed to get out finally, “let’s do it.”
By the time they reached Mount Cambria, the back of Charlie’s neck was redder than a tomato (being the absent-minded genius that he was, he hadn’t even thought of putting sunscreen on). He’d at least remembered to bring lots of water though. He’d filled up an empty 4L milk jug with water, so that was pretty heavy in his backpack.
There was no signage at the mountain. Graiken wasn’t a place that tourists visited at all, and hardly anyone lived there, so even before the dare devil climber lost his life two years ago, hardly anyone went to the mountain, and now, after his widely publicized death, it was basically abandoned.
So there wasn’t a gravel trail, or stairs, or anything to make the trail a smoother experience. The trail was just wherever people had walked repeatedly before. Sam and Charlie tried to follow it as best they could with the assumption that those people had gone the right way. Climbing was a pleasurable strain on their legs, and the trees brought some shade for them.
As they gained altitude, the air became fresh and pine-scented, but the trail also became harder to follow. There was lots of overgrowth, so Charlie ended up bumping his head painfully on a protruding tree branch.
After about two hours of climbing, the trail just stopped. They had to invent their own path upward now. They had to think more clearly about their surroundings—how would they safely cross over this spot? how did they know that they were going the right way? But they didn’t think of turning back.
“Hey, see that?” said Sam. Charlie took a closer look. There was a little carving in the bark, probably done with a pocketknife.
It read:
— J. F.
Sam, smiling, evidently took this as good news, but Charlie wasn’t so sure. It seemed to him that they still had a ways to go before reaching the top. Maybe this J. F. guy was pulling their leg. It was definitely comforting to know though that some other human being had crossed the path they were now on. It made Charlie a little more confident that they were heading in the right direction.
Sam moved forward with renewed vigor and speed, so Charlie had to work harder to keep up with him.
They reached an expanse of large rocks. Sam hopped across them nimbly like a mountain goat.
Charlie tried to copy his movements, but his foot landed on one of the rocks at a weird angle. His ankle buckled, and he fell.
It was weird though because his right leg didn’t hit the ground. It fell down a hole or something: a crevice. Charlie let out a bit of a yelp in shock and pain.
Sam turned around and looked. Charlie’s leg was stuck up to his thigh. He saw Charlie’s discomfort and shock on his face turn into outright fear.
“Dude, there’s something crawling on my leg!” yelled Charlie. He shook his leg back and forth desperately. His erratic movements made him slip further down the crevice. Now he was stuck at his hip.
Why am I such a loser? he thought.
“Whatever’s on your leg,” said Sam, “just don’t think about it, okay? You can’t move your leg at all! I’m gonna pull you up now. Give me your hands.”
Charlie was trying to push himself up against the ground with his hands. Worried about falling further down the crevice, he hesitated to take his hands off it. After a few moments he finally took his left hand off and raised it up. Sam grabbed it and pulled. “Both hands, c’mon.” Charlie carefully gave him his other hand.
Sam pulled as hard as he could. All the while Sam was pulling, Charlie was struggling not to freak his leg out again. The insects were crawling all over his leg. There were lots of them too.
“Focus Charlie,” said Sam. “Let’s get you out of there.” He pulled hard and Charlie tried to shimmy his torso loose from the crevice. Suddenly, enough force was applied that Charlie popped up, finally unstuck, so that his hip was above ground. It was bloody painful on the way up though. His hip bone scraped up against the crevice on the way out, leaving a gash. Charlie gritted his teeth.
Now that Charlie was further up, Sam could let go of him. Charlie managed to pull himself up and out finally, and he rolled over past the crevice and lied on his back on the ground. Now he could see that it was ants on his leg. Probably twenty ants were just crawling all up and down his leg, even walking around on the the gash by his hip.
Despite barely having gotten his breath from the exertion of pulling himself out of the crack, this freaked the hell out of Charlie. With fearful fury, he swiped his hand all the way down his leg repeatedly.
Most of the unwelcome insects were successfully launched off his leg, but a two crawled their way onto his swiping arm. One of them was speeding towards him, evidently having his shoulder in mind as the destination. He aimed his sights on that one, and readied his right hand to smash it, hovering his hand over it, waiting for the ant to reach a certain point on his arm, but in the middle of that, the other ant bit him! Caught completely off guard by the sudden pain, he ended up missing the speedy ant and just smacking himself in the arm.
But now he was just more furious and determined to destroy both of the ants. Since the other ant was biting him, it was easy to locate it. He found it and smashed it.
The other was crawling up his neck now. He frantically swiped it off, and thank God, it didn’t stick to his hand but launched off him and onto the ground.
The speedy ant followed a line of the other ants, back down to its subterranean home down in the crevice. He supposed that there were some tunnels down there, some kind of ant colony. He shuddered to think that there were probably a few thousand of the things down there.
Charlie looked at the corpse of the ant who had bitten him with grotesque satisfaction. It was flattened like a pancake, it’s legs twitching. He flicked the vermin off of his arm, happy that he could end its insignificant life.
“Damn dude! You destroyed that thing!” said Sam.
Charlie smiled, relieved that he wasn’t being chastised for his stupidity and clumsiness at falling into the crack.
Sam opened up Charlie’s backpack and hauled out the big jug of water. He came closer to Charlie, who was still on the ground. Charlie had multiple wounds on his body. He had a cut on his hip (you could actually see a bit of blood stained into his shorts) and he had the ant bite on his arm. “Dude, you’re bleeding there,” said Sam. “Let me clean it.”
Charlie was uncomfortable and felt vulnerable.
“C’mon,” said Sam, “you don’t want it to get infected.”
Reluctantly, Charlie pulled his shorts down half an inch, just enough to reveal the gash on his hip. The blood was clotting (good) but there was a lot dirt mixed in.
Charlie winced when Sam poured the water on the cut. It was freezing cold. He’d forgotten that he’d thrown a bunch of ice cubes into the jug at home before leaving.
Sam patted the wound dry (or as dry as can be when you’re bleeding) with his shirt. It was much cleaner now. He repeated the process with the bite on his arm.
He got up, put the jug in Charlie’s backpack, and held out his hand to help him up.
Charlie didn’t feel like moving, but he grabbed Sam’s hand nonetheless and managed to get up. He was standing now, unassisted, but he looked roughed up and tired. Sweat was all over his forehead, and his expression was one of discomfort, though he tried to hide it.
“Do you want to turn back?” asked Sam.
Charlie paused for a second.
“Screw that. Apparently we’re almost there.”
Sam was a little taken aback. It will probably hurt for him to walk, let alone hike up a mountain, he thought.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Let’s do it. It’s all worth it if we make it to the top.”
Though Charlie had a bit of limp now, he didn’t complain as they headed further up the mountain. When they came to some tough patches that were hard to traverse, Sam gave him some assistance by putting out his hand or letting Charlie lean on him for support.
An hour later, they had finally made it to the summit. J. F. didn’t lie.
Of course, there was no one there. Just Sam, Charlie, the mountain, and a glorious view.
They found some decently flat rocks to sit their bums on. Any seat was a good seat after a climb. Charlie was especially relieved.
His mother had made them some turkey sandwiches which she had insisted that he take for the both of them. They were both hungry as sin, and thirsty too. They were actually pretty tasty.
As they ate their sandwiches and drank up, they looked out at the awe-inspiring view. They were so high up that it felt like they could see everything in all directions. They could see thousands of trees, huge stretches of land, all bathed in golden sunlight.
And it was all beneath them. If they moved just a foot forward from the rocks they were sitting on, they would certainly fall to their death, and their flesh would rot, and no one would ever see or hear from them again. Maybe they’d be in the paper, known as the foolish kids who went up the dangerous and cursed Mount Cambria, but it wouldn’t take long for them to be forgotten completely. Charlie realized that he wasn’t much different from an ant. Ultimately, we are all mortal, and relatively powerless compared to the might of the earth.
But it wasn’t a sad feeling at all. It made him feel naked. Naked before God.
After they had absorbed some of the vastness of the Earth, and refreshed themselves with the cold, pure water from the jug, Sam cracked some jokes, and they started heading back down the mountain.
Though Charlie took extra care not to slip and fall again, he was calm all the way back. He knew that no matter what, Sam would have his back. And he felt a new strength, deep within himself, that could never be denied or stolen by anyone.
submitted by /u/B_Howard27 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2PtChZr
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[RF] A Lot to Unpack
"They were the sexiest couple in Hollywood, maybe the world", the narrator explained. "Jennifer James was young, beautiful, and sensual - a living goddess who could have any man she wanted. Joe Harrison was equally young, chiseled, charming - irresistible to anyone in his path. Together, they were a force of nature. Joe Harrison seemed to be the only human being worthy of winning the heart of Jessica James - a woman who was openly courted by royalty in the past. Everyone wanted to be them, or be with them. Everyone admired them, loved them, and idolized them. The movies they starred in destroyed box office records. The events they attended drew the attention of the world. Magazines with their pictures on the cover flew off the store shelves. They were the ultimate power couple..."
"Is that ANOTHER documentary? I'll never understand why you're so hooked on those things...they're so embarrassing, please change the channel," Jennifer pleaded while continuing to unpack.
"Oh come on, I've never seen this one before...you know it's going to be good when the narrator's voice is THAT deep."
"Change it."
"Ok, ok." He reached for the remote control, but his eyes were still locked on the screen. "Look at those old pictures...I always loved you in that red dress with the long slit. That was at the Oscars, right? How long ago was that?"
"Seven years ago."
"And look at you...you haven't aged a bit. You actually look younger. What's your secret, Mrs. Harrison?" He says with his trademark smirk - it was a look of genuine infatuation, mixed with a sense of accomplishment and a tinge of cockiness. It was a look that said he knew that line was a home run, and any moment now, her face would shine red from embarrassment, and she'd be putty in his hands. It the same look that stole her heart away when they first met. It was his secret weapon. It never failed. She could never resist.
"Stupid...turn it off." she said, turning her face away.
"Yes ma'am."
Like a charm.
He grabbed the remote and hit the power button, but there was no response. "Batteries must be dead on this thing."
"I'm serious, turn it off."
"I'm trying!"
"Give it to me."
"Here - wait wait, let me just see this part..."
"Everything seemed perfect for the two superstars on the surface", the narrator continued, "but things are rarely as good as it seems. Beneath the public front, trouble brewed. Rumors of infidelity from both Jennifer and Joe ran rampant through the tabloids, which was only fueled by the increasing number of times both superstars were seen separately in public. Both actors were noted party-goers, and were known to not shy away from a drink or three..."
"Ugh. They make me out to be a drunk." Jennifer said, her mood now shifting to a different form of embarrassment.
"I mean, there WAS that time at the big Gala..."
He clearly hit a nerve. "Hey, hey, it's ok, I'm not knocking you for it. Of course I remember what happened that day, how could I forget?" He came around the bed and stood next to her, comforting her in his arms. "Sure, it was a rough scene. But it was a long time ago. And we're still here. Together, like it was always meant to be. Now, let's finish unpacking so we can get some expensive wine and make some new, vivid memories..."
Her frustration slowly drifted away. "I hate you", she said with the faintest of smiles.
"I love you too."
"Things came to a head at the Metropolitan Gala in 2015." The narrator's voice became audible once again. Rumors of Joe Harrison having a fling with then-costar Teri Lopez surged to the point where Jennifer James could not stay silent any longer. She erupted at the gala, unleashing a tirade of swears and throwing a glass of wine at her allegedly unfaithful husband in the middle of the Guest of Honor's speech. She was clearly sick of the rumor mill, sick of being a victim, and wanted the world to know it."
They were both glued to the TV at this point. Jennifer broke the silence first.
"Worst moment of my life."
"It's not that bad, babe."
"Yes it was." Jennifer stood silent for a minute. Her eyes started to water. "It wasn't true."
"You didn't know it at the time. It's understandable. How could you NOT believe all the news, it was everywhere...anyone would have been suspicious."
"No. I should've known. I should've...I can never take that moment back. It changed everything." Her mood shifted. Her eyes wouldn't leave the floor.
"Well...it is a shame that the public won't ever hear the truth. I guess finding out a guy's NOT a cheater doesn't drive the ratings. But, you know the truth. And you're still Mrs. Harrison. Time heals all wounds, right?" He looked into her eyes while that smirk appeared once again. "Well, three years and a few fun getaways later, you should be feeling pretty good..."
She smiled while gently pushing him away. "Alright, that's enough. Let's finish unpacking."
The show came back from commercial break. "The eruption at the gala all but destroyed the public image of Joe Harrison. The fans turned on him, social media ripped him apart, and Hollywood started to turn him away from any big roles. Even with Teri Lopez publicly denying everything, the damage was done. And, allegedly, Jennifer would have her revenge, in the form of her long-time agent, Daniel Rhys."
"Turn. It. Off."
"By walking to the TV and pressing the button? What am I, some kind of caveman? How did you even turn it on in the first place?"
He slowly made his way towards the TV. But seeing his image on the show, shuffled in with all of the photos from days long gone by, slowed him to a halt.
"Jennifer James - who, by this time, dropped the 'Harrison' name - was spotted publicly with Daniel, having dinner at 5-star restaurants, at other celebrity parties, and even on the luxurious beaches of the Virgin Islands. Jennifer insisted in interviews that they were simply 'business trips', but these photos tell another story..." The narrator's voice seemed to echo through the otherwise silent room. Jennifer placed the clothes in her hands down on the bed, and sat next to them. The joy of being away on a trip melted away, leaving behind a heaviness in her heart. Her eyes again began to tear.
He tried to come up with some sort of witty line to bring the mood back, but the words couldn't arrange themselves in his head. He knew he had let this go on too long...he should've just turned the damn TV off. Far too late to undo the narrator's attack on old wounds, he knew he couldn't console her...but he also knew he couldn't turn it off now.
The narrator again became audible. "...and yet, through the ugliness and bitterness, the broken hearts and tarnished reputations, they did not give up. They began to attend couple's counseling, and focused more on their home lives. Harrison hasn't starred in a role for years, but he's now cutting his teeth as a director, with a project in the works. Jessica has returned to the big screen, with her latest movie to premiere at the end of the year, and has also signed to appear in several episodes of "That's My Boy!", the prime time hit network comedy on the CCS Network. They've both stepped away from partying and drinking, something they've both admitted was a desperately needed change in both of their lives. But perhaps, most importantly, they finally had their first child. Derek Harrison is now 1 year old and keeping both of his parents on their toes. It seems they've come full circle - the most powerful couple in Hollywood are on their way back to the to-."
His finger finally reached the power button.
"Hey, babe...if you had the chance to do it over..."
She looked at him coldly. "Don't ask a question you know the answer to."
"I'm just saying...it's been a wild ride. Knowing what you know now, seeing the damage it did to your career...but seeing how it made us stronger in the end, how we came out the other end of it all as a family...would you change any of it?"
She remained silent. She quickly turned her attention towards the clothes scattered on the bed, and the open suitcase by her feet. She opened the suitcase, and came across a picture of her husband and son. It momentarily shocked her...she must've slipped it in the suitcase last night and forgotten. She took the picture out and slid it into her pocket.
"I don't know what you want me to say...I'm way past regrets. I really don't know how to feel about it all. It's too much to process..." Jessica placed her hand over the pocket holding the picture. "I just hope that Derek doesn't have to spend his life dealing with his parents' mess."
"Derek will be just fine, I'm sure of it", he said, doing his best to brighten her up again. "He'll grow to be a strong and successful kid, just like his old man."
There goes that smirk again.
"By the way, is Derek staying with your mom again this weekend? Or is he with Joe?"
"He's with Joe", she responded.
Daniel's smirk grew into a full-blown grin. "He's a good man, that Joe Harrison."
"Yeah. He is." It's as if the words stomped their way off her tongue. "Let's go. We'll unpack later."
submitted by /u/BigDomino22 [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2WzapUH
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